Ongoing cyber-attacks on OffG

Hi all. We have been under almost constant attack (DDoS and brute force among others) since the end of 2019. Cloudflare and other defences are keeping 90% of it at bay, but we are still being swarmed enough that our site is being slowed and compromised.

We don’t know whether this is due to some as yet undetected über vulnerability in our structure, or if we are just being targeted to an extreme degree, or some combination of both.

Either way, we are currently only just managing to remain up and running. So if the site is slow or unresponsive, or goes down completely, you’ll know why.

We’re working to figure what’s going on and fix it, and hopefully we’ll be on top of it soon.


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Jan 16, 2020 3:42 AM

Any news outlet that tells the truth, or at least the other side of the story, contrary to the MSM, eg the smarmy Groin, will be instinctively attacked. Expect it. Protect against it, if you can. As for the “wait”, I have plenty of time…

Jan 16, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Jack_Garbo

Not only News Outlets Jack
Being of a certain age, and totally ignorant when it comes to the how and why of a computer other than to research, store and chat, I have fallen prey to the snakes lurking in the long grass. So my Son had to come and rescue me. Although I make a point of cleaning the computer every night, I had over 140 serious attacks to be removed???
I see the attacks as confirmation that I am on the right track to the truth, as must Off G.
So rather than putting me off, it has spurred me on.
As I have said before.. we are many, they are few, we can spread the truth faster than they can their lies….

Jan 17, 2020 1:22 AM
Reply to  Maggie

Well, I’m far over a “certain age and sonless, but son a father who passed on his scepticism. My machines (hardened Linux) have been attacked but not penetrated, though my accounts have been blocked by increasingly fascist outlets.
“Cleaning” your machine sounds very Microsoft, the NSA’s old collaborator. Youngsters don’t see that their new “world” is built on the Internet, a system designed by the MIC to survive nuclear war, with myriad backdoors and passageways. Nevertheless, by staying in the shadows you can avoid the worst of their tricks.
Advice, if you’re mainly browsing and emailing: Use Linux, which despite the MSM propaganda – too hard, arcane commands, free so no good!!, etc – it’s now 2020, easier to install and use than Windows (one of my “hobbies” is rescuing Windows users with Linux). Used properly Linux is impervious to viruses, trojans and other nasties. You won’t need to “clean” it or pay a cent for software, which’s offered free by a small band “good guys”.
Try it without installing, or install it alongside Windows, 2 systems in one machine. Your Windows will feel like a 19thC strait jacket they used to control dissidents, like Linuxfolk.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 17, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  Jack_Garbo

I fully agree Jack. I have to use Windows for my work, but for two decades i have played with various flavours of Linux. Now things are so bad with the pervasive surveillance in all western hardware and software, I’m taking steps in 2020 to fully migrate to Linux and non-US computer hardware. Will do same on my phone, but that will take a year longer.
Whilst we think we are powerless to fight against the fascists, the best things we can do is to spread the word about them and take steps not to fund them.

Jan 17, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Jack_Garbo

Thanks for the advice Jack, I will pass it on to my Son and let him sort me out. I have had my hands slapped for touching stuff I shouldn’t in the past…..I can’t remember when the roles reversed and I became the child… but hey ho, I have to admit defeat here. He is an absolutely wizard with computers, having been totally immersed since 1979. He began composing music on the synth attached to a computer and is now in computer games/audio design area now. He is calling on his way home from work so I will show him your post and let him take charge.
I do hope that OffG can ward off the pernicious attacks. There is no other site that satisfies the need to speak to sane, sentient people and share. Though of course we still have to suffer the trolls..
I am reading ‘By Way of Deception – an Insider’s Devastating – An Insider’s Devastating Expose of the Mossad – by Clair Hoy and Victor Ostrovsky”.
I can’t put it down, and recommend everyone to read it. We all know that the trolls are brainwashed but this book gives us a look at just how dark, depraved and brutal they are, even to their own. They have no regard for anyone at all…
Israel is all they care and live for. A cancer is too benign a word for what they are.
I fret about my grandchildren’s future with scum like them roaming the earth. Ostrovsky says there are less than 1.500 Mossad agents worldwide, which doesn’t seem possible given the damage they do, which is totally disproportionate for 1,500, but of course they corrupt and poison everyone and thing they touch, and I think MI5/6 were very good pupils.

Jan 16, 2020 12:47 AM

Put it all back on mainframe.

Jan 16, 2020 3:43 AM
Reply to  noseBag

Won’t stop DDoS.

