REVIEW: Israel, a Beachhead…

Philip Roddis

This book is a timely response to three groups: Those yet to grasp that Israel in its current form is an outrage comparable to apartheid South Africa; Those who recognise this truth but fail (as had many sincere opponents of apartheid) to see the bigger picture of a Faustian bargain with Western elites; Those who say the USA is a vassal – a client state of Israel.

This is from an assessment of Winston Churchill in The Independent, January 30, 2015:

In … Zionism versus Bolshevism, he wrote:

“This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, down to Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman … this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing [as] the mainspring of every subversive movement and now this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people …”

However, Sir Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s official biographer, argues that Churchill was a fervent Zionist … “a fervent believer in the right of the Jewish people to a state … in what we then called Palestine.” Like much of Britain in the Thirties and Forties, however, he adds that Churchill “shared the low-level[1] casual anti-Semitism of his class and kind”.

The two instances of ‘however’ imply a contradiction where none exists. As Gowans’ important new book shows, antisemitism has never stood in the way of support for Zionism. (Nor in the way of Israeli and Western tactical alliances with virulently antisemitic Islamism.) The two arch reactionaries, Churchill and (initially) Hitler[2] both favoured it, and for the same reasons.

With Jews disproportionately represented on the Left – as in the revolutions of 1789 and 1917 – it offered the enticing prospect of draining Europe of ‘bolsheviks and troublemakers’. Better yet, leading Zionists like the atheist Theodor Herzl[3] dangled the irresistible prize of an Israel not only beholden to but (since gratitude is a famously short-lived emotion) dependent till the end of time on support from its backers in the West.

Or to put it more succinctly, Zionism offered imperialism a beachhead in the Middle East.


In chapter seven Gowans reminds us that:

Attempts by Third World leaders to establish independent control of their economies, in preference to their economies being used as spheres of profit-accumulation for the sole direct benefit of foreign investors, is almost invariably met by the opposition of investor-dominated foreign governments.

The narrow context is the 1953 overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh, and installing by the USA and Britain of a puppet in the form of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Shah of Iran. Shia clerics – in line with a century-old pattern across the Middle East of Islamist connivance with the West and Israel – aided the infidel powers because Mosadegh’s liberal humanism was anathema to their reactionary souls.

For their part, Winston Churchill and Kermit Roosevelt were determined to stop in its tracks this democratically elected leader’s mandate to nationalise Anglo-Persian Oil, now known as British Petroleum.

The wider context is an elephant-in-the-room truth ignored by Western media. Subordination of the global south by a few predatory nations, armed to the teeth, did not end with the demise of colonialism. In our age direct rule has given way to the indirect rule of imperialism, defined in a recent post as “the export of monopoly capital and repatriation of profits”.

As a primer on how and why Israel was formed – and why Western rulers remain committed, in the face of mounting public unease[4] at the scale of injustice to the Palestinians, to mildly critical but unconditional support for the perpetrator nation – Israel, a Beachhead is to be welcomed.

Chapter one shows how views of antisemitism as socially driven chime with understandings of the human condition espoused by thinkers on the Left, from Robespierre to Lenin, while views of antisemitism as permanently embedded within the human psyche have chimed with the more pessimistic, Hobbesian assessments of the Right.

It also makes the case, noted above, for Jews as disproportionately represented on the Left: a fact central to the thrust of chapter two, on the ontology of Zionism.

Chapter three strikes a balance between brevity and substantive detail in setting out how Israel came into being. While not competing with such seminal works as The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, it gives a thorough and insightful overview of the thinking of those who allowed, those who planned and those who paved the road to Palestine’s 1948 Nakba.

Equally valuable are the chapters devoted to Nasser, Saddam, Syria and Iran, but it is on more general chapters – those first two, and later ones on imperialism and division – I will focus. It is these that make Israel, a Beachhead more than just another worthy tome on wrongs done to the Palestinians; more too than a ledger on wrongs done to the peoples of the Middle East.

Rather, they serve as timely response to those in the pro Palestinian camp who, understandably focused on egregious and ongoing injustices, overlook the significance of what Zionists since Theodor Herzl offered the rulers of the West: a salient from which to control a region vital since the Suez Canal as gateway to India and the far east, and since WW1 for its super-abundance of capitalism’s most prized commodity.[5]

Equally, these general chapters, their themes informing those more specific, lead by increments to a convincing rebuttal of the notion, vehemently held in some quarters and given a veneer of plausibility by the strength and reach of the Israeli lobby, of the USA as vassal of Israel.

Yes, the waters are muddied by Israel’s status as a nuclear power and, yes, its reach from the Beltway to the British Labour Party and beyond reflects – as do those strops Riyadh goes in for from time to time – a junior partner with sufficient bargaining power to make trouble if crossed. But to claim that Israel is not only independent of but master over Washington – then ‘back up’ that claim with the risible assertion that America fights Israel’s wars – betrays a painfully weak grasp, often as not laced with antisemitism, of what imperialism is.

Says Gowans:

The ultimate purpose of dominating another country is to secure opportunities for big business to accumulate wealth. The dominated country may provide direct opportunities for wealth accumulation, or be a stepping stone to profit-making opportunities in a third country, without offering attractive opportunities of its own.

Such a country may become the target of an imperialist power because it’s favorably placed. Perhaps it bounds important shipping lanes and is prized as a naval base from which the movement of goods can be protected from rival imperialist powers that might choke off the flow. Or perhaps the aim is to position military power at a shipping chokepoint. Or maybe the territory is close to enticing targets that could be absorbed through military coercion. Maybe the dominated country is close to another imperialism and attractive for encircling it.

There are scores of reasons why an imperialist power might dominate a country that offers no immediate or direct economic benefit, but all are traceable to a perceived economic advantage for the dominating country’s major investors.

Since the riches flowing from such larcenous calculations are (a) at the expense of the peoples of the global south and (b) not shared equally within the predator states, further truths follow:

First, it is necessary to install privileged groupings, beholden to the distant power, within those nations whose resources are plundered. (Or whose labour is exploited at rates no longer available to capital in the north.[6) Hence a Shah of Iran or King Hussein of Jordan, both loathed by the populations on whom they’d been foisted. Hence puppet monarchs in Egypt prior to Nasser, in Libya prior to Gaddafi and in Iraq prior to Saddam. Last but not least for now – though Gowans’ list is not exhaustive – hence too the House of Saud.

Second, divide-and-rule, always of the essence, is all the more so in a Middle East whose most numerous people, Arabs, comprise, says Gowans, the world’s second-largest ethnic group after China’s Han. Since Arabs, should they transcend their many differences, could control both the gateway to the East and the world’s greatest concentrations of its most important commodity, such a coming together is to be averted by all available means.

(For instance by doing as Britain and France did, and carving the Arab world into artificial states as WW1 synchronised the fall of the Ottoman Empire with the rising importance of oil – which is why on the one hand Nasser’s pan-Arabism, on the other Ba’athist Iraq and Syria, had to be crushed with help from Israel and, in Syria’s case, ‘moderate Islamists’. Or by favouring minorities – Kurd, Alawite, Druze, Maronite – much as a gerrymandered Six County statelet played the orange card whenever Protestant and Catholic workers found common cause in Belfast’s linen mills and shipyards. Or by recognising that of the three currents – Arab socialism, communism and Islamism – vying for hearts and minds on the Arab Street, only that last lends itself, albeit with attendant risks, to as-and-when co-option into imperial designs.)

Third, since the interests of the imperialists and those of their domestic workforces are not the same, promotion and daily maintenance of a fictitious ‘national interest’ at home is also required. This is easy, depressingly so for internationalists. Witness the millions sent to kill and die, in the name of patriotism, in the twentieth century’s two global wars between rival imperialisms. Witness the credulous acceptance of lies, especially those of omission, by rightwing and liberal media alike which fail spectacularly to present the very material interests at stake for the elite. Through these lies ‘our’ wars – and sanctions no less lethal – are sold as humanitarian and even democratic, when they are in fact waged to oust those – the Nassers and Saddams, Ayatollahs and Gaddafis, Assads and Maduros – whose true crime was/is to stand in the way of Wall Street trousering of their countries’ resources.

Fourth and most pertinent – though none of these things operate in isolation – when an opportunity as irresistable as that of placing, as if to right an ancient wrong, a Trojan horse of nation state dimensions in the heart of this Middle East, it is to be grabbed with both hands and defended by fair means or foul.

Even if the consequences do stink to high heaven.

Israel, a Beachhead in the Middle East is available in various formats from Baraka Books, and from Amazon.


