Trump and the coup in Bolivia
Bill Martin
This is not about me, of course, but my leftist friends (and I mean the actual friends) often accuse me of “making excuses for Trump.”
It’s true that I often argue that there are many things coming out of the White House that do not really reflect Trump’s perspective, aims, or agenda.
There are many enemies of that agenda in the White House and in what I argue cannot in fact be called an “administration.” When people then say that “Trump picked this person” (e.g., John Bolton) and the like, I respond that it would help if they would look into how power and bureaucracy works at the highest level of U.S. government.
Let’s stop forgetting that there is a ruling class and that there are other institutions and mechanisms that often operate behind the scenes, and sometimes in complete secrecy, that have their own interests and that take on a life of their own. This is the larger “swamp,” and it ought to be considered amazing that Trump has gotten as far as he has in the midst of it—mostly by way of Twitter.
It may sound like an excuse, too, to say that, at this moment in the middle of the impeachment nonsense (basically of everyone, including the so-called “Left,” the “resistance,” etc., getting behind the Democratic Party, and even behind Joe Biden — whether they understand that this is what they are doing or not), that the CIA and the Deep State is taking the opportunity to deal with some longstanding problems for U.S. capitalism, including countries in “our hemisphere” not taking their marching orders seriously enough and the attempts that China is making to gain a stronger foothold in Latin America.
However, these things being said, the coup in Bolivia is completely unacceptable, and the role of Donald Trump in this is unacceptable as well.
This coup should be resisted and exposed by all people of good will, and every effort should be made to overturn this coup.
Trump may have had his hand forced in this, as I think he has in a number of other major instances. There may have been no stopping the CIA, the Deep State, horrible institutions such the horrible “School of the Americas” (near Atlanta) in what they did, but Trump did not have to make the statement that he did (unless he did have to make it under some specific threat from the Deep State, which is not at all out of the question), which goes against one of the two main pillars for supporting Trump’s agenda: bringing to an end the endless wars and interventions, and stopping or at least bringing attention to the hollowing out of the working class, or working people more broadly, in the U.S., through the various facets of the neoliberal globalist agenda.
Again, not about me, but I’ve been criticized for arguing that Trump’s main value, as a disruptor and clarifier, is “rhetorical” — and I do think this has been remarkably effective, given the opposition to it by almost every element of the establishment, but here I will concede that, here was a chance to resist interventionism when it really mattered, and Trump failed on this score.
Supposedly the final straw between Trump and General James Mattis had to do with Trump’s having called back a retaliatory strike against Iran for the supposed downing of a U.S. drone. Upon learning that the strike would likely kill 500 Iranian soldiers, Trump said that the response was far out of proportion.
Undoubtedly, he also wanted to avoid entering an outright state of war with Iran, which, even from a purely strategic and pragmatic perspective, would be a very bad idea. (Here again Trump is out of line with most Democrats and most Republicans, at least at the power-player level.)
If Trump could oppose this military intervention against Iran, why did he at least not present public support for the coup in Bolivia—a coup which is not at all a fair accompli at this point, it should be added? Indeed, in publicly-supporting the military coup-makers in Bolivia, Trump is actively aiding the consolidation of the post-coup “government” (military dictatorship).
One could talk about the bigger picture in which this coup has taken place, including the following factors:
- the role of lithium and other “resources” that capitalists in the United States want, and that capitalists and governments of other countries (Germany stands out here) want as well;
- mostly significantly in this respect is competition between the United States and China, and that Evo Morales was closing a deal with China for access to the lithium resources;
- the related role that advanced battery technology will play in economic and military matters, and of course in the storage of energy, in the coming decades;
- the fact that leading representatives of the mainstream neoliberal globalist agenda of the Democratic Party, such as Warren, Biden, and Buttegieg, in having said nothing against the coup, clearly support it;
- the fact that Trump is in a weakened position, with the elements of the Deep State, especially the “intelligence community,” coming out against him;
- both relating to and representing this last point, the current show-trail stage of the “impeachment process.”
