Imperialism and Liberation in the Middle East
Written by Pål Steigan, translated by Terje Maloy

At the moment, the United States has great difficulty in retaining its hegemony in the Middle East. Its troops have been declared unwanted in Iraq; and in Syria, the US and their foreign legion of terrorists lose terrain and positions every month. The US has responded to this with a significant escalation, by deploying more troops and by constant threats against Iran. At the same time, we have seen strong protest movements in Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.
When millions of Iraqi took to the streets recently, their main slogan was “THE UNITED STATES OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST!”
How should one analyze this?
Obviously, there are a lot of social tensions in the Middle East – class based, ethnic, religious and cultural. The region is a patchwork of conflicts and tensions that not only goes back hundreds of years, but even a few thousand.
There are always many reasons to rebel against a corrupt upper class, anywhere in the world. But no rebellion can succeed if it is not based on a realistic and thorough analysis of the specific conditions in the individual country and region.
Just as in Africa, the borders in the Middle East are arbitrarily drawn. They are the product of the manipulations of imperialist powers, and only to a lesser extent products of what the peoples themselves have wanted.
During the era of decolonization, there was a strong, secular pan-Arab movement that wanted to create a unified Arab world. This movement was influenced by the nationalist and socialist ideas that had strong popular support at the time.
King Abdallah I of Jordan envisaged a kingdom that would consist of Jordan, Palestine and Syria. Egypt and Syria briefly established a union called the United Arab Republic. Gaddafi wanted to unite Libya, Syria and Egypt in a federation of Arab republics.
In 1958, a quickly dissolved confederation was established between Jordan and Iraq, called the Arab Federation. All these efforts were transient. What remains is the Arab League, which is, after all, not a state federation and not an alliance. And then of course we have the demand for a Kurdish state, or something similar consisting of one or more Kurdish mini-states.
Still, the most divisive product of the First World War was the establishment of the state of Israel on Palestinian soil. During the First World War, Britain’s Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour issued what became known as the Balfour Declaration, which «… view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.»
But what is the basis for all these attempts at creating states? What are the prerequisites for success or failure?
The imperialist powers divide the world according to the power relations between them
Lenin gave the best and most durable explanation for this, in his essay Imperialism – the highest stage of capitalism. There, he explained five basic features of the era of imperialism:
- The concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life;
- The merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this “finance capital”, of a financial oligarchy;
- The export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance;
- The formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves;
- The territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.
But Lenin also pointed out that capitalist countries are developing unevenly, not least because of the uneven development of productive forces in the various capitalist countries.
After a while, there arises a discrepancy between how the world is divided and the relative strength of the imperialist powers. This disparity will eventually force through a redistribution, a new division of the world based on the new relationship of strength. And, as Lenin states:
The question is: what means other than war could there be under capitalism to overcome the disparity between the development of productive forces and the accumulation of capital on the one side, and the division of colonies and spheres of influence for finance capital on the other?“
The two world wars were wars that arose because of unevenness in the power relationships between the imperialist powers. The British Empire was past its heyday and British capitalism lagged behind in the competition. The United States and Germany were the great powers that had the largest industrial and technological growth, and eventually this misalignment exploded. Not once, but twice.
Versailles and Yalta
The victors of the First World War divided the world between themselves at the expense of the losers. The main losers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia (the Soviet Union) and the Ottoman Empire. This division was drawn up in the Versailles treaty and the following minor treaties.
This map shows how the Ottoman Empire was partitioned:

At the end of World War II, the victorious superpowers met in the city of Yalta on the Crimean peninsula in the Soviet Union. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin made an agreement on how Europe should be divided following Germany’s imminent defeat. This map shows how it was envisaged and the two blocs that emerged and became the foundation for the Cold War.
Note that Yugoslavia, created after Versailles in 1919, was maintained and consolidated as «a country between the blocs». So it is a country that carries in itself the heritage of both the Versailles- and Yalta agreements.

The fateful change of era when the Soviet Union fell
In the era of imperialism, there has always been a struggle between various great powers. The battle has been about markets, access to cheap labor, raw materials, energy, transport routes and military control. And the imperialist countries divide the world between themselves according to their strength. But the imperialist powers are developing unevenly.
If a power collapses or loses control over some areas, rivals will compete to fill the void. Imperialism follows the principle that Aristotle in his Physics called horror vacui – the fear of empty space.
And that was what happened when the Soviet Union lost the Cold War. In 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist, and soon the Eastern bloc was also history. And thus the balance was broken, the one that had maintained the old order. And now a huge area was available for re-division. The weakened Russia barely managed to preserve its own territory, and not at all the area that just before was controlled by the Soviet Union.
Never has a so large area been open for redivision. It was the result of two horrible world wars that anew was up for grabs. It could not but lead to war.” Pål Steigan, 1999

«Never has a so large area been open for re-division. It was the result of two horrible world wars that anew was up for grabs. It could not but lead to war.» Map: Countries either part of the Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc or non-aligned (Yugoslavia)
When the Soviet Union disintegrated, both the Yalta and Versailles agreements in reality collapsed, and opened up the way for a fierce race to control this geopolitical empty space.
This laid the foundation for the American Geostrategy for Eurasia, which concentrated on securing control over the vast Eurasian continent. It is this struggle for redistribution in favor of the United States that has been the basis for most wars since 1990: Somalia, the Iraq wars, the Balkan wars, Libya, Ukraine, and Syria.
The United States has been aggressively spearheading this, and the process to expand NATO eastward and create regime changes in the form of so-called «color revolutions» has been part of this struggle. The coup in Kiev, the transformation of Ukraine into an American colony with Nazi elements, and the war in Donbass are also part of this picture. This war will not stop until Russia is conquered and dismembered, or Russia has put an end to the US offensive.
So, to recapitulate: Because the world is already divided between imperialist powers and there are no new colonies to conquer, the great powers can only fight for redistribution. What creates the basis and possibilities for a new division is the uneven development of capitalism. The forces that are developing faster economically and technologically will demand bigger markets, more raw materials, more strategic control.
The results of two terrible wars are again up for grabs
World War I caused perhaps 20 million deaths, as well as at least as many wounded. World War II caused around 72 million deaths. These are approximate numbers, and there is still controversy around the exact figures, but we are talking about this order of magnitude.
The two world wars that ended with the Versailles and Yalta treaties thus caused just below 100 million dead, as well as an incredible number of other suffering and losses.
Since 1991, a low-intensity «world war» has been fought, especially by the US, to conquer “the void». Donald Trump recently stated that the United States have waged wars based on lies, which have cost $ 8 trillion ($ 8,000 billion) and millions of people’s lives. So the United States’ new distribution of the spoils has not happened peacefully.
“The Rebellion against Sykes-Picot”
In the debate around the situation in the Middle East, certain people that would like to appear leftist, radical and anti-imperialist say that it is time to rebel against the artificial boundaries drawn by the Sykes-Picot and Versailles treaties. And certainly these borders are artificial and imperialist. But how leftist and anti-imperialist is it to fight for these boundaries to be revised now?
In reality, it is the United States and Israel that are fighting for a redistribution of the Middle East. This is the basis underlying Donald Trump’s «Deal of the Century», which aims to bury Palestine forever, and it is stated outright in the new US strategy for partitioning Iraq.
Again, this is just an updated version of the Zionist Yinon plan that aimed to cantonize the entire Middle East, with the aim that Israel should have no real opponents and would be able to dominate the entire region and possibly create a Greater Israel.

It is not the anti-imperialists that are leading the way to overhaul the imperialist borders from 1919. It is the imperialists. To achieve this, they can often exploit movements that are initially popular or national, but which then only become tools and proxies in a greater game.
This has happened so many times in history that it can hardly be counted.
Hitler’s Germany exploited Croatian nationalism by using the Ustaša gangs as proxies. From 1929 to 1945, they killed hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Roma people. And their ideological and political descendants carried out an extremely brutal ethnic cleansing of the Krajina area and forced out more than 200,000 Serbs in their so-called Operation Storm in 1995.
Hitler also used the extreme Ukrainian nationalists of Stepan Bandera’s OUN, and after Bandera’s death, the CIA continued to use them as a fifth column against the Soviet Union.
The US low-intensity war against Iraq, from the Gulf War in 1991 to the Iraq War in 2003, helped divide the country into enclaves. Iraqi Kurdistan achieved autonomy in the oil-rich north with the help of a US «no-fly zone». The United States thus created a quasi-state that was their tool in Iraq.
Undoubtedly, the Kurds in Iraq had been oppressed under Saddam Hussein. But also undoubtedly, their Iraqi “Kurdistan” became a client state under the thumb of United States. And there is also no doubt that the no-fly zones were illegal, as UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali admitted in a conversation with John Pilger.
And now the United States is still using the Kurds in Northern Iraq in its plan to divide Iraq into three parts. To that end, they are building the world’s largest consulate in Erbil. What they are planning to do, is simply “creating a country”.
As is well known, the United States also uses the Kurds in Syria as a pretext to keep 27 percent of the country occupied. It does not help how much the Kurdish militias SDF and PYD invoke democracy, feminism and communalism; they have ended up pleading for the United States to maintain the occupation of Northeast Syria.
Preparations for a New World War
Israel and the US are preparing for war against Iran. In this fight, they will develop as much «progressive» rhetoric as is required to fool people. Real dissatisfaction in the area, which there is every reason to have, will be magnified and blown out of all proportion. «Social movements» will be equipped with the latest news in the Israeli and US «riot kits» and receive training and logistics support, in addition to plenty of cold hard cash.
There may be good reasons to revise the 1919 borders, but in today’s situation, such a move will quickly trigger a major war. Some say that the Kurds are entitled to their own state, and maybe so. The question is ultimately decided by everyone else, except the Kurds themselves.
