WATCH: Kentucky is in Syria

…and other anomalies of MSM geography

“Did you know that Kentucky is in Syria? Or that Tripoli is in India? Or that Caracas is in Singapore? No? Then you must not be paying enough attention in MSM Geography 101, class. Better hit the books!”

A few days ago ABC broadcast “shocking footage” of a Turkey’s military “slaughtering” Kurds in a Syrian border village.

The only problem is that the video shows no such thing, and is – in fact – footage of a gun show demonstration in Kentucky in 2016.

James Corbett’s video (above), as usual, does an excellent job breaking down the situation, as well as listing other examples of completely fake “news” footage and photographs being passed off as real. [For an audio only version, links, sources and show notes click here].

That video was “fake news” (or “accidentally misattributed” if you’re in the mood to be charitable), is not disputed. ABC took the footage down and issued a correction.

While twitter made it a punchline and other media personalities bemoaned the “mistake” which makes them all look bad, Corbett is right to focus on the most important question – How does something like this happen?

As he points out, even if you go out of your way to be fair and nice and forgiving – even if you twist your brain into a pretzel trying to accept this all happened by accident – just think about what that means.

It means that ABC’s “man on the ground” (Ian Pannell*) received some footage labelled “Turkish army attacking Kurdish village”, didn’t check it in the slightest and broadcast it without a thought. That is a tale of such laughable negligence you’d expect all involved to be fired, or at least censured. Nothing like that has happened, or will.

It’s far more likely it was a deliberate lie. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest as much.

Firstly, the video is edited. The original Kentucky footage is slightly different, the ABC news footage has been zoomed and/or cropped to cut out the watching audience and had a filter added to make it look grainy and dusty.

Secondly, there are Pannell’s own words – “the footage appears to show”. “Appears” is classic media weasel-word. It can be used in many different ways, but mostly it’s about plausible deniability.

If you doubt the veracity of footage just add “appears”, and its instantly not your problem when it turns out to be fake. I didn’t know, I was as deceived as anybody, something about it just didn’t sit right…

Why does Pannell use this word? What reason could he have for qualifying his language?

He’s obviously either protecting himself in the event his amateurish deception is exposed, or covering himself because he’s just broadcasting fake footage he was sent by someone with more authority.

Logic would suggest there’s only one source from which ABC would accept footage without confirming it before broadcast, or for whom they would broadcast what they knew was a lie – the US government, or one of the Deep States many acronymed hydra-heads.

Important questions:

  • Who edited the video?
  • Who sent the footage to ABC?
  • Did anyone at studio know it was lie?
  • Will Ian Pannell ever get fired?
  • …why on Earth did they ever think this would work?
*Regular readers, or followers of Robert Stuart’s work, may find the name Ian Pannell ringing a bell. Mr Pannell is also known for his involvment in the Panorama episode “Saving Syria’s Children”, which evidence suggests was also faked. For details see our articles on the subject, or read Robert Stuart’s website here.


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John Gilberts
John Gilberts
Oct 18, 2019 8:40 PM

With all the confusion and competing msm propaganda narratives on events in Syria, John Helmer’s latest helps to dispel some of the mists obscuring actual reality:
‘Erdogan signs for NATO protection of his Syria Invasion Against Counter-Attack. The Kremlin Turks Exposed’


Oct 18, 2019 8:39 AM

Meanwhile, back in the real world.

Peace Breaks Out In Syria:


Oct 18, 2019 2:50 PM
Reply to  vexarb

PS couldn’t resist this music to celebrate, Turkish march and Russian Navy band lead the way:

Oct 18, 2019 4:31 PM
Reply to  vexarb

PPS Ziad Fadel’s editorial, edited from this evening’s SyrPer News:


