BorisGate is Beneath Us
Whatever you think of BoJo, we mustn’t normalise smear tactics and tabloid nonsense
Kit Knightly

Three days ago the police were called round to the flat shared by prospective Tory leader, and likely future Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and his girlfriend Carrie Symonds.
There had apparently been reports of a loud argument, banging and yelling etc. The police talked to both the people present and then left. No one was detained, charged, cautioned. Legally speaking, there was no incident. It would not warrant a mention most of the time.
However, the same neighbours who called the police also recorded the argument and sent the recording to The Guardian.
The Guardian, who have all the class of the Daily Mail, but none of the honesty, duly published it. Red banner. Shrieking tabloid headline. At least The Sun admits what it is.
And so we have Borisgate, or rather #BorisGate.
Boris refused to answer questions about the incident the next day, and Jeremy Hunt has been piling on the pressure to produce “an explanation”. Apparently “we had a row, it’s none of your business” isn’t enough of an explanation.
Hunt’s obsession with this topic is understandable, he’s massively trailing in the leadership contest and needs all the ammunition he can get his hands on.
However, the media circus around this situation is most unusual. It is all the media want to talk about. Some papers are attacking Johnson and demanding an explanation, some are attacking his neighbours as “leftists”. The Sun is…being The Sun.
There have even been accusations of “domestic violence”, despite the fact there was – as far as we can determine – no indication of any such thing. Not from the police who were there, or from any of the people involved.
We haven’t been able to track down the audio, all we have are reported quotes in the press, and there’s very little to go on there. “Get off me” is the most contentious phrase quoted and, without context, it could mean anything.
Framing that as “domestic violence” is premature, at best.
Factual accuracy matters – even when it contradicts your personal preferences and political loyalties. There is nothing here to suggest domestic violence, and nothing good will come from saying there is.
However that didn’t stop the predictable names on twitter jumping to conclusions and fuelling the controversy:
Labour MP Jess Philips Calls Out Boris Johnson Over Police Row
— Jess Phillips (@jessphillips) 23 June 2019
Even the editor of The Canary (who really should know better) took part:
The establishment press is attacking Boris Johnson’s neighbours for reporting suspected domestic violence to police.
This is an escalation in a near 4yr media assault on the left.
It’s no good whining now Centrists. You got us here by legitimising this whole smear campaign.
— Kerry-Anne Mendoza (@TheMendozaWoman) June 23, 2019
All of this over an “incident” that was totally meaningless. No police detention. No arrests, charges or cautions or even a sign of violence.
This is a fake scandal. Whether it was created, or simply seized upon, by the media and various “liberal” influencers on social media I don’t know. But whatever you think about Boris Johnson, his personality or his politics, this is deeply inappropriate. We’re meant to be better than this.
Is that the politics we want? A system where people are secretly recorded during their private, unflattering moments and then held up to public ridicule and censure?
Leftists who say “yes” to that question need to be careful. What’s good for Boris is good for Corbyn, we already got a taste of that during the “stupid woman” farce.
Accept this with Johnson, and in the run-up to the next General Election Tory supporters, tabloid journalists, and every other anti-Labour force will be crowding around Corbyn’s house with microphones pressed to the walls. Nobody is perfect, Corbyn will probably slip at some point.
…and even if he doesn’t, there’s no reason to assume the forces opposed to Corbyn would be bound by reality, or in any way limited to what actually happened. We already know that’s not the case.
In a world where video editing can make Nancy Pelosi appear to drunkenly slur her words, a muffled audio recording of Corbyn having an argument, saying something vulgar, offensive or (let’s play the odds here) antisemitic could be knocked up in an afternoon.
When we endorse smear tactics and media witchhunts, we make it acceptable that these tools be used against us as well as them. Do unto others…etc.
These “scandals” will create a future where we won’t debate the issues, we’ll just try and out smear each other.
And that’s even assuming that everything here is as it seems.