The problem is that in today’s geopolitical situation, creating a unified Kurdistan will require that «one» defeats Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. It’s hard to see how that can happen without their allies, not least Russia and China, being drawn into the conflict.
And then we have a new world war on our hands. And in that case, we are not talking about 100 million killed, but maybe ten times as much, or the collapse of civilization as we know it. The Kurdish question is not worth that much.
This does not mean that one should not fight against oppression and injustice, be it social and national. One certainly should. But you have to realize that revising the map of the Middle East is a very dangerous plan and that you run the risk of ending up in very dangerous company. The alternative to this is to support a political struggle that undermines the hegemony of the United States and Israel and thereby creates better conditions for future struggles.
It is nothing new that small nations rely on geopolitical situations to achieve some form of national independence. This was the case, for example, for my home country Norway. It was France’s defeat in the Napoleonic War that caused Denmark to lose the province of Norway to Sweden in 1814, but at the same time it created space for a separate Norwegian constitution and internal self rule.
All honor to the Norwegian founding fathers of 1814, but this was decided on the battlefields in Europe. And again, it was Russia’s defeat in the Russo-Japanese War that laid the geopolitical foundation for the dissolution of the forced union with Sweden almost a hundred years later, in 1905. (This is very schematically presented and there are many more details, but there is no doubt that Russia’s loss of most of its fleet in the Far East had created a power vacuum in the west, which was exploitable.)
Therefore, the best thing to do now is not to support the fragmentation of states, but to support a united front to drive the United States out of the Middle East. The Million Man March in Baghdad got the ball rolling. There is every reason to build up even more strength behind it. Only when the United States is out, will the peoples and countries in the region be able to arrive at peaceful agreements between themselves, which will enable a better future to be developed.
And in this context, it is an advantage that China develops the «Silk Road» (aka Belt and Road Initiative), not because China is any nobler than other major powers, but because this project, at least in the current situation, is non-sectarian, non-exclusive and genuinely multilateral. The alternative to a monopolistic rule by the United States, with a world police under Washington’s control, is a multipolar world. It grows as we speak.
The days of the Empire are numbered. What this will look like in 20 or 50 years, remains to be seen.
This article is Creative Commons 4.0. Pål Steigan is a Norwegian veteran journalist and activist, presently editor of the independent news site Translated by Terje Maloy.
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“Because the world is already divided between imperialist powers and there are no new colonies to conquer, the great powers can only fight for redistribution. What creates the basis and possibilities for a new division is the uneven development of capitalism. The forces that are developing faster economically and technologically will demand bigger markets, more raw materials, more strategic control.”
History demonstrates all Empires meet a similar fate–they always collapse. It occurs for pretty much the same two reasons– hyper-militarism and acute political corruption. The US will be no different….It’s inevitable. A shrieking example of this forgone conclusion is the trillion dollar trainwreck modernizing nuclear weapons. As expected, the usual crazies are incharge of the asylum and are speedily manufacturing an assortment of petite nuclear weaponry. They’ll be fastened on Trident Submarines and all sorts of other inventive launchpads. It’s apparent that the WWI and WWII bloodbath of 92 million were mere appetizers for an unrestrained voracious imperialist appetite.
Off topic – but there’s nowhere else to put this at the moment:
No idea what they are talking about. They patiently explained that Corbyn was Hitler. What more could they do?
Ok roll up the sleeves, time to concentrate. I’ve had enough of being baited as a judae- phobe.
The ‘Balfour Declaration’ – he didn’t write it and it was a contract published in the newspapers within hours of it being inveigled.
‘Balfour and Lloyd George would have been happy with an unvarnished endorsement of Zionism. The text that the foreign secretary agreed in August was largely written by Weizmann and his colleagues:
“His Majesty’s Government accept the principle that Palestine should be reconstituted as the national home of the Jewish people and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object and will be ready to consider any suggestions on the subject which the Zionist Organisation may desire to lay before them.”
Got that – AUGUST?
The leading figure in that drama was a charismatic chemistry professor from Manchester, Chaim Weizmann – with his domed head, goatee beard and fierce intellect. Weizmann had gained an entrée into political circles thanks to CP Scott, the illustrious editor of the Manchester Guardian, and had then sold his Zionist project to government leaders, including David Lloyd George when he was chancellor of the exchequer.
Walter Rothschild, Arthur Balfour, Leo Amery, Lord Milner
Arthur James Balfour
Walter Rothschild
‘In due course the blunt phrase about Palestine being “reconstituted as the national home of the Jewish people” was toned down into “the establishment of a home for the Jewish people in Palestine” – a more ambiguous formulation which sidestepped for the moment the idea of a Jewish state. ‘
‘Edwin Montagu, newly appointed as secretary of state for India, was only the third practising Jew to hold cabinet office. Whereas his cousin, Herbert Samuel (who in 1920 would become the first high commissioner of Palestine) was a keen supporter of Zionism, Montagu was an “assimilationist” – one who believed that being Jewish was a matter of religion not ethnicity. His position was summed up in the cabinet minutes:
Mr Montagu urged strong objections to any declaration in which it was stated that Palestine was the “national home” of the Jewish people. He regarded the Jews as a religious community and himself as a Jewish Englishman ‘
‘Montagu considered the proposed Declaration a blatantly anti-Semitic document and claimed that “most English-born Jews were opposed to Zionism”, which he said was being pushed mainly by “foreign-born Jews” such as Weizmann, who was born in what is now Belarus.’
The other critic of the proposed Declaration was Lord Curzon, a former viceroy of India, who therefore viewed Palestine within the geopolitics of Asia. A grandee who traced his lineage back to the Norman Conquest, Curzon loftily informed colleagues that the Promised Land was not exactly flowing with milk and honey, but nor was it an empty, uninhabited space.
According to the cabinet minutes, “Lord Curzon urged strong objections upon practical grounds. He stated, from his recollection of Palestine, that the country was, for the most part, barren and desolate … a less propitious seat for the future Jewish race could not be imagined.”
And, he asked, “how was it proposed to get rid of the existing majority of Mussulman [Muslim] inhabitants and to introduce the Jews in their place?”
Sorry for the length of this bit – but it only makes sense in the whole:
‘Between them, Curzon and Montagu had temporarily slowed the Zionist bandwagon. Lord Milner, another member of the war cabinet, hastily added two conditions to the proposed draft, in order to address the two men’s respective concerns. The vague phrase about the rights of the “existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” hints at how little the government knew or cared about those who constituted roughly 90 per cent of the population of what they, too, regarded as their homeland.
After trying out the new version on a few eminent Jews, both of Zionist and accommodationist persuasions, and also securing a firm endorsement from America’s President Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George and Balfour took the issue back to the war cabinet on 31 October. By now the strident Montagu had left for India, and on this occasion Balfour, who could often be moody and detached, led from the front, brushing aside the objections that had been raised and reasserting the propaganda imperative. According to the cabinet minutes, he stated firmly: “The vast majority of Jews in Russia and America, as, indeed, all over the world, now appeared to be favourable to Zionism. If we could make a declaration favourable to such an ideal, we should be able to carry on extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America.”
This was standard cabinet tactics: a strong lead from a minister supported by the PM, daring his colleagues to argue back. And this time Curzon did not, though he did make another telling comment. He “attached great importance to the necessity of retaining the Christian and Moslem Holy Places in Jerusalem and Bethlehem”. If this were done, Curzon added, he “did not see how the Jewish people could have a political capital in Palestine”.’
Dates again crucial and the smoking gun:
‘securing a firm endorsement from America’s President Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George and Balfour took the issue back to the war cabinet on 31 October.’
The two conditions had bought off the two main critics. That was all that seemed to matter, even though the reference to the “rights of the existing non-Jewish communities” stood in potential conflict with the first two clauses about the British supporting and using their “best endeavours” for the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.
There is MORE but I’ll pause and see how many are really interested in FACTS, as opposed to invented History, Economics and Capital instead of the only real human motivations of the ages – Money and Power.
If this is true then we are all doomed.
Not if we are aware of it George.
Ok a summary fom Brittanica:
‘Balfour Declaration Quick Facts
The Balfour Declaration, issued through the continued efforts of Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leaders in London, fell short of the expectations of the Zionists, who had asked for the reconstitution of Palestine as “the” Jewish national home. The declaration specifically stipulated that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” The document, however, said nothing of the political or national rights of these communities and did not refer to them by name. Nevertheless, the declaration aroused enthusiastic hopes among Zionists and seemed the fulfillment of the aims of the World Zionist Organization (see Zionism).
The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I (1914–18). They hoped also that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighbouring Egypt and thus ensure a vital communication route to British colonial possessions in India.
The Balfour Declaration was endorsed by the principal Allied powers and was included in the British mandate over Palestine, formally approved by the newly created League of Nations on July 24, 1922.
In May 1939 the British government altered its policy in a White Paper recommending a limit of 75,000 further immigrants and an end to immigration by 1944, unless the resident Palestinian Arabs of the region consented to further immigration.
Zionists condemned the new policy, accusing Britain of favouring the Arabs. This point was made moot by the outbreak of World War II (1939–45) and the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.’
But what about the timing?
Well there are twin tracks, here is the first.
‘But talking about the return of the Jews to the land of Israel was only meaningful because that land seemed up for grabs after the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in 1914. For Britain, France and Russia – though primarily focused on Europe – war against a declining power long dubbed the “Sick Man of Europe” opened up the prospect of vast gains in the Levant and the Middle East.
The Ottoman army, however, proved no walkover. In 1915 it threatened the Suez Canal, Britain’s imperial artery to India, and then repulsed landings by British empire and French forces on the Dardanelles at Gallipoli. Although Baghdad fell in March 1917, two British assaults on Gaza that spring were humiliatingly driven back, with heavy losses. Deadlock in the desert added to Whitehall’s list of woes.
