Conspiracy, Death and Jeffrey Epstein

Binoy Kampmark

Within minutes of news about his death in a Manhattan jail cell Saturday morning, theories spread with pestilential vigour.  Was Jeffrey Epstein murdered? Accepting the premise without qualification, the next question followed: Who did it?

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was not giving anyone time to wonder.

“A guy who had information that would have destroyed rich and powerful men’s lives end up dead in his jail cell.  How predictably…Russian.”

There had been a potential trigger: the unsealing of documents by a Federal court from a lawsuit by one of Epstein’s accusers directed against socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman behind the man behind the women.

In 2017, Virginia Giuffre, who had accused Maxwell of procuring young girls for sexual abuse by Epstein, settled. The depositions were duly salacious, linking the procurement to the Epstein circle, which, by all accounts, was rather large.

Specific to Giuffre were claims that Maxwell had issued her instructions “to serve”, amongst others, Britain’s Prince Andrew, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and scientist Marvin Minsky.

Epstein was the insider mogul, a deeply connected, even embedded figure holding the confidences of the rich and powerful even as he pampered them. Having become a sordid archive of sorts, to have him accused of trafficking in underage sex was a powerful incentive for the narrative of silence to charge forth on an unruly steed. 

To have the Epstein largesse was to have its taint. And in Donald Trump’s USA, the conspiracy machine furnishes the means of settling scores and scuttling accounts; never mind the facts, those silly little things that tend to be bound up in order to die in isolation.

Anyone involved with Epstein in any intimate way could hardly have denied that sinister gothic element to his life, itself sketchy about details as college dropout, high school teacher in Manhattan and money manager. What proved striking was a pseudo-intellectual leaning in his circle: the need for a permanently horny financier to be with the bright in order to arrive at some justification for, as Andrew O’Hagan observed, “personally impregnating countless women”.

His home on East 71st Street in New York sported a stone satyr over a fifteen-foot front door leading to a home with décor “of the Gothic Quagmire school”. When he sparked interest in the authorities – of the unhealthy type – he tended to wriggle out of it, using heavy artillery lawyers to do his bidding. 

Operation Leap Year, conducted by the FBI over a period of 14 months some twelve years ago, found evidence that 34 underage girls had been solicited by Epstein. Not so, claimed the Alan Dershowitz-led team: the girls were not underage. A “non-prosecution” agreement was struck, allowing Epstein to escape incarceration.

The details, since released, show that Dershowitz convinced Miami prosecutors that Epstein could avoid federal charges provided he owned up to two counts of soliciting, one of them being with a minor.  Immunity would also be provided for “any potential co-conspirators”. Epstein’s accusers were not to be informed of this nasty jigging of the legal system, a point in clear violation of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.  (The legal eagle soaring over the proceedings, it should also be said, had been accused by Giuffre of being one of the Epstein inner circle she was to sexually service.)

Such a resume has commanded much suspicion in terms of timing and result.  New York mayor Bill de Blasio deemed it “way too convenient”. To reporters, he asked what Epstein could possibly have known.  “How many other millionaires and billionaires were part of the illegal activities that he was engaged in?” In the social media scape, facts were already being killed off as rapidly as they were conceived.

President Donald Trump relished a chance to muck in, retweeting a post by comedian and commentator Terrence K. Williams sceptical about the “24/7 suicide watch”.  Here was a chance to aim a few blows at his old sparring partners, the Clintons. The rancid smell of dough and sex from the fictional paedophile rings associated with “Pizzagate” in 2016 had reappeared.  “#JeffreyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead.”

That whole matter was preceded by a retweet of a post by BNL News: “BREAKING: Documents were unsealed yesterday revealing that top Democrats, including Bill Clinton, took private trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophilia land’.”  The president felt in the pink of things, launching thick salvos against the media he regarded as “lamestream”. 

“Think how wonderful it is to be able to fight back and show, to so many, how totally dishonest the Fake News Media really is.  It may be the most corrupt disgusting business (almost) there is!”

Clinton spokesman and press secretary Angel Ureña added to the news cycle with a statement that, “President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York.”

The Daily Beast indulged a scenario in mocking fashion.  Perhaps that other part of the Clinton duo, Hillary, “performed a flawless HALO parachute jump onto the roof of the Manhattan Correctional Center, rappelled down the elevator shaft”, in the process infiltrating cell, killing Epstein and making off “with her blonde hair perfectly in place and not a single stain on her tactical pantsuit”.

Not wishing to be outdone, anti-Trump tweets have aggressively followed in the wake of claims that the Clintons were intent on silencing Epstein, leaving, along the way, a good number of corpses.  The hashtag #TrumpBodyCount was a response as measured as that of #ClintonBodyCount.

