Rest in Peace, Terry Jones
A Tribute to one of the men who taught me how to think
Kit Knightly

I never met Terry Jones, but I would rather have liked to. The complexities of life brushed me close to his orbit a couple of times – a friend worked with him once, and I know my fellow OffG editor Catte corresponded with him briefly. But I never did.
He was a bit of a hero of mine.
Not for his comedy, or his children’s books, or his films – though I did love them all – but for all the things that came after, and the important lessons I learned from his work.
The other obituaries of the man will likely focus on his entertainment career, and that’s only fair. As a member of Monty Python – the comedy equivalent of The Beatles – he is likely one of the most quoted pop culture figures of the 20th century.
Yes, Python will be well eulogised, and Labyrinth secures his cult status in the hearts of thousands of 80s kids. But there was more to him than that.
To me, as a teenager whose political “awakening” was the wake of 9/11 and the run-up to the Iraq war, Terry Jones was an example of a man who could have just retired to the country if he wanted, but instead chose to take on the establishment and speak truth to power.
That was, and is, very admirable.
I vividly remember two columns of his I read when I was in college – back then he was writing in The Observer (this was when that paper had a little bite to it). Fortunately, I was able to find them in the archives:
His column, I’m losing patience with my neighbours, Mr Bush attacking Bush’s case for bombing Iraq, was an important pricking of the growing media bubble.
His later column, Let Them Eat Bombs, highlighting the suffering of children in Iraq, introduced me to Albright’s infamous “it was worth it” quote.
Another, more recent, article of his – War drums are beating for Iran. But who’s playing them? – combined both his political and historical interests, comparing the push for war with Iran to the wars-for-profit of Medieval Italy:
since those who made money out of the business of war naturally wished to go on making money out of it, warfare had no foreseeable end.”
Through his work merging contemporary politics and historical research, Jones was someone who could teach you to think critically. This was his influence on me, at least. And why he is in my small, personal Pantheon (we all have them).
His book, Who Murdered Chaucer, for example, is a lot more than look at one of the great unsolved medieval mysteries, it’s an exercise in knocking down assumptions, rethinking accepted narratives and questioning mythologies. It tackles the idea that Richard II was a “bad king”, and lays his bad reputation at the feet of his reluctance to wage (profitable) war, and post hoc Lancastrian propaganda.
This rejection of myth was all through his work on history. I would recommend everyone watch his documentary series The Crusades and Barbarians (about the enemies of ancient Rome). Both deconstruct the narratives of Imperialism, with subtle nods to the modern American Empire.
In refusing to partition then from now, Jones was able to illuminate both.
Medieval rulers and ancient empires were no strangers to manipulation and disinformation, he tells us. And, likewise, the motivations of our current rulers are no different from Caesar, Napoleon or the conquistadors.
Greed and conquest aren’t relics confined to museums, nor was propaganda invented in the 20th century.
In the last episode of his Medieval Lives series, Jones says:
History is not necessarily “what happened”, it’s very often what somebody wants us to think happened. So I suppose we shouldn’t believe everything we’re told.
That “history” can mean 10,000 years ago, or just last week. A quote of subtle, nuanced and critical thought. We don’t hear much of that these days.
Terry Jones was an author, a director, a comedian, an actor, a historian and a decent human being. But most importantly he was a free and independent thinker. They are truly quite rare.
He will be missed.
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My favorite Terry Jones bit: the man who claimed he could put bricks to sleep.
{Hands him a brick.] “Can you put it to sleep?”
“Why not?”
“This one is already asleep.”
I thought WE were the Judean People’s Front?
There’s still some great British comedians around, but, since Monty Python, it seems to have lost the edge it had. No one but the Brits could make a movie with a character in it called “Biggus Dickus”
There’s still some great British comedians around,
i am german
and you are wrong swine….
the british do not exist now
barbera lerner spector already
The first lesson of adult life is that ‘history is written by the winners’.