[1] Hagiographer Martin Gilbert’s depiction of his subject’s antisemitism as “low level” is pure apologetics. Churchill – a man, like Hitler, of proven courage – displayed all the bigotry and patrician contempt of his class, but the Good Jew/Bad Jew dichotomy forming the wider context of his remarks on Marx, Trotsky et al has its counterpart in the Good Nigger/Bad Nigger of America’s Jim Crow south.

[2] Ken Livingstone – accosted by a foul-mouthed and slanderous John Mann and then expelled from the Labour Party – was correct on Hitler’s support for the Zionist project. In the McCarthyesque climate gripping the British Labour Party, however, truth has never stood a chance.

[3] Zionism’s earliest enthusiasts were on the one hand Christians in the corridors of Western power, on the other rightwing Jewish atheists like Herzl, men who deemed antisemitism an irremediable aspect of the human condition, independent of and immune to social drivers.

[4] The camp massacres at Shatila and Sabra in 1982 mark a turning point, after which public, as opposed to ruling class, support for Israel in the West tilted slowly but surely towards disapproval. This is the context in which the increasingly strident hasbara of the Israel lobby should be seen.<

[5] I use the term ‘commodity’ rather than ‘resource’. Other than the years between 1973 and early noughties, the USA has been self-sufficient in oil. Gowans does a good job of showing that its desire to control production in the Middle East and Venezuela, and supply in the case of attempts to dictate the route of Syria’s pipeline and bully Europe into buying American energy rather than cheaper Russian gas, reflect the geopolitical calculations of the planet’s foremost imperialism rather than fear of shortages.

[6] Imperialism’s super-exploitation of labour in the global south barely features in the middle east – more the Indian sub-continent and far east – but I refer to it in passing because no discussion of modern imperialism can ignore it.


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Aug 5, 2019 5:55 AM

According to the 1922 census under the British Palestine counted 590,000 Muslims. Now in 2019 under the “Zionists” that number is 5 million. If the Jews under the Nazis would have had such a “genueside”, they would count ~70 million now instead of 14.5 million…..

Aug 5, 2019 8:23 AM
Reply to  Antonym


“Gaza Strip the most populated place in the world

The exploitation and misuse of natural resources besides population growth adversely affect the environment, and cause pressure on natural resources in terms of increasing the problems of sanitation, ensuring safe water for drinking, increasing industrial pollution and pollution caused by transport.

The Palestinian Territory suffer from a high population density and a lack of natural resources; the population density in the Palestinian Territory reached 645 persons/km2, 427 persons/km2 in the West Bank and 4,010 persons/km2 in Gaza Strip in 2008, compared to 334 persons/km2 in Israel. Despite the high population density, there are no renewable natural resources, which causes a deterioration of normal life and environment, deterioration of water quality and scarcity, and deterioration of agricultural land and forests.

Israeli settlements are one of the most prominent manifestations of Israeli destruction of the Palestinian environment in the West Bank. …

Israel has also played an indirect role in contaminating Palestinian water by wastewater through neglecting wastewater management and refusing the expansion of new wastewater networks to meet the growing population, to the point where more than 54% of the Palestinian households are not connected to a wastewater network.

Israel pollutes the Palestinian environment by depleted uranium, white phosphorus and hazardous waste

During the war in Gaza Strip, Israel used white phosphorus against the Palestinian citizens, (the inhalation of 50 mg of white phosphorus leads to death). White phosphorus causes animal death if inhaled or contaminated grass is ingested. Bombing with white phosphorus also leads to groundwater, marine environment and agricultural pollution and to destruction of wastewater treatment plants.”

Jul 28, 2019 8:29 PM

A brief review of some important facts: “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” (Theodor Herzl, diary entry, 12 June 1895) Israel Zangwill, the influential Anglo-Jewish essayist and Zionist, 1901: [W]e must be prepared to either drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession…or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population….” In May 1911, Arthur Ruppin, one of early Zionism’s leading figures proposed to the Executive of the Zionist Organization, a “population transfer” of the Arab peasants from Palestine. “Then Secretary of State for India and the British cabinet’s only Jewish member, Lord Edwin Montagu’s response to Prime Minister Lloyd George following issuance of the illegal 1917 Balfour Declaration: “All my life I have been trying to get out of the ghetto. You want to force me back there.” The 1917 Balfour Declaration was in violation of the well established legal maxim, “Nemo dat quod non habet” (nobody can give what he does not possess), i.e., in 1917, Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire. The Balfour Declaration did not call for a Jewish state or homeland in Palestine, only a “national home.” In 1918, David Ben-Gurion, described the future borders of the Jewish state as: “to the north, the Litani River; to the northeast, the Wadi’Owja, twenty miles south of Damascus; the southern border will be mobile and pushed into the Sinai at least up to Wadi al-`Arish; and to the east, the Syrian Desert, including the furthest edge of Transjordan.” (Teveth, Ben-Gurion and the Palestinian Arabs) In the February 1919 issue of the League of Nations Journal, Zangwill proposed that the Palestinians should be “transplanted” in Arab countries and at… Read more »

Jul 19, 2019 6:12 PM
Jul 19, 2019 8:58 AM

[wouldn’t be here but for Webb’s brilliance]
Looking less and less and less good for the “it’s antisemitic to claim that criminal Jewish elites effectively control the United States” brigade of head-in-the-sand Leftists.

Jul 19, 2019 6:17 PM
Reply to  crank

You obviously misunderstood the article. Or do you think that J. Edgar Hoover, Senator McCarthy, Harry Truman and other US Presidents were Jews? Or that the Mafia, generally thought to have its origins in Italian communities, is a Jewish organisation?

Jul 19, 2019 7:57 PM
Reply to  bevin

US organised crime is predominantly Kosher.
Except in Jewllywood of course, where it’s exclusively Italian.

Jul 19, 2019 8:13 PM
Reply to  bevin

I think that I understand the article, maybe you have some insight into something I have missed ? I read the principle characters in the story being Lanksy, Rosentiel, Bronfman, Cohn and Epstein (indeed, the photo at the header is of Cohn, Rosentiel and Epstein). Webb doesn’t do more than lay out what is known and point out the connections (even when the exact nature of those connections is unknown), i.e. she doesn’t present the evidence as ‘proof that Mossad+CIA control the US political system’ or any such. However, considered in context it is hard not to conclude something very like that. (You seem to be determined though.) There is plenty else written about the organised crime in the US (especially on the West Coast) that puts Jewish crime bosses at the top of the power structure. The picture of the mafia as wholly Italian/ Sicillian is one that has been fed to us mainly by Hollywood. If one reads the Piper theory of the Kennedy killings, then many names in Webb’s (and Valentine’s) work will be familiar. Piper’s is a quite well reasoned and substantiated theory that claims that pro-Israeli American Jews and gentiles worked together to enact the assassination conspiracies- which let’s face it- have secured control of the empire since that time. JJ Angleton was lionised in Israel, and was as keen a Judeophile as LBJ. I think it is accurate to say that most 9/11 researchers nowadays place the bulk of accusatory suspicion at the feet of the Neocons in Washington, Israeli owned companies in the US and Mossad. Is it too obvious to list the connections with the current president ? Piers Robinson’s lastest paper seeks to emphasise and broaden our understanding of the centrality of narrative, propaganda and information to political power. No matter… Read more »

Jul 19, 2019 8:16 PM
Reply to  bevin

President Truman brought pressure on other countries to ensure the UN gave Palestine to the Jews so that he could get the Jewish vote.

Jul 20, 2019 8:28 AM
Reply to  bevin

It doesn’t seem that you do have any further insight Bevin.
The more this story unfolds, the more it shows a network that transcends national borders, that reaches into the most controversial and powerful organisations, that implicates people of great significance within the US empire, and that -it has to be said- is headed by a hugely disproportionate number of Jewish individuals.
But we will still have to continue to read Left dogma about ‘Israel as a vassal of American power’ and stand accused of racism for pointing out the obvious.

Jul 17, 2019 11:54 PM

Winston Churchill-Spencer was Jewish.
He was also related to Lady Diana Spencer. Churchill was a Lord.
Any “anti-jewish” sentiments were distractions.

Israel is the 800 lb gorilla in the World.
Utilizing the Holocaust narrative, Israel bends public will.

