Why 9/11 matters in 2019
Catte Black

On 9/11 2001 three steel-framed high-rise buildings collapsed completely at near free-fall speed allegedly due to fires – which, if true, makes them the only steel-framed high-rises in construction history to have ever done this. Only two of these buildings had been struck by planes.
The official explanation for this event is that Moslem terrorists somehow confounded all the usual security procedures and ‘attacked America’ because they ‘hated our freedoms.’
This version of the meaning behind 9/11 was the catalyst for the perpetual war currently being waged, the ultimate fail-safe irrefutable argument to silence criticism of the Patriot Act, Guantanamo and the creeping emergence of fascism in the Western world.
A narrative as crucial as that needs to be closely examined, but the mainstream media has not only failed to perform this function, it has successfully persuaded many intelligent people that it doesn’t need to be done, and that only lunatics would bother subjecting the official story to any examination.
Eighteen years ago the idea of large scale false flags or government deceptions may have seemed absurd to most of us. But the unraveling of so many official narratives in recent years; the lies over WMDs, the lies over Ghouta, the lies over Libya and Ukraine, the repeat evidence for wholesale manipulation, if not fabrication, of events to promote war, means it ought to be impossible for any thinking person to simply take the events of 9/11 on trust any more.
How can any of us continue to question everything 9/11 has brought us, but not question 9/11 itself?
It all comes down to some very basic questions:
- Has the government sufficiently explained its version of events?
- Does this version fit the observed facts better than any other?
The fact this is still considered by so many intelligent people to be an “out there” thing to ask speaks volumes about how much even the most savvy of us are currently brainwashed.
But beyond the media silence, complicity and ridicule things are changing.
Today New York first responders are launching a campaign for a new inquiry into the events of 9/11.
A new scientific study finds fires did not bring down WTC7.
The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry are working on behalf of victims’ families to get justice for those who died or were injured that day.
The phrase “conspiracy theorist” is an empty meme invented to deter enquiry. We don’t think this is a good thing and we don’t intend to be controlled by it. We believe facts really should be sacred – however unpopular they may be and whatever label someone may have attached to them.
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“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it.
To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.” ~ Michael Rivero
Saudi Arabia.
Wasn’t there some mysterious deaths of senior Saudi Arabians in the aftermath of 9/11?
I seem to recall they left on red carpets.
BTW, if this was a neocon conspiracy, surely they would have found Iranians – or at least Shias – to do the job?
They found something better…
THE WAR ON TERROR, bigger target area.
And no discernable enemy save the fabricated ones created by the US and Israel; al Qaeda, ISIS, al Nusra.
Susan Lindaeur.
They nearly succeeded in giving her a ‘Chemical Labotomy’ for speaking out about 9/11.
Her treatment warrants a UN investigation.
How many more like her are hidden away in military facilities and private facilites, classified as insane to conceal the wrong doings of the corrupt?
Who’s doesn’t think for an instance our own medical institutions don’t have people classified as such and the behest of the security servies?
Story vs. Denial. Fact-based fiction re 9/11 & CONTINUING false flags: http://www.scribd.com/doc/142983438/FALSE-FLAG
Oh, it absolutely matters. It’s the Well Spring from which almost every Constitutional violation has since flowed from, Police/Surveillance State, the decline of Amerika (while Israel prospers) to fund illegal wars…..
It just doesn’t matter to Amerikans. Posted 24 memes of truth’ (factual evidence) on Craigslist ‘Politics’ last night (9/11). Flagged & Removed in a few hours.
Plain and simple? Amerikans don’t want to be bothered ‘with this stuff’.
Nuclear Demolition was used to eviscerate the entire base of WTC structure via change in atomic structure of atoms whether that which comprises steel or alloy. Without structural steel integrity throughout the main support beams & trusses the entire buildings imploded into the building footprint symmetrically at free fall speed which is literally impossible physics wise to accomplish if one removes the Controlled Demolition & Nanothermite evidence obtained by forensic investigators to date.
