5G as a Globalist Tool

Renee Parsons

How reassuring.

The recent Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing regarding oversight of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failed to shed any real light on  details of the proposed 5G network as it received less scrutiny than expected given its highly anticipated, ubiquitous role in American life.

While the Senate Committee would be the logical committee to hold 5G hearings, it was curious that the Committee’s website does not specifically identify The Internet or Digital Communication or any other broadband subject on its list of committee jurisdiction

The closest mention is “all matters relating to science and technology” even though the Committee has held a series of related 5G hearings beginning in late 2017.

Perusing the Committee’s schedule of hearings, the question remains how and when did the genesis of the 5G project occur?  While there were no introductory or oversight hearings on the project as a stand-alone entity, it was as if 5G was a done deal.  There have been, however, hearings that address individual items specific to the 5G project.

So the question is how exactly did such a complex 5G move so far, so fast without public hearings and little public awareness? Exactly how did this juggernaut get rolling? 

If the 5G project and its massive diabolical offspring came out of Silicon Valley, it would be curious that no representatives appeared before the Committee to take credit for introducing such a sophisticated piece of malevolence.

While the digital revolution ostensibly began in America in 1975, Israel has hosted Intel’s largest and most advanced development and computer chip manufacturing center in the world since 1974 specializing in IOT devices, AIs and cyber security while China’s leading telecoms Huawei and ZTE were founded in 1987 and 1985; respectively.

An Intel promotional essay entitled Intel Lays the Groundwork for America’s 5G Future appears to answer the question of origination when it states:

In preparation for widespread 5G implementation, Intel released the industry’s first 5G trial platform in 2016. This made it possible for Intel to test 5G wireless technology across multiple U.S. markets, working closely with telecom equipment manufacturers such as Ericsson and Nokia.”

The same document goes on to suggest that “the nation’s 5G needs to be built by American innovators” that the “groundbreaking technology should be supported by lawmakers” and that “US competitiveness in key 4G technologies is essential to US leadership in 5G.”  

One interpretation of the above is that once Israel/Intel put the product together, it was then up to the US to sneak this technological atrocity past a naturally suspicious public, sell it to stressed-out skeptical citizens, line up the infrastructure, take it to market and deal with the political blowback.

By September, 2018, Intel announced that Nokia and Ericsson would partner to deploy 5G globally describing that, according to an Ericsson spokesman “for 5G we’ve been collaborating since four years back.”

In other words, while 5G has been a gleam in Israel/Intel’s eye for sometime, there has been a sort of shakedown cruise to work out the kinks prior to introducing the project to the gullible Americans.

Clearly, the Senate Committee (and 5G proponents) were intent on bamboozling the American public, assuring that discovery of the project would come only after it was too little, too late.

The following hearings, some with obscure sounding titles, were vague enough to deflect public attention and thus escape public scrutiny.  The intent was to avoid public hearings specifically identified as the Big Overall Picture which would have opened 5G to a massive interrogation

Such hearings would have stirred the American public in furious national outrage and provided them an opportunity to mount an organized, coordinated opposition – and it is not too late.

Clearly, if 5G represented such a social boon, a true benefit to American life as the proponents allege, the Committee would have acted with more accountability, more openness and transparency, a willingness to fully inform the public of its intentions.  They did not do so.

Clearly, the Committee and its 5G proponents meant to preclude exactly the kind of national debate as it was their job to have initiated.


  • June 25 – Optimizing for Engagement: Understanding the Use of Machine Learning and Internet Platforms
  • June 12 – Oversight of the Federal Commerce Commission
  • May 1 – Consumer Perspectives: Policy Principles for Federal Data Privacy Framework
  • April 30 – Strengthening the Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things
  • April 10 – Broadband Mapping:  Challenges and Solutions
  • March 26 – Small Business Perspective on Federal Data Privacy Framework
  • March 12 – Impact of Broadband investments in Rural America
  • March 7 – China: Challenge for US Commerce
  • February 27 – Policy Principles for Federal Data Privacy Framework in the US
  • February 6 – Winning the Race to 5G and the Next Era of Technology Innovation in the US

  • October 12 – The Race to 5G: A View from the Field (South Dakota)
  • October 4 – Broadband: Opportunities and Challenges in Rural America
  • August 16 – Oversight of the FCC
  • July 31 – The Internet and Digital Communication:  Examining the Impact of Global Internet Governance
  • July 25 – The Race to 5G:  Exploring Spectrum Need to Maintain US Global Leadership
  • July 11 – Complex Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Lessons Learned from Spectre and Meltdown
  • June 19 – Cambridge Analytica and other Facebook Partners: Examining Data Privacy Risks
  • March 13 – Rebuilding Infrastructure in America: Investing in Next Generation of Broadband

  • December 12 – Digital Decision Making:  The Building Block of Machine Learning and AI
  • November 7 – Advancing the Internet of Things in Rural America

Clearly the 5G campaign has been in the Intel pipeline prior to 2016 which explains the sense of urgency for the FCC’s adoption of ‘fast lane’ approval processes. 

The US was tasked in January, 2018 by a National Security Council 5G presentation to provide the necessary infrastructure requirements within a three year period in order to not lose the global initiative.

The mega-mammoth project is being sold to the American public as essential to modern life and deliberately focused on increased broadband network speeds, improved reliability and greater capacity including a connectivity to all that can be connected. 