This scandal breaking just days before Johnson is expected to become Prime Minister is odd timing, especially when it comes hot on the heels of ex-MI6 man (and media favourite) Rory Stewart getting kicked out of the race.
The neighbours calling the police isn’t strange of itself, but recording the row is. And then they sent it to The Guardian, the Deep States mouthpiece and paper of record.
The Guardian ran their “exclusive” within a few hours (not including the recorded audio, only referencing alleged quotes, the actual audio is apparently hard to get hold of).
Since then the Graun has had seven different articles and opinion pieces about it in less than 3 days. (Correction: 9, two more appeared while this article was being written).
It’s unquestionably a roll-out, the only uncertainty it’s whether opportunistically seized upon, or cynically created.
The mainstream media don’t report things because they’re true, they don’t talk about them because they’re important and they don’t write articles because “the public need to know”. The MSM only report things that serve an agenda, true or false, real or imaginary. The narrative matters, the facts don’t.
That said, “BorisGate” is an indication that the UK Deep State has some internal rift, and that some powerful interest is very much against Johnson becoming Prime Minister. (That’s been obvious since the sudden emergence of Rory Stewart, a candidate who appeared from nowhere, has an intelligence background, and had all kinds of undeserved praise heaped on him by the BBC and everyone else).
But that is analysis for a different time – In the end, it doesn’t really matter what sits at the root of “BorisGate”. The important question is: shouldn’t we be better than this?
Isn’t the point of civilised political debate to discuss issues on an intellectual level, not hurl smears and dirt at each other? To be calm and collected, rather than emotionally manipulative and sentimental?
Either this is a genuine situation, an establishment mouthpiece paper running an hysterical story supplied to them by prying neighbours – OR it’s a Deep State psy-op hoping to influence politics
Either way, it’s nothing we should tolerate, let alone celebrate.
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Curious and curiouser, Brexit aint going to happen
the whole story seems to be staged
Yep, more divide and rule, courtesy of the masters
The funny thing is that even in London, there are old Labour types who want Brexit – the harder the better they say – and they think the clown is going to get it!
They have absorbed the non-stop cool-aid chem trails…
They think that the EU will be threatened by the threat to not pay the ‘divorce bill’. They don’t even see it as a legitimate divorce settlement obligation. Just like all these divorcees who try to run away from their liabilities.
They think May was wronged by the EU’s failure to withdraw the backstop – which they forget, WAS May’s idea, as were her unilateral red lines. They even blame some chap called Ollie instead of our elected govt.
They hate that we are a laughing stock even as they look forward to their two weeks on the Med.
They still think it is about immigrants and asylum seekers being enabled by the EU to come to the ‘greatest country in the Worlds history’ jumping queues to be housed – not bothering to note that 1. Most illegal immigrants into Europe DON’T come here or even want to; and
2.Most immigrants to Britain are not from the EU, dying to get here, but fly in as tourists and stay – just like the many thousands of Brits living, working and having families and criminalising in hundreds of countries across the planet.
3. They claim that the EU is imposing all these rules on us – when we are not even in Schengen (wot that?) or don’t have the €. Huh?
I repeat , those people are old salt of the earth type Labour voters (gammon wing), who are fed Farage and his message not-stop through all the media they see.
It is satisfying to bring them out of their stupor.
But how much of the media story is even true? I have lived in places with thin walls but I’d have been hard-pushed to have deciphered more than the occasional word, never mind record a conversation satisfactorily. And to do so when the row was going on… Plus the timing of the incident which could not have been more convenient for Hunt.
To me the whole thing feels like a stitch-up by the authorities, quite possibly a warning to Johnson. Has anyone checked how long those neighbours have been living there?
Whole story smells of bullshit , people need to remember the WMD debacle
fool me once ……………….
It looks like they’re going after Farage as well now, whatever you think of him.
They’ve cobbled together some kind of fraud case.
Wot a surprise.
His party wins the EU election and hey presto! A fraud case.