Denial of evidence is the key determinant of worldwide investigation into the USA 911 CIA Controlled Demolition debacle but all known media whether mainstream or alternative will not face those facts that are undeniable.
Part of the CIA mindfucking of 911 was to control the public with falsehood that they would later make sure was received as official version of their imposed ‘truth’ that would be defined & operationalized as they deemed fit post-911.
The CIA teams of Information Operations Analysts likely still work all of the Internet blogs & websites to ensure that their version of what happened on 911 is continually accepted as fact throughout their ongoing historical revisionist takeover of American hearts & minds post-911. We can all be assured that the CIA cooked this all up thinking that they could force their will upon an unsuspecting public that was uneducated in the extreme when it comes to Information Operations & government planning long term for operations such as 911.
False flag events only work effectively if the public is ignorant of the propaganda utilized to circumvent truth testing & investigations of criminal acts conducted by the state itself with employed state operatives.
In the case of 911 we have the state destroying all of the evidence and not conducting investigations according to the accepted orthodoxy of investigative bodies that are sanctioned to investigate criminal acts of terrorism.
The state likely realizes now that the CIA planners were in fact Functionally Retarded by strict definition of the term. Nutbars that kill their own people are usually pretty fucked up in the head but the CIA really gets winners circle for being the most retarded of all involved in politics & government IMHO.
Jacques Ellul’s _Propaganda_ should be on their reading list but we can’t make them read it if they are certifiably retarded and don’t read, eh.
@MOU: “Nuclear Demolition was used “.
This and foul language spoil your case.
I suggest you look up a critique of the English Murder Mystery genre by U$ poet Randall Jarrell: especially the passage where he criticises the use of rare deadly poisons still fashionable in the English Murder Mystery today; because in good old U$A the criminal commits the murder “with the means to hand” eg, a gat for a guy or thermite for a tower.
I am one that was raised by a Poet/Producer, and I have two well known dead poets hanging on my living room walls as art. The only US author that I follow is James Howard Kuntsler, and my foul mouthed mother taught me to swear & hurl epithets like a longshoreman before I attended grade school.
Poetry is very old hat to one such as myself so I avoid it given that I grew up with it and don’t like it either.
Nancy Pelosi taking Bush’s impeachment off the table was when my red light went on.
As someone else has said on another page here today, this has nothing to do with party politics.
It’s us vs. the mafia.
And the mafia is not renowned for being particularly bright. They don’t care whether their “official version” makes sense or not. Their attitude is, “Watcha gonna do about it, huh?”
That filth is what governs us today.
Only the small lies need protecting; the big ones protect themselves.
A bit of doggerel
Tony Blair, shill for hell
On the day a mighty empire fell
And if in the end things turn out well
It was not your children Epstein did sell
It has to be said that ‘what happened to WTC7?’ is slightly different to what happened to WTCs 1 and 2.
Yes, all three collapsed at freefall speeds but WTCs 1 and 2 hurled great pieces of structural steel hundreds of yards horizontally, whereas WTC7 pretty much collapsed entirely into its own footprint. So the nature of any explosives used for controlled demolition were somewhat different in the two buildings hit by aeroplanes, if demolished they indeed were (I am personally convinced, but as yet no one has even commissioned modelling studies of detonation scenarios to replicate historical events).
Personally, I think the pentagon is also like WTC7 in that the evidence that a plane hit it is so ludicrously absent that it begs the question of what did hit it. I would commission studies to compare a plane hitting it with a missile hitting it. It might lead to sobering conclusions….
The other key questions to ask are these:
1. What environmental exposures are known to trigger the spectrum of cancers which have afflicted first responders? Could the dust alone have triggered it or were radionuclides a more likely suspect?
2. Does a list exist of Jews advised electronically not to go to WTC site on 9/11/2001? How was that list drawn up and why were they chosen to be spared?
