Western Special Forces Conducting Illegal Operations in Syria?
Firas simuri

In late June 2019, Fox News Channel published a video material, taken in Al-Hol refugee camp in northwestern Syria. On the footage, we can see a group of children under five chanting ISIS slogans. “We will stand on the heads of the apostates and crush them one by one. By the will of Allah, Islamic State caliphate remains,” the kids screamed.
This is not the first evidence of radical ideology spread in the camp. Earlier, another video from Al-Hol emerged. It shows the ISIS terrorist flag hoisted in the field, and women urging other refugees to return to the lands of terrorists.
Nevertheless, the camp’s administration prefers to ignore the situation. Moreover, in June Al-Hol leadership reported that more than 800 women and children who allegedly didn’t pose a threat left the camp. It worth noting that such arguments look quite dubious, especially after watching highly mentioned videos. So, a logical question arises who is responsible for the current situation.
Let us remind you, Al-Hol refugee camp was set up after U.S.-led international coalition forces initiated the bloody liberation of Raqqa city from ISIS terrorists.
However, following the fall of ISIS in the city and the formation of camp, the appropriate measures to combat the terrorist ideology among refugees were not taken by the U.S. On the contrary, Washington is making every effort to spread radical thoughts among Syrians.
Since 2017, the necessary environment for refugees has not been created. For instance, neither schools nor hospitals have been built in the camp. According to the UN reports, Al-Hol residents suffer from malnutrition, stomach upsets caused by poor hygiene and lack of drinking water.
In fact, refugees are left to care for themselves. Only occasionally they receive humanitarian aid from Western medical organizations. “Maintaining ISIS potential is a key factor for the U.S. to save its presence in the region for a long time,” a Syrian expert Rada Ahmad Shariki said.
Also, according to the residents, suspicious persons regularly get into the camp and smuggle edged weapons and drugs. This is confirmed by an incident that occurred last months when a former ISIS wife slaughtered an SDF fighter who guarded Al-Hol.
Most likely, these smugglers were sent by the U.S. Special Services to destabilize the situation in the camp.
A similar situation has arisen in northwestern Syria. Even though Idlib province is largely controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) jihadists, the Western states continue delivering humanitarian aid to the region.
Turkey plays a unique role in the Syrian conflict since it has long been a kind of buffer between the West and terrorists. Currently, all the humanitarian supplies enter Idlib through the territory of Turkey and the Syrian National Army (created by Turkey) in cooperation with HTS is directly engaged in clashes with the Syrian Arab Army in northern Hama.
On August 2, militant’s war correspondent from Idlib, Abdussamed Degul, in an interview with the Qatari resource Ayman Javad stated that HTS militants had received heavy weapons, including MLRS and anti-tank missiles, from SNA. It turned out that they got it from the Turkish intelligence services.
It is obvious that the jihadists can’t repeal SAA attacks without support from the outside. Therefore, Western leaders determined to exploit special services to maintain tension and instability in the region as well as to counteract Syrian troops.
It is well understood that the Western states have long been supporting various terrorist groups in Syria, evacuating field commanders and training the radicals. These missions are carried out by American PMCs that are taking orders from the CIA or other Special Service.
Consequently, it is the Western countries that are responsible for the actions of militants in Syria, which create chaos, organize crime and kill civilians.
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The US has trashed the rules based order in 2003 with the Iraq invasion.
But ideologues like former Australian FM Julie Bishop still yakker on about rules based order. Until the US with hangers on leave the ME and abandon Full Spectrum Dominance the misery will continue. I don’t like the ME mentality at all, but nobody can expect them to lie down and assure obedience.
“trashed the rules based order in 2003”
Before or after 2003, the only rules the US follow are the ones designed to ensure the supremacy of their colossal delusional exceptionalism!
What will it take to bring to justice those responsible for the countless decapitations, the brutal murder of innocent civilians – mostly women, children and the elderly – the total destruction and devastation of large areas of a sovereign Nation by the name of Syria?
It must be repeated ad nausea – more often than the big lies coming from those responsible – that those responsible for the heinous crimes against humanity and war crimes are either directly involved, or have funded the butchers in Syria:
The United States, Israel, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey, whose populations have absolutely zero problems with the decrepit crimes paid for with their taxes and perpetrated by their regimes and their terrorist organizations.