Jan 15, 2020 2:56 PM

Don’t worry, it’s slow, but we get it. We’re prepared to wait. Hang in there!

Jan 15, 2020 9:23 AM

Good luck…great website and articles!!

Jan 14, 2020 11:04 PM

You’re not the only site that gets attacked. Just about all real leftie sites have to face a similar onslaught.

So, Public Service Broadcasting, live on KEXP, all about the UK miner’s strike in the 1980s…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 15, 2020 9:59 AM
Reply to  RobG

Hello Rob. You made my day with this clip. Often go and look at Live at KEXP bands myself, although I missed this one by Public Service Broadcasting.
And with the ultra iconic Cheryl Waters doing the introduction.
Lovely Jubly.
To get back on topic, any site that Genuinely opposes the ruling classes and the 0.01% will be attacked. Hmmm, I wonder how many times Democracy Now has come under cyber attacks?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jan 15, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah – I was totally on the same wavelength when I read this – thinking – “I wonder if the regime-change progressives over at CounterPuff are under attack?” Not so much I’m guessing.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 15, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Correct Gary. Very time consuming, but it’d be interesting to see what alternative news sites are regularly under attack (in various ways) in relation to their content, compared to other ‘alternative sites’ that seem to sail along perfectly well with no problems at all.
There’s a few I’m thinking of, including your example of Counterpuss (and our rather annoying troll, LP – who actually comes across like a broken record!)

Stephen Morrell
Stephen Morrell
Jan 14, 2020 9:52 PM

Best of luck. At least OffG is mercifully and relatively free (for now) of the obviously paid trolls that pollute the comments sections of otherwise good alt. news sites (eg, truthdig).

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jan 14, 2020 9:43 PM

I’m been finding it almost impossible to post comments or replies to people in the last 8-9 days or so.
I guessed that’s what was happening.
Just Leave Us The Fuck Alone You Bastards.
Go and cyber attack the Washington Post or the bloody Guardian or BBC or something.

Jan 14, 2020 9:19 PM

The Rez website I get my smokes from was hit by a cyberattack yesterday also. Weird. Just a couple of days ago our ISP totally went down so I switched 4G and they were down too. Strange. Something’s going on.

Time to take a deep breath ,avoid getting paranoid and leave the tin foil on the rack….for now at least.

Just realize that the internet is enemy territory since it was devised by DARPA FKA ARPA and try to avoid the landmines.

Jan 15, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Gall

Just realize that the internet is enemy territory since it was devised by DARPA FKA ARPA and try to avoid the landmines. Endless ignorant bullshit about this; your post is no exception. The Internet was commissioned as ARPANET under ARPA. ARPA and DARPA have played musical naming chairs in the same US Department of Defence agency from time to time, depending on the prevailing governmental gestalt. It’s like a duck; one leg being both the same. However, the Internet in practice is merely a set of technical internetworking specifications, with only a few points of potential governmental control, primarily in its Domain Name System (DNS), which is–technically–a distinct, separate and non-integral part of the whole: it is merely the “telephone directory” which enables (the users of) its component devices to connect to each other with “human-friendly” names (e.g. http://www.example.com/) instead of the “IP numbers” that the devices themselves use. Other than that, which is what makes an internet the Internet, and is the only substantive thing that does so, all of the specifications (‘RFC‘s) that make an internet run, including an identical DNS system, are available for free to anyone who wants to set up their own, quite separate, internet, as well as a bunch of programs (payware, shareware or freeware) for DOS, Mac, Windows and UNIX/Linux to do it for you (for when you can’t be bothered enough to learn the intricacies of the technology to check the integrity of the code for yourself. Or you can run a separate internet using those same tools to ‘gateway’ that internet to the Internet (provided you follow the Internet’s rules for traffic passing through the gateway). Or you can subscribe to an independent, free or charged, secure DNS service. Or you can run a simple hybrid, if limited, system in which… Read more »

Jan 16, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Now I’m being lectured by a moron who thinks he’s intelligent because he’s read a few tech releases about networking. First I suggest you study the history of ARPA and why it was created:


Read between the lines on CRS pub and the boiler plate that you seem to spew pretending you know something.

Now read this which lays out what ARPA’s later DARPA’s objectives actually are:



Not really the touchy feely World Wide Web of the “Information” Super Highway is it?

Handing it off to the NSF only gave it that cover. In reality it was a network devised by DOD to harden their existing computer networks and create a redundancy of what they called “nodes” for information storage and retrieval that could still be accessed after a nuclear attack.

