Why should Iran be defended?
Andre Vltchek
As I pen this short essay, Iran is standing against the mightiest nation on earth. It is facing tremendous danger; of annihilation even, if the world does not wake up fast, and rush to its rescue.
Stunning Iranian cities are in danger, but above all, its people: proud and beautiful, creative, formed by one of the oldest and deepest cultures on earth.
This is a reminder to the world: Iran may be bombed, devastated and injured terribly, for absolutely no reason. I repeat: there is zero rational reason for attacking Iran.
Iran has never attacked anyone. It has done nothing bad to the United States, to the United Kingdom, or even to those countries that want to destroy it immediately: Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Its only ‘crime’ is that it helped devastated Syria. And that it seriously stands by Palestine. And that it came to the rescue of many far away nations, like Cuba and Venezuela, when they were in awful need.
I am trying to choose the simplest words. No need for pirouettes and intellectual exercises.
Thousands, millions of Iranians may soon die, simply because a psychopath who is currently occupying the White House wants to humiliate his predecessor, who signed the nuclear deal. This information was leaked by his own staff. This is not about who is a bigger gangster. It is about the horrible fact that antagonizing Iran has absolutely nothing to do with Iran itself.
Which brings the question to my mind: in what world are we really living? Could this be tolerable? Can the world just stand by, idly, and watch how one of the greatest countries on earth gets violated by aggressive, brutal forces, without any justification?
I love Iran! I love its cinema, poetry, food. I love Teheran. And I love the Iranian people with their polite, educated flair. I love their thinkers. I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
You know, you were of course never told by the Western media, but Iran is a socialist country. It professes a system that could be defined as “socialism with Iranian characteristics”. Like China, Iran is one of the most ancient nations on earth, and it is perfectly capable of creating and developing its own economic and social system.
Iran is an extremely successful nation. Despite the embargos and terrible intimidation from the West, it still sits at the threshold of the “Very high human development”, defined by UNDP; well above such darlings of the West as Ukraine, Colombia or Thailand.
It clearly has an internationalist spirit: it shows great solidarity with the countries that are being battered by Western imperialism, including those in Latin America.
I have no religion. In Iran, most of the people do. They are Shi’a Muslims.
So what? I do not insist that everyone thinks like me. And my Iranian friends, comrades, brothers and sisters have never insisted that I feel or think the same way as they do. They are not fanatics, and they do not make people who are not like them, feel excluded. We are different and yet so similar. We fight for a better world. We are internationalists. We respect each other. We respect others.
Iran does not want to conquer anyone. But when its friends are attacked, it offers a helping hand. Like to Syria.
In the past, it was colonized by the West, and its democratic government was overthrown, in 1953, simply because it wanted to use its natural resources for improving the lives of its people. The morbid dictatorship of Shah Pahlavi was installed from abroad. And then, later, again, a terrible war unleashed against Iran by Iraq, with the full and candid support of the West.
I promised to make this essay short. There is no time for long litanies. And in fact, this is not really an essay at all: it is an appeal.
As this goes to print, many people in Iran are anxious. They do not understand what they have done to deserve this; the sanctions, the US aircraft carriers sailing near their shores, and deadly B-52s deployed only dozens of miles away.
Iranians are brave, proud people. If confronted, if attacked, they will fight. And they will die with dignity, if there is no other alternative.
But why? Why should they fight and why should they die?
Those of you, my readers, living in the West: Study; study quickly. Then ask this question to your government:
What is the reason for this terrible scenario?”
Rent Iranian films; they are everywhere, winning all festivals. Read Iranian poets. Go eat Iranian food. Search for images of both historic and modern Iranian cities. Look at the faces of the people. Do not allow this to happen. Do not permit psychopathic reasoning to ruin millions of lives.
There was no real reason for the wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. The West perpetrated the most terrible imperialist interventions, ruining entire nations.
But Iran – it all goes one step further. It’s a total lack of logic and accountability on the part of the West.
Here, I declare my full support to the people of Iran, and to the country that has been giving countless cultural treasures to the world, for millennia.
It is because I have doubts that if Iran is destroyed, the human race could survive.
First published by NEO – New Eastern Outlook
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Oh, Andre . . .
While I unconditionally condemn any kind of ‘intervention’ conducted anywhere on whatever pretext, under whatever mode, be it military, diplomatic, or even ostensibly ‘humanitarian,’ by the U.S. of A. and its allies, but also including all ‘interventions’ by all other sub-imperialist capitalist states also operating beyond their borders, Iran isn’t a ‘people’ or a ‘nation’ in the way you both seem to imagine it to be or would want me to believe.
It’s a capitalist society, for Pete’s sake!
You know, a society comprised of a reactionary ruling class that reprehensibly preys upon another exponentially more numerous working class, a working class that has been made vulnerable in a destitution directly resulting from the dynamics of capitalist exploitation, dynamics proper to Iranian society taken as a whole, exactly as they operate everywhere else in the world.
I mean, I notice that you do not mention things like the re-arrests of “Esmail Bakhshi, the representative of the Haft-Tapeh sugar cane agro-industry workers, and activist Sepideh Qolian.”
I say, “Love the people. Not the regime.”
Have you ever read anything by Yassamine Mather? Perhaps you should, if only as a start. The piece to which I link, “Iran: Reform and Revolution,” may be dated ‘2010,’ but it’s really current history as far as history goes, eh, that is, if context means anything . . .
While I truly appreciate author’s kind words about my motherland, this essay is mainly an emotional plea to humanity’s sense of empathy which unfortunately, has never worked.
Just a couple of quotes from the article that particularly stood out for me:
“[Iran’s] only ‘crime’ is that it helped devastated Syria. And that it seriously stands by Palestine. And that it came to the rescue of many far away nations, like Cuba and Venezuela, when they were in awful need.”
No. Iran’s only crime is that it has demanded and maintained its independence as a major state in the region – a crime that is absolutely inexcusable and not tolerated by the empire.
“Can the world just stand by, idly, and watch how one of the greatest countries on earth gets violated by aggressive, brutal forces, without any justification?”
Yes, it can and it has for as long as recorded history. They did just that during the brutal Iran-Iraq war and the world continues to stand by at this very moment while the rights of people in Yemen and Palestine are violated by aggressive, brutal forces, without any justification.
Ayatollah Khamenei in November 2014:
That was intended as a reponse to one of the hbonney’s pre-programmed posts erroneously attributing Ahmadinejad’s reported “push Israel into the sea” remark to “Iran” (sic).
