Times runs fake Browder story by acolytes Ben Brandon & Alex Bailin
Lucy Komisar

Ben Brandon and Alex Bailin are London lawyers who have co-authored a fake story based on fabrications by William Browder about Russia’s legal action against his tax evasion and the death of his accountant, Sergei Magnitsky. The writers of this Times op-ed managed to put eight lies into just five opening lines.
Co-author Brandon is the lawyer representing the U.S. in its request to extradite war crimes whistleblower Julian Assange. This raises questions about the connection between the U.S. and the U.K. in the promotion of the Browder/Magnitsky hoax and the attack against Assange.
Here is their story. And my proof of their fabrications.
The time has come for Britain’s long-overdue Magnitsky law
The Times, October 24 2019
By Ben Brandon and Alex Bailin
We must not lag behind the rest of the world when it comes to holding human rights abusers and corrupt regimes to account.
Sergei Magnitsky, a young lawyer[1], was hired in 2008 by Bill Browder[2], the chief executive of Hermitage Capital, to investigate a tax fraud[3] on his fund. Having diligently uncovered a large scale embezzlement[4] by influential Russian officials[5], Mr Magnitsky was arrested and mistreated[6] in prison in an attempt to pressure him into withdrawing his testimony[7].
He refused to retract and was beaten to death.[8]
Dear Messrs Brandon and Bailin,
I assume that as lawyers you think it’s a good idea to check out what people claim, since even clients lie. Therefore, please consider the evidence below, not what convicted fraudster William Browder apparently told you.
[1] Lawyer: Magnitsky was an accountant. Browder acknowledges in his deposition in US federal court 2015 that Magnitsky didn’t have a law degree or go to law school. See him say it in a video clip. In his own interrogations, Magnitsky is identified as an auditor.
[2] Hired in 2008: Magnitsky worked for the accounting/law firm Firestone Duncan which Browder hired in 1997 to handle his company accounts and tax filings. The Russian court found that Magnitsky in the interests of Browder in 1997-2002 implemented an illegal tax evasion scheme using firms registered in Kalmykia and managed by Hermitage Capital. (See article) Browder claims he hired Magnitsky in 2007, so Brandon and Bailin get even that fabrication wrong.
[3] To investigate a tax fraud: See above. He was hired in 1997, ten years before the 2007 tax refund fraud. Magnitsky’s 2006 interrogation was about Browder’s company tax evasion. See his testimony and the cited article. And the fraud wasn’t on his fund, it was on the Russian Treasury. Fraudsters scammed the Russian Treasury by obtaining a $230mil tax refund based on fraudulent lawsuits.
[4] Uncovered embezzlement: The tax fraud, which is not properly described as an embezzlement as it was a fraud on the Russian Treasury, not on a company, was first reported by Rimma Starova in April 2008. The Russian newspaper Vedomosti and the New York Times reported it in July 2008. Magnitsky mentioned in testimony only in his October 2008 interrogation.
[5] Influential Russian officials: There are no Russian officials accused in any of the reports, by Starova, the newspapers or by Magnitsky. Read the documents.
[6] Mistreated: He suffered the same poor conditions as other inmates.
[7] pressure him into withdrawing his testimony: There is no evidence he was pressured to withdraw testimony. Or do you have any?
[8] Beaten to death: There is no evidence he was beaten to death. Or do you have any?
The only on-site independent report, by the Moscow Public Oversight Commission, indicates terrible prison conditions and failure to provide needed medical care. The Physicians for Human Rights (Cambridge Mass) report, cites the POC report and is addressed to Browder, who gave PHR 44 documents to back up his claims. It reached the same conclusion.
Browder’s initial statements about Magnitsky’s death, in 2009 and 2010, mention no beatings.
Check out his talk at Chatham House, in your home town.
I don’t know what they were thinking. I don’t know whether they killed him deliberately on the night of the 18th, or if he died of neglect.”
And the video of his address to the San Diego Law School the next year.
They put him into a straight-jacket, put him into an isolation room and waited outside the door for 1hr18 minutes until he died.”
He invented the beating death in 2011 when he decided to create and lobby for the Magnitsky Act in the U.S. Congress to stop Russian authorities from pursuing him for $100 million in evaded taxes and illicit stock buys.
Ironically, though he uses the U.S. to build a wall against Russian tax collectors, he gave up his American citizenship in 1998 to avoid paying taxes. He is listed by CBS News as a “tax expatriate.”
If you are serious lawyers and investigators, you will examine the evidence and respond. (And change your story.)
The rest of the op-ed is to support unspecified steps to hold to account those who benefit from human rights abuses and corruption. No mention of the persecutors of Julian Assange or the beneficiaries of the UK’s worldwide system of tax havens. The real purpose appears to be to repeat the Browder hoax in the lead.
Post Script: I called them “acolytes,” but maybe it’s more than that. Ben Brandon is the British lawyer representing the U.S. in its request to extradite war crimes whistleblower Julian Assange.