I’m only surprised it wasn’t rape allegations. Though that is a bit old hat now.
They did the same with Le Pen a while back.
Some people believe in the rule of law and an independent judiciary.
Some people believe in leprechauns and Father Christmas.
Boris is beneath us. A horrible, foul man who works for a bunch of scumbags called the Conservative Party. Just another Zionist stooge.
Boris “I am a passionate Zionist” Johnson. But don’t worry, Boris being the odious toxic twat that he is, even with the full might of the Zionist media behind him, he sucks their cock so good, but he’s too toxic and unpleasant for folk to stomach, so they have stooge number 2 lined up. He’s not really one of the boys, just an outsider, but he is willing to get on his knees and beg and be a good little boy for his Zionist owners, so its’ win win for the Zionists again. Kerching.
Here is stooge number two, Jeremy Hunt showing what a good little cocksucker he is, from the get go. Nauseating and indeed sad to watch heads of state from a former world leading power (UK) geting on their knees to suck another country’s cock and blow smoke up the ass of its reps.
Leaders my ass, their job is to suck dick.
UK’s Jeremy Hunt: Israel Is ‘an Inspiration,’ ‘Beacon of Democracy’ – GOOD DOGGY JEREMY
So, people of Britain, do you want Zionist PM number one, or Zionist PM number two? I think I see how this game works
You can train these goy whores quite easily. Just toss them a few shekels now and again.
Boris Johnson is beneath us?
So what then, we’re all Sancho Panza now?
‘perspective Tory leader’ ?? prospective Tory leader surely? I don’t agree that noises which one makes in one’s own home and which can be heard outside one’s own home are private. I don’t agree that the neighbours recording of the noises was ‘secret’ because that implies that there were persons present when they made the recording from whom they hid the fact that they were making the recording..There were no such persons present. They were in their own flat.I think that there may have been domestic violence. Who was causing it ( i.e. throwing things around) is unclear I think…so yes, the story is just interesting if you are seeking gossip!
And if someone stands outside your home at 2am, records you screaming at your partner and sends the audio to the local paper I imagine you will think ‘well it wasn’t an invasion of my privacy because they weren’t actually in my living room when they did it’.
ofcourse not! I would infact be creating a nuisance if it could be heard in the street.Ofcourse it would not be an invasion of privacy.
Ofcourse it would not be an invasion of my privacy. The noise being made is audible outside the home. Outside the home is not private. 2 am would be even more serious than 2 pm- you are supposed to be extra careful not to disturb people at that time—security-council-secretary/
The nice little war on Iran just expanded to include Russia.
End of times have to start somewhere
Hear, hear.
Crikey, and I had hopes Armageddon had been delayed. Might buy a farm. Anywhere else but a city. Getting an itch and I don’t like itches.
I have always maintained Johnston was a fraud. His siding with the brexit side initially was designed to undermine it, not bolster it. His reward was a place in the cabinet. His latest embarrassments could indeed be a way to embarass the brexit side again and accept a remainer as prime minister. Btw, his girlfriend Carrie Symonds has the same name and looks exactly like one of the rape victims of ‘Britains most serial rapist’ John worboys. Very peculiar.
“Btw, his girlfriend Carrie Symonds…”
…and they are both the same age and studied theatre studies at Warwick University.
The same person perhaps? Peculiar how the instrusive media ain’t aware of it. All the world’s a stage springs to mind!
Hi Wolfe tone,
“The same person perhaps?”
Undoubtedly. The only observation I can make from this is that it perhaps throws a different light on the alleged exchanges between the couple, and possibly on Johnson’s reticence to talk about the incident. Who knows? But much as I have no time for Johnson’s professional behaviour, I would have no desire for them to be hounded by the media – or fellow MPs for that matter – if it means reopening old wounds for his partner.