That should give a clue to the clueless like you what it’s actual purpose is.

One that is still in use today which is known as the Deep Web of which the Dark Web is a part of.

What you typed your inane response to me on is only the tip of the iceberg. Sort of like the human mind they say only a small portion is being used except maybe in your case where there isn’t much there to use.

So yes we are treading on enemy territory and if you’re too stupid to see that then my sympathies.

Jan 16, 2020 9:20 AM
Reply to  Gall


Just realize that the internet is enemy territory since it was devised by DARPA FKA ARPA

Actuality so far: ARPA (1958) → DARPA (1972) → ARPA (1993) → DARPA (1996).

My synopsis: “The Internet was commissioned as ARPANET under ARPA. ARPA and DARPA have played musical naming chairs in the same US Department of Defence agency from time to time, depending on the prevailing governmental gestalt. It’s like a duck; one leg being both the same.”

Too artistic for you when set against your definitive (coff) “DARPA FKA ARPA” and “ARPA’s later DARPA’s”?


Now read this which lays out what ARPA’s later DARPA’s objectives actually are:



So? Tell me where I denied ARPANET’s DoD origins? I underlined it, Prat. Poetry beyond you?

But first read, with special attention to Eisenhower’s choice of Defence Secretary and ARPA’s reporting structure:


Then read http://castig.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Why-the-Arpanet-was-built-.pdf

You want history, get it from a reliable primary or secondary sources, not a Table of Contents printed on the back of a cereal packet interpreted through a lurid imagination of juvenile dimensions.

As for the actual operation of ARPANET’s successor, the Internet, which I outlined in its current form after the emphasized “However” that opened the third paragraph, tell me where, discounting elisions and considerable simplification for a general audience, I have it wrong. Show the world your credibility in actual technological terms, untainted by conspiratorial bullshit.

Now I’m being lectured by a moron…

Why would even a moron bother to “lecture” an intellect that hadn’t yet made it out of grade school? Lectures are for at least partially informed minds. You need more lessons first.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 17, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Why do you resort to insulting people out of the blue. Sort yourself out and get a life.

Jan 17, 2020 1:50 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Why do you resort to insulting people out of the blue. I should suddenly start to tolerate fools gladly? Fuck off. Sort yourself out and get a life. Both done and dusted decades ago. But thanks for the belated advice anyway. As for your own mindless apparent endorsement of Gall’s juvenile bullshit about D/ARPA being a DoD agency so the USA state and deep state must pwn ARPANET and its packet switching Internet successor, there’s no adequate reply. It’s bullshit through and through. And it’s dangerous bullshit because it replaces stupid conspiratorial crapola for the real pwning of the Internet, so dickwits even less informed than Gall but equally superstitious will be inclined to ignore the real Internet security problem: its compromise and subversion by a whole host of essentially net-external interests, of which the USA, its military/security agencies and vested commercial interests, and its cohort states and deep states and their military/security/commercial interests, comprise just one broad party. Why is that important? Because as BigB notes, the problems we now face require combined international awareness. and the single people-accessible medium that can faciltate that is the increasingly fragile (because of all the compromise and subversion) Internet, with a capital I. We can build all the internets (with a lower case i) we like, but without the world wide reach of the Internet they’re not going to provide squat of the coordination needed. You think Gall is a big, fat insightful wonder boy netwise? Then take his fatuous statement in the context he made it, [O]ne that is still in use today which is known as the Deep Web of which the Dark Web is a part of[.] and tell me: how is either the so-called “Deep/Dark ‘Web'” in any way distinguishable from a large hunk of technically unallocated IP4… Read more »

Jan 17, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

“I should suddenly start to tolerate fools gladly? Fuck off.”

I’ve been tolerating you. You arrogant self righteous moron. Of course you’d have to rise to the level of “fool”. Hubristic Asshole.

Jan 17, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Gall

I don’t expect you to respond to my precise clarification of D/ARPA nomenclature in precisely dated terms, it would make you (look like) a sloppy minded twit, but I do note that you have not answered my direct “tell me where…I have it wrong” question (which omission has, of course, precisely the same effect).

Jan 18, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Gall

I’ve been tolerating you.

Not very well.

Jan 18, 2020 11:20 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Hey I’ve been tolerating as well as I’ve tolerated anybody like you who has their head shoved so far up their ass that they’d never see daylight.

Assholes like you came up a dime a dozen on Newsgroups and the solution was kill file which is what I’m doing to you Robocop.

Now go fuck yourself arrogant asshole.