All of these factors have additional elements that are significant, perhaps the most important one being how the United States will deal with the People’s Republic of China as it continues to rise in the international sphere and to more and more directly challenge the global hegemony of the United States—and vice-versa, of course: how the PRC will deal with the continued military superiority of the United States.
What we have in the case of Bolivia is something that has been seen many times before: a situation where the United States uses its military strength and its intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, to advance economic interests that were otherwise going to lose out when considered in purely commercial terms.
This kind of thing is completely wrong and unacceptable, and it has to be rendered unacceptable in practical terms—through the emergence of a new anti-interventionist movement.
At the same time, even as we should always try to understand the larger forces that are at work in the world, we cannot simply let these forces allow us to engage in crude realpolitik and abridgement of fundamental principles. “Geopolitics” became somehow acceptable to too many people in the Unites States (and elsewhere, of course) when it came to the U.S. invasion of Vietnam.
Even today people will say that somehow this invasion and the fantastically-horrible means that were employed to attempt to defeat the Vietnamese struggle for independence were justified by the fact that the Soviet Union supported the communist insurgents. As has been pointed out many times, this is “gangster logic,” as if somehow the horrors of napalm, Agent Orange, and the rest of what was rained down on the people of Vietnam “make sense” if put in the “larger context.”
One of the worst aspects of this murder and grievous harm to literally millions of people is that the justification took the form of theodicy (everything makes sense in terms of some “divine plan,” and this plan has to do with an epic struggle between good and evil), which appeals all too much to “our Christian nation.”
Left out of this conception of justice and justification is the fact that the Vietnamese people never did a goddamn thing to the United States or its people. And of course the same thing can be said about the people of Bolivia, and, for that matter, the peoples of many, many other countries that have been invaded and terrorized by the United States and other “great world powers.”
There is no question that President Donald Trump bears some responsibility here; in my mind, this is especially because he has played the important role of disruptor to and clarifier of the way that things have been working in post-Vietnam War America, in this case especially concerning the neoconservative – neoliberal consensus regarding military matters — represented well by the actions of Hillary Clinton regarding Libya and Ukraine, and the “never Trump” efforts of William Kristol in terms of the imperialist-interventionist march from Afghanistan, through Iraq, then Libya, then Syria, and ultimately to Iran.
One of the principal reasons to support Trump against both the neoliberal Democrats and the neoconservative Republicans is to pull back from the endless stream of wars and interventions.
Trump has spoken to this issue in strong terms, and not only in tweets. What other president has referred to “foolish wars” in the State of the Union address, and elsewhere to “endless, senseless wars”? What other president, in response to complaints about the supposed expansiveness of another major power, has said, “Are we so innocent?” And the tweets and the circumstances in which they occur are not to be dismissed, either, as simply “rhetoric.”
Certain statements, which made in certain circumstances by a speaker placed in a certain way, have a “performative” quality to them, they aren’t “just words.” (This is a gloss on an argument made decades ago by the philosopher J. L. Austin.) But then, the same principles apply to the president’s statement in support of the military takeover in Bolivia.
Supporters of Bernie Sanders, and of some of the other “socialists” in the Democratic Party have been quick to point out that Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others have condemned the coup—and good on them, I say. However, one hopes that those who have praised Sanders on this point will deepen their division with those in the Democratic Party, who in fact are the mainstream of the party and who are the ones who appeal to the “blue no matter who”-section of ordinary Democratic voters.
We’ll see if these people will vote for Sanders if he somehow gets the nomination (which seems to me a near impossibility); otherwise, these “blue people,” as I call them, don’t care any more about Bolivia than the Democrats about which they are enthusiastic. They didn’t care about what Hillary and crew did to Libya or Honduras, either.
This fits with the general drift of the impeachment nonsense, too—the things that actually matter in the world, to the far greater part of the world, don’t matter to the base of the mainstream of the Democratic Party.
Indeed, all of these people can get positively ginned-up about foreign interventions, and I can’t help but think that there is a connection to the fact it’s the deplorables, the “Wal-Mart people” (like the ones in El Paso who quickly became uninteresting to most Democrats and Leftists the moment they were no longer useful for pressing forward with the brave anti-Trump Resistance), if you will, who are the fodder for such interventions.