The mostly worthless connectivity of all things is little more than a sham, a talking point that offers no real merit to American consumers.  The slick PR focus on broadband speed is a not-so-clever smokescreen for the sinister Massive Internet of Things (MIOT) and its fiendish compatriot, Artificial Intelligence

The pretense is that faster speeds are far superior and very desirable, as if the current 4G LTE speed is somehow inferior or as if the public has been clamoring for faster speeds – neither is the case. 

The truth is that 5G is much more than an irrelevant connectivity opportunity that begins with a digital transformation but rather provides an opportunity to transform humanity and civilization into a profound grotesque distortion of reality.

This level of razzle-dazzle has not been seen since taming the ‘peaceful’ atom opened the door to a radioactive world of nuclear weapons, nuclear waste and creation of a monolithic military industrial complex. In return, the American public was promised low cost, reliable, safe electricity, all of which proved to be a blasphemous scam spawned by the snake-oil salesmen and neocons of the day – not unlike the 5G pr campaign we are witnessing today.

The creators of 5G are pinning their hopes on enough wirelessly addicted, self indulgent humans being open to the opportunity for new digital bells and whistles to take over every personal and professional task.  The success of 5G depends on human being willingness to acquiesce those burdensome tasks of setting a timer on the coffee brewer or starting the washing machine so that humanity will have more time to escape into virtual reality toys rather than taking a hike in nature. 

Without explicitly saying so, the ultimate objective is to free humanity from the burden of personal interaction with the rest of humanity in favor of interaction with computerized machines or gadgets. 

As if the need for human relationship is a genetic weakness, the true existence of human beings becomes extraneous as increased surveillance and monitoring of all daily activity is recorded. 

As the State will monitor all thought, our personal bathroom habits, whether to become pregnant (or not) or personal private choices, all will be entered into a personal data registry – not unlike China’s ‘social credit score’ evaluating each citizen’s loyalty. 

There will be no on or off switch as opting out will no longer be permitted.

The human heart of kindness, love and compassion will be but a memory of the past when our neighbors were our friends and our friends were like family and our family a scant remnant of a poignant reminiscence that has no authenticity.  These are not exaggerated forecasts of the future but a creepy reality check of what the Silicon Valley and apparently Israel/Intel techno twits have in store as humanity becomes complacent to its own basic life decisions and that of future generations.

To be continued…

Renee Parsonshas been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She can be found on Twitter @reneedove31


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Oct 7, 2023 7:50 AM

I’d like to see you do something about the potential health risks of 5G. I’ve only found this article https://eluxemagazine.com/?s=dangers+of+5g but it’s a bit old….

K Lee
K Lee
Jul 5, 2019 2:57 AM

Avoid S.M.A.R.T. everything. – Secret Military Armaments in Residential Technology

5G is NOT green! It’s a Trojan horse for 24/7 surveillance and a cancerous increase in electro-smog. There’s just too much evidence to deny the health and privacy hazards:

A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold. 

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley

The Privacyless, Freedomless Smart City of 2030 the Elite Are Engineering

Learn about surveillance capitalism. Data is the new oil as capitalists make $$ on selling and exploiting our social behavior:

5G mini cell towers, TOO close to the ground, are already causing cancer clusters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM5KS1vgORA&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2E4SPkk22wV47ukiVq3trXTFkiEqjJhgUtdS2z4PPjAGZ3lKJmPJxJ8yg

Smart home devices are broadcasting the daily lives of hundreds on websites without their knowledge or consent.

Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies Against 5G: Hearing 2018

Here’s How The Chinese Social Credit Score Technocracy Comes to the U.S.

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” ~ Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages, 1970

BETWEEN TWO AGES – Democracy to Technocracy

“The Internet of Things (IoT) will destroy not only the Internet… but all of mankind. I can prove it. In only 20 minutes.” ~ Bryan Lunduke

5G Health Hazards:

“They define wireless radiation as a pollutant when it comes to protecting themselves in terms of liability, but when they want to force it into our communities and blanket our communities, supposedly it’s safe.”

Green New Deal proposal for “smart grid” installation, pg. 7. Sec. (D):

Electric grid blackout scenario:

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 3, 2019 9:57 AM

A welcome article on a subject about which the corporate media has offered little information(I can’t speak about the specialist publications though)Can I suggest that UreKismet’s contributions below are also well worth a visit.

Jul 4, 2019 12:54 AM
Reply to  John Thatcher

James Corbett has covered this very good. Global Research has also covered this very good. I was alarmed to see one other alt/progressive source carrying and article ‘selling’ 5G and left a comment to that effect. It was responded to reasonably and hopefully the website owner (who I exchanged emails with) looks into 5G (starting with the links I offered). But I honestly don’t know how any progressive at this point could come to the conclusion that 5G is innocuous.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 3, 2019 8:47 AM

One interpretation of the above is that once Israel/Intel put the product together

Unbelievable….. One really must applaud the ingenuity of the conspiracy theorist.

5g is really no big deal, it should enable you to stream TV to your phone, but 4g should be able to do that. The main thing is to not allow it to be a trojan horse that permits spying by the middle kingdom.

Jul 6, 2019 7:56 AM

Will no one rid us of this troublesome shill?

Jul 3, 2019 8:29 AM

To be continued…

“You were supposed to have been in the Sector when the adjustment began. Because of an error you were not. You came into the Sector late — during the adjustment itself. You fled, and when you returned it was over. You saw, and you should not have seen. Instead of a witness you should have been part of the adjustment. Like the others, you should have undergone changes.”