Though Iran’s loyalty and steadfastness has earned it some powerful allies (Hezb’Allah, Syria, Iraq, Russia and China) does Iran actually need them? Iranian general Solameini answers Andre’s well meant concern with some racy prose from a battle-tested warrior not known for hyperbole.
ps @FightNonsense, you should have stuck to your limited area of expertise, the Kennedy Moondoggle of 1974. You are clearly out of your depth in 21st century geopolitics and technology — starting with 2001 and your naive assertion that Bendy Beams brought down the three WTC buildings. For your info, Iran was supposed to have been the last of the “7 countries in 5 years” starting with Iraq. The Anglo Zio Capitalists who planned and executed 911 are not only running behind schedule (11 years behind) they are also running out of breath, and look woefully out of condition for any scrap with Iraq — let alone Iraq’s allies.
PPS: there used to be a book called “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. It ought to dusted off and made required reading for a POTU$A.
“the Kennedy Moondoggle of 1974.” What does this even mean? The last manned mission to the moon took place in 1972.
It means I got a date wrong. And Moondoggle means an astronomically expensive Lunar Landing Boondoggle.
Except it wasn’t a boondoggle because it achieved its political aim, which was the entire point of the program in the first place.
Dear Admin,
what’s with the blatant censorship going on in the comment sections? Are you trying to enforce some sort of conformity in narrative so that this becomes an echo-chamber for people to mutually affirm one another? It’s pernicious and feeble.
If you “Post” a comment and it appears OK but when you return to that page later you find it has disappeared, first try just reloading the page; if it’s still absent try flushing your browser cache then rdloading the page.
Reloaded. Still missing (BTW, I’m in Incognito mode, so my browser isn’t saving anything). And I’m talking about comments made days ago which are are still missing even though other people’s comments have appeared int he interim.
Dear Admin,
Clearly William HBonney is a shill.
Will you please remove him.
He is a shill, but you’re clearly a crypto-fascist troll. Will you please remove yourself?
“Why should Iran be Defended”?
Because they are under constant threat, by the Zionists and Neo-Cons that infest the upper reaches of the USA Government. The USA and Britain have never forgiven Iran for deposing their man, The Shah, and taking their country back from the Imperialists.
Iran has not attacked any of its neighbours, but has come to the aid of its neighbour Syria, which is under attack by American backed, supplied, armed, and financed by the USA, on behalf of Israel’s Netanyahu.
John Bolton has made it his life’s goal to send Iran back to the Stone Age, on behalf of the Prime Minister of Israel, Beni Netanyahu.
To Hell with Bolton and his Neo-Con/Zionist masters.
The USA today is just Israel’s “Anaesthetised Donkey”, doing Israel’s dirty work, because they are totally Owned, by Israel.
Yep, the USA is a slave on its knees and Daddy Netanyahu is standing there with his trousers round his ankles, loving every moment. It has reached the point where the USA is an embarassment to itself. All the flagship US tech companies (Intel main design labs are in Israel now, while Israel sells hi-tech secrets stolen form the US to China and Russia as they jointly work on the Belt and Road, Google and Amazon have huge operations there……Windows all designed in Israel now) relocating to Israel while the dumb US troops do the groundwork and prepare the region for Israel’s expansion. The whole of the US government has been reduced to the status of an obedient cocksucker. Ditto the UK. R.I.P the USA and the UK, get ready for the New World Order, we are now in the final stages.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world, only to serve the People of Israel. Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew. Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plough, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi, and eat.”
Ovadia Yosef, Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Fake news, like the Protocols? Whether it’s fake or not, I’m sure that you would post it.
It’s not fake news, but it’s not news either. Rabbis–like Jews in general, who range from atheists to religious fanatics–are an extremely varied bunch, ranging from the rabid to rabbits.
“ranging from the rabid to rabbits.” Pathetic comment, once again demonstrating that this isn’t about antizionism, but pure antisemitism. it’s also typical of the ugly sentiments that lurk just beneath the faux assurances that it’s “really” about antizionism.
‘”ranging from the rabid to rabbits.” Pathetic comment, once again demonstrating that this isn’t about antizionism, but pure antisemitism.’
Open dehumanization, and all you can say when called out is “crap”. This is the mentality of an 8 year old. What sort of an ADULT write things like “rabid to rabbits”?
What an arrogant twerp! Is this man supposedly educated?
The USA is currently in the process of outsourcing the Pentagon’s Cloud Services to corporate entities which are controlled by Israel’s Talpiot and Unit 8200 graduates. And its election (rigging) software. I’m not joking, check out Brendon O Connell on YouTube, he has been screaming from the rooftops about this for about a decade. Then there is the issue of the fact that Israel’s high tech sector is choc-full of Russian programmers, not even Jewish ones. All being carried out in broad daylight. And they run a two year fake Russiagate case to get the public crying because some Russian kids write a few Facebook posts which supposedly brought down the entire US electoral system. What a joke the West has become, while the rest of the world gets super serious and professional, the West is brainwashing its populations with trash TV and ID politics and fear porn. You have to respect the audacity and brilliance of it, but what is coming will be no joke. A piss weak USA, and a world controlled by Israel alongside Russia and China
You’re saying that the US wouldn’t be attacking countries in the Middle East if not for Israel?
@ Flightnonsense, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean_Break:_A_New_Strategy_for_Securing_the_Realm should give some answers to your question. It seems to be the true driving force. The Neocons are very open and forthright about their intentions and actions, they write everything they want to do down and put their desires into the public domain for anyone who cares to look to be taken aback by what they are doing. It’s quite shocking just how open they are about it. They even talk about how open they are about it in this documentary, one of the last pieces of honest journalism to come out of the BBC.
“The War Party”, Panorama BBC
“A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the “Clean Break” report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel’s security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on “Western values.” It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of “weapons of mass destruction”. Certain parts of the policies set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.”………………..
Fight Nonsense…….YOU said that, I didn’t…..
The notion that the US has “no reason” to attack Iran is irrational in that the US does have such reasons – albeit, reasons that make sense within the framework of its logic of imperialism. The author doesn’t appreciate that; he does talk about the history of the US’s harassment and aggression against Iran, but doesn’t link this up with current events, and drifts off into notions that the US state’s interests are those of the people of the world if only it can “get over” its aggressive impulses. His analysis ends up as a spongy “moral appeal to the masters”.
