Life Expectancy Falters in the UK
Slow Death but Fast Profits for the Agrochemical Sector
Colin Todhunter

A special report in the Observer newspaper in the UK on 23 June 2019 asked the question: Why is life expectancy faltering? The piece noted that for the first time in 100 years, Britons are dying earlier. The UK now has the worst health trends in Western Europe.
Aside from the figures for the elderly and the deprived, there has also been a worrying change in infant mortality rates. Since 2014, the rate has increased every year: the figure for 2017 is significantly higher than the one in 2014. To explain this increase in infant mortality, certain experts blame it on ‘austerity’, fewer midwives, an overstrained ambulance service, general deterioration of hospitals, greater poverty among pregnant women and cuts that mean there are fewer health visitors for patients in need.
While all these explanations may be valid, according to environmental campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason, there is something the mainstream narrative is avoiding. She says:
We are being poisoned by weedkiller and other pesticides in our food and weedkiller sprayed indiscriminately on our communities. The media remain silent.”
The poisoning of the UK public by the agrochemical industry is the focus of her new report – Why is life expectancy faltering: The British Government has worked with Monsanto and Bayer since 1949.
What follows are edited highlights of the text in which she cites many official sources and reports as well as numerous peer-reviewed studies in support of her arguments. Readers can access the report here.
Toxic history of Monsanto in the UK
Mason begins by offering a brief history of Monsanto in the UK. In 1949, that company set up a chemical factory in Newport, Wales, where it manufactured PCBs until 1977 and a number of other dangerous chemicals. Monsanto was eventually found to be dumping toxic waste in the River Severn, public waterways and sewerage. It then paid a contractor which illegally dumped thousands of tons of cancer-causing chemicals, including PCBs, dioxins and Agent Orange derivatives, at two quarries in Wales – Brofiscin (80,000 tonnes) and Maendy (42,000 tonnes) – between 1965 and 1972.
Monsanto stopped making PCBs in Anniston US in 1971 because of various scandals. However, the British government agreed to ramp up production at the Monsanto plant in Newport. In 2003, when toxic effluent from the quarry started leaking into people’s streams in Grosfaen, just outside Cardiff, the Environment Agency – a government agency concerned with flooding and pollution – was hired to clean up the site in 2005.
Mason notes that the agency repeatedly failed to hold Monsanto accountable for its role in the pollution (a role that Monsanto denied from the outset) and consistently downplayed the dangers of the chemicals themselves.
In a report prepared for the agency and the local authority in 2005 but never made public, the sites contain at least 67 toxic chemicals. Seven PCBs have been identified, along with vinyl chlorides and naphthalene. The unlined quarry is still leaking, the report says:
Pollution of water has been occurring since the 1970s, the waste and groundwater has been shown to contain significant quantities of poisonous, noxious and polluting material, pollution of… waters will continue to occur.”
The duplicity continues
Apart from these events in Wales, Mason outlines the overall toxic nature of Monsanto in the UK. For instance, she discusses the shockingly high levels of weedkiller in packaged cereals. Samples of four oat-based breakfast cereals marketed for children in the UK were recently sent to the Health Research Institute, Fairfield, Iowa, an accredited laboratory for glyphosate testing. Dr Fagan, the director of the centre, says of the results:
These results are consistently concerning. The levels consumed in a single daily helping of any one of these cereals, even the one with the lowest level of contamination, is sufficient to put the person’s glyphosate levels above the levels that cause fatty liver disease in rats (and likely in people).”
According to Mason, the European Food Safety Authority and the European Commission colluded with the European Glyphosate Task Force and allowed it to write the re-assessment of glyphosate. She lists key peer-reviewed studies, which the Glyphosate Task Force conveniently omitted from its review, from South America where GM crops are grown. In fact, many papers come from Latin American countries where they grow almost exclusively GM Roundup Ready Crops.
Mason cites one study that references many papers from around the world that confirm glyphosate-based herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup are damaging to the development of the foetal brain and that repeated exposure is toxic to the adult human brain and may result in alterations in locomotor activity, feelings of anxiety and memory impairment.
Another study notes neurotransmitter changes in rat brain regions following glyphosate exposure. The highlights from that study indicate that glyphosate oral exposure caused neurotoxicity in rats; that brain regions were susceptible to changes in CNS monoamine levels; that glyphosate reduced 5-HT, DA, NE levels in a brain regional- and dose-related manner; and that glyphosate altered the serotoninergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems.
Little wonder, Mason concludes, that we see various degenerative conditions on the rise. She turns her attention to children, the most vulnerable section of the population, and refers to the UN expert on toxicity Baskut Tuncak. He wrote a scathing piece in the Guardian on 06/11/2017 on the effects of agrotoxins on children’s health:
Our children are growing up exposed to a toxic cocktail of weedkillers, insecticides, and fungicides. It’s on their food and in their water, and it’s even doused over their parks and playgrounds. Many governments insist that our standards of protection from these pesticides are strong enough. But as a scientist and a lawyer who specialises in chemicals and their potential impact on people’s fundamental rights, I beg to differ.
Last month it was revealed that in recommending that glyphosate – the world’s most widely-used pesticide – was safe, the EU’s food safety watchdog copied and pasted pages of a report directly from Monsanto, the pesticide’s manufacturer. Revelations like these are simply shocking.
…Exposure in pregnancy and childhood is linked to birth defects, diabetes, and cancer. Because a child’s developing body is more sensitive to exposure than adults and takes in more of everything – relative to their size, children eat, breathe, and drink much more than adults – they are particularly vulnerable to these toxic chemicals. Increasing evidence shows that even at “low” doses of childhood exposure, irreversible health impacts can result.
