Thus spake the Chief Rabbi
Philip Roddis
Today BBC World at One featured responses to the Chief Rabbi’s extraordinary attack.
Zero evidence offered.
Silence on the relative extent of antisemitic views within the two main parties, and vis a vis the UK at large.
Failure to define antisemitism – indeed, the sole example offered today was of a Labour member who’d accused Israel of orchestrating the “antisemite” attacks.
Many not unreasonably agree, including Jewish supporters of Corbyn, none of whom were heard on World at One today. And including me. I wasn’t invited either.
But back to Chief Rabbi Mirvis, who responded to the election as Tory leader of a known racist and homophobe – and of course a proven liar – with this tweet:
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Time for a new election post?
But can’t leave Antonym with a final word here on the Chief rabbit.
Maybe the words of the late sage Tony Benn ‘a tireless promoter of a power-to-the-people ethic that placed its faith in the great mass of humanity rather than billionaires, media moguls and political powerbrokers’ should be asked of the Chief:
“What power have you got?”
“Where did you get it from?”
“In whose interests do you use it?”
“To whom are you accountable?”
“How do we get rid of you?”
The wise sage continues:
“Only democracy gives us that right. That is why no one with power likes democracy,” he would continue. “And that is why every generation must struggle to win it and keep it—including you and me, here and now”
What you’ll never read here: “Thus spoke the mullah / ayatollah”.
The moment the mainstream media start to use mullahs and ayatollahs to act as spokespeople for their bullshit then you’ll see it criticised here.
The good rabbi will have grounds for complaint only when Jews here are treated as Palestinians are treated by his fellow Talmudic supremacists (and which he fully supports.)
What do you expect from a Chief Poobah of an organized religion (or not as the case may be) based on ethnic exceptionality bestowed by an omnipotent diety given to inciting much smoting and smiting in return for not much else except a bit of MGM (male genital mutilation), not saying PoohPooh in vain and giving lip service to a mythical Covenant between said diety and an ancient tribal schizophrenic with a penchant for filicide? Do you have any idea at all how hard it is to impose G-d’s heirarchical authority on that lot without a modicum of socialist smiting to make the point explicit?
Previously I never felt any special gripe against religion. However, recent events have demonstrated over and over again that any religious line followed always seems to end up drowning in the most appalling reactionary swamp. Cf. devout Catholic composer James MacMillan who writes for the neo-con Standpoint magazine, who entirely swallows the pigswill that “the Corbynistas” represent the most fearsome fanaticism ever seen in the UK, and whose sanctimonious rants are coming more and more to resemble those of his hero Roger Scruton.
This is always the way – there are a few religious groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which despite their US origin, try to exercise strict political neutrality to the extent of refusing to vote.
But this is the exception – just look at the Christian Zionists and the religious nut jobs in the US like Pence, Pompeo and all the rest. And people like Blair. Or the Catholic church over the centuries. Or the Talmudic supremacists in Palestine and throughout the world. There is so much that is negative, whatever you say about individual believers and individual clergy.
I think the one thing about religion that makes it so useful as a control tool is the notion, which I think is common throughout them all, that there are some things that you just don’t ask questions about. Metaphorically speaking, there is always a door with a sign saying “NO FURTHER!”
Now here’s a controversial notion: I think that, whatever the truth of the matter is, “The Holocaust” as a concept is one of those doors. I am not advocating “Holocaust denial”. I’m stating that the way it has been portrayed has often taken the form of suggesting that it was some kind of “transcendental evil” or sign of a mysterious demonic force. And there is an assumption that this force cannot be fitted into any rationalisation of history and therefore stands as a refutation of reason/The Enlightenment/belief in progress etc. Deep down, humans are just evil – especially when they’re in large groups. Clearly a handy notion for a tiny elite. And since progress is ruled out …well we just have to stick with those guiding lights above i.e. the present order. And any bolshiness about struggling to achieve a fairer system will be hubris leading to “another Holocaust”.
I see I have earned one “down” vote. Maybe God is watching this site?
……my girlfriend, crystal bawls, has just explained to me exactly how the election will play out. – farage has chickened out and got nothing in return, consigning the Brexit party to irrelevance except as a spoiler for labour. – the leave vote will consolidate behind bojo and his fake Brexit, they have nowhere else to go. – the remain vote will be split between the liberals, greens, snp and labour. – jezza’s Brexit policy is incoherent: “I will negotiate a 3rd Brexit deal (provided the long suffering brussels bureaucracy doesn’t tell me to get stuffed), try to get it through parliament, then put it to another referendum, which may go either way, and I will campaign against my shiny new deal which I have theoretically just negotiated.” – Brexit will sideline all the tory failures on the nhs, policing, knife crime, food banks, 14 million in poverty, inequality, infrastructure, h2s, foreign policy and much else, and even let him off the hook for his own failure to deliver Brexit, do or die. – his positive social policies, broadband, waspi women, council houses, public ownership of utilities, however worthwhile, will fail to gain traction. – jezza will be damaged by the Zionist smear campaign and the non stop backstabbing of the plp. -the results: swinson and the snp will pick up some seats. – labour will lose some, and will not make any breakthrough. – labour having lost 3 elections, jezza and the few decent people remaining in the plp will be purged and replaced by one of the many Blairite, pro austerity, friends of Israel “safe hands.” – bojo will lead the largest party without a majority. – all the other parties will refuse to work with him. – bojo may cobble together some kind of much watered down joke… Read more »
This smearing scam must surely backfire. People like me utterly resent having their democratic rights usurped by a very, very small group whose interests lie in the continuation of a barbaric state.
“This smearing scam must surely backfire.”
We live in hope. However, going by comments I hear, many people seem to have this unquestioning belief in the mainstream media. They seem to view it as a big mummy/daddy/uncle etc. It’s revealing that one nickname for the BBC was “Auntie Beeb”.
election meddling..
if it looks like a duck…
“It could be that Mr. Corbyn manages to run the gauntlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best. It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened,”.
Yhat was the US state promising to interfere in this election back in June.
Quack quack.
oh, wait…
Before you read this – I wish to make it clear that I support Jeremy Corbyn’s position on Palestine.
