From Glyphosate to Front Groups: Fraud, Deception and Toxic Tactics

Colin Todhunter

Environmentalist Dr Rosemary Mason has just written to the Editor-in-Chief of the British Medical Journal and the British Medical Association Council Chairman, Chaand Nagpaul.

Her purpose is to not only draw attention to the impact of biocides, not least that of glyphosate, on health and the environment but also to bring attention to the corruption that allows this to continue.

Along with her letter, she enclosed a 13-page document. Readers can access the fully referenced document here: European Chemicals Agency classifies glyphosate as a substance that causes serious eye damage (or see the embedded version below).

It is worth reading in full to appreciate the conflicts of interest and the corruption that has led to the rise in certain illnesses and the destruction of the natural environment.

By way of a brief summary, the key points raised by Dr Mason and her claims include the following.

  • The European Chemicals Agency classifies glyphosate as a substance that causes serious eye damage. There has been a massive increase in the use of glyphosate in recent years. An increase in cataracts has been verified by epidemiological studies in England and by a 2016 WHO report.
  • There are shockingly high levels of weed killer in UK breakfast cereals. After testing these cereals at the Health Research Institute in Iowa, Dr Fagan, director of the centre, said: “These results are consistently concerning. The levels consumed in a single daily helping of any one of these cereals, even the one with the lowest level of contamination, is sufficient to put the person’s glyphosate levels above the levels that cause fatty liver disease in rats (and likely in people).”
  • The amount of glyphosate in tap water in South Wales has increased tenfold in a very short period.
  • Glyphosate is largely responsible for the destruction of biodiversity and an increase in the prevalence of many serious health conditions.
  • There are massive conflicts of interest throughout various agencies in the EU that ensure harmful agrochemicals like glyphosate come to market and remain there.
  • In fact, a global industry has emerged to give ‘advice’ on biocides regulation. This results in regulatory bodies effectively working to further the commercial interests of the pesticide industry.
  • The European Food Safety Authority sanctioned increased maximum pesticide residue levels (MRL) at the request of industry (Monsanto in this case, to 100 times the previously authorised MRL).
  • The Washington-based International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is used by corporate backers to counter public health policies. Its members have occupied key positions on EU and UN regulatory panels. It is, however, an industry lobby group that masquerades as a scientific health charity. The ILSI describes its mission as “pursuing objectivity, clarity and reproducibility” to “benefit the public good”. But researchers from the University of Cambridge, Bocconi University in Milan, and the US Right to Know campaign assessed over 17,000 pages of documents under US freedom of information laws to present evidence of influence peddling.
  • ILSI Vice-President, Prof Alan Boobis, is currently the Chairman of the UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (CoT) (2015-2021). He was directly responsible for authorising chemicals such as glyphosate, chlorothalonil, clothianidin and chlorpyrifos that are destroying human health and creating a crisis in biodiversity. His group and others have authorised glyphosate repeatedly. He and David Coggon, the previous Chairman of CoT (2008-2015), were appointed as experts on Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA), a group allied with the agrochemical industry and is fighting for higher pesticide exposure.
  • Jean-Claude Juncker the President of the European Commission who, against a petition from more than 1.5 million European citizens, re-authorised glyphosate in December 2017 for a further five years. He set up the Science Advisory Mechanism, aiming to put industry-friendly personnel on various committees.

There are many more claims presented by Rosemary Mason in her report. But the take-home point is that the reality of the agrochemical industry is masked by well-funded public relations machinery (which includes bodies like the UK’s Science Media Centre).

The industry also subverts official agencies and regulatory bodies and supports prolific lobby organisations and (‘public scientists’) which masquerade as objective institutions.

When such organisations or figures are exposed, they frequently cry foul and attempt to portray any exposure of their lack of integrity as constituting an attack on science itself; no doubt many readers will be familiar with the ‘anti-science’ epithet.

The industry resorts to such measures as it knows its products are harmful and cannot stand up to proper public scrutiny. And under a system of sustainable agroecology that can produce plentiful, nutritious food, it also knows its markets would disappear.

