Letting the Side Down: Prince Andrew, the Royal Family and Jeffrey Epstein

Binoy Kampmark

The choking cloud of Jeffrey Epstein’s paedophilic legacy has been floating over the Atlantic for some time.  It does its best (or worst) in matters of US and British celebrity, warts and all. It has not, for instance, exempted the British Royal Family, whose cupboard stocked with misbehaviours and raunchiness got just more crowded with the antics of the Duke of York.

Prince Andrew’s performance on Saturday on the BBC’s Newsnight was an object study of how not to self-exonerate. The prince had been thick with Epstein, though hardly a luminary when compared to that particularly chocked address book. The meetings between them were sufficiently frequent to warrant questions.

Madeleine Aggeler reminds us: Mar-a-Lago in 2000; his presence at Epstein’s spacious abode in 2010; the foot massages from “two well-dressed Russian women” in 2013.

But when it came to alleged misdeeds, the prince can count himself high up in the rankings, with one of Epstein’s accusers, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, adamant that she was forced when underage to have sex with the royal on three separate occasions.

In September, it became clear that the FBI was conducting an investigation into Prince Andrew’s Epstein link.  As a member of the US Department of Justice revealed, “The US investigation is focusing on several potential victims in the hope that they can provide more details about Prince Andrew and his connection to the Epstein case.”

The level of Buckingham Palace’s seriousness regarding such claims is measured by the degree royal excursions are shortened.  The palace has not been quite so sympathetic to Prince Andrew as they might, a point made by the shortening of a golf vacation in Spain over the summer.

Feeling some pressure to make a statement on the matter, the prince took the plunge with Newsnight.  It became clear early on that levels of remorse were low.  Knowing Epstein, for instance, had been a “useful” matter.

“I wanted to know more about what was going on in the international business world, and so that was another reason for going there.” 

As for Epstein himself, the prince felt “regret that he quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming”.

Staying friends with Epstein despite his conviction did niggle Prince Andrew.  He saw little trouble with those regular accusations of Epstein being a sex offender, but once the law had caught up with him, the prince had to “kick” himself “on a daily basis because it was not something that was becoming of a member of the Royal Family and we try and uphold the highest standards and practices and I let the side down, simple as that.” 

Trust a royal to deploy a sporting metaphor to paper over misdeeds.

Prince Andrew conceded making errors, but these were more in the case of being caught out.  His visit to Epstein in New York in December 2010 had been advertised as their “breakup” meeting, as doing so by phone would have been a “chicken’s way of doing it”. 

This particular process seemed lengthy and luxuriant, taking four days and a dinner party. Put it down to convenience, explained Prince Andrew, a nice place to crash. 

Even better, put it down to a matter of honour:

“I admit fully that my judgment was probably coloured by my tendency to be too honourable, but that’s just the way it is.”

As for Giuffre, the prince dug in. 

He had never met her, or at least never recalled doing so.  An evening in March 2001 spent at the home of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s girlfriend and able procurer-in-chief, had escaped his memory, despite a photograph showing the Royal arm clasping Giuffre’s waist.

I’ve said consistently and frequently that we never had any sort of sexual contact whatever. I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady, none whatsoever.”

That same royal could apparently bi-locate: while this kanoodling was supposedly taking place, he was at home with his family after a visit to the Pizza Express at Woking with daughter Beatrice.

In a darkly comical effort to sink Giuffre’s claims, notably one involving both dining and dancing at the Tramp Nightclub in London, Prince Andrew suggested a most curious alibi.  Giuffre had recalled profuse sweating. Impossible, retorted the prince.

There’s a slight problem with the sweating because I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don’t sweat or I didn’t sweat at the time and that was… was it… yes, I didn’t sweat at the time because I had suffered what I would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the Falklands War when I was shot at”.

Such a specimen devoid of empathy impressed, albeit negatively, the Sunday Mirror.  “No sweat… and no regret.”  Read in a different way, Prince Andrew was being the consummate Britannic Royal: incapable of remorse or being flustered.  In the face of such impropriety, the prince could summon smiles and even laugh, chided The Guardian.

That said, the prince’s sociopathic tendencies proved catching. 

Ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, only had praise for this man, an unusual species that combines honesty and “pure real truth”, remaining “steadfast and strong to their beliefs.” 

Perhaps her own degree of combination of pure real truth, with a pinch of honesty, could best be summed up by the assistance Epstein once gave her in the lean years: a gift of $15,000 to tie her over.  That’s balance for you.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


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Nov 22, 2019 4:47 PM

♫ Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand (information omitted for legal reasons). ♫

Nov 22, 2019 11:28 AM

The problem as I see it is that because no British government wants to be the one that embarrasses the monarchy or brings about its dissolution, then anything Andrew might have done leaves the British government open to blackmail.

Nov 22, 2019 10:52 AM

The idea that Epstein and Maxwell were both high level Mossad agents running a blackmail service for Israel is persuasive. Neither trafficked children for money, they were both immensely rich. They entrapped the elites of the world and did it for INTEL. It raises the issue as to whether Prince Andrew was a fair cop or a set up. Check out Robert Maxwell’s role in Mossad from the early days.

Nov 22, 2019 11:16 AM
Reply to  Paul

Why white wash the CIA or Mi6?

