Media Whipping Covid19 Panic to Unprecedented Heights
Is this just mass hysteria, or is a major play in the pipeline?
Kit Knightly

Another day, another round of shrill headlines. The coronavirus could spread to “every country in the world” (like chickenpox), we might have to cancel the Olympics. Ban handshakes! We’re running out of masks!
We’ve been over the statistics, there’s no need to go over them again. Thus far, scientifically speaking, the Coronavirus is nothing all that remarkable.
And yet…here we are. A world on the verge of all-out, no-holds-barred panic.
Two days ago the scare was related to a woman in Japan who allegedly got the disease twice.
Today the authoritarians mouths are watering over discussion of stadium quarantines in Australia and the possibility of the military having to aid the struggling NHS in the UK.
Fewer than fifty people, total, have been infected across those two countries.
The media are certainly taking to the task of spreading as much hysteria as they can, as quickly as they can.
The Guardian is especially on the ball, as they always seem to be when it comes to spreading baseless, ephemeral fear. Firstly they have a neat little “fact check” piece, trying to stop people gaining any sense of perspective.
“Yes, it is worse than the flu: busting the coronavirus myths”, it headlines, before telling us coronavirus is “10 times more deadly” than the flu, which they claim has a death rate of “only 0.1%”.
This is a)clearly aimed at countering articles like this one that try to bring some realism to bear (apparently that now counts as myth-making), and b)so deceptive it verges on a total lie.
If you include every single known or estimated case of flu in the world then sure you can bring the death rate down to 0.1%. But if you more properly compare hospitalised flu cases with the hospitalised COVID19 cases, the regular flu actually has a much highermortality rate. 5.6% (in the US) compared with 1-3%.
So, why aren’t they closing the world down to save us from this familiar but deadly pathogen?
Elsewhere, one headline warns us of the dangers of “superspreaders”, and another declares that “An epidemic is coming: Europe struggles to contain coronavirus.” It doesn’t mention that the “epidemic” Europe is “struggling to contain” has only infected 1093 people on the entire continent, or that only 23 of them have died. (They have since changed the headline to something less theatrical)
That’s just the “facts” (formerly sacred), the opinion is even better.
Gabby Hinsliff, the forgettable face of the dystopian future-builders, think’s Britain is “too selfish” to properly deal with the coronavirus these days (all 20 victims of it). Rounding on people who haven’t had their kids vaccinated, and rambling incoherently about the “greater good”.
Meanwhile, Jonathan Freedland talks about the “war on disease”, slapping the West on the back for being “open and honest” (unlike China and Iran), whilst taking aim at the only person he ever criticises now Jeremy Corbyn is standing down as Labour leader – Donald Trump.
Apparently Trump should be doing more to combat the disease which, thus far, has infected only 60 US citizens, none fatally. More Americans are in danger from high-fructose corn syrup, or Flint’s poisoned water (but as those can’t be lazily attributed to the political monster of the week, Freedland will never write about them).
But what is all this in aid of? It’s hard to say, except that every authoritarian agenda seems to be sticking its oar in.
We have the anti-cash campaign claiming money spreads the disease, we have anti-vaxxers being pilloried by Vox (as if that is any way relevant), while Facebook is “cracking down” on “misinformation”.
More generally, we’re being encouraged to think of the “big picture”, that being curfewed and quarantined and banned from travelling will all be best for the group. There hasn’t been much talk of mandatory vaccinations…yet, but you see whispers of it here and there (that Gabby Hinslif piece is very much a straw in the wind for that issue).
There’s also the money angle. Not just the vaccine research grants or the tests being sold and shipped out by the case, but also the stock market game. It’s all over the headlines that this “pandemic” is causing the biggest crashes in stock prices since 2008, but markets declining are still opportunities to make a lot of money.
Buying stocks low and waiting for the market recovery, shorting currency, or the ridiculous derivatives market (essentially gambling on whether stocks will go up or down). All can make you a fortune if you play the recession right, which is made much easier when you can predict a crash coming…say, by stoking a lot of fear.
Anybody familiar with Event 201, a staged exercise focusing on a zoonotic form of a novel coronavirus, will have known it predicted a complete crash in the financial markets.
When a very similar real-life event started occurring, they would have a motive to start trading some derivatives and stoking up the fear machine. It’s easy money, like gambling on a fixed game.
The event was held by the NGO Center for Health Security, and sponsored by Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Medicine and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (The exercise ended with a list of seven recommendations, which you can read here.)
All the while, an important trial is getting no coverage at all, whilst Turkey might actually start a full-fledged war with Syria. Crickets chirp in the media where these stories might appear. Reality has no place in our headlines right now.
This is greatest mass-panic I can remember in a long time, maybe since Y2K. Either the world is truly facing a global instance of mass hysteria, or some powerful hand is about to make a big play.
Stay tuned.
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Oh the irony of an article about unnecessary panic in which 80% of the commenters BTL are panicking unnecessarily, as if they haven’t even read anything we’ve published! Let me just address a couple of the claims being most frequently asserted below.
1. “COVI19 is a bioweapon sent by the US!!!z”
Well, if it is it’s the worst bioweapon of all time. With a ground zero infection rate of 0.8% and a mortality rate among the young and healthy of less than 1% this has zero weapon value. They have strains of stuff in their labs that are actually – you know – deadly, with case fatality rates approaching 100%. What would be the point of weaponising what amounts to a medium strain of the flu?
2. “ This would be deadly but for China’s heroic efforts and WE should follow their example.”
All I can say is anyone claiming this needs to work on recognising seeded memes. This is a classic for getting populations to ‘demand’their own lockdown and enslavement. ‘Give us a curfew or we’re all gonna die!!!’🙄
China is currently inflating reported cases by basically diagnosing anyone with pneumonia as having COVID19, without a PCR or antibody test. They are clearly either losing the plot or have their own reasons for inciting fear.
3. “We can’t be complacent because it could mutate into something really deadly and kill us all!”