As you say, though, I am sure there are those in the media who would not baulk at making this headline news. The Sun has today published a lengthy and detailed ‘spread’ on ‘What do we know about Carrie Symonds?’ including detailed remarks from a previous boyfriend that she was ’emotionally charged’; but there is no mention of her connection to Worboys. This wouldn’t be surprising if she had remained anonymous after that experience – and let’s face it, if that were so, we wouldn’t be discussing it here – but there were articles written about her shortly afterwards in which she was named and photographed. Either today’s media researchers are just not very good or there has been a blanket ban placed on reporting on the connection.
Wolfe tone,
Further to my last post I now see that various MSM outlets have reported on Ms Symonds, including her connection to Worboys, in recent months, most recently in a Sun article on 16 June 2019. Which makes it even stranger that it’s not been alluded to in the press in the light of recent events. It would definitely suggest a blanket ban on reporting the connection.
I must also say that it is tempting to wonder if egocentric Johnson is concerned (for various reasons) at the amount of publicity she has been getting and that may be an explanation for their ‘disagreements’ which don’t appear to be confined to this recently reported one. And it wouldn’t look good for him to admit it if that was the reason for the publicised argument.
There was a photo in the Standard yesterday, of the bozo and his dolly bird in a garden, i’m SURE it wasn’t a setup…
Google is ya daddy.!
As for Bojo, the smear campaign is not meant to derail his ascension but rather to produce a victim centred cult attachment amongst his growing numbers of followers. It is 4d reverse psychology. The Urlords wish his seated in No. 10 and the masses must rally to his sacred victimhood because the masses need channeling into the meat grinder of WW3 and Boris the Russian family history denier is the ultimate pied piper required.
Of course the continuing saga of Romeo and Ethel the Pirate’s Daughter is unconvincing and poorly scripted, but the last thing anyone wants right now is for an over-excited Master of the Revels to keep popping-up to warn us that ‘that woman is a woman’!
For one thing, the plot of the storyline has already been developed and moved on.
For another, taking potshots at a more popular rival is also ‘beneath us’.
I grudgingly admit Kit is probably right but would it really be so wrong to string de Pfeffel up from a lampost so Britains disposessed can enjoy game of panyatta at his expense?
The Bogshit strategy seems to be working just fine as we head into the silly season and then the long hols for the Westminster children of all parliaments. One thing that it shows is this the distracted are not capable of clear thinking. The echo chamber of cognitive dissonance is complete. When Johnson is conflated with press freedom I find this construct hard to envisage, but we live in strange times. When both sides of the argument are capable of their own type of virtue signally, it’s time to go back to basics. Judge people on what they have done not what they say they will do.
I must admit to being slightly curious about what they were arguing about. But it really is none of my business.
Its normal to expect to be recorded these days — its a form of self-defense. Its the human equivalent of a dashcam — its one thing to have a he said / she said sort of conversation but it makes life a lot simpler when you can just replay what happened. In this case, no harm, no foul — so nothing to see here, folks.
Agree 100% with this. Can’t bring ourselves down to the gutter where they are. We are better than that and if we remain dignified balanced and honest, we should prevail in the end.
The character of the person leading a nation was supposed to matter. It probably stopped with Bill Clinton, although there were similar incidents with JFK but nobody reported them so we did not know. After that people decided it needed to be reported on. Boris Johnson has a clownish personality on the outside, privately he seems grubby. The country is not in good hands should Boris become PM. What happened, happened, the people were well entitled to make it public. Are we now withholding the truth and shoot the messenger again, like shooting Assange?
Withholding the truth is as powerful a tool for manipulation as is the invention of a narrative = WMD.
Heed the warnings; people did warn about Thatcher but nobody listened and now Britain is a shadow of her former self through wars, austerity, and privatisations.
You could use Boris for a no deal Brexit and then have new elections which the Tories would hopefully not win.
Johnson, Hunt, May, Clinton, Trump, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, just trained monkeys for the same Jew organ grinder. They don’t matter. It’s completely irrelevant. Just figureheads or mascots. Nobody should waste five minutes of their time over which trained monkey gets to rattle the little tin cup. These people are just whores, errand boys, office boys and girls serving the same interests. Just smoke and mirrors for the wire pullers behind the curtain.