This raises questions about the connection between the U.S. and the U.K. in the promotion of the Browder/Magnitsky hoax and the attack against Assange.
I sent copies of this article to Brandon and Bailin. No response.
I also sent a complaint to IPSO the British Independent Press Standards Organization.
It calls itself “the independent regulator of most of the UK’s newspapers and magazines.”
It says: We hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions, protect individual rights, uphold high standards of journalism and help to maintain freedom of expression for the press.
Clauses breached – 1 Accuracy
This op ed article is based on egregiously fake facts. See this story and the links for the evidence. I have sent it to the authors.
They should retract the story.
Originally published on Consortium News
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It seems our Richard Dearlove got rid of Flynn. It’s interesting that Dearlove ran MI6 during B’liar’s tenure and that all these creepy lawyers are mates of Browder and enemies of Assange.
All the roads of the Deep State seem to lead back to London . . .
Well done, Ms Komisar. Keep fighting the Good Fight!
I wonder if Brandon and Bailin are also the lawyers who stopped the EU parliament and the UK parliament from watching Nekrasov’s film “The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes”.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they were tied up with the Integrity Initiative and other dirty tricks of the Foreign Office.
Brand Him and Bail Him seem to be two lawyers of the type hired by Mafiosi.
Up is Down. Black is White. The Head of the Resistance
is the Head of the Tyranny. Browder is one of the heads of this deepsnake tyranny. A genuine ‘Bolshevik’ Capitalist once sucking the blood of Russia; now floundering against a Russia fully resurgent and able to answer his Magnitsky act lie. Lies promulgated in the City of London of perfidy, a perfidy at present exhibiting its’ malevolence toward truth and beauty by publicly slow killing the Journalist/Publisher Julian ASSANGE- as lesson to us all. As it was with Winston Smith. Brandon obviously works for that empire. To write that shit. Their MOCKINGBIRD media knows how to copy the lie.How to fabricate History.
roger that, completely 😉
There is evidence of Magnitsky’s involvement in the scheme to hire disabled persons to work in the office for the tax credit which could thereby be claimed; his signature appears in their employment books (as does Browder’s). For their own part, they freely admitted they didn’t do much of anything.
Excellent content on your site – thank you. Evidence of criminality on the part of Saturn Investments and Dalnaya Step, (Kalmykian entities in the Hermitage/HSBC Cyprus tax fraud), Chief Accountant Sergei Magnitsky and General Director Bill Browder is incontrovertible. And, it’s all readily accessible on the public record eg. compiled in the US SDNY court docket of the Prevezon case.
An MP raising the facts in the House of Commons – just as George Galloway and Rupert Allason exposed crimes of Robert Maxwell in 1991 (and then they wanted the protection of ‘privilege’ – the Browder / Magnitsky crimes are already public record just concealed by the legacy media) – could surely stop the fraudulent Magnitsky legislation going forward in the UK. Putting the truth on the record would require those in the House of Commons to reject the hoax of Browder and state/intell allies, or, the parliamentarians would be seen by the public putting their names to knowingly voting for a scam act.
As John Beggs, QC so aptly put to career conman Browder during the Perepilichnyy inquest in 2017, Browder talks a good game about rule of law, but his propaganda campaign is really all about “rule of media”.
The evidence is bountiful and it’s in hand. All it needs is a voice in the House.
And with the Foreign Office and its Integrity Initiative rottweiler, a voice in the House is just what it won’t get. See what happened to Chris Williamson MP for asking about the Integrity Initiative or to Lord James of Blackheath for asking about EU defence union.
A lot of the British parliament are frightened or bought.
It’s not as bad as America . . . yet.
This is a good article that goes there but doesn’t quite reach the line. Ie, the security services are totally out of control.
And here, if you want more…
During the run up to the 2017 UK general election there were 3 ‘terror attacks’: the Westminster Bridge attack, the Manchester Arena attack, and the London Bridge attack. The London Bridge attack took place on the Monday before the general election vote on the Thursday. On that weekend before the GE, and before the ‘terror attack’ on the Monday, the Sun and the Mail ran a huge number of stories about Corbyn being a terrorist sympathiser.
You really don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on here.
Please keep your eye out for similar psychopathy during the present UK general election; and if identified these people need to be prosecuted under the harshest of terms (although the UK no longer has a death penalty, which is the only thing these scum deserve).
I wouldn’t hold your breath for accountability.
Our spooks have been staging these attacks for years, Armagh Bombing, Miami Show Band, many others. That’s what they mean by a “licence to kill.” Not Hollywood villains, just ordinary kids.
Labour remainer MP Jo Cox got taken out shortly before the EU referendum vote also, although that could be a genuine case of a lone right-wing nutter going full blown Travis Bickle, or not. It’s getting increasingly difficult to separate the genuine acts of terrorism from the manufactured acts of ‘terrorism’, or maybe that’s part of their sick plan, to muddy the waters so to speak.