That is very different from saying that historical fact is documented by those who found out the truth.
The death of Jones is to be sadly mourned. Along with the rest of the Pythons he was a genuine comedic innovator. Much of the influence for Jones, Palin, Chapman, Cleese and Idle, and not forgetting the gorgeous Carol Cleveland, (or should it be Cleavage!?) was in the tradition of radio comedy like the Goon Show. There were particular python episodes which had me rolling about on the floor having first fallen off the settee laughing. The sketches I had in mind were ‘Hell’s Grannies’ the Gay Squaddies ‘camp it up’ being drilled and Jones, and Palin as Mafia informers Dino and Luigi, attempting the Colonel (Chapman) to enforce protection money on a military base. ‘How many tanks have you got here colonel? Wouldn’t want one of your tanks to get broke would we?
Those sort of innovations only happen rarely, fortunately they are still available. Terry Jones will be sadly missed.
“Two decades ago I picked up an in-house magazine for the arms industry. Its editorial was headed “Thank God For Saddam”. It explained that, since the collapse of communism and end of the cold war, the order books of the arms industry had been empty. But now there was a new enemy, the industry could look forward to a bonanza. The invasion of Iraq was built around a lie: Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, but the defence industry needed an enemy, and the politicians duly supplied one.
And now the same war drums, encouraged by the storming of the British embassy last week, are beating for an attack on Iran” – written by Mr Jones in 2011 I see from Kits link.
Thanks for the history lesson, Terry: apart from setting the comedy bar at new heights you were also part of what is probably a dwindling band of observers who refuse to be taken in by the bullshit industry.
On ‘independent thinking’
Caitlin’s spot on>>>
A sad day for naughty boys. One of those clever sheep that the establishment so despise. RIP Terry.
…And naughty girls too (can we say that ed?)
On the 70th anniversary of Orwell’s death as well, while news speak still stalks the globe.
I’m not an eloquent man, so I have little to say about the passing of the most excellent Mr. Jones.
I just wanted to note your wonderful word play, “newspeak/news speak”. It is spot-on!
A sad day. Will re-watch all the Monty Python DVDs. Michael Palin must be devastated.
I did meet him a few times.
His dementia was really sad, but he faced it bravely.
Mostly the death of Terry Jones was the death of comedy/satire.
It’s all gawn in the whacko/fascist world we now live in.
What an awful thing for Albright to have said. I sounds like something that could have a come from a brutal Israeli.
It did.
Most of those neo-con scum are dual nationals.
It doesn’t seem indicated that she’s dual national. Wikipedia says her parents were Jewish but converted to Catholicism in 1941 (when she would have been 4) and then later when she married, she became Episcopalian. Supposedly, she had no idea of her Jewish heritage until she was 59. I had no idea she was Czech (but then I don’t know much of her except the infamous quote above). She sounds a truly awful human being. It seems she and her co-conspirators engineered, in bullying style, for Boutros Boutros-Ghali to be the only UN Secretary General to be denied a second term and used the same kind of behaviour to ensure Kofi Annan taking the role.
Does anyone think there’s any chance that the failed raid was staged? Any chance at all? Before I post my comment I’ll have a little look and come back.
OK, a little look turns up nothing conclusive (to me, at least), however, the description of the raid in Wikipedia seems awfully convoluted and to a person who has zero military understanding it does seem rather unbelievably incompetent. Perhaps a more military-minded person can shed some light? I see no convincing images but then we may not expect them anyway.
I wondered if warlord Aidid who obstructed BBG’s efforts to bring peace in Somalia might have been a CIA agent – I mean, what are the odds? So I googled and, one person, at least, is claiming so.
One thing I do feel sure about is the 2017 bombing of Mogadishu – that was clearly staged.
Some further research persuades me that the Battle of Mogadishu was staged.
