Discuss: Boris Johnson is the New PM

We’ve all known it was coming for some time – and finally, it’s here. Boris Johnson is Prime Minister, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad.

At NATO meetings and G7 summits and UN conferences the leaders of the “free world” will stand up…and one of them will be Donald Trump, and one will be Boris Johnson.

Take a moment to consider how ludicrous this makes us look.

The UK has its own loudmouth with silly hair. A man who elected Mayor of London (I’m convinced) purely ironically. So what now?

Firstly, we should compare and contrast Trump and Johnson. There are obvious similarities: Both are children of privilege, both are known for being anti-politically correct. Both are, being honest, the residual self-image of their national psyches. A true reflection of what the UK and US really are, deep down.

It’s easy to conflate the two, but they aren’t identical.

Trump, for all his swagger and big talk, is actually an idiot. Johnson is not, he’s a smart, educated man who knows his role is to play the clown. To make gaffes, but also play the “he says what we’re all thinking” card.

Trump, although wealthy, is not an “insider”. He’s from outside the political class, he doesn’t understand it, and it has been apparent – since his election – he’s totally out of his depth. QAnon cultists can believe what they want, but Trump is not playing 50D chess, he’s pretty much totally surrendered to the agenda of the Deep State, with token resistance in some key areas.

Johnson, in contrast, is political to the bone. He’s got deep roots, he is an insider all the way. Which is going to make the next few weeks interesting.

For one thing, there’s Brexit. Johnson’s position is obviously anti-EU, but will that change now he’s in office? Is he genuinely a “leaver”, or was his job to so clownishly put the case FOR Brexit he discredits it by association? Or is his anti-EU feeling real, and will be stamped out by the pro-EU civil service/intelligence agencies? (Much like Trump’s plans to leave Syria).

For another, there’s Iran. There have been indications over the last year that the international globalist agenda, The Deep State, has been being driven MORE by the UK than by the US. The UK took the lead on the Douma situation, staged the Skripal false flag, and now is stoking up tensions with Iran.

Where Johnson falls on the Iran question will be key in determining whether or not the “Iran crisis” is a nothing but a drive to increase sanctions and make some money, or whether they really are building up for a full-fledged war.

What does this mean for Labour? Well, Corbynites will – again – want a general election as soon as possible. This is the third conservative leader in as many years, and its obvious the party is a total shambles.

However, the anti-Corbyn elements within his own party will not join in pressure for a GE, because the last thing they want is a Corbyn government. The PLP cannot move against the Tories until Corbyn is removed and someone like Watson or Jess Phillips is leader. Expect new pressure on the same fronts, and increased calls for Corbyn to resign.

The key question for Corbyn’s team is whether to cave to Remain pressure and totally back staying in the EU in an effort to secure the liberal vote (this would be a mistake, and hand the Tories huge swaths of working-class support).

Questions moving forward:

  • Trump is PResident, BoJo is PM…is this a joke?
  • Will Johnson stay the course on leaving the EU?
  • Will there be a GE before the end of the year?
  • How will the PLP increase pressure on Corbyn to resign?
  • Which collection of discredited fools will get cabinet posts?
  • Does it matter?
  • No, seriously, is this a joke?


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Jul 27, 2019 9:35 PM

Tory Heath sold us into the EU. Tory Slaggy Thatcher destroyed the working peoples social organisation. Tory privatisation whipped them into indentured servitude.Tory-Lite filth columnist Bliar and ADC Brown continued the task of destroying the social infrastructure, Tory “Piggy” Cameron accelerated our impoverishment and physical destruction with “Austerity” and Terrorism hype. Tory Treasona, further tightened the screws using legislation to curtail Inherent and Inalienable Rights, (like voicing a different opinion). And now, Magic, Sun-King Tory, Doris, will, with a wave of his wand, will cure all the cynically murderous, sickening, chaotic and beyond repair circumstances in which the nation is firmly stuck.Hey Presto! A corporate solution to corporate produced problems, to continue with a corporate run government. Smile, (that’s an order); your on camera. See you in the next nightmare.

Jul 26, 2019 1:08 PM

……the priceless and risible faux-buffoon. Pure distraction. Obvious fraud.
The diversionary pretence and mind control (instituted by the 0.1% masters) suggesting by indoctrination that corporate whores represent a democratic process.

Faux-buffoon puppets are toyed with then later set aside. When fakes are no longer capable of serving as useful idiots to their psychopath puppet masters, well, another greedy fake will present itself.
It’s all a neo-fascist game to steal other people’s stuff and deny resources to those that need it.

Jul 26, 2019 1:16 PM
Reply to  Molloy

Using the term “coup” (ref below) implies that there is a democratic institution already in place. Shame on you.
Rigging and fraud and fakery and indoctrination have been around for at least the time since Cornish land was stolen from Cornish people……. (eyes now glazing over).

Jul 26, 2019 8:16 AM

The EU will be so glad to see the back of the UK.

Corbyn trots a difficult path. I am very much with him to re-nationalise some entities but he looks like biting off more that the system can chew.

Chose two entities to renationalise, seriously. When you try to do all things at once, in a hostile environment, you will fail.

Jul 25, 2019 9:08 PM

Crisis actors interfacing already determined procedures as a public narrative control-diversion?
Is brexit to be the appropriation of UK to IS/US Trade ‘Deals’ (sic) and as part of reconfiguring the EU?

Politics is not decided or determined in the political circus – excepting where it can be presented as if they do.

The primary issue may be that of lack of transparency and accountability to the extent of corporately captured institutional function – particularly the media. As such this represents a coup or usurpation by stealth. Broad spectrum dominance is broad spectrum collapse.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 25, 2019 3:16 PM

so BoJo has used the meaningless throwaway line ‘entering a golden age’. As I commented elsewhere, defining a golden age is rather paramount to determine who it exists for. A golden age is not JRM et al managing money for global millionaires, having six children then claiming that 60 million UK citizens should see Food a Banks as a wonderful sign of charity. Basically that is him saying the economy can go hang for all he cares…..he invests globally for global investors, so there….. A golden age is not selling off the UK to the US with £200m+ in bungs to corrupt politicians, it is not and any juspdge worthy of the bench would tell UK PM thus in terms sufficiently ascerbic as to make aforementioned PM a global laughing stock. Mr Putin is the most popular President in Russian history and a central plank of his tenure was telling US billionaires and Russian oligarchs to take a hike. If Mr Johnson believes in Britain, he will not be selling it to the USA. End of story. A golden age starts firstly by a control on consumer demand by getting a control on population. 60 million is more than enough for our islands and George Soros can take a trip to heaven if he thinks otherwise. Economic stability is impossible with uncontrolled migration in and out. A golden age then continues by aligning metrics of a golden age to human life, not bankers’ wealth. GDP a can increase to infinity through automated trading bots, but 99.999999% of the population do not benefit. GDP is a useless metric. The first metric of a golden age is the savings ratio of 25-60 year olds, excluding the years when children arrive. This indicates a broad depth of affluence with fair salaries, reasonable rental… Read more »