With this intervention by Rabbi Mirvis, which clearly is entirely politically motivated as he is a personal friend of Michael Gove, it appears that a letter has been sent to Mr Corbyn in support of him at a time when this personal campaign against him has even further intensified. When I first read this letter, purportedly penned by one “Rabbi Mayer Weinberger”, which was posted up via a link from another OG contributor, I was initially relieved somewhat, however, having looked into the matter it appears that this letter could be fake – I even called the phone number to investigate but it was “not available” – here’s the link – make of it what you will:
It appears the letter is genuine because Rabbi Mayer Weinberger has been forced to contact police after receiving threats over a letter he signed on behalf of Orthodox Jewish organisation United European Jews (UEJ).
A spokesperson for the Rabbi has confirmed that he received chilling threats of harm to himself and his family if he did not withdraw and repudiate the letter, which supports and thanks Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for his “numerous acts of solidarity with the Jewish community”.
We know where you and your family live.
Part of the chilling threat to Rabbi Weinberger
Rather than withdraw the letter, Rabbi Weinberger has contacted his local police force.
Thank you for your further research into this Harry – people need to know what’s going on here – I am sure many here will appreciate you for posting that link – we are up against monstrous forces of mischief – it is almost beyond belief the lengths these people will go to to avoid having to own up to the iniquities they have perpetrated. But, in time , the truth will out
The Jewish community in total is about the same number of people who voted for Sinn Fein at the last election, and actually works out at 0.4% of the entire population of the UK.
How does 0.4% have so much influence over 99.6%.
Are we stupid?
4.5% Muslims and growing in the UK combined with US deep state manage to keep the borders open for more immigration, similar to all of western Europe.
Off-Guardian is totally mum about this much bigger project: keep the US dollar free floating on Arab Muslim oil thus enabling the FED to print dollars for free to finance their mil-industrial empire in return for the above import. This is how 4.5% have so much influence over 93.5%.
Off-Guardian is really a guard who is totally off. THE Guardian is blind too. Two birds of a feather…
Yes, we–Jew and Goy alike–are remarkably stupid, but said influence does not rely on the 0.4% but on the Talmudic slipperiness of the 0.4% of the 0.4%
The Ten Commandments
1. I am the Lord, your God.
2. Thou shall bring no false idols before me.
3. Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shall not kill/murder.†
7. Thou shall not commit adultery.
8. Thou shall not steal.††
9. Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
10. Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbours wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbour). – Dear Rabbi Elvis, Having (collectively) breached numbers 6, 8, 10, and by consequence, number 3, of your commandments, you have just added number 9 to the list. Can we see the Mossad motto, “By deception you will make war” (kill, murder), inaction here?
Who knows?
Does the Rabbi know what he is doing?
Everyone thinks they know what they do.
And is quick to presume to know the thought and intention of others.
Is the Rabbi simply without any wisdom in broadcasting smear and fear as if they are authoritative facts – when they are surely offensive by many – and yet not to then make claim for racial abuse – but to react against an abuse of office. When ANYONE TELLS you who to vote for – what is the underlying reaction?
If he is seeking to mobilise a ‘Jewish’ vote by invoking Jewish fear as a claim to power- will it not backfire?
Be sure to note that the manipulation OF the ‘Jewish Identity’ by their own leader or power lobbies is no different in principle than any other manipulation of a people by its leaders.
Smear is a false flagged association with old hates and fears.
When truth is denied by forceful usurpation, its pattern repeats.
A climate of guilted and baited hate and fear is the danger.
Is the vote determined by who one hates and fears MORE – as the lesser of evils?
Where is the human being Party?
Anyone who is following what’s going on would have been surprised if the Zionists didn’t intensify their anti – Corbyn attacks. Some people have pointed out that they must know that their ferocious propaganda campaign hasn’t been very effective and are sh**ing themselves of what is going to happen once Labour comes to power, so expect even more of the same and a possible false flag attack to prove that our prospective new leader is a wimp who doesn’t like wars and is not prepared to nuke Russia. The only way Momentum and Labour activists can counteract this is to go out knocking on people’s doors en masse explaining is simple terms who and why is orchestrating this anti-Corbyn / Labour campaign.
Good work there – copy this link and disseminate widely
To describe the Labour party as anti-semitic is flying in the face of its history and the struggles it has had with fascism. Many leading lights of the party — and quite a few of its more prominent MPs — have been Jewish.
What changed? The answer is that the party didn’t change but rather the definition of anti-semitism changed. There’s been a systematic attempt to position any opposition to Israel’s policies as anti-semitic by definition — you might be able to voice mild criticism for all I know but supporting the BDS movement is going to get you over the line (and potentially banned from entering Israel, BTW). The chief rabbi might have changed as well — the post was held by Jonathon Saks until 2013, a person who was quite definitely both British and a Jew. The current incumbent, Ephran Mirvis, has a more cosmopolitan background, he may be in touch with British Jewry but probably lacks an understanding of the nuances of British cultural life and British social and political history — or as Corbyn would have politely put it, he’s just plain wrong.
Indeed, which might explain why the only Jews terrified of Corbyn’s sturmabteilung are those on the right of the spectrum: diehard politico-religious zealots with powerful links to an apartheid state, content to support imperial wars that have decimated so much of the Middle East.
Of course it must be pointed out that many Jewish luminaries are outraged by the weaponistion of antisemitism and are equally gobsmacked over the way unfounded claims that a man who is never more content than when he is pottering around his allotment, and who has an exemplary record on antiracism is being portrayed as a harbinger of the fourth reich.
So what does it tell you?
Politics and religious institutions are pervaded by deeply cynical, and predominantly right wing forces.
A significant proportion of the general public are politically illiterate, gullible or both.
The MSM is a cesspool that enables so called progressives to manufacture outrageous lies then become indignant when their role as a latter day Wizard of Oz is held up to any kind of scrutiny.
“The MSM is a cesspool etc…”
Wanted to add: “and never more so than in the last four years”.
Having known since school days that the commercial media lies and smears, I’ve still been surprised at the utter filth of which the state broadcasters (in UK, Oz and no doubt elsewhere) have been capable.
i am not suggesting that you are antisemenite
but in some circles sir
your words could be connscrewed as hate sprach
just trying too help you
get bettered
it would indeed seem from reading the doings here
that antisemetism is a form of mental illness is it not
many of are doctors already have a round up flu vaccine that can help
tailor made
for makings haters more adaptable
I will look those who might describe me as an anti-semite (and my words as hate speech) straight in the eye and tell them “Bull S**t”. I know who I am and what I stand for and no amount of smearing and/or psychobabble will change that.
