Israel has attacked Lebanon and Syria – so what?

Andre Vltchek

Lebanese investigators at the site of drone attack on Beirut, 25/08/19

On August 25th, 2019, Israel attacked Lebanon. It has done it again. Just as it attacked Syria, the same night.

RT reported the same day:

Israeli drone flights were “an open attack on Lebanese sovereignty” and an assault on UN Resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war, Hariri said on Sunday, just hours after reports of two Israeli UAV incidents in Beirut.

Hariri called the drone incursion a “threat to regional stability and an attempt to increase tensions.”

He said there’s a heavy presence of planes in the airspace over Beirut and its suburbs, adding he will consult with Lebanese President Michel Aoun on what could be done to repel the ‘new aggression.’”

So, what? Really, we have been ‘here’ before, on so many occasions.

PM Hariri is fuming, but he is one of the closest allies of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in the region. In fact, he is a Saudi citizen. Is he going to do anything, like getting into a war with Israel? Never.

Can he actually do anything? No; nothing, even if he would want to. The truth is that practically, he can do absolutely nothing. Not he, nor Lebanon’s President Aoun, or even the Lebanese armed forces. Lebanon has no means with which to repel any Israeli attack. Absolutely no means!

The country’s air force is pathetic, consisting of several flying toys, like modified Cessnas, old helicopters, and several A-29 Super Tucanos. That could hardly frighten some of the mightiest and well-trained squadrons in the world – those of the Jewish state.

The bitter and uncomfortable truth is, also, that Israel can basically do anything it desires, at least in this part of the world.

Just a few days ago, I dared to drive, again, from Beirut all the way down to Naqoura, and then, along the Blue Line (‘protected’ by the United Nations), east to Kfarkela.

Now, the repulsive Israeli wall which is scarring one of the most beautiful landscapes in the Middle East, has almost been completed, all along the border. One year ago, the Lebanese government protested, calling it almost an act of war. The Israelis did not care. As always, they did what they wanted.

They came right towards the line, or more precisely, at least on several occasions, they crossed the line; and constructed their concrete monstrosity right in front of the eyes of the Lebanese soldiers and the UN personnel. “So, now, what are you going to do?” they were practically saying, without pronouncing it.

Nobody has done anything in retaliation. Zero!

Now UNIFIL Indonesian soldiers are taking selfies right in front of the Blue Line, leaning against their armored vehicles, while Hezbollah flags are waving only few meters away from Israel.

All this horror show is just some 10 kilometres from the Israeli occupied Syrian territory of the Golan Heights. You can see the Golan Heights easily from here.

A few years ago I was there, in the Golan Heights; I ‘smuggled’ myself there, to write a damming report. I learned then, and I am getting more and more confirmation now: Israelis are really great experts at building the walls that are ruining and fragmenting the entire region!

But then and now, nothing that can stop them!

Whatever Israel bombs it gets away with it, no one dares to intervene.

Today as the Israel drones, full of explosives, flew into Lebanon, UN battleships were docked in the harbor of Beirut. After an explosion rocked a Shi’a neighborhood, damaging the Hezbollah Media Center (which I visited some two years ago), the ships did not even change their position, let alone depart from the harbor in order to defend Lebanon!

So why are these ships there? No one knows. No one asks, obviously.

Here, it is always like that. I drive to a Hezbollah area. There is a private checkpoint. I photograph it. They stop me. A huge guy with a machinegun blocks my way. I jump out of the car, put my hands together: “Do you want to arrest me?” He gets insecure. I ignore him. I drive away. I am pissed off: why not better fight the Israelis and their constant invasions, with such a physique and weaponry?

A friend of mine, a top UN official from the Gulf who doesn’t want to be identified, just told me bitterly:

There is no condemnation: there is complete silence from the United Nations and from the West.”

Hariri feels obliged to protest, as his nation was attacked. But is he really outraged? Hardly. He hates Syria, he hates Hezbollah.

Lebanon is only united by a few iconic dishes, culinary delights; not by politics.

Is the country ready to defend itself? Hardly. Those who have money are too busy racing their European cars, without mufflers, on potholed streets, or showing their legs in various five-star malls.