Jul 25, 2019 8:52 AM

Good Morning – ah i love the smell of fresh meat to skewer and sizzle in the heat! Stanley was some kind of adulterous globe trotter, Al ‘i want my mammy’ somehow got tracked into the school for future toffs by the rotter, that requires money AND DS friends. Al got called a ‘wog’ no doubt because of the Turkish family connection and started calling himself Bobo the clown – sorry Boris the clown. So well done Bobo – he has brought his family background into focus. We will hear a bit more of Stan and co no doubt. Morrrddorch and its all seeing eye has got his key nazguls into No 10, 11, FCO, Health, Transport and Defence – they have removed all pretence of a democratic choice and political leaders as decision makers instead of muppets. GOOD. The battle lines become clearer – the duplicitous politicians have to show their true colours -like the fanboi Ummanas rapturous and never ending standing ovation from the Opposition benches for the departed May, ling after she had left the Chamber; like the mutual worship cabal of Swinson, Harman and Cooper representing womanhood, who should be given special power and position because of being women – remember the craze for testosterone for powerful women a few years ago? They have sold us a lot of pigs in a poke in their time in Office. I don’t believe that 100k tory fuddy duddies voted for a charlatan, adulterer, foreigner, bumbler – lets see them admit it. Above all we know that a genuine grassroots mainstream Party having accidentally rediscovered its soul, the current Labour Party, is a major threat to the bloodthirsty neocon neolib 50 year project. Normally they just kill such politicians and supporters and install dictators who govern by death squads… Read more »

Jul 24, 2019 11:36 PM

Even by the usual (low) standards of politicians, Boris is a liar. If anything, you can rely on him to do the exact opposite of what he promised.

Pledge: I will not close a single ticket office on the London Underground

What happened: *Every* single ticket office on the London Underground was closed (the so-called “travel centres” at a small number of key stations are not adequate substitutes, and the queues for buying tickets or topping-up Oyster cards have got longer since the ticket offices were closed), Boris having made the U-turn barely a year after the original pledge, without seeking a fresh electoral mandate (whilst I wish Zac Goldsmith would stick to his principles long-term, at least he had the decency to resign in accordance with his promise to do so if his party supported Heathrow expansion… speaking of which…)

Pledge: I will oppose Heathrow expansion; if it came to it, I will lie in front of the bulldozers

What happened: Boris came up with a flimsy pretext to avoid the vote on Heathrow expansion, and has since come up with some lame nonsense about respecting what parliament decided (what happened to lying in front of the bulldozers, Boris? and how about respecting parliament’s recent declaration of a climate emergency, which should be mandate enough to completely overturn the paradigm of the Davies commission (in any case, London has plenty of underutilised aviation capacity at Stansted, Luton, and Southend)? and why the threats to prorogue parliament to force a “no deal”?)

Pledge: We will leave the EU by the end of October no matter what.

What will happen: We will still be in the EU come November.

Question This
Question This
Jul 25, 2019 4:06 AM
Reply to  anon

I challenge you to name one honest politician. They’re all professional liars, some just better at it than others.

Jul 25, 2019 3:21 PM
Reply to  anon

labour lost its soul?how can loose what you never had.

Question This
Question This
Jul 24, 2019 8:53 PM

At this moment in time, short of the entire PLP getting expelled from the labour party, i think this is the best possible result . Unconventionality May has finally ended in July & with huge relief we thankfully avoided the catastrophe of *unt becoming PM. Short of Farage in power, Johnson is the most likely (probably only) politician to keep the hope of brexit alive, it could still happen (i’m not saying it will).

Also on the plus side its what British politics needs, an old school tory as leader of the conservative party against a true socialist as leader of the labour party, polar opposites then at least there’s a chance of something changing. The liberals have been dealt a blow, their down but far from out. They could still totally destroy British democracy by preventing brexit, but this has kept hope alive.

A third positive is Johnson may well be the final nail in the coffin of the tory parties demise at the very least for many decades to come before any resurrection.

The downside is we still have a tory government, pushing tory policy, (though they’re unlikely to get much through parliament). Its highly likely should he call a general election he will beat Corbyn thanks to PLP sabotage. Unless the liberals decide Corbyn as PM is a better prospect than Johnson serving another 5 year term, but i suspect the PLP would still back a tory government if they cant get rid of Corbyn before the next GE.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 24, 2019 8:04 PM

the biggest up issue is actually this new unelected Government changing policies without an electoral mandate. Boris Johnson making it known that national infrastructures should be negotiated between local authorities renders him immediately unfit for any Cental Government office, let alone Prime Minister. no discussion, on that score no new motorways except through local govt negotiations. All commuter infrastructure into London: negotiations between Sadiq Khan and all the SE County Councils. have you heard such rubbish in your life? national strategic infrastructure is precisely what central government should do.

No need for a Prime Minister if everything is devolved locally. Do housing locally, schools locally, NHS locally, have a Home Guard for Civil defence, no Armed a Forces except for wars with foreigners.

BJ can cut his salary and every other Westminster post by 75%, civil service can be cut by 60% in Whitehall and Permanent Secs can earn £80,000 a year based on reduced responsibilities.

To say Johnson has no mandate to axe HS2 without an election is basic. To say he will slash regional infrastructure spending to fund London without a mandate should be a sacking offence. He is the Prime Minister of Her Britannic Majesty’s United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, not the Mayor of London. If he does not get his act together on basic PM protocol, he needs to hand over to someone who can…..and that person had better do to Dominic Cummings what Dominic Cummings did to half the Conservative Party…..

Jul 24, 2019 10:39 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

And also no mandate to leave the EU with No Deal – when both the Leave campaign, which Johnson led, and the Conservative manifesto of 2017 said there would be a deal.
If Johnson wants to lead the country out of the EU with no deal, he needs to go to the country or hold another referendum.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jul 24, 2019 6:51 PM

Priti ‘secret meetings with Israel’ Patel for home secretary – worst possible news for Julian Assange.

Jul 24, 2019 7:19 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

A moslem 30 shekel whore will do as well as any other.
She wanted to finance the ISIS holiday camps the Jews built on the Golan Heights out of the UK foreign aid budget.

Jul 24, 2019 9:09 PM
Reply to  mark

The ‘Israelis‘ built it, actually and it’s protected by the cowardly IDF who show how ‘manly’ they are by shooting children in the head with illegal dum dum bullets which shatter inside the body guaranteeing mortal injuries. It is a hospital for mercenaries – you can hardly blame the ‘Israelis‘ for taking care of their own.

Jul 25, 2019 8:40 AM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

I’m still waiting to see proof that she paid for her family ‘holiday’.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 4:43 PM

Any NYC dude will do, as long as he delivers for the M.I.C. within their realms of expected expenditure, in order to maintain their corporate fascist control of sovereign government’s computers & operatives,

running “Parallel Platforms” with Soap Operas as opinionated opiates !

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 4:44 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

you never had it SOoo good 🙂

Jul 24, 2019 2:20 PM

Shouldn’t we all just dutifully and gratefully tug our forelocks and bow deeply, now that one of our Betters has been appointed to rule over us?