Contrary to what many people here think, the reasons the US has for attacking Iran are not simply reducible to Israel, let alone being a “slave” to Israel (notions which are recapitulations of old tropes about how “Jews control everything”, Hitler’s “Jewish Bolshevism” claims, and other gutter chauvinist and reactionary screeds concerning Jews), and even to the extent that they are explainable through Israel they are not due to “Jewish control” but for the strategic role that Israel plays in shoring up US imperialism. I notice that many people in this comment section seem almost mouth-frothingly eager to believe in Israel as the “tail that wags the dog” with their juvenile delinquent “IsraHELL” meme which they brandish like hyperactive children – and then they confirm that this is indeed an expression not of their antizionism and antcolonialism, but of simple gutter antisemitism when they nod approvingly at Holocaust denial and downplay the significance of Trump’s white nativist fascism and his follower’s overt displays of Nazi motifs and tropes (the “real” fascists”, in their eyes, are Antifa, with their body count of zero). Nor do they care to look too deeply at the link between Trump’s white nativist fascist rhetoric and toadying and the stepping up of aggressive rhetoric (if not action) against Iran. They welcomed a break from “the Establishment” by urging others to give “Trump’s populism a chance” – and then ignored what this populism actually entailed. The narrative of “slave to Israel” allows them to avoid having to address this link, but it also allows them to avoid having to seriously address capitalist-imperialism as a system and mode of exploitation that flows inexorably from the logic of capitalist accumulation itself, and its need to expand its markets and its access to resources, dominate countries that are designated to serve a subordinate role in this system, and fend off rivals who aspire to hegemony. If all is reduced to “the Jooz”, then a political-economic analysis that situates imperialism in its proper material and historical context becomes obscured by atavistic and mystical appeals to “blood and country”.
It’s also, in its own way, deeply racist for reasons quite apart from Trump as fascist figurehead to white nationalists. It implies that if not for Israel, the US wouldn’t be meddling in the Middle East – which flies in the face of what history shows us about US involvement in other regions. Did these other victims, therefore, somehow “deserve it”? Israel wasn’t “pulling the strings” there, after all. And the US “wouldn’t be acting that way” in the Middle East if not for Israel, so weren’t they behaving in a “correct way” in contexts devoid of Israeli influence and “control”? If the analysis of capitalist-imperialism explains US conduct in those regions, why shouldn’t it explain it in the Middle East? For the person who applies a concrete historical materialist analysis the answer is “They do. The US is behaving in exactly the way one would expect it to behave given the imperialist prerogatives it is serving.” For antisemite simpletons and “populism” fetishizing bottom-feeders, the answer is different: because of Jewish domination. If only we can get some “good” capitalists to head things up, such things wouldn’t happen, apparently. This is of course the take that white nativist types like Ron Paul promote (the same Ron Paul who lamented the fall of apartheid in South Africa and who describes himself as a “strict Constitionalist” – meaning a strict racist), which finds a weird fusion with elements of the left who see in such narratives a “common cause” to be united with.
Iran is emphatically not a “socialist country”. To say that it is is to vulgarize the term. It’s true that Iran does devote a much large share of its wealth to internal development than many US proxies and clients, and that this is part of the reason that the US threatens and attacks Iran. The same with Syria. The US doesn’t want such development models to be allowed to prosper because if they did, they would send “the wrong message” to the people of the region and the world.
One doesn’t have to subscribe to notions of Iran being socialist to oppose US provocations and aggression against it. Not does one have to prettify Iran’s internal order to oppose the imperialism threatening the country. Iran does indeed have a religious police. Being that it’s a religious state, its leadership has a lot of kooky notions and tries to force its religious suckage onto everything (even one of their satellite launches – a triumph of the country’s science and technology – was done partly “in the name of monotheism.” LOL) . Women are not considered the full equals of men (though they enjoy freedoms that are not available to them in other Islamic states, some of which are US clients). And its internal repression is no joke (though it’s mild in comparison to that of some other countries in the region, again including US clients).
Although I have never visited Iran ,I have read about the country and have seen some of the country through the internet media.But I feel the same way as Andre about the country .There is no logic behind what is being done to them by the US administration and it’s so called allies (lackeys) outside of obliging Israel’s wishes .
I don’t always agree with your articles Andre, but this is a really superb piece, and sums up what I feel about Iran and the Iranian people. I have been there and it is nothing like the picture painted by our media. The scenery, architecture, culture, food, history and last but not least, the people are all stunning.
I have family there now and I have visited several times.
People in the West are never told by our media about our treatment of Iran historically, they are unaware that we attacked Iran’s navy and army in WW2 in order to secure the oil, then the 1953 coup, when the democratically elected Mossadegh was toppled, courtesy of Winston Churchill and Kermit Roosevelt, then again in 1979, when the Shah was granted safe passage to exile and the plan to replace him with “friendly” Ayatollahs in the interim, then putting the Shah’s son on the throne, backfired and turned into a full blooded revolution.
Then the US backed Saddam Hussein in the war which cost millions of lives, with the US responsible for logistical support for the chemical attacks which killed tens of thousands of Iranians and Kurds.
The US has been invading, attacking countries for eighty years and there looks to be no end to the slaughter.
I really hope that there is not a war with Iran, because if there is, then it will make Iraq and Syria look like mere skirmishes.
If Ayatollah regime = Iran than Nazis = Germany, CPSU = Russia or CCP = China. Totalitarian regimes =/ their population unless regularly voted to power over and over, collective sadomasochism.
Excellent comment. It shouldn’t even need to be said
“Excellent comment.” If it’s an “excellent comment”, why did you partake in equating Iran with its regime when you wrote “Do not weep for Iran”? We’re not supposed to weep for the Iranian people and country if they’re attacked, because you don’t like the regime? Your hypocrisy and chauvinism are staggering.
There’s a little point I’d like to make that may not be obvious to most, and that is that Iranians are not very religious people – if mosque attendance is anything to go by. They are however in my experience a very principled and moral people, and liable to argue with one another over issues of principle and manners. They are also very friendly and sociable and well-educated, though sadly suffering from some rosy-eyed misconceptions about European and American culture. I can’t compare them with Americans, as I have never been there, and hope I never have to. Perhaps with luck they will “disappear from the map of time”, as Khomenei said, reportedly about the entity.
AV…. “….In the past, it was colonized by the West..”
Surely you intended to write that Iran was exploited by the West’s oligarchs (not colonised) ?
In practical terms, there’s probably no difference for the people of Iran.
imho. colonised = settlers. exploited = screwed (for oil). Pedantic, maybe!
Sure, I get the definitions.
But it still seems to me to boil down to the same thing, only in varied degrees of diplomatic clothing . . .
Absolutely agreed! The USMIC regime, in AJE with UK regime are, for at least the third occasion, attempting to scam off the Iranian state.
Israel is still colonising Palestine.
Nice cats and nice carpets as well.
But the psycho Chosen Folk in Talmudistan want this country destroyed.
Like Iraq. Like Libya. Like Syria.
So that’s what has to happen.
They have issued their instructions, as they have so many times before, to their obedient little 30 shekel whores in Washington and its satraps to supply the necessary muscle, money and blood to achieve their ends.
And US troops are “happy” to die for Talmudistan, as their general helpfully explained.
The Zio Hit List grows ever longer.
You’re saying that a country with a few million people and a fraction of the wealth of another country that has hundreds of millions of people somehow “controls” it?