Incidentally, if you want my take on anti-semitism its a failure of logic, the fallacy that “because all cats have fur then anything with fur is a cat”. Jews are remarkably like everyone else, they’re a population that includes greedy amoral money grabbers and those with master race mindsets just like any other population. The mistake the populists make is to confuse ‘some’ with ‘all’; they whip up a pogrom du jour which invariably takes out the neighbors and leaves the people causing problems unscathed. (Yes, this even happened back in the 30s and 40s.) Its not a cultural or a religious issue, its a class / political issue, and until this is addressed we’re going to be locked into endless cycles….rinse and repeat. (But then populists are generally a tool of the ‘bad’ people so what do you expect?)
Is that a round for solo a cappella? What’s the melody?
An antisemite used to be someone who doesn’t like Jews; now, it’s someone who Jews don’t like.
Read “Solving 9-11” by Christopher Bollyn or serious illumination of this little tribe.
As if by sheer coincidence, cue….
DDOS attacks on OffG, even outdoing the global capacity of Cloudflare to protect.
If the bastards can kill Kennedy, aid and abet 911, removing Corbyn is kids play for them.
To clarify, my use of the phrase “the bastards” does not refer to Jewish people whatsoever, I am referring to the Global Deep State.
I see we’re under attack again.
The Pope send an official message to the world pro “Climate Action”
So what? Nobody, including all UK leaders, is threatening the existence of Vatican city or any of the dozens of Christian nations.
For sole Jewish nation Israel’s existence the situation has been made different also by a Corbyn who keep supporting an Arab Palestine. He is talking like a Philistine.
david cameron,terry may,dohmeh not so young turkic bloater boris 2 much johnson all had a rabbi called sachs or was it sacks or sacked whatever.
it true now they have a new 1
here the old boss
david cameroooons rabbi
zog has spoken.
heil zog!
As others have said here, expect a ‘terrorist attack’ sometime in the next few weeks.
In the run up to the 2017 election there were three ‘terrorist attacks’:
The people who perpetrate these false flag events often take the piss out of the gullibility of the public. For instance, the suicide bombing at the Manchester Arena in May 2017 was carried out (so we’re told) by a 22-year-old man, who killed 22 people on the 22nd day of the month. This attack came exactly 2 months after the Westminster Bridge attack, which took place on the 22nd of March (go look it up if you don’t believe me). The Westminster Bridge attack took place exactly one year after the suicide bombings in Brussels on 22nd March 2016. Similarly, the murder of Lee Rigby took place on 22nd May 2013. The odds on such numerical coincidences are absolutely astronomical (the number 22 has no meaning in Islam). I won’t go into the significance of such numbers in this post.
The final ‘terrorist attack during the 2017 general election campaign took place on the Monday, the ‘London Bridge attack’, just before the Thursday general election vote. On that Monday the usual suspects ran a huge amount of stories about Corbyn being a terrorist sympathiser.
In none of these ‘terrorist attacks’ was cctv footage released to the public, despite the fact that the UK is now the most surveilled country in history.
The Westminster Bridge ‘terrorist attack’ was probably the most ridiculous/obvious. If you’re not familiar I would advise people to research this event.
We are ruled by complete psychopaths.
“We are ruled by complete psychopaths.”
…..aka mass Stockholm Syndrome induced by coercion and warmongers’ psyops.
You must be psychic fella.
Well Rob…’ve done gone Nostradamused us! It was always going to happen. The second I heard that people in a tv audience had actively laughed at boris Johnson during a debate and that he said the royals were “beyond reproach” no less than 48 hours after a paedo princes car crash tv interview I knew a false flag of one kind or another was due.
For the record.. 2. In 23rd April 1977, Corbyn organised a counter-demonstration to protect Wood Green from a neo-nazi march through the district. The area had a significant Jewish population. 3. On 7 November 1990, Corbyn signed a motion condemning the rise of antisemitism in the UK. 4. In 2002 Jeremy Corbyn led a clean-up and vigil at Finsbury Park Synagogue which had been vandalised in an anti-Semitic attack. 5. On 30 April 2002, Corbyn tabled a motion in the House of Commons condemning an anti-Semitic attack on a London Synagogue. 6. On 26 November 2003, Jeremy Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion condemning terrorist attacks on two synagogues. 7. In February 2009, Jeremy Corbyn signed a parliamentary motion condemning a fascist for establishing a website to host antisemitic materials. 8. On 24th March 2009, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion praising British Jews who resisted the Holocaust by risking their lives to save potential victims. 9. Nine years ago, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion praising “Jewish News” for its pioneering investigation into the spread of Antisemitism on Facebook. 10. On 9 February 2010, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion calling for an investigation into Facebook and its failure to prevent the spread of antisemitic materials on its site. 11. On 27 October 2010, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion praising the late Israeli Prime Minister for pursuing a two state solution to the Israel/Palestine question. 12. On 13 June 2012, Corbyn sponsored and signed a motion condemning the BBC for cutting a Jewish Community television programme from its schedule. 13. 1 October 2013, Corbyn appeared on the BBC to defend Ralph Miliband against vile antisemitic attacks by the UK press. 14. Five years ago Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion condemning antisemitism in sport. 15. On 1 March 2013, Corbyn signed a Parliamentary motion… Read more »
I agree with you Zig Zag. Clearly Corbyn does not have an Anti Semitic bone in his body, but it is clear people of Jewish origin will need to leave the country if Corbyn is elected, why, because he has been accused of mis-pronouncing Jeffrey Epstein’s name to make him ‘sound more Jewish’. He said Epstein’s name with the sounding ‘Epshtine’ rather than ‘Epsteen’, clearly a hanging offence, /S
Wot? The anti-kikes can’t speak Kraut?
All of which proves, Zig Zag, that the Chief Rabbi is lying through his teeth for political reasons.
It’s shame that the academic report (Birkbeck College?) didn’t examine the performance of the Australian corporate and state-owned media. If it had, it would have included the ABC’s pro-Zionist radio national network among the worst offenders.
Ffs – following the disgraceful treatment of the Dunn family at his hustings yesterday todays Tin Ear Tory Twat award goes to…
The Goveinator
I mean he is doing blackface minsteral by TWEET.
They really do NOT care how badly they campaign, leaving it to the mejia wing to cover their arse. La Hyde shows her fangs too doing so today.
someone on the ian dale and the rabbi james obrien show which i believe broadcasts from the israeli embassy.someone said that the jewish community in the uk is tiny and very delicate.
can this really be so
i mean so much oxygen so much time is taken up with these matters
so much representation so many agents
for one group so tiny and fragile.
the facts are i have never met a khazarian ashkanazi i have been able too beat in a wrestling match
i have yet too meet a pirate that i have managed too best in the ring in dock,terra firma or high seas.
no sir i need the protection here hare here
400,000 people odd according to Wikipedia. That is less than 1% of UK population.
