Telecom Jackboot: A 5G Kick to the Groin

Daniel Broudy, Tabe Bergman, and Ed Rankin

How reassuring.

The latest advances in networked technology hold the promise of lifting millions of people out of poverty. Take 5G. It is hyper-fast and, as everyone knows, time is money. Who doesn’t look to save both?

Hang on, though, 5G comes with a catch – or two. You could be assimilated by the global digital matrix, microchipped like domesticated cattle, and transformed into a docile sexless cyborg. The growing opposition to 5G cannot really come as a surprise. As it turns out, human beings still enjoy sex, reproducing, and roaming free.

As scholars of contemporary propaganda, we are acutely aware of the power of mass communication to cow the “bewildered herd” – as Walter Lippmann once blithely insulted the masses. Yet, we suspect that even the slick PR campaigns trying to engineer public consent for 5G have failed to persuade millions of concerned citizens that this technology is sufficiently safe.

More generally speaking we suspect that, despite persistent exposure to decades of mainstream news prodding and cultural cues urging people to welcome whatever new technology arises, most people retain fond memories of a simpler, more humane past: when monetary transactions with hard currency were also key moments of human interaction between buyer and seller, un-surveilled by the all-seeing eye of surveillance capitalists.

Below we explain the growing fear of 5G by pointing to recent history and to the growing number of commentators and scholars who, uncorrupted by corporate research grants, express serious concerns about the latest “wonderful” technology. Unsurprisingly, no one in power appears ready to fully address these concerns. Are they willfully blind or hopelessly distracted?

We find that corporate media unjustly frame reasonable people who take pains to investigate the truth about 5G’s apparent dangers as paranoid conspiracy theorists. In other words, don’t mind what you read in your mainstream newspaper. The 5G doubters are a far cry from naïve luddites who reflexively reject all forms of technological innovation.

Government to Public: Drop Dead

Key moments in American legislative history serve as clear reminders that corporate power has largely co-opted the political will to serve the public good. Recall, for example, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 signed by “Democratic” President Bill Clinton.

That piece of legislation is one of the most important since the Communications Act of 1934, which spawned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the claimed regulation of telephone, telegraph and radio.

The asserted intent of the 1996 Act was to engender greater competition (=“freedom”) across the cable and telephony sectors by dismantling the delicate balance of power between the FCC, local governments, and marketplace competition, which had been established by the preceding Communications Act of 1984.

Intent aside, Clinton’s efforts triggered a wellspring of mergers and acquisitions – a wet dream for industry megalodons single-mindedly anti-antitrust. The big fish feasted, in time, on unprotected bottom dwellers, and soon the era of Leviathan telecom arrived. The giants grew to dominate the industry previously maintained by a regulatory stasis safeguarding the public interest.

The 1996 Act for the National Broadband Plan freed industry from considering the harm electronic communications technologies bring to human rights and human health. Is this why, we wonder, insurance companies still won’t sell policies hedging people against future injuries?

Who’s Afraid of 5G?

On the surface, it seems as though the Western push for 5G arises from a fear that East Asia is way ahead. The principal concern for many American politicians appears to be that China has gained an insurmountable leading edge on the United States in this sector. Yet, one glance at Chinese society will promptly remind everyone that citizens of the most populous nation on earth appear to be contending with any one of the many dark social forces prevailing in Black Mirror. Hardly way ahead in terms of freedom of thought and speech.

Notwithstanding the electronic tools leaders now have in wielding totalitarian control, citizens of Western democracies might expect that politicians would have, at least, gained some understanding of the effects that radiation would have on life. But, similar to the appalling indifference toward nuclear experiments on people of Bikini and Rongelap Atolls from the 1940s to the late 1950s, no one in power today seems to grasp the implications of these untested technologies on biological life.

Exceptionally, in a February 2019 public hearing on Commerce, Science and Transportation, chaired by Senator Max Blumenthal, potential problems presented by 5G implementation rose to the surface. Blumenthal asked pointedly,

How much money has the industry committed to supporting additional independent research – I stress independent research? Is that independent research ongoing? Has any been completed? Where can consumers look for [research] on the biological effects of this new technology?”

His persistence in questioning industry representatives on safety yielded zero insights on what precisely the industry is doing to address public concerns.

In fact, despite the ongoing discussion, “the Federal Government,” Richard Maxwell and Toby Miller point out, “seems irrevocably split over the desire for innovation versus safety, and we are the victims of the race to 5G.”

If such claims seem like hyperbole, let us consider the testimony of a disinterested recognized authority. Paul Héroux, expert in epidemiology, biostatistics and public health, testified in 2018 that 5G is “a new threat on biological systems.” An abundance of research underwrites his position. Not that the industry itself has cared enough to consider the human health consequences.