Hitler, Eichmann, and Himmler, the primary architects of the Final Solution, were Jews.
Over half of the Third Reich officers were Jewish enough to have qualified to wear a yellow star and be transported to death camps.

roger morris
roger morris
Jul 16, 2019 5:25 AM

My reading argues this as probable. Attainment of POWER comes out of time deeper and older than mythological Israel. That is just a recent most terrible ‘skin.’ Tactically it makes perfect sense to ally and ‘Beachhead’ Palestine with the zionist flag. But the ‘Kazarian Mafia’ didn’t patent ‘perfidy’ or ‘malevolence’ Nor the technologies to entrap a global consciousness into the present ‘anti-semitic”Holocaust Denial’ mind-control program, altho it must be only a signature away since all are deployed to such great effect by them. Argument can be made it was always the wolf [power] dressed as the Lamb [God] leading the flock; it just reads better under pretence of god. And pretence is EVERYTHING. The psyop plays itself off against the inability of a population to recognise its presence in their lives best exampled by the successful GLADIO type social engineering attacks occurring globally, such as Christchurch recently, but the classic being 911 False Flag.

Jul 15, 2019 10:38 PM

One positive aspect of this, for the most part, dreary rehearsal of tired talking points is the posting by Urekismet (below) whose trenchant and incisive analyses remind me of those made by one of the old crowd who used to patronise Bernhard’s old bar under the sign of the Moon of Alabama.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Jul 15, 2019 9:22 PM

Yes,There’s already too much on the imperialist plate.The U.S.doesn’t …”have the resources required to keep the lid on most of the world, expand into Africa and fight two big wars…”

Jul 15, 2019 3:48 PM


Here in the U.S. pro-zionist MSM is just as corrupt as the BBC (see above). It is now considered a thought crime to dare critique Israeli policy.

Jul 15, 2019 10:11 PM
Reply to  GMW

Better keep your mouth shut or you’ll be in line for a 20 year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. Mustn’t upset our Zionist friends.

Jul 15, 2019 10:12 PM
Reply to  mark

Have you taken your loyalty oath to Israel yet?

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 11:33 AM

I note that my comments have disappeared,and not for the first time here.

Question This
Question This
Jul 15, 2019 1:24 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher

Indeed ! I note my own comments often take 2 days to be published & only the other day I received email notification my comment was “approved”, didn’t say approved by whom?

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 2:34 PM
Reply to  Question This

Thank you for the response Question This.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 2:38 PM
Reply to  Question This

My comments have reappeared.I seem to be pre-moded here,the same as my comments were at the Guardian till I stopped trying to post there.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 15, 2019 8:32 AM

Thank you for this Philip; for your summation of the situation in Israel, your review, and also for your coherent definition of what Imperialism is. Somewhat shamefully, I hardly read any books – usually only read 7-8 page articles on an independent (usually socialist or anarchist sites) however, after reading your comprehensive article may very well get Israel, A Beachhead myself.

Jul 15, 2019 3:19 AM

“…public, as opposed to ruling class, support for Israel in the West tilted slowly but surely towards disapproval…”

Al Jazeera English’s “Listening Post” gives its whole programme over to that ongoing movement this week. There are still a couple of repeats to be broadcast before the. next edition replaces it. Amongst other issues it reports on the recent judgement by a federal judge in Texas that determines the until-now increasing number of US states’ prohibitions (25 so far) on contractors holding or endorsing BDS to be a violation of their First Amendment rights of free speech, which, he judged, includes the right to boycott.

Jul 15, 2019 5:49 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Oy vey, goy! Those judges are anti semitic!!

Jul 14, 2019 4:14 PM

Churchill was in the pocket of Zionist interests after he lost all his money in the Wall Street crash. He was bailed out with the equivalent of £1 million in today’s money. After that, he was their No.1 Shabbos Goy, however much he disliked Jews. Though to him, all Asians were just “wogs.” Arabs were “camel dung eaters.” Palestine forms a land bridge between Africa, Asia, and Europe. It’s understandable that the Zionist Regime is sometimes seen as a loyal lieutenant and outpost of western imperialism, but this is fundamentally wrong. You have to recognise who is the master and who is the servant, who is the organ grinder and who is the monkey. And it’s very much a case of the tail wagging the dog, or rather the whole pack of dogs. Talmudistan and the Zionist Power Elite have a complete stranglehold over the political, financial and media life of the US. This applies only to a very marginally lesser extent to Canada, Britain, France, Australia, and other countries. The rulers of those countries are utterly contemptible bought and paid for 30 shekel whores, completely in thrall to Zionist interests. Every candidate for high office in the US, whether it’s Clinton, Trump or anybody else, has to present themselves to be interviewed and approved by Adelson, Singer, Saban, Marcus and AIPAC. Only when they have grovelled and abased themselves and kissed their collective Zionist rings are they allowed to stand. They are never any more than trained monkeys serving the Zionist organ grinder and paymaster. Any politician or political candidate who utters even a world of very mild criticism about Talmudistan instantly commits political suicide. You constantly see the same nauseating, lickspittle toadying to Zionist interests by UK politicians like May and Hunt, in Canada, France, Australia and elsewhere.… Read more »

Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Jul 14, 2019 11:37 PM
Reply to  mark

In pointing out that the effective rulers of the USA are almost all Zionist you have undermined your own argument that the Israeli tail is wagging the US/Western dog. Add to that the ‘cui bono’ from Israel as a beachhead in the Middle East, and the case is sealed that it is US imperialism which is using the Jewish issue to drive a wedge deep into the ME, and attacking anyone, including its own supposed allies, who apposes that in any way. That is not to say that it is the US elected government that is actually governing the USA. It is money.

Jul 15, 2019 1:18 AM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

The whole point of my somewhat long winded post was to contradict the notion that the US calls the shots in this relationship. All the evidence, listed above, points in the opposite direction. From the US point of view, Israel is a millstone round its neck. It poisons and complicates US relationships with 56 countries of moslem culture and heritage from Morocco to Indonesia. In the past this has assisted Soviet penetration of those countries at the expense of the US. It has embroiled the US in numerous protracted, disastrous and ruinously expensive wars from which it had absolutely nothing to gain, and which have been the cause of significant political conflict and disaffection at home. There are many other costs, financial, diplomatic, political and military disadvantages to this relationship, from which the US has little or nothing to gain.

The fact that this relationship continues to exist is proof positive of the complete dominance of the Zionist Regime and its Fifth Column in the US, and the subordinate role of America. Israel is like a poisonous maggot feeding off a corpse in an advanced state of decay.

Jul 15, 2019 2:04 AM
Reply to  mark

to contradict the notion that the US calls the shots in this relationship. All the evidence, listed above, points in the opposite direction Well then it is a pity you don’t quote those pieces of evidence, for when I read the article for me it shows the usual self-serving alignment of interests that is the basis of imperialism. All the zionists brought to the party was a transparent excuse and a couple of million mostly ill-educated (check out the non-education even in alleged modern states such as the US that fundamentalist judaists cop)and foolishly compliant idjits. Meanwhile USuk brought huge military resources and unlimited funding although it must be pointed out that where possible the greedy capitalists preferred that the zionists self fund their extended suicide. That in itself should be an indication of the power the elites brought to bear. It wasn’t until much later that the zionists demanded their occupation of Palestine should be subsidised – though not by the elites natch, taxpayers were made to carry the load and as we all should know if there is one thing the rich f++ks never do, it is pay taxes. The israel project is an amalgamation of interests one where ultimately the power resides with those most necessary to keep the life support system functioning and the real power for that still resides with big capital. It is that realisation which has encouraged judaist zionists to try and control other political systems, a hugely expensive and always temporary control that israel’s leaders have become increasingly desperate to retain. Why? Because the elites can see that there are more certain, much less expensive ways to maintain hegemony in the ME. They can see that the problem of keeping a few million greedy entitled fools in Palestine when hundreds of millions… Read more »

Jul 15, 2019 4:26 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

I don’t know how many “pieces of evidence” you want.
I’ve already been hogging space on the site listing dozens of them.

Jul 15, 2019 11:49 PM
Reply to  mark

Tendentious rhetoric isn’t evidence, it is merely hot air. You use invective instead of hard data throughout your spams. Give us empirical evidence of what you say if you want to convince.
As Bevin posted, my first instinct reading your emotive and biased diatribes is to conclude that this is the work of some jewish kid eager to earn the respect of his elders by polluting a credible site with highly prejudiced garbage.
If that is you, you are far from original as just about every site that tries to openly and honestly debate the horror that is apartheid israel has been spammed by an arsehole zionist using race based tosh to try and discredit the more nuanced and accurate critiques by others of that horror show, israel.

Jul 16, 2019 2:02 AM
Reply to  UreKismet

Your mental gymnastics are enough to leave anyone dizzy.