Jan 17, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

so-called “Deep/Dark ‘Web’”

During a pretty good Gujarati-style puri and shak dinner I realized I should be a bit more explicit re the slash between those two journalistic terms if I expected a reply to my earlier question of you, which I do if you are as scrupulous about accuracy as I presume you are. Fussy journalists seem to use one to refer to allocated but unused address space and the other to refer to unallocated (“reserved”) space. But I’m not sure which way round: you’d need to ask a fussy journalist. Now for your response to my binary question (using trinary if you like): ??

Jan 18, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Unimpressed. So you know a bunch of fancy terms. I used to know them too back when I wrote code for a living. Also have an old friend who worked IT at the Pentagon when McNamara was Sec Def.

So I’ve probably forgotten more nomenclature than you can glibly spout out.

By the way your link to RFC is totally wrong. RFC meant Request For Comment and was submitted via usenet to those involved in establishing the ARPAnet Infrastructure which now allows morons like you to use it.

So go fuck that high and mighty horse you rode in on.

Jan 18, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Gall

So you know a bunch of fancy terms. I used to know them too back when I wrote code for a living.

“Hellow Wirld” BY GALL?

Also have an old friend who worked IT at the Pentagon when McNamara was Sec Def.

At least you’re not afraid to scrape the bottom of the barrel in public, but if you insist: I have a younger friend whose grandfather knew David Lloyd George and he swears that Lloyd George’s understanding of IT was only that it was a pronoun dressed up in capital letters, although in his later years he did concede that Clara Bow probably also had something to do with IT.

By the way your link to RFC [/standards/rfcs/ at the IETF] is totally wrong. RFC meant Request For Comment and was submitted via usenet to those involved in establishing the ARPAnet Infrastructure which now allows morons like you to use it.

Tell that to Vint Cerf. If you stood on a tippy toes and puckered out your lips as far as they can go you still couldn’t kiss the underside of the arch of Jon Postel‘s flattest foot.

You still haven’t answered my question.

Jan 17, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Fuck you very much for posting open source information one by Forbes ridiculously claiming that Ike was the founder of the ARPAnet much like they claim that Al Gore was the father of the Internet while totally ignoring declassified docs posted by FAS idiotically claiming that they come from the back of a box of Wheaties or something.

Arrogant asshole!

Here read a fucking book and get outa my face:


You can read? If not have Siri read it to you.

Now go fuck yourself!

Jan 18, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Gall

…Forbes ridiculously claiming that Ike was the founder of the ARPAnet much like they claim that Al Gore was the father of the Internet…

Do you even know what open source is? But skip that. Forbes claimed that Ike was the prime mover in establishing ARPA, which in turn blue-skyed ARPANET into existence, exactly as was the case, and that what Al Gore said was an absolutely valid political claim. As both Bob Kahn, Vint Cerf, as well as Wolf Blitzer and Newt Gingrich all (!) agree. How do you think a politician “takes the initiative” in technical development? By cooking up stuff in test tubes in between House sessions? Thickhead.

Here read a fucking book and get outa my face

What do you imagine that the apparently rather pedestrian apparently Internet-naïve journalist’s literary clickbait-equivalent book that your link previews is going to tell me? That the Internet is a security nightmare? Duh. Why do you think Dun Groanin is lamenting the sidelining of X400 by SMTP or that the administrators here, possibly with direct input from Cloudflare and/or their hosting provider and/or highly competent others still don’t know what the fuck is going on? Fact is, each post exposes more of your inner total dweeb with a bullshit line in regurgitated conspiratorial crap touted as some approximation of a considered opinion so as to make you look insightful. Pathetic, if it weren’t dangerously diversionary fodder for the even more half brained than you.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 17, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Gall

Well said Gall.

Jan 17, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Thanks Frank 😎👍

Jan 16, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Gall

Ok guys this is getting boring.

No mention yet of the evolution from that to the academic net, TBL and WWW!

Anyway don’t get me started on X-400 secure comms to replace teleprinters and faxes …

Thank fuck email came along – though probably not accidentally- not as secure.

The best bit about the web! It is like the open ranges or commons before the rentier classes moved in with emclosures and barbed wire super ranches (FB/twitter/YT etc).

Jan 17, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Ok guys this is getting boring.


No mention yet of the evolution from that to the academic net, TBL and WWW!

Academic net? Do you mean Internet2? Some of its services and infrastructure could be termed an “evolution”, but for the average peon it’s still well into tomorrow’s world, by which time 5G will probably be ubiquitous enough to fry their brains and satisfy their electrolust in far more state approved ways.