When I saw this sentence in Wikipedia, little bells went off:
Aha! Was this the same kind of dust that worked its magic as the twin towers came down making Ground Zero look like a warzone and the same kind of dust that conveniently covers the staging of death in the faked Collateral Murder video.
Well, there’s an awful lot of dust in the footage we’re shown of this battle and we do have to wonder why quite so much. The subtitles tell us that the soldiers are “fast roping” down from the Black Hawk but is it soldiers we see as we peer through the thick haze or dummies? Could be anything at all. Nothing in the video provides evidence of the convoluted story they tell us in Wikipedia.
Then there’s Black Hawk pilot, Michael J. Durant. Michael’s femur and back were broken but he recovered and got back into ice hockey.
We’re left with the puzzling question of why “they left it alone”. Why did they leave it alone – if it was too risky to do something or futile why not provide that information. Nothing about his appearance suggests that his back is deformed.
Then there’s Navy SEAL, Howard Wasdin.
Incomprehensible pronunciation and alien-seeming words are signs of fakery and Howard generously provides us with two. His leg was hanging on by threads of flesh but is working absolutely fine now? Pull the other one.
The reporter states how Howard helped a Somalian boy who had a similar injury although he had lost his leg and asks Howard to elaborate.
I found him by smelling the necrotic tissue. Seriously.
Allbright moved heaven and earth to reclaim paintings and family property lost in the 1930s.
Pity the same can’t be done for the Palestinians.
Too true. What a thoroughly despicable person she is.
Hey, I just found this: In 2018, she published a book, Fascism: A Warning
So depressing that of 1,049 reviews on Amazon (you need to buy now before you’re allowed to review) 86% give it 5 stars. What hope is there?
TOTAL restitution for the Jews-ZERO, indeed a minus, restitution for the Palestinians. Western Moral Values.
The stooge goys in the State Department are now strong arming Poland into ponying up another $300 billion for kosher “reparations.” Leeching off Germany, Switzerland, France, and America isn’t enough for them.
It’s right up there with Hillary Clinton’s “We came, we saw, he died!”
She is a brutal Zionist!
Being a “brutal Zionist” is a prerequisite for getting an influential post in the USA Government hierarchy…
And it is more or less tautologous.
The form of satire in I’m losing patience with my neighbours, Mr Bush, is pretty much identical to that of A Modest Proposal.
From an article on the late New Zealand satirist, John Clarke:
Irish writers also contributed to Clarke’s development as a satirist. ‘There was a course at uni about writing style and one of the first things we read was ‘A Modest Proposal’ by Jonathan Swift. Apparently, he was secretly writing something to people with whom he’d had an argument over dinner.’ Swift’s straight-faced parody, ‘A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People From Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick’, uses formal language and conventional rhetoric to argue for a proposal that the reader soon realises is barbaric and indefensible. In other words, the reader or listener, participates in the argument and eventually comes down on the side against the writer or narrator: a rhetorical method that was key to Clarke’s comedy. From that moment in the University of Wellington circa 1969, Swift’s eighteenth-century essay became a model for the John Clarke’s twenty-first-century style satire.
‘With anything satirical,’ said John, ‘if you say the mayor of my town is corrupt and here is the evidence – and you point at the mayor – it gets rhetorical and boring and a bit sanctimonious and often not effective. And if you’re not careful you can become the pompous prick you’re trying to counter. So an early instinct in anybody with a satirical impulse is that, rather than do that, you play that person and pull the roof in on yourself. And ‘A Modest Proposal’ is the paradigm example. To be the person you’re up against; run his argument and have it not work. There was something so loudly subversive about it; this was subversion with a loud hailer. A brilliant piece of writing.’
the man was scum he hated the human race
a hollowed out spent mined soul
like whorish churchill before
for sale to the highest bidder
he gave us nothing but divide conquer cheap easy lies
most certainly an anal deviant of the most rancid kind
a talmoodick ex shop keeper of terror destruction a real killer
a believer in the frankfurt school of tavistock programming
with a sick twisted slavish devotion to israel
he did not believe in society
he took my milk away when i was a kid
i needed that milk dammit
yes sir margaret thatcher
i hated that guy
Sorry this has nothing to do with the article. I wanted to send a donation to Off Guardian and sent an email to the ”contact@” etc. email address given on the site asking if I could pay a donation in GBP by cheque and if so, where I could send it to. I got no reply. Are patreon and paypal the only options?
