Wake Up, Damn it!
A Plea to the People of North America and Europe
Andre Vltchek

Photo Credit: Ali Arif Soydas on Unsplash
Year after year, month after month, I see two sides of the world; two extremes which are getting more and more disconnected:
I see great cities like Homs in Syria, reduced to horrifying ruins. I see Kabul and Jalalabad in Afghanistan, fragmented by enormous concrete walls intended to protect NATO occupation armies and their local puppets. I see monstrous environmental devastation in places such as Indonesian Borneo, Peruvian gold mining towns, or the by now almost uninhabitable atoll island-nations of Oceania: Tuvalu, Kiribati or Marshall Islands.
I see slums, a lack of sanitation and clean drinking water, where the boots of Western empires have been smashing local cultures, enslaving people and looting natural resources.
I work on all the continents. I never stop, even when exhaustion tries to smash me against the wall, even when there are hardly any reserves left. I cannot stop; I have no right to stop, because I can finally see the pattern; the way this world operates, the way the West has been managing to usurp it, indoctrinate, and enslave most of the countries of the world. I combine my knowledge, and publish it as a ‘warning to the world’.
I write books about this ‘pattern’. My most complete, so far, being the 1,000 pages long Exposing Lies of The Empire.
Then, I see the West itself.
I come to ‘speak’, to Canada and the United States, as well as Europe. Once in a while I am invited to address Australian audiences, too.
The West is so outrageously rich, compared to the ruined and plundered continents, that it often appears that it does not belong to the Planet Earth.
A lazy Sunday afternoon stroll in Villa Borghese in Rome, and a horror walk through Mathare slum in Nairobi could easily exist in two distinct realities, or in two different galaxies.
Even now, after I slightly misspelled “Villa Borghese”, my Mac immediately offered a correction. It is because Villa Borghese does exist. On the other hand, “Mathare”, which I spelled correctly, was underlined red.
Mathare ‘is an error’. Because it does not exist. It does not exist, despite the fact that around one million men, women and children lives there. It is not recognized by my MacBook Pro, nor by the great majority of my relatively well-educated readers in the West.
In fact, almost the entire world appears to be one big error, non-entity, if observed from New York, Berlin or Paris.
I come and speak in front of the Western public. Yes, I do it from time to time, although with decreasing frequency.
Frankly, to face European or North American crowds feels depressing, even humiliating.
It goes like this: you are invited to ‘tell the truth’; to present what you are witnessing all over the world.
You stand there, facing men and women who have just arrived in their comfortable cars, after having good dinners in their well-heated or air-conditioned homes. You may be a famous writer and a filmmaker, but somehow, they make you feel like a beggar. Because you came to speak on behalf of “beggars”.
Everything is well-polished, and choreographed. It is expected that you do not show any ‘gore’. That you do not call your public ‘names’. That you do not swear, do not get drunk on the stage, do not start insulting everyone in sight.
What you usually face is quite a hard, or at least ‘hardened’, crowd.
Recently, in Southern California, when I was asked, by a fellow philosopher and a friend of mine, to address a small gathering of his colleagues, some people were banging on their mobile phones, as I was describing the situation at the Syrian frontline, near Idlib.
I felt that my account was nothing more than a ‘background, an elevator music’ to most of them. At least when I am addressing millions through my television interviews, I do not have to see the public.
When you ‘speak’ in the West, you are actually addressing men and women who are responsible, at least partially, for the mass murders and genocides that are being committed by their countries. Men and women whose standards of living are outrageously high, because The Others are being robbed, humiliated, and often raped.
But their eyes are not humble; they are drilling them into you, waiting for some mistake that you might make, so they can conclude: “He is fake news”. For them, you are not a bridge between those who ‘exist’ and those who don’t. For them, you are an entertainer, a showman, or more often than not: a nuisance.
To learn about war, about the terror that the West is spreading, is, for many in my audience yet another type of luxury, high-level entertainment, not unlike an opera performance or a symphony concert. If necessary, they can even pay, although mostly they’d rather not.
After a titillating experience, it is back to the routine, back to a sheltered, elegant life. While you, the next day, are often catching a plane back to the reality of the others; to the frontline, to dust and misery.
They, your public (but face it, also most of your readers) came to show how ‘open-minded’ they are. They came ‘to learn’ from you, ‘to get educated’, while keeping their lifestyles intact.
Most of them think that they know it all, even without your first-hand experience, they are benevolently doing you a favor by inviting you, and by dragging themselves all the way to some university or a theatre or wherever the hell you are standing in front of them. They did not come to offer any support to your struggle. They are not part of any struggle. They are good, peace-loving, hardworking people; that’s all.
You know, like those Germans, in the late 1930’s; self-righteous, hard-working folks. Most of them love their pets, and recycle their garbage. And clean after themselves at Starbucks.
A few days ago, we stopped the coup in Venezuela. I say we, because, although deep in devastated Borneo Island, I had been giving interviews to RT, Press TV, addressing millions. Even here, I never stopped writing, tweeting, always ready to drop everything just fly to Caracas, if I were to be needed there.
To defend Venezuela, to defend the Revolution there, is essential. As it is essential to defend Syria, Cuba, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Bolivia, South Africa and other revolutionary and brave nations that are refusing to surrender to the Western diktat.
While the ideological battle for Caracas was raging, I was thinking: is there anything that could still move the Western public into action?
Have they – Europeans and North Americans – become totally indifferent to their own crimes? Have they developed some sort of emotional immunity? Is their condition ideological, or simply clinical?
Here we were, in the middle of a totally open coup; an attempt by the West to overthrow one of the most democratic countries on our planet. And they did almost nothing to stop the terrorism performed by their regimes in Washington or Madrid! At least in Indonesia in 1965 or in Chile in 1973, the Western regime tried to hide behind thin fig leaves.
At least, while destroying socialist Afghanistan and the Communist Soviet Union by creating the Mujahedin, the West used Pakistan as a proxy, trying to conceal, at least partially, its true role. At least, while killing more than 1 million people in Iraq, there was this charade and bunch of lies about the ‘weapons of mass destruction’. At least, at least…
Now, it is all transparent. In Syria, Venezuela; and against North Korea, Cuba, Iran, China, Russia.
As if propaganda was not even needed, anymore, it as if the Western public has become totally obedient, posing no threat to the plans of the Western regime.
Or more precisely, the once elaborate Western propaganda has become extremely simple: it now repeats lies, and the great majority of Western citizens do not even bother to question what their governments are doing to the world. The only thing that matters are ‘domestic issues’; meaning – the wages and benefits for the Westerners.
There are no riots like during the Vietnam War. Now riots are only for the better welfare of European workers. No one in the West is fighting in order to stop the plunder abroad, or the terrorist attacks unleashed by NATO against non-Western countries, or against those countless NATO military bases, against the invasions and orchestrated coups.
