Labour’s Necrotising Fasciitis
A response to the BBC’s Panorama “Is Labour Antisemitic?”
W Stephen Gilbert

Image source: The Canary
In the long history of party politics, coordinated and systematic attacks on one political party are always initiated and perpetuated by a rival party or parties. Not least of the ways in which the increasingly murderous row about alleged anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is unprecedented is that, although it was quietly seeded by Lynton Crosby’s propaganda unit in the Conservative Party back in 2016, it has been swollen into a life-threatening confrontation by elements both within Labour and with supposedly supportive links to Labour.
The depths to which this matter is capable of plunging may be gauged by the remarks made in the House of Lords last week by the party’s then deputy leader in that house, Dianne Lady Hayter.
You might expect offence given by someone in her position would be in overstepping the mark in defending the leadership of the party. If so, you have not been paying attention. Lady Hayter rather accused the party leadership of withholding information from the party’s National Executive Committee.
“That declaiming of intelligence, the refusal to share, is an absolute symbol of the bunker mentality,” she declared. And in case anyone was unclear whether the aforesaid bunker was an innocent feature of the Open golf at Royal Portrush, she added:
Those of you who haven’t [read the book] will have seen the film Bunker, about the last days of Hitler, where you stop receiving any information into the inner group which suggests that things are not going the way you want”.
For someone in the leadership team of a party to compare the leader of that party to Hitler might seem, to most fair-minded people, to be inter alia damaging, disloyal, ill-conceived, excessive and even unhinged. People both in and outside politics have been sacked for much milder comments.
Indeed, all the suspended Chris Williamson did was to question whether the party had conceded too much ground to those finding it a home for anti-Semites. But Hayter’s sacking was deemed “a gross over-reaction” by Wes Streeting MP, who reckoned it to be purely effected to soothe Corbyn’s “feelings”.
In the real world, Hayter being located within the leadership team was properly the deciding factor in the move against her. After all, Corbyn’s “feelings” were not thought to need soothing by any action against the backbencher Dame Margaret Hodge when she called him to his face “a fucking anti-Semite and a racist”. She went unscathed on her way and indeed became the go-to commentator on the issue, especially at the BBC where her daughter is deputy editor of news.
How has the party reached such a pass?
Though Theresa May availed herself of her final Prime Ministerial Questions to pour scorn on Corbyn’s handling of the anti-Semitism issue, rival parties generally have not felt the need to make very much of the matter, content to sit back and watch Labour tearing itself apart. And tearing itself apart it is.
The gradual retreat from the party’s undertaking to honour the result of the EU referendum – a retreat being forced on Corbyn by his colleagues changing their stances and his own principled and unchanging commitment to allowing party democracy to dictate the politics – risks the loss of parliamentary seats outside London, where exasperation that we are still in the EU runs much higher than it does at Westminster.
But the anti-Semitism damage risks Labour failing to gain any counterbalancing electoral advantage from defying Brexit in London, Manchester and other cities with significant Jewish populations. It’s a potential double whammy beyond Chris Patton’s wildest imaginings.
The BBC, always ready to turn anti-Corbyn rhetoric into a story, broadcast a double-length Panorama report entitled ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic?’
The question was rhetorical because reporter John Ware was only interested in arguing that it is. A former Jewish Chronicle and Murdoch press journalist, Ware has plenty of form.
After his incendiary programme about British Muslims, the Muslim Council of Britain described him as “an agenda-driven pro-Israel polemicist”.
No doubt he believes that fixing everyone with a searching stare from over his glasses makes him look like an objective academic, but actually he’s an old-fashioned muckraker. Throughout the report, he used the formula “we’ve been told” before trotting out yet another lurid outrage.
Well, I’ve been told that the BBC is unbiased, but that doesn’t make it so.
Ware referred to “the party which, under Jeremy Corbyn, boasts of being anti-racist to its core”. “Boasts” is such a loaded term. One might counter that the BBC “boasts” of being even-handed to its core on political issues. What a joke.
What’s the story here really?
The BBC can’t resist getting stuck into tales of interference by Russian intelligence in the electoral process in the States and even, where they can find anything to go on, in Britain. So why don’t their reporters follow up leads about Mossad’s and the Israeli embassy’s roles in the anti-Semitism issue in Labour?
There’s plenty of material to examine on the Internet outside the mainstream media.
Ware could have investigated the Act.IL app, set up by the strategic affairs ministry in Israel to subvert Palestinian solidarity interests all over the world. That app has taken a leading role in generating anti-Corbyn propaganda.
Or he could have looked into the activities of Black Cube, the intelligence agency based in London and set up by former officers of Mossad and Shabak, which specialises in constructing countermeasures to criminal charges brought against individuals who share its world view.
That the Israeli government should have an interest in preventing Corbyn from becoming prime minister is not hard to understand. Corbyn has stated quite categorically that he would recognise Palestine as a legitimate state in his first week in office. That’s obvious motivation for Netanyahu, for Washington and for the various pro-Israeli organisations and organs in Britain.
Mossad is arguably the most effective and ruthless intelligence force in the world. Social media is readily exploited as a platform for mischief, because anonymity and false flagging are endemic there. If I am capable of imagining the placing of something damaging on Facebook or Twitter with the icon or hashtag JC4PM, so is a Mossad operative.
The connection to Corbyn is as simply perpetrated as that. It can be done as an anonymous tweet or as a fake post in someone else’s name.
Yet Tom Watson and Keir Starmer have stated that anyone accused of anti-Semitism should be deemed guilty until proved innocent, a new twist in British notions of justice. We are well on the way to HUAC and Senator McCarthy. Soon we’ll all be asked to betray our friends or we’ll be blackballed. What was that about people feeling unwelcome in the Labour party?
And, of course, abuse comes in all directions, not only towards Jewish people and those who support Israel. No leader has been as slandered and smeared, denounced and defied as thoroughly as Corbyn.
His critics assume they are licensed to say and write what they like about him and to be spared any comeback or criticism themselves. Yet any argument with a Jewish MP – or a gentile MP who claims that the party is anti-Semitic – is immediately denounced, even if the point has nothing to do with Judaism.
Marc Wadsworth, a veteran member of Labour’s Black Caucus and campaigner on LGBT rights, was drummed out of the party when he suggested that Ruth Smeeth MP (who happens, though it’s not germane, to be Jewish) shouldn’t be “working hand in hand” with The Daily Telegraph.
If these are the kind of criteria used to judge comments by Labour members, Wadsworth’s treatment by the party should, in turn, be deemed racist and homophobic.
Ware’s Panorama report was directed and produced by Leo Telling and executive-produced by Neil Grant. This team have made earlier – equally calculatedly anti-Corbyn – programmes, including ‘Jeremy Corbyn: Labour’s Earthquake’ for Panorama and ‘The Battle for the Labour Party’ for Channel 4’s Dispatches. Both drew formal but futile complaints from the Labour Party.
The latest programme demonstrates the team’s techniques.
Flying in the face of years of good journalistic practice, there was a number – I counted seven – of ‘testimonies’ given straight to camera over creepy music by individuals who were identified neither by name nor by affiliation. Were they actors? Were they speaking fiction?
In fact, at least two of these contributors have been identified as former employees of the Israeli embassy in London, beginning with Ella Rose, a somewhat notorious social media presence.
Speaking of one of Labour Friends of Israel’s favourite bêtes noires, Rose may be seen online boasting:
I saw Jackie Walker on Saturday and thought, you know what, I could take her, she’s like 5’2” and tiny. That’s why I can take Jackie Walker. Krav Maga training. If it came to it, I would win, that’s all I really care about”.
Krav Maga is a hand-to-hand fighting technique beloved of the Israeli Defence Forces, Shabak and Mossad. This outburst is like something out of a script for The Office.
An identified contributor, Ben Westerman, is one of those who describes the party as “institutionally racist”. None of those who do so seem to entertain a thought for the hundreds of thousands of blameless, sincere, dedicated members who joined long before the likes of Westerman were born and who are incensed by this facile slur.
Westerman has been exposed in a direct lie over his role as ‘investigator’ sent to the Riverside constituency by a member who was present at the (recorded) meeting that Westerman mischaracterised in the programme. That Ware did not fact-check the account speaks to the extent to which he was only interested in material that could be used as a QED.
Much was made of the leader’s office supposedly “interfering” in the disciplinary procedures of the party.
Had the leader’s office not asked to be appraised of events and developments, Ware would, of course, have accused Corbyn of being asleep at the wheel. Tom Watson, Labour’s deputy leader and a serial Corbyn underminer, has demanded to play a supervising role in the disciplinary proceedings, but as a member of the same camp as Ware, he naturally escapes similar censure.
Watson first came to wide public attention as the parliamentarian most concerned to promote the notion that there existed “a paedophile network linked to parliament and Number 10”, as Watson put it.
A great deal of police resource was channelled into Operation Midland in order to investigate this claim and the sole result is that Watson’s source, an evangelical called Carl Beech, is at present on trial as a fantasist. At the very least, this puts a question mark over Watson’s reliability as a judge and his motives as a self-publicist.
Another programme thread concerned Corbyn’s “platform-sharing” with pro-Palestinian individuals.
Dave Rich, one of many former party officials who left because their wing of the party was no longer in control, tried to advance a binary judgment that either Corbyn was curiously “unlucky” in those with whom he came to share platforms or he must share their views.
Any Vth former studying political history could tell Rich that leaders of all persuasions have shared platforms with other leaders whose politics and/or actions they deplore. Remember Churchill and Stalin at Yalta? Thatcher greeting the former terrorist Begin? Blair literally embracing Gaddafi?
Dave Rich is a director of the Community Security Trust, the former chief executive of which was revealed to be the highest-paid official in a Jewish charity in Britain, remunerated at the rate of the better part of £200,000 per year. How much Rich is paid is not public knowledge, but it may be that he is well named. The actual need for such an organisation has been questioned by no less than The Jewish Chronicle.
Another of Labour’s disaffected ex-staffers who used the programme to rubbish the present leadership, Mike Creighton (one-time director of the party disputes team), gave the game away in a tweet last month:
I’m not interested in winning government. I’m interested in winning the Party.”
Back in the days of New Labour, those in the ascendant would scoff at the left for being, as they characterised it, more concerned to be pure than in power. So the mirror swivels.
The anti-Corbynites don’t care how many Labour members lose their seats – and of course, they will include members of every party faction – as long as Corbyn doesn’t become prime minister. The same will apply if a Corbyn supporter succeeds him as party leader.
They would rather kill the party than find accommodation with policies that are distinct from those of the Liberal Democrats and centrist Tories.
John Ware takes the view that anti-Semitism entered the Labour Party with the arrival of Corbyn as leader. This is a convenient notion. What is more persuasive is that claims of anti-Semitism as a means of undermining the leadership entered the party at that time.
Ware is happy to resurrect stories about Ken Livingstone’s “crank history” of Israel and the Third Reich but stays away from the video evidence of the establishing of a fifth column in Labour by the Israeli diplomat Shai Masot at the 2016 party conference and of Joan Ryan MP fabricating anti-Semitism allegation against a party member seeking information about Palestine.
Ryan would make good copy. Following a no-confidence vote against her by her local Labour group, she left the party to join the breakaway Independents in February who have since fallen out. Bizarrely, though no longer in the party, she remains chair of Labour Friends of Israel. But this suggestive matter is of no interest to John Ware.
Perhaps the most dishonest passage in the entire report featured Sam Matthews, Creighton’s successor as director of disputes in the party.
His talk of contemplating suicide is deeply offensive to those close to people who have actually killed themselves rather than just talked about it in a self-dramatising way. In the early 1980s, I lost more close friends and lovers to suicide than to Aids. Most thoughtful people at some point ponder the pros and cons of ending their lives. Then they shut up about it. They don’t use it as an emotional stick with which to beat others.
Since the broadcast, Matthews has accused both the party and his former union of “coming after the messengers with a vicious and libellous attack, with no due care to the emotional and mental wellbeing of those involved”.
Again, this works both ways.
Party officials who are bound by powerful convention to eschew public comment, were repeatedly smeared in the programme by their predecessors now free to misrepresent from the sidelines. The current General Secretary, Jennie Formby, had her professionalism and integrity questioned with no thought to her own wellbeing as she undergoes chemotherapy.
But Labour’s self-harming, its dose of the flesh-eating condition necrotising fasciitis, is only spreading. Former Corbyn loyalists have weakened.
Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary, placed herself very clearly on the anti-Semitism issue when she told Andrew Marr “I think that we shouldn’t be going for the messengers, we should be looking at the message”.
Nobody in Labour seems brave enough to talk about the issue as it relates to Israel, doubtless because they fear they will immediately be drummed out of the party. As I wrote after the excoriation of Chris Williamson’s perfectly reasonable question, it is impossible to have a rational conversation about anti-Semitism in the party.
Corbyn’s long history of friendship with and support of Jewish interests both in the diaspora and in Israel has been documented and tabulated widely.
One example will suffice, a motion tabled by Diane Abbott in February 2010 and sponsored by MPs from all three main parties including Corbyn:
That this House is concerned that the small number of remaining Jews living in Yemen are facing on-going religious persecution and systematic mistreatment which represents a critical threat to the health, safety and security of their community; notes that the United States administration has facilitated the resettlement of Yemeni Jews in the US for those with ties to that country; and urges the Government to follow this example and consider providing specific measures for those members of the group with ties to the UK who urgently need protection on humanitarian grounds”.
The motion was signed by 25 backbenchers, not including Margaret Hodge, Joan Ryan or Tom Watson.
Those Labour MPs who would prevent Corbyn from entering Downing Street have allies much more powerful than they are themselves: Trump, Netanyahu, Fleet Street, the BBC, the military and intelligence establishment in Britain, the States, Israel and the EU.
Millions of Labour supporters, some of whom want only a Labour government led by Corbyn, some who simply want a Labour government run by anybody discernibly more progressive and enlightened than Boris Johnson, desperately need the politicians to do the job they’re elected to do.
But few MPs are listening to the electorate on this matter or on Brexit or indeed on anything else.
Our politics will remain broken until MPs pay attention to reality rather than believing anything they’re told just because they want to believe it.
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Jonathan Cook on Twitter today – ‘Corbyn’s Labour party has a new web page on Zionism and antisemitism. Paradoxically, some of its assumptions are antisemitic but no one has noticed this time, as Tony Greenstein points out, because Labour is supporting ‘the right kind of antisemitism”
Meanwhile Greenstein says, ‘Corbyn’s strategy, if you can call it that, is to run so fast from his detractors that they won’t catch up. It is to make himself the willing prisoner of those whose sole purpose in life is to remove him. Thus he informs the Shadow Cabinet that ‘those who deny the existence of antisemitism in the party are “part of the problem”. A typically fatuous and stupid declaration. If you deny being a witch that is proof that you are.’
Lets face it – there is just too much poison in the British political system for Corbyn to take it and survive.
Boris will probably enter number 10 tonight – of course its harder to oppose this grotesque man when the opposition are daily labelled as racist and senior figures within the party agree rather than contest such serious accusations (going so far as to sacrifice their own anti-racist colleagues).
“Corbyn told the shadow cabinet before a crunch meeting of the party’s ruling body on Tuesday that a new rule would refer members who had clearly committed the most egregious offences to a new panel of officials, including the general secretary, with the power to immediately expel them”.
What does this mean? Does it mean if the member is accused, and if the accusation is prima facia Antisemitic the member is auto excluded, without due process i.e. the right to a defence, the elementary right of the accused to be heard, plus the presentation of evidence as in a trial [natural justice] If the proposed new rules are just a matter of speeding things up, then some good could come of it, but proper due process could involve a trial, example, Ken Livingstone or Mark Wadsworth both could never have been found guilty in a court of law [Ken did walk on his own volition], why? The IHRA is not a legal formulation, in fact it is not fit for purpose because a Judge would say it is ‘imprecise’ [amongst other things] as many Barristers have already said, also a judge might say that what Livingstone said was basically true. Whatever happens the people who the Labour party want to convince the most, the Jewish Labour Movement and other so called representatives of the Jewish community have rejected it out of hand since they claim it would not be ‘independent’ [surprise, surprise], what then is the point of the exercise, the Labour party are like headless chickens and without backbones, not fit for purpose.