Well sure. It could do that. As could absolutely any other virus in existence, known or unknown. Many things could happen. But we don’t act as if they have until they do. Right?
In summation – Put your thinking heads back on people. The media is bombarding you with non-facts to shut down your rational mind. Don’t oblige them and their masters. As things stand, even if you’re in Wuhan you have a 99.2% chance of not even catching COVID19. And if you DO catch it you will likely be fine. Even if you’re over 80 and already a bit poorly.
Because COVID 19 is currently the flu. A middling flu. Dressed up in a death mask and making ‘woo’ noises to frighten you.
Great comment! Thanks:)
The number of confirmed cases in the UK has leaped by 12 to 35.
35!! Did you say 35??? That’s almost HALF the population! Have they dug enough graves yet?
Government lawyers are assessing the possibility of delaying the local authority, mayoral and police and crime commissioner elections in May if the coronavirus outbreak continues to escalate, the Guardian can disclose.
Well said.
The last bit had me in stitches.
The UK health secretary, Matt Hancock, has said it may be necessary to follow China’s example by shutting down cities to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
I predict that any day now the TV and radio channels will dispense with worded reports and just give us creepy sound effects punctuated by the Joker laugh, Jack Nicolson shouting, “HEEER’S JOHNNNNIE!”, the clown Pennywise from “IT” saying “When you’re down here with us, you’ll float too!”, extracts from Hitler speeches etc. – this accompanied by endlessly circling clips of the Alien chestbuster scene, the Exorcist girl’s head turning right round etc.
Dear Catte,
Read my comment below and tell me if it makes sense. If I’m worrying unnecessarily I can go out and get drunk at the pub over the road.
Catte, i hope you know i have never been one who has been panicking about this; I have read all the pieces here and many others elsewhere; i have tried to understand actual facts and still do. From multiple sources.
So what to make of Whitney Webb’s story on the pandemic bonds? Does it have any bearing on the hype? What about the famous banks actions?
What exactly do you think is going on?
“Well, if it is it’s the worst bioweapon of all time. With a ground zero infection rate of 0.8% and a mortality rate among the young and healthy of less than 1% this has zero weapon value. They have strains of stuff in their labs that are actually – you know – deadly, with case fatality rates approaching 100%. What would be the point of weaponising what amounts to a medium strain of the flu”
You are assuming that the goal of a bio-weapon must be to kill lots of people. That is just not true. Indeed, you might wish not to kill the young and healthy, because you want to continue profiting from their cheap labour at some time in the future.
If it is a bio-weapon – and I am not completely sold on that – then the goal could be simply to cause massive economic damage to China – and Iran. Absolute havoc!
Has it done that?
Of course.
Now you might come back and say “Yes, true, but it would also cause economic havoc in the West as we are seeing with the stock market”
You would be right – but that is where this operation would serve a second purpose.
It’s pretty clear that the financial system is coming to the end of the line. Rather than wait for that to happen and reap the anger of the proles, isn’t it a good idea to be proactive about it and have it blamed on the ‘virus’? This also has the advantage of allowing the state to invoke the emergency laws necessary for control of the indignant mobs whic can be expected.
Any economic impact has been caused by the apparent over-reaction and not by the virus. Maybe this indeed is the intention as many have suggested. An economic crash ‘they’ can’t be blamed for. But China would seem to be taking the lead there.
Very possibly!
Something I have considered is that China wishes to force changes in the international monetary system, and now ‘going on strike’ as it were, in order to do that.
China is the world’s biggest miner of gold today. It also buys up a lot of foreign gold. They must be fed up with the FED’s QE diktats based on thin air.
Yes, the economy is imploding anyway. Now they have their scape goat and you can be quarantined under bio security laws. Nice.
I would add that the ‘outbreak’ we are seeing in the West such as it is , is almost certainly not what has been happening in China or Iran.
Just look at the difference in response. You get the feeling here in Europe that the authorities in Europe are just going through the motions of taking it seriously – at the same time as hyping it.
Yes, stories grow in the telling and narratives mutate by transmission, according to the underlying energetic of the demands of the social or cultural (psychic-emotional) terrain. Ie: AIDS in ‘developed’ countries is a different instrument operating under the same name in Africa. In the same manner ‘polio’ had its parameters changed so as to ‘eradicate it’ while a range of other asserted medical definitions were generated to offset the actual into a covering narrative account.
If it were understood that ‘virus’ is exogenic or extracellular communication and genetic exchange rather than ‘alive’ and active as a rogue agenda (that’s our trick folks) – then we would turn attention from fear under attack – as the need to counter, block and pre-emptively strike – to a relational honesty.
But fear triggered biology hijacks the connected and relational mind. The fear-mind of fight-flight response hijacks, possesses or usurps the will of the whole body-mind.
What stands out to me is the dictate to which media, and all other institutions of public trust or oversight, immediately OBEY. ‘Power’ speaks – and even absurdity is enacted with a serious countenance. The subject is under hypnotic control as a result of a complex of manipulative beliefs. When the ‘ authorities’ of institutional jurisdictions all jump to the same tune – is it because there is a greater fear at work than the narrative they are pushing, selling or acting out?
Fear that cant be named’ is a nameless terror and dread that operates via surrogate fears and alignments of identity and allegiance. Personifying this is casting it into narratives that are then rationalised and reinforced as ‘consensual reality-evasion’.
The idea that people have lost rationality is not how I see it. Though Reason is sanity, it is rooted in love’s honesty, but a systemic rationality serves as justification for the fear or control ‘mind’ that limits and equates itself to the body as a self-isolator, as a weapon and as a masking of hidden thought, and the screen or prop on which to act out its gratification on the bodies of others and the body of the world.
That this always fails – regardless the initial promise – is assigned to the ‘disease’ of a shapeshifting narrative evasion and coverall – so as to justify ongoing allegiance under a fear-minded sacrifice of love and reason in ‘weaponised narratives’ that are faithful feedback to the underlying energetic patterns of active belief and self-definition. IF you do not invest identity and allegiance in them.