Filmmaker Sabine El Gemayel points out that the Trump administration is throwing caution to the wind and presently plotting a strategy to implement 5G “despite potential dangers of this technology for human health and the environment.” Indeed, we might do well to remember that dispersed and targeted sources of radiation, like the sun and directed energy weapons (DEWs), have tangible effects on all life.

Hyper-commodification, Courtesy of 5G

Beyond the congressional-industrial complex and the intrigue surrounding the 5G public force-feed, we wonder too about the upside-down world of commerce imagined by the world’s leading merchants.

Without 5G, Amazon, for example, could not possibly position its interactive ads in every crevice and orifice of the living world. And the planned Internet of Things (IoT) would not be possible without the digital switching and transfer speeds offered by 5G which are needed to process the ubiquitous transactions of a hyper-commodified global market.

The burgeoning market of investors who seek the very financialization of nature further demand higher speeds, as everything – living and inorganic – is subsumed by the merchants and their ever-expanding opportunities to control buying and selling. Author Jutta Kill notes that “for capital markets, the value of ecosystem services lies in being able to appropriate parts of nature’s ‘free gift’.” This “growing global trend” notes Stephanie Spear, “pits people and corporations against each other in a battle over public resources.”

Today, it simply isn’t good enough to obscure these externalities of the “free” market, but our tastes and desires for more and more material things must be continually manufactured. Get ready for the next step. We consumers must develop sincere gratitude toward the merchant class for facilitating our own obedient practices of conspicuous consumption.

While it might seem absurd to many people in the “free” world, our engineered craving to “earn” points based on “good behavior” in return for a monetary “reward,” earned through a mobile app transaction, seems akin to China’s effort to “hack human consciousness through its social credit system.”

The dividing line between products, ideas, and acceptable points of view is wafer thin. If you don’t buy the approved ones on how to live a justified life, the social climate is now ripe for being driven from the “herd.”

Daniel Broudy, Ph.D., is a professor of applied linguistics at Okinawa Christian University. His latest book, co-authored with Miyume Tanji, is Okinawa Under Occupation: McDonaldization and Resistance to Neoliberal Propaganda (Palgrave, 2017). Tabe Bergman, Ph.D, is a lecturer in journalism at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China. Ed Rankin, Ph.D. is an independent scholar based in Austin, Texas.


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Vivian J
Vivian J
Feb 23, 2020 4:49 PM

Well done for publishing an article on this vitally important subject which many are still (purposefully kept) in the dark about.

Worries about security, whilst important, are a secondary issue to the potentially devastating effects that inescapable 24/7 exposure to this type of radiation will have on all forms of life.

Robert J.
Robert J.
Feb 22, 2020 2:57 PM

Few people seem to think of what technology like this one does to our fellow beings on this planet. Directly, or indirectly — as per this article from last summer:


If you don’t understand Italian and don’t feel like running it here, for example:


the short version is this one: in terms of 5G, trees higher than 3 meters are bothersome. So, bye-bye pines of Rome.

Feb 21, 2020 6:41 PM

To get the real lowdown on 5G and the links to the Corona virus may I suggest taking a look at the Northerntruthseeker website BEFORE it all gets taken down! Also research Henry Makow’s site.
5G must be resisted at all costs or we are well and truly phucked! If you live near cell towers or have LED street lighting it may be a good idea to look at shielding and never accept a so called SMART meter. Anything SMART is designed for stupid people! Many people have no idea of what the term SMART stands for, that’s how gullible we are.

Feb 21, 2020 6:24 AM

From a Huawei presentation:

“In the 4G era, virtually all operators provided the same network experience, but when it comes to 5G, operators can provide differentiated experiences and charge users based on more metrics, including data volume, latency, bandwidth, and number of devices connected, said Ding.

This makes it possible to monetize 5G, and it is critical that operators redefine their 5G business models now, added Ding.”

Sucking money from my pocket!!!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 21, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Where does it say that it will be compulsory, or that you will get nothing in return?

Feb 22, 2020 2:04 AM

“Where does it say that it will be compulsory, or that you will get nothing in return?”

Compulsion is an external force. In any deal, who gets a something and who gets a less or nothing depends on the specifics of that deal. I think Wilmers31 has more of an eye on the generality. Sucking money from our pockets!!!?

Greg Schofield
Greg Schofield
Feb 20, 2020 11:27 PM

First you need to separate the brute force US 5G from the Chinese (Huawei) 5G technology, chalk and cheese in terms of approach. The US variety tries to get around the problem of localized 5G radius by using high energy. Good signals where near a tower, go the other side of the same building and it drops out.

The Chinese use much lower energy and highly sensitive antenna arrays, 4 meters from the tower the energy is blow what a microwave sends out, but the pick-up range is further.