The charge of antisemitism against Ken Livingstone was dropped and replaced with the catchall “Bringing the party into disrepute”. Then nothing happened, so in the end he decided to leave the party.
Nothing happened – don’t be silly, Ken, a good man and a socialist now has his reputation indelibly linked to a vile slur.
That’s the way it works cynical journalists like Andrew Gilligan make serious accusations knowing that trying to defend them is like a medieval midwife trying to deny she is a witch.
What I meant was that action on his catchall new accusation was constantly delayed, so he decided to depart the party.
He’s just one of a long list of decent people smeared by the Zionist Mafia.
No, there’s going to be a new and completely fair, transparent process.
Anyone accused of anti Semitism will have to appear before a panel chaired by Margaret Hodge, with Joan Ryan, Louise Ellman, Shai Masot, and the Board of Deputies providing the other members, and Tom Watson having an oversight role.
Can’t agree Mark, Margaret Hodge and Louise Ellman on a panel with oversight from Tom Watson in my opinion would not provide a fair and transparent process since they are still members of the Labour Party, which has been described as institutionally Antisemitic to its core, so it would be unfair to tar Margaret, Louise and Tom with that brush, as for Joan, Shai and the Board of Deputies yes they would be fair and unencumbered with the taint of the Labour party and most important ‘independent’. /S
Yes, hadn’t thought of that. Perhaps the Board of Deputies would have to send them on an anti Semitism course first.
I’d call the disease more a potent and disfiguring but localized tumor. There’s a relatively small contingent in the Labour leadership that’s chasing around doing the anti-Semitism thing while the bulk of the rank and file (and non-party supporters) ignore the whole event. The reason’s obvious — the Labour party has from its founding been on the side of egalitarianism, treating all peoples fairly and showing common cause with workers everywhere. This platform made it staunchly anti-Fascist back in the 30s, back when leading Conservatives and other establishment figures thought that what was going on in Europe was a damned good show, and it would continue to the present day when what’s going on in Israel and the occupied territories is too blatantly racist to easily rationalize away.
So I put the whole Labour/anti-Semitic thing as just another fight against movements like BDS. Are there true anti-Semites in the Labour party? Statistically, there must be. Do they represent party policy? Not in the slightest. Is this a handy bludgeon to use against the party? Kind of obvious….hardly worth discussing.
Until Corbyn, the party had always been pro-Zionist.
…understandable, given its history and intellectual underpinnings. The disconnect has been happening gradually and its less to do with the Labour party shifting positions than the Israeli government becoming openly racist. The process isn’t unlike what happened with South Africa which started out merely as a European enclave at the tip of Africa but over 30-40 years morphed into the apartheid state that the world grew to dislike.
Change is a process, it doesn’t happen overnight.
[ To all you Brits,Best of Luck!]So,I guess betrayals like that of Tom Watson,Mike Creighton,Dave Rich,et al. have happened before.I submit this to bolster that notion: “One remarkable feature of the Home Rule controversy at this time the almost unanimous rejection of Irish freedom by the English intellectuals who,a generation earlier,had supported the Union in the American Civil War.John Bright,the foremost defender of the Union now deserted Gladstone.Among those who publicly rejected Home Rule were scientists like Huxley, and Tyndall;philosophers like Herbert Spencer,Benjamin Jowett,and Henry Martineau; historians like Lecky, Seeley, Froude,and Goldwin Smith;political scientist like Dicey; poets like Tennyson, Browning,and Swinburne;and artists like Millais and Leighton.Supporting the Prime Minister were only a handful of distinguished men — such as the novelist George Meredith and the historians E.A. Freeman and Lord Acton….” ( ‘Giovanni Costgan: A Hist. of Mod. Ire.,’;p.243 -244 )
@Ben Trovata.
Ben trovata, indeed!
Incidentally, your finding about the loyalty of Lord Acton confirms my suspicion he was a sincere lover of freedom. “Comfort corrupts, and absolute comfort corrupts absolutely”. The great, comfortable middle class — Liberal only when it doesn’t disturb their comfort.
Let’s imagine for a moment that someone had compared Margaret Hodge to Hitler in his bunker. I suspect the media reaction would have been rather different.
I don’t think it is just bias from the BBC. I think they collude with the right-wing media by deliberately running shoddy investigations that nobble unwelcome police inquiries, and also allowing the accusations of left-wing bias to stand, as a cover for their Tory propaganda.
The Al Jazeera film The Lobby was being shown at the Tolpuddle festival last weekend. It was a full house. There were many Palestinian flags flying on the camp site. Corbyn did not mention Palestine in his speech; a senior union speaker did and it got maximum applause.
Really does surprise me that no one has called Margaret Hodge ‘a fucking friend to paedophiles and a gold medallist in the cover up of global child abuse Olympics’.
Seriously: she has far deeper crimes on her watch than any supposed antisemitism of Corbyn. The White Report of 1995 was a coruscating demolition of any fitness of Margaret Hodge to govern.
Any Jew supporting Hodge but trashing Corbyn deserves whatever comes their way….
Rock on, Rhys 🙂
But dear little Dame Hodge is singing the song her owners want to hear. And that’s the media’s only song in town.
I can’t fault that Rhys. and here is just a sample of Hodge, let’s get this thing viral:
I guess you all got this:
I got mine by default: I guess no one struck my name off the email address book?
There will be no more talk of Israeli involvement in 9/11; Zionism is a legitimate and benign nationalism; and there can be no more criticism of capitalism …if that involves saying that it has empowered a tiny minoritarian elite. I’ve been fairly clear that there is an elite: but that they are not all Jewish. No matter, that assumption is made for me now. I’m an antisemite.
I’ve actually recognised this for the last couple of years: that I fit the anti-semites defintion of an anti-semite. I self-identified and declared my mythical anti-semitism when they came for Jackie Walker. But I really am fucked now.
This really leaped off the page at me:
“Contemporary theories about George Soros’ control of world affairs …”
Now, I really would not say that he controls world affairs …but he does his damnedest to influence them. The bulk of his fortune was transferred to ‘charity’. $18bn worth of influence is a mighty big pot of influence. Now that is what I call ‘philanthrocapitalism’.
Except I cannot anymore. It’s strange that this one philanthropist is named: when there are so many others. Is he the only Jewish charity
regime change dictatorsorry, donator …or just the only one that works through the Labour Party? What about Bill Browder? Didn’t the billionaire arch-imperialist anti-Putin Magnitsky sanctions regime come from a Jew? Can I still say that? Or is that antisemitic too?What about the connections that Whitney Webb, Vanessa Beeley, and Cory Morningstar have substantively reported in their investigative journalism. Links between, Avaaz, and Purpose, the White Helmets, the Jo Cox Foundation, Greta Thunberg, AOC, Zack Exley, and the Green New Deal green neoliberal agenda? Are they antisemitic now? Is the link between Corbyn and his support for the Jo Cox Foundation and the White Helmets antisemitic to point out? Or the manufactured nature of the Green New Deal agenda? Does pointing out who Exley is make me a racist?
I’m sure certain Labour supporters would think so.
For the politically hard of thinking: this is how fascism arrives …in the guise of anti-fascism. I called it ‘definition creep’ last year. You determine what you think antisemitism is with the IHRA. Then you incrementally and gradually expand that definition to include 9/11 truth; anti-capitalism; anti-Zionism; and now ‘philanthrocapitalism’. Are Whitney, Vanessa, and Cory antisemites. Does Israel support ISIS? Will the ‘art of annihilation’; ‘mintpress’; and ‘the wrong kind of green’ get their investigative reporting shutdown by the ADL? Can I mention Bill Browder and his imperialist agenda?
I can no longer mention George, “oy vey”! …by the ‘index prohibitorium’ missive of the glorious leader. I’ve been warning for two years where this is going. Fascism comes to the UK with the ending of the freedom of speech and the character masking of the shutdown of legitimate exposure of the likes of Soros: brought to you as “the struggle for liberation for all people” …led by Jeremy Corbyn.
Corbyn is no fascist – not even a proto- or crypto-fascist. He is a ‘soft entry point’ for the contagion that will shut down all dissent soon enough. Unless of course we are stupid enough to vote fascism in. I’d rather go down swinging, even if it is only verbally. I’ve warned every one I can that fascism is coming; and it will use whatever vector it can to infect our minds …even the guise of an avuncular old man.
Well, it’s here: the end of the freedom of speech and free expression of 9/11 truth, anti-capitalism, anti-Zionism. And now the regime change and behavioural ”theory of change” ‘non profit industrial complex’ we are no longer allowed to mention …in case it relates back to Soros …which quite a lot of it does. Even if I have to self-identify as a self-hating racist to appease Jeremy to say it: Soros needs to be exposed for the shadow manipulator he is. Even if it is now antisemitic to say.
Thanks for the email, Jeremy – BTW.
At least things are clear now and there can be no doubt, as it is all set out in writing. Corbyn’s Labour is a pro-Israel, pro-zionist party of authoritarian thought police.
Atzmon called it correctly.
I really was naive enough to think for a while back at the beginning that Corbyn might open up an avenue for the questioning of the 9/11 narrative…..(!)
Now his party fronts the policing of the empire’s narratives.
Jeremy ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’ Corbyn. What a drip.
Orwell would be appalled.
I reluctantly agree.
Iceland, for example, currently has a “Left-Green” Prime Minister, and of course, when that happened, people hoped something resembling “left” politics would begin to flourish in that country’s nepotistic and highly corrupt society from now onwards.
However, in order to function as Prime Minister, Katrin Jakobsdottir is obliged to work with the leaders of two particularly corrupt factions, both of whom contributed in large measure to Iceland’s version of the appalling financial crash of 2008.
The Independence Party (basically a Tory Party) is one of them, and has somehow managed to get one of its scions, despite his being implicated in the Panama Papers, into the position of Minister of Finance. Doesn’t that bode well . . . ?
The other is the equivalent of the “Liberal” party, despite being called, literally, the “Progressive Party”, and their favourite pastime is to split the country, along with its fishing rights, into chunks, known as “quotas”, which its favourite wealthy personalities get to own and control.
These two have often worked together, always to the detriment of normal working people, and, as you might expect, Katrin’s former youthful enthusiasm for the causes of the left has been elbowed into the gutter by the two men leading their respective parties, leaving a rather stressed-looking, essentially overwhelmed, young woman to serve out what will undoubtedly be a very short term of office.
One really wonders how such a clever person (and she is clever) could ever have imagined that being overwhelmed was not going to be her inevitable fate . . .
Corbyn states in his letter to members yesterday that one Labour member said “Hitler was misunderstood”, as though it was highly antisemitic. What is antisemitic about that without explanation?
Are you deliberately ignoring the context of the letter, being solely about antisemitism? What exactly is there to misunderstand about Hitler’s views on Jews? Or are we supposed to go along with Hitler apologism now?
Well the fact that Jews worldwide declared financial war on Germany within days of Hitler coming to power might have influenced his view of the Jews. It sort of made them the enemy. Were the Jews being mistreated in Weimar Germany? Probably not as they held so many positions of power.
After what happened to 9 year old Abd el Rahman Shatawi last week, shot in the head from 100 mtrs….. Well I say to you I’m an anti semite as well B. I’m disgusted and revolted that this keeps happening, and much of the West fully ignores it while lobotomised politicians bleat ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’. Against 9 yr old kids? Against people in wheelchairs? Against paramedics attending the injured? Against unarmed protesters? Against 15 yr old girls? Against entire families evicted from their homes?
I support BDS because you don’t look away from rank injustice, war crimes, and the deliberate murders of innocent children.
So yeah, B – we’re both anti semitic. The full blown hypocrisy of the West disgusts me as well, and you’re right, Fascism is coming. Check out Henry Giroux for further enlightenment on that. Your comments hit the nail on the head.
That’s just the IDF exercising their right to “self-determination” …all the evictions and summary executions. At least JC didn’t parrot Regev and declare the concomitant right to “self-defence”.
What more can I say? The adoption of the IHRA was a dark day in political history. It granted exceptional – yes, even ‘chosen’ – status to Jews worldwide …relegating Palestinians to second class citizens in their homeland. Timed, as it was, to verify the ‘Nation State’ laws. This was the end of universalism; and ratification of ethnocentrism …at a time when we should be moving away from exclusionary rights toward ethical universalism and humanism. The Labour party (primarily the PLP and NEC) forced through transgressive definitions of race – taking us back politically to the 1930s.
Slowly and incrementally the 11 ‘working examples’ will expand to shut down free expression and free speech. As many top lawyers and Jewish organisations warned they would. JC is no match for the dark and militant forces of neoliberal fascism pitted against him. In the broader electorate, people have no idea about the applied psychological and transformative behavioural change means that the likes of Avaaz employ. Or the ‘grassroots’ campaigns that are behind Bernie and AOC. And now it is ‘antisemitic’ to even investigate. How long before ‘the wrong kind of green’ is declared an ‘antisemitic’ propagandic website?
Or OffG?
It’s not all about Soros. There are huge pools of philanthrocapitalist tax free charity donations subverting politics and consciousness itself. Dark money flows we are no longer allowed to mention. What makes me sad is that hardly anyone can recognise the proto-fascism we live under …because they consent. But was that consent and pacification their own? It was if we deny the existence of Avaaz, Common Purpose, Evolve …and the think-tanks such as RUSI and Chatham House that are driving the psycho-political narrative construction. And modifying behaviour to fit a priori policy.
It is immensely dangerous to deny that this is happening, or indeed could happen. It is now absolutely crystal clear why Soros is highlighted – rather than the Rockefellers, the Fords, the Mellons, Gates, or Branson. So that the character masking charge of antisemitism can be made.
People do not know what they are up against. Now it is a thoughtcrime to say. An immensely dangerous development signals dark times ahead. If warning means that we are antisemites …I guess we are antisemites. Antisemites who want to end all oppression – not just racist oppression …how does that compute!
“How long before Wrong Kind Of Green is declared an anti semitic propaganda site? Or OffG”?
Not long B, not long. The gloomy black clouds are all coalescing on the horizon. From Media Bias Fact Checker site: “we rate OffGuardian a strong conspiracy and moderate pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda”.
About 21st Century Wire they said it’s “a conspiracy and conjecture site run by Patrick Henningsen who has ties to Infowars and Alex Jones, and seem to be Pro Russian in much of their content”.
About The Greanville Post: “overall we rate TGP a strongly left biased source that occasionally publishes conspiracy and pseudoscience information in connection with Govts and corporations”.
I couldn’t find any reference to Wrong Kind Of Green on the Media Bias site, went into most subsections, nothing. But you’re right…. Things are becoming pretty grim. Soon any dissident or anti imperialist site will be targeted. Anti semitic, Pro terrorist, Pro Russian, Fake News, take your pick. The noose is getting tighter round our necks. Sorry for a bleak reply.
Indeed, things do look bleak.
How long before the thinking human brain is declared anti-semitic?
I’d give it a couple of weeks.
The media have more than enough fatheads perfectly capable of declaring that as soon as tomorrow.
I know WD. I know. Most people I am friends or acquaintances with (not that many) just want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is peaches & cream. Thanks.
Perhaps the useful concept of paying lip service flies over some heads.
There is no point fighting on the oppositions terms.
How to deal with huge amounts of mud throwing? Without getting covered in it?
‘Ah, now you are asking a question, grasshopper!
While they attack the main man, let the team put the ball in the back of the net! ‘
‘Master, you are blind but you can see the open goal!’
Something similar happened in the Ukrainian elections yesterday. The maidanist Atlantists lost control of the narrative – again. Damn that democracy and free elections. They are reduced to making threats if anything changes. They have a big NATO friend you know?
Bring on the GE, that’s the only way they will get rid of Corbynism never mind the man himself.
I’ve always thought the Rothschild trope pretty antisemitic. Not because pointing out an uber rich family is likely pretty dodgy, but the weird assumption that ALL Jews are apparently to blame or in cahoots with them. Now all Jews ARE Sheldon Adelson? Are they all Jeffrey Epstein? Or Einstein even? Are Jews no longer allowed to be treated as individual beings responsible for their own actions? Is this not anti semitism?
Given the fortous result of the Carl Beech trial and spanky Proctor smelling blood…Tom Watson’s blood in particular. Wouldn’t it be sad if he couldn’t rely on party support to help him in this trying time?