The poor people of Lebanon do not matter; they do not exist. Palestinians matter nothing, living and dying, cramped like sardines in repulsive camps with hardly any rights. This has been going on for long decades.

Many Lebanese Christians actually secretly cheer Israel. Or not so secretly… And they are so enamored with everything Western, that, as they told me on several occasions, they would love to be colonized by France, again.

Lebanon is so fragmented by race, religion, social status, that it cannot stand on its feet.

Turkish powerplant platforms are providing energy. Infrastructure has collapsed. Filth is everywhere. Cynical corruption consumes everything. But exhibitionism and showing off never stop. Money is there only for hedonistic clubs and sojourns to Nice.

Hezbollah is the only institution which cares about the welfare of all Lebanese people; the only force ready to defend the country against foreign interventions. Israel and the West know it. And they are doing all they can to destroy Hezbollah.

Lebanon has become a laughing stock in the region. Like this, it is very difficult to face one of the mightiest militaries on earth.


Just a few hours before Lebanon was hit, Israel admitted that its air force hit the Shi’ite militia and Iranian targets in Syria. It declared that it took out “killer drones” prepped by the Quds Force to carry out attacks in Israeli territory.

Israel justifies everything by its ‘defense’. Any outrageous attack, any bombing, is always ‘preventive’. The world has become used to it, by now. The world is doing nothing to stop it.

People die. Many do; annually. So, ‘the Israeli citizens can be safe’. So the West and its allies can control the region, indefinitely.

On August 25th, Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, described the ongoing situation in the Middle East as ‘very, very dangerous’:

U.S. tries to revive Daesh in Iraq… U.S. helicopters are rescuing Daesh in Afghanistan…”

He spoke about the attack on Lebanon:

The drones that entered the suburbs at dawn are military aircraft. The first aircraft was a reconnaissance aircraft flying at low altitude to get an accurate picture of the target. We did not shoot down the plane, but some young men threw stones at it before it fell. What happened last night was a suicide drone attack on a target in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

Netanyahu would be mistaken if he thinks that this issue can go unnoticed. Lebanon will face a very dangerous situation if this incident goes unaddressed.

The dawn suicide attack is the first act of aggression since 14 August 2006. The Lebanese State’s condemnation of what happened and referral of the matter to the Security Council is good, but these steps do not prevent the course of action to be taken.

Since 2000, we have allowed Israeli drones for many reasons but no one moved. Israeli drones entering Lebanon are no longer collecting information, but assassinations. From now on, we will face the Israeli drones when they enter the skies of Lebanon and we will work to bring them down.

I tell the Israelis that Netanyahu is running with your blood.”

The West and its allies are escalating tensions all over the Middle East. Some say, “war is possible”. Others say “it is imminent”. But it is not just a possibility. There is a war. Everywhere. In Afghanistan and Syria, in Yemen and Iraq. Wherever you look! Even in Lebanon.

First published by NEO – New Eastern Outlook


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Categories: Israel, latest, Lebanon, Syria
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Sep 1, 2019 4:33 PM

According to a flurry of twitter activity and a news report from Iran, it seems the Karma which Nutty Yahoo set in motion is already working: unconfirmed reports of Israeli casualties and tanks destroyed.

Sep 1, 2019 4:23 PM

It looks like Hezbollah has now (Sunday) responded by attacking Zionist forces on the border, inflicting a number of casualties.

Aug 31, 2019 8:48 PM

A fair piece – I find myself generally in agreement. Does anyone remember another recent article by Vitchek where he waxed lyrically about his joy about living in Beirut? I find some dissonance between the two articles but that’s ok – things change and people feel different on different occasions. This one much more addresses the fractures in Lebanese society and hints at the poisonous sectarian relation ships at the heart of the Lebanese state. The previous article was devoid of such information. Is Hariri a Saudi by convenience, conviction or birthright?

Sep 1, 2019 5:39 AM

Pablo, thanks for the link to Andre waxing lyrical over “mad bad Beirut”. It reminds me of my fellow student at Imperial College London, a Jewish Iraqi; to Fuad the two most beautiful places on earth were Beirut and Baghdad.