Trump, facing unprecedented ostracism from his own party, sent his two favorite Evangelicals, Pence and Pompeo, to meet with Erdoghan in the hope the Turkish curmudgeon could be persuaded to halt his illegal invasion of Syria.  The Turks responded by declaring a “pause” in the fighting.  Americans announced a “cease fire”.
In the meantime, Americans are hustling to get a 20-mile-deep “security zone” where Ankara can dump its Syrian refugees – all 3.5 million of them!  Well, look folks, I’m not a party to this crackpot idea.
While this hurly-burly is going on, the Syrian Army has re-entered Manbij establishing a legal presence, transporting medicine and necessities to a population that was nearly starved to death by the feckless Americans.  Syria was able to accomplish all this without a shot, by merely waiting for the right confluence of events. 
In Al-Raqqa, a huge demonstration by loyal Syrians called for the eradication of all Kurdish and Turkish influence.  The Kurds, in the meanwhile, are “negotiating” for some morsel of autonomy after having all but betrayed the Syrian Army, flag and people.  According to my sources, Dr. Assad is getting tired to telling the Kurds “no”.
Iran is having a field day sending vast quantities of goodies to its favorite allies   Note, the Zionist air force is not flying over Syria to block the Iranian convoys.  Mileikowski, has a lot more to worry about now than shipments to HZB.  He has to worry about his own premiership. 

Oct 19, 2019 5:14 PM
Reply to  vexarb

I hope the Kurds are just wiped out by mad Turks, or their terrorist proxies, or whoever.
They are treasonous weasels and Zionist whores and they don’t deserve anything better.
They occupied Syrian oilfields and burnt wheat fields in the agricultural north east to try to strangle Syria economically.
They are less than filth and they deserve everything they get.

Oct 19, 2019 6:03 PM
Reply to  mark

@Mark, you’re a clever person but there is one thing I hope you never learn.

He who says, “I hope the Kurds are just wiped out … they don’t deserve anything better”, the same is guilty of Hellfire. — Matthew 5:22

Oct 19, 2019 10:36 PM
Reply to  vexarb

Matthew never had to deal with Kurdish backstabbing.
Retribution in harmony with justice. Hebrews 2, 2.

vexarb a
vexarb a
Oct 20, 2019 1:05 PM
Reply to  mark

Hebrews is an epistle (not by Paul) in polished Rabinnical style Greek to argue that Christian Jews ought not to go back to being Rabbinical Jews. 2:2 begins with an If: for If all those Old Testament messagess about Vengeance and Justice were true 2:3 Then this New Testament message about Mercy and Forgiveness are also true; and besides, we have witnesses who heard it from Our Lord Himself.

Be careful what you wish for in the way of people being “wiped out”.
“Thou shalt have Justice more than thou desirest” — Merchant of Venice

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Oct 18, 2019 3:53 AM

Orwell was spot on.

Berlin beerman
Berlin beerman
Oct 18, 2019 3:29 AM

So Mr. Ian Pannell just exposed himself to be the tool he has been for the past 20 odd years he’s been so called “reporting”.

This time, reportedly reporting from Syria…. the exact location of the bar remains a mystery.

The lawyers who write his script and issue his video are at least smart enough to use the word “appears” just in case we were not all full of California cab and roundup.

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Oct 17, 2019 9:04 PM

Brazen lies but still less damaging than the way MSM exclude news stories that do not fit with their preferred world view – in other words what the public is or isn’t told is tightly regulated.

For example, the Guardian has said absolutely squat about human rights abuses inflicted on a journalist in a British jail, yet take every opportunity to amplify criticism aimed at the Iraqi justice system for their heavy handed treatment of an individual simply because that individual falls within a category Guardian journalists are sympathetic towards.
The contrast in news coverage between riots in Hong Kong and riots in France (which the MSM pretend aren’t happening) is also telling.

The MSM was silent about serious human rights abuses in Indonesia while claiming conflict in the former Yugoslavia justified military intervention – as a result the public are largely ignornat about the kind of rank hypocrisy the MSM is guilty of.

The level of groupthink amongst MSM journalists is an essential ingredient in this shitty equation.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 17, 2019 11:52 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

Correction: “The level of ‘COWARDICE’ amongst MSM journalists is an essential ingredient in this shitty equation.”