Beech might have been a blessing in disguise to certain establishment figures but Watson could find himself in the brown stuff.
“creepy music”? Ah yes – that old device. Did they give us Hollywood movie devices elsewhere? Did they play the “Jaws” theme whenever Corbyn appeared? Or perhaps “Ride of the Valkyries”? Did they intersperse footage of Corbyn laughing with shots of Auschwitz and the Dark Land of Mordor? Did they accompany Dame Hodge with the “Chariots of Fire” theme?
It doesn’t need the Israeli embassy in London to accuse Corbyn of AS, or the right wing media to accuse him of everything else, because he is, regardless of all those accusations, a nice chap but inept leader who is incapable of leading his own party, never mind the UK, sadly.
You probably have not been educated in leadership styles and hence are speaking from ignorance. No doubt you cannot give an analysis of why you consider that he is an inept leader. He is operating under immense pressure from the Israel terrorists and their sayanim in the UK. How would you operate if you and your family were threatened with death?
‘They’ are doing to him, exactly as they did to Hitler…. before he was even elected chancellor?
Jewish leaders in the United States and Britain determined on their own that it was necessary to launch a war against the Hitler government.
On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens for March 27. At that time the commander in chief of the Jewish War Veterans called for an American boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on March 23, 20,000 Jews protested at New York’s City Hall as rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New York City.
According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and her elected government. The headline read “Judea Declares War on Germany – Jews of All the World Unite – Boycott of German Goods – Mass Demonstrations.” The article described a forthcoming “holy war” and went on to implore Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in mass demonstrations against German economic interests. According to the Express:
The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life. Fourteen million Jews scattered over the entire world are tight to each other as if one man, in order to declare war against the German persecutors of their fellow believers.
The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler’s people.
The Express said that Germany was “now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry…. In London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade.”
The article said “worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations,” and reported that “the old and reunited nation of Israel gets in formation with new and modern weapons to fight out its age old battle against its persecutors.”
This truly could be described as “the first shot fired in the Second World War.”
In a similar vein, the Jewish newspaper Natscha Retsch wrote:
The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses… by every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed.
The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time…. In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal.
However, note well that the Zionist Association of Germany put out a telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made against the National Socialists as “propaganda,” “mendacious” and “sensational.”
In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies (“The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941”; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to speed up immigration to Palestine. This little-known factor would ultimately come to play a pivotal part in the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Jews.
Samuel Untermeyer, a NEW YORK JEWISH LAWYER, called for war on Germany. The call was made through radio station WABC on 8-7-33. (Hitler was elected chancellor in Jan 1933) He had just returned from a world conference of Jews at The Hague. In the broadcast, he said he was calling for a “holy war”, and described the Jews as “the aristocrats of the world”.
This same gentleman was connected with the Foreign Policy Association of New York and the WORLDWIDE ORGANISATION TO MOVE JEWS OUT OF GERMANY, not only into the United States, but to Palestine and other countries. These activities were tied in with the organisation known as the “International Boycott on German Goods”, of which Untermeyer was the head!
From that time the “Hate Germany” campaign was intensified and made worldwide, with a special Jewish-organised “National Conference of Jews and Christians” assisting! These are the hate-spreaders, but they never grow tired of praising themselves. That marked the beginning of the Jewish exodus from Germany.
We have all, on a world-wide scale, been sold the myth (lie) of the so-called Holocaust… “Six million Jews killed…” Note Untermyer’s mention of the “600,000 souls we must save”. That is from the horse’s mouth, in 1933, during which time the Jews were leaving Germany by the thousands.
The “holocaust” lie has created a great guilt complex in people all over the world who had nothing to do with the murder of even one Jew, never mind the fallacious figure of six million allegedly killed in foreign countries.
The fact that more than 20 million people were killed by Joseph Stalin in the Bolshevist-controlled USSR — mostly Christians — is never mentioned; nor are the tens of millions slaughtered by Mao-Tse-Tung in Communist China. I was told several years ago by an educated and intelligent person that, “That was different. It was their own people that they killed.”
It’s called brain-washing, folks. Thought control and mind control to the max. It’s okay if a despot puppet-ruler kills “his own people”. But… the holocaust myth of 6 million Jews is a crime/sin with which we must never ever challenge or investigate and all live with forever more. And pay, and pay and pay…….. It is time for the lying to stop.
Why was Adolf Hitler so vilified? Because he had created a state money system, non-gold-backed, and had negotiated trade with other nations that didn’t use the International Banker’s monetary system.
They were bartering! By-passing the usurers.
Hitler continued, despite the boycott, to further his barter-trading and if enough nations had had the opportunity to participate, it would have been the end of the strangle-hold, the unbridled power in the hands of a few creatures lusting after World Dominion.
Money is the name of their deceitful and dangerous game. Hitler called it “bogus money”.
There is much about Hitler we don’t know, so this is not intended to be a Hitler- apologist commentary. I am sharing information gleaned from many and varied sources which I believe to be credible, including historian Nesta Webster.
Mrs. Webster, along with other writers, had also written that Hitler had kicked the International Bankers out of Germany. In his speech, Untermyer claims that ‘wealthy Jews are financing Hitler’. Untermyer was intimately connected with the wealthy Jews. Since they are the masters of lies, perhaps the statement was made to confuse the issue. It remains for the time being an unanswered question for me.
Additional information: Just spent the last two hours reading this:
I think we are all familiar with bits of this. I have been working for years to find all of it in one place, and here it is…..
“A nice chap” would be a novelty worth voting for on its own.
SO who will you be voting for then Frank? Or will you abstain and let the fecking Tories in again???
Maggie, if he becomes PM he will be crucified by the right wing press on one side, and his Union leader “friends” on the other side.
I don’t want the Bastard Tories in, but it’s time there was also a leadership election in the Labour Party because otherwise they will lose the next election with Corbyn as leader. I don’t mind him personally as leader / PM, my point is that not enough people will vote for him therefore we’ll get another 5 Tory bastard years.
I agree with what you are saying Frank, but why will the press be even allowed to crucify him? Who regulates them and pays them?
And…. most importantly, who would you choose for the next Labour Leader?
How much longer are we going to put up with the Zionists choosing who we will and will not have as our leaders? Who are chosen for their particular proclivities or malleability, to enable the pernicious blackmail.
Bojo is a LIAR, RACIST, SERIAL ADULTERER, and a ZIONIST and a member of the pig fucking clan… not to mention a fckg HYPOCRITE.
He only has won by a margin of TWO, for Christ’s sake!
Trump endorsed Bojo and Farage so watch this space..
Corbyn would be re-elected if there were another leadership election. That was clear on people’s support for him last weekend at Tolpuddle.
That’s just rewarding the Zionist Mafia and their lying MSM for their smear campaign.
Might as well just hand over ;Labour lock, stock and barrel to Board of Deputies control.
If the CEO of the CST charity is on £200k, spare a thought for all the religious organisations which are also charities where Chief Rabbis earn a darn sight more than £200k
Gove promised £8M to the CST or some similar Jewish charity before the 2015 election.
What isn’t generally publicised is we now have a separate police force controlled by the Board of Deputies, complete with uniforms and marked police cars. And they complain about sharia patrols.
And here is the link Mark:
We already have Mossad infiltrating Parliament, IDF to follow?
How many British MPs are working for Mossad?
It’d be quicker to draw up a list of those who aren’t.
You could count those on the fingers of one hand of a short sighted butcher.
Gove is an even bigger Shabbos goy than May, Johnson, or Watson. He’s totally in their pocket. He’s written fawning, toadying , lickspittle books about Talmudistan that could have come straight out of a hasbara troll factory.
He promised £8M from the education budget to the juice before the 2015 election.
A broad spectrum of influence has effectively replaced politics, communication and consciousness as post-truth politics or the lie unmasked. The lie is not new as a projection of false possession and as weapon by which to dispossess.
The ability to generate gluts and chokes to supply of money, energy and information through complex or even banal deceits as a seemingly protective agenda to threats that are in effect cultivated by the ‘protective powers’ that then harvest the benefit, effectively checkmate any political movement before it has begun. The little mind is hopelessly out manoeuvred by its own strategy because it comes from a known and predictable and therefore controllable set of reactions
So politics as war – or as the furthering of a dominant private agenda set over other people’s lives is only persisted in as conventional politics for a show of token lip service for legitimacy and as a mind-management of identity politicking through using polarised charge as a battery by which to enact power over people with power given them, just as to enact the robbing or sickness-management of people by the monies taken from them.
In other words at a deeper level we are playing a supportive role in our own suffering by the vector of invested self-illusions or deceits.
deceits that frame the official and social narrative in such a way as to render any point of question, challenge or debate as self invalidating or self-criminalising.
The ability to frame the narrative is effective control of media, and other institutions of law, information or education. In a fairy story a boy was captured by a witch and fattened up for the pot. In this story we are captured by reactions that hook or hack a trojan component. Such that the blind witch is poking to see if we are completely anaesthetised yet rather than fat enough to eat.
This fragmented alienation is akin to a creeping paralysis that cannot be escaped from or overcome – but that one feeds the trap with more ways to constrain. Because such a system is predicated upon manipulating through our own conflicted division, weakness or powerlessness no less than the supply of ‘answers’ that further entangle us into false or addictive dependencies for which we will then fight for at cost of freedom.
In this sense our own denials or shadow self is become the vector of our own downfall.
The surface presentation is not where the money is, or the power or the influence.
This is not to say it is not active through institutions such as political, financial and legal professions but that beneath appearances are conflicts or interest, corruptions and coercive deceits.
Those with a desire to bring positive changes who in theory should be in a position to do so find themselves unable to move or unsupported or blocked by innumerable obstacles.
However, the active willingness of reintegrative communication and relationship is a decision NOT to persist in the lie or false sense of justified self-evasion. The status of fact is assigned to a theory until new evidence calls it into question. The observable fact that false ideas need protecting from truth and therefore the denial of our truth is enough reason to withdraw the heart’s allegiance from them and listen, look and feel for what truly is worthy – and give it there. But to those invested in false narratives at cost of true reflection and resonance, no-one and no thing is worthy excepting as can be used to prop up a lie of a life against the inevitable revelation of its lack of substance.
Well said, Binra.
I always look for opportunities to talk about how love is the answer. One reason for preferring that highly charged word over some fancy phrasing is that it is provocative, another is that it has been corrupted by and entangled with romance, which is but one of countless addicting distractions barring us from our healing, from recognising our power. We need to relearn love, see it for what it is, look past the mendacity and fearful cynicism.
As you point out in this comment and so many others, it is our own unique contribution to the mess that needs our attention, not the mess as fully separate object Out There that requires some Strong Parental Authority to clean up. Each one of us is tasked with developing the courage and perseverance to disentangle our identities from the meshed web of deceit we are all caught up in and unconsciously co-create. And that is a very large part of what love is about: the courage to take charge of our lives, ditch all beliefs and grow authentically into what we are here to become: mature beings, one part of which means being immune from manipulation. A society composed of mature, and therefore truly loving people would not be anything like the society we co-create today.
Yes – let such talking extend an invitation to open the underlying territory from false thinking. the ‘territory’ of who we are as distinct from maps, presentations and identifications. Love is that which identifies us perfectly and so is the capacity to abide with, through to the point of a true resonant recognition instead of a short circuit to a mind of dissociation and substitution.
The term ‘love’ is also falsely associated with manipulation of sympathies. We can be induced to ‘love’ as a sacrifice of true to a false framing of mind in the desire to make happy. This is not wrong in principle, but is naive in experience. The decision to use grievance for private agenda sets a conditional ‘happiness’ on the behaviour of others or of circumstance such that NOT complying is accused of ‘causing distress’ and therefor hateful. This is the repackaging of dissonance to others who then buy it as a currency of social acceptance.
When we lose alignment with who we truly are (in attempt to be who we are not) we generate dissonance – perhaps as guilt and fear – but as conflicted self. The intent to persist in misalignment is then the mind of defining dissonance in terms of attempt to adjust, mitigate, escape, overcome, or repackage dissonance as a self-protective gesture that to the degree it succeeds, protects the dissonance from healing or resolution.
But regardless the complexity of toxic debts repackaged as complex instruments of a currency of acceptance – the undoing of the misalignment is RE-alignment rather than endless diversions and division in symptom management and control – that then become a protection RACKET over a self-isolation running under futility of a substitution for love.
The polarised identity is over and against ‘other’ where denied self is ‘othered’ or projected away as ‘someone else’s toxic problem’.
In the world then, we can store up denials in ‘hell’ because nothing REALLY leaves our mind – but is only put out of sight for the ‘sustainability’ of a surface persona protected against regeneration or Life).
Or of course we can stop killing the messengers that would reveal a true feedback to an out-of-true foundation, and reintegrate what we tried to cast OUT and get RID of.
As we sow so shall we reap and to be cast out and rejected is the measure of our own giving.
This means releasing the mind of the role of judge and listening for the discernment of the heart. Those who don’t yet know their true Inherence, are poor in Sprit and so in any opportunity to support them in Spirit is the magnifying of the capacity to recognize a true choice where otherwise a sense of lack, conflict and defence would keep it hidden.
This is a ‘World of Choice’ while its seeming separateness from love made manifest results from choosing what we do NOT want AS IF we do. The saying ‘be careful what you wish for’ because you might get it has some truth. Anything given to the mind will generate experience and persistence in private agenda becomes a drift into self-illusion and self-specialness as the mind of polarisation in judging good and evil. A true discernment recognises a resonance of true reflection of a unified Source. And “behold it is very Good” – has no qualifier. Nor does ‘This is my beloved in whom is my delight”. These point to or give witness to an unspeakable Intimacy of being that is covered over and forgotten but never truly lost – because the Thought of God never leaves the Mind of its Creator. That we can think ‘unlike’ our Source-Nature is the basis for our freedom to align true instead of a mechanically or tyranically enforced obedience. Ironically the idea of ‘freedom’ assigned to a private mind or thinking is tyrannical and mechanical to all that a blind private agenda begets. This is why I see ‘sweep out your Temple’ as synonymous with Template level of beliefs, definitions and desire or devotion that is then filterd or distorted through such definition.
A sense of separation and lack must then SEEK outside itself – whether for love, power, or peace. Everyone is a uniquely recognisable quality of love, but the attempt to Self-differentiate runs off with an identity in image, form and concept.
Sacrificing the Living to the Ideal or Idol of Life is perhaps at first one of ‘good intentions’ but degenerates to reveal the lie beneath the facade. Such as the title of this article suggests.
However necrotic is a worthy part of clearing and recycling waste products and fascia are not only the binding of multiple strands for integrity of organic function but it is also a universal communication medium within the body. To take strength without love (relational integrity) is to give love to powerlessness, for seeking power is the sign of lack . Those who have it, rest in it. To a sense of lack, more is never ‘enough’. Lack in this sense is ‘programmed in’ by the act of getting for a private sense of self.
I don’t write to a moral judgement so much as honesty of energetic outcomes: Garbage in; garbage out. Integrity is not something to dress up in as if to have it – and then seek out those who can be accused of lack so as to associate in righteousness.
Yes indeed, and again: well said.
Freedom of choice, as in the space to choose authentically or the infamous free will aspect of consciousness, is most often bound by puppet strings to those who are expert at manipulating our fears, especially those fears we refuse to see, or fight desperately not to see. Hence, the difficult path that ends up being the way of always becoming love – which is ever changing – begins with the mindful and courageous application of authentic free will. And this takes much practice! And yet despite this, the love is there, waiting, uncorrupted, infinitely patient, behind however many layers of deceit and fear. It cannot be harmed, only hidden, just as you say.
For most of us, this first step is very hard to take and even harder to build into a lasting walk. There is so little time, so much cynicism, so many distractions in the form of irrelevant ‘choices’, so much injustice, etc., that even developing awareness of our free will at all is a mighty undertaking.
As for morality, I’ve lost my sense of what it is – if I ever had a clear sense of it! –, except perhaps as something like: the logic of love, which can only ever be applied on a case by case basis. Everything is unique.
The mind has the capacity to find everything ELSE that must be attended first. Or all the ‘reasons’ why you and love are not one or love is not safe with you or you are unsafe in love. What we have made of love is fearful – but what is made without love is without power in love.