The reason that the US hates Hauwei is because of their lead technically and in safety. The amount of surrounding energy does not penetrate the skin, the frequency used is a large component of background natural radiation.

I do not know the amount of energy used in the latest Chinese handheld devices, but the antenna arrays in these phones are new era, and on chip, so I suspect it is simply not comparable to the older phone technologies in current use.

I will note all frequencies of radio waves, given sufficient energy can be destructive, not necessarily in the same way, the thing to look for is frequency abundant in nature and low energy sending — if those features are present (Chinese 5G) then the worry is excessive. The US approach, well I would not be standing under any of those towers for long, and my phoine would be always on loud speaker.

It seems even in technology you must be a little politically aware of just who might be pushing a general warning rather than a simple comparative warning. Low energy 5G (China) as against brute force high energy US, which is now so far behind China technically it cannot catch-up.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 21, 2020 7:36 AM
Reply to  Greg Schofield

Permissible levels for exposure to radio-frequency radiation in China, Russia, Switzerland and a few other countries, at 0.1 Watts/metre2 ,compared to 10, ie one hundred times higher, in the USA and the West.

Feb 20, 2020 6:58 PM

I believe Brussels (Belgium) have put a halt to 5G. So has Totnes (a small town in Devon, south west England), and others appear to be following.

With regard to Wuhan, yes it was the first widespread roll-out of 5G in China, and it happened just a month or so before the outbreak of coronavirus. Make of that what you will. I stopped using mobile phones years ago (except for emergencies). I used to be a heavy mobile phone user, because of the work I was doing at the time. Even decades ago, with early generation phones, they used to make your ear and side of head become hot. I used to think: what the feck is this doing to my brain and general health?! No thank you. I also refuse to use wi-fi in my home, all internet being cable connected.

The physical stuff aside, there’s also mental health stuff: over the last decade mobile phones have completely altered human sociology. I’ve never seen anything quite like it, and I don’t need to describe it here.

Feb 20, 2020 6:37 PM

5G is a danger to human health, the animal world and nature.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 20, 2020 6:28 PM

Electromagnetic radiation is a part of the world we live in. We humans are able to sense directly and indirectly a limited amount of the spectrum but that doesn’t mean that because we can’t sense the rest of the spectrum that there’s no radiation there, far from it. Many of us aren’t aware of how radiation is quantified and how it affects us — not all radiation is equal which is why sitting in front of a fire on a cold evening is pleasant but being sunburnt is not. So ‘health hazard’ isn’t a legitimate reason for opposing 5G. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t grounds for being suspicious of the entire commercial and social environment behind universal connectivity. An extreme example of the potential for dystopia comes from an article I read just this morning about a new development in RFID, the technology that’s used in contactless payment systems for example. Currently this technology is relatively expensive with the tags being quite large and costly to manufacture. The breakthrough was demonstrating a tiny integrated tag that cost virtually nothing to make, was cryptographically secured so difficult to impossible to forge, requited no external power and with further development should be iterrogatable from some distance. This was presented as a way of combatting forgery of just about anything but it also provides a cost effective way of inventorying and so ascribing ownership to literally everything. Ownership is the key to monetizing so the logical next step is to use the communications opportunities to enforce the usage and payment for those items. Its an abuse of technology but a very human way to use it. (The downside of universal connectivity was highlighted in an article I read yesterday about problems with short term car rentals fro Gig…..apparently these cars need to… Read more »

Feb 20, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“So ‘health hazard’ isn’t a legitimate reason for opposing 5G.”

Like hell it isn’t! Studies by the National Toxicology Program have found 4G and lower cell radiation to be deleterious to human cells. 5G’s frequency is 4-5 times higher. WTF are you talking about?

Feb 21, 2020 1:45 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“So ‘health hazard’ isn’t a legitimate reason for opposing 5G.” Yes, it is, at least for some time to come yet. As most people have not yet been significantly exposed to 5G frequencies and modulations in the 24-86 GHz range (lower frequencies in the existing LTE range may also be used) and no formal testing has been done by manufacturers or ‘regulators’ on the possible range of serious side effects, from which aspect of the signal, so they are still basically unknown (and with regards to just which individuals will fall foul of any of those possible effects is a statistical thing). Have you never heard of the ‘precautionary principle’? And that’s treating any millimeter-range radio frequency exposure as harmless in the same exquisitely scientifically precise and foresightful way that we previously smoked harmless tobacco products, increased petroleum octane ratings with lead compounds, lived under asbestos roofing, quaffed thalidomide to ward off morning sickness, sprayed glyphosate to kill weeds, and so on for several pages, here deleted for brevity). “An extreme example of the potential for dystopia comes from an article I read just this morning about a new development in RFID, the technology that’s used in contactless payment systems for example. Currently this technology is relatively expensive with the tags being quite large and costly to manufacture. The breakthrough was demonstrating a tiny integrated tag that cost virtually nothing to make, was cryptographically secured so difficult to impossible to forge, requited no external power and with further development should be iterrogatable from some distance.” RFID tags come in two basic forms: active (which use batteries) and passive (which, as above, don’t). The passive ones draw their power from the radio signal of the reader used to interrogate them, as an old fashioned, batteryless crystal radio feeding transducable power to… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 21, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