No sane politician runs a country bowing down to <1% of the voters.
Not unless Mossad is running an Epstein-style blackmail operation…
My answer to Jews threatening to leave if Corbyn is elected: shut the door on the way out.
Whoever I choose to vote for, my answer to any bedwetters of any faith and none is simple: if you do not like it here, go somewhere else.
Unfortunately Corbyn is no tactician. I think it was Caitlin Johnson who commented on the phoney anti semitism circus and smears a while back. She said that those on the receiving end of smears should go on a full frontal counter attack against them. All Corbyn does is deny the allegations and condemns racism and prejudice in all forms. By doing so constantly he legitimises the on going absurdity.
Yes, I know the media will largely control the agenda but he should’ve spoken out at the start pointing out all the gaping holes and the dishonesty of those pushing the conspiracy which has opened up divisions in communities.
Large sections of the Labour party MPs and people like Rachel Riley and others through their ill informed grandstanding on Twitter have caused great harm in this respect. You would think Labour didn’t want to win an election and I sometimes wonder as to the extent of Israeli interference into the Labour Party and the election.
Absolutely. Remember how Farage dealt with legitimate complaints about UKIP racism?
All very valid points, Loverat. Corbyn’s mistake has been to try to placate the smearers and the witch hunters by giving them concessions, apparently believing that would cause them to leave off. They haven’t, as blackmailers never do. As a progressive Jewish blogger has remarked, he gave them what they wanted and they’ve refused to take YES for an answer.
“Wrily”. Definition of.
An obvious, paid shill for the so-called elite / regime.
Unfortunately Corbyn is no tactician.
Without insight into all of the conflicting factors he and his strategists are seeking to resolve from their point of view, you wouldn’t have a fucking clue about that.
It’s a Catch 22 stuck in one of those vicious cycles.
Funny how this happened on the final day of registration to vote.
Jesus Christ! Whoops, perhaps that’s not the best way to begin a conversation about the Chief Rabbi!?
Given the media’s attitude towards his outburst, almost a rant, aimed at undermining Corbyn; one wonders if they haven’t confused the Chief Rabbi with my Pope, who according to orthodox Catholic dogma has a direct line to the great god in the sky and is, therefore, infallable.
The truth is that the Chief Rabbi is just a religious leader, like Jonathan Freedland isn’t ‘just’a journalist. Both men have a pronounced political and ethnic agenda too, closely linked to the promotion and defence of Israel’s interests. Touching on this is, close to career suicide for any journalist working within the increasingly narrower confines of political correctness in the media.
Corbyn, unfortunately, isn’t a particularly effective political ‘performer’, nor is he quick witted. He doesn’t have inbred, aristocratic, self-confidence, or traditional ‘leadership qualities. He’s an average public speaker and his years on the fringe of politics, make him look like an amateur on a steep learning curve. One can’t imagine anyone less suited to the job of leading the Labour Party. None of that is really his fault.
The modern media is soaked in almost everything that’s ‘entertaining’ ,ghastly, stupid and infantile. Everything that Corbyn isn’t. Which is probably why the media mostly loves Johnson, he is, after all, one of them.
In 50 years of adulthood I’ve seen democracy produce NO governments – and very few decisions – any intelligent outside observer would consider remotely worthy of the smartest-yet-known species in the Universe.
In the aftermath of whatever SHTF scenario ends this epoch we should find the smartest hundred or thousand people on the planet in the sciences – or any field but politics or business – and invite them to form a world government for the equal benefit of all survivors.
First they write a manifesto and the world discusses it – then we vote on whether to continue with democracy instead. If democracy loses that was the last vote ever – the smartest are best placed to recruit their own replacements.
All discussion in public and recorded for posterity means no politicking.
All decisions argued as near as possible to unanimity – immeasurably easier to achieve among scientists and other logical thinkers than among the rest of us.
It’s too much to ask that humankind would ever choose such a sensible course in any circumstance short of a catastrophe, sadly. We really are that stupid.
You really are deluded if you believe that. I worked amongst scientists for 20 years and some vote Labour and some Conservative: Nobel Prize Winners I am talking about.
Winning grants is about cozying up to the committee: politics in other words. Without grants you cannot be a scientist, so becoming one is about kissing ass, currying favour as much as being brilliant at what you do. Oh, and getting published in ‘top’ journals is much easier if your boss is on the Editorial Board: young careers get shaped by that reality.
Just examine climate ‘science’ right now to see the absolute desecration of the scientific method for political purposes.
Oh and if you think scientists are brilliant at human nature, think again. Many fail in management because their individual brilliance does not extend to human understanding, teaching and nurturing the next generation.
Rhys Jaggar, you’re describing the system scientists are obliged by today’s society to work under.
The few scientists you “worked amongst” were unlikely to be the world’s finest – and working ‘amongst’ scientists washing their test tubes or submitting their expenses hardly qualifies you as an expert on science or scientists.
Quote-marking climate ‘science’ also implies you’re an MMGW denier.
Criticising the “desecration of the scientific method for political purposes” while denying clear and growing evidence is Trumpian in its ignorant self-regard.
A scientist would have understood that I was lobbying for the method itself, not the individual scientists who so thoughtlessly dismissed your genius.
It helps to get published if your research tends to support the status quo, rather than challenging it.
c.f. Plate Tectonics and Mantle Plumes.
The question of mantle plumes
i liked the rabbi that wrote the book the man that mistook his wife for a hat
heres johnny sacks
dr john too his friends
davide cameroon and tory blair
but dr sachs had something of the knight about him
not templer
so trust was lacking
this new rab
this is a rabbi
this rabbi
this is a rabbi you can trust
if he says it
he means it
i mean why would he not
trust is a thing is
an honest broker
is he not
you can take that to the bank
jeremy corbyn
new hitler
new saddam the dicktateror
new animal assad
new gadaffi duck
this is like 1939 all over again
my life
That scanned nicely.
As the Rabbi clearly demonstrates …. there are many ways to ‘ mow the lawn ‘.