Its not about Iran. These are neo-liberal wars with one objective, to end all wars, under one world governance, it sounds crazy but its not my idea of utopia its theirs. A world with one powerful tyrannical corporate board of unelected elites ruling us. Some what like the EU but on a global scale. Why else does the USA need nearly 800 over seas military bases? Its to spank you if you get out of line.
You’re pretty much on the money (excuse the pun). With the vast majority of humanity (how many are left) as slave labour. This is where the vile dogma of Neoliberalism is taking us Q.T. Really excellent site for you to check out called Neoliberalism Softpanorama. Huge site of dozens and dozens of subsections, many hundreds of linked articles, just a plethora of everything you ever wanted to know about this ‘socialism for the rich’ con job. Highly recommended.
Thanks for the info, just looking now but have to say i’m skeptical LOL in its introduction it says its an education site not a propaganda site, is there a difference? Am i being propagandized?
I think your name provides the answer to that.
Be of good cheer, and keep your brain in “Activated” mode.
Information is information, and it’s only when we get to “what to do with that information” that danger awaits.
Thanks for the info Gezza, it is the same as exposed in ”Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins.. x
You’re welcome Maggie. I’ve spruiked that site to a few Offg’ers; BigB, Milosevic, Q.T, couple others. Think it’s a really valuable site – explains everything, think the main guy behind it is from Czech Republic or Slovenia (??) as his english is not great, tho hundreds upon hundreds of linked articles. Cheers…
On the other hand, there has always been resistance to tyranny.
Just think back to the time when Britain ruled a sizeable chunk of the world, yet rebellion came, and not all of it from outside its empire.
Why would that change just because we have something which nominally calls itself “World Government”? If the aim is a “Big Brother” society, let no one imagine that rebellion would not come there too.
We do, to be sure, tolerate an astonishing amount of corruption and wickedness in our “representatives”, but now and then, the human race says, “Enough.”.
I recall that when Iceland confronted the corrupt politicians responsible for the harm done within its borders during the 2008 financial crash, their protest was absolutely non-violent, but it was also very noisy – “The Pots and Pans Rebellion”, it was called.
In the face of that, some of the “left-leaning” politicians retorted, “You are not ‘The People’ “, and their names are remembered in infamy for letting that little gem leak out, and making it abundantly clear that those who most certainly ARE The People are not recognized by their own government.
Iceland, like many other nations today, is simmering with barely-concealed rage and contempt for the corruption within its society, and “Enough” is mere millimetres away. You can read it in any comments page in the press, and no amount of labelling along the lines of “unified fraternity of world governance”, etc. is going to change that.
In fact, in one respect, it might even be a good thing to have something called “World Government”, if only in the sense that if that government were to commit atrocious crimes, (and it certainly looks like it would) we would once again start looking for the individuals responsible.
Those individuals would not be able to hide behind a group identity in some other compartment of society, as it were, since the government would be one compartment.
But of course World Government is the stupidest idea imaginable in any case, and there really has to be something wrong with your brain to think it could work.
Just to take one example out of endless possibilities:
Would such a government be run be freemasons?
Would that, in turn, make it compulsory to be a freemason?
And would that, in turn, make it meaningless to be a freemason?
No. Any uniformity in a world government would be challenged all over the place by individuals, since human evolution has irrevocably taken us to the point where we are stuck with individuality.
And something that took aeons to develop and mature doesn’t just go away.
Naturally, some are more individual than others, and that’s where our modern conflicts come from.
You made good points.
One thing you didn’t take into consideration, its not my plan, i don’t think it will work, but since when did liberals do anything rational? They have no understanding of natural!
The reality is either their will be one big dust up ending all of us. Or civilization will become so decadent & degenerate that it will implode, my personal favorite scenario is we will destroy so much of biodiversity, their will be a mass extinct event & its always the top of the food chain that falls the hardest.
Anyway since when did ruling the world being almost impossible ever stop the ambitions of psychopaths like Hitler or Genghis khan or Boris Johnson.
Isn’t the point of secret societies that the people in them remain secret & anonymous? who really pulls the strings in the deep state? How can we hold them to account? & who is responsible for the The Georgia Guide stones.
Sociopaths aren’t logical or rational, they ain’t going to be thinking of failure. But its important to remember Hitler didn’t turn the gas valve on, it was his lackeys, the camp guards always do the dirty work.
No worries. In fact I did take into consideration that it’s not your plan.
Your reference to a world government just triggered an urge in me to say something about it.
My reference to secret societies has in mind a possible future, where, let’s say a group of cultists succeed in actually being the heart of such a government, and, increasingly, people start to feel that this is the only valid place to be – rather like the way in which our modern would-be politicians already feel that a life surrounded by corruption in Washington and Westminster is just the ticket for them.
Eventually, everything in that environment becomes tainted with the same ink.
I used the example of freemasons simply due to the number of very prominent people in all walks of life who have been of the “Brotherhood” and wielded great influence in their time.
My futuristic scenario imagines that literally everybody gradually becomes part of the same “secret society”, which, thereby of course becomes no longer secret.
I suppose my point is that any organized government, however nepotistic, is going to have people somewhere in its hierarchy who will never accept its conventions and rules. They may have a very rough time, but such people will always exist.
You can count me as one of those people, the one thing that gets me riled is authority figures thinking they can give me orders, it just makes me even more stubbornly antagonistic against their agenda.
So you’re right there will always be rebellion & dissent against such tyrannical ventures.
But what is the point of the free masons? No really its a genuine question i’ve never under stood the point of joining clubs, i’m neither a leader or a follower & I can’t see what their purpose is. I once consulted David Ike (on u tube) but, well i wont go there, lets just say keeping company with lunatics isn’t my thing.
I’m not a mason myself, so I suppose I’m not the person to ask what the point is, except that they have a reputation for doing good works.
The strength of the group, however, always runs the danger of becoming exceptionalist and arrogant, pretty much as Americans have become with their exceptionalism, so that not being a member of the group becomes a real disadvantage.
That’s the nature of authoritarianism, whether deliberate or coincidental.
I did know a mason once, trust me he wasn’t a charitable kind of guy. I never felt the need to discuss his membership with him, but he did tell me that his order (what ever they call their lodges) allowed him to walk a sheep across london bridge!
He wasn’t called Boris Johnson, by any chance?
I have this vague recollection that he said walk across London bridge with a sheep naked,so it wouldn’t surprise me if his name was boris johnson.
(I of course may just be making that bit up)
“…he said walk across London bridge with a sheep naked…”
They fleece the sheep first? Par for the course.
Only one sheep? To or from the Inns of Court?
Question this:
” I once consulted David Ike (on u tube) but, well i wont go there, lets just say keeping company with lunatics isn’t my thing.”