So the call to wake is ‘Now’ and not ‘when I’ve untangled these nets’. Now is presence – but a ‘now’ framed by a past made in anger extends itself into the future like Big Brother’s boot – for there is no escape from the past when used to make the present in its own bootprint. Excepting in fantasy that of course reinforces the idea that reality is unworthy and need be escaped…
Morality might be moving to a better or more integrated experience of self and life and world. But masking forms of morality are postured in by the attempt to be right over and against another’s wrong – and so I see moral responsibility as living FROM our own integrity – such as we are able to accept and extend or share rather than acting as if we have integrity by compliance or conformity to rules of correctness against receiving penalty, rejection or vilification.
Indeed every situation is unique and the mind’s attempt to fit everything into its binary logic is the polarising rules and filters that maintain structure over a fear of loss of control. This in within every heart as well as collectively. The mind and heart working apart instead of as one accord.
Love unifies in purpose and perception and so is the correction for a fear-control filtered perception. We may ‘see’ the latter as if self-evident by already reacting as true, but the capacity to pause the mind of reaction and connect in the heart is access to a unique response to what is here instead of boiler plate reaction. Living the willingness of such a connection means it is more accessible when a situation calls for wisdom rather than persisting the same triggers that keep recycling the same outcomes. I don’t see wisdom as learnt so much as listened for.
One doesn’t need to think about love to be truly moved, to extend a self honesty or recognise another as yourself. When we paint the roses red we lose their fragrance.
There is an irony (more than one) in the Labour leadership’s response to Diane Hayter’s words. She (and many others) have been using the witch finder tactic over and over again. It must have seemed like shooting fish in a barrel. Take a few words out of context, wilfully misconstrue them, jump up and down with moral indignation, demand immediate punishment and lo! Chris Williamson is banished. Imagine her bafflement when the Labour leadership used precisely the same tactic against her. It is long past time for the Labour leadership to have started a fight back, but I would have preferred them to use moral tactics.
I have posted this before, but it just about sums up the credibility of the ridiculous accusations made against Corbyn.
Please watch, it’s only 1 min 23 seconds.
Stevo Timothy is brilliantly perceptive!
Our mother escaped Hitler’s Germany by the skin of her teeth. After war was declared she joined the British army to fight the Nazis which is where she met our father a non Jew. They were married for more than sixty years and when my father died in 2008 mum asked if his ashes could be buried in the local Jewish cemetery and hers alongside when she eventually died.
The Synagogue refused and in some anger our mother bought a plot in the Jewish section of the Municipal cemetery which is where their ashes now lie side by side.
Is there a name for the actions of the Synagogue?
Our branch of the Labour Party suspended a member for his racist and sexist remarks about Diane Abbott but after a slap on the wrist he was reinstated.
Is this simply hypocrisy or is it OK to insult black people but not Jews?
Jewish Cemetaries in the UK are largely private charitably owned. Since her husband did not convert, he wasn’t halachically Jewish. If he had converted and got his certificate from a Beth Din, then they couldn’t have refused. It is harsh and uncharitable, but those are the rules.
Goys are just donkeys, put on earth to serve the Chosen Folk.
“Yet Tom Watson and Keir Starmer have stated that anyone accused of anti-Semitism should be deemed guilty until proved innocent, a new twist in British notions of justice. We are well on the way to HUAC and Senator McCarthy. ”
“Wer Jude ist, entscheide ich” – “It’s me who decides who is a Jew”.
Who decides what is Brexit?
who decides what is online harm?
Who decides what is antisemitic.
In the new Fascist EUssr Climate Deniers and BrexitDivergents will be wearing yellow C’s and Yellow B’s in yellow starred armbands.
Relativistic Dialectics Relativistic Dialectics Georges Metanomski On the 50’th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz . #Brexiteers and Climate Deniers the new Jews?
Free Speech is at the heart of all of this, Wrong Think and Political Correctness, to some extent Jeremy Corbyn is reaping what he has himself sowed, if not he himself then certainly his more ( Hope Not Hate , Anti Fascista fascists.)
“Admit the Facts of life in international political relationships.” The Kakistocracy and Venal Establishment. #FreeSpeech #FreeTommy
The cases of Tommy Robinson and Darren Grimes could do with an airing here.
Oligarchical Collectivism, Wrong Think and Ingroup biases are never a good look.
“Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”
Something missing … let me try and put my finger on it by deploying the first rule of power.
Ah, yes that’s it. The article seems to be lacking, it does mention a ‘charity’ and the salary of one of it’s execs – but that is not enough. More should be investigated about the various NuLabInc rotten boroughs and parachuted parasites.
Anyway, always always start by following the money
Remember that all the attacks are about the ancient CLASS WAR, which was supposedly won at the end of the second world war and the majority of the population was able to overthrow the aristo overlords and demand the basic rights of life as a reward for their sacrifices, here and in the ‘Empire’.
That social democratic covenant gave us the NHS where everybody got the best treatment available FREE at the point of use, funded by the state, and repaid by the tax system.
I’ll say that again, funded by the state THEN repaid by the tax.
We also got universal EDUCATION of all to a minimum age; Free school milk and lunches;
Further education grants for these wanting it. Etc
We also had AFFORDABLE SOCIAL HOUSING, to raise people out of slum and overcrowded housing – it took too long in my opinion as the returning Tory government allowed the slum landlords and aristo rentiers to entrench their ancient ‘rights’ – yet some urban renewal took place.
We were allowed to have UTILITIES, clean water, electricity and gas supplies to heat and light the homes and cook.
We also got a semblance of a unified PUBLIC TRANSPORT system that replaced the old horse carriages and gave us sufficient buses and trains to get us to work, school and holiday camps! Though we managed to get rid of the classic and electric trams! And then allowed the money man to sell us endless iterations of cars and noxious petrol engines – with their sexy ads, songs, films and TV programs.
We also finally had the protection of basic HUMAN RIGHTS – safe working conditions, working hours, sufficient pay, Legal Aid for fair access to justice.
Hopefully I don’t need to elucidate further.
All of these gains were at the expense of the old aristos and the newer industrialists and bankers.
People who were ‘born rich’ or became so. All of their wealth based on ancient serfdom at home and unvarnished slavery abroad and grabbing of resorces with impunity.
Robber barons, pirates, userers … the ultra wealthy. They created the ‘middle class’ to be their clerks and cut-outs from having to to do any work to keep their money streams open from the poorest to them.
That is centuries and centuries of abuse and ownership of the peoples.
It took a lot of sacrifice to gain the little equality and justice we achieved and set an example for every nation in the world that an alternative was possible.
We didn’t ‘eat the rich’ we didn’t send them to the guillotines and gulags, no, we let them come back to reclaim their self opinionated ancient rights!!
Hells bells all that advance is nearly all lost. We are nearly back to the prewar class system.
The media has been taken over to provide the nutty romanticism of the good old days – the likes of Downton and other costume historicals to impress the naturalness of a class system, the moneyed classes (how many pounds a year?) – hilariously they even make us pay for the propaganda we are force fed!
To summarise, this is not about religion, or a religious people or about Israel or Palastinians or any other country except the UK and its citizens – it is the latest counter attack by the aristos to replace the ancient order and their god given rights
The scurrilous attacks on the current Labour leadership are about the parties policies – a reaffirmation of that post war social democratic covenant.
The attacks on Corbyn directly are reminiscent too of that other wartime hero of the Anglo Saxon hagemony and imperialism, Churchill, upon the peaceful revolutionary for emancipation Mahatma Gandhi, calling him amongs many things a:
“malignant subversive fanatic”
The modus operandii of the Anglo Imperialist Warmongering Global Robber Barons hasn’t changed much and come the general election they know their efforts will have failed , just as they failed with Gandhi.
”We didn’t ‘eat the rich’ we didn’t send them to the guillotines and gulags, no, we let them come back to reclaim their self opinionated ancient rights!!”
Yep, and that’s where we went wrong. Royal families, and the aristocracy, those monstrous, archaic, social formations ought really have been consigned to the afterlife. Not necessarily wiped out as the French and Russians did, but to be expropriated and made to work for a living like the rest of us. As for the Hohenzollerns, Hapburgs and the rest good riddance. In the English revolution which started in 1642, Charles 1st was made to part company with his head in 1649 as an enemy of the people , but that turncoat scab Thomas Fairfax ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Parliamentary New Model Army, was instrumental in bring Charles 2nd back to sit on the throne, and instrumental in putting back the English Revolution several centuries since.
I note also that the Americans were not overly enamoured of the divine right of Kings when they fought and successfully defeated the British and King George III
The BBC flagrantly & opportunistically, (for the purposes of propagating corporate backed chaos and political confusion), ignores the true English dictionary (take yer’ pick), completely and with malice aforethought: harmonised with a conscious contempt for British people’s intelligence, & a blatant refusal to address the real meaning of a ‘Semite’ … therefore the BBC participates actively & willingly in cultural misappropriation and the demise in significance of the British English Language, as any form of code with which to communicate, honourably !
My ole’ Odhams dictionary printed in 1946, (the year of the King David Hotel bombing of British Regional Military Intelligence & Criminal Investigations Unit by Menachem Begin & Zionist Irgun colleagues, who’d worked with the British Military intelligence in N.Africa all war long on False Flag & Black Ops. including my grandfather, whose dictionary I quote from … ) says:-
“Semite – one belonging to an Asiatic racial group, that includes Jews, Arabs, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc.”
One thing one never needs to be capable of speaking, is the much vaunted ‘BBC English’ hypocritical ‘tossers’ dialect of cultural misappropriation & constant historic twists & tweaks of meanings for self interest, that have rendered the institution & language >>> hypocritical & MEANINGLESS in any court of law, in the U.N. or in Panama, with Flags of Convenience and so much other financial smoke & mirrors, words became meaningless…
Actions speak louder !
Get a job.
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
Ta, frank(ly), persistence is the name of the game 😉
@WHB, ta, for the thumbs down: it surely signals you’re hard at work, as instructed & paid for by your various masters & false idols,
that have seduced you to KOWTOW with a carrot …
good boy billy, it confirms that I’m correct again thanks, & that you were wise not to enter into any in depth ANALysis, other than your usual ‘bumfluff’,
with what Bulgarians would call ‘Bobboletschki’ 🙂
Carry on elsewhere, you know where I am at, any time you wish to discuss seriously and ethically, ethnicity in an equitable & forgiving fashion, how now brown cow ?
take a bath first billyboy, then a long cold shower for soul searching … feel the rush of fresh air to the brain ?
What you call ‘in depth analysis’ to most looks like evidence of mental illness.
Tim, be clear: noticing the troll feeds him/her/them! To choke h/h/t apply DR. DADE’s strangulating ligature: Don’t Read. Don’t Answer Don’t Engage. Just skip over any post that has the hasbarollocks team’s ‘bonney’ name on it. Dead easy! Haven’t read a thing of his/hers/theirs since I took the pledge; mind and spirit all the better for that abstinence too!
FFS don’t be deluded into thinking that the trolls actually want an honest discussion. Their idea is always to screw those up and run them into the sands. Since we’re all forcibly hosed constantly with the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard of the mediawhores and the pocket-pols, and all their paid-whore LackIIs, whether we volunteer to be hosed or no, there’s really no need to encourage their toxic soul-sewage here too, in one of the few places where we can get sound news and analysis outwith the PBB; particularly not that most foully-toxic sewage of all: fascistic zionism.
Strangle the trolls – and particularly the hasbarollocksing ziotrolls – by dading them with unbending discipline. Focus strictly on this benign, essential workstation of the citizen-journalists’ alternative media; don’t give the trolls any oxygen here, by deigning to notice them.
Just keep this basic prophylactic rule firmly in the back of your mind, as you focus meticulously on actually-worthy matters: “Piss off, ‘bonney’!
Gwilym: I know yer’ absofirkin’lutely right, lol, & I’m definitely not deluded in that sense 😉 it was just the thought of ‘bumfluff & bobboletschki’, that triggered a belly up laugh inside me & I simply couldn’t contain the release, as in a steamy valve releasing inadvertently on my keyboard, in the face of information overload on all matter & matters ‘Levant’ …
(note to self , think in French 🙂 )
Jeeez, in this pc age, do I need to qualify that joke, too ?
FFS, DR. DADE rules & rocks, right U R 🙂
doubling down on serious efforts & securing the Hatches 😉
Globally warmest greetings
& regards,
Golden rule: don’t feed or acknowledge the zio trolls in any way. Ignore them…. Except I forgot the golden rule and answered one of his comments further down this thread.
We’ve all fallen for it, ONCE Gezzah..
Thanks Maggie. I started coming here to get away from couple of very vicious zionist trolls on an Aussie independent site, who, in my sheer frustration and disbelief at their rantings, kept biting. Until I realised it was completely futile. No, first and last time I’ll reply to WHB. Have a good day😁.
AMEN! to that Rhisiart…
George Galloway – Nirman Finkelstein Interview on Talk Radio
On 22nd August 2018 George Galloway interviewed Professor Norman Finkelstein to discuss the ongoing anti-Semitism row within the Labour Party. Template this in context, in July 2018, Dame Margaret Hodge, in an outburst against Corbyn in the House of Commons, openly called Mr Corbyn “a fucking anti-semite and a racist”. Neither was she disciplined for this, nor were the corporate mainstream media, in particular, the Daily Mail, taken to task for the merciless and relentless campaign of smears and slander against Jeremy Corbyn. Conversely, when Jeremy Corbyn was accused of mouthing the words ‘stupid woman’ during an exchange with the failed Prime Minister, it was exploited in yet another extensive media campaign to discredit Jeremy Corbyn, which had been going on ever since he became leader of the Labour Party. Here follows a verbatim transcript of this interview with George galloway (GG) and Professor Norman Finkelstein (NF).
GG: “We’re going not be talking to Professor Norman Finkelstein, an American citizen – a man of considerable note – a man known throughout the world as a fearless intellectual who has faced many trials and tribulations for the courage he has shown. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a kind of ‘Jeremy Corbyn figure’ in that regard. He has ben smeared, slandered and subjected to all kinds of harassment and loss of tenure and loss of work because he speaks up in his own tradition for justice and for truth. Now, Norman Finkelstein does not normally get involved in British politics, but he got involved in the Margaret Hodge affair in a very small vignette on You Tube that I saw which actually moved me to tears, and I am not a man easily moved to tears. I hope he is with me now – Professor Norman Finkelstein, thank you for joining us.”
NF: “Thank you for having me on.”
GG: “Now you’re aware, although it’s not your number one interest in life, that the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn is having a very, very difficult time trying to hold the line which he has maintained all of his life, which is to defend, stand up for the Palestinian people under occupation and siege. A lot of people don’t like that. How have you seen recent developments, including the frankly absurd claim by Margaret Hodge in the last couple of days that she feels like her father must have felt in the grip of the holocaust in Nazi Germany. What do you say to people like that?”