3. What increase in net worth did Larry Silverstein accrue thanks to the events of 9/11? Is this equivalent to nazis taking Jewish wealth before gassing them? Or just one of those happy coincidences that someone benefits from the terminal misfortune of others?
4. Who now controls the £15bn per annum profits from Afghan poppy production? If Donald Trump withdrew US forces from Afghanistan, would global distribution networks be irretrievably compromised?
Etc etc.
“Personally, I think the pentagon is also like WTC7 in that the evidence that a plane hit it is so ludicrously absent that it begs the question of what did hit it.”
I don’t have any evidence that contradicts an airliner at the Pentagon, but I spent far too much time doing some–for back then highly sophisticated–image analysis on the gas station images when they emerged, and came up with the result that the (vertical part of) the tail, although it–like the fuselage–looked too small in the unprocessed originals, looked about the right size for a commercial airliner when they were processed (assuming the images really did come from the gas station’s security CCTV and were released unaltered). However, the fuselage continued to look too small but not certainly so, and the (near edge-on) wings, which should have been almost or completely indiscernible in such low resolution images anyway, remained so.
Conclusion, a wrong sized fuselage for a commercial airliner, maybe; but a right sized tail, probably. An irritatingly inconclusive possible chimera.
The interesting bit about the Pentagon and WTC 7 is the connections. WTC 7 housed the audit information, etc., evidence being used to trace the Pentagon’s missing trillions. Coincidentally, the investigative team worked at the Pentagon and were taken out by whatever blew the hole into the Pentagon.
Those random AQ terrorists sure did Rummy, Cheney, and Bush, et al. a big favor.
This also ties this article to the article about Der LiebstandarteSS-Adolf Hitler Panzergrenadier Division, “The Whitewashing of the Nazis”. There are people working for the government in the USA that will act, just as the Waffen SS did for Hitler, in service to the Deep State.
@Igor: “Those random AQ terrorists sure did Rummy, Cheney, and Bush, et al. a big favor.”
And so they ought, because the Saudi patsies who were being wined and dined and whored in a Reno night club the night of 811 2001, worked for an old friend of the Bush family: the head of Saudi Secret Service, one Bandar “Bush” bin Sultan Al Saud. And guests at the Bush ranch on the same night of 811 included more old Saudi friends of the Bush oil and finance family: the Bin Laden oil and finance Family.
Regarding the Pentagon, there was video from a camera stationed by a parking lot badge reader facing the exact part of the building that was struck by a flying object. The video was up, but not for long.
The object was a cylindrical object, nowhere near as large as even a small Piper Cub, much less a multi engine passenger jet. It had multiple sets of fins protruding at 90 degree angles. It’s profile matched the hole in the Pentagon.
“Walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.”
The first casualty in any war is the Truth.
Rhys – The University of Alaska Fairbanks architecture program just conducted a four year computer simulation study on building 7 and just published the results.
Although it is clear from watching the video of the collapse that we are seeing a controlled demolition this study confirms with scientific validty the impossibility of the official story being true. Which is of course why the release of this important was reported on by only two MSM sources in the entire world to my knowledge, one of which is the Anchorage TV report listed above.
First off, I have no problem with going through a hoop to make sure I am not a hacker for the owner class. Secondly, I see it more as a badge of honor when owner class stooges attempt to silence offGuardian. They don’t do that with the lying rags that spread rancit disinformation or perpetuate the official narrative.
Now, in regards to 9/11, I am surely not the only one that has gotten tired. Tired of the unwillingness of the masses to accept the inconvenient truth that 9/11 was planned and perpetrated by their own rogue government and its agencies. Sure, as someone who has insight into psychology and psycholanalysis, I am fully aware of the convenience of denial. Denial helps with not having to think about it anymore. The thinking is left to those who know what to do in order to create the denial. A lot has been said about ‘the Big Lie’, but its most important aspect has seldom been explored – the proclivity to go with the big lie – to accept the ‘official’ big lie for the sole reason to remove conflict from the mind. One does not have to argue anthing if one simply accepts the provided narrative.