How much more can the Western public really stomach?
Or can it stomach absolutely everything?
Would it accept the direct invasion of Venezuela or Cuba or both? It has already accepted the direct intervention and destruction of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, to name just a few terrorist actions committed by the West in recent history.
So, how much more? Would an attack against Iran be acceptable? Let’s say, 2-3 million deaths?
North Korea, perhaps? A few more millions, a new mountain of corpses?
I am asking; it is not a rhetorical question. I really want to know. I believe that the world has to know.
Has the Western public reached the level of the ISIS (or call them IS or Deash)? Is it so self-righteous, so fanatic, so convinced of its own exceptionalism, that it cannot think, clearly, analyze and judge, anymore?
Would provoking Russia or China or both into WWIII be acceptable to people living in Bavaria or South Carolina, or Ontario?
And if yes, are they all really out of their minds?
And if they are, should the world try to stop them, and how?
I want to know the boundaries of the Western madness.
That there is madness is indisputable, but how massive is it?
I understand, I have now accepted the monstrous fact that the French, Yanks, Canadians, Brits or Germans do not give a shit about how many millions of innocent people they kill in the Middle East, or Southeast Asia, Africa or in ‘places like that’.
I accept that they know close to nothing about their colonial history, and want to know nothing, as long as they have football, plenty of meat and 6 weeks vacations on exotic beaches.
I know that even many of those who can see monstrous crimes committed by the West, want to blame everything on Rothschilds and ‘Zionist conspiracy’, but never on themselves, never on Israel which its West’s outpost in the Middle East, never on their culture which expresses itself through the centuries of plunder.
But what about the survival of our planet, and the survival of humankind?
I imagine the eyes of those people who come to my ‘combat presentations’. I tell them the truth. I say it all. I am never holding back; never compromise. I show them images of the wars they have unleashed.
Yes, “they”; because the citizens are responsible for their own governments, and because there is, clearly, something called collective guilt and collective responsibility!
Those eyes, faces… I will tell you what I read in them: they will never act. They will never try to overthrow their regime. As long as they live their privileged lives. As long as they think that the system in which they are the elites, at least has some chance of surviving in its present form.
They play it both ways, some of them do: verbally, they are outraged by NATO, by Western imperialism and savage capitalism. Practically, they do nothing tangible to fight the system.
What is the conclusion then? If they do not act, then others have to. And I am convinced: they will.
For more than 500 years the entire world has been in flames, plundered and murdered by a small group of extremely aggressive Western nations. This has been going on virtually uninterruptedly.
Nobody finds it amusing, anymore. Where I work, in places that I care about, nobody wants this kind of world.
Look at those countries that are now trying to destroy Venezuela. Look closely! They consist of the United States, Canada, majority of Europe, and mostly those South American states where the descendants of European colonialists are forming majority!
Do we want another 500 years of this?
North Americans and Europeans have to wake up, soon. Even in Nazi Germany, there were soldiers who were so disgusted with Hitler, that they wanted to send him to the dogs. Today, in the West, there is not one powerful political party which believes that 500 years of Western colonialist plunder is more than enough; that torturing the world should stop, and stop immediately.
If Western imperialism, which is the greatest and perhaps the only major threat our planet is now facing, is not decisively and soon dismantled by its own citizens, it will have to be fought and deterred by external forces. That is: by its former and present victims.
First published by NEO – New Eastern Outlook
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You sound like a prize narcissistic virtue signaller to me, and you lost all credibility when you advocated supporting North Korea.
don’t worry.
the phone in your pocket is making you sterile.
her eggs are destroyed by wifi.
the great dying has already begun.
the meek shall inherit the earth.
It is difficult to stop the ruling classes from doing what they do. The fault is theirs but the powerlessness and fear and guilt is ours. The futility of protest the futility of shouting is lost in the winds.The pain of baring witness to all the suffering caused and put upon the world breaks my heart. Not in my name do they do what they do. I despise the wars and despair of the shrugging masses who either believe their governments lies or don’t concern themselves over much with what they continue to do. The death toll the tragedy and the trauma eats me up and keeps me awake at night. What is the point of all this pain what could ever justify these crimes but I and many like me are powerless to intervene. Prey god we one day find peace. Blessed be.
“…That there is madness is indisputable, I want to know the boundaries…”
Indeed this world is madness! The flat screens, everywhere, in the streets, busses, trains, airplanes, corridors, some as big as the limit of the skyscrapers, etc.. are there, nobody seems to be aware, that they signify a permanent hold-up of our brains. We, the majority, we did not ask their messages and nobody seemed disturbed by it. Is this not madness? The real makers of the contents, are absent from the eyes. This is outright, because we did not ask for it, also an invasion of our brains and, much more, the diversion of our precious lifetime (Should lifetime not be precious?) and the screen let us deflect our thoughts, most of the time, from the real necessary tasks. Is this the accepted reality? But in fact, who’s reality, imposed by who and what? If we accept such a world, is this not pure madness? To make it worse, a soft voice, from the “speakers” let us know that we will see the “…true story…”. If we accept this, is it not totally insane? This is only a little part, of our insanity, indeed, the messages are they not clearly totalitarian? Yes, then, from which side do they come? Which side, is the side of reality? There are few messagers and billion recipients? This is only a tiny part of what we now permanently live…
I feel almost everyone here at OffGuardian as well as other sites like Moon Of Alabama, Caitlin Johnstone, The Saker, et al, are actually awake Andre. I would also point out that many in the West are also being crushed by the same highly exploitative system that pillages and rapes countries in the Global South. There are more than a few of us here either homeless, or on the verge of being homeless, many struggling to pay their bills. And tragically, the Left has essentially abandoned the working class for the intellectual psychobabble of identity politics. To repeat what I said to Peter below: the Left has completely shot itself in the foot. And who is there to fill the void? The Populists and Alt Right. I oppose Neoliberalism and Imperialism, and for me, the enemy of humanity, of Mother Earth, of our ecosystems, is the Capitalist system. Profit before people and the Planet. And yeah, perhaps try talking to people in the West who are also being ground into the dirt – you know, like actual working class people. Those who produce the wealth.
“How much more can the western public stomach?”
Absolutely anything. The more liberalism is spread in the so called “western” (let’s call it what it is, white-socioChristian) public, the more evil it will eagerly condone in its name.
This is my definition of liberalism:
The mental disease that allows those afflicted to support the invasion, destruction, colonisation and occupation of innocent defenceless non white nations on the other side of the planet, the looting of their natural resources, the forced privatisation of their economies, the imposition of collaborationist stooges in power over them, and the mass murder of the fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons of brown women in order to allegedly secure the right of those brown women to lie naked on the beach.
Bombing Brown People is good for them.