Many of the comments here have nothing to do with the article.
You might find, like I did, that Paypal was making these tiny deductions from my bank account, without my consent, for “a security check”. Trust Paypal? Hell no!
Thanks for the info!
I’m old enough to remember the infamous “Life of Brian” confrontation between John Cleese and Michael Palin and two religious knobs: broadcaster Malcolm Muggeridge, and Bishop Mervyn Stockwood. I’ll never forget this exchange:
There’s another one which I don’t recall but it’s worth highlighting:
More here:,_Saturday_Morning#Monty_Python's_Life_of_Brian
I can never think of Muggeridge without recalling the important part he played in setting the stage of the Holodomor myth. It was his reporting on the famine in Ukraine, for The Times (?) that started the nonsense that the Soviet Union had deliberately used the famine to commit genocide.
In his later years he certainly took refuge in Christianity but he never learned to repent.
And Muggeridge was the one responsible for dumping Mother Theresa on us (the “ghoul of Calcutta” according to Christopher Hitchens – who described Muggeridge as that old “fraud and mountebank”). It seems that whilst Muggy was filming n the darkened recess of MT’s mission place, the film came up much brighter than expected, Muggy declared it “ a miracle” and from then on MT truly was the daughter of gawd! I remember a televised speech by the newly appointed divinity where she said there should be no contraception and the crowd cheer her to the skies.
I didn’t know about the Muggy/Holodomor connection but I have heard that director Billie Wilder had a hand in the initial reporting of the Holocaust.
check out muggeridge book if you can find it?
winter in moscow
many copies have been burnt buried for anti semititick reasons
any old books labelled that should be hunted dowm
When did they invite that ‘Holomodor’ nomenclature, so close to the Holy ‘ Holocaust’ that they must sit together in the Dictionary of Genocides? Which PR group thought that up?
I believe that the entire thing -inspired by Jo Goebbels- was concocted, at vast expense at Harvard University. Which, as they say in the States, figures. doesn’t it?
I remember a docu in which the Monty Python team members reminiscenced about the “Life of Brian” in North Africa on the ruins of their old set. They said that today (10 years ago?) they couldn’t be so critical of the Christian Church or Palestine / Israel anymore. Tolerance has regressed even in the West.
I’ll tell you the reason: oil fueled Wahhabism.
Let the denying begin, 1,2,3….
Tolerance has regressed *even* in the West?
1979: “Life of Brian”
2007 docu: “the Secret Life of Brian” : 52:00 minutes close to the end: to make a satire on a mayor (ME religion) today would be very risky…
Yes I know that tolerance HAS regressed in the West. I’m just commenting on that “even”
Brilliant. “The Life f Brian” helped me to free myself from the Catholic Church, and Religion generally. It us utterly illogical and completely unverifiable…….but, we’re told we have to believe it, to be “saved”…..Ridiculous rubbish. It is a method of Control of the people.
“YouTube” search, George Carlin….”Religion is Bullshit”
You do mean Judaism, don’ t you. Wahhabism is a form of Judaism, and Christianity is not.
The very Wahhabists who British imperialism ushered into power in the Arabian peninsula following World War 1.
Yes. Harry St John Bridger Philby, CIE (3 April 1885 – 30 September 1960), also known as Jack Philby or Sheikh Abdullah was involved in that too: the Anglo Arab oil dollar protection pact, still valid today. Hence Islamophobia -> silence any criticism of Islam in the West.