Jul 15, 2019 5:16 AM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

Nope. Don’t get it.
I don’t see how Mark has undermined his own argument.
Could you explain more clearly?

Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Jul 15, 2019 7:43 AM
Reply to  wardropper

While I agree with all of the facts which Mark uses in his argument, my point was the simple one that very small tails cannot, and in fact do not, wag very large dogs. Cause and effect arguments are always prone to being much hot air about nothing, but in this case it is important to place the blame for the stink in the Middle East, much of which appears to emanate from the Israeli government, firmly where it belongs – which is with whoever is governing the resources of the USA. As I hinted at previously, I do not think that is the elected government of the USA, because the US is run in much the same as in China, by a small group of people in whom financial and military power is consolidated and who make almost all the important decisions behind closed doors, well shielded from the electorate. Not wanting to kick the hornets nest, but does anyone seriously think that the arrangements that were necessary to neuter the US military and strangle the MSM in order to bring off 9/11 as a pretext for the expansion of wars in the ME, could have been organised by anyone by the US itself? While Saudi money and the Israeli Mossad have been heavily implicated as coconspirators, it is far more likely that they were deliberately used by the US for this purpose, not least to help deflect the blame from the true perpetrators, than that they were able to organise this for themselves.

Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Jul 15, 2019 7:46 AM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

“anyone by the US itself” should of course read “anyone but the US itself” (thank auto grammar correction for that).

Jul 15, 2019 2:14 PM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

Thanks. No argument with that, and of course you are right about the neutralizing of the military and MSM that day, which makes no sense at all if you even try to buy the official story.

Jul 15, 2019 3:34 PM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

This small nuclear tail aims to control all heads of government, otherwise Mossad will be set loose. How many assassinations have Israel Israel carried out. If Corbyn becomes PM he will soon have an accident. We need dragon’s teeth to spring up in his place.

Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Jul 15, 2019 5:04 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Completely agree that Corbyn’s life would be at risk if he gets to be PM, but if he did get bumped off, whoever the actual assassin was (Mossad, the CIA, the serving UK army general who already threatened Corbyn, or Tom Watson) I would still blame on US/UK/Western big money interests as the root cause, along with the host of conscience-free blinkered sycophant careerists and false journalists who supported them all the way.

Jul 15, 2019 4:21 PM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

You’re blaming the monkey, not the organ grinder.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 15, 2019 10:12 PM
Reply to  Andrew Morris

Study – in depth – Chris Bollyn’s lonely-furrow of accumulated investigative work – an impressive body of evidence – before speculating about who led and who just fell into line, between the zionistani plotters and their USAmerican co-conspirators in the planning, preparation and execution of the 11/9 false flag. http://www.bollyn.com Whoever was the originator, it surely needed the resources of a state machine behind it. That much was always obvious, from the first. (19 foreign amateur jihadis under the control of an invalid in a cave in Afghanistan, FFS! We’re supposed to take that prize canard seriously? It takes a lot of Hollyshite cartoonworld social indoctrination to be able to swallow such naked, paper-thin, cloud-cuckooland, basic-physics-denying fantasy without gagging instantly!) I’d say that the case is strong that 11/9 was a long-incubated zionistani-ruling-‘elite’ atrocity in essence, plotted precisely to lure the US into furthering the zionist divide-et-impire strategy for the ME; with executable mass-murdering, compatriot-betraying traitors amongst the US ‘elite’ agreeing to be co-opted because, for their own not-necessarily pro-zionist reasons, they too saw the to-them-useful global realpolitik of it. There was a confluence of perceived benefits in committing the atrocity, between the US and the zionistani ‘elite’ operators of the plot: both lots of wretched crooks want to control the ME. FWIW, I have to say that I suspect that there’s quite a lot of carefully-covered real anti-semitism amongst the US ‘elites’, strictly masked under all their arse-kissing play-acting ‘standing ovations’ and all the other grovel-games around flatterable clowns like Yahoo. Dissembling, after all, is part of the stock-in-trade of politicians. To them, zionists – and jews more generally – may be useful, so that one has to go through the motions of undying alliance; but underneath, the old contemptuous racist hostility to jews still marches along steadily amongst… Read more »

Michael LEIGH
Michael LEIGH
Jul 17, 2019 1:27 PM

I am certain that however well informed Rhisitart Gwilym is about the level of the ” anti-jewish feelings ” among the maintream USA leadership and it eventual ability to do, and say enough to the ‘ Jews in the North American State’s national arena ‘ leadership ‘ is not possible unfortunately?

For example, the USA is controlled by the international Hebrew clique of gold dealers who during the inter world war recession firstly in Berne agreed to keep their gold in that Suisse canton, in return for a permanent agreement for extra-national tax-free status and international anonymity in its cartel of “reserve Banks and Trusts which soley issue the actual capitalization ( by lending fiat money to the majority of the world’s National Banks) signally to the USA Banking system also?

It is widely accepted that the Hebrews consider themselves ” exceptional ”
and that questional statement is widely accepted by the majority of the Worlds politicans, who in some people opinion is considered a serious matter of Hebrew attempts to control many foreign sovereign Nations ?

Jul 25, 2019 1:29 AM

Yes indeed, Bollyn is the man who solved 9/11. Anyone but Zionists and their traitor accomplices just doesn’t make sense after studying his work.

Jul 15, 2019 6:22 AM
Reply to  mark

the tawdry and degrading spectacle of Netanyahu’s address to Congress, where all these whores competed with each other, jumping up and down like trained seals to give him standing ovations if he so much as broke wind

Surely anyone who watches this, can form their own opinion as to who is the master, and who is the servant.

Jul 15, 2019 4:18 PM
Reply to  milosevic

It’s easy to train the goys to be really good bootlickers.
You just have to toss them a few shekels now and again.

“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf, and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the Will of God and America is big enough to take the hit. So we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

“Our Race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. Other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as slaves.”
Menachem Begin

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the People of Israel. Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plough, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi, and eat.”
Ovadia Yosef, Chief Rabbi of Israel

Jul 15, 2019 10:27 PM
Reply to  mark

Sounds like the sort of “garbage” you find on “John Thatcher’s” “neo nazi sites.”
Time for some pearl clutching.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 15, 2019 7:42 AM
Reply to  mark

Palestine forms a land bridge between Africa, Asia, and Europe

and yet, has almost no traffic across it.

30 shekel whores

Exactly how do you distinguish yourself from Churchill? At least he had the excuse of being born in 1874, and actually achieving something. You have nothing to offset your arseholery.

Jul 15, 2019 9:22 AM
Jul 15, 2019 3:28 PM

He achieved lots for himself at the expense of others. Also, he thought gassing villagers would be a good idea to keep them in check.

Jul 15, 2019 3:55 PM

Standard hasbara response.
Don’t even bother trying to deny dozens of obvious examples of the complete domination of the Zionist Power Elite.
Just pearl clutching, abuse, and “shut it down!”

Palestine has been a land bridge between three continents for thousands of years.
It was an invasion route for Hittites, Assyrians and Egyptians campaigning against each other.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 10:49 AM
Reply to  mark

This poster is a perfect example of someone who hides their antisemitism behind the word Zionist.You can read the same garbage on any neo nazi site ,but they don’t hide behind the word Zionist.Of course the worst of it is it makes extremely difficult for anyone making reasonable arguments against the Zionists and their racist creed to be heard,because of this poisonous crap.

Jul 15, 2019 3:26 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher

I think that Mark is going easy on the Zionists. There is nothing antisemitic in what he says. Is Ilan Pappe antisemitic with his book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” or Thomas Suarez with his book “State of Terror – How terrorism created modern Israel”?

Jul 15, 2019 3:46 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher

Oy vey, goy! The truth is anti semitic!! Shut it down!!!

Jul 15, 2019 3:42 PM
Reply to  mark

All true and very well said in plain English ,not hard to understand for anyone doing a bit of digging around to realize and substantiate .The only good news would be that more and more ,people are starting to realize this , that there is something just not correct with what is going on and why it it keeps getting worse thus connecting all the dots to formulate the real picture.Link to a BBC article if you have not seen it already.

Jul 15, 2019 5:35 PM
Reply to  Guy

Yep, that’s a fair assessment of the Botty Bangers Club.

We’ve reached a stage where the parasite is killing the host. That can no longer be hidden.