To both Bal and Mark, I’ve no idea what age you two are. I’m in my mid-fifties and I’ve witnessed the IRA, PLO, etc, and all the real terror stuff these organisations have carried out (in which they killed many people).
By contrast, ISIS are a totally phoney set-up by the (totally criminal) security services.
ISIS never attack politicians or western military targets, or Israel. That on its own should tell you what a crock ISIS, et al, is.
Instead we get all these weird attacks against civillian targets, with absolutely no rhyme or reason, and always at a time that’s beneficial to the ruling classes.
How people fall for this shite is beyond belief.
I don’t disagree with you at all regarding Daesh. The same goes for AlQaeda, White Helmets, MKO, Al Nusra, LIFG, Fatah-al-sham or whatever the CIA have rebranded them now. The Jo Cox murder sticks in the mind because if the intention was to secure the remain vote for the upcoming referendum then it backfired badly. There also seems to be some dodgy going ons regarding her husband at the time Brendan Cox.
Before the Magnitsky myth is the reality.
In the 1990s, along with the arrival of legitimate operators, predatory capitalists invaded the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR 1922 – 1991) on missions pecuniary, political, and/or a mixture of both – “carpet-baggers from the West” in the words of David Cornwell (best known as novelist John le Carré). Among them one William Felix Browder, New Jersey, USA-born (23.04.1964) – a con-man who’d worked for the crooked UK+ ‘press baron’ Robert Maxwell until the 1991 death of the “Bouncing Czech” off his super-yacht, Lady Ghislaine.
(Maxwell purchased the Lady Ghislaine from the Emad Khashoggi family. Emad’s uncle, Saudi arms-dealer Adnan Khashoggi, earned notoriety globally via his association with BCCI – the corrupt Bank of Credit and Commerce International known colloquially as the “Bank of Crooks and Criminals Intl.” Adnan made news in Canada in the 1980s when he endeavoured to cheat creditors by moving assets through Vancouver Stock Exhange-listed+ shell companies.)
In the wake of this curious death-at-sea in 1991, ex-Maxwell employee Bill Browder came under the “like gold” wings of a dubious mentor, the Lebanese-Brazilian banker Edmond J. Safra (mis-spelled as Edmund Saffra in the “black book” of convicted, notorious, sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein). Safra’s Republic National Bank of New York‘s associated with a number of dodgy Canadian stock deals of the 1980s and ’90s – among them: the fraudulent crustacean-trap-to-cellular-privacy share promotion, Cycomm International Inc. (chronicled on the next pages here); and a mid-‘90s mining stock play of Albert Applegath, (the huckster behind New Cinch Uranium Ltd. – Canada’s most notorious “salting” or false assaying scandal until gold-fraud Bre-X came along) – more on that deal should time allow. And, not to be left out, Safra’s RNBoNY served as Corporate Advisor to Bre-X Minerals Ltd. – the greatest fake-assay swindle in stock market history (cratering in 1997).
As detailed in subsequent pages on “J’Accuse News” site, for Browder’s it’s “like winning the lottery” when Edmond Safra (who died, under bizarre circumstances, from smoke-asphyxiation) and French-Israeli “diamond tycoon” Beny Steinmetz, (mired more recently in a massive bribery and money-laundering controversy in Guinea), bank-rolled an operation in Moscow, Hermitage Capital, with him up-front as CEO. Hermitage launched in 1996. (Following Safra’s mysterious 1999 demise RNBoNY’s sale to HSBC was completed – partnering the latter with Browder’s Hermitage team in Russia and offshore, incl. domestic “offshore”, locations.)
Encamped in Moscow, in a particularly callous, as well as lucrative scheme, Hermitage group companies for which Bill Browder served as General Director, and Sergei Magnitsky (alt. spellings Sergey, Magnitskiy) acted as Chief Accountant, for years ’employed’ disabled people – eg. a victim of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster cleanup, an Afghan war veteran, and one challenged with a genetic disease and mental retardation – claiming them to be expert financial analysts ie. essentially props in a multi-million-dollar tax-fraud. Court found that Browder, Magnitsky and team were “wittingly aware that no work will be performed by the disabled people” and carried out their scheme “without creating jobsites for them”. Browder was responsible for filing these sham companies’ tax returns – which he duly signed.
(from my website @ J’Accuse News/
On October 21, 1991 two MPs – George Galloway (Labour) and Rupert Allason (Conservative) – raised crimes of Robert Maxwell in the House of Commons.
Remember, that fifth of November, Maxwell was overboard the Lady Ghislaine. He was dead – and Maxwell’s employee Bill Browder went looking for the next role to occupy.
When UK Parliament reforms post-election, an MP or MPs revealing crimes of conman Browder et al could, similarly, dislodge key bricks from this corrupt house.