What we hear about instead is how Trump supposedly did something to undermine a “political opponent”—it’s hard to think of a better gag line than that.
The coup in Bolivia is something that has been in the works for at least six years, if not ever since Evo Morales was first elected in 2006. The State Department under Hillary Clinton had already fomented a coup in Honduras in 2009, and was looking to undermine the government of Hugo Chavez and then Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.
Certainly these actions cannot be laid entirely at the feet of Obama and Clinton, they are part of a longstanding CIA-led effort to undermine any leftist or redistributionist governments or movements in Central and Latin America. The same can be said about the coup in Bolivia, except that here it has happened under the beleaguered “administration” of a president who is at odds, supposedly, with the CIA and the “intelligence community” and with interventionist policies.
Obviously, it is a bit much to ask of Trump that he oppose a CIA-engineered coup in Bolivia, especially against a self-declared socialist (let’s just leave aside for now discussions of what is “real socialism”), when he is staring down a coup-attempt from the same source in the U.S. But that is exactly what he should do, both for moral and strategic reasons.
It is a sad and also bad thing that much of Trump’s social base, especially the part that constitutes the forgotten and disdained working people of the United States, are also not very aware of what is going on in Bolivia. This is somewhat more excusable in their case than in that of “educated” liberals who are not struggling daily and hourly just to keep minimally afloat.
They will become much more aware if some pretense for military intervention (some “incident”) is found, which will almost assuredly happen if the protests against the coup continue and build further.
Strategically, too, Trump has to know that the CIA and other institutions of intervention, coup-making, etc., in the U.S. will not only not be satiated by the removal of Morales, but instead will now want to take things much further.
It seems likely that Iran is the larger goal, but Venezuela seems quite likely to be the next step—the ejection of Venezuelan diplomats from La Paz is an ominous sign. “The war machine keeps turning” — and the goal is to return to a more aggressive military stance in the world, for the sake of U.S. hegemony — which is what the neoliberal globalist agenda of the Democratic Party and the larger part of the Republican Party is about, it’s not some ethically-motivated position on cosmopolitanism or multiculturalism.
Evo Morales’s party, the Movement for Socialism, gained 52% of the vote in the last election; the party that has now assumed power, under U.S.-puppet Jeanine Anez (who considers indigenous Bolivians subhuman) obtained 4.7%.
Even if there was some corruption or fraud involved in the election, clearly the president and the party that has now been installed by the Bolivian military has no popular support. It seems very likely that protests will continue, as will violence by the military to put down the protests, and therefore some occasion for U.S. intervention will arise—which is what the CIA and the Deep State wants.
And this may even be what Trump wants, because of the China and lithium issues. Perhaps he even fears handing something else to the Democrats that they can use against him, just as they have used the attempt to get out of Syria against him (as did a large part of the Republicans in Congress.)
If any of these things are the case, this has to be understood in no uncertain terms to be unacceptable, just as the statement that Trump already made in support of the Bolivian military is unacceptable.
Trump is of course right to worry about handing the Democrats, and perhaps even more the Republicans, something they can use against him, since obviously the point of this impeachment nonsense is not to actually boot him from office, but to try to weaken him on the way to the November 2020 election.
There is an opportunity here, which I wish Trump would pursue vigorously—indeed, two opportunities: 1) To pull the curtain back further on the Deep State and how power really works in the United States; 2) To show what it would mean to take opposition to endless wars and interventions beyond rhetoric, as valuable as the rhetoric may be.
I’m not overly hopeful, especially regarding the second opportunity. It’s not an exaggeration to say that, the moment Trump tried to stir people up for anti-interventionism vis-à-vis Bolivia and elsewhere, one would expect to see a red dot on his forehead.
None of this makes the Democrats look any better, or any kind of alternative. The leadership of the Democratic Party remains clearly in the camp of the Deep State—indeed, they are more and more open about this so-called “fourth branch of government” that is going to “save the world from Trump.” Within the contours of the existing system, the Trump disruption and clarification remains better than any “alternative” represented by either the Democratic or Republican parties.