Nov 22, 2019 11:38 AM
Reply to  Antonym

What do you mean? It’s interesting to speculate what MI6 must (?) have picked up about the high level blackmailers. Did they warn the Royal Family or let them sail on into the shit storm? Israel’s needs probably came first.

chatles drake
chatles drake
Nov 22, 2019 12:13 PM
Reply to  Paul

this is not a threat i assure you no sir..
but all i need is video,audio,jpeg and negative of you
with that young boy girl goat or piglet
in fact any pet shop boy pet.
doing it too and for the kids
i will then own you.
you will be filed databased

at a future date
when needed
for media distraction
or character destruction
we open the old files and get are agents
too perform the controlled demolitions.

we dance

Nov 21, 2019 11:31 PM

Somewhere on Twitter, somebody quipped:
“The Royal Family wishes it to be known that they have absolutely no recollection of Prince Andrew”…

Nov 21, 2019 10:37 PM

Nobody else in Epstein’s little book is being run over the coals by the msm. Somebody in our ‘beloved’ royal family has clearly upset someone higher up the global pecking order. My guess is it’s the queen, and that’s why her favourite son is being destroyed. I wonder if it’s because she gave a state visit to Trump?

chatles drake
chatles drake
Nov 22, 2019 1:15 AM
Reply to  Tony

quid pro quo doctor lecter
favors for favours
we can call off the dogs anytime you want
or escalate
all about leverage

who did alex salmon upset
prince andrew a minor prevert in the scheme of things
why him why now

i remember an image of evelyne rothschild pointing and snarling at prince charles correcting him on who is really in charge

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Nov 22, 2019 9:22 AM
Reply to  chatles drake

who did alex salmon upset

I’ve always thought the same. My view is that the UK Establishment are doing this to him in “retribution” for him giving significant crediblity to RT UK (and by default Russia) with his weekly show, as the former FM of Scotland. That’s unlike the status of Galloway who has always been a maverick as far as they are concerned.

Nov 23, 2019 6:26 PM
Reply to  chatles drake

And, of course, the latter two are rather more major in the scheme of things to which you allude.

Nov 23, 2019 6:28 PM
Reply to  chatles drake

The hard brexit election is failing. The Corbyn is a plague carrier lie is failing. Even the Fartages spoilering is failing and they managed to get into an election at xmas when turnout would be low so ballot stuffing is more effective and not so obvious, obviously looking threatened – hence the only election tactic they have is the infamous ‘throw a dead cat on the table’ – it is OBVIOUS.
Hence Andy gets primetimed and Salmond gets rattled infront of the Scots in an effort to curtail the turnouts on the 12th.
HMQ is probably not purring any longer!

Nov 24, 2019 5:20 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I will hold you to your opinion that the upcoming election will be a low turnout one. I will state my opinion now that the turnout at the polling booths will match those at the EU referendum. And you will be left clinging to your propaganda that the postal vote was “fixed”.

Nov 24, 2019 11:55 AM
Reply to  Tony

Tony i don’t expect a low turnout – my point is that the timing of the election is designed to get a lower turnout – do you understand?

The reason is that a lower turnout is easier to fix – do you understand?

I am forecasting a Labour landslide & a highish poll station turnout especially since there are a few millions more registered voters most who will likely vote Labour – which overall was only 800k behind the tories in 2017.

Until a full audit trail and seperate count for postal votes run by a private company associated to Peter Lilley is imposed and provided I will carry on claiming foul play.

Sorry if that upsets you.

Nov 24, 2019 8:50 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Like I said, the turnout will be huge. Labour will do far better than the opinion polls predict, and nobody except Codswallop-style conspiracy theorists such as yourself will claim fraud (as per the anti-democrat standard playbook).

Nov 24, 2019 10:19 PM
Reply to  Tony

So we agree?

A high turnout should guarantee the overall Labour majority.

You don’t think postal voting could be a vector in countering the Labour vote?

I have no time for Cadwalldr of the integrity Iniative and her role in ‘limited hangouts’.

I have elsewhere posted on the privatisation of the Electoral Commission under the coalition and the handing of the Postal Votes management to the unsupervised company.

Nov 22, 2019 11:24 AM
Reply to  Tony

There are a lot of people in Epstein’s not so little book, including Jews.
The Queen “helping” Trump and Johnson was against the globalists of the Anglo establishment, not the Israeli one.

Nov 22, 2019 12:21 PM
Reply to  Tony

How does that work? It was the Democrats running the Epstein- Maxwell blackmail scheme? Seems more likely it was run in Israel? Maybe they backed it (successful blackmail?).

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Nov 21, 2019 5:22 PM

I’m no fan of Randy Andy, never have been, but this constant trial by media is destroying our democracy and legal system. That, and amazingly timed to distract from Corbyn’s election messages.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 21, 2019 9:47 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

“….amazingly timed to distract from Corbyn’s election messages.”

Yeah – odd that.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Nov 21, 2019 5:18 PM

Andy’s left arm is VERY long in that photo. No wonder the girls go after him…?

Nov 21, 2019 5:53 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Actually, I noticed that too.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 8:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper

QC’s standing joke: Long arm of the paw poor ? against the Law ?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 8:48 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Chuckle, I won’t say a word about Ghislaine’s hands then, coz’ that might just lead to some guys getting all distracted, too . . . 😉

Nov 21, 2019 11:28 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

It’s okay. I noticed, but I am not distracted by it.

Nov 24, 2019 7:32 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Interesting. Andy said in the interview that it wasn’t his hand.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 21, 2019 5:05 PM

I have often wondered just what Ghislaine Maxwell would have done if Ms Roberts had said no? Apparently when she finally did, she just told her to eff off. No beatings, no imprisonments, no torture, just no more Lolita flights.

So really the question is about societies which do not educate young girls to say No!

Because if she had said no sooner, she would have been out of it all sooner.

Nov 21, 2019 11:01 AM

Looks like Randy Andy has been given his marching orders by her maj, who was clearly not amused.

Nov 21, 2019 12:31 PM
Reply to  mark

One was not amused and two were bloody furious!

chatles drake
chatles drake
Nov 21, 2019 1:50 PM
Reply to  mark

andrew is the favorite son du not fret
he will bee A ok
he still get’s his 450k a year
just stepping back from pressing hand flesh with the great unwashed
for charity tis all.
leaving plenty
time 2 toilet
sweat at
yes sir

Nov 21, 2019 4:59 PM
Reply to  mark

What again? Marching orders? Nah he hasn’t lost his title & homes like Diana did.
He still benefits from civil list and other benefits.

Hell Edward the king lost more by his abdication!

IT is a complete sham to divert the attention from the election- which is daily moving towards a Labour majority.