The article seems to have got its conspiracy theories in a twist. I agree with your comment here!
This trivia has conveniently kept the best story off the Grauns pages today.
“Nick Clegg confirms no Russian interference in Brexit vote”. As reported on BBC radio , Facebook have concluded their hunt for those dastardly reds spreading discontent and found a big fat zero. Nothing .
Oh dear Graun. Another one bites the dust.
This is quite wrong, ZZW. Putin is 100% responsible for Brexit. I wanted to vote Remain, but Putin phoned me up and told me if I didn’t vote Leave, he’d publish some old KGB photos of me having sex with a rhinoceros. So I had no choice.
Thank you. I would have missed that although I have a link to BBC news on my Yandex browser page.
What we have to do is to have several links of media there. They come in quite different colours and we need all colours. All report only what fits in their narrative so we have to check several narratives.
Russia has been re-instated in the European Council. These people had the choice of kicking them out completely or reinstating them. For reasons unknown the latter was preferred. Good, me thinks
Reasons unknown – they wanted their money. Russia should just have ignored this talking shop and saved the money.
The victims of boycotts, sanctions etc. should make it known that they will remain in force permanently. They will not seek reinstatement in any organisation that excludes them, nor participate in any ceremonial event from which they have been excluded at some later date, like Trooping the Colour, Auschwitz holocaust jamborees, or anything of the kind. When Putin and his officials are excluded from ceremonial dinners, they should make it known that henceforth Russia will henceforth not accept nor offer any kind of refreshment with the same people, down to a glass of water. And that any sanctions will be considered permanent. No agricultural products will be imported from countries sanctioning Russia in perpetuity.
This just reflects reality. Sanctions against Cuba have been in force for 60 years. Against Iran for 40 years. Against Russia for 5 years. Sanctions are permanent. Whatever you do, we will trump it. We will not submit to your threats. You want to punish us, but we will punish you.
Russia should have done far more in responding to US aggression and provocation. It should have treated the US (and its satellites like the UK) as what they are – utterly vile, implacable, hate filled enemies. It should have broken off all diplomatic relations at all levels, including presidential, foreign secretary and UN, when its diplomatic premises and the homes of its diplomats in the US were invaded. Like all bullies, the Yew Ess Ayy likes to dish it out but isn’t quite so good at taking it.
When financial sanctions were imposed, Russia should have frozen all loan repayments to foreign banks, and placed the money in a blocked Moscow bank account for the duration of sanctions, making it clear that the cost to Russia of sanctions will be dedxucted from any monies eventually repaid. If this causes banking crises, so be it. The scope of counter sanctions should have been greatly expanded to include vehicles, clothing, watches and jewellery, perfumes and cosmetics, electrical goods, and everything else that can be produced domestically or imported from friends like China, India, and other countries. Put money in the pockets of friends, not enemies. Confront them with the permanent loss of markets. Withdraw from corrupt and compromised organisations like the IAEA, OPCW, ICC, ECHR. Close the NATO supply route to Afghanistan through Russia. This should never have been made available to begin with. End the joint space programme. Ban exports to the US of rare earth, titanium, nuclear fuel, rocket engines.
Stop endorsing US aggression and economic strangulation of friendly countries at the UN and elsewhere, like Iraq, Libya, DPRK. Stop stabbing friendly countries in the back to appease the US and the Neocohens. Create an alternative financial architecture and make this available to countries targeted for destruction like Iran, Venezuela, Syria, DPRK. Russia has no obligation to defend those countries, but when they are destroyed the US crocodile will move on to the main course, Russia and China. The survival of those countries is in Russia’s interests. Russia should make it clear it will not tolerate their destruction. It should supply those countries with the weapons they need to defend themselves against US aggression.