White-socioChristian nations are also experiencing forced privatisation of the economy. Also, somehow, only collaborationist stooges find their way to high places in the government. And no matter who you elect, sinister neolibralism continues to spread and dominate.
One example is Western Australia (State). Their conservative party (now in opposition) has just had a new chairperson (female). Among the first things she announced was to step away from electricity privatisation. And boy did they attack her. She defended herself saying that she was not going to go into the next election campaign with a policy that was so heavily opposed by the population. She will be ousted before she can do ‘damage’, of course, if they find someone who’d want to fill that position. Probably a matter of money from ‘the sidelines’.
Generally speaking, the company BlackRock is now regarded as a secret world power. They own strategic share parcels in all significant German companies, other countries I have not really looked at.
It is these people whose power we must cut as they only use it for evil. But I do not know how that can be achieved. They are the privatisation profiteers who are comfortable recreating Dickensian circumstances.
Sad how opposing privatisation may well ruin this chairperson career.
Privatisation is stripping people of their dignity. It is destroying the regulatory framework and transferring the power from government to corporates. We know where Big Corporates’ loyalties lie, and it is not with the workers and not with the society.
The EU ordered Ireland to privatise water. There was zero support for this in the country, but they were told to shut up and do it.
They still haven’t managed to privatise water here. There were massive, continuous protests which put paid to their plans, and water in Ireland is still a public utility.
Glad to hear that. I thought they were forcing it through. Rich pickings for some hedge fund.
Blackrock is one of a group of 17 companies that control assets of over $50 trillion.
Problem is to many lackeys paid a bit of gold snd do as they told. When someone plays and comply with system they get rewarded according so greed plays essential part cause people are not willing you give up there nice incentives paid life. Free fuel card company car etc
Apparatchiks are everywhere. NGOs exercise bad influence, too, because they parrot what their money men say.
Perhaps if Andre Vltchek were willing to speak with the Gilets Jaunes protesters he has derided in previous posts and their equivalents in other Western countries, he will find the very Western public he seeks to convince.
Talking to philosopher friends, film-makers and other intellectuals, and the audiences at the talks and conferences they organise will always backfire on him. These are closed circles within a layer of the technocracy that supports the political elite. Some of the university and college audiences may also be security people monitoring the institutions hosting these events for political correctness. No wonder he cannot make any headway.
From what I gather, Mr. Vltchek is exactly the same as the folks he talked to – stay in his intellectual circle and despise the unwashed as they do not appreciate the fineries of a high brow discussion of world affairs.
He is part of the problem if like the Clinton gang in the States he talks about the the deplorables because those poor schmucks finally clued into the truth that nobody gives a shit about their problems to have to work multiple jobs to be able to house and feed themselves or at worst get the dough to by fentanyl or oxy.
By talking to them instead of firing up folks like the Gilet Jaunes he is none better than this neoliberal gang that runs affairs with their morals of “taking care” of those poor folks that are so oppressed without the help from the West and need democracy to help them get more exploited than by their own often Western supported gangsters who get offed when they finally clue in that the western elites are only out for itself.
The left has joined the bus not of class warfare, but of gender identity shit that sidelines nowadays every discussion about the real power distribution, a left that has cut its own balls off – no wonder folks who want change look now to the right, who always promises a paradise of old values because they see that this now left paradise of a gender letter soup does them get nowhere, that the whole migration caused in part by the actions of the elites flood the countries with a population alien to what is left of their once culture and threaten what workplace safety they have left.
Welcome to the neo feudalism that is coming, with an economic power elite that has found a way to keep the proles in debt bondage and kept calm by dosing them with drugs or the fake news that everything is ok when on truth the whole shit goes to hell in a handbasket. Anybody who has read PK Dick nows how the story ends.
Yes, but they’re giving us toilets for trannies.
What more do you want?
Bingo. Could not have said it better myself. The Left has completely shot itself in the foot with this Identity Politics garbage. Working Class? Sniff.
You’ve nailed it. While I get Vltchek’s sentiments, he is absolutely stuck in bourgeoisie mode and can’t see beyond that. He casually mentions his jetting around the world as if everyone in Europe and North America can do that. He is simply out of touch with the reality working people in these countries face. The fact is, as you say, he is talking to bourgie “left” liberals like himself while ignoring the people who actually are fighting back. Only a very out of touch person can make such a massive and obvious error.
The left will never succeed as long as it is dominated by bitter trust fund “revolutionaries” like Vltchek on one side and identity politics and well off academics with their endless talking and books of “theories” (but never any action) on the other.
Bingo. You nail it as well Eric.
Last one who tried to make me feel guilty was a Jesuit priest. Didn’t work then either.
Conversely, “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices” (George Orwell)
Correct. If the people in Africa keep electing corrupt politicians they are not victims, but accomplices.
Vltchek states that the people in the West are rich because the people in Africa are poor. I state that even if the West were to magically disappear tomorrow, Africa would not become rich.
There were not 2 million protesting on the streets in Hong Kong.
I’m surprised they limited themselves to “2 million.”
In Egypt, when they wanted to get rid of the elected Moslem Brotherhood guy who the Chosen Folk didn’t like a couple of years ago, it was “30 million”, “33 million”, and finally “34 million”, demonstrating in Cairo.
This was “people’s democracy.”
When it happens in Paris or London or Washington, it’s mob rule.
Someone qualified in these things did a Google Earth search on the demonstrations and calculated from the area involved it was about half a million.
But the Chosen Folk got a pliable puppet dictator back to serve their interests, and that’s the main thing.
These people do like their “millions.”
“the by now almost uninhabitable atoll island-nations of Oceania: Tuvalu…” Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but no one (not even philosophers) is entitled to their own facts. The population of Tuvalu is growing, not decreasing as would be the case if Tuvalu was almost inhabitable. Moreover, the life expectancy of the population is over sixty-eight for women and sixty-four for men, facts which are not reconcilable with the notion that the country is uninhabitable. People who make up facts destroy their own arguments.
Fun fact – most western intellectuals are either blind or indifferent to the consequences of late stage capitalism (Jordan Peterson being an exemplar).
Of course they have no such blind spots when it comes to the dangers of communism, post-Tsar Russia, or Mao but no matter how much damage is inflicted by western oligarchies they seem to be so focussed on the aforementioned targets that they fail to notice the unfolding environmental apocalypse, extreme wealth extraction, endless bouts regime change or the collateral damage arising from them.
As Yuval Harari said “Large numbers of strangers can cooperate successfully by believing in common myths. Any large-scale human cooperation – whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe – is rooted in common myths that exist only in people’s collective imagination.”
Moral of story?
If you want to change conditions that rightly drive Andre to despair then you have to change the belief system that sustain them – this is something most western intellectuals have failed to do, especially with regard to the terrors inflicted by a long line of US war criminals such as Cheney, Abrams and Boulton.
