Syria’s War of Self-Defence
Turning the tables on claims of war crimes.
David Macilwain
Continuing in efforts to get the OPCW fraud exposed to the Western mainstream media’s sheltered and blinkered audience, I recently had an opportunity to have an opinion article published in the Sydney Morning Herald. This followed a formal complaint to ACMA, Australia’s media overseer, over the failure of state broadcasters to report on the OPCW story. The proviso for this article was that the OPCW “story” needed to be linked in some way to current events in Syria, given its controversial nature.
This, of course, I readily accepted, because the very “humanitarian crisis” in Idlib predicted two and more years earlier was now eventuating, or at least in the minds of anyone following the Western MSM news output.
Linking this with what happened in Douma in April 2018 was no problem, and in fact was more than that, because had the lies about the “humanitarian crisis in Eastern Ghouta” been properly exposed at the time, along with the fake chemical attack, the course of the war would have been entirely different.
Now two years later, as the true extent of the deception is exposed, along with those who organised it in Westminster and Washington, Tel Aviv and Ankara, I had hoped that credible newspapers like the non-Murdoch SMH would consider dipping a toe in the water. Then at least they would be already swimming with it if the water came up rather suddenly, and be ready with some explanation or excuse on how they had been wrong or didn’t know.
It didn’t even need to be “wrong about Assad” – in the first instance, and before the penny dropped on the ramifications of corruption at the OPCW. As James Harkin “admitted” – Jaish al Islam ruled Douma with an Iron Fist, so the White Helmets had to do what they said, and were desperate for foreign assistance. It was all just a big misunderstanding, and Trump’s fault for launching a missile attack on an impulse.
So I wrote an article proposal, looking at the way that the “humanitarian crisis” predicted in Aleppo in 2016 and in Ghouta in 2018 had not materialised, and had in fact been prevented by the Syrian government’s setting up of humanitarian corridors to allow people to escape – to the safety of areas protected by the Syrian Army and Russian police. It was I said, the failure of Western media to report on what had actually happened that allowed yet another humanitarian crisis to be played as a cause for intervention once again.
Naturally and unavoidably I criticised those media for relying on unbalanced and unsavoury sources, and for providing platforms for “propagandumentaries” like For Sama. The awarding and release of this film to coincide with the campaign to liberate Idlib deserves a whole article of its own, as more doctors with photogenic young children now appear in the last hospitals in Idlib.
Criticism of Waad al Khatib and her Oscar-winning partners in East Aleppo could have been a mistake, but the critical role of the White Helmets in staging the “Chlorine attack” in Douma made this part of the essential context for a discussion on the OPCW story – which was, of course, the real focus of the article.
In declining to publish my article following consultations with the opinion page editor, and despite my assurances on the credentials of Ian Henderson, I was offered the following explanation:
Thanks for the contribution but after talking to the opinion editor I think it doesn’t work for us as it is. There are enough questions over whether Henderson is telling the truth or not to make it hard to use him to absolve the Assad regime of war crimes during the war.
To say so lightly would offend not just the security establishment in the West but also the many Syrians who (even allowing for the exaggerations of western propaganda) have suffered at Assad’s hands.
Perhaps you mean that Syria is no worse than the rest, and as the government it has a right to use violence. But at the moment it seems to whitewash Assad.
In fact I’d already concluded my views “wouldn’t work” for the SMH, after just reading their correspondent’s “Explainer” on the Syrian war and events that led up to the current crisis in Idlib. It didn’t explain anything to me, except why it was that I would never get an article published in this mainstream paper!
Almost every sentence in my article contradicted the accepted Western narrative expressed by the Herald’s correspondent, as here:
Assad, largely thanks to Russian air power, has subdued the rebels in most parts of the country, partly by bombing several of his own largest cities into oblivion and deploying chemical weapons against his own citizens.”
And this is what most people believe, with emotive propaganda and photos turning belief into a conviction which evidence and reasoning is unable to dislodge. The SMH article above devoted as much space to a photo of a blond-haired child sitting in a bus as it did to the ‘explainer’, along with the title – “Sequel to a real-life horror show”.
Such propaganda has worked not just on the audience but on the editors of our media, as it has also done on most of the refugees living in Turkey. They fled because they were told the Syrian Army was coming after them, and they now believe they are in danger of retribution if they were to return. The idea that the Syrian Army and its partners are fighting and dying to kill the terrorists so that it will be safe for Syrians to come home is probably not one they can believe.
In deference to the editor of the Herald, I welcomed his willingness to consider my views and some of the evidence supplied in links. That he did is clear from his recognition that “using Henderson’s claims” should not be taken lightly as “it could absolve Assad of war crimes”. Which of course was my very point.
While OffGuardian remains something of a “Salon des Refuses” to republish opinion unacceptable to the mainstream, it is more useful to repaint this dispute over the OPCW’s toxic deception as a question of “whose war-crimes”. As far as we – on Syria’s side – are concerned, all the war-crimes committed in Syria are attributable to the aggressors who started and fuelled the war on Syria, including all those cases where civilians have been victims of Syrian or Russian airstrikes.
Both militaries have gone to great lengths to avoid hitting civilians where they can be identified, despite the incessant stream of claims to the contrary. An integral part of this effort has been to provide and protect humanitarian corridors for civilians to escape, and many or most of the trapped residents have bravely resisted the insurgents’ threats and propaganda to do so.