Motivated by fraud and fear of the truth emerging, it therefore tries to persuade politicians and the public that the world would starve without it and its products. It co-opts agencies and officials by various means and embeds itself within the policy agenda, both nationally and internationally.

And now, with increasingly saturated markets in the West, from Africa to India the industry seeks to colonise new regions and countries where it attempts to roll out its business model.

Whether, say, through trade agreements, the WTO or strings-attached loans, this again involves capturing the policy ground and then trapping farmers on a financially lucrative chemical(-GMO)-treadmill, regardless of the consequences for farmers’ livelihoods, food, public health and the environment.


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Categories: environment, featured, GMO, latest
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Jun 21, 2019 4:31 PM

You will find E Bjerregaar appearing in this thread. He posts links to Jon Entine’s Genetic Literacy Project and ASCH, both industry front groups. He’s also linked to David Zaruk’s ‘risk monger’ site. Like Entine, Zaruk is a lobbyist for the chemical industry. Bejerragaar also offers links to the EPA and its views on glyphosate: an EPA which – as various reports have shown – did the bidding of industry on this issue. All this info is publicly available. You don’t need much digging to find it. As for Bjerregaar, he too is an industry stooge and has unleashed a tirade of ah hom attacks against me on numerous sites; a campaign of defamation (he criticises others if they do this, saying they have no argument). Bjerregaar hides behind a computer screen dishing out libellous comments, while displaying a level of immaturity that most would not condone in their children. He thinks he’s immune from any repercussions.

Robert Bright
Robert Bright
Jun 24, 2019 1:13 AM
Reply to  ColinT

Why don’t you just remove industry trolls like Eric from your comment section?

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 24, 2019 1:47 AM
Reply to  ColinT

And little colin is whining about the fact that the sources I posted accurately refute his nonsense. He can’t argue the points. So calls those who correctly disagree with him names. The chemical industry would go broke paying off all the folks who people like you accuse of receiving payments. Was the FAO nd Who paid off for this? https://www.who.int/foodsafety/jmprsummary2016.pdf?ua=1 What about Health Canada? The BFR? sorry little fell. Telling the truth is not libel. If it was. All these agencies would be libeling poor little colinhunter. https://www.acsh.org/news/2019/03/28/infographic-global-regulatory-health-research-agencies-whether-glyphosate-causes-cancer-13913

Robert Bright
Robert Bright
Jun 24, 2019 1:12 AM

Citing antiscience, agrochemical industry front groups has destroyed any credibility you thought you once had, Eric. Every where you post now, people already know you are an industry spokesperson and propagandist.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 24, 2019 1:48 AM
Reply to  Robert Bright

Ad hom fallacy again there robby

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 16, 2019 11:35 PM
Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 16, 2019 11:35 PM
Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 16, 2019 11:34 PM
Jun 11, 2019 8:09 AM

WARNING! Hereunder is a near-glyphosate-free zone.

Jun 10, 2019 9:59 AM

Just another day in Idiotland. Load up the food supply with harmful chemicals and poison the land and water supply in the process, to enable a fraudulent, criminal corporate enterprise to flourish even though we know what they’re up to? Check.
It gets better though. The new LED street lights cause breast and prostate cancer (and blindness, hence why NHS eye hospitals have them in the car parks….gotta save money right? pukes), according to the Unversity of Exeter and Barcelona Institute for Global Health.
They emit a blue light which is very bad for us. Idiotland’s response to this horror? Roll out LED lights as soon as possible, as far and wide as possible, in as many formats as possible, mock and sneer at anyone who points out the grim reality of the situation.

Jun 10, 2019 10:23 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Then of course there is 5G. The wireless industry is where the herbicide industry was a few decades back, lying to everyone, subverting the law, getting away with murder, raking in the profits. Shame OffG continues to ignore this crime being committed in real time, right under our noses, despite the overwhelming evidence already available to prove this is criminal activity.
Wireless Companies Warn Shareholders About Future Financial Risks From Electromagnetic Radiation
Declassified CIA document proving adverse health effects from Millimeter Waves, a fundamental aspect of 5G (research from USSR, 1977!!!)
Kevin Mottus 5g and Wireless Health Impacts Explained

Jun 11, 2019 1:03 AM
Reply to  Mucho

“Shame OffG continues to ignore this crime being committed in real time, right under our noses, despite the overwhelming evidence already available to prove this is criminal activity.”