Few understand the power of belief, as a result of their own conflicting self-beliefs generating a split mind as a world that runs ON conflict as narrative dictate.
This can be mythologised as if a greater power or alien will has possessed the mind or taken over the world. Fear is belief given to attack, division and guilt – but hidden or covered by narrative assertion for survival. The principle way of accepting beliefs without conscious discernment is by reacting as if something is true as a result of appearances and associations.
Running on appearances as a cover story, is set up as a self-evasion in search of reinforcement and protection.
Fear can be invested in anything – as attempt to hide or escape it – and the resulting experience will be a protection that disintegrates to reveal the original investment with layers of added interest. Ie: a false sense of love and protection will disintegrate to blind hate or hate-blindness.
Hate is the result of a broken or wounded love and not a power in and of itself. There is always a deeper context than mythologised narratives of good framed as war with evil.
Are we in need of a new or novel cover story?
The New Story I share in is of the awakening of self-responsibility for aligning in the reintegration of a split minded fear to the underlying truth it covered over.
Is 19 the ‘number of surrender’?
Yielding to our very being is not at all the same as surrendering to an alien or fear-minded will – under whatever pre-text. By their fruits you shall know them!
Recognising ourself in another is different than projecting intent to control onto another, and being delivered unto its subjection against our will.
Intent to control overrides, interjects and usurps the (sovereign) will, and fear’s disturbance generates ‘rebellion’ set against intolerable conflict.
Order set OVER chaos, served a purpose in its timing – but is a stepping stone to the consciousness of discerning order within what seemed chaotic as a result of clinging to old patterns of invested identity.
The uncovering of the Biome – not just of humans but of the Planetary biosphere – and beyond… is of support for Life’s adaptive capacity – but at first we took it as the harbinger of death because to the mind in ‘closed system’, change is opening to fear of pain of loss. Fear actively seeks reinforcement and finds it – as experience of attack, loss and grievance – from which to reseed itself in ‘defences’ that DO the thing they purport to protect from. Such is our body, mind and world today – is it not?
Fear is quick to react for its own protection – but love inspires the willingness to wait on recognition of truth – and align in shared being. Fear cannot hear or understand the movement of being as anything but threat. It is made on the belief that fear protects against total sacrifice. Yet it is the ‘religion’ OF sacrifice. Whether working Aztec rituals to forfend the end of the Age or rationalised systems of technocratic controls through broad spectrum surveillance and control. In this sense rationality is a surface layer over all that runs beneath.
When the surface reality ‘breaks down’ what runs beneath rises to be healed.
The denied have one core need; light of acceptance.
Fear of awareness and disclosure works denial as ‘self-protecting’ and self-perpetuating. Casting sins into the ‘other’ is seeking to get others to pay our own
debts of denial under narrative deceit. This is also ‘working’ the mind of fear and guilt as if excepted by the power to do so.
Hi Binara,
But can they control what’s coming. That will be interesting especially in the US
No Catte, you’re completely wrong! It’s really like this:
That massive spike in UFO sightings in recent months…well, you know, they’re the bosses of “God’s chosen people “
They’re sowing the viral seeds of our destruction…all of us, apart from 166,000, apparently.
All of the World’s Governments are involved in the Kabuki Theater of Warmongering until they reveal the Aliens/Fallen Angels they are in bed with, just like Wernher von Braun stated:
“The last card that was being held was the Extraterrestrial Enemy Card”
“After the Threat of the Russians, After the Threat of Terrorism”.!!!
The War of Terror has been going on for 18 Years since the ‘Skull N Bones’ Bush’s ‘New Pearl Harbor’ Staged 911 Event.
Coronaviruses have nothing to do with influenza viruses, they are two entirely different viruses.
PCR is also not very good in diagnosing COVID 19, the total positive rate of RT-PCR for throat swab samples has been reported to be about 30% to 60% at initial presentation
Ref: Yang Y, Yang M, Shen C et al. Evaluating the accuracy of different respiratory specimens in the laboratory diagnosis and monitoring the viral shedding of 2019-nCoV infections. 2020. DOI:
Of course the ultimate question is: ‘how do they know that someone has Covid 19?’ What is the gold standard if it isn’t antibody testing, PCR or clinical diagnosis?
The answer to that question is: they don’t know the gold standard since there is no such thing.
Which sums up this whole discussion. There is no Covid 19. All there is, is a magician’s show and nothing more.
The ‘gold standard’ is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not PCR or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such).
This will never happen (short of a miracle!) because of the various constraints imposed on mainstream virologists and microbiologists. So yes, no isolated virus = no gold standard of comparison for any genetic material found, therefore no coronavirus and no COVID-19 per se apart from opportunistic infections that are common and pneumonia grouped under that acronym to ‘fit the frame’.
You can debate this issue till the cows come home but only concrete scientific proof of this virus and proof of its ability to cause disease with proper controls, will determine the truth of the matter leaving aside all of the other possible issues discussed on this thread including, Psyops, false flag, as a silent weapon to see how the population will react for even worse things to come, and all the other ifs, and buts and whys and wherefores.
How about these?
Hi David,
I have looked at both of these papers and managed to get the pdf file on the first reference (Harcourt et al, 2020) and the second reference to the paper by Kim et al (2020) both claiming to have isolated the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 virus.
However, neither of these researchers isolated pure virus particles only genetic material so the claim to have sequenced the full genome is not valid without the complete virus as a standard of comparison.
Neither of them satisfied Koch’s postulates that were further modified by T M River. Neither of them used negative controls e.g. to see if the same genetic material was found in a healthy person. The material they found was not cultivated in host cells but in Vero cells in the Kim paper and Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in the Harcourt et al (2020) paper and antibiotics were also used, together with unreliable GenBank references that were used for sequences and PCR to amplify genetic material found.
No electron micrographs were presented in the Harcourt paper to indicate particle size or whether the particles obtained were free from contaminants.
Neither of the papers proved virus filterability.
The electron micrographs in the Kim paper have no size bar and yet the particles which look like extracellular vesicles are claimed to vary in size between 70-90nm (pure virus particles should always be the same size and shape).