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Jul 27, 2019 2:16 AM
Reply to  mark

Today,on G.B. Shaw’s birthday anniversary,I’m remembering him taking-up the thorny (or,sticky ) question of: 1) the un-worthy poor,vis-a-vis the worthy poor…

Jul 24, 2019 1:39 PM

That £50 note burnt in front of a rough sleeper turned out to be a pretty shrewd investment.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 24, 2019 9:49 AM

When Theresa May tenders her resignation to the Queen, perhaps she will recommend Yvettte Cooper should be invited to form a government. The convention is that the outgoing prime minister gets to recommend whoever they wish. There is nothing to compel May to recommend Boris. Moreover, the person invited to form the government has to be able to command a majority in the House of Commons. Boris’ majority, assuming all the Tories and the DUP vote for him is already wafer thin. Given the noises from people like Dominic Grieve, Philip Hammond, et al. it may be non-existent. Whereas someone like Cooper could easily garner support from the vast majority of the Labour MPs, the Liberal Democrats, the Welsh and Scottish Nationalists, the Green, Independents, Change UK and possibly a significant number of (Remainer) Tories.

Jul 24, 2019 10:50 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

That would be a coup you are advocating rather than the usual recourse of a dysfunctional parliament to go back to the country to decide ‘who governs?’

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 24, 2019 1:51 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

DunGroanin I did not advocate anything. As for the usual recourse you refer to: that was overturned by the Conservative/Liberal Democrat government’s Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011, which is how Theresa May has survived for so long.

Jul 24, 2019 3:23 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Didn’t stop her calling the 2020 ge in 2017, just 2 years into the supposed fixed term act, did it?

Jul 25, 2019 10:59 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I refer you to my comment below.
May was able to break the FTPA.
Why can’t Johnson?

Jul 24, 2019 1:41 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

She is the brainless, stupid bitch who dreamt up Home Information Packs.
Another good Friend of Mossad and Blairite Backstabber.

Jul 24, 2019 9:11 PM
Reply to  mark

Whores and bitches, eh? Am I noticing a pattern here?

Jul 24, 2019 9:57 PM
Reply to  Mikalina

I don’t know. Spend your time gazing at the clouds or looking for patterns in the fire if you want. Most of these whores and bitches are male. Trump is Israel’s bitch. Bolton is AIPAC’s bitch. Watson is the Board of Deputies bitch. Any old bitch will do for the Chosen Folk.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Jul 24, 2019 9:25 AM

Be thankful folks.
Here in Australia we’ve got a Happy Clapper, ex advertising executive, Coal addicted, compulsive liar for a PM.
Let us pray _ _ _
For a fucking BIG asteroid. Soon.

Jul 24, 2019 8:38 AM

Duh…DUD…DUDE! DOA in my opinion. Deliver..Unite…Defeat. DEFEAT CORBYN. Todays imaginary PMQ’s Congratulations to the huge member for being the 3rd Tory PM to face Corbyn in as many years. Would he care to back up his victory speech? Deliver what ? A hard brexit? Unite? But commons already is against a hard brexit! Defeat Corbyn – bring it on big boy, CALL the election, if you think you’re hard enough! That is what every commentator should be demanding. Murdoch has decided that Al ‘I get to make many more yummy mummies’ Johnson to beat the Corbynites, then the cold eyed assassin of the NHS , the utter and complete Hunt. Based on the publics response over the pointlessly prolonged campaign (almost pointless – designed to make sure there is zero time for the clown to crash and burn before recess.. Murdoch also gets to install direct control in No 10, again, with another of his cohort as the clown minder. So, even the very few words bobo said – he wants to defeat Corbyn – should be held against him at every opportunity – ‘Go on then, call the election! Defeat him. Now. Fight! Parliament has said NO HARD BREXIT. Parliament is UNITED AGAINST HARD BREXIT (sort of). Parliament can not DEFEAT CORBYN (unless they have a junta government installed to stop having a GE). The chickencoup is underway, this time including the Tories and tbe other puppets of neolib con artistes. There is no majority to persue any of the 2017 manifeso tories got into government with. There would be no mandate for any made up policy unless they put it to the country. 100 thousand tory members have ..er..spoken, let the rest of us have a say now. Shit or get off the bucket, Al. The whole shadow… Read more »

Jul 24, 2019 11:40 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Ah the nazgul are released to roam the land – led by the chief amongs them – Cummings.

Dom – is Dr Strangelove.

It was he who bought brexit from FB using the CA/ AIQ SCL control.

Popcorn time as we get Trezza do a Cameron and urge Corbyn ‘for gawds sake GO!’ one more time.


Jul 24, 2019 8:11 AM

OT but why can’t I access the off-G article “The 2001 Anthrax Deception”?

Jul 24, 2019 9:46 AM
Reply to  George

Agreed. It may have been temporarily taken down by the editors themselves, but certainly I have tried the link to it on the O/G twitter feed and get the message that ‘Nothing was found at this location’. If I’d been searching for ‘Why is Boris Johnson’s appointment a positive move for the country?’ I’d have understood!

different frank
different frank
Jul 24, 2019 11:25 AM
Reply to  George
Jul 24, 2019 4:36 PM

That does seem to be the same piece- however, it was the comment section I was wanting to access. The Off-G page still seems to be unavailable.

Jul 24, 2019 5:54 AM

I think we will need two elections.
The first one to clean out the dog-in-the-manger Remain MPs in Leave areas and the far fewer Leave Mps in Remain areas. this will result in a massively hung Parliament with a significant number of Brexit Party MPs and a lucky few, bewildered Liberal Democrats.
We may eventually leave the EU and there will be a second election where the USP of the Lib Dems and Brexit Parties has been shot from under them and the Tories and Labour can get back to duking it out on the basis of genuine ideological differences as to how the country should be run.
Expect the departure of the many truculent MPs who blocked Brexit and (hopefully) a PLP replete with Corbyn supporters.

different frank
different frank
Jul 24, 2019 7:27 AM

If the brexit “party” is a political party, where are the branch meetings?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jul 24, 2019 8:57 AM

At Nige’s local, presumably.

Jul 24, 2019 5:09 AM

The Tories and Blairites will join hands to stop Corbyn’s policies.
Even if he goes, and John McDonnell takes over, the policies remain.
Having forced JC to look at supporting Remain in a 2nd ref.,
Labour are doomed anyway. (Speaking as a current member, but not for much longer).
Glad I left the country, but unfortunately the pound is doomed too!!

Jul 24, 2019 7:49 AM
Reply to  davemss

The Blairites should not be allowed anywhere near power. They will just carve out another war. They do not have critical thinking skills.

The UK needs to leave the EU because they have a superiority complex. Sir Alan Duncan mentioned that it is a pity Britain is so much occupied with Brexit that she cannot be ‘dominant intellectually’.

When the country cannot afford school for children on Friday afternoons, then Britain is not a successful country. It no longer matters how Britain leaves, as long as they go, because their superiority complex could destroy the EU.

Jul 24, 2019 11:16 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

No wonder we can’t afford schools etc, you mention Duncan, he was the one up Bliars arse to get the Sunday opening times ,when he was running ASDA, and cancerous bliar replied nobody will be required to work Sunday, I’ll leave you to work out what happened next,Duncan is a pure bred right wing prick.