Oh, FFS. Write them an ATL article about electromagnetic spectrum abuse instead of passive-aggressively bitching BTL about what they should or should not “ignore” if they were you. You got the goddam evidence and appropriare moral outrage? So you

damn well present it. Thank you.

Jun 11, 2019 7:26 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

I have been posting about it, with many links. I’m not a journalist, I don’t write articles. Many people do and they are neglecting their duty to report about this important issue, in and out of msm, which is a shame, but typical of our age, imo.

Jun 11, 2019 8:34 AM
Reply to  Mucho

“I have been posting about it, with many links. I’m not a journalist, I don’t write articles.”

Nobody’s asking you to maintain a blog. You know what’s at the end of your links, don’t you? If you were in a pub without an Internet enabled device you could still do a reasonable job of communicating your concerns to a co-alcoholic, couldn’t you? How many NUJ members could earn their living without the Internet and Google, apart from increasingly few? Not being a real journalist this side of their union dues has never bothered half (or more) of the Viner Gang, has it? You got a horse that isn’t running well and you think is therefore being neglected? Flog it.

Jun 9, 2019 11:45 AM

There’s been climate change for what at least 6 billion years now.

Jun 11, 2019 1:06 AM
Reply to  Bill

You’re so clever I thought your name was Dick.

Jun 12, 2019 10:21 AM
Reply to  Bill

Mini ice ages and heat waves come and go and when we had to rely on fire alone, that was carbon monoxide and saying nothing about the steaming piles of horse manure.
I’m not a trained scientist but I know without carbon dioxide we and the rest of life on this planet would cease to exist. And now they’re talking of removing all carbon. Some of the protesters want to get rid of all modes of transport, except maybe the bike, or our own two legs. One was gluing himself to a bus for goodness sake. You would think he’d want to promote buses to replace cars wouldn’t you.
There’s an issue with radio active 5G, for which they’re cutting down thousands of trees. It is 10 times more powerful than 4G, and uses milli wave, micro wave technology, which is a battlefield weapon, meant to spy on an enemy and make them ill and maybe kill them off at the same time. It has also been used as a crowd dispersal weapon. And that’s not doing the environment, or for that matter the earth much good.
There is also fracking, which ruins acres of arable land, using millions of galleons of water and causes earthquakes. A good film to watch about this subject is called The Promised Land.
And why aren’t extinction rebellion protesting about these subjects in London and why aren’t the Green Party complaining?
It’s generally only the local people who are not attached to any parties, complain and protest and physically stop these big corporations doing their terrible deeds, often getting arrested for their trouble. Rumours have it that Extinction Rebellion is a George Soros backed group a multi billionaire, with his own agenda, whatever that may be.

Jun 12, 2019 10:38 AM
Reply to  Bill

Spelling mistake from above. Gallons.

Jun 9, 2019 11:07 AM

Reading through some of Dr Mason’s posts (she’s a retired NHS anaesthetist) is hilarious – it’s like a Who’s Who of dodgy science. In one of her ramblings she references the notorious Samsel and Seneff Glyphosate paper. As Keith Kloor says, the media has a tendency to uncritically cover pseudoscience – it’s seems that the author of this article hasn’t learnt that lesson.

Robert Bright
Robert Bright
Jun 16, 2019 11:04 PM
Reply to  Nick

Indeed. Keith Kloor has been a spokesperson and propagandist for the pesticide industry for years now. Citing him as your source pretty much reduces your credibility to zero.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 16, 2019 11:28 PM
Reply to  Robert Bright

And rob posts yet another ad Hom fallacy.

Robert Bright
Robert Bright
Jun 24, 2019 1:16 AM

Said the well known, antiscience, agrochemical industry spokesperson and propagandist.