…In light of revelations such as the copy-and-paste scandal, a careful re-examination of the performance of states is required. The overwhelming reliance of regulators on industry-funded studies, the exclusion of independent science from assessments, and the confidentiality of studies relied upon by authorities must change.
Warnings ignored
It is a travesty that Theo Colborn’s crucial research in the early 1990s into the chemicals that were changing humans and the environment was ignored. Mason discusses his work into endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), man-made chemicals that became widespread in the environment after WW II.
In a book published in 1996, ‘The Pesticide Conspiracy’, Colborn, Dumanoski and Peters revealed the full horror of what was happening to the world as a result of contamination with EDCs.
At the time, there was emerging scientific research about how a wide range of man-made chemicals disrupt delicate hormone systems in humans. These systems play a critical role in processes ranging from human sexual development to behaviour, intelligence, and the functioning of the immune system.
At that stage, PCBs, DDT, chlordane, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, toxaphene, heptachlor, dioxin, atrazine+ and dacthal were shown to be EDCs. Many of these residues are found in humans in the UK.
Colborn illustrated the problem by constructing a diagram of the journey of a PCB molecule from a factory in Alabama into a polar bear in the Arctic. He stated:
The concentration of persistent chemicals can be magnified millions of times as they travel to the ends of the earth… Many chemicals that threaten the next generation have found their way into our bodies. There is no safe, uncontaminated place.”
Mason describes how EDCs interfere with delicate hormone systems in sexual development. Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor and a nervous system disruptor. She ponders whether Colborn foresaw the outcome whereby humans become confused about their gender or sex.
She then discusses the widespread contamination of people in the UK. One study conducted at the start of this century concluded that every person tested was contaminated by a cocktail of known highly toxic chemicals that were banned from use in the UK during the 1970s and which continue to pose unknown health risks: the highest number of chemicals found in any one person was 49 – nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of the chemicals looked for.
Corruption exposed
Mason discusses corporate duplicity and the institutionalised corruption that allows agrochemicals to get to the commercial market. She notes the catastrophic impacts of these substances on health and the NHS and the environment.
Of course, the chickens are now coming home to roost for Bayer, which bought Monsanto. Mason refers to attorneys revealing Monsanto’s criminal strategy for keeping Roundup on the market and the company being hit with $2 billion verdict in the third ‘Roundup trial’.
Attorney Brent Wisner has argued that Monsanto spent decades suppressing science linking its glyphosate-based weedkiller product to cancer by ghost-writing academic articles and feeding the EPA “bad science”. He asked the jury to ‘punish’ Monsanto with a $1 billion punitive damages award. On Monday 13 May, the jury found Monsanto liable for failure to warn claims, design defect claims, negligence claims and negligent failure to warn claims.
Robert F Kennedy Jr., another attorney fighting Bayer in the courts, says Roundup causes a constellation of other injuries apart from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma:
Perhaps more ominously for Bayer, Monsanto also faces cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of other injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney disease, and inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts. Strong science suggests glyphosate is the culprit in the exploding epidemics of celiac disease, colitis, gluten sensitivities, diabetes and non-alcoholic liver cancer which, for the first time, is attacking children as young as 10.
In finishing, Mason notes the disturbing willingness of the current UK government to usher in GM Roundup Ready crops in the wake of Brexit. Where pesticides are concerned, the EU’s precautionary principle could be ditched in favour of a US-style risk-based approach, allowing faster authorisation.
Rosemary Mason shows that the health of the UK populations already lags behind other countries in Western Europe. She links this to the increasing amounts of agrochemicals being applied to crops. If the UK does a post-Brexit deal with the US, we can only expect a gutting of environmental standards at the behest of the US and its corporations and much worse to follow for the environment and public health.
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Is there any research on Vaccination rate and life expectancy? I’ve seen some on infant mortality.
Without dismissing your concerns about chemical pollutants, I wonder whether some of the reduction in life expectancy is down to poor nutrition – in childhood and even during and prior to pregnancy. Also, lack of exercise and opportunities for active play.
Said I would write a review of Bastani’s book FALC.
On the back of Bastani’s tweet today about falling life expectancy I read this review (below) that is far more informed than anything I could write.
Gareth Dale points out the rather obvious omissions in Bastani’s book, and reveals it as ‘an imaginary of magical sustainability that, in its techno-fetishism, bears the stamp of “the same fossil-fuel dependent system that it seeks to criticize” ‘
Roundup has been declared as ‘cancer causing’ very clearly by the WHO !
Therefore, if you’ve been exposed to this appalling chemical & have suffered already, not just from Cancer, I strongly recommend that you follow the link above, in order to initiate Legal proceedings,
with many others.
The current UK regime has an unwritten code to decimate the population. It bega with the state abuse of disabled people back in 2010 and continues to this day. The DWP has even admitted 21000 people waiting for benfit claims have died before those claims were met.
Today, as I speak, thousands of people over 60 are being denied health care provision and being placed on waiting lists of over a year to see a consultant. What are those people supposed to do in the meantime? Thousands of disabled people have been killed by having to go through a system of abuse, losing benefits, being denied mobility vehicles and very few people in this country even care about it. The arrogance displayed by people who call things out but do absolutely nothing about it.
I myself had to endure a P.I.P consultation yesterday. I was told “I had 45 minutes and a ‘lot to get through’ so we had better get on with it”. Before I could answer one question I was being challenged with another. At no time was I able to complete a sentence about my circumstances before another comment was made by the interviewer. I felt awful afterwards, as if my humanity had been violated. The agenda of the interviewer took primacy over my response. I’s my life but not as I want it. These people are charlattons – and the evidence suggests it is known about – it is not altered because it is serving the purpose of killing as many people as possible. If you are 60 in the UK you’d better be aware, they’re gonna get you one way or another.