Teimour Bakhtia
Teimour Bakhtia
Jul 15, 2019 8:10 PM
Reply to  mark

In a simple analogy – Very well put – indeed! In that, since Jimmy Carter’s presidency in 1979, every U.S. President, including the present occupant of the White House – the dotard Donald Trump, they have all publically proclaimed the same Western-Zionist policy: “We will not allow Iran, to develop nuclear weapons”.
A reminder to those in the West, who either through choice or coercion, follow the Zionist-line, though:
The upcoming – Resistance’s war against the Satanic colonial-Ashkenazi Jews, will [Not] merely be a war of choice determined by conditions on the ground: It is ultimately going to be a war for survival – through – wholly & solely, the decommissioning of the presence of the neo-colonialist Ashkenazi Jews, in the region!

Jul 15, 2019 10:25 PM
Reply to  mark

“… You have to recognise who is the master and who is the servant, who is the organ grinder and who is the monkey. And it’s very much a case of the tail wagging the dog, or rather the whole pack of dogs… “Talmudistan and the Zionist Power Elite have a complete stranglehold over the political, financial and media life of the US. This applies only to a very marginally lesser extent to Canada, Britain, France, Australia, and other countries…” The problem with Mark’s argument is that it is based entirely on assertions, adopted after the more likely and historically obvious explanation: “..Palestine forms a land bridge between Africa, Asia, and Europe. It’s understandable that the Zionist Regime is sometimes seen as a loyal lieutenant and outpost of western imperialism…” has been rejected out of hand-” but this is fundamentally wrong.” All that is missing is an explanation of whose interests, if not those of imperialism, are being served by Israel and the patronage it receives from the imperialists. And that is where, as John Thatcher properly points out, we descend into the idle anti-semitism (‘oy vey’ etc) and outright racism that comes from the idiot right, the lineal descandants of the squadri and and the brownshirts who, faced with the capitalist system in crisis could see only the pawnbroker’s shop on the corner. It is impossible to understand Israel’s position except as an outpost of the Empire, run by fascists (who find Mark’s sort of politics totally unthreatening, which is why around the world the zionists and neo-nazis cosy up in alliances against the dreaded socialist left. So welcome is this sort of antisemitism to the fascists running Israel as an outpost if empire that there is a very good chance that ‘Mark’is from hasbara. Certainly the bulk of… Read more »

Jul 16, 2019 1:20 AM
Reply to  bevin

Why do you think Bolton was given the NSA post?
Trump got a phone call from Adelson telling him to.
Adelson says jump, and Trump asks how high.
Just look at the reality of the power relationships involved.
All the current crop of Democrat hopefuls have just loyally trooped over to Las Vegas to kiss the ring of the old casino magnate.
I repeat, look at the power relationships.
Who is giving the orders?
Who is jumping smartly to attention and carrying out those orders?

Leave the convoluted smokescreens about Oil Companies, Saudi Arabia, leprechauns and UFOs to our friend Antonym down at Hasbara Central.
Just follow the money.
Occam’s Razor.

Or carry on looking for patterns in the clouds, if you prefer it.

If you really think otherwise, perhaps you could get me my back pay from Hasbara Central.
I sure could do with the money.

Philip Roddis
Philip Roddis
Jul 16, 2019 12:03 PM
Reply to  bevin

I searched for coherent expositions – as opposed to BTL commentary barely distinguishable from antisemitism – of the thesis that the USA is indeed a vassal of Israel, and of how such a thesis understands the nature of imperialism.

I drew a blank, but would be interested to hear of any such. In the meantime I emailed the same question to Stephen Gowans, who makes a useful distinction here:

“I’m aware of works that make the case that Israel controls Washington’s Middle East policy, but not that it rules the United States.”

That vital distinction is lost in the eagerness with which proponents of the thesis trot out lengthy lists of Zionist meddlings, on which most of us here agree, in Western corridors of power. Without making such distinctions – analogous to that between “office” and “power” – we may as well say the power of Unionism to make Ireland so explosive, capable of shaping London policy and indeed bringing down its governments, showed Britain to be a colony for most of the twentieth century of the Six County statelet. Or the organised strength of the pieds noir to indicate that France was a colony of Algeria!

We need deeper analyses. Without a materialist perspective, which ultimately cannot avoid being a class perspective, superficially plausible views gain undue prominence – even when their foundations border on the racist.

Philip Roddis
Philip Roddis
Jul 16, 2019 12:07 PM
Reply to  Philip Roddis

PS – I often have the same suspicion, bevin. The strains of antisemitism that frequently find expression here are such music to Zionist ears, I can’t but wonder whether their authors are indeed false flaggers for hasbara.

Aug 1, 2019 4:00 PM
Reply to  mark

Contrary to popular belief, zionism is not all about Jews, but is more about Western power in the most energy rich region of the world. The book reviewed goes into that in some detail. There is also the issue of Christian fundamentalists in America, who make up a sizeable chunk of the Republican vote, while generally disliking the aspects of Jewish culture people like i admire.

It is tiresome reading your relentless Judeophobic drivel, and frankly i’m surprised your posts are not moderated since they are clearly loaded with racist language.

Jul 14, 2019 3:58 PM

“…antisemitism has never stood in the way of support for Zionism… The two arch reactionaries, Churchill and (initially) Hitler …both favoured it, and for the same reasons.”

So that’s why Ken Livingstone was so ruthlessly demonized. He was telling the truth. And it was a truth that must be contained and buried again.

Jul 14, 2019 2:26 PM

This is an excellent review, of what I suspect is an excellent book. The review of the book itself is an education. I was about to buy the book, and may still do, but £24.50 for a paperback seems a bit steep. I expect hardback for that. This is Stephen Gowans’ blog.


Jul 14, 2019 1:03 PM

More Israophobia on Off -guard.

In a nut shell any culture on Earth is entitled to its own territory, and some even to many nations like the Arabs, Muslims or WASPs but the Jews should not have even one tiny home country.
Israel with its 7 million Jews is simply behind any nefarious human activity on Earth since 1947, a bit like CO2 is causing any unpleasant natural activity since a few years.

Handy for apologists in the UK, US, France, KSA, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran etc., just accuse the Juice and solve you own headache for a day.

Jul 14, 2019 2:33 PM
Reply to  Antonym

“one tiny home” since “1947”.

Yeah insta Fail there hmm?

Or have you invented a whole new map projection for your preferred squeezed fruits – pathetic trolling, even for you.

Jul 14, 2019 4:25 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Then let’s declare Britain to be the unique homeland of the White British Gentile People, where only White British Gentiles are allowed to own land, given planning permission, buy homes in White British Gentiles Only areas, drive on White British Gentiles Only roads, or walk in White British Gentiles Only parks. Where only White Gentile immigrants are accepted. Where marriages between White British Gentiles and non White British Gentiles are not recognised.

I’m sure the Board of Deputies wouldn’t mind.
They wouldn’t do any kvetching or oy veying about it at all.

Jul 14, 2019 4:31 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Well, I am not really sure if all cultures have a right to their own land. Many states which have a vast mixture of cultures (when allowed to) live peacefully. And I guess it depends what you mean by ‘culture’ Has a
state like Syria, with numerous sects and religions who identify themselves as Syrians have to give up their land to accomodate another which primarily identify with one religion? Should we have accepted the break up of Yugoslavia along ethnic lines while denying self determination to certain groups in the new states? Should we not then grant statehood to large minorities in the UK? All valid questions and it seems those who throw their weight around in the world get to decide, meaning there is no consistency or fairness. All this we are a small country and need more space sounds familiar to what some states were saying in the 1930s.

Jul 15, 2019 4:47 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Cultures need an own area where they are left in peace and that could be inside a benign “super”state.
There is at least one culture around since the 7th century AD that hates to stay confined and wants to convert “infidels” and capture booty, land and women and hasn’t lost the taste. The other one since 34 AD has reformed and only wants to win the conversion race by money and bribes.
Alas the only Jewish state’ neighborhood is now dominated by that intolerant 7th century culture which is wiping out all others too, so no option for a multicultural state there alas.

Jul 15, 2019 4:29 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I’d say that this only Jewish state is showing a ferociously intolerant attitude which is wiping out all other cultures and so they’re making damn sure that THEIR state is not multi-cultural.

Jul 15, 2019 4:48 AM
Reply to  Loverat

I gather you are neither Irish, Scottish or Welsh?

Jul 15, 2019 9:28 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Syria is a good example of a multicultural state gone tits up due to that one 7th century desert culture. Tip it wasn’t the Yazidis, Assyrians, Alawites, Kurds, nor even the many secular or non religious Arabs.
Sure the nefarious CIA fanned the flames, but the fuel was embedded since centuries, just ask the Assad family about Hama 1982.

