Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Believer in Biological Sex?
How the left shares the blame for neo-McCarthyism
Bruce Lesnick

In the 1940s and 50s, advocating Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism could get you fired from your job, blacklisted, deplatformed and even imprisoned. Though communists and socialists were instrumental in the struggles of the 1930s and 40s that built the industrial labor movement in the U.S., by the late 1940s those radical ideas were vilified and virtually outlawed.
Communism was purposely conflated with the crimes of Stalin. Communists and socialists were driven out of the unions. A layer of union bureaucrats that supported the witch-hunt was promoted. For fear of reprisals, many radicals kept quiet and self-censored. Some “recanted” socialist beliefs. Some fingered others to save themselves.
The poison unleashed by that witch-hunt dealt a body blow to the labor movement and its devastating effects are felt to this day. It’s no coincidence that the U.S. is the only major capitalist country with no independent labor party, no universal healthcare, no federally mandated vacation and no parental leave.
After a time, the leader of the anti-communist witch-hunt, Joseph McCarthy, was discredited and the formal apparatus for pursuing the campaign was dismantled. But the damage had already been done.
Moreover, McCarthyism was so effective in house-breaking the labor movement that the tool would never be permanently abandoned by the powers that be. It was merely set aside, to be resurrected again once the need arose and memory of its corrosive cost faded.
Two key features of McCarthyism are thought control and guilt-by-association. Certain ideas are ruled out of bounds. Anyone who defends the censored ideas or questions the censorship regime itself is harshly dealt with.
Anyone defending or associating with someone accused of running afoul of the thought police is dealt with just has harshly. The net result is generalized fear, self-censorship and compliance.
Fast forward to 2016. The Democratic Party manipulated its own presidential primary process to ensure that neoliberal warmonger and Wall Street servant Hillary Clinton ran against odious billionaire Donald Trump. And the Democrats lost!
Rather than engage in any self-examination to determine why a career Democratic politician lost to a Republican gameshow host, the Democrats concocted the Russiagate conspiracy.
Trump, we were told, colluded with Russia to steal the election. The evidence for this was razor-thin, but anyone who questions the narrative is smeared as a Russian agent or Putin apologist. Anyone associated with or speaking in defense of someone smeared as a Russian collaborator is denounced and attacked as well. A new McCarthyism blossomed.
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s multi-year investigation into the affair concluded that “…the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government…” But the smears, evidence-free charges and witch-hunt associated with Russiagate persist to this day. Many on the liberal “left” – from Democracy Now! to the New York Times – bought into and continue to promote this baseless conspiracy.
Meanwhile, another McCarthyite witch-hunt has spread like wildfire. This one proclaims that people can be born into the “wrong” body and denounces anyone who questions this belief as a reactionary bigot. Sadly, in this case, the socialist, as well as the liberal left, has jumped onto the McCarthyite bandwagon.
Trans identified males are biological males who think of themselves as females. Trans identified females are biological females who think of themselves as males. No democratic-minded person questions the right of everyone, including transgender individuals, to their own beliefs, behaviors and lifestyle preferences, free from bigotry or discrimination.
But extreme transgender ideology goes a step further.
It demands not only support for the civil rights of trans people but insists that everyone must also embrace the beliefs of trans extremists.
Not only is the imposition of the belief of one group a violation of the democratic rights of others, this particular belief has negative implications for the rights of women, gays, lesbians and children:
- Under the guise of transgender inclusion, women’s right to sex-based spaces, sports teams and affirmative action programs are under attack.
- Gays and lesbians are accused of bigotry if they insist on choosing partners based on biological sex rather than gender.
- Minor children experiencing gender dysphoria are steered toward life-altering surgeries and hormone treatments, even though 80-90% of childhood gender dysphoria resolves itself naturally after puberty, and a many untreated, formerly dysphoric children grow up to be healthy gays and lesbians.
To question extreme trans ideology today is to be denounced, de-platformed, fired, face death threats and physical attack. As with all McCarthyite campaigns, thoughts which question the orthodoxy are ruled out of order. Anyone raising censored thoughts is persecuted and isolated.
In this way, facts and material reality are jettisoned. In this manner, those promoting extreme transgender ideology avoid having to make their case; they simply rule any contrary facts and opinions out of bounds. So, the following facts are deemed heretical, bigoted and in need of suppression:
- Sex and gender are not synonyms.
- Biological sex is objective and real, while gender is a subjective social construct.
- There is no such thing as a distinctly male or female brain.
- There are only two sexes because there are only two gametes. One sex (male) is optimized to produce small, mobile gametes. The other sex (female) is optimized to produce large, immobile gametes.
- 99.98% of all humans are unambiguously identifiable as male or female at birth.
- One can change their appearance, but no one can chemically or surgically change their biological sex.
- A tiny percentage of people are born with Disorders of Sexual Development (DSDs, or Intersex conditions.) The vast majority of intersex people are not transgender, and the vast majority of transgender people are not intersex.
- Homosexuality and transgenderism are not analogous. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation, but extreme trans ideology is based on the denial of biological sex.
- There are as many gender expressions as there are human individuals.
- Transwomen (i.e. trans identified males) are not literally female.
- Transmen (i.e., trans identified females) are not literally male.
- Transgender extremists do not speak for all trans people.
According to the largest socialist groups in the US – Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Socialist Alternative and the International Socialist Organization (ISO before it imploded) – accepting or even debating the above assertions cannot be allowed because that would somehow “deny the existence” of trans people.
The same holds for the British Labor Party (which currently has a trans-identified male as its Constituency Women’s Officer) and for many smaller socialist groups in the US and around the world.
Of course, those on the liberal “left,” like Democracy Now!, the ACLU, the Democratic Party and others, march in lockstep with extreme trans ideology and vigorously pile on anyone who might suggest that the emperor has no clothes.
A perfect example is provided by the February 1, 2020 meeting held at the Seattle Public Library entitled Fighting the New Misogyny: A Feminist Critique of Gender Identity which explored many of the above points.
The event was protested by trans activists who slanderously claimed the gathering was a “fundraising event for transphobic hate speakers,” and that “These speakers include professional anti-trans hate writer Meghan Murphy, and a WoLF [Women’s Liberation Front] board member.”
They continued:
We, as a city, must rally against this event to tell transphobic hate groups that they are not welcome here, that transphobia has no place in feminism, and that Seattle Public Library must make major changes to make our libraries safe for trans employees and patrons.
These same activists tried unsuccessfully to have the Library ban the event outright. If they had their way, the important ideas outlined above would be forever censored.
Unfortunately, among those opposing the meeting and siding with the McCarthyites was Socialist Alternative City Councilperson Kshama Sawant, whose office sent representatives to the anti-meeting protest.
Marxism, the philosophical underpinning for the socialist left, relies heavily on historical materialism. That is, the idea that there are tangible, physical reasons for what we observe in the development and interaction of societies and classes of people within those societies.
This makes it all the more astonishing when some socialists so thoroughly reject biology and material reality in their analysis of transgender ideology and its effect on other oppressed groups.
The left’s abdication on this issue – especially the misdirection of the socialist left – is a gift to the right, as it allows those on the right to pose as the sane ones. The socialist left bears particular responsibility because it presents itself as a collection of thoughtful, considered leaders.
All the more tragic, then, is the fact that this new McCarthyism, which disingenuously wraps itself in the mantle of “woke” leftism, could never have taken hold if the real left had spoken out clearly and forcefully from the start.
At this point, it remains to be seen whether the left will correct its error or be bypassed by the multitudes who will surely punish those who tried to gaslight them into rejecting material reality.
Bruce Lesnick is a long-time political activist, currently living in Washington state. You can read his blog here.
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Great post Bruce – spot on, except for a small detail…
“The same holds for the British Labor Party (which currently has a trans-identified male as its Constituency Women’s Officer)”
There are 600+ constituencies (CLPs) and I think currently there is no TIM Women’s Officer. Women’s Officers are party members elected by members of each CLP – voluntary role.
The Party itself does not have anyone currently in a paid job to promote women’s role in the party. Just when it’s REALLY needed.
Meanwhile the Party has pretyy much lost its marbles…
Almost all the candidates for Leader and Deputy leader of the party have signed up to the ‘Labour Campaign for Trans Rights’ Pledges, which include
“9. Organise and fight against transphobic organisations such as Woman’s Place UK, LGB Alliance and other trans-exclusionist hate groups. (they’re not transphobic)
10. Support the expulsion from the Labour Party of those who express bigoted, transphobic views.
(that means anyone who defends sex-based rights)”
But the issues are getting into the mainstream media a bit more recently. It’s been a long battle.