What are your qualifications to judge who is a lunatic? Or do you belong to the Terry Wogan school of scoffing and mockery?
CLEARLY you have never read or listened properly to ‘anything’ David Ike says? So I wonder, just who is the ‘dullard’ who opens his mouth and let’s anything fall out, and prefers to speak from a place of ignorance rather than knowledge?
David Ike has spent the last thirty years investigating. collating and evaluating information, and attempting to educate and inform the ‘incapable of reasoning and thinking, gullible sheep.”
I would agree that some of what he says does goes way over uneducated people’s heads because they are so busy with their snouts in the trough. But he has been proved over and over to be right.
He has done all the ‘leg work’ for you. All you have to do is open your mind instead of your mouth.. look, listen and learn.
And think on this… he doesn’t have to do this…
OK don’t get upset! There is no need for name calling or ad-hom attacks.
I dislike David Icke, not for the message but the way its given. I dislike the disparaging manner he demeans other peoples opinions.
I dislike that he contrives conspiracies that really are so far fetched they are beyond worth taking seriously, “lizard people”, “Aliens” “Illuminati” really?
What has he been right about that no other self respecting critical thinking libertarian couldn’t see coming a mile off?
He’s not a visionary or the second coming he a conspiracy theorist who actually does make a living out of what he does.
Finally he was a footballer.
I’ve said this before on this forum, I enjoy a conspiracy theory as much as anyone, some have merit & when they contain factual evidence i appreciate their ability to spread the truth. But when you get individuals that seek conspiracies to research they loose credibility in my book. Seek the truth by investigating a subject you are connected too or interested in, fine but actively seek conspiracy theories, often for personal profit is not for me.
I hold my hand up, sorry for the name calling… but I really can’t stand the criticism of genuine people who are trying to inform us.
Ike does make a living out of what he does.. but I don’t see him living in the lap of luxury.. he lives in a little flat in the Isle of White.
”“lizard people”, “Aliens” “Illuminati” really?”
At first I couldn’t get on with ‘lizard people’ until I realised that what Ike was meaning that we all have inherited lizard genetics from our inception, but some have overwhelmingly strong lizard traits. Not that they ARE lizards… Just as some have inherited Neanderthal/gorilla traits?”
It would be unrealistic to think that earth is the only planet with life on it.. so I remain open minded.
There is overwhelming evidence that the Illuminati are a reality.
I call my wife a loony all the time, but i also tell her i love her all the time.
:-)) So does mine.
Speaking of secret societies one recalls the so-called Order of Assassins. Thus wikipedia:
Assassins (Persian Ḥashashiyan, Arabic Ḥashīshiyya or Ḥashīshiyyīn, singular Ḥashīshī) is the name given to the Nizari Ismailis in the mountains of Persia and Syria between about 1090 to 1275… The Nizaris posed a strategic threat to Sunni Seljuq authority by capturing and inhabiting several mountain fortresses throughout Persia and later Syria, under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah. Asymmetric warfare, psychological warfare, and surgical strikes were often a tactic of the assassins, drawing their opponents into submission rather than risk killing them.[6]
While “Assassins” typically refers to the entire sect, only a group of acolytes known as the fida’i actually engaged in conflict. Lacking their own army, the Nizari relied on these warriors to carry out espionage and assassinations of key enemy figures, and over the course of 300 years they killed two caliphs, and many viziers, sultans, and Crusader leaders.[7]..
The Nizari were acknowledged and feared by the Crusaders. The stories of the Assassins were further embellished by Marco Polo. European orientalist historians in the 19th century – such as Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall – also referred to the Nizari in their works and tended to write about the Nizari based on accounts by medieval Sunni Arab and Persian authors…
”My reference to secret societies has in mind a possible future, where, let’s say a GROUP OF CULTISTS SUCEED IN ACTUALLY BEING THE HEART OF SUCH A GOVERNMENT”, and, increasingly, people start to feel that this is the only valid place to be – rather like the way in which our modern would-be politicians already feel that a life surrounded by corruption in Washington and Westminster is just the ticket for them..”
I think that ‘future’ may already be with us Wardropper.. if the Aljazeera documentary ”The Lobby” is to be believed.
They are here.. controlling all our lives.
Good point.
I was really thinking of a more permanent future infiltration, but admittedly without any specifics in mind. Masons, Satanists, Nihilists, Believers in “the Rapture”, etc, perhaps? I don’t know.
If we assume that one day there will be no opposition to Zionist Israel left – which seems to be its aim – I was just imagining other possible groups with a blueprint for mankind’s future.
Perhaps they are not all even a bad thing?
But I can’t see anything changing without some sort of major upheaval in the complacent lives most people lead today.
Would that be the Zyclon B Louse killer, that was used to try and stem the Typhus epidemic?
I try to steer clear of that controversy, any other narrative can get you arrested in some parts. Only used it as an example, regretted the moment i clicked send. I was only really paying attention with one eye on wardroppers replies.
The Middle East wars have been about protecting Israel’s colonising of Palestine through genocide.
Nah they didn’t need too, they are about the greater Israel project. They need to destabilize the region first. They want more than Palestine. They want Syria, Iraq even Part of SA.
…And the Saudi’s are “In Bed with” Israel??? I wonder how they’ll make that work, if ever “Greater Israel” becomes fact??
I’ve posted Blum before.
CIA Support of Death Squads.
Any of this sound sound familiar?
“The Mossadegh government tried to do all the right things to placate the British: It offered to set aside 25% of the net profits of the oil operation as compensation; it guaranteed the safety and the jobs of the British employees; it was willing to sell its oil without disturbance to the tidy control system so dear to the hearts of the international oil giants. But the British would have none of it. What they wanted was their oil company back. And they wanted Mossadegh’s head. A servant does not affront his lord with impunity. A military show of force by the British navy was followed by a ruthless international economic blockade and boycott, and a freezing of Iranian assets which brought Iran’s oil exports and foreign trade to a virtual standstill, plunged the already impoverished country into near destitution, and made payment of any compensation impossible.” (‘p64. ‘Killing Hope’ – William Blum)
The British ambassador referred to “these impudent natives.”
Yes, Frank. Same MO (as Iran gov. only too aware).
The usual divisive Great Satan modus operandi…..
e.g. re Trujillo (the dark state’s man):
(remember to allow for the usual wiki ‘omissions’)
“The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military
dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia,
Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala,
El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in
1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take
place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes
they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you
wouldn’t know it.
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t
happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have
been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually
talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical
manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good.”
Harold Pinter, 7th Dec 2005
Harold Pinter. A speaker of truth. Suspiciously, prematurely silenced.
Not many left to follow in his footsteps but there are a few that I follow today.