There is little verifiable evidence of civilian deaths from Syrian bombing however, as confirmed by the White Helmets’ evident need to fake such deaths for their rescue videos. At the centre of the Douma hoax chemical attack were the contorted bodies of 35 women and children, whose murder for a propaganda video is certainly a war-crime. At the same time the number of civilians killed by the terrorist groups in missile and bomb attacks aimed at residential neighbourhoods now numbers in the hundred-thousands.
The difficulty in persuading people – even reasonable and sympathetic people – of this evident truth on who is responsible for the worst war-crime of this century – the war of aggression on Syria – is illustrated by another group discussion in which I have been involved this week.
On one side are those who believe that President Bashar al Assad is basically a good person who has not, and would not intentionally kill “his own people”, and of course would never and never did use chemical weapons against them, (or even against terrorists for that matter). One of our group, still recovering from the pleasure of meeting Assad last year, dared to refer to him as “wonderful”.
Despite all the contributors to this discussion claiming opposition to all US foreign interventions and regime-change wars and NATO support for extremists and tyrants, some simply cannot stomach such admiration for a man “who has killed civilians”, and no amount of argument or evidence will counter their belief that he has.
It is as though the very first events in the so-called uprising – the false-flag shootings in Dera’a – made an indelible mark on those who believed them, and believed the false story of “Assad’s brutal crackdown on protestors”. And as long as they believe this, the responsibility for Syria’s dead can be shifted and shared, and one day their alleged culprits will be brought to “justice” – in Western courts.
Perhaps there is no answer to this dispute, where even those who are potentially most sympathetic to the Syrian cause cannot be persuaded of its most essential character – that the Syrian army and its allies have fought a war of self-defence since the start; a “just war” which even the most anti-war activists should accept as legitimate. So rather than pursue this hopeless quest, we should turn on the offensive.
Instead of denying claims that Assad used chemical weapons in Douma, in Khan Shaikoun, and in Ghouta we must demand evidence and proof that he did so, because there is none. We could follow the style of Vassily Nebenzia, expressed so well at the start of this UN session (embedded above) on the OPCW fraud, as he mocks the “highly likely” standard of proof Syria’s enemies pretend is sufficient as a casus belli.
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One thing’s for sure: whatever one’s take on this topic, it sure brings out the blubbering, blustering baboon in everyone.
The article featured in this link from Sheila Coombes (courtesy of Off Guardian Twitter feed) serves to stress how even more pressing it now is for the OPCW scandal to be headline news and scrutinised seriously and objectively by politicians and the MSM.
This extremely detailed and valiant response by “Inspectors A & B” is an impressive rebuttal of the OPCW’s attempt to make light of their revelations and to smear their professionalism and characters.
Unfortunately, and it pains me to say it, I can still see the media, and those exposed by this, maintaining the “they would say that” line. And nothing will come of it.
What is really needed to make people sit up and listen is for maybe one or two more OPCW employees to publicly emerge from the woodwork and stand up against the steamroller of Western propaganda, bullying and corruption. But, and it’s an understatement on my part, I can well understand why they might be unwilling.
Syrias war is all about keeping an inept idiot in power
Another idiot,Putin has done just that
Putin is some how the face of ultimate goodness and statesmanship
What a total f#ck up, idiots keeping tin pot dictators in power
And now we have yet another twist in this sordid war, with Turkey doing the business on Syrian forces including some of that invincible wiz bang crap that Soviet/ Russia have supplied, crap that possess no problems for Israel, as it bombs terrorist from Iran, a theocratic dictatorship, every week
And this is what the so called alternative media call victory!
NATO sure fixed Libya by deposing their terrible dictator. Look how the nation and its people have prospered. The Libyan rebels even set up a central bank as their first act after taking control. Central banks are so humanitarian.
Oh, yes, and don’t forget about Iraq, now in an age of enlightenment, following the ouster of Saddam.
This is not about getting rid of Assad, this about the Balkanization of Syria, to render it powerless against Turkey and Israel imposing control over sovereign Syrian territory.
Also, to deny Russia a naval base in the Med.
This is just one theater in a global war for territory and resources.
Voted up. You forgot to mention that the Invaders Stole tonnes of Libyan Gold, and it’s destination was “Who Knows”?
“Those who invaded Libya” were no better than what they described Gadhafi as…..Criminal Terrorists.
Another wannabe salafist, a takfiri fan-thing. How low the upright, uptight, upstart ape can fall!
Putin is not in the business of keeping dictators in power, tinpot or otherwise.
That is far more an American speciality across all 5 continents, from Marcos to Mobutu, from Batista to Bonesaw Bin Salman, from Diem to Papa Doc to Pinochet to Somoza.
America buys up all the dictators it can lay its hands on.
Can’t get enough of them.
Putin, by contrast, is in the business of stopping the Exceptional And Indispensable Folk and the Chosen Folk from turning yet another country into a smoking ruin of a charnel house.
After Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Ukraine, their usual party piece was becoming just a little bit tedious.
And having experienced the head chopping and throat slitting antics of Washington’s and Tel Aviv’s pet proxies on his home turf in Chechnya and elsewhere in the past, he decided to send these delightful people to Allah before their sponsors could send them back to Russia to stage a repeat performance.
Incidentally, the Turks seem to be getting their Turk arses kicked all the way back to Turkland.