Ignacio Sanchez
Ignacio Sanchez
Jun 9, 2019 9:22 AM

Actual source or it didn’t happen.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 8, 2019 7:43 PM

Another hack job by todd colin hunter, Fagan and the maharishi testing service are not to be trusted. They likely used the wrong test. The science is settled. The framers know, the regulators know, The regulatory agencies. The FAO and WHO have spoken. the author is nuts. https://geneticliteracyproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/GlyphosateInfographic_GLP.pdf and http://fafdl.org/blog/2017/04/13/glyphosate-vs-caffeine-acute-and-chronic-toxicity-assessments-explained/ and https://plantoutofplace.com/2014/06/salt-vinegar-and-glyphosate/

Jun 16, 2019 10:56 PM

“Eric’ is a well known Big-GMO/Bayer $hill. Linking to GLP no less. What a fraud.
An agent of exactly the fraud this article describes.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 16, 2019 11:31 PM
Reply to  Grinninglibber

shill gambit ted. You are just another dishonest jerk. Like the author.

Jun 16, 2019 11:56 PM

Go inspect some landscaping and make an honest living.

Jun 17, 2019 2:09 AM

Come on you should be proud of your employers.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 17, 2019 12:35 PM
Reply to  Grinninglibber

I am. I work for a fine company.

Jun 17, 2019 2:29 PM

Bayer is not a “fine company” you spend all your time”working” for them it seems.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 17, 2019 6:20 PM
Reply to  Grinninglibber

I work for a consulting company, not named Bayer. It seems you have no clue ted.

Jun 17, 2019 6:36 PM

Of course Bayer always uses shell companies to cover their dirty.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 17, 2019 8:47 PM
Reply to  Grinninglibber

More bunk from ted. Who just makes up lies like a politician.

Jun 17, 2019 9:11 PM

they seek him here they seek him there they seek ol’ Teddy everywhere

Check under your bed!

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 17, 2019 9:21 PM
Reply to  Grinninglibber

Get lost ted. You have even less integrity than tod colinhunter

Robert Bright
Robert Bright
Jun 16, 2019 11:05 PM

Hey Eric. Has it really been 10 years now that you’ve been promoting and defending the agrochemical industry as a spokesperson and propagandist? Surely it must be time to find a real job…?

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 16, 2019 11:30 PM
Reply to  Robert Bright

Nope only learned the truth about 7 years ago. And that is a shill gambit. You are disqualified again

Jun 17, 2019 11:36 PM
Reply to  Robert Bright

Rob – Bjerregaar lost the argument long ago, so he’s now leaving a trail of defamatory comments about me wherever he goes on the web. He has no argument. But this is what they all resort to: ad hom attacks. Big man dishing out insults while hiding behind a computer screen. He’s a child.

Eric Bjerregaar
Eric Bjerregaar
Jun 24, 2019 1:51 AM
Reply to  ColinT

Wrong again there little Mr. hypocrite. I have been posting evidence throughout these arguments. You just filed to refute any nd while whining about Ad homs. Did absolutely nothing but use the Ad hom. https://www.acsh.org/news/2019/03/28/infographic-global-regulatory-health-research-agencies-whether-glyphosate-causes-cancer-13913

Jun 16, 2019 11:48 PM

Well known Monsanto/Bayer operative.

paul metcalf
paul metcalf
Jun 8, 2019 2:21 PM

do we know which uk cereals were tested in the us?

Jun 8, 2019 8:36 AM

The German journalist Gaby Weber who usually lives in Argentina now, has extensively researched this. In her RT interview she talks about the people behind that merger with Bayer, which is Deutsche Bank, and behind Deutsche Bank is BlackRock, a US financing firm who steers plenty from behind the curtains. She hinted that the lawsuits could break Bayer. But they are too big to fail so the German taxpayer will fund them. Had BlackRock not initiated the monsanto/Bayer merger. the losses would have occurred in the US. But these movers and shakers there want to damage Germany, of course.

