The great antisemitism witchhunt: McCarthyism redux

John Wight

This article was first published on March 1st of this year, however, it is given fresh relevance in the wake of Labour’s reinstatement, and then re-suspension, of Derby MP Chris Williamson

Photo: The Crucible at the Pacific Conservatory Theatre

PUTNAM: Now look you, sir. Let you strike out against the Devil, and the village will bless you for it! Come down, speak to them — pray with them. They’re thirsting for your word, Mister! Surely you’ll pray with them.

PARRIS: (swayed) I’ll lead them in a psalm, but let you say nothing of witchcraft yet. I will not discuss it. The cause is yet unknown. I have had enough contention since I came; I want no more.
Arthur Miller – The Crucible

In his magisterial autobiography, Timebends, describing his motivation behind his classic work The Crucible (extracted above) — the most compelling and enduring allegorical piece of drama to grace the American theatre — Arthur Miller reveals the following:

What I sought was a metaphor, an image that would spring out of the heart, all-inclusive, full of light, a sonorous instrument whose reverberations would penetrate to the centre of this miasma. For if the current degeneration of discourse continued, as I had every reason to believe it would, we could no longer be a democracy, a system that requires a certain basic trust in order to exist.”

The ‘miasma’ referred to by Miller in the above passage was the atmosphere of censorious paranoia whipped up by the anti-Communist witchhunts of the 1940s and 1950s, starting under the auspices of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), established in 1938, joined thereafter by Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Senate hearings into alleged Communist infiltration from the late 1940s.

Arthur Miller

The period concerned, commonly referred to as McCarthyism, illuminated the parameters of free speech and expression in a country and culture which prides itself on both. It drilled home the profound truth that tyranny is less the by-product of totalitarian political systems and more the product of totalitarian ideas and nostrums that sustain political orthodoxy in a given space and time. And, too, whenever those ideas and nostrums come under challenge, said democracy is exposed as a cloak behind which mendacity resides, ruthlessly seeking malcontents to expose and miscreants to punish.

In Britain in 2019 we need no longer turn to US history for an understanding of McCarthyism and its execrable fruits.

For in Britain in 2019 McCarthyism is with us and among us, corroding our public and political discourse, poisoning it with the untruths, lies and mendacious smears of some of the most malignant political forces that ever existed in these islands.

Reds under the bed has been replaced with antisemites under the bed; this with the full and open complicity of a mainstream media whose dread over the prospect of transformational political change is entwined in tight embrace with that of an Establishment — political and security — in ensuring nothing but nothing will ever change in this country apart from the colour of the curtains on the windows in Downing Street.

Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party has to intents been usurped by his deputy Tom Watson, a man for whom Shakespeare’s “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!” line from The Tempest could have been written with in mind.

Labour Friends of Israel

Watson is the Labour Party’s Matthew Hopkins, the infamous witch-hunter whose reign of terror in 17th century Britain finds its metaphorical equivalent in the 21st century with the objective not of locating and hanging out to dry antisemites but instead anti-Zionists, which means to say genuine anti-racists.

For what is Zionism if not racism, a species of white supremacy responsible for relegating the humanity of five million men, women and children of the illegally occupied West Bank and besieged Gaza Strip to that of latter-day Helots?

Adding to the mountain of intellectual and moral ordure erected in service to this miasma of untruth and base hypocrisy, are the findings of a UN investigation into the Palestinians killed and wounded by Israeli snipers during last year’s Great Return March in Gaza.

According to the UN’s Santiago Canton:

Israeli soldiers committed violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Some of those violations may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity.”

In diplomatic-speak, Mr Canton is here referencing the manner in which Israeli soldiers shot down dozens of unarmed Palestinians — among them children, medics and journalists — like deer in a forest, with some of those Israeli soldiers caught on tape laughing and celebrating their ‘kills’.

It is to this monstrosity of an apartheid state Tom Watson and his friends are giving succour and sanction; and it this supremacist juggernaut of oppression we are expected to accept as compatible with left-wing progressive values.

There is nothing more grotesque than being lectured to about antisemitism, or any other form of racism, by apologists for a racist apartheid state. Yet this grotesquerie is precisely where we have arrived at in response to Corbyn’s unlikely elevation to the leadership of the Labour Party.

His legacy as a staunch supporter of Palestinian human rights and self-determination has been weaponised against him and his supporters by a pro-Israel lobby within and without the Labour Party, plumbing depths of indecency last witnessed during the era of McCarthyism across the Atlantic.

For those who doubt how deeply entrenched the pro-Israel lobby now is within the UK body politic, Al Jazeera’s blistering documentary The Lobby is required viewing.

Given the context and the stakes involved in this ongoing witch hunt and smear campaign, the lack of meaningful resistance on the part of Corbyn is unconscionable; his refusal to mobilise his base in the face of it inexplicable. The result has not been to see it disappear but for it to prosper and grow in ferocity.

Be under no illusion either of the complicity of key figures in and around the Labour leadership in whipping up and/or acquiescing in this baseless hysteria — Lansman, McDonnell et al. — to the point where Corbyn has been rendered well nigh unelectable as a prospective prime minister.

That this is a smear campaign and witchhunt conducted, regardless of the fog of obfuscation deployed to the contrary, on behalf of a foreign power — and an apartheid power at that — compounds the offence.

But this issue is now bigger than Corbyn. It is about where we stand on matters of intellectual and moral integrity; and most of all on the rights we accrue to an oppressed people and those of their oppressor. Future generations are watching and waiting for the stance that we take.

Arthur Miller understood this, which is why his light will shine forever bright as a beacon of moral courage in an age of deceit.



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Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Jul 1, 2019 6:22 PM

“They misunderestimated me.”George Bush,the Younger,Nov. 6, 2000.
I’ll not supply any facts.None whatsoever,saying only: Corbyn( I believe) is made of better material. Blairites must be expelled,or otherwise,go away!

Jun 30, 2019 7:32 PM

I think one has to appreciate, despite all the ‘far-left’ labels stuck on him, that Corbyn only appeared to be a ‘raving looney leftie’ in comparison with the rightwing Blairite majority of MPs who’ve controlled the Labour Party for so long and capitulated to and followed a Thatcherite political agenda, for decades.

Corbyn himself isn’t really a ‘revolutionary’ or even a radical. He’s what half a century ago would have been described as a pretty normal, middle-of-the-road, Labour social democrat, barely on the left of the Party at all. But some of this is debatable, depending on where one stands on the spectrum personally. It’s a sign of how far ‘left’ politics and ‘left’ discourse has degenerated in the UK, and political culture’s moved so far to the right, that Corbyn, like a relic of a bygone era, is perceived as far more leftwing than he actually is, in reality.

What he is though, is ineffective as a leader. He lacks authority, I think, because he fundamentally lacks a set of strong ideas that show what he stands for and where he wants the country to move. There’s no real narrative that mobilises support for him, and this is the curse of Labour; the leadership’s fear of mobilising the membership and their supporters and votes in the country, too much and too far, which could easily lead to them raising their expectations way beyond what’s ‘realistic’ and possible within the boundaries of bourgeois liberal democracy. Labour fought for political power in parliament; but didn’t believe in openly challenging economic power in society in any meaningful way, because that strategy was simply not allowed because it was ‘revolutionary’ and not reformist.

mathias alexand
mathias alexand
Jul 1, 2019 9:38 AM
Reply to  MichaelK

What is this “leadership” and “authority” thing? As for his ideas he could have any number of them that you will never hear about in the MSM.