Jul 24, 2019 11:33 AM
Reply to  Peugeot

… and an ex-con

Jul 26, 2019 10:55 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

By all appearances the EU is destroying itself

Jul 24, 2019 1:59 PM
Reply to  davemss

Whether or not the £ is doomed is a matter of debate.
It is currently $1.25.
It fell steadily from $1.86 to $1.24, losing a third of its value against the dollar.
Why is this?
Brexit? No, Brexit has very little if anything at all to do with it.
There are two reasons.
1. Printing hundreds of billions of toilet paper money backed by nothing but thin air, to bail out the banksters.
From 2010 – 2105, the National Debt more than doubled from £750 billion to £1,650 billion.
Since then, hundreds of billions of more red ink have been added.
This kind of thing normally leads to Zimbabwe style hyperinflation.
But the currency has been sacrificed as an alternative.
2. Zero percent interest rates to bail out the banksters, and to prevent inflation.
The banksters have been given free money to rebuild their balance sheets.
If you or me borrow money on a credit card or from now defunct Wonga, we pay 32% or 5,000% interest. The banksters get free money.
This leads directly to a fall in the currency.

For the next 20 years, everything that goes wrong in the country, bad weather, England losing at cricket, will be blamed on Brexit. This is at best a form of magical thinking that denies reality.

Jul 24, 2019 4:52 PM
Reply to  mark

From 2010 – 2105, the National Debt more than doubled from £750 billion to £1,650 billion.”
Either you are the oracle, or you do not proof read, making predictions over such a long period.
There is one philosophy that does not allow interest on ‘loans’ or deposits. Discuss.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Jul 24, 2019 5:49 PM
Reply to  mark

Thanks;I read your comments with interest.”In a nice way,I mean. –Groucho Marx”

Jul 24, 2019 1:52 AM

I like Boris. He very funny. I like funny. Funny make me laugh. News not funny. News boring. Teresa May not funny. Teresa May VERY boring. Boris not boring. Every News very funny every day now. Hurrah Boris.

Jul 24, 2019 2:43 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

And his comment about investigating child abuse is wanking money up a wall – so funny, I mean, really hilarious – but then I’m not a child…….

Jul 24, 2019 1:10 AM

these so-called Leaders who swam in a dirty pool of lies and deceit, who’d feign honesty, to fool the people….and who thought it best to feed their addiction subtily, let them wait for the fix,, but then comes Bozo, the proven liar and self aggrandizing gascon…. he’s different, cos he can deal the poison direct, and they fricken Love it….so forget the Truth, forget Honesty, rightness is all too complex, so who cares, if it’s about the Hit, and they want it Now ….But lets get real, I guess this builds been easily calculable,especially if there’s more amd more deranged egoistic fruitloops out there, that are…..Just – Like – Him…..they’re even given the Vote…..how easy is that, ouch, that is a problem.

“The terrible art of the candidate is to coddle the self-deception of the stooge”
Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

Jul 24, 2019 12:11 AM

A few considerations on Bojo The Clown being anointed as the new PM. 1. This is the 3rd time this has happened since what, 2007? Blair to Brown. Cameron to May. May to Johnson. Prime Ministers coming to power through internal party political machinations rather than a General Election. No popular mandate or legitimacy. Johnson was “elected” by 90,000 Tory OAPs. Brown wasn’t even subject to a nominal internal party selection process. This is becoming the new normal. This is how leaders came to power in the old Soviet Bloc regimes. Buggins’ Turn. Who says there’s a democratic deficit in Britain? Perhaps we should just adopt the Papal Election process, complete with coloured smoke, when the new Holy Father has been chosen by the Holy Ghost. 2. This is the 4th time a Tory PM has been forced to resign or otherwise forced out over the EU issue. Thatcher/ Major/ Cameron/ May, over 30 years.. This is such a divisive issue that there is no way of papering over the cracks. Whatever happens over Brexit will not resolve the issue. Whether we leave with or without a deal, or remain. There will be no closure. The issue will continue to bedevil British politics. We can look forward to continuing long term instability. 3. Bojo’s background will highlight social and class divisions and growing inequality generally. De Pfeffel’s preposterous name, whatever it is, will be dredged up, Bullingdon Club Boy, Tory Boy, Captain Chaos. He could come to be loathed as much as Thatcher in parts of the country. This may be particularly marked in places like Scotland, with increasing support for independence. 4. Though Bojo is often presented as a charismatic, populist clown, he is heartily disliked by large swathes of his own party. This is unlikely to change. Neither… Read more »

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jul 24, 2019 9:32 AM
Reply to  mark

All good points. But, I think we all know that in his heart of hearts, Johnson is not really a Leaver. I think he will attempt a May-style “deal” which may well be even worse than May’s “deal” and try to bluff it out. But I think he may get to a point where he will even revoke Article 50. After all, in that case: – The NeoLibDems will have got what they want, and while they might not like Bozo, at least he is not bringing in socialism, which they hate. – The Blairite Labour PLP will have got what it wants, and while it might not like Bozo, at least he is not bringing in socialism, which it hates. – The Tory Remain MPs will have got what they want, and while they might not like Bozo, at least he is not bringing in socialism, which they hate. – The Tory ERG will not have got what it wants, but while they might not like Bozo, at least he is not bringing in socialism, which they hate. -Among the general public, the Guardianistas and other non-Tory Remainers will have got what they want, but while they might not like Bozo, at least he is not bringing in socialism, which they claim to love, but in practice prefer Blairism or NeoLibDemism (which amounts to much the same thing). Tory Remainers will put up with Boris for the sake of the EU and keeping out Corbyn. The only out-and-out losers will be Leave voters in poor areas, but nobody truly cares about them, not even Nige, sadly, who probably still won’t be an MP, and while he may fight a brief rearguard action, will eventually run out of steam. The Tory ERG will sulk for a while, but can always… Read more »

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 24, 2019 9:59 AM
Reply to  mark

Mark “The SNP have repeatedly urged Labour to join them in a No Confidence vote.” This sentence reveals the extent of the the SNPs arrogance perfectly. The right to put a confidence motion belongs to the Leader of the Opposition.

Jul 24, 2019 2:08 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Very true. I’ve always thought Scotland should become independent. Perhaps this will come to pass in the not too distant future.

Jul 23, 2019 11:16 PM

I don’t think it’s a joke unfortunately, The anti-Corbyn members are really playing him up as being Anti – Semite. The Zionist Jews in London are very powerful and they are saying Jeremy Corbyn is not pro Israel enough. Most members of the Conservative party support the Zionist lobby and several Labour (new Labour Blairites) also support Zionism. It’s about Israel, as usual and those people are all members of the Parliamentary Friends of Israel – I don’t think Jeremy is

Jul 23, 2019 11:11 PM

Looking at today’s Guardian and Independent, the international sections are full of the usual chaff.

Meanwhile, looking at today’s RT, some news;

‘Nuclear war is not an option’: Pakistani PM says he’d give up nukes if India did so too.

In a stunning statement, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan said that he would be willing to give up his nation’s nuclear weapons if its rival India vowed to do the same. He also urged New Delhi to come to the negotiating table.


China offers to jointly explore Moon with India, hails successful Chandrayaan-2 mission launch.