Nov 21, 2019 8:20 AM

Not sweaty at a nightclub? I can assure you a multitude of stimulants – Coke, mdma, speed, ice etc. would be more than capable of inducing sweat in that environment – regardless of any so called local medical condition – feel the groove!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 21, 2019 5:38 AM

Its quite obvious that if you think of Epstein’s operation as a business catering to a specific clientele then part of the work of that business will be to market itself to potential clients. This marketing will be highly indirect, its a matter of discreetly sounding out prospects. Given this then its likely that Epstein’s operation will have had visits from all sorts of well known people but not all of those people will have got involved.

Unfortunately our media has uncompromisingly high standards when it comes to the morals of public figures. Any suspicion of impropriety and it will be seized on as absolute proof. Its also perfectly timed to keep the General Election copy off the front pages as much as possible.

(If Andrew was fully involved then he’s in illustrious company — some of his not too distant relatives were notorious lechers. That was, though, back in the day when the news media didn’t report that sort of thing, it was generally considered that pillorying Heads of State was not only bad form but likely to backfire on them.)

Nov 21, 2019 3:26 AM

Andrew could have had the international business world at his fingertips in London. Or he could have visited Davos every year. Instead he chose a parvenu sleezebag.

charles drake
charles drake
Nov 21, 2019 3:20 AM

bee assured lessons will bee leaned from this.
these are good people.
one short long moment of madness should not a downfall molech maketh.
a temporary lapse of reason while the eyes where wired shut.
one bad epstein does not bad khazrian make.
we must move on now
envy gets the goy nowhere
the sachs coburg gotha batteburgers
dun nuffink wong

Nov 21, 2019 11:09 AM
Reply to  charles drake

Strange how the same people are always at the centre of so much chicanery and pure evil.

chatles drake
chatles drake
Nov 21, 2019 1:42 PM
Reply to  mark

where there’s a will there’s a way
you have too krack eggiwegs in making omelete
knuts need crackers
informationals are needed
all the neccesaries
audio,visual analogue and digital
for today or a rainy day
no info
no leverage
by deception
do what thou wilt
an all that

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Nov 21, 2019 5:20 PM
Reply to  mark

Yes indeed, I fully agree, but Stalin and Pol Pot were not exactly angels either.

Nov 21, 2019 3:03 AM

‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monika Lewinski’ William Jefferson Clinton

P.S. Neither did I, Bill.


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 21, 2019 5:00 PM

She sucked but did not swallow, so no relationship….

Nov 20, 2019 11:25 PM

A serious and politically comprehensive challenge to the neo-liberalism that has, since the early seventies, almost half a century ago, devastated the lives of millions of people in the UK, is currently being mounted. In about three weeks time there will be a General Election offering a stark choice between policies calculated to exacerbate social and economic inequalities and reforms designed to repair and reverse them. It is hard to recall an election in which the choices were so clear and the consequences so dramatic. If Johnson wins the election or retains enough seats to build a coalition the last pillars of the slowly constructed Welfare State, dating back to the Lloyd George budget more than a century and two world wars ago, will be demolished: the NHS will be sold off, the privatising of education and the deepening of the social apartheid between rich and poor will continue and the working class will be back where it was before Taff Vale was reversed and Workhouses were the social safety net. One doesn’t need to be a fan of Jeremy Corbyn or to nurse any illusions about the PLP or the Labour Party bureaucracy to understand that for millions of people in Britain and a wide world of people desperately hoping that a decent socialist government will kick start a revival of social justice and commitment to equality everywhere, the issues that matter today are all to do with the election. An election which will soon be over. Thus it is that we are gathered here to gossip about the probability that Andrew Duke of York fucked an attractive young woman hanging out at one of his many corrupt friends’ houses. I am sure that just about everyone in the ruling class is delighted that their peccadilloes are still of… Read more »

Nov 21, 2019 3:28 AM
Reply to  bevin

Freedom and democracy are not worth a cracker without justice and money.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 21, 2019 11:43 AM
Reply to  bevin

Damn’ right, bevin! I read this just after getting another desperate email from my grand-daughter’s mum: Can I find £400 to cover the rent for my g-daughter’s semi – where she struggles constantly to keep herself and her two little kids afloat, despite having a full-time job, helping in the education of special-needs young adults, with – of course – shit pay; and with the absolute need to keep a commuting vehicle running, just to be able to get to the country-college job at all.

Who gives a tuppenny toley about the doings of the Windsors, in this context? Luckily, though I only have a state pension for income/savings – thanks to all my tax-paying fellow plebs for that immeasurable boon, friends! – living frugally but very serenely on my boat on a backwater is so ridiculously inexpensive that I am in fact able to help them out. But this happens regularly. I’m going to need to find another £5oo for her next month too. Roll on the trashing of the over-inflated lugen-fart Bojit, and the onset of the Corbyn revolution (-ette?).

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Nov 20, 2019 11:10 PM

My apologies to all for being flippant in a serious subject. Whenever I see that phrase “Letting the side down” I think about the inflatable boy in front of the inflatable headmaster of the inflatable school: “Not only have you let me down. You have let the school down. But worst of all – You have let yourself down”. I can imagine the side of Bouncy Windsor Castle slowly deflating.
And then I thought of an old joke about Yorkie Bars – lorry-drivers favourite chocolate, apparently. Female hitchhiker tries to distract lorry driver: “I’m sitting on something all you lorry drivers love….”. He: “You’re not sitting on my Yorkie Bar are you?”.
Andrew could move into confectionary and promote the Duke of Yorkie Bar, and thus emerge from his annus horribilis smelling of Roses. Ok. I’d best stop there….

Nov 21, 2019 10:03 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill
Nov 20, 2019 9:57 PM

Paedophilila is exclusively about desire for and sex with prepubescent children.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 8:59 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

This is a good & fine comment, Vierotchka: but, did you know that youngest ever person to give birth, was an African girl, aged Eight ? !

Blurred lines, certainly, by the abusers 😉

I still say . . .