The problem is not so much the relentless anti-Corbyn media line – which is predictable even if remarkable in its ferocity (which may be a sign of hope i.e. it is surely a sign that a lot of people up there are shitting themselves). No, the problem is that this media line is effective with a large number of people – and I know because I have talked to them. One got misty eyed over “the good old days of Tony Benn” while blasting off at “that lot we have now”. It’s an odd thing. Nobody says they like Blair but they don’t actually HATE him. They DO seem to hate Corbyn. And that signals that the media works on a deep level that works through repetition. And this deep level overturns rational thought. There is very good reason to despise Blair and yet he “got away with it” because the media keep him in a favourable light. And it works! I am certain that a lot of people I know would prefer Boris to Corbyn – purely because Boris has been portrayed as a cute bumbling oaf like a rustic character from a Two Ronnies sketch. This is the way he came across on the quiz show “Have I Got News For You” which is a good example of a BBC propaganda outlet where these candidates get to ingratiate themselves through their “charm” and “wit”. Corbyn has been relentlessly portrayed as a sinister shadowy figure even over and above that anti-Semitic claptrap. The media loathe him and, through its insidious power, many of the electorate do too. But I remember that Noam Chomsky (who does occasionally get it right) said somewhere that the general strategy of Western governments is to keep everything as far to the Right as possible… Read more »
Nobody says they like Blair but they don’t actually HATE him. They DO seem to hate Corbyn. And that signals that the media works on a deep level that works through repetition. And this deep level overturns rational thought. There is very good reason to despise Blair and yet he “got away with it” because the media keep him in a favourable light. And it works!
It seems like the British population entirely deserve the neoliberal shithole they are about to descend into. If after all the events of the previous two decades, they are still too paralytically stupid to understand what is actually happening in the world, then they are about to be richly rewarded for their ignorance, conformity, and cowardice.
Enjoy your just deserts, citizens of Airstrip One! The people of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Serbia, Syria, and Yemen will cheer as you receive the historic rewards of your obedience, apathy, and willful idiocy.
“they DO seem to hate Corbyn. And that signals that the media works on a deep level that works through repetition”.
Exactly George. As I found out a few days ago when I and a few others were out on the street trying to drum up support for Julian Assange, and yesterday ABC here in Australia posted a story on their Facebook page about the 65 Doctors signing a letter demanding Julian Assange be given hospital care.
A lot of those commenting believe he is a rapist or expressed a visceral hatred for Assange, some even wished him dead.
They don’t have their own thoughts, they have soundbites from the MSM.
This is what the filth media has done. They have kept repeating the smears over and over. Corbyn & Assange – interchangeable.
If you think about the high level of conformity and groupthink we now have. It’s scary as.
And another worry about this groupthink is that the ones who spout this regurgitated crud can be so sanctimonious and pseudo-rational. If you questioned their endlessly circulated dogma, they would guffaw and say, “Oh where have you been? Don’t you see the news?” At which point I recall a comment from Karl Kraus:
Or here’s another con: when dealing with those smug condescending swallowers of news, you tell them that there is a smear campaign going on and they irritably shrug and say, “Well they’re all at it anyway” …and then go on believing one particular smear campaign.
Exactly George. Sanctimonious and pseudo rational hits the nail on the head. In the past, accused many times of going on: ‘anti American conspiracy sites’ or ‘falling for fake news’ or being politely asked if I’m okay.
Even got yelled at once by a now ex friend that I was a ‘fu***n Putin lover’ and going on Russian propaganda sites!!
Our friendship literally ended that day with a heated yelling match. Told you already George, but incredibly frustrating how those all round us fall so easily for the fake news garbage.
I sympathise with your tale of estrangement from your friend. Unfortunately this comment from that great philosopher Frank Zappa tends to be true:
And in engaging on any argument you have to ask what you are trying to achieve. There is a very good (actually near certain) chance you will not change minds and will just create tension. And that’s not all: you may get someone to see your point …and they’ll just go off and say or do or vote as they would have done anyway.
This is particularly true in work situations. I live in rural South West Scotland – so right wing that it’s a wonder the birds don’t fly in circles. Farmers, eh? Don’t you just love them? Always complaining about the very “nanny state” that so eagerly wipes their arses. But don’t get me started! Anyway – I work in a centre for the disabled, we have a very good staff team with nice interaction and I don’t want to jeopardise that with arguments that will achieve nothing – other than possibly to get me sacked.
As an example, I have a boss who told me with horror after a holiday in Bulgaria, that they are selling fridge magnets featuring pictures of Hitler and – even worse! – Putin! I tried to keep a straight face.
I feel the chief Rabbi should have called for the removal of the Royal family when Prince Harry dressed as a Nazi.
Why blame the Windsors, lundiel? Henry Hewitt’s not one of them.
That’s not how Anti-Semitism(TM) works. The slurs and abuse flow down the power hierarchy, while the zionists float to the top. They are nazis, they just assign the roles of ubermenschen and untermenschen to different ethnic groups.
‘You may be right but that is not the point’
thus speaks the lord high commander of propaganda at the bbc.
So far Andrew has had more airtime than Corbyn he does love his own badgering voice.
This is from the Labour Party 2019 manifesto:
A Labour government will immediately recognise the state of Palestine.
It’s on page 99 of the PDF I link to above. Here’s the full blurb, also on page 99:
Labour is committed to a comprehensive peace in the Middle East based on a two-state solution – a secure Israel alongside a secure and viable state of Palestine. There can be no military solution to this conflict, which must be settled on the basis of justice and international law. All sides must avoid taking action that would make peace harder to achieve. That means both an end to the blockade, occupation and settlements, and an end to rocket and terror attacks. Labour will continue to press for an immediate return to meaningful negotiations leading to a diplomatic resolution. A Labour
government will immediately recognise the state of Palestine.
Incidentally, using search engines I found it very difficult to find this manifesto. I even found it difficult to find the official Labour Party web site.
Sorry, the formatting got a bit screwed-up there.
The Labour Party manifesto also contains lots of other juicy foreign policy stuff. The psychopaths who rule us must be crapping themselves.
My view is, if Corbyn does become prime minister he’ll be ‘taken out’.
You don’t have to take him out. The plot line for dealing with a Corbyn was outlined in “A Very British Coup” (Chris Mullin). The fact that we’re all aware of the how/why/when won’t stop the script.
I’ve also lived through Labour governments such as Harold Wilson’s. Wilson was no ultra-left radical but that didn’t stop the attacks on the economy even back then (you get runs on the pound and capital flight/strikes, anything to undermine the government’s programs).