Great post Harry. Thanks. We are certainly in need of a new “myth” adequate to our rather dire situation if we hope to alter our course – and no it won’t be one manufactured by yet another well paid Madison Avenue ad agency entrenched in the status quo.
Mid summer nights madness
1. Sacrificial US air-personnell and others, totalling 35 – NOT targeted.
Instead the Drone sent to record the moment of the beginning of war for posterity of the writers and owners of world history to dance to inperpetuaty – did get swatted.
2. The coronation of the new tory PM moves to its concluding phase as the stalking horse is let off the leash, to crash and burn. Leaving only one viable choice for the constituency chairmen to rubber stamp, as they did previously. Membership vote my arse!
Double lol.
3. The media and troll bots are in a tiz about what line they are supposed to take on the grand narrative.
And still not a single journalistic piece /blog (or even troll bots) on the SCO and it’s objectives under it’s new presidency – Russia!
Which are being implemented in the ME theatre.
I got to stop laughing it’s getting hard to breath and the tears …
Happy weekend and solstice everyone.
Again, man holds the key to changing Empire SpartUSA and the West of its ways.
It requires no real effort, no marching, no demonstrating…it’s a couch potatoes dream and better still MLK and Ghandi would be proud.
You wanna make a change? Use the voting right in your pocket, the $,£…….
Fed up with SpartUSS’s wayward ways across the planet, the attacks on Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning?
Change your browser search settings to DuckDuckGo.
SpartUSA will hear loud and clear.
The Alternative Media like Offguardian, TheCanary, Caitlin Johnstone, Jimmy Dore etc have a opportunity to come together.
There is another way.
Maybe research who owns/runs duck duck go before advocating its neutrality.
Use to google translate to get the Latin for “west” then look up the Latin for “kill”, the difference is “rent”!
Got to love Tucker Carlson. He is just the best. His old man was some dude too.
But what about that US hospital ship which just set out for a tour of the Carribean.? Is it going to get the same treatment as USS Liberty.?
By lumping for the ‘disproportionate’ factor Trump may have unwittingly mousetrapped himself. I think they want him to make a series of refusals. After a number of refusals have been stacked up they will use the hospital ship or the Brits or the Frogs will unleash some Novichok to frame the Iranians/Russians/Syrians.
‘They won’t let the world end, will they?’
‘Of course not’
‘Let’s see what’s on the Disney channel, hey’
Mr Vltchek
You have found a way to get paid through fighting the system. As a result, you can eat every day. You may be tired, but your pictures do not make you look malnourished. Just remember, only about 250-1000 slots globally exist for folks like you. The other 1bn Westerners need another source of income. Embracing the rules which go with that…
Tell me this, Mr Vltchek: do you advocate parents risking the health of their children by speaking out and getting the sack, because trust me, if you call Uk PMs what they deserve to be called as a citizen, the hounds of Establishment hell come circling to make you unemployable. Is not taking your children to a food kitchen more important than expressing your true feelings from a position of political powerlessness? Reality dictates that you need independent wealth or wealthy backers. Wealthy backers will have two pounds of flesh contractually required as payback…..first rule of practical politics.
So let us say you decide to set up a radical political party from scratch: which media outlet will support you as opposed to lampoon and fit you up if you say you will come after the warmongers and the media who supported them? Assuming they give you any coverage at all. You can be a guerrilla from afar, retaining ideological purity and remaining without power, or you can accommodate the Establishment and maybe, just maybe, get elected. The Security Services will be busy infiltrating your new party, they always do that to any party that looks like it might be vaguely electable. Then they can blackmail, bully, threaten and vandalise from within.
So let us say you have been a dumbed down apparatchik for 40 years, putting away a pension so that at 65, you retire and can speak your mind. Have you asked how many priests who truly practiced abstinence for forty years are still a sizzling sexpot? Not too many. Those forty years of conformity will have removed all vestiges of practical rebellion, not to mention given you a complete lacks of skills and experience being a revolutionary. You know how to fit in, not how to change a culture. So not much chance of rebellion from pensioners no longer needing to work.
Have you asked which major politician will get elected telling the US to get the hell off their territory, taking their servicemen, CIA goons, investment bankers and hedge fund managers with them? Forget Mike Pompeo, the BBC, Telegraph, Mail, Sun, Times etc etc would quickly discover that you snorted cocaine at University, had dodgy sex on a stag do, got so drunk you could not get it up in Ibiza, you know the sort of thing. They see what you have written and diligently fix Question Time to promote precisely the opposite. Nothing Fiona Bruce will not do for her masters. That is why she got the job, to stop people giving self righteous Jews the third degree for lying that Jeremy Corbyn is antisemitic.
So Mr Vltchek, the vast majority of people know they cannot fight the system without harming their children, so they hunker on down and rationalise. They vote for the cocaine snorting alleged rapist rather than someone threatening to nuke Russia. Why? Because it is that or not vote at all.
So then you get down to those who eschewed children or who simply could not find a marriage partner. Now those must be homosexual, paedophiles or impotent wimps, right? Great chance to ostracise, target the forty something bachelor or spinster and use unprincipled fat, ugly twenty somethings to do the dirty. Reward them with promotion for character assassination. Real world, Mr Vltchek.
There is no market for deep, principled politicking through traditional routes, so you look for ground up, start small alternatives. Become a Findhorn, a Totnes, a beacon of alternative living. Can you stop Tony Blair warmongering? No chance. But you can do no further harm in your small section of earth. For many, that is as good as it gets.
Do you see those people as your audiences, Mr Vltchek? If not, why not?? Stop targeting the bankers, the CEOs, start embracing the little people who silently turned away from war and just practice peace on earth. You might get a better response, but they might have less funds to give you….
You think your audiences represent whole nations.
Wrong. They represent power.
You want to build support and massage your ego, go talk to the little people.
You may find you have more in common, more to learn from each other, more common experiences of moral despair, practical exasperation and a need for a system outside The System….
You make some valid points RJ, but shooting the messenger is a tad disingenuous.
Andre may indeed be ‘eating’ but we know nothing of his lifestyle or his personal wealth.
The One Per Cent and their smug middle class devotees must be exposed at every opportunity.
The psychopaths who rule will not give an inch, so it’s up to those who give a shit to chart their own course/s through the coming chaos.
I do not agree that Jaggar shoots the messenger, that he is pointing out that the author is exactly talking to those that hold the power as opposed to the 90% that have to make a living at all cost or sleep on the streets.
That those that he is not talking to are also trapped in a system that allows them a live at a better level of those the author reflects on but also as powerless as those.
The economic system is rigged for the 1% to increase their wealth, and their wealth is power that they do not let threaten by anyone – this is the message Jagger gives rightly.