In this prescribed narrative of remembrance for 1914-18, what happened outside the Western Front has been almost entirely obscured. The British army’s “Historical Lessons, Warfare Branch” has published in-house a fascinating volume of essays about what it tellingly entitles “The Forgotten Fronts of the First World War” – with superb maps and illustrations. The collection covers not only Palestine and Mesopotamia (roughly modern-day Iraq and Kuwait), but also Italy, Africa, Russia, Turkey and the Pacific – indeed much of the world – but sadly it is not currently available to the public. ‘
The second track is the ‘money’ track and what everything is about and why we live in such a miasma of blatant lies.
IT can only make sense by asking questions such as :
Can we follow the money?
When was the Fed set up? Why? By whom?
How much money did it lend &
to whom?
When was the first world war started?
When did US declare war?
When did US troops arrive in numbers to enter that war?
What happened in Russia at the same time?
And in Mesopotamia?
How did it end?
How did it fail to end?
What happened to the contract?
I have attempted to research and answer some of these already above.
Next I will attempt to walk the other track but be warned that opens more ancient tracks.
‘On 2 November, Balfour sent his letter to Lord Rothschild.
7 November, Lenin and the Bolsheviks had seized power in Petrograd. ransacked the Tsarist archives, they published juicy extracts from the “secret treaties” that the Allied powers had made among themselves in 1915-16 to divide the spoils of victory.
The same day the Ottoman Seventh and Eighth Armies evacuated the town of Gaza
9 November Letter published in Times.
Mid November – The Bolsheviks did not discover that the British were also playing footsie with the Turks. In the middle of November 1917, secret meetings took place with Ottoman dissidents in Greece and Switzerland about trying to arrange an armistice in the Near East. The war cabinet recognised that, as bait, it might have to let the Ottomans keep parts of their empire in the region, or at least retain some appearance of control. When Curzon got wind of this, he was incensed: “Almost in the same week that we have pledged ourselves, if successful, to secure Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people, are we to contemplate leaving the Turkish flag flying over Jerusalem?”
End November. The Manchester Guardian’s correspondent in Petrograd, Morgan Philips Price, was able to examine the key documents overnight, and his scoop was published by the paper at the end of November. It revealed to the world, among other things, that the British also had an understanding with the French – the Sykes-Picot agreement of January 1916 – to carve up the Near East between them once the Ottoman empire had been defeated. In this, Palestine was slated for some kind of international condominium – not the British protectorate envisaged in the Balfour Declaration.
11 December Allenby formally entered Jerusalem. ‘
So just a few loose ends left to tie up… anyone actually want to go there?
Ok on the back stretch:
The paramount goal of the Fed’s founders was to eliminate banking panics, but it was not the only goal. The founders also sought to increase the amount of international trade financed by US banks and to expand the use of the dollar internationally. By 1913 the United States had the world’s largest economy, but only a small fraction of US exports and imports were financed by American banks. Instead, most exports and imports were financed by bankers’ acceptances drawn on European banks in foreign currencies. (Bankers’ acceptances are a type of financial contract used for making payments in the future, for example, upon delivery of goods or services. Bankers’ acceptances are drawn on and guaranteed, i.e., “accepted,” by a bank.) The Federal Reserve Act allowed national banks to issue bankers’ acceptances and open foreign branches, which greatly expanded their ability to finance international transactions…Further the Act authorized the Reserve Banks to purchase acceptances in the open market to ensure a liquid market for them, thereby spurring growth of that market.
President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913.
The task of determining the specific number of districts, district boundaries, and which cities would have Reserve Banks was assigned to a Reserve Bank Organization Committee.
On April 2, 1914, the Committee announced that twelve Federal Reserve districts would be formed, identified the boundaries of those districts, and named the cities that would have Reserve Banks.1 The Banks were quickly organized, officers and staff were hired, and boards of directors appointed. The Banks opened for business on November 16, 1914.
The Federal Reserve Act addressed perceived shortcomings by creating a new national currency—Federal Reserve notes—and requiring members of the Federal Reserve System to hold reserve balances with their local Federal Reserve Banks.
World War I began in Europe in August 1914, before the Federal Reserve Banks had opened for business. The war had a profound impact on the US banking system and economy, as well as on the Federal Reserve.
War disrupted European financial markets and reduced the supply of trade credit offered by European banks, providing US banks with an opening. Low US interest rates, abundant reserves, and new authority to issue trade acceptances enabled American banks to finance a growing share of world trade.
So the denouement :
It appears that the ‘first world war’ was designed to diminish European banks and boost the US banks.
However the fuller history of the US bankers is worth knowing- the Jekyll Islanders story is widely publicised.
Into this time track enters the Balfour Declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild, steered by Milner (heir to Rhodes empire building and the old EIC), approved by the potus Wilson (another hireling) that finally sent US troops to overwhelm the Germans, while the great gamers took out the Romanovs and the Ottoman Empire.
When we try to understand such facts and timelines and are attacked as Judaeo-phobes, because we identify Bankers and Robber Barons, it becomes even clearer how deep and wide they have controlled history and it has NOTHING to do with RELIGION (except perhaps Ludism). Nothing to do with Judaism (except perhaps Old Jewry in the City, but Lombard Street was most powerful!) and EVERYTHING to do with POWER and it’s representation MONEY. The obscuring of that through various Economic theories including Marxism is the work of the same old bastards who are responsible for all our current malaises.
Thankyou and good evening, if anyone made it this far!
Well OK Dunnie, let’s say I go along with you and assume that all the shit we are facing has nothing to do with religion or all that “Marxian porridge” (as Guido Giacomo Preparata called it). The question is: What do we do about it?
Speaking of GGP , it seems to me that you and him have much in common. He also goes on about “Power” but seems to be on the verge of referring this “Power” to mystical entities in a disconcertingly Ickean manoeuvre. Not that I’m attibuting such a thing to yourself. (No irony intended.)
George – i don’t want you or anyone to just go along with me.
I want everyone to make their minds up on FACTS. That is the only way humanity has actually progressed by inventing the only self correcting philosophical system and method of the ages that goes beyond ‘personal responsibility teligions’ – SCIENTIFIC METHOD – that takes away arbitrary power to rule, from these that inhabit the top of the human pyramid by virtue of being born there and having control over the money and so the power to remain in these positions, which does not benefit the totality of humanity or all life on Earth.
I am not a messiah, I am angry as fuck and I am not going to sit around enjoying whatever soma has been handed to us to keep compliant and leave this Planet worse than I found it. That is the scientific conclusion I have reached.
I suppose some proto buddhist / zoroastrianism / animalist / Shinto / Jain & Quakers seek religious truth in inner experience, and place great reliance on conscience as the basis of morality.
I suppose Ghandi’s non-violence rebellion against Imperialists is a model as are various peasants revolts – the Russian / Chinese / Korean / Vietnamese couldn’t have survived without the literal grassroots!
As for Guido Giacomo Preparata that you have introduced to me – i had nevet heard of him before this morning – my first take on him is that he seems to have arrived at similar conclusions by similar methodology. He seems to have a lot of formal education and a enviable career so far – i’ll have to look into him further but the interview that i just read seems to indicate concurrence with what i said above. I see no Ickean references – please give a link.
As a observation do you not find it funny that there is not a single objection to the verity of the facts which I have presented above?
Good luck George if you are a real seeker of truth. If not insta-karma awaits.
The Preparata statement I was referring to is in this interview:
The statement itself is this:
Admittedly it isn’t quite interdimensional reptiles but there is a distinct metaphysical flavour there.
I wouldn’t go along with everything Preparata says but he is a wonderful writer and I have bought almost everything I can find by him. His “biggie” is “Conjuring Hitler”. It was Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed that brought GGP to my attention via that book.
Thanks for the link and constructive engagement George.
Interesting interview, i read another too. I’ll get back to you after further study.
Couple of instant thoughts. Spooky occultism doesn’t seem to come across as his belief. I read plenty of that crap in my 20’s. Can have a conversation about it if you want. ‘Secret’ societies exist.
Economists – spit! – i don’t like Varafoukis as everyone is supposed to either. Give me adecent accountant instead any day.
And Ahmed – i do have knowledge of – i suspect Systems ‘science’ as much as Economic ‘science’.
That is why I have focused in what they don’t talk about – MONEY.
Still i’d like your opinion on my opus on the Balfour declaration- it is a work of many months of research – there are even some juicy bits I left out.
images on this website look terrible, with very little colour. the problem seems to be caused by this rule, from the file “OffGstyle.css”:
.content-wrap-spp img {
filter: sepia(20%) saturate(30%);
This sepia effect usually works well with Off-Guardian articles, but with these maps in today’s article it is definitely terrible. Why have maps if they don’t want to show them clearly?
(any extra steps for the user to see the pictures clearly is not the answer)
Another area neglected on this website is crediting photos. The majority of images carry no atribution/credit, despite it [crediting photos] is the best ethical practice even for public domain pictures. I wish Admin gets expert advice on this.
Look at the language used by the americans:
So, the supremacist unites states’ army has found that Syrian forces are occupying Syrian land .. wow wow wow .. according to this logic, Russian forces are occupying Russian land. Iranian forces are occupying Iranian land (how dare they?!). But american forces are not occupying any land, and Israel is not occupying Palestinian and Syrian lands.
This language needs to be known more widely.
The “pro Syrian forces” were local villagers who were “occupying” their own village.
Luckily, the “wounded” US hero has now recovered from the “minor cut” he sustained.
Unlike the 14 year old boy who was shot dead.
So we can all rest easy now.
The americans always use the term ‘Coalition forces’ when they talk about their illegal presence in Syria. I tried to search online for what countries are in this coalition. I recall I was able to find that in the past, but now, it seems this information is being pushed under wrap.
What are they afraid of? What are they hiding?
Just bring about the end of “Israel” and there’ll be peace in the Middle East, and probably in the wider world, too.