So the above topic may have a lot of relevance and may well be the slow burner – but there’s no doubt older people are being ‘got rid of’ directly by the british regimes policies. UK is a hateful place to live these days
Kill off the elderly and save lots of money on pensions and health care. The Tories do not care for the majority which is why we need a socialist government, ideally with Corbyn as PM as he can be trusted not to be corrupted.
We need to add toxic chemtrails to the list – probably a bigger factor even than chemical farming. There has been a 34% increase in childhood cancer over the last decade in Scotland. Scientists blame “pollution and pesticides” – but the rapid rise in mobile phone and tablet use among even very young children is surely a factor. Leukaemia is the most common form of childhood cancer.
How many pregnant women use a wireless laptop or tablet which they place or hold on or near their stomach? How many place their mobile phone in the pram or buggy?
Why is the government not giving loud and clear warnings? Is it because they don’t want to scare people off 5G – because, as Jeremy Hunt let slip, it’s about “much more” than faster communication speeds?
Exactafuckingmundo. It’s an agenda. The dates the author puts forward regarding infant mortality tie in perfectly with the release of 4G. The microwaves are particularly harmful to children.
Someone doing great work in this area and exposing what they are doing is the Fullerton Informer. He is a beacon a light and knows his onions.
Here is a link to his YT channel
Here is one of many very important clips he has published
5G is a kill grid
“We are in the midst of a silent war. They’re not gonna fire a shot folks, they’re gonna cook you. They’re going to cook you with wireless EMF emissions that you’re addicted to and in love with.” The Fullerton Informer, Joe Imbriano
Hey William H Bonney, here’s a load more clowns for you to poke fun at:
Life expectancy became 5 years shorter during the heady Oligarch years in Russia; not surprised the same is happening in Britain since Putin chased them out of Russia. “Newport, home of the Molewrench. London, home of the Oligarch”.
The other thing that happened to Russians in the heady years of the Oligarchy was, Natasha became the Turkish slang for prostitute. So I checked the correlation by googling “UK prostitution increase” — Bingo:
One advisory service for this bullish market claims a direct correlation with rise in student tuition fees.
Great link Vexarb: bag ’em young, like Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell did… sowing the seeds.
Capitalist Neoliberalism Softpornorama,
with hard landing later in life 🙁
Although I mostly agree with the approach of the article, I would like to point out one inaccuracy.
It is incorrect to suggest the EU supports the precautionary principle in practice, and is about to abandon it in principle with the full adoption of CETA that abandons the precautionary principle in favour of a more ‘science based approach where harm has to be proved, (p.9 &42 Making sense of CETA). CETA has been provisionally partially introduced since 2017 despite not being ratified by all member countries as a EU ‘mixed agreement’. EU legislation of EU sole competence does not require ratification by its member countries, mixed competence is partially of EU and partially the purview of its member countries under EU proportionality and subsidiarity guidelines. CETA has been provisionally introduced without its Investor State Dispute Mechanism (that will require ratification) that will allow investors to sue countries in the EU (and Canada) for projected loss of income without the precautionary principle. This is similar to the Investor State Dispute Mechanism contained in TTIP & TTP. 13 EU countries have so far ratified CETA including the UK, and any variation of Theresa Mays withdrawal agreement allows the EU to impose new State Aid regulations on the UK up to 4 years after the UK leaves the EU.
It is also worth noting that it is now a German Company Bayer that manufactures Roundup, since Bayer took over monasanto. Membership of the EU has proven no bar to high uses of pesticides in the UK. No high damages claims in the EU for the effects of roundup, unlike in the US.
This is not to suggest that environmental legislation is good in the US, but to suggest that it is more nuanced with governments of the UK, the EU and the US all damaging to the environment. After all under CETA US companies officed in Canada will (after ratification) be able to sue EU countries for projected loss of income without the precautionary principle, and Canada has Chlorinated Chickens.
It is also worth noting that the EU, whatever the background noise has yet to ban Glyphosate.
See “Making sense of CETA (2nd Edition)” below by the Canada based ‘Transnational Institute’ (TNI).
We are drowning in toxicity in the England [not as bad in Wales and Scotland where the devolved governments know if they fuck up too much they are toast]. Toxic, greedy, lying and base politics, a government of the worst type of human, no conscience who uses hard earned taxes to kill people in the countries of our brown skinned brother/sister. A country where if you are not wealthy you are a walking target for cruel and inhuman policies with zero respect for ethics, decency and any form of fellow feeling. A country where your children, if they reach adulthood in one piece mentally and physically will be subjected to a lifetime of toxic food, toxic councils who in the main have no interest in their constituents apart from the money they can steal from you, insecure work, exorbitant rents [ you cannot own a property unless you are on a very high salary] and a government who will do its very best to keep your pension.
Sociopathy rules in England particularly which is the reason I pray daily to a nonexistent god in the sky that the populace cop on, grow up and realise they have been subjected to centuries of abuse, degradation and that they are an irrelevance to their political handlers who now are determined to turn the people into modern day serfs to the US who will cream the situation for all its worth.
Life expectancy is faltering because we have net immigration from countries without a national health service.
If it truly was pesticides, then that suddenly wouldn’t be an issue now…
Yeah its al them foreenors falt
I’m a foreigner myself, Frankie – baby, and that’s how I know, standards outside the UK aren’t what they could be.
Industry is what provides us with the life we lead now. Rose tinted glasses about some past where everyone lived healthily in some organic paradise are misplaced. You are tilting at windows for a paradise that doesn’t exist.
The best advice I can give is not to be an angry person, it sidelines you.