NF: “Well, first of all, its not correct to say that this is not a priority issue for me – it is – Jeremy Corbyn represents the prospect of a real political breakthrough in the Western world, one which will haver repercussions and reverberations everywhere. And now, what ism happening to Jeremy Corbyn is really just a premonition, a harbinger of what is going to happen if Bernie Sanders is nominated in 2020 in the Democratic Party. It’s perfectly obvious to anybody who observes that the same sort of tactics where Bernie is going to be smeared for positions he took in the 1970s and 80s, for example his support of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and then there will be all sorts of guilt by association, because many supporters of Palestinian rights have rallied around Bernie Sanders – and it was already clear when Alexandria Ocasio Cortez won what became a significant nationwide victory in New York City. The first thing they tried to hang her on was statements she made about Gaza. So everything that is now happening to Corbyn is really a trial-run – a prefiguration for what will happen in the US if Bernie Sanders gets the nomination in 2020. So both for global reasons, the fact that his campaign can mark a significant breakthrough – a historic breakthrough for the International Left and also for domestic reasons I’m watching very closely the crucifixion of Corbyn and how to combat it – how to manoeuvre and how to survive – not just survive, but survive with your principles intact, and that is a real challenge especially as many of the people surrounding Corbyn, such as the spokespeople from Momentum and some of the Unions are abandoning – jettisoning their principles and trying to reach all sorts of unprincipled and potentially destructive compromises with the forces now arrayed against Corbyn – and so it’s a matter of great interest to me and I just hope that Corbyn himself displays wisdom and principle especially as the people around him seem one by one like dominoes falling. There was a breakthrough yesterday when the “barking yenta”, Dame Hodge once again stuck her foot in her mouth but this time the people had had enough from this ‘ barking yenta’, or the yenta from Barking, and are now fighting back – and they are fighting back with, what in my opinion, is the most powerful of political weapons, namely rather than trying to factually refute this barrage, this torrent of despicable lies, they are trying a new tack now which is to ridicule your enemy into submission. And so now, trending in the UK on Twitter is not George Galloway and it’s not even Tom Cruise for his new movie “Mission Impossible”, but what’s trending now is comparisons of Hodge, that to me is the perfect weapon to defeat these moral blackmailers and moral extortionists who are engaging in a vile, despicable campaign of conscripting the sufferings of Jews during World War 2, the very real martyrdom of the Jewish people during World War 2, conscripting them in this extortionist blackmail campaign to try to rid Jeremy Corbyn and the principled politics he represents – to oust him, and more especially, the politics he represents, from public life – that is their agenda. It has nothing whatsoever to do with a problem of anti-semitism which is net to near absent in British life, except amongst troglodytes, antediluvians and fruitcakes. It’s not about anti-semitism, it’s about, in the first place, justice for Palestinians, but more broadly it’s about a principled class politics that the ruling elites in the UK, whether they be the Blairites in the Labour Party, whether they be the media elite or whether they be the Tories – they have coalesced – there has been a convergence and there is this anti-Corbyn juggernaut by those who want to preserve and protect the existing order. And then there is arrayed on the other side what you might call the 99% who think that the current order needs shaking up. It needs to be re-established on new, fair and more just foundations. That’s what Corbyn represents, a new order that’s waiting to be born and his enemies are the ones who want to abort that new order, that foetus – they want to abort it and they are using the very real suffering that Jews endured in history generally and during the Nazi Holocaust in particular. They are exploiting it in a really sordid, filthy campaign of blackmail and extortion to try to get Corbyn on his knees or preferably out of the party and public life altogether.”
GG: “Well these are golden words that I predict will live for a long time and travel far. Let me pick up the dichotomy you identify first of all, that some of Corbyn’s enemies are enemies because they want to defend the existing state of affairs in Israel/Palestine and others seek to destroybhim because they fear the new order that he would be the harbinger of, and these two forces have conflated and are now seeking to destroy the Labour Party under his leadership. Let’s deal with the first part, the intervention of Netanyahu himself via Twitter – it seems that the “Trump effect” is catching on, and important statements are made by other countries’ leaders on Twitter – and Netanyahu’s attack on Corbyn, on Twitter this week – how significant is that to you?”
NF: “Well to begin with the basics, Benjamin Netanyahu is an obnoxious, racist, Jewish Supremacist who never for a moment hesitates to insert himself and Israeli interests in general into the domestic politics of other countries. So what you had a small taste of, this past week, we had a much larger taste of when this obnoxious, racist, Jewish Supremacist barged into the US Capital in defiance of a sitting US President, and thought he had the right – in fact, thought he had the authority to lecture our elected US Congress on the threat posed, allegedly, by Iran – and he had the arrogance, the presumption to acquit himself as if he knew more than our State Department, our Defence Department, our C.I.A – he, the obnoxious , racist, Jewish Supremacist, carried on as if he were more knowledgeable than the whole of our governmental system, on the threat posed by Iran. And he didn’t think in the least amiss, awry, for him to be intervening in domestic American politics. Now, what happened to Corbyn? Jewish organisations mostly unelected, decided that, from afar and from above, they were going to issue ultimatums – take it or leave it – to the Labour Party – and from afar and and from above, these unelected Jewish bodies are going to dictate internal Labour Party policy in defiance of the opinions of the elected party leadership. They are doing now, exactly as Netanyahu did at the time of the Iran Deal in the United States. Their arrogance, their presumption are breathtaking when you add another factor, namely, overwhelmingly, British Jews do not even support the Labour Party – it’s about 15% of British Jewry that votes Labour. Even when there is a Jewish candidate heading the list, as was the case with Ed Miliband in 2015, still only about 15% of British Jews supported the Labour Party. And you have to ask yourself a simple, and I would want to underscore, democratic question. By what right does this alien body – alien to the Labour Party – foreign to the Labour Party – by what right do these mostly unelected Jewish hoodlums – by what right do they have to dictate the internal policy of a democratically controlled party and democratically elected leadership? These are pure Mafia tactics – it’s equivalent to taking out a wrench and breaking kneecaps. They are thugs and you don’t negotiate – you don’t compromise with thugs. You draw a line and you say “You crossed a red line” – we debated, we deliberated, we offered to consult. As L en McCluskey wrote yesterday in British Huff-Post – he listed maybe a dozen compromises that Corbyn had offered – the multiple olive-branches he extended to the Jewish leadership, so-called leadership – the leadership exactly like that in Nazi Germany during World War 2 – that’s the kind of leadership they are – exactly mirror images of the Jewish Councils that were set up by the Nazis in World War 2. Corbyn extended one olive branch, another olive branch, another, another and another olive branch – and what did he get in return ? The barking yenta – and for those words alone she should have been ejected from the Labour Party.”
GG: Well, look Professor, one last question we have only got time for – will this end well if Jeremy Corbyn capitulates in the next week or so and agrees to call their demands ? Would that be the end of it do you think ?
NF: “No, it’s the beginning – they’ve made that clear, as the representative from the C.A.A said “Our goal is to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn. This, unfortunately, alas, is Act One, Scene One of what’s going to be a protracted soap opera or tragic-comedy unless Corbyn removes himself .”
GG: “Professor, when we get to Act Two, as like you, I am perfectly sure we will, it will be good to talk to you again. “
Galloway concludes by stating that Professor Norman Finkelstein is the son of parents who were incarcerated in Auschwitz – almost all of his family were massacred by actual Nazism in the Holocaust which raged across Nazi occupied Europe in the late 1930s, and throughout the 2nd World War. He is a professor of significance – a figure of world authority and he says this is the crucifixion of Jeremy Corbyn.
As for myself, up until recently I was an active member of the Labour Party, however, after having posted my views on this fiction of anti-semitism on a Labour Party Facebook thread, I was instructed by others, duped by this deceit, to refrain from posting my views which were in support of both Jackie Walker and Chris Williamson. As a consequence of this I decided not to renew my Labour Party membership. With regard to “Act Two”, I am sure, with the run up to a general Election, we will witness a renewed and ever more vicious campaign of smears and slander against Jeremy Corbyn by this egocentric opportunist, Boris Johnson along with a Foreign Secretary in the form of Jeremy Hunt who, like Tony Blair, will be willing to follow the dictates of the American State Department in dragging the United Kingdom into yet another disastrous conflict, this time with Iran. The question remains, will we continue to be a nation swept along by fools ?
Utter waste of screen space – Admins, u need to act.
Perhaps like the Twitter “admins’ acted when they shut down the account of Christine Assange – if you are going to make a comment like “utter waste of screen space” then perhaps you would be good enough to educate the rest of us as to exactly how this screen space, which appears for the time being to be freely available to us all, should be used – which appears to be on your terms only. In the meantime, why don’t you pop into your local ‘Homebase’ and purchase a nice wide roll of duck-tape by means of which you can seal up the mouths of those whose views you wish to be silenced. Have a nice life.
I am in no way saying your opinion and experience is a waste of space – i am saying that posting a verbatim of the interview is. It is easily available elswhere using a link & would serve your purpose equally. While keeping the comment readable. A matter of style as well as substance
You will note my opinion is not dissimilar to yours, though I am at a loss to understand your decision to terminate your party membership because of a few ‘rotten apples – better to have the argument with them and not let them gaslight you or anyone else surely?
I also note that the campaign to suggest a mass exodus of members is underway – the Times even did a special survey to find so.
My life is ok. The next generations are screwed. That is my only concern.
Utter waste of screen space
It’s no longer than most of the “binra” discourses. What about them?
Wouldn’t a link be more appropriate in that case, also?
Ah Milo …as you may know or have realised binra (and bigb) are special cases… 🤔
I think Finkelstein’s parents were in Maidanek.
What we are witnessing here is the creeping contagion of ‘neoliberal fasciitis’ …which is the morbid symptomology of the ‘Classical Liberal’ de-democratisation of politics and life (see reply to QT below).
If, and when, we can recognise the Classical Liberal ‘personality’ …then perhaps we can begin to see that the purview of its libertarian fascism is global? Then perhaps we can begin to identify a new wave of globalisation – ‘Globalisation 4.0’ (the WEF’s own terminology) – and its “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Green New Deal for Nature” concurrent emanations? And recognise them for what they are – ‘neoliberalism 4.0’?
Recognising this agenda – or schedule of agendas with regional variations – will perhaps expose the pandemic spread of the virus and globalisation of its necrotising pathological symptomology?
Which is shorthand to pointing out that if we are to wait for a return to ‘normal politics’ – where we, the People, the desovereigntised sovereign political force – have some sort of delimited input and ‘democratised’ say …we are in for a long wait. In the deepening Winter of the depoliticised ‘dark night of the soul’ of politics.
If we can wake up to the fact that there will be no ‘Spring’ under the current regimes of truth and power. The ‘New Enlightenment’ will be the same in essence as the Old Enlightenment. Manifest in destiny as an inverted totalitarianism that is gradually assembling itself from the top-down vector of contagion. The recognition of the topology and typology of the ‘CL’ personality – and the libertarian authoritarian proto-fasciitis that entails – is an existential necessity for us to maintain ourselves as a political force.
And here we enter the “philosophy-becoming-the-world” – as Sartre put it – recognition of the Enlightenment Protocols and agenda. Those who do not do philosophy are being ‘philosiphised’ …and ‘economised’; ‘scientised’; ‘ecologised’ and most importantly – ‘psychologised’. Recognising the agenda – in all its entailments – leads to the conclusion that these are all one and the same in essence. That essence is ‘Being’ – the peculiar and mono-maniacal obsession of ‘Western’ thought since forever. I’ll spare the philosophising, and jump directly to the inexorable conclusion: Being is libertarian fascism in its essence. ‘Essence’ being Being. “To be is to be”. Cogito ergo sum …etc.
[For those who do philosophy: there was a glimmer of a clue in the personality of Martin Heidegger – the neo-Volkisch mystic of Being in the world; Being in time …and Nazism.]
When we focus on the morbid pathological symptomology in the daily masking news cycle: any number of false conclusions can be drawn. Which adds nothing to the liberational praxis of freeing our consciousness from the tyranny of Being. Which is what all philosophy was aiming toward: if indeed we can apply a grand narrative to the creative processes of philosophy? Which is questionable: but we really do have to look at the philosophical and economic principles – stemming mainly from the Enlightenment or Cartesian Synthesis (chiefly Plato; Aristotle; Descartes; Newton; (Adam Smith) Darwin; (Freud)) – to see where the patterns of development and thought lie. And where they are leading as an ultimate Aristotelean ‘telos’ …the inverted totalitarianism under libertarian fascism.
A mere change of party in the UK is not going to encounter this. The Classical Liberal tide will merely flow around, recuperate, and engulf – as an autophagic assimilation – any pieces of grit it finds in its way. If you do not believe me: I invite you to examine the processes of humanities philosophical inquiry into itself – to see what is hot and what is not. Power and Classical – or neo-Classical – Liberalism are synonomous with dominion-over. Sociologically, psychologically, and macro-economically. They choose and absorb whichever version of ideology suits their purpose …which is more power, more wealth (a pseudonym of power), and more liberalism – for the few.
We are in a war, my friends: and the battle is raging not ‘out there’ …but ‘in here’. There is a paradigmatic assault on consciousness. The ultimate prize to the victor is consciousness itself. The first rule of engagement is recognise the enemy; identify their goals; then formulate a counter-hegemonic plan of resistance. Which will not be easy, as the enemies of humanity are institutionalised and constitutionalised in the very architectures of power and dominion over. We are many, and they are few …which is the deciding factor: if and when we choose to deny the tyranny of individuated Being and the inferiorising and diminuating power a mere philosophical concept can have over us.
[For anyone who does do philosophy: the perfect, the superior, and the absolutised form of all inclusive Being has tyrannised mere mortal and imperfect ‘being’ (us) form the start of the onto-theological’ tradition. The ‘transcendent’ and the ‘a priori’ are the constant leitmotivs of our architecture of thought and belief. They are the source of our neuroses and lack-based desire. They are ‘Oedipal’ (domination by an authoritarian and superior symbolic ‘Father’).
They do not exist. They have never existed. They will never exist – outside ontological language and thought. We are tyrannised by the inexistence of the reified figments of our collective imagination. We are subjects of the ‘Ghost of the Ghost’ in the algorithmic machinations of our thoughts. If the real world consequentionalism of our auto-subjugation were not so serious: perhaps we could laugh at the cosmogonic nature of the Joke we have played on ourselves? To be, or not to be …that is the question. my friends …?]
In a straight GE fight, labours economic policies, and stance against austerity, will win the day. The tories would be fairly beaten.
That being said, I have to reluctantly accept that a second EU ballot looks very likely.
As a Labour Party member, I cannot advise that a second referendum be used as an excuse to overturn the brexit vote. If that happens the Labour Party can kiss number ten goodbye…_
No, Corbyn’s Labour has the unhealthy whiff of totalitarianism about it. They’ll lose against Johnson’s Tories. I’m a lifelong Labour supporter, but like much of the electorate, I won’t vote for a Stalin era communist party.
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
Um, hello William. How is Corbyns Labour a ‘Stalin era Communist party? Could you flesh your argument out a bit. Perhaps with a few examples. If you have any examples. Even one example. Or maybe just take a wild guess at something. Cheers Billy.
Who are you trying to kid? You’ve been here for months and the literal only time you comment is to be scathing of anybody who’s pro-Palestinian. Life long Labour supporter my arse.
Because being pro Palestinian is such a vote winner in the marginal constituencies.
Just because you are left wing, doesn’t mean you have to be a cretin. You, Corbyn and his Momentum enforcers would do well to remember that.
So morals and ethics – like truth – are disposable if they become inconvenient. What a ratty little psychopath you portray yourself to be
Thank you admin. Particularly like your last sentence.
Get a job is not a phrase an alleged Lefty would say.
Your not the Left version of Steve Bannon by any chance are you?
If you are a Labour supporter then I’m a Thatcherite Lefty.
Like Mr John Ternan.
An alleged radical Labour man – like yourself.
Au contraire. Traditionally, the party Momentum and Corbyn have hijacked, and are currently purging, had the interests of the working man at it’s heart (that’s why it is called Labour).
It had no time for elaborate conspiracy theories regarding the Jews and the Middle East. It takes a certain idleness to devote time to that.
Der juden sind unserer Unglück
Mr Westerman featured on the programme, and claimed that he had been asked during one of the six interviews he conducted here if he came from Israel. He implied that this was antisemitic.
Mr Westerman is not telling the truth.
No-one knew Mr Westerman was Jewish, and no-one asked him about coming from Israel. He is attempting to use his Jewishness to smear another (Jewish!) Party member.
It is a provable lie because all the interviews were recorded by us.
The transcript of the conversation with an elderly Jewish comrade, who was acting as the interviewee’s silent friend, goes like this. The initials R signifies the interviewee’s Silent Friend, present at the interview.
Ben W: (To R) Ok. Do you want to…?
R: No, I’m just curious cos I haven’t been in the Labour Party for very long and I certainly haven’t been to anything like this informal interview before, erm, so I’m just curious, just, like what branch are you in?
Ben W: I don’t think that’s relevant.
R: Oh, ok.
Ben W: I hope that’s ok -, I’m sorry I just don’t think, I don’t think where I’m from is at all relevant to the investigation… [NOTE He hasn’t been asked ‘where he’s from’, he’d been asked what branch he is in – Johnny Beggs]
R: Yeah, I just, I just misunderstood, I thought the investigation bit about me not being a silent witness was…
Ben W: No, no it is, you’re more than welcome to ask questions, but I reserve the right to not answer them and I feel that’s a, that’s a question about my personal situation which I don’t think is relevant to the situation in Riverside.
R: Oh. No, it might not be. Just but, it might be interesting.