I fail to see any “silenced” criticism. I see oceans of anti-Muslim invective rivalled only by the oceans of complaints about how you can’t have any anti-Muslim invective.
Where on this planet?
Precisely what planet are you residing upon, Ant?
Everywhere Ant. For example, I was having a look at the Right Reverend Divinity Gavin Ashenden’s pronouncement on the issue and he was clear that we should not be afraid to offend Muslims by insisting that they apologise for their “anti-Semitism” while also telling us (encouragingly) that criticism of Israel was “not unreasonable” – thus fudging with a double negative for fear of offending those awfully nice Israelis.
edited by Admin for typo
The most luridly insane lie confected by the Zionists and Judeofascists is the one that posits that Islamophobia does not exist, despite the tsunami of hatred for Moslems in the West (much financed by Zionists and Judeofascists)while ‘ antisemitism’ is EVERYWHERE. Pure chutzpah. You’ re not Melanie Phillips are you, Ant?
There is a “global pandemic” of anti Semitism.
But don’t worry, Tony Blair and his Jewish billionaire mates are going to sort it all out.
Nobody excepts the Spanish Inquisition.
Sorry, I’ll do that again.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
I believe it to be common knowledge that Muggeridge was a spook from his war time days.
Weirdly the TV interview which led to a ban of Life of Brian, by some councils – also encouraged many to go seek out the film. Is it still banned in Ireland?
I saw it several times and most of us youth had every line down pat – including real tears of mirth for the biggus dickus scene.
It also had the greatest funny man of their previous generation and a personal favourite of mine, in a cameo role – Spike Milligan – as a hermit mute until driven to finally scream in rage ! Classic.
What with the bartering scene and the passing space aliens (a nod to starwars and close encounters) it will be one of the films for ones own end of days – gotta laugh!
Both the Terry’s of Python became genius filmakers and represent starkly what is missing from our media scene nowdays the independent minded critical funny polymath anti-establishmentarians.
Cheers Terry and others like him for an enduring ouvre of creativity which helps keep me sane in the ever maddening daily sell-outs and Mountebanks that inhabit our media of today msm and alt.
One of my favourite scenes from Life Of Brian is the array of preachers which varies from a fire-and-brimstone guy to a polite liberal type who seems to be making it up as he goes along.
I’m intrigued about the Muggeridge-as-spook story but can find very little on it. But on that theme, and to bring up a topic I mentioned before on Off-G, I was intrigued by a quote at the start of William P Blatty’s “Exorcist”:
This is attributed to one Dr. Tom Dooley. It turns out that Dooley was a young American doctor fighting “the good fight” against godless communism in Viet Nam who had secretly been hired as a CIA intelligence operative. The quote from The Exorcist almost certainly comes from Dooley’s book “Deliver Us From Evil” which, thanks to the enthusiastic support from various propaganda organs such as The Readers’ Digest, became a huge seller and helped to manufacture the approved Biblical Good vs Evil image of Viet Nam. You can get this info from Wiki and also from “The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America”.
There is an ironic epilogue to this. It appears that Dooley was not only gay but quite a big celebrity on the gay underground (as it had to be in those days). When his paymasters found out about this they speedily lost interest. And he effectively disappeared. But that was OK. He’d done his job.
When I originally posted this info, one K Oncreat said:
Interesting that Mother Theresa came up again there. The Blatty book was one of the main kick-starters for that Biblical end times/demonic possession fixation in recent American movies.
I do wonder how much of this religious obscurantism and Biblical hysteria mongering is being deliberately fostered by intelligence agencies.
‘Going as far back as 1945, George Orwell no less became a war correspondent for the Observer — probably as a cover for intelligence work. Significantly most of the men he met in Paris on his assignment, Freddie Ayer, Malcolm Muggeridge, Ernest Hemingwaywere either working for the intelligence services or had close links to them.’
Muggeridge is also known for his interrogation of PG Wodehouse post war that stopped the possibility of the comic novelist being tried and hung for treason like ‘Haw Haw’. A pretty good play on TV and radio a few years ago.