Ending the Israeli project is certainly a step in the right direction to improve global stability. However, alone, it will not bring about peace because the British/Five-Eyes/Washington’s doctrine of spreading disorder and chaos permeates (saturates) the planet.
In fact, current disorders are the results of convergence of Israeli interests with those of Western White Supremacy’s* resolve to dominate, erh, eveything.
* Western White Supremacy can also be called Western White Idiocy and Bigotry.
Israel manipulates the West’s political and military might. The West also uses Israel to spread Chaos and Disorder.
Right, back to the good old peace of the graveyard inspired by Mohamed’s male sex riot ideology and plunder legitimization before the Westerners showed up with their superior (arms) tech legitimization for their plunder.
Before Israel’s 1947 creation the world was a bed of roses….
“srael’s 1947 creation”
Without the natives’ consent and without the neighbouring countries approval, Ukranians and Germans, and later South Americans, found home in the Middle East.
How ligitimate is that?
Without the natives’ consent and without the neighbouring countries approval, Moroccans, Somalis, and later Afghans and Syrians, found home in the EU thanks to madame Merkel.
How ligitimate is that?
“Moroccans, Somalis, and later Afghans and Syrians .. etc..”
Do these comments reflect the Zionists’ perspective? This is important because they prove that the whole existence of Israel is based on total fabrication and lies.
Did you have to practice at being THAT stupid! Or did they lobotomise you in Langley?
Somalis, Afghans, Syrians would not have had any cause to leave their homeland had it not been for your employers the CIA/MOSSAD facilitating the raping and pillaging of their homes by the Oil Magnates, leaving them starving and desolate.
and where does our Aid money go?
But of course Antonym, if you were in their situation, you would just stick it out?
Shame on you….
To those who care, read ”The confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins” to understand how this corrupt system is conducted.
Its ‘creation’ in blood, murder, rape and terror, in a great ethnic cleansing-the sign of things to come, ceaselessly, for seventy years and ongoing.
Ask the people in Gaza about the Zionist “peace of the graveyard.”
Gaza before 2005 was relatively peaceful + prosperous. After the Israeli withdrawal the inhabitants messed up their own economy but kept on making lots of babies just like before.
Quite the opposite of a graveyard or a Warsaw ghetto or a Dachau.
Interesting definition of “withdrawal”. It’s amazing those Gazans even managed to have babies!
You would have made a grand Nazi, Antsie-cripes, you have!
Gaza was, and is, a huge Zionist concentration camp hermetically sealed off from the outside world and blockaded just like the Warsaw Ghetto. With Zionist thugs and kiddie killers shooting hundreds of kids in the head for the fun of it with British sniper rifles and dum dum bullets, and periodically dropping 20,000 tons of bombs at a time on it, a higher explosive yield than Hiroshima. With parties of Jews going along to hold barbecues and picnics to watch all the fun. Nice people, those chosen folk.
It’s a bit difficult to run a successful economy when you are stuck inside a Zionist concentration camp.
I rather think that Epstein, Weinstein, Moonves and all those orthodox and ultra-orthodox who are such prolific patrons of the sex industry in Israel, know a bit about ‘male sex riot ideology’, Antsie.
As for ‘sex riots’ nobody does it better than the Epsteins, Weibnsteins, Moonveses, Dershowitzes etc, of the world. As for ‘plunder legitimization’, well there are other practitioners of that dark art. What is the theft of Palestine but ‘plunder’?
‘Nandy won a major boost when members of the Labour affiliate Jewish Labour Movement gave her their backing after a hustings, saying she understood the need to change the party’s culture.’
From the Groaniad
How many members? How many by denomination?
As for the Balfour Contract there were actual English Jewish establishment figures against its premise. Actual imperial servants. The declaration was a stitch up by the new banking powers in the US which then sent in the yanks to stop the Germans in 1917.
History is rewritten daily to memory hole such facts.
The ‘Jewish Labour Movement’ is so Jewish that most of its members are not Jewish. And it is so Labour-affiliated that it did not support Labour in the December general election. But it has no shortage of money. It exists solely to prosecute the interests of a foreign power. Much the same could be said for any politician who accepts its endorsement.
Given that Jews are vastly outnumbered by non Jews, the simplest way to stop Jewish manipulation of politics is to form a party from which Jews are specifically banned.
You will not propose any policies harming Jews in any way, you will just make it clear that this is a party free from any Jewish influence in its constitution.
If Jews cannot accept that, then they are utterly racist and must be dealt with without sensibility.
A better solution Rhys would be to form a party that denies all and any dual citizens…
That way all the Zionists would be barred.
Full public financing of political parties would end Zionist control.
True Richard, but the Tories would never agree to that because their party is TOTALLY funded by the Zionists and their apologists.
Thornberry has just thrown in the towel.
She will now have more time to “get down on her hands and knees” and “beg forgiveness” from the Board of Deputies.
Those good little Shabbos are so easily trained.
BoD’s??? Another random organisation!
Who are they? Who do they represent? How many people? Which people? How did they get elected? How can they be fired?
The work of the Board of Deputies reaches ”those in positions of influence in towns and cities across the UK including those who have little exposure to the Jewish communities”. It is through tools such as the innovative ‘Jewish Manifesto’ series that we have been able to extend our reach further than ever across the whole of the UK. (…)
We are also the foremost point of contact for London’s diplomatic community, and the UK affiliate of the European Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress.
(so in effect – don’t fck with us!)
The Jewish population in the UK is 0.5% .. according to the Jewish Board of Deputies web page?
But let us for the sake of argument accept the Jewish Chronicle’s figures:
The Jewish population in the UK is 280,000 or 0.46 per cent. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so, as a proportion, Jewish entitlement is only three seats.
With 24 seats they are eight times over-represented. Which means, of course, that other groups must be under-represented, including Muslims.
The UK’s Muslim population is 2.4 million or 3.93 per cent. Their proportional entitlement is 25 seats but they have only eight – a serious shortfall. If Muslims were over-represented to the same extent as the Jews (i.e. eight times) they’d have 200 seats.
All hell would break loose.
Here is a very enlightening article which answers ALL the questions you have ever asked. It has been thoroughly researched by many and corresponds with what I alsohave discovered. It needs to be read in full.
The battle for power and riches is an ancient one, but any attempt to make sense of the present world situation where the bulk of humanity is being herded like sheep into a corral without some knowledge of history is a difficult if not impossible task.
At present names have been replaced by groups, capitalists, republicans, democrats, terrorists, corporations, NATO, UNO, NAFTA, EMI, ECB, ASEAN. They are names that are spewed out like confetti in an endless list of anonymity.
In spite of modern technology the figures in the background remain blurred. Mention the word “Jew” or “Conspiracy” and ‘everyone with few exceptions will turn away’. Why? Fear? Of what? What is the magic talisman which makes the mention of these co-religionists a no-go area? Is it because they have infiltrated every aspect of human activity? Is it they who are pulling the strings which are leading the world on its downward slope?
The Jew has been mistrusted since way back. But what is apparent now is that any attempt to offer an answer to the question is clamped down upon. What does that indicate? Above all it indicates that these shadowy figures fear more than anything else THE TRUTH.
Professor Jesse H. Holmes, writing in, “The American Hebrew,” expressed the following similar sentiments:
“It can hardly be an accident that antagonism directed against the Jews is to be found pretty much everywhere in the world where Jews and non-Jews are associated. And as Jews are the common element of the situation it would seem probable, on the face of it, that the cause will be found in them rather than in the widely varying groups which feel this antagonism …
The Jewish thinker, Bernard Lazare, who lived in France in the late 19th century, was firmly opposed to Judeophobia, and he was an early supporter of Dreyfuss. However he was honest enough to observe that the Jews had been not liked on many occasions in almost every society in which they had dwelled, over the centuries, despite differences in racial make-up, religions, history, social structures etc. As he sensibly observed, at least some of the blame must be due to the behaviour of ‘Israel’, ie the Jews.
Thanks for bringing up your own problem, Judeophobia, which you share with too many here.
Sure, some blame rests with some Jews, ~ 3%?; for the rest it is just envy, xenophobia, religious antipathy, politics etc. In India the Brahmins suffered a similar faith in the South.
In the case of Islamophobia the situation is the reverse: the “others” might suffer a bit xenophobia but the aggressiveness, misogyny and violence of Islam aids much to that.
You are the soul of disingenuity Antonym. We have here a political weapon unlike any seen before: by the interminable invocation of The Holocaust/ Auschwitz/ anti-Semitism , a certain group (who don’t even have to be Jewish) can summon up a level of emotional blackmail which can make as many people as they want just …disappear. Best of all, they can do this – while still claiming to be victims themselves!
Cf. the soulfully concerned writings of Man Of God, Gavin Ashenden:
This is the precise opposite of the truth.
You see from Antsie’s racist comments re. India, that he expects the Brahmins to be natural allies of the Zionists, anf he holds southern Indians, the Dravidians, the black ones, in full contempt. I guess they must be ‘Sons of Ham’. The 3% figure for the Jewish contribution to Judeophobia is a real hoot, and the thought of ‘envying’ natural born bigots like Antsie, is nauseating.
So, what was Bernard Lazare? A ‘self-hating Jew’, ie a truthful one? Your opposite.
Maggie – as I have clearly stated above in my history of the Balfour Declaration – i DON’T believe that religion has ANY role in the machinations ancient or otherwise of the warmongering global robber barons.
Failure to draw that distinction leads to accusations of Judeophobia and deliberate conflating with judaeo-nationalism for example.
Another example is that while 80% of the Bolshevik leadership was of Jewish religious ancestry – does not mean 80% of Russian Jews were Bolshevik.