Epstein’s death is being covered, interpreted and heaved over in a scattergun environment resistant to news.  Any news account must, by its Trump inflected nature, be a set-up, a contrivance, a concoction of power. “He reportedly tried to kill himself two weeks ago,” snorts Scarborough. “And is allowed to finish the job now?  Bullshit.”

This leaves such questions as those posed by O’Hagan in the London Review of Books lukewarm in their intensity, however sensible they might seem.  “When guilty men kill themselves, are they acknowledging their guilt, or is it more like an act of self-pity?”  Epstein’s suicide terminated “a judicial process that he spent millions to disdain”; it also negated a life in prison he sought to avert.  Any answers found by the Metropolitan Correctional Center (New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants “lots of them”) are bound to fall short in the current milieu of celebrated pandemonium.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


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Peter Coughlan
Peter Coughlan
Aug 16, 2019 6:37 PM

” For JEWS nothing is more insulting than the TRUTH ” . Alexander Solzhenitsyn ( 1918-2008 )

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 16, 2019 8:12 PM
Reply to  Peter Coughlan

Hi. This article isn’t actually concerned with Epstein’s ethnicity or religion, even if you clearly are. You can find our comment policy here –


please note the part about racism.

Aug 17, 2019 1:59 AM
Reply to  Peter Coughlan

Oy vey, goy! The truth is anti semitic! Shut it down!!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 16, 2019 5:31 AM


One of the more shameful aspects of the New York Times shocking attitudes towards the late sex perv Epstein is its description of his victims as “underage women”.

The Atlantic is more than just the excreta of the odious David Frum and in the above article they put the “underage women” tag in context.

Aug 15, 2019 11:03 PM

I’m curious how the author knows the Pizzagate pedo ring is/was fictional?

Aug 14, 2019 2:54 PM

George Webb on YouTube has produced 4000 videos in 3 years since 016 wikileaks.
According to George, Epstein was hired by AG Bill Barr’s father, Donald Barr in 72 or 73 to work at the $50k/ year Dalton school in NY even though he was a dropout unqualified to teach. George has tracked a plane registered to State dpt, CIA, Dyncorp, and Epstein. Dyncorp was trafficking in Bosnia in the 90s.
George speculates Epstein flying girls to diplomat parties on Block Island, and honeypots for nuclear scientists. He covers Clinton Foundation, Awan brothers, Anthony Weiner, and 100s more.
Maybe the girls were just the surface level of drug and weapons smuggling and nuclear deals.
Search George Webb ” where is Eric Braverman”, it seems to be a 50 year rabbit hole.

Aug 25, 2019 6:19 PM
Reply to  ttshasta

IMHO – The TRUTH we are all looking for is clearly stated here…from former SECRETARY OF STATE – MIKE PIECZENIK.

and here’s more

Don’t think that this is a new phenomena. It has been going on for more than fifty years, but they managed somehow to sweep it under the carpet. But here’s more to ponder:
comment image

It is alleged that abducted paper boy Johnny Gosh was GH Bush’s ‘boy,’ Jeff Gannon was GW Bush’s ‘boy’ as was Prince Bandar???

Aug 14, 2019 1:16 PM

Suppression of war crimes (conspiracy of) evidence. Epstein deliberate deceit by the evil empire.

Actually, both Epstein and Assange—dead or alive—are precisely about the war criminal MIC elite suppressing evidence of war crimes; crim conspiracy; and in Epstein (not JA) sex crimes/coercion/conspiracy for war crimes.

Gobsmacking chutzpah** by the so-called elite, war criminal regime. Stooge judges. Misconduct in public office. Fake legal process. Ignoring (as Chagos) human rights & international law.
Almost have to laugh at the depraved elite but too evil too sad to be laughing.

All of us. Surrounded by so many mindless facilitators of war crimes…. one ‘friend’ of mine in his 60’s, ret’d army, was a prisoner for 6 months in Iraq.  For me, he still doesn’t ‘get it’ !!!  

(**  =  so busy playing paedos! .. they don’t even think in fact cannot think at all about the 99% !!)

(from CM site, a brilliant comment on how war criminals destroy evidence against war criminals…..)
August 14, 2019 at 07:36
It sounds like they have him on strong antidepressants, this would account for his disorientation. From personal experience this could be Dothipin or Venlafaxine (less likely) Look for side effects like very dry mouth, slow to respond, difficulty in forming complex sentences or dealing with complicated matters as he once would have. Excessive sweating may be another side effect, more pronounced on the latter.
It’s not to say he doesn’t need these medications, but taking them will leave him extremely vulnerable as he will find himself unable to think as clearly or remember things, even important things which he would need to so that he can have a reasonable chance of defending his case.
I imagine that both his accusers and our own government at using this time effectively, no doubt other charges will follow. I gather he is being charged with something like conspiracy to hack into US Government servers and theft of information via that route. I can’t see them going only on this charge. More will be made of it, probably just before the extradition hearing, to prevent him building his defence properly. And the Swedish case will be brought up again as a safeguard. But I can’t imagine the UK Government not trying to find a way to levy more charges of their own. Something along the lines of hacking, something to destroy his credibility that would ‘prove’ him a liar. He would be presented in court in the US as a liar and a sex offender. Thus reducing his chances of acquittal yet further.
It seems to be the way they do it, destroy credibility by making you out either as a thief or liar, add a sexual element then present you on a thin charge with little to no evidence but with your reputation completely destroyed. Usually works, at least in the sense of stopping the public believing what you are saying – and that’s the real aim after all.
They’ve done this so many times to people who’s only crime was to speak out on the wrongdoing of the US or UK……