Even so, support for the coup in Bolivia, especially coming from the president, is wrong and inexcusable.
Bill Martin is a philosopher and musician, retired from DePaul University. He is completing a book with the title, “The Trump Clarification: Disruption at the Edge of the System (toward a theory).” His most recent albums are “Raga Chaturanga” (Bill Martin + Zugzwang; Avant-Bass 3) and “Emptiness, Garden: String Quartets nos. 1 and 2 (Ryokucha Bass Guitar Quartet; Avant-Bass 4). He lives in Salina, Kansas, and plays bass guitar with The Radicles.
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This website’s spiel: “Waaah waaaaah waaaaahhh..the Deep State….waaaah waaaaah waaaaaah… Trump would never try to overthrow a socialist president on his own accord, the Deep State is forcing him to do this because Trump is a socialist hero and that’s why they hate him, and Trump and Morales are actually brothers in arms, long live Trump and Morales….waaaaaah waaaaaaah waaaaaah….State Department trolls…..waaaaaah waaaaaah waaaaahhhh…..Russia is a vigorous, true democracy.”
Thanks for this excellent article in many respects, but particularly for its emphasis on zooming in how Presidents function within the broader U.S. Administration. When the House Democrats say, no one is above the law, they mean we have already established how a President should act with the innumerable bills and acts that they have passed in the past, recently and even during President Trump’s term. These bills and acts and the many state agencies effectively narrow what and how the President can do. Just watching and listening to N. Pelosi and others in the House after they had passed the bill to support the “for democracy activists in Hong Kong” could enlighten anyone how there are forces above the President. President Trump has to play the political game carefully, which is far complex than playing chess simultaneously with tens of players.
Thanks to Bill Martin we’re able to situate ourselves in the midst of this complex political game.
Trump will come and go.But, overthrowing elected parties,manipulating elections and taking control of a country’s resources is the thing that will go on and on.
I agree with Bill and another president ar the sharp end of the Empire -about the US national interest.
President Assad: “,,, America is structured as a political system of gangs. The American president does not represent a state – he is the company CEO, and behind this CEO there is a board of directors which represent the big companies in America – the real owners of the state – oil and arms companies, banks, and other lobbies. So, in reference to Syrian oil, this is the expected result of the American regime, which is led by companies acting for their own interests.
Assad goes on to explain that to steal-the-oil was also the Nazi’s reason to invade the Soviet Union. He further observes:
[W]e can very simply liken American policy today with Nazi policy: expansion, invasion, undermining the interests of other nations, trampling on international law, international conventions, human principles, and others – all for the sake of oil. What’s the difference between this policy and Nazi policy? Can anybody from the American regime give us an answer to this question? I don’t think so.”
Isn’t it just awful that you have to be the leader of a foreign state to say what Assad said about gangs and Nazi policy…
Nobody in America dares to say it.
Er – “…the continued military superiority of the US…” Really? When was that? [Note the tense of that query] Martyanov enlightening on this head; as is his friend The Saker.
As in most things, the American measure by size not quality.
No, you’re thinking of the Russian measure.
You seem to have missed my joke, seeing now your stage name. Next time I’ll make it simpler.