Norwegian trolls also get sidelined.
There’s nothing for them here, yet still they show up quite regularly – to no one’s advantage, not even their own.
I thought that you might be an Israeli.
Oh my, you are surely a bright spark. If the fucking evidence is there from people of my much higher educational and ethical level than your ignorant self, well I would be liable to fall on the side of people who give a shit about our small defenseless and vulnerable children to myself and others like me who have fought unrelentingly for human rights and a modicum of decency, something you appear to lack, in spades.
Processed foods, take away foods and anything with animal products in (how many toxins, hormones, antibiotics, herbicides and pesticides are animals ingesting?)
‘Tis death by a thousand cuts.
“how many toxins, hormones, antibiotics, herbicides and pesticides are animals ingesting?”
Missing from the list, the animals which are caged and fed ‘genetically modified grains’ instead of being left to roam and feed on grass.
And that’s what we know, so far.
On a personal level, and some might say trivial, I had to have my much loved (11 years old, so not particularly old in border collie terms) pet dog put to sleep unexpectedly last week. He was found to have lesions on his liver which were causing internal bleeding and were probably cancerous.
I have since reflected on possible triggers for his sudden decline. Of course I shall never know – that is of course how malpractices in the pharmaceutical industry remain hidden – but I wondered about his regular consumption of water in a brook we pass by every day (we live in a semi-rural area), and the fact the vet prescribed a year ago a “new, revolutionary” anti-parasite tablet that is absorbed through the stomach, attacks fleas, ticks and worms and is active for two months. He only had one (which I had to force-feed him owing to his reluctance to be convinced by its ‘tasty flavour’) but I am sure I shall now eternally hold myself responsible for his early demise. I also now fear the outcome for my other collie who was also given one of these ‘wonder tablets’. I now consider myself extremely foolish and guilty for having been complicit in dosing my dogs in this way without question. I did have doubts about the possible side effects of such a strong medication, hence the fact I didn’t use it again, but had the damage been done by then?
our condolences
Fair dinkum, only you is complaining. Watch TV and see how people are enjoying glowing health. See how everyone has thick shiny blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Look how perfectly the cheeks are rounded. You can see clearly how the biblically rounded prime minister cheeks are full of wealth accumulating ambition.
(from watching TV, you’d think only blue eyed people inhabit Australia, and they are all generously donating to help starving African children)
The ‘typical’ sun bronzed Aussie is in reality a hypertensioned, beer gutted, pill popping ignoramus.
Sad, ain’t it?
I hear transgenderism has quite infected ozzie culture.
Your problem is you watch to much TV init.
“Your problem is you watch to much TV init.”
don’t be so patronising. I had an upset stomach after eating in a restaurant, and was waiting in the doctor’s waiting room where you ‘must’ watch TV.
I do apologist for offending you.
Is the TV obligatory by contract or were you handcuffed? They have them propaganda boxes everywhere nowadays, there’s no escape.
“were you handcuffed?”
In a small room, there are 4 rows of seats bolted to the ground, all facing a large TV. Tell us about your Dr’s waiting room.
I haven’t been to a doctor for 35 years. I use common sense & still perfectly healthy.
Rachel Carson was right way back in 1962. Rachel Carson quote: The most alarming of all man’s assaults upon the environment is the contamination…
The most alarming of all man’s assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable; the chain of evil it initiates not only in the world that must support life but in living tissues is for the most part irreversible. In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister and little-recognized partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world-the very nature of its life.
Rachel Carson
The increasing death rate is worrysome, but poison seems far sought as the increase in death rate is not that large. Austerity makes more sense to me, particularly because the increase in death rate happened after 2011 in the UK, that is after austerity cuts were implemented.
Here is the scientific article that I referred to in my previous and which makes quite a good case that the increase in death rate is due to austerity:
What I find interesting is that the same phenomenon is seen in NL (stagnating life expectancy after austerity cuts were implemented in 2013)
The two may be closely related, both in effect and chronology.
Good comments to an important article.
The neoliberal / ‘free market’ premise is that profit via ‘free’ markets is the Invisible Hand that produces the best of all possible worlds. There’s a seductive charm to its logic: no one, especially politicians, is wise enough to know how to prescribe the right behaviours for entire populations and then nanny them, flawlessly, towards best outcomes. Let the organic, natural give-and-take of millions of buyers and sellers sort out the wheat from the chaff instead! Market knows best! Profit is the unbiased, blind God that will lead us to the promised land!
There’s a huge problem. Money is power – not a “neutral veil” – and so accumulates to itself via the profit motive: having more is better than having less, and having most is best. Logically enough, power accumulates with the money and ‘corrupts’ the so-called market, which, over time, cannot help but drift towards fascism with the state that is its primary backer. With money as our god, we all end up impoverished, even the so-called rich. (In my view, the state-market dichotomy is as false as many other neoliberal dichotomies, but it would take too long to explicate that here.)
I’m not one for throwing babies out with the bathwater, so see the challenge as one of establishing a new guiding principle to replace the poisonous profit-market variant. Why not health? For me, it should be something like: health wealth value, where health means total health of each individual’s body, mind and soul, their relationships, civic contributions, and of the supporting larger environment. And rather than governmental mandates and prescriptions about how best to be guided by such a principle, I would like to see local communities capable – via a revolutionised education system – of self-organising in cooperation and collaberation with others globally, using science and trial and error, transparently, not proprietorially. Something of the freedom mendaciously promised by market theology is in this proposed ethic, but it would be adult freedom, replete with grown-up obligations and responsibilities, not the smokescreen of adolescent ‘freedoms’ modernity has been so thoroughly seduced by.
We are a long way from choosing something like this as our path, but I suspect something like it will prove to be our best shot.