Jun 8, 2019 4:26 AM

“The Scientists” can be bought and paid for to push the Great Global Warming Hoax or Glyphosate poison and Frankenfoods. If you paid them enough, they’d certify that strychnine and plutonium were good for you. Fortunately, there are still scientists of integrity around, like the tens of thousands calling out “Global Warming” for the hoax it is.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 8, 2019 4:33 AM
Reply to  mark

And whose payroll are you on Mark?
One only has to live in a drought ravaged, fire prone area to SEE climate chaos with their own eyes.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jun 8, 2019 4:56 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

One only has to live in a drought ravaged, fire prone area to SEE climate chaos with their own eyes.

Because we never had drought or fire before AGW became a thing…. This is the essentially dishonesty of climate science, it will point to weather events as empirical evidence of climate change, and yet scream ‘cherry picking’, if one points out a weather event not supporting the orthodoxy.

The human mind, even anointed with the scientific method, is ill equipped to measure something as complex as climate, and in attempting to do so, has converted its corner of Science into a religious war, with its adherents, and ‘deniers’. Science should have never claimed the ability to do what is beyond it.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 8, 2019 7:04 AM

Weather records are being broken all over the planet. It is verifiable by research.
Granted, science has many ‘high priests’ but the consensus is in.
We are going down the shit chute, because we have shit in our own nest.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jun 8, 2019 9:40 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Weather records are being broken all over the planet. It is verifiable by research.

but not your research, merely by sources in which you invest trust. One wonders why you trust so blindly…?

To be clear, you aren’t expressing the legitimate scepticism that anyone trusting in science is obliged to show.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 8, 2019 10:49 AM
Jun 9, 2019 10:12 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum


I know you are genuine: but that link is depressing. Scientists Warning dot Org is a front for the neoliberal corporate capture agenda …harnessing $100tn of our pension and welfare pots to re-finance capitalsim using ‘natural capital’ – which used to called just nature – as a privatised monetary base.

If not a front: they have definitely allied to the wrong cause. On their front page is a vlog with Greta and Svante Thunberg …above a list of articles referencing some good stuff; along with XR’s Corporate Brand and Recaptured Rebellion.

Cory Morningstar exposed who was behind the ‘New Deal for Nature’ brand – including, inter alia – Christina Figueres; Avaaz; and carbon credit start-up ‘We Don’t Have Time’. Nevertheless: they seem to have taken almost everyone in …including Jonathan Cook and MediaLens – the latter who uncharacteristically attacked Cory for her work.

The issue has fractured the ecological community: not neatly – but with the majority getting behind the neoliberal Green New Deal climate change agenda. Which is what it has been reduced to – climate change – as if everything else we are doing is not ecocidal too (which is where Scientists Warning seems conflicted – as they definitely highlight many other issues).

So, if the basic premise is true – that we need to actively drawdown CO2 – and I believe it is …then the neoliberal corporate methodology is as good as signing a collective ecocide note. None of the proposed methods will work – especially not withing the framework of neoliberal infinite materialistic expansionism. We are being conned for consent and behaviour change. Consent and behaviour change that will answer one question at least: whether we were indeed ‘sapiens’?

I hope your straw bales are fireproof!

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 9, 2019 10:45 AM
Reply to  BigB

Point taken Big B.
Our walls are strawclay, not bales.>> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=strawclay+pictures&t=iphone&iax=images&ia=images
They’re not fireproof, but without wall cavities they are fire resistant.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 8, 2019 11:08 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

And quite a lot of the records right now concern record snow depths at the beginning of June in both the Rockies and the Alps, record cold in Canadian cities, just to mention a few.

Jun 8, 2019 9:03 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

A political “consensus”, not a scientific one.

Jun 8, 2019 10:29 AM

If it’s true that the “human mind, even anointed with the scientific method, is ill equipped to measure something as complex as climate, and in attempting to do so, has converted its corner of Science into a religious war” then all we have are religious wars. If “Science” (which you seem to think of as some kind of supernatural entity) is to be abandonded i.e. if, properly speaking, the scientific method is to be abandoned then we have nothing but vociferous dogma spouted by all sides.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jun 8, 2019 11:06 AM
Reply to  George

if, properly speaking, the scientific method is to be abandoned then we have nothing but vociferous dogma spouted by all sides.

Who said anything about abandoning the scientific method? There are some questions, however, that science cannot answer, and shouldn’t pretend it can.