“Really? When was that?” Post WW2, all of the Cold War, through to the 2000s, still now…
Dear well-named fucktard: You reckon the US military was supreme in the world after WW2 – itself mainly won, of course, by the Red Army? Really? You think so? Er – till Vietnam possibly. But since that classic defeat of US arms (remember the shameful helicopter melodramas on the roof of the US embassy in Saigon?), a paper tiger that’s never won any of its wars – oh, except for the aggressions against Grenada and Panama. (LOL!) The Anglozionist empire’s *own war-games* (sic, if you know what that Latin word means…) show – invariably, whatever the strategy – the vaunted ‘invincible’ US military (hah! tell that to Bashar al Assad; or the Taliban) getting their arses well and truly kicked in any sort of aggression against little Iran. And – as those of the Pentagoons who are still sane and actually connected to the real world very well understand – any outright slugging war with Russia would be the prompt and inescapable end of the United States of America – hiroshimaed US cities galore, multiple sinkings of entire Carrier Battle Group dinosaurs, nuclear tsunamis devastating both shores of your failing state. (See VVPutin’s 1 March 2018 speech for details; since well confirmed in practice. The US is already teetering on the brink of the same socio-economic collapse that came to the USSR in the ’90s. Give it a bit longer with QE1/2/3/4/n and watch it all come down! You think it could survive the obliterative damage of nuclear war too? At the same time? As Dmitry Orlov documents extensively, the USSR happened by accident to be in a much better position to survive its collapse than the US, with its deeply-inferior oligarchic gangster-capitalist economic system, can possibly hope to do. The Az empire is now sliding, irreversibly. into the… Read more »
“Teetering on the brink of collapse.” Sounds like you watch to much Putinsexual propaganda.
Your argument: “This country doesn’t have military supremacy because it would be destroyed if it gets destroyed by a nuclear war.”
Good article. I was thinking of what would happen if someone “drew the curtain back on the deep state here in Britain”……nothing at all I’m afraid. We are more than happy to equate the actions of our security services to James Bond films and we never question them, even when they turn up naked in suitcases, get caught by farmers in Libya with gold coins in secret pockets in Kalvin Klein underpants, or when they poison people and then disappear them. Some things we won’t talk about, like special forces murder squads in Afghanistan or illegal operations in Syria and countless other countries I expect.
No, I don’t expect we’ll get anyone with the courage to draw back the curtain here, and if we did, they’d have a nasty accident.
I am on the same page in my thinking about Trump, with regard to Bolivia, which is decidedly not good. But, as you pointed out, there are undoubted factors of which we don’t know he has to take into consideration. All in all, though, we can be thankful that Trump is decidedly less prone to waging wars than Hillary certainly would have been, had she won the election. It is crazy looking at the reaction the establishment has had to his election and their desperate need to remove him, indicating that he is somehow a threat to them.
The writer misses the obvious point that nullifies his whole argument: The US is a fascist oligarchy not a democracy; Trump was selected not elected. The President is merely a figure head, manipulated by the real rulers, to promote and usually hide their agendas, which always entail gaining more power and control over the resources they covet. Trump is the latest actor in this tawdry charade, a yappy junkyard dog on a leash, noisy but craven. His mental incontinence is amusing, his mood swings and tantrums make him one of the boys, a pal of the rednecks hurting most from Trump’s rulers’ greed.
Only a few presidents have slipped the leash and it cost them. One was threaten with a coup, one was murdered and one kicked out; all because they broke the rules and tried something different. Trump is no Roosevelt or Kennedy. He’s a punk from Queens. He’ll toe the line behind the curtains, no matter how brave he looks on the White House lawn. MAGA…
I was going to make a similar point but not quite as pointed (as it were). I’m quite sure that Trump hadn’t a clue what was going on in Bolivia or even where the country is but that’s the whole point of pushing someone who’s primarily a game show host into this job. He is the front man, the person in the limelight that takes the heat (maybe) while the levers of power are manipulated by a relatively small group of individuals. He’s not an anomaly, either. Bush 2 was obviously fronting for Cheney, it was only post Katrina that he seemed to figure out what was going on while realizing that there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Obama showed promise but whoever issued him with Rahm Emmanual as his chief-of-staff really knew how to bring him to heel (and then he’s kept obsessing over the ACA leaving the global stuff for people who “knew better”). >Only a few presidents have slipped the leash and it cost them. Over the years I’ve gained a sneaking admiration for Nixon, the “con’s con” as it were. He really knew what he was dealing with, he was just bigger and meaner than the people who would manipulate him. My all time favorite for the Presdient not playing the game crown is Jimmy Carter; on paper he’s had all the right credentials to play the game but in power he genuinely wanted to change the direction of the country (and it would have been pretty good had he succeeded). It couldn’t last so we were issued with an ideologically reliable actor who’s primary business was making commercials, someone who could sell regressive policies just as well as filter tip cigarettes. Its a bit sad to see opportunity wasted but we have… Read more »
Then why are the Democrats trying to impeach Trump with the help of the FBI, CIA, WaPo, NYT etc.?