Ben W: I’m, I’m not prepared to discuss my, my address, basically. [NOTE: He had not been asked for his address! – Johnny Beggs]
After a few more brief sentences from the interviewee (also Jewish) the exchange ended. Nothing was said after the interview, as was claimed by Mr Westerman on PANORAMA.
In the PANORAMA programme Mr Westerman claims he was asked “Where are you from?” As the transcript shows, he was actually asked about his branch affiliation. Mr Westerman looks VERY SORRY FOR HIMSELF, hurt and near to tears, and goes on to say, speaking of himself, “You are assumed to be in cahoots with the Israeli government…it’s this obsession that spills over all the time into antisemitism.”
So, by enquiring about Mr Westerman’s branch affiliation, the elderly (Jewish!) Party member was deemed to be implying Mr Westerman was “in cahoots with the Israeli government”, and therefore antisemitic!
Neither the interviewee or her silent friend had any idea Mr Westerman was Jewish – and neither would have deemed it relevant.
Both the interviewee and her silent friend referenced their own Jewish heritage during the interview. Mr Westerman did not.
None of the six Riverside members interviewed by Mr Westerman knew of his Jewish heritage – it was not relevant in any case.
Mr Westerman’s Jewishness only becomes relevant when he tries to use it for political purposes. He now claims that not only did one of us know of his heritage, but that this comrade implied he was working on behalf of Israel – simply because she posed an innocent question enquiring about his Party branch affiliation.
So here are the witnesses they produced:
1. Ella Rose violent ex-Employee of the israeli Embassy
2. Alex Richardson assistant to Joan “Million Pounds” Ryan
3. Alan Johnson BICOM israeli lobbyist
If there is so much evidence why use these three loathsome individuals as evidence, the only answer is they couldn’t find anyone else
Exactly – if this is the best Panorama can offer then can there be any doubt that antisemitism in the Labour party is anything other than a media confection (driven by sneaky political motives) rather than a provable entity with credible accusers?
Surely the program should have been called – ‘Does the BBC hate Jeremy Corbyn’?
I finally watched it the other day.
The weepy one at the beginning is none other than Ella Rose, who in the Lobby was not weepy at all.
There she is shown threatening to use physical violence – employing Krav Maga, a martial arts technique developed by the Israeli army – against another Jewish party member prominent in support of Corbyn. (Jackie Walker)
Walker oozes class – Miss Kung Fu on the other hand ……
I have worked in Nablus and Ramallah in Palestine many years ago.
The Palestinians are treated as shit in their own country.
Don’t forget Israel sided with South Africa during apartheid.
They agreed with the idea.
If my support for Palestine makes me an anti-semite, good.
I can leave the Labour Party and save 65 quid a year.
Anyway with Corbyn being pushed to support Remain, his and
John McDonnel’s economic ideas can’t work!
Cannot take back the railways, water, electricity. EU won’t allow it.
Labour will haemorrage members which is what Watson and co. want.
You’d be surprised by what a elected government with a sufficient majority can do.
Well all I can say is thank f++K I don’t live in england. The blair creep excelled there today according to the Indy when he instructed fellow tory traveller, bojo the clown, not to call an election ‘cos Jeremy Corbyn would most likely win it.
This current post-imperial period, where even doddery old f++ks cannot miss that out in actual reality, england’s only role is wiping amerika’s arse on those occasions when it has successfully begged for the gig, is acid test time for those living in merry olde basket case.
Put simply, it will be return to serfdom unless there is a miracle and a Corbyn lead labour government wins power. Even in that case though, given the large rump of forelock tugging greedy egocentrics whol make up the rump of the PLP in at least the initial stages of a Corbyn administration, that escape from a return to the 12th century cannot be guaranteed.
Thus far the english empire has suffered few of the usual post imperial ‘blues’, so maybe they’ll get lucky and against the odds, against all previous instances where a cruel and greedy empire has gone down the gurgler, maybe London won’t be sacked and burned. The worst instances of that happen when the bosses/elites/arseholes-in -charge deny there is any problem right up until the last moment. Not because they are too deluded to see the issues, but because they need the Jo/Joe Shitkickers in england to believe that so every last rupee is wrung out of the dying empire before it collapses.
N.B. see Rees-Moggs and the rest of the tory ‘brexit ‘ultras’. – that is irrelevant whether leaving the EU is a good thing for the masses or not, the ultras don’t give a shit about that, being as they only get passionate about what is good for them personally.
There are those who conclude that as effective as a delaying tactic that handballing the empire to a new gang of deluded exceptionalists was, the decision to allow the greediest lowlifes to keep their ill-gotten gains and transfer it all across to amerikan patronage, is gonna make the blowback worse than it would otherwise have been.
Those people and cultures who were screwed over by amerika but didn’t have a previous english empire connection (eg Korea & Vietnam) are likely to decide paying out on the brits has less risk than paying out on amerikans.
86 queries about accuracy in the Panorama programme.
Jewish voice for Labour.
Aligning with power as it is perceived and believed to be, is a survival strategy.
Setting specific agenda off limits to open discussion or even open thought is part of ‘mind control’ of incentivised compliance by which to gain favour or avoid penalty.
I read a version of the Emperor’s New Clothes where the boy had not yet learned to ‘see’ them and so was taken away from the crowd alongside the royal procession by his father, for protection. Learn what not to say, or see or react to, and it becomes the ‘elephant in the room’ that will never be addressed.
The use of anti semitic accusation works the invalidating or unpersoning of another human being for the sin of associating or aligning with ‘crimes against history’ and so deserving of being marked out or branding for exclusion.
That the USE of this accusation stokes an actual anti-Jewish sentiment is by design. Jews are no less manipulated by their respective ‘power class’ than any other identity group. Fear of the ‘Other’ holds the identity in an apparent unity of support or lessened opposition.
Jewish racism is blanket hate and unpersoning of people who happen to also be Jewish as a result of fears or beliefs of threat, and unworthiness extended to all. This sort of hate is indiscriminate or blind once fomented to breaking point and operates the scapegoat or pharmkoi principle:
The issues are of fear, blame and hate and are not resolved by legalising or condoning and inciting hatred of ‘haters’. The attempt to escape inner conflict by the sacrifice of ‘others’ is a form of magic – as akin to clever bankster thinking that packages ‘payback’ into complex instruments of deceit that buyers WANT to believe.
t is not enough to show obedience. One has to show one’s allegiance by ‘outing’ and betraying fellow beings.
The ‘sin’ can take any form – such as ‘carbon guilt’ and climate ‘denialism’ or ‘anti vaxxers’.
The designation of ‘sin’ puts error beyond revisiting, correction or hope of change. It is the predicate of a world of death rising from unforgiving convictions of hate.
“Aligning with power as it is perceived and believed to be, is a survival strategy.”
However, “”It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” –
J. Krishnamurti.
Great comment, Brian. Many would do well to consider their concepts of solutions …
Another unsuccessful attempt to appear profound….
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
I don’t think the jewish community in Britain would have an impact on Labour’s electoral chances, it is a tiny community in terms of numbers and virtually entirely licated in London and Manchester. As with all communities it is not as if there is one ‘jewish voice’ on issues, some will be Labour and many Conservative. What will hit Labour most is irs betrayal of Brexit, that means it will become a party of the Metropolitan elite in London. I think 99% of the general public have zero interest in the fake anti semitism row that the media and PLP are pushing.
Ultimately Blairites want to ensure a Labour defeat at the next election and they appear to be succeeding in that aim.
The left’s attitude to Israel makes no sense. With any other country, the guiding principle is non intervention, and yet, tiny, insignificant Israel has the likes of Corbyn all over it.
This is why Corbyn’s Labour attracts accusations of antisemitism. It isn’t what they say, but the fact that their condemnation is reserved for Israel, and a blind eye turned to far worse regimes.
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
The mud has stuck, it is up to Corbyn’s Labour to wash it off.
Purging anyone within the party who sees the problem isn’t cutting it.
Momentum Labour have gained an unpalatable reputation for incompetence, virtue signalling and antisemitism. In the face of a Boris Johnson government, its completely unacceptable that Her Majesty’s opposition should be so unelectable.
William HBonney
So you have none.
Thought so.
Ask your team leader for some.
They won’t find any either.
It doesn’t matter what you think, Corbyn and Momentum are toast.
All they had to do was avoid talking about Palestine. They are completely inactive in foreign affairs apart from that. It’s what condemns them as antisemitic.
You are propagating a lie. Corbyn has spoken on a number of occasions, to and about the Kurds. He has also sopen out against Turkish policy in the region and he has always stood for self determination.
I believe you know that, yet choose to ignore it, just as you choose to ignore the distance between Corbyn and Momentum.
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
Here we have a nice illustration of the current situation in microcosm.
You were specifically asked for hard evidence. Instead you simply restate the allegation with some added waffle. Because, of course, there is NO evidence. Only repetition of the lie.
The only thing that risks making Labour unelectable are the rightists and Guardianista pseudo left repeatedly claiming it’s unelectable and using falsehoods and dubious logic to ‘prove’ it.
Lying pays better than telling the truth of course – the main reason so many are prepared to waste their lives in the service of falsehood. The other reasons are convenience, fear, prejudice and genuine stupidity. We won’t speculate which is at work in this case.
Politics rarely deals with anything as concrete as truth and lies. Corbyn’s antisemitism is revealled in what he doesn’t say, as much as in what he does. The fact that his first instinct is to purge, instead of engage.
If he is going to concentrate on domestic issues, he should have stayed right out of all foreign affairs. His enthusiasm for the Palestinian cause as his sole sustained foray into foreign affairs betrays him and his party as an antisemite.
“Corbyn’s antisemitism is revealled in what he doesn’t say, as much as in what he does.”
Proof positive that you don’t have to actually say anything at all to be accused of anti-Semitism.
The only thing that makes the Labour party unelectable is the Labour party. That is to anyone that has a modicum of critical consciousness, empathy, and self-respect. What has been particularly disheartening to see over the last couple of years is the decided lack of critical reason and conscience in those who doggedly maintain that Labour is an electable force for humanity.
Support for the White Helmets, NATO, nuclear weapons, post-democracy ‘Final Say, Final Stay’ EU Remain …when the EU is openly fascising under the new billionaires Gauleiter von der Leyen. Whoops, that was provocative of me …as it is now antisemitic to mention a shadow sovereignty behind the EU. Or question George Soros’ well meaning philanthropy.
If I mention that we should not support the supporters of terrorism: that is a moral no-brainer to accept. If I say we should not support Jeremy Corbyn for collecting for and persistently soliciting support for the Jo Cox Foundation – that have been exposed as a charity regime change front …then suddenly my admonition is incomprehensible and wrong (as years of downvoting have proved). That is hypocrisy, pure and simple.
Everyone got the Christmas Appeal email. Everyone chose to ignore its implications. I may be alone – it certainly seems as though I am here – but there should be germane and considerable concern about the electability of the Labour Party.
Do you support charity regime change; NATO; the EU; the EU Defence Union and its imperialist expansionist plans in the G5 Sub-Sahel and Eurasia; nuclear weapons; the White Helmets; the greenwashed neoliberal Green New deal?
No, no thinking or conscientious person could. But they do. And they blame the Guardian and the “rightists” …whoever the fuck they are.
Well, I am neither of those things and I declare the Labour Party unelectable. Not without a conscience bypass. If more people authentically and legitimately called out Labour: we’d have a fighting chance of facing down fascism …instead of voting it in.
“The mud has stuck, it is up to Corbyn’s Labour to wash it off.”
Ah – the old reversal of the burden of proof.
The old Zionist smear tactic.
Lie through your teeth and run smear campaigns in the Jew media.
Hysterical lies, endlessly repeated.
“They cry out in pain as they punch you in the face.”
What benefit do you see in adding the word ‘Jew’ in this instance (and the numerous others you’ve been pulled up on?). It adds ZERO to your point it to the argument. All it does is make you look like an ignorant reductionist racist or an intentionally self-discrediting troll.
After numerous requests to you to stop using that type of language, all ignored, we are going to treat any further examples as spam.
Really? I find your comments hard to understand as I’m not aware of Corbyn making any statements on Israel. So I Googled it and of course, it’s a popular theme. The worst I could come up with was this from The Jerusalem Post: JEREMY CORBYN’S TOP TEN OUTRAGEOUS ANTI-ISRAEL MOMENTS THIS MONTH
On July 29 it emerged that Corbyn, in 2012, peddled a conspiracy theory about what he implied was an Israeli false-flag operation in the Sinai Peninsula against the Egyptian army.
On August 1(Errr, it’s not August yet), Corbyn apologized for causing “concern and anxiety” by hosting a 2010 event at which another speaker was reported to have compared Israeli policy to Nazi policies.
On August 10, a video emerged of a speech Corbyn gave in 2013 where he ostensibly compared Israel’s control of the West Bank to the Nazi occupation of Europe during World War II.
“The West Bank [is] under occupation of the very sort that is recognizable by many people in Europe who suffered occupation during the Second World War, with the endless roadblocks, imprisonment, irrational behavior by the military and the police,” said the Labour leader in a speech at the Palestinian Return Center.
On August 12, photographs emerged of Corbyn holding a wreath in 2014 as he stands near the grave of terrorists who massacred 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
On August 16 (It’s still not August yet), controversial pictures emerged from the same wreath-laying ceremony showing Corbyn alongside Tunisian terror chief Maher al-Taher, whose group claimed responsibility for the 2014 Har Nof synagogue massacre.
On August 19(Aaaaaaarrrrrgh), footage from 2015 was released that showed Corbyn endorsing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
On August 20(I give up! This was supposed to be the top ten anti-semitic moments this month), a report came to light according to which Corbyn attended a conference in Qatar in 2012 alongside senior Hamas figures who were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Israelis.
I can’t be bothered to copy and paste any more. This is the same rehash they always use, yet they don’t even bother to get dates that fit with headline.
So William H Bonny, Does this “evidence” convict Corbyn of anything? I see nothing that could be defined by any reasonable person as ‘anti-semitic’ because he has had many, very recent, visits and meetings with Jewish groups…….old shit from years ago is scraping the barrel.
Corbyns antisemitism finds expression in the fact he only displays sympathy for the Palestinian cause, not the Kurds, the Uighurs, not the Rohinga.
With the exception of Israel, Corbyn is an inward looking politician, only concerning himself with domestic affairs.
If he were accused of hating Jews as much as Stalin did, I couldn’t find any evidence to defend him.
Corbyn doesn’t support the Kurds?
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
So no-one is allowed to criticize Israel until they have first criticized EVERY country that YOU think is worse than Israel. That’s like me punching someone in the face and when someone says “Hey!!! Stop that, it’s wrong”, I can just say “Why are you picking on me when there are people raping and murdering. Why aren’t you having a go at them. You are just an anti-vwbeetle – ist”.
“Tiny insignificant Israel” is the only overtly racist ethnostate on the planet.
Haaretz 22 July 2019
”Israel Begins Demolition of 70 Homes in Palestinian-controlled East Jerusalem Neighborhood
Forces deploy at dawn days after top court approves order to evict Wadi Hummus residents, in a move activists are concerned sets a precedent to affect thousands
Amira Hass
Jack Khoury
Jul 22, 2019 9:08 AM
Israeli security forces prepare to demolish homes in East Jerusalem, July 22, 2019. AFP
• High Court allows demolition of 13 East Jerusalem buildings under Palestinian control
• Israel evicts Palestinian family from East Jerusalem home, handing it to settlers
• Funds donated to Palestinian family may go to settlers trying to evict it
Israeli forces began Monday demolishing buildings in an East Jerusalem neighborhood under the control of the Palestinian Authority, following a legal challenge to the Defense Ministry-issued order to evacuate apartments deemed too close to the West Bank separation barrier, which runs through the city.
Israeli and international activists said Israeli forces deployed in the neighborhood at dawn, evacuating one family from one of the buildings, as well as activists who protested the move.
Two hours prior to the demolition, activists say they saw Israel Defense Forces’ soldiers placing explosives in an eight-stories building set for demilition. Later, the forces removed furniture and vehicles that were parked next to the buildings.
skip – Palestinian family evacuated from its home in Wadi Hummus neighborhood,
East Jerusalem, July 22, 2019.”
Just another day in Israel. I wonder if Labour Friends of Israel have anything to say about this latest ethnic cleansing episode.