Peskov gave the hint….it is worth the subscription to get Crimea rcognised as duly seceeded to Russia by a legitimate populous vote.And the bonus is ukraine walks out.
I keep telling myself – keep it real….dont lose Focus – I know I know….it’s easy, but I can’t help myself, reaching for the control, pressing the on button….getting my daily Fix of mind annihilating mumbo jumbo – direct from the Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson and Jeremy Richard Streynsham Hunt daytime serial and nightime soap show….Sure, we know it’s end, dont we….they only do repeats, remember ?
I am also sceptical that this smear campaign conveniently gets recorded and reported to the Police in the final stages of The prime ministership leadership ‘race’. Like others have suggested vested interests quite clearly don’t want Boris at the helm.
Jeremy Hunt is being pushed by all and sundry as the right successor. I guess they think Boris will be an unknown entity and a final nail in the EU negotiations, but he was always touted as the next PM, so what changed I wonder behind the scenes? That Hunt would now be the puppet favoured by the Establishment.
Boris is doing himself no favours (whether I like him or not) in refusing to debate or talk sensibly about the altercation in his private time. Would be just as easy to say, yep, we had a fight, my missus lost her shit and threw a few plates at me, and perhaps I deserved it!
Half of me had already decided this was all grand theatrics and the Deep-state had already properly chosen long before T Mays Resignation. Long game and all that.
I went off to remind myself of Hunt’s conduct as Health Minister and I wasn’t disappointed, the bloke is just as much of a prat as BJ. Two sides of the same coin, but I suspect Hunt will give TPTB less flannel.
Don’t forget that Hunt was close to Murdoch when he was Minister of Culture. Also, Boris is a loose canon and the Israelis would prefer someone like Hunt who will be more controllable.
I remain to be convinced that Conservative Party members waste to much time reading the Guardian, nor will they hold it in much regard short of conclusive, which in this case is only goaring by its absence.
It is like saying that Labour voters accorde Paul Dacre a status higher than that of the Pope.
I am afraid that reasoned does not happen in the UK media. Any proper discussion of any subject requires 40 minutes, not four minutes of cheap soundbites. If UK voters are solely capable of concentrating for four minutes, one wonders why they are considered fit to vote.
Political debate in this country is organised disinformation, propaganda, smearing, oligarchic puppetmastery designed to ensure that the true will of the people is very rarely delivered.
The media are responsible, the Civil Service is responsible, the politicians are responsible.
But ultimately, the Bepritish public not saying ‘I am sorry, this simply WILL NOT DO!’ is why this shameful denouement has come to pass.
Blimey Kit, well said.
Who’d have thought that leaving a lovely, co-operative little trading bloc could create such an ongoing furore with no end in sight?
Why it’s almost as if it was never just a trading bloc, and the whole truth was never revealed (heaven forbid) to the electorate…
Well, under normal circumstances, Boris Johnson would be among the last people I would trust. But I’m taking this little psy-op against him as a clue that maybe he really is for Brexit after all. Maybe–just maybe!–he really means it.
Of course this is a trivial incident: not worthy of being part of even the distraction
newsviews cycle. But in principle, it is absolutely fair for Boris to be characterised as not fit to lead …for licensing Paveway bombs to kill Yemeni children; for funding the ‘Jihadi Express’ through Gaziantep in Turkey, and his support of the Syrian ‘opposition’.But then, it would be hypocritical not to hold Jezza to the same standards? Why should he get a free pass? He collected for the jihadi terrorists White Helmets (Jo Cox Christmas Appeal 2016: a third of the £2mn raised went to the WH) and supported the celebrity regime change Jo Cox Foundation …and still is. Here are terrorist supporters – Idrees Ahmad and Salim Salamah – openly using Corbyn’s Twitter page to recruit funds for more child murderers just three days ago. ‘#Save Idlib.’