Dooley was figure revered on the US right, the John Birchers etc like Hillary Clinton were brought up on stories about the jerk.
Yes indeed, endlessly quotable film, ‘ranks higher than any in Rome’ and all that.
Whenever I hear of Muggerridge I am reminded of the early Adrian Mole books (the good ones) because the schoolboy diarist aspired to be an intellectual ‘like Malcolm Muggeridge’!
Jones knew his mediaeval history and Chaucer too (his book Chaucer’s Knight I was impressed by).
I hadn’t heard the Adrian Mole quote before. I didn’t know Sue Townsend was so witty. It reminds me of that wonderful line form the spoof movie “Top Secret”:
“I was exposed to the works of great thinkers – Karl Marx, Lenin, L. Ron Hubbard, Freddie Laker. “
Very good. And in the same vein when Alan Partridge is asked to name a philosopher he say ‘Peter Ustinov’.
I did like how Jones explained that Brian wasn’t blasphemy, but was heretical.
It takes a great deal of vanity to assume that Life of Brian was about Jesus Christ.
Muggeridge and his sidekick had it spades.
Probably vain enough to claim to speak on behalf of Jesus himself.
In Roman Times there must have been countless New Messiahs mainly against Roman occupation.
As John Cleese said ( and thanks to Terry Jones et al there are many great phrases ) when Brian asked him – ” How do you know I’m the Messiah ?”
” I should know – I’ve followed a few!”
Gourd followers or sandal followers?
Very subtle stuff and I’ll hazard a guess that any politics in the Python history is from Terry Jones and Michael Palin.
Terry’s, Harry (Snapper ) Organs of Scotland Yard talking about The Piranah Brothers arrests was classic:
” We done ‘im up a treat” said the policeman aping the language of the criminal class and The News of the World.
My all time Terry favourite lady is in the sketch involving ” Boshalism ” in the Minehead area.
He answers the door as the landlady of the Guest House to the boring Brummie couple:
She (Terry ) says ” I’m sorry I didn’t answer the door sooner – I was putting a bit of lard on the cat’s boil.
That and the Naughty Hungarian phrasebook : ” My Hovercraft is full of eels ”
are my two favourite phrases.
” Is it still banned in Ireland?”I’m pretty certain that I saw it there, in a cinema in about 1980. Is that possible?
I believe it was unbanned in the late 80’s in Eire. Maybe if it had been shown in NI when released it may have calmed the Troubles earlier.
Some great trivia here
Don’t know which is my favourite- probably this:
‘After the first take of the scene where a nude Brian addresses the crowd from his window, Terry Jones pulled Graham Chapman aside and said, “I think we can see that you’re not Jewish,” referring to Chapman being uncircumcised. It was corrected in subsequent takes with a rubber band.’
I recommend reading all of these – most i never knew.
Thanks for the link.
I must have been mixed up: Ireland under Charlie Haughey, with Thatcher and her thugs just over the border, was like an elongated Python sketch. One never shown because it wasn’t very funny.
What da Hoily Farders and the Liddle Sisters of da Lord were up to, wid da kiddies, was no laughing matter.
Malcolm Gibberidge muscled in as a talking head on every talk show for years, along with his mates like Mary Whitehouse. His pedantic pontificating was inflicted on millions for years.
Muggeridge was known at the beeb as ‘Pouncer’ – Mary must have been flattered!
What a brilliant satirist – and educative at the same time. I’m losing patience with my neighbours, Mr Bush is truly wonderful.
No truer words spoken and a great example beyond those provided by Terry Jones is Gloria Moss’s article on the Great Fire of London – Cui Bono –
We can only wonder how current events sold falsely to us today will go down in history. Will 9/11 go down as the work of 19 terrorists, a false flag where 3,000 were killed and 6,000 injured or as the reality: a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising multiple smaller exercises and drills where the only physical realities of the day were damage to and destruction of buildings and where the plane crashes were faked and death and injury were staged.