Edmund Safra’s Republic Bank of New York also was a conduit for money laundering on a massive scale to the Soviet Union’s criminal gangs, this simultaneously providing a steady flow of laundered cash, exacerbating a crime problem in Russia, and Republic made a bundle on the cash transfers; win/win, right?
I am now at The New Kremlin Stooge – something went haywire with the old blog. Browder grew up working for crooks, got his start with capital given him by a crook…but never noticed the people he worked for were crooks.
Following the death of his employer Robert Maxwell, before he comes under the wing of Edmond Safra, conman Bill Browder’s engaged in stock plays for Salomon Brothers – including that of Petersburg Long Distance Inc. / PLD Telekom Inc. The PLD saga, to be told someday, involves a Canadian shell company, Ventech Healthcare Corp. Inc. which transformed itself into NWE Capital Corp. before, yet another metamorphosis into a Russian telecom operation. Shareholders of the shell included (Lord) Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation, and among the cast of characters bridging these various promotions was corporate “master of disaster” Rupert Galliers-Pratt.
The planting of Browder and Hermitage in Moscow by Safra and Beny Steinmetz in 1996 is a tragic step for so many.
Gratefully, your original blog is one of the first sites I discovered when, (after retiring from decades investigating white collar / organized crime), I heard the legacy media touting career conman BB as a human rights crusader. I’ll be sure to visit and be informed by your new blog.
Thanks much, looking forward to it.
Cheers! In the immediate term, the inimitable US journo Lucy Komisar has more on the nexus of Team Assange and Magnitsky hoaxers+ @ https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2019/11/assange-lawyers-links-to-u-s-govt-bill-browder-raises-questions/
Anything involving the B’liars is bound to be psychopathic.
This McCarthiyite redux bollox will only end when they get another drunken puppet like Boris Yeltsin sitting in the big chair in the Kremlin (or lying under his desk comatose).
A very nice summary of this sickening fraud.
It’s not as if fraud of this kind was something new, but the political connections to UK and US foreign policy make this specimen particularly revolting.
The Western hemisphere has been turned into a fascist nightmare over the last 74 years. One nation after another was either blackmailed, bullied into subservience, or violently overthrown where possible. The “Two Nukes Bully” faced no one to stand up against it.
During these 74 years, it had all the time it needed to install an ‘improved’ version of German Nazism. The citizenry was targeted with severe propaganda and subjected to a funnel vision that proclaimed everything U.S. to be superior to everything else on Earth. An everlasting enemy was created with the ‘Commie’ and ruthlessly persecuted and prosecuted based on incompatablity to the fascist system. The McCarthy era, combined with the Hoover enforcement of state violence, created a national atmosphere of deep division and mistrust. The important part of the transformation of the Western population (under Caucasian rule) into a population that can’t be bothered with the crimes its regimes would perpetrate, was the ‘Wirtschaftswunder’ (‘Economic Miracle’) that was created in the Western hemisphere. Its main goal was to create complacency among the masses that started to see the meaning of life in consumerism. The “keeping up with the Jones’s” mantra was injected into the collective – making it unavailable for the problems of the time – both domestically and abroad. (Whereas ‘abroad’ didn’t/doesn’t even matter, as long as no flag draped coffins were returning home.)
The Western hemisphere was brainwashed into accepting even the greatest lies without as much as slight doubt. A few stints in regard to convincing the masses that justice still exists, a few pawns were sacrificed – like Nixon – to create the illusion and the continuation of the delusion that the U.S. is a benevolent nation, chosen by god to promote freedom and democracy and to police the world, as no other nation was suited to do so.
This psychopathy continued until 2000, when both, the rule of law and democracy, were finally abolished by installing a dim witted Moron as POTUS – a ventriloquists puppet, with the ventriloquist being the owner class. Mind you that ‘divide and conquer’ were still the order of the day and reached its peak with the process of the installment of Trump. Trump is the big lie and the citizenry by now so indoctrinated, neutered and impotent, that it cannot shake off its torturers and exploiters. At that, the ‘Magnitzky Act’ is sort of an ‘economic Notstandsgesetz’ that enables the fascist regime to perpetrate an economic war against any nation it targets for overthrow. If sanctions are sought, any ‘Act’ is quickly concocted to serve as a basis for illegal war fare and the silencing of dissent.
The fascist regimes of the West can only survive based on lies. Lies are all they got. If a reality is not to their liking, they lie it into target mode – dissenters, journalists and nations will be smeared, defamed and painted as enemy/rogue in order to sanction them, leading up to military aggression. The deceit is so complete, that the belief of Labour not being part of the solution, but being part of the problem does simply not occur to the masses. They rather blame themselves than their Führers.
Can the question be voiced what the peoplle can do about this? Does that question even make sense today? Are people even capable of fomenting change and how? Would the first step not necessarily be to reject the constant lies by the regimes and to understand that any accusation by their regimes of wrongdoing by others is foremost an admission of guilt regarding their own crimes? When Johnson, May or even Corbyn the disgraceful point with their fingers at Russia, then they must accept, that it is their own regimes that perpetrate the crimes they accuse others of.