Nov 21, 2019 9:37 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

As a matter of fact Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado is a Peruvian woman who became the youngest confirmed mother in history, giving birth at age five years, seven months, and 21 days. Based on the medical assessments of her pregnancy, she was less than five years old when she became pregnant. This means that both she and that African girl had reached puberty at a very early age, otherwise they never could have become pregnant.

Nov 21, 2019 10:06 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

A month and a half after the original diagnosis, Medina gave birth to a boy by caesarean section. She was 5 years, 7 months, and 21 days old, the youngest person in history to give birth. The caesarean birth was necessitated by her small pelvis. The surgery was performed by Lozada and Dr Busalleu, with Dr Colareta providing anaesthesia. The doctors found that she already had fully mature sexual organs from precocious puberty. Dr. Edmundo Escomel reported her case in the medical journal La Presse Médicale, including the additional details that her menarche had occurred at eight months of age, in contrast to a past report stating that she had been having regular periods since she was three years old (or 2½ according to a different article).


Mark Russell
Mark Russell
Nov 20, 2019 9:42 PM

Epstein and Maxwell were/are Israeli agents – as was the latter’s father – who fronted an operation for Mossad that compromised many stupid, corrupt and disgusting individuals in the ‘global elite’ – by exploiting innocent young children and rancid characters like Prince Andrew. Epstein will undoubtably be revealed as a monster, aided and abetted by Maxwell. But we should never forget who they worked for.

Nov 21, 2019 3:33 AM
Reply to  Mark Russell

There is often an overlapping area between secr3t services and dr9g dealing. Confiscating the huge and valuable real estate holdings should be a must.

Interviewing the the many servants there should be a must. Epstein’s phone records, photos from the Manhattan mansion, and interviewing Katherine Keating would also be a must if the yanks were diligent.

charles drake
charles drake
Nov 21, 2019 3:44 AM
Reply to  Mark Russell

even if these media victims where mossad what difference does it make now?
let sleeping dogs lileth lie
raking up old rakes tales trying too pin the blames on the living and the dead can do know good.mossad just want too stop israel being pushed into the see by the evil doers entrapment of anti semites via photo vhs tape maxel audio and mpeg 666
isa neccessaty evils that ne doings already
we need too stop the bullying and disrespact nows
epstein was not even reel for real

Nov 21, 2019 11:07 AM
Reply to  charles drake

Mossad just want to carry on murdering, torturing, lying, stealing, blackmailing, bribing and smearing in the service of the genocidal Zionist Regime, as they have been doing for the past 70 years and more.

Nov 20, 2019 6:32 PM

This story has been around for years and has or is becoming a ,hate to say it,”conspiracy theory” becoming truth,as people have written about on here.What if aang and irfan turn out to be Harry and Wills.Gosh !

Nov 20, 2019 3:39 PM

Off course the timing of the broadcast is surely questionable?

1. Almost mid election. Prime time weekend. Just as Labour had stolen a march with their broadband for all announcement.
That is the classic Throw a Dead Cat on the Table gambit.
Bell is on fire with his ‘If’ strip last cew weeks.
Last nights one trick pony campaign repetition of 2017 – breshit means HARD brexit by 31st Jan – fell flat on it’s face. As did the dead cat gambit.

2. The case prepeation against Maxwell – which would allow the testimonies of dozens of women naming the names of the grandees – Clinton et al. The attempt is to seal all these testimonies except just this single one! Why? Because it is likely that it is a setup and there is no proof except one innocent photo and when the accuser is revealed to be a fantasist – ALL other cases will disappear.

Lets not forget that Hillary has been lurking arou d for a week or two – think she was just promoting her daughters book on strong women? She was more likely giving Andy and the CIA controlled BBC news folk their orders.

And her and Pompeo and Brennan and our secret services are fucked if Corbyn gets elected and cooperates with the Trump russiagate inquiries.

I don’t even need to mention the 5+1 eyed monster that is feeiling the heat.

So the Handy Andy sideshow is him doing his bit to save their ancient Imperial robber barons and keep their crimes concealed.
He has done his beat and will be exonerated picking upmuch needed sympathy for the ‘royals’ along the way.

Nov 20, 2019 6:28 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

There isn’t any Trump Russia gate, only a load of rubbish made up by an ex(?)British spy.

Nov 20, 2019 9:18 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Agreed. I of course mean co-operate WITH Trump in ordering release of information that our secret services were working with Obama/Clinton in the conspiracy against Trump the candidate and then in the conspiracy against Trump the President.

I have posted more on Renees article.

Meanwhile stage 2 of the dead cat gets released today to keep it occupying the media away from the failing tory campaign.

Because there is nothing as diversionary to the british public as a royal story!

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 20, 2019 10:32 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“…there is nothing as diversionary to the british public as a royal story!”

And it doesn’t have to be favourable to the royals. In fact you’ll get more mileage out of it if it’s a scandal. That’ll get the punters carving each other up over irrelevant bollocks.

Nov 20, 2019 2:56 PM

the facts are in<= nearly all of the well connected and top level security cleared persons are connected in some way to Epstein and his collection of dolls and pimps. Sex is an important tool used by the rich and powerful to maintain their power of the governments that control and regulate the governed.