So anyone can post anything to Twitter; and anyone can make a mistake; and anyone can support the White Helmets; and anyone support regime change NGOs; and anyone can support NATO; and anyone can vilify Putin, and anyone can support Navalny; and anyone can support Magnitsky Sanction Russophobia; and anyone …
…Just how much of a blind eye are we supposed to turn? If we normalise these things, we get the imperialist world we deserve, do we not?
There are certain things that should never be acceptable in a politician: funding terrorism and child murder is at the top of that list, for me. Neither Johnson or Corbyn are fit to lead, if judged by the same humanist standards. None of them are. If we acquiesce, and vote for the least bad candidate – we are contributing to a world where terrorism and child murder are acceptable. Then, what have we become?
Excellent comment Big B, “youz reely woke bruv”
Sir Nigel Kipper does not fully agree with you Kit:
The notion that “we” should be better than this seems misplaced. It isn’t “we” who have confected this scandal. The scandal has been confected by the corporate media, aka the lying for corporate interests media. This is just standard fare. The corporate media lie routinely, systematically, daily. They lie about Russia, Syria, Iran, China; they lie about finance capital; they lie about the working class; they lie by commission and omission; they construct narratives out of thin air and wishful thinking; bias and prejudice and corporate interests. The pretend journalists of the corporate media are nothing more than the contemporary versions of Julius Streicher: the only difference is in the specifics of the propaganda.
I think Kit means “we” in that ironic sense that a nurse means it when she walks into a hospital room and asks a patient, ‘So how are we feeling today?’ I don’t know for sure; just guessing.
What’s going on? I’ll say it again –
Hunt is being shood in. As planned.
Not sure who Hunt is. There’s a candidate called Jeremy Cunt that all the British reporters keep referring to, perhaps there’s been a mistake?
Certainly smells that way, Dun. And of the two, I’d say Berkshire is definitely the nastier of these two prize shits. But more to the point, he’s the one who’s already given ample demonstrations that his tongue is more firmly super-glued to the fundaments of the DCSwampthings than is the Clown’s (just marginally more firmly), and he’ll do the selling out of all good things British to the gics (the gangsters-in-charge) in USAmerica more thoroughly and reliably, in return for the kind of rewards that B’liar, for example, has reaped for his services to the Anglozionist empire. Americanise the NHS; scrap all environmental protections; etc. That sort of thing. Berkshire definitely signals a greater willingness to facilitate this sort of neolib ‘investors’ ram-raiding even than Bojo.
Mind you, since virtually all the Paedominster comprador whores are for sale to their US bitch-keepers, I don’t imagine Bojo will be far behind in the treachery stakes. It’s really just a matter of who of them the USuk deep-state manipulators consider will be the most immediately profitable to shoo-in. But it’s also a question of who the blue-rinse geriatrics of the Tory rank-and-file prefer. They may not prove quite as manipulable as the USuk deep-state manipulators might wish.
By the way, anyone else get the feeling that the Tel Aviv (or whoever) troll-farmers behind the ‘Billy-the-Kid’/’Benny the Palestinian-murdering coward’ entity, calling his/her/themselves Bonney, have gone quiet; that persona having been so widely slagged as a troll in recent comment threads? First out ’em, then starve ’em by total shunning: Don’t Read. Don’t Answer, Don’t Engage – Dr. Dade’s specific. That’s the best medicine to flush obvious trolls out of the system. Chokes them off quicker than anything.
The timing of this is highly suspect, to say the least.
Johnson is a bone idle con man serving his own interests, trying to wing it through whatever he deals with. He would probably be a disaster as prime minister, though not much worse than May. If anything, he is probably a marginally less slippery and unattractive character than Hunt.
I suppose it just reflects the nature of the existing system that we’re going to have Boris Marmaduke Rupert Fortescue-Cholmondeley-Warner De Pfeffel Johnson, or whatever his name is, as our next prime minister, chosen by 100,000 Tory OAPs. Who says there’s a democratic deficit in this country?
Boris’s bonking adventures are well known, and have helped fill tabloid column inches for years.
This is probably Brexit related, with or without Spook involvement.