You are talking about the book, I take it. In the TV series, Harry Perkins was taken out (or we assume he was just about to be). Interestingly, in the film “comedy” in which Hugh Grant plays a new Prime Minister who falls in love with the woman who brings in his coffee, at one point, he is heard to offer to have the woman’s unfaithful ex killed. It is meant to be funny, and in a way it is, and in a way it isn’t, because by then, most of us could readily believe that the powers that be could, at least quasi-legally, have anyone killed that they wanted. SIS (MI6) always claim that they’ve never assassinated anyone. I think that’s a lie, but I assume they get others to do their dirty work for them whenever possible, such as in Gibraltar, in 1988 (by the SAS), or in Northern Ireland on numerous occasions (by the RUC/UDR). In the original (British) “House of Cards”, there is at least one, maybe more, political assassination, and this book/TV series was written by a High Tory insider, Michael Dobbs, who was very close to Margaret Thatcher. All fiction, of course, but highly plausible fiction. Do we really think that people of Dobb’s political ilk would not have done such things for real if they thought them necessary? I don’t. I agree that in Corbyn’s case, they probably will think that “taking-out” will not be necessary. They probably think he isn’t worth the bullet or the bomb. For someone as pro-Palestine has he has been, the lie that he is antisemitic can be made to sound convincing by clever semantics. If that doesn’t work, one can easily think of other lies that could be “proved” against him by faked evidence, but it probably… Read more »
Oh come on. The two state solution is long gone. The facts on the ground are that the Palestinians are forced into an ever-decreasing minority with illegal Israeli settlement – Jews only need to apply – taking more and more of Palestinian living space. The Golan Heights have gone as will the west bank eventually and Jerusalem will be the capital of the greater Israel, which of course is the eventual goal. Time to start facing facts about the great zionists eventual goals.
Correct, FL, a two-state solution is a geographical impossibility, due to Israel having seized too much Palestinian land. A glance at an up-to-date map will confirm this. Politicians who swear allegiance to this ‘solution’ are either uninformed or disingenuous.
The Tigris.
The import of more and more Muslim voters is paying off for Labour: you scratch our back we yours….
Keep the US $ dollar afloat on Arab oil ordered uncle Sam and Jeremy happily obliged.
By the time Jared Trump tried to hammer his nail into the coffin of that one it was solid metal all the way round. He had to go round the back and insert it lateral centre arse high.
I am unsure what I should do with this. It is the content of a note that I found today fluttering in the wind around Victoria St in Westminster. I just happened to be passing by. It was part of a package on the outside of which was written “These are my private thoughts after reading the Chief Rabbi’s attack. Not being allowed to share them, by John, the NEC and the campaign team I must keep them to myself. But I am hoping that future generations will be aware that my silence was not prompted by guilt or an inability to defend my position. So please preserve this for the future. ” “I am not an anti-semite. My public career and my entire adult life is open to scrutiny and it is quite clear to anyone who examines my record that I have always been opposed to racism in all its forms, particularly, like most members of my generation, anti-semitism. ” I am however a critic of the state of Israel. I object as I believe most decent people will, to the unequal and unfair treatment of non Jews in Israel. I object to the arrest, detention and ill treatment of Palestinian children. I object to the theft of Palestinian land and the demolition of homes. I object to the bombing of hospitals, schools and residential areas in Gaza-such as happened last week. I object to the use of snipers, shooting indiscriminately into crowds of unarmed demonstrators calling peacefully for access to their land and homes. I object to the refusal by the state of Israel to follow international law and the directives of the United Nations: it is illegal and immoral for settlements to be founded in the Occupied Territories on land indisputably belonging to Palestinians. Those are… Read more »
And that is where we currently are….the truth has to be anonymous, is consigned to a website read by a tiny minority while Andrew Neil by complete coincidence, happened to have all the facts at hand regarding the “tropes” touched upon by individuals who were also Labour members.
When I think back to the lack of fuss over the many, many comments issued by UKIP members and supporters, it’s like the media have all gone insane.
You are talking about a new era of Samizdat – which is richly ironic.
I had to look up the meaning of Samizdat but you’re quite right.
The media have not gone insane, they are just like Germans in the 1930s: keeping their heads downs and mouths shut to keep their jobs.
You need to take a decision not to rely on the media owned by oligarchs, nor the BBC. They will never change, you and millions like you must change.
When they have no readers/viewers/listeners, they will change….
“they are betting against the sense of fairness and love of justice in the British electorate.”
Beautiful writing Bevin i’m going to share it.
Brilliant, bang on the money comment Bevin.
So much evidence of what occurred, so many war crimes, so much ethnic cleansing, so much blood spilt, so much hatred, all based on a fascist supremacist ideology.
While international law and UN resolutions galore are fully ignored.
The very definition of a rogue state.
If only Corbyn could have properly articulated even a fraction of this to that cynical attack-dog, Neil.
Well here’s another reason to want to see Corbyn elected: the tsunami of anti-Corbyn invective that will erupt. You think it’s bad now? Just wait!
Headlines to look forward to:
And for the kid’s:
Sickening smears, opinions not facts plastered all over the BBC news at six for 10 minutes tonight with only a couple of mildly supportive comments and no mention at all of the reasons behind the smears or even any evidence at all.
Look at the state of this: When Margaret Hodge launched her vile attack on Jeremy Corbyn, claiming against all the evidence that he was a “f***ing anti-Semite”, she knew she could be sure of good news coverage – because it seems her daughter is Lizzi Watson, deputy editor of BBC News at 6 and 10… It follows that other news stories such as the Daily Mail smear alleging Mr Corbyn went to a cemetery and laid a wreath for terrorists (in fact, none of the terror suspects named by that hack-rag were buried in that site) would also receive strong coverage, on the insistence of a person with such a strong connection with the issue. It also follows that stories that do not fit the anti-Corbyn agenda would be suppressed. So those of us who are fighting false allegations of anti-Semitism (please see my JustGiving page for details of my own case). These tweets put it very well: As one poster Barry Ward commented: August 21, 2018 at 10:25 am Lets get this Lizzi Watson’s face all over f/b, come on Corbyn fans lets start fighting back against these tory TWATS!!!! Here’s an interesting compilation about the good old Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby who waded into the anti semetism row today by saying the rabbi’s intervention should ‘alert us to the deep sense of insecurity and fear felt by many British Jews’. I think maybe we should be ”alerted” to the fact that Welby by his actions condones sexual abuse of minors??? So his opinions really don’t count for a lot. Considering the furore over Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis’s attack on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party, one would think that this was an open-and-shut case, and that all the evidence shows an honest and decent man,… Read more »
Good comment Maggie.