Jun 8, 2019 3:09 PM

I would have thought that the whole issue of global warming is a matter of scientific enquiry. If the scientific method cannot decide the issue of AGW, then what will?

Jun 8, 2019 9:02 PM
Reply to  George

Just ask kids playing wag from school and ex barmaids. They know all about it, apparently.

Jun 8, 2019 9:00 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Just my own, unfortunately. All donations gratefully received. I doubt I’ll see much of Soros’s largesse though.

Ariadne Morgana
Ariadne Morgana
Jun 10, 2019 4:41 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

What a stupid degraded argument

Jun 8, 2019 7:12 AM
Reply to  mark

I’m going to leap to the conclusion that you merely used this platform to make a stab at discrediting global warming, and a piss poor attempt it is. Many thousands of highly qualified scientists who submit their findings for rigorous peer review conclude that anthropomorphic global warming absolutely IS happening. Ifcad you claim “thousands” disagree you should have no trouble naming say 100 and who employs them. I won’t hold my breath waiting.

Jun 8, 2019 5:46 PM
Reply to  Antipropo

I would not go as far as to dispute that our weather patterns are not changing , so therefore our climate is changing also ,depending upon where one might live .
My questions regarding climate change is what is the cause ? Many are questioning why there is geoengineering and what the ramifications might be .Also I have a problem with blaming CO2 as the cause of climate change , as CO2 is very much needed and actually might be a way to green the planet according to some scientist.
We should all avoid the herd mentality and study/research the issue constructively instead of repeating what the crowed is stating as facts when none of us , scientists included , still don’t have the facts .The issue is not settled IMHO.

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 9, 2019 7:52 AM
Reply to  Guy

CO2 is needed, but so is water, and you can drown in too much of the latter. The fact that CO2 traps heat was first discussed in the 1820s and first demonstrated in a laboratory in 1862. It is basic – very basic – physics.

Jun 9, 2019 7:54 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

Also very basic for myself , because I live above the 49th parallel in Canada .
Come and visit in January or February and we will talk about the global
warming .I am over 70 by the way ,have always lived here , although I now travel to South America as much as I can afford during that time ,the weather has not changed , it is cold.
Go back, way further back than 1862 . The earth has been visited with higher levels of CO2 before .We are still here as a species . I don’t deny science .Science is derived from empirical experiments and gives us much information from which we can go forward .That being said it does not preclude that everything that there is to be known is now known and we will never learn anything different.
Forgive me if this sounds a little like Rumsfeld .LOL

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 9, 2019 8:28 PM
Reply to  Guy

Yes, the Earth has had higher levels of carbon dioxide in the past, but humans weren’t around. If you go back to, say, the Cretaceous, temperatures were so high that no mammals larger than shrew were able to live.

Jun 9, 2019 9:27 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

I found this information , that I had saved,very interesting.




Not saying that the above links are wholeheartedly the truth , it just to say that we should always use critical thought in assessing information,regardless where it comes from.

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 9, 2019 10:09 PM
Reply to  Guy

The Greenland ice sheet is not melting from the base, which would be the case if internal heat was the cause. Nor would internal heat explain the loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. Nor would it explain ice mass loss in tropical areas like the Himalayas, nor the undermining of ice shelves in West Antarctica.

Jun 10, 2019 1:43 AM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

The ice is doing just fine. The Global Warming Merchants like to show footage of icebergs breaking off with whatever alarmist predictions they dream up at the time. This is actually caused by the ice sheet growing – the pressure of new ice in the centre causes pressure that forces bits off at the periphery.

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 10, 2019 8:29 AM
Reply to  mark

It shows your argument is weak when you have to post falsehoods to back it up. The ice is not doing fine, which is why you can now buy Arctic Ocean sea cruise tickets, and why you can now cut the transit time substantially between Asia and north America/Europe – you can sail through the Arctic Ocean.

Jun 10, 2019 1:58 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

Falsehoods are in good supply these days .Just remember , when you live in a glass house ,not to throw stones.
You don’t back up your arguments either ,you just state them as factual .