She was the first openly trans woman to hold the position of Constituency Women’s Officer, having been elected in November 2017 for the Labour Party in the constituency Rochester and Strood
It’s not a local problem to the USA and it’s even worse than described. Nobody is allowed even to choose (with certainty) a husband or a wife based on biological sex rather than so-called “gender” in the UK. The Gender Recognition Act makes it impossible to check the birth sex of a legally transitioned fiance or fiancee before entering into a marriage. This applies to those who would choose to marry a member of the opposite sex.
I know this, because I took the British government to court to try to stop this as long ago as 2005.
Stop gender fraud!
Er, excuse my ignorance Francis, but by making 2 comments containing precisely no words, are you in fact making a statement about this topic?
Something I’ve wanted to ask you for ages, tho it’s irrelevant to this site and topic. Just out of curiosity, but are you Francis Lee the footballer, Francis Lee the film director (God’s Own Country) or neither of the above.
Thanks for this article about the obvious bullying, silencing and hateful tactics used against people (mostly women) who dare to speak out against transgenderism. Have you heard of my case in Madison? It is relevant because I was a prominent leftist organizer and activist plus a singer/songwriter until trans activists took me out of the scene, and recently, one of them even incited violence against me at a local anti-war coalition meeting.
Here are two links to check out:
Some ideas are so absurd that the only rational response is mockery. So:
Come let us mock at the faux left
That had such oppressions on the mind
And toiled so hard and late
To create their totalitarianism
No thought of blowback.
Come let us mock the all-knowing
Who prove by logical fallacies
They are right and good and moral
And everyone else must be:
Apologies to W B Yeats
So, only when the madness spins completely out of control, do (some!) in the Establishment Left finally say, “Enough is enough!”
My craw got stuck on…
First, the idea that there are “facts”, and they are always knowable and settled, and that the credentialed, or merely the self-selected blowhards, possess them. Or at least that one is not conscious of major problems with those pretensions.
In other words — while clearly recognizing (physically obvious) biological sex, and seeing the madness of some of the “woke” — Lesnick still refuses to acknowledge that mind characteristics can have origins in the brain (and the rest of the body). For him, the jury has come back, the case is closed, and the science is settled. Out of sight, out of mind.
Maybe he needs to review the turbulence in psychiatry over the last half-century… Or, the simple fact that, for millenia, we have known that ingestion of substances (alchohol, drugs) causes changes in mental states; moreover, changes that no amount of self-discipline can undo.
This failure to acknowledge that there are, at least practically speaking, immutable mind characteristics (of all kinds) is at the heart of a lot of the Establishment Left’s out-of-control psychological manipulation.
The claim that male and female minds are different is central to the claims made by Trans Rights Activists, they claim that transwomen (for example) have female brains (or soles or essence or whatever, they’re not always clear about which) trapped in a male body. This is exactly why TRAs represent a deeply conservative and reactionary strand of thought and exactly why leftists like myself oppose them as reactionaries.
There is no solid evidence of there being any meaningful difference whatsoever between female and male brains. Traditionally it was said that male brains are larger, heavier and contain more grey matter, while women’s brains are smaller and contain more white (interconnective) matter, but these differences can be explained simply by body size, larger bodies require larger brains, tall women also have larger brains, smaller men have more white matter, meanwhile no difference has ever been found in performance like between male and female IQ levels. Gina Rippon is a leading neuroscientist writting on male and female differences in the brain.
Traditional socially conservative essentialism is no different from transgender ideology in that they both consider males/men and females/women to be psychologically different from conception, this is why very conservative countries like Iran facilitate state funding for transgender surgery, Iran performs the most transition surgeries after Thailand.
Gender Critical leftists like myself consider gender to be a social construct, but bodies are not, therefore from a gender critical perspective nobody can ever be born in the “wrong body” and if you happen to have been born with a male body but like playing with dolls, dressing up and flower arranging and don’t like football, then you should be free to do what you like without harrasment, but it simply does not make you a woman. Gender is bullshit, a set of signs and associations we learn and perform and which we should be free to use as each individual sees fit, but bodies are real and we shouldn’t mess with healthy flesh to make it conform to our ideas.
If everybody’s brain is the same then how do you explain differences in sexual preference, gay vs heterosexual? Are you saying that is also just a social construct?
There is no physical difference between gay and heterosexual brains, sexual orientation is brought about by a complex interaction of biology, psychological development and socialisation. There maybe some genetic or chromosomal factors that increase the likelyhood someone will be gay, but the pressence of these factors do not by themselves absolutely determine if someone is homosexual.
Gay men are not women in male bodies, lesbians aren’t men in female bodies. People with similiar brains can develop all sorts of different tastes, abilities or fetishes and orientations as a result of their individual development combined with socialisation.
You mention biology and genetic or chromosomal factors. That would indicate there are differences in the brain. (It has to be in the brain, where else?)
If not that would indicate it would be possible to “cure” somebody who is gay into heterosexual (or the other way around). It seems clear however that this is impossible, you can’t turn a gay person into heterosexual or the other way around, again indicating there are differences that go beyond “psychological development and socialization”.
People are born gay or hetero, isn’t this clear? You seem to suggest this is not true.
(I will agree that it’s a spectrum, and some people are in the middle of this spectrum, but for the very vast majority they are very clearly on one side or the other.)
Saying homosexuality is subject to psychology and socialisation doesn’t imply it’s possible to convert. The interactions of biology, psychology and socialisation are so complex and random it would not be possible to create or convert a homosexual. People make all sorts of personal associations as they grow and develop, you couldn’t for example create or convert even a shoe fetishist either, and fetishism is of a lower order of associations than orientations like homosexuality.
A shoe fetishist has at some point associated shoes with the object of desire and sexual excitement, but bringing up a child in a shoe shop won’t nessiserily give them such a fetish, they may equally find shoes utterly boring because they never made the same association at the same stage of development. Likewise you cannot cure a shoe fetishist once someone has become one, fetishes are a source of pleasure and satisfaction so why would anyone give that up?
There is also a problem with the terminology of “homosexuality” because it inherantly implies an exclusive identity that has not always existed, homoeroticism has always existed but homoeroticism is wider than homosexuality, there are people who can be aroused by homoerotic elements who aren’t homosexual, strongly heterosexual identified men in prison for example or ancient Greeks. Therefore I’d suggest that hetero and homo orientations are not exclusively different types but a bi continuum upon which various factors act to arrive at a preference which once arrived at cannot be changed, the very catagories of hetero and homo then impose an exclusive identity upon that preference, as part of that people start looking for essential differences to justify current catagories. This is quite unlike male and female which have always existed and are based on clear physical differences and abilities.
There is no such thing as ‘the male brain’ as opposed to ‘the female brain’. This is not the same thing as saying that ‘everybody’s brain is the same’. Obviously, all brains are subject to individual differences.
It serves a deconstructing of identity and society by corporately framed state mandate in order to manually effect alignment under systemic global control.
Belief and identity is to be centrally managed.
Identity crisis or conflict, is the attempt to become who we are not in escape from what we hate or fear to be. The split between masking persona and being can be deeply concealed or unconscious, or manifesting as a breakdown of one’s ‘reality’ to a chaos that until complete, operates the attempt to regain ‘control’ via the adjustment of the masking defences.
Identity politics as a manipulative leverage of the fears and wishes of others, uses selected ‘victim identities’ as proxies to polarise and leverage narrative identity, by framing resistance to coercion as ‘hate crime’.
Breaking down traditional and relational structures of some alignment with our being, so as to bring permitted and perhaps demanded identity expression under state control – while the apparatus of government is effectively aligned to corporate agenda such that market share became mindshare – and the capture and control of mind via narrative framing via propaganda and behavioural incentives.
The attempt to Do Life manually is the error.
This is the attempt ‘to be as gods’ rather than extend the God Given.
We not only get in our own way, but interpret the blockage as flagged to anyone whose non support for our way associates with loss of face. And so attack our hate or shadows of self-denial in the ‘othered’ or unpersoned and invalidated – as the way to protect face and the wished power to be as gods against a shadow enemy that seems intent on ripping such power away from us in pain and loss.
What else could arise from a self-conflicting predicate than a whole world of fragmentation and entanglement in which each seeks to regain what was lost – or stolen and denied – from the ‘othered’ world OF denial.
Sex is the nature of the expression of the phenomenal world. Charge separations of energy potentials unfold as self organising pathways of expression, including biological unfoldment within the energetic support of what we (largely) define as dead matter and (until very recently) empty Space or vacuous Nothing.
Sex is functionally procreative and is being moved by the life-desire as a synchrony of two facets coming together to create the context of new life through union. This is not only biological, but a result of two or more joining together in life, as the context through which new life reveals and unfolds to a realm of change – as of the releasing of life’s forms to recognition arising anew.