Jul 3, 2019 8:56 PM

True Mathias, but you can see and hear about them on the Jimmy Dore Show… whose shows truly are a breath of fresh air:

Bernie Sanders of Britain and why he is widely loved, and sadly rare. July 2016

Labour Party Platform, Amazingly specific and pro worker. May 2017

Jeremy Corbyn Delivers Inspiring Speech June 2017

Wimbledon issues ban on chanting Jeremy Corbyn July 2017

Pro Jeremy Corbyn ad makes Right wingers cry.July 2017

NBC News Smears Jeremy Corbyn as an anti semite. July 2017

BBC Andrew Neil smashes Jeremy Corbyn Smear on Live TV Feb 2018

Corbyn responds rationally to Russian nerve attack and is immediately smeared March 2018

Corbyn smeared as anti semite for attacking Bankers. September 2018

And on and on it goes, and the sh*t does stick. For the majority of people eventually just cave in and believe this Zionist garbage.

Jul 1, 2019 3:04 PM
Reply to  MichaelK

More to the point; he’s a (Labour) Party man. The Party comes first, regardless. For almost 130 years the Labour Party has been an integral part of British capitalism and imperialism and the British state. Thus Corbyn, a run-of-the-mill social democrat is concerned only with the survival of the Party and he will do whatever is necessary in its defence including defenestrating his election manifesto (compare his draft with the one finally circulated in 2017)!

Should he by some chance actually end up as PM, what are the odds of him actually reversing austerity when he’s already sold out over every key part of his original manifesto?

There are going to be a lot of very disappointed and once more disconnected Labour voters.

Jul 1, 2019 10:55 PM
Reply to  MichaelK

Of course Corbyn is a “raving loony lefty.”
He wants to re nationalise the railways (maybe.)
And build a few council houses (maybe.)
How raving loony is that?
Obviously he’s a raving loony.
Oh, and he objects to the genocide of the Palestinians.
Obviously a raving anti semite as well.
Just ask the Board of Deputies and Margaret Hodge and the Daily Mail. They’ll explain it all to you.

Jun 30, 2019 6:40 PM

Anti- semitism oldest form of gas lighting that was ever created in the western world especially after the second world war. If one were to go to Palestine it is not uncommon to find some ebraic semite wearing a t shirt with on it printed an IDF soldier taking aim at a pregnant arab semite. Israel has to be exposed for what it is > It is an anglo-zionist colonial outpost.. Zionism was born in England it pre dates Herzl.
Hence until more exposure of the brutal nature of the Israeli zionist and their parents the anglo-zionist becomes exposed then the diluted term of anti semite will continue to be used. I find that with the dying western paradigm so will this gaslighting term become irrelevant .If any intellectual honesty were to be used the real anti semites are the zionist.
Post Scriptum : Israel has a shelf life and it is omploding with in hence so will zionism.
Having experience racism first hand growing up and still being exposed to it today for mhy ethnicity I am not fortunate enough as the ashkanazi /zionist to deflect and gaslight my oppressors.

harry law
harry law
Jun 30, 2019 1:49 PM

Former South African Minister Ronnie Kasrils himself Jewish on Thursday accused Israel of conducting a policy against the Palestinians that was “worse” than apartheid.
Speaking on the sidelines of a UN meeting on the situation in the Palestinian territories, Kasrils said South Africa’s townships had never been attacked by helicopter gunships and tanks, in contrast to the military means employed by Israel.

Jun 30, 2019 10:21 AM

Labour Friends of Israel, Conservative Friends of Israel, Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel – all different organisations?

No, of course they are not, even if the ordinary man in the street may think so.

They are all controlled by the Israeli state, to do the bidding of that state, to demonise any person who shows empathy with the plight of the Palestinian people, any person who dares criticise the actions of the Israeli state.

On the other hand, you have Jewish Friends of Labour, seen by the Israeli state as “self hating Jews”, the “wrong type of Jew”.
What we are seeing at the moment is – Zio-McCarthyism.

Jun 30, 2019 3:23 PM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Just three cheeks of the same arse.
Trained monkeys rattling their little tin cups for the Jew organ grinder.

The Sir Humphreys in the Civil Service have come up with another smear against Jezza.
Smear Mark IV.

1. Jezza is a communist spy.
2. Jezza is a terrorist.
3. Jezza is anti semitic.
4. (New, hot off the press) Jezza is senile.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 2, 2019 10:43 AM
Reply to  mark

“Jew organ grinder”is that a quote lifted straight from Der Sturmer you ignorant little racist turd “mark”

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 2, 2019 11:11 AM
Reply to  John Thatcher

Mark has been asked not to use antisemitic comments while proclaiming against the faux accusations of antisemitism because they undermine his credibility and the point of the article.

I’m now asking you to refrain from being abusive toward him as this plays into the hands of those who want to reduce all online debate to a simplistic Punch and Judy show of competing ad hom.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 2, 2019 11:10 AM
Reply to  mark

“Jew Organ Grinder”that could come straight from Dur Sturmer.Are you the nasty little racist antisemite your posts suggest,or are you just too stupid to understand the dangers of conflating Jew with Zionist.

Jun 30, 2019 9:43 AM

You have until Friday 5th July to nominate your choice for MP of the year, I suggest you do so.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jun 30, 2019 9:42 AM

‘McCarthyism’ is exactly what I have been calling the witch-hunt for some time. It’s surprising that the term is taking so long to come into general use when it is the appropriate term based on historical analogy, as shown by the article. The pile-on against anyone who dares to support the political and national rights of the Palestinians induces physical illness in anyone remotely interested in justice and truth.

The rancid ‘liberal’ media frames its “coverage” by treating accusations of ‘antisemitism’ not as the thing which has to be proved, but as the proof itself. A classic McCarthyite process.

The vast majority of Britons must be fed up having their politics held up to ransom in this manner. Stand up for yourselves and by-pass the fifth column and the coward element in the Labour Party.

Jun 30, 2019 3:26 PM

This is Clown World UK, 2019.
Innocent Until Accused.
Soon we will all know what it’s like to be Palestinians.

Jun 30, 2019 3:35 AM

There is no anti-semitism anymore in the UK today: just read here ATL and BTL.
Allahu akbar!

Jun 30, 2019 9:20 AM
Reply to  Antonym

I just did a scan of this page and there is no mention of “Muslim” and only two mentions of “Islam” – both in the comments section and each one just a side issue. It is only you, Antonym, who seem to be obsessed with Islam.

Jun 30, 2019 1:16 AM

To read the Guardian, one would think that Williamson has no supporters in Labour whatsoever. As far as the Guardian is concerned, Jewish Voice for Labour and its condemnation of the witch hunt and smear campaign against Corbyn and Williamson and anyone who supports Palestinian rights, does not exist. Up until a couple of years ago I was a regular contributor on CIF discussion threads, largely rebutting Zionists and their propaganda and outright lies. I was eventually blocked, probably because large numbers of Zionists reported me, despite the fact that I largely restricted my posts to historical facts. Over the past two years it is almost impossible to make comments on CIF about any article about Israel/Palestine, or the anti-semitism smear campaign. What has happened at the Guardian? Does anyone know why the paper seems to have changed course?