Its time to fix that.. make an international law. that no one appointed to a position in government can be allowed to keep their sexual parts. ..

or alternatively,

force into the open the sexual exploits of every person in a position of government. before they can be paid to occupy and animate one of the positions in government they must register (in a full disclosure form, just like a securities document, their every sexual exploit, and confirm the past with confirmation from the exploited..and for each non marital sexual exploit occurring while in the position, they must report it in similar full disclosure fashion within 10 days of the exploit, then if a sexual exploit is discovered or exposed that is not in the disclosed list, the person must step down immediately as a security risk and be denied ever again to serve in a position of responsibility that impacts on the governed.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 9:10 PM
Reply to  forrestall

You sound like my kinda’ ‘guy or gal’ >>> Funk, dat’ sounds like a great idea, whilst applying Michel Kosinski’s profiling programme simultaneously, namely OCEAN / CANOE, instead of our reality at present & “The History of the National Security State ‘ applying Tech. & Algorithms from the bottom up, we’d best invert Tech. capabilities NOW: from Top > down, it’s obvious,
in terms of accountability & transparency 🙂

Nov 20, 2019 2:20 PM

The interview of Emily Maitlis was pathetically weak and deferential. She didn’t ask the questions the greenest cub reporter or rookie police officer would have asked. This probably isn’t her fault. The state controlled BBC probably told her not to. None of the obvious questions were asked. – Epstein lent your ex wife large sums of money. How much was it? Was it ever paid back? Did this put you under an obligation to Epstein? What did he want in return? – You say you don’t remember ever meeting Virginia Giuffre. What does that mean? Were you partying so hard that you forgot? What is her motivation for making this up, if it is untrue? There is a photograph of you with your arm round her waist, and Ghislaine Maxwell lurking in the background. Doesn’t this seem to show you did in fact know this woman? Or is it a forgery of some kind? If so, who would have forged it and why? Has anyone tried to blackmail you over this? – What was the nature of your relationship with Epstein? You didn’t meet him casually at parties a couple of times. You had a relationship with him that lasted for at least several years. You stayed at his properties on many occasions, for up to 4 days at a time. Why? – Many people who knew Epstein reported seeing large numbers of very young women coming and going, and offering casual sex. If they were aware of this, why weren’t you? – You are a mature man of 60, a former naval officer and a man of the world. Would you describe yourself as naïve, gullible and unworldly? – Did you travel on Epstein’s private jet, the Lolita Express? If so, how many times? – Did you stay at… Read more »

Nov 20, 2019 2:28 PM
Reply to  mark

And, last but not least.
– It has been reported that Epstein’s properties were extensively bugged. Would he have material showing you in a compromising situation? Could such material appear in the future? What would be the effect of this on the Royal Family? Have there been any blackmail attempts so far? What will you do if any such attempts are made in the future?

Nov 20, 2019 8:05 PM
Reply to  mark

Answer: a) obviously, yes. b) It already has, I was forced to be the patsy. c) we’re expert at dealing with these situations. The FBI & CIA & MI6 have everything in hand, including the evidence on me provided by mossad. d) yes. I was told to retire. e) contact my handler.
This isn’t about me, I’m helping the security services to manage infiltration by foreign agents. I can’t say any more but as a trained serviceman I am risking my life for my country. Thank you and goodbye.

Nov 21, 2019 6:40 PM
Reply to  mark

The scope for such major leverage could signal the demise of the ‘Royal Family’.

This will undoubtedly become self-evident as they bend to support the progressive incremental requirements of the ruling (Psycho ‘WE will own the EARTH) Elite.

Nov 20, 2019 9:53 PM
Reply to  mark

Some of these questions are of the “Are you beating your wife?” or “Are you still beating your wife?” style of questioning so you can hardly expect the interviewee to say, yes, he did see orgies, and yes, he did participate in them.

Nov 21, 2019 6:33 PM
Reply to  mark

I would suggest ‘MARK’ should be the next DG of the BBC.

Can you imagine a full-frontal attack on the ESTABLISHMENT if the BBC were truly ‘impartial’ despite their total dependence on the population’s licence fee for acting as an agent for the ESTABLISHMENT which is effectively working against US.

Nov 22, 2019 12:20 AM
Reply to  mark

– You are a mature man of 60

How time flies when you’re having fun!

Nov 20, 2019 1:55 PM

I don’t know if anybody can help me with this.
Epstein is known to have “lent” Sarah Ferguson $15,000 and $58,000.
Obviously she’d take anybody’s money and would do anything for money.
But it has been reported that Epstein actually “lent” her 7 MILLION.
I don’t know if this is true or not.
But politicians and public figures are often given non repayable “loans” that do not charge any interest.
The question is what old Jeff wanted in return.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 20, 2019 3:22 PM
Reply to  mark

I don’t think Sarah was fancied by Jeff but the pro quo quid would be fascinating.

Nov 20, 2019 9:57 PM
Reply to  George Cornell

But just think, he’d have been better off being just a foot fetishist.

Nov 21, 2019 10:45 PM
Reply to  Jen

I did wonder why Maitlis didn’t follow the foot massage question with, were you also wearing just a shirt and women’s stockings during said massage?! And the fact Sarah F also had such a fetish with the Texan Oil geezer. When she brought up the subject of the gentleman (I forget his name) who signed a legal statement saying as such and naming the DoY as the person receiving said massage, his eyes ‘bulged’ and said ‘REALLY’ like he didn’t know this person has signed a legal statement and then backtracked saying he didn’t know the person she was referring to. Also, the DoY also said he saw nothing of consequence when he stayed in the NYC apartment of JE – yet NYPD police officers say when they entered the building there were pictures of naked women of various ages and breasts images adorning every room, a weird set of scientific glass false eyes lined up in the hallway and a large artwork of B Clinton in a blue dress and red high heeled shoes casually draped across a chair…yep saw nothing out of the ordinary when I was there he says! The Red shoes seem to fit a similar vein with coveted artworks the Podesta’s seem to like buying. It seems the establishment (old guard gate keeping) have not moved on and think the public are still as easily Information manipulated as they were decades ago. I agree with others, that this is a massive distraction on many levels, but the biggest is establishment coverup of foul goings on from Dolphin House, Saville and others to files T May lost during her tenure as HS, of on establishment sexual abuse of minors. OT: Started watching the Crown new series – M15 turn up, sorry ma’am in 1964 , we… Read more »