Loss of wholeness and synchrony is also loss of intimacy and fear of loss of possession and control – and results in reaction of the attempt to regain a past or restore what was lost – as an identity set by such a fixation on the past. And so the seeking of intimacy, power or possession through sex, brought all the psychic conflicts of the ‘separation trauma’ into the realm of sharing life.
Sex is a polarised expression of a higher or inclusive power that is un-manifest – excepting through the ‘two and the many’. The zero-point or balance point is not merely neutral, but is the centre of which all else is an energetic expression of – regardless of polarised and exclusive identification under a past-fixation or mind-set of reaction.
The attempt to DO love substitutes a mind and mask of coercion for the spontaneous expression of recognition, appreciation and gratitude. No matter how ingeniously the mask is repackaged, it sells death under promise of life under false premises.
The term God – and similar terms – have been degraded in usage by being masked in and used for coercive or manipulative vanities of self struggle, but the true of ANY word is written in the heart of recognition – whatever the mind of the mask asserts. The complete lack of coercion and resultant dissonance is the quality of unadulterated being, simply presence as edgeless Communication.
When life moves us directly, there is no Other – and identity of freedom and wholeness extends automatically as recognition of the living where ‘othered’ world seemed before.
It is possible to enact fantasy upon the body and be-live its result – but in giving such function to the world of form as something to GET from, is its primary function of communion and communication lost. The idea that life can unfold its own purpose through our conscious willingness and acceptance, is both receptive and projective, but giving only as we in truth receive. While we ‘receive’ the result of mind-filtering of a past sought after, or a past from which we flee, we are not fully present, but fragmented in recurring dreams of past and future that seem to find proof, support and reinforcement in the behaviours and reactions of the world around us – which we think is as we think it to be.
The right to be who we are is inviolate – because we need do nothing to claim it – but extend our acceptance as our presence in whatever our lives are the unfolding and experiencing of. The attempt to be what we are not is a complex and self-contradictory attempt to put Humpty together again.
Now if All the king’s horses and all the king’s men are consolidated under global controls locally enforced, life will not be allowed to move – and if you paid attention above, life IS movement – or knows Itself as the movement of its own unfolding.
So what happens to energy that is denied expression, contained and compressed?
There is a new world order in the seeding – but not as the mind thinks to get control of.
The state of compression is one of no longer having space or time to tolerate or hold unworkable divergencies of conflicted purpose.
‘Evolution’ is an idea or work in progress, but workability or tensegrity is integral to what is, and the unworkable is that which has no current fitting or place to the expression of the whole in all its parts. But this is not destruction, but release. Our current sense of life is set under power of destruction – even if masked in appeals and rituals of appeasement by sacrifice.
‘Coming out’ as a living one is releasing the identity in the mask to a willingness of sharing recognition with others – as willingness is found. The realm of identity IN and AS the mask is predicated to deny you by design, and taking this personally is taking the personality such denial frames you in as true – instead of abiding in and as the living.
Whatever we may seem to be or think or believe – what we live to each other is our primary communication. Self-inclusion to relational communication is ‘risking’ that there is an underlying basis of common purpose and shared worth. But forced inclusion does violence to the freedom to accept – which MUST be the freedom to say no, desist or dis-associate.
There is no law that says you SHOULD be loving – excepting the hate of the failure or rejection of love to support an illusion of love. The attempt to DO love is its parody in hate. While willingness for love’s awareness will undo the conditions of support for fakery and its implicit hate of life, by withdrawal of support. It is necessary to actively choose to inhibit the expression and propagation of hate, for the movement of life to embrace or willingness for self-inclusion.
Seeking and finding the movement of our being is recognised as primary need. No one can do this for another – but anyone ‘coming out’ is already joined in purpose with all who turn from a judgemental self-specialness, to freedom within a wholeness of being that IS already moving – but the mind seeks a fix from fear of lack. The heart’s desire is the support and alignment of thought. Wishful thinking cannot stand. And the attempt to enforce it will bring the whole house down. (This was where we came in).
How you identify is a personal matter. How you impact others is not. What I find irksome about modern genderisms is that its totally self-centered, all that matters is how the world responds to you and how it makes you feel. If that doesn’t match your expectations then its because everyone’s a transphobe or whatever, they’re actively discriminating and need to be “dealt with”.
Personally, I blame all this on the “There Is No Such Thing As Society” mindset. Although the original quote is much mis-quoted the general sense of what was meant is well understood, it was one of the goals of the neoconservative revolution to fracture society into competing individuals and interest groups, the better to control it.
The only comment which can be definitively said about this subject is that the word “fornicate” is a verb, while the term “transgender” is an adjective……
Having read all the comments below, I was surprised that no-one had deployed Monty Python’s “Life of Brian” where Stan wishes to become Loretta. John Cleese’s last line says it all (for me, an old-fashioned Heterosexual who thinks that sexuality apolitical. But didn’t Ronnie Raygun say that Mrs. T was the best man in Britain. Now that’s political….
I wonder if we will get a male identifying as a female lesbian, and of course a female identifying as a male homosexual! Nothing should be unexpected in this strange world.
you must not have been paying attention recently:
Girl Dick, the Cotton Ceiling and the Cultural War on Lesbians and Women
Oh dear! Thank you for that reply. This is all seriously mad, and, as the link says, dangerous to the real LGBT community.
This will solve itself. Sperm counts are dropping at alarming rates. Soon the entire male population will be sterile. No more need for balls. Let’s chop them off. It’s for the best. So no more males. Everybody transgender. And we can all finally stop bitching about the transgender agenda.
Democratic minded person? You perfectly described fascism and promote it.
Your little listicle is deranged, as it does nowhere explain that there is NOBODY that knows what constitutes a ‘human being’. In your obvious hate-rooted piece you aim at the victims of a fascist concerted action to exterminate everything ‘Trans’ – wheras you have no fucking clue what that actually means. Instead you blame the Nazi policies and practices of regimes the world over on the people who have a target painted on them.
It is equally disturbing that you give room for identity politics – without even knowing what ‘identity’ actually means. And that, what you and your fascist fellows consider NON-Beings, are killed, tortured on mutilated based on the condition called ‘Gender Dysphoria’. Known to Humanity SINCE ITS BEGINNINGS, but only now a problem and only for an exclusive group of religious fascists. It is the braindead christians that have a problem with a person that is GOD – as IF god is ‘everything’, than Everything is God. But the christian, jewish, hindu and muslim gods are fascists. Evil spirited fucks that torture and kill millions of people for profits and fun.
The Hawai’ian Culture and mythology does not provide for history, or evidence to the contrary fact that ‘Mahu’ always existed. They come with all other varieties of human conditions. And there lies the real issue. Assholes that have a problem to afford one human condition what it takes to cope with it and another one is punished with fucking discrimination, fucking insults and fucking physical assaults. Why are you not recommending to save tax payers the expense and remove all wheel chair ramps? After all, these people chose to have this human condition.
To make that unmistakebly clear. What you call ‘Trans’ human beings, have been around as long as Homo Sapiens Sapiens (you wish) has been around. It is inseparable part of the being. Do you really fucking think that Bonobos would write pieces of hate about other members because of who they are? They are on a higher evolutionary level than Homo Sapiens Sapiens (you wish), since they have TRANS cended hate, aggression and violence and replaced it with MAKING LOVE.
And here we go on off on off-guardian. A match. But for ANYBODY that has one brain cell left, this piece reveals how the christians, jews and muslims are getting riled up against a part of Homo Sapiens Sapiens that runs counter current to the fucking fairy tales called judaism, christianity and islam. ANd to write about ‘biological’ is the greatest lame joke ever. Number one is, that ‘bio-logical’ is concocted bullshit by people who KNOW that the Earth and everything SURROUNDING it was MADE in SEVEN days.
Because Mother Nature does not grow LOGICAL. LOGOS is not GROWTH. The Universe grows and with it everything it constitutes. Species come and go like diarrhea. And without the understanding about who and what oneself actually constitutes, one can equally not comprehend what the Universe actually is. And NO, without understanding, or desiring to understand that, one remains a primitive species that nobody will remember in a million years.
A solution would have been to say (and I say that, knowing about the REAL American Spirit):
“Okay, can somebody fill me in what that discussion about ‘Trans’ people is about? Is that like in ‘Trans’portation, or ‘Trans’mission? What’s the problem here people are getting all riled up for what?”
“‘Trans’ Humans are Humans that are in a state of ‘Trans’formation based on their Identity.”
“What is Identity?”
“‘Identity’ is what is left when you take everything else away.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means, that everything you proclaim to know came from an ‘outside’ source. You have always been told ‘how things are’. Or, how they have to be. Therfore, you don’t know WHO you ACTUALLY are – without ‘OTHER’ telling you constantly who you are. You don’t know who you are until you remove everything else. What’s remains – is your Identity. Your Identity could significantly differ from the one you were given. You could say to ignore one’s true Identity is akin to make a Vegetarian participate in a meat eating contest.”