“An error occurred. And now a serious problem exists. You have seen these things. You know a great deal. And you are not coordinated with the new configuration.”

“Our methods may seem strange and indirect. Even incomprehensible. But I assure you we know what we’re doing.”

Philip K Dick The Adjustment Team 1954

Jul 4, 2019 12:56 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

That sounds fun. Is that a movie?

Jul 4, 2019 6:01 AM
Reply to  Arby

It is, The Adjustment Bureau 2011. It’s based on the PKD story. You can read the full text of the short story here:

Jul 4, 2019 9:03 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

I thought so! I saw that. It was great fun! I’ve bookmarked the story and, now that I’m on holiday I should actually have the time to read it. Thanks!

Jul 3, 2019 8:24 AM

I have the Huawei 5-G here in China, and even with a VPN, government manipulation creates daily, and sometimes hourly fluctuations in connectivity and speed.
How I miss the European 4-G, the best I ever had.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 3, 2019 8:50 AM
Reply to  eddie

Yep, it’s a pain in the arse trying to work out what is blocked, what isn’t, which VPN you need etc.

Why the f*** did they block Wikipedia ffs?

Jul 4, 2019 10:30 AM

I have tried a number of VPNs. Everyone selling them advertizes that they will do this and that, but they don’t tell you that they are not flawless. And in the case of a vpn, one hiccup, where your head, so to speak, bobs above the surface, and it’s game over. Tell me how you are protected when the vpn connection suddenly drops. Sure, you can usually reconnect. But haven’t you now been ‘spotted’? It’s like someone running from the government and hiding in the jungle somewhere. He has a powerful radio (or just a cell phone) but dare not turn it on lest his trackers zero in on him. But he knocks against the on/off switch for a second and the radio turns on. He quickly turns it back off. Does it make a difference that he has turned it back off?

Also, Beware that some VPN companies will cave at the drop of the hat. For example:


Jul 3, 2019 5:27 AM

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Journal
Internet of Things: Standards and Guidance from the IETF
By: Ari Keränen, Carsten Bormann
Date: April 17, 2016

When we wrote about IoT in the IETF Journal in 2010, there were three IETF working groups (WGs) focusing on IoT…

The first IETF IoT WG, IPv6 over Low-power WPAN (6LoWPAN), was chartered in March 2005. It defined…

You’ve had plenty of time to panic – why the sudden rush to twist your knickers (at last)? Same old same old?

There are TWO basic “dangers” with the IoT (the quote marks do not imply triviality):

1. the restoration of IPv4’s now effectively long-lost end-to-end connectivity with IPv6 (on which IETF work has been ongoing since the early 1990s) that impacts on the security, surveillance and civil liberties (data) aspects of the Internet of anything, and

2. the modulated, high-frequency, pulsed-energy radiation aspects of 5G technology (a more recent development) that impacts on the integrity of the biosphere.

You are too late to significantly interfere with the implementation of either, so the choice is to try to influence without transfixed rabbit panic what to do about related future developments of both by learning at least the elements of them on their own technological terms (you wanted all the blissfulness of button-pushing technology; hey, you’re getting it) or stick your genitals in the meat grinder so that your pet cat, as an obigate carnivore, can have a decent lunch in this era of rapidly encroaching near_vegetarianism (another too little too latey) and humanoid or more extinction (a done and dusted).

Jul 3, 2019 4:37 AM

It is not mentioned that governments sold the 5G frequencies. It’s money, more tanks, more bombs, not one penny for people. In London, a 5G company has bought use of lampposts and now other companies are complaining that they want access to lampposts, too.

Gullible Americans? Try gullible Australians. We were never asked. An added problem is that so much is digitized that people are forced to have smartphones and all these time consuming gadgets that not only monitor your every fart but carry many risks. Older people have sleepless nights because they fear more digitization.

Jul 4, 2019 12:59 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

“It is not mentioned that governments sold the 5G frequencies.” I don’t think that is done. Forecasters (and others doing specialized work in relevant frequencies) complained about the frequency selected by the 5G developers and the government halted and changed to other frequencies, if I’m not mistaken.

Jul 3, 2019 1:17 AM

Does anyone else remember a time, like me, when there were only 2 television channels brainwashing people, when you weren’t followed every step you take by CCTV cameras, when you didn’t have to listen to people shouting into mobile phones about every gory detail of their love lives, when you drove a car you could actually repair yourself?

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Jul 3, 2019 2:50 AM
Reply to  mark

Timing a Model A took 5 min.if you took your sweet time.

Jul 3, 2019 8:30 AM
Reply to  mark

You forgot to mention a time when you could phone someone and actually hear an actual human voice and not a f***ing recording. I recently thought I’d left something behind in a local Argos store. I tried phoning and was automatically put on to a pre-recorded message giving options relating to the entire Argos organisation. And then there’s those charming ones where there is a recording asking you to speak clearly in. So it has come to talking to machines?

Jul 3, 2019 12:49 AM


On the assassination/coup attempt foiled in Venuzuela these past few days.

Jul 3, 2019 1:25 AM
Reply to  Monobazeus

They’re probably more likely to kill Gweedo than Maduro.
He’s outlived his usefulness and is expendable.
He still has some value as a martyr, like the people shot in the Maidan false flag.

Jul 2, 2019 11:31 PM

The wireless industry is the new tobacco/asbestos industry

Jul 3, 2019 12:57 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Mesothelioma doesnt manifest in smokers so long as the smoker keeps smoking. Stop smoking and asbestos grabs you in a heartbeat.