Just a day after India successfully launched its Chandrayaan-2 Moon mission, Beijing says it is ready to team up with New Delhi to explore Earth’s natural satellite, possibly offering a way to mend ties with its rival neighbor.


Russia-China joint bomber patrol meets Japanese & S. Korean fighters, but missions will go on.

Russian and Chinese strategic bombers have flown their first mission together over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. Tokyo and Seoul are up in arms, but Moscow points out it’s all within international rules and regulations.

Has Boris Johnson becoming the PM sent out significant ripples?

Jul 24, 2019 8:45 AM
Reply to  ity

The Guardian even censors it’s own long standing cartoonist Steve Bell!

Jul 24, 2019 9:14 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Yes, and that instance of censorship was quite revealing. It seems that Bell’s cartoons depicting Tom Watson as the Antisemite finder general is deemed acceptable, but as soon as Netanyahu was involved, then the cartoon was immediately spiked. Katherine Viner has a lot to answer for.

Ray Dauncey
Ray Dauncey
Jul 24, 2019 10:19 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I suppose it had to come, Steve Bell is a free-thinker and that wouldn’t do for the fascistically PC Guardian.

Jul 24, 2019 11:41 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Get him working for Offg

Jul 26, 2019 6:38 PM
Reply to  ity

Johnson, a born Yank with Jewish ancestry will gladly obey Trump and his Israeli masters. Trump has been offered the NHS if he will work to keep Corbyn out to please both Israel and Pfiffle.

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Jul 23, 2019 11:05 PM

Kakistocrats to the left, kakistocrats to the right, from inside and outside, above, below and beyond. End times for the bourgeoisie will be the end of us — but only if their kakistocracy isn’t overthrown.

Jul 23, 2019 11:01 PM

A big thanks to those responsible for this site. A beacon of light.

Jul 24, 2019 4:24 AM
Reply to  ity

Long may it shine.

Jul 23, 2019 10:15 PM

I disagree. Trump’s actions have shown him to be extremely shrewd, and often brave, behind a buffoonish exterior. Johnson really is a fool, who has never had a job on merit, including his latest one, and simply does what he is told in return for personal advancement.

Jul 24, 2019 4:22 AM
Reply to  Tom

I don’t think he has the talent to feign that buffoonish exterior.
It’s just too perfect.
He IS a buffoon, although undoubtedly with certain penny-pushing skills to justify his presence on our poor planet.

Jul 24, 2019 8:49 AM
Reply to  Tom

His endorsement for bobo was as near to praising with a faint brush as any ever uttered by any leader.

Trump should be asked – should Johnson now not get a huge public mandate immediately to legitimise his policies?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 5:05 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

What policies ? You mean the policy to conspire against Trump, invoking Treason USA, using GCHQ & Italian Secret Services to assist in the lame fisted FBI/Clinton/Obama & Comey backed Russia-Hoax, in Operation Charlemagne & Crossfire Hurricane, for which Hannigan requested Boris to sign on the dotted line, as Secretary of something or other … ? All well to do folks, with the Skripals & their cat, Pablo-Miller & not forgetting the Steele Dossier, which was paid for by Fusion GPS …

some civil servants should actually be shot for treason !

Jul 23, 2019 8:06 PM

I’m not one for crying, but I think tears are called for here.

Jul 24, 2019 12:31 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Im relying on the power of prayer, myself.

Jul 24, 2019 1:07 AM
Reply to  mark

Well, God’s son was half Jewish so you might not get too far with that one.

Jul 24, 2019 2:25 AM
Reply to  Mikalina

That didn’t do him much good with the Kosher Folk, did it?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 4:30 PM
Reply to  Mikalina

what? you mean ‘god’s’ son was just a half Semite, FFS ? lol

What was the other half, then … ? 🙂

Jul 23, 2019 7:16 PM

I have just watched BBC1 News and there was a palpable shift of the remain supporting news team to swing fully behind Johnson. The reason became clear when it was pointed out that Johnson has a majority of 2 (possibly 1 after a byelection) and there are several hard-core remain supporting Tories. Expect a shift in reporting from today onwards, building a platform of news aimed at “Bringing the country back together” while quietly dropping project fear……….I could feel the apprehension as they manoeuvred themselves in order to prevent a Corbyn government.
Johnson is very lucky, the presence of Corbyn as leader of the opposition means that he will get supportive backing from those who would have rather Hunt won the leadership vote. I’m surprised they (BBC), didn’t finish off their report with a mention of ‘antisemitism’ (when did it become one word?)

The next few months are crucial to the Labour party so I fully expect a renewed offensive from the fifth columnists. The question has to be: Will Corbyn buckle and throw his support behind remain? If he does, it will be deemed as too little too late. Labour will probably lose the next election whenever it’s held, whatever Corbyn’s policy due to the fifth columnists who have been very clear that destroying Corbyn comes way before party unity. Corbyn will be replaced by an acceptable “centrist” (probably Hardie), while the country will experience a seismic political shift from MSM to encompass ‘Johnsonism’ as the new centrism. Meanwhile, new political/economic alliances will be formed with South-East Asian countries and Israel (the trade gained will be limited but the onboard BBC will herald them as masterstrokes of diplomacy by the Johnson team while ignoring either their economic value or their ethical/moral legitimacy.

Jul 23, 2019 10:07 PM
Reply to  lundiel

You must be joking. The BBC have been up Farage’s backside since the referendum was called.

different frank
different frank
Jul 24, 2019 7:29 AM
Reply to  Tom

I think he lives in the QT studio.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jul 24, 2019 9:40 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Hmm…though Corbyn had caved into Remain a long time ago.

Jul 23, 2019 7:02 PM

Yes, it is a tragicomic joke …on us. We’ve got the leader who best represents our values and total disinterestedness in matters political. It also just about sums up the dichotomy between where we think we are in the world, and where we really are. The psycho-political world is totally imaginary: a place where economic Black Swans and Unicorns can co-exist …and finance is on the Never, Never. How fitting we have a Buffoon Jester as our Carollian King. But it will make not one bit of difference to the netherworld dynamics unfolding. A paper was published this week that says that after refining: oil only has an EROI of 6:1. What’s that got to do with Bojo? Indulge me. Elsewhere: a Youtube channel I follow published this video yesterday – how come the Fed bailed out Deutsche Bank for $354bn during the GFC 1.0? A very good question, considering everyone thinks that the global economy is not global or interlinked. More cogently: why did the Fed bailout Barclays PLC for $868bn and RBS for $541 and $181bn (two entries) and not the BoE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHgqL5KTBQc The slow motion implosion of Deutsche Bank continues. Its derivative exposure is worse than I thought: $49tn at year end 2018. As the video makes clear: all these banks are linked and all asset classes are proxies for each other. That’s what derivative means. The numbers are scary: Deutsche Bank: $49tn J P Morgan: $48tn Citibank: $48tn Goldman Sachs: $40tn Bank of America: a mere $17tn That’s total exposure, which is obviously not all due at once. But the servicing of all that exposure mounts exponentially over time. Which is OK in a Bull market: but not in an entropic Bear market. If the global economy is slowing down and markets contracting – which they… Read more »