Jun 30, 2019 9:53 AM
Reply to  vwbeetle

It all changed, and not for the better, after Alan Rusbridger left. It’s as much a mouthpiece now for this appalling government as the Murdoch press and their like. There’s been a continual shift in centre ground politics to the right since the days of Thatcher.

We are seeing what Edward Bernays described in 1928 as the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

Jun 30, 2019 1:57 PM
Reply to  vwbeetle

The Guardian has been pro-Zionist since the days of editor CP Scott who introduced the Zionist leader to Looyd George and supported the Zionists in his writings in the Manchester Guardian.

Jun 30, 2019 3:28 PM
Reply to  vwbeetle

The Guardian never has been anything more than a piece of Zionist toilet paper.
It was shilling for Israel before it even existed.

Jun 30, 2019 7:15 PM
Reply to  vwbeetle

The lurch to the political right at the Guardian is linked to the Snowden and Assange revelations that challenged the cosy ideological relationship between the media and the state, to a degree that is simply not allowed, if one wants to be seen as loyal and responsible. There are consequences is one, as an individual, group or institution, is perceived as being illoyal by the Establishment and the state.

Assange and Snowden pulled the Guardian over an invisible line, into a grey area, at the time, which was perceived as being tantamount to treason, and now the Guardian has been successfully reined in once more and now co-opperates with the state on matters relating to ‘national security.’ The damage, has been undone and a proper and reasonable relationship established.

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Jun 29, 2019 11:52 PM

PS. The Labour Party never fails to disappoint

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Jun 29, 2019 11:43 PM

It’s time to stop calling Israel an ‘apartheid state’. Snipers today, missiles and bombs tomorrow, with deliberate and active ruination of amenity, infrastructure and the means to live — by siege, every day.

Israel’s atrocities are not simply ‘crimes against humanity’. They’re crimes directed against a particular ethnic/national/racial segment of humanity. That’s called genocide. Netanyahu and his gang are genocidal, and consequently the garrison state of Israel is also a ‘genocide state’. Time to start applying the g-word.

Jun 30, 2019 12:21 AM

The Times of Israel, a national newspaper, quite openly advocated genocide. It called for the Palestinian people to be exterminated at concentration camps in the desert.

The “Justice” Minister, a woman called Shaked, called for Palestinian mothers to be exterminated, so that no Palestinian children could be born.

Two rabbis in Israel published a book called “The King’s Torah.” It called for all Palestinian children to be murdered.

Killing a goy, any goy, is a Mitzvah, a praiseworthy act.

If the Jews get the war with Iran they have been trying to incite and agitate for for so long, they will use this as cover to carry out actual genocide on a massive scale.

People need to give up completely on Labour. It is infested wall to wall with 30 shekel whores.

Jun 30, 2019 1:02 AM
Reply to  mark

Hi Mark, Do you have links to the information you have posted please.

If we give up on Labour, then who do we rely on? I think what we should be doing is focussing all our energies on removing (de selecting) the 90 ”friends of Israhell” who have been baying for Chris Williamson and Jeremy Corbyn to be removed permanently from the Labour Party. Beginning with the evil with Hodge, and her cronies headed by Tom Watson.

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Jun 30, 2019 9:41 AM
Reply to  maggie

I apologise for taking up so much space in replying to your very telling question about what alternative is there to Labour. First, it should now be clear to everyone that Labour, whether led by Corbyn or any other ‘left’ social democrat, is no answer to the dire situation we face. Right now there is no mass party on this planet that can provide the leadership necessary, let alone serve as the instrument, for the revolutionary change so desperately needed to excise the malignancy of capitalism from the human social organism. This is a crisis of revolutionary leadership. The bourgeois Greens are not the answer either, and most of the traditional left and ‘far’ left are mired in one form or another of opportunistic kow-towing to Corbyn and Labour or the Greens. This isn’t to say that one should never vote Labour, the party of the working class. It’s to say that one should only give support to Labour, as ‘a rope supports a hanging man’ (Lenin), when it furthers revolutionary and class consciousness in the working class. The working class, as politically backward as it might be now in many ways, is the only class with the social power to overthrow the capitalists — it can stop and start production at will and, most importantly, if it had the political consciousness and leadership to do so, it could take over production and overthrow capitalism. Such a consciousness is smothered and suppressed by Labour and the current leaders of the trade unions (such as the latter currently exist). Presently Labour deserves no vote because under Corbyn they’ve refused to support Brexit and are pushing for a second referendum. Tony Benn, Corbyn’s mentor, would have been railing against him over his betrayal of this fundamental class issue in Britain. Corbyn is… Read more »

Jun 30, 2019 2:07 PM

Mmm.. Stephen, a very interesting reply.. and links, which I will read and try to digest, though I have to confess a lot of the information contained therein, at ‘first glance’ I thought had been tried, tested and failed… owing to the avarice of the capitalists and their power to remove the ground from under our feet.
This may be the wrong interpretation? But I will read the links more thoroughly and try to get my head around the concepts.

What I think we could do immediately, is to have the one man one vote system, to elect the ‘man/woman’ we choose to represent us… and dispense with ‘parties’ altogether.
Surely, it can’t be that difficult with today’s technology, which would automatically dispense with the ballot box and the inherent frauds that continually happen.
Or am I being too simplistic and naïve?
Then again.. isn’t this just the Russian system, and was that of Libya?

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Jun 30, 2019 11:42 PM
Reply to  maggie

The organs of power that spring up during revolutions are what work at the time. They’re not created a priori, but they go on to serve the basis for the exercise of mass democracy. The Paris Commune had the The Committee of Public Safety, Russia had soviets (Russian for workers’ council) that first arose in 1905 and again in 1917. The basis for their power rests on a politically conscious and armed constituency that has risen up which can recall elected representatives at any time (because they’re armed). Soviets elect representatives to higher soviet bodies (collegiate system), but their main purpose is to decide and vote on what, not whom. On an economic plan for example. In contrast, bourgeois democracy at most gives you the privilege of voting for which scumbag will oppress you for the next 4 or 5 years. This is not to denigrate democratic rights but it is the way capitalist rule is disguised and legitimated; and we’re made to feel responsible for outcomes because we participated in voting in elections. We help the executioner load his gun. One should never confuse elections with democracy. I can recommend the following reading list which might help: EH Carr, “What is History” (a great, broad-brushed approach to understanding different stages in human history and development). K Marx, F Engels, “The Communist Manifesto” F Engels, “Socialism Utopian and Scientific” VI Lenin, “What Is To Be Done” (On the need for a party of the Bolshevik type) VI Lenin, “State and Revolution” (On why the existing state must be smashed replaced by a new one, and what happens to it after a socialist revolution) LD Trotsky, “Lessons of October” (On why the revolution occurred in backward Russia and not Germany) LD Trotsky, “Results and Prospects” (On why backward countries in the… Read more »

Jun 30, 2019 3:36 PM

Very shrewd assessment. But I’d say a re run of pre war Weimar is the most likely outcome. People are far more likely to turn to far worse than Trump or Farage as things deteriorate. Expect to see more Zionist controlled opposition like the EDL.