In case you missed this article by Vanessa Beeley about the creation and protection of ISIS/Daesh and decapitating subcontractors by the countries listed above. The list might be incomplete, but what is known about those mentioned is, that they were and still are instrumental in the ongoing destruction of the sovereign Nation of Syria.
By comparison, the so called Dark Ages were a time of spiritual enlightenment and prosperity for all. What happens in Syria and Afghanistan and happened before in Iraq and Libya is like Hiroshima and Nagasaki in slow motion. And since the populations of the countries that are responsible for these crimes are too impotent to chase their traitorous criminals out of their fancy public offices, they too, are guilty of the decrepit crimes perpetrated in their names.
Here also an excellent article (in German) at Rubikon – The Terror-Helpers
Brilliant, on point comment. I tried to tell friends & acquaintances who was behind ISIS and the White Helmets, and even directed them to read Vanessa Beeley’s reports, and they thought I was a conspiracy theorist, and she was ‘too close to Assad to be a trustworthy source.
What can you do? Many in Australia just wilfully ignore the evidence in front of their faces, and engage in full blown cognitive dissonance. And yeah, its bloody frustrating. The alleged ‘civilised’ West engaged in such evil machinations. All for power and greed.
Gezzah, I empathise ; this can be observed in the uk – links still exist between the fringe and the mainstream but there is a lot of money being spent on disinformation, worldwide – so I guess your frustration will be shared by a world wide cohort.
I found the Skripal Tragedy – where a woman called Dawn Sturgess was killed by somebody using a “Novichok type” chemical weapon – very similar, people seemed in denial.It was clear to me there was a lot wrong with the official story but then I found Rod Slaines The Blogmire and it was clear the story is nonsense. I’ve lurked here since just before the Skripal affair .I named my avatar pablomillerunit in attempt to keep Dawns name in circulation. After thinking about what Rob Slaine wrote on the Blogmire, it dawned on me Dawn might have murdered by the people, supposedly protecting us ie one the domestic intelligence agency’s MI5, MI6,SIS -I don’t really know their names or areas of resposibility but with that in mind can I respectfully offer to you anther little satire ? It is presented as a short news report
With apologies and deep respect to Dawn sturgess – Justice for Dawn!
Sources in Downing Street were silent today as speculation mounted on the Internet concerning the rumours that Dawn Sturgess, a suspected domestic terrorist and an alcoholic was murdered by one of britain’s domestic intelligence agencies. A source, believed to be close to both the mod and whitehall , who spoke only on condition of absolute anonomity, put it like this.
“Dawn had to die, people don’t realise what sort of monster she was. She was willing to sell her country out to the highest bidder. To the public it looks tragic, but Dawn was no angel. In 2007 she flew to Damascus, and enrolled in a gas chamber constuction (advanced) course. She lived in Syria for the duration of the course and we believe that Dawn was radicalised in Damascus. When we investigated Dawn’s trip to Damascus we discovered that Vladimir Putin paid for the whole thing. That’s when we started watching her very closely. When Dawn returned to Britain, she ran into Geoffrey Epstein and Jeremy Corbin, getting pissed at the airport bar and her fate was sealed. ”
Police believe Epstein worked hard to bring them together. Epstein is quoted as saying,” Jeremy this girl knows how to build a gas chamber”. Eventually, the deal was done and work on Corbin’s allotment began . Mr Corbin has repeatedly maintained his silence concerning the nature of his extrtemely close and intimate relationship with epstein Police believe epstein has been helping Corbin financially – the cost of building decent, modern gas chambers is enormous – a financial source spoke on conditions of strict anonomity, saying, “its well known in the financial services sector that Epstein has given Corbin money – but remember Corbin has to destroy britan and build high quality gas chambers – and that costs money.”
Though Mr Corbin didn’t comment,one of his spokespeople, Alan Dershowitz, said yesterday “my client, Mr Corbin, denies any connection with Geoffrey Epstein, he only consulted Epstein because he had a reputation of having the lowdown on modern gas chamber construction – when he found out that wasn’t true, he severed his ties with Epstein. My client is solely interested in building decent, high qualty gas chambers, the very idea of raping abusing and trafficking young teens is abhorrent to him.”
Appreciate your comment and reply P. I’d come across Rob Slaine’s name as well as Dawn Sturgess in several articles this excellent site published after Skripal happened. Just went back and revisited Rob’s blog which I had forgotten about (sorry) as there’s quite a few I look at, and only have so much time in the day.
Your satire nailed it, and right up there with CJ Hopkins.