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 17, 2019 6:30 PM

Obviously we all need to view the movie “Wag the Dog”. Its an amusing tale of how an embattled President starts a fake war to cover for his indiscretions using the talents of a prominent Hollywood film director to generate the appropriate video material. In one memorable scene we’ve got a White Helmet type situation which depicts a terrified Balkan native fleeing her burning village; its all green screened, of course, but the bit that’s most amusing is that the producers think she needs to be rescuing something animate like a cat, holding it in her arms, for appropriate ‘human interest’. Since there’s no cat readily available in the studio they give her a bag of Doritos (corn chips) to clutch since they can ‘punch the cat in later’.

Its a text book example of how to create fake news — the “Old Shoe” component deserves special attention. As does the ultimate fate of the director who can’t get it into his head that although this was a masterful piece of work he could never get any credit for it.

Once viewed you’ll never take TV — or Internet — news seriously again.

Oct 17, 2019 5:28 PM

This is all ten a penny. It is all in a day’s work for the dirty, lying, corrupt scumbags in the BBC/ Channel 4/ Murdoch Sky Media/ CNN/ MSNBC/ France 24/ Deutsche Welle/ print media. These scumbags lie for a living. That’s what they do. That’s their job. They peddle whatever lies they are told to peddle by their spook handlers. Iraq Incubator Babies, Iraq WMD, Syria Gas Hoaxes, Skripal, MH17, Russiagate,whatever. Anything that’s needed to dutifully smear and vilify whatever country or leader is currently in the cross hairs of globalist corporatist interests. Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela. They move seamlessly from one lie to the next. Often they don’t just faithfully regurgitate the manufactured lies and hoaxes they are fed by their handlers. They go into the hoax business on their own account, using stock footage to manufacture new lies. Corbett’s examples are all valid, but you could give hundreds of others. They do this all the time, on a daily basis. Stock footage of dead Arab civilians was shown, people killed in the bombing during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. These were recycled as “Syrian civilians murdered by the evil dictator Assad.” There were large pro government demonstrations in Damascus. Naturally, the BBC Lie Factory turned this into ANTI government demonstrations. Footage was shown of people rioting in a city centre. “Democracy protestors in Moscow demonstrating against the tyrannical rule of Putin.” This was actually footage of Greeks in Athens rioting against EU imposed austerity policies. Footage was shown of Gaza after it had been flattened by Zionist terror carpet bombing. This was passed off as damage caused inside Israel by rocket fire. These people are proven liars. The default position has to be to disbelieve every word that comes out of their lying mouths until… Read more »

Oct 17, 2019 6:57 PM
Reply to  mark

Thanks for writing this, Mark. All I need to say is “ditto”.

There were also multiple allegations against the Serbs. There was the well-known case of the supposed concentration camp filmed by ITN. A ruling was subsequently given conveniently supporting the ITN narrative based on the testimony of a single ‘prisoner’ and after several prominent journalists were ‘persuaded’ to reconsider their initial condemnation of the apparent media manipulation of the truth.


Oct 17, 2019 7:38 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

There was also an “Iraq Incubator Babies” writ large, the “genocide of 100,000 Kosovans.” No human bodies turned into soap and lamp shades this time, though.

Oct 18, 2019 9:41 PM
Reply to  mark

It’s been more-or-less officially admitted that the “jewish soap” and “human-skin lampshades” are purely mythological. That didn’t stop the myths being used for decades of propaganda, though.


Oct 18, 2019 10:55 PM
Reply to  milosevic

A Russian officer put it in the charges purely as a practical joke, but it stayed there ever after and became a “fact.”

Oct 20, 2019 9:57 PM
Reply to  milosevic

This first surfaced during WW1, long before the Nazi period. British propaganda circulated stories that the Germans were making soap from human corpses. This was recycled in WW2, with the addition of lamp shades and similar nonsense.

Oct 18, 2019 2:20 AM
Reply to  mark

Footage was shown of Gaza after it had been flattened by Zionist terror carpet bombing

mark’s contribution to fake news: predictable guy.