These are closer to the grain-of-rice sized transponders that get implanted in pets. The novel features include the processing needed to provide a secure identity, both difficult to forge and difficult to read without an appropriate reader. Other novel features include the size (1mm square)(including the antenna) and the fully integrated design that not only makes it very cheap to make but also allows it to be added to existing silicon to identify counterfeits. The project that developed these was a research project so the concept will probably need a lot of development and further funding to make it commercial so if the report was a press release rather than a piece of academic news then it would be pitch for venture capital.

As for other EM radiation that’s around but we can’t see it some years ago I saw a rather novel ‘near infrared’ camera in action. This wasn’t your normal FLIR type where people show up as vague blobs, it produced high definition video images. This particular frequency band had two useful properties — one was that it was not absorbed by water vapor so clouds and fog didn’t exist (i.e. it can see through fog and even regular pictures are like looking at a dust free, low humidity scene), the other being that a pitch dark night was in fact brightly illuminated by starlight — the thing could literally see in the dark. We haven’t heard much about it because its obviously an incredibly attractive product for the military and intelligence communities. But this just goes to show that just because we can’t see or feel something doesn’t mean its not there.

Feb 22, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“Other novel features include the size (1mm square)(including the antenna)” Current pet chips come in different sizes (for differently-sized encapsulations, primarily to suit their use on differently-sized animals) and the smallest of them is about 1mm square, which facilitates an outer diameter of under 1.5mm in their “rice grain” shape, which–in turn–is needed to facilitate accurate and secure placement in tissue via a hypodermic syringe. Almost all of them return just a standard EPN, with the ID functions being performed in an external database system, which–in turn in turn– means that, while a more advanced fabrication technology might (?) be required to achieve the chip size reduction, the cost of the resultant chips should not be inordinately much higher. The necessarily stricter biosafety requirements of the encapsulation will also add costs but, again, they should not be inordinately much higher than those for run-of-the-mill chips of the under 10¢ variety. In fact, the artificially high cost of pet chipping comes not from any of that but from the standard practices of the capitalism racket and its penchant for creating monopoly-enhancing circles of mutual, exclusive, back-scratching kickbacks, in this case the one that forms the ripoff component of the cost-plus (i.e. cost plus ripoff) pricing concerned, as set up by the combined forces of the encapsulated pet-chip suppy racket and the emotionally predatory ‘petcare’ racket. Some exceptions may need to be made for those chip suppliers that service the (often very) high-value livestock and pedigree-pet breeding industries and which, therefore, may choose to avail themselves of the potentially much higher fabrication costs of using some or all of the off-chain facilities of a dedicated chip foundry, a factor which, when combined with the electronics business’s collusion with the vetinary industry and their joint ripoff racket, could render the most idealistically costed… Read more »

Feb 20, 2020 4:58 PM

I appreciate the article – thanks!

I remind readers of Boris’s opening speech to the UN in which he listed the horrors of biotech and A.I AS IF to garner sympathy – only to then say you ‘cant stop progress’ but you can trust the Brits to lead the field with honourable intentions and excellence – or much to that effect.

Insanity expands to fill the space available – and so ‘It Will Not Stop!’ until you are dead or you release it from service. Because we use it to think with – we can think we are excepted, escaped or at least mitigated from its many returns of the day.

An Internment of Things is already in play as the objectified Existence.
That we replicate our own inner structuring as our environment is the opportunity to SEE our mind in act – rather than be under the spell of its reactive.

Feb 20, 2020 4:06 PM

So any of the authors actually phycisists?

Show me the SCIENCE!

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Feb 20, 2020 5:36 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I am. The wavelengths will resonate with your brains Microtubules due to Non-linear stochastic resonance.Research it yourself as I`m not your lackey it is the only way you will learn.There are plenty of early Soviet research on the subject.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 20, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Back in the 70s it was a dastardly Russian/Soviet plan to harm US diplomats by beaming micro-wave death-rays at the US Embassy in Moscow. The Kuban Killer Krickets came later.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Feb 21, 2020 10:22 PM

BS you really do not know what you are talking.It was a resonant cavity listening device using low power microwaves to activate.it The British and US spy agencies also created them.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 21, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Dave. I know nothing about anything, but I was referring to Western agit-prop, not science. And which was a ‘resonant cavity listening device’-the Russian example of the Cuban?