The Dems have been instructed to stage the impeachment badly enough that it fails, which it will. The same managers handling Trump handle the Dems. For your entertainment.
And let’s not forget that Pelosi is allergic to impeaching people.
Knowing, as she recently admitted, that GW was lying about WMD in 2003, she nevertheless blithely dismissed genuine attempts to impeach him, saying, “Impeachment is off the table”.
Well it was never off my table.
He, Trump, actually was elected. Clinton was absolutely supposed to win and he, Trump, used a lot of his own money to get elected. Like him or loathe him, the article above is correct.
Trump lost the popular vote by some 3 million, but was “elected” by the Electoral College, ie selected. He did not use his own money to get “elected”; he was financed by Wall St (and paid back with huge tax cuts), plus he stole campaign contributions for personal use. I don’t “loathe” low class thugs. I simply observe them and never invite them to tea.
There have been instances of governments being elected in the UK after losing the popular vote as well.
There are arguments for and against the electoral college.
I agree. In a fascist govt radical thought must be suppressed, hence the “electoral college”, as stated in its mandate. It continues the status pro, allowing only minimal change to the system, which is usually oligarchy. ie modern feudalism.
I’d say the 4 people who downvoted that comment are a cause for concern, since there is nothing inaccurate about the comment.
I wouldn’t invite those people to tea either, since “low-class thugs” are exactly what we are dealing with here.
Bravo! I’ve simply repeated facts. That this upsets the rabble proves how blind they are. I have no skin in this game, no personal dislike of the Trumps of the world. I merely observe. Amusing.
Still, I do have to wonder sometimes whether at some stage we will ever get beyond merely observing… I think for many people their conscience makes them feel that as members of the human race they should be more involved than that. While recognizing the blindness of the general public, it seems wrong to look down on them.
One does the best one can with the tools one acquires, I suppose.
Trump’s election was a coup. orchestrated by the intelligence agencies. This information was relayed on Fox News by Dr Steve Pieczenik. Here is that broadcast. No grey area.
It is ironic and probably no more than poetic justice that Trump should be the victim of a Russiagate/ Impeachment hoax. Regime Change has come home. Trump has presided, and is currently presiding over, incomparably more vicious regime change operations against Iran, Bolivia, Venezuela, DPRK, and many other countries, with psychopathic criminal subhuman filth like Tillerson, Bolton, Pence, Pompeo, Abrams and other Good Christians salivating over the deaths caused by US economic terrorism and strangulation. And 40% of the planet is currently subject to us economic terrorism, of which Trump is an enthusiastic advocate.
It is difficult to feel any human sympathy whatsoever for Trump or the coterie of billionaires, speculators, spivs, fraudsters, superannuated generals, grifters, chancers, and halfwits with which he surrounds himself to form his “administration.” Whatever happens to him and the rest of them, no matter how contrived and manifestly unjustified, is but a drop in the ocean compared to the deaths that have been inflicted by them in Syria, Yemen, Iran, Venezuela and so many other places.
Different factions of the US Ruling Elite are fighting like rats in a sack. Good. Let dog eat dog. The more damage these people inflict on each other and the system they represent the better.
For all his pandering to Israel and Adelson, Trump has failed to deliver the goods on the scheduled war with Iran. And Assad was supposed to be dead by now. Trump hoped to achieve the same ends through economic strangulation, through mass starvation and immiseration, through terrorism, propaganda vilification, and regime change. That is the reason for the current regime change operation against himself. I don’t think we owe him any vote of thanks.