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 10, 2019 4:10 PM
Reply to  Guy

Go down the travel agents and book an Arctic se cruise. I wouldn’t reference a claim that 1066 was the year of the battle of Hastings either.

Jun 10, 2019 2:47 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

This just in this morning from a friend of mine .A link to Scientific “reasearch”. Very interesting that we could be entering a cold cycle vs warm cycle.The verdict is still not in but we certainly have diverging opinions , evidence,on it all.
If you care to watch , it is a 5 minute video .

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 9, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  Editor

You shwo your ignorance. Mammals shed body heat much less efficiently than reptiles. Large parts of the earth were devoid of megafauna during previous hothouse episodes.

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 10, 2019 4:13 PM
Reply to  Editor

Why not just go and buy a textbook on the Cretaceous? Or basic geology? This is like arguing with a child on basic stuff like multiplication tables.

Ariadne Morgana
Ariadne Morgana
Jun 10, 2019 4:38 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

LOL Tsar Nicholas I think you’ve run out of argument. So explain to everyone how the dinosaurs weren’t warmblooded or whatever you’re trying to sell. No megafauna during the Cretaceous??? Gimme a friggin break!

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 10, 2019 4:56 PM
Reply to  Editor

There is division as to whether dinosaurs were warm blooded, which is why I refrred to the fact that Mammals are not so good at shedding body heat. There is also consensus as to the fact that the Permian-Triassic extinction event of 252 Mya killed off 95% of species. it is known as “The great Dying.” But the rise in global average temeprature (caused by an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations) took a million years. We are screwing the planet over with a much faster rate than that. Speicies we rely on to survive cannot adapt that quickly, which is why we are unlikely to survive ourselves.

Jun 9, 2019 9:15 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

You could double the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and it wouldn’t make the slightest difference.

Jun 8, 2019 8:58 PM
Reply to  Antipropo

There are associations with tens of thousands of scientists of integrity worldwide who have signed up to expose this hoax. Though they do so at great risk to themselves and their own careers.

Jun 9, 2019 1:12 AM
Reply to  mark

Yeah but you still can’t name any,now claiming they are:” too afraid” to go public. Seriously mate, grow up; that’s primary school debating or argumentation and pretty poor st that. An old joke goes: I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate( tens of thousands! please,come on.

Jun 9, 2019 9:13 PM
Reply to  Antipropo

It would take quite a while to name the tens of thousands of honest scientists. You can look it up yourself if you want to. They have put their heads above the parapet at some risk to themselves to enlighten all the sheep like yourself. But just fall into line behind Little Greta if you want to.

Jun 11, 2019 6:54 AM
Reply to  mark

“It would take quite a while to name the tens of thousands of honest scientists.”

Indeed. Ages if you didn’t have cut’n’paste

“You can look it up yourself if you want to.”

It would take 5 minutes to post a helpful citation or two, if you had one.

Jun 11, 2019 1:46 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Put an advert in the paper for a PA and research assistant.

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 9, 2019 7:49 AM
Reply to  mark

You can buy tickets for Arctic Ocean sea cruises, something you couldn’t do a decade or so back because there was too much sea ice. You can now sail from the US West Coast to the US East Coast through the formerly ice-blocked Northwest Passage.

The extreme weather around the world has been caused by the fact that the Jet Stream meanders, causing blocking eathe rpatterns. This phenomenon is a consequence of the reduction in temperature differential between pole and equator. Given that this has messed up the planting of food crops in the US and Canada (by putting much of the central part of the continent under water), this is going to have real world consequences.

Jun 9, 2019 9:06 PM
Reply to  Tsar Nicholas

Noah was an early victim of Global Warming. He had to build himself a big boat and load the animals on two by two. It was because of all the long haul flights he took and all the coal he burnt and all the BMWs he and the family drove. He had to cover it all up by blaming it on God punishing the wicked.

Tsar Nicholas
Tsar Nicholas
Jun 9, 2019 10:15 PM
Reply to  mark

The earth has heated prior to the advent of the human race and industrial emissions. However, nothing in the geological past compares to the speed at which we are changing the global temperature, and the end consequence of that will be a Mass Extinction which we (that includes you, your kids, your parents and evryone you know) won’t survive.