I was not aware of Harold Pinter until a relatively recent discovery.Indeed a great speaker / writer of truth .
Have been deeply concerned with events in the Persian Gulf and the prospects of war in the last couple months, however now, am not so sure about war breaking out. I may be very wrong on this.
The satanic hegemon seems to be taking the course of imposing as many sanctions as possible to literally starve Iran into submission, with the hope the Govt is overthrown, and getting its vassals to refuse to allow Iranian ships to refuel, such as the case with 2 Iranian ships stranded off the coast of Brazil.
Perhaps it’s sinking into the pus filled brains of the psychopaths in Washington and Tel Aviv, the actual consequences if they struck Iran militarily. The very first things would be a total closure of the Straits Of Hormuz, and thousands of missiles raining down on Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
One dosn’t need to be a rocket scientist to realise the chaos unleashed on the World economy if the Straits Of Hormuz were closed. It would have a huge impact. Are these creatures that delusional to risk an economic meltdown?
“If they want their people to eat, they have to do as they’re told.”
They want to repeat the great sanctions “success” of Iraq, where half a million children under 5 died.
Americans have no idea how much they are hated, loathed and despised across the world.
That even includes a lot of their most servile, obsequious satraps like the UK.
What goes around, comes around.
One day soon there will be an almighty reckoning.
Law. (War crimes.) Agreed Joint Enterprise. Motive. Money. Power. Status. City of London (crim facilitators). Offshore banksters.
Who controls (effectively) international courts ? Why is EU undermined for allegedly wishing to expose ‘secret money’ launderers ?
Why are war criminals not being prosecuted ? e.g. Why do Straw, Campbell and other enablers continue to reside in UK when Bliar seemingly does not ? Who currently ‘employs’ Bliar, for example ?
Do they all have a free pass from the Plutocrats and from the Plutocratic Zionist colonising project ?
Or. Is it merely chutzpah that crims walk freely among the 99% ??
And the sooner the better. How much longer can the shaky fraudulent without a mandate Tory government hobble on ? That piece of shit Johnson is on a little winning the serfs over trip. Scotland yesterday, Wales today. I do believe the devolved people will give him what for. The English on the other hand have been serfs since time began. They will need an almighty reckoning to wake the fuck up.
I am so tired of it all whilst the population in the main stays sleeping.
USA hated? Are we allowed to hate Israel?
“The American people should know that it is not them, but their governments policies that are so hated”……Arundhati Roy
‘“The American people should know that it is not them, but their governments policies that are so hated”……Arundhati Roy’
Unfortunately (acknowledging Ms Roy’s activism, etc), most of the people who say that sort of thing are for “democracy” and the “right to demonstrate”. Phhhht.
it’s not because of the psychopath Trump ……. it’s because of the psychopaths that control all US presidents …… Iran was on the hit list long before Trump came on the scene.
There are one or two dissenting political voices – largely ignored by the MSM of course.
Sadly .. but perhaps predictably she caved on Hres 246. https://youtu.be/Cds2JWMYxA4
Yes, hugely disappointing (following debate about it on Asa Winstanley’s Twitter account).
Tulsi might be the least worse option although Machiavellists claim she is a republican plant aiming to split the democrats?
I just don’t know enough about the US to fathom which is the most likely.
Thank you. Bookmarked under ‘USMIC Greed’. TG steely cool. Hopefully TG will never be sucked into playing the binary-fake-dem plutocratic game.
Trump is just the monkey, not the organ grinder.
Ludicrous hagiography for a brutal and despotic regime.
It has pledged to wipe Israel off the map, defended that butcher Assad, and practices arbitrary imprisonment and execution in its own country. Do not weep for Iran, rather count yourself lucky you don’t live there, and are free to walk around without being attacked by the religious police.
First comment and its just a repeat of what we’re told over and over in the media.
I’m not going to defend Iran, I’d just like to point out that pre-revolution any attempt at opposition invited the attention of an organization known as SAVAK, an intelligence organization well known for its brutality. This was OK with us because the Shah was our friend and it was just holding the line &tc. Anyway, post revolution saw the emergence of SAVAMA which — surprise! — was exactly the same organization doing the same job in the same country but because its now post-revolution Iran its a terrible thing that shows just how awful the regime is (et cetera).
I will defend Syria, though. I kind of object ot Assad being described as a ‘butcher’, he’s actually an ophthalmologist by training (trained in the UK). He has one distinction as a leader of a country in the Middle East — he wins elections. Before we (the west) started the whole Arab Spring thing Syria was a standout in the area for having a tolerant, multicultural, society.
Both countries are on Israel’s ‘naughty’ list so we can expect to hear nothing good about them. (They probably got that way from pointing out that Israel isn’t as multicultural or democratic as it likes everyone to believe it is.)(OK — there’s the “Death to Israel” thing but that’s just rhetoric painted on the walls, the real target isn’t Jewry but Zionism…..but that’s a whole different topic.)
The UK under ultra pro-Zionist Gordon Browne planned and set of the war in Syria to bring down Assad on the orders of Israel.
The ‘religious police’
Do you mean the Facebook, Google or Twitter police?
When was the last time your wife, sister, or daughter was whipped by social media for failing to cover up?
Why try and defend the indefensible? Denying there are some very unpleasant aspects to living in a theocracy out of hatred of America and the West does nothing to strengthen your case.
Its funny. It very much sounds like Iran is a better place than SpartUSA.
Where do you want to start?
They have EVERY right to hate warmongering yanky land , I do, probably more than they do, they think they have the right to tell any country what they can have , who their leader will be, who they can trade with, do you know any other country that behaves like that?
This isn’t about America, it’s about Iran. I know little about America, beyond the fact people aspire to live there, and in Iran, and many of the countries lionised by the Off-Guardian readership, they aspire to leave…
One has to be curious, why a country as energy rich as Iran, is desirous of Uranium 235, and Plutonium 239. They are both rather singular in there use, and in the civilian arena, akin to substituting a 747 for a bicycle.
Lets face it the only effective defense against the neo-liberal empire is nuclear weapons, that’s why NK, Russia & China are off the (physical) hit list.
That said i have no great admiration for Irans political ruling system. But the Iranian people don’t deserve to suffer because of it. Anyway it was either religious dictatorship or a western imposed Monarchy, wasn’t much of a choice was it?
And look at Iraq, Libya, Egypt & Syria it seems without strong dictators you just get violent chaos covertly stirred up by the wests deep state. Is Iraq or Libya better off now they have democracy?
Assad was elected.
Egypt has a dictator as the previous elected president was overthrown in a coup by USA and Israel.
Even you, William Cowboy should be able to understand the reasoning behind Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons. You should also understand why America won’t allow them to have those weapons but say nothing about the alleged 250 held by Israel.