Jun 30, 2019 4:49 PM
Reply to  maggie

The Times of Israel, 1/8/14. “When Genocide Is Permissible”, by Yochanan Gordon. Openly advocates, endorses and justifies the genocide of the Palestinians. Ayelet Shaked, 14/7/14. “Mothers of all Palestinians should be killed. They have to die and their houses should be demolished. They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands.” A day before Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and burned alive by 6 Jew thugs, Shaked published a call for the genocide of the Palestinians in Facebook. “The entire Palestinian people is the enemy, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.” She called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers. “to prevent them giving birth to little snakes.” The King’s Torah, 230 page book published 2009 by Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva. Authors Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur. Endorsed by many leading rabbis. It openly incites and calls for the extermination of the Palestinians, and explains how this is morally justified. It is a call for indiscriminate extermination. The killing of children, en masse, responds to “the existence of an internal need for revenge.” “In the face of revenge, no one is innocent, be they old, young, children, men or women, and regardless of their health.” It rejects any notion of international law and the protection of civilians in time of war, or international humanitarian law on the prevention of genocide. Israel is above international law, because Jews are superior to Gentiles and the lives of Gentiles have no value. Jews are indoctrinated from birth to hate all the goyim. Israel is an openly genocidal, terrorist, racist state. There is no doubt that in the event of a major war with Iran, it would use this as cover to commit genocide, which has been long… Read more »

Jun 30, 2019 4:54 PM
Reply to  mark

There comes a point when a suffering animal has to be put out of its misery. The Labour Party has long since passed that point. It would be better if it was disbanded. While it exists, it is just a dead end, a waste of effort and energy, a diversion and a distraction from more productive endeavours.

Jun 30, 2019 7:07 PM

Yes, The actions of Israel meet the UN definition of genocide.

Jun 29, 2019 10:48 PM

Too much ado about nothing… It is very simple… Socialism has NOTHING to do with religion… Judaism, Christianism, Islamism or whatever. They invite these kind problems because the bourgeois that control Labour, allowed every kind of minorities to infiltrate the Party (and all other parties) to, eventually, destroy it through religious, racial and minority wars. What you see is what you get when leftist minoritymongering has taken over politics. The solution is very simple, all religious groups should be thrown out of the party, together with all the bourgeois. MP’s first…!!!

Jun 30, 2019 9:27 AM
Reply to  espartaco

I agree. We currently have MPs of all parties acting as agents for their countries of birth, or as agents of third countries (Ms Smeeth). This worked when they (agents) had no real political power, they were limited to cultural exchange visits etc. The change came with the growth in size and power of our security services….there’s more than one way to skin a cat like Corbyn!

Jun 30, 2019 10:28 AM
Reply to  lundiel

That is indeed correct. The various politicians who are involved in this disgraceful hounding of Corbyn and others, have pledged alliegence to Israel and the interference of Israel in the politics of the UK.

Jul 1, 2019 4:14 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Fear not Lundiel, the work is already begun…. Jeremy will NEVER be allowed to lead. Anonymous ‘Civil Servants’ (Deep State Operatives) have briefed the media regarding the allegedly frail condition of possible PM-to-be Jeremy Corbyn on the basis of – no evidence whatever. Understandably, Corbyn is very angry about this demanding an investigation into the leak. Given the story is without foundation and knowing the threat the establishment sees in Corbyn, a leader whose policies include the creation of a National Bank (aaaarghh … the fiend … the fiend) and the renationalisation of public utilities (including transport) … a leader whose knee-jerk reaction to Ashkenazi Jewish assaults against the Semitic population in Israel is to speak out loudly and boldly in defence of Palestinians’ rights … … given all this, we know that the idea of Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister of Great Britain is absolutely unacceptable to our ruling ‘establishment’. Let it be said then what Mr Corbyn and his inner circle must be thinking about the appearance of this non-story… that the establishment is ‘creating the option to eliminate’ Mr. Corbyn (by heart attack dart?) in the event of his winning or threatening to win a UK general election. Performing such a national service would be ‘business as usual’ for our “protectors” at MI5. For example -Keith Mothersson: After he died in 2009, his obituary appeared in The Guardian. The following facts are not included in the obituary of this heroic absolute gentleman: ”Keith created an organisation in 2008/9 called “ALL FAITHS FOR 9/11 TRUTH”. He, like most members of ‘9/11 Truth (UK & Ireland)’, saw 9/11 truth as a spiritual (as much as a political) matter. He went round the country meeting religious leaders and forming connections and bonds between the various groups he had organised. There… Read more »

Jul 1, 2019 9:05 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Very interesting Maggie, thanks

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 29, 2019 6:57 PM

The key to the anti-Semitism problem is the conflation of Judaism with Zionism. This didn’t happen by accident, it is a deliberate and relatively modern policy. (An old (Jewish) friend described the indoctrination he got to me growing up. That was quite a long time ago, its probably so ingrained now that nobody notices this process any more.)

I may have a very simplistic view of things but to me Judaism is an Abrahamic religion with deep roots going back thousands of years. Zionism is a relatively modern European movement that dates from the latter half of the 19th century that has origins and aims that are not unlike many other ‘volk’ movements from the same period. Most of these were relatively harmless, ‘back to the land’ sorts of things but the racial undertones provided the underpinnings for, among others, the Nazis.

I know I’ll probably get flamed for saying this but seriously there’s a huge undercurrent of racism in some parts of Jewish society. I was first made aware of this many years ago when and old (goy) friend made the mistake of marrying an Orthodox girl. Up to that point I had only known secular/reform Jews so didn’t think too much of it but the reaction from her family was quite extreme, protracted and not at all nice. The culture’s there if you look for it — its actually not unlike radical Islam in mindset so if it ever gets to a position of power (e.g. in modern Israel) then its going to be trouble for the untermensch!

Jun 29, 2019 11:08 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Just read the Talmud that’s all you need to know about Jewish supremacy

Jun 30, 2019 11:31 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I met a young British guy recently in his 20s, he told me one of his best friends from back home in London is Jewish, went to an all Jewish school, and reported back to his network of friends that “they tell us everbody wants to kill us.” This is the kind of indoctrination which is promoted in this country and I for one find this very troubling. How can we progress with this going on? Divisive, unnecessary, and complete lies.

Jun 30, 2019 2:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

OffG Admin.. If I have already upvoted Mucho’s post.. then WHERE is the vote?

Jun 29, 2019 6:48 PM

“Israeli Zionism is the singular cancer that has been forcefully injected into the minds of world leaders across the globe; a cancer that these similarly affected leaders would wantonly force upon what little remains of the moral, civilized and correct conscience of man.”


Jun 30, 2019 6:55 AM
Reply to  Ramdan

Zionism is a malevolent influence upon the body politic of the western world.