Greg Schofield
Greg Schofield
Feb 20, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Dave what is the energy used to do this, that is the vital question, after all low energy Xrays from space hit us all the time, and do nothing, but sitting under an Xray machine will cook you.

Wave-length + energy is the problem, NOT Wave-length.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Feb 21, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  Greg Schofield

From memory reading the NRPB handbook quite a few years ago.They tested for yes the heating effect.But there was a small paragraph in the pages stating they had not tested for the Non-Linear effects on Brain tissue.We know that brain tissue performs as a very good coherer of electromagnetic waves.During the development of Radar during World War two engineers experienced clicks inside their skull`s during pulsed microwave research.

Feb 21, 2020 6:26 AM
Reply to  Greg Schofield

Greg, the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation is measured by its wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency and thus the higher the energy. All x-rays basically have the same energy, no matter where they’re from. Medical x-rays are more dangerous because there are more of them.

Greg Schofield
Greg Schofield
Feb 21, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Ken

Ken you are right, but it is the initiating energy that makes the higher wavelength which disperses from its source, losing energy as it travels. High wavelength can be produced from intense short bursts at a micro level, or if you want to travel really far by massive bursts.

The problem is the US 5G is brute force, but the Chinese version is not, they compensate with smart arrays of antenna picking up relatively weak signals. Same frequency bands that are already in use carrying much more over much shorter distances with much less energy punch.

Feb 21, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

“I am”

What exactly are you?
Do you have any research links?

“Soviet Research”
Show us.

Show me the military grade weapons which use the “wavelengths will resonate with your brains Microtubules due to Non-linear stochastic resonance”.

Where are the patents? Which MI companies are manufacturing it?

Your wird salad is not very helpful and telling me you are not my lackey does not answer my initial polite inquiry.

Feb 20, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

John Kitson of 5g awareness…


Unlike the controversy over climate change, non-ionising radiation is overwhelmingly proven by science to be very bad for human health.

Feb 21, 2020 1:37 AM
Reply to  RobG



”It’s all hogwash.

Many of the persistent myths about cell tower radiation still hang over the industry from as far back as the 2G days. Many are wrongly concerned about the dangers even faster 5G technologies. Let’s examine the leading studies and some of these persistent rumors surrounding apparent 5G dangers to put your mind at ease about the safety of mobile technology.’

Feb 22, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

non-ionising radiation is overwhelmingly proven by science to be very bad for human health.

Light is an example of non-ionising radiation. Do you live under a rock to protect yourself from it?

Every hot object (e.g. a cup of tea) emits electromagnetic radiation, over a wide range of wavelengths including those used by 3g, 4g, and 5g. (It doesn’t interfere for the same reason that you can see a red poppy worn by someone wearing a grey jacket – the cellphone signal is at specific frequencies).

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 23, 2020 9:31 PM
Reply to  RobG

Anthropogenic climate destabilisation is also ‘..overwhelmingly proven by science..’ and denying that it is is quite incorrect.

Feb 20, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

That’s the problem. If you read all the reports you’ll find that NO TESTS HAVE BEEN DONE on whether or not Directed Energy Weapons, sorry 5g, have negative effects on human health.

Feb 20, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Here you go, here is the science. A CIA translation of 70s Soviet research into the effects of non-ionizing radiation, including a chapter on the effects of millimeter waves, a fundfamental aspect of 5G. Conclusive and hard evidence that there is a massive assault on health incoming, the authorities have understood this for decades. I have posted plenty of other video evidence, but I know your attention span stretches to about 30 seconds of video time so I won’t bother with any further info.

The opening paragraph summarises the findings on millimeter waves as follows:

“Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitive changes in the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processs of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavourable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.”


Feb 21, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Is there a actual redable document transcript? Where is the follow up western research and where are the ray guns that are based in it?

What are the protections against the dangerous 5G ( a telecomms standard by the way – not a em spectrum definition).

Explaun how the dastardly mass exterminator engineers and generals and execs and their minions expect themselves and their kiddies safe while in the same environment?

Feb 22, 2020 2:31 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“Explaun how the dastardly mass exterminator engineers and generals and execs and their minions expect themselves and their kiddies safe while in the same environment?”

  1. Explaun? Too much Grauniad. Reduce exposure immediately.
  2. In case you hadn’t noticed, most of the western (at least) general public, conditioned by top-down quaterly returns and probably including your well stocked self while certainly including the categories you list, doesn’t actually give a fuck about their kiddies/grandkiddies/… (too much effort, insufficient bling, oversufficient mirror).
Feb 22, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

1. Thumb typung on smallish screen u/i a bit close.

2 right so they expect to live for ever and all their accumulation is for just their hundred year old selves to spend on having fun?