The idea that Russians are anti-Jewish or vice-versa or indeed any peoples and nations are or were is a rewriting of history by these who benefit from such nonsense – these powerful and rich ancients wolves who dress in that ancient sheeps clothing.
My question was simple and didn’t need the answer being drenched by obscuring hatred of a religion.
I also believe that religion has NO role in the machinations ancient or otherwise of the warmongering global robber barons. But has been hijacked to deter comments and attention.. No hatred here DunG, I consider ALL men to be equal and judge them only by how they treat others. I posted simply historical facts, if you managed to read the whole article. Yes your question was simple.. had there been a simple answer I’m sure you would have found it yourself.
The article I posted explained very fully how and why the Zionists were able to establish control over all countries.
It is precisely the mindset that promotes comments like yours that allows the myth to continue.. that daring to speak of the ‘Jews’ is antisemetic and considered to Judeophobia?? In which case would automatically follow that to speak of Paedophile priests means that all Catholics are hated?
I don’t put all the eggs in one basket, and label them all the same.
I am extremely aware that many Jewish people remove themselves totally from the Zionist doctrine..
Not least of all the Neturei Kart who were vocal opponents to the new political ideology of Zionism that was attempting to assert Jewish sovereignty in Ottoman-controlled Palestine, where their families had lived for many generations, prior to the establishment of the illegitimate so-called “State of Israel” and resented the new arrivals, who were predominantly non-religious. Many individuals abandoned the country in which they and their families had lived for many generations_ ideologically refusing to live under the illegitimate heretical “Israeli” regime, and being exiled by the Zionist government for their insistence on remaining independent of the illegitimate heretical regime or them being unable to live a normal family life due to them and their families being persistently harassed, repeatedly incarcerated and many times even physically tortured by the Zionist police and agents.
This dispersion resulted in the emergence of various Neturei Karta establishments on the broader international scene. Although it is true that the number of families which could be classified as Neturei Karta members or activists per-se is relatively small (several thousand), the number of Orthodox Jews who also believe in the anti-Zionist ideology which Neturei Karta is known for, number in the hundreds of thousands. Who also assert that the exile of the Jews can end only with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful.
Chief among Neturei Karta’s arguments against Zionism is the Talmudic concept of the so-called Three Oaths, extracted from the discussion of certain portions of the Bible. It states that a pact consisting of three oaths was made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary. A second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish people would be engaging in rebellion against God.
Jews are not allowed to dominate, kill, harm or demean another people and are not allowed to have anything to do with the Zionist enterprise, their political meddling and their wars. The true Jews remain faithful to Jewish belief and are not contaminated with Zionism.
The true Jews are against dispossessing the Arabs of their land and homes. According to the Torah, the land should be returned to them.
By our deeds are we known.
The next world war has already started, with the bio-warfare atttack on China aka Covid19.
Why no comment on the government reshuffle? I don’t agree with the Indian middle-class uplifting but totally agree with neutering the ultra-conservative treasury.
I think it’s a case of who gives a fck. We now know that our elections are rigged, and so there is no point in us being involved. My family and I all realised and voted for the last time.
They are all bloody crap actors reading their scripts and playing their parts, whilst the never changing suits in the background pull the strings.
I had to explain to my 10 year old Grandson how politics work, and he said ”Why doesn’t anyone know the names of, or see the suits?”
What I want to know is why no-one ever asks this question or demands an answer?
Completely Brilliant Article, but it is Valentines Day, so as I am 66 years old, and in love with my wife (nearly 40 years together = LOVE), I wrote this in response to Craig Murray, who has banned me again.
It may be off topic for him, but it ain’t off topic for me. I am still in Love.
“Churchill’s mental deterioration from syphilis – which the Eton and Oxford….”
Never had it, and she didn’t either. We were young and in love, but we didn’t know, if either of us had sex before, but I had a spotty dick, and went to the VD clinic. I had a blood test, and they gave me some zinc cream.
She also had the same thing, and showed her Mum.
We were both completely innocent, and had a sexually transmitted disease called Thrush. It is relatively harmless, but can also give you a sore throat.
We both laughed at each other, and nearly got married.
Natural Yoghurt, is completely brilliant at preventing it.
Far better than Canestan.
Happy Valentines Day, for Everyone still In Love.
Let us all look forwad to a Brighter Day for our Grandchildren.
Hey Tony
Dont worry. Craig Murray might not like you but I do. Your stories, here and elsewhere have entertained me for many years.
Mind you, if I were your other half I would have chucked you years ago.
Tell him how much you like haggis and tossing your caber.
Without Stalins say so Poland would not have had its borders at the end of ww2.
On these maps just off the right hand edges is missing Afghanistan.. which the imperialists invaded in 2002 as the Taliban wiped out the opium crops. Back to full production immediately after invasion and 18 years later secret negotiations to hand over to Taliban while leaving 8,000 CUA troops delivering the huge cash crop.
Seeking possession and control – in competition with those you see as seeking to dispossess and control or deny you – is the identity or belief in ‘kill or be killed’.
This belief overrides and subordinates others – such as to subsume all else to such private agenda that will seek alliance against common threat but only as a shifting strategy of possession and control.
One of the things about this ‘game’ of power struggle, is that it loses any sense of WHY – and so it is a driven mind or dictate of power or possession for it own sake that cannot really ENJOY or HAVE and share what it Has. The image of the hungry ghost comes to mind here. It will never have enough until you are dead – and even then will offer you torment beyond the grave.
Until this mindset is recognised and released as an ‘insanity’ it operates as accepted currency of exchange, and maps our a world of its own conflicting and conflicted meanings.
The willingness to destroy or kill, deny or undermine and invalidate others in order to GET for a private agenda set over the whole instead of finding balance within the whole – is destructive to life, no matter how ingenious the thinking that frames it to seem to be progressive, protective, or in fact powerful.
But in our collective alignment and allegiance with such a way of thinking and identifying – we all give power to the destructive – as if to protect the life that it gives us.
The hungry ghost is also in the mass population when separated from their land and lives to seek connection or meaning in proffered ‘products and services’ instead of creating out of our own lives. Products and services that operate a hidden agenda of possession and control or market and mind capture under threat of fear of pain of loss in losing even the little that we have.
Having – on a spiritual level is our being – and not a matter of stuffing a hole.
Madness that can no longer mask as anything else is all about – and brings a choice to conscious awareness as to whether to persist in it or decide to find another way of seeing and being.
This is not to say there is no place to call upon or seek to limit people in positions of trust from serving an unjust outcome by calling for transparency and accountability – but not to wait on that or make that the be all and end all.
If there is another way and a better way than war masking in and misusing and thus corrupting anything and everything, then it has to be lived one to another.
Everyone seeks a better experience – but many seek it in a negative framing. Negative in the sense of self-lack seeking power in the terms of its current identity. Evils work their own destruction, but find sustainability in selling destructive agenda or toxic debt as ingeniously complex instruments of deceit – by which the targeted buyer believes they have or shall save their ‘self’ or add to their ‘self’ rather than growing hollow to a driven mindset of reactive fear-addiction.
I don’t need to ‘tell this to those who refuse to listen’ – but I share it with any moment of a willingness to listen. In the final analysis, we are the ones who live the result of choices in our lives, whatever the times and conditions.
The ‘repackaging’ of reality to self-deceit, is not new but part of the human mind and experience throughout history. The evil changes forms – as if the good has and shall triumph. But truth undoes illusion by being accepted. It doesn’t war on illusion and thus make it real – and remain truth.
Judgement divides to rule.
Discernment arises from the unwillingness to division.
One is set apart from and over life as the invocation of an alien will, dealing death, and the other as the will of true desire revealed.
The idea of independent autonomy is relative to a limited sphere of responsibilities in the world.
The idea of living our own life is an alignment within the same for others and the freedom to do so cannot take from others without becoming possessed by our denials, debts and transgressions – no less so in the driven mind of ingeniously repackaged and wilfully defended narrative identity.
In our own experience, this is not a matter of applied analysis, so much as awareness or space in which to seek and find truth in some willingness of recognition and acceptance or choice, while the triggering or baiting to madness is loud or compelling as the dictate of fear seeking protection and grievance seeking retribution – as if these give freedom and power rather than locking into a fear-framed limitation as substitution for life set in defiance and refusal to look on or share in truth – and so to such a one, war is truth, and love is weakness to exploit, use and weaponise for getting.
If you look at the proposed new map of the Middle East, it mirrors Kushner’s Deal Of The Century for Palestine – because it has the same Zionist authorship.
The same old dirty Zionist games of divide and rule – break up countries in the region into tiny defenceless little statelets setting different ethnic and religious groups at each others’ throats, so that they can rule the roost and steal whatever they wish.
You see this in the past and the recent past. The way Lebanon was torn away from Syria. Or Kuwait from Iraq. Or the Ruritanian petty Gulf dictatorships like Bahrain, Qatar, Dubai.
Trump was being honest for the first time in his miserable life when he said none of these satellites and satraps would last a fortnight if they were not propped up by the US.
George Galloway described the whole region as a flock of sheep surrounded by ravenous wolves.
At the same time, there is more than a grain of truth in the Zionists’ contention that the people of the region are to some extent the authors of their own misfortune.
They always fall for the divide-and-rule games of outside powers, Britain, America, Israel, who invade, bomb, slaughter, humiliate and exploit them. If they had been united, Israel would not have been created. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, would not have been destroyed and bombed back to the Stone Age. These countries would be genuinely independent and at peace.
When I speak to ordinary moslems, it is surprising and depressing to see how much visceral hatred they express for Shia moslems. They seem blind to the way they are being manipulated to serve outside interests.