As for the WWW, it’s definitely not an evolution but an application layer services aggregator which TBL was smart enough to be the first to build out of already-existent SGML and a bunch of pre-existing applications such as ftp, etc. (i.e. “invent”) and package with its own variant of SGML (html) and its own new protocol (http) built on long-established TCP/IP and UDP “Internet” protocols (and has valiantly tried to keep as the proprietary-free, openly available, Swiss Army Knife, easy-peasy Internet application multitool he originally envisaged ever since).

X400? As someone pointed out long ago, if the Europeans were as committed as the US Bureau of Commerce was in shoving a good enough working system based on ARPA’s work out of the commercial door as the Europeans were at finessing the finer points of just which design engineer had the most expensive and prestigious office chair and who got their name in the honours lists, X400 would have been in with a good chance. But.

Email? Just part of the same story. And just as “accidental”: good enough for tonight’s showtime? So run with it.

Jan 17, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Academic as in the nodes that existed between universities and research facility such as CERN for which TBL created the WWW – ah the rising wave of the 90’s ..ancient history now I suppose.

Jan 18, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Academic as in the nodes that existed between universities and research facility such as CERN for which TBL created the http://WWW... Still there. Internet2 is a part of. Generic name “NREN” (National Research and Education Network) came into common use (was maybe coined for them?) when Bush I authorized 1991 funding for the US varieties upon the realization of “commercialization of the [hitherto] restricted defence/academic/industrial ‘Internet’ (RFC 1192)” East and Southern Africa UbuntuNet Alliance for Research and Education Networking -of East and Southern Africa Eb@le – DRC NREN EthERNet – Ethiopian NREN iRENALA – Malagasy NREN KENET – Kenyan NREN MAREN – Malawian NREN MoRENet – Mozambican NREN RENU – Ugandan NREN RwEdNet – Rwanda NREN SomaliREN – Somali NREN SudREN – Sudanese NREN TENET/SANReN – South African NREN TERNET – Tanzanian NREN Xnet – Namibian NREN ZAMREN – Zambian NREN North Africa TUREN – Tunisian NREN MARWAN – Moroccan NREN ENREN – Egyptian NREN ARN – Algerian NREN SudREN – Sudanese NREN SomaliREN – Somali NREN West and Central Africa WACREN – West and Central African Research and Education Network GARNET – Ghanaian NREN GhREN – Ghanaian NREN MaliREN – Mali NREN Niger-REN – Nigerien NREN RITER – Côte d’Ivoire NREN SnRER – Senegalese NREN NgREN – Nigerian NREN Indian Subcontinent AfgREN – Afghanistan NREN BDREN – Bangladeshi NREN ERNET – Indian NREN NKN – Indian NREN NREN – Nepal NREN PERN – Pakistani NREN LEARN – Sri Lankan NREN Asia Pacific APAN – Asia-Pacific Advanced Network AARNet – Australian NREN AfgREN – Afghanistan NREN CSTNET – China Science and Technology Network CERNET – China Education and Research Network HARNET – Hong Kong NREN KOREN – Korean NREN KREONET- Korean NREN IDREN – Indonesian NREN SINET – Japanese NREN MYREN – Malaysian NREN NREN – Islamic Republic of Iran… Read more »

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 9:17 PM

Life in the Free World-ain’t Western Moral Values great!

Jan 14, 2020 7:05 PM

You are not alone Off-G.
Time to get resiliant – have mirror sites. By pass DNS. Get alternative platforms to FB/ twitter etc.

Attacks will intensify – failure to prepare and diversify will be fatal.

Jan 14, 2020 7:18 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Finally as the web portals start getting censored – Iranian channel on Youtube today – independent journalists need to get up to speed on alternative platforms.

Elijah Magnier is also using Twitter alternative VK.

Jan 14, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

VK.com is a good alternative to Fuckbook, although the people who live in an alternate reality need to know that VK is a Russian site. Oh my God, it’s Russian! – faints – smelling salts – and even more propaganda bullshit, as the poor neo-con dears have to lay on a chaise lounge.

You people are beyond pathetic.

Jan 14, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  RobG

There are also Chinese sites.

I’m really looking forward to the Russian ‘Wikipedia’ we will be free from the Phillip Cross’s of the Empire Integrity Iniatives.

Jan 15, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Time to get resiliant – have mirror sites. By pass DNS. Get…

The revolution will not be Internetted.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 16, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The Revolution will be Intersticed.