So so many innocent victims of these psychopathic bastards P. All around the World – Yemen, Venezuela, West Papua, Palestine, Haiti, Iraq, Guatemala, on and on, and then there’s people like Dawn Sturgess while the vast majority just look the other way. ‘I got mine, I’m all good, who cares as long as I have my creature comforts’ is the guiding ethos in the West.
And you’re so correct – many billions upon billions spent to keep people locked in the propaganda matrix.
Gezzah, you flatter me. But I’ll take it. Like yourself I appreciate CJ Hopkins and i can say he probably inspired me to a greater degree to write like this – I have heard it said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so hats of to CJ.
Yes so, so many victims. I remember a quote from Thucydides’ book “the Peloponnesian War” , which goes as follows, “…since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” It seems we must change this state of affairs for things to improve but it also a mind set, as you hint at “… psychopathic bastards….”. What was done to Dawn Sturgess was heinous. I watched a phillipino film “Metro Manilla”, its a good film and it depicts what most people are up against today- well worth a watch.
cheers Gezzah
Cheers P. And as well as all their Machiavellian machinations, involving their Praetorian Guard (intelligence agencies) they also have their paid for presstitutes to keep ‘the rabble’ distracted and anaesthetised. Rob hasn’t posted anything since July 29th, but will bookmark his site. Just read his peice on pineapple pizza.
Never forget that ISIS is a direct result of the now 16 year long illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq by the US and lickspittle “allies”. Here’s the formula: 1 invade Iraq,2 disband Iraqi army but send former soldiers away with weapons,3 detain Iraqi army officers at Abu Ghraib, torture and humiliate them then release them. Et voila I present to you the new terrorist menace which “we”must fight forever-except if they change their name and need an airforce as in Syria. It is common knowledge that the senior ISIS commanders are former Iraqi Army officers.
That’s the ones who aren’t Mossad agents.
or Oxy-Moron Military-Intelligence6 Brits whose pommy accented Arabic make Syrian MI laugh when listening in to MI6 telephone calls to Her Majesty’s ISIS.
Iranian Special Forces Conducting Illegal Operations in Syria?
Israel Strikes Syria, Says It Foiled Iranian Drone Attack https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israel-syria-iran-drone-attack-1.7737643
What does the word ‘illegal’ mean to you?
Iranian forces are in Syria by invitation of the UN recognised government. If that is illegal then you should be turning your attention to the flagrantly illegal presence of US forces in the UK, or Airstrip One.
Hezbollah, Iranian and Russian forces are present in Syria by invitation of the legitimate recognised government of Syria to fight the hundreds of thousands of foreign head chopper terrorists, created, armed, trained, paid, transported and orchestrated by the western state sponsors of terrorism like the UK, the genocidal Zionist Regime, and their satellite dictatorships in the region.
Their presence is entirely legitimate. The presence of Zionist, US, Turkish, UK and other forces is entirely illegitimate, and represents criminal aggression against the sovereign state of Syria.
The Zionist Regime is like a spoiled obnoxious little brat that is endlessly indulged, spits in somebody’s eye then runs to hide behind its big brother. Over the weekend it attacked 3 countries and killed Arabs in 3 countries. There will certainly have to be a response and a reprisal for what has happened. Arabs have died, now Jews must die. That is the only thing the Zionist Regime understands. If they think they can murder with impunity, they will do so endlessly.
There may be another border operation or missile attacks, but it will happen. The Zionist Regime needs to know that it will inevitably pay a price for its crimes and aggression.
Antonym: the obvious troll. There are two options for dealing with it, option one, ignore it it’s so obvious;option two use it as an opportunity to destroy its nonsense and lies and hopefully educate other readers. I’m always torn between the two but good on you Mark and Bevin.
There is nothing in that Ha’aretz newspaper report to suggest that Iran was doing anything illegal at all in Syria, even if the IRGC or some other group in Iran had sent a drone into the country (which the Israelis themselves have yet to prove).
You really have scraped past the bottom of the barrel on this one and demonstrated beyond all doubt that you are a troll trying to disrupt Off-Guardian.org comments forums with deliberately false insinuations designed to shock and upset readers.
Nobody should shock or upset Off Guardian readers with new aspects or angles to The Narrative! Nobody should consider the rationale of why Israel stuck inside Syria. They are just mad and take risks at random.
Just repeat that control of Al-Quds is all that counts, because The messenger of Allah had a dream about it 1400 years ago.