I used a symbol that got dumped by the posting process. I meant:
“For me it should be something like: health = wealth = value” …
(I hope the equals signs make it through!)
One of the areas where western governments and media like to “have a go at China” is in their social credit system.
This article takes the usual MSM swipes at China’s human rights record and failure to respect privacy but has a less jaundiced view of its social credit system. If the most important reward for one’s actions is money then expect people to behave accordingly. Change the reward and you change the behaviour.
You cannot criticise Google and Facebook for their data collection, and then defend China using it as a tool of oppression (and not merely a means of providing free satnav)
Thanks for the link. What I took from it was a confirmation – if any were needed – that the devil is in the details, and that devolution of power to the local level spews up a lot of that devilish detail. Further, that the redefinition or establishment of a new relationship with wealth towards “health = wealth = value” is still an extremely long way away from most people’s thinking. The connotations of a shift at this depth of cultural reasoning and perception are as profound as they are broad.
Many pesticides including glyphosate (roundup) and Dicamba down regulate expression of P-450 enzymes by you liver. You cannot easily avoid injestimg glyphosate. It is in your bread, breakfast cerial, peas, apples, meat, eggs, water, beer, it is in everything.
Do yourself a first class favor and get yourself some Milkthistle (silybim marianum) tablets (40,000mg perday) and get some real live geuine Kefir grains. Grown your own Kefir. Whether it is water kefir or milk kefir grow it from grains. Don’t use some store bought powder or some crap thing concocted up and for sale in a shop. Commercial kefir starters and kefir drinks and kefir type yogurts are not the real deal.
Kefir uprates expression of the P-450 enzymes which are down regulated by Glyphosate.
Milk Thistle uprates expression of the P-450 enzymes which are down regulated by Glyphosate
First result from a web search disagrees with the last part: “Studies of milk thistle coadministered with various drugs in humans suggest it is unlikely to affect the most common cytochrome, the P450 (CYP450) isozyme.”
Life then: eat, shit and die.
Life now: eat shit and die sooner.
Eat to much wheat = Eat, don’t shit, die much sooner!
OK. In that case I’ll stick with rye, barley and spelt. Thanks.
But make sure they’re organic … Glyphosate is now routinely used to dessicate conventionally grown grain before harvesting, as well as being used as a pesticide. That means it’s also in beer and whisky!
I think you missed my supercilious point.
I don’t drink alcohol.
Glyphosate is the tobacco of the 1940s/ 50s.
It is already clear how dangerous it is.
I was surprised when I saw it for sale in Tesco. I spoke to a woman buying it and she put it back on the shelf.
Most of the food we eat is poisoned.
Two thirds at least of the products on the shelves of Boots and Superdrug are carcinogenic. About the only thing that is safe is neutral liquid soap.
The health implications of 5G are horrific. Forget Huawei, nobody should be working on it.
The wartime diet was probably the healthiest in history.
Reduced meat, fats and sugar. Wholemeal bread.
I still remember free milk & school dinners at school (that was before we joined the EU) & the dietary advice then, being eat plenty of cheese & meat. neo-liberals now would have you just eating glyphosate drenched wheat & barley products.
Don’t get me wrong i have great issue with the livestock industry & fully support animal rights issues BUT we are omnivores! I had been a vegetarian for many many years but developed IBS, since I started eating organically produced meat again & cut out wheat products my digestive health has improved dramatically.
My wife and I both do care work and there are an increasing number of older people with less support – and these are the ones who were lucky to be born into a world that still offered pension plans etc. The rising generations will have even less support as they get older. And the jobs available are becoming increasingly exploitative. The whole prospect facing the young is looking more and more brutal and hopeless. It is hardly surprising that there was a recent news article on the rise of mental health issues amongst primary school children. The younger generations know full well that the brightly presented scenarios of the media are bullshit. As John McMurtry once wrote:
“With increasingly diminishing job-prospects, the youth of the world approach the condition of a surplus population. For the young to become superfluous to their society is an inversion of the biological law of species living to reproduce themselves. It expresses the social disease pattern in the most basic parameter, the reproduction of humanity’s vital life capacities across the next generation.”
The view from Community Nursing is about as bleak as it could be. To say its hopeless, would not be overstating it.
Has there ever been more TOXIC civilisation than the present one throughout the history of mankind?!
The hysterical whining of someone who has never known real hardship.
…or alternatively someone who has just woken up.
“Life Expectancy Falters ..”
.. by Class
Life expectancy for the disabled is not good.
They are killing themselves because of desperation.
Sadly Frank you are right and it is only going to get worse..
The chip will also be linked to all our bank accounts..
I wish I knew how to stop it..
Not only will this happen in my children’s lifetime but free speech will be eradicated totally.
For anyone speaking out as we do, on Off G , will find that the Banks have been ordered to switch us of and we will no longer be able to access our own money.
And who knows, we might all end up like Jason Bourne.
It’s not just agri-chem poisons, how many people do you know using those awful automatic air fresher dispensers, regularly spraying their homes with a daily mist of carcinogenic toxins?
What about all the needless toxic cocktails found in cleaning products?
The horrible coatings found on clothing & cookware etc.
The harmful substances in personal hygiene products?
Then there’s the over use of vaccinations, (i’m not an anti vaxer in theory) but its evident that the number of vaccines forced on people has to be a serious health issue.
Why does any of this exist? Power, Profit, capitalism! I think it would become evident that Homo sapiens would be far more resilient to disease if we had greater respect for nature & natural process. But never under estimate the impact stress has on our health imposed by modern lifestyles & political ideology, neo-liberal slavery to banks & employers.
Clothes are toxic as fuck as well, all the dyes and chemicals they use.