Re: Saad al-Hariri, born April 18, 1970, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saudi-born Lebanese businessman and prime minister of Lebanon. The son of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri …

So Lebanon is a bit like Britain, a country where businessmen run politics and politics is a family business. “Mad bad Lebanon”, mad bad Britain …. but people live there and have fun.

As the Jews say, Le Chaim! here’s to Life.

Sep 1, 2019 8:08 AM
Reply to  vexarb

well vexarb as long as they keep it in the family, we will all know who they are when the screw turns – cheers!

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Aug 30, 2019 1:30 PM

Netanyahu has an election to win,against a challenge from the right, what do a few Arab lives matter when an election is to be won!

Sep 1, 2019 4:39 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher

Or a few Israeli lives either? anything to get Nutty Yahoo re-elected as Prime Minister.

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Sep 1, 2019 4:48 PM
Reply to  vexarb

Israeli lives carry a political price that has to paid vexard,though that is the only calculation Netanyahu will make

Sep 2, 2019 6:07 AM
Reply to  John Thatcher

John, rightwing prime ministers have already made that calculation, and they found that wasting Israeli lives pays handsomely in election results. Sharon the Lion wasted a thousand young Israeli soldiers in a fruitless occupation of Lebanon — and became a revered Prime Minister. Nutty Yahoo wasted a hundred young Israeli soldiers trying to get hold of Gaza’s offshore gasfields for his financial associates — and was re-elected.

In Great Britain, TB.Liar wasted four hundred British soldiers in a war based on a lie; not only was TB re-elected but he was promoted to the highest eminence yet achieved by a retiring British prime minister: Director (non-voting) in House of Rothschild.

The sheeple are easily panicked, but once a few are killed and they see the wolf has ate its fill, the sheeple quietly resume their munching.

Aug 30, 2019 12:45 PM

Interesting info from “Andre”:
Just a few days ago, I dared to drive, again, from Beirut all the way down to Naqoura, and then, along the Blue Line (‘protected’ by the United Nations), east to Kfarkela.

PM Hariri is fuming, but he is one of the closest allies of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in the region. In fact, he is a Saudi citizen. & Hariri feels obliged to protest, as his nation was attacked. But is he really outraged? Hardly. He hates Syria, he hates Hezbollah.

Many Lebanese Christians actually secretly cheer Israel. Or not so secretly…

Now comes the odd one out concerning maximum 27% of the population, military supported by a foreign nation:

Hezbollah is the only institution which cares about the welfare of all Lebanese people; the only force ready to defend the country against foreign interventions.

Aug 30, 2019 1:27 PM
Reply to  Antonym

“military supported by a foreign nation”

So … Israel objects to support by foreign nations?

All the lollipops are yours? right? Is that what you’re saying?

Aug 30, 2019 4:54 PM
Reply to  NukesDownUnder

I agree, and I think it should also be noted that the president of Lebanon is a Maronite Christian, and when he returned from exile, both Shia and Maronites, plus Hezbollah welcomed him. That turns it into a 67% clear majority, which is probably far more considering that not every Sunni applauds Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Sep 1, 2019 11:27 AM
Reply to  NukesDownUnder

Look at all the western nations who fought Iraq and other Middle East nations on behalf of Israel. Israel supplied cluster bombs to the RAF which killed Iraqi civilians.