I imagine you’d say Israel needs them for self-protection? The same is true for Iran. The only difference is 40 years of American propaganda from people like Lindsey Graham who’ve terrified their electorate with claims that “the evil mullahs want to make a nuclear device fit in a suitcase and deliver it to the Charleston naval base.” Which has no base in reality but has nether-the-less convinced 3 generations that Iran is actively trying to destroy the land of the free. You admit you know “little about America”, I suggest you take off the blinkers and learn.
You should ask Cheney or Rumsfeld, who sold enough nuclear technology to Iran for 20 nuclear power stations in the 1970s before their puppet Shah was overthrown.
Their explanation was that this was an efficient way to generate electricity for an expanding economy and population. And free up oil and gas for export. If that’s good enough for Rummy, it should be good enough for you.
Maybe you can explain why Sunni Pakistan is bristling with nuclear rockets but this is never mentioned in the West press or social media at all? Eastern neighbor of Shia Iran.
Maybe because everybody knows about it already.
India went nuclear in 74.
Pakistan knew it had to follow suit or get steamrollered underfoot.
But it only has around 80.
Not many compared with the huge illegal arsenal of 400 warheads given to the psychopathic Zionist Regime, which has threatened to use them to wipe out Europe.
Hi Mark,
You do know that Billy the Kid and Antonym are a tag team?
As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
When was the last time your child was shot in the head by the heroic kiddie killers or burnt to a crisp by white phosphorous?
I live in Australia where religion is practiced at football matches but not churches or mosques and yet I despise what the USA and their master race/exceptionalism is doing to people all over the world, not in the name of some God but in the name of capitalism. They are doing this to their own people too because the elites want most of us to be slaves. Soon people everywhere will rise up and these elites will think that the guillotine would be a blessing.
What a bell end.
You would seek to change (in your words) ‘a despotic regime’ with something worse, WOW!
Wipe Israel of the Map, really? When did THEY? say that? Don’t be shy who said it?
Oh, and those Iranian Jews, they’ve been leaving in their droves havent they? There isn’t a day that goes by the same Iranian based Jewish person is on telly wishing for regime change.
From reading and watching travellers in Iran, it would seem to be one of the friendliest countries in the world.
I would defend Assad, against the likes you and ya whoremongers.
Oh and one last thing. You should note that you are shortlisted for this years ‘Arseholes Arsehole Award 2019’.
Jog on!
In 2000, Khamenei stated, “Iran’s position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini] and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do. America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit. So we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
Note well Mark, that the fckg troll hasn’t responded to this?
Soft lad they have NEVER said they would wipe the apartheid jewish state off the map, you warmongering yanks deliberately misinterpreted it for fools like you, they said they would wipe them from the pages of history , which is quite something else, and are we really that free to walk around without being attacked by the police , how many have the murdered so far? I know nor one has been prosecuted, go back to reading you daily express or more than likely the the idiotic right wing mail
That is actually worse. Not only does Iran hope to wipe Israel from the map, it hopes to destroy any idea that they were ever on the map.
There’s rhetoric & there’s reality! What would you say if the most powerful empire that has ever been suddenly decided its your turn to die?
Israel itself is doing quite a job of that already. As if the Israelis need another nation to help them wipe their own country off the map and out of the history tomes.
There is a country in the Middle East that has been wiped off the map.
By Zionist terror and genocide.
That country is called Palestine.
Don’t feed the troll.
Call it out as a troll. Make fun of it.
But don’t feed it.
It was never said Iran would wipe apartheid Israel off the map, it was deliberately misinterpreted by the warmongering yanks for people like you to swallow, he actually said they would be removed from the pages of history, which, but that won’t suit you will it with your love for Israel, and their world wide effort to suppress any sort of criticism , with their nonsensical repeated garbage of antisemitism
It is the psychopathic regime of Talmudistan and its stooges in Washington who have threatened to “obliterate” Iran on a daily basis for the past 20 years.
Assad committed the terrible crime of defending his country against the invasion of cannibal head choppers and throat slitters orchestrated by the Chosen Folk, the US and UK.
Think yourself lucky you don’t live in Talmudistan, and are free to walk around without being shot in the head by kiddie killers or burnt alive by settler thugs.
You are quick to accuse anyone expressing the opposing view of being in the pay of Israel, one wonders whether you have listened to the opposing view at all.
I have a passing interest in politics, but don’t see Israel as largely significant at all. I am amused as to how you manage to shoehorn the subject into every discussion.
That’s you, that is.
DF…… Surely he (you know who!) is better ignored?
>but don’t see Israel as largely significant at all
I wish it were true. Unfortunately its not — for example, you really can’t get any traction in US politics at the Federal level without expressing fealty to Israel. There are signs that this influence is waning from its ‘all pervasive’ level but not enough to effect any change in that country’s policies yet. Meanwhile huge amount of money are also poured into that country from the US, directly and indirectly — quite honestly if it was any other country you’d probably find what’s going on was illegal.
You do the same, just as an apologist for Talmudic barbarism.
Ah, its bright spark again. You are surely a blot on humanity with your insignificant ramblings which have no basis whatsoever.
Read, read and read some more. Educate yourself to the reality of what is happening and if you cannot bring yourself to do that . just shut the fuck up because every time you write you expose your ignorance and lack of humanity. I am so sick of assholes.
Israel is a colony so it should be given back to the Palestinians. Does that equate to being wiped off the map?
“It has pledged to wipe Israel off the map,”
Wow, you still believe this stupid myth? It hasn’t pledged any such thing. It said that that the occupation regime will disappear from the pages of time.
“defended that butcher Assad,”
Ah yes, the standard label for anyone targeted for regime change, whether or not he is a butcher.
“and practices arbitrary imprisonment and execution in its own country.”
Iran is mild in its internal repression compared to US favorites such as Saudi Arabia.
“Do not weep for Iran, rather count yourself lucky you don’t live there, and are free to walk around without being attacked by the religious police.”
Translation: don’t worry if the US engages in another bloodbath of sanctions, terror bombing, destruction of sewerage and electrical facilities, and fans the flames of sectarian war.
I just can’t see Trump starting a war in Iran. It would absolutely dwarf the Iraq war as a tragedy and dreadful mistake. Trump has very vocally criticized the Iraq war and has made non-intervention a central tenet of his presidency. It just doesn’t make sense that he would go in that direction. I think it is all theatrics, a precursor to how he seems to like to ‘make deals’.
I agree. It seems to be a negotiating strategy, to threaten the worst.
Excuse me, are you saying you are a troll? Why warn the readers about yourself? Sounds a bit masochistic!
You know very well that I am referring to William HBonney.
How would I know that?
Its a distraction from the real strategy of proxy jihadi armies infiltrating from Afghanistan.