This notice should be plastered over ALL the newspapers so that the population is informed and hopefully stand up to apartheid Israel. The anti Russian propaganda in Britain should be re-directed .
We would all be better off with less religion, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim – whatever.
Take a look at the Philippine town of Marawi. Some idiots fought to introduce Sharia and of curse nobody could tolerate that. They took their religion out of their houses and bothered other people with their religion.
Jewish people got their land back in the one time East Berlin, German DNA did not. (Prenzlauer Promenade 191). I have known many good Jews, but develop other feelings now.
What about state religion? or any other coercive dogma presented as consesus reality on pain of denialism.
Thinking to bag up what you don’t like and wish it would go away is to throw the bay out with the bathwater or give power to those only too willing to take yours.
Corrupt power USES everything. Did I say everything? I meant EVERYTHING.
Weaponising and marketising is the technologism of a mind dictate of possession and control.
If a form of community law was rooted in freedom to speak and be heard then it may have something to offer as a genuine participation in all holding social cohesion from the bottom up – instead of a dumb or voiceless dependency on regulatory correctness.
Why do you presume to judge people good or bad as Jews?
I have real relationship with many people, some of whom are also Jewish.
The intent to destroy or degrade Germany – and Russia – by setting them at war, is part of Historical British geopolitics – that expanded to anglophile globalism. Does the tail wag the dog? The use of anything and everything to serve an agenda of possession and control is its own ‘religion’ in terms of sacrificing Everything to a fantasy acted out upon the world.
Power hungry elitists operate from the shadows through a spectrum of influence on the minds of the many. One of the break to remake agendas is the destruction of all traditional identities to be replaced by state as religion. As a captured state set beyond anything but token resistance.
Is it life Jim?
Yes but it doesn’t know it Spock.
Breakdown is also the release of allegiance and support for a dead life in a dead world. The forms that breakdown expresses in become a reflection of our unconscious denials.
The story made by the victors of war is the ongoing denial of the victims. Walking free of victim mentality is more healing than USING it as a weapon. Its a choice; to hurt or to heal.
Good article hits the spot makes the right conclusions but only touches lightly on the objective of the antisemitism scandal. Its not really about Corbyn, antisemitism, racism or even the labour party. It’s about the neo-liberal ruling regime, losing its grip on global power.
The major political parties have been infiltrated by centrists, they hide behind the label liberals but they are anything but. The Tory party was hijacked by these “liberals” since before the rise of Thatcher, when it was impossible to hide the corruption of the tory party, the “liberals” sank their fangs into labour & we got Blair, (It makes you question the sudden loss of John Smith facilitating Blairs rise), the liberals have sucked the blood dry from their victims & whats left of these parties are fighting for control of direction.
I’m not really a conspiracy theory kind of person, but anyone that doesn’t accept that groups of like minded human beings collaborate & conspire to advance their own interests has to be a fool. Its really the definition of a political party & a political elite had seized power over democracy long ago. You only have to look at America or Europe to see the examples of their fanatical belief they deserve to always be in power eg, brexit & trump impeachment. Oddly enough it was the guardian that made me realize this, which i don’t think was their intention & what brought me to this site.
Its became evident to me over the past decade that politics has been infected with a parasite so pervasive & harmful to democracy we no longer have a choice what government we get, all we get are extreme centrist governments looking to forward neo-liberal ideology. They use the terms left & right to divide us so they can maintain control, use education to indoctrinate us with their ideological beliefs & fear to take away our freedoms with the false hope of security & safety with the conflicts they construct to manage & control the population, when none of that works their last resort is the prison system to keep us from damaging the system!
Democracy has been dead for a long time, we need the likes of Corbyn (labour) & even Johnson (tory) to take control of their parties if there’s any chance of a rebirth of democracy. If we don’t combat the disease that is this centrist neo-liberal new world order, our species is doomed, it sounds dramatic but “liberals” really are the greatest threat to life on earth!
For one reason they ignore at their peril the laws of nature & the natural processes as if we somehow live in a vacuum from the natural world. Which is why i find the transgender rights movement my red line. I really don’t care one way or another about transgender people, what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes isn’t the states business or mine, what i do care about is the state telling me what i must think & say. That is exactly what this antisemitism scandal is about the liberal regime losing its grip on power of the western world where both left & right are pushing back & its a fight for survival. One I fear Corbyn at least is losing, I’ve despised & hated the tory party since my childhood but i would even consider voting tory (for the very fist time in my life) if it meant the downfall of the centrist “liberals”!
I could not agree with you more about the “centrist (neo)liberals” and the infiltration of politics. But once you recognise the centrist liberal mentality: it is not just politics …the Classical Liberal (Democratic) ‘personality’ (CL*) – if we can identify it as such – has infiltrated, and is ‘hacking’, all culture and all life.
[* The ‘democratic’ is actually authoritarian by nature. ‘Democracy’ extends the right to agree with the ideological agenda – not to disagree.]
Which is shorthand to say that it is not going away. In terms of regimes of truth and power: it is proliferating. That is because ‘classical liberalism’ is ‘neoliberalsm’ …or as it is sometimes described – ‘scientific individualism’. It could also be deemed ‘Americanism’ – though ‘Anglo-Americanism’ would be more accurate – which is deeply rooted in the Enlightenment project. Dropping any philosophical pretence that may be claimed …the CL personality is libertarian fascising (‘libertarian fasciitis’) by pathological symptomology.
What you are noticing is the colonisation of politics by the corporate neoliberal market ideology. Which is to say that the corporate business model, the political model, the state model, and the media-cultural model are all aligning. This is classical fascism turned on its head, and assembled from top-down …Wolin’s ‘inverted totalitarianism’.
We already live in a crypto-fascising state: the rumours of whose demise and return to ‘normal politics’ are vastly overrated. Which I would say was the subtext of the article. Recognising the topography and typology of the ‘neoliberal fasciitis’, and how deeply necrotising (depoliticising; desovereigntising) it is …and how it has infected the country from the top-down contagion vector – is crucial to our survival as a political force. Our consent is not required but is solicited only as a means of control. If that is not already apparent, it soon will be.
Sorry I can only give you 1 uptick for that BB – your comment crystallizes many of the thoughts that have been swirling round in my head.
Well i’m not as educated on politics as yourself. I don’t like to pigeon hole people which is why for want of a batter word i call them liberals.
In truth hypocrites is a more fitting word. “Liberals” are lying power hungry physcopaths hiding behind the illusion of fairness & equality under a rules based society, unsurprisingly as with most political ideologies the poorer you are the more rules you have to live by & the sanctions for breaking them more extreme.
But i agree with you totally on the fact its not dying out as many would like to think its been around for centuries and its just getting worse. Which is why i say they are the greatest threat to human civilization & i don’t think civilization has much more life in it.
What is my subject is the natural world & what concerns me most is the damage liberals are doing to that, they have brainwashed generations slowly distancing our own species from the rest of nature & it will be our downfall.
Please do not underestimate your own lucidity. Distancing from nature is the very essence of liberalism. But rather than freedom as advertised …for the majority this means a total reliance on authority. Authoritarianism that affords liberalised marketplace freedoms to commodify and consume …in return for consent. Consent to consume.
It is only when you step out of this downward spiral of consumption – and return to humanistic values that place us ‘inside’ nature (rather than ‘above’ it) …can we see the authoritarianism from the ‘outside’. Which is where you are.
Nature and humanity are the two most valuable resources we have. So much so, they cannot even be separated. Viewing nature as who we are, rather than a standing resource and commodity, is the antithesis and antidote to Classical Liberalism.
If you can see that, as you can …all my jargon is superfluous!
You nailed it! An outstanding description of how the planet has been so fucked up by liberal ideology & why I’ve come to detest it so much. I can’t add more to the clarity of our situation, that you’ve so excellently provided.
Thank you
To keep it simple anti-Semitic here means supporting Gaza over Israel: in that sense Corbyn plus a few people BTL (and ATL) here on Off Guardian are.
Hundreds of millions of Muslim Arabs live in their own culture protected by their own laws and (big) countries: in Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Irak, KSA, UAE, etc.
Yet one little safe Israel for seven million Jews is not supported by the above. Safe meaning having defensible borders, not a 10 mile wide corridor in the middle of your territory. It also means you respond in kind to rocket and tunnel attacks from your neighbour.
Yeah right safe for who? Deluded americans & russians whose real homes are thousands of miles away, that’s who. Meanwhile the indigenous population of occupied Palestine are raped, murdered and penned into the largest open air concentration camp the world has seen.
I would not be in the least surprised to discover you and the ‘Mark’ troll are one and the same person.
See this article here to comprehend the actions of the rabid zionist.
Mark’s posts which claim to support Palestinians, in fact undermine the anti-zionist cause whilst antonym’s are aimed at insinuating all who oppose the illegal occupation of Palestine are racist, a handy duality that does nothing other than f++k over the victims of empire.
I don’t see in any coherence to the argument that seeks to divide consideration of Zionism and Judaism. Israel is steeped in religiosity and religious symbolism, and is supported by the great majority of diaspora Jews (both religiously observant and secular).
If we were to take at face value the assertion that ‘zionists want all jews to move to Israel’ then we have to imagine that scenario played out, with no Jewish people living in the US. Israel survives as a criminal state solely and precisely because of the influence of its supporters within the heart of empire (before USA, it was Britain). If they were not there working for Israel then Israel would be much much poorer, powerless and subject to international law.
Sure, the zionist machine has to keep propaganda pressure on ordinary Jews through faked (or encouraged) antisemitism because otherwise people would emigrate away from Israel – because with its martial culture and oppressive fanatics in government, it is not such a pleasant place to live. But considered more fully, is this not just a continuation of a pattern that has existed for millenia? Jewish elites have always maintained their power by persuading ordinary Jews that the gentiles are out to kill them all, that assimilation is spiritual death, that only the priesthood can intermediate the protection of their tribal god Yahweh.
In the final analysis, was not this destiny blueprinted in the Bible? If Israel seems bewitched by a sociopathic destiny, is it not the fault of its evil genius Yahweh? Does not the Zionist manipulation go back to the creation by the ancient Levites of this particularly xenophobic tribal egregore that has usurped the title of “Creator of the Universe” and “Father of Humanity”? As a collective entity [NOT as individuals], the Jewish people has always behaved like a sociopath among other peoples. Many Jews, of course, have resisted that collective mind frame.
As children of a psychopathic god, they are his first victims. But although no one is responsible for the faith he has grown up with, everyone, at some stage, should take responsibility for it.
Only when the biblical Yahweh is correctly diagnosed and publicly exposed as a sociopathic myth will the Jews have a chance to collectively break away from his psychopathic bond, renounce the curse of being the chosen people, and learn to empathize with the rest of humankind. Until then, courageous Jews, from Jesus and Paul to Shlomo Sand and Gilad Atzmon, will continue to pave the way in solitude, vilified as self-hating Jews by those they wish to liberate.
Laurent Guyenot , From Yahweh to Zion
Supremacists and, it seems, many socialists don’t want this aspect of the argument to be heard.
Quite. I always suspected that assertion was made by fundamentalist Christians longing for the Rapture.
Laurent Guyenot understands the Jewish sickness like no other.
Just compare this Jahweh with Allah/Mohammed ; I know who is the most psycopathic.
A Dutch court agrees with me:
“The man who stabbed three people at random on a street in The Hague in May 2018 has been sentenced to an indefinite term in a secure psychiatric unit. Judges in The Hague said that Malek F should not be jailed because he is completely unaccountable for his actions. He was also found not guilty of attempted murder and making terrorist threats. Malek F stabbed three people in The Hague while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ before being shot by police. The 31-year-old had had a history of disturbed mental health since he arrived in the Netherlands as a Palestinian refugee from Syria.”
One psychiatric assessment of one case permits you to make a sweeping statment about two gods? The history of any religion has its colourful array of nutters.
“anti-Semitic here means supporting Gaza over Israel”
Hmm. So “anti-Semitic” means standing up for any people who are being wiped out?
Yes, goy, just keep your mouth shut when kiddies are burned to a crisp with white phosphorous. Or when their heads explode from the British supplied dum dum bullets fired by the Jew kiddie killers. Or when Palestinians are thrown out of their homes and off their land to make way for the Jew Master Race. You don’t want to be called anti semitic, do you?
Please provide credible examples of antisemitism in the Labour party.
Tony Blairs Iraq war…
Oh wait which Semites are we talking about again?
How many Israelis have been killed by the people of Gaza?
How many people of Gaza have been killed by Israelis?
How much Israeli land have the Palestinian people illegally occupied?
How much Palestinian land have the Israelis illegally occupied?
Exactly when did it become racist to criticise a state’s domestic and foreign policy?
How far does that extend? Is it anti-Slavic to question the Russian presence in Syria? Is it antisemitic to call Assad a monster?
Your bottom line: a dozen Arab Muslim states including Palestine, dozens other Muslim states OK, zero Jewish states. Mind you Islam didn’t exist before 600 AD, so all those local populations were colonized or removed.
All are equal, but Some are more equal. Black is white, war is peace.
Islam hasn’t become a country has it? I’m actuality pretty certain Judaism isn’t a state either, so why is it antisemitic to criticize Israeli home & foreign policy?
& whilst we on the topic of discrimination, have you researched the definition of Judaism, the chosen ones?
“Mind you Islam didn’t exist before 600 AD, so all those local populations were colonized or removed.”
Well, let’s have a little look at what the Old Testament Jewish tribes got up to:
“The Israelites conquer the cities of Sihon, king of the Amorites, and they “smote him, and his sons, and all his people, until there was none left him remaining; and they possessed his land.” (Numbers 21)….
God orders Moses to “Harass the Midianites, and smite them”, and to again count “all that are able to go forth to war in Israel” (Numbers 25-26).[40]:100 The Isralites war against Midian, and “slew every male”. They take captive the women and children, and take all cattle, flocks and goods as loot, and burn all cities and camps. When they return to Moses, he is angered, and commands “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves” (Numbers 31).
God tells Moses “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images, and demolish all their high places. And ye shall drive out the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein; for unto you have I given the land to possess it.” and “But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then shall those that ye let remain of them be as thorns in your eyes, and as pricks in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land wherein ye dwell. And it shall come to pass, that as I thought to do unto them, so will I do unto you” (Numbers 33).”
(From Wiki)
Israel is just a shitty little Nazi terrorist regime. No other country approaches it for sheer satanic evil. What it can’t understand is that when you DO bad things, people SAY bad things about you.
You seem to imagine the Brutish Bulldung Craporation is not doing the bidding of Brutain’s imperial overlord in the Imperialist States of Amerikastan. You seem to imagine that the Brutish Bulldung Craporation could possibly be honest even if it wanted to. Good, funny joke, that would make sense only to those who imagine that Brutain isn’t a wholly owned colony of the Imperialist States of Amerikastan.
Zionist mafia
Anti-Semitism smears
The Mosssd
Negate nations and private property for equality and fairness
Mean and evil oligarchs vs the ones who believe in philosopher kings and will lead with morality and ethics
Poor helpless Palestinians all these years
There has never been a time in history when anything was other than what it is today. A matter of degree. The screaming justice warriors vs the elite of money and power / exquisite propaganda to lobotomize the rest, influence.
Good to know. The world is on its centuries solid course.
I’m just glad the Mossad are in on this too. Israel will succeed not because it’s the only democracy in Mid East. But because it’s smarter and tougher than the others. Ruthless in securing the wants and needs of the country. And if that means Labour has to go to the dogs, so be it. Be stronger and faster in the utopian world, maybe next time. Be just as ruthless, be just as brave, but screaming is easier. Like I said I’m glad the Mossad is in on this. It gets so tiring hearing the Justice screamers. Nothing was ever accomplished by riders on white horses. So Israel is safe in getting exactly what it wants. I’m relieved. It will never be a fair fight in words or on battle fields, as per usual world history. Cry me a river while I go congratulate the Mossad on a job well done with Labour. As usual.
You are the kind of apologist who will also aggressively proclaim that anti-Semitism is “uncaused”… a familiar spiritual turd … unless this is some kind of misjudged stab at humour.
Yes. Evil exists. It appears to dominate because the vessels of public discourse are held in certain hands.
In the world at large, the civilised loving world that constitutes the much greater part of humanity (that which is the much more universal reality and which proceeds as normal outside the awareness of dribbling ghouls like yourself), evil fears to show its face.