Nov 20, 2019 9:49 PM
Reply to  mark

This information from The Daily Telegraph (UK) may help: … The now notorious four-day visit to New York in 2010 which the Duke insisted was made to say a final ‘farewell’ to Epstein coincided with Prince Andrew securing a loan from the billionaire to help pay off his ex-wife’s debts. During the Duke’s stay at Epstein’s New York mansion, the convicted paedophile twice contacted Johnny O’Sullivan, the Duchess of York’s former personal assistant, urging him to accept an offer on the debt he was owed. Epstein went on to pay Mr O’Sullivan £15,000 to cover the cost of his unpaid wages and other bills. The Duke insisted during his Newsnight interview that the sole reason for his December 2010 visit, five months after Epstein was released from prison, was to cut off contact. He said he stayed at the house because it was “a convenient place to stay” and he thought it was “the honourable and right thing to do.” However, he acknowledged that during the visit he was guest of honour at a dinner party thrown by Epstein. Mr O’Sullivan was owed £78,000 by the Duchess, but accepted £15,000 from Epstein which then allowed a wider restructuring of the Duchess’s £5 million debts to take place … So Epstein may have undertaken to help pay the rest of the Duchess’s debts with her ex-husband perhaps acting as a guarantor for some of them or most of them. Some of the proceeds from selling Sunninghill in 2007 to a Kazakhstan businessman might perhaps have helped pay off part of the Duchess’s debt burden. BTW in that Telegraph article I linked to, the Duchess apparently was overseas during the Prince’s disastrous interview, visiting Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong among other places. She seems unable to stop herself from racking up a… Read more »

Nov 22, 2019 11:05 AM
Reply to  Jen

The Long Good Bye.

CIA server decides
CIA server decides
Nov 20, 2019 1:36 PM

Another approved scandal. Take note of the word ‘Approved’!
It doesn’t make any difference AT ALL whether one royal or the whole lot of them are pedophiles or even ruthless murderers. It doesn’t matter one iota!
None of that has any importance compared to the real turmoil ordinary people are subjected to by the modern govenance that is imposed on us. Sometimes this is called Neolibralism, and it is smashing our humanity down, as well as assuredly destroying our Earth.
The real scandal and the real tragedy: our life is now controlled by mass media that decides for us what we should think and worry about, and at the same time depriving every ordinary person of all the information about the real threats that are undermining our integrity, ruining our health and shredding our basic human rights.

Nov 21, 2019 6:49 PM

Evidently a clear thinking observation of the under-trodden.

It’s a bloody shame the 90% of the population don’t support you.

Then we could start to create world devoid of the ‘CREEPS’ currently manipulating us into a state of psychological subservience.

Nov 20, 2019 12:12 PM

Maybe another DDOS from our 77 Bde chums.

Nov 20, 2019 1:25 PM
Reply to  mark

Working OK for me.

Nov 20, 2019 3:40 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Thanks. Thought our friends were up to their usual tricks.

CIA server decides
CIA server decides
Nov 20, 2019 1:40 PM
Reply to  mark


There is something wrong with everything!
Perfection exists only on TV and Murdoch’s glossy publications.

Nov 21, 2019 3:11 AM

What about the perfect cup of coffee?

I’ve actually had a perfect cup of coffee in my lifetime, I swear.


CIA server decides
CIA server decides
Nov 21, 2019 6:22 AM

The well has been poisined, I am afraid.
I wish you have an alternative water supply or someway to keep the water clean!

Nov 21, 2019 2:25 PM

I’m from CANUCKISTAN where we have the largest fresh water supply in the entire world.


Nov 20, 2019 2:38 PM
Reply to  mark

I can no longer post from my Brave browser, the username and email boxes do not appear. I found I can post using the Google Gestapo’s Chrome browser.
Maybe Cloudflare does not like my browser?

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 6:56 PM
Reply to  ttshasta

Hear here, me too, identical scenario on Brave: I can’t load comments, more than the first page & also not possible to like or dislike any comment: like you, I had to revert to a CIA easy access Windows Safari / Chrome format browser, to post 🙂 Logic, was my thought, using a computer that was hacked from the Thunderbolt socket, from the factory, unfortunately:-
I found out the day after purchase and left the new ‘puter in its’ box for one month, as a consequence, in disgust and it was plain sailing thereafter, just as Wikileaks Vault 7 confirmed, a CIA Hack, (now using Huawei equipment whenever possible), lol: because, within 25 minutes of startup, brand spanking new, first the video switched itself on, (green light illumination, next to camera) and then the mic. switched on …
Well blow me, I was thinking Brave were good 🙂
Better than google’s political patron saints 😉

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 8:39 PM
Reply to  ttshasta

Maybe I should add, that I never loaded google chrome or facebook directly from the getgo, deliberately, testing Safari alone; though I did load Yandex (excellent Cyrillic translator), which uses chrome, so I limit my use of Yandex, these days: and remarkably, FB even canvassed me by email, subsequently, saying it would cost me $800.00 bucks, yep, I’ll re-iterate that, eight hundred US Dollars, were I too delay signing up/loading further ! Before the Cambridge Anal. scandals started, Facebook’s methods > Obvious.

Google just sent & still send me loads of emails about an unrecognised device (chuckle 🙂 )
As if they did not already know, applying algorithms, all innocent like . . . 😉

I sincerely believe that the browser wars are bigger than old fashioned newspapers, as much as any media wars, in terms of learning to search >>> and Maggie, if you read this, don’t worry, I don’t use google, daily: other than to test their methods & results, periodically… which I’ve been writing about, since long before they backed HRC and failed with their google analytics >>> clearly inferior to my own recipes for predicting electoral success or failure and when you think of the costs of those analytics, yet still Schmidt, Brin & Page got it wrong: talk about feel good factors, (lmao) 🙂 >>> for the record, Google (& therein Chrome) imho, is not a legal search engine operator, & this is now so under EU Law, since the beginning of 2016, something never discussed ! No wondering why . . . google is not a platform, just another selective Publisher of Deep State vested corporate interests, for demonic elites.


Nov 20, 2019 12:06 PM

This snap December election is proving to be a real Bad Santa spree for garbage clearance before Christmas.

Party Prince is put up as Aunt Sally to take the flak for all the Lolita Express crew, or more accurately.. list of passengers. Hopefully it is hoped this list of naughty boys and girls will disappear into Bad Santa’s memory hole in time for Christmas .