Jul 15, 2019 4:56 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Syria (like Libya) is a good example of a multicultural state that has gone tits up due to the Neocohens targeting the country for destruction from the 1990s onwards and flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of their pet cannibal head chopping throat slitters from a hundred nations with a licence to rob, rape, murder, torture and enslave to their hearts’ content.

“This is what we do to countries that we hate, because they refuse to be our slaves.”

Jul 15, 2019 7:01 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The conflict in Syria was planned from two years before the Arab Spring by the UK and others as commanded by Israel:

Jul 14, 2019 6:14 PM
Reply to  Antonym

In a nut shell any culture on Earth is entitled to its own territory, and some even to many nations like the Arabs, Muslims or WASPs but the Jews should not have even one tiny home country.

The Romani are a culture that exists entirely in diaspora, it’s thought they originated in north west India roughly some time after 700 CE. Do they have an exclusive right to return to this region settle and drive out everyone else now living there? Would they even still be “Romani” if they did?

I do not think the Romani have such an entitlement, I do not think Germany had a right to rule east central Europe just cause Germanic tribes once lived there, so I don’t think Jews or anyone else has such a right.

Peoples who live in viable territories (i.e. with continuous borders, with enough resources within to maintain themselves peacefully) have a right to self determine their own govts independently if they wish. They do not have a right to deny rights to anyone who has long term residence in that territory on the grounds of ethnicity, they do not have the right to conquer and take territory against the wishes of those living there, they do not have the right to determine anyone else’s govt.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 15, 2019 8:12 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

Peoples who live in viable territories (i.e. with continuous borders, with enough resources within to maintain themselves peacefully) have a right to self determine their own govts independently if they wish

So, Argentinean claims that the Falklands are theirs should be treated with the contempt they deserve?

Jul 15, 2019 11:27 AM

Correct, I don’t in fact support Argentinian claims to the Falklands, since there was no native population before the arrival of French and British colonists and the dispute is between claims based on these colonial expeditions. I don’t think merely being near another country entitles that country to a territory if the local population object. The Dodecanese Islands or Cyprus are nearer Turkey than Greece, but the populations are majority Greek.

Jul 15, 2019 10:41 PM

There are no Argentine kids being gunned down by the hundred and by the thousand in the Falklands, or kidnapped and burnt to death by Zionist settler thugs.
Or Argentines being thrown off the land they have worked for generations or thrown out of the homes they have lived in for generations to make way for newly arrived rabid settler fanatics from Brooklyn.

Jul 14, 2019 11:53 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Dear Antonym,

There are many countries where Jewish people can call their home countries and are entitled to live in. Are you advocating that Jewish people cannot call these countries “home” and should all be sent to live in an authoritarian theocratic state called Israel? Isn’t that a bit … anti-Jewish?

No-one takes seriously your deliberate confusion of a corrupt and self-serving elite in Israel, whose loyalties are only to themselves and others whose goals run in parallel with their own (as long as these don’t clash), with the interests of ordinary Jewish people living in Israel who unfortunately have been brainwashed and traumatised by constant propaganda and the endless exploitation of the Holocaust since 1948, and who have been subjected to austerity programs at the same time that the wealth of Israel is being concentrated into the hands of a small group of super-rich people.

Jul 15, 2019 4:29 AM
Reply to  Jen

“and who have been subjected to austerity programs at the same time that the wealth of Israel is being concentrated into the hands of a small group of super-rich people.”

The same can be written about the UK, US or even more about KSA or Pakistan. Preserving one’s culture inside a country with another one is not only hard but a bit hypocrite too. It is you who are suggesting that all other nations are fine except Israel, the sole Jewish nation. If there were a few Jewish states you would have a point but there aren’t.
Your poor Palestinians have a choice of dozens of Arab – Muslim nations. Strangely they are rejected there and are now 4th / 5th generation refugees, a game to force them on Israel really: some brainwashing indeed. The EU accepts even child refugees of the 1st gen., from any religion or race however number of safe nations they have skipped. Not so a rich but under populated Arab Muslim KSA or UAE with its mass of non Arab/Muslim workers.

Jul 15, 2019 6:30 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Palestinians already live as refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, other parts of the Middle East and around the world, and not all of them are Muslims. Christians probably are a higher percentage in the Palestinian diaspora than they are in the Occupied Territories. In addition they don’t have a choice: if they apply to live in other parts of the Middle East and are rejected by the governments there, then that’s no choice at all. It is those governments’ call, after all.

The fact is that the Palestinians have a better claim to calling Palestine their homeland than most Israelis there, based on the Palestinians’ history of continuous occupation.

The issue is that just over half of the world’s Jews are already “at home” in other countries other than Israel and can call those countries “home”.

Jul 15, 2019 9:17 AM
Reply to  Jen

Only 7% of Palestinians were not Muslims in 2014: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians#Religion

Jul 15, 2019 3:58 PM
Reply to  Antonym

In 1920, only around 10% of the Palestine population were Jews.

Jul 15, 2019 4:47 PM
Reply to  Jen

But the others need an extradition free bolt hole they can decamp to to avoid having to face the music. If they grant Epstein bail, he’ll surface there with all the Jew oligarchs who looted Russia and blew up the world economy.

Jul 15, 2019 6:55 AM
Reply to  Antonym

The point is that Jewish people are already able to call many countries “home” where they have been living for many years.

Only Israel calls itself an exclusively Jewish homeland, meaning its territory and citizenship, and the rights, responsibilities and privileges that go with that citizenship, are given only to those who claim to be Jewish (and even then, very selectively, as Ethiopian Jewish people have found out in the past).

Palestinians on the other hand, often do not have that luxury or choice to try to live in other parts of the Middle East, usually because they are refugees fleeing from persecution in Israel and may not have the travel documents they need to be able to enter. Palestinians already live as refugees or undocumented residents in countries neighbouring Israel (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria among others) and not all such Palestinian refugees are Muslim either.

Jul 15, 2019 9:11 AM
Reply to  Jen

So Israel is best as it gives travel documents and citizenship to those claiming to be Jews too, while Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Irak, Iran, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria etc. are worst because they refuse travel documents and citizenship to those claiming to be Arab Muslims too = Palestinians.
Ok, got it.

Jul 15, 2019 3:55 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Simply the Zionists have taken Palestine through multiple acts of terrorism and therefore other countries should not help them to complete their ethnic cleansing plan.

Jul 15, 2019 4:42 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The old Nazi/ Zionist ploy, blame the victim.
“Look what those terrible Jews have made us do to them.”
“Look what those terrible Palestinians have made us do to them.”

The reality of daily life for Palestinians in their Gaza Auschwitz and West Bank is worse than Nazi rule in Occupied Poland. It has not lasted for five years, but seventy.

Jul 15, 2019 11:05 PM
Reply to  Antonym

That’s like me kicking you out of your house and then criticising your neighbours because they won’t let you live in their houses.

Jul 15, 2019 3:50 PM
Reply to  Antonym

I am sure that if people of a particular religion invaded my county of Yorkshire and told us that we must go off to other counties, we would leap up and kill such terrorists.

Jul 15, 2019 4:35 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Your “poor Zionists” can get the hell out of Occupied Palestine and have a choice of dozens of ZOG ruled countries to go to – US/ Canada/ France/ UK/ Australia to name but a few.

Jul 15, 2019 12:40 AM
Reply to  Antonym

While I accept Israel’s existence – it’s not going away – I believe that the Jewish claim to Palestine has no rational basis. To suggest that the presence of some sort of Jewish entity in a part of Palestine 2,000 years ago gave Jews from Eastern Europe a right to sovereignty in Palestine in the 20th century is an insult to the intelligence of any rational person. As the King-Crane Commission of Inquiry, sent to Palestine in 1919 by US President Woodrow Wilson stated, “For the initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a “right” to Palestine based on an occupation 2000 years ago, can hardly be seriously considered”.

My country – Australia – has 100,000 Jews. This is their home, they belong here – not Israel/Palestine. I fail to see how this makes me an anti-semite. However, if I said to them “Your home is not here, it is in Israel, you should piss off and live there”, then that would make me an anti semite, but also a Zionist.

You may also be interested in what else the King-Crane Commission said – “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase”.

Jul 15, 2019 1:25 AM
Reply to  vwbeetle

These (fake) Jews should go home (if they want) …………..to Khazaria.
I’m sure they’d be welcome there.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 10:56 AM
Reply to  mark

Trust you to come out with the Khazaria crap “Mark”.You are Israel’s most effective advocate here.