But as long as the Western masses still belief the lie that their regimes are democratic governments, that long they do not stand a chance to end the fascist rule. When they still believe ‘voting’ will save them from the nightmares they live in. When they still believe that a strong military is needed to deter hostile/enemy nations that want to take away Western ‘freedom and democracy’. Quite literally, I am out of energy in the face of this massive effort to convert the entire planet into a fascist dictatorship with privileges for the rich and militarized ‘law’ enforcement for the masses. How does the old notion go? ‘You can lead a horse to the trough – but you can’t make it drink’?
Thank You for this excellent description of how rotten the fascist system is.
Good overview of the creation of the American Empire. However, it misses out one issue. Every empire needs an ideology i.e. has to present itself as The Great Good. Just claiming to be good isn’t enough. You have to be presented with a Great Evil. “Godless Communism” was eventually the Great Evil. But when Stalin met with Churchill and Roosevelt in 1945, it would have been bad form to denounce communism right away. So what better to serve as The Great Evil than the defeated Nazi Germany? I am not trying to apologise for the Nazis. Only to note that their thundering rallies and that psychotically foaming guy with the little moustache was such a useful symbol of The Great Evil that this order has been ceaselessly used ever since to bolster a shining image of America Beauteous on the Hill. Even more to the point, the specific roots of this Great Evil have been glossed over i.e. the appalling economic conditions in Germany just before the war. Also, the German masses (and masses in general) have been eagerly seized on as forces of Evil – never mind that the European fascists were funded by Western big business and so funded specifically to defeat mass movements in the working population.
It takes some advanced mental capabilities to come to this conclusion. And it might well be the greatest ploy of the 20th century, since there was no problem at all carting Nazis via Paperclip to the U.S. ‘The Great Dictator/Evil’ was an invention to serve the powers that were and to come. After the war was wrapped up, the U.S. shifted gear into propaganda against the U.S.S.R. to replace the ‘defeated’ madman (who may have never died in front of his bunker) with the now evil Stalin. A most disturbing merry-go-round of “who’s your enemy today?” that culminated in Saddam Hussein. The good Buddy when he used the real chemical weapons made in West-Germany against Iranian forces turning into your ‘Evil Dictator’ when he decided to sell his oil no more in U$D. Oh, and yes, he gassed the same Kurds the U.S. had sold out then, too.
Meanwhile, having printed out “DON’T PANIC” and prominently displayed at a wall, is no longer working. Panic is here and it looks like it is here to stay. What means do we have to slash the fascist knot that is strangulating mankind? Contrary to the make believe of the remaining sane people, the real ‘Evil Empire’ gets stronger every day. ‘Stronger’ as in creating a bi-partisan assault on the Western so called democracy, freedom and liberty.
It has gone unnoticed by design (ISIS CEO change, Impeachment hoax, Brexit hoax etc) that the Donald Vader is tightening the noose around the people’s neck. He is the boss of William Barr and thus responsible for the new ‘Pre-Crime-Program‘ that will enable indefinite detention without trial based on the findings by an AI.
The only hope I have left is some ‘force majeur’ coming our way and neuter the U.S. There would be much less funding and weaponry for terrorist organizations the world over. Instead of brand new Toyotas, they would have to use previously owned Yugos.
Stalin was not evil, because he was anti-US (after WWII).
By that logic Mao and Pol Pot were good guys and so would be Hitler and Hideki Tojo before. Nuts in a nut-shell.
By the way, Stalin was a sociopath totalitarian, not a communist – he gave it a bad name. Hitler gave socialism and nationalism bad names.
Or Fumimaro Konoe giving “spiritual” a bad name in Japan
All actually evil attempts to twist and smear good concepts.
As Labour launched another manifesto of unbelievable lies: it’s good to remember the lies they built on.
On day one – during a Brexit debate (as I remember) – when Boris Johnson announced “Skripalgate” …Labour’s immediate response was to push for a Magnitsky act. Thornberry and Cooper pushed the Buzzfeed “From Russia With Blood” dossier. Abbott followed a couple of days later with her “killing fields of London ” demonisation. Nia Griffith: “It was a Russian hit”.
Not to be outdone: Corbyn pushed the Magnitsky agenda in person and in the press. He refused to yield the floor in the House: as he pushed every anti-Russian trope known. He made his antipathy to Putin clear: even admonishing others not to wish Putin happy birthday …which was petty. He even invoked Navalny as an inspiration. Navalny?
On day one: when Thornberry and Cooper kicked off a whole new low – a nadir of shame – in British political history… Browder was also in front of a Commons Select Committee. Coincidence: only for the very naive?
Lies, lies, and more lies …to denigrate Russia for their billionaire masters: that’s the true nature of Corbyn and his Russophobic propagandists for the corporate revolution.