Aug 30, 2019 11:29 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The armed forces of the genocidal Zionist Regime are supported by a lot of foreign nations. All the stooge goys in the US Congress who pay for their entire cost see to that. All the F15/ F16 aircraft, hundreds of helicopters, all the air force equipment, all the Merkava tanks, Arrow missiles, Iron Dome, all paid for by the US taxpayer. Joe Shlomo in Tel Aviv doesn’t have to put his hand in his pocket for a single shekel. Then there are all the US troops stationed there giving a bit more support. According to their general, they are all “happy to die for Israel.” Another foreign nation, Germany, supplied half a dozen Dolphin advanced nuclear missile submarines, completely free of charge, courtesy of Fritz Taxpayer, each one a cool billion euros plus. Another foreign nation, Britain, helpfully supplied the sniper rifles used by the IDF kiddie killers to blow the heads off 9 year old Palestinian Untermenschen. Foreign nations like Britain, France, Norway and the US supplied all the materials and components for the huge illegal nuclear arsenal of the Zionist Regime. How does this compare with the mighty Lebanese armed forces? Its main function is to provide a guard of honour for visiting dignitaries. Its general put out an appeal on its website a while ago. He said – The Lebanese government hasn’t got any money and can’t afford to buy us any equipment. So if anyone’s got anything they don’t need and can give it to us buckshee, I’d be grateful. The US gave him a few Korean War vintage tanks for $1 each. The “Lebanese Air Force” hasn’t had any planes since 1975, when its last 2 planes, Hawker Hunters, were sent on a bombing mission. One was shot down, and the pilot of the other… Read more »

Aug 30, 2019 3:25 AM

Obviously since the hopelessly fractured & incompetent government of Lebanon is incapable of resistance at least as long as the deliberately unwieldy confessional system exists, it will be down to Hezbollah to drive out usukI aerial incursions – anyone who imagines that the US doesn’t get to order up intelligence gathering missions from the zionist thugs as it wants, has not been paying attention.

The tattered remnants of the english empire will also be demanding, if only occasionally receiving, assorted intelligence gathering exercises. These ‘requests’ will run the gamut, from insistence to measure the real time share vodafone has in the Lebanese mobile market, to tracking those brit citizens believed to be politically active who are domiciled in Lebanon. No more ‘red leb’ but lots more idiot assessments of that old sunni orientalist hack Fisk’s alleged sources eh.

However as we have recently witnessed in Yemen, it is likely that Iranian communications engineers have made inroads into lightweight, portable and cheap to churn out, not forgetting simple to use, drone location & tracking solutions which paired with available AntiAir defence could render usukI incursions a high risk, expensive, gamble
That is especially so, if they can locate objects at high altitude, which they can, judging by this incident back in March 2019 that received a lot less publicity than a couple of the more recent drone downings.

In fact if I were guessing it would be that the recent sites attacked by the zionist bully-boys in Syria, Iraq & Lebanon were connected to the rollout of anti-drone protection.

Hezbollah, the SAA & Iraqi defence forces must plug the leaks before taking this further with the first investigation point being the Iraqi armed forces whose middle-management is riven with sectarian political disputation.

Aug 31, 2019 9:12 PM
Reply to  UreKismet

sad about that red leb

Aug 30, 2019 12:11 AM

We are invited to believe the the relentless aggressiveness of Israel is a function of its right wing government. It isn’t. Its right wing government is a function of Israel.

Aug 30, 2019 7:52 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Rob, the “relentless aggressiveness” of the Anglo nations is a function of our Germanic inheritance. Rightwing or Leftwing, England was renowned throughout history for piracy, rapine, conquest and mass murder. To this very day: Her Majesty’s ISIS are doing things in Syria much worse than what Nutty’s Yahoos did in Lebanon.

It’s called Original Sin. We all have it. None of us need to follow its siren call.