The big lie about 9/11 was already a big lie on 9/11. Eighteen years have not changed that. The fact that a University in Alaska has now delivered a draft on the study about the structural failure of WTC 7, was not necessary to out the big lie. What it does though, is to provide those who refused to believe the truth about 9/11, with the irrefutable scientific proof that it was a controlled demolition. Hence, just as Larry Silverstein had said on 9/11: “…they had to pull it.” So, nothing new, right? It was pulled, and that’s that. It is at that very moment, that denial kicks in again. The manipulated mind has to to do the same things over and over again – to prevent different results from arising. Change is bad. Nobody wants things to change. Least of all those, who were perfectly fine with the big lie over that last eighteen years.
Of course the fact that WTC 7 was demolished in a controlled fashion must be denied. There is certainly something wrong with the study by these people. They are probably ___________ (fill in), or ___________
(fill in) and there have been more real scientists that already proved that it was the fires and the rubble from the twin towers that caused the collapse. The Nazis knew very well that nobody would ever accept the truth after having been told the big lie long enough. Bernays told them so. He gave insight into the human mind to people that needed that insight to manipulate the minds of the masses. It is no coincidence that 9/11 bore all the hallmarks of the Reichstags fire – leading in both cases to legislation that allowed both regimes to discard any rights the population had in the way of the further path they had planned for their nations.
The statement of Silverstein served and still serves a specific purpose: should the truth about WTC 7 come out anytime, the conspirers could then say that it had to be pulled. It will be easier to remind the masses of Silverstein’s statement that day, than to face the scrutiny of a population wanting to know why it came down. So, it had to be pulled. Okay. No one of the crowd that gobbled down the official BS story will now add one and one together to arrive at two towers. Building 7 may have been pulled, but the twin towers came down due to structural failure caused by the impact of the airliners and the many gallons of jet diesel. Everybody knows that, because there was a ‘random’ guy that was interviewed, talking about these ‘structural failures’ just as it happened. On TV.
Anybody that is playing with a full deck of cards though, will now have no more doubt about the fact that all three buildings were ‘pulled’. Although, in order to pull the big ones, a lot more explosives and especially more unconventional explosives had to be used. Buildings that were designed to take a hit from a Boeing 707 without a whimper, turned to dust like WTC 7. Just a lot more dust. And they disappeared while they were collapsing. All due to the fires from the jet diesel, err kerosine. Well diesel for airplanes. Will the gullible ones that rejected the idea that certain natural laws would not provide for the veracity of the official lie now accept that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolitions? No, not at all. They are watching the few anniversary emmissions that reiterate the official lie. Not a word about the Alaska study. The perpetrators laying down wreaths at the sight says it all.
The American masses don’t want to know. They reject the truth. Plus, it’s already been eighteen years ago. Time to move on, isn’t it? One certainly gets that impression when one is to look at the mainstream offerings in regards to 9/11. The majority of propaganda outlets had nothing whatsoever about 9/11. Zero. A few were reporting about memorials and only two outlets were writing about the Alaska study. One of them the Iranian State News ‘PressTV’, the other one being ‘MintPress’. Naturally, there was detailed coverage among those websites the ownerclass likes to ban, like ‘MadhouseNews’, ‘GlobalResearch’, and ‘offGuardian’ – to name but the most important ones.
So, nothing has changed. The people will keep flinging crap at each other, blaming each other for the dark ages in which humanity has now descended, spewing about elections, the Amazon rain forest, liberals, fascists, Dorians and ex-Bahamas, sports and porn, Epsteins and Clintons, Trumps and neo-conners. The truth – to borrow a line from the X-Files – “is somewhere out there”. Right before your nose and eyes. It’s biting you.
Never mind.
“The American masses don’t want to know. They reject the truth.”