It seems to me Trump has been playing good cop, bad cop, first its the psychos turn (Bolton etc) then the less irrational (Paul) to negotiate their objective.
But I don’t think we can count on common sense prevailing, war though not the intention could so easily break out in the dick waving contest.
It would be devastating for the entire region & catastrophe for Irans people, Iran may give America an unexpected bloody nose but the US are just to powerful to beat. Who knows how it would escalate, i don’t see Russia just sitting on the fence & they are in a better position now economically then they were during the Bosnian/Iraq wars.
You forget that the USA was all powerful when it manufactured a war against little Vietnam but it was the USA that ran away in panic. It’s not just what you can do but also what you can endure.
Hi Savorywill, I hope with all my heart that you are right. 🙂
Yes, I hope so too. So far, he seems to be following the basic tenets of his non-interventionist stance during his campaign. I really do shudder to think what would have happened had Hillary won, with her abysmal track record as Secretary of State, with both Libya and Ukraine. She would have been a disaster and I was so relieved that she lost!
Iran has done nothing wrong! NOTHING… It is as Andre says. Iran dares to help those nations that the Evil USA hydra have been ordered to destroy by the demonic government of Israhell.
The Zionists do not forget.. and will have their pound of flesh.
Ahmadinejad did not apologize for, or distance himself, from his past comments questioning the Holocaust and a 2006 conference he hosted that brought Holocaust deniers to Tehran.
Why should he? IMHO Every man woman and child is entitled to have opinions, and to voice them.
And the only reason I can see for Israhell trying to silence people is because they definitely have something to hide.
This is the reason for Israel/USA want them disciplined.
Every single word Ahmadinejad said in 2010 is TRUE even today!
When you see caps for emphasis, you don’t even need to read the comment to know it is complete BS.
Do say .. quite an observation “complete BS” , look in a mirror 😊
I feel much the same when I see William HBonney 😂
Like the caps you used for “BS”?
How can someone who claims to be a ‘lifelong Labour Party supporter’ make such reactionary pro establishment, pro imperialist comments? Thats what’s got me baffled, unless you’re actually a … Paid Troll. Gasp…
I’m not particularly patriotic for my own country, but unlike you, the author of this piece, and others commenting here, it doesn’t find expression in patriotism for another country, whose values are alien, and impossible to comprehend.
At the end of the day, we’re all human beings with hopes and aspirations; with mothers, fathers, siblings, regardless of whether we live in Iran, Thailand, Tanzania or Scotland, regardless of skin colour or religion or age or whether disabled or abled. War destroys all of that. It destroys people’s future’s.
Respect for mentioning Tanzania, I spent many a happy day there.
At least until the serving boys and the fellow who used to fan your head with a palm leaf while you were sipping an afternoon cuppa ended up throwing you and your scum kind back to the UK in 1964.
Scotland? Whens the last time you were up here? You know we are ruled by the crazy liberal SNP? I don’t think they deserve any sympathy or the people that voted them in.
Well, my granddad came from Paisley. Does that count? Never been to the UK or anywhere in the northern hemisphere. No sympathy for any politicians, especially nationalist ones.
Well said Gezza,
Unfortunately they are not human… so preserving life is not on their agenda?
I could explain it to you.
But i have neither the time or the crayons.
No you couldn’t, Frank…. You are impotent in this, and probably in real life.
Talk to your doctor, he can prescribe something.
Some babies were dropped on their head.
You were clearly thrown at a wall.
No, Billy is just a kid who likes to shoot people in the back because he lacks the courage to face the truth. The Empire is collapsing and Billy is running from his certain fate.
What? Billy the Kid is a Labour Party supporter? He isn’t Tom Watson is he?
Thought similar Maggie, tho it’s hard enough dealing with all the stuff going on in the World; viz Neocon nutters, Persian Gulf, Bojo & Trumpeter, etc etc, without being trolled by nasty shit stirring trolls. Your advice stands: don’t feed them, and sites like OffGuardian are always going to attract people like him. Have a good week.
It appears they have brought in reinforcements, Fight something or other?
So, Iran, wiping Israel of the map. Come on BS peddler, pony up.
Link to who said it, or crawl back under your rock.
In 2000, Khamenei stated, “Iran’s position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini] and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”
That’s a cut and paste from different speeches. He said the Zionist Regime, like the Apartheid Regime before it, would go into the dustbin of history.
Khomeini didn’t say that!
What he did say that there would never be peace in the Middle East until the pernicious Zionist regime was defeated.
This: ”Cancerous tumour called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”
Is what the Zionist Presstitute MSM and their attack dogs USA said that he said.
HERE are the facts.. Note – Khomeini was ASKED questions, to which he gave answers…
No plan to ”eliminate” Israel, but suggestions to remove the Evil rabid dog Zionist regime………. and return Palestine to the state that was there before the Zionists… when ALL MEN AND RELIGIONS LIVED IN HARMONY SIDE BY SIDE.
That’s all you got in the tank?
Jog on!
No reason. Iran doesn’t seek nuclear weapons, even for self defence, and could never use them to attack other countries without self-annihilation. Iran wasn’t responsible for ANY of the recent provocations in the Gulf, including its seizing of the UK tanker for endangering traffic in the straits of Hormuz. Iran supported local forces in Iraq and Syria to combat the NATO-backed terrorist groups including IS. Iran has supported every effort to help Palestinians get their rights accepted by the UNGA, while never acting militarily. Iran has been supporting the Yemeni national resistance, while the US-Israel-UAE coalition murders the Yemeni people.
A year ago, not all Iranians supported the actions of their government in these conflicts, being fooled by US propaganda during the Obama era. Hopefully this renewed assault on Iran will draw them together as it has the Syrians.
But I share Vltchek’s feeling that we must act to stop this, whatever those in the UK and US and Western media say – “we come in peace, with flowers in the barrels of our guns” – Don’t take the flowers!
On the first point, of course it does. The bomb is rock solid assurance that you’ll never be invaded. Countries in the region have been invaded by both the US and the Soviet Union.
On the second, in a country where ‘heavily modified democracy’ plays second fiddle to religion, one cannot be assured that, given the gift of nuclear fire, they won’t use it first. A believe in the afterlife in these circumstances doesn’t inspire confidence.
Like Israel have the Samson option?
We all know this is one of those contrived neoliberal conflicts, that has been on empires bucket list for decades & its going to end badly for all of us one way or another.
But does anyone have nuclear weapons with the intention of using them? It certainly helps prevent the Americans invading if you have them.
No reason? Dey got oil and Israel is hounding the US to attack them. No good reason, no neutral reason, not even a bad reason because bad does not do justice to the forces behind the bloodlust.
Nothing VICIOUS with Iran, but cannot say that with US, slave to israHELL !