Jul 15, 2019 4:30 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher

The true descendants of the Hebrews of Biblical times are the present day Palestinians, not the fake Jew Khazars.

Jul 19, 2019 4:09 AM
Reply to  John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 4:08 PM
Reply to  vwbeetle

I have to wonder just how many Palestinians were paid to leave and left on their own accord
without the threats .
There is much history written on the formation of the state of Israel . One of many and very complete is “Obstacles to Peace ” by Jeremy Hammond .

Jul 15, 2019 5:05 PM
Reply to  Guy

“State of Terror – How terrorism created modern Israel” by Thomas Suarez with 680 very detailed references:

Jul 16, 2019 3:25 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Anybody reading Suarez’s book will realise how evil the Zionists were and still are. It is regarded as antisemitic to compare the Zionists to the Nazis, but looking at the huge number of atrocities committed right up to the present day by the Zionists, they were in fact worse than the Nazis.

Jul 17, 2019 4:09 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Thanks for the links to Thomas Suarez’s book. History will not be denied.
Ilan Pappé’s comment are a testament to this .They will not be able to destroy all the books and records.

Jul 16, 2019 6:19 PM
Reply to  Guy

How many left of their own accord? None.
How many were driven out by the Jew terror gangs and their campaign of mass murder, rapes and ethnic cleansing? Approaching a million.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 15, 2019 10:54 PM
Reply to  vwbeetle

You really think zionistan isn’t going away, vw? Would you have said that about white-supremacist apartheid SAfrica whilst Mandela was still in Robbin Island? Apartheid went away rather suddenly and completely a few years later, if you remember. And so will zionistan vanish from Palestine, once the US finally meets its collapse-of-USSR moment, sometime in the imminent future.

The poor bloody delusionland jews living in zionistan right now have got some fast catching up with reality to do, once they have no other option left but agreeing to get along decently with their Arab – particularly their Palestinian – neighbours. It’s that or back to the diaspora again, once the US becomes physically incapable of supporting their racist entity any longer. The thin scattering of honourable jewish ex-zionistanis such as Miko Peled and Gilad Atzmon are trail-blazing the decent way that this has to be done, already. Expect to see a good deal more hasty revisionism towards that more humane position, if you can just live long enough to witness USAmerica’s politico-socio-economic collapse. (Already well forward now. Study Dmitry Orlov’s work to get a clearer handle on that inevitability.)

Jul 16, 2019 11:44 AM

Add Exeter university professor Ilan Pappe (The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine) to your list of honourable jewish ex-zionistanis.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 16, 2019 1:22 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat


Jul 15, 2019 9:22 AM
Reply to  Antonym

“In a nut shell any culture on Earth is entitled to its own territory, and some even to many nations like the Arabs, Muslims or WASPs but the Jews should not have even one tiny home country.” According to both the Board of Deputies and the 2011 Census there are about 300,000 self-identifying Jews–of both ethnic/genetic and religious affiliation combined–living in the UK. If you ran a small business in an average part of that territory and served an average of 100 customers a day, only one half of one of those customers would be BoD & Census Certified Jewish. Yet here we are having discussions over whether Israel or the USA (and several other Western neo-imperial/colonial, if less wealthy, nations) are the tail or the dog. But look: nationally-delimited Voters for Israel, alone, have all but destroyed one established political party that represented up to 1/3 or more of the native electorate in the UK and have one in the US on an escalating rampage of ethnic carnage in the Middle East, as well as leaving heaps of rent social and political fabrics littering the societies of others. The State of Israel does not need a tiny country in which to determine its borders (which, 70 years later, it has still “failed” to do), it has its own, multiple, exclusive and predatory fiefdoms well established and secured in, as you note, “many nations like the Arabs, Muslims or WASPs”. If. anyone doesn’t like the face of Israel (whichever end they might decide that’s on) they should definitely avoid going round the tail, where it keeps its teeth. Talking of carbon footprints, as you were (“…a bit like CO2 is causing any unpleasant natural activity since a few years.”), I wonder what would happen if someone collected the tiny amount… Read more »

Jul 15, 2019 7:22 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

In Weimar Germany the Jews were in a preponderance in certain important areas, to the extent that they were in control. That is why in 1932 with the coming of the National Socialists, Jews worldwide declared financial war on Germany in an effort to keep control. The Jews became the enemy and had to be controlled.

Jul 15, 2019 10:32 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

This is a crude apology for Hitler, which excuses the treatment not only of Jews but of those like the communists who were avowed enemies of the Nazi regime.
With these enemies I am in complete solidarity. Socialists should be proud of the fact that they were the first people to be bundled into the Camps and massacred.

Jul 16, 2019 3:17 PM
Reply to  bevin

Were not the head communists Jews?

Jul 19, 2019 8:05 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

No, only 99% of them.

Jul 16, 2019 12:57 AM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

The National Socialist Party came to power in Germany in 1933 and began a campaign of harassing Jewish-owned businesses, Jewish doctors and lawyers, and Jewish academics. This led to American Jewish organisations calling for a worldwide boycott of German products.

Notably the Zionist movement in Palestine did not participate in this boycott for the reason that settlement of Palestine with Jews (especially young Jews) was considered far more important than saving people who might not want to migrate to Palestine or might be a burden to a future Jewish state.

No “financial war” was declared on Germany for the West to “control” the county and in any case there was no opposition (there was actually even some tacit agreement) in other parts of Europe and elsewhere in the West to what the Nazi government was doing in persecuting German Jewish people.

Jul 16, 2019 11:37 AM
Reply to  Jen

The Zionist Stern Gang in 1941 offered to join the war on Germany’s side in return for Nazi support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine on a national and totalitarian basis bound by a treaty with the German Reich.

Jul 16, 2019 6:16 PM
Reply to  Jen

Cart before the horse.
First the boycott and declaration of war.
Then the German response.

Jul 16, 2019 4:21 AM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Simplistic enough to be wrong.

Jul 16, 2019 11:21 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Headline of Daily Express 24 March 1933, just six weeks after Hitler took office: “Judea Declares War on Germany”
It reported leading Jews as saying:
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will foresake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler’s people.”

Jul 16, 2019 3:47 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

“It reported leading Jews as saying:…”

It seems like only a few days since the Board of Deputies was laying into The Guardian over their publishing of that sort of adjective. Are you saying Red Ken was misinformed?

Jul 16, 2019 4:24 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

What is wrong with the adjective “leading”? Could say “Jewish leaders”, but then they might not like that “adjective”!
Ken referred to the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement which was signed in August 1933 between the Jewish agency for Palestine, the German Zionist Federation and the German Economics ministry

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 15, 2019 10:54 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Yes,and that would include those racist whites in SA as well as those racist Zionist(whites?)in Palestine would it Antonym

Question This
Question This
Jul 15, 2019 1:31 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Israel has the same rights as any occupying invasion force, but don’t complain when some one else takes over Israel & segregates its citizens in a concentration camp !

Jul 16, 2019 12:39 AM
Reply to  Question This

Binyamin Satanyahu already doing a good job of that, turning Israel into an open-air theocratic concentration camp last year.

Jul 15, 2019 4:57 PM
Reply to  Antonym

“State of Terror – How terrorism created modern Israel” with 680 very detailed references.

Jul 15, 2019 5:00 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

Tried to add this link to the book by Thomas Suarez:

Jul 17, 2019 4:10 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Dilbert got this right; applies equally to magical Juice power https://dilbert.com/strip/2019-07-14

Philip Roddis
Philip Roddis
Jul 14, 2019 12:52 PM

Erratum. The paragraph, early on, beginning, “However, Sir Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s official biographer …” is part of the Independent article on Churchil, so belongs with the preceding block quote.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jul 14, 2019 12:13 PM

Tom Watson loses half his body weight in tears if he comes across a FaceBook post from 7 years ago that may be vaguely upsetting for supporters of Israel yet fails to notice how Blairites have been complicit with death and destruction on a vast scale – perhaps he’s too busy penning long and tedious letters to MPs undergoing chemo’ to fully grasp the moral vacuum at the heart of his incessant whining?

If you want to put a face to the terrible cynisism that drives apartheid then look no further than the imploring expression Tom employs each time he elaborates the horrors of antisemtism inflicted by Corbyn’s Labour party.

Jul 17, 2019 9:59 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

‘Fatberg slim rides out’
The Groan censors its own cartoonist – again.

Thank fuck for Steve Bell and his mighty pen

John A
John A
Jul 14, 2019 12:07 PM

I see today’s Observer is going full foghorn on anti-semitism in the Labour Party. Not to mention stating as flat fact that Russia was behind the Skripal affair. Sickening propaganda.