Cripes what a loonbag.
You will find the evidence for 9/11 effectively being a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as real here, Boot Hill:
If you have any argument against that evidence or if you have evidence that supports it being the work of 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters or a false flag where 3,000 died and 6,000 were injured please let me know what it is.
Rest in Peace Terry Jones. You will be sorely missed.
A very wise man:
“History is not necessarily “what happened”, it’s very often what somebody wants us to think happened. So I suppose we shouldn’t believe everything we’re told.”
Very true. How can one learn the lessons of history as Sartre says if its been constantly altered, ingested by the state and served as a big heaping helping of propaganda?
How interesting that Sartre said that.
It helps, Gall, when you learn some basic facts of how they dupe us:
They profile us and target us with their propaganda accordingly. Sometimes, it’s just the same piece of propaganda that they know will be met with different reactions by the profiled groups: left/right with variations, wealth and class, the various ethnicities and religions, ages, etc. The different reactions can lead to disharmony between groups which is always the aim: divide and conquer.
Other times they actually stream out different pieces of propaganda knowing that people whose profile is “accepting what they’re told” will be completely blind to the other streams and that within the profiles of those who are skeptical they may stream differently to them too, eg, rabid anti-Zionists (not criticising anti-Zionism at all – I’m anti-Zionist myself, but when you’re rabid anything you’re an easier target to propagandise). They will also, so very generously, target the gatekeepers to make their job of being blind to the actual truth that much easier – for 9/11 we had the “Let It Happen On Purpose” campaign so that gatekeepers such as John Pilger can get all irate about government negligence to the point of collusion while steadfastly being blind to the very obvious fact that it wasn’t a LIHOP in any shape or form but a Make It Happen On Purpose (MIHOP) affair. They’re so very good at feeding you stuff that fits your world view but while sometimes what they feed you may be the truth, often it is truth mixed with lies or it is so distorted that it completely leads you astray, while so plausibly fitting your world view.
There is no better exemplar of this different streaming than 9/11. There is a propaganda campaign for the accepters of information from the media and completely different propaganda targeted at those who don’t. Because the collapses of the buildings and the plane crashes so obviously broke the laws of Newtonian physics they had to have a special propaganda campaign in place to stop those recognising this Emperor’s-New-Clothes affair from getting out the truth. Despite the streams being so radically different they had one very important thing in common: make all profiles believe that, tragically, 3,000 people died and 6,000 people were injured on the fateful day. Ironically, as part of the non-masses-directed propaganda they have pushed out a major truth, controlled demolition, in such a way as to smother the lie of death and injury. So clever!
There are two clear characteristics of their major lies – I cannot say it applies to all lies but it certainly applies to very, very many.
— Obvious signs that they are a lie – to note just a few: contradictions in the story, things that don’t add up, lack of explanation of things that need explaining, inappropriate register and tone and poor expression, grammar and spelling and the actual truth. (Of course, these things may happen genuinely but when they insert these signs deliberately they are much more exaggerated than when they occur naturally and can easily be identified, especially as they usually insert quite a reasonable number.)
— Complete absence of anything that supports the reality of the lie. The perps are scrupulous in not faking things so well that a believer of their story can brandish anything put forward that favours its reality over its fakery.
Supposedly, they tell us the truth in this oblique manner as justification for lying to us. They reason that by telling us, they push the onus on us to call them out and if we don’t then they are absolved of responsibility and will be spared karmic repercussions. Who knows if this is really the reason but regardless it is very clear they insert deliberate signs of lying into their lies.
So we can, in fact, go back in history and see that what we’ve been told is not true by looking for the signs they always give us. 9/11, Pearl Harbour, the 1980 Bologna Station bombing were all bombings of evacuated areas and all the signs are there to tell us … and they certainly haven’t been the only ones. Gloria Moss has also shown that the Great Fire of London story is not what we’ve been told either … and, of course, Terry Jones has revised the history we’ve received too.