“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”  Denis Diderot

Aug 14, 2019 7:49 AM

It looks as though they are trying to throw two warders under the bus for falling asleep, whilst the chief warder who ordered Epstein’s removal from suicide watch and taking the other prisoner out of the cell is getting a free pass.
Meanwhile there is nothing about this on the UK MSM, so I can assume that word has been given for a press blackout on this.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 14, 2019 8:11 AM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Posting a source would be helpful

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 14, 2019 10:23 AM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Thanks – we ought to have underlined the importance of posting sources in this thread. Can be invaluable at a later date.

The Thinker
The Thinker
Aug 14, 2019 10:21 AM
George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 14, 2019 11:40 AM

See above

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 14, 2019 11:39 AM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Here is the NYT summary of their article, coming one day after the NYT breathlessly informed us that the prison guards were short staffed and that inexperienced newbies were on duty.

“The two guards in the jail unit where Jeffrey Epstein died last weekend had fallen asleep and failed to check on him for about three hours, according to law enforcement officials. The pair then falsified records to cover that up.
The Justice Department on Tuesday placed the employees on leave and temporarily reassigned the jail’s warden, pending an investigation into the apparent suicide of Mr. Epstein, who was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.”

Geddit? The ridiculous claim that it was his lawyers who were responsible for the suicide watch being lifted also debuted yesterday. So the storyline has its framework laid.

1) shortstaffing – who can fail to be sympathetic, we’ve all been there
2) new staff- we’ve all been there
3) fell asleep on the job – we’ve all been there, those big meanie employers, working them to death
4) those foolish Epstein lawyers- nobody likes lawyers anyway, blame the bastards.
5) those new guards falsified the log – they might lose their jobs! Justice done and served. NEXT!
6) may not be videos available – not clear if video in Epsteins cell, they say -you can bet a can of Maxwell’s House!

The warden gets reassigned? Promotion?

You can’t make it up, or can you? Same old New York Times, handmaiden of the 1% when they are down on their luck and need a helping hand-maiden. And once they were the go to, for whistleblowers.Can you imagine.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 15, 2019 2:39 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

‘Luckily’, Jeffrey knew exactly when they were all sleeping on the job …

Aug 15, 2019 8:33 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Exactly, and he also knew the CCTV cameras were not working.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 15, 2019 8:48 AM
Reply to  andyoldlabour

Of course he did: his friends designed, built & installed them & informed him via morse code with a flashing built in tiny red light … – – – … 🙂
Save our Souls, was short for ‘go for it, kill yourself NOW’ or
we’ll send in R.KELLY, to be your room mate … LOL

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 15, 2019 9:27 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Yes the stars were aligned.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Aug 15, 2019 9:56 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

nice one George: something to do with getting all your ducks in a row, i guess, and then pull, to complete an economical death row and then blame it all on the grateful dead fans , who were studying Tarot at the time …

Aug 14, 2019 4:54 AM

Tonymike – you are correct in your assessments.
What you say is no different from Clapper’s complaint that Russians are “genetically disposed” to infiltrate, subvert, etc.
Or that Iranians are deceitful and cannot be trusted.
Nobody screams “race hate” at him.
But Russians and Iranians don’t get the special privileges of the Chosen Folk.

In life, you can’t draw a map on a scale of 1 to 1.
And even if you could, it would be a pointless exercise.
In life, you have to simplify and draw conclusions.
This is a necessary part of life.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 14, 2019 12:11 PM
Reply to  Editor

I am sure you will be judicious in censoring, given the roots of this site. Outlandish comments can generate useful discussion, indeed often promote it. But there are surely certain lines which can’t be crossed.

Aug 14, 2019 5:08 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

George Cornell, hmm that’s the second time you’ve chipped in to give your soft support for an openly racist thread.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 14, 2019 5:39 PM
Reply to  gardenfiend

What soft support? And this thread is about Epstein, and my contributions have primarily been about the news spin. What are you up to? I don’t recognize your name.