As will the fall of James Le Mesurier OBE already most probably consigned there.

Next up the Swedish police dropping the case against Julian Assange.. again. A news story this morning and down the hole by the afternoon. A veritable MSM hole in one.

Factcheckuk another fuckwit Tory scam to fool the electorate – down the memory hole. Good old bad Santa.

Any more Bad Santa wishes granted in the UK Black Thursday Election frenzy period? Post your suggestions below.

Nov 20, 2019 11:45 AM

He is obviously a real duffer, not smart at all, and her is certainly lacking in empathy while feeling entitled to all the luxuries of the world, but would anyone dare suggest that Prince Andrew might be a very real threat to what remains of democracy, transparency and accountability in British political and social institutions in the way that Prince Charles, with his own dubious friendships with the Saudi royal family and other wealthy individuals, all of whom exert quite a lot of influence over the prince, his propensity to shoot off memos and letters to Cabinet ministers and expecting that his missives will be answered tout de suite, and his own attempts to tinker with the UK Freedom of Information Act, could be considered to be a threat and a security risk? Prince Charles may have a lot of charities attached to his name but is there a possibility that some of these charities depend a great deal on Saudi royal family financial “donations” and, in being so dependent, have had to accept other Saudi influences? I believe a number of such charities are aimed at helping disadvantaged youth. How do we know or not if these charities are being used as vehicles to enable Wahhabi infiltration? In saying this, I am fully aware that Prince Andrew has had other more dubious friendships in the past, in particular more than a passing acquaintance with a group of Kazakhstan businessmen who raised the money to buy his Summerhill residence many years ago, and of whom one of these businessmen, Ruslan Tsarnay, is the uncle of the two Tsarnaev brothers who supposedly placed and detonated bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 2013? In addition to that, Tsarnay was once married to the daughter of a CIA agent,… Read more »

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 21, 2019 9:27 PM
Reply to  Jen

But, but Jen . . . I used to like me ole’ duffer coat . . . you’ve done AND-Y’RUINED my cozy creature comforts of youthful belonging ! 🙂 ;), with a bobble hat, of course 🙂

Harry Stotle
Harry Stotle
Nov 20, 2019 10:54 AM

Can we expect another angry letter from Stella Creasy, Jess Phillips and the rest of the NuLabour phonies insisting on extradition so that Andrew can face sex charges? (the way did with Julian Assange)

Come on Stella – don’t let the side down with selective outrage over who should and shouldn’t face the consequence of their actions, especially when allegations of sex with an underage woman is part of the equation.

Nov 20, 2019 1:08 PM
Reply to  Harry Stotle

I must admit I felt a twinge of sympathy for HRH Andy when Rose McGowan went on the warpath against him.
Lord save us from this monstrous regiment of wimmin.

John A
John A
Nov 20, 2019 10:50 AM

According to the Daily Mail, quoting high-profile rent a quote Baddiel (aka Worsiel), Corbyn pronounced Epstein’s name in an anti-semitic way in the debate last night.
Corbyn clearly should have his eyes shot out by the IDF.

Nov 20, 2019 1:11 PM
Reply to  John A

Baddiel is constantly shilling for more “compensation” and “reparations” for Jews.
Apparently they’ve gone through the hundreds of billions they’ve had so far and have to find somebody else to leech off, like Poland. Another $300 billion is demanded, apparently.

John A
John A
Nov 20, 2019 2:14 PM
Reply to  mark

They also got millions from the French Railways in compensation for Jews being deported from France to camps by rail. Even though the railways then were nothing to do with the French railway system now.

Nov 20, 2019 9:38 AM

“What I want to know is why are the media so quiet about Ghislaine Maxwell. Where is she and why aren’t they camped out on her doorstep?”……………..Same question for the Skripals. Nothing more will be heard but a controlled silence orchestrated by our corrupt MSM.

Nov 20, 2019 7:44 AM

Has there been reference in the media, either in the UK or US, of a single other person who was involved with Epstein?

I am not trying to diminish this particular case but it is really is akin to CNN picking one single aspect of a larger story and obsessing about that one element to the detriment of everything else.

Nov 20, 2019 8:20 AM
Reply to  Kingharvest

My feelings exactly. I instinctively feel that by concentrating on Prince Andrew, probably the highest-profile associate of Epstein, who will undoubtedly be absolved of anything other than stupidity, they can then kick it into the long grass ane quietly forget the whole thing.

Nov 20, 2019 9:09 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Exactly. Andrew is almost a diversion from talking about possibly hundreds of well-known accomplices.

Nov 20, 2019 5:14 PM
Reply to  lundiel

quite – let Andrew take the ‘heat’ and a few days later all will be forgotten – it’s the way they tell ’em!!

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 20, 2019 8:23 AM
Reply to  Kingharvest

Woody Allen? Alan Dershowitz? Bill Clinton? There are plenty of others.

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Nov 20, 2019 8:56 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Above all, we need to nail the guys who are manipulating these figures in power,
subsequent to whatever depraved methodology of control: this manipulation of key figures, determines our cultural sovereign futures. Namely, by abusing the “History of the National Security State”, including running parallel platforms, at OUR EXPENSE, as Binney & Wiebe have confirmed: real public whistleblowers. >>> and nobody should wonder where the majority of missing D.o.D & M.o.D. money disappeared to, missing in action >>> After The Pentagon & WTC7 destructions.

Parallel Platform TECH. !

I cannot emphasise enough, the scale of this problem.
Out of Control . . .

Nov 20, 2019 9:07 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

I see. I don’t remember seeing any extensive coverage of Allen, Dershowitz or Clinton. Insinuations, yes. Broad coverage on the scale of Prince Andrew?

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 20, 2019 9:17 AM
Reply to  Kingharvest

Where to start? Clinton is named on the manifest of the Lolita Express more than a dozen times, maybe two dozen. Clinton had much in common with Epstein.