So we see moslem Saudi Arabia trying to incite America and Israel to destroy Iran, and offering to pay for the whole cost of the war. Or S. Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, UAE et al, in bed with Israel, paying billions to bankroll the terrorist head choppers in Syria. Or Egypt, which does not even protest, let alone lift a finger, when Israeli aircraft use its air space to carpet bomb Gaza. Or going further back in history, when countries like Egypt and Syria sent troops to join the 1991 US invasion of Iraq. Even though Iraq had sent its forces to the Golan Heights in 1973 to fight and die to prevent Syria being overrun by Israel. How contemptible is all that? Yet those are just a few of many examples of all the backstabbing that has occurred over the years. If these people don’t respect themselves, why should anybody else?
And this has been going on for hundreds of years.
1096 marked the beginning of The Crusades, a disaster for the region on a par with the creation of Israel.
At that time, London was a little village of 25,000. Baghdad and Alexandria and Cordoba were sophisticated modern cities with populations of hundreds of thousands. They dismissed the Crusaders as mere bandits who would do some looting, steal some cattle, and go home. But 3 years later Jerusalem had been conquered and its inhabitants slaughtered, the start of a 200 year disaster for the region. How? Why?
Because the Arabs were so busy fighting a civil war at the time they barely noticed the foreign invaders. The old, old story. Civil war between Sunnis and Shias.
One day, they will wake up and realise that they have to hang together, or hang separately.
But I wouldn’t hold your breath.
There seems to be an endless supply of quisling stooge dictators ready to do the bidding of hostile outside powers. The Mubaraks, the Sisis, the King Abdullahs, the Sinioras, the MBS’s, to name but a few.
Conforming to all the worst stereotypes about Arabs and moslems.
You could argue that they deserve all they get, when they are ever ready to bend over and drop their trousers.
Is it really any surprise that they have been invaded, slaughtered, bombed back to the Stone Age, robbed, exploited and humiliated from time immemorial.
Maybe one day they will discover an ounce of dignity and self respect. Who knows?
”1096 marked the beginning of The Crusades, a disaster for the region on a par with the creation of Israel.
At that time, London was a little village of 25,000. Baghdad and Alexandria and Cordoba were sophisticated modern cities with populations of hundreds of thousands. They dismissed the Crusaders as mere bandits who would do some looting, steal some cattle, and go home. But 3 years later Jerusalem had been conquered and its inhabitants slaughtered, the start of a 200 year disaster for the region. How? Why?”
Because despite the mendacious lies that are told about Muslims, they are tolerant and forgiving. They believe in one God, and live exemplary modest, generous lives in the belief that they will enter in to the kingdom of heaven.
And these are the people we are being encouraged to hate and fear? To enable the neo cons to invade and destroy everything in their path to get their oil.
Hundreds of millions of Muslims the world over ‘live in democracies’ of some shape or form, from Indonesia to Malaysia to Pakistan to Lebanon to Tunisia to Turkey. Tens of millions of Muslims’ live in — and participate in’ — Western democratic societies. The country that is on course to have the biggest Muslim population in the world in the next couple of decades is India, which also happens to be the world’s biggest democracy. Yet a persistent pernicious narrative exists, particularly in the West, that Islam and democracy are incompatible. Islam is often associated with dictatorship, totalitarianism, and a lack of freedom, and many ”well paid” analysts and pundits claim that Muslims are philosophically opposed to the idea of democracy….
‘Democracy’ as practised in the neo-liberal capitalist West, is a nullity, a fiction, a smoke-screen behind which the one and only power, that of the rich owners of the economy, acts alone.
I know. These Zionist morons droning on about how violent Islam is as religion yet ignoring the fact that the Bible is based on the God of Abraham granting them Canaan (like Trump giving the Israelis the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) and urging them to commit complete and utter genocidal annihilation of the inhabitants by not leaving a single living thing breathing.
No violence there folks. Nope. The book of love my ass!
Their God was a demented estate agent, rather like Trump or Kushner.
Personally I believe that the chapters of the bible were written after their genocidal blood lust simply to justify their despicable acts. Claiming that God made ’em do it.
My experience of muslims in the UK is many express support for the Palestinians but don’t identify or understand those states which still speak up for their rights, Syria, Iran and a few others.
Sadly like the general UK population they have been exposed to propaganda which excuses evil and mass murder carried out by Saudi Arabia and their lackeys and Israel. This is changing however. People are gradually waking up. Muslims and the general UK public if they really knew the extent of this would be out demonstrating on the streets.
The realisation these policies have exposed all of us to nuclear wipe out in seconds should be enough motivation for any normal person.
The wipe out or (preferably) demonstrations will happen. Just a question of when. You can see why the establishment and people like Higgins, Lucas and York are so active recently. These idiots, blinded by their pay checks can’t see the harm they are causing through their irresponsible lies even to their own families. Perhaps they all have nuclear shelters in their back garden.
Saudi Arabia is NOT ‘Moslem’. It is Wahhabist, a genocide cult created by doenmeh, ie crypto-Jewish followers of the failed 17th century Messiah, Sabbatai Zevi, which is homicidally opposed to all Moslems but fellow Wahhabists.
I thought it was created by the British Empire, in order to provide reliable stooges and puppet regimes.
What people must realise is that,for the Zionassty secular and Talmudic religious leaderships, by far the dominant forces in Israel and among many of the Diaspora sayanim, the drive to create ‘Eretz Yisrael’, ‘..from the Nile to the Euphrates’ (and some include the Arabian Peninsula as well), is a real, religious, ambition-indeed an obligation. With the alliance with the ‘Christian Zionist’ lunatics in the USA, the fate of humanity is in the hands of the Evil Brain Dead.
I despair. This is why there is ‘No Deal For Nature’ …because the hegemonic cultural movement is to extend cultural hegemony over nature. We cannot seem to help it or stop ourselves. Do we suppose a glossy website will change that? Or empty sloganneering subvertisements? Or waiving placards outside banks? …Or some other futile conscience salving symbolic gesture?
No, we have to subvert the cultural hegemony over nature at every point …at every chance. Which is thankless …because cultural normativity is ubiquitous. And it’s killing us. And BRI is the very antithesis of alternative …an eternal return into the cultural consumerism and commodification that is the global hegemony…at least at an elite level. And we are among that elite – in terms of consumption and pollution. We are the problem. If we seek to extend or preserve our own Eurocentric priviliges and consumptions …we can only do so by extracting evermore global resources and maldeveloping the Rest. Which is also what Samir Amin said: following Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory.
The progressive packaging of all our sins and transferring them to something called ‘American Imperialism’ is nothing less than mass psychological transference to a Fetish. By which we maintain autonomy from any blame in the ecological disaster we are co-creating. Which is why it is a powerful cultural narrative constructivism. ‘We’ do not have to reform: the scapegoated Otherised ‘they’ do. Whilst we all sit smugly in our inauthentic imaginary autonomy: the ecological destruction caused entirely by our collectivist consumption carries on. ‘They’ have to clean up ‘their’ act – not us. ‘We’ align with the ‘counter-hegemonic alliance’: the alternative BRI. ‘We’ are so bourgeois and progressive in our invented independence …and totally aligned with the destructive forces of capitalist endocolonised culture because of our own internalised screening discourse. Which is why there is #NoDealForNature. ‘We’ don’t actually give a flying fuck …not beyond some hollow totemic gestures in transference of our own responsibility.
‘We’ are pushing for the financialisation of nature: as the teleology of our particular complicit cultural narratives. It’s not just ‘them’. Supply and demand are dialectically exponential. Who is demanding less, more fairly distributed North to South? Exponential expansionism via BRI is no more alternative than colonising the Moon or Mars. For nature to have a deal: we have to stop demanding growth. And in doing that: become self-responsible right through to the narratives we produce. For which every person in the global consumer bourgeoisie – that’s us – will have to change their imperatives from culture to nature. Which means a new naturalised culture: not just complicitly advocating the ‘same old, same old’ exponential expansionism of the extractivist commodification of every last standing resource. Under the guise of new narrative constructions like this. That’s not progress: it’s capitalist propaganda and personal self-propaganda. We are among the consumer elite. Which is driving the financialisation and commodification of everything. For us.
#NoDealForNature …until we take full and honest self-responsibility to create one with our every enaction …including speech-enactivism.
I’m sure Thomas Robert Malthus and Charles Darwin are smiling upon you my child from their very special place in hell.
Charles Darwin? What on Earth are you on about?
Ever heard of social Darwinism? This is how the elite justify genocide and theft of resources. It is one of the basics of Neoliberalism.
Darwin had NOTHING to do with ‘social Darwinism’. It’s like blaming Jesus for the KKK.
Uh huh:
“With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive commonly exhibit a vigorous state of health. We civilised men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilised societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man himself, hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.
The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner previously indicated, more tender and more widely diffused. Nor could we check our sympathy, if so urged by hard reason, without deterioration in the noblest part of our nature. The surgeon may harden himself whilst performing an operation, for he knows that he is acting for the good of his patient; but if we were intentionally to neglect the weak and helpless, it could only be for a contingent benefit, with a certain and great present evil. Hence we must bear without complaining the undoubtedly bad effects of the weak surviving and propagating their kind; but there appears to be at least one check in steady action, namely the weaker and inferior members of society not marrying so freely as the sound; and this check might be indefinitely increased, though this is more to be hoped for than expected, by the weak in body or mind refraining from marriage.”
― Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
For the 19th century, and his social milieu, that is not too bad. It is also true, if stated rather bluntly. I see that Darwin wishes the weak to ‘refrain’ from marriage, rather than seeking to bar them, or, the eugenicist dream, eliminate them altogether. It is ill-considered, I think, to judge people from centuries past on the basis of current opinions.
I’ve already shown that St. Darwin’s Origin of Species was the spark that ignited the Eugenics Movement and also show that he supported its objectives maybe not as fully as Malthus and other self righteous elitists but supported it none the less and this is your response?
Yeah I heard that Oppenheimer wasn’t a big fan of dropping the bomb on innocent civilians but he helped build it nonetheless.