Aug 14, 2019 6:26 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Post, rather than thread. If that confused you I apologise. I just noticed you jumped in to give your soft support to two openly racist posts in this article.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 14, 2019 6:40 PM
Reply to  gardenfiend

What soft support was my question. As it seems I was the first to object, I was looking to see if you had. I don’t find anything. Let me ask you again, what soft support?

Aug 14, 2019 7:43 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

I’m just making an observation. You left your (pretty mild) objections to the last line of your posts and led instead with, what I suspect were, your attempts at diplomacy and empathy and appeals for open-mindedness. To me, at the time, it read more like tacitly condoning some racist posts.

I was clearly wrong and please accept my apologies.

You’re a non-judgemental, open-minded person, trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. That’s a rare quality. Why not extend me the same courtesy and quit insinuating I’m someone I’m not/someone with an ulterior motive?

That’d be great, thanks.

Aug 14, 2019 9:27 PM
Reply to  Editor

Some people are so easily triggered.
Facts don’t matter, just don’t hurt my feelings.

Aug 14, 2019 9:33 PM
Reply to  Editor

Oy vey! Such kvetching!

Aug 14, 2019 10:21 PM
Reply to  mark

I think I know you Mark. You’re one of those lower middle class English racists who mumble about the ‘Pakis’ and think foreigners don’t wash. You probably live alone, have a collection of Nazi ‘memorabilia’ you wear sometimes when there’s no one around. You’ve read Mein Kampf at least twice, admire David Irving and think Hitler was misunderstood. You tell yourself your race-hate is intellectual honesty and righteous indignation, but sometimes, when you’re awake in the early hours of the morning, you get a sneaking suspicion that might not be true.

Aug 14, 2019 10:58 PM
Reply to  MLS

Bargain Basement Head Shrinker MLS has spoken.
Thank you for promoting me from the lumpenproletariat to the lower middle class.
Wish I did live alone instead of a family of eight.
I’d even have enough room to get and keep a “collection of Nazi memorabilia.”
Sounds good, man.

Aug 25, 2019 6:37 PM
Reply to  MLS


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 25, 2019 8:30 PM
Reply to  Maggie

MLS isn’t a troll, he just doesn’t like Mark, who, to be fair, was being intentionally obnoxious

Aug 26, 2019 11:29 AM

@ Amin.
MLS isn’t a troll? And you would know this, how?

Aug 14, 2019 8:41 PM
Reply to  mark

My point is while I may be called an “ignorant racist” (I am a person of color btw and to be a racist you must have to power to subject minorities to your laws and negatively affect them), but is anything I said not true? See below. Five minutes of research can find unbiased reports. Also, I am not an anti Semite, I like Palestinians and semtitic people. I support BDS because it worked against the racist in South Africa and I see the moderator doesn’t beleive in free speech. Finally, race is a social construct created by westerners and does not exist unless it is to support white superiority. So mod, ban me if you wish but people are seeing the truth and it is too bad that zionist are ruining england as well.

From Wikipedia
Israel had been a destination country for women trafficked from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus, China, South Korea and perhaps the Philippines for the purpose of sexual exploitation. In 2008, NGO had noted an increase in the internal trafficking of Israeli women for commercial sexual exploitation, and reported new instances of trafficking of Israeli women abroad to Canada, Ireland, and England. African asylum seekers entering Israel illegally were also vulnerable to trafficking for forced labour or prostitution.[3] Large numbers of Eritreans had been trafficked into Israel.[4]

In 2007, the government increased the number of convictions for sex trafficking offences, and conducted a campaign to prevent forced labour.[3] Israel also continues to provide victims of sex trafficking with shelter, legal aid and protection assistance. NGOs claimed that “the shelters are insufficient to treat the scale of trafficking victims who were not officially identified in Israel, particularly among migrants and asylum seekers arriving from the Sinai”.[5] In 2012 it was reported that “the number of women affected continues to decline since the passage and implementation of Israel’s 2006 anti-trafficking law.”[6]
As mush as I hate wikipedia as a source, it makes it easy for many of you to read.

Ben Trovata
Ben Trovata
Aug 14, 2019 12:19 AM

Consider the Texas face-saving lift that capped the Enron scandal…Ken Lay was going to prison for a long time.But –apparently — Lay was too exceptional [ ?! ]so much so that he was allowed to O.D. and Texas authorities acted as accessories after the fact.Apparently,Texas authorities have no problem pushing around proles,but when it’s a Ken Lay,it’s all about forgiveness of sins,and the magnanimous forward-looking bread-buttering…

Aug 13, 2019 9:28 PM

Epstein’s main accuser, Virginia Giuffre is clearly motivated by anti Semitism.
Consider her surname, Giuffre, pronounced “Jew Free.”
Poor Jeffrey was clearly an innocent man.
This will probably all be added to the Board of Deputies tally of anti Semitism for the year.