He means HIS nation Israel I’m guessing/
If I was Jeremy Corbyn I would be avoiding driving in any tunnels late at night
Mossad will have their plan in place.
And it’s all set to go on 13 Dec!
If I were Corbyn I would at all times have some friends trailing the Israeli ambassadors children….and would arrange an enormous number of dinners with prominent Jews and Muslims present and make it quite clear to them that friendly relations with Israel and KSA depends on them attending without fail. He will have a Jew sitting to his left and a Muslim to his right.
Polite but firm discussions will take place over dinner with Corbyn conceding nothing. Official cars will take Corbyn home first before dropping off a Jewish guest….like the Chief Rabbi….
They published his allotment plot address and time he goes there on his bike in the Groaniad last election I believe – the CIA has a Shiran Shiran ready to go or our lot have a ‘my country back’ loon if that fails – but my money is on a pair of females with a knife each , front and back.
Not hard to institute a new ‘American residence’ declaration requiring every US/Israeli citizen in UK to declare they accept the death sentence for failing to reveal any allegiances or arrangements with the CIA, Mossad or any other front organisations for uS-Zionist expansion.
So simple to require all US and Israeli citizens to declare themselves to be human beings as part of permission to reside here….
If it’s the CIA, it will be an exploding marrow. If it’s MI5/MI6, it will be a sex scandal. They have dirty minds.
Corbyn is not an antisemite? There was the IHRA: which was declarative of a specially conferred exempt status on the Jews …contra the equality of human rights and saying goodbye to any universalist value-ethics. That conferred second class status on everyone – but most relevantly the Palestinians, who are semitic too. But that has all been memory-holed now by the cargo-cult mentality surrounding Corbyn. As was the ending of free speech and extension of the IHRA ‘Working Examples’ to suppress 9/11 truth and protect the core banking interests of state capitalism. Which was further extended to include any reference to George Soros in particular: because none of his $32bn fortune was ever transferred to the Open Society Institute. And none of it is ever used for perception management, democracy manipulation, or promoting the GND or AOC. None. Not a red cent. Zilch. Nix. Nada. It’s all grassroots and the people empowering themselves. To say otherwise is antisemitic: by diktat of the glorious leader. No: event reality has been parsed and its values smoothed so any lingering remembrance of the IHRA capitulation and subsequent curtailing of free speech and freedom of expression is out of the silo and down the memory hole. So Corbyn is not an antisemite: and the Chief Rabbi is not right to say so …even if for all the wrong reasons. It must just be my memory playing up. I’m sure O’Brien will be along soon to help me remember correctly. I hope it’s not the rats this time. I hate rats: I guess that’s why he uses them? Weird just got weirder. Event reality ceased to exist for Labour devotees in 2016. The time when Corbyn did not collect any money for the White Helmets. And he did not go on to support the Jo Cox… Read more »
That’s the beauty of sarcasm – it just never gets old, does it?
Not until you turn 13 anyway.
I’m not being sarcastic: I’m being deadly serious. There is a cargo cult mentality developed around Corbyn that is far removed from actual event reality. And I am deadly serious that we should not even consider a person who supports the child murdering White Helmets – and all the other philanthrocapitalist humanitarian pro-intervention fronts that Corbyn supports. Did you even read the exposes? There is a nexus of dark money very close to the surface of Labour policy. One which everyone ignores to indulge in a fantasy personality contest. One in which we project whoever we want Corbyn to be onto Corbyn. The real Corbyn collected money for the WH: which was no aberration, as he supports ‘his good friend’ Jo Cox to this day. At least read what the Jo Cox Foundation really stands for? And perhaps try and square that with the fantasy personality we have entered into the election? Or see who is behind the GND: every major capitalist in the world. Do you feel safe electing green finance capitalism and the City of London to design a ‘just transition’? Justice for whom? This election is being fought in an imaginary bubble of unreality: outside the Laws of Nature …in a pantomime personality contest where we invented the personalities. With no real reference to event reality: when questions of support for the WH are memory-holed. This is exceedingly dangerous: the dangers of which will not become apparent until the pseudo-reality bubble bursts. How do we have a reality based community by selectively ignoring reality and only choosing that which fits a pre-determined narrative constructivism? We don’t. I’m not going to burst that bubble: but it will burst. There has to be a massive correction to reality if we expect to survive. All this expansionism comes at a… Read more »
“But an election is a serious matter. Should it not be decided on the facts?”
It should be decided on the manifesto. It doesn’t matter who is in the cabinet or the prime minister of that cabinet. If they have a working majority, manifesto items are allowed to be passedthrough by the Lords too.
Whatever you think of Corbyn, we are not electing a PRESIDENT.
The Manifesto is fantasy too: as explained elsewhere. The idea you are going to ‘decarbonise and democratise’ in ten years is contra the Laws of Physics. Effectively: you are starting the National Grids generation capacity from zero: if you factor in that all existing nuclear is due to be decommissioned (mostly by 2025); that gas is carbon intensive and will have to be replaced (as per LabourGND’s propaganda); coal is being phased out. That does not leave an awful lot of installed capacity: to which 9,000 wind turbines and “22,000 football pitches” (which is a political not a scientific expression of new capacity) of solar PV. That means nuclear: lots of nuclear …which is neither sustainable or renewable [see Hall etc]. Designed, planned, and installed in time to decarbonise by 90% by 2030. This is the sort of delusional fantasy that Labour devotees internalise without any critical appraisal. It must be true, it is in the Manifesto. Even LabourGND admit we will have to triple the amount the grid produces now to account for the electrification of transport. This does not allow for the three Tesla style gigafactories and all new demand of industry. The real factor of multiplication of capacity will be more like ten times – to account for intermittency and other well known factors (including battery storage). Even if we keep the carbon intensive gas; and relicence (the already relicenced) nuclear – there is a massive credibility gap in the Manifesto. And £400bn to be funded by the ‘green’ finance capital of the City. You will not even consider foreign policy: but extending our iniquitous hyper-individualised lifestyle will have deadly consequences for all life on Earth. Will NATO/Trident/EU Defence Union be going green? Even LabourGND’s website admits that employing solar PV at scale will exceed all known… Read more »
Nuclear, if done right, could be sustainable. Not exactly renewable, but using the right sort of breeder reactors, we’d have enough fuel for centuries. And today’s so-called Renewables are not really renewable, when you consider all the raw materials needed (and which can’t be “bred” in a nuclear reactor – when they are gone, they are gone).