Oct 18, 2019 10:04 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Satellite images show destruction in bomb-ravaged Gaza
UN organization says 604 buildings flattened by airstrikes, hundreds more severely damaged


Images of “Mark’s predictable fake news”, the first 400:

comment image

There are also images of Israeli Zionazis taking popcorn and deckchairs on a trip to watch “predictably Mark’s fake news” Live Live ie sitting outside Gaza cheering the real Israel Air Force dropping real bombs on real civilian targets in real time.

As for “predictable Mark’s fake bombing flat” my Israeli Communist friend tells me that an IDF Zionazi joked, So we gave Gaza a football pitch.

Oct 18, 2019 10:57 PM
Reply to  Antonym

That’s what 20,000 tons of Zionist bombs do, a greater explosive yield then Hiroshima. All courtesy of the goy taxpayer.

Oct 18, 2019 10:52 PM
Reply to  mark

Iraq is in Syria.
Athens is in Russia.
Gaza is in Israel.
India is in Libya.
India is also in Tibet.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 17, 2019 2:50 PM

“There is no credibility to be saved, amongst the establishment media.”

because, they are and always were an integral part of,

“The history of the National Security State”
and Military Industrial Complex control of Societal Psychology.
By whatever means, corporations determining #Music2Bombing’D’Bass/ELF
Assange’s chosen Message, worth dying trying to raise awareness ! ?
Trump may not be especially articulate, but he knows the media implicitly.
Today, nobody can deny Fake News, except the brainwashed Corporate News Networks.

Oct 17, 2019 1:51 PM

…why on Earth did they ever think this would work?

I cannot think that they did. Why then broadcast it ? Corbett doesn’t really answer it. As a conspiracy to deceive the viewing public, it was about as lame as it can get. Maybe they’re clean out of ideas? They get paid whatever, so what the fuck do they care as individuals ? Maybe its revelation of the method?
David Icke’s latest book, which is fundamentally a theory expanded from the idea that Israel was behind 9/11, is No.1 Bestseller in US politics (Amazon). The notion that these ideas comprise an irrelevant fringe is just not tenable. This is the context to abc broadcasting Kentucky gun shows as war footage.

Oct 17, 2019 2:24 PM
Reply to  crank

Caitlin Johnstone (and others) point out a logic argument that when Western politicos describe actual facts as ‘Kremlin talking points’ then there is a kind of moral obligation to ‘be more Russian’.
Can anyone else see where this might all be going (in a global sense) ?

Oct 17, 2019 7:18 PM
Reply to  crank

‘Sir’ Frank Lowy was knighted by the Queen of England in 2017. In the 1940s he subscribed to the murder of Palestinians and conscripted British soldiers. He was deeply into the 911 event, as was his sponsor. Israel is the obvious enemy. Look deeper.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 18, 2019 9:02 AM
Reply to  Oliver

Israel is the obvious enemy. Look deeper.

Yup. If anyone else here is interested in finding out more about Israel and 9/11, here’s a long read but a damn good one: http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-911-conspiracy-theories/.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 18, 2019 8:53 AM
Reply to  crank

I agree with David Icke on 9/11: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it.

Oct 20, 2019 8:26 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

It has been completely removed from the records, to the extent of reprinting the local newspaper for the archives – that the U.K. head of state was in West Wales on September 11 2001.

This was done to ‘protect her from any embarrassment’ from the events in Manhattan. What could possibly embarrass the owner of UK Armed Forces about the 911 event?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 17, 2019 11:10 AM

I knew those Turkish strikes were bollocks from the news stories I saw. There’s always something unconvincing about the words versus the images – the images always have a token feel if they’re not downright obviously of somewhere else.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Oct 17, 2019 10:05 AM

Reminds me of the picture of Russian tanks ‘invading’ Ukraine in 2014/15. The photograph was actually taken in Georgia in 2008 during the short Russo-Georgian conflict. Don’t expect anything different from the Ministry of Truth (minitru)

Oct 17, 2019 5:33 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Aren’t we lucky to have the Integrity Initiative and Bellingcat to sort all this out for us?