“But what about the bathroom issue? What’s that all about?”
“The majority of people live in a mental straightjacket. Religious people take the point that you can’t change anything after ‘birth’. They argue that, based on their BELIEF, “If god would have wanted for you to be a girl, HE would HAVE MADE YOU a girl.” Those who hide behind ‘science’ and cite BIOLOGICAL as the determining factor for the Identity of a Human Being, are again mistaken in regard to the ‘logical’ part. Religious people see no reason to review their disney tale mythology. Instead, they double down on the discrimination of other Human Beings for not matching their disney mythology. Therefore, they cannot allow for a bathroom that is Unisex. Christians/jews/muslims/hindu need their ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ bathrooms, but do not accept that there are Human Beings that do NOT identify with ‘the boys’, or ‘the girls’ either. IF you can’t stand it to go to the bathroom with males, you can’t go anywhere else. If you can’t stand it to go to the bathroom with females, you can’t go anywhere else. And there are always the hypocrites who talk about how dangerous it would be to allow ‘Trans’ in whatever toilet. They would rape, molest and kill others. Just like the soldiers in THEIR name in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.”
“That’s a bit far fetched, isn’t it?”
“Why? Because you can’t see the hypocrisy of a dying species, that is succumbing to greed, hypocrisy, gullibility, indifference and religious delusions? This is just part of it. Religion does not allow for the Truth. It would mean that its intentional deception methods would reveal themselves. It’s like the catholic church being the number one child molester of society. Factually. That’s okay though, because if you get molested by a saint, it’s a blessing anyways. Plus, religious folks are really into the sex thing. They love PORN. So, when a Human Being in transition uses the bathroom of her true Identity, religious people switch to the PORN channel and project their own perversions onto others. They cannot but apply their PORN world to the real world. But the real world is not a porn world.”
“But what about the bathrooms?”
“What about bathrooms? Well, simply spoken, mankind will have to say goodbye to flat Earth and join those Minds for whom this is a NON-ISSUE. Just build Unisex bathrooms. Flat Earthers were also very angry when their convictions were rounded up. But the fact is, that religious people are responsible for the fucked up state of the Earth today. It was never the ‘Transition’ people that were given impoirtant positions to fleece, terrorize, exploit, oppress and abuse Mother Nature. Transition people are also not among the war criminals – since they can’t be in the christo-fascist forces. It is therefore only fair to end the discussion by having Unisex bathrooms everywhere. And by the way, the place where your taxes go to has removes all public bathrooms but a few and everybody else has a sign ‘Bathroom for patrons only’. Once more, the religious people are the easiest to get fucked over. Let’s just build the Unisex bathrooms and the story is settled.”
“Let’s do it. Let’s have everybody have the same bathrooms. That’ll help them to grow up. Because you go to the bathroom to have a dump, or empty your bladder, correct? It’s not like you’re moving in there. Where are yo going?”
“I am going to build some Unisex bathrooms and put them everywhere. A quarter to use. Problem solved.”
The whole ‘Trans’ discussion has only come about, because the HATE of the x-tians towards MtF Humans. FtM Humans are not really a problem, since it’s an upgrade of a female into a male. Like a great mysogynist once stated: “Why would any man want to become a stupid bitch?”
Grow the fuck up, for the sake of all Life on Earth.
What a long winded load of puerile nonsense!
Well sure notty – and next week some ad man in an executive office – in league with various intelligence agencies, will come up with yet another buzz word – not “Trans” but maybe “Glans” or “Bioquans” and this too will be discovered to have been part of the very fabric of humanity since the dawn of time. And there will be yet another oportunity to go off on encyclopediac rants for at least another couple of months. Not to mention the lucrative media spin offs.
congratulations, you’ve provided a live example of the delusional insanity and logical incoherence* of transgenderism.
* logical incoherence: in the context of the statement “transwomen are women”, what is the relevant definition of the word “women”? — since it’s claimed that biology has nothing to do with it.
Fucking lunatic.
Hate? There was no hate, only a call for reasoned thought and reasoned debate.
I have noticed that when other people have also bravely swam against the liberal – for want of a better word – tide on this matter, they too have been smeared as haters. I was informed that I hate trans women, which was a bit of a surprise to me, for the most anodyne comment calling for a bit of common sense.
I could not give one flying fuck what anyone wishes to do with their life or calls or identifies themself, but please stop insisting that EVERYONE has to agree that a man becomes a woman (or vice versa) because they say they are. They may truly believe that, although I doubt many do. I do not. That does not make me transphobic.
That does not make me transphobic.
— indeed, for it would be irrational to fear that which does not exist.
XY: Male, XX:Female, (Normally functional) XXY: Male Expression, XXY: Female Expression, (Klinefelter syndrome, developmental abnormalities) XXXX: Female. (Tetra-x, developmental disorders, delayed onset puperty, infertility, neurocognitive disorders) XXYY (XXYY syndrome, possibility of developmental and neurological disorders)… and on and on they go.
Biology does not give a single shit what people call themselves or claim to be.
you listed “XXY” twice.
If there’s a Y chromosome, it’s not female. End of story.
A fascinating characteristic of our age, which will have… consequences, is the chasm that’s opened between the ruling elites and huge swathes of ordinary people. Put very simply, the elites are loosing their legitimate ‘right’ to rule. In the UK the Guardian mostly looks like a parody of all that’s most ridiculous on the comfortable liberal/left.
The state’s ‘media church’ and the journalist ‘clergy’ have completely lost the plot and the ‘gospel’ they are selling people no longer has real traction. Entertainment still has some tawdry life in it, but really ‘the news’ is dead. The reason the news and journalism are failing, like in the Guardian, is that, increasingly it’s becoming close to impossible to report honestly and tell the truth about what’s going on, because ‘what’s going on’ is so awful and close to criminal. This brutal disconnect with ‘reality’ only makes the chasm between people’s real lives and the political/media narrative, grow wider and deeper, which is becoming increasingly destabilising for society as a whole.
So, we have a fabulously wealthy and isolated ‘aristocracy’ with lifestyles close to those of the French aristocracy prior to the Revolution, and at the same time their storytellers, their ‘media church’ is no longer followed and people don’t believe a word they say.
The people are no longer ‘under control’ and it’s getting worse. No wonder the ‘aristocrats’ are concerned and no wonder the media is clamping down on critics and dissent. Once this was actually encouraged, because it wasn’t really a threat or dangerous to the established order. Now things are different.
The crucial question politically, is, how are the elites going to re-establish their ‘right to rule’ and stop/reverse the ‘revolt’ that’s occurring among huge swathes of the population, in a society that, for various reasons, is falling apart.
‘What is going on is CLOSE TO criminal’? Really? So it isn’t quite criminal?
As succinctly as you’ve summed up the situation, part of you is still in denial, as is the case with the rest of us civilised, indoctrinated types. We describe things in terms of other things in an attempt to appreciate their full enormity, but the consequence is that we’re not looking at things squarely, but sideways.
They’ve got us where they want us.
The powers that be couldn’t care less about gays, or trannies, or wimmin, although much of the current trannie nonsense is peddled by Jewish billionaires.
They would happily throw all these people under the bus in an instant if it served globalist and corporatist interests to do so.
The trannie circus, like the global warming hoax, is just a distraction, a diversion, a rabbit hole for people to charge down and dissipate their time, effort and energy, instead of asking more awkward questions.
Why three US plutocrats own more than 170 million Americans.
Or why Amazon doesn’t pay a cent in tax on $11.2 billion in profits.
Or why tens of millions of Americans have no health care.
Or where the $21 trillion “missing” from the military budget has gone.
Or why the Fed and US gold reserves have not been audited for decades.
Or any number of other unsolved mysteries.
Just paint your face, get out your bongo drum, and fall into line behind Little Greta.
Or put on your best pink outfit and tag along with the latest Freak Show Witches’ Sabbath as it oozes its way through the city centre.
It’s more than just a distraction. There’s an underlying satanic philosophy. Baphomet is both male and female.
And global warming is being exploited but it’s not a hoax.
You may have a point.
Paedophilia, bestiality, incest are the next things up on the agenda.
So if someone is into flagellation, bestiality and necrophilia, is there any hope for them, or are the flogging a dead horse? Or dogging a fled horse?
Very droll Hugh…forgive me for going off topic but just had a cd arrived from France yesterday.
No, not a Gilets Jaunes choir, but a band called… Dead Horse One.
And no, there’s no dogging involved. At all.
Gezzah. I was mixing my metaphors and quoting from a shaggy dog story by Flann O’Brien aka Myles na Gopaleen. An old literary allusion tagged onto the end of an old joke.
Oh God…. Oops. Its been pretty hot in Melbourne this arvo, so my brains a bit frazzled.