So in responses to my simple questions on how a telecoms standards classification is a bio weapon there is just a load of fantasy.
Yes EM spectrum contains frequencies which can be harmful to organisms (UV’s) just as it contains these that create – photosynthesises for instance.

No discussion is had about the levels of background solar and stellar radiation constantly reaching us at ground level and their intensities. For instance no-one would be considered safe in the high energy ‘beams’ of CERN or the detonation radiations when they are made to collide – BUT the maximum energies of CERN are dwarfed by cosmic rays which rain down upon the earth sending cascades of particles through us as they make contact with nucleii, with energies higher than can be produced in any lab except a nuclear bomb perhaps.

Pesky stuff science, innit?

But at least it ain’t bullshit pseudo religious clap trap ‘science’ that many around here seem to pedal like snake oil.

Feb 24, 2020 1:50 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“…right so they expect to live for ever and all their accumulation is for just their hundred year old selves to spend on having fun?” Yes, they hope to live forever The American Medical Association is taking on a segment of the $50 billion [per year] “anti-aging” industry that promotes the use of hormones as a treatment for consumers to slow or reverse the aging process.” [Emphasis and expansion added] –Chicago Herald Tribune, 15 June 2009 (or see Google’s “Calico” or Venter’s “Human Longevity Inc.”, or or or…) but, IMO they are, above all, far more into longevity as a projection of lasting power now, otherwise why would they [we] pass on to their [our] descendants the near (?) intractable life-threatening problems their reckless misuse of power has contributed to their bequest to the future? See here John Naughton’s On-Guardian column of 9 April 2017. You are not of the opinion that Khufu saw large piles of geology as the key to his successors’ or Egypt’s future, are you? “No discussion is had about the levels of background solar and stellar radiation constantly reaching us at ground level and their intensities.” That’s just bullshit and not worth addressing. Where you been looking? The Science Museum’s toilet walls? Give your RSI a rest and go kiss your wife. She’s getting tired of waiting in the Gallery Café. “Yes EM spectrum contains frequencies which can be harmful to organisms (UV’s) just as it contains these that create – photosynthesises for instance.” You must mean the photosynthesis frequencies that killed Yes Minister, right? “For instance no-one would be considered safe in the high energy ‘beams’ of CERN […] BUT the maximum energies of CERN are dwarfed by cosmic rays which rain down upon the earth […] with energies higher than can be produced… Read more »

Feb 24, 2020 8:57 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

“That’s just bullshit and not worth addressing”

Just keep bobbing along … you got NO science …bags full of ad hominem …predictable.

Feb 20, 2020 2:28 PM

We are not lifting anyone out of poverty with 5G. That will take 207 years to reach an International Poverty Line of $5 a day. By which time we will theoretically be earning $1.3 million per annum each. And the economy will have grown to 185 times its present size. And the planet will be razed to a Mordor-like waste land for the survivors. The ones who believe the myths of technological progress, anti-entropy, and the neoliberal development lies of Rosling, Pinker, Gates, etc. 5G is for the technocratic eugenicists and their deputies. Fuck 5G. Fuck their ecogenocidal lies. But then: we won’t be putting off Mordor by that much with 4G, 3G, 2G, 1G. Once you proceed on the path of techocratic technique – as Jacques Ellul pointed out – the technique takes over and becomes an autonomised ‘mind’ of its own. When you had a manual typewriter – you already had 5G. So we are ‘scared’ of 5G? It was already entailed in commodity relations when we went from cowrie shells to silver and gold to fiat currencies. As was globally planned poverty and forcing the majority of humanity into dehumanisation. But that was alright so long as we only have 4G? Can you catch a whiff of techno-hipocrisy? So we want to ban 5G and save nature from ‘them’ who are going too far? But we did not mind the benefits of any other ‘G’. Or the planned poverty that provided us with the economic unfairly exchanged technological privileges we extracted from the dying? Or the ecologically unfairly exchanged technological privileges we extracted from a dying nature. The one we are killing with our bourgeois technocracy of previous ‘Gs’ we want to consolidate now we have developed a virtual-conscience as we can see ‘they’ are going too… Read more »

Feb 20, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  BigB

The leading para was surely used in irony. But it’s worth noting that such carrots are routinely used to sell lies to the intentionally bewildered – whose sense of constant conflict serves to feed them to a predator class.

As you use ‘Mordor’ I remind you that the ‘little people’ featured in LOTR as the willingness to NOT use the Ring of Power (technos) and by relinquishing corrupting ‘power’ undid the foundation on which it was built.