Sep 1, 2019 4:00 AM
Reply to  vexarb

“It’s called Original Sin” Thank you for that sloppily co-opted definition (that might be your co-option of those words, rather as flaxgirl has chosen to co-opt one of William of Occam’s carefully considered logic formulations to mean something it doesn’t) but I already know what the specifically Christian-invented term “Original Sin” denotes–the universalized answer to a presupposed question: if God is so personally omniscient, omnipresent, universally omnipotent and Ever-Lovin’ Good, why is His curiously anthropocentric creation so fucked up?–a question of little concern to other People of the Book but one that plagues the appeasement theology of Irenaeus, Augustine, et al, with their associated misreadings of the Judaic story of Eden, Psalm 51, etc., needed to transform God’s Commandment to His ‘chosen people’ “love thy [Jewish] neighbour as thyself” (Leviticus 19:18) into Jesus’s universalized ‘new’ Commandment “love one another” (John 13:34), rooted in the original revisionism of the unregenerate Pharisee Saul and intended as a contrast to the claimed redemptive perfection of a progressively neutered Jesus (whom Nietzsche nailed–or should that be renailed–as the revenge of the Jews), and I’ve even referenced it in these Off-Guardian BTLs from time to time (thank you also for noticing?) but “We all have it.” suggests you need to take your world colonializing theology–of loving everyone to death, if necessary, rather than just exterminating them as necessary–out into the sunlight a bit more. It might be getting osteomalcia. “None of us need to follow its siren call.” Your response seems to have been triggered, for some reason, by the erroneous assumption that identifying aggravating factors of some problem in a population that are based on sociology (e.g. race, ethnicity, caste or class), physiology, psychology, sex, self-identity, politics or religion is acceptable in, say, medicine, but when the subject is Judaism as an ethnicity or… Read more »

Sep 1, 2019 5:15 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Robbobbin: “but when the subject is Judaism as an ethnicity or religion then doing so amounts to antisemitism”

That’s right. To talk about the “ruthless aggressiveness” of Israel when NATZO countries such as Britain have murdered (and are continuing to kill) a third of a million Syrians is plain oldfashioned Antisemitism of the sort which was so rife among Europeans — before WW2 revealed the Lunar Horror consequent on that sort of Lunacy.

“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”. — Rabbi Yeshuah of Nazareth

Sep 4, 2019 12:49 AM
Reply to  vexarb

‘Robbobbin: “but when the subject is Judaism as an ethnicity or religion then doing so amounts to antisemitism”

That’s right. To talk about the “ruthless aggressiveness” of Israel when NATZO countries such as Britain have murdered (and are continuing to kill) a third of a million Syrians is plain oldfashioned Antisemitism…’

The article is about Israel and the Lebanon. Your diversionary example of Judeo-Christianized Britain and its Nato allies taking out multitudes of Syrians, with its disingenuous use of “when” as its conjuction between that atrocity and your nasty little AIPAC habit looks so much like a conditioned reflex of manufactured public outrage that even your “Rabbi Jeshua of Nazareth” would have trouble telling it apart from the real thing. As for your mealy-mouthed, self-important, self-righteous dressing up of Jesus of Nazareth in such a garb: is that, in itself, part of a puking invocation? Who are you trying to goad into throwing up first? Committed Pauline Christians or orthodox Rabbinical Jews?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 29, 2019 11:45 PM

“There is no condemnation, there is complete silence from the UN and the West”. Thank you Andre for pointing out the truth. I’m waiting to see what Hezbollah’s response will be to Apartheid Israel’s aggression and complete arrogance.
The oh so moral and truth telling media in the civilised West just looks the other way. They repeatedly cover up, obfuscate and censor the truth on behalf of Apartheid Israel. Look at their ‘coverage’ of Palestine, and how they cover the brutal murderous occupation by Israel.
When Hezbollah does indeed respond, this same presstitute propagandists will be screaming blue murder about ‘Terrorists attacking the Middle East’s only democracy’ or some such crap.
The repeated aggressions, and acts of war against all its neighbours will only continue as long as Israel is under the sway of the expansionist Zionist ideology. Free Palestine.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 30, 2019 4:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Indeed, the western media lies consistently about Israel/Palestine, while regularly promoting the false narrative of rampant antisemitism in certain western societies (a deliberate distraction).

See https://www.abc.net.au/religion/labour,-anti-semitism-and-the-immorality-of-jeremy-corbyn/10857676 on the ABC Radio National Religion and Ethics Report’s website. What has this smearing, political propaganda piece got to do with religion, never mind ethics? And is anyone writing such a piece entitled to question another person’s ‘morality’?