Exactly-EVERYTHING on Earth is exploited by the ruling parasites, but that does not alter the reality of global ecological collapse.
You destroy any credibility with the nonsense about global warming being a hoax. You can say that the science attested to by all the Academies of Science and scientific societies on Earth and 99% of actively researching climate scientists is mistaken, and produce your own, or other’s, research to prove it, but you cannot call it a ‘hoax’ ie a vast conspiracy, without evidence. That evidence would have to show how tens of thousands of scientists and others are mobilised to lie and misrepresent, and why they do it. And you would need to show how they ‘fake’ melting glaciers, melting Arctic Sea ice, melting permafrost, warming and acidifying oceans, changes in animal behaviour and plant growth, leaf burst, flower budding, leaf fall etc, and the myriad other examples of evidence of rapid change in the Earth system.
much of the current trannie nonsense is peddled by Jewish billionaires.
American Oligarchs: the Pritzkers and Transgenderism
OMG. Don’t tell me Mike Pompeo too! Sorry, Michelle Pompeo. We lie, we cheat, we steal, we dress up in women’s clothes….where does it end?
”We lie, we cheat, we steal women’s clothes”?
‘Transgender mania’ is a sign of cultural collapse according Camille Paglia.
Judging by the tone of the debate throughout ‘Genders, Rights and Freedom of Speech’ which discusses Bill C-16 in Canada (available on Youtube, and featuring Jordan Peterson) it appears that many of the assumptions characterised in the OP are pretty accurate.
In fact we may have reached a stage where questioning such beliefs has become a form of ‘hate speech’ which nowadays can get you de-platformed or sacked quicker than you can say cisnormative.
Of course framing this controversial issues in polemical terms was a given now that identity politics has become judge, jury and executioner should any cultural dispute emerge.
As an example, ever since Peterson challenged PC orthodoxy on transgenderism it is impossible to find any MSM reference to him that is not prefixed by the pejorative ‘right wing’ ……… in other words the usual drip, drip, drip effect the MSM are so fond of, in order to create in the minds of the readership a certain kind of persona that invalidates any subsequent views he/she/they might hold.
Camille Paglia is transgender herself.
Why are so many so called feminists transgender?
Just a coincidence I’m sure.
reference, please.
It’s rather depressing, though not unexpected, that the brief Corbyn ‘era’ lacked any real ideological subtance to speak of that had the power to survive his, almost inevitable, dreadful defeat.
What’s stunning was Corbyn and his supporters, almost total lack of political, strategic, ideologicl, ability. That they couldn’t find a way to capitalise on the splits in the Tory Party more effectively and buggled the Brexit fiasco, and allowed the absurd ‘anti-semitism’ narrative to seemingly castrate the leadership and Corbyn too; is unforegivable.
The Party now seems intent on destroying what’s left of it, committing suicide. They seem to actually prefer to be steered by outside forces, like the media and pro-Israeli groups and bizarre ‘identity cults’ determined to wage crusades.
The “Labour” Party provides no impediment to the progress of the ruling-class neoliberal agenda; its real function is to ensure that nobody else does, either. So good riddance to bad rubbish.
The ‘debate’ between the Labour pretenders was truly hilarious as each tried to outdo the others in groveling to the Zionassties. They should just appoint whoever Bibi and the Chief Rabbi decree, and get it over with.
For an excellent analysis of the transgender issue see the recent article in The Land magazine. For a fiver this publication is worth every penny:
‘Intransigence’ says it all, but the root intransigence is that of the Right, and its neo-liberal capitalist omnicide cult.
That article is really very good, quite bizarre how mindless the woke crew are to “no-platform” or “not welcome on campaign front-line” Helen Steel. Who has been a wonderful activist for years and has suffered grievously for it.
Most “crimes of Stalin” are made up I suggest a book that debunks krushchev so called secret speech called krushchev lied by Grover furr
Of course it is the usual crap of divide and rule.
It seems the left-right kaleidoscope isn’t getting as much traction – hell people have even cottoned on to Marxism being a cover for bankers.
So ever newer dislocations are needed even breaking children from their families and ‘villages’ that are needed to raise them.
XR – sexuality – political conformity
The Guardian daily shovels this down it’s readerships throats like so many geese lining up to have corn funnelled past their gullets so that they love to fatten their own livers up.
Yeah keep punching sideways you dumb peons just never ever start punching up!
And please its LaboUr – can we have some conformity – it hurts my eyes!
A cover for bankers? Oh dear
Try looking into the works of, for example, Prof Antony Sutton (you can download his books for free) before rolling your eyes. The Russian revolution, like so much else, was bank-rolled by Western interests…
If the creation of Soviet Russia was so necessary to Western interests, then why did these same interests destroy it?
Are you saying that there would be no great social movements among humanity without ‘bankrolling’ by the Bosses?
Don’t even go there Vergeltung. We’ve been through this before.
One wonders how Marx enjoyed a fully funded life without ever having a steady income.
Lifes a bitch. Follow the money.
I’ll be back! George has no answers.
Well if you’re going to indulge in a conversation with yourself then don’t let me interfere.
Does this come from the same source as your Illuminati textbooks? Marx lived in poverty most of his life.
Maybe his friend Friedrich Engels had something to do with it. Not a secret, for anybody who knows anything about it.
Engels was the one who kept Marx afloat. Engels’ father owned textile businesses and so Engels was in a position to see how business worked. If you must, he was an “inside man” – which I guess has led to the theory that he was a conduit for those shady bankers to secretly fund Marx – while carefully keeping Karl in just the right amount of poverty to fire up his “phoney” texts. Considering that those texts amount to thousands of pages, this is a most peculiar “scam”. Did the bankers provide Karl with the basic outline for their machinations? Did they already have the Russian revolution in mind?
Hobsbawm actually, is he sufficiently Conspiracy Theorist Illuminati enough for you George?
You cast the first stone of shade on me – i batted it straight back — tough if you don’t like it.
‘The problem of the Marxian finances had been particularly intractable for two reasons: the
Marxes felt it essential to maintain the public expenditure of a successful professional household, especially after their move into a middle-class district, and they were spectacularly bad at budgeting. Hence the surprising combination of what was then a substantial annual expenditure with almost constant and desperate financial embarrassment. ‘
When you tie it in with Karl and Jennie Westphalia (ho ho ho!ancients of European imperialism) family histories – you know the founders of the Philips mega corporation – yes my following the money and joining the emergent dots paints a story of a cog in the machine.
I am tracking Engels as he was the conduit and chosen minder of Karl from an early age – such is how the Pathocracy recruits its ceo’s and praetorians – from before ‘Wellington’ to Rhodes, Churchill and Blair on this side of the pond and all their oppos on that side including the Bush’s, Clintons and yes Obamas. While the ancient bankers still run the whole money world from the labrynthine family firms.
You can either carry on believing the great Marxian religion created to achieve what mere Christian prosletysing couldn’t quite deliver or put history in perspective going beyond academic rewriting of it.
Understanding Money – its origin and control – is the simple key. Getting beyond its obscuring miasma of economic gobbledygook by its Master, is opening the lock and getting out of their mental jail.
Following the bloodlines all the way back to Atlantis and to the stars. The aliens landed in Mesopotamia, causing vibrations in the earth’s psychic field. Forget revolution and all that Marxist nonsense sown by the interdimensional reptilians. It is clear that only a mass exorcism can save us. You tell ’em Dunnie!
Now now George be careful with strawman trolling.
I haven’t mentioned any of that and don’t believe any such crap – having gone past all of that back in the 80’s from Von Danyken to Anton Wilson , Occultism to Icke’s Lizards the crazy Scientologists and dispensed with it ALL.
I stick to facts.
Straw reptiles, surely.
Oh I dunno Dunnie,
Looks pretty samey to me. And this:
“Master”? Would that be the grand lodge mutant Master? Or Satan?
“Understanding Money …. is the simple key” which will have us “opening the lock and getting out of their mental jail.”?
A simple mental act? All you need is love?
Yes George the Ancient City – the one built on the upper reaches of the tidal Thames by the Romans and the worship of old Lud.
You can try and muddy the waters as much as you like but no amount of diversion to any of the old tropes will work – carry on deploying your worthless old bloody shield.
I feel sorry for you if you really believe it and aren’t a willing praetorian of these masters.
Well we have Poe’s Law in spades here, Dunnie. I can’t figure out if your first paragraph is meant sincerely or ironically. In any case, I am most impressed by your brave stance against The Great Old Ones. Let me know how it turns out.
It is a fact. Look it up. Don’t play dumb. It is not cute.
As i said George, i stick to facts, when i don’t for parody or sarcasm I make it plain.
Poes Law – well, well another internet meme – just what we need! Though old EA may feel bit aggrieved at his name and rep being missold.