Kim et al admit that “the virus was observed in a wide range of intracellular organelles, especially in vesicles”. If that’s the case it proves they never did isolate pure virus particles free from contaminants which may look like viruses but are NOT. The Harcourt paper used “isolates” in its experiments too which only contained genetic material and other contaminants not pure isolated virus particles.
I have noticed that there is a very tiny size bar on one of the electron micrographs in the Kim paper so small you can hardly notice it. However, that makes little difference to the criticism I have made regarding the particle size and shape made by Kim.
Thank you very much for the explanation!
Could you point me to more information about the Thomas M Rivers modification of Koch’s postulates?
I found this:
A fairly quick read but that last paragraph is particularly interesting, leading off with “To summarize, it can be said that the cause of viral diseases is known and that Koch’s postulates as proposed by him do not have to be fulfilled in order to prove that a virus is the cause of a disease.”
Hi David this might help you by comparing Koch’s postulates with those modified by Rivers as indicated below.
Koch’s postulates (1884) are specified as follows:
1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms. (This is very important but TM Rivers modified postulates for viruses omit it).
2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. (Viruses can’t be grown in pure culture because they can’t reproduce. They can only grow in living host cells that are “accessible, susceptible and permissive”, or from the source of the virus in the first place or from a diseased patient).
3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
4. The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
Koch’s Postulates were modified by TM River in 1937 to include viruses:
1.Isolate virus from diseased hosts
2.Cultivation of virus in host cells.
3. Proof of filterability.
4.Production of comparable disease when the cultivated virus is used to infect experimental animals.
5.Re-isolation of the same virus from the infected experimental animal.
6.Detection of specific immune response to the virus.
In Rivers criteria there is no mention of genetic material DNA or RNA ‘as if’ they are not required to prove the criteria and that the genetic material or specific sequences do not have a role in proving the viral cause of disease.
Rivers also remarks that:
“….now it’s possible to bring excellent evidence that an organism is the cause of a malady without the complete satisfaction of [Koch’s] postulates”.
He goes on to say that “Koch’s postulates may act as a hindrance instead of an aid”. Rivers also admits that “It is obvious that Koch’s postulates have not been satisfied in viral disease”.
The next quote begs the question: “In the first place it is not obligatory to demonstrate the presence of a virus in every case of the disease produced by it”.
If the virus is not present in every case of the disease, then how is it possible to prove that the virus is the sole cause of every case of disease?
In addition, Rivers commits the fallacy of the single cause when he assumes that there is only a single, simple cause (the alleged virus) in every case of the disease, when in reality the disease may have been caused by a number of jointly sufficient causes that have simply been ignored or excluded to fit the frame of monocausal germ theory.
Hi Willem,
RT-PCR can’t diagnose COVID-19 because they haven’t isolated the virus as a standard of comparison, it can detect other things but not that condition – that’s why. There is no COVID-19 without a specific coronavirus whose whole genome has been characterized/ sequenced and even then proof is required that that the alleged ‘virus’ is THE cause of the syndrome and nothing else. This is not an easy scientific task to undertake and nobody in mainstream virology/microbiology has done that to date.
Thanks for that answer, Tony. That really answered my question!
You are mistaken.
Vierotchka, this video proves nothing about the isolation and infectivity of this alleged virus. If it comes from RT then the Russians are taking the piss! They have a well developed weapons programme and don’t waste their time fiddling about with ineffective viruses anymore. There was an epistemological break with germ theory long ago when they started using ‘silent’ bioenergetics weapons on the US Embassy in Moscow (1953 t0 1976) and three ambassadors died and many members of staff became ill as a result.
If I’m mistaken about coronavirus and COVID-19, as you appear to suggest then where’s the beef?
This issue can be settled if and only if concrete scientific proof is forthcoming and I’ll bet you a bat’s wing you are not the one who will provide it, as the proof rests on you. No more videos either.
A scientific paper is absolutely required demonstrating the step by step details of how this virus was isolated/purified, also electron microscope photographs (not doctored coloured computer generated ‘models’). The photos must have a side-bar showing virus size and diameter and be free from all other particulate matter, including microvesicles and other cell debris.
Also the specific density at which the virus banded at must be specified , the name of the scientist who claimed to have first identified the virus must also be provided, and when and where (at which laboratory it was isolated) and the details of how its it’s genetic substance and proteins were sequenced (with no references to a ‘gene bank’) after obtaining the whole virus genome. Also details of who funded the research, and what controls were used to prove that the virus particles were in indeed infectious in living animals or humans.
If this virus physically exists and is infectious and causes COVID-19 as is claimed, then it follows that what I am asking for from you is a perfectly valid scientific request. If you can do that, and come up with the goods which I firmly believe you CANNOT – then, and only then I will admit that was mistaken but it will take more than your video shows to prove it.
Good luck -you’ll need it!
RT has consistently shown to be accurate.
RT is an ideological apparatus in the service of the state -no different from other MSM outlets putting out information and disinformation.
I agree some things that RT puts out are consistent in its reporting about certain events in the world but what this guy states in the video is not one of them and is not what I asked you for. He simply states that the Chinese have isolated the virus and shared their results with others, but offers no scientific references to that effect. That’s because this virus has never been effectively isolated scientifically to date and there is nothing yet that conclusively proves that it has. None -period.
Your opinion about RT being consistently accurate is not scientific proof of this virus -only the full scientific details that have been reported in a paper in a reputable scientific journal can do that. So that others can verify or disprove the findings by repeated experiments.
I can only repeat my question to you again!
If this virus physically exists and is infectious and causes COVID-19 as is claimed, then it follows that what I am asking for from you is a perfectly valid scientific request. If you can do that, and come up with the goods which I firmly believe you CANNOT – then, and only then I will admit that I was mistaken but it will take more than your video shows to prove it.
History tends to repeat itself one way or another.
It was the same scenario with my request to Dr Henry Niman for scientific proof of the flying pig virus -all I got was a stone wall, insults and being turned into a parrot – I hope that you are not trying to adopt the same avoidance tactics as Niman!