Jul 23, 2019 8:27 PM
Reply to  BigB

Given what you have said and how you have demonstrated real knowledge eloquently without tripping over yourself I, for one, think you are one extremely smart cookie that I am happy to find on the blogosphere. The prospects for mean reversion globally & financially are always centered on war, and kinetic war especially. There is no possible or potential way to avoid the fact that the global Military Industrial Complex will attempt to control Late Stage Ponzi Capitalism, Casino Banking, and free government cash from the REPO lines of the corporate world or discount Federal Reserve banking windows. You witnessed what the US ARMY & CIA as well as Pentagon did to the Forensic Accountants & BIG Law litigators that were auditing the Pentagon & pressing ahead to have Congress forced to repeal legislation that would limit their ability to drain money from taxpayer coffers didn’t you? That was what 911 was all about when the floor these auditors & government lawyers were on was targeted for elimination with the prepared & weaponized military hardware that was utilized for destruction of the World Trade Center buildings 1 & 2. The US Military Industrial Complex and their requisite private corporate contractors are not about to allow the peasantry to audit their spending or track n’ trace their cash as they see fit to always do the backstroke in the public trough or they will simply eliminate everything in existence as their final act of nihilistic tendency. If the bankers are not willing to do the bidding of the war profiteers they will be replaced. Profiting off of the mass killing of innocents in the third world is their specialty. Please always remember that Psychopathic dictators don’t change their spots when faced with financial destruction. What they always do is consolidate their… Read more »

Jul 24, 2019 6:03 AM

The military eats the empire.
Every time.

Jul 24, 2019 10:49 AM

The problem with war is the big bombs: minor squabbles could escalate into Armageddon in a literal flash. Whilst there can be no complacency: the nature of war and imperialism has transformed with the nature of modern capital flows. As neoliberalism globalised and capital flows became trans-national – warfare evolved from all out confrontation to proxy hybrid warfare. Particularly since Russia and China became ascendant this century. There are many joint ventures and capital flows are miscible and inter-linked. This does not make inter-nation state war impossible: but it does make it less likely. We have seen the rise of Special Operations Forces and mercenary contractors – such as Erik Prince. For all the bluff: full frontal confrontation has been avoided …so far. We can see in the US/China ‘Trade War’ the actual absence of real confrontation. Don’t believe the headlines: the actual manoeuvers have more resembled a ‘dance off’ than any sort of war. There has also been complete indifference in the markets to the shenanigans off Gibraltar and in the Gulf. Traders do not take the threat of war seriously. There is a deeper level of truth than the daily news cycle. The neocon/neolibs are paleocapitalist fossils. The ruling class is not monolithic. I perceive a seachange toward the rebranding of neoliberalism from its previous neocon ‘democracy with bombs’ iteration to a greenwashed humanitarian and trade based egalitarian sovereigntist form – ‘neoliberalism 4.0’. This is based on the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ of technocratic information technology and AI; ‘net zero’ carbon neutrality; and environmentalist Agenda 2030 sustainable development. The sustainable ‘carbon economy’ is the new green neoliberal Zeitgeist: but it is anything but egalitarian. It is the same globalised architecture of power and libertarian fascist logic of monopolised private accumulation as previous neoliberalisms. Far from being egalitarian: it is… Read more »

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 24, 2019 9:17 AM
Reply to  BigB

An excellent contribution to the debate BigB

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 24, 2019 10:25 AM
Reply to  BigB

B…. Thank you for your knowledge, your deeply insightful comments, and thanks for the link to The Money GPS channel. The whole thing with Deutsche Bank is just so completely screwed. Its looney tunes insanity, and you’re right, when it all comes crashing down, the whole world will suffer dire consequences, because everything is interlinked. You’re also right…. There is no Plan B.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 5:27 PM
Reply to  BigB

I recall publishing that GAO list in the video, of who received what in 2008, time after time & @theguardian >>> most of all, BigB, was the stunning financial stupidity of almost all commenting regarding GREXIT ! when the Traitor Tsipras ignored the Greek wishes of a 20 million Euro referendum, confirming NO/OXI, even after it was made clear to Tsipras that Goldman’s had needed a bailout of US$814 Billion, in order to move onto project Greece …
Compare the size of Greek Government Debts (which all were loudly screaming about), to the bailout received by Goldman Sachs

Tsipras actually had a chance to lead Grexit & Brexit towards European financial pastures new, but lacked the testicles or vision: therefore, inextricable ignominy is his destiny.

Recent Greek elections naturally confirm this and now we may embrace Ms. Lagarde as boss of the ECB …

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 5:34 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

It should be added that Professor Otmar Issing, who designed the Euro and a default exchange rate mechanism, was of course completely totally ignored, during the restoration of … ‘Socialism for the Rich’

Ieuan Einion
Ieuan Einion
Jul 23, 2019 6:18 PM

Anyone reading the runes or the writing on the wall (or the Guardian, which serves much the same purpose) will know that Heidi Allen, for once in her life, is probably right about this. A national/unity government is clearly being planned, quite possibly under the leadership of Swinson – although that’s not really the important thing. Boris may be given a small window of opportunity to prove that he can operate in the interests of capital, but given he is trying to ride the bucking broncos pulling his chariot (Farage & the ERG) that may prove difficult. There are some 20-80 Tories who would defect to a national government if the conditions were right and a much larger number of “Labour” MPs. Together with the nationalists, greens and a likely much increased Lib Dem contingent, a coalition of the necessary 300 and odd looks distinctly achievable. The problem for the “Labour” National Unity faction is that they need to get past the current selection processes (and most importantly the members of the Labour Party) and emerge victorious as “Labour” representatives the other side of an almost inevitable general election. Once that is over, they can carry on representing anyone bar the people who elected them. To defect this side of an election, unless their backs are really against the wall, would probably be suicide. A national unity government presents the ruling class with opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. First to quash Brexit and re-establish “business confidence” and second to stop any possibility of a Corbyn-led Labour government with a socialist programme, which might adversely affect “business confidence.” The task for Labour members therefore, is to determine whether their MP falls into the collaborationist faction and to deselect them so that they can be replaced with candidates who… Read more »

Jul 23, 2019 7:48 PM
Reply to  Ieuan Einion

A government of national unity under Swinson has to be every Guardian reader’s heaven. Like Heidi Allen turned on a switch, gentrified the country and turned everyone into hipsters.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Jul 24, 2019 12:52 AM
Reply to  Ieuan Einion

Jo Swinson.She is beyond the pale.“Swinson’s voting record shows that she consistently voted to reduce welfare and benefits, including cutting payments for people with illnesses or disabilities. She also voted to cut the Educational Maintenance Allowance for 16-to-19-year-olds. And she helped to raise university tuition fees, despite promising not to as one of the key policies that helped elect many Lib Dem MPs in 2010. Her track record on environmental issues, meanwhile, shows she supported the badger cull, fracking and HS2.”
Swinson also voted for the Bedroom tax, and for a cap on public the sector pay rise.Darling of the liberal press, used her role as Minister to oppose increases in the minimum wage, sing the praises of zero-hour contracts, and hike up the fees for employment tribunals – placing justice out of reach for thousands of workers.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jul 24, 2019 9:55 AM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Ha! NeoLiberal Democrats. 🙁

Anticitizen one
Anticitizen one
Jul 24, 2019 3:08 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Now known as neo Liberal demotw@ts

Jul 24, 2019 8:57 AM
Reply to  Ieuan Einion

A ‘unity’ junta would only be called to stop an election of the Corbynites AND deliver the HARD brexit that was always the Plan A.