The wish for power OVER life, self and other is a corrupting mind-magic that may start out with inflated premise but by definition feeds upon the living to sustain itself – and normalises sin, sickness, war and death as the human conditioning that rules OUT intimate awareness of the Life that Moves us directly.

Equality of being is neither above or below another. In terms of our doing, we all play out unique contributions to a whole that we have forgotten. The key is that what we give, sets our own measure – not what others do – but the meanings we give and thus receive and experience.

If life is at root all about love as the freedom to recognise and accept That you are – then our obstructive investments in who we are NOT are part of that freedom. Or in other words, the capacity to make a poor choice is the same capacity as to make a better one. But while judgement of blame, denial and rejection is accepted and aligned in as the power to determine truth, freedom has been exchanged for invested illusion – that dictates its survival as if your own.

Feb 21, 2020 1:31 AM
Reply to  binra

No: the first para is not ironic. I am quoting economist David Woodward – as cited by Jason Hickel in ”The Divide” – who calculated the 207 year figure. And the putative $1.3 million we would be on each. What I did not add: was that the bottom 1% would permanently be in absolute poverty – even if the economy could grow 200 hundred times over. I should have given the reference.

If we start thinking like humans – and not as socialised neoliberals – we should not be thinking of a $1.90 International Poverty Line (IPL) …or a $5 …or even an exorbitant $10. At $10 per day, fully 80% of the world population is in poverty …and so are we for allowing it.

No technological advance or economic miracle will close the Divide …it is planned. And endorsed by us as we seek to expand. We can never repay our colonial debts, or our ecological debt. But we can unplan the growing Divide in absolute poverty and polarised distribution of wealth. By acting like humans and demanding less – more fairly distributed – without rank, entitlement, or special privilege. As you say.

norman wisdom
norman wisdom
Feb 20, 2020 12:54 PM

was wuhan china not a test bed for 5g
why does is not real put flouride in the water
why do they not want usa chlorine chicken monsatan bayer gmo chemi cull foods
who did they say no to 5g

i got arrested once in is not real the idf doctor asked me if i wanted a kosher vaccine
yes please i said
it felt great mate
no mercury no lead no monkey virus
all good

5g is grid prison system

alteady fully tested on 100s of millions of compliance drones in china

good drone
kill list

official receipt
a contract

Feb 20, 2020 12:07 PM

Please see my compilation of links to articles and essays on 5G and its implications for the future of humanity: https://williambowles.info/the-file-on-5g-the-health-risks/

Feb 20, 2020 9:18 AM

Maybe you should look to how the existing mobile phone tests in America allow the mobiles to pass tests based on the distance of the phone to the body being unrepresentative of actually usage profiles.

Feb 20, 2020 9:17 AM

The 5 I’s love 5 G…

Who supported this development, the NSA, CIA, Mi6, PLA unit 61398, 61486, ….

Feb 20, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  Antonym

“The 5 I’s love 5 G…”

The 5Is love 5G because it enables the unleashing of the end-to-end IP connections that were available early in the IPv4 era but had to be ditched when more and more users overcrowded its address space and end-to-end connectivity gave way to the era of multiple users on one ISP connection using NAT and CIDR and other such semi-anonymizing acronymic space savers to accommodate them. IPv6 has tons (‘tons’ being a technical term for the prats around here who regularly tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about) and tons of address space, enough to connect everything in the ‘Internet of Things’ to every other IoThing in the world end-to-end and have still enough space left over to hook in an embedded chip in every Uyghur’s every finger and every toe as well. Finally, after 40 years of technical hair-pulling and tooth-gnashing, IPv6 is moving into the devices of the consumer market, but it needs a lot (another technical term), like a lot, of ‘bandwidth’ to handle all the switching and routing and device-device nattering that needs to go on to make it all work fast enough to be at least as interesting as a wet week (as noted in the article). And, whaddyaknow: suddenly, right on cue, there’s 5G to provide that. IPv6 is the ‘protocol’ that can restore end-to-end connectivity of yesteryear and 5G is the ‘transport’ that can link it all together fast enough to realize that potential.

So what’s the advantage of resurrecting the Internet’s long-lost end-to-end connectivity? Amongst other things, a much enhanced traceability and trackability of every hooked-in thing in the world, senders and receivers, servers and clients, watchers and watched. Go figure.

Feb 20, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  Antonym

“Who supported this development, the NSA, CIA, Mi6, PLA unit 61398, 61486, ….”

Actually 5G + IPv6 are more likely to foil PLA units 61nnnn than to help them. But no doubt the PLA has other vectors of attack, and Huawei’s and ZTE’s and so on’s hardware could provide an attractive supply of those, ….