Their tinpot army isn’t up to much, and has tended to be a little bit leaderless since tinpot Erdogan purged and locked up all his tinpot generals, who staged a botched coup to get rid of his tinpot regime.
Purged armies tend not to do terribly well, as Uncle Joe Stalin discovered to his cost in 1941.
There’s lots of tinpot leaders in this world, and some of them are on “our side”
What now that Erdos deadline of end of Feb has arrived?
A bunch of Hezbollah and Syrians were bombed and killed using drones reportedly, Elijah Magnier claims that is the first time a direct attack has been made by Turkey on them – obviously inviting being targeted by the Resistance. Erdo’s last big play before sitting down and surrendering. He may be happy to sacrifice a few aircraft to show that he tried.
It’s already a long night there…
Hopefully peace will arrive in days.
The admitted number of crispy fried Turks so far is 50, but the true figure is 5 times that, with more to come.
Paul besides from the jihadi head choppingf mercenaries and their fukussy commanders/armers/trainers/recruiters/overlords hundreds and thousands of miles away in their money palaces – it is ugly horrible nasty murderous and inhuman spot for the Syrian soldiers defending their homeland/ their professional Russian allies AND the poor young Turkish CONSCRIPTS who have no choice. I don’t want to celebrate their mullering in any form.
Their Commander in Chief has surely committed a war crime and his Jihadi nato generals too – they deserve to be war criminals like Blair and Bush.
It seems that besides from being used as a few bits of score settling the conscripts will be able to go home and be discharged soon. It seems that Erdo knows it and there will be a ceasefire shortly without Idlib having to be taken militarily – for now.
Sad that the Sydney Morning Herald are a gang of presstitutes just like all the rest.
As they EVER were. People just get misty-eyed over their fall from grace because the Murdochite alternative is so rabidly Evil and malignant.
Geroman is released from Twitter after 7 days in a brig and concurrent reporting from the war zones is available to us – praise be – he does nice maps! Here is a brief summary of what I am picking up. Syria is nearly done, the Turkish generals have told Erdo that miracles ain’t gonna happen – they were lucky all 500 brigade weren’t wiped out- they have agreed some face saving easy attacks on some Syrian and Russian assets using drones for some nice footage for consumption at home. A meeting (for peace declaration/surrender) with Putin is set in 4 days. Erdo will be allowed to claim he stopped the invasion of Idlib city for now – all remaining areas will be negotiated back to Syria in the future talks. Yemen is going to be done – the Houthis are unstoppable. Libya is going to be done – Erdo just lost his top General there. Iran is holding back with trigger on finger in a mexican standoff with US and SA and Israel, one dumb move by them and they are done. Iraq – the parliamentary fudge will fail and US forced will be forced to go. Afghanistan – FINALLY the US have admitted defeat and are packing their bags the Taliban have said they won’t shoot them down as they retreat. The new YALTA is now imminent – Trump, Putin, Xi dragging the old imperialists to the map redrawing table they got away stealing with for a century. Trump will get his major international statesman moment and re-election! So we get the Virus and financial market meltdown as a distraction to all that failure and a rush to a hard brexit sooner raather than later as their ONLY success – as our post coup junta appointed caesar… Read more »
I don’t know about London burning.
Little Greta says it’s going to be under 200 foot of water.
Lucky she’s got her little pink boat.
With a few centuries, inevitably. Perhaps much earlier if denialism continues to dominate.
The Empire simply go into full Samson Option, Masada Mode operation. It suits Pence, Pompeo and ‘Smoko’ Morrison’s End Times wish fulfillment, too.
One dumb move in the mexican stand off I said – it happened supposedly a bomb from a Turkish drone behind the Syrian front lines on Hezbollah/IRGC – which means Erdogan has volunteered to become a target for the Resistance! Maybe he thinks the US needs help with these ballistic missiles that cause ‘headaches’…
They’d be a bit less sanguine about it if they realised there was a strict weight limit on the Rapture.
As you listen to these people lying through their teeth to keep alive the Syrian Gas Hoax, you have to ask yourself how credible their claims are about the holocaust hoax, which follow an identical pattern.
No you don’t, not everyone promoting the Douma hoax is Jewish and the people who conducted it certainly were not. Meanwhile, I personally knew Polish Catholic Holocaust survivors of Bergen-Belsen as a child and it was no hoax. I deeply resent your implication that disputing the alleged Syrian CW weapons attacks has anything to do with holocaust denial, that’s a claim made by those promoting regime change, you are helping them.
i am an askanazi non semite from the turkic russio steppe
i am a donmeh like erdogonegone and king bibi
i am gender fluid and self identify as a real jewisher
and i say this
even if animal assad did not remove the babies from the incubators himself
even if he did not fire bottle toy rockets at isnot real the country
even if he did not deploy his mobile chemicals bio weapons trucks and his yellow cake and his wmd that could hit londonostan in 45 mins.
even if he did not infect the world with his my my my mycorona virus or his wutan clan virus.
even if he did none of this
the simple fact is
this new hitler is just like the old hitler gadaffi and the older saddam hitler and all the other new old hitlers going back to the hollow causings in churchills timings
millions of people around the world like anne frank befores are now hiding self isolating because of this syrian savage.
the children of idlib all
all 6 million of them are hurting like my brain
animal assad he has changed the weather and scared innocent baby zio satanist greta thurnberg as well and created global dimming
even if he did nothing this animal assad must be stopped
he must be stopped
so israel and the zio satanick masonicks can grow
No he’s thankfully still on them, you should read some of his stuff when he’s off them! 😆
Sorry Norm, we all love you really 😘
What kind of a comment or argument would that be, pray tell.