Our lives are better than those the author reflects on, we have somewhat better security of housing, food, education – but only a long as it makes economic sense to the elites to further their wealth and based on that their political power.
We know all what happened to the “soziale marktwirtschaft” in Germany after the Socialist Enemy went away, and the industrial and financial elites could simply eliminate all the pretense that the system was working for all in society, because the alternative was gone. e know what happened under Thatcher and continued with new Labour and Tories to the present time, let alone talking about the obvious oligarchy ruling in the USA.
Yes, we the 90+% benefit from the exploitation trapped in this economic – political system not designed by us, that exploits us as well, maybe no as brutally most often because the rulers still have to keep the sheen of “democracy” to denigrate all those nations that do not agree with their politics and find canon fodder and public support to attack militarily if to further and secure the exploitation of those nations.
Another insightful and accurate post Rhys.
The author of this piece would do well to target the 1%, rather than the others such as myself and my wife who are definitely NOT “outrageously rich”.
Our political system gives unthinking people, the illusion that they can vote for change, when in actual fact their vote will be turned into politicians doing whatever the rich and powerful want, and ignoring the wishes of the electorate.
Voting just legitimises and perpetuates a rigged, destructive, simply evil system.
Very well put, Rhys. People shouldn’t be demonised for just trying to get by. Despite the limitations of our sham democracy and lying MSM, 30 million demonstrated against Iraq in 2003 – and much good it did anyone. The Gilets Jaunes on the 1,000 euro a month SMIC have been taking on Macron and his Fascist Boot Boys for the past 6 months, despite the blindings and the maimings, the smearings of the MSM, and the paid controlled opposition provocateurs of Antifa.
Rhy – what you say is quite accurate. Meanwhile – at the very same time – what Mr. Vltchek says is also quite accurate – that is that we in the West continue to live like kings compared to the rest of humanity. We live this way because our governments in the West have pillaged and continue to pillage the rest of the planet century after century. You and I and our children benefit from this pillage. This is an incontestable fact of history past and present.
At what point do we look in the mirror Rhy? At what point do the children of the poor around the world impacted by policies that keep our clothing affordable, our cars filled with cheap petrol, and that keep cheap food on our tables rate the same consideration as our own children? This is Vltchek’s message as I see it. If we the citizens of the West don’t find a way to rise up to stop this plunder, mass murder and destruction who exactly is going to do it?
Rhy, you accurately state: “So Mr Vltchek, the vast majority of people know they cannot fight the system without harming their children,” very true! Meanwhile the children in the nations we in the West routinely exploit are starving, dying of preventable causes, being killed in Western counter-insurgency operations, trafficked, are rendered refugees, etc. – decade after decade after decade in my lifetime. Vltchek’s work is traveling to war zones around the neocolonial world where the local populace has opposed or is opposing our Western pillage and are paying with their lives.
The children of the West living off of the suffering of the children of the poor throughout the past colonial period and now in the current neocolonial world is simply the history of planet earth for about the last 500+ years. So a question – at what point do we assume responsibility and feel compelled to act on behalf of children who’s faces we will never see?
That is the question Vltchek poses, and the only reason for us to become defensive in the response to that question is because we know the question is morally valid. It is “the” question facing the Western world today. Both you and Mr. Vltchek are both “right” in your arguments. The question is what would happen in terms of transforming the consciousness of we who reside in the West if we simply allow ourselves to have to consciously struggle daily with the cognitive dissonance inherent in that equation? The current global order is immoral and indefensible – AND – you and I benefit from that global order. Both of these things are true.
I have to disagree here. It is not the common citizen of the west that benefits from the evil deeds our governments do. Sure, we live like royalty compared to most of the world but still it isnt us that benefits from this evil, it is the bankers, the brokers, the politicians, the investors, the millionaires and billionaires. I’m quite certain if our governments simply minded their own business and operated with honesty and integrity toward the world, the average citizen would be just as comfortable. The difference would be the absence of these super wealthy oligarchs. So as much as I DO emphasize with the rest of the world., I am nowhere near the wealth or status of those who do benefit from the horrible actions of our “leaders”. I am also in no position to do much about it other than seek truth, expose people to it insomuch as I can and vote according to the truth as I see it. It isnt easy though, even considering myself “redpilled” I still find myself always second guessing what the truth is. Am I reading a situation wrong? Am I being duped? There is sooooo much hyperbole, rhetoric, lies, misinformation, propaganda to soft through its exhausting and time consuming. Meanwhile, I work 7days a week driving a 17 year old truck to work to earn a living enough to put clothes on my kids backs and food in their mouths and dare I say maybe have a drink now and then.
Nick – I hear what you are saying and I totally empathize. I come from a working class background in Detroit. I’ve watched most of my childhood friends die early deaths related to the poverty, depression and drugs that came as our factories closed down and they lost their jobs. I have no illusions that the working class in the West is living any cushy life of luxury.
But along with that reality are other realities. One of them sadly is that the reason you can afford inexpensive clothes for your kids, and I can afford inexpensive clothes for my grandkids is intimately tied to our Western nations continuing to plunder the rest of the world not only for cheap resources, but for cheap labor. Labor that in many cases falls just short of slavery conditions in it’s brutality and working conditions and reimbursement. From that cheap clothing, to the chocolate we eat, to the rare earth minerals in our phones or the computers you and I are both writing on, we common folk in the West live easier lives everyday in no small part because of the suffering and the brutal exploitation of much of the world’s poor. You don’t want it, I don’t want it, and I dare say most citizens of the West would be ashamed and appalled if they actually knew the true extent that the material life we enjoy, no matter how modest, is paid for with the suffering of those in the former colonial nations, now essentially just neocolonial outposts of daily Western neoliberal capitalist plunder.
No one is saying any of us want this state of affairs Nick. Yet I don’t know anyone who considers themselves working class in the West who would willingly change places with our counterparts in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The only comparable poverty to what I’ve witnessed in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia and Brazil would be our homeless peoples here in the U.S. While we in the West are afraid to risk our “jobs” by standing up to our corrupt governments, our brothers and sisters in much of the rest of the world risk their very lives often simply by joining a union.
When I made my last visit to Colombia in about 2000, as a human rights observer, already some 10,000 union members and organizers had been murdered by U.S. funded death squads and the Colombian military. Here in the U.S. union organizers risk getting fired. In much of Latin America they risk being tortured and murdered. That is the kind of difference in “reality” that Vltchek is speaking about when we in the West try to understand the suffering we are connected to in the rest of the world. My own tax dollars have literally paid for the U.S. military to arm and train those death squad in Latin America. That is an ethical and moral connection that I can not deny.