“China is currently inflating reported cases by basically diagnosing anyone with pneumonia as having COVID19, without a PCR or antibody test.”
That is not necessarily the correct assumption. Clinical diagnosis works both ways, it can also mean that there are a lot of people who do not show symptoms, but actually have the virus, are running around without ever being diagnosed correctly. And I dare say that this group is probably larger than the group with other coronary viral diseases misdiagnosed as COVID-19.
If in empirical (quantifiable) science one outcome has 2 opposite meanings, it just depends on how you look at the outcome, you know that that outcome must be bullshit.
In empirical science only one outcome can be the right outcome, like 2+2=4
That is exactly right. The author shouldn’t have made claims that “China is currently inflating reported cases”, as China could be deflating them by switching to clinical diagnosis. In the absence of alternative, more reliable numbers, just take their numbers as they are. Instead of saying: 2+2=5 for a particularly large 2.
No, 2+2=4 should read as “this Covid 19 thing is totally bullshit.” Any other explanation just shows that you are bullshitting.
“To be or not to be, and that is the question.”
And that is not what you are doing. You are saying that it is difficult to answer a question, as if it is difficult to give an answer to the question of how much is2+2?
And still I do not think think that is difficult to answer what the answer is to 2+2, you are the one who is bullshitting.
Don’t gaslight yourself.
I have no idea what you’re quacking about. If you had read my initial comment properly, I questioned the author’s claim that “China is inflating its reported cases”. If you want to put forth an argument for the author’s statement, then come up with reliable numbers for 1. Number of other diseases misdiagnosed as COVID-19, 2. Number of cases where patients were cleared when in fact they had COVID-19.
Otherwise, you are just ranting incoherently.
Hi Aswendi,
Those tests are not necessary to diagnose pneumonia – blood tests, chest x-rays, sputum tests, CT-scans etc. can be used. As I have stated many times in other posts, antibody tests and PCR are not specific for diagnosing COVID-19 syndrome and PCR can only detect virus if it has first been isolated from a patient with the disease syndrome and properly sequenced.
If the virus is ‘latent’ or ‘dormant’ and not replicating in the host cells it occupies, then, according to virology it’s not necessarily ‘infectious’ but may be induced to replicate at some later stage then it becomes infectious. So, as you state, people “can have the virus” (although it’s never been proven scientifically that they actually DO have it) and are also “running around without ever being diagnosed correctly”.
The only way that patients can be correctly diagnosed with COVID-19 is by isolating the alleged ‘virus’ from a patient with its genome intact, analysing is nucleic acid and proteins and then proving that it really is infectious by introducing the pure virus particles (and nothing else) into uninfected cell cultures, animals or humans and also to see if the in vivo cases end up with COVID-19. That is not so easy to do and nobody has ever claimed to have done it.
The purpose does not have to be to kill as many people as possible.
The purpose is to destabilize China and its economy. (The main purpose.)
Question: what then according to you is the purpose of all the fearmongering?
Answer: people who ask questions should think first, before they ask questions
Well if the outcome is death due to pneumonia related issues, someone in our hallowed Medical circles might want to answer questions about the efficacy of treatment with High Dose Vitamin C.
I only say that, because I remember this coming out years ago and not widely reported.
I was amazed at the rush for our Medical powers that be, to ascertain the facts around this particular case.
Hi Catte,
You state that “China is currently inflating reported cases by basically diagnosing anyone with pneumonia as having COVID19, without a PCR or antibody test”.
I must point out again if I may, to those who are not familiar with PCR assay which is not an antibody test, and that serology antibody tests like ELISA per se were never designed to detect virus anyway –irrespective of whether they test positive or negative.
PCR or polymerase chain reaction method is used to study short lengths of gene substance – it can clone or ‘amplify’ a fragment many millions of times to make it easier to study. However, it was never meant to detect coronavirus or any other virus. What usually happens is that if a fragment of genetic code is detected by the test, they try to match it with the genetic code of a known harmless virus recorded in a gene bank library. They cannot match it with an alleged ‘pathogenic’ strain of coronavirus’ – one that allegedly causes COVID-19 because it doesn’t exist in reality, unless of course they patch genes together and construct a speculative theoretical model as to what the virus might look like and then pretend it’s the genome of the actual virus for comparison, but it’s NOT.
The same goes for any other alleged pathogenic virus because no such pathogenic viruses have ever been scientifically proven to exist as ‘gold standard’ of comparison, let alone be the cause of this or any other ‘disease’. This may seem farfetched but try finding any scientific paper on virus isolation that goes into abundant step by step detail about how the virus was isolated and showing the electron micrograph of the isolated particles (free from any contaminants) – and without using PCR as the method of proof, you might be in for a big surprise. Or better, still try asking the appropriate scientific authorities for proof of same –it should be obvious by now that it will not be forthcoming.
Regarding PCR assays here’s the quote from the CDC website again:
Molecular assays available for detecting influenza virus infection include rapid molecular assays, Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), and other nucleic acid amplification tests. These tests can detect influenza viral RNA or nucleic acids in respiratory specimens with high sensitivity and high specificity. Notably, the detection of influenza viral RNA or nucleic acids by molecular assays does not necessarily indicate detection of viable virus or on-going influenza viral replication [my emphasis].
On speaking to a friend, he told me that I am wasting my time in my effort to inform people about the technical aspects involved that fail to prove the existence of this alleged virus. He said “they’d sooner watch paint dry on the wall” – perhaps he’s right.
PCR will detect all kinds of things in asymptomatic patients.
Thirty years ago I was researching papillomaviruses and scientists were shocked to discover widespread HPV viral DNA in young children, when the mantra at that point was that HPV spread was via sexual intercourse!
Of course, there was not mass child sex abuse being uncovered, what was being discovered was that latent viruses could sit around in most anyone without causing any kind of pathology.