Man is the fire ape. As such quite hardened to the perils of smoke. Round every cattle yard in Australua one can find the plat Datura Metal, this datura came to Australia as a medicinal smoking product for asthmatics and lung borne diseases.

Datura is related to the Tobacco plant. Mankind has smoked it for 1000’s of years.

Some women still smoke a water bong using their private parts to draw innthe smoke so as to fumigate their vagina to prevent unwanted prenancy.

Look up: the many health benefits of smoking, sott.net

Jul 4, 2019 1:02 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I’m not sure that it’s on the same level at all. The Corporatocracy (minus a tiny part of it) would roll along nicely if tobacco companies all disappeared. 5G is something, however, that governments and their militaries and Silicon Valley all want. 5G will be good for machines (that can’t get cancer or be terrorized by the war-making State), but not for people.

Jul 6, 2019 12:15 PM
Reply to  Arby

Yes but they emerged in a new era, as these scumfucks began to hone their “fuck everything and everyone, if I can make money, I don’t care who or what I kill” mindset. Please carefully go through K Lee’s post above, currently first post, plus my posts with links. All the info is there

Jul 2, 2019 11:29 PM

It is reasonable to conclude that the current scare campaign against 5g is just one more sleazy rort by the empire as it scrabbles and clutches at straws desperate to slow down the technological advances emanating from the Peoples Republic of China.
Why? “Cos those sleazy little slants pulled a fast one” claims Ebenezer J Knickerbocker Vice President of Marketing and Bulldust Press releases for his uncle Abraham J Knickerbocker’s F500 Corporation, I is for Isr… sorry Intel.

Ebenezer goes on to say “What those slimy little pricks did was to undercut the market with better phones, switches and routers at a lower price – then instead of returning all the profits they made to the already rich aka investors which is the american way, they grabbed a chunk of the profit and reinvested it in research and development – that’s communistic!” he screeched.
“Now they own patents for most of the 5g hardware and the IP for nearly all the supporting software. It’s gonna take us years and years to catch up.”

As others have pointed out, when 2g, 3g, 4g and 4.5g – all as incrementally invasive as 5g, were rolled out, no one said a word – well hardly anyone, those of us who are naturally cautious of corporate ‘innovation’ and its concomitant failure to give a f++k for the long term interests of consumers took various steps such as using headsets or hands free for calling & switched off the WiFi and continued with hard wire connections through our homes.

Is it a coincidence that it is only now when the next step is being led by a corporation that doesn’t jack up prices to ridiculous levels or prop up the US’s vicious little ME colony, that the types generally referred to in mass media as ‘Luddites’ are finally being heard, that suddenly resources to organise anti 5g propaganda has been found? I think not.

I also reckon that in about 3 to 4 years when intel, CISCO et al finally develop sufficient 5g hardware and associated code which doesn’t impinge on Huawei, Xiaomi Mi or any other Chinese IP, to rollout 5g, then many of the newly minted Luddites will give the apple pie tech a big thumbs up for being safe when in actuality it will be barely different to what is available now.
And of course by that time which western corps will have wasted re-inventing the wheel, the China based telecoms manufacturers will be launching 6g or equivalent, since up until now the specs for the various ‘gs’ have been developed in the US.

Huawei and its compatriots have struggled in the US and to a lesser extent in euro markets because they have been treated to the tech version of what used to be said in america about Corona “those greaseballs piss in their beer”. That didn’t work and this won’t work either.

In this case it is because if there is one good thing about all this it is that it will seriously disrupt the digital divide. Huawei has market dominance throughout what used to be called “the Third World” or “The Global South”, those countries have embraced Chinese tech with a vengeance because it is far less expensive, more reliable and better supported in markets that western tech companies considered marginal.

In addition all those greedy f++ks at FB, Google and M$ are about to lose a big chunk of market share. The android OS which is used by most non-apple units is based on Linux, so Huawei have developed their own OS called Hongmeng.

As well as coming equipped with alternatives to the apps which have kowtowed to US heavies when threatened with an anti-trust investigation, Hongmeng will be compatible with FB, Google and WhatsApp should any derp decide they cannot live without them.

Of course this is going to be a very hard row for Huawei to hoe. There will be setbacks, sabotage and shonky law suits like those Samsung had to face down in the noughties, but I have no doubt that they will see this through and in the process knock a huuge chunk of the empire’s foundations for six.

Jul 3, 2019 12:35 AM
Reply to  UreKismet

Are you implying the 5g scare, is pure conspiracy https://youtu.be/K7jiLPIADKY'm an advocate for Occam’s razor but think there is more at play here

Jul 3, 2019 2:38 AM

I haven’t said it is ‘pure conspiracy’ rather that the pitfalls in 5g are as manageable as those in 1,2,3,4 and 4.5g which were grounds for equal concern when used carelessly – the real difference this time is that US corporations have been beaten to the rollout by Huawei and other PRC providers so the issues with 5g have been amplified and distorted in an attempt to put the brakes on consumer demand until US corps can catch up.

We all know that heavy use of cell phones can cause brain cancer already. The US providers are preferring to go with “It’s a weapon” or “Surveillance” because those problems with tech are less well documented so it is more difficult to prove the truth, that all the previous iterations of cell phone tech are also used by the military and intelligence services – re-actively in surveillance and pro-actively with weapons signal codes and global positioning.