As for the claim that Andrew was learning at the knees of an international financier, there is no definitive evidence that clarifies how Epstein made his money, except for the broad implications from an embarrassed Wexner that he stole it from him. Wholesale skepticism about his financial skill abounds.

Nov 20, 2019 9:19 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Okay. Comment is free.

Nov 20, 2019 9:54 AM
Reply to  George Cornell

Apart from that, the man’s an idiot. Even the Wikileaks cables hinted as much.

Nov 20, 2019 6:40 AM

Inferring he’s a paedo by association doesn’t help. He probably likes much younger women, not children. Even if he was Epstein’s best pal, that wasn’t illegal, just embarrassing for the Royal family for a few weeks.
Calling Virginia Roberts Giuffre a child at the time she suffered Prince Andrews attentions doesn’t help either. She wasn’t a child nor would she likely attract the interest of paedophiles. She was far too old.
Nothing’s going to happen to Andrew, he will just disappear from media attention and carry on travelling and playing golf. Unfortunately, we’ll never get the goods on Andrew or any other member of the Royal family. I’d go as far as to say, people will feel sorry for the Queen and probably worship her even more for her “stiff upper lip” under media pressure.
What I want to know is why are the media so quiet about Ghislaine Maxwell. Where is she and why aren’t they camped out on her doorstep?

Nov 20, 2019 7:40 AM
Reply to  lundiel

I remember reading some very interesting articles on John Ward’s The Slog site. I believe he was saying that alot of the UK court cases and scandals around the celebrities acting inappropriately around just under age girls usually decades back was a massive effort to deflect attention away from the large number of serial paedophiles in the establishment. Could the same be happening here?

No surprise when ABC News were alleged to have suppressed the Epstein story years ago and more generally even stuff like ‘Pizzagate’ which could have been easily debunked if the allegations were so wild. And how curious all the most serious offenders in the UK are outed when they are dead.

Then the allegations that Israeli intelligence use this crime to blackmail and influence – and then look at the Israeli influence in politics and media both sides of the Atlantic in all parties. I think sex particularly involving children is one of the main factors behind some political decisions that are taken perhaps including whether to go to war.

They say money, natural resources, arms, oil and power are what drives people in power and policy. I’m sure taking a look at a crime which is huge in this section of society would get to the root of so much else going on.

Nov 20, 2019 8:25 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Yes. An unemployed, Royal family member being compromised would be somewhat trumped if, for instance, the head of the army, or a cabinet minister was a paedo.

Nov 20, 2019 11:53 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Prince Andrew is now pretty likely to be required to submit to an interview by the FBI under oath. If he repeats the same garbage to the FBI as he did to the BBC interviewer, and the FBI later discover he was lying to them, he may be found guilty of perjury or its equivalent in US law.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Nov 20, 2019 1:21 PM
Reply to  Jen

Jen, if they could get Epstein murdered in a jail cell they would surely be able to quash anything like that?

Nov 20, 2019 1:24 PM
Reply to  Jen

I can’t remember if any of the alleged encounters with Ms Giuffre took place in America or not, he certainly broke no laws here. If the FBI were persuing him, surely they’d want to question the only person who could confirm his guilt…. madam Maxwell?
There is no chance of Andrew being subject to anything that might incriminate him, even if it meant he could never visit America again. IMO, they’d claim diplomatic immunity, but it’ll never come to that.

Nov 20, 2019 3:44 PM
Reply to  Jen

Maybe he needs a spot of waterboarding in Gitmo.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Nov 20, 2019 5:55 AM

”Twas ever thus.
Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses engaged in dirty deeds.
Scum floats on the top.

Nov 20, 2019 1:23 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

You can never prove these things one way or another, but Andrew is widely believed to have been fathered, not by Phil The Greek, but by the Queen’s racehorse trainer.
Not that it matters that much either way.
The Royal Family has always been a real Swingers’ Club.
Princess Anne’s children were fathered by her bodyguard, a Metropolitan police sergeant. He was sacked for being “over familiar” with her.
Phil The Greek was “the man in the mask” at orgies in country houses across the south of England.
Mountbatten had a sex life that would put Casanova to shame. He was bisexual with a particular liking for small boys. His wife tried to outdo him with a laundry list of non white partners.
And of course Charlie and Diana were both at it in a big way. Diana put herself about so much it was difficult to keep track of them all.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Nov 20, 2019 2:42 PM
Reply to  mark

Really, these Royals, what can you do with them. They always seem to be in the limelight. I think that it was Oscar Wilde nailed this disgraceful behaviour and the need to be noticed. To wit: ‘There is only one thing being worse talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Nov 20, 2019 8:03 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Is everyone else here a royalist? WhyTF are you all calling Andrew Windsor, Charles Windsor, Elizabeth Windsor, Anne Phillips, Diana Spencer-Windsor and the rest of that sink-estate’s-worth of benefit spongers by the ludicrous titles they affect simply to make sure we plebs – or at any rate you plebs who play the game so unthinkingly – stay grovelling on our knees, where we’re supposed to be.

Call ’em by their normal names FFS! That’s quite courteous enough. They deserve nothing more; not from any self-respecting free-citizen of a – genuine – democracy. Expecting us all to jump through their fancy-titles hoops is straight-forwardly insulting – to US!

PS: Craig Murray seems to prefer the Saxe-Coburg Gotha form for the Windsors’ surname. But I’m quite willing to at least offer the courtesy of using the new name they chose for themselves. That’s fair enough; people can call themselves what they like: Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F’tang-F’tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel is fine, if that’s what you like. But sod the fancy, pretentious and dirtily-manipulative titles.

Nov 21, 2019 11:20 AM

I used to know a sweet little old lady who had worked as a servant for a minor royal, her husband as a gardener. They were treated so badly that she was a rabid anti royalist and would have quite happily operated a guillotine outside Buckingham Palace.

Th royals don’t pay their staff much. They seem to think it’s such an honour to clean up after them people should be grateful to do it for free.