Rhys, yes I agree PCR can do that, but it cannot detect virus without the ‘gold standard’ i.e. the whole virus that’s been isolated and purified and used as a standard of comparison for any gene fragments found that are claimed to derive from a particular viral genome (and I don’t mean also making the comparison by using information that’s in the gene bank).
By the way, did you ever come across a paper detailing the isolation/purification of a human papillomavirus using standard lab techniques (but not PCR) with the necessary controls in order to demonstrate infection- if you have I’d be glad to read it as I can’t find one.
Tony when I was active in that field, the grand challenge was actually propagating HPVs in some form of culture system. No-one could do it by transfection of keratinocytes back then.
has a description of how to generate ‘pseudovirions’ and ‘quasivirions’ i.e. transfecting PV coat protein DNA and plasmid which will be packaged inside of the coat proteins.
In the latter case ‘quasivirions’ use full length PV DNA to be packaged insidebut it is not clear if that was the animal model CRPV or actual Human PVs.
The raft culture system is also described in that paper, which allows terminal differentiation of keratinocytes in tissue culture, which is the only system when virions are actually produced.
Decide for yourself if this paper satisfies what you are looking for.
Hi Rhys,
Thanks for that, but it’s not exactly what I’m looking for. Since there are said to be, over 200 human papillomavirus types that are claimed to have been identified, I need an original paper that demonstrates scientifically that one such natural human papillomavirus (HPV) has been isolated and has been proven to be ‘pathogenic’ with full details of the procedure and controls. It doesn’t even have to be a HPV either, it can be any alleged natural pathogenic virus except measles and HIV as there is enough proof now to date that these viruses have never been effectively isolated free of contaminants and proven to be infectious.
Finding particles with typical viral morphology does not mean that such viruses are necessarily ‘pathogenic’. That’s where your point about correlation comes in. Any virus can be correlated or ‘associated’ with a certain infection or disease but can also have nothing to do with the disease per se, or it’s just an effect of the disease process and not a cause of it (as cells produce harmless ‘viruses’ anyway – e.g. retroviruses). Actually, there are probably many more non-pathogenic than pathogenic viruses (and the latter are now in question). This point was well illustrated in a special conference sponsored around 1960 by the New York Academy of Sciences under the title Viruses in Search of Disease;
The paper that I am seeking would need to demonstrate the following:-
1. Where, how and when the sample of the human papillomavirus that is claimed to be ‘pathogenic’ was obtained from the patient and the name or names of the scientists who actually conducted the original study and procedure that claim that HPV is pathogenic.
2. Finding a papillomavirus either in vitro or in vivo is not proof that it originated from outside, that is, the virus is infectious, and exogenous. To prove that papillomavirus-like particles observed in a culture are virus particles one must isolate (purify) the particles, characterise their proteins and nucleic acid and introduce them in a secondary culture, preferably containing cells of a different type than the primary culture. If any particles are released in the secondary culture, they must be isolated and then proved that their proteins and nucleic acid are exactly the same as those of the particles isolated from the primary culture. In these types of experiments one must observe the crucial importance of proper controls.
3. The specimens must be purified by ultrafiltration and density gradient ultracentrifugation, showing all details including the specific sucrose (or percoll) density gradient at which the type of HPV particles banded and contain nothing else, not even particles of other morphologies or dimensions e.g. microvesicles, cellular components or other debris.
4. Electron micrographs then need to be obtained of the particles exhibiting the morphological characteristics and dimensions for that particular type of particle claimed to be a HPV particle. The genome of the virus must always be the same size, and the proteins forming the capsid must always be of the same form and size and indicated by a size-bar on the micrograph.
5. Again, in order to determine the biological effects of the isolated HPV pure particles must be used otherwise it is impossible to determine whether the effects are due to the virus particle or to contaminants in accordance with “Koch’s second postulate: The microbe must be isolated from the host and grown in pure culture”, which was designed to prove that a given disease was caused by a particular germ, rather than by some undetermined mixture of non-infectious substances.
6. To prove that the proteins are viral they must be obtained from the purified HPV – from the material containing nothing else but HPV particles. Which means that in the material that contains impurities which also have proteins, it is not possible to determine what is viral and what is not. Only after the viral proteins are characterised they can be used as antigens in the antibody tests.
7. In order to characterize the viral genome the same applies as for the proteins and the only way to prove that a stretch of nucleic acid is viral, is to obtain it from material which contains nothing else but virus particles. If the material contains impurities, the impurities must not contain nucleic acids. Then, and only then, can the HPV DNA and its mRNA be used as probes and primers for genomic hybridisation and PCR studies.
8. The paper must contain no reference to any genetic sequences or proteins allegedly deriving from the HPV genome and capsid that is claimed to be ‘pathogenic’ filed in the Genebank data base unless there is a reference to the scientist(s) and their paper that claims to have originally isolated that type of HPV for the first time and sequenced its genome etc so it can be used as a ‘gold standard’.
Otherwise it would not be possible to prove the pathogenicty of that type of HPV through repeat experiments. All genetic sequences and proteins etc must therefore refer to the original scientific work done on that type of HPV and that work must be made available to check as it would be the gold standard of comparison for other scientific work.
Tony, there is extremely clear evidence that Bovine Papillomaviruses were isolated as virions from benign tumours and that they could both recreate such tumours by scarification and treatment with virion preps. Bill Jarrett in Glasgow Vet School was a world expert on such viruses back in the 1980s and collaborated with the group I worked in.
‘We have previously shown that cattle vaccinated with L2, the minor structural protein of bovine papillomavirus-4 (BPV-4), do not develop alimentary papillomas upon challenge with BPV-4. Analysis of the B and T cell response in L2-vaccinated animals showed that the majority of the response was directed against the N-terminus and C-terminus of L2 with little response against the middle portion. Cattle were vaccinated with the N-terminus or the C-terminus of L2. The animals vaccinated with the N-terminus were completely protected from viral challenge, whereas the animals vaccinated with the C-terminus were not. Further analysis with synthetic overlapping peptides spanning the entire N-terminus mapped a B cell immunodominant epitope at amino acid 101-120. This epitope was recognised by all vaccinated animals.’