Still, top marks to RN for consistency. Its of a piece with the smear campaign it has been running against Corbyn and the UK left for the last twelve months.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 30, 2019 5:07 AM

Am still trying very hard to avoid looking at either ABC or SBS. It got to the point I was loudly swearing at my TV! The whole anti semitism canard is to smear, intimidate and silence those who support Palestine, and who oppose the brutality of the Apartheid regime. And as we know, Israel has a whole army of Trolls ready to leap into action. Even has a few targeting this site. And of course, we know whose side the mainstream ‘media’ take. Appreciate your reply.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Aug 30, 2019 6:21 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks, GP. Indeed, the ultimate target of the antisemitism canard is the Palestinian people. The objective is to strip them of all international support, rendering them at the complete mercy of their Israeli occupiers.

Aug 31, 2019 9:26 PM

You say “the false narrative of rampant antisemitism ” but about all the gas chambers Jeremy Corbin has been building under his allotment? If it was not for the Integrity Initiative and the Daily Telegraph we wouldn’t even know about them. Though these media outlets have received criticism for being establishment mouthpieces this proves they do some good unlike nurses and teachers for example.

The Empire never dies

Bizzare World
Bizzare World
Aug 29, 2019 8:37 PM

Where do the soldiers and pilots attacking Syria/Lebanon/Iraq originally come from?

Ukraine? Russia? Germany? and other far away countries?

Yes, we know that religion is involved in this, but don’t Ukraine/Russia/Germany/others have legal obligations to prevent and stop their citizens from travelling to other countries to carry lethal attacks against poor nations far far away from their homeland(s)?

Bizzare World
Bizzare World
Aug 30, 2019 5:15 AM
Reply to  Bizzare World

“Where do the soldiers and pilots attacking Syria/Lebanon/Iraq originally come from?”

So many crimes, so readers would get distracted from the violence and forced-distitution unleashed against the native Palesinian population.

Everyone should talk to their local MPs, and ask them to stop the support for the apartheid regime

Aug 29, 2019 4:38 PM

Mon Dieu where do I begin? My fellow bloggers. Smoky mirrors that all it is. Punto Uno: Trump regime has signed a military pact with the anglo-zionist colonial outpost Hence Netyahoo has all the cards minus the joker. So any sovereign country IE like Lebanon or Syria try to defend themselves or heaven forbid the SAA try to retake the Golan its curtains. Punto Due: The ten year bond note has just inverted into negative territory hence negative interest u lose money on whatever u put in in ten years. The 3month t bonds are worth more. In the last 50 year every time there was an inversion on ten year notes there was 100 percent guarantee that an economic recession is on the horizon.300 trillion dollars of debt how to deal with it (War anyone) Punto Tre:THe colonial anglo-zionist outpost is self imploding all the arab semites have to do is sit back and trust me Israel will self implode. The IDF will never be up to the par of the Syrian Arab Army or Hezbullah and the IDF top rank know that. Rumours have it that Netyahoo wanted to invade and occupy south Lebanon in 2017 when the Russians were cleaning up the whole Damascene Governate but his top ranking Generals and defence minister advised against it and the defence minister resigned over it not sure I think his nme was Askchelon ex IDF general as well. Conclusion: The colonialist of Palestine will continue to try in baiting the arab semites hoping they will take it and then game on because the US has a a fresh recently signed defence pact with the colonialist. Hezbullah . Asad and the Quds force of Iran all know this. Trust me zionist diplomatic attache’s will start dropping like flies in the… Read more »

Aug 30, 2019 12:14 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

“Mon Dieu where do I begin?”

Right there.

different frank
different frank
Aug 29, 2019 3:08 PM
Aug 29, 2019 3:05 PM

This may be significant. Israel’s increasing madness- inevitable, given that its government is the last of those formed by the Fascist wave of the inter war years- is beginning to worry even its more warlike allies.
We see something similar regarding Iran where Israel’s longing for US attacks goes unrequited.
The end is approaching for “Israel” in its current form-its unquenchable thirst for land, resources and general submission on the part of humanity is becoming unbearable.
The worm is turning, very quickly. There is no more beautiful sight in all nature.

Aug 29, 2019 3:06 PM
Reply to  bevin
lynette chaplin
lynette chaplin
Aug 29, 2019 3:31 PM
Reply to  bevin

I hope you prove right, but I fear with total support financially and politically from america things can only get worse.