Anyway: Raab has already announced we will be getting a Magnitsky Act – post-Brexit …in 2040. So Corbyn got his way? And may conceivably sign the Act? An Act built on lies; championed by liars; for the sole purpose of the demonisation of Putin – not Russia. A man touted by many as a perfect Prime Minister. If you want rock bottom relationship with Russia – potential war – and Magnitsky powers for billionaires. Voted for by those with memory-holes for memories.
The Telegraph reports on a 2015 private dinner in the home of Doughty Street Chambers founder and joint head Geoffrey Robertson, QC at which the Magnitsky myth and sanctions against Russia are pitched to then-Labour-Party-leader Ed Miliband, and Doughty Street lawyer Amal Clooney and co.:
Robertson, regularly interviewed by international media in connection with the case of Julian Assange, is a years-long Browder / Magnitsky myth shill. Here in Canada I’ve seen more of Robertson than of Jennifer Robinson in connection with the case. And, to be sure, Robinson’s representation of the Browder/Khodorkovsky propaganda tool OCCRP, (the so-called Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project), raises still more concern.
Geoffrey Robertson has pitched implementation of a Magnitsky act in Australia, and he’s served Browder in UK court – repeating falsehoods and propaganda – eg. in 2017 inquest stages he parroted Browder’s cover-up+ fantasy in connection with the 2012 death of Alexander Perepilichnyy in Surrey, England.
Post-humous mythology in that case included a plot element first appearing in “The Adventure of the Devils Foot”, a 1910 Sherlock Holmes’ tale. Browder wanted people to believe, and Buzzfeed+ dutifully propagandized, Perepilichnyy had been poisoned by a rare Asian plant, Gelsemium elegans, delivered into his system by mysterious Russian assassins – Buzzfeed claimed hysterically on direct orders from Putin! Browder exploited this particular myth for almost six years through a global PR campaign – until the UK coroner’s report finally debunked it (NB despite this, career conman Browder’s team still promote aspects of this fiction today – though it’s been supplanted in the public consciousness by the Skripal “novichok” story):
https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Record-of-Inquest-19.12.2018.pdf – Perepilichnyy record of inquest
https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Concluding-Remarks-19.12.2018.pdf – concluding remarks of Coroner HHJ Nicholas Hilliard, QC
Surely, one hopes, there can be found in London, and/or other jurisdictions, legal representation for Julian Assange that has no such proximity to the US government and/or other private or state actors engaged in activities etc. that, were he at liberty to do so, and materials were available to him, Julian and Wikileaks could well be exposing to the world. However above-board or otherwise may be any players herein identified at the Chambers etc. currently serving in any capacities, realistically, their proximity is not healthy. And any folks who are peddling the Magnitsky hoax should be out on their backsides.
Raab himself has a backstory with Browder: hosting an evening of lies for the “conservative” Henry Jackson Society in 2015. He was also part of a cross-party group of MPs that were behind a Magnitsky Ammendment to the Criminal Justice Act in 2017. Notably including the delightful Ian Austin – then of Labour – and Caroline Lucas. The presence of Raab and Austin brings up the non-existent “Jewish Lobby” which is antisemitic to talk about. But worth noting.
One of Julian’s last serious posts – before his internet was cut-off – was linking Joseph Mifsud, Sir Andrew Wood, Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer into the Trump Tower sting on George Papadopoulos… which was used to get the FISA Warrant that founded Muellergate. My memory is a bit sketchy: but Browder is implicated here too. I remember reading a lot on a blog called “Jimmy’s Llamma” I think (I’ve lost the device I had all the links on).
Be sure and read the Disobedient Media piece.
So if Browder was instrumental in getting the US, the Global Magnitsky Act, was involved with Steele in setting up Muellergate, and pops up on day one of Skripalgate …we’ve got a “Deep State Event” …part of something much bigger. Something Capitaine Paul Barril calls “Operation Beluga” …the regime change operation on Putin. Browder and Soros are linked to the OCCP and the Panama Papers …aimed at Sergei Roldugin …Putin’s “bag man” for his stolen millions.
Steele seems a likely ghost author of part of the Buzzfeed dossier. And of his other report on the Lesin ‘murder’. Was Sergey Skripal another ghost author? There are links to RUSI and the FCO. So many fragments awaiting a defined narrative. Safe to say: it was not Russians interfering in the US elections …it was us. A cabal of ex-MI6 old boys I call the Dearlove Cabal. Who appear to have the ear of the Labour party. Who push the agenda of “Agent Solomon” Browder and “Agent Freedom” Navalny (according to Gilbert Doctorow). Is that why they closed Julian down and put him on show trial that the National Socialist party would have been shamed by? Stranger things have happened.