Celebrate partisanship and supremacism all you like. This is a game the Creator wins and self-congratulatory Satanist Jews (and gentile partners) lose.
There are Jews everywhere. We must attack every Jew on planet Earth! We must slaughter and kill them, with Allah’s help. We will lacerate and tear them to pieces.” — Fathi Hammad, Hamas senior leader, at a rally near the Gaza-Israel border, July 14, 2019.
You were saying about evil and satanists?
The great majority of people are neither insane like whoever wrote that, nor insane like you.
I don’t usually engage in dialogue with those who resort to name calling or fall back on personal attacks. The alt media squad does this quite often to those who express differing perspectives. Class issues, probably. But in the interest of clarity, the insane person who uttered such vile statements is listed at the bottom of the statement. I believe the alt media champions their cause directly or indirectly quite a bit which makes the necessity of Mossad intervention. It’s their job to keep Jews alive and well from insane people in the Hamas leadership.
Odd, isn’t it that the vast majority of the dead bodies are Palestinian? Looks like Hamas specialises in angry words while the Israeli state specialises in massacring actual human beings … I understand that The Talmud defines all gentiles as being literally “non-human” but lower class minds like my own tend to disagree with the pronouncements of Chosenites.
However please continue to believe that resistance to collectivist (and murderous) tribal racism is uncaused because you know it makes sense.
You are quoting the Talmud? Should I cherry pick from Hamas’ sacred book, the Quran on choseness ? ? Vile words produce vile states of mind. Neither a dead Israeli nor a dead Palestinian will do for me. But if Palestinians charge my land then I have to get the Mossad involved. And they don’t care for sacred books of any kind. They just want the Palestinians to accept the fact that Israel will continue to find their suicide antics, a poor choice of protest and will continue to pray for their health and long life since they can’t be bothered to. I’m done with this dialogue now. I get bored easily
Go find some other bloodthirsty Jews and burn some Palestinian kiddies to death. It’ll make you feel better.
I read your two replies. I can recommend a good psychiatrist for all that boiling rage. Alt media supporters are in a class of their own. They become emotional and fanatical. They’re like teenagers, where abstract thought hasn’t quite developed. They look at events and phrases and disregard root causes. They champion all kinds of dictators not because they’re fundamentally for equality and human rights but because it permits them to spit on the values they’re allegedly fighting for. Exploitation and Imperliasm and gross violation of human rights exist not just from Western oligarchs. Palestinians suffer more from their own leaders corruption and power lust than from the injustice from Israel. Hate exists from both sides to that conflict. As expected. There are so many land grievances in the Mid East and beyond that will not be rectified. Best settle for a solution that permits life rather than suicide gimmicks to manipulate people’s minds. Needling alt media gets to the core of what really motivates them. Excellent psych study for me. Justice warriors you are not. Utopia dreamers maybe trying to alter the fundamentals that have always defined human emergence.
“They become emotional and fanatical. ”
That’s what they call ‘projection’ in the psychiatry you seem so interested in. know that, kiddo?
You’re using projection? My tone and manner is calm. Check the tone and emotional outbursts from the replies. I can converse without name calling nor resorting to screaming slogans and derogatory remarks. I’m not backed up against a wall in my reasoning process.
( have that one for breakfast, i’ve got lots more to feed you for the rest of the day
Your tone and manner is not calm – it is like a telesales script.
“But if Palestinians charge my land then I have to get the Mossad involved”
What of Palestinian land being charged by settlers with help of ‘the’ Mossad?
Which powers can the Palestinians get involved?
The UN? Lol (The last time they tried that they got bombed by the Israelis)
Look – no one here is denying the piece of land assigned as Israel.
Almost everyone is objecting to the way that piece of land is expanded and the rights of the ages long occupiers of that land being dismissed. Why is Israel expanding beyond it’s mandated border? Why shouldn’t that be resisted? Just because they can deploy superior fire power – does might make right?
That is the issue. Get it?
I’ll give you a question that doesn’t involve Israel/Palestine to help focus on that issue.
Do you think it right that European settlers were encouraged to take over the lands of the indeginous peoples of the Americas, Australasia and Africa by mass murder and trickery and the remenants of these peoples can be deemed to have no legal rights remaining?
See you for the elevenses lols.
“I get bored easily”
LOL. What are you? A 4 year old? ‘Mummy i’m borrrrred’!
Run rabbit, run run run….
I simply get bored with mentalities that can’t keep up to my level. Also with grown people who use LOL
Not worth even the amusement
The job of Hamas (created by the Zionist Regime, ironically) is to keep Palestinians alive in the face of Genocidal Zionist Terror.
“Our Race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. Other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin.
“Mothers of all Palestinians should be killed. They have to die and their houses should be demolished. They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. ”
Ayelet Shaked, Zionist “Justice” Minister, 14/7/14.
A day before Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and burned alive by 6 Jew thugs, Shaked called for the genocide of Palestinians on Facebook. She called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers to stop them giving birth to “little snakes.”
“The entire Palestinian people is the enemy, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”
See also “When Genocide Is Permissible”, The Times Of Israel, 1/8/14.
“Babies can be killed if they might grow up to pose a threat.”
“In the war on the fate of the land of Israel, the Gentiles must be killed.”
The killing of children en masse responds to the “internal need for revenge.”
“In the face of revenge, no one is innocent, be they old, young, children, men or women, and regardless of their health.
“The King’s Torah”, Rabbis Yitzhak Shapiro and Yosef Elitzur.
You were saying about evil and Satanists?
Juden Uber Alles! Heil Juden!! Heil Juden!!!
MARK… Please stop, you are doing yourself or our discussions no favours. xxx
We are in a position in the UK were the two main parties, Tories are sen as Islamophobic, whilst labour is seen as Anti-Semetic.
Yet together the Muslims or the Jewish population represent less then 5% of the population. What we have is the tail wagging the dog and people are beginning to get a bit sick of it.
Post-Blair Britain has followed a near identical trajectory to the US, in other words a single party system that merely consists of varying shades of neoliberalism: this is the trend Corbyn tried to buck and the one so shamelessly embraced by unprincipled opportunists like Nick ‘no tuition fees’ Clegg.
Now within the network of neoliberal alliances Palestine has virtually no influence certainly not when compared to the overlapping corporate interests of Britain, the US, KSA and of course Israel.
The attack on Corbyn has grown from the fact that unlike Blair, Brown, Starmer and a long list of Labour MPs he was less inclined to ignore human rights abuses and the system of apartheid that defines Israel even though most western media still pretend neither are actually happening.
In many respects the antisemitism trope tells you where the primary loyalities of politicians lie: either with those who have inflicted havoc on domestic economies (and elsewhere) or those who are victim of a corporate form of fascism that has led to endless war, resource depletion and extreme wealth inequality.
That’s all it is really – Jews in Britain know they are as safe (and as welcome) as they have ever been and comparing Corbyn to Nazis’ merely illustrates how baseless these allegations are.
This self-evident injustice is compounded by the fact the media has abandoned any form of balance and simply refuses to engage with alternative points of view.
For example, the Guardian declined to publish a letter by a group calling themselves ‘Jewish Labour Women’ – the group say:
“We, all Jewish women, are baffled, hurt and infuriated by your (the Guardian’s) unquestioning coverage of Margaret Hodge’s campaign against Jeremy Corbyn (‘Just Close them down: Margaret Hodge on antisemitism in Labour’s branches’, March 9th). Hodge extends her allegations that Corbyn is an ‘antisemite and racist’ under whom antisemitism ‘has been given permission to come into the mainstream and, like a cancer, is infecting and growing through the Party’.
Hodge provides no evidence of such horrific wrongdoing by Corbyn, nor by ‘mainstream’ Labour members. Her own submissions to the Labour Party certainly don’t do the job: General Secretary, Jennie Formby reported that Hodge’s 200 complaints concerned 111 individuals, of whom only 20 were actually Party members.
Hodge’s demand that the Labour Party close down entire branches for supporting Chris Williamson MP, or for rejecting the IHRA antisemitism document, also passes unexamined. Yet Williamson presents a legitimate critique; Labour’s response to antisemitism accusations has been unnecessarily defensive, he said, not that it has been ‘too apologetic about antisemitism’ itself. Meanwhile, no mention that the IHRA document has been shredded by two QCs, plus Jewish human rights specialist, Sir Geoffrey Bindman and Jewish retired Lord Justice of Appeal, Sir Stephen Sedley.
Why is it that the kind of logic shown by ‘Jewish Labour Women’ is conspicuous by its absence amongst senior Labour MPs?
All we have had so far is daily hand-wringing from the likes of Tom Watson, Jess Phillips, Keir Starmer, and of course Margaret Hodge (as well as former war criminals like Blair and Brown) but few Labourites prepared to challenge them – does this mean they are are also appalled by antisemitism even though they failed to notice it existed before 2015, or is that they are simply too scared to speak their mind knowing that the Chris Williamson treatment is waiting for anyone who suggests Israel might have a hand in the wave of toxic McCarthyism sweeping through the party?
Ultimately Labour supporters have to ask themselves- can they really continue to support a generation of neoliberal apologists who have sold their souls to a transnational economic ideology rather doing what left leaning Labour MPs are meant to be doing which is ameliorating the excesses of unfettered capitalism?
The answer to this problem is to refuse to discuss it. There is no anti-semitism problem in the Labour Party what there is is the widespread and rapidly growing problem of poverty, deprivation, hunger and homelessness. Insecurity has reached epidemic proportions -the Welfare State is being transformed into a dreary, wet parody of the American nightmare.
Young people are either burdened with debt or caught in one of the innumerable blind alleys which have taken the place of careers within communities.
The matter of antisemitism simply doesn’t register in the minds of sensible people, it is of concern only to propagandists against socialism-of whom there are tens of thousands in the UK- including imperialists who see Israel as a critical outpost of an Empire crumbling under the weight of its own crimes and lies.
The Labour movement in the UK began with the development of organs attuned to the thoughts and interests of the working class: Cobbett’s Political Register, The Northern Star, The Clarion… Members of the Unions and Labour Party knew that the media would lie about them. It is not surprising that the BBC produces anti-socialist, imperialist propaganda. That is what it was set up to do. That is what it has always done. And what is true of the BBC is even more true of the Press, the very existence of which flies in the face of socialist principles, being owned by and employed for the capitalist class whose abolition is the purpose of socialism.
Those who make heavy weather of the ‘anti-semitism’ issue are in the wrong business. The real struggle will not begin until property itself is challenged and the mild programme of re-nationalisation and de-privatisation becomes the programme of a Labour government with a popular mandate. That is when the shit will hit the fan-there will be a bankers’ strike, massive withdrawals of capital, mutinies in The Establishment and much, much more.
All of which will be easily capable of being countered provided only that the aforementioned Labour government is supported by a a Parliamentary party purged of its Fifth Columnists. And a population which knows what it has voted for it and is determined to get it.
And that is where ordinary people come in: the Constituency parties and Union branches have to take charge of their representatives, putting them on short leashes and practising rotation in office, putting an end to careerism whether it be in the Unions, Local Councils or Parliament. Nothing would be a better indication of political health than a Council Chamber full of novices in office and a delegate meeting salted with retired MPs and formerly elected officials, who have stepped down in order to devote themselves to grassroots work. It is on the doorsteps of the people not on the Treasury Benches that the arguments need to be made.
Among those arguments is this: imperialism, as most people understand, is a form of theft-the taking by the strong of that which belongs to the vulnerable. Those who will not countenance it when aimed at themselves cannot condone it when it is imposed on others. And there is no more dramatic example of the evils of imperialism in the modern world than the burgeoning crisis in Palestine.
Which emerged from the chrysalis of colonialism by the good graces of the Labour government in
1947-8. And in a large part because the PLP harboured then as it does now, a Fifth Column consciously acting against the interests of the working class.
Excellent comment, Bevin. Just one query. When the UN vote on partitioning Palestine was held in November 1947, I understand the UK delegation abstained. This has always seemed to me to indicate that a majority in the Labour government understood that the UK had made an unholy mess in Palestine and should simply butt out.
Sadly, Labour now has to be given up as a lost cause, a dead end, a waste of time, effort and energy.
Any attempt to salvage it is no more than a distraction and a diversion from more productive endeavours.
Corbyn’s big mistake was not to mount a ferocious counter attack on the Zionist Mafia the moment it started its smear campaign. This is probably not in his nature. He is one of life’s gentlemen, and that’s not always an asset in politics. Sometimes you need the instinctive semi-feral aggression and savagery of a Trump or a Duterte.
Instead, he fell into the trap of appeasement.
Perfectly decent people like Ken Livingstone, Jackie Williams, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williams, and many others, were offered up as sacrificial victims to the Board of Deputies and the Labour Friends of Mossad.
This was an exercise in futility. You can never appease these people. Whatever you do, they just want more. Give them an inch and they take a mile.
This may be understandable to the extent that 85% plus of the PLP are Blairite Backstabbers in the pocket of Zionist interests. There are at most 20-30 decent MPs in the PLP. They are poisonous filth.
Watson, Benn, Bryant, Bradshaw, Hodge, Ellman, Phillips, the list is endless. You would have to take at least 200 of them out and shoot them before you could even begin to make anything worthwhile out of the PLP.
Caving in to pressure and climbing aboard the Second Referendum/ Russiagate/ Syria/ Skripal/ Venezuela bandwagons have done Jezza little good.
We should have another General Election within four months at the latest, once Bojo The Clown has been anointed as our next PM by Tory OAPs tomorrow. Brexit chaos, followed by Tory and Labour meltdowns. Only then will it be possible to build something completely new on the rubble. In the short term, we could even have a Farage government. Anything is possible. An independent Scotland and Ulster reunited with Eire. Just roll the dice and see what happens.
Labour is now no more than a corpse in an advanced state of decay, crawling with poisonous Zionist maggots. It is beyond salvaging.
It’s the same story with the Zionist mouthpiece BBC. Its previous Director, Mark Thompson, held private meetings with Netanyahu, where he promised that no criticism of Israel would ever appear on the BBC.
A little while back i watched a documentary on the unfortunate Micheal Foot, ( i was impressed by his politics at least) it became evident to me then that the labour party has suffered from a liberal infection for a long time, Corbyn was seen as an opportunity to change this but sadly the disease had already taken hold of Labour, Corbyn really was just its last dying breath, i’ve sadly realized he’s lost his ‘momentum’!
Corbyn is a lost cause no longer capable of healing the party & i suspect the neo-liberal blairites were more concerned with killing any chance of a labour socialist resurrection than saving the patient & putting labour into power with a corbyn government.
It’s a funny old world. Most of the Blairites including the glorious leader were upper-middle-class Trots in Uni. They used to fly the red flag over Islington town hall and Hodge was considered ‘out there’ by the comrades. However, they ‘grew-up’ and all became power-mad authoritarians.
Yes your right it is a funny old world, LOL 22 down votes for liking foots libertarian politics. Or was it because i think corbyn peaked prematurely
Nah mate – its probably because your understanding of Foot’s ‘failure’ is flawed; as is your appreciation of the accidetal circumstances of the emergence of Corbyn.
Foot was a failure because his politics wasn’t popular with the liberal regime, from what little i know (i make no claim to being an expert) of foots ideology, he was a socialist libertarian. His image was also unpopular, quite literally.
Corbyns popularity has peaked, the Blairites have ensured he wont see #10, i’d put money on it. How Corbyn became leader, may have been unexpected yes, unplanned perhaps, accidental no.
You can educate yourself.
Look at the polls and vote upto the 83 election. It wasn’t the Falklands it was the SDP gang of traitors.
Unpopular? as in Rupert made a major character assassination.
Like I said i’m no expert on Michael Foot. As a young man politics was of little interest to me, That I hated the tories was enough for me then.
As an old man i now appreciate the insidious pervasive threat neo-liberals pose to our basic freedoms & survival.
History is history which i don’t care to dwell on when the future is so important.
Just read the inconsistency of that last comment – ever decreasing circles…
NO expert – but you know what you hate.
Don’t care about history – (which brought us to NOW)
Only interested in the future – (which we can only get to from NOW).
Do you not see how transparent that is? Just to give you the benefit of doubt – it’s like the old joke of the lost traveller asking a yokel how to get to town?
“you durnt wan start from ‘ere”