Aug 13, 2019 6:31 PM

I don’t understand why anyone is surprised about the actions of this turd of humanity. His “tribe” has a long history of White Sex Slavery and was a world leader in suckering the less fortunate woman from poor countries (Latvia, Estonia, other eastern european countries) with prospects for work as nanny’s, domestic help, etc, only upon arrival to have their passports taken and them to be forced into a brothel in slave conditions. Ask the UN or just google white slave trade and read the news.
Also, what about Polanski? Why can we invade countries and get supposed tyrants out (Noriega) and not have this turd who drugged and sodomized a 13 year old girl and put him back in prison for the rest of his miserable life? Oh, he’s a jew, so no harm, no foul. Woody Allen anyone?
Pound for pound, person for person, they are the worst.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 13, 2019 6:35 PM
Reply to  Tonymike

you are blatantly attributing moral failings to an entire ethnic group. This is race-hate of the most brutish ignorant and reductionist variety. Any further such open incitement from you will be deleted.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 13, 2019 7:42 PM
Reply to  Tonymike

I’m with you on Polanski and you may know that Woody Allen was a good friend of Epstein’s. I can’t imagine what they had in common. Maybe he was a film buff. But I am uncomfortable with comments categorizing an entire tribe.

Aug 13, 2019 9:31 PM
Reply to  Tonymike

Oy vey, goy!” That’s anti semitic!! The truth is anti semitic!!! Shut it down!!!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 14, 2019 1:26 AM
Reply to  mark

The fact you cheer on an ignorant fool claiming “the tribe” is “the worst of the worst” reveals you as an equally ignorant racist. Please don’t bother trying to deny this any more. You are not an anti-Zionist, you are not a champion of the Palestinians, you’re just a bigot who hates Jews and tries to give that hate a spurious moral gloss. As such you do the cause of genuine anti-Zionism nothing but harm.

Any further such endorsements of overt Nazi race hate will not be tolerated.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Aug 12, 2019 4:07 PM

On the positive side of things, the Southern District of New York has no excuse left for delaying and preventing the Special 9/11 Grand Jury process from commencing. The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry can now start presenting their immense 18-years-worth collection of evidence to the grand jurors during the court time previously allocated to the Epstein case, – which has now, unfortunately and mysteriously, come to a “dead end”.

#911Justice ends the wars.

Aug 12, 2019 7:31 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Hear hear! Anyone with sense enough to research it themselves and, in the case of videos depicting the three unprecedented skyscraper collapses, believe what they can see with their own eyes rather than what they are told, knows that the official narrative of 9/11 is the mother of all fake news. With more of these sensible types than are willing to admit, is it any wonder there’s a general distrust of anything put out by the MSM lie factory other than perhaps sports and rather?

Aug 14, 2019 4:58 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

\Yes, J., but SDNY is so corrupt and compromised I wouldn’t expect too much from this process.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 12, 2019 11:17 AM

Reiterating the point I made yesterday as to when the NYT is trying to manipulate the news, after calling Epsteins death a suicide in 3 different ways within a few sentences, here is today’s offering.

“Mr. Epstein’s death has also unleashed a torrent of unfounded conspiracy theories online, with people suggesting, without evidence, that Mr. Epstein was killed to keep him from incriminating others.”

Note the negative terms
-“unleashed” as in frothing Dobermans?
-“torrent” as in massive out of control torrent?
-“conspiracy theories” as in CIA – derived terminology and aimed to discredit
-“online” as in not within our capacity to censor as we do with all else we touch
-“with people” as in not worth naming

But the recurrent key to their scheming is the redundancy within a single sentence

“Unfounded” and “without evidence” as if the NYT has ever cared about evidence when it is a matter close to their bone. In the same sentence.

This is like a repeat performance of déjà vu all over again.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 12, 2019 6:17 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Final point. On the most read list for the NYT today are two Epstein stories entitled:

1) Before Jail Suicide, Jeffrey Epstein Was Left Alone and Not Closely Monitored

2) Jeffrey Epstein Dead in Suicide at Jail, Spurring Inquiries

Note how “suicide” is in both titles and unqualified, unreserved, and unquestioned at that.
Why do they want it to have been suicide so badly? Or who wants it that way?

Let’s see if the cameras failed or were disabled by the Russians.

Anticitizen one
Anticitizen one
Aug 12, 2019 8:06 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

Wouldn’t it be convenient if an enquiry found the cctv was hacked by a joint enterprise of Russia, North Korea, and Iran?

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 14, 2019 2:51 AM

That’s called a Trifecta….

Aug 26, 2019 11:42 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

”unleashed a torrent of unfounded (conspiracy) theories online, without evidence”

Which is precisely what the MSM presstitutes do daily…

George Cornell
George Cornell
Aug 26, 2019 1:39 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Quite so , but just not their theories, or the ones they promote.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Aug 12, 2019 11:05 AM

Clinton spokesman and press secretary Angel Ureña…added “President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York.”