Gall you are making the mistake, borne of great arrogance, of judging Darwin by the standards of today. I don’t doubt that Darwin’s opinions would be different if he was alive today. And Darwin is not responsible for what others did with his findings. And envy of the great and famous no doubt also plays a role.
Darwin’s theories were used by Malthus and others were the basis of for the Eugenics movements that flourished or more accurately sprung up like weeds during the latter part of the 19th Century and 20th Century which were later embraced by Hitler.
Of course he isn’t totally responsible since others like Rush, Jefferson, Kipling and others contributed to the racial purity aspect that viewed the white race as the only “civilizing” influence of humanity and therefore more highly advanced on the evolutionary scale.
The best example is Kipling’s paean to Anglo-Saxon Imperialism White Man’s Burden written during American invasion of the Philippines.
Every appraisal from a cultural POV extends the cultural hegemony over nature – with no exceptions. If we do not address the false dichotomy of culture and nature – and invert the privileged status of cultural domination over nature – this never changes. If nothing changes …its going to be a very short century …the last in the history of culture.
I’m expressing my own private POV with the intention of at least highlighting the issue of only ever expressing the distorted cultural-centric POV. It would be nice if we could all agree to do something other than waste our privileged status and access to resources for other than meaningless sarcasm. It’s not like we’d all benefit from a change in POV and the entailed potential in a change of course that can only happen if we think of nature first, is it? 😉
The only thing I don’t like about the environmentally “woke” is that many are easily manipulated by the neoliberal elite. Greta is a perfect example.
That is they go after the little guy while the Military and big industry continue to pollute unhampered.
Well said Gall.
Well that’s what you do.
The M5 highway is secured. Allepo access points too and Idlib is surrounded- where are the US backed /Saudi paid / Tukish passport holding Uighars and various Turkmen proxy jihadist anti Chinese / anti Russian, Central asian caliphate establishing mercenaries supposed to go now??
Pompeo is buzzing around Africa now like a blue bottomed cadaverous fly, non-stop buzzing from piles of shot, trying to find them homes – no Libya doesn’t want anymore of them, nor the UAE and Saudis, or Turks … maybe dump them in Canada with all these ex Ukrainian still nazis? Its a big country nobody will know!
Or bring them to the US and give them a ticker tape parade?
Or let them surrender and have them testify as to how the fuck they let themselves be bought for $$$$ … maybe just fry them with the low yield nuke and blame Assad for it!
Dumbass yanks, fukus, 5+1 eyed gollum and Nutty- ‘it’s the Belgian airforce bombing Russian weapons in Syria’ -yahoo!
Up-Pompeos farce and buzzing is about to sizzle in the blue light of death for dumbfuck poison spreading flies.
so much disrespect here hare here.
these takfiri these giants these beards are hero
of the oded yinon plan
they raped murdered and stole
dustified atomised the syriana so
is rael can become real
the red heffers have been cloned the temple will grow
the semites must leave for norway,sweden wales scotland and detroit
the khazar ashkanazim need the land returned to it’s true owners from the turkic russio steppe
tonight back to back i watch reality
fiddler on the roof and exodus and schindlers lists.
i watch bbc simon scharmas new rabbi revised history of mighty israel.
every day it grows massive every day hezbollah become weak husk
shirley you can sea more that
my life already
Very interesting and informative article. Lenin’s 5 conditions of the imperialism of his time have been matched by similar conditions in our own time, as listed by the Egyptian Marxist, Samir Amin. These conditions being as follows.
1. Control of technology.
2. Access to natural resources.
3. Finance.
4. Global media.
5. The means of mass destruction.
Only by overturning these monopolies can real progress be made. Easily said. But a life and death struggle for humanity.
The collapse of the Soviet Union opened up the space for increased penetration of Europe to the East by the US and its West European allies in NATO. At that time the subaltern US powers in Europe were the UK and West Germany, as it then was. There was a semblance of sovereignty in France under De Gaulle, but this has since disappeared. Europe as a whole is now occupied and controlled by the US which has used EU/NATO bloc to push right up to the Russian border. Most, if not all, the non-sovereign quasi states, in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, are Quisling-Petainist puppet regimes regardless of whether they are inside our outside of the EU. (I say ‘states’ but of course if a country is not sovereign it cannot be a ‘state’ in the full meaning of the word).
A political, social and economic crisis in Europe seems to be taking taking shape. Perhaps the key problem, particularly Eastern Europe, has been depopulation. There is not one European state in which fertility (replacement) rates has reached 2.1 children. Western European imperial states have to large degree been able to counter-act this tendency by immigration from their former colonies, particularly the UK and France. But this has not been possible in states such as Sweden and Germany where the migration of non-christian guest workers from Turkey to Germany and Islamic refugees
from the middle-east hot-spots have had a free passage to Sweden. This has become a serious social and economic problem; a problem resulting from a neoliberal open borders policy. The fact of the matter is that radically different cultures will tend to clash. Thank you Mr Soros.
British immigration policy was successful in so far as immigrants from the Caribbean were English speakers, they were also protestant Christians, and the culture was not very different from the UK. Later immigration from the Indian sub-continent and Indian settled East Africa were generally professional and middle-class business people. Again English speakers. Assimilation of these newcomers was not unduly difficult.
However it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that Eastern Europe is facing a demographic disaster. This particular zone is literally bleeding people. Ukraine for example has lost 10 million people since 1990. Every month it is estimated that 100,000 Ukrainians leave the country, usually for good. In terms of migration – no-one wants to go to Eastern Europe, but everyone wants to leave, asap. This process is complemented by low birth rates, and high death rates. These are un-developing states in an un-developing world. But now we have new kids on the bloc. A counter-hegemonic alliance. No guesses who.
Rubbish. There is no ‘counter-hegemonic alliance’ to humanities rapacious demand for fossil fuels and ecological resources. Where are the material consumption resources for BRI coming from – the Moon, Mars? Passing asteroids? Or from the Earth?
When its gone: its gone. Russia and China provide absolutely no alternative to this. China’s consumption alone is driving us over the brink. To which the real alternative is a complicit silence. As we all align with culture-centric capitalist views: there is no naturalistic ‘counter-hegemonic alliance’. Just some hunters in the Amazon we are having shot right now so we can have the privilige of extending cultural hegemony over nature.
When it’s gone: it’s gone. And so will we be too. Probably as we are still praising the wonders of the ‘counter-hegemonic alliance’ that killed us.
Actually there is a naturalistic alliance forming but it seems you haven’t been paying attention because you seem stuck in some Malthusian mind set. In order to defeat capitalism you have to defeat Globalism so you first have to eliminate the Anglo-American Hegemony and get back to a multipolar world.
Ranting on about like Gretchen doesn’t do any good.
Resources are finite and thermodynamics exist. These are the ineliminable, indisputable, and rock solid epistemology of the Earth System. Everything else is metaphysics – literally ‘beyond nature; beyond physics’. Or, as it is more commonly known – economics. The imaginary epistemology of political economics and political theory. ‘Theory’ is the non-scientific sense of unfounded opinion and non-sense. A philosophical truth-theory that is not and cannot ever be true. Hypothetical non-sense.
I get my information from a wide range of sources that realise these foundational predicates. That is: a foundational set of beliefs that require no underpinning. I can only paraphrase Eddington on thermodynamics: “if your theory is found to be against the second law …I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.”
Which is to say all modern political theory and economics – and by extension all opinions based on its internalisation – is the product of vivid and unfounded imagination. To which a naturalised epistemology is the only remedy.
There are lots of people working on the problem: but not in the political sphere. Which is why we are stuck in a hallucinated metaphysical political-economic theatre of the absurd and absolutised cultural non-sense. Which is not beyond anyone to rectify: if and when we accept the limitations of the physical-material Earth System. And apply them to our thinking.
#NoDealForNature …until we accept that the thermodynamics of depletion naturally limit growth. Anything anyone says to the contrary should be treated with scepticism and cause a collapse into deepest humiliation of any rational thinker.
‘Depopulation’ is only a problem if you believe in the capitalist cancer cult of infinite growth on a finite planet, ie black magic. If you value Life on Earth, and its continuance, human depopulation is necessary. Best done slowly and humanely, by redistributing the wealth stolen by the capitalist parasites. The process seen in the Baltics and Ukraine is the capitalist way, cruel and inhumane. Even worse is planned for the Africans, south Asians and Chinese etc.
They don’t for a minute believe in “infinite growth”. They believe in the “bottom line”,”instant gratification” and “primitive accumulation”. “Infinite growth” is a sales pitch that they use to sell the unwary on their rapaciousness. That is all. If they actually believed in “infinite growth” they’ve be investing in renewable resources not fracking, strip mining and other environmentally unfriendly practices.
The problem for Imperialists is that they only know how to plunder, rape and destroy thus all their weaponry and tactics is used for aggression they know nothing about actual defense which is their weak point. General George C Custer found this out some time back and so did Trump just recently when the American were assaulted by a barrage of missiles they couldn’t stop.
Iran, Russia and China have one of the most advanced arsenal of defensive weapons ever developed such as the S- series of air defense system that can turn a Tomahawk attack into a turkey shoot. What was it? I think it was 100 Tomahawks fired on Syria after that false flag chemical attack and only 15 or so got through and this was the earlier version of the S missile defense S-300. They’ve already developed 500 which practically makes them impervious and is a true iron dome compared the iron sieve that the Israelis got for free during GW1 and then repackaged and sold back to the US Military for 15B with very few improvements except maybe for a pretty blue bow.
Not only that but they can return fire with hypersonic weapons that are unstoppable and can turn a base or Aircraft Carrier into a floating pinnate.
Very well presented. Excellent article.
Actually the US proudly waving the banner of the East India Company is following in the footsteps of the deceased British Empire into the boneyard of empires which is Afghanistan. Iraq, Syria and Ukraine are just side shows. America can not escape history no matter what it does now since its days of empire are now numbered. Just as they were for the late unlamented Soviet Union.