Disruption as the opening of new markets or new supplies of energy – energy that is stored by denials and then released through the seemingly ‘Big man’ who breaks the rules and stays standing. So for me Trump is a front man whose particular talent to offend, non-comply and put everyone on edge speaks more about the company he keeps and which keeps him – even under such a deliberately opened opprobrium. That the author wished Trump do this or that is the symptom of an emotional investment – and THAT is the key hook of the manipulative PR or indeed psyop. No less the emotional investment in hating Trump and all that he has been branded to stand for and embody. The face that fronts the Band is the persona through which to persist in the deceit. The article states that we don’t know how it all ‘works’ in the higher levels of bureaucracy. We know that assets are captured or acquired or put in to serve purposes of which they may be given a different script. Its all on a need to know basis. Now whether in FACT a unipolar agenda operates, or whether it is contrived of self interest aligned under coercion and deceit, is seemingly contested by others who envision a multipolar world. A three legged stool or tripod is a very stable structure. Stability would allow a different consciousness to rise than under conditions of threat and attack. I increasingly look at this as ideas that hold charge potentials rather than moral recoil and reaction. If integrity is integrative – is that a Consciousness of embracing polarities as a responsibility for balance or a ‘jealous god’ that destroys what it cannot cannot possess and control? How can that which is ‘out of its integrity’ trust… Read more »
We can thank Henry Kissinger for having opened the West for China in 1971 and thus started the creation of a worthy counter to US monopoly.
“Western” investors were so greedy that they moved 80% of Western industry to China. Now the dumb West is left only with the arms-industry, a few CPU designers and some software.
No problem for the 0.1% millionaire Internationalists living in the Caribbean etc. now.
We call it US monopoly but it is ‘offshore’ and has hollowed out the USA. Capturing the opposition means instigating or subverting revolutions. But yes it is monopolism – the jealous god syndrome running like yeast through the whole dough. I don’t know what the problems of the trillionaires and billionaires and millionaires are – but I notice that problems always expand to fill the space available – and in a sense then – there can never be enough of anything. O.1% cannot be accurate for millionaires – but even so there are many ways to be ‘wealthy or rich’ and one of them is to have a huge money flow without necessarily being in credit. Like a Bank stuffed with debts as the way to leverage creditors at whim. Money in and of itself doesn’t have a lot of power – that takes a broad spectrum of influence that up to a point money can buy – but not everyone with money finds they can make any real difference excepting within the socialism of the rich – ie billionaire’s clubs, philanthropic influence by stealth. It is the key points to the key issues that break open the gullible to become proxies or assets to an agenda they may have no inkling of – apart from an ongoing frustration and paralysis. Looking at the mind beneath rather than the outer vanities. Deceit and coercion are the leveraging of the unwary and gullible. IE: US Monopoly BAD – setting up captured opposition = GOOD. It works every time – and the few who get some sense of their predicament are helpless to do anything but make dissonance to the sleeping who the wake up just to shut them down. Like bashing a snooze on an alarm clock, ‘Big-Brother style’. So the… Read more »
But surely you don’t think Kissinger did that intentionally so as to create “a worthy counter to US monopoly”…?
This gets really boring.
We all know that Trump is a complete a-hole.
We all know that ‘democracy’ in America is a complete joke.
So what the feck do you want us to talk about..?
You people aren’t going to believe what’s coming for you…
But the ability to create boredom within Infinity is quite a feat! But you are not really bored enough NOT to respond so you are at least moved to re-iterate your points – and perhaps that is what become tedious. It isn’t the ‘face’ or form of appearance that is active – but the agenda behind and through it. Many laughed at Hitler without awareness of the international financial backing behind it. Likewise the ‘Climate of fear’ as enslavement or culling of carbon units. Everyone gets to be-live their bubble reality while they can sustain it – but it was never meant to be a replacement – but once identified in untruth the horror of its gifts can make truth seem like vengeance or annihilation, and so the bubble is locked in a defends at ALL costs – to its bitter end. It’s always easier to see error in others than our own. I think the author above is wishful and hopeful in a way that seeks to sustain a world that is already popped – but not accepted. But what is the condition OUTSIDE our fences is not as fear and hidden self-judgement projects onto its surface? A lot of people seek some kind of reconciliation within their being when they are dying. Better late than never? Do sock puppets play out the roles that ultimately we give them? The best thing to note about the unknown is that we don’t really know – rather than fill it as our ‘Room 101’. I don’t mean we are to blame for not knowing – but more that we are trying to be what we are not in absence of a support, embrace and guiding of who we are. Belief can limit and filter the Self-revealing, to the experiences of a… Read more »
I do love the trolls.