As with everything else in this world we all have to make a choice, an informed choice and the current crop of spruikers strike me as being more interested in spreading confusion and panic than educating which doesn’t aid information dissemination.

ps the link she no work.

Jul 3, 2019 5:36 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

Thank you for your reply, ever since the WMD lie
I’m wary of anything mainstream, may be that was intended

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 3, 2019 7:46 AM

There are many possible subtexts but one that nobody talks about much but is definitely a very large elephant in the room is racism. Although the US is changing for the better large parts of it — including much of the decision making establishment — is rooted in a racist past. Its baked in, a bit like the seaside candy that you can buy in Britain that has the name of the town built into it (so no matter where you slice it, you get the name). Racism has always been a bit more complex than its portrayed because you never got problems from being (say) a Negro, what you got lynched for was having ideas above your station. (So a Negro in the White House is fine as part of the staff — but serving as President….that’s just not acceptable.) Anyway, the same sort of mindset applies to Asians, especially Chinese. They’re perfectly fine provided they’re in the background beavering away building our railroads, doing our laundry and maybe providing some light comic relief Charlie Chan style…..but as our long history will tell you once they get that little bit too successful then its out with the Chinese Exclusion Act or similar. Huawei’s just this happening on an international scale. China’s fine while its building our stuff and making us profits but once it starts looking us in the eye as an equal — then its war.

I am optimistic that the US is changing but its going to take some time to purge the hubris from our system. We have thrown down the gauntlet, though, and now there’s nothing else for the rest of the world to take on that challenge and win — there is no going back, we cannot return to our glorious past but rather we have to work towards a better future. A big part of that future is recognizing that other societies have a right to exist as well and just as we don’t want to be dominated by them they don’t want to be dominated by us — we have to figure out a way to live and work together. Its shouldn’t be that hard.

Jul 3, 2019 5:34 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Thank you, food for thought

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 3, 2019 8:53 AM
Reply to  UreKismet

desperate to slow down the technological advances emanating from the Peoples Republic of China.

No-one told me this was a comedy site.

Jul 3, 2019 9:55 AM

There is nothing funny about racist nonsense posing as amerikan exceptionalist, “but I’m a engineer” .
On any basis you care to use – per capita, % of GDP, proportion of government revenue or whatever, the PRC has been investing a far greater share of its resources into R&D than any other nation state.

The US corporate fixation with tax avoidance plus quarterly returns to shareholders has meant that US R&D is far behind most of the developed world who in turn lag behind China.
Unless you are yet another american moron, you must accept that this type of investment pays off fast and advances increase exponentially.
China is reaping the rewards of the last 30 years of R&D investment.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 3, 2019 2:41 PM
Reply to  UreKismet


The much vaunted Kirin microprocessors, made by Huawei use licenced ARM technology (a British company). Much Chinese investment in technology is of the ‘paying someone else to do it’ kind (the Microsoft model.

It would be surprising if a society valuing conformism and obedience turned out to be particularly innovative, and so it proves…

As for your idiotic point about racism, I got a recruitment call from a chinese company recently, asking if I knew a UK citizen willing to work in China.. The Chinese HR lady finished with ‘white people preferred’

Jul 4, 2019 1:04 AM
Reply to  UreKismet

And, as James Corbett explains, much of that r & d comes from the US!

Herr Ringbone
Herr Ringbone
Jul 3, 2019 3:02 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

Spot on. Well said.

Jul 2, 2019 10:47 PM

Great article with excellent, fresh information.

The truly terrifying aspect of 5G, aside from the uber-creepy surveillance capabilities, is that it utilises the Millimeter Wave Band, as is used by the military in its Active Denial System. 5G means turning up the power on the current network of 1G to 4G (ie more of the same on a more intense level, which in itself is a red flag as there are many health issues especially with 4G Wifi which broadcasts mainly at 2.4 GHz, same as a microwave oven , the exact frequency which water molecules start to turn on their axis and basically cook….we are 70% water….), PLUS adding in the Millimeter Wave Band. This is a first.

To give you an idea of how dangerous millimeter waves are, I will write the opening paragraph from an official CIA document which I found via the Fullerton Informer, Joe Imbriano. He has taught me a lot about 5G. Thanks Joe!

Document title:
Year: 1977
Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitive changes in the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processs of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavourable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.

Link: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120005-6.pdf


Following this opening paragraph there is much more detail about the research which you should read.

5G is weaponry, taking into account the effects of millimeter waves and the fact the military use millimeter waves on the battlefield. The Active Denial System which is mainly used for crowd control works by firing an electromagnetic beam at 95 Ghz. 5G broadcasts at between 30 and 90 Ghz, some say 30 to 100GHz. It will be blanket coverage, 24/7 no escape.

Millimeter waves don’t travel well so the 5G network will require an incredibly dense network of antennae. 5G towers will be outside every 2 to 10 homes because of this. When the military use ADS, it is mainly for crowd control and it is very effective as it makes you feel like your body is on fire. If it is used on you, you run and you run fast as it is unbearable. You are exposed to it for just a few seconds. This is nonstop exposure, forever. 5G is plain crazy.

Any takers?

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 3, 2019 8:56 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Non ionising radiation has no mechanism to cause tissue damage. The ‘research’ you cite has been debunked many times.

Jul 3, 2019 12:45 PM

“Non ionising radiation has no mechanism to cause tissue damage. The ‘research’ you cite has been debunked many times.”