My point in countering the psychological resistance many seem to have to the rather obvious reality of what Mr. Vltchek points out, is simply to acknowledge a basic aspect of that reality, which is that all of us are complicit in the actions of our governments and in their immoral deeds whether we want to be or not. I’m retired now, and so no longer pay much if any taxes to the American war machine, but how do I know that my pension funds invested in some former employer’s stock market portfolio run by some faceless management company may not be profiting from war and mayhem without me ever knowing it? That is the true evil of our system. Even those of us who know enough to oppose and resist the murderous policies of our governments have no real idea how we might effectively change those policies or engage in some truly meaningful resistance. I personally think a general strike would be a very useful action and might grab the attention of Western oligarchy in a way few things would – I quite simply, literally, don’t know one other single person here who would join me.
I often find myself wondering Nick what it is that led people to rise up to oppose and end chattel slavery in Britain and in the rest of Europe. What were those people thinking? How did they see themselves as part of the moral equation of living in a society where the exploitation of others created general societal wealth? What did it take for the civil rights movement in the U.S. finally explode in the 1960’s and to finally challenge centuries of racial oppression in America? What did it take for Gandhi to become a lightning rod to help rally people and stand against imperialist oppression? What will it take for us today to stop Western war-mongering and mayhem before we incinerate the entire planet in our madness?
I’m not sure what it takes for people to change their perspective in large numbers and to become a force to bring about important social change, but I suspect it doesn’t happen by telling ourselves we aren’t “involved” in the “problems” and that we are “powerless” to change things. If your children and my grandchildren are going to have a future, a future shared with all the innocent children across the planet, perhaps it is time we adults find a way to start telling ourselves some new stories Nick. The first step may be to simply “imagine” what those stories would be.
To my mind, Mr Vltcheck is a hero. He might not have done it your way, Dr Jaggar, or used the words you would use, but he has dedicated his life to exposing the corruption that rules us and the misery of people most affected by that corruption. He is obviously a very competent writer/journalist – in more than one language, I might add. Clearly, he could have made a comfortable living using his talent. He might even have, deep in his heart, yearned for a nice quiet life mostly at home with family and a regular income. Instead his life has been one of dedication. From what I have gleaned from his articles, his life has been one of constant travelling, living with the poor and downtrodden to experience their misery first-hand, often facing danger, all the while recording what he sees and hoping to inspire people to get off their backsides for a better world for all. That, in my humble opinion, makes him a hero.
Seems the oil tankers in Strait of Homuz were struck by hellfire missiles launched by MQ series drones.
Very plausible, H. Unless the IRGC have invented flying mines and torpedoes.
Tried to upvote but it rejected it.
There is a tendency for the critics of empire to underestimate the views of the man in the street; they are not as stupid and myopic as many of the soi-disant enlightened seem to imagine. In my conversations with the motor mechanics, truck drivers, female shopworkers et. al., they KNOW, through their lived experience that capitalism is a racket. They don’t need telling as they are at the receiving end of a brutal, exploitative system. They voted in the UK for leave in the Brexit referendum, they demonstrate on the streets of Paris against the depredations of the system. They don’t want war, neo-liberalism, flexible labour markets, uncontrolled immigration, or shrinking public services. They are the sleeping giants of the contemporary world order. Will they ever wake up against the existing order – who knows?
The real demented fanatics of the piece are the petit-bourgeois, outer-party, the anglo zionist fanatics and supporters presently ensconced in the west whose new world order and predilections for permanent war is threatening species extinction.
Moreover, the attempt to draw an equivalence between the AZ-empire and the increasingly integrated counter-hegemonic bloc in the East is both misleading and a side issue. Yes, we know about human rights issues and the fact that China, Russia, and the United States are oligarchic states with roughly the same Gini-coefficient, all very regrettable. But frankly, and speaking from a realist perspective, I think this is irrelevant. All we need to know at the present time is the answer to one question, to wit: who wants peace and who wants war? It is similar to WW2 when the alliance between the United States, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union fought a just war against Nazi Germany. It was the lesser evil against the greater evil. And so it is today. Political purism is all very well, but the wolf is at the door and it hard choices need to be made. Abstentionism a position implied in moral equivalence is not an option.
‘Fire on Iran & US will be opening the gates of hell’
– George Galloway
For George Galloway the gates of hell represent complete madness.
The reality is there are gigantic investments accumulated decade after decade for the purpose to engineer ‘Hell’. Hell in all aspects: politically, economically, socially and the crown goes to ‘Militarily’. Thanks to the annual trillion dollar budget allocated to the US army and their foreign intervention schemes.
What we are seeing as ‘mistakes’ by the Zio-Anglo Empire, are simply tactics to achieve their full spectrum dominance through spreading chaos and misery * on the planet.
* To chaos and misery, add diseases ; just as an example, the push to use Glyphosates, and getting governmental approval for its use, all over the planet.
I have run out of answers other than “don’t let them use you – don’t enlist”.
Even though they might develop more and more drones and it will be ‘things’ which fight the wars, they might run out of operators. 74 years after the war, and while I was not in it, my life continues to be be impacted by WWII. I grew up in West Berlin – my parents were there in the 1930s but did not participate politically. They were also ignorant, wanted to build a life and therefore wore blinkers.
“I want to know the boundaries of the Western madness.” – Andre Vltchek
Short answer Andre, there are none. There are no “boundaries” whatsoever.
Witness the three amoral clowns at the helm of U.S. foreign policy – Bolton, Pompeo and Trump – playing an ongoing game of nuclear ‘chicken’ in the Gulf. Their mad attempts to bully and intimidate the world moving with frenetic speed from Syria, to Nicaragua, to North Korea, to Venezuela, to Russia, to China, to Iran to who knows where next? And where in any Western MSM is the illegality and immorality of Western international policy so much as mentioned as a sidebar?
No, this “Western madness” is quite “boundless.” And yes, we are all a part of it, willingly or unwillingly. Informed or uniformed. Active or passive. I am aware of no convenient moral fig leaf we might hoist to cover our shame and to cover the naked truth of the current morality-free state of Western society.
I was fully in it, growing up in West Berlin we did not want to live like in East Berlin. Then the Western system in the guise of the Kohl-Regime showed their true colours. A veil was torn from my face – all they said they stood for was a lie. It turned me and I started to see their other lies which I used to dismiss as ‘maybe we need that to avoid the STASI or Stalin”.
Wrong question, wrong answers.
Most of what AV says is quite true.
Over half of humanity lives on less than $3 a day.
When I was living in Africa, many people were being paid 20p/ 25 cents an hour.
In India, women sweeping the street with brooms were paid 50p/ 65 cents a day.
Many people blame poor governance for this, kleptocratic clowns like Mobutu and so many others.
But in most cases these were stooges put in power and kept there to serve the interests of the global power elite – just like the kleptocratic clowns in western countries.
And the global economy is rigged to keep them down.