Jun 30, 2019 2:57 PM
Reply to  Ramdan

Thank you Ramdan,
I have just ordered the book.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jun 29, 2019 6:21 PM

The picture of Tom Watson and the other political 5th Columnists in the Labour party standing in front of a very large blue and white star of David flag tells us all we need to know. A bit like a political group in the UK sporting a Hammer and Sickle flag at Tory party conference. Labour Friends of Israel is of course a Zionist front in the LP. It’s object is to further Israeli interests, and therefore it necessarily means against British interests. What else would they be doing? Promoting socialism perhaps? LFI has already been set in motion to get Corbyn and his co-thinkers to change their ways or else. In this sense also the British elite are working hand-in-glove with LFI and the Israelis, and it wouldn’t at all surprise me if the CIA were not also involved at some level.

The trouble with Labour is that it doesn’t want to be regarded as being ‘extreme’ or ‘unrespectable’; oh dear no. We’ve even done away with Clause 4. Now how much higher do you want us to jump? We want to be Her Majesty’s loyal opposition. ‘Pale pink humbug’ as Orwell called it. He called it right.

mathias alexand
mathias alexand
Jul 1, 2019 10:01 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Labour is hampered by a lack of internal democracy which goes back to its origins as an alliance of pre-existing groups like trade unions, etc.

Jun 29, 2019 6:18 PM

The Obsessive Groaniads daily pile of AS mud slinging, Barbara Ellen froths
“maddening, mendacious, slippery, gormless, prevaricating’
she snarls NOT writing about the tory clowns.
“I’ve long been anti-Corbyn for reasons beyond Brexit (antisemitism, anybody?)”
She raves and slobbers not realising that she is projecting.

Another article there by a ‘famous’ author – ive never heard of – has his unnamed publicist getting lots of free advertising for his ‘great’ writings for free because he thinks he has been subjected to AS!

Complete Utter Nonsensical Crappery by the shameless gormless Groaniad.

Ho hum – wait till the next government tasks the completion and implementation of Leveson 2.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 29, 2019 11:44 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

DG…. What do you expect from these presstitute stenographers. Full boycott of all mainstream media, including alleged ‘progressive’ media. On a tangent, used to read Barbara Ellen many years ago (30?) when she wrote for the NME which was basically my ‘bible’ back then. How sad the once great Babs Ellen has become a…. Slug.

Jul 1, 2019 1:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Ah the NME – a bible for us back in the day – see how it was taken out and shot after it supported Corbyn in 2017.

A very accidental death it suffered.

Imagine what they would bave done to Russell Brand if he had had the same influence.

Yes i’m afraid most of the neolib con artiste creatures of the Obssezsive Groan are beyond saving. They will sizzle in the light.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 1, 2019 11:23 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Thanks DG. I only know the NME is now online only, didn’t know the reasons for its print demise. I wonder what the late Steven Wells would have made of all this ludicrous crap? I just can’t tolerate the cretinous craven presstitutes in the MSM anymore. Gets me too fecked off knowing what they’re loudly spouting is pro empire, pro imperialist bullshit in the service of the 0.01℅. Good site for you to check is Neoliberalism Softpanorama. A vast treasure trove of info.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jun 29, 2019 5:30 PM

What is difficult to forgive is the fact in times gone by, and occasionally today, the Jewish intelligentsia have made a huge input into the development of western civilization. In terms of politics, Marx, Rosa Luxembourg, Greogy Lukacs, Eduard Bernstein, Leon Trotsky, Leonard Woolf; in terms of social theory, Emile Durkheim, Sigmund Freud, Erich Fromm, Hannah Arendt; in terms of literaure Franz Kafka, Saul Bellow. Contemporary intellectuals being Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein and possibly a less well-known and very courageous Jewish oppositionist, Gideon Levy, who writes for Haaretz. These were the guys I cut my teeth on as a student and whom I still revere to a great extent. It was the Jewish intelligentsia who led the opposition against the forces of reaction, particularly in Europe.

Times have changed it seems, Israel and Zionism are now the forces of reaction.

John Calvert
John Calvert
Jun 29, 2019 8:25 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Yes. But how many of those great names would have willingly and proudly posed in front of the national flag of the state of Israel?

Chris W
Chris W
Jun 30, 2019 3:45 PM
Reply to  John Calvert

Antinationalism for goyim and nationalism for jews – because goyim have these genocidal tendencies… Many, many Jews deep down believe that Non-Jews want to kill them, so pre-emptive strikes is the way to go. Most of all strikes against the ethnic and religious identity of non-Jewish people, because those identities make a people strong. So socialist Jews in Europe and zionist ones everywhere fight the same pro-Jewish/anti-goyim fight…

Philip Toal
Philip Toal
Jul 2, 2019 10:25 AM
Reply to  John Calvert

Facts would be appreciated in light of the truth that G. levy, Finkelstein, Pappe etc. are indeed alive and well. It’s apparently a case of informed opinions based on pure facts as opposed to ignorance as to who is alive or dead that is issue important.

Aug 7, 2019 1:32 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

I’ve got a theory that Yiddish was better for thinking in than Modern Hebrew.
It was also good for comedy. I may be completely wrong, but I just sense a different
kinds of human being attached to the two languages.

harry law
harry law
Jun 29, 2019 4:24 PM

John McDonnell encapsulates for me the pathetic spinelessness of the Labour Party, in a long interview with the Jewish news the interviewer asked him why Corbyn shared platforms with Anti-semites “So when we’re talking about sharing a platform with anti-Semites, we’re not talking about people who are just supportive of the Palestinian cause, do you think it might be time for an apology”?

JmD: “You have to look at why he was sharing platforms, it was not to endorse them, it was to try and engage with them”.
There you have it, his friend Corbyn spent the past 30 years of his life traversing the country addressing Palestinian and antiwar groups and offering them his support, then in one sentence McDonnell throws his friend under the bus “it was not to endorse them”. With a friend like McDonnell who needs enemies.
My advice to McDonnell is get on your belly and crawl and then ask for forgiveness from the Board of Deputies, it still will not be enough. They will only be happy when Corbyn is destroyed.

Jun 29, 2019 11:10 PM
Reply to  harry law

McDonnell is a Trotskyist what did you expect from a fake socialist

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jul 3, 2019 7:19 PM
Reply to  John

An inane comment if I may say so. Define your terms please.

Jul 4, 2019 7:08 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Trots are scumbags and frauds all of you Trotskyites are

Jun 30, 2019 12:34 AM
Reply to  harry law

However much you grovel and appease these people, it is never enough.
Give $10 billion to Israel and you’re anti semitic because you haven’t given it $50 billion.
Fight 5 wars for Israel, and you’re anti semitic because you haven’t fought 10 wars for Israel.

Netanyahu explained it all quite well.
“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf, and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off piece by piece till there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the Will of God and America is big enough to take the hit. So we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

To America, add Britain.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 29, 2019 4:21 PM

The comparison to a witch hunt is perfectly accurate. The attack works by mere accusation. The facts, evidence, criteria of evaluation are all irrelevant. Accuse emotively, and construe any dissent or even scepticism as proof of guilt. This is the modus operandi of the witch hunters, the arbiters of truth and the only acceptable version of reality. This becomes a loyalty test. Anyone who refuses to support the witch hunters is either already a witch or in imminent danger of becoming one. https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2018/09/on-dog-whistles-and-witch-finders.html

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jun 29, 2019 4:41 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

‘The attack works by mere accusation. The facts, evidence, criteria of evaluation are all irrelevant. Accuse emotively, and construe any dissent or even scepticism as proof of guilt. This is the modus operandi of the witch hunters’ – hammer, welcome to head of nail.