All else is (De) piffle.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jul 24, 2019 10:10 AM
Reply to  Ieuan Einion

In Swinson’s acceptance speech she spoke of her ambition and said she is ready to the the next prime minister – she seemed weird, unless she thinks Theresa May will not recommend Boris.

Jul 23, 2019 6:01 PM

Eton College should be bulldozed to the ground. That psychopath factory seems to produce hazardous numbers of damaged specimens such as the de Piffle monstrosity.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 23, 2019 5:18 PM

King Donald the First rules the USA, and now his court jester Boris is administering the UK for him, until we fully join the USA as the 52nd State next year…

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jul 23, 2019 4:23 PM

It will take great diplomacy for Britain to ask Europe to help us kill Iranians while simultaneeously telling them to fuck off – is Boris capable of such delicate negotiations and can he continue the neocon love in which began with Thatch’ and the Gipper, was continued by Tony & Dubya and is now a matter for de Pfeffel and the former reality-TV star with his twitchy fingers on the nuclear button.

Of course none of this would ever have become possible without sterling support from the masochistic and self-harming British and American electorate – well done Britain and America.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 4:22 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

not forgetting M&M’s :- you forgot to mention Mossad & Media Mind-control moronic ‘Mad-Mullah’ Machinations of the Murdochs & Maxwells & The Lobby for chaos, corruption & Apartheid, with WMDs, see ?

Jul 23, 2019 3:49 PM

I support the author’s wish to promote intelligent discussion about Johnson’s election success and where it might lead. However, that mission would be better served if he/she were to refrain from the juvenile conduct of hurling schoolyard insults. Gratuitous comments about Johnson’s ‘silly hair’ and the classification of Trump as an idiot imparts no useful information to the reader save that the author owns the puerile characteristic of seeing merit in pointless denigration.

Jul 23, 2019 4:21 PM
Reply to  Rustic

Donald Trump’s _Functional Retardation_ is significant from a Social Scientific perspective.
His level of imbecility is staggering & has a tendency to boggle the minds of those that actually have them.

Johnson’s hairdo is Rock & Roll and I am hoping for the next British invasion since the Beatles now that his style of Rock & Roll hairdo has come back in style. Frankly, we all like the mop tops that emanate from England. Lennon was a particular favorite of mine.

Rock & Roll will never die!


Jul 23, 2019 5:34 PM
Reply to  Rustic

My personal opinion reflects something I picked up from another author here recently. He said he was amazed that alternative or independent media bother discussing mainstream elections etc as to do so you are giving credit where non is due and fueling the general media circus. In a way you are normalising the bizarre, the idiotic and the criminal.

However if you are going to write about it you might as well use humour and make the points that we are dealing with a total moron. Hunt would have been even worse. In fact there is no one of any credibility in our political system who would reflect the right minded, generally non-partisan sentiments here and what frankly is the only way of getting us out of a global war. The nearest person is Corbyn and he doesn’t seem to know what’s going or doesn’t know how to play the political game to get his policies on foreign affairs on the agenda.

Regarding the ‘righter’ wing – perhaps a real comedian should come forward. Jimmy Dore and many others have a real command on events. I think up stand-up comedians are often brilliant thinkers. That’s what we need – people who can think and do the right thing for the country.

Jul 23, 2019 7:07 PM
Reply to  Loverat

You are wrong about Corbyn. He knows exactly what is going on, he says it loudly and clearly and politics for the record, is not a game, it is a highly serious business about the responsible stewardship of the Nation and Corbyn neither plays any ‘game’ or has any intention of so doing. Corbyn is a serious minded politician who has put the nation before any vested interests and who is passionate about the redistribution of wealth, investment in industry, in jobs, in the economy and in the social infrastructure. The Tory election of Bojo as our new Prime Minister is shocking, truly shocking given he is a racist, sexist, corrupt liar who hasn’t a notion about democracy, politics, the poor and the vulnerable he is interested solely in himself. He is also, I believe, wanted as a tax dodger in the USA. There is nothing funny or amusing about him being Prime Minister it is a disgrace to any nation let alone the UK. This is the man, after all, who told so many lies in the Brexit campaign including the £350m for the NHS, as to be exposed for the liar he is. It is all about protecting his own interests, those of his very wealthy friends to whom he is going to give a £10bn tax cut to, and I dare say, fiddling his expenses to get the most out of his time as PM ( a new bed will be put on his expenses as part of his new appointment). Who is going to pay for these tax cut? Well of course, the poor, the vulnerable, those on State Benefits, the disabled etc etc and tax dodging will no longer be a crime but something to be applauded. Hell, this country is now officially in a… Read more »

Jul 23, 2019 7:37 PM

Your man Corbyn introduced a racist agenda of his own on Sunday. See the “Necrotising …” forum, or Jonathan Cook’s website. Antisemitism has been extended to include 9/11 truth; anti-capitalism; anti-Zionism; and ‘philanthrocapitalism’ (the shadow manipulations of Soros are now antisemitic to investigate or disseminate).

But you knew that, because you got the email? And the leaflet and website? British politics is at an all time low. BOTH parties are committing High Treason if they do NOT deliver a cleanbreak Brexit. There was no third option. Parliament made one up.

And the Treason charge is no mere rhetoric. The details are on the UK Column and other sites. If you follow the Column you will know that ‘No Deal’ does not mean us leaving the Single Market. We have to apply separately to do that. No Deal = nothing changes …all tariff agreements remain in place until we leave the SM.

It is all a load of distractionary bollox and intentional chaos perpetrated by BOTH parties. Neither is fit for purpose. See my comment above as to why they are both utterlly irrelevant.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 24, 2019 9:27 AM
Reply to  BigB

Oh dear,and you were doing so well up the page BigB

Jul 24, 2019 11:53 PM
Reply to  BigB

They have been committing treason for the last 20- 50 years, which is why Art61 1215 is in vigour. It is a Royal Command, one either obeys or one disobeys; gov officials included. Your for or agin it, no ‘pretty please’ clause in it

Jul 23, 2019 8:09 PM

If Corbyn knew what was going on, has basic skills in influencing others, has passion, imagination, ideas and is a decent person he would have found a way. He has appeased the smearing and been afraid to speak up for the things discussed here daily. So it is one or the other – lacking knowledge, political acumen or doesnt care enough. I dont care about ideology – just we need decent people who can do things.

Jul 24, 2019 12:52 AM

Bojo. this, Bojo that. Stop giving these people any legitimacy
Off Guardian – these articles tend to encourage the idiots who think mainstream are serious contendors.