The most likely route is the failure of our crops, which rely on regular weather patterns, among other things. If you look at what is happening in many locations around the world right now – such as the central USA and Canada – this seems to be in the process of occurring.

Jun 11, 2019 6:43 AM
Reply to  Antipropo

“I’m going to leap to the conclusion that you merely used this platform to…”

Wrong leap. Right leap? Bayer-Monsanto has realized cut-n-paste any old thing diversionaries they can hire for 10¢ per hour are as effective as relevant comment posters who are now demanding 20¢ per hour, leaving all the more ¢ in the dead kitty with which to hire expensive MSM shills. Poor, raddled bottom feeders can’t wait for a Toddhunter article to help towards their next visit to the sugarman.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jun 8, 2019 2:12 AM

An increase in cataracts has been verified by epidemiological studies in England and by a 2016 WHO report

The function of epidemiology is to provide supporting evidence for a conclusion already written. There was never any prospect that epidemiology would ever give a pesticide a clean bill of health.

To be clear, Dr Rosemary Mason cares little about about the notional health effects of glyphosate on human populations, her reasoning is motivated by the use of any chemical that kills pests in the name of agriculture. Undoubtedly, she can afford to shop at Waitrose, and be 100% organic.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 8, 2019 7:07 AM

Ahh the ‘evil scientists’
Methinks you’ve seen too many horror movies William.
Psychopaths wear $$$$$$$$$uits.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jun 8, 2019 11:48 AM


To be clear, & more informed on such complex matters, read more & observe more Bill… Binney, for Bonney to comprehend where science has failed ! !

Mind you fair do, at least the standard of a good ole’ Shilling has risen its’ ugly head & standards, since OffG re-vamped: altogether more sophisticated than the synonymous Antonym, with an altogether higher mastery of English … excellent cat-call, ole’ chap 😉 with the obligatory projection & prerequisite transference.

Nice try, Bill, but you won’t convince Bill Binney or me …

P.s. in reality, all in all a real compliment to OffG . . . if you get my drift 🙂 ?

(chuckle … i thoroughly recommend you listen to Chuck Mangione ft. Esther Satterfield, “In the Land of Make Believe” ; it’ll cheer & spur you during your chores of duty: copy / paste / search, you won’t regret it and it’s surely on all G(oogle)CH’Q’s Utube FBook CIA chrome marble network programming, its’ classic) 🙂

Chuck’s Fluegelhorn – inspiring and after such tender gentle interludes …
BAM dat’ drumstrike 😉 keeps ya’ going 🙂

What’s the pay like for drummers, these days ?

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jun 8, 2019 2:00 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Cryptic crossword, meets care in the community…

I’m sure it made sense in your head.

mark delmege
mark delmege
Jun 8, 2019 12:36 AM

surfactants might explain some of the issues above

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jun 8, 2019 9:01 AM
Reply to  mark delmege

Surfs acting like ants, you mean ?

Surely no scientist or doctor would deceive or forget to admonish themselves,
regardless of ego . . . constructively, always learning & never lazy ;),
making a buck, never admonishing colleagues ? No need to, all good guys 😉

transitive verb
1a : to indicate duties or obligations to
b : to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
were admonished for being late
2 : to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to
admonished them to be careful
… users are admonished to change passwords regularly …
— Mark Pothier
3 : to say (something) as advice or a warning
The sign admonished, “Watch your step.”
“Please be silent while I tell my story,” LaPautre admonished.
— Louise Erdrich

Ta, Miriam Webster, expressing exactly what I was trying to highlight, also in Law,

Duties actually exist . . .

Data Rules OK ? ! Or Corporate Lobbying ! ?

Jun 8, 2019 9:44 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

How you spell serf wankers

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jun 8, 2019 10:55 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

The refuge of those suffering ennui.

Jun 11, 2019 7:58 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

A bit cryptic, true, but could mean adjuvants, as in Adjuvs acting like ants. Dumb, are you, or just entymologically as well as etymologically deficient?