Jan 16, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

As we can see from the GJ’s and our very own December Coup.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 14, 2020 6:43 PM

If it’s not DDoS attacks, it’s PSYOPS attacks by the likes of Petra/Flaxgirl, Matt and a couple of others.
Whilst dealing with the DDoS, I hope that OffG also deals with these PSYOPS accounts, once and for all.

Jan 14, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

I understand where you’re coming from but one of the reasons I used to comment on the Guardian was because you could debate, or not, across the political spectrum. I don’t mind an argument and if the quality of debate by the likes of those you mention, is all we have to contend with, I say bring it on. They’ve got nothing on the CIF Watch types I used to argue with.

Jan 15, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Whilst dealing with the DDoS, I hope that OffG also deals with these PSYOPS

I suspect that Petra is just an out-of-control hysteric-narcissist rather than a committed PSYOPtometrist and needs to be dealt with by considerably more localized institutions than the Off-Guardian, but it’s true that her net effect has destructive qualities not unrelated to those of the altogether different kettle of fish Matt. And, in any case, I’m not sure that the Off-Guardian is the right place to handle such problems*. You don’t get “free speech” by shackling it for its own good.

* The right places for such interventions will intervene at the right place and time should they ever emerge from the current Menshevik-like confusion.

the pair
the pair
Jan 14, 2020 5:22 PM


cloudlfare are okay at what they do but not invincible. it would also help to identify the type of DoS/DDoS attack and adjust your infrastructure to match.

i also wonder if the attacks on sites like these are some subcontracted state actor or just rando pricks like that “j3st3r” guy who had his 15 minutes a few years ago.

Jan 16, 2020 2:26 AM

In the mid 1990s a Dutch ISP used an apparently successful DNS+mirroring method to protect a German publication called, I think, Radikal. I do not know the details and the ISP has since been sold to the previously-incumbent state monopoly telco. Also, the DNS has been significantly hardened since then and the method might have been thereby clobbered. But, in extremis, it might be worth looking further along those lines (perhaps on behalf of all ‘unapproved’ content-discriminated sites). I understand that one of the key personnel in the Radikal effort, Rop Gonggrijp, ran a regular hacking convention in Holland, but I do not know its name or anything more about it. The most elementary research on him (Wikipedia, whois) reveals a personal domain he owns to be gonggri.jp and a long-derelict website is at https://rop.gonggri.jp/ but, while Wikipedia reports that the hacking convention still survives, it does not say if Rop is still involved. But, even if he isn’t, whois provides a presumably current address…

Jan 14, 2020 5:11 PM

Just 77 Bde and our hasbara chums doing their usual party piece.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jan 14, 2020 4:58 PM

A couple a days ago, I noticed that gaining access to this site and posting comments were slow–now I know why–added security resulting from malicious intent. It seems like the government is intensifying its attacks across the entire internet. It did a massive sweep last week.


Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Jan 14, 2020 4:29 PM

Yes, I noticed that it took a lot longer to put up an article or response to an article as it usually takes. We seem to be at war, or have always been at war, but now things seem to be getting serious.

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Jan 14, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

It’s definitely a war Francis. IT wars, economic wars, they just another way to destroy opponents without nuking them.

Jan 14, 2020 4:20 PM

It means that you are doing something right!

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 14, 2020 3:12 PM

Thanks for warning us that it could be ongoing. Yes, I’ve noticed – I’ve had error messages when trying to access your website over the last few days. Hope you have success defeating these attacks, OffG. I hope people don’t mind me writing about the Labour Party and the Leadership Election here: We need to remember that the establishment’s ultimate goal is to try to totally obliterate the movement Jeremy Corbyn started; stop any form of party that doesn’t adhere to the establishment ideology within any traditional mainstream party. Unfortunately it is easy for the establishment to do this especially in our current FPTP system and with all the ‘power-pillars’ at their disposal (as we have seen). As most people can observe, there are many overt anti-Corbyn-movement people/’armies’/shills/trolls/astroturfers etc active online especially on social media, but more insidiously, there are also many fifth-column covert social media sockpuppets trying to get people to resign/leave the party in droves BEFORE the leadership election. Many people are onto this ruse but unfortunately there are some who seem to be falling for this trick. If people leave the LP now we will miss the only (and probably last) chance of maintaining the little power we have in the party (a little power whichwe can help grow together if we stay in the party); if the Blarite’s get back in and gain all the power they will stitch things up tightly to make sure there will never be a chance for another genuine people’s politician to gain leadership or power within Labour. Despite having a generally miserable bunch of leadership election candidates forced on us by the authoritarian, biased PLP, surely we must vote for the least bad options – the two candidates endorsed by the Corbyn et al – Rebecca Long-Bailey and Richard Burgon?… Read more »