I stick by my accusations and they are factual – no amount of cant and faith as a response can hide the truth – it is an uphill battle as such exchanges show – you are at least the third who has attempted to ignore and discredit my theme, without attempting to honestly engage.
Your attempt at demeaning my argument by introducing lizards and the like fell flat on its face as you refused to acknowledge my citation of Hobsbawm, and ignore answering the question of Money and private banks grabbing public funds of countries created specifically for such a purpose, instead you have signed off with a meaningless internet meme.
I’ll leave it with my own for you and the gatekeepers here – consider yourselves SPIKED again!
I see it’s turning out well for you there, Dunnie. Keep up the good work!
The drag children’s story time created a perfect meme for right.
My question is does it matter? On multiple occasions I know adults in costumes are visiting preschoolers.
Disney characters actually. And we all know what a fascist scoundrel Walt was. And it’s kinda commercial and propaganda(ish) although the kids don’t care.
The complaint about the guy in drag is (it assumed) he / they promoted the fluid gender concepts to kids that would only be confused by it.
Much appreciate this Bruce, and also thanks for the links to Redline which I didn’t know about until just now.
The main reason I embrace this site is you get to read articles like this one that you will not see virtually anywhere else.
I am gay, yet I strongly oppose identity politics, as I said on this site barely 2 weeks ago.
I saw years ago where all this was leading, and the immense damage this was doing to the Left. Literally committing political suicide.
Instead of class struggle, we have been completely side tracked and derailed by issues like the above. Deliberately in my opinion.
Remember the CIA’s Compatible Left?
And no, I’m not transphobic, or any other phobic for that matter, except towards the oligarchs and the hedge fund managers and the 0.01%.
I’m so unsurprised by groups like Socialist Alternative and Democratic Socialists Of America and all the other pseudo left groups, including here in Australia who by and large got it horribly and outrageously wrong about what was happening in Libya and Syria, and who for years deliberately ignored the plight of Julian Assange, including boycotting protests for Julian and Chelsea Manning.
And I’m damn angry. Seriously – fuck “Woke Leftism” and all the Bhaskar Sunkara’s and Amy Goodman’s and Slavoj Zizek’s and Rachel Maddow’s and all the rest of them.
There is such groupthink and conformity now. It’s become so stifling.
Many people are increasingly fearful to open their mouths and express their real views. Support the Palestinians and you’re labelled anti semitic, call out the Russiagate garbage for the bullshit it is and you’re labelled a Russian troll, or a Traitor ffs, point out the reality in the World, and you’re called a conspiracy theorist or your sanity is questioned.
I agree totally Gezza…
So do I, Maggie…
Thanks Maggie… I won’t go into the whole friends and acquaintances thing as we’ve done that several times, but it’s nice that others see what I, in fact, what We see😁
A shitload of people sitting in glass houses throwing rocks out. This is all symptomatic of how easy it is for the owners to manipulate the christian masses. In the end they will have to go to war with whomever is accepting Transition people.
You surely remember:
“First they came for the Communists…
…then they came for the Unionists…
…then they came for the Jews…
…then they came for the Gays…”
To be updated with:
“Then they came for the Transition people,
and I did not speak out, because I was not a
Transition person.”
If people do not stand up to the scapegoating of ‘Trans’-Humans, they will be invariably be next.
N… My whole way of being is treat others how I’d like them to treat me… Regardless of their skin colour, their age, their sexuality, whether they are in a wheelchair, whether they are Muslim or Mormon, whether they are transgender….
We are ALL human beings regardless of our differences. The only ‘phobia’ I have is towards those pyschopaths raping and pillaging this planet, those destroying entire countries, with the blood of millions on their hands, all for their psychopathic greedlust and power.
And I’m Not sitting in a glass house throwing rocks out N.
I know about hate from first hand experience.
Twice I’ve been physically assaulted because of my sexuality, including at my workplace – being punched several times and thrown down a flight of stairs by so called work ‘colleagues’.
The other time was at a Party where I was set upon by 3 ‘tough guys’ while people stood round laughing and egging them on. Can you imagine how that felt? Hearing people laughing…
And many times I’ve been verbally abused.
As I said I know first hand about hate and bigotry. Which is why I treat others how I do Regardless of who they are.
But at the same time N, I recognise that the very large majority of people are Not gay or transgender. That’s how it is.
And many of those people have lived in a bubble of cotton wool, and have probably had none or very little contact with transgender people.
We all have the same enemy. The system that is destroying this Planet.
(“Remember the CIA’s Compatible Left?”) – Ah yes, sadly quite alive and well today all these decades later. I quite agree with your take on all this Gezzah.
Speaking of the “CIA” – I can’t help but imagine Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, James “Jesus” Angleton, and all the rest of that generation of amoral CIA psychopaths all sitting gathered together in some afterlife tavern in the bowels of Hades- grinning like jackals while watching this current absurdist nonsense play out, and toasting the current manifestations of their own endless “divide and conquer” propaganda efforts.
Sadly the most self-proclaimed – “woke” – members of what passes for the “left” here in America, while admirably embracing the humanity “all fellow Americans” – regardless of gender identity, race, or any specific “orientation” – seem to have absolutely no concept of, or ability to share any similar such concern for the mass of global humanity that American foreign policy murders, brutalizes and renders refugees day after day, decade after decade.
One can’t help but see that this form of – “wokeness” – is in truth only the very deepest of sleeps. The most “compartmentalized” form imaginable of what should be all of our basic concern and empathy for humanity. Most such “woke” Americans are completely oblivious to the majority of global human suffering (funded through paying their “woke” taxes to the MIC) – and this is maintained through an almost studied ability to simply somehow manage to – “not be aware of ” – such suffering and of our intimate connection to it as American tax payers.
Absolutely spot on Gary.
“Russiagate” is a double bluff
How the pseudo-Left came to support the salafist vermin in Syria is quite beyond me, although I suspect both puerile idiocy and infiltration. The top dogs of these tiny cabals will undoubtedly migrate to the far Right and end up as opinion-makers somewhere in the Murdoch cancer.
Er, like Christopher Hitchens for example. Regards your reply, its beyond me as well how these groups, claiming to be socialist, end up supporting salafist headchopping cannibals.
The logic is so warped and so beyond my comprehension.
Perhaps we should ask Louis P?
Excellent article at Worldwide Socialist Website 2 days ago about the highly cynical, hypocritical Socialist Alternative here in Australia who recently published an article on Julian Assange.
After years of full blown silence about Julian Assange, deliberately boycotting protests, and the same Socialist Alternative cheering on the jihadists in Syria. I was so impressed by that article at WSWS, I made a comment. It was written by Patrick O’connor.
Australian pseudo-left seeks to cover up its abandonment of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange
Bingo Milosevic. The sort of group Louis Proyect would be right at home in.
They are very cynically trying to position themselves as ‘defenders of Assange’ having sensed that more people are waking up and wanting to support JA and CM.
Yet they deliberately boycotted protests about Julian Assange for years.
These bastards need to be exposed for the frauds they are.
Oh yeah, thanks for the link.
I know – I’ve thanked you before as well.
Hitchens just sold out, for money I imagine. His treachery when Edward Said died, was utterly despicable, and makes one suspect that Zionassty tentacles were controlling him.
Just reading the Koran should cure most of 1001 ME illusions.
Perhaps its a psy-op devised by the enemies of the left.
It starts from the belief that there is no match between mental gender and physical gender and arrives at the conclusion that bodies should be surgically altered to make physical gender match mental gender. Surgery can’t make you into another gender any more than it can make you into another species however good an idea that might be. In the words of Germaine Greer “a woman isn’t just a man without a dick”.
I’ve always said where do the security services do there recruiting? University. So when another intelligence outlet (any newspaper) takes up a “this tiny group you’ve never heard of has demanded that kids be taught about transgenders – the country is outraged already” well for one the country shall decide if it’s horrid (it is) and secondly why did the media shove this down our throats? Because they’re all intelligence assets designed to divide and rule and naturally the sheep say “well the daily mail is against it, therefore, I MUST BE FOR IT! Just to piss off mail readers and mail journos” it’s a ploy it’s a game and within ten years I dread the right starting an anti paedophile movement because many on the left are easy to convince on things that are no dm good for them and all it takes is one professor with a phd to write a study no one cares about and says “see (pseudo)science proves how clever we are to think this way paedophobe!”! It’s coming mark my words
Fuck her. She couldn’t be a woman with a vagina.
But the expression of ‘man without a dick’ is so degenerated that it is proof for the depravity of the hater. Keep on hating. Hate is good. The more hate, the better. As long as you are not the target of the hate, correct?
the expression of ‘man without a dick’ is so degenerated
— why, do they keep them in a glass jar?
The Vatican has a vault where they keep all the penises knocked off ancient sculptures.