Wisdom’s a Wanker……
How was the Narrative Manufacturing achieved and the msm turned into presstitutes?
A very revealing confession of a msm journo – even if a bit of a ‘limited hangout’ smell. (Picked up via comment on MoA)
Amongst the revelation that they were prepped for the attack in 2010 or before is the stunning confession she was having a high life in Beirut wine bars after spending a day getting whatsapp etc images and videos showing from the jihadi side of the invasion of Syria – which she and presumably her colleagues in the media used to ship the lies back with their byelines as cover for not actually witnessing the war.
She references the Douma lies with:
“The images were all too familiar ”
No shit Sherlock they came from the same famous WH studios!
(The Groaniad even published their version with a photo of a hospital from the SYRIAN side to illistrate their lie.)
& the Pressy ends with:
“It’s a hard thing for a journalist to acknowledge, looking back on a body of work, to realise it has had so little impact.
At least, I try to tell myself, we have been on the right side of history.”
Lies. A whiff of self realisation . Total self-pity and back to total denial.
No ticker tape parades for her likes and compromised careers and consciences. Such is the fate of the modern presstitutes in all their media incarnations and I for one will never let them forget it.
Put that in the SMH pipe they’ll smoke it.
You mean you don’t want to get in goose-step with the rest of the CIA sponsored media and become a ‘Mockingbird?’
This line here from the SMH “…to absolve the Assad regime of war crimes during the war,” lets you know what you have to do to get something published. You have to regurgitate lies about Assad, and be sure to add that he’s killing children by bombing pediatric wards or nurseries and you’ll get in print.
The Democratic Party debate two nights ago was a prime example. One of the moderators asked one of the clones, “What would you do to stop Assad from mass-murdering his own people?”
The Deep State types are getting pissy that their Syria project has been put on hold by Putin. Israel is also getting PO that their land theft project is being stalled by those uppity Russians.
That’s two very powerful enemies to have, so watch your back Mr. Macilwain.
Assad and the Russians have deployed the Mark I Anti Hospital Bomb and the Mark II Anti Children Bomb, which automatically seek out and home in on any hospitals/ young children in the area.
They have not been equipped with the Star Spangled Democracy Bomb, which explodes on impact to spread peace, justice, universal happiness and the American Way.
Brilliant!! You could get a highly paid job on any of the USA’s Democratically run Mainstream Media……But, I think you would decline the ‘honour.’
I haven’t seen such full-throated defense of Assad since I began writing about Syria 8 years ago, even in Global Research. What always amuses me about propaganda pieces is their swimming against the stream posture, as if this were 2002 and Colin Powell was making speeches about WMDs in Iraq. Every time Douma is brought up, the assumption is that it will give imperialism an excuse to attack Syria. As if Donald Trump cares about children freezing to death in Idlib or hospitals being bombed. Any serious examination of the ruling class’s attitude toward “regime change” would conclude that it is quite okay with Assad remaining in power as I pointed out here:
I have an idle query, Mr Project. How can I downvote your article without following your link to whatever noxiously smelly recess of the internet it leads to and troubling myself to read it?
I haven’t seen such full-throated presumption and reversal of the burden of proof since your last post Louis.
Oh my oh my the Takfiri pom pom queen.
The Syrian Arab Army and Assad will never be so noble like your humanitarian fascistic racist IDF and their psychopathic racist politicos inside occupied Palestine.
Please don’t click on the link.
You’ve never addressed the geopolitical strategy of America’s proxy war on Syria or the Libyan fiasco, or the agenda of the Saudi/Qatarian/ Gulf State/American/British/Turkish/EU/NATO financed/ unofficially endorsed mercenaries or the wholly Western sponsored Sunni resurgence which is nothing more than easily applying sectarian leverage.
If you don’t understand the historical, political, military strategy at work in the region and haven’t researched western global policy you are an idiot, something I don’t believe. I think you have a deep rooted, undeclared interest in furthering Zionism. And it’s got nothing to do with ‘Marxism’.
“Skrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeechhhhhh …”
That’s the high-pitched nails-down-the-board sound of a troll in a desperate pitch of abject self-promotion.
Why do you need to come to Off-G and maybe other sites where you’re not wanted, Louis, to flog your own writing? Could it be because your online articles have very few clicks and recommendations?
Once again one wonders whether straight bribery, or some psycho-sexual disorder, drives the lying agit-prop that serves the cause of the most vicious, sadistic, and Evil death-squad army ever assembled to murder, rape, torture and terrorise a country. Which act of bravery do you most admire about your salafist friends, Proyectile? The rapes, the sex slavery, the throwing gays off roof-tops, the burnings alive, the murder of children to be used as props in White Helmets propaganda, the throat-slitting rampages against peaceful villagers, the false flag gas attacks, the destruction of Palmyra etc? Or Are you a secret convert to Wahhabism?
Yes, of course our Zionist Ruling Class overlords don’t mind if Assad remains in power.
They just created, trained, armed, paid, transported and orchestrated a throat slitting jihadi Foreign Legion hundreds of thousands strong at a cost of scores of billions for a bit of fun.
They didn’t want to overthrow Assad at all.