Yes, because you are one, Rob. Anyone who’s endured your bleats knows this.
Saw some typos that escaped me so I corrected and ammeded Ah! – But the ability to create boredom within Infinity is quite a feat! Yet you are not really bored enough NOT to respond, so you are at least moved to re-iterate your points – and perhaps that is what becomes tedious. It isn’t the ‘face’ or form of appearance that is active – but the agenda behind and through it. Many laughed at Hitler without awareness of the international financial backing behind it. Likewise the ‘Climate of fear’ as the enslavement – or culling – of carbon units. Everyone gets to be-live their bubble reality while they can sustain it – but it was never meant to be a replacement, only a stepping stone of reflective imagination. However, once identified BY untruth the horror of its ‘gifts’ of both unreality AND guilt, make truth seem like retribution or annihilation, and so the bubble is locked in and defended at ALL costs – perhaps bitterly to its end. It’s always easier to see error in others than our own. I think the author above is wishful and hopeful in a way that seeks to sustain a world that is already popped – but not accepted. But what if the condition OUTSIDE our fences is not as fear and hidden self-judgement projects onto its surface? A lot of people seek some kind of reconciliation within their being when they recognise and accept they are dying. Perhaps to find new life instead? Better late than never? Do sock puppets play out the roles that ultimately we give them? The best thing to note about the ‘unknown’ is that we don’t really know – rather than fill it as our ‘Room 101’. I don’t mean we are to blame for not… Read more »
Love the trolls.
I don’t think this one is even a real human being.
More some neo-facist algorithm.
Nah,just a common or garden nutter RobG
So you’ve found your common or garden persona!
Perhaps Corbyn’s legacy might be to help serve the illumination of smear in all its pretensions. And I am willing to engage in common and garden conversations that have any substance as conversations. Come out as a human being or persist as a shadow of the invitation, refused. In your own way and in your own freedom to be who you are – whether uncommon or as someone else’s idea of a weed – so what! Take the courage to be yourself!
The sign of psycho-pathy is the un-personing of another life for the dumping of one’s own denial. But a sick mind can be healed of mistaken identity. The accusation of one’s own sins in the other is the signature of the attempt to kill them in the scapegoat and take the death or denial of the other as sustainability for persisting in self-illusion at cost of truth. The original internet meme of the troll – was ‘don’t feed trolling’, this is similar to Jesus’ ‘resist ye not evil’ – because what we resist, persists – and its noise and division costs us awareness of sharing in the true. But the mind of trolling is reactive engagement in conflict-identity – and so immediately masks in ‘righteousness’ by being the first to point the finger of accusation in seeking to smear, undermine and attack the worthiness of another to a view – as if from a place of superior knowing. But also seeking to invite and attract reinforcement from others is smear and wilful unpersoning or denial. You RobG make the accusation of ‘neo fascist troll’ to my person without any engagement with any point raised or any engagement at all. While I have no sense that you really understand what you say, I am sure you understand that your intent is wilfully and intentionally malicious. When malice becomes socially acceptable and supported, the hateful can unite in commonality of ‘loving to be morally superior’ and combining in intent to deny the other. Without such support, fascism as combination or cartel of power over ‘others’ would have no basis on which to feed on and persist. What is a real human being RobG? Someone who conforms and complies to your sense of political correctness? I feel the meaning for the words I… Read more »
Give it a rest, for feck’s sake.
Most of us live in the real world.
An appeal for sympathy for the victim? – really?
Most of us live in the real world – really?
Which world is that? – the world where you can dump on anyone under plausible deniability and moral superiority?
I’m sure we all recognise such behaviour in various examples – but that doesn’t mean we have to feed it.
There’s no evidence that you’re any more human than the populations and groups (Kurds, Jews and other ‘expendables’ in your eyes) that you see as less than human. Your opinions are to be automatically discarded, IMHO.