The American masses think they already have the truth, from Fox or the National Enquirer or their friends or Facebook or whoever, and mostly don’t care about it very much to begin with, certainly not enough to go any further for it. If they didn’t get it from there, then they don’t care about it at all.
Media apologists for the neocon version of 9/11 should be dragged kicking and screaming if necessary to the Zurich masterclass.
Its high time more of them realised that the body count in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria (to name but three) might have been slightly less if they weren’t so quick to sanitise then recycle intelligence reports, presenting them (despite fatal flaws) as a legitimate account of what was supposed to have happened on that dreadful day.
I mean, do they not teach concepts like investigative reporting at journalist school anymore?
Seriously, some of these guys have got blood on their hands.
Surely they should suffer the same fate as 3000+ innocent people?
A highly appropriate end for those actively aiding and abetting mass murderers to subsequently commit genocide to become richer than ever….
You know, and I know the only people who are punished (in the west) are those who expose war crimes, never those who commit, or sanitise them.
Put another way Julian Assange is being tortured by the British authorities while the MSM true to form turn a blind eye – Tony Blair on the other hand is drowning in dirty money.
Site is Dutch and one needs to be signed in to watch it. I will see if I can work around it through the German link.
How do upload the video I have it on a disc
How do you upload the video for general access? You upload it to somewhere that is not YouTube. The Off-Guardian has a favourite alternative, which I think is called ‘Bitchute’, BICBW. Maybe they will confirm or correct…
Dutch and German has nothing to do with it. The message “If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in.” means “sign in to your GOOGLE account.”
“Media apologists for the neocon version of 9/11 should be dragged kicking and screaming if necessary to the Zurich masterclass.
https://11september.eu/911-perspectives-live-stream/ ”
or, alternatively, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=kZ-n_TFapkA
However, although it streamed OK, playback there requires you to sign in to your GOOGLE account. The onscreen message is ambiguous, saying only “If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in.” meaning “sign in to your GOOGLE account.”
The video still fails to play from either link but the one direct to YouTube now sometimes shows a different message: ‘This video is private.” with a notice of a network error elsewhere on the page. and no option to sign in The 11september.eu page was unambiguous in its statement “The Live Stream will be available on – and after – September 11, 2019.” and the live stream was available without any formalities so it is unclear why later playback should be private. Other, past live streams on other, different topics, with a later playback option, have worked as advertised. This one seems to be giving YouTube indigestion. For some reason.
– Graeme MacQueen, Beyond Their Wildest Dreams: 9/11 and the American Left
“Only two of these buildings had been struck by plane”
Even that can be doubted…
Anyway, I used to be quite impresed by Chomsky’s ‘who cares’ (who did 911) argument. I still am, but for the wrong reasons. I consider 911 to be an event of which the perpetrators will never be known by design. And why care for the unknown? – Better look at the consequences, they are at least known.
On the other hand, we all know who did 911, like we also all know why Dresden was bombed (read Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse 5). But that is not Chomsky’s conclusion: hè doesn’t care who did 911, while at the same time ridiculing the 911 truth movement for thinking that the US government is behind 911. So Chomsky does not care, but at the same time cares a lot when someone concludes what is close to crimethink when it is discorcordant with the official narrative
So it goes, with the fashionable left who keep the margins for discussion as narrow as possible
Here is the Vonnegut quote, I referred to
‘I wrote the Air Force back then, asking for details about the raid on Dresden, who ordered it, how many planes did it, why they did it, what desirable results there had been and so on. I was answered by a man who, like myself, was in public relations. He said that he was sorry, but that the information was top secret still.
I read the letter out loud to my wife, and I said, “Secret? My God—from whom?”’
Chomsky is an agent of disinformation.
Chomsky – like you – doesn’t know exactly who carried out 9/11, so is disinclined to jump on any spurious bandwagons. A fairly sensible approach to take until such a time as credible whistle blowers spill the beans.
No, Chomsky emphatically ridiculed the whole inside job idea before suddenly turning round and saying that it didn’t matter anyway. In doing this, he was behaving like a child who changed his tune to cover his tracks.