Aug 29, 2019 7:16 PM
Reply to  bevin

Dave Collum tweets:

Deadly Serious: I think Jeff Epstein is at the center of the biggest political scandal of the 20th and 21st centuries. I don’t think there is another even close to it.

Agree ?
Co-incidental timing ?

Aug 31, 2019 9:51 PM
Reply to  crank

I would say he is right. It proves the establishment eat our children and then call them trash ( a la Maxwell ). In the film the villagers would burn Castle Frankenstein to the ground and lynch its inhabitants. Even Epstein’s milkman should be checked out. Whatever prince andrew has or has not done, he was a confederate of Epstein’s and Epstein’s confederates should all called to account. Atonement for this two decade barbarous, criminal spree doesn’t seem possible to me. The whole thing is a crime against humanity – in the largest sense possible. Remember most of the victims have come from “shit hole countries” and they won’t even get to file a police report, never mind justice or compensation which their western counterparts are trying to get.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 30, 2019 9:41 AM
Reply to  bevin

Beautifully said Bevin. My hope is Apartheid Israel – with its attendant poisonous racist ideology will soon collapse. The same countries that supported Apartheid South Africa still slavishly support the entity known as Israel.

Aug 29, 2019 1:51 PM

Israel has not attacked Jordan & Egypt; why not?

No Ayatollah-Hezbollah infiltration against Israel there.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Aug 29, 2019 2:22 PM
Reply to  Antonym

”Israel has not attacked Jordan & Egypt; why not?”

Well that’s a softball. Because Jordan and Egypt are not sovereign states but are occupied by the Anglo-Zionist empire.

Aug 29, 2019 5:56 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Because Jordan is ruled by a quisling and boot licker (yeah, I know they are the same thing) to the anglo zionist and Egypt is ruled by the same ole, same ole, despotic military boot-licking general as they always do. What is you point hasbara?

Aug 29, 2019 7:31 PM
Reply to  Tonymike

This cringing servile Quisling low life is even more contemptible than all the 30 shekel whores in Congress and Shabbos goys like Trump, on his knees in front of Adelson, if that’s possible.

The Shady Wahabia dictatorship has been in bed with the Zionist Regime for years. Fake Moslems in bed with fake Hebrews. They even offered to pay them to attack another Moslem country, Iran. How low can you get? The Shadies could walk under a snake’s belly wearing a top hat.

When the Zionist Folk are carpet bombing Gaza, there isn’t a lot of airspace for their fancy US aircraft to manoeuvre. So they just use Egyptian airspace. And the Egyptian whore dictatorship doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t even complain about it. Is it any wonder that a lot of people (wrongly) so despise Arabs?

Sometimes it seems Moslem countries deserve everything they get. Their leaders are always ready to whore themselves out to Zionist interests, and play their divide and rule games of Sunni fighting Shia. But obviously the people who live there deserve better.

Nasrallah has always retaliated against attacks and he doesn’t make empty threats. That’s why Lebanon has largely been left alone since 2006. When Zionist forces attacked and killed some of his personnel in Syria, he retaliated immediately by ambushing a Zionist patrol and killing and wounding nine. He said he would do so again, but did mention the fact nobody had been killed in the attack on Beirut. Though any failure to retaliate just leads to further aggression.

Aug 30, 2019 2:49 AM
Reply to  mark

See here mark Hyde in full ugly exposure; not exactly that sensible Dr. Jekyll.
He drank from the “Islam is peace” serum and forgot what actually happened during the last 1300 years in the ME, Asia and Africa.

Aug 30, 2019 1:53 PM
Reply to  Antonym

If Muslims are so bad and deserve all your hatred, why don’t Israelis settle among more amicable cohorts?

How charitable, Israeilis came from all corners of the planets to empty their guns in the body of Muslims right in the MiddleEast, and then they claim, Muslims are full of hatred.

How ungrateful these Muslims for having their bodies mutilated by your friendly ammunition, bullets and white white phosphorus munitions, and not saying ‘Thank you’.

Aug 31, 2019 10:58 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Gobbledygook hasbara.