Nobody should shock or upset Off Guardian readers with contrived provocative vaccuities.
Or that the fake Hebrews are entitled to ethnically cleanse Palestine because Moses had a crap there 4,000 years ago. Though Moses never existed.
Does Judea exist or existed? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judea
The Romans thought so: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judea_(Roman_province)
but what have they ever done for us except for a, b, c, d and ethnically cleanse most of those rebellious Jews from the area : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_wars
Plus crucify Jesus.
Mohamed was not born for another 600 years.
If the fake Hebrews want their ancestral homeland back, they should go back to Khazaria whence they came.
The real descendants of the Hebrews are the present day Palestinians.
Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris talk about the general situation in Syria and make the point that the US has lost in Syria. (But does the US ever accept losing?) Erdogan has a problem with his terrorists. One, they have a large presence in Turkey and voting power. Erdogan is treading carefully with them. Erdogan isn’t looking forward to being left as the only major power (besides Israel) trying to destroy Syria, which it can’t do while Russia supports Syria, and so Erdogan will want to slowly but surely withdraw his terrorist forces. Slowly… because they are also a destablilizing force for Turkey. But Erdogan also wants to see Syria tame the Kurds in the region, which Syria won’t be able to do if the West succeeds in giving Syria to the terrorists. So Erdogan will cooperate with Russia on Syria. That’s what I’ve been led to understand. I may or may not be right about that, especially with Israel stepping up its aggression, which, if it actually invites a reaction, which it no doubt wants, may bring the US back into the picture, which I don’t think it would have too hard a time doing. Is the US stretched too thin? Some think so. I don’t know.
This document is the key to understanding the situation in Syria.
A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Not sufficient.
It is the Western Regimes with the help of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE that are responsible for the creation of ISIS and all other Terrorist organizations in Syria, which create utter destruction, organized crime under the protection of Western terror agencies and the murder of innocent Syrians – especially women, children and the elderly.
In order for this to stop, there are a number of options, of which none appears to be in the realm of possible scenarios, which does spell doom for Syria.
1) The U.S. citizenry forces the immediate resignation of Trump and his entire regime. They could do that today. Followed by an interim government of elected citizens that have never been part of previous regimes. The Americans are not as dumb as they are usually portrayed. They are just complacent and gullible. These character traits can be overcome during a crisis. Idiocy cannot be overcome.
2) An alliance of international law and treaties abiding countries gives the U.S. regime and its vassals an ultimatum to a) withdraw all and any forces from all and any territories outside their national boundaries and b) cease and desist to continue all ‘intelligence’, or ‘secret service’ operations to support terrorist organizations outside their national boundaries.
3) China, Russia, India, Iran, Venezuela, Syria and Yemen must declare war on the U.S. regime and its vassals and proxy terrorists. If war is what the Western regimes want – they must get it now.
There is an old proverb in Germany that states:
‘Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken – als Schrecken ohne Ende’.
‘Better and End in Horror – then Horror without an End’.
(My translation)
This is especially the case, if the above alliance of countries – are augmented by all other peace preferring Nations on Earth – is acting not only in their national interests, but in the interest of humanity and continuation of the human species. The Western regimes and their Middle Eastern terrorist regimes, that must be called fascist, because they are what they do – are the ones who foment the utter destruction of innocent life and property for the sole purpose of resource theft, financial dominance and political control.
4) People of the world keep hoping for natural catastrophes like asteroid impacts into those countries that are responsible for the greatest suffering, deaths and destruction for profit in the history of mankind.
However I am quite sure that voting will bring about the desired results of total global disarmament, dissolution of all ‘intelligence’ and surveillance agencies, the end of private (central) banking, clean drinking water, affordable housing, healthy food, universal disease treatment and a generous guaranteed monthly funding as well. Of course for every Human Being on Earth.
If nothing else, you may call it satire, or political comedy and keep watching the ship of mankind sinking.
‘Better an End in Horror – than Horror without an End’
I agree with another commenter that was hoping for an editing function. Especially when typing on a Spanish generic USB keyboard on a Mac…
A better world of the type you describe will only come about after a global holocaust with hundreds of millions or billions dead. That is what it will take. If that is physically possible afterwards.
It is something that the mind cannot comprehend. Buddha said suffering and pain are inevitable due to the nature of everything being temporary.