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 20, 2020 6:51 AM

More Sinophobic crap. The ‘Okinawa Christian University’ just screams ‘credibility’. The Chinese are attempting to encourage virtue in its citizens, and, naturally, that sends the Glorious West into a frenzy of outrage. in any case the social credit score is mostly being used to warn people of shonks, spivs and shysters, precisely the people who rule in the Glorious West.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Feb 20, 2020 6:32 AM

The best laid plans of Parasites and Plunderers will be short circuited by climate chaos and its supersized consequences.
Australia’s ‘elected’ corporate puppets are feeling the wrath of their constituents right now following the mega fires and record rainfall.
The shit has hit the fan and the puppets are getting plastered.
Justice works in strange ways.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 20, 2020 6:55 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

A few weeks after the worst fires ever experienced in recorded history (and the blackfellas reckon their ancestors never face such an Inferno)in Australia, followed by huge, and continuing, deluges, flash floods, tempests, hail-storms and electric storms of prodigious fury, for just desserts, the ruling psychopaths have redoubled their efforts to keep mining every single gram of coal. And these monsters almost all have spawned little children, whose lives they are destroying in a frenzy of greed and sheer malevolence.

Feb 20, 2020 3:10 PM

Join the discussion…

Feb 20, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  semaj

Don’t know what happened there! First post cock up!

Research HAARP that’s the so called extreme weather creator, FA to do with global warming, sorry, meant climate change or whatever St Greta tells us next. Remember none of this matters according to those scanks at Extinction Rebellion because we will all be dead by 2030 or earlier if Bill Gates and Co can just get these damn viruses to work properly!

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Feb 20, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  semaj

Yes the father of HAARP was Robert Helliwell who ran ELF experiments at Siple station Antarctica in the 1980s.I had a beer with one of his engineers who had emigrated to New Zealand.He told me one day they zapped the ionosphere and it glowed and the glowing particles streamed down to earth.Most likely blasted the hole in the ozone layer and blamed it on the use of CFCs.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 20, 2020 9:33 PM
Reply to  semaj

The quality of the Dunning-Krugerites in the denialist industry just gets lower and lower as the years roll by.

Feb 21, 2020 9:53 AM
Reply to  semaj

Ahh St Greta the Grumpy, sanctified by the Church of the Reverend Malthus.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 21, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Pyewacket

Do you really think that the ecological collapse of the planet’ s life-sustaining bio-systems is all a hoax? Really?

Feb 24, 2020 11:13 PM

In the narrative pushed and regulated – absolutely yes!
Do I see attack on the biosphere by globalists in the attempt to regress humanity so as to maintain and consolidate control?
Yes! As a broad spectrum intent to dominate.
Carbon dioxide is life supporting – within a much greater range of proportion than is present.
But the lie is leveraging global regulation and enforcement of energy production, distribution and access.
It nestles in a bed of lies.

Why would you believe propaganda except it gives you something you want – or saves you from something you fear to look at?

It’s all transparently top-down weaponised speech, narrative and regulatory totalitarianism. But once entranced or baited to identify by reaction, it all seems to be supporting you rather than using you.

Feb 20, 2020 4:35 PM

Does Tony Heller fabricate all the widespread and numerous past news cuttings that he draws on – and all the official date he draws on, that show that such WORST EVER! headlines are merely deceitful propaganda purveyed by those who do not CARE they lie as long as it gets the required compliance?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 23, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  binra

Not ‘fabricate’ but disinform. It’s a real cottage industry, well rewarded, As a matter of FACT, the fires WERE undoubtedly the worst since White settlement, and to knowingly argue otherwise is a crime against humanity.

Feb 24, 2020 10:59 PM

To uncover documented evidence is a crime against humanity?
Your mind is set in reversal.

Shifting the global economy to carbon guilt units is not the primary source of funding incentives, and conformity and compliance under threat of penalty?

Feb 20, 2020 9:24 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Only Oceanography doesn’t work in unknown ways; Virology might as seen in Wuhan.

Feb 20, 2020 4:37 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Who has seen ‘virology’?
Fear works contagion – what it flags to is false.

Feb 20, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  binra

I didn’t say that the treatment is without risk – as well as such a diagnosis and social exclusion as the context of antibiotic flush and cell-function (viral) blockers.

Zeb Buzz
Zeb Buzz
Feb 20, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

And northern england is under water
fire and water, contrasting energies
destruction both

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Feb 20, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  Zeb Buzz

You ain’t seen NUTHIN yet.

Oct 29, 2020 8:54 AM

Haha thats true! Muhurat Trading 2020

John Thatcher
John Thatcher
Feb 20, 2020 6:29 AM

A good article that asks the right questions.

Oct 16, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  John Thatcher