Jul 14, 2019 12:24 PM
Reply to  John A

Every time we hear about antisemitism in the Labour Party, we should insist on the full facts of the existence of antisemitism in the other parties being shown for comparison, especially by the BBC who actually have a contractual duty to be impartial, otherwise we are dealing with a clear, contrived witch-hunt. We will achieve this by becoming our own LOBBYISTS. You and I must become lobbyists, to ensure our politicians and councillors are aware of the full scale of the lies they are complicit with.
For example:
Contrary to the narrative portrayed by the media furore surrounding Labour’s reported ‘problem’ with anti-Semitism, data curated by YouGov actually shows that since Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party in 2015, anti-Semitic views amongst Labour party voters have actually reduced substantially.

Not only does the data show a marked decrease in the number of Labour voters in 2017 agreeing with anti-Semitic statements compared to those in 2015, the statistics show that all other political parties (apart from the Lib Dems whose results are comparable to Labour’s) have a far bigger problem with their voters agreeing with anti-Semitic statements…………

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jul 14, 2019 12:48 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Absolutely – but then there is actual reality and the kind invented by a cadre of Labour MPs, who, after working with Jeremy Corbyn for decades, have only just noticed he is an antisemite, a revelation that happened to coincide with him becoming leader and declaring support for Palestine.

A few of the problems we have are this:
* too many apartheid apologists in the Labour party – Watson, Hodge, Phillips (we all know
who thay are).
* too many faux lefties in the media who whine all the time but would run a mile from
anything that seriously challenges corporate or militray hegenomy.
* a media controlled by a few oligarchs who forever peddle myths about how important it is
to have a free press, and how censorship is only practiced in oppressive states that are not
America or Britain.

I’m sure you can think of many more not least the fact supporters of Israel prefer to believe that executing civilians is a regretable, though necessary and legitimate consequence of defending the homeland, i.e. apartheid and expansionism.

Jul 14, 2019 12:37 PM
Reply to  John A

I posted on an earlier article this morning but it sits better here (Admins – i’ll keep asking for a pinned article at the top of Off-G, where we can log the daily putridness served from Kings P(a)lace ;-).

Sundays daily Hypocrisy.

The Obsessive Groan in full lock down mode so far this morning as they go full on with the anti-semitic trope. Lol.

They can’t take any pushback. Double lol.

Why does Stuart Lee persist with them – is he that poor? Is he a secret reactionary? Is it worse than that? Seeing how the Godfather, Iannucci has ‘come out’ for the establishment and revealed his true colours as a high servant of the msm/BBC corporatist apparatchik and supporter of the AS propaganda.

Well – the gatekepers are having to show their allegiances, did they all go to the Virgin Islands for their hols?
The holiday snaps must be quite something…

Triple LOL.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 15, 2019 7:31 AM
Reply to  John A

Not to mention stating as flat fact that Russia was behind the Skripal affair

It is an established fact to anyone except a crazy conspiracy theorist.

John A
John A
Jul 15, 2019 11:27 AM

Please enlighten us as to what the established facts are?

Jul 15, 2019 4:10 PM

So in that case how could Stephen Davies, the head consultant for the Emergency department at Salisbury hospital, quote in his letter to the Times that no patients had experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury?

Jul 15, 2019 4:59 PM

Like the Iraq Incubator Babies and the Human Bodies Being Turned Into Soap.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 14, 2019 11:45 AM

Israel, like nuclear weapons, cannot be uninvented. Deal with it.

John A
John A
Jul 14, 2019 12:05 PM

Apartheid South Africa, like nuclear weapons, cannot be uninvented. Deal with it.

different frank
different frank
Jul 14, 2019 1:56 PM

Children who were killed whilst playing football on a beach By the IDF cannot come back to life.
Deal with it.

Jul 14, 2019 3:52 PM

The moment I see “Deal with it”, I know the speaker has finally revealed himself. He’s basically saying, “Yes you’re right. We are utter bastards! And you ain’t gonna stop us!”

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 15, 2019 7:34 AM
Reply to  George

It isn’t your sympathy for the Palestinians that betrays you as a Nazi, it is the exclusive way that only the deeds of Israel outrage you. Russia, Syria, China get a free pass.

Jul 15, 2019 8:20 AM

It is the Israel treatment of the Palestinians that betrays THEM as Nazis.

Jul 15, 2019 7:11 PM

Nothing wrong with those countries. Israel is the problem in Syria plus the western countries they control fighting there on their behalf. Moreover Israelis claim to be Europeans and milk the EU. Their sayanim live among us and interfere in our politics.
Finally the Zionists have carried out more terrorism than most other countries together, even including the USA. They need to be put down, despite their threat of the Samson option.

Jul 14, 2019 6:32 PM

Israel, like nuclear weapons, cannot be uninvented. Deal with it.

Israel is doomed to the same fate as as the crusader kingdoms, they lasted about 200 years, I actually think Israel might be a bit less successful. If I were Jewish Israel is the last place I’d feel safe, if there ever was a “new Hitler” all he’d need is few nukes, none of that messy stuff with camps, ovens and cattle trunks, and having to search them out, there they are all waiting. And even if there isn’t a new Hitler, the regional demographics and the way Israel has behaved hardly secures any future.

Zionism is the sort of delusion an old fashioned Austrian imperialist would think up while witnessing the decline of the Hapsburg Empire.

William HBonney
William HBonney
Jul 15, 2019 8:17 AM
Reply to  Carnyx

if there ever was a “new Hitler”

You collect war memorabilia, don’t you, but only from one side.

Jul 15, 2019 11:19 AM

Uhm no I don’t, plus I have more family interest in WW I, where so many relatives died we didn’t have many to lose in WW II.

Jul 15, 2019 7:03 PM

Sanctions like for apartheid South Africa.

Jul 17, 2019 6:34 AM

“Israel, like nuclear weapons, cannot be uninvented.” Pshaw Obviously history isn’t your strong suit Billy-boy; because if it was you would know that once before in 1099, Jerusalem was occupied by infidels. They stayed until 1187 and in that time imported thousands of xtian immigrants. They raped, looted and pillaged all the surrounding areas, installing puppet monarchs who were forced to ensure that the so-called xtian leaders of Jerusalem profited from every transaction. The entire Crusades occupation reads like an 800 year old mirror image of the current occupation of Palestine. F++king eerie if the current one exists unconnected from the first, but of course that is not the case. The 1948 Nakba was instituted almost identically to the first Crusade. Infiltration via abuse of islamic respect for gracious hospitality, followed by a multitude of well planned and executed acts of extreme terror. Women and children were raped then slaughtered as a sort of abhorrent aversion theatre so that in addition to instilling a sense of power among the cowering remnants of nazi camps, the indigenous population would be too terrified to resist the forces demanding their ouster. This stuff is still in use today although less so in Palestine than it was 40 & 50 years ago. Now Africa is on the receiving end as the same evil fusion of greed and small-dickitis shifts African people off land their clans have owned for millennia. I cannot stress how extreme and horrific this type of imperialism is. Crown prince Leopold the small of Belgium first dreamed up the idea of cutting off the right arms of every male child back when he was cornering the market for silver mines in the Congo. What can possibly be more twisted than turning a hard working family’s biggest asset into an eternal liability?… Read more »

Boot Hill
Boot Hill
Jul 17, 2019 6:16 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

For heavens sake, just ignore William Bonney. A flick of the mouse wheel and he’s gone forever.

Jul 14, 2019 11:23 AM

I was under the impression that the initial idea for creating Israel in Palestine was from an evangilical in USA.

Jul 15, 2019 5:03 PM
Reply to  TFS

The Chosen Folk were offered Uganda, Patagonia and a dozen other places, but decided to steal Palestine instead.

Jul 16, 2019 8:43 AM
Reply to  mark

Not sure the ‘Chosen Folk’ as you put it stole it.

I think the people who stole it were the British and friends in low places at the League of Nations and the United Nations. I’m not even sure the UN had any laws on its books that allowed it legal authority to create Israel (but I could be wrong).

I’m sure there was a large number Palestianian Jewish People, aware of Zionism and well aware of what was comming their way who felt as agrrieved as the Palestinian Arabs.

Jul 16, 2019 11:02 PM
Reply to  TFS

It was stolen by the stooge goys like Balfour and Churchill and Truman on their behalf. They did the dirty work of destroying Palestinian organisations so they were defenceless as the Jew terror and murder gangs set about their handiwork.