But to artificially create suffering and pain – even for profit – where there was none is truly insane. Humanity must get back to where suffering and pain is limited to the due course of life.
there is a better way.. a human rights plan should be developed, make it global, but do not accept the powers to be into the planning. Call it Human Master Plan, v. 1. HMP, v.1
Do not include any person in any government past or present as a member of the planning committee (maybe occasionally as advisers) .. and pursue that plan as a global work in process.
There are 8 billion humans and only 500,000 nation state controllers and several millions in governments and bureaucracies and militarises who serve the 500,000 nation state controllers. The people odds are overwhelming?
The nation state is a human container.. within each such separate container each controller has installed all sorts of devices to rule/monitor/ control/punish the behavior of the contained human.. Develop first a full understanding of the tools and methods that are used within the separate containers (nation states) by the governors.. There are container inputs from many non governmental places.. The nation state system itself is out of control and for the most part the controllers are in the hands of organized crime and the nation state leaders subject to criminal oversight.
Humanity must find ways to band together in defense of its independent survival.
AQ is on our side in Syria email.
But how can we, the people of the Western Countries (which include Australia in the Far East and Israel in the Middle East) rid ourselves of our criminal Leaders who create chaos and sow destruction?
The very few of us who want to be free of those Benefactors in power can do absolutely nothing to make it happen. ‘We’ can’t defeat such darkness.
“We can’t defeat such darkness” ? ? ? Speak for yourself – because you do not speak for humanity here. Have you no faith whatsoever in the collective power of countless people of many nations who, if they followed your example, would have given up the fight ages ago, only to suffer the fate of sharing a cell in the prison of the fundamental darkness of your impoverished life condition. You may throw in the towel – but we won’t.
Arby is right.
Though some people like Chris Hedges argue that continuing to struggle is a moral imperative, regardless of the prospect of achieving anything.
The crucial thing is what form “the struggle” takes.
Whatever one might think of Jordan Peterson, for example (and I think very highly of him), he was wise to point to a realistic prospect of a better future for our civilization by working, individually, on ourselves so that each one of us tries to remove the possibility of becoming, or continuing to be, what we despise in others.
He says that this takes a lot of work, but the results, in his opinion, are worthwhile.
This is also, at the very least, a possibility which is open to us all.
Arby is right: even a blameless do-gooder, the Son of God, was tortured to death on the day He tried to remove the money men from the temple.
And Chris Hedges is right: this obvious example of worldly failure, an incident at the heart of Christianity, sublimely reinforces the imperative to save one’s soul by trying to do good.
Yogacara: transliterated as ‘practice’; ‘meditation’; ‘union’; ‘yoga’ (in its broadest sense).
I’m not even saying it is possible on the macro-scale. But if it were: it would require a deep penetration into the causal conditions that generate ‘them’ and ‘us’; ‘self’ and ‘other’; ‘subject’ and ‘object’. The causality is not metaphysical: but actually physical and embodied. The necessary and sufficient causality derives from language: and only from language.
The problem in its simplest expression: reality is non-dual. Our systems for describing – and thus, perceiving reality – are dual. That is the root of the root axiomatic causality from which everything else arises. This primal causation cannot be further reduced. Yet all discriminations and differentiations – that culminate in “criminal Leaders” – can be reduced to this bifurcation from the nondual Real to the dualist manifestations of ‘reality’ …whatever the hell that may mean currently. This conceptualisation replacing of the Real with the real cannot occur – except within language.
No big mystery: this is ‘Buddhism 101’ – a course that has been open to humanity for 2,500 years. Opportunity missed: we find ourselves here with ‘criminal Leaders’ – unable to discern the bifurcation point. Perhaps because at the rate of 1,000 moments per second: we cannot discern that the bifurcation point is also ‘Here’. Not without the practice of ‘yoga’.
Yoga without a relevant intellectual tradition is hedonism. An intellectual tradition without a yoga tradition is nihilism. We chose nihilism. We choose nihilism. Maybe because that despite a perennial Wisdom Tradition: we still do not know there is a choice to be made.
Because the ‘criminal Leaders’ are in control. They are not. They are being psycholinguistically controlled by the same linguistic causality as we are. Language is the medium that causality arises from. Language is duality. Duality is Samsara. Them and us. Us and them. Leaders and led follow a linguistically determined order.
