The “Afghanistan Papers”: Deep State narrative management
Let's be honest, most modern "leaks" do nothing but prop-up the Establishment
Kit Knightly

The Big Reveal for the Washington Post this week is the release of the Afghanistan Papers. A series of interviews and documents “compiled in secret” and then the subject of a “legal challenge” from the US government.
The WaPo baldly calls it:
A secret history of the war”
But there’s nothing here that’s really secret, and very little actual history. What do they tell us? Absolutely nothing, except what we’re supposed to believe.
An awful lot of modern “leaks” are no such thing. They are Orwellian exercises in controlling the conversation. And this is no exception, carefully making sure the “establishment” and the “alternative” are joined in the middle, controlled from the same source.
It presents apologism, simplifications and outright fabrication as if they are classified information.
Telling us about “bad intelligence” and a “lack of coherent strategy”, as if THOSE are the biggest crimes of NATO in Afghanistan.
The Guardian articles on the release reinforce the official version of 9/11, The WaPo itself drops nods to the mythologised death of Osama Bin Laden.
It’s all about enforcing the establishment line, disguised as criticism. Real crimes are ignored, whilst smaller, simpler “well-intentioned mistakes” are reluctantly acknowledged.
Nowhere is the illegality of the invasion addressed.
Not once is anyone accused of war crimes.
The Guardian reports don’t mention the word opium, which is bad enough. The Washington Post goes even further – daring to relate the US Army’s struggle to “curb” the spread of the opium trade.
This is an outright lie. Before the 2001 invasion, the opium trade had been all but destroyed by the Taliban.

The Taliban banned the production of heroin in 2001 (just before the invasion). It dropped to almost nothing by the end of the year.
Since the US took control the heroin production of the region has increased almost every year. Today, Afghanistan produces 90% of global heroin.
All this, we are told, while the most powerful military force on the planet desperately tries to stop them. The Taliban did in 6 months what the US army has been unable to do in 18 years.
They say it, and they expect us to believe it. It is nonsense.
It’s all just so pathetic. A weak attempt to clean up a mess twenty-years in the making. Feeble efforts establish a narrative of false “controversy” by presenting us with a fully-formed, ready-meal “alternative opinion”, so all those people who fancy themselves anti-establishment can gorge on outrage, whilst never having to do the difficult job of cancelling their newspaper subscriptions or doing their own research.
Here’s the real “secret history” of the Afganistan war: It wasn’t a failure, it was a success.
In every facet, on every front, Afghanistan is exactly what America needed it to be.
They dripfeed in the blood of young Americans, they destroy 100,000s of Afghan lives, and they reap the rewards they always intended to reap:
- The permanent slow-simmer conflict gives them an excuse to keep thousands of US military personnel in a country which borders Iran, Pakistan AND China. (Not to mention a host of ex-Soviet states).
- It keeps military expenditure nice and high, so Congressman, ex-generals and everyone else on the boards of Boeing or Lockheed Martin get great big bonuses every year.
- They have sole access to the rare-Earth elements and other vital metals in the Afghan mountains. Lithium, most importantly of all.
- They have control of the world’s opium industry. A vital cog in the relations of the US intelligence agencies, and organised crime. It’s essentially reverse money-laundering – turning tax-payer funds into dark money that can be spent hiring mercenaries, organising assassinations, arranging coups…or simply be stolen.
- They have access to all the “radicalised” young men they could ever want. A little Jihadi farm, where “terrorists” can be named, trained and sent off to fight proxy wars in Syria, or spread fear and chaos in the West.
Afghanistan is a great asset to the Empire. The US Deep State has spent a fortune making it so. They could at least be honest about it.
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If the War in Afghanistan was about curbing anything at all, it was mainly focused on crushing whatever competition was left to the U.S. Empire’s monopoly on the drug trade in the Middle East. It definitely had nothing to do with ending illicit narcotics production there for ethical reasons.
Perhaps competing drug suppliers were getting in their way of making obscenely more money from drugging the masses, so they had to send in their military Gestapo from NATO to excise their competitors under the guises of “fighting terrorism” and “curbing the opium trade.” Hence why opium production increased after 2001 despite the Taliban allegedly reducing it to historic lows. I guess the Taliban didn’t get the memo; therefore, they had to be punished for it.
Same with their flagrant abuse or neglect of “Anti-Trust” laws and their equally fraudulent and costly War on Drugs – both of which were never what they’ve been sold as, either.
Short, sweet and to the point. Thanks Kit. I l had got most of the important part of this article from a Corbett Report show that features it. I only now got around to finding it. It’s a keeper.
Just looking at the photo at the top of the story.
Swap the poppies for oil fields and location from Syria to Afghanistan.
The soldiers are just protecting THEIR countries financial assets.
Pretty much the whole point of the Afghanistan conflict. Wars like this have never been about fighting for any moral or even political cause. It’s always been commercial for the most part.
Bought here by the Corbett Report.
This is a fantastic article. It summarises the use of “leaks” as establishment narrative backing devices and the truth on the Afghanistan war perfectly. Gratz Kit, I’ll be back for more.
Me too! I’m mostly a lurker there and probably will be here too. James gave such a glowing report of this piece I had to hop over. I always assumed Off-Guardian was just a reaction channel for the Guardian. Incredibly pleasantly surprised at the depth and spectrum of articles presented here. Early Christmas present!
I think there’s been some sort of takeover of a lot of the older alternative media in just the last few months. The ones really saying the challenging stuff are getting fewer. So many have just gone off the boil and started putting out a lot of the same stuff you see in the mainstream but with slightly different wording.
I don’t read Consortium News any more. Likewise the Canary due you their completely Gatekeeper stance on some of the most important issues of our time. And I’ve recently added Caitlin Johnstone to the questionable pile.
This place is just what I needed. Like James said, the only outfit that had anything real to say about the Afghanistan papers. At least one more source apart from where genuine alternatives analysis can still be found.
Any others? Suggestions would be welcome for some good Christmas alt media reading. is a good one.
Also try Wikispooks and the great Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics.
Also, try StormCloudsGathering, Antiwar, The Anti-Media and the Anti-neocon Report, as well as the Unz Review.