They were just having a bit of a laugh.
You know what a great sense of humour our Zionist overlords have.
Mr Proyect’s delusional analysis of the Syrian war can be partly explained, for anyone familiar with the Eastern Med and Balkans, by the fact he has a Turkish wife and subsequently tends to take a Turkish influenced perspective on regional issues complete with nostalgia for the Ottoman empire as opposed to the various nationalisms that tore it apart combined with Trotskyist “Democratic Centralism” which all ends up being not that far removed from the Neocon’s as far as foreign policy is concerned, of course a whole load of Neocons started out as Trots. Here’s a quote “I cannot help but mourn what was lost when the Ottoman Empire gave way to fiercely contesting nationalisms that sought ethnic purity. For me, Turkish super-star singer Sezen Aksu, who has defended Kurdish rights with little concern about how that might rub her nationalistic fans the wrong way, symbolizes genuine Turkishness. As a proverbial “rootless cosmopolitan”, I have always felt a powerful draw to cities where a virtual “gumbo” of races, nationalities, and religions can not only co-exist but also cross-fertilize each other’s cultures. That, after all, is how jazz emerged out of New Orleans. I am also reminded of the degree to which dogmatic Marxism errs in this direction through its linear conception of history in which the replacement of a “backward” Ottoman Empire by modern states like Turkey or Syria are as much of an improvement as homo sapiens is over the chimpanzee. In its crudest form, it approximates social Darwinism.” There’s really no need to counter his Syrian arguments directly since they are profoundly tendentious and litered with “Assadist” invective and smears designed to convince himself and the misinformed alone. It would be exactly like arguing with an American left wing pro-Israeli about Zionism, you might agree on any number… Read more »
Ahh, thank you.
That’s all true, but the Ottoman Empire wasn’t all that bad for its time compared with the Middle East charnel house we have now under Zionist domination.
Ramshackle, corrupt, inefficient, easy going, with rulers from the indigenous dominant culture and religion.
To people like the Palestinians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Syrians, Libyans, facing genocidal slaughter from the Anglo Zionist Empire, it must have seemed something like a paradise on earth.
Pay some taxes and bribe a few corrupt officials and you get left alone.
Of course you can’t put the clock back and you can always point to cases like the Armenians, but by and large the destruction of the Ottoman Empire turned out to be a disaster for all the people of the region, without exception.
Not that it any way excuses Erdogan’s adventurism.
It’s all about Greater Israel…
and a Qatari gas pipeline to Europe, to try to further isolate Russia.
Assad is no angel, certainly his regime members aren’t, but he’s not the anti-Christ and he’s only doing the right thing to try to save his country and people from foreign takeover and destruction.
At present it is more about Greater Turkey…
Shia Iran got too much influence for the Wahhabi oil Arabs, both in Yemen and in Syria/ Lebanon.
The Zionist planning document, the Oded Yinon Plan aka A Zionist Plan for the Middle East specifically dictates that deliberately fomenting internecine hatred between religious, sectarian, national and tribal communities would be the preferred route for the destruction of all Israel’s neigbours, the better for the lands of Eretz Yisrael, ‘..from the Nile to the Euphrates’ to be ‘redeemed’ and cleansed of non-Jews. The close alliance with the Islamophobic genocidists of Wahhabist Saudi Arabia, and the Sabbat Goy servants of the USA, is facilitating the project, through rivers of blood and woe.
As per usual with David’s essays, there is little to find fault with in this article. However I think he is being unduly generous in not specifically pulling apart the reaction (I, personally, wouldn’t even give it the credit of calling it an explanation) of the SMH editor in rejecting the article. There are enough questions over whether Henderson is telling the truth or not to make it hard to use him to absolve the Assad regime [note this already biased term used in the response] of war crimes during the war So, in other words, the SMH editor, with it would seem no serious effort to look further into the background and basis for Henderson’s claims, is prepared to favour a narrative based entirely on extremely questionable ‘evidence’ and testimonies supplied by terrorists and terrorist sympathisers to their international sponsors over and above information supplied by an erstwhile employee, supported by former colleagues, at the OPCW. The second paragraph of the editor’s response makes eminently clear where his/her allegiances rest. I note that the SMH was happy on 25 November 2018 to quote a rebel commander, Abdel-Salam Abdel-Razak, and rebel spokesperson Mustafa Sejari about an alleged chemical attack in Aleppo. But information given in a personal analysis and commentary on a controversial event by a reputable author is considered too unreliable to report. Surely that should be for the readers to decide. Perhaps you mean that…the government…has a right to use violence This not only reveals the editor’s accepting presumption of the inaccuracy of Henderson’s testimony in spite of the weak gesture of professional ethics in the first paragraph, but it is patronising and insulting to David to even suggest that he might hold such an immoral position. Having undertaken a quick overview of articles on Syria previously published… Read more »
The SMH’s ownership has changed in the past few years. For most of its history it was owned by a family-run business and was centre-right in its politics. After being taken over by Nine Entertainment which runs a commercial TV station in Australia and various other media-related businesses, whatever standards the SMH used to adhere to have disappeared. (Perhaps more than a fair few editors and reporters got sacked.) The paper is now wall-2-wall advertising and its entire foreign reporting consists of New York Times and New York Post reprints.
Fairfax was rooted when Warwick Fairfax the Lesser tried to privatise it. The joke was, ‘How do you start a small business? Give Warwick Fairfax a Big Business’.