I’m not so sure about him blaming ordinary people in western countries.
They are not all a smug, complacent, affluent, indifferent elite.
30 million demonstrated in 2003 against Iraq. What good did that do? It was just ignored.
If they did the same over Iran or Venezuela, it would just be ignored again.
Politics are controlled by the Global Power Elite, a tiny minority of the population. Maybe 6,000 people in America and 5,000 in the UK. They have the politicians in their pocket. They physically own the media.
The vast majority of the rest are just scraping by. Admittedly with a standard of living most 3rd world people can only dream of.
But their lot is static and declining wages, disappearing benefits and job security, pensions scrapped, public services like health and education disappearing. Ignorant because of the lies of the MSM. And largely powerless to change anything. Because the system doesn’t work for them. It isn’t supposed to.
When I was in America, I was surprised how totally ignorant most people were of the outside world. They had never travelled abroad, and they knew as much about foreign countries as they did about Saturn or Pluto.
“When I was in America, I was surprised how totally ignorant most people were of the outside world.”
Mind control is amazingly effective, as they are also led to believe, the more ignorant and out of touch they are, the more exceptional they become!
It’s like some kind of a movie plot where the actors become euphorically delighted; unkown to them, they are digging their own graves.
Theguardian arsewipe starts out brown
I cannot fault radical responsibility, critical realism, and critical consciousness. When fully developed: they know no bounds.
Radical responsibility: brought to you on a MacBook Pro …assembled by a hyper-exploited unperson in a Chinese free-market “Special Economic Zone”; perhaps one with parts assembled by Foxconn …whose dehumanised workers can no longer commit suicide because of the nets, suicide watch and counseling …Apple’s concession to labour; made from conflict minerals dug up by child miners from Chile to the DRC; supervised at gunpoint; whose wages go to fund the world’s secret shameful techno-genocide …claiming perhaps 10 million …which will claim 10 million more to provide for the technocracies rising …
But only in the West? Radical responsibility with boundaries is hypocritical, not critical realism. It is a global neoliberal expansionism, extactivism, and hyper-exploitative techno-genocide regime that is costing the earth …our only home. To which the progressive pseudo-socialists, green neoliberals, crypto-capitalists, and proto-globalists reply with hand-wrung zeal …only the West. The East is an “Ecological Civilization”.
This neoliberal utopian view of capital accumulation is actually a gross distortion of global ecology and economy. The world poor are poor because of institutionally violent and racist neoliberalism and post-colonialism. A so called Marxist should be aware of Red Rosa’s theory of surplus capital imperialism. Or be able to apply a neo-Gramscian analysis: capitalism – especially neoliberal globalist capitalism – is the same East and West.
The limited view of the imperialism of big guns and ultra-violence needs to be expanded by including more subtle forms of Marini’s sub-imperialism. Capitalism reproduces by waves of surplus financialised fictitious capital emanating from the core, through the sub-imperial semi-periphery …to colonise the peripheral and excluded territories …displacing already colonised capitalist forms with successive waves of primitive accumulation and accumulation by dispossession. Surplus profit flows back through the sub-imperial centres to the core …then offshore to the Trans-national supra-society.
Which results in pre-capitalist indigenous populations going through successive waves of capital colonisation from self-sufficient autonomy to neoliberal infantalised wards of the globalist welfare and weaponised aid institutional SAP dehumanisation. Such is the progressive poverty to alleviate deliberate impoverishment …called Progress.
How the hell did 8 people end up with as much wealth as half of humanity? A globalist tributary and fealty society of trans-national kleptomaniacs? And China and Russia just nudged ahead of the West as creators of the open border free-market liberalised de-territorialised space for TNC and trans-national capital to flow.
To which there is a life-blindness – fed by Vltchek/Escobar/Korybko. Russia and China are at the forefront of globalisation now …as confirmed by Xi at SPIEF. And the ‘new-improved’ fair-exchange ‘green’model is the exact SDG Agenda 2030 financialisation AI surveillance technocracy that stalled in the West. The “Eurasian Information Infrastructure” is part of the global governance model – under the “enhanced efficiency” of the WTO/IMF/WB/UN/WEF/BIS – formerly known as the NWO. Wake up, damn you!
“In order for globalisation to advance, it had to be accepted by more and more people …but not by imposing the dominant American social and philosophical beliefs and structures”.
‘Lord Jim’ O’Neil …the Eastern technocracy rising …brought to you by Goldman Sachs. The one Andre conceals at every blinkered turn.
I’m completely with you, but I also have a question for you. What can an average citizen like myself do about it, since the masses seems to be completely indoctrinated by our press that mostly condone this actions. Even prepare the people for more.
In my country are some who try by “playing by the rules”, a.k.a. they start a political party and try to do something about it. They’re ruthlessly attacked by the media, ridiculing them, quoting them out of context to make them appear dangerous, even charge them for some minor technicality and make it a political show process. To discourage others to protest.
The ones who go to the streets to protest, do so against the ones I mentioned before that want to change it. These protesters appear to be full of hatred and often threaten them (implicitly or even explicit) with violence.
So hence my question: what can someone do in this kind of environment that has gone completely crazy?
Indeed, there are many of us who do get it and would like to take meaningful action. Enough that we could convince our friends, families, colleagues, neighbors etc. if they were reachable. But most of them aren’t. Mr. Vltchek hit on the best explanation when he says that most are not only clueless about what goes on in their names, but don’t want to know. They also live embedded in a media ecosystem that carefully massages their reality so as not to allow inconvenient ideas to intrude.
There’s also a strange level of cognitive dissonance where tens of millions of people are suspicious (or worse!) of the news media and their lies yet simultaneously convinced their core narratives built upon these same malleable “facts” must be true. In other words, they often don’t believe the charlatans put forth before them but they won’t allow themselves to even reconsider the idea of the basic righteousness of themselves and “the system”, regardless of the evidence. It would shatter their entire worldview. Surely you have noticed the infantile level of Western public discourse, especially in the US. Shockingly few even read books anymore, even fewer demonstrate any kind of intellectual curiosity. Entire generations of adult children have had their minds successfully put into parochial little manufactured boxes. To this day everyone around here is so convinced that “it can’t happen here” that they are unable to recognize that it already has.
So yes, the West is indeed full of selfish, indolent, clueless citizens who think they’re the good guys. But it’s not entirely their fault; they’ve largely been programmed that way, all their worst instincts constantly encouraged and any healthy impulses demonized. It’s also not clear what any of us can do about it. The Empire victimizes its own citizens too, just not as brutally as the periphery.
I wish I had THE solution, but there isn’t one. There are lots of micro-solutions – that may one day precipitate meso- and macro-solutions …but those will have to gestate and wait, for now.