Jul 1, 2019 10:09 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Right out of Goebel’s hand book…
“This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.”
“The truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the
political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 2, 2019 3:44 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Maggie I am pretty sure that none of the quotes you attribute to Goebbels were said/written by him. Perhaps you could cite your source(s)?

Jun 29, 2019 3:54 PM

Hurricane survivors forced to pledge allegiance to Israel to receive Support (In Texas Town)

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney talks with PressTV about how the Israeli Lobby owns both the Congress and the Senate and how AIPAC and the ADL took her out.

More than 200 British MPs sign a pledge to Israel

Montel Jordan – This Is How We Do It

Jun 29, 2019 4:08 PM
Reply to  Mucho

More than 200 British MPs sign a pledge to Israel……..should say Candidates for election, not MPs

Jun 30, 2019 12:40 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Soon UK candidates will have to go before a panel for the endorsement of the Board of Deputies before they are allowed to stand for election.

Of course, this situation already applies in the US. Trump, Clinton etc. are not allowed to stand till they have first been granted an audience with Adelson and kissed his ring.

harry law
harry law
Jun 29, 2019 3:07 PM

Today in the Labour Party it is Anti-Semitic to suggest that Anti-Semitism has been weaponized despite the fact that allegations of ‘Anti-Semitism’ are the first resort of Israel’s supporters. I doubt if there is a single Palestine solidarity activist who hasn’t been accused of Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is the go to accusation leveled against supporters of the Palestinians including Jewish supporters of same.

Israel’s supporters argue that Zionism is an integral part of being Jewish whilst claiming, as per the IHRA that to blame Jews for what Israel does is anti-Semitic! For example Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League openly declared that “Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism.’

What is happening in the Labour Party today as John Wight explains is straight out of The Crucible, when denial of being a witch was itself proof of one’s guilt. People are scared of discussing Israel or Zionism for fear of being pounced upon by ‘investigators’ from the Compliance Unit.
When Arthur Miller explained why he wrote the Crucible, he used the Salem Witchcraft Trials as a metaphor for what was happening in the America of Joe McCarthy.
“I was motivated in some great part by the paralysis that had set in among many liberals who, despite their discomfort with the inquisitors’ violations of civil rights, were fearful, and with good reason, of being identified as covert Communists if they should protest too strongly”.
‘Anti-Semitism’ is the new anti-communism and you are the liberals that Arthur Miller referred to wracked by paralysis. Today all manner of racists profess their opposition to Anti-Semitism. After spending 17 minutes denouncing refugees in his State of the Union Address, Trump took time out to denounce ‘Anti-Semitism’!

Jun 30, 2019 12:44 AM
Reply to  harry law

No one, certainly no politician, will dare even to mention Israel without the same nauseating, fawning, obsequious lickspittle grovelling, toadying and pandering that is now universal in the US.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jun 29, 2019 2:52 PM

‘That this is a smear campaign and witchhunt conducted, regardless of the fog of obfuscation deployed to the contrary, on behalf of a foreign power — and an apartheid power at that — compounds the offence.’
Indeed – and why do Watson, Phillips and Creasy start throwing a hissy fit when Chris Williamson addresses a group of left-wing Jews who actually agree with what he says, yet never bat an eye-lid when Palestinian children are murdered by IDF snipers, or when Tony ‘Middle East Peace Envoy’ Blair claims the war in Iraq was simply a mistake and not part of a wider neocon masterplan?

Put simply why can’t virtue signalling Labour MPs see the difference between real and imagined harm?

It takes a certain sort of ideology to transform once well meaning people into apologists for war, torture and apartheid but that is exactly what has happened in the new age of McCarthyism.

different frank
different frank
Jun 29, 2019 2:45 PM

I’ve posted this before. But it’s worth a look.
The Holocaust’s visit to Yad Vashem by Natali Cohen Vaxberg.

Jules Moules
Jules Moules
Jun 29, 2019 5:28 PM

Spellbinding. And it’s nothing but the truth

Jun 30, 2019 2:45 AM

That was brilliant, I’ve never seen it before, thank you

different frank
different frank
Jun 30, 2019 11:30 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

Check out her other stuff

Jun 30, 2019 8:46 AM

Very true. And you can’t question the HC. At all. Ever. It’s the ultimate trump card.

Jun 30, 2019 10:03 AM

Now that is what I regard as a work that kisses the razors edge…_

Jun 30, 2019 2:34 PM


Anne Lawrence
Anne Lawrence
Jun 29, 2019 2:18 PM

Amazing! Zionism is very, very old, thousands of years old. Political zionism is modern – and its origins and the history of resurrection of the Hebrew language and culture in tzarist Russia widely ignored – not just by Gaurdianistas. However the depth of the ignorance is manifest in most of the comments here – including one contributor who says that Jews who are pro-Israel should be exiled from the UK – demonstrates the necessity and value of a Jewish state – alas. 🙂

Jul 2, 2019 9:16 PM
Reply to  Anne Lawrence

1897 Zionism was created, by Theodore Hertzl??? 222 years ago.
Evidence please of your ‘thousand years old.’
I haven’t seen any comment that says Jews who are pro isreal should be exiled from the UK…
Evidence please of the post you quote.
Me thinks we have a calumniator here.

Jul 4, 2019 7:11 AM
Reply to  Anne Lawrence

Hello ziorat how’s the weather in tel Aviv?

Jun 29, 2019 2:18 PM

I think we are living through a period of propaganda crisis. As World War 2 slips further and further into the past, that old “Good West against Evil Nazis” image is starting to lose its force. And the hysteria over “Holocaust Denial” is just a sneaky way of trying to keep that image alive. The real worry that out overlords have is not that more and more will “deny” the Holocaust but that more and more will stop giving a shit as that old horror comes to seem less and less relevant to the new horrors emerging.

Jul 2, 2019 9:35 PM
Reply to  George

True George… Also I think people are beginning to realise that the Holocaust was VASTLY exaggerated. Think on this… how would the Zionists have got into Palestine… without the ”holohoax?” And how would they have maintained funding for all their museums and rich life styles? Like the liar Weisel charged $25.000 an hour to speak and demanded a limousine and 5 star accommodation. In a book first published in 1968, Legends of Our Time, Wiesel tells the story of that same visit to the rabbi this way: The Rebbe is troubled to learn that Wiesel has become a writer, and wants to know what he writes. “Stories,” Wiesel tells him, “…true stories”: About people you knew? “Yes, about people I might have known.” About things that happened? “Yes, about things that happened or could have happened.” But they did not? “No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end.” The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: That means you are writing lies! I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself: “Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are—although they never occurred.” What are we to make of this? Truth loses all meaning; Wiesel acknowledges he tells tales that he wants you and me to believe really happened when he himself knows they didn’t. He doesn’t apologize either. He justifies. He deflects the rabbi’s sharp moral denunciation with his own measure of pseudo-mystification, in spite of the fact that his Rebbe sees through him. And that is the way he is with the public too—even though it… Read more »

Jul 3, 2019 5:10 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Ever since that Iraq fiasco, I have come to doubt everything I’ve been told. And more recently I’ve been thinking more and more about the Holocaust. One general observation is that, if you really want to know about the fetters on free speech and free thought in any society, then you should always look at the areas that that society considers taboo. Previously, these taboo areas were decided by religion. But in an increasingly secular world, it is generally acceptable to question religious dogma – which makes it funny when people do this while giving the impression that they are being ever so daring and controversial. (The fact that such irreligious sentiments can be so freely highlighted in the media is a sign that this gatekeeping function of religion no longer works – although it can serve the purpose of giving the naïve the impression that they are really being transgressive.)