President Clinton? Someone needs to inform Angel that Slick Willie’s second and last term in office ended 19 years ago.

As for “the Russians did it”, but of course they did. The Russians forced me to cheat on my girlfriend and made sure she found out about it. Then they took away the sunny sky and made it rain. What next, destroying our democracy via weaponized Jesus jokes on Facebook? They’re not people, they’re animals!

That truth is stranger than fiction has long been a cliche but in the western world post-2016 it is also a simple fact. The Anglosphere media really does deflect attention from the crimes and misdemeanours of the ruling elites and blames everything on “Russians”. This says a lot about the media and whose interests it serves but the absurdly crude and unsubtle way in which it does this also says a lot about the credulity of “news consumers” in the lands of the Five Eyes. Decades of relentless propaganda has pickled their brains and turned them into what can be only be describes as highly acidic globs of porridge. No matter how ridiculous or insane the claims being made are, large sections of the western public unquestioningly swallow them whole. They have no capability for thinking independently or intellectual self-defense.

Declining empires and power blocs throughout history have blamed foreign entities and outside instigators for the internal rot and corruption that is dragging them down. Sooner or later the paranoid hunt for enemies without is extended to “traitors” and “enemy agents” within. This has already begun. Soon, all it will take to be labelled a “threat to national security” and arrested is some words you wrote or spoke, quite possibly taken out of context, or not having a Facebook account. Expressing an opinion that questions or challenges the conventional wisdom doled out by the dominant media is already considered “extremist” or “radical”.

Which is bleakly ironic because so-far the “the people’s” most “radical” response to the creeping police state has been limited to penning tiresome screeds of quaking outrage and impotently shouting grievances into the wind. Because stamping one’s virtual feet and telling the ruling elite that “censorship is wrong and against the values you claim to represent! How dare you!” is really making them soil their trousers in fear. The neoliberal empire may be in decline but until the masses get their act together (that could take…a while) it’s not going anywhere. The 0.1% are perfectly capable of running an overtly repressive totalitarian surveillance state.

(PS – In a previous post I wrote about the Epstein affair being irrelevant. I was wrong. There is definitely more there than meets the eye.)

Aug 12, 2019 8:40 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

It is customary in the US that all living former Presidents are still addressed as “President whoever”

Aug 14, 2019 2:07 AM
Reply to  Antipropo

Like most of us writing BTL here, Antipro is a bit of a berk, but the purely personality- or ignorance-driven downvoting on the stupid up-downvoting scale maintained here on this point of fact he has chosen to report is downright fucking pathetic. Who are these dweebs who quite often downvote facts purely on the basis of the identity of the messenger? Well, at this moment of time, obviously around 50% of the arrow lovers amongst us, but far too often as much as 100% of them? I have emphasized the relevant part of the following excerpt from Wikipedia’s entry on the term “Mr President”, which is often particularized to specific former Presidents as well as the current encumbant, e.g. President Jimmy Peanuts Carter, President George Wanker Bush, President Slick Willy Clinton, President Deep Fake Trump…

In past years, some guidebooks on manners maintained that in the U.S., the title should be reserved for the incumbent president only, and should not be used for former presidents, holding that it was not proper to use the title as a courtesy title when addressing a former president. Despite that, all living former U.S. Presidents continue to be addressed as “Mr. President”, both FORMALLY and informally, and contemporary experts on etiquette now maintain that it is entirely appropriate.

Aug 14, 2019 2:12 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

For “encumbent” read “incumbent” despite the frequent appositeness of the former.

Aug 14, 2019 2:22 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

What a laugh, at least you say “most of us”-presumably including your not so humble self- are “a bit of a berm. Of course I know that you have been much more scathing about me in particular. On that I just want to make clear that I couldn’t possibly care less what you think of me personally but object to just the old ad hominem instead of a considered response. Anyhow have a nice day and I’ll see you on the comments battlefield again no doubt.

Aug 15, 2019 3:20 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Actually, here in the USA, the retention of “titles” is common, whether the person is dead or alive, still in the post so titled or not.

Thus – (state) Governors stay Governors, Senators remain Senators, Generals Generals, Majors are still Majors, Secretaries (of State, Offense and so on) continue to be called by, named as such. In my less than humble opinion this is because they don’t have aristo titles to sprinkle liberally around.

Brian Harry
Brian Harry
Aug 14, 2019 2:53 AM
Reply to  Antipropo

Antipropo…..Even dead ones….President Kennedy….

Aug 13, 2019 7:12 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

Former US presidents are still referred to as “President” after leaving office.