If Browder does link Muellergate, Skripalgate, the Panama Papers and has links to Labour …that’s one he’ll of a conspiracy. He needs to be exposed and those who push his nepharious agendas unmasked …however incidentally involved. There’s ties to Litvinenko and the murder of Scott Young …it’s not just political capital at stake. Labour are deliberately poisoning Russian diplomatic relations to further the agendas of MI6, NATO, and the billionaires who want to gut Russian resources. Whether it is entirely innocent or not is another matter. Will that be an election issue? Not in our fantasy pantomime politics.
Removing the daft and/or corrupt individuals currently masquerading as journalists in the mainstream could well open the salient facts and issues to the public light. There’s so much on the public record, (corporate, court, police, historic press+ filings), revealing what’s happening but which is not being reported in this era.
With propagandists such as Luke Harding (Guardian), Michael Weiss (The Daily Beast, CNN+), BuzzFeed, OCCRP and more embedded as they are – the false narratives of criminal and state actors dominate.
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in,” intones Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem”. We need find those cracks – such as we’re now discussing – and pry them ever-wider.
Indeed, “Jimmys LLama” blog is an excellent resource containing examinations of Julian Assange matters, as well as Russiagate, Browder and more eg. Jimmys Llama Category Bill Browder
And with respect to the much-misrepresented “Trump Tower Meeting” you’ve mentioned – here’s another important article from Lucy Komisar: Mueller Report Gets the Trump Tower Meeting Wrong; Promotes Browder Hoax
The Telegraph reports on a 2015 private dinner in the home of Doughty Street Chambers founder and joint head Geoffrey Robertson, QC at which the Magnitsky myth and sanctions against Russia are pitched to then-Labour-Party-leader Ed Miliband, and Doughty Street lawyer Amal Clooney and co.:
Revealed: Ed-Miliband’s dinner with George and Amal Clooneyl
(“Ed Miliband shared an intimate dinner with George Clooney and his wife Amal, a human rights lawyer, to discuss fresh sanctions on Vladimir Putin’s regime, The Telegraph can disclose…”)
Robertson, regularly interviewed by international media in connection with the case of Julian Assange, is a years-long Browder / Magnitsky myth shill. Here in Canada I’ve seen more of Robertson than of Jennifer Robinson in connection with the case. And, to be sure, Robinson’s representation of the Browder/Khodorkovsky propaganda tool OCCRP, (the so-called Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project), raises still more concern.
Geoffrey Robertson has pitched implementation of a Magnitsky act in Australia, and he’s served Browder in UK court – repeating falsehoods and propaganda – eg. in 2017 inquest stages he parroted Browder’s cover-up+ fantasy in connection with the 2012 death of Alexander Perepilichnyy in Surrey, England.
Post-humous mythology in that case included a plot element first appearing in “The Adventure of the Devils Foot“, a 1910 Sherlock Holmes tale. Browder wanted people to believe, and Buzzfeed+ dutifully propagandized, Perepilichnyy had been poisoned by a rare Asian plant, Gelsemium elegans, delivered into his system by mysterious Russian assassins – Buzzfeed claimed hysterically on direct orders from Putin! Browder exploited this particular myth for almost six years through a global PR campaign – until the UK coroner’s report finally debunked it (NB despite this, career conman Browder’s team still promote aspects of this fiction today – though it’s been supplanted in the public consciousness by the Skripal “novichok” story):
concluding remarks of Coroner HHJ Nicholas Hilliard, QC
Surely, one hopes, there can be found in London, and/or other jurisdictions, legal representation for Julian Assange that has no such proximity to the US government and/or other private or state actors engaged in activities etc. that, were he at liberty to do so, and materials were available to him, Julian and Wikileaks could well be exposing to the world. However above-board or otherwise may be any players herein identified at the Chambers etc. currently serving in any capacities, realistically, their proximity is not healthy. And any folks who are peddling the Magnitsky hoax should be out on their backsides.
NB Sorry – I’m trying to master the links part of posting – and this has resulted in a duplicate. This post immediately above, btw, has a broken link to The Telegraph article on Miliband-Browder-Robertson-Clooney – the correct URL is in my first posting (above) – it is https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/ed-miliband/11340009/Revealed-Ed-Milibands-dinner-with-George-and-Amal-Clooney.html And this second, duped post (immediately above), is missing a link to the Perepilichnyy record of inquest – certifying death by natural causes – refuting the Buzzfeed propaganda version. It is @ https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Record-of-Inquest-19.12.2018.pdf Again, please excuse the duplication – and, should a mod see this, do delete the second post if you like. Cheers!
Saw today on Twitter OffGuardian drawing attention to the Canary demanding Johnson release the ‘evidence’ of Russian interference. The Canary is the voice of Blairite Labour in my view.
i think the fraudster Browder is now a UK resident
These kind of people study law only for one purpose: how to avoid being caught. The same reason many politicians studied law before. They make laws to rip off the 99% and keep loop holes for themselves and their 1% clients. They are not only right wingers + the rich: the left wing brigade lives of the fees to import illegal immigrants as cheap labor and lefty voters.