But many don’t understand that something doesn’t have to be religious in its form to perform the same function of setting taboos. There are certain lines of enquiry that are guaranteed to provoke a deeply emotional reaction, and which therefore can be used to stifle thought by accompanying them with the most vitriolic outrage. And the Holocaust is the best example. It’s certainly curious that, in some countries, there are laws banning “Holocaust denial” – though, to be fair, this is a hugely contentious issue. One sure thing is that the ferocious attack dogs of the media couldn’t care less about the law and will automatically shoot down anyone who commits the “blasphemous” movement of enquiry and questioning.

Denis O'hAichir
Denis O'hAichir
Jun 29, 2019 2:04 PM

Three Muggwumps were mugging Corbyn last night on Sky News press preview by muggwumping three other Muggwumps from the Times, despicable at best.

different frank
different frank
Jun 29, 2019 1:27 PM
Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 29, 2019 1:24 PM

One of the most savagely amusing hypocrisies of this country is that journalists who openly advocate murder of millions of faceless foreigners would consider it ‘terrorism’ to have their own family murdered.

In my view, when you earn your money as a warmongering journalist, you are de facto a combatant, entirely equivalent to a soldier.

When your army is the army of Israel, it is entirely legitimate in this country to tell you to emigrate immediately to Israel or face the consequences.

I do not consider Israel an ally of this country, I consider it a malignant administration constantly using US bully boys to demand the world turn a blind eye to its racism.

The time is rapidly approaching when every Jew living in this country must state whether they support Israeli government policy on Gaza and the Golan Heights. If they do, they should be given 90 days to leave the country or face the same living conditions that Gazans face.

That is not antisemitic, it is completely egalitarian. What is good for Palestinians, imposed by Jews, is good for UK Jews, imposed by a Gentile HMG.

Oh but every Jew could understand that.

Jun 30, 2019 10:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

“The time is rapidly approaching when every Jew living in this country must state whether they support Israeli government policy on Gaza and the Golan Heights. If they do, they should be given 90 days to leave the country or face the same living conditions that Gazans face.”

As that is a question you would only demand that Jews answer, it is anti semitic. It’s an appalling piece of politics. I view your statement with the same shock and revulsion as I have when the Israeli government carries out genocide against Palestinians…_

Jun 30, 2019 2:39 PM
Reply to  DiggerUK

You don’t do “irony”?

Jun 29, 2019 1:19 PM

Incredibly little attention is given to the alleged “offence” itself which in this case was making the observation that Labour was apologising too much. What element of that perfectly fair remark was causing Labour MP’s to vomit with disgust? What part of what he said constituted an attack on Israel or revealed a hatred of Jews? We are already deep down the tunnels of obfuscation. Must be an election coming.

Jun 29, 2019 1:32 PM
Reply to  Paul

they only need the slightest excuse to pounce and denigrate some truly wonderful people who only want what any fair-minded person wants – a government that looks after ALL its people (not just the rich)

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jun 29, 2019 7:23 PM
Reply to  Paul

‘What element of that perfectly fair remark was causing Labour MP’s to vomit with disgust? ‘- vomiting is just the start of it, even for relatively minor infractions such as expressing scepticism over Margaret Hodges 20,000 word dossier on why Corbyn’s Labour puts the SS to shame.

After that comes self-flagellation with medieval instruments followed by 10 minutes of eye irrigation with battery acid. Then, and only then, are MPs once again fit to mingle with Likud-National Liberal sympathisers on the Labour back benches.

This is exactly how a modern party should look, at least according to MPs who no longer subscribe to a movement willing to put the welfare of austerity ravaged Britain before undying allegiance to an overseas apartheid state.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jun 29, 2019 12:59 PM


Interestingly enough Tommy Robinson and the far right English Defence League are big fans of Zionism and Israel. Strange bedfellows one would have thought. But then of course history tells a strange story. If you take the Ukraine, The Banderist neo-nazi militias coexisted alongside and shared power with Jewish oligarchs, Poroshenko, Kolomoisky, Lozkhin, Akmethov being the most prominent. Thus liaisons between what are usually thought to be enemies were often misconceived. The Zionists at the time argued that there was no place for Jews in Europe or even the US. And this view was reciprocated by anti-Semites in those countries. Thus came the understanding that these apparently theoretical enemies could – and did – co-operate on this understanding. What was to be distinctive about Zionism was its promiscuity as the choice of imperial sponsor.

The breakthrough came with the Balfour Declaration in which the proposals for an Israel state in Palestine was granted to the Zionist Federation. The architect of this agreement was Sir Arthur Balfour who was in fact a known anti-semite, but that should come as no surprise since both the zionists and anti-semites seemed to have established a modus vivendi on the issue.

As for the ‘wogs’ Palestinian, christian, arabs and muslim, despite being an overwhelming majority of the population (93%) found themselves relegated to the status of ‘existing non-jewish communities’
and their ‘civil’ rights’ did not include being consulted about their country being given away.

Jun 29, 2019 1:35 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

I don’t think they are strange bedfellows actually. They have a common aim which is to ensure that we never have a socialist government in power and that the rich can continue to get fat off the poor.

Jun 29, 2019 4:02 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Tommy Robinson is 100% Zionist owned. Proof and info in this mini doc:

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jun 29, 2019 6:05 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

“Known anti-Semite”? You mean like Corbyn is alleged to be?

Jun 30, 2019 12:56 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

The EDL is a Zionist Front.
It was created by Zionist activists in London.
When he was Fuhrer of the EDL, “Robinson” was getting £10,000 a month in Zionist money to stir up trouble with moslems.
He is forever shilling for Israel and waving a Star of David around.
Zionist activists tried to take over the BNP.
When that didn’t work out they set up the EDL instead.
The name was a knock off from the terrorist Jewish Defence League.
It’s the same story with a lot of similar organisations, like Wilders and his outfit in Holland.

Jul 1, 2019 1:18 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Rothschild wrote the Balfour Declaration. It was just handed to Shabbos goy Balfour to read out. He was anti semitic himself, but he’d do anything for Jew money.
Like Churchill. He lost all his money in the Wall Street crash. The Jews bailed him out, and after that they owned him.
Like Lord Falconer on his recent TV appearance, smearing Chris Williamson, reading straight from a script supplied by the Board of Deputies.
We might as well just rename this country the Jew K.

Jul 2, 2019 10:16 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

”Interestingly enough Tommy Robinson and the far right English Defence League are big fans of Zionism and Israel.”