There is no big secret to dominion and overpower. It has always been that the simple answer has been overlooked. Because of constructed beliefs that language is a separate entity from consciousness. But the separation of ‘language’ and ‘consciousness’ is itself conceptually determined causation. We cannot reach this insight intellectually and conceptually alone. Ever. Yet the entire ‘Western Tradition’ is ‘philoso-political’ and conceptual. From which we draw our governance and economic systems. Which is why we have ‘criminal Leaders’.
That system is so entrenched – including in our own bodies as a physically embodied language (neuronally ‘wired’ and neurally networked) – that it may not be possible to change. But if it can: it will not be intellectual or ‘philoso-politically’ manifested alone. The current institutionalised and constitutionalised politcal systems – as a culturally conditioned physical embodiment – need to be transformed into an emergent political/spiritual or science/spirituality nexus …in personally and inter-personally actualisable ways …converging into the Way.
We’ve always known the answer. It just seems that we have forgotten that we know. We Know …we just have to put that into practice.
there is a better way.. a human rights plan should be developed, make it global, but do not accept the powers to be into the planning. Call it Human Master Plan, v. 1. HMP, v.1
Do not include any person in any government past or present as a member of the planning committee (maybe occasionally as advisers) .. and pursue that plan as a global work in process.
There are 8 billion humans and only 500,000 nation state controllers and several millions in governments and bureaucracies and militarises who serve the 500,000 nation state controllers. The people odds are overwhelming? Its not even necessary to resort to violence.
The nation state is a human container.. within each such separate container each controller has installed all sorts of devices to rule/monitor/ control/punish the behavior of the contained human..
Suggest to develop first a full understanding of the tools and methods that are used within the separate containers (nation states) by the governors.. There are container inputs from many non governmental places awa government.. The nation state system itself is out of control and for the most part the controllers are in the hands of organized crime and the nation state leaders subject to criminal oversight.
Humanity must find ways to band together in defense of its independent right to a human live and to personal survival.
Things just have to be allowed to run their course. War, financial collapse, complete breakdown. But the end result could be another Weimar in 1933.
“If you make peaceful revolution impossible you make violent revolution inevitable” John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
“Western countries that are responsible for the actions of militants in Syria, which create chaos, organize crime and kill civilians”. I fully share this point of view.
Is Israel a western country?
In political discourse, most certainly. Chomsky makes a point I agree with when he says that when we talk about the US or Israel we should just refer to US/Israel. I’ve only a read a few pages of Stephen Gowans’s “Israel – A Beachhead In The Middle East,” but the title alone tells the story. Whose beachhead? The US’s beachhead.
Or should we call it USrael?
Or is aipac the Israeli beachhead in America hmmm, just saying.
“A Villa in the Jungle” according to one of its, reliably racist Prime Ministers. Zionists have been making similar claims, of being an outpost of imperialism, since the C19th. The resemblance between Israel and the unlamented South African regime is not coincidental.
And that is why BDS is an important tool to take down the apartheid of zionism. It worked against South Africa and it can work in this case as well. Rob them of their ability to make war on their neighbors, akin to what SA was doing, and you might have peace (yet, I have my doubts).
They belong to the European Football Association
what Israel wants, Israel gets
Israel receives funding from the EU for weapons development which are battle tested against the Palestinians. The EU pleases Israel by applying sanctions against Syria, yet none of the EU population get a vote on that or at least are not consulted.
Merkel gave half a dozen advanced nuclear missile submarines to Israel completely free of charge at a cost of billions to the German taxpayer.
Giving the Zionist Regime all it needs to create a holocaust.
They are the people most likely to do it.
Breaking news! Germany has nuclear missiles and is even giving them away for free – according to a source called mark.
Hasbara, I mean antonym, Mark meant the Dolphin submarines that occupied palestine has acquired and placed nuclear tipped warheads on.
Here is the source for the anal retentive among the crowd.
Also, wiki is not a great source but it will do in a pinch.
Germany does manufacture nuclear warheads. It does so for France.
French warhead manufacture is sub contracted to Germany.
The Dolphin submarines carry US missiles with nuclear warheads made domestically by the Zionist Regime – with the nuclear materials and facilities given to it by the UK, France, US and Norway,
That’s a very relevant question.
In some contexts, it is clearly not a western country, although Arby below is right too.
Israel is a Western country in the Middle East, same as Australia is a Western country in the Far East: created by Great Britain, financed by Anglo Capitalists, flooded with European immigrants practicing genocide and ethnic cleansing on the indigenous population, and armed by the U$A to attack all neighbours within a thousand miles of its own area.