The “New American Century” is ending preemptively early like Hitler’s “Thousand Year Reich” and we can all breath a sigh of relief when it does.
The only thing that will get the bastard yanks out of the middle east is dead Americans.
Lots and lots of dead Americans.
Enough dead Americans to make the braindead jingoistic American masses notice.
Enough dead Americans to touch every family that produces grunts that serve their criminal state by raping and pillaging foreign countries.
Enough dead Americans to make dumbfuck Americans who say, ‘Thank you for your service” squirm in literal pain at the words.
They got brain damage in their bunkers in the best US base in the ME from just a handful of Kinetic energy missiles.
Their low yield nuke is their response.
The Israelis keep prodding the Bear – they even targeted a Russian Pantir system in Syria!
I suppose only a downing or infact destroying on the ground of a squadron of useless F35’s with a threat to escalate into a full blown mobilisation is ever going to stop these imperialist chancers. Or a fully coordinated assassination campaign of the leads and their heirs as they frolic on their superyachts and space stations and secret Tracey islands.
And they can pay their taxes in full.
The Third world war is already fought – this really is a world war rather than some Anglo Imperialist bankers playing king of the castle – and they have LOST – the Empire is dead.
Long live the new Empire – the first not beholden to the bankers.
Even with a new empire, our godless world would soon enough breed another generation of bankers to which we would be beholden.
That’s what the fundamentally dishonest people in any society do.
Something wrong? Oh, well, we’ll form a committee to discuss it, and in future we will look into creating a banking system which will enable us pay ourselves high wages for our invaluable contribution to human evolution.
It’s MORALITY which is lacking today, not more legislation or a new constitution.
All one has to do is move off the centralized banking system developed and controlled by the Rothschilds that is totally based on creating finance out of thin air and return to a commodity based currency (not gold!!) that represents actual value like scrip or wampum or barter and the bankers will eventually starve.
Actually this system is starting to take hold in the US to a small extend to avoid the depredations of the IRS since Tax is based mostly on currency.
Stop using fiat currency and the problem’s solved.
After WW II the French didn’t have a press to press Francs so their standard of exchange became cigarettes and chocolate. It worked quite well until the presses started churning out paper again.
My fear is that without the Rothschilds, some other over-ambitious family would simply step in and fill their shoes. It’s the motivation to be greedy and wicked which needs addressing. How that would be done, of course, I have no idea.
This is only if you embrace the concept of centralized banking and the “magic” of compound interest. Current “banking” is all smoke and mirrors that favors the parasite who lives on the production of others through what is called “unearned income”.
I agree. But how to stop it?
Ignore the bastards instead. Just go off the grid.
I can’t deny the wisdom in that.
The Red Shield ancient silk road trader and slaving company employees are only a family as say the Vatican is a family
I know, but “only a family” with the wealth to buy whole nations…
I find that very unsettling, to say the least.
Indeed but there is always hope as the poet saw – THEY are the few, we are many.
Actually the Israelis are going a little slower now that isolated reports indicate that those flying turkeys AKA F-35s are getting popped out of the skies of Syria by antiquated Soviet SAMs. Of course there is no mention of this in the Mainstream Press. Just like there wasn’t a word of a IDF General and his staff taken out by a shoulder launched RPG fired by Hezbollah in retaliation for attacking their media center in Beirut.
Anybody who believes that the Israeli tail wags the US mil-ind. complex dog is contributing to the Jewish superiority myth.
They’re not superior, but they do wag the US MIC dog in and ebb-and-flow kind of way. That 9/11 thing was quite the wag. Read Christopher Bollyn and study other aspects of the event if you’re not sure of this.
Langley and Riyadh love you; you fell for their ploy. See: Tel Aviv is much worse them.
The CIA/FBI failure explained.
The Mossad loves you too: for keeping mum on this Entebbe Mach 2.0 on their familiar New York crap they got huge US support in the ME.
Makes them look invincible too as a bonus….
5 dancing guys was all the proof needed – cheapest op in history.
“5 dancing guys was all the proof needed – cheapest op in history”
Oh please, that was such a minor bit of evidence of any Zionist/Israeli involvement, which spanned nearly every facet of the event and its aftermath.
The list of false flagging Zionist Jews in love with you is too long to list.
Oh please. What about the close to 200 Israelis who were arrested that day? Not to mention the helpful warning by Odigo which was only given to citizens of Israel?
Also one has to act who benefitted? Definitely not the Saudis or the Americans leaving Sharon who was trying to suppress a Palestinian uprising that he arrogantly started.
Speaking of your friendly five doing a fiddler on the roof on top of an Urban Moving Van that just happened to owned by another Israeli who fled the country. Didn’t they say something stupid when arrested like “we are not your problem. It’s the Palestinians who are your problem!”?
A pathetic frame up attempt but a frame none the less. Speaking of frame ups wasn’t Fat Katz at SiteIntel (propaganda) who posted some stock footage of Palestinians celebrating which has been proven to be false since the only people who seem to celebrating that day was your friends the Dancing Israelis which doesn’t prove their mental superiority at all but their arrogant stupidity,
The three, the USA, Saudi Arabia and the USA, are allies in destruction-the Real Axis of Evil. The dominant force, these days, given the control of the USA by Israel First Fifth Columnists, in the MSM, political ‘contributions’, the financial Moloch etc, is most certainly the Zionassties. Why don’t you, like so many other Zionassties, glory in your power, Antsie. Nobody believes your ritual denials.
They don’t really wag the dog by themselves. They have a lot of help from the Stand with Israel brain dead Christian Zionists who like Israelis consider themselves the chosen ones as well.
@Gall Yep! I had a long time friend who went Pentecostal and we drifted apart but still kept in touch. I lost him completely just after telling him that Israelis played a big part in 9/11.
Chuck Baldwin and a few other it seems have seen the light and are now questioning their colleagues undying support of Israel. Maybe you could show this article to your friend who seems enthralled by the terrorist snake er…I mean state:
Thanks for that article. Were I ever able to get it in front of my estranged friend, it would make his head explode and kill him. Baldwin does seem to nail it. Chuck for president! I came across this rather intersting piece on 9/11 while at VT for your article.
Yes that pretty much sums up how 9/11 was carried on. Both Heinz Pommer and VT have done some excellent research based on facts not fantasy.
As far as your friend and many Christian Zionists in general. They seem to live in some alternative universe and dislike being confused by such irrelevant things as facts.
They are superior in some things,like playing the violin and piano, and financial crime. Credit where credit is due.
It is a story that can be told in some detail – but when you say myth do you actually mean fallacy – ie – are you saying that Jewish power doesn’t exercise considerable influence – if not control over US social and political and corporate development across of broad spectrum of leverages?
Yes-all those addresses of Congress, by Bibi, where the Congress critters compete to display the most extreme groveling and adulation, are just the natural expression of reverence and awe at his semi-Divine moral excellence. Denying the undeniable is SOP for Zionassties.
what jews?
i do not see any jews
just a sea of khazar ashkanazim pirates
a kaballa talmudick race trick
a crime syndicate pretending to be semite
jew is just the cover
Exactly! The Khazars embraced Talmudic Judaism to stay out of the conflict between the Christians and Muslims that they started which is exactly what they are doing today.
Yes please.
Please, don’t be naive.
China is quite mono cultural – ask the Uygurs or Tibetans; for Machurians its too late. Xi China is imperialistic: check with any of its neighbors – even Malaysia. The Belt is used to flog its participants for not repaying the huge loans they have to commit to- no free-bees. Also no local labour.
True multipolar means also India, Japan, Germany, Nigeria, Brazil etc. etc.
Just when I start to believe you have learnt Antzy off you go with some weird multiple personality disorder!
“China is quite mono cultural ”
Mate they don’t even all like the same food – just start with that and the immense size and the thousands of tribes and the languages – stop looking like a moronic parrot.
In a multipolar India that country would be at least half a dozen more all with their own language & culture.
As will Africa – probably the most DIVERSE continent ever.
The BRI and SCO is the modern day reinvention of the original Celestial Empire upgraded for the modern world that transplants Divine Emperors with meritorious protectors of the peoples – The Chinese have re-emerged from their centuries long self imposed exile having learnt the lessons and got rid of the mandarins- Humanity and Life ob Earth is saved at the expense of the European originated Anglo Imperialists self delusional superiority.
Exactly. Should be insightful comment of the day. China’s not our problem. The arrogant, rapacious Anglo-American empire is and always has been our enemy at least since 1492 and China’s since the Opium Wars. I think they have done a brilliant job of jujitsu by getting the greedy capitalistic morons in the west to fund their rise to eminence.
Now that they have aligned with Russia we’ll soon be saying goodbye to the New American Century which thankfully will end like the “Thousand Year Reich” but hopefully not as violently. More than likely it’ll run out of cash and go broke.
‘Manchurians’ is a real sign of a die-hard, genocidal, Sinophobe. The idea that the ‘Manchus’ are in any way suffering in China, and that an ‘independent’ Manchuria (or Manchukuo in the Japanese fascist usage) should be formed, is pure, genocidal, hatred and gut-gripping fear of China, and the prime US ambition to break the country into fragments, a process that would cause millions and millions of deaths. The ‘Manchurians’ are fine, unlike the Midianites, Moabites, Jebusites etc, all exterminated by the Israelites in ecstasies of religious genocide, ‘down to the last suckling babe’, or the Palestinians, whose unending oppression by religiously fanatic thugs who regard them, and us all, as ‘insects’. The lives of Uighurs and Tibetans in China are paradisaical compared to the horror of existence for the imprisoned Palestinians, or the ‘Israeli Arabs’ who suffer from at least sixty discriminatory, apartheid-like, laws and regulations.