It would be interesting to investigate/find out how much the government (as well as other governments in other countries too) is spending on installing these automatic poison dispensers (aka automatic release air-fresheners), and what approval process was followed.
I did see a doc on netflix (before i cancelled the subscription) on the regulations of perfumes in the USA . They should a clear link between perfumes used in many household items from air freshener to clothing etc & cancer.
They are completely unregulated, companies can basically put any poison you like in perfumes.
Most likely, there is no need to add poisons to perfumes. The same as ammonia offers a vehicle for cigarette smoke to penetrate deeper into the lungs, perfumes offer the same function. There are two functions, in fact. One is deep penetration into internal organs. The second is, adhesion or clamping where the poison, perfume or tobacco chemicals gets attached to cells.
Cancer rates increase as soon as households start buying perfumes.
The European Union is pushing glyphosate and the author concludes by blaming our yet to happen exit from the European Union.
It is quite astounding when you hear crazy liberals claim how harmful brexit would be to democracy, with the threat of greater privatization, where all the privatization of public services has occurred under a undemocratic EU regime of non elected EU elites.
Brexit is one of two things. It’s either divide and rule, just another weapon of mass distraction to get the stupid Brits gossipping and bickering about a load of bullshit which is never going to happen, or it is a mechanism which the USA and Israel will use to manipulate the UK and its economy to their own advantage. It’s one or the other. It’s got nothing to do with taking back control.
Boris Johnson, who was born in New York, USA, is a Mossad/Israeli asset according to Steve Pieczenik, will ensure that whatever our controllers desire, is what they get. He reveals what the intelligence files say about Boris in this clip
OPUS 168 Boris Badenov Johnson
Delusional analysis. You can vote out a tory government, you cant vote your way out of the EU as has been evident!
Your stuck with the EU, But Boris will have short life span. I will tell you this your being played by liberals if you believe the EU is your way to socialism. If labour doesn’t change its stance on brexit (i.e. remaining) you will have a tory government for the next 50 years. Remain means goodby Corbyn, Hello Tory.
your being played by liberals if you believe the EU is your way to socialism
And you’re being played by Marxists if you believe that Brexit is your way so socialism.
“To” not “so”
Your sentence should read:
“And you’re being played by so-called Marxists because Brexit is your way to so-called socialism.”
It’s a good job i’m not a socialist then ;- )
I wonder why the downthumbers don’t actually have anything to say about the content.
On Brexit itself –
Hard Brexit’ was always the only option for the government and architects of the referendum – any customs union and alignment that would leave the EU’s evolving regulatory and taxation policies under the CJEU authority is an anathema that the ‘financial’ hoccus poccous ancients cannot veto.
A hard brexit is built into the time limit for A50 – that is why the’Withdrawal Agreement’ took so long to cook up. It only happened because a ‘Meaningful Vote’ was eventually won by Labour, A vote that was fiercly opposed. Hence a WA with the ‘Backstop’ issue was cooked up to provide a causus belli for the hard brexiteers to reject the WA – meaning that the clock would have run down on 29th March and the EU would have declared a unruly brexit according the EU rules of A 50. What a whizz! Getting the cake and eating it, by blaming the nasty EU.
But May blew it, by first asking for a short extension for another vote on the twice rejected WA expecting that EU would not grant any further extensions and then being blind sided by the EU and being given the extension to October! Their ‘Hard Brexit’ was suddenly snatched away! May’s punishment was a rapid defenestration to let the architects of Brexit into the control room to make sure that the hard brexit happens – their effort aimed at not asking for any further extension or letting the dastardly EU hoodwink them into one again!
“Throw us out like it says you will in A50 you beggars!!!”
That is the motto of the ‘A’ team of Brexit in the Cabinet, to unchain Britannia and set sail from their tax free ports with their tax free City…
Will there be the quick election or will it be after? – that depends entirely on the Tory MP’s as it has done since 2017 – the only way is if enough vote against their own government. It is not in the power of the opposition benches.
As for ‘Dr Strangelove’ Cummings – the stealer of Brexit, the ‘Brains’ of the FB targeted illegal adverts with the help of the DS/ Cambridge Analytica/ SCL cabal – can his dark arts deliver a general election victory?
It is one thing to deliver a simple majority in a referendum (or EU type election) and quite another in the FPTP constituencies we have! I think it unlikely that he would have the same influence.
So what of the ‘Brexit Party’? (is it even one?) – they would be much the same as ukip in a general election – maybe a significant share of overall votes but no seats to show for it! They may even destroy the few Tory marginals and hand them to the opposition.
Bobo the clown obviously is not here to praise the tories but to bury them – it does seem he has other loyalties.
Ignore that post, not sure how you embed video on this forum (theres no help with the html buttons).
please see this
grrrr start video at 2.07 sorry for all the posts mods.
Boris Johnson’s most relevant trait is that as a boy he ‘wanted to be king of the world’. That is a very narcissistic and bombastic dream, as it shows an ambition to be someone rather than to achieve something. It will make you hyper ambitious, very Machiavellian and rather lacking in self-awareness.
Right now, the media and his scriptwriters are truly playing to his bombastic elements, peppering his speeches with hyperbole. My experience of people who use hyperbole is that they are hiding lack of expertise. My experience of true experts is that they use encouragement, they set standards, they help problem-solve and they are highly emotionally attuned. They ground you in reality and seek to elevate you through effective work to higher planes of achievement.
I see hype about Northern Rail but see vague promises about HS3 and strong threats to cancel HS2. Maybe this is negotiating gangster-style, but it does not inspire trust. It inspires belief that Northern England is going to be shafted. Thinking you can transform Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland with £300m between them is interesting. It sounds like election blather without substance. I am happy to be proven wrong.