Precisely. Focusing on the “incompetence” and “lack of coherence” theme but at the same time re-inforcing the fundamental framing of 9/11, “Al Qaida” and the GWOT.
Thank you for publishing this important and insightful article (unfortunately the comment section here is rather disappointing -to put it nicely – and who is hiding behind the pesky “Petra Liverani”? who is apparently incapable of sticking to the subject of an article… )
The “Afghanistan Papers” serve the same purpose as the “Pentagon Papers” … “Outrage Management”(see Fletcher Prouty (on for details …)
(Washington Post)
meanwhile in the real world … Pepe Escobar
Mathew HOH “revealed” two years ago what the WaPo sells now as a big deal …
“Our terrorists” excellent analysis by Nafeez Ahmed
… not to forget the good job the Guardian once did when they published this essential piece by Michael Meacher:
This War on Terror is Bogus: The 9/11 attacks – an ideal pretext for the use of force to secure its global domination)
This is the “secret” the Wapo and the rest of the “presstitutes” (as Paul Craig Roberts calls them) will never “reveal” … their job is to always use the “Al Qaida-9/11” frame … but once you drop it, all the “mistakes” and “incompetence” in Afghanistan make sense … (I recommend reading the interview with Gen. Flynn, although redacted, his comments are illuminating …)
I just thought I’d point out the various lies and distortions that have emerged from the article and the comments. If anyone can add any more please do.
1. The Afghanistan leaks story is bogus.
2. The state of Afghanistan is not, in fact, a failure as made out, it is exactly where the US wants it and the stated reasons for the US’s continued presence in Afghanistan are bogus, it has other reasons.
3. The FOIA claim to obtain Afghanistan documents is bogus.
4. The story about the Australian soldier who served time in Afghanistan, Kevin Frost, who allegedly committed suicide is bogus.
5. Watergate, 9/11, JFK, WMDs
6. The Pentagon Papers (wonder if there may be a fake leaks aspect here though, considering WaPo and Afghanistan papers)
7. Jamal Khashoggi’s death
8. CIA narcotics trafficking being a huge part of Iran/Contra operation
9. The Russia/Trump nonsense
10. Corbyn anti-semite nonsense
11. Hooverville demonstrations where WWI vets were run out of their substandard housing
12.Chelsea Manning, intelligence asset and faked Collateral Murder video
13. Fakery of Director-General of OPCW, Jose Bustani, being forced to resign (no real evidence but why on earth would you believe it when OPCW only formed in 1997 and Jose did pretty well after his forced resignation, no?)
14. Mullah Mohammed Omar, completely fake, according to the nonsense we’re told by Wikipedia and no reason to believe the statistic of massive drop in opium production in Afghanistan in 2001 considering the reason for this massive drop is tied to him
15.No recognition of war criminals Bush, Blair, Cheney, Howard
16. Fakery of the refugee boats associated with the Tampa and the Children Overboard before Australian November 2001 election
17. Fake Peshawar school mass shooting in 2014
18. Belgrano – some doubts perhaps?
The poster believes that the sinking of the Belgrano was a war crime, however, I always like to check everything for fakery and I have a few questions about the Belgrano
Interesting fact
The Belgrano (formerly USS Phoenix) was the only capital ship to escape damage in the 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack. And was used by Argentina in support of President Kennedy’s embargo of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
The evidence shows that Pearl Harbour was a staged attack
The survivor story in the Telegraph (quote below) raises some questions for me
— Why did men suffer horrific burns? You’d think from the moment of penetration water would be gushing in. How did the burns happen?
— Men were able to survive 30 hours in the freezing waters?
— Why were in the boats for 30 hours? Why didn’t the escort boats rescue them sooner?
And the Argentinians seem to be pretty OK about it. The captain, Hector Bonzo, seems awfully ready to accept blame and reject any hint that the British were disobeying the rules of war.
From Wikipedia
However, settling the controversy in 2003, the ship’s captain Hector Bonzo confirmed that General Belgrano had actually been manoeuvering, not “sailing away” from the exclusion zone, and had orders to sink “any British ship he could find”. Further, Captain Bonzo stated that any suggestion that HMS Conqueror’s actions were a “betrayal” was utterly wrong; rather, the submarine carried out its duties according to the accepted rules of war.
It’s funny. All I do is point out fake survivor stories and yet my father did survive – it was a truly miraculous survival – the torpedoing of the Italian warship, Duca d’Aosta, by the British in WWII and the family knew nothing about it until, after his death, my mother happened to read a book that someone from my father’s village had written that included my father’s story. It seemed he only survived with the help of another serviceman who ultimately he believes didn’t survive and I think my father felt that if the other guy hadn’t been so generous with his aid in helping him he would have survived. The classic survivor’s guilt which may be why he never told us of his miraculous escape.
“I was beneath deck, lying in my bunk, when I felt the first impact,” he told The Sunday Telegraph. “The back of the boat jolted up and all the lights went off. We found an escape route using a flashlight and we eventually got on to the deck through the hatch.
“We could hear the screams and cries for help of men injured and trapped in lower decks. It was a terrible sound.
“By the time we reached the deck, it was clear the boat was going to capsize and the captain gave the order to evacuate.
“The lifeboats were already in the water. There was no time to think, I just let myself down a rope and then jumped into the ocean. We were being lashed by the winds, but somehow I managed to struggle into one of the lifeboats.
“The water was so cold that you could only last a few minutes at most in it.
“We were trying to paddle away, but the wind was pushing us back towards the sinking boat. If we’d got too close, we’d have been sucked down with it.
“There were lots of men screaming in the water. Some of them had horrific burns. We pulled in those that we could reach, but it was dreadful to watch others go under the water.”
He too survived the plunge into the freezing waters of the South Atlantic, only to face another harrowing ordeal in the inflatable liferafts.
“The storm was ferocious. We thought at times that we were going to survive the British, but not the weather. We were not panicking, but we were certainly praying and thinking of our families.
“We were in the boat for more than a day and we were hit by some towering waves that night that almost flipped us over. We were finally rescued after more than 30 hours adrift.”
I never bother to read any of your posts, because I know, 100%, for a fact, that you are a shill.