Not a bad report on The Grey Zone.
Which illustrates how the war in Syria is anything but over. While government forces and allies are bringing the ground war to an end. The economic war against the poorest Syrians especially, will intensify along with terrorist attacks until the people rise up against the government. You can squarely blame the US and EU for that.
At least you tried David. The Australian media in my opinion are beyond redemption.
They are virtually dead to me.
When it comes to geopolitical issues, they are simply stenographers and presstitutes for imperialism and the Empire that Australia is very much apart of. In this, I very much include ABC and SBS.
I usually boycott the lot of them as they just churn my stomach, and I found myself loudly swearing at the TV, but did watch 2 nights of news earlier this week for coverage of Julian Assange and his grotesque show trial.
I what Syria was all about years ago: Regime change and full bloodied imperialism and replacing Assad with a puppet who would lick the boots of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Syria would then have become just another vassal state, just as Australia is.
No sovereignty. No independence.
And taking orders from creatures like Pompeo, and others of his ilk.
I believe what Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Moon Of Alabama, The Saker, Syrian Girl, Tim Anderson, and many others have reported on what has happened in Syria.
But still, there are too many others who lap up the presstitutes lies and bullshit and cheer on jihadist headchoppers as ‘revolutionaries’.
You probably know who I mean.
Respect as ever, David. Keep sluggin’, bro! Never let that belly-fire go out! 🙂 – Rh
How absurd 2 even hve such a discourse . Syrian Arab Republic is a sovereign nation.It is a known fact that the Nato alliance along with Israel and the Gulf nations had paid and sent arms to the Takfiri’s.
So let me get this rite. The Syrian Arab Republic can not defend itself becuase Nato and Israel say so.
The blood of all the syrian deaths is on their hands and nobody else.
Long live a free and liberated Palestine
A takfiri is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim of apostasy. The accusation itself is called takfir, derived from the word kafir, and is described as when “one who is a Muslim is declared impure.”
What to do about liberals? They love to link Dr Assad to his father. They conveniently ignore the fact that Syria is, particularly since 2012, democratic. And anyone who doesn’t swallow the propaganda is automatically a “Putinbot” and “Assadist”. Liberals don’t talk about Syria’s forerunner Libya any more, it’s like their collective conscience has expunged it (I used to argue with people btl in the Guardian who informed my that they would be holidaying in Libya in 2 years time). How easy it was to get them to buy into the revolution thing which sort of goes back to Kosovo and “never again” (a story in itself). In the UK it was so easy to take public perception of Gaddafi from ‘the guy who came in from the cold’ so to speak, to the murderer of Yvonne Fletcher, perpetrator of Lockerbie, friend of IRA and “mad dog who was going to go door-to-door in murderous revenge against peaceful demonstrators in Benghazi… spite of the largely unreported suicide bomber who blew-up Benghazi police station which was then ransacked for weapons, kicking it all off. The subsequent finger-pointing and summary execution of “Gaddafi loyalists”, stringing-up sub-Saharan Africans from telegraph poles and the amazing coincidence of a relative of the deposed “king of Libya” who just happened to be passing Benghazi in a container ship filled with 6,000,000 loyalist flags. Anyway, I digress. Anyone remember the Arab Spring? When dear old Hosni Mubarak was ousted? Back then he was a bad man for liberals, a modern-day pharaoh, who ruled a country with economic indicators lower than both Libya and Syria. Unfortunately, democracy was not for Egypt because they had the temerity to elect supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood until President Sisi came to the rescue. Sisi isn’t mentioned much except with words like… Read more »
Yep, they are so evil that they are hiding the true numbers of people affected by coronavirus and are not imposing complete lockdown on affected areas (not sure why they might feel the need to promote coronavirus, but there you go…they are evil after all!). Well that’s if you believe the opinions of US voices, backed up by the good old BBC. When we heard this reported, a friend of mine actually muttered (about Iran) “Well they would, wouldn’t they?” but didn’t explain why they would, his statement based on nothing but MSM propaganda.
This was in the space of a few minutes after we had just viewed a BBC report on the ‘hardship and persecution’ of civilians in Idlib by ‘regime’ and Russian forces and I had explained to my friend why this was all nonsense and that he should question everything uttered by Western politicians and the MSM about the Middle East. My friend looked at me incredulously, and genuinely wanted to know how I knew such things… as if there can’t possibly be a source of knowledge out there beyond the BBC for us mere mortals. This is what we have to contend with all the time and it becomes frustratingly tiresome. But we must never give up.
Good interview on the Gray Zone Judy.
…. this is what we have to contend with all the time, and it becomes frustratingly tiresome.
But we must never give up.
No matter how many paint us as conspiracy theorists or Kremlin stooges or whatever, we stand up for the truth.
We still have a conscience Judy.
The gloating over the coronavirus outbreak in Iran (do you need anymore proof that this is a bio-weapon?)of all places, by the Western MSM is truly despicable, even by their Stygian standards. That Iran is facing difficulties because of the medieval siege imposed by barbarous US sanctions that target health equipment through shutting off finance, is never mentioned, of course, as the villainous presstitutes sneer and curl their lips in murderous contempt.