It’s not important and most people don’t care, just as they don’t care for the views of extreme feminists, all such groups are guilty of damaging public opinion. Russiagate is important, however, so is the labelling of people who look at American/British/NATO/EU policy on Libya and then Syria with reason, logic and facts, as opposed to propaganda as “Assadists” Eh Louis.
You oddly skipped the historical fact that this dates back to the early 20th century and suppression of labour. It’s origin was what you might call right wing.
However let’s be clear that today’s Democrats are the US liberal class are fairly right of center. Regardless, the liberal class has never been particularly left wing historically to my knowledge.
And let’s be clear this neo-McCarthyism is entirely the fault of the US liberals. It is instrumental or utilitarian.
Take Russiaphobia, that started as an irrational economic war until 2017. MeToo seemed spontaneous.
This appears to be generational phenomena like callout culture. Unintended consequences of my generation’s parenting creating over sensitive youth ultimately.
You know this is all focusing on the US but these issues are apply to the west in general.
Sorry lundiel my comment was not a reply to yourself but on the article.
I meant “you” the author of the article.
Both Libya and Syria were driven by the elephant in the room. Even to mildly criticise the major crimes of this animal is to be labelled, as in McCarthyism. This evil elephant was instrumental in the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn in the recent UK elections and is even a worse problem in the USA.
Is the animal in question from a certain Levantine minority species?
the greatest anti semite in world history are the khazar ashkanazim
they make up 90% of the population of is not real
it is all a zio trick
marx ism
communism is
all the ism’s are run by the these satanists
is it not
Off course, what’s tragically ironic; is how many on the extreme ‘cultural left’ have seemingly abandoned the ‘class struggle’ at a time when economic inequalities have never been more obvious and huge swathes of ‘conservatives’ from the working class, especially in the US and the UK, are expressing their opposition to both the class system and imperialism. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve talked with people from the ‘conservative’ side in the US, who’ve totally lost faith in the ‘system’, the ruling elite and the endless wars; yet feel insulted by the ‘cultural left’ who label them… ‘fascists’ for voting for Trump!
It’s extraordinary that the left didn’t understand or even recognise the profound shifts happening on the ‘populist right’ among the… ‘social nationalists’ and reach out to them to form an alliance against the ruling elite, a political marriage of convenience that could have been significant.
Ironic? Hell, that’s the plan! This whole culture war was cooked up to justify the oppression of the working class. It’s a new religion meant the replace the dead one, Christianity.
what’s tragically ironic is how many on the extreme ‘cultural left’ have seemingly abandoned the ‘class struggle’ at a time when economic inequalities have never been more obvious and huge swathes of ‘conservatives’ from the working class, especially in the US and the UK, are expressing their opposition to both the class system and imperialism.
indeed, it’s almost like somebody planned it that way.
It was planned that way. And sadly for us the bastards have succeeded probably beyond their expectations.
The origins began in the Frankfurt School and the New Left of the 60s and early 70s coupled with propagation by University academics. In my opinion anyway. You may have a different view?
I wonder who is behind it all? I wonder. Who benefits from the Hegelian dialectic? Maybe we should look at the Frankfurt school? Maybe we should ask Kevin B. MacDonald? Maybe we should ask the American oligarch the Pritzkers? Or, maybe we should just self-censor. Shhh! Sush. Don’t want to be called antisemitic now do you? Ridiculous how the article skirts around the real issues but then the Labor party has already been destroyed hasn’t it? You have been played and you don’t even know it (lol).
Good eye, Elijah!
You cannot use the term ‘skirts around’ – it’s transemetiphobic.
“Well, struth Bruce, you’ll be telling me we caan’t call skirts Shiela’s next!”
The factionalism on the left… is legendary and goes back a long way. I suppose it’s ‘natural’ that when one has so little real power that one looks around for platforms and issues that allows one to ‘play’ or pretend that this harsh reality isn’t true.
Over the last few decades the left has been in real, ideological and intellectual retreat, virtually across the board in the west. Having lost the class struggle to neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism, the left, in confusion, rushed around trying to find areas which we ‘easier’ to fight on and pretend that society was ‘progressing’ and that activism worked, for example ‘identity’ and ‘gender’; compared to the real ‘hard stuff’ like economic inequality, class, war and imperialism. These ‘choices’, the path of least resistance and being nudged and steered in the direction of identity politics as a substitute, a balm, for having no real power in society, was perhaps understandable and natural.
Also, it seems clear that the state, saw this shift on the extreme ‘cultural left’ as something that was ‘containable’ and ‘harmless’, a ‘reservation’ where the left could ‘play’ at politics without really challenging the underlying foundations of economic power in society, a distraction from the ‘hard stuff.’
Personally I think the state exploits this factor through the Mass Media by misdirection and slight of hand. For instance it is known that the biggest polluter on this planet is the Military and Major corporation so what do they do? They go after the poor guy who has to drive that clunker to work or charging the customer for a grocery bag or banning smoking in public places or some other total idiocy that really has a limited effect while the US Military irradiates the planet unmolested with deadly DU and agribusiness continues to use highly toxic herbicides and pesticide and shipping companies have ships that spew more carbon in the air than a million cars even clunkers like the one the guy who is now walking would be driving.
That is very insightful. Small battles that reinforce their selfesteem and egos. Ones that won’t result in being unemployed and blacklisted.
The left has been hijacked.
None of this is a coincidence or people being misinformed. There is still plenty real stuff the left could go on about, but the establishment does not want real topics to be discussed.
There are still plenty of people with the right ideas, but they don’t get paraded in the mainstream media or get propped up on the various social media platforms or get funding.
They have infiltrated the left and neutralized it.
This extreme variant of Identity Politics is obviously a poison planted and encouraged to help further diminish the Left, and divert it from rational operations, and help, in the end, to destroy it. I first saw this insanity raising its head when Germaine Greer was attacked for speaking commonsense, by belligerent nonentities. At least the ghastly subversion of women’s sport by transgender individuals with, quel surprise!, the testosterone levels of men, is finally being resisted in some quarters. The fact that UK Labour has a transgender individual in charge of the ‘Constituency Women’s Office’ is beyond parody. I can think of nothing more misogynistic.
This whole “woke” transgender BS is really to distract from the real issues such as America’s genocidal imperialism. Nothing more nothing less. It’s about as astroturf as it gets.I’d say it was a CoIntelPro op of some kind hatched by some stink tank and put into play by a bunch of spooks who should be strung up by their gonads.
Yeah it’s really about identity politics. I am glad the LGBTUVWXYZ community has benefited generally but politicians use them like every other group.
Yeah I’ll have an LGBLT with an order of fries and a coke 🙂
It’s called pandering and politicians are good at it. Personally I don’t think it has been all that good for the majority who just want to be left alone to be queer. Most queers I know don’t give a flying f_k at a donut about same sex marriage or being accepted by straights. That’s why it’s called an alternative life style.
Of course neoliberalism wants to embrace everybody into some kind of multicultural borg of some kind.
Commie! was 1950s.
Racist! was 1990s; Islamophobe! is so 2010s. The left’s abdication on this issue – especially the misdirection of the socialist left – is a gift to the right, as it allows those on the right to pose as the sane ones.
I agree with the author on the 2020 debate killer, Transphobe!
‘Antisemitism’, the New Supreme Crime is EVERYWHERE, every second of every day. The ‘antisemitism’ variant of McCarthyism, as seen in the UK, is certainly the most virulent yet seen-and the most fraudulent.
Your “logic” does not seem consistent. Let’s see:
“Commie” is a con because …the commies were really OK? Maybe – or maybe they weren’t even commies.
“Racist” is a con because …the racists were really OK? Only if the weren’t racists.
“Islamophobe” is a con because …the Islamophobes were really OK? Ah but here is where it breaks down. It is clear that you think those Muslim bastards really are out ta get ya!
A big concern that I have regarding this whole transgender issue, is the alleged targetting of kids over supposed dysphoria issues. I was shocked to learn that Hormone blocking meds are being marketed to supposedly treat this. Who even licenses this stuff ?
Funny you should ask … American Oligarchs I: the Pritzkers and Transgenderism.
The transgender thing seems like a “first world problem” that I just don’t care about. But getting back to the McCarthyism of the past and the neo-McCarthyism of the last few years, it should be noted that the New Hampshire Primary winner–Bernie Sanders–is a neo-McCarthyite. When people around the world watching the primaries in the U.S. think to themselves that Bernie Sanders will bring hope of the U.S. regime changing its foreign policy, rethink that. He’s only concerned with the health of americans, not the health of the people of Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, and South America.
It isn’t. The Maoris have been (mostly) cool with it for a long time.
Right. Weren’t the Maoris the ones that invented hormone-blockers?