Aug 25, 2019 7:13 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

@ Admin.
Can you tell me why I am recorded as voting up a post that I have only just read?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 25, 2019 7:35 PM
Reply to  Maggie

No one’s votes are recorded, only IP addresses are logged and we can’t see those. As we did say to you before, if you vote and then refresh your browser the vote count may jump up by more than one because other readers have voted in the interim. Remember there will be many other people beside yourself reading the site at any one time

Aug 26, 2019 11:47 AM

??? If a post has 12 upvotes when I am reading it, and then I vote for it. Why then does it remain as 12 votes, and I am told that I have already voted for it

Aug 26, 2019 3:14 PM
Reply to  Eric Blair

“The people’s” most “radical” response to the creeping police state has been limited to penning tiresome screeds of quaking outrage and impotently shouting grievances into the wind. Because stamping one’s virtual feet and telling the ruling elite that “censorship is wrong and against the values you claim to represent! How dare you!” is really making them soil their trousers in fear.
The neoliberal empire may be in decline but until the masses get their act together (that could take…a while) it’s not going anywhere. The 0.1% are perfectly capable of running an overtly repressive totalitarian surveillance state.”

And that is just the truth! We are completely impotent. I would say that our vote is all we have left, but that too is worthless, because the people we are lulled into voting for are equally corrupt and immoral, or can be compromised… Yes even Jeremy? And they all Sh*t in the same pot. They cannot afford to be as radical as we need them to be, for fear of causing a revolution and a riot. Better to offer us a little of what we need to assuage us…
They live and work in a completely different world to us. One that we can barely grasp the concept of.
All we ‘can’ do is our best, to educate ourselves and our children, to be self sufficient. loyal and true to family friends and our fellow travellers on our journeys, and actually say ‘stuff the lot’, and refuse to let them mess with our heads anymore.
Despite being impuissant some of us still need to keep letting off steam, or burst.
Clearly this will not affect the 1% and their lackeys, who don’t even speak our language… but it sure as hell makes us feel better, especially when we know there are millions of people out there who concur.

Watch this excerpt from 1970’s film ‘Network’ and see how much we have progressed???

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Aug 12, 2019 8:55 AM

Won’t be long and ‘Epsteined’ might become part of the lexicon.
Question is, will it refer to someone who’s committed suicide in captivity, been murdered in captivity or moved to a ‘safe house’?
I await with interest.

Michael LEIGH
Michael LEIGH
Aug 13, 2019 9:24 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

ACCORDING TO THE LATEST OFFICIAL REPORTING TODAY, Mr J Epstein was found dead in his cell from ‘ hanging himself ‘, and, yet we were shown earlier official photgraphs of Mr Epstien on a stretcher ( and not in a body bag as laid down in official police guidlines) which as a I commented ( on this website ) at the time he was wearing his normal prison clothing, and strangely enough for my further notice. was also clean shaven as can be seen clearly, by anyone looking at that official video photography on the morning of his body being taken by van from the prison elsewhere for presumably a post mortem examanation?

I seem to also remember, reading elsewhere that it was a the current top Legal Investigator of this so called death in custody enquiry, who was also the self same person who being impressed by Epstein’s personal skills many years ago, introduced him to a major financial institution as a trainee all those years ago!

Aug 14, 2019 2:33 AM
Reply to  Michael LEIGH

According to


Epstein, who might or might not have been beyond resuscitation at the time, was taken from the prison to a hospital to attempt the latter, in which case a body bag would have been somewhat inappropriate. What are your verifiable sources of a clearly identifiable Epstein for the images you report?

Aug 14, 2019 2:41 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The above report also notes that about an hour elapsed between admission and pronouncement of death.

Aug 14, 2019 3:25 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

C.f. Joan Rivers. When a bunch of dedicated medics get into resuscitation mode the timelapse between their beginning work and admitting defeat can often be as overextended as their often grotesquely overextended egos. For all the same old reasons.

Aug 14, 2019 3:17 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

By “what are your sources?” I mean other than a chat with “a friend” who “claimed” that…

Do you ever wonder why there are so many brainfucking wankers around who can’t just wait until the putatively reliable “authorities” get their ducks in a row and publish their final official version before it and all of their prior announcements, known facts (also “official” or able to be separately establised) and known-to-be unfounded suppositions or clearly intentional red herrings, all together comprising the total evidence can be analysed properly?

I’ll tell you why. For the same reason that the world is littered with shit-for-brains “activists” who don’t give a damn about what they’re activating about provided it’s anything at all, whether it’s clearly worthwhile or already based on decidedly questionable premises before they jumped on its wagon.


Michael LEIGH
Michael LEIGH
Aug 14, 2019 11:37 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The A-General’s report claims the late Mr Epstien was found dead in his cell, if he was telling the truth?

Why then was the world shown an ” un-covered body of Mr Epstien ” being carried into a Medical Service vehicle ?