Anyone who has investigated Lockerbie at all knows that Libya had NOTHING to do with it, and were fitted up in the most transparently preposterous fashion. As for your description of the ‘liberals’-spot on! Greedy, self-obsessed, deeply xenophobic and racist, stupid and ignorant but egotistically fancying themselves clever because they regurgitate the Guardian line, they would identify with a racist, xenophobic, brutally aggressive garrison regime like Israel strongly.
Yes Richard. Unfortunately almost everyone except one victim’s father chose to believe MSM/government lies and the poor man is treated as if he’s been tipped over the edge into conspiracy theory territory and the facts are ignored. Same with the murder of Yvonne Fletcher and the warning given by the Libyan government Re elements of embassy staff. Every death in Libya and every death by drowning of sub-saharan immigrants in the Mediterranean sea is attributable to America, Britain, France and Italy.
Shirley, we’ll all be able to grow our own citrus fruits won’t we, as the world burns up? I know that the world is burning up because that’s what St Greta told an audience yesterday in Bristol in the freezing rain. I heard it on the car radio as I drove home in heavy rain, with the temperature registering around 4 degrees C.
Whatever drove James Le Mesurier to his death from his balcony in Istanbul last November was most probably not humanitarian angst. However we all tend view the world according to some form of WMSM, and it’s not a window but a mirror, a hall of mirrors.
Our world view is shaped by what we see, read, hear and of course believe [it’s very cultural]. And somethings we find just too hard to understand and prefer not to believe because we want to hold on to our perceived humanity.
Somethings are too terrible to contemplate. The truth can be brutal. As can the methods used to hide it. So in order to counter the lies we have to be brave and be brutal to ourselves. But this is not so with all people. The truth will set you free, but it may also destroy you.
Maybe James Le Mesurier was seeking absolution, or maybe the evil he helped to create in Syria just caught up with him.
— or maybe he’s a paradigmatic example of the principle that “dead men tell no tales.”
And possibly he was laundering some of the huge piles of cash flowing through his hands by routing it through his wife’s business.
The odd behaviour of his wife in the early hours of the morning when James le Mesurier died plus neighbours’ reports of an argument at the house, during which they heard a woman’s voice among, hours before the death suggest the wife should be considered a suspect.
I prefer Nemesis, for the justice of it all.
James Le Mesurier is not dead
he runs a gaydar discoteqa in tel aviv called the horse meat disco
he provides the security and is front man with his partners isis head al bagdaddy baggage
epstein island,lord greville janner,robert maxwell ,lord mcalpine,leon britain and dr plotnick inventor of the wuranclan virus
or maybe it was a business deal gone wrong
Ha, ha, ha-I know a few superannuated Fairfax reptiles, old friends of my Dad. Once, long ago, Fairfax represented the far Centre-Right of the Austfailian MSM, where actually honest and intelligent opinionators existed. Not any more, of course. But one thing that was absolutely VERBOTEN in old Fairfax, or new, was ANY criticism of Israel or any Jew. ABSOLUTELY.
Look what they did to Mike Carleton and how they caved in to Jewish lobby pressure.
Oh, yeah-that was a biggie. Carleton dared to criticise one of the Zionist regime’s regular child-murder sprees in Gaza. He was on Twitter and other social media for some reason, so the local Talmudists and Judeofascist bully boys and girls arrived en masse, and spewed their usual delicate abuse at him. He made the mistake of answering in kind, and as answering back to a slavering Zionist is responsible for the bulk of ‘antisemitic incidents’, he was immediately terminated by Fairfax. He was no minor figure in local media, but if you oppose the ‘Gods Upon the Earth’, even in full Talmudic massacre mode, you’re finished.
We do need to go on the offensive. Another example is the Anti Semitism and Russia fabrications and witch hunts. Jeremy Corbyn’s timid response possibly a big reason he lost. He never mentioned Assange until recently . Like Tulsi Gabbard he should have had the courage to build his whole platform of opposition to war and the easy dismantling of the narratives which support evil against good and imminent risk of global war. An opportunity lost and means with the help of a few former mainstream figures like Anna Brees, Tariq Haddad and Peter Hitchens, we are left with the task. Problem we have is too many more enlightened people still accept through laziness and lack of research, mainstream premises. So they say ‘ We should not be involved in Syria and foreign wars etc but Assad is a brutal dictator’ as if that somehow excuses tax funded mass murder. There should be no buts in any event. Theres no evidence he is an evil dictator. And we don’t walk into Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey based on their human rights record or support for terrorism. So there’s no basis whatsover in Syria and to destroy their country. Our involvement is pure evil on a scale far more than even Iraq. It’s nothing to do with human rights – that’s obvious to a 7 year old. The default position is MSM is lying – the track record is there for anyone who cares to look. For now, we can only keep educating setting out the stark facts that if we dont change our callous attitude towards all humanity and address our ignorance and lethegy over Syria and wars , the blowback is surely coming our way – and will affect all of us. I recommend people aside from reading this site… Read more »
Generally I would agree. However, being a case-hardened foreign policy realist I think that whether Assad is a cruel dictator or not is not the issue. Personally I don’t think he is, but that really isn’t relevant. The real issue is whether or not one country can attack another country with impunity, which it is not at war with, nor has declared war against, murdering its leaders and flouting international law. The US hegemon with its vassals in tow has an open objective of subjugating the rest of the world, even if this means nuclear war against powerful states like China and Russia. A ”winnable” (sic) nuclear war against China or Russia before knocking over minor players like Syria.