Aug 31, 2019 10:03 PM
Reply to  mark

I didn’t know ” that a lot of people (wrongly) so despise Arabs “. Do they? I don’t know a lot of people – I love Arabs as much as the rest of human race, with a few notable exceptions. I live in England in a majority somali/arab area and I find them top qualty people – I’m british white ( and proudly ) underclass.

Sep 1, 2019 12:04 AM

I think you’ll find this is largely true. When the President of Egypt phoned up Trump, Trump just thought it was hilarious and started talking about The Bangles song, Walk Like An Egyptian. To Americans, Arabs are just sand niggers. They are just figures of fun at best, like the old Sand Dance routine. The MSM say things about “the Arabs” that would be unthinkable about Jews. You can get away with saying things about Arabs you couldn’t with anyone else, that they are dirty, lazy, shifty, dishonest, stupid and crazy.

Sep 1, 2019 1:55 AM
Reply to  mark

Mark I don’t consume any main stream media so I will have to take your word for it. Do you not think you should distinguish between “people” and ” the main stream media” before you make general statements about huge, geopoltical and racial issues?
The main stream media is the abject slave of the establishment, having being captured by the rentier class along time ago. I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for them to be fair to arabs. As for Donald Trump – what do you expect – he is the only genuine piece of “white trash I have encountered in fifty years spent living in the grimmest ghettos of Glasgow and Liverpool. I think you mean Americans who enjoy films like “American Sniper”, where arabs are routinely referred as “rag heads” and such like. Not all Americans enjoy these films. So try and be a bit fairer in your blanket pronouncements.
And finally, for the record, the arabs who live round my way are generally, clean,hard working, well grounded, honest, most seem intelligent and I guess some are even wise.

Sep 1, 2019 11:41 AM

Prince Harry referred to Arabs as “Ragheads”. I wonder how many he killed?

Sep 1, 2019 2:40 PM

What you say is quite true. But there has been this conception of Arabs, Turks, Persians for centuries now. Knowledge that is very hazy and limited and focussed on harems, magic carpets, Ali Baba and the like. In recent times this has taken on a more sinister character with MSM misrepresentations and Zionist promotion of groups like the EDL.

Mohammed Marandi made an interesting observation some time ago. He noted that in the 18th to early 20th centuries western travellers in North Africa/ Middle East/ Turkey/ Persia saw that homosexuality was treated far more tolerantly there than in contemporary western countries. And women in those countries dressed less modestly than western women. Both these things were taken as evidence of western cultural superiority and oriental backwardness and decadence (“filthy foreigners.”) Now the positions are reversed, in attitudes to homosexuality and women. This in turn is now taken as evidence of western cultural superiority (“backward Moslems.”).

Sep 1, 2019 9:12 PM
Reply to  ast

” you can have any colour you like – as long as it is red”

(Apparently, Henry Fords approach to early motor sales.)

This is the Empires right by battle – to appear morally superior at all times. Yet when your day is done, the glory of Rome vanishes quicker than morning mist.

ast maybe we are coming to the nub – I wonder what the epstein story looks like to a well informed person , from a non-Nato country. In the near future, the other countries and races will realize ( if they don’t already ) their countries and cultures are superior.The difference will be, we will too. Any organism which consumes its own young seem alien to us – scorpions spiders and what not – but that is what the west is doing – thru the good offices of geoffrey epstein and facilitators and their ilk. The word ” people trafficking ” doesn’t do justice to actual people trafficking – it’s not squalid and depraved enough to describe actual people trafficking. Research some actual people trafficking and feel your stomach heave and a bewildered rage grow as you confront the moral fall of the west.

Aug 29, 2019 6:54 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Jordan and Egypt are run by puppet dictators serving Zionist interests.

Aug 29, 2019 12:25 PM

The Rev.Nasr1Allah has vowed retaliation for NuttyYahoo’s electioneering stunt. The Rev is a man of his word. The Yahoo can only hope that, when retaliation arrives, the sheeple will forget who caused it and Rally Round the Flag, Boys, Rally Round the Flag! Then re-elect him as usual.

I believe that both Nutty and Einstein are mistaken: there _is_ a Limit to Human Stupidity.