It seems even today the official story by William Barr is still being revised, which surely makes this even more suggestive of an Governmental Cover-Up ? I think.

Aug 14, 2019 4:19 PM
Reply to  Michael LEIGH

See the link (Aug 14 @ 2:33 AM) to photographs of him arriving at the New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital for attempted resuscitation. When they finally admitted he was in dodoland and the chances of more pulse and a breath or two were more than remote then a reasonable conclusion would be to accept that he’d been DOA rather than between the hospital door and the resuscitation suite, so died in the ambulance or the prison. Maybe it would be a good idea at that point to ask the attending paramedics what they thought when they first saw him. Maybe they already have? Maybe they’ve even already established why he was taken to the hospital instead of being pronounced dead at the scene by the prison’s duty doctor, and maybe that sort of stuff would be a lor more use than methinksing premature coverup ejaculations before you start the old jo over a sourceless supposition with an old friend?

Michael LEIGH
Michael LEIGH
Aug 14, 2019 9:41 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

All of the most latest official reports claim that late Mr Epstien was found on his cell floor dead !

Moreover, such an inital informal discovery would had required the assistance of the prison units senior Medical or para Medical person, who should not have allowed the body to be removed from its final cell position.

And, further without the approval of the most senior Prison supervisor, and then only after Epstein’s next of kin or legal representative being similary allowed to view the ” corpse ” or alternately agreeing to it’s removal from the prison!!

Aug 16, 2019 8:22 AM
Reply to  Michael LEIGH

“He was found dead on the cell floor”.
If Epstein hanged himself, wouldn’t he still be hanging from the bed post when found??

Aug 28, 2019 12:50 PM
Reply to  Michael LEIGH

“All of the most latest official reports claim that late Mr Epstien was found on his cell floor dead !”

If any of the official (?) reports claim that then the “conspiratorial” nose j0b comes down to “in what position”? If face down then a common cause of very similar nasal distortions evident in many corpses could be right there in Epstein’s case. Same for if hanging: with what against what? And there’s no big mismatch in the post mortem ears except in the eyes of the terminally delusional unacquainted with deceaseds. If his was a swapped corpse then Madame Tussaud got really lucky with the basic item: a quick flick of some Leichner and off home early for nice night in front of the telly.

The trouble with most shots at building a conspiracy based on Epstein’s exit is that it’s decrepit news. Conspiracies of a few to many of the compromised getting together to off a potential sqealer litter history, as do private protection for the compromisers before they were sprung. With the nature of the transgressions ranging from corruption to gross immorality. Regarding the latter, where it’s heterosexual, underage girls for rich old men fit the objectification of the reproductive instinct to a tee. As do the endless accompanying streams of hopelessly panicked, ad hoc patch ups of the almost inevitable logistical fuck ups. And any subsequent public moral outrage and its manipulation is also as old as time. All without any conspiracy, except the collusion of circumstance, cropping up yet again, over and periodically over.

Bread and circuses. We could be in ancient Rome.

In our times, the only “conspiracies” worth the effort of establishing as such are those that are carefully pre-planned on long term bases, specifically intended to change the direction of the body politic, especially when they are pre-orchestrated through all the post-Bernays instruments of mass control. The distinguishing criterion is long-planned politico-social intent, as against opportunistic rattling of fortuitous conjunctions of circumstances.

Epstein was all the good old boys chancing things when happenstance dealt them a bettable hand, and bugger all pre-planning. No reprobate wants their favourite house trained sugarman to shuffle off short of a shrekli level jack-up in the total cost. Same old same old.

Aug 25, 2019 7:33 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

According to the coroner’s report Epstein’s neck was broken…. plus the guy on the stretcher in the photographs had begun to necrotise indicating that he had been dead over 30 mins because his face was purple. Also rigour hadn’t set in so it was under 3 hours. So he should have been in a body bag.
Thus the photos we were shown were designed to confuse us. and were false. IMO.

Aug 14, 2019 7:35 AM
Reply to  Michael LEIGH

Interested to know what he actually hanged himself with. Any ideas?

Aug 14, 2019 3:45 PM
Reply to  Bootlyboob

Reportedly his bedsheet.

Aug 25, 2019 7:49 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin


Snippet from Wayne Madsen Report: “The New York City Chief Medical Examiner has called the autopsy on Epstein “inconclusive” even though prison officials maintain that Epstein killed himself by fashioning a noose from a bed sheet. Those familiar with the MCC’s Special Housing Unit (SHU), where Epstein had been placed on a suicide watch, claim that the bed sheets have a significant paper content, which makes hanging oneself with the sheets almost impossible as a person’s weight would tear apart any noose…”

Aug 25, 2019 7:18 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Once more ADMIN. I am recoded as voting up this post that I have only just read!
What is the game here?