Who cares about Bojo or Brexit when most reading this site likely to be desd next year.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jul 23, 2019 9:23 PM
Reply to  Loverat

The nearest person is Corbyn and he doesn’t seem to know what’s going or doesn’t know how to play the political game to get his policies on foreign affairs on the agenda

Spot on, exactly this.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 24, 2019 9:25 AM
Reply to  Loverat

The court jester had an important role as truth teller to the throne.That does not of course mean he or she was qualified to take the throne!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jul 24, 2019 10:03 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Hunt would have been even worse

Indeed. While I could just about stand being in the same (bar) room with Boris, and possibly sharing a drink and a laugh, if Hunt came in, I think I would make an excuse to leave, and possibly on the way out advise the staff to count the spoons*.

(Next week: “Me and My Spoons” with Jeremy Hunt”…).

harry law
harry law
Jul 23, 2019 3:45 PM

A new Prime Minister and Poet laureate for the UK, he must be appointed by the Monarch on his own advice, should be no problem he has won such competitions before.
“There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer.
“Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.”


Jul 23, 2019 3:44 PM


As the UK falls into its last war…

Jul 23, 2019 3:03 PM

Let’s agree to disagree here. I say Bojo is every bit the clown he portrays so effortlessly. Clown to the bone, so to say

Jul 23, 2019 2:50 PM

He’s got a lot in common with Jeremy and Trump. The MSM hate him, a large number of his own party hate him. What could possibly go wrong.

Jul 23, 2019 5:28 PM
Reply to  Kitth

In respect of Corbyn it is a large number of MPs not party members.

Jul 23, 2019 2:48 PM

The pro-EU civil service intelligence agencies have most assuredly come to realize that a hard Brexit is unavoidable. May lost status for not being able to force issues & bend wills and now that BoJo is stepping up-to-the-plate with majority backing by a majority of Parliamentarians we will evidence the hard Brexit that is baked into the cake since Lehman Brothers Inc. imploded to reveal that the United Kingdom was actually swimming naked as a member country stuck between a rock and a hard place because of debt-to-GDP and global Secular Stagnation. What cinched the deal into no-deal Brexit was essentially Goldman Sachs-of-shit dealing off of the top of deck to build financial capture for the entire gaggle of sovereign states that had shown the world for centuries that getting along with other sovereigns is not simply achieved by trading sovereign credit cards issued by Goldman Sachs for a ten year deal that was literally designed to blow up in their faces after a certain period of time. Ponzi Finance has been practiced by Goldman Sachs-of-shit for approximately 30 years and as a result we are all now looking at global war as cover to allow Wall Street financiers to gain yet another upper hand moment of creative destruction to re-write the rules game so that they can hoodwink the masses into thinking that they actually have some semblance of a notion that they are going to keep controlling the masses so that they never rise up to defeat the ruling class like BoJo et al. Reality is that the United Kingdom is in financial shambles & ruin if a hard Brexit is not achieved during the BoJo administration. Bottom line is that BoJo is likely a unifier unlike May and the UK has no choice but to leave due… Read more »

Jul 23, 2019 2:37 PM

Days, weeks, months, years going nowhere… That is the Tory legacy. A country divided, in chaos with only one democratic mandate – leave. Anyone who thinks there’s a chance of the prince of entitlement achieving mission statement has not been studying British political genocide carefully.

As Putin wisely observed Neo-liberalism is dead and May being an example of its final death throws didn’t get it, choosing instead to leave herself. Well no loss there.

Remember the darker the night the brighter the star, except it appears starless and bible black out there. The end of history as we know it. Well, I hear you say, that ended sometime ago when the WMSM thought they had been gifted with the truth.

The death of Neo-liberalism marked by the rise of entitlement – not a good day for democracy. I don’t hear anyone cheering.

Jul 23, 2019 2:23 PM

This is an appalling piece. It’s hissy piece of scribbling by some anonymous dullard(s).

So what problem does it cause over and above May remaining, or Blair never having gone. All this article is missing is a call for people to stop having babies because the expected has happened…….ooooooh, shock horror, everybody throw their jazz hands in the air.

As far as I am concerned all we have to do is deal with the New Labour Parliamentary Rump, make sure the Labour Party does not campaign for Remain, and this new joke for a primeval minister is binned…_

Jul 23, 2019 2:30 PM
Reply to  DiggerUK


Ad hominem ? Surely not in $$USUK the land of the free ?!! (irony).

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 23, 2019 2:12 PM

He is not yet the PM, he is the anointed Leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party. The Queen will invite Mr Johnson to attempt to form a Government as soon as Mrs May has stood down. His biggest single choice concerns how to deal with dissident Tory backbenchers. They have the ability to undermine Government business, derail a clean Brexit and generally brief against him, creating scandal from his no doubt colourful private life. He has to decide whether he can deliver a Brexit in this Parliament that is not electoral suicide for his party or whether he must risk going to the country like Mrs May to get a mandate to deliver the Brexit his party desires. To do that, he needs 65%+ of MPs to vote for a dissolution. Will that be forthcoming? Boric Johnson does not have principles: he constantly claimed London is superior but surprisingly needed to steal ideas from the inferior North of England. Clearly theft is no longer a crime, Rory Smith the journalist will agree with that. Nowadays we have a parasites charter. A USA Trade Deal should not be concluded to benefit the USA, bad trade deals are absolutely the worst thing any Prime Minister can do. Johnson must guarantee that criminally Expensive US healthcare will not be entering the NHS. He must guarantee that GMO crops will not be sold in UK without a referendum approving it. He must guarantee that the UK ignore calls for disgusting chlorinated chicken to be forced upon us. And if it is, Jacob Rees-Mogg must feed his children with it every week for ten years. Nothing like right wingers setting an example…. I see no need whatever for a trade deal. American nonsense at Breitbart was claiming that Johnson being born in NYC miraculously… Read more »

Jul 24, 2019 11:59 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

don’t forget parliament closes tomorrow until september, when it closes again until october after the ‘conference season’ – the pantomime continues. …….

different frank
different frank
Jul 23, 2019 2:06 PM

Since the Tories elected him, there has been a constant rumbling sound.
It’s the rest of the world laughing at us.

Jul 24, 2019 12:04 PM

indeed – and the storms last night highlight the universe’s disappointment, anger and concern

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Jul 23, 2019 2:01 PM

Boris ‘the DUDE’ Johnson – apparently de Pfeffel will
‘D’eliver brexit
‘U’nify the country
‘D’efeat Corbyn
‘E’nergise the country

The old Etonian has already delivered an incoherent, rambling speech: a signature of what to expect in the dark days to come, no doubt.

Needless to say Trump will be delighted that Britain is now led by the kind of spiv who will not make too many waves when the NHS is offered as a sweetner for trade deals.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Jul 23, 2019 1:57 PM

Yes,a sensible article.

Jules Moules
Jules Moules
Jul 23, 2019 1:45 PM

What a piss-poor time to be alive.

Jul 23, 2019 1:43 PM

A categorical liar for PM? ( See: Skripal Affair), What could possibly go wrong?

Jul 23, 2019 4:37 PM
Reply to  Estaugh

Indeed … Here is the famous Skripal video where a (real) journalist ties Boris up in knots. It’s an all time classic up there with the Michael Howard / Paxman prison governor exchange from many years ago. A time when the BBC still did journalism. https://youtu.be/CZgGujo2h3A

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 24, 2019 4:11 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

The BBC never did journalism, fact: this was a DW interview and by Ms. Nemtsova:
does that name ring a bell ?