Oct 17, 2019 9:46 AM

“ABC took the footage down and issued a correction.”

A.K.A the Memory Hole Deception. Honest brokers would leave it up and issue a disclaimer (or, if in print, make a correction with a footnight disclaimer reporting what was changed to what, and why).

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 19, 2019 7:18 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Honest brokers would also say from whom it was sourced, declaring the name, (clearing own name) in the longterm, that others may also know in future, in whom never to invest further Trust …

Oct 17, 2019 7:11 AM

Better believe it!

“Fares Shehabi @ ShehabiFares 13 hours ago:
The Syrian army units together with the Russian army heading towards Kobani after stopping for two days on the Qaraqozak Bridge waiting for the US withdrawal. Minutes and they will be inside the city

update: large crowds of Kobani residents on the streets welcoming the advance Syrian army units entering this city.
The people of #Ein_al_arab or #Kobani welcome the Syrian army!

comment image

Oct 17, 2019 6:18 AM

If the object is profit, making money, then attention to accuracy and detail is a mere inconvenience.

So when the money thing pervades your society, so too does the inconvenience of truth. Propaganda is bought from corrupt people selling their wares [lies] for money.

The 1st trick is that the corruptible are always bought off by it. I’m sure you’ve found yourself saying I couldn’t do that for money.

A director of VW or non exec member of Burisma gas holdings; the Royal Bank of Scotland for instance or an ex spook padding out their pension – with no steely eye for accuracy? Or even some “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” project for her Madge’s Gov promoting Disco’s for democracy in Libya or playing for an Oscar in Syria?

The 2nd trick is that the regular, honest people, which make up most of society; believe in truth and rarely question the facts presented by “the professionals”. They are actively encouraged not to do so. Even when such blatant lies are being manufactured such as: fighting for democracy in Hong Kong while people are going to jail for it in Catalonia! Or merely being censored out of the media in France.

C’est la vie les gilets jaunes

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Oct 17, 2019 4:21 AM

Amerikastan takes it for granted that the world is its property, which is why Amerikastanis can blame Trump for “giving away” North Syria. Therefore, since Syria is as much Amerikastani property as Kentucky, what difference, vide Killary Clinton, does it make anyway?

Oct 16, 2019 10:39 PM

It’s a wonder Hollywood wasn’t asked to make up some film footage with actors firing on old film lots made up to look like dirt-poor villages and then treat the film in post-production to make it look a bit fuzzy, as if it had been recorded on a cheap hand-held camera or mobile phone. Maybe even Hollywood just isn’t up to producing that level of disinformation and propaganda.

Oct 17, 2019 6:54 AM
Reply to  Jen

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 17, 2019 12:06 PM
Reply to  Jen

Maybe even Hollywood just isn’t up to producing that level of disinformation and propaganda.

A lot of propaganda is pretty creative and has very high-level production values – Hollywood-type people have to be involved – and milo’s link to Wag the Dog is just one indication.

Oct 18, 2019 12:57 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Hollywood was able to produce that level of disinformation and propaganda back in the 1990s when the industry was employing script-writers, directors and actors capable of making it and making it look credible.

These days the only Hollywood directors who win major awards are foreign-born / trained directors (especially the ones from Mexico) and most actors coming into Hollywood are no longer American. Script-writers as a community seem to have become extinct in Hollywood after their union went on strike back in 2008 in order to get better pay for writers.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 19, 2019 4:35 AM
Reply to  Jen