Errm, no thanks, I don’t relish the thought of being on the receiving end of a Russian hypersonic, multiple-warhead missile.
But here we our virtue-signalling liberals miss the point entirely. This is not about Assad – it is about the hegemonic ambitions of the AZ empire – Syria is a sovereign state under attack because they stand in the way of the empire, and, moreover, they have the temerity to defend their own country against a foreign invasion and an undeclared war.
The rest is bullshit.
I agree 100%. There are two ways of explaining this. The way you have and I alluded to. That is Assad’ s record is irrelevant, especially when you consider others. He has not crossed any’red line’ that I would consider remote grounds for intervention- e.g. invading other foreign sovereign countries.
The other way is to gradually spoonfeed indoctrinated people by refuting the individual narratives such as whether Assad is this or that. Remember people in the West think wittingly or otherwise our lives are worth more than people in the Middle East and you have to break down their objections and years of propaganda and dumbing-down.
What I do is start by demolishing all the narratives they’ve been fed, and if they continue arguing say what you have – we have no right to dictate and impose ourselves on others regardless. We live our way, let others live theirs. Most people get it in the end. But I avoid using words such as ‘ empire’, ‘ deep state’ and ‘propaganda’ because people just don’t accept they exist.
I used to work in a place where we’d investigate events and decide outcomes based on ‘ balance of probabilities ‘ These people made life changing decisions (usually the right ones) But walk around the place at lunch and watch the same people lapping up the Guardian and other rags and then discuss the state of the world. They didn’t have a clue. So I guess it’s not about intelligence and qualifications – the effect the media has on all sections of society is frightening. You need to challenge these narratives using whatever works best in a given situation.
How can the US argue against dictators with their record of installing and supporting nearly all of the vilest despots since WW2? And how do the presstitute vermin have the gall to regurgitate this hypocrisy, day after day, year after year?
Jeremy Corbin, April 11, 2019:
April 12, 2019:
Ooops, Corbyn, not Corbin, of course. My bad.
ISIS/ Taliban/ Al Qaida /Mujahdeen are just CIA trained and KSA & co. paid cannon fodder to protect Persian Gulf oil and gas plus spread Wahhabism.
US MIC needs wealthy buyers – so non stop war abroad is a necessary; the FED needs Arab oil and gas traded in US dollars to underpin QE forever – which gavethe US MIC an unlimited budget.
Achilles heels: 1)the US stock market went up and up for no reason at all except QE = fake ecomony. 2)The monopoly handed on a platter to China on production of all other stuff except military hard and software by billionaires both sides of the Pacific to boast their stock prices = insatiable greed. 3)Internet is slowly exposing these plots to a growing minority. 4)Viruses don’t discriminate between poor and ultra rich: this one “loves” older men !! 5) the Climate Change diversion is unraveling too soon.
US policy in the Middle East follows TWO priorities. First, the control of the fossil fuels to ensure the petro-dollar continues, and two, service to Israel in pursuit of the Oded Yinon Plan.
Quite right, except that those priorities are reversed.
Antonym: all fair comment, except you neglect to mention the pollution & change in environment & of Chinese waters, from their industrial revolution, producing for Western Corporations, by polluting themselves. I recall when the waters of Hong Kong were ‘Blue’ , now a very different shade of a colour that is almost non-describable.
Presumably, you must then agree that it was no coincidence that the Rothschild’s moved their family shipping business from the World Trade Centre to China,
2 weeks before the ‘hit’, yes ?
And, you know the direction of my next question, that has to do with the Chinese Geo-engineering of the weather for the Beijing Olympics, with 500 installations along the North Face of the Himalayas & ‘Advice’ and practical assistance from Lockheed Martin … So, would you firstly agree that the Climate Change Diversion, you refer to, is more a question of projection and transference of responsibility & legal liability ?
Because climate change is real and a corporate tool for both profit and mind control, at the expense of unprotected minions.
So, it follows logically, to ask if you’ve researched the owners of this divide & rule media phenomenon ?
And it also follows logically to ask if you think Israel has assisted in any way in the sponsorship & spread of this phoney ‘War on Terror’ ? 😉
Pre-school children were kidnapped from Latakia August 6, 1913 were Alawit, they were gased August 24 with no parents mourning later parents recognized their children in the News.
They were from pro-Assad families.
“October 10, 2013
“You Can Still See Their Blood
Executions, Indiscriminate Shootings, and Hostage Taking by Opposition Forces in Latakia Countryside” (Opposition; where different Terrorist groups)
Available In
العربية English
Thanks white Indian! I also wrote about that atrocity back in 2016 when it was relived as the area was liberated by the SAA and Russia:
In the article that the SMH declined to publish, I also mentioned Ghouta as a point where the war could have stopped had Western media asked questions of the right people. The struggle to get the story out about the Ghouta attack itself was epic, with Seymour Hersh’s expose’ just blocked off from attention, even in the LRB that published it.
And if it happens again today, we will get the same lies all over again; the stage is set for the White Helmets next theatrical display, or maybe this time it will just be bombs, and the story will be different – with Turkey’s help we were able to defend ourselves and gas the Syrian soldiers…
This moving and illuminating documentary was re-run on RT UK this week. I wonder if any of our ‘wise’ and ‘informed’ politicians and media outlets ever bothered to watch it to see not only the emotional impact that the actions of their caring extremist buddies in Syria have truly had on the children there but also the exploitation and abuse of children by the terrorists.