As for Brexit, who knows. Not enough has happened yet to comment. I suspect this is the area he will deliver on.
That’s not true, most public transport in European counties are nationalised, as are the gas, water, and ,electricity, air transport as in Air France, also there is little or none zero hour contacts, the idiots who voted to leave don’t know what they’ve done, apart from giving total support to the millionaire newspaper owner many who are tax exiles, and have created the most right wing government in history, well done.
What do you mean?
We entered the EU under Pesudo-con (neo-liberal) Ted Heath! All privatization of public services in the UK has been undertaken by pesudo-tory (neo-liberal) leaders, Thatcher & Blair (red tory) !
Re-nationalization would be impossible whilst still a member of the EU.
Neo-liberalism is the mother & father of corporatism, globalism & capitalism. You really have a very poor understanding of the United States of Europe. Have you heard the speech of the newly un-elected president of USE!
She looks like something out of a dystopian Orwellian sci-fi Hollywood production spouting rule of law! You know what that means don’t you? A police state, neo-liberal tyranny.
People that voted leave are trying to save you from slavery & servitude. Once your in the EU there’s no getting out, when the maastricht treaty comes into full force say goodbye to freedom! You should be thanking them.
And oh BTW politicians cant give you human rights, rights are something that are just inalienable!
The government didn’t have to privatise them, they chose to do it, as I pointed out in my post lots of public services in the EU are still publicly owned ,and it’s also not true that you can’t nationalise an industry if you’re in the EU. the rule is it must be open to fair competition, you go on about undemocratic regime, we just had a PM put in place by 120,000 tory party members , a little better than Mays where she was just given the job, could you remind us who elects the head of state, who elects all the lords, who elects the civil service, do you think this Oaf has a mandate for brexit? 37% of the people took part, and now the idiot is trying to force through a policy for which there is no majority , by closing down parliament in order to get it through, and you’ve got the nerve to quote undemocratic EU, I think you need to take a cold shower, and then explain to your children/ grandchildren what a mess you’ve just voted for their future.
It was the same government that privatized public services that took us into the EU, all privatization of public services in the UK has happened during our membership of that exclusive EU club!
Why is it people conflate brexit with advocacy of Tory policy? What Johnson or Mogg want is irrelevant, you don’t have to vote tory, you don’t get a vote in the EU. Brexit can be what ever you make it, what ever you want it to be, the EU is a one trick pony. ‘NEO-Liberal’.
there was a referendum, everyone eligible had the right to vote, leave won, that’s democracy, further parliamentary intervention isn’t necessary.
Evidently you need to explain to your children ( i don’t have any, because I realized what shit hole this country was 44 years ago) what a horrendous mess this country is under 44 years or EU rule.
Brexit can be what ever you make it, what ever you want it to be, ha ha ha ha ha ha are you on medication, if you seriously believe you can change government to one with more social policies by putting an X on a piece of paper, you need help, this is the UK not Belgium or the Netherlands , it’s nothing short of an elected dictatorship, and always was , and always will be, pleas don’t respond with more of your nonsense.
Oh how liberal of you, only interested in one point of view (your own). Why do you bother getting up in the morning if you feel like that?
For what its worth I firmly believe, the entire system is corrupt, you’re right democracy is a scam! But its either slit your wrists or keep trying.
So I never give up, with the hope, someday, civilization collapses, LOL. But you know what they say. Hope, it’s just delayed disappointment HA HA HA. He who laughs last……..
How come they didn’t have much difficulty nationalising Rolls Royce under the evil cows regime , no I don’t only have one point of view, but I have the right to reply to untruths.
Why do you keep asking me about tory values & principles as if somehow i’m defending the tories?
Everything you have complained about has happened whilst the UK was a member of the EU, so why do you think staying in the EU will change anything?
You are erroneously conflating voting tory with brexit & its absolute BS. The two are totally separate issues. Remaining in the EU is the status quo.
You have been brainwashed by the liberal MSM to believe this nonsense that somehow people that vote brexit are all tories & didn’t know what they were voting for.
I’ve never voted tory in my life, i’ve always hated everything that the tories ever stood for. There is nothing you can tell me about how appalling the tories are or about suffering under thatcher.
Neo-liberals always socialize loss & privatize profit, that’s classic neo-liberal capitalism! ZHC began under Tony Blair the most avid Europhile going he wanted to be the next EU president!
You are totally deluded. Staying in the EU is more of the same but worse.
I don’ t have any grand children either, the leave side won through corruption, only the fact that’s it’s NOT BINDING otherwise the high court could have done something about it do you think the unions , what’s left of them , could behave the same as they do in Belgium ,France? no chance, the only country on the entire planet where you have to give seven days notice to go on strike, is that the fault of the EU?
1. Remain outspent Leave by 2-1.
2. All political parties, even the deranged Liberals, committed themselves in advance to implement the result.
“Either you believe in democracy, or you don’t.” Cleggy.
I agree it would be a good idea.
How come Rolls Royce was nationalised under thatcher whilst we were in the EU
It isn’t quite so astounding when you consider that everyone is facing the Hobson’s choice of subordination to the EU or subordination to the US. Each chooses his own poison.
That is BS, why are you people so pessimistic? If you want change do something about it, stop reading the MSM propaganda & make your own future, stop being depending on the EU neo-liberal regime, its all a lie to subservience.
It doesn’t have to be Tory or the EU! Before we joined the EU (under a tory Heath government) we had national services, council housing, public transport, manufacturing jobs etc, the 70s wasn’t all strikes & black outs that’s neo-liberal propaganda.