The classification of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation is a quantitative empirical division of the continuous electromagnetic spectrum based on arbitrary limits set by wavelength and associated energy considered in specific, mostly non-biological laboratory conditions. There is no qualitative difference between the two.

Science, particularly ‘soft’ and/or statistically-reliant science, as an authority, especially when it relates to implemented technology, is as biased and mutable as any other cultural project. Individuals, including scientists and technologists, who deny the validity of ‘scientific methodology’ in one context, e.g. climatology, are as likely to affirm it in another, e.g. epigenetics, depending on complex interplays of conscious and unconscious individual and subgroup motivations, as are random individuals without any scientific or technical qualifications (an untested hypothesis based on empirical observation, offered as an introduction to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504984/#__ffn_sectitle : World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health – a hard nut to crack (Review); International Journal of Oncology).

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 3, 2019 8:00 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The classification of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation is a quantitative empirical division of the continuous electromagnetic spectrum based on arbitrary limits set by wavelength and associated energy considered in specific, mostly non-biological laboratory conditions. There is no qualitative difference between the two.

Ionising radiation is defined as having a photon energy greater than 10 electronVolts. This boundary occurs midway in the ultraviolet range, and the photon energy is defined so because this is the minimum energy required to remove an orbital electron (the definition of ionisation)

Hence, there is a clear delineation between ionising and non ionising radiation.

Jul 4, 2019 2:18 AM

I am aware that there is a clearly defined technical delineation between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and even what it is. The development of science has been a remarkable (and ongoing) achievement of the human mind. One day I expect it will even be able to explain why, to a carpentry apprentice who has just mastered the use of the hammer, everything looks like a nail.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 4, 2019 9:36 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

One day I expect it will even be able to explain why, to a carpentry apprentice who has just mastered the use of the hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I read this as autobiographical, given your insistence that demonstrably harmless microwaves are out to get you.

Jul 4, 2019 11:40 AM

Harmless microwaves? Ok you get in the microwave oven, I’ll set in on full power for 10 minutes, press start, and we can all stand around and watch you cook. Watch the Kevin Mottus clip below.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 4, 2019 1:36 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Try warming your TV dinner with a cellphone tower…. You’ll have a long wait.

Microwave cookers work by resonating a particular discrete frequency of the water molecule. A random cellphone frequency won’t work.

Jul 6, 2019 12:17 PM

Yes, the frequency of microwave cookers is not discreet, or unknown, it is 2.4 GHz, the same frequency as your home Wifi. Maybe that will open your blind eyes

Jul 4, 2019 1:06 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Sound weapons do indeed use the same frequency or whatever. (I won’t retain details but I do read a lot.)

Jul 2, 2019 9:54 PM

I like that I can turn off the Modem, free myself from the invisible chatter that plays havoc with my brains electrical impulses…..but then cometh this 5th gen 24-7 365 beast…..situated on a Lampost near you , with it’s high power mmw directional antennas to Target my property. And do I have the option to opt out of this full time invasion from outside My space – No….but then I can rig up a washing machine wrecking ball and send the offending gizmo into oblivion.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 2, 2019 9:12 PM

Please raise your hands those of you who don’t use, ever:
2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G, 4.5G…
Don’t all rush at once….

Jul 3, 2019 7:09 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

I used 2G for a few years when it was all there was and I was on 24/7 call for an infrastructure thing. Since then I have had 2.5G, 3G and 4G devices but with the GSM radios switched on only to make possible emergency call (which I haven’t), when no SIM is required, and–in all other cases–with the SIM removed (though lately, as I get more senile by the day (frail like Corbyn), kept in the case but not the SIM slot, should I have to insert it and phone a friend to ask who I am. All online, connected GSM/Internet/etc devices of all generations are dangerous in so many obvious and subtle ways that only an antisocial fool would fail to keep them on a very tight leash in a mostly non-communicative state.

This quiz is fun. Really keeping me on my toes. What’s it for? How am I scoring? What’s next? Who hasn’t had a measles vaccination?

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 2, 2019 9:08 PM

Please can I read the same article about:
Yeah, right, a bunch of uneducated clowns frequent the Interweb….

Jul 2, 2019 10:57 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Would you say Kevin Mottus is an uneducated clown?

Jul 4, 2019 1:13 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Thanks Mucho. I will add this to my 5G collection!

Jul 3, 2019 7:23 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

I’ve submitted numerous long to very long posts BT various Ls over the years. Does that count? Before I had to guess, but now I’m almost sure you haven’t been following them. I used to do a bit of clowning but the nose had a sort of hook in it where it got caught on a polling booth curtain and one day I got expelled and no-ringed for wearing anticlowitic paraphenalia

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 2, 2019 9:03 PM

Paranoid claptrap?

Actually, no…it’s MUCH worse than that.

WTF is happening to Off-Guardian? This year you are unrecognizable compared to the last year or two.

Jul 2, 2019 10:55 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Please read my post above and read the CIA document I link to concerning millimeter waves, a fundamental aspect of 5G.
Then watch this clip from one of the hearings the author mentions, where Senator Blumenthal confirms definitively with captains of the telco industry that ZERO dollars have been spent on health testing prior to rolling out this wicked, extremely nefarious technology. Then shut up.

US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 3, 2019 1:03 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Then shut up

I have never said that 5G is healthy, it’s not. But ascribing it as a “globalist tool” is just pathetic nonsense. It’s commercial greed and consumerist thirst for yet more, that’s driving the adoption of 5G, not some kind of plot.