As for waiting for “credible whistle blowers” (?) I don’t see why we should have to wait for some “authoritative” figure to grant a blessing on the screamingly obvious fact that 9/11 is a massive fraud.
Why doesn’t Chomsky care? Why in a place like America (where cameras and video cameras were commonplace circa 2001) are there not thousands of images of the second plane strike? If this plane existed surely someone would have got off a half decent shot. What with professional photographers milling around with telephotos and such.
here you go:
“…are there not thousands of images of the second plane strike? If this plane existed surely someone would have got off a half decent shot. What with professional photographers milling around with telephotos and such.”
“This plane” existed and you could have found https://youtu.be/7YLm3pkAiJQ as easily as has milosevic.
So why didn’t you?
I can tell you why. For the reason you made absolutely explicit in your first words, which I omitted, from the sentence quoted above: “Why in a place like America…” (“…are there not thousands of images…”), taken together with the first words of your next sentence (If this plane existed…)”; namely: the toxic shit of the scores of shit-for-brains who are as lazy about trying to source some definitive input to support their crap output as you seem to have just proved yourself to be (or disinformation agents hoping to render you such while planting a meme-bot in you brain), has fucked your ability to distinguish their anuses from your ears. Assuming you are not a meme-bot yourself.
With “contributions” to “discussions” of this sort riddled with baseless inputs like theirs and, thus, like those of their consequent supporters, those interested in pushing the mainstream narrative–“debunkers”– hardly need to lift a finger to make their case against “crazed conspiracy theorists” work like a public charm.
with respect, I think you’ve expended more words on a probable shill (or dupe) than they actually merit. or maybe not; your explanation of the origin of such claims is almost certainly correct, whether the immediate source is a conscious disinfo agent, or merely a useful idiot, repeating what they’ve been fed without bothering to inform themselves on the subject.
9/11 …a total fabrication from beginning to end. To watch the Twin Towers being reduced to dust in mid air and descending in freefall along with WTC 7 exemplifies the lazy stupidity of those who accept the MSM fairytale. Still waiting for the video to be released showing a 757 crashing into the Pentagon.
Agreed. The official story is deeply unconvincing. But where are the whistle blowers?
The Corbett Report has just produced a series on 911 whistleblowers
Again – what is it with the whistle blowers? Considering the importance of the whole 9/11 illusion, do you honestly think that the perpetrators are going to permit anyone to come forward unless he was prepared to be demonised as another fruitcake by e.g. declaring himself to be “the son of god” (thank you Mr Shayler).
The point is: credulity before authority still held sway back then. A generation on, young folks see so clearly how greedy previous generations are totally screwing them that they are credulous about climate instead of terrorism. They will learn the hard way that they are being screwed on climate too.
Unless you are brought up by parents able to think independently whilst making a decent living, you need some trigger event to bring official narratives into conflict with personal experience.
It happened to me when I was 17 years old, so adult life became very difficult. Once Establishment credibility is demolished once, you start from the assumption that they have no credibility anywhere else until proven otherwise.
Far too many people nowadays just parrot official mantras because they are too busy, too lazy or too incapable to scrutinise evidence with a critical eye.
Employers want obedient parrots, not critical thinkers. Critical thinkers cause trouble….
Where are the whistle blowers? There must be thousands.
“Where are the whistle blowers? There must be thousands.”
Why would you assume that every available square foot of space in any of those buildings was easily observed by the thousands of tenants and their employees? Do you have any evidence of that as fact? You probably don’t because there is plenty of evidence that entire floors were routinely vacant and blocked off as unauthorized or hardhat areas when tenants relocated, etc., some floors for considerable periods of time. How many thousands of whistleblowers are needed to comprise one demolition team working methodically in different parts of the buildings over the preceeding months? If your office block had clandestine demolition explosives, etc., placed under the floors, etc., why would your office manager, or the boss, or the corporate leaseholder necessarily–or even probably–be aware of that? Would you know the difference between a demolition team member dressed in regular maintenance team overalls and a real maintence team member? If you’re going to repost stupid parrot squawks, at least insert the occasional “Polly wants to know”, if only out of respect for the originator’s superior intelligence.