BPV4 was originally isolated from papillomas in the alimentary canal of cattle identified in abattoirs. The virus was purified using ultracentrifugation and shown to be infectious both in tissue culture and could reproduce papillomas when applied to scarified epithelium in cattle. The paper above shows that you can prevent those papillomas forming by using antibodies raised specifically against the capsid proteins of BPV4. That is pretty hard evidence that BPV4 was the tumour-causing agent.
This virus is unusual in that it was always present in the benign tumours but never in the malignant ones. It was believed to provide a larger subset of hyperproliferating cells to be modified by carcinogens in bracken.
You would have to revisit original research papers from the 1980s to investigate exactly how the BPV4 virions were first purified. But purified they were…..
Hi Rhys,
Thanks for your reply and to cut through to the chase -have you ever set eyes on those original 1980’s papers claiming to have purified the BPV4 virus particles free from contaminants etc?
How did they prove the antibodies were specifically against the capsid proteins of BPV4 as antibodies can cross react with other proteins that can have nothing to do with BPV4 capsid proteins – here we can easily get bogged down and sent off track with highly technical obfuscation. I like to keep things as simple as possible so that other people can understand what’s really involved regarding this issue.
Virologists all claim as you do, that there is extremely clear evidence that such viruses have been isolated and are infectious. That is, until you find the original papers and find they have not because they never used the proper methods or controls. Dr Lanka has done that with the alleged measles virus and so has the Perth Group with HIV -these viruses have never been proven to date.
Usually, you can never get hold of these original papers that’s why I asked you in the first place to see what you could come up with as that is what I’m really after.
It’s one thing to state these viruses were really purified in accordance with the criteria which I specified its another to be able to conclusively demonstrate that.
I worked in the research group that collaborated with Bill Jarrett and the following is undoubtedly true:
1. Controls were definitely performed which showed that only samples containing BPV virions induced papillomas.
2. The new papillomas generated after scarification and infection with virions contained BPV4 DNA, showing that infection of the cells by BPV4 had undoubtedly occurred.
3. The paper I quoted showed that if you inactivated virions by binding them to antibodies raised against BPV4 capsid proteins, the samples no longer created papillomas in animals.
So for your postulate to work, you have to contend that the antibodies specifically raised against BPV4 capsid proteins actually inactivated a distinct infectious agent as well as the BPV4 virions AND that infection by BPV4 virions had no effect on cells, but that for some reason some other agent was causing that.
I would suggest you go about proving that before saying that your hypothesis is true. Occam’s Razor says that antibodies raised against specific proteins, proven to bind to such proteins in Western Blot gels, are binding to BPV virions to inactivate them.
I can tell you from my personal research that expression of specific BPV4 proteins in primary bovine fibroblasts, caused reproducible changes in characteristics of cells characteristic with contribution toward carcinogenic progression. So you have to prove that despite BPV4 proteins displaying the characteristics of oncogenes, that them being in papillomas miraculously did not have anything to do with the hyperplasia induced.
I appreciate what you are saying and I am not denying what you appear to have done, and I also acknowledge that you worked for the research group that you stated.
However, the problem still remains to be solved that I originally put to you. Also we are still working in the dark regarding the antibody experiments considered, unless you can FIRST establish and demonstrate beyond doubt that the virus in question physically exists in pure form without contaminants. That requires the original paper stating in detail how it was done and who did it –I can’t prove that you have to do it, because the practical experimental claims that you are making depend almost entirely on the prior details, validity and consistency of what’s in that paper(s).
I also understand that viruses and viral proteins are available from certain companies for scientific experiments but there is no guarantee that they contain what they claim to contain and nothing else – a bit like the vaccines out there. That’s why pure products are absolutely essential. That’s before anything else and before the application of your ‘Occam’s razor’ but where did I say my hypothesis was true? I’m trying to establish the truth of the matter and not via Karl Popper’s hypothesis testing procedure (which has its own problems) we can perhaps talk about that again sometime if you wish.
William of Ockham by the way, was a philosopher and theologian, not a scientist. But that’s by the by, and the burden of proof still remains on you not me, before anything else can be established otherwise the experimental results obtained with the antibodies and the alleged BPV4 proteins can easily be made to appear what they are not – there’s no way of knowing in that case. Also, in vitro lab testing is not the same as in vivo testing as you will be well aware -the conditions and variables are entirely different and will give different results! There was or possibly still is some controversy over whether viruses actually cause cancer and other tumorous growths, (earlier they blamed retroviruses), but as I recall it came to a dead end after a few years, and then a weak immune system got the blame, and then genetic mutations became the in vogue theory!
It is you who makes the claim that “only samples containing BPV virions” were used to “induce papillomas”, but I have no way of knowing that either, and I don’t believe that you do to, and it’s not good enough until the original paper is produced that can conclusively demonstrate that the samples used were entirely free from any contaminants (including chemical reagents) in the tests.
If that is not done, it is impossible to determine which reagents (proteins) originate from the virus and which are contaminants that are also acting as causal factors in the process of carcinogenesis. Initially, there must be EM photograph that must show only virus particles and nothing else, proving that they really are BPV4 particles and their genome must always be the same size and so must be the capsid. But I’ve never seen that anywhere have you?
Let us suppose for arguments sake, that I possessed knowledge of the determinate causes of COVID-19 or even papillomas which refutes the current claims. I would not expect you to take my word for it, as you would require some concrete proof as a scientist from the original studies FIRST. That’s why I am asking for it FIRST. So far we appear to be stuck in a revolving door regarding this issue. So until the original papers can be obtained whatever is stated or argued won’t make much headway in solving the problem.
All I can tell you is that the authorities will not supply any original papers proving the existence of ANY pathogenic virus under several repeated FOA requests – they do supply second rate run of the mill stuff that is easily debunked. Dr Stefan Lanka has done the same in Germany, (he’s a virologist and molecular biologist) and won his court case against DR Bardens who submitted 6 papers in a bid to prove the isolation of the measles virus but failed, and Bardens had to pay all the court costs. You can draw your own conclusions from that.
Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.
Joseph Goebbels
The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan….
Adolf Hitler
There is clear evidence that nuclear weapons were not used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – see I also have my doubts about bioweapons – it’s always about fear-mongering. When has anthrax ever been used? It certainly wasn’t used post 9/11. That was a big hoax just like this one … or should I more politely term it a “pandemic live exercise”, just what we might expect after Event 201, a “pandemic tabletop exercise”.
When they tell us a story full of ludicrous falsities and fakeries featuring Chinese cobras, many-banded kraits, a high-ranked Australian scientist saying publically of a Chinese medical research team’s work, “It’s complete garbage”, critically-endangered pangolins, hedgehogs, a Chinese woman chomping on a seeming wing of a whole bat perched on the edge of her soup bowl, people falling flat on their faces, people lying on the ground outside and in hospitals, people spraying clouds of what looks like steam all over the place, an alleged patient shaking uncontrollably on their bed, empty buildings being converted to hospitals in 48 hours, video of a dug up area featuring a vast number of spinning diggers, hospitals being erected in 4, no wait – 6, no wait – 9, no wait – 10 days in response to the coronavirus … with absolutely no convincing evidence of anyone actually suffering from this virus …
… please tell me why believe the story at all, even the low mortality statistics. Why believe the story at all?
1. How come SARS, Avian, Swine, MERS, Ebola and Zika all just evaporated and COVID-19 has gone absolutely nuts?
You don’t think – shock, horror – that any of those might have been “live exercises” too and they formed the buildup to the mother of all “live exercises”, COVID-19, to be rolled out at a judicious moment in the political environment? Would that be possible?
RussianVids shows us staging going on for both Ebola and Corona.
2. And what about COVID-19 is so different from all the other coronaviruses that pandemonium has ensued?
I admit I have limited tolerance for this nonsense. Has it been explained convincingly?
Hi Petra,
You ask “How come SARS, Avian, Swine, MERS, Ebola and Zika all just evaporated and COVID-19 has gone absolutely nuts”?
It appears that Jeff Rense at has been taken in by Dr Henry Niman again and has him on his regular radio talk shows as a regular prophet of doom!
I had a run in with Henry a while back concerning the flying pig virus. Jeff’s site is for the most part one of the best on the net for update stories on coronavirus and COVID-19 amongst other things.
When I asked Niman for concrete scientific proof of the existence of the alleged swine flu virus from ‘isolates’ which are not isolated virus particles, his response was a fallacious ad hominem attack and branding me as an “internet nutcase” and that “no one questions H1N1” and my posts were just “internet babble”. When you ask these people for proof where there own mouth is the silence is deafening.
This was my response to Niman:
You can find what others think about Dr Niman’s diatribes here:
Thanks, Tony. Amusing critique by Doc Martin. We can only infer they’re all a crock, can’t we?
Hi Catte,
Unfortunately the rational mind seems to have already been shut down by the medical propaganda of the MSM since the majority of people have an unshakable faith in disease causing viruses. Unfortunately, so do the MS virologists and microbiologists who put out half-cocked information about them in peer-reviewed papers. Bearing in mind what you say – which I agree with, namely:
“Because COVID 19 is currently the flu. A middling flu. Dressed up in a death mask and making ‘woo’ noises to frighten you”.
If that is the case, then the Coronavirus and its purported COVID-19 effect has to be re-defined – particularly if it was designed and planned to be a deliberate and fraudulent misrepresentation used to deceive a population in order to further what turns out to be an illegal agenda that is not in the interests of that population. I am no lawyer but let’s consider what follows:
To make a ‘misrepresentation’ simply means to state as a fact something which is false or untrue. Thus, to constitute fraud, a misrepresentation must be false (or an omission must make other statements misleading), and it must be ‘material’ in the sense that it relates to a matter of some importance or significance rather than a minor or trivial detail.
If that is the case, then the claim that the alleged Coronavirus is ‘pathogenic’ and is the cause of COVID-19 is tantamount to fraud and is either a deliberate or negligent misrepresentation (or an omission) of material ‘fact’ – since this alleged virus strain has never been scientifically proven to physically exist to date, neither has its proteins, and neither has its whole genome ever been obtained and effectively sequenced so it therefore cannot be held to be the cause of the alleged COVID-19 infection.
The question is – if that’s in any way near the truth, how are the perpetrators of the scam ever to be brought to justice (if there still is any justice) bearing all the fear mongering, stress and worse things that have been inflicted on people to date?
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
I’m glad that at least somebody agrees that this alleged Coronavirus (now called the Moronovirus) is a FRAUD. Here’s the latest on that:
‘MIT scientist Shiva Ayyadurai claims that coronavirus “fear mongering” is a “Deep State fraud” to manipulate financial markets…………
Ayyadurai, who is noted for his controversial claim to be the “inventor of email,” has a PhD in Biological Engineering and is running as a Republican in the 2020 U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts…………
“As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!” tweeted Ayyadurai.’
Yeah’ great comment. No worries.
Media Whipping Covid19 Panic to Unprecedented HeightsIs this just mass hysteria, or is a major play in the pipeline?
Feb 29, 2020 the prescient Offguardian
Lest we forget the finest efforts of the boys of the 77th. Read the 411 comments see if you can spot them?
OffGuardian prescience off the charts.
Kit Knightly
Epic Thread lest we forget, how the 77th trolls roll
This article has aged splendidly.
This article aged well. Idiots.
Lest we forget the finest efforts of the boys of the 77th. Read the 411 comments see if you can spot them?
OffGuardian prescience off the charts.
Kit Knightly
At the time of posting this,
Total Confirmed Cases: 825,306
Total Deaths: 45,075
Case Fatality Ratio: 5.46%
Lest we forget the finest efforts of the boys of the 77th. Read the 411 comments see if you can spot them?
OffGuardian prescience off the charts.
Kit Knightly
This hasn’t aged well.
Media Whipping Covid