No, the Maori were the ones who conserved the islands of New Zealand by eating all the moa and several other yummy species, the meatier and the easier to hunt the better.
That was always my view. His supporters present some historical evidence to the contrary. Mainly he took what he could get on those issues.
I believe that like all states MIC jobs were an election issue for him but don’t know his public statements around that.
I upvoted your comment, David G. Horsman, but it doesn’t show?
👋 Sharon. I notice the updating of upvotes isn’t automatic except in the case of your own. (attn moderator)
If you click it prior ones show.
In the case of your own vote it can take a few seconds on a slow connection.
If you upvote multiple times an error message should appear.
Oh my Sharon, you should really CARE about the Transgender thing..
Political correctness has run amok … This is a diabolically nefarious agenda folks, a fad and it’s happening all around the world. It wasn’t that long ago that a good majority of the world’s populace, didn’t even know that transgenders existed, now we’re being inundated with them to such a degree that school curriculum’s are being mandated to instruct our children into every aspect of their existence under the guise of ‘sexual education’.
Parents are basically being told to allow their children to proceed with these life changing therapies if that is what they desire, or risk having them removed from their care. U.N. Agenda 21/2030 … I’ve heard that this was coming down the pike for several years now but seeing really is believing …
Extremist ”intellectuals” have been working for years to dismantle the entire reproductive system–marriage, family, and sexual identity–for the purpose of transferring procreation into the hands of a powerful ruling class who seek to manufacture and own the global populace. Eugenics????
The transgender movement is the latest, most aggressive manifestation yet of this plan.
They started off with a ‘bullying’ agenda which has now morphed into allowing people with male genitalia to use female bathrooms and locker rooms. This curriculum is so invasive it is positively encouraging students to question whether they are in fact males or females and to follow through with life altering hormone therapies and surgeries even before puberty…
No one is born in the wrong body….. It’s a psychological/personality flaw or something in that field. If a teen can’t drive a car until he/she is of a certain age because he/she isn’t mature enough, how come a child is believed to be able to give consent about something they can’t possibly understand the long-term ramifications of, yet can be prescribed medication because they say ‘they are not in the right body’?
There is a reason why children aren’t in charge of our households, our schools, their bedtimes, their diets, their work ethics (or lack there of), nor any of the significant decisions in their nurturing. Because they are too intellectually inexperienced. So now, we must also groom them to shut out the vociferous voices and images that are being given such wide coverage, It’s actually Orwellian in its destructive influence on our progeny.
Having read Brave New World it is clear that Sterility is what is being engineered. After harvesting suitable sperm, males will be replaced with Ai, and women will be selected by class, and only the ”intelligent” and strong will survive to ”breed.”.
All the rest having surgically removed their identities and reduced themselves to being penniless. useless/eunuchs and surplus to requirements.
Without a doubt in my mind, one over riding motive of these treatments on children, is to destroy their ability to reproduce, and destroy the family! The future is your children!
And another is the obsession to get rich quick by the Doctors and Big Pharma who collude to surgically mutilate our children, and their desires to purchase yachts etc., rather than to do any good deeds for human beings.
Potential parents need to know the truth before raising kids. And it should be flagged up that those going along with this fad are clearly mentally unstable,. They are Munchausen by Proxy parents purposely confusing their children to get attention for themselves and need to be held accountable, and their kids removed to a place of safety.. Who will educate the parents on the truth?. How do we stop this abuse of children?
Watch this..
Particularly significant is Michelle Cretella 4.05 – 17.44
Are there really SO MANY transgenders (0.02% of the population) as compared to heterosexuals that the transgender ideology has to be taught as part of its curriculum to very young schoolchildren? Surely their energy would be better spent teaching kids to Read, Write and understand Maths? When 20% of 16/18 year olds leave school illiterate/innumerate? Why expose young children to such ideology when they are still in a stage of developing and exploring their own sexuality. This could seriously harm their proper psychological and social development. An otherwise heterosexual/homosexual impressionable child may develop an uncertainty of his natural gender identity if forced into such an ideology at such a young age.
Lobbying for transgender equality is threatening freedom of the larger groups of heterosexuals/homosexuals for the sake of freedom for a minority transgenders? (0.02%). And what about scientific objective evidence and holistic approach of medical professionals, as compared to the subjective feelings of gender dysphoria and dysmorphia and lobbying to force into law that medical professionals accept a biased and dictated unscientific short-cut approach when making diagnoses and treatments?
In the words of Pink Floyd – Leave them kids alone! As they grow all will be revealed. Their young bodies should not be subjected to Pharmaceuticals, like guinea pigs in the lab. Once they are old enough they can determine what changes they want to make. Growing up is a minefield, many challenges lay ahead of them, transgenderism doesn’t need to be added to the list..
I was referred to as a Tomboy until I was about 13/14 when adolescence arrived. Up until that time, you couldn’t have made me wear girls clothing, upon threat of death!! Lol! I loved sports, bikes, climbing trees and generally getting scruffy.. I didn’t want to play with dolls or do anything remotely feminine. I’m so glad I grew up in the 60’s, so that my parents weren’t under any pressure to “transition” me into a boy!! I still have some stereotypical male interests but I absolutely LOVE being a woman!!! I LOVE men!! They would have turned me into a “gay man” had they transitioned me!! And I would not have my wonderful children!!
This Child Abuse is horrifying and is opening a Pandora’s box that they will live to massively regret! I recently watched a program about people who “identify as animals”. They convince themselves that they are wolves, raccoons, bunnies, deer, leopards, etc, and in some cases, even insects!!! They call themselves “Otherkins ” and “Therians “. These are NOT little kids with good imaginations like I had as a child of about 2/3 when I pretended I was Lassie!!! These are people who are 16 and up into their late 20’s. Some of their parents were actually playing into their delusions and petting them and feeding them like animals. Some of them change their names legally and wear costumes… It didn’t show ANY of them living on their own and WORKING for a living. They were still living with their parents as adults!! One of the mothers said. “It’s almost like a mental illness.” Lol ALMOST!!
All of these parents are abusing and crippling their kids. It’s mind boggling. I’m wondering what THIS reassignment surgery will be like when little Johnny “identifies ” as a raccoon. Or when one of them commits assault or murder and says, “But I identify as a man eating tiger so I couldn’t help myself?” Do they see the possibilities of where all this upholding delusions will lead to?
You sure do think about this a lot, Maggie. I’ll stick to foreign policy;)
It may have been a hoax (hard to tell these days) but wasn’t there a case of a man of 60 who decided to “reassign” himself as a 40 year old and claimed prejudice against him when nobody bought it?
What is sex? It sounds familiar… I’ll Google it.
Biological sex? There must be more than one kind of sex. Maybe there’s like artificial sex or something.
Ask your mother. You could ask your dad but he is such a mother…
‘Sex’ can also refer to the sex act.
That was exactly what Google said. I now feel inappropriately enlightened.
On a more serious note I am seeing a lot of outrage and pushback on teachers and doctors “manipulating” children without the parent’s knowledge. Or at all really. It’s seen as a parental issue.
In the one case in western Canads I saw of a gender confused 6-7 year old there was universally tolerant and appropriate handling of it. Other examples date back to the 90’s. No problems.
The concensus was kids differ and you let it run its course. The one was a confused kid in other respects as well. So there it’s more something you keep an eye on.
Medicating a kid for this should IMO be a criminal offense or at least medical malpractice.
I like artificial sex. You don’t have to park your chewing gum.
It’s what South Africans carry coal in. (Old Steve Bell joke)
It’s the old “I’m okay, you’re NOT okay” syndrome.
It is ‘informed’ by religion, didacticism or ignorance.
It proves the human race is still in it’s infancy.
Or its senility.
Another version of the Mitford’s U and non-U.
Just read a bio of Unity Mitford (and what an awful family they were, apart from Jessica, possibly), and according to that, Nancy Mitford didn’t invent it, but took it up and made it popular. This seems to be confirmed here:
Antisemitism is the new McCarthyism
Very true. Also the Truth has become “antisemitic”.
There are many examples, ones often discussed here. Antisemitism, Russia hysteria, Douma. Reaction to WMD questioning was another. Guilt by association with others who question. (Peter Hitchens Douma coverage a classic example)Name calling e.g. Assadist, Putin stooge a feature.
It’s amazing that years since McCarthy those seemingly decent in many ways, who jump on these bandwagons can’t see the analogy and them being used as pawns in Twitter mobs to push war, censorship and persecution of whistle blowers.
Problem is, very few know their history. They can’t think back to 2003 let alone to 1950s. However, this article might encourage some to join the dots.
We can but hope Love, but I will not hold my breath.
There are far too many ego trips to be had, to waste time researching History for the truth?
We only have to look how many years the 6,000,000 has persisted?
Lesbianism is antisemenism
hmm…what do they put in their turkey-basters then?