Sid Scurvy, Ace Reporter for the Guardian, was probably sniffing around the neighbours for some time, offering bungs for any juicy dirt. It wouldn’t be too difficult to find a few sympathetic anti Brexit Guardian readers in that part of London. No doubt a few tape recorders were handed out.
It ties in with old comments of his about picaninnies and bum boys being dredged up.
It’s not surprising that the most anti Brexit candidate should be targeted, who is promising a No Deal Brexit if need be next Halloween. A large faction of our Ruling Elite are determined to nobble Brexit at any cost, and probably see Hunt as more amenable to a Brexit without the Exit. They are capable of a lot worse than juicy tabloid smears.
I also thought it was highly suspect how they were bigging up Florence of Arabia, Wodewick “Rory” Stewart. There was about as much chance of him winning as there was of him being struck by lightning,
But they were touting him as the most anti Brexit figure.
The real lesson to be drawn from this is how the Establishment can manufacture smears against anyone who is seen as threatening their interests, whether it’s a blue blood like Johnson or anti semitic smear campaigns against Jezza.
Indeed Marc.
As you may recall, I am not pro Brexit. More specifically, I do accept the democratic referendum result to leave the EU, but I don’t accept that this can be contrued by a minority to be an instruction for “No Deal”. However, I’m completely against these sorts of obvious spook interventions to trash Johnson because they completely destroy democracy. That said, Johnson doesn’t do himself many favours anyway, he’s a mess, and was a terrible FM, and likely a terrible PM.
Oops, Mark not Marc.
Whule I totally agree with your opinon ‘ Frank Speaker ” of Mr Johnson’s possible career as the Monarch’s first minister.
More importantly, is the fact that this person is a USA citzen and subject to him giving up that nationality, which apparently is a factor in his present and future state of patrimony, surely as a USA citizen he cannot be eligible for the aforementioned Crown office ?
I agree that he has divided national loyalties and is possibly corruptible by the CIA. He actually gave up his US nationality a couple of years ago, to avoid double taxation. However, whilst it was announced about two years ago, I know of other people who have done exactly this, and it takes a few years, so he may well still be a dual UK-US citizen. Imagine the outrage if a future UK PM had dual Russian-Uk nationality?! LOL
Predictably, that stupid obnoxious bitch Jess Phillips has been shooting her mouth off about the incident.
That imbecile would complain if you mentioned a male and female connectors in passing
The One Per Cent don’t want a loose cannon (or is that blunderbuss?) like the Donald running amok.
It’s simply not British.
Well said, Kit. It does seem AWFULLY convenient timing. The odd thing is that you’d think they’d have more than enough dirt on Boris to manipulate him in whatever manner they wish. He’s certainly not going against the EU military defence force…
He’s been stitched up, imo. Even my extremely conspiracy-averse wife was straight in there with the “really? sounds fishy to me”, and we both hate BoJo. This is a bit like the Wilson fiasco..
relatively “new” girlfriend. Graun-sympathetic neighbour who was “answering a call from a take away driver” 2 am? Another witness has it that all the shouting and smashing was “the female” and “the male” was telling her to stop throwing stuff and to calm down and that “they had to turn up the TV to hear it” at 2am? and now the blanket supine media coverage? He’s been pole-axed by The Cunt’s SIS contacts..we live in interesting times
He deserves all the negative views he can cope with, he’s a nasty , slimy, dangerous right wing oaf, who cares nothing about the man in the street, he’s being supported by the other high moral living dope, Lord Snooty, who maintains if your daughter is raped by someone unknown, then by law she must be compelled to see the pregnancy through, what a great shower these lice are, and here we are regardless , trying somehow, anyhow thinking of a way we can defend this obnoxious character, I suppose it none of our business that he went to court to stop the identity of one of his own children.
“……nasty, slimy, dangerous right wing oaf,,,,,,”
Aren’t those necessary qualifications for the Tory Party?
True !