Jan 14, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

I left the party over their stance on the EU and I won’t be returning as I’m now an anti-Semite.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 14, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  lundiel

I want to stay for one last effort as there is still a glimmer of hope with the two candidates being endorsed by Jeremy Corbyn and co (due to the things I’ve outlined above), but I understand why you left. As a Lexiter, I too was very disappointed by the LP after they (esp the Shadow Cabinet) forced Jeremy to go along with the 2nd Ref stance. From my reading on him, I do know Jeremy Corbyn’s personal stance has always been very similar to Tony Benn’s and my own – loves Europe and all its beautiful distinct countries but dislikes the neo-liberal/technocratic, imperial, anti-democratic, ultimately unaccountable, sovereignty-depleting federal state that is the EU.

Jan 14, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Good luck, I hope RLB wins but I feel Starmer will walk it. I cannot, in all honesty, ever support any party that is craven to Israel and stuffed full of Zionist lobbyists.

Tallis Marsh
Tallis Marsh
Jan 14, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Thanks. Good luck to you with what you pursue. Fight the good fight in whatever forms we can, but remember – together we are stronger!

I like Bob Crow’s quote: “If you fight you won’t always win. But if you don’t fight you will always lose.”

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 14, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

But if you fight for something you no longer believe in, you are an idiot.

People can honourably leave political parties if they feel that their views and the party views have diverged. It is not the fault of either side, just a common reality.

I supported the Libdems in their principled stand against the Iraq war. But I realised that my views and theirs on the EU and ‘climate change’ were diametrically opposed. So I left without rancour, moved on and did not hate any of them. I do not have any time whatever for Jo Swinson and her unique brand of Illiberal Anti-Democracy where the EU referendum goes….

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jan 15, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Worrying thing about RLB is that she threw Chris Williamson under the metaphorical bus.

Jan 14, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  lundiel

No doubt people didn’t vote Labour because they weren’t pro EU ? We’ll see how we go on with the the neo-liberal/technocratic, imperial, anti-democratic, ultimately unaccountable, sovereignty-depleting federal state that is the Tory government.

Jan 14, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  GEOFF

It’s not only that. In the news tonight, for instance, more critism of social services and police under new Labour in Greater Manchester. People believe there was a softly, softly policy on Muslims and worse still, local government is still stuffed with new labourites.
Unfortunately, Corbyn also made the mistake of offering too much borrowing and spending, Johnson won the election without any policies. People bought into the Tory claims that Labour was a spendthrift party with “other people’s money.”
Worst of all, the majority of the party still believe in New Labour.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jan 15, 2020 8:04 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Are you suggesting a majority of the rank-and-file membership still believes in New Labour? Under NL, the party lost half its membership and five million votes. Its membership surged when Corbyn’s leadership created the chance to break with NL.

Or perhaps you mean a majority of the PLP still believe in New Labour. This would suggest they are self-serving careerists, not ‘representatives’ of their electors.

Jan 15, 2020 8:14 AM

The latter. However, Labour party members in the south/south west/home counties and shires of England are probably overwhelmingly “centrists”, while the midlands is home to the right and the north old Labour. So I wouldn’t place too much emphasis on the returners, of whom I was one, only to depart again over policy on the EU, compounded by my views on Labour accepting the IHRA definition on anti-Semitism. And as I believe Starmer will win the leadership, I won’t ever be rejoining.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 14, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Come om lundiel-obviously you, like us all, were always ‘antisemitic’. From birth, in utero, and ever since the dawn of time. Can’t you see it?

Jan 14, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

It’s a valid point , but I think we had the one and only chance, we lost, I see it ever happen again, hope I’m wrong.