Conversely, I occasionally read posts from this persona, to re-enforce my conviction that they are a shill.
The fake Pearl Harbor attack really takes the cake; it surpasses even the thirteen-foot-tall dummies being thrown out of the burning World Trade Center.
How many will have to die for profits in the war machinery?
Don’t let them use you – don’t enlist.
I’m afraid Wilmers I don’t believe this story. Essentially, I don’t believe a single thing the media tell me unless everything about the story adds up properly and if anyone can give me a good reason why I shouldn’t do that, please let me know.
This is why I don’t believe this story:
Perhaps in military lingo “cutting off cuffs” means something but it doesn’t in layman’s lingo and I find it hard to believe that they’d report military lingo like this without explaining it to the layman. Also, note typo “of” for second “off”. Yes, I know typos happen all the time and I myself type “of” when I mean “off” – just pointing it out, is all.
Shooting a POW wouldn’t really be on the battlefield, would it?
Also, why not give us some clue as to why the POW (I’m sure they still happen but we rarely see the term in the modern day, do we? wonder why) was shot and why the POW was held.
I mean, what sort of bullshit reporting is this?
Kit, are you happy, your articles carry pictures without captions and without credit?
Countries get bombed for lesser crimes than this.
Definitely the biggest take away from this article…..
Attention Admin – for educational purposes only:
international conventions on ethics tell us to attribute any work to those who created the said work.
more than 80 or 90% of editorial images on this new website failed to cite the origins of the photos. (If there is a good reason not to cite the origin, please explain what those reasons are. Revolution* is not a good excuse)
failing to credit the creator of any work (here photos and photographers) is:
– hooliganism
– unethical
– costs nothing to rectify
* We need one, but we’re nowhere near one
I think you’re being a bit unfair to the Washington Post here. This extensive report was compiled by the US government, it started out as a routine “lessons learned” exercise which bounced back on the compilers by giving them far more feedback than they bargained for, most of it really negative. Since the report wasn’t very flattering it got released in a heavily redacted — “neutered” — form. The Washington Post’s efforts were to sue to get it released under the Freedom of Information act. The fact that it merely confirms what most of us already suspected is immaterial. Its important to get this material on the record.
As for what we’re doing there, who knows? Afghanistan wasn’t known as the “Graveyard of Empires” for nothing; we were not the first Great Power to walk in there and get screwed up for our trouble. (The British knew the place as “The North West Frontier”, somewhere that was never conquered and was a constant source of trouble for India (note that Pakistan didn’t exist until partition) in the 1940s, it was all “India” to the British Empire). I’d guess that the US is stuck there because, like the British, it can’t think of a reason for leaving and there’s just too much institutional inertia to make a clean break. We can always come up with a reason for being there. Back in the late 19th century it was to occupy the place before the Russians turned up (seriously — many British thought that the Russians under Nicholas II would invade India through Afghanistan). These days it will probably be something vague like “Belt and Road” (which we feel obliged to oppose and block partly because its the Chinese behind it and partly because it might just work). I’ve long since given up trying to understand our government’s policies — I think Assad might figured it out when he described our government as “not governed by principles, but rather by the interests of the money lobbies, whether in the form of oil, weapons, banks, or others”. (Something we all know deep down but don’t like to admit — “We’ve got the best Democracy that money can buy”.)
Suing to get released under the FOIA? Oldest trick in the book, Martin.
It’s just like an indignant Reuters being denied access to a copy of the footage of the faked and “encrypted” Collateral Murder video ( and the alleged suing of New York City by the New York Times to release the “oral histories” of first responders recorded shortly after 9/11 (see Point 9 In the case of the oral histories, this isn’t to say that they weren’t true (or a number of them at least) but the suing is propaganda to push the idea that they are trying to hide the controlled demolition which concentrates our focus on it all the more when, in fact, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth are a government-sponsored outfit, pushing out controlled demolition like nobody’s business while diverting focus from the faked plane crashes (a more revealing aspect where automatically we can infer the alleged 265 deaths must be faked) and, of course, the pivotal truth, staged death and injury in the buildings.
A similar example is the Department of Justice suing Edward SNOW-den over his book, Permanent Record. Little Eddie is one of the very many alleged “whistleblowers” who’s still very much in the employ of the CIA. Great publicity, no? and great way to reinforce the myth of Eddie being a whistleblower instead of what he really is.
Regulars here know I have a lot of points of disagreement with Petra over the fakery issue, but she is 200% on the money here about how FOIA is used to bait and switch state-issued propaganda as “revelations” by heroic MSM journalists. It’s textbook.
Whistleblowers ditto.Most of what Wikileaks came out with initially was basic Deep State disinformation with a few nuggets of ‘new’ but fairly unimportant data buried in it. Assange then possibly went rogue and started handing out genuine stuff like the Clinton emails which is why he ended up where he is now.
Watergate was a typical Deep State op masking as hero-journalists speaking hidden truth & taking power down. Did that kind of journalism ever happen? It certainly doesn’t now.
Question for those who doubt this kind of deception- why has no ‘whistleblower’ ever revealed the actual truth behind 9/11, JFK, the Iraq WMD crap, or anything that actually challenges the root structures of our system?
There may be another, more ulterior reason that The Washington Post (owned by Amazon octpus owner Jeff Bezos) decided to publish these Afghanistan papers when it did.
“Amazon cloud boss chides Pentagon for awarding Microsoft lucrative contract”
Oh dear … get ready for The Bozo’s Blog to start pounding out pro-impeachment articles.
Discussion of this news about Amazon’s spat with Microsoft at The Duran.
Good point!
You could also turn this on its head and say that AWS lost the Pentagon cloud contract because the Washington Post refused to back off.
AWS makes quite a lot of money anyway so its vaguely possible that doing the right thing and making scads of money are not mutually exclusive. What would be seriously wrong is if the US government started issuing contracts based on political favoritism. It would also be really bad if media outlets changed their editorial policies to suit business conditions, acting more like a PR mouthpiece than a source of news (as if many, if not, most of them don’t do it anyway….). So lets see how these particular chips fall.