Not that I think “decarbonisation” is either necessariy, or possible. But long-term sources of fuel are essential, and not making use of nuclear is downright insanity.
I think you will find that the Spectator lionised the White Helmets: will you have that Barclay-owned organ shut down for that?
One of my “capitalism has been very good for us” friends (??) sent me an online petition to sign about 5 weeks about removing a far right xenophobic politician, Pauline Hanson, from a Parliamentary family law committee.
I was about to sign and then noticed it was from….
I sent a fairly terse text to my friend (have tried to detach several times) stating I would have nothing to do with or Avaaz or Get Up or any of the fake Pied Piper organisations with Soros somewhere in the background.
I recommended she read The Simulcram by Cory Morningstar exposing all these groups, along with the most recent article from John Steepling.
Havn’t heard a peep since. Not a word. Her and her husband also felt the White Helmets should have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Oh, and as I’ve told you, I havn’t voted for over 20 years. We don’t get the option to vote out Neoliberalism….
It’s not difficult to work out. The last thing Israel wants is an open supporter of Palestinian rights – to wit, Corbyn. So the Hasbara machine swings into action. Yet another gross example of political interference into the internal affairs of a soverign state – in this instance UK. This is simply outrageous.
Even rght wing religious figures like Mervis would not be making such ludicrous claims without being emboldened by Britain’s deranged media.
What was it Media Lens found: over 10,000 media links between Corbyn and antisemitism after he became leader, less than 10 before then?
Of course Labour’s plans to stop arms sales to Israel while recognising Palestine have nothing to do with the latest effort in a long running, and deeply sinister smear campaign.
you just do not get it
we simply cannot allow another furer,furerier,fureror
we cannot allow a new character like winston hitler or adolph churchill.
jerusalem is not builded yet
I’m afraid it doesn’t really matter. The media say “Corbyn”, then “anti-Semitic”, then “Corbyn”, then “anti-Semitic”, then “Corbyn”, then “anti-Semitic”, then “Corbyn …Hitler …Corbyn …Ooh nasty man! …Corbyn ….Ooh he’s comin’ ta get ya!” …and after a couple of million spurts of this manufactured outrage, it sticks.
Sad but true.
Why is there such abject desperation in the msm? Why dies the bbc make up stories and edit clips and put ringers (illegitimate) in audiences? Why indeed does the old Etonian bastard scion of the ancient robber barons- the troublesome Archbishop of Canterbury jump up and salute at the orders of the chief rabbit?
‘Figures show more than 3 million people have registered since the election was called on 29 October.
More than two-thirds of those applications are from people under 34, who tend to be more favourable towards Labour than the Conservatives.’
Ha ha all these snowflakes, millennials, Y generation.. types must have learnt a lot of AS with their computer games and have been waiting for a leader that will allow their AS full reign! I mean there are 300,000 people in the whole of the UK who identified Judaism as their religion in the last census – 0.4%. Other studies showed only 25% of these who are eligible to vote do so fot Labour and 60% for tories – that has been steady for decades – assuming many are under 18 and many non voting that means say about 50-80,000 voters across the whole country.
AS is a red herring always has been – it was used last election and non-stop since – the voters are not buying that old vomit to swallow again or the other attack tropes.
Richard Murphy writes as much today:
He also wrote about the letter in todays FT by 163 eminent economists and experts.
Tonight that old attack dog of Murdoch and the DS beeb , Andrew Neil gets to bite Corbyn in the baalls live on air!
Wonder what he will be barking about?
“Why dies the bbc …”
If only!
Do they even teach economics in state schools today? I know they do at Eton and I imagine they must do at some schools but I have yet to meet a millennial who doesn’t think economics is similar to astrology but more boring.
I am sure they do not teach that slavish devotion to Black-Scholes theory caused the collapse of LTCM and the Great Stock Market Crash of 2000. That would suggest that dry bookwork cannot rule the real world….and if we cannot control the sheep with mantras, how can we organise bubbles and crashes?
Israel is currently advocating and expecting a war with Iran probably next year. While understandably nervous of going alone they hope Trump will bend even further towards them. They need the UK to be there too to ‘represent Europe’ – and because of its armaments. A Labour government under Corbyn will not play ball. Even the enormous pressure of Israel and the US won’t be enough and like Wilson in the late 1960’s he will keep the country out of it. Like Wilson he’s hated for it by the stooges across the World’s media.
Israel didn’t get into an overt war with Syria – You seriously think they will take on the much bigger, much better armed Iran?
Lol – they better have plenty of fresh water hidden away in deep caverns as the response of any such attack on Iran will destroy all the desalination plants that grow all these Israeli produce.
The US fleet will not help nor will the still undeclared Israeli nukes – radiation doesn’t stay localised.
Nutty may be trying to mix it up as he is about to get dragged through the courts but I doubt there are enough second comers in their forces ready to have their final Masada.
Israel has effected quite a few air raids on Syria these past several years, though.
Syrian Army Captain Jaafar Noureddin was killed on 19 November (last week) in an Israeli air raid on Damascus. No mention in the western mainstream media or condemnation from western politicians that I’m aware of.
p.s. Presumably any mention would be regarded as anti-Semitic.
Corbyn is absolutely not and never was an antisemite. Never.
Yes I know – but even feeling that you have to say that is ridiculous. And it just plays into the hands of these media hacks anyway. You can expect them to say, “You’re not denying it strongly enough!” and when you deny it more strongly, they say, “Ah you’re being too emphatic. You obviously have something to hide!”
Would the ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ like to comment?
How do you know that any of them have even just heard of Off-Guardian, let alone read it?
Just asking. Could also ask for a comment from Conservative Friends of Israel.
It is beyond argument that any “ordinary” member of the LP who took such a stance would not last long as a member.
It is also beyond argument that any process which deselects recently selected PPC’s on the basis of complaints (some of which apparently originate from the partner of someone associated with the discipline process?) which the local CLP publicly state they have no knowledge of; or for social media posts – whilst at the same time letting similar transgressions and far worse pass for others -is not fit for purpose and brings the Party into disrepute.
Signalling that some members are more equal than everyone else at this time by carrying out similar practices to those which were rightly condemned under Blair is a self inflicted wound which, if allowed to fester, will render serious damage to the ‘kinder, gentler politics’ image.
Like it or not Mandelson called it accurately last month in observing that you don’t replace one autocratic system with another.