Jul 3, 2019 7:34 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

“…ascribing [5G] as a “globalist tool” is just pathetic nonsense.”

A “tool” is as much what it can be or is used for as what it was designed and made for.

Jul 6, 2019 12:26 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

No, we are led by PURE EVIL. This is the problem

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 2, 2019 8:25 PM

5G as its currently described is a triumph of Marketing over Engineering. That’s why the agenda listed above is basically all waffle even though it might sound convincing to someone who’s not an engineer. The current imperative is to stake claims, to carve out promising pieces of the engineering landscape which can become the foundation of future monopolies. Unfortunately, while many of us have been waffling companies like Huawei have been quietly developing next generation wireless communication standards and technologies, with Huawei in particular being between two and five years ahead of the pack (depending on who you ask) which has necessitated some serious political action to try and slow it down. (Nobody in the business takes the (US) government’s pronouncements seriously….)

Internet of Things isn’t really anything to do with 5G as anyone who’s home is equipped with a smart electricity meter will tell you. Devices like meters don’t have a lot to say so they work just fine with earlier, slower, technologies. Even so they tell us a lot about the Brave New World that the marketers have in store for us — these meters allow power companies to slice ‘n dice tariffs suggesting that the future being offered us will be a rental model for common household objects. The IoT protocols are currently a mess, but once again its all about staking claims rather than providing a rational set of standards — apparently there are a lot of people out there who actually think that we are going to connect things directly to the public Internet, something that’s going to be impossible to secure unless the equipment is grossly over engineered for what it needs to do.

There are lots of other issues, far too many to put in a post. Just a few are the wireless spectrum grabs (everything’s auctioned off to become property to be bought and sold), the lack of consideration for traditional users (weather radar, control, even home wi-fi). Its all rather sordid, and speaking personally I’d rather the wireless companies got 4G to work first before blanketing our neighborhoods with useless, overpriced, pseudo-5G nodes (as is happening in our area). Its really technological hubris and I really hope it falls flat on its face.

Jul 5, 2019 1:26 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“[smart electricity] meters allow power companies to slice ‘n dice tariffs suggesting that the future being offered us will be a rental model for common household objects.”

There the signalling of a single side effect that shows–because of its professionally restricted scope habit–the still extraordinarily low public and professional awareness of the immenses advances so far made in the realtime analysis of massively interconnected, sparsely populated, nominally independent, big databases that already have Kevin Bacon breathing down our necks, with more–much more–of him to come. Already metadata analyses of multiple, disparate inputs are increasingly successfully mapping those of us seven tenuous degrees away from him.

“… apparently there are a lot of people out there who actually think that we are going to connect things directly to the public Internet, something that’s going to be impossible to secure unless the equipment is grossly over engineered for what it needs to do.”

A heirarchy of essentially external routers and routing/filtering functionality is where the majority of an individual’s online security lies and will continue to lie. It is via the closest two or three of those that single, simple, low cost–because thus relieved of most the security burden–IoT devices will connect to the future IPv6 public Internet in their 340 billion billion billion billions.

Jul 2, 2019 8:08 PM

• EMF, millimeter radiation (4G, 5G) • Fracking • Heart Disease • Hormonal Disruption • Land – poisoned • Nuclear radiation • Oceans – fouled • Pesticides, everywhere and in everyone and every animal • Plastic – everywhere and in everything • Air – fouled • Antibiotics in just about everything • Asthma • Autism • Bodies – fouled • Cancer• Thousands of untested chemicals, most likely also in everyone • Soil – fouled • Space – fouled  • Water – fouled

And for what?

Well, for guns and bombs, missiles and planes and warships and surveillance systems, police and security services and the vast profits generated therefrom. The US military is the single biggest consumer of oil on the planet and one of the worst polluters on the planet.

And secondly, for the most banal of reasons; profits for the owners of the corporations that are shitting in our house, so no wonder they don’t want to talk about it.

Why not? […]
We have to keep asking the question, why? Why does capitalism not acknowledge that it is the cause of planetary destruction?”



Because it suffers from “Malignant Egophrenia” (ME) the disease of industrial civilization, an economic, political, and social arrangement which requires violence to maintain itself. Every inhabitant of industrial civilization is infected with the ME disease, but “full blown” Wetikos” (i.e Bolton, Netanyahu, The Rothschild, etc) are not in touch with their own humanity and therefore can’t see the humanity in others.”

The acronym, “ME” is certainly no accident because malignant egophrenia naturally causes psychic vision to focus on “me” and my needs rather than more broadly on the rest of the world in addition to me. When we are unwittingly victims and carriers of the ME disease, we perpetuate the collective psychosis and the phenomenal evil of which it is capable.

From the Jungian perspective, humans possess a personal unconscious but are also part of a collective unconscious, and according to Levy:

“Whenever the contents of the collective unconscious become activated, they have an unsettling effect on the conscious mind of everyone. When this psychic dynamic is not consciously metabolized, not just within an individual but collectively, the mental state of the people as a whole might well be compared to a psychosis. Jung never tired of warning that the greatest danger that threatens humanity is the possibility that millions of us can fall into our unconscious together and reinforce each other’s blind spots, feeding a contagious collective psychosis in which we unwittingly become complicit in supporting the insanity of endless wars; this is unfortunately an exact description of what is currently happening.”

The SOLUTION starts with

“Self-reflection is not only the most beneficial response to evil, it is in fact the only response where we have any real influence or control.”