Ieuan Einion
Ieuan Einion
Jan 14, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

In the short term you are right – certainly until April 4th and possibly until after the 2020 Labour conference delegates have been selected after which time it should be abundantly clear whether the ruling class have managed to get their ball back. In the event that they do all socialists should put their energy into building grassroots resistance as advocated by Chris Williamson, joining neighbourhood schemes, getting involved with trades councils, people’s assemblies, single-issue campaigns, stop the war/international solidarity/peace groups etc. In my opinion,there is no point in trying to build an alternative to the Labour Party this side of electoral reform; but the importance of building a broad-based extra-parliamentary movement including smaller left parties and the more radical sections of the Labour Party, including some MPs, is something that Corbyn understood (and he’s not going to stop doing it regardless) and without this, small gains inside the party machine were going to be meaningless anyway. It is in this extra-parliamentary milieu that one finds principled socialists, many of whom have been schooled in Marxism and can understand what is really happening (I include in this Tariq Ali, George Galloway, Lindsey German, Andrew Murray, Nick Wright and a number of current and former communists and many others, a lot of whom have already been kicked out of Labour, as I was myself). There will come a point at which it is evident whether socialists should stay and fight or put their energies elsewhere. That is not right now but it may come soon and will probably depend on whether we can stop the lemmings backing the man who was arguably most responsible for Labour’s mauling at the polls from becoming the next party leader.

Jan 14, 2020 6:27 PM
Reply to  Ieuan Einion

I completely agree.

Jan 14, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

In my opinion, I’m afraid the Labour Party has had it. These leadership candidates are all a complete joke, and will return the UK back to the pseudo democracy it had during the Blair years; ie, you can either vote for the blue torys or the red torys – it makes no difference; it’s a shame democracy totally controlled by big finance, like they have in America.

The only way the old Labour Party can ever come back is if they can somehow re-elect Corbyn, a politician who was by no means perfect but was half-way genuine and for a while was all we had.

By the way, I’m sure you are aware of Galloway’s Worker’s Party, which is due to be officially launched early next month.

People should be aware, whether you’re on the left or the right or wherever, that the total destruction of Corbyn is the death of democracy in the UK.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 14, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  RobG

By Thatcher’s own admission, the Labour Party has been Thatcher’s Labour Party since Blair took over. Corbyn was an unexpected blip – but he was soon dealt with. And when you see how moderate he was and yet how unacceptable to the vicious neoliberal order, you understand how fanatical this order has become. The destruction of all vestiges of the post WW2 compact will continue uninterrupted from now on – although we can expect an increasingly garish display of social concern that will have precisely fuck all effect other than to mollify the masses or at least distract them till the next assault on their sphincters.

Jan 14, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I totally agree with you, George; although I’ll have to put in that old caveat: a week is a long time in politics.

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 16, 2020 8:33 AM
Reply to  RobG

But you get the same week, week after week, year after year, yea until the very end-coming soon.

Jan 14, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Look at what’s been going on in France for the last year or so (actually, this latest wave of protests dates from January 2016 – four years ago). France has become the point of resistance against the neo-cons, and it continues into 2020.

It’s not over until a certain lady sings (in this instance, Marianne).

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 14, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  RobG

You have to hand it to the French. THEY don’t mess about! And how ironic that they are usually portrayed as “effete” – by the Americans and the British i.e. two of the most effete nations on Earth (if you look past their big shiny WMDs which they are happy to shoot from a distance.)

richard le sarc
richard le sarc
Jan 16, 2020 8:32 AM
Reply to  RobG

‘Democracy’ in the UK was moribund, but the Corbyn lynching certainly killed it stone dead. You are living in a kosher kakistocracy, now.

Jan 14, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  Tallis Marsh

Red Star Radio is well worth a listen.

It’s a channel that’s only just started on YouTube (and how long YouTube will allow it to remain is anyone’s guess).

The former high level civil servant who runs Red Star Radio has a very good take on it all.

You can contrast this with Galloway’s show over on Sputnik Radio.

Either way, both Red Star and Galloway are the only real left still broadcasting from Britain.

Ieuan Einion
Ieuan Einion
Jan 14, 2020 2:48 PM

On the subject of dirty tricks try this URL in your browser. The outcome is astonishing. It won’t harm your computer BTW.


Jan 14, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Ieuan Einion

Wow. Like anyone’s actually going to vote for Nandy, or rent-a-gob for that matter. They just want good jobs in Starmer’s shadow cabinet.

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Jan 14, 2020 2:09 PM

Do you have any idea what the countries of origin might be? I run my own web server and use a Draytek firewall that allows you to exclude requests by country. I was quite surprised by the logs which show the firewall blocks 1 million requests originating from Iran every week.

Jan 14, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Simon Hodges

Is the country of origin real? I often use Germany or Holland while in the UK.

Simon Hodges
Simon Hodges
Jan 14, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  lundiel

It wouldn’t be coming from individuals through proxies but botnets of hundreds or thousands of compromised computers where the owners don’t even know its happening.

Jan 14, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Simon Hodges