The hysterical response of the obsessive. Very revealing.
Actually i’ve always been a 9/11 sceptic, but happily have never lost the plot and slipped into the Loony Tunes mania.
What is revealing is that you are encouraging everyone to wait someone from “the proper authorities” to sanction 9/11 scepticism – when it is precisely these “proper authorities” who are under suspicion.
“Loony Tunes” is also a giveaway. Expect “Tin Foil Hat” any second now.
There are Glass. Haven’t you noticed them yet?
😠”We’re hatching a plan to blow up the World Trade Centres”
😲”Are you mad! “How will you keep that under wraps?”
😠”Bin laden’s gonna be the patsy”
😲”What? You’re working with him to kill thousands of innocent people?”
😠”In God we trust”
there is a typo….
should read ” In GOLD we trust”
Or should that be GOLDMAN SACHS ?
So true, but then the perverse hypocrisy of the Christian Right would not be revealed.
I am experiencing huge difficulty accessing this site today. My first attempt at commenting disappeared. Is this site under attack? I saw something on twitter about a DDoS against you yesterday.
Yes, we started getting a major Denial of Service attack yesterday afternoon (EDT). It’s currently still going on. We use Cloudflare to neutralize these attacks but this can make it slow to access the site.
Cloudflare full-on delays my access only on the first connection in a session and then for only five seconds or so. It’s the period before it ramps up to full-on that things go more slowly. I could do a packet analysis to see what’s happening, but I could also catch up on my knitting while waiting a while.
Slowly but surely 🙂 Let’s be realistic, under the circumstances, i.e. not forgetting that we are all now officially at War, still, where ex-judicial killings are openly celebrated and the New Pearl Harbour must succeed in continuously re-affirming this phoney War on Terror, since 2001 . . . : the Timing & Engineering of the present OffG site attack & cyber difficulties were to be wholly expected.
The livestream event in the Volkshaus Zürich, with Ganser, Gage, Harrit & Co. has been very interesting, thus far: especially Barbara Honegger, and the livestream is surely worth listening to for any enquiring mind, or even if you have no time immediately, please leave your computers on, with that specific livestream running constantly … whilst you are away.
Safety in numbers & all that jazz against NWO arrogance, was never more important than right now, with Governments & Central Banks operating outside of the realms of any serious Financial control mechanisms & if you don’t believe what we’ve been told to believe by our corporate fascist dictators running this phoney War on Terror, then Data speaks volumes: and let’s face it, when did any politician last care about the Truth:- is there a politician in the whole Western world, that is prepared to stand up in public and say that we have been hideously lied to & deluded by corporate fascist dictators & their propaganda machines’ censorship by omission, including Reuters, AP, AFP, google, amazon, twitter & facebook, especially, let alone a Cambridge Analytica ? Once one has answered that question, the pattern of MSM behaviours and their propaganda programming & programmes’ absence of scientific critical thinking, all becomes pretty much clear as day, in electronic terms: stay Grounded & not on ground zero . . . let ‘them’ know just how many intelligent people refuse to accept ‘Ground Zero’ BS and . . .
this phoney ‘State of WAR’, anymore !
Tim, (this is a direct answer to your question not o/t on purpose)
Is there a politician in the western world ready to speak the truth?
Mutti, yesterday finally stared directly at the monster and shot with the truth right between the eyes.
Also on Monday night in Parliament about 1.10 am (tue) and 1.45 am (tue) there were hundreds of them – check it for some real life heart.
Most politicians in the rest of the world get inprisoned or bought or blackmailed or killed.
In the west they are ridiculed, defamed- and occasionally prisoned and very occasionally assassinated too.
Admirable position.