Always hard to know, Jen, though what’s truth and what’s World Championship Wrestling which no doubt actually did get a bit real sometimes. If, for example, it’s the perfectly plausible ulterior motive you suggest then perhaps the FOIA was real but I somehow doubt that and, as Kit points out, nothing much has been revealed so what difference will these leaks make? Is it just perhaps a case of selling news and Jeff’s all good with that? Afghanistan leaks, spats with Microsoft and the Pentagon – all “news”. Honestly, you could well be right, it could be perfectly serious but the way I see it absolutely everything is completely controlled. God, how boring apart from anything else.
Good point!
Second try to post this.
I don’t trust these oh-so publicised fallings out between the robber barons. I think it’s intended to make us forget that when the chips are down they all have each other’s backs. They understand the class war even if we don’t.
Here is something to ponder about. Shortcuts won’t work – leaving the main route behind.
Oh, please, while I am at it. Could you please set the line break to one line, instead of 1.5? It will help with the formatting, since those who want a page break can do two one line carrier returns.
Now back to the interesting part. Sort of a mind game. In a good way.
Just follow the thought.
Since everybody on Earth except a very rare tortoises is biased, the question cannot be asked a human. At least not any of those on planet Earth. Very biased. Like a local that never got to leave home town. Yes, Earth is ‘Home Town’. None (and I use it in a proverbial way) of the living beings on Earth are not biased. They have to be. They are biased to Earth. Earth is all they know – either they can express themselves about it, or there is no need. Humanity can only be biased towards Earth. It is after all the tree from which the branch grew, Homo Sapiens is sitting (and sawing) on.
How we – as a species – arrived at this point (what this article is about), cannot be answered by a Human Being. Whales and Dolphins could, but humans are only listening in the way they think they have to, unable to listen for coherent sentences coming from a Humpback Whale (soon to be seafood) and what she thinks is going on with humans.
So, that leaves us with nobody on Earth knowing what the proverbial is actually going on with Homo Sapiens. What kind of trip it is on. If I would write a science fiction novel in which there would be AI justice served, those mentioned in the Afghan Papers would be sorted out from the rest and admitted into a no-exit version of the ‘Truman Show’ with a 24/7 war simulation.
It is obvious that any attempt to explain what is done and done in the same fashion for a very long time, with inconvenient people murdered/assassinated with impudence, not minding higher numbers of casualties, or even welcoming them.
In order to arrive at an answer to the question of “Why are we – as species – allowing this to happen?” we must ask someone that is not from here. Not from Earth. An ‘Alien’. We will make one up, based on the abilities of the Universe.
They are obviosuly capable os space travel. Or “Beam me up, Scotty”-like quantumportation. If they are not from here, they cannot be of the same evolutionary level as Homo Sapiens, who lacks everything to travel where nobody was before. Trillions of tax payer money for which the majority has to work their asses off, sometimes at two or more jobs. The people in the video/the Afghan papers, are the people who stole that money from John and Jane Doe. They lied to them, too.
They represent a regressive mind set that feels free to talk about the crimes thanks to immunity for all crimes – like war crimes and crimes against humanity. And make sure to ask the Alien why Homo Sapiens is wasting 3/4 of its potential on arms, weapons, bombs – the whole deadly nine yard. While it neglects everything that had to be cherished to arrive at the present state.
What, or how do you think the Alien would answer?
Why is the species allowing this?
Talking with a Martian about our ‘good’ wars and what defines terrorism
Thank you. I wasn’t aware that someone else was making that point already. But the questions are not the same. It has to go deeper.
Interesting and topical broadcast from Brendon O Connell, lots of talk on Afghanistan.
America already has everything it needs in Afghanistan to pusue a policy of Central Asian destableisation.
Nothing new in any of this – the Pentagon Papers were the CIA trying to pin the blame for Vietnam on the DoD.
The Pentagon papers showed that US prestige was paramount to thousands of US and Vietnamese lives in Vietnam.
Typical predator mentality : the winner takes all, no.2, 3 etc don’t count.
These Afghanistan papers show that nothing much changed in Washington – Langley.
You are enabling exactly what you decry. There were millions of death in the Nam war, perhaps two million on both sides together.
“The Zionists” are mostly in focus in the West; mean while Pakistanis get away with anything.
Example from Barcelona: 4 Pakistanis try to poor concrete over a terror monument there:
or the Awan family inside the US House of Reps:
the arwan family lol lol lol lol
you must be a follower of the youtube series 500 episs sodes
by that clown george webb talk into infinity around and around chasing shadows
100s of hours of talk on low hanging pakistan fruit lol
never any mention of israhell ha ha ha
george webb and trust in the plan q all oded yinon distraction
Islamist apologist.
Pakistan is run as a US client regime and has been for decades.
It is a CIA playground and free fire zone, with most Pakistani politicians on the CIA payroll.
It is bombed and droned with complete impunity by spotty nerd drone operators bombing and napalming thousands of Pakistanis (90% of them “collateral damage”) from air conditioned offices in Nevada.
Hi mark,
napalming thousands of …. Pakistanis? Fake facts or Vietnam / Cambodia reminiscences. The Pakistani army themselves bombed the North West province in 2015 because their kids were killed by suicide bombers in a school in Peshawar. Their own pets turned against them for once.
There were lots of drone strikes under specially under Democrat Obommer, but recently close to non.
Those poor peaceful Islamist Taliban and TTP with their human shields….
Better stick to your peaceful Islamist “Palestine” Arabs and horrible Jewish Zionists, your home turf….
A few issues with the Peshawar terrorist attack story, Antonym. I’ve yet to see a big terror attack story that doesn’t yield significant anomalies.
So we’re told:
“seven gunmen,[3] wearing explosive belts entered the school”
and then a bit further down we’re told
“Before entering the school, the gunmen set fire to the Suzuki Bolan ST41 van in which they had arrived. The terrorists, bearing automatic weapons and grenades … ”
You do have to wonder why they’d bother setting fire to their van don’t you, men in a hurry like that. And why do they now mention the automatic weapons and grenades why not mention the belts and the other weapons at the same time?
“According to the Director General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the public relations department of the Pakistani military, Major-General Asim Bajwa, the terrorists did not intend to take any hostages but instead wanted to kill as many pupils as they could …
but then we’re told
“The gunmen moved to the administration block of the school and took hostages there.”