You seem far more knowledgeable on the subject than I am, Jen. In fact I know nothing really. I offer only one observation: the two music videos produced by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a government-funded controlled opposition entity, are brilliant works of truther-targeted propaganda. To me, they really are clever works of art. They mostly tell the truth but focusing exclusively on the building collapses is a form of propaganda in the way it consumes attention because the most sensible truth to start with is the fakery of the plane crashes – and very tellingly there is a plane in A&E logo and they are still putting out the notion that “we cannot be sure about the planes” 18 years on when it is as easy as 1-2-3 to determine that Newtonian physics applies equally to steel frame skyscraper collapses as it does to the impossibility of 200-ton airliners melting into those skyscrapers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuhNR6lx97E&feature=youtu.be The fakery of the plane crashes obviates the need for analysis of the building collapses in one fell swoop and it also exposes in a thin-end-of-the-wedge kind of way that the claim of 265 people dying in plane crashes is false … thus if that claim is false why should we believe the claim for the other 2,735? Consuming people’s attention with irrelevancies is a supremely effective propaganda technique. Along with “truth mixed with lies” it’s one of the best. I’ve really never studied propaganda in a systematic way but without the benefit of identification of all the various techniques I’d put “distraction with multiple theories and irrelevancies/making things seem much more complex than they really are” and “truth mixed with lies” as two of the top techniques – certainly they’re a massive part of the 9/11 propaganda strategy. It’s been a very gradual… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 20, 2019 12:20 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

And just to add – I love the last words of Free Fallin’ which give away that the two speakers knew exactly what went down on 9/11. Of course, A&E9/11 Truth don’t advertise that the term “went in” refers to controlled demolition (building falls in on itself) cos they’re not wanting people to start thinking, “Really, all these people KNEW and went along with 3,000 of their countrymen being murdered?” They’re not wanting to raise that sort of questioning but they put it in there. The only reason I know “went in” is that someone put it in a comment on the video. But the thing is 9/11 would have had to involve way too many people for the real killing of all those people. Waaayyy too many apart from anything else. Not a single one has spoken though. Very tight control.

Dialogue between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse: https://youtu.be/i5b719rVpds?t=224

“Can you confirm that it was No 7 that just went in?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”

Oct 20, 2019 8:17 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

a government-funded controlled opposition entity

I guess you know all about those.

Jihadi Colin
Jihadi Colin
Oct 18, 2019 11:47 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes, those ISIS videos from the middle of besieged cities, complete with logos, nasheed accompaniment, dramatic zoom-ins, etc etc, are worthy of Steven Spielberg. In fact I often wonder if they were directed by Steven Spielberg.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Oct 19, 2019 4:48 AM
Reply to  Jihadi Colin

Could be. Steven Spielberg seems a dodgy character.

According to blogger, Rollie Quaid, he’s a member of the FEMA National exercise directive. https://rolliequaid.com/2019/10/12/steven-spielberg-archive/

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 16, 2019 9:17 PM

“why on Earth did they ever think this would work?”

In order to “work”, all it has to do is to generate the impression these liars were aiming for. That they get found out later matters not at all. The impression will have been created for a sizable portion of the viewing public. cf the Nayirah testimony which they had no problem recycling even after it was found out.

Oct 17, 2019 11:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Because it works every time!You utter a lie, when they catch you, you just stay dumb, and after a while repeat it, as it was undisputed truth from the beginning!Remember how they still use Sadam’s weapons of mass destruction!

Oct 16, 2019 8:17 PM

The involvement of Ian Pannell ‘appears ‘ to suggest he is up to his neck in complicity with war crimes against the people of Syria.
By the way, I’m sure it’s been mentioned here before but Vanessa Beeley and I think a Syrian journalist made a documentary about mainstream media ( I believe Channel 4 and CNN) involved in filming fabricated events with terrorist groups participating. The incidents go back into the earlier stages of the conflict. The documentary is called ‘The Veto’. Quite long but well worth a watch also.

Oct 17, 2019 7:15 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Oct 16, 2019 7:55 PM

Oh god, where will it end? The other week we had a translation of a speech by a journalist who admitted they’d take cans of petrol with them and set fire to burned out tanks during the gulf war. Now journalists who aren’t “embedded” report from a nearby friendly country or give recording equipment (Avaaz) to friendly “activists” (terrorists). Using existing footage filmed somewhere else is just taking the piss….they must despise us little people.