White collared & black coated criminals basically. Some later get promoted to wearing wigs if they toed the line promptly.
So the old plague on both their houses. Neither Left nor Right. So – what then? Are we waiting for some strange mutation to appear on the misty borderland between them? Or perhaps some ethereal transcendent choir to descend? The bourgeois liberal middle ground are the last ones to do anything.
They ( the operators) are always testing us , always have been , Tulsi may be the current test to determine if “we” are primed for a third, but she seems real to me. Gullible as I am.
Nothing wrong with bourgeois. Problem is with these new rich peasants , the fake ones, that have been creeping over the past 300 years.
“Nothing wrong with bourgeois. Problem is with these new rich peasants , the fake ones, that have been creeping over the past 300 years.”
Looks like your dictionary is missing a cog.
If you stand in the middle of the road eventually you’ll get run over.
How do you like non-1984 / non-totalitarian? Who cares what label to give this, left, right or center?
“non-1984 / non-totalitarian” Snappy title for a new movement. A bit vague though. I’m curious about the concept of totalitarian. We in the “Free West” have never been totalitarian – at least not in terms of the stage show we all watch. However, capitalism is a totalitarianism from below, so to speak i.e. we are all dominated by the need to find a livelihood and that need is regulated by money flows over which we have no control. Even the ones pushing the money around above us are living in constant terror of profit slumps. This is a kind of totalitarianism of madness.
No monopoly for anything except national judiciary and police, border protection and foreign relations.
Constitution expelling intolerant ideologies plus a freedom of information chapter, checked by the above.
Assuming that your cryptic response is a recommendation, questions about monopolies, intolerant ideologies etc. are all irrlevant in the face of the ferocious logic of capitalism seeking to maximise its returns.
Fairy tales for the gullible.
Brought to us by manipulators, abusers and purveyors of dog shit.
A private Spanish outfit called “Undercover Global Ltd.” is currently under investigation for spying on Julian Assange on behalf of the CIA – while the Wikileaks journalist was housed in London’s Ecuadorian Embassy.
With the close proximity of the US government, a major client, to Matrix Chambers, a firm also entrusted with defending Julian Assange from extradition to the US, and the US gov aligned with the “Magnitsky” propaganda campaign of convicted tax-evader and career conman Bill Browder – a hoax promoted by the founder and joint head of Doughty Street Chambers, also serving as counsel to Julian Assange – serious concerns naturally arise with respect to conflicts of interest, confidentiality risks and more.
It’s good to see such harmful elements finally coming to public attention.
UK barristers and QCs in chambers full of liars (and scoundrels and blackguards and predators and…)? Something new about that?
“It’s good to see such harmful elements finally coming to public attention.”
Oh. Right.
So how has Julian Assange ended up with bad lawyers?
That’s a key question to be answered. There are surely legal reps to be found in the UK that are not receiving monies from the US government and are not vouching for, even promoting, the US/UK state/intell supported false narrative of career conman Bill Browder and cohorts. Instead, Julian Assange is enveloped by representatives that have alarming proximity to the sort of players and schemes that, were he liberated, and the materials made available to him, Julian and Wikileaks would be exposing to the world.
Look into who pays his lawyers ….. its rather interesting.
“Look into who pays [Assange’s] lawyers ….. its rather interesting.
Cite or say.
“So how has Julian Assange ended up with bad lawyers?”
Depends how Chinese you believe walls can be.
Browder is a relatively minor spiv who didn’t steal all that much compared to the big boys, the 7 Jew oligarchs who stole 70% of the wealth of Russia before Putin spoiled their party. No wonder they hate him so much. Browder only stole a few hundred million.
Are you suggesting all Russians were stupid before Putin? Or that only Jews are clever?
Both would be total generalizations. I personally know examples of other varieties.
I see no reason to suppose “mark” is suggesting that at all.
Any more than suggesting that all Brits were stupid before the Great Train Robbery.
Q1 – No. Q2-No.
Just recounting what happened.
The pillage of Russia was a goy free enterprise.
Not even a token Shabbos goy.
@Mark: “Browder only stole a few hundred million.”
Only a “modest” fortune, according to retired Prime Minister TB.Liar who now serves as a modest 200 million butler in the uber-trillionaire House of Rothschild.
I heard he had a mere £100 million, plus his 60 plus properties including 7 mansions.
It must be humiliating to him, creeping around all those trillionaires at the Rothschild board. His humanitarian interventions in Serbia, Iraq and Libya gained billions for House of Rothschild, and all they threw him was a measly hundred. “Take that, my good man”; but he bears it in a spirit of Christian humility, as ‘umble as Uriah Heep .
“… a measly hundred”. That’s a hundred Million of course. In the exalted realms which our Tone now roams (non-voting director in House of Rothschild — the highest elevation ever attained by a British prime minister) a million is the smallest unit of currency.