So why are we told the terrorists did not intend to take any hostages?
How credible do you think this story is? How credible do you think it is that terrorists want to go into a large school and kill lots and lots of children like that?
And then there’s the infamous appearance of “Noah Pozner” of Sandy Hook fame turning up as a victim in Peshawar as “Huzaifa Huxaifa”.
If you can find a convincing image of any of the alleged injured and dead, please post Antonym. I refuse to believe a anything from the media showing significant anomalies – this story is a classic example.
Hi mark,
Better stick for your other Muslim friends the Palestinians about whom you know more.
Napalm in Pakistan? Fake fact.
Second try to post here, first one disappeared.
Hi Shlomo,
Your persistence is most commendable.
Tell the hasbara boss you want double shekels.
Got your Anglo-Arab oil dollars?
Was thirty pieces of silver not enough for you?
I should be so lucky.
Afghanistan and Iraq are permanent ugly ulcers in our landscapes of today and yesterday.
We know that everything was wrong with what happened there and we cannot change the past.
What we want to be mindful of is the future.
The Lithium in Afghanistan is not that important, and rare earths mining or processing (the more important part) is not happening to a significant degree there, according to what I have seen. Western Australia looks like preparing to process rare earths (Lynas etc.) and supply that to the American war machinery.
Somehow we ought to look for ways to reduce or even prevent ulcers like Afghanistan and Iraq in the future which could happen through refusing to supply the war machine. Rare earths sales to the US need to be rationed. Export powers of the Australian government need to be exercised to ascertain that no Australian rare earths are used to make the American wars possible.
Standard “limited hangout”, a Xmas gift to the US military for all their “hard work & sacrifice” keeping America great. And the zombie American public will lap it up, snuffling at the trough.
My one faint glimmer of hope is that they still have to hide their monstrous crimes, which shows they still fear awakening the public.
Ha, caught myself dreaming in a moment of childish optimism…they know it’ll never happen.
Afghanistan used to border India too:
I do agree that coming out through embedded WaPo is fake leaking. Any high school kid could have seen years ago that this would be
for the opponents. This means that both the US senate and House are populated by paid jokers, apart from the press.
Translation: Afghanistan was a great training ground to the Empire. The US Mil-industrial complex has a made a fortune making it so.
They still don’t own it as the Taliban has been supported by neighbor Pakistani army (major non NATO alley) from day one till today. the US can’t express anger about that as these are the mercenaries of the Arab oil sheikhs, just like the Americans themselves.
The Taliban was created, armed, trained, paid and orchestrated by Uncle Sam under Reagan to attack Russia. They were our best mates and heroic freedom fighters who were constantly getting invites round the White House for tea and buns. Splendid chaps one and all.
“Local residents confirmed to Sputnik Afghanistan that at nights, the US military are smuggling out uranium in trucks and then in cargo planes, leaving nothing for the Afghans.
“They justify their presence with security reasons, however what they are doing is robbery and theft,” the residents concluded.”
It was an Afghani who told me about this. He said that when they arrived, a main road used by locals was closed off, with exclusive US/UK access to facilitate the theft of the uranium. They have now re-opened it but there is clear evidence of holes being bored into the mountains.
Excellent summary.
The opium is exported via Pakistan. Pakistan gets little to no coverage. Don’t look over there.
I wonder if the Navy SEAL team, or bin Laden, was ever in Pakistan.
Since the CIA, bin Laden’s employer, confirmed his death in Afghanistan in late 2001, I doubt the SEALs found him in Abbottabad.
Al Qaida or other Islamic terror leaders hiding in Pakistan: impossible!
/SARC off
You’re not listening. ObL died in Afghanistan. Someone, perhaps a “terrorist” or a goatherd, might have have died in Pakistan. Understand?
The women and children (in that compound) were quickly whisked away and then shoved to Saudi Arabia. Their stories would have been worth a great deal of money but they were prevented from talking. But I do not know who had something to hide there and the little what I read about them could be fiction, too.
I believe that they probably did exist and Jamal Khashoggi had talked to them regarding the compensation cases against Saudi Arabia for 9/11. That is a big reason to die in Istanbul.
To this day the US do not apply the Magnitsky Act to the Khashoggi case – usual shonkyness.
How do you know Khashoggi died in Istanbul? Because your telly told you.
Why believe it? Did they produce a body? No. Did the lying media use it for propaganda? Yes. Was Khashoggi an intelligence asset? Almost certainly. Would it be the first time an intelligence asset fake died for propaganda or other purposes? No.
So why on Earth do you believe it?
I can only surmise that the Washington Post claiming any concern whatsoever for the “truth” of our endless amoral American wars must truly be some form of post-modern absurdist humor – though I must admit that I fail to “get the joke.” Regardless of which particular branch of our war-party occupies the White House the CIA continues of course to profit off of the Afghan opium trade, allowing it huge sums of cash to use to fund it’s color revolutions and regime-change protests where ever our so called “democracy promotion” could use a boost. This shameless drug running has gone on through the last three American presidential administrations, including that of our Nobel Peace Prize winner.
For decades now the Bush family has been the dependable Republican Party “face” of the CIA & deep state, while the Clintons have been the dependable Democratic Party “face” of the same amoral barely visible substructure of our American war machine. Both Poppy Bush and Bill Clinton have direct connections to the CIA narcotics trafficking operation that was huge part of the Iran/Contra operation. A rather delicious irony that two future American presidents would be complicit in the very same illegal amoral CIA run narcotics operation at the very same point in time. You can’t make this up.
The surreal reality-free narratives of American MSM are now so convoluted, so bizarre and so completely irrational that they constantly collide with one another, though few apparently seem to notice. The Democrats and most MSM have claimed literally since 2016 that Trump is “a Russian asset,” “Putin’s Puppet,” and is literally “doing Russia’s bidding,” and that Russian election manipulation literally “put Trump in office,” making Trump a traitor of course, except that at the same time these bold “resistance” fighters from the Democratic Party didn’t hesitate to vote for and rubber stamp Trump’s hugely inflated new military budget and to vote to extend the near dictatorial powers of the infamous Patriot Act, a constitution defying set of laws that was first instituted immediately post-9/11 under the reign of Bush the Dumber. So if Trump is a “Russian Agent,” but as Democratic Party members you vote to give him dictatorial powers and even more money for his traitorous war making, uhh, doesn’t that make you a traitor also – if you are simply working hand in hand with the same comrade Trump you constantly vilify and condemn in this manner? Cognitive dissonance anyone? None to be found in Washington and certainly not at the Washington Post.