And what about the Great Fire of London – did anybody die in that? Please consult the runes and dispense your tremendous insights!
I have my doubts, Vivian, I have my doubts. If the fire was, as convincingly indicated by Gloria Moss, at the instigation of Charles II, then we can only infer that Thomas Farriner, whose bakery was allegedly where the fire started, played a role and thus the description of his and his family’s narrow escape “through a window and over the roof” is a fabrication. We are told, sadly, the maid didn’t make it because she was “too fearful to follow”. So if the story was a fabrication then the maid was not one of the six people who allegedly died. You can read about the others who allegedly died below. I have to say I did have a little chortle reading it (perhaps I’m just too cynical) but you may well find the story about the others convincing.
I don’t consult runes, Vivian, I look at the visual evidence and analyse what we’re told because they always give us the clues of their lying in what they tell us – which sometimes includes discrepancy between what we’re told and what we’re shown.
What does puzzle me is why people are so attached to the idea that in the stories told to us the one true thing in the story is that people died when they don’t believe any other part of the story.
What people do:
They call events psychological operations and yet they think within those psychological operations (these are operations to make us believe things that didn’t happen did, right?) large numbers of people were killed.
I simply do not understand it, Vivian. Perhaps you can explain.
Do you believe that 9/11 was a psyop?
Do you believe that 3,000 people were killed and 6,000 were injured on 9/11?
Why do you believe that and how do you reconcile psyop (if, indeed, you think it was a psyop) with such a large toll?
Just to add, I can’t help seeing the resemblances between the Great Fire and 9/11, there’s just so many. One is the people who died post the fire just as we’re told about all those people dying from the toxic dust post 9/11. As the evidence shows there was dust planted in the buildings that performed various functions we can only infer it was of a benign nature and that the death and dying from toxic dust is made up just like the rest of the 9/11 story.
We’re told by Wikipedia about James Shirley, the playwright, as follows:
The page from the Londonist above says, however:
It’s amazing how you get quite different versions of the story just as you do for other staged events. It’s simply amazing.
Shirley was in with the king it seems and if so few died – warning is indicated – why would Shirley be dying of fright? Perhaps he needed to escape some creditors or had other reasons to disappear so perhaps the king pretended he’d died and he was shipped off somewhere? And why would seemingly only Shirley suffer dying from fright and exposure?
Just to add once more. It seems they “curated” history at the time but they’re still curating it! It is constantly curated as we’re still getting the different versions of the story which contradict each other and, in some cases, don’t add up of themselves. You’d think they would straighten things out by now. Surely, the curation of the different versions and the not quite adding up must be constantly maintained.
If James Shirley, the playwright, died on October 29th how would he have died with “fright” (presumably a heart attack?) as stated in Wikipedia (but not in the Londonist)? The fire only went from Sep 2 to Sep 6. And we have to wonder about dying from exposure. Such an eminent person found no shelter for almost two months?
But perhaps, Vivian, you possess insights that can explain these puzzlements?
Terry and with him Monty Python are one of the real reasons the Universe came about. All to allow him and his accomplices in humor and wit to create the most formidable ways to make another being laugh and think. And laugh more and think more.
I am honored to have shared the planet with You for over 50 years. It’s clear by now that the ‘other side’ has all the goodies now. It’ll be non-physical jamming with all the others that went before. They’re going to do new episodes on the other side, soon.
Thank You from the greatest depth of my heart. And my thoughts to all whom he loved and who loved him. May there be the greatest celebration of the life of one of the greatest Human Beings and Artists ever to grace the Isle.
Terry was a very naughty boy.
Especially when he “chundered” on the cleaning lady in the restaurant……
He’s not the Messiah … he’s a very naughty boy.
I hope they carve that on his head-stone! God Bless and Thank You, Terry. RIP.