Corbyn is a brexiter, he has always been anti-EU. If we don’t leave you will always have a tory (neo-liberal) government. Everything this country is now has been created under EU rule, what makes you think things will get better if we remain?
Corbyn is 70% remain. He is against the political aspects of the EU like their sanctions against Syria used as an excuse for Gibraltar (!) to seize an Iranian oil tanker.
I wouldn’t say he was to happy with unfettered EU immigration either. Not that i’m all that concreted what corbyn thinks of brexit. The point being Corbyn is a socialist, there’s no hope of socialism in the UK (for those that want it) Corbyns policies could never be implemented if we remain.
How could you re-nationalise utility & public services? You couldn’t private contractors would always under cut government in a competitive market.
Rachel Carson saw it all coming . The awful hidden cost of cheap food. Poor people are not allowed good food and thus good health . Good health is fast becoming the most valuable commodity of this Century.
No the real problem is the poor aren’t allowed access to land to provide food for themselves, this all started long ago under the Inclosure Acts. The true birth of neo-liberalism, globalization & corporatism i.e. control, control, control of natural resources by self proclaimed elites for power & profit!
As I said . Poor people are not allowed good food .
It’s called ORGANISED CRIME. We are all being controlled by ORGANISED CRIME networks. They find themselves a very cosy, protected environment in which to commit their crimes in the corporate arena. The media, the reason why the organised crime goes virtually undetected by the moron majority, is at the centre of this world of organised crime. All major industries and government agencies are part of it.
5G is a very easy way to identify this. They want to install wireless weaponry outside your house (in order to further reduce your life expectancy), yet the media will not at all entertain the idea that it is in any way harmful. That discussion is not allowed. The media is paving the way for the real criminals to inflict their criminal, by any reasonable person’s estimation, products on the general population. It is a disease of our times.
The dates you quote are more in line with the release of 4G. 4G wifi uses microwaves at 2.4 GHz,just like your microwave oven. Same microwaves, same frequency. The criminals have convinced most people that wifi is safe for kids, but it isn’t. They’ve even got you installing it in the schools. Anyone who questions this is labelled as crazy. lol.
We need corporate police. Businesses should pay for their crimes like the rest of us. Less focus on banging up poor people, more focus on banging up the real criminals, who generally wear suits. Won’t happen, though, so tough shit. They are not going to arrest themselves.
Two articles which blatantly put out horrendously misleading, false, dangerous information to persuade the public that 5G is safe. Utter c*%ts. I think legal action should be taken here
The Guardian one makes me particularly sick, because it’s the Guardian and I hate that publication with a passion for the lies and their influence on the psyche of the British population. Scum of the lowest order.
There’s only one over ruler factor in Britain, if there’s a profit to be made , make it irrespective of anything or anyone, the place is nothing short of a shit dump, run by rabid right wing imbeciles led by the Oaf.
Yet you don’t want it to change? Remain is the status quo, nothing will ever change under membership of neo-liberal United states of europe, (U.S.E).
But you don’t respond to the zero hour contracts? virtually unheard of in many EU countries, why do people here pay £23 for a packet of tobacco ,when it’s roughly £9 in France, Belgium, a bottle of wine £2-40 in France, the same bottle here £5-6 pension, benefits, retirement all better in most European countries , longer holidays, these bastards are the only ones who don’t give you a holiday for remembrance day and yet the dirty hypocritical bastards with their phoney sad faces around the cenotaph , they make me puke, you have an elected dictatorship in this shit hole and nothing else, and nothing else will ever be allowed to take over , not even Corbyn
You’re right about the chances of change, but its either keep trying or give up!
Under which government did ZHC really take hold in this country? Tony Blairs the biggest europhile there is or ever was.
Stop confusing me with a tory apologist. I voted leave not because of the lies either side told but because its the only hope of escape from neo-liberal tyranny. It might be tough at first but its a chance to change things.
We need Labour government. Brexit is a neoliberal project. Just wait till Boris agrees a trade deal with the US and cuts the HoC down to 500 MPs, you won’t see a Labour govt again for decades and you’ll be eating GMO in everything.
Yes, there are issues with the EU, but it’s massively better than what’s heading our way.
You aint gonna see a (socalist) labour government for decades (or ever) if we remain in the EU. Watson & his blairite cronies will never let that happen.
You all need to stop reading the guardian its poisoned your minds, you aint thinking right. Brexit doesn’t = Tory.
The evidence is in your face, its the EU that has just relicensed glyphosate for another 5 years!
If, I say IF brexit, happens (its a slim chance) The tories will have to call a GE, Johnson is a one trick pony, even the tories wont vote for him after brexit. The thing stopping a socialist labour government is the neo-liberal labour party.
I really don’t know what planet you people have been for he last 30 years.
An acquaintance who has Labour-style politics admits the EU is neo-liberal but is stubbornly anti-Brexit. He insists the EU could become social-democratic, with a UK Labour government leading the way! His evidence that the EU is even thinking this way, let alone capable of such a reversal? Zilch.
The age-old human foible of wishful thinking.
I’m making a wild guess you weren’t replying to my comment? The EU is a neo-liberal regime without an ounce of democratic values in it. The EU will likely collapse before you see the day of anything democratic happening within it. It’s almost bankrupt now.
I’m broadly supporting your position. The EU is structurally and institutionally neo-liberal and couldn’t change that without becoming something vastly different from what it is, contrary to the beliefs of my acquaintance.
My apologies, it wasn’t clear who you were replying to, there seems to be a lot of EU hostages suffering from Stockholm syndrome on this thread & the cognitive dissonance is exceptionally strong in Mr Peugeot.
I find it bizarre people automatically assume you must be a tory if you voted leave. They clearly have no idea what or who Corbyn is ( but i’m not a socialist either).