Oct 17, 2019 2:05 PM
Reply to  lundiel

They are just afraid of losing their jobs and being unemployed.
That has to change.
Iceland is currently proposing enshrining the protection of whistleblowers into law, but of course the usual suspects are raising the issue of, “But we might get disgruntled or bitter people pretending to whistleblow in order to seek revenge against individuals or against society”…
Getting Assange back into normal public life should be our priority.

Oct 17, 2019 10:18 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Or they just get their scoops and videos from the 150 strong PR department of the White Helmets, courtesy of the British taxpayer.

Or from the generously MI6 funded “Syria Observatory For Human Rights”, a very grand sounding one man band in a 2 bed terraced house in Coventry, who hasn’t set foot in Syria for 20 years.

Oct 16, 2019 7:27 PM

But, don’t you think the large audience in the foreground was a bit of a dead (sorry) giveaway?

Either they are idiots or they think we are.

Oct 16, 2019 7:33 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

They no longer care whether or not we are idiots.
They are “just obeying orders”, and they still think they are invincible.

Oct 17, 2019 7:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

On the contrary, they’ve established through long experiment, that a large majority of the target population are functionally idiots, the propaganda preparation for the Iraq War being a paradigmatic demonstration of this fact.

That a small minority of non-idiots also exists, is of much lesser importance. Much more sophisticated disinfo operations, such as MK-CHOMSKY, have been deployed to direct their dissent in harmless directions, which have little chance of attracting the interest of the relatively clueless majority. That was beginning to happen during the Vietnam War, and vast resources have been dedicated to preventing it from happening again.

Noam Chomsky and the Compatible Left, parts 1 — 4

Oct 17, 2019 2:00 PM
Reply to  milosevic

By not caring whether or not we are idiots, I reckon it follows that they don’t ever take the trouble to find out whether or not we are.
It’s enough for them to treat us like idiots, and they are perfectly happy with that, until we stand up and prove to their faces that we are not.
After that, it’s simply a question of whether or not THEY are such idiots that they don’t even recognize the evidence when their faces are pushed into it.
I fear they are, and they belong in institutions which offer help, rather than pretending to govern us.

Richard Wicks
Richard Wicks
Oct 16, 2019 7:44 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

Either they are idiots or they think we are.

Hey, why do you think Assad use the one weapon that President Obama warned that if he made use of it, would result in a US military attack, and why would he use it against civilians? You’d think a trained ophthalmologist would be smarter. You’d think even if Assad was this stupid, his advisors would prevent him.

They don’t think people are idiots.

They lie constantly and have been doing it for decades.

Richard Wicks
Richard Wicks
Oct 16, 2019 7:24 PM

The Smith-Mundt Act has been repealed.. Look, it’s pretty obvious corporate media is willing to lie in service to the criminals that now control and run the United States. Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? No? Well, surely you know who made that “mistake”, and removed them from any sort of decision process in the United States government, right?

No? That’s because your government is run by criminals that lie to the public in order to carry out their crimes with minimal resistance.

The sooner Americans realize their government, and their “mainstream media” will blatantly lie to them, the sooner they can start addressing the problem. If one cannot identify and accept there’s a problem, there is no hope in fixing it. US citizens need to acknowledge this problem.

It’s long past time to be hesitant to talk about this pretending these are just innocent mistakes. This is outright propaganda, where propagandists knowingly lie to the public, to make the case for an otherwise unjustifiable war in which innocent people are killed, by the US government, using US citizen’s blood, and money. There’s the problem. Do Americans want their nation to be remembered in the same way as Nazi Germany is, in 100 years?

Empires don’t last forever.

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Oct 16, 2019 6:53 PM

Only so long before someone comes on here trying to discredit James Corbett as a Malthusian.

See this video to discredit the discrediters.


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Oct 17, 2019 3:07 PM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

Echo sounding > Standard Oil S.O. Esso Exxon B.P.’s Atlantic Rich-field Corps.
All One conductor, who plays the HAARP and pays the fiddler on the roof 🙂