This political and media madness I suppose is simply our American version of your “Corbyn is an anti-Semite” bat-shit crazy MSM narrative that I have observed incredulously from a distance. Well no doubt U.K. media will be only to happy to celebrate that Mr. Corbyn recently won an important award and did so just in time for it to be recognized right before the election at that. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, billed as – “the most prominent Nazi Hunter association in the world” – (“named UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as its the top anti-Semitic person or event for 2019.”) One doesn’t know whether to laugh or to weep.
Since when was the corporate ‘Great Satan’ USA supposed to be honest about anything of significance?
Corporatists run global Ponzi schemes for profit as Brig Gen Smedley Butler attested to back during the Hooverville Demonstrations in the dirty thirties where General Paton joined General McArthur to run the First World War veterans out of their hovels of clapboard shelter at the request of a coward named Hoover who gutlessly retired for the evening in the White House whilst McArthur & fascists in tow pillaged & burned their own fellow Americans out of DC.
Yes, just like alleged “whistleblowers”, “leaks” needed to be treated with great circumspection, Chelsea Manning, “brave” intelligence asset and the Collateral Murder video, genuine bits of audio stitched together over faked footage, being notable examples. See
So much propaganda leading us hither and thither.
I do not believe for one moment that Jose Bustani, first Director-General of OPCW, when it started in 1997, was “forced to resign” around the time of the WMD scandal, and then took positions as Brazilian ambassador in London and Paris. As if he got the role in the first place without the knowledge of how things would play out. 9/11 was planned donkey’s years before 1997 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would also have been planned well in advance. It’s all controlled opposition, all theatre.
From Wikipedia
The first Director-General [Jose Bustani] only served about one year of his second term, after which he was removed from office on grounds of lack of confidence by the member states.[28][29] It was argued by The Guardian’s columnist George Monbiot that Director-General José Bustani was being forced out by the U.S. government, despite the convention insisting the OPCW “shall not seek or receive instructions from any government”; the US had tried to persuade Brazil to recall Bustani. Monbiot wrote that the U.S. had tried other measures, although the convention also indicates that states should “not seek to influence” staff. In line with his mandate, Bustani wanted Iraq to sign the convention thus allowing international chemical weapons monitors into Iraq and thus potentially impeding the U.S. push for war against Iraq.[30][31][32] The U.S. gave three main arguments for the removal of Bustani’s from his position: “polarising and confrontational conduct”, “mismanagement issues” and “advocacy of inappropriate roles for the OPCW”.[33] The removal was subsequently determined to be improper by an Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization and consequently Bustani was awarded €50,000 in moral damages, his pay for the remainder of his second term, and his legal costs.[34]
I have to say I’m a little dubious about the massive drop in opium production in one year. Could that not be propaganda of some type too? God knows why they’d do it but you have to consider that the message they push out can be counterintuitive. It’s not always what you’d expect.
I think the truth about the alleged anomalous drop in opium production for the year of 2001 is difficult to ascertain.
According to Wikipedia:
In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, in an effort to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world’s most successful anti-drug campaigns. The Taliban enforced a ban on poppy farming via threats, forced eradication, and public punishment of transgressors. The result was a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world’s supply of heroin at the time.[69] The ban was effective only briefly due to the deposition of the Taliban in 2002.
Also, according to Wikipedia:
— Mohammed Omar issued a decree in favor of the preservation of the Bamiyan Buddha statues but then reneged because the UN, while offering aid to preserve the statues, made no offer of humanitarian assistance.
— In an interview with Voice of America, Omar was asked if he would give up Osama bin Laden. Omar replied, “No. We cannot do that. If we did, it means we are not Muslims, that Islam is finished. If we were afraid of attack, we could have surrendered him the last time we were threatened.”[70] Omar explained his position to high-ranking Taliban officials:
Islam says that when a Muslim asks for shelter, give the shelter and never hand him over to enemy. And our Afghan tradition says that, even if your enemy asks for shelter, forgive him and give him shelter. Osama has helped the jihad in Afghanistan, he was with us in bad days and I am not going to give him to anyone.[70]
Supposedly Mullah Mohammed Omar died in 2013 from TB but his death wasn’t announced until 2015.
Complete BS, right? Mullah Mohammed Omar’s story has about as much credibility as Osama Bin Laden’s. If you want a laugh, give it a read.
I’m not saying there wasn’t a massive drop in production for whatever reason because while the “Mullah Mohammed Omar” story may be bogus it doesn’t mean there wasn’t a massive drop but I have to say it doesn’t sound particularly plausible, does it?
It sounds plausible to me. A religious fanatic does something in line with his beliefs.
But what about the Osama bin Laden nonsense? And how did all the opium farmers scattered around Afghanistan survive for that one year with no crop? Did they just manage somehow and take it on the chin – knowing that the Islamic police would be coming around to chop off their left or right hand if they didn’t comply? And how about this snippet from the section “In hiding”? Do you believe this about our religious fanatic? Doesn’t raise a smile to your lips?
On the night of 7–8 October 2001, shortly after the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan began, Omar’s house in Kandahar was bombed by cruise missiles. Omar escaped injury, but his 10-year-old son and his uncle were killed along with several Taliban bodyguards.[74]
According to fellow Taliban fighters, Omar had secretly fled his residence in Kandahar for security purposes shortly after it was bombed and was last seen riding on the back of a motorcycle driven by his brother-in-law and right-hand man, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. Senior and former Taliban officials have said that there had not been any confirmed sightings of their Amir-ul-Momineen (commander of the faithful) in Afghanistan since then. Omar is believed to have hidden for over a year in the mountains and deserts of southern Afghanistan before fleeing to neighboring Pakistan in late 2002. According to sources, he was living for a time somewhere in Karachi, Pakistan, where he worked as a potato trader.[43] The United States offered a reward of US$10 million for information leading to his capture.[22]
Here’s what.s going on in France this weekend…
Acte 57 (57 continuous weeks of protest). There;s never been anything remotely like this before.