“If ever there was a time when the turning inward of self-reflection was of critical importance, it is now, in our present catastrophic epic.”



Jul 2, 2019 6:25 PM

I don’t agree with the ‘ultimate objective’ above. Possession and control is the objective of the marketisation and weaponisation of technology, and of thought as the distortion of communication.
All the King’s networks and all the King’s A.I. can never put Humpty together again.
As you love Life, choose Life and not the illusion of a life.
A conflict management system might be said to survive – but only as the life given it.
Giving power to systemic routines is ‘unconscious’ abnegation of response-ability.
If you don’t use it, you lose it.

Jul 2, 2019 6:14 PM

well now, what else would the super mainframe mother suggest – she’s unstoppable – or at least will be if this Pentagonal entity goes Genesis…..so am curious, my safe house – should I build down or go under water, I do like the idea of one of those big windows to eye the sea life.

Jul 2, 2019 8:29 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

or even the sea dying…:-(

Dino Valentis
Dino Valentis
Jul 2, 2019 5:27 PM

I don’t want to be connected to everything. I’m perfectly happy if my phone is just a phone, my car is just a car, my fridge is just a fridge and my washing machine is just a washing machine. I see no advantage in having them all talk to each other. And when presented with this astonishing 5G visoion of the future where everything is connected, all I can think is… so what?

Jul 2, 2019 6:08 PM
Reply to  Dino Valentis

With ‘Carbon guilt management and ‘social credit controls’ every transaction of information and energy will be A.I monitored to keep the system in balance.
For you – it is the loss of freedom of speech and movement or right of access to services.
For the syscontrollers it isn’t so what – but sewing everything into a sealed unit.
Those who are induced to bring this about will become disposable once in place.

In other words you are still seeing ‘things’ but the system is bringing things under real time surveillance and control. To the system you are a thing or a data set.
Silent weapon for quiet wars.

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Jul 2, 2019 4:51 PM

James Corbett gives a good overview below.

There seems to be an idea that the only reason we have historically had democracy, privacy, civil liberties and general freedoms is because in the past we lacked the technology to eliminate them.

US of War
US of War
Jul 3, 2019 2:57 PM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

“the only reason we have historically had democracy, privacy, civil liberties and general freedoms is because in the past we lacked the technology to eliminate them.”

Democracy and human rights … ummm .. those fleeting ideals are now used as a fig leaf for ‘naked economic terrorism’ as well as ‘naked militaristic terrorism’.

Laugh or Cry?

Jul 4, 2019 1:18 AM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

Some of it seemed flaky (although I possess no specialist knowledge and can’t properly assess). But it also loaded with good info and the best info comes from what we see and hear when activists try to get answers from politicians. Those politicians responses speak volumes.

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Jul 4, 2019 7:54 AM
Reply to  Arby

What aspects did you find flaky?

Jul 4, 2019 9:00 AM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

I just realized that I confused this vid with another one that I had found via The Quemado Institute (K Pomeroy, whom I’ve been discussing censorship with). I have watched a number of 5G vids now, including Corbett’s, above. The one that I was thinking of can be found here: https://arrby.wordpress.com/2019/06/03/5g-some-revelations-but-not-armageddon/

And while I thought the info about our being irradiated via chem trails fallout so that the State could see us, literally, no matter where we were seemed far-fetched, I just don’t know.

Jul 4, 2019 9:12 AM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

Reviewing the above, which I already viewed, makes me think of something I’ve said for some time. You are not too free because you are free. You are too free when you abuse your freedom. Also, Listening to Wheeler, I hear a professional (and that’s professional in the sense of smooth talking and clever) scam artist. And it strikes me that the existence of the worst kind of too free fools (like Wheeler) explains the hell on earth that we are all dealing with and survive, some (the scammers and lawbreakers and richer therefore) pulling it off more easily than others (most of us).

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Jul 4, 2019 9:49 AM
Reply to  Arby

In all of this one has to ask why it is that our supposedly health & safety obsessed governments are rolling out 5G as an emergency or crisis response without any health and safety evaluation as to the effects of the plethora of wireless technologies on human health or the broader environment especially plants, trees and insects? All testing is done on rats in order to explore possible connections to human cancer as if that should be our or science’s only concern. There is mounting evidence to suggest that our wireless world is a big mistake and that we need pursue wired connections such as fibre optic and turn off our wireless networks.

Its also worth noting that not a single political party is opposing this not even the Greens as 5G has been identified as an important development in controlling CO2 emissions along with an increased push for legitimising geo-engineering and bio-engineering including a massive increase in GMO: all of which will be applied globally to fight the climate crisis as once one accepts the crisis there appears to be no rational alternative. This will not just be about the complete surveillance and domination of people by surveillance capitalism and social credit systems etc. but also involves propositions for the complete domination and supposed control over all of nature around the whole world. Global crisis is the perfect alibi for neoliberal, technocratic, corporate globalism to assert its authority as the most complete and total form of domination of the whole world which involves the financialisation of all humanity and nature by which everything is reduced to the level of commodities to be traded by neoliberal capitalist systems. and since the fall of communism there is no alternative to any of this we are told.

This will end in disaster. I have no more faith in hubristic geo-engineers playing God to effectively control ‘nature’ then I have for economists and central bank masters of the economic universe to effectively control economies as historically in supposedly dealing with the previous crisis they merely prepare the ground for greater and greater financial and economic crisis in the future.

Jul 4, 2019 10:08 AM
Reply to  Simon Hodges