The problem is neoliberalism is an anti-democratic depoliticisation project of the ‘New Class’ cognitive elite. We can vote, and politicise …they may tailor their agenda (BigData, surveillance capitalist consent) …but they will not change it. They may forestall, but the agenda has been the same since before you or I were born. No matter what your age may be.
The problem is paradigmatic: what is good for humanity is at the opposite end of the scale of neoliberal globalism. The real power behind the proconsul ‘thrones’ moved offshore. Again, starting post-war, before we were born. The ideologues and ‘inner party’ are hidden corporate ‘shadow sovereigns’. We know some of their names …but they have para-statal buffers between them and actual accountability.
But the corporate trans-national state is weak, systemically fragile, and prone to crises and potential collapse. And that is our small, but possibly only, vector of liberation. I cannot predict the future, but capitalism is in its own death throes …chain-stoking from crisis to crisis. In fact, it is in permanent terminal crisis. IF, and it is a mighty big if, we can come up with a humanist successor strategy – Universal Humanism …we may gain the upper hand.
It is a small and woolly hope, but it is better than nothing. We are the change. If your friends etc won’t come along …they might be persuaded further down the line of crisis. Nearly everyone, bar the elitist onshore ‘inner party’ is already anti-globalist. Worldwide, whole countries are anti-globalist …bar a compradore elite. They may not be strictly humanist, or even anti-capitalist, but that could change …almost instantly. And that change is who we really are.
As soon as we start to en mass realise that, the evolution can begin.
If your friends etc won’t come along …
Ahem, where to?
Where different values prevail?
Where people are not afraid of fighting a long and desparate battle knowing they won’t win, at least not for a very long time?
Being anti-globalist or anti-anything or for anything is just like being against a thunderstorm and for sunshine.
The death throws of the Capital are violent and it can still take a while before the last profit opportunity is gone, before there is nothing more to steal, everything conquered or dead.
What good is hope for?
How about a calm assessment of what is possible for whom and where that might lead for yourself.
I’d rather prepare myself mentally for more than one possible outcome including that everything goes pearshaped – particularly as the economic phase of WW3 is already in full swing and the pushers for war are just waiting for the right time to stage another false flag event.
I think people do care but nobody listens to them. The whole reason for off-Guardian is that the Guardian newspaper went through a phase of inviting comment from their readership as “Comment is free” and were somewhat taken aback by what people were saying to them, especially about issues like the Iraq war. This has resulted in a considerable pullback — censorship — which was underscored by the new, more friendly, relationship between this paper and the UK security services.
For many, though, they just see and hear stock phrases about certain countries and topics that are inserted in articles about those topics. Often these are added in the name of ‘balance’ but what they do in reality is perpetuate a sort of Party Line about a topic. So, for example, the trade war with China is a ‘tit for tat’ affair, quietly maneuvering China as the actor, the bad guy (because of IP theft, unfair trade practices and so on — another set of stock phrases). The current crisis in the ME (when is there not a crisis?) is described in terms of ‘us’ reacting to ‘them’ (with, of course, a healthy seasoning of “Iranian interference in the region” added to the recipe) when in reality nothing much was going on until ‘we’ decided unilaterally to destabilize the situation. These themes, along with the inevitable pieces from ‘special correspondents’ (what I like to think of as PR pieces from the Propaganda Ministry) form a staple of our media and a lot of people just go with the flow because they just want to live their lives.
I should remark that imperialism has always been equal opportunity. When we talk about “Western countries” plundering the rest of the world it gives the impression that the people of a particular country benefited from this (or even had a choice whether to participate or not). History teaches us differently, in fact one of the most successful colonial enterprises, the British East India Company, was an entirely private affair, a corporation that was more up to date than many today could imagine. The truth is that societies only got into colonies because they ran out of people to exploit at home. Its this cycle of exploitation that we need to understand — and break.
Unfortunately, Andre forgets that 40 years of Neoliberalism has reduced many in the West to focus on day to day week to week survival. It takes most of their energy to stop falling into the gutter never mind lifting their heads out of the gutter.
Sadly very True
Extraordinarily well said!
I´m totally with you but the apathy of the mass-hypnotized is overwhelming.
Yes, the countries named here HAVE become indifferent to their own crimes, not because they have chosen to ignore them, but because they have become ACCUSTOMED to them.
When you are used to something, you tend not to think about it.
Heaven help the next generation, which will never have known anything else.
Chaos will seem normal to them.
Great, well said Andre – some of those thoughts I’ve been having recently following the escalations against Iran. Certainly a job analysing all the reasons people are as they are . As Wardropper says, international crime has become normalised. Even acceptance that the UK pays millions to Al Qaeda in Syria, people don’t bat an eyelid.
However when you add that it comes out of their wage packet through income tax they start to become interested. Sadly I think you have to appeal to peoples self interest or fears. Tell them these wars and terrorist funding comes out of their wages. If that fails tell them they or their kids likely to be wiped out in a nuclear war. Both true and hardly scaremongering looking at events lately.
On another note did I read the family of ISIS Jack or whatever he’s called have been convicted of sending him a few hundred quid. You can’t make this stuff up.
“…the family of ISIS Jack or whatever he’s called have been convicted of sending him a few hundred quid”.
I sometimes think that those of us who can see through what is going on must be living in a parallel universe. You’ve got Julian Assange locked up for no good reason other than being ‘the good guy’, whilst war criminals like Tony Blair walk free making millions on the back of their crimes; you’ve got the UK Government funding the terrorist White Helmets to the tune of “[over] £38.4m as at 31 March 2018” ( confirmed in an FCO reply to a Freedom of Information request – does the wording imply that the funding is ongoing??), (supplemented by nearly £200k given to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in Coventry supposedly to fund video and sound recording equipment) but prosecuting people supplying terrorists with a few hundred pounds; you’ve got the UK Government charging returning terrorist sympathisers with criminal activity or refusing them repatriation, whilst inviting 100 terrorist-affiliated White Helmets to live in the UK; you’ve got Sky News unquestionably supporting extreme terrorists in Idlib yet being publicly praised by Karen Pierce, the UK’s UN Security Council Ambassador, for their pro-jihadi reports which may provide evidence of “a violation of international humanitarian law”…by the Syrian Government (!).
Perhaps one day I’ll wake up to find I’ve been having one very mixed up dream.
Lewis Carroll explained it all quite well.
If the Mad Hatter or the Cheshire Cat suddenly turned up at the White House or Downing Street, nobody would bat an eyelid.
They already seem to have adopted the Queen of Hearts’ precepts on jurisprudence. Sentence first, then the trial, then the evidence.
And they certainly manage to believe six impossible things before breakfast.
Skripal, Douma, Russiagate, Iraqi WMD, Iranian nuclear weapons, David Kelly,
It’s worse than that in England where they CELEBRATE the Empire.