Corbyn is refusing to resign (because he has a huge base behind him).
GG has got this all wrong, in my opinion.
The election was rigged.
Any egit can see that.
“GG has got this all wrong”
i agree with you, he/she a fucking moron, always gets it wrong, but who is GG?
At least refusing to resign immediately. Wisely, bearing in mind the criticism that Milliband received, after he pissed off sulking straight away, taking his football home with him.
Wisely also, because he presumably hopes to have some influence over who his successor will be.
“Nowhere is the illegality of the invasion addressed…. Not once is anyone accused of war crimes”.
Obviously Kit. These sewer rags are the propaganda arm of Empire and imperialism. They serve power and the powerful.
Which is why sites like this were set up in the first place.
Blood drenched war criminals like Blair, Bush, Cheney, Howard and all the rest get to walk round scot free, living a very comfortable existence.
Truthtellers and whistle blowers like Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond sit in jail cells.
Where is the justice? There is none.
It’s essentially the rules of the jungle, and its like the vampires are in charge of the blood banks.
Not only are they scot-free, but Blair in particular receives the reverential attention of the corporate media for his every inane and dishonest utterance.
Tried like 4 times to reply to you CM, it wouldn’t post for some odd reason.
It shows how warped reality has become that a mass murdering war criminal like Blair is treated with respect by the alleged ‘media’.
Same in Aussie in recent years with Aunty treating arch ratfink war criminal Howard as some respected elder statesman who they confer with regarding world events.
Or how some of Australia’s most odious presstitutes fawn over him, and even joke with the bastard. Cue confected laughter and jolly good back slapping all round.
Prime example is Philip Williams, one of the most sycophantic chinless stenographers to stand in front of the camera.
All in the craven service to Empire and imperialism.
Gezzah, you really need to watch the 1 hour film made by Screen Australia and Screen West, Leaky Boat, on the Tampa and SIEV-4 (Children Overboard) refugee boats which occurred – oh-so-coincidentally – in August and October (nicely sandwiching 9/11) before the November 2001 election. What an eye-opener. I have done an analysis of it but I think it best just to watch the film yourself.
Pay particular attention to:
What Defence personnel say and how they say it
What the Tampa boat captain says
What the refugees say and how they say it
What Kim Beazley says!
Notable lines:
” … a large Norwegian rabbit had appeared from the hat of the Indian Ocean …”
“It was as close as you can get to a khaki election, that’s an election that’s held during a war where incumbents are usually massively favoured and fear, anxiety, hatred, anger tend to rule voting choices.”
In general, pay attention to anything that might seem anomalous.
Bloody hell Petra…. was just about to have dinner, and then I come face to face with this odious mass murdering toad. Sigh.
Okay, thanks for the clip, will watch it later tonight as am a bit snowed under with a few things, and still need to, um, eat.
If there was Any semblance of any sort of justice in the world, this P.O.S would be sitting in a jail cell in The Hague.
Heatwave conditions down here in Melbourne in the next few days,
Have a good evening…
Sorry, Gezzah, always forget to simply put the link after a space rather than on a new line so that it simply appears as a link rather than a thumbnail. We’re supposed to be having a heatwave in Sydney too but OK for the moment – hope you survive yours OK. Very mysteriously all the smoke has stopped but dry conditions remain the same. Very mysterious.
Just starting to watch film now. Probably won’t be out Friday as its meant to be 41 degs. I sell The Big Issue mag as my only means of income as NZ citizen.
On days like that, people are hot and grumpy, and they don’t want to stop, so pretty pointless being out getting dehydrated for small amount of money.
OK, chat tomorrow, as will crash after the film.
“Blood drenched war criminals like Blair, Bush, Cheney, Howard and all the rest get to walk round scot free, living a very comfortable existence.
Truthtellers and whistle blowers like Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond sit in jail cells.”
That’s what happens when you have criminals running the system. Of course, they’ll never be in harms way if they’re the ones ruling the roost. Same reason for why Hillary Clinton never faced any incarceration for reportedly mishandling state secrets despite Trump promising to “lock her up” (they’re friends, after all), or for her alleged body count spanning decades.
I doubt, however, that agents like Assange and Manning are spending a second behind bars. If they truly were genuine threats to the system, we wouldn’t have even heard of them. They would’ve suffered a complete media blackout from the onset and immediately disappeared or bumped off. You wouldn’t see them give interviews with the controlled media and even have movies be made about them. Genuine whistleblowers aren’t nearly as lucky.
Plus, it’s not like as though we needed Assange et al. to inform us about Bush & Co.’s war crimes. The MSM and their academic hacks, for example, aren’t hiding the millions allegedly killed and displaced from the War on Terror, even though they might be lying about the stats or the reasons why the war happened.
Galloway is a total sell-out,
The Yellow vests have no comparison
Fuck all these bastards.
France is in a state of total revolution.
Perhaps the brain-dead Brits should consider this as well.
In the 4th century BC, Alexander The Great conquered all the known world.
His final campaigns were in India, and he had to go through Afghanistan to get there.
He was somewhat more intelligent and culturally sensitive than modern Americans, and did everything he could to win over the population, to the extent of marrying a local woman.
Despite that, he had endless trouble in Afghanistan and took a very inconvenient circuitous route on the way home to avoid the country.
Britain had far worse experiences there in the 19th and 20th centuries, including an army that was wiped out with only one (badly wounded) survivor.
By 2001, the Taliban had restored order in most of the country and suppressed endemic lawlessness and banditry following the Soviet withdrawal. Inevitably in a fairly heavy handed way. They were still in the process of fighting what was in effect a civil war against non Pashtun warlords. Most of them couldn’t care less about America. Some of them probably didn’t even know it existed.
A bewildering variety of pretexts and excuses were touted to justify the invasion and increasingly brutal occupation of Afghanistan. Bringing Bin Laden to justice (himself a CIA asset for years), fighting “terrorism”, bringing “freedom and democracy” to the country, fighting for “women’s rights”, stopping the drug trade, and much else in a similar vein. Surprisingly enough, oil and gas pipelines, bases to encircle China and Russia, multi trillion mineral deposits, and the Great Game, were never mentioned.