Mmmm, I wonder how much that will cost the ”Lobby?”

Jun 29, 2019 12:37 PM

The real problem is the Labour Party itself! Followed closely by Corbyn, who is caught between a rock and Zionism. It’s all the mea culpas that piss me off! What does Corbyn et al, have to apologise for? But the Labour Party is an integral component of British Imperialism and it always has been so since it accepted the Parliamentary road to its version of socialism. This explains Corbyn’s ambivalence about his role. Corbyn cares more about the Labour Party than he does his professed ‘socialist’ principles and he’s paid the price. You can’t eat your cake AND keep it. He has to decide where he stands in struggle. It’s political and ethical cowardism.

Michael McNulty
Michael McNulty
Jun 29, 2019 12:20 PM

If Zionism gets to rule the world unchallenged most of us will discover what it’s like to be a Palestinian.

Jun 29, 2019 12:12 PM

Jeremy Corbyn is a faker. I’m still searching for the Simpsons episode where chief Clancy Wiggums is ‘trying’ to stop a horde from invading Springdale. I have no recollection of the details. But the scene is funny as hell, with Wiggums standing there with his gun drawn while one of the invaders crawls beneath his legs and into Springdale. Look at the characters here: Corbyn/Wiggums and genuine racists/rightwing friends of Israel. The defender of Palestinians stands there while the destroyers of Palestinians and Palestinian rights crawl under his legs and right into his political Party and the wider UK society.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jun 29, 2019 1:02 PM
Reply to  Arby

This article is not about Corbyn but the way certain techniques are employed to determine what thought and speech is acceptable, and what forms aren’t (largely via accusations or media shaming).

This type of conditioning is so effective that even the most anodyne utterance can be transformed into a terrifying existential threat, however far removed from reality that threat might be, thus enabling the real villians to can get on with physical and economic violence while the public fret over the ersatz form rather than real harm being inflicted on a vast scale.

Jun 29, 2019 1:23 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Anti-semitism exploits white, European guilt, that’s why it’s so easy to exploit the idea of ‘anti-semitism’. It’s interesting to note that before WWII, most European Jews were anti-Zionists, like my family. Frankly, I’ve said it before here, Zionism is itself, anti-semitic, just look at its foundation, Imperialists to a man.

Jun 29, 2019 1:46 PM
Reply to  Barovsky
Jul 1, 2019 2:55 PM
Reply to  Pricklyone

Your point being?

John Roberts
John Roberts
Jul 1, 2019 11:16 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Like Kalinigrad to Russia, Israel is basically an enclave of the United States of America, essentially the 52nd state of the nation (Canada being the 51st). It’s an American Sparta placed strategically in the Middle East, guarding, along with such the Arab tyrannies as Saudi Arabia, the world’s major energy resources.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jun 29, 2019 5:32 PM
Reply to  Arby

The destroyers of Palestinians and their rights are the Israelis and their elected representatives. I really don’t think Corbyn has been anything but consistent in his noble and righteous defense of the Palestinians from the likes of you.

Jun 29, 2019 9:09 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Your comment was incoherent and hostile. If I don’t agree with you about your chosen champion that makes me a acceptable target for smears? Nice. I absolutely support Palestinian human rights – for those who George might have given the wrong idea to.

Why are you here George?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jun 30, 2019 12:09 AM
Reply to  Arby

Corbyn is not my personal champion. But I do admire his standing up against the Israeli oppressors. If you are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, why do you not respect Corbyn for refusing to be bullied and taking their side, despite the political consequences.?

Jun 30, 2019 2:39 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

If Corbyn fails to lead the UK after its next national election, he will have himself to blame to a great extent. He’s like a drill sargeant who has his soldiers play badminton. He sounds right, most of the time. But he’s not convincing once you examine the situation. I guess the UK would be better off with Corbyn running things instead of Boris Johnson, but he’s just not the kind of solid friend that Palestinians and the working class needs. From “THE RISING OF BRITAIN’S ‘NEW POLITICS'” by John Pilger (John Pilger): “A Corbyn government will “immediately recognise the state of Palestine”. But it is silent on whether Britain will continue to arm Israel, continue to acquiesce in the illegal trade in Israel’s illegal “settlements” and continue to treat Israel merely as a warring party, rather than as an historic oppressor given immunity by Washington and London… “Jeremy Corbyn is widely and properly recognised for his integrity; he opposes the renewal of Trident nuclear weapons; the Labour Party supports it. But he has given shadow cabinet positions to pro-war MPs who support Blairism, and tried to get rid of him and abused him as “unelectable”. “We are the political mainstream now,” says Corbyn. Yes, but at what price?” From “Corbyn speech to UK Labour conference criticises austerity but offers no viable alternative” by Chris Marsden (WSWS): “In his speech at Brighton, Corbyn spoke of the more than 160,000 who have joined Labour, more than 50,000 of them since his election; declaring that the two thirds of votes registered for him in the party leadership contest were a “huge mandate” for political change. “Let me be clear, under my leadership Labour will be challenging austerity,” he said… “The World Socialist Web Site wrote on September 14 that his election was… Read more »

Jul 1, 2019 1:25 AM
Reply to  Arby

You’ve summed it up to a tee. Why do people waste 5 minutes of their time on Labour?

Jul 1, 2019 6:01 AM
Reply to  mark

Governments, and all that goes with them, have been captured by powerful special interests. Electoral systems have been captured by powerful special interests. Education systems, the same. The Corporatocracy leaves nothing to chance. The illusion we are given is of democracy. If we can vote in an election, supposedly, then we have democracy. We haven’t lost it and don’t need to look for it. Everything is okay. Be happy. Don’t worry. But I try not to be extremist. I’ve voted a couple times in my life. Both times I was fooled. I voted for leftwingers who turned out to be rightwingers. It can only be thus. Still, If the guardians fail to keep someone, a people’s champion (say, like Ralph Nader) out of the system and we can vote for him or her, sure. Why not? It can’t hurt, as long as we have not drank the Kool-Aid and believe, and encourage others to believe, that we are on the road to (significant) success here, then sure, vote for the people’s champion. James Corbett recently asked his viewers (on Bitchute) whether they think that the public has been fooled so often that they now won’t be. He wonders whether 2020 will be different. I kind of don’t know what he’s talking about, but I gave him (theoretically, with Disqus) my two cents worth. The general public, good and bad people, don’t care to know. Even with those who know, they shrug and then go in the direction that they are prodded, while focussing inently on their smart phones, with or with headphones attached. For one thing. The other thing is that they get to choose from among a handful of Corporatocracy chosen candidates, ergo… But suppose a virus-like champion came along and made it past the guardians. It would probably… Read more »

Jul 4, 2019 7:25 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Refusing to be bullied George? Hes your typical utopian fake Fabian socialist who can’t bring himself to support actual socialism and has kowtowed now completely on more than one issue and flip flopped over brexit. I used to try stick up for the fraudster buyback I realised he was a fraudster. Any other politician would have had the balls to bintur dregs of a party full of blairites

Jun 30, 2019 2:53 PM
Reply to  Arby

As a friend said to me recently “What would you do if Mossad threatened you and your family?”.