How anyone can take American politics seriously is beyond me.
Unfortunately we’re now in the same situation in the UK.
But it works – from the other side of the balance sheet.
In other words it fails by design.
‘Seek – but do not find!’
A surface attention takes things at face value – as if the war on ‘whatever’ is supposed to win. NO! It is to protect the war from ending.
However, noticing this is waking up behind the social curtain of how everything works.
or rather, how everything is presented as if it works while stopping it from REALLY working.
My interest is in uncovering this within Consciousness – rather than stopping at the perceptions of my world. The forms it takes are different because we all have different patterns of self-evasion – but ultimately that is what I see beneath the multilevelled shape shifting cover story; self-evasion hidden where we would never look. Where else to hide anything but where you never look? And even making “DANGER KEEP OUT – FORBIDDEN’ zones can be a way of false flagging something hidden in plain sight.
Why would we false flag ourself? – that is – why deny responsibility by diversion?
So as to persist in self-illusion without reaping its full consequence?
So as to bear the unbearable?
It is very possible in our world to look on the world series from the sidelines as if to know what the players on the field should do – but that is a vicarious substitution for living our own ‘territory’ of engagement in the issues of our life. (I didn’t say it is wrong). But it is fantasy.
If we could SEE the shackles and entanglement that operate the political process both externally and internally to each person’s own bias, blind spots and conflicts of interest – we might wonder that anything works at all.
Whether intended or not, the political process is transitioning to replacement by unaccountable technocratic controls. Who sets and frame these controls? We know some of the front men – who effect agency for the agenda – but are they the power or are they permitted and supported in power because they are effective agencies of the agenda.
We might wonder what the agenda is – because its most destructive element has inhuman elements – unless it represented a deep hatred of life and all that lives. The greed for wealth, privilege, and power are invocations to the mind of getting, getting rid of, getting vengeance, and getting out of.
Be mindful of what you wish for…
Wishing is not willing – but rather the substitution for the will by a fantasy that can take over the mind that thinks it.
I saw the Afghan papers and immediately recognised it – as Kit and many others do – as an ‘under’ cover story of plausible deniability.
But propping up the establishment – to those who see it as their survival is – rebelling against extinction.
I pick up a lot on things that are operating prompts to notice what the cover story was made to hide. Self evasion runs as something ELSE or it wouldn’t work. Narrative ingenuity runs a positive spin or at least a mitigating justification for what we have done – as well as framing what we then must persist in doing to ‘survive’ in the frame the narrative dictates.
Maybe there’s another way of looking at this?
All the props remain in place but they no longer run the meanings they were given.
Bring on the empty horses!
American politicians run deficits & debt in the Western empire of banking. We have to take them seriously given that they are seriously in debt and they hide systemic risks so that the average Jill has no advanced warning of financial peril system wide.
when landlocked taliban went 2 landlocked
2 sea the bush
moved across oceans
for cartel usa talkings
befores the 9 and 11 ritual
talking pipelines and mines and lithium
afghanistan was number 18 exporter of heroin.
after the 9 and 11 israeli arts projects
after the usa and uk took control
biggest expansion in history
even today afghanistan is number 1 by a country mile.
illegal and medical opioid 100 billion dollar industry
the heroin juice props up the banks of the west props up the musselamic gangs counter gangs and pseudogangs
us uk military kept it flowing an industry bigger than many countries
look at kosovo look at camp bond steel a chemical and human processing logisticks hub or benign military camp for freedumb
More like Stanley Unwin than Norman Wisdom.
Yes, but the reality is that long-standing ties are beginning to breakdown.
Pakistan is starting to seek alternative partners, feeling that with the US it has been too much give and not enough take.
I simply cannot see any populace in Europe tolerating their politicians going to war for Israel/the US again. Everyone in the UK is sick and tired of Russia bashing, no-one outside the media blob supports action against Syria and Israel has grossly overplayed its hand targeting Corbyn for antisemitism. Its reputation is pretty much gone on the ground, even as it bungs corrupt MPs freebies to kowtow to Tel Aviv.
People are increasingly saying ‘what does the US ever do but kill people for money?’ More and more people are saying ‘If Russia can broker peace, and she is doing so again and again, why are we not aligning with her?’ Not because we think Russia is our darling, more that peacemaking is a better ally than warmongering. Interests, dear boy: interests.
Bolivia showed that the US is solely destructive. Morales was popular, he was constructive, he put Bolivians first. Exactly what a Bolivian leader should do. But the US got rid of him, probably to steal the Lithium.
Germany is telling the US to back off over Nordstream II. Quite right too. It is not the US’ business to tell Europe who to trade with. It is their business to do win-win deals where they can be done and accept with good grace arenas where win-win deals are done with others. Well, it is if they are a 21st century partner, not a 20th century bully.
Afghanistan and Iraq will be battles won which caused strategic loss of hegemony as the world turned away from a revolting value system.
Empires like the US collapse slowly, but their collapse is ongoing and absolutely inevitable.
I hope you’re right about our politicians going to war for Israel/the US again, but I fear it’s only a question of how well the propaganda is fed to them.
If it is done well enough, first they, and then the general public, will go along with it.
They always do.
I don’t believe, for example, that the general public seriously chose Johnson above Corbyn the other day. The establishment politicians simply chose themselves, as usual, and the public gave up and accepted the result as an unfortunate coincidence – rather like their own evolution and existence, in fact.
I have to admit that I really take heart from your last sentence,
but it is so sad that we have nothing more positive to look forward to than that…
I’m not so sure on the Syria point (or some other similar foreign military adventure, Iran, or wherever. Macron’s Sahara escapade in Niger appears to be going tits up, and he has appealed for support to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. How about a splendid little war in the desert?)
If Cameron had had an 80 seat majority, he would have got his war with Syria over the gas attack hoax. Milliband’s finest hour.
One of the results from last Thursday is that further military Iraq/ Libya style adventures have become more likely, regardless of public opposition.
What does it matter, as long as I can make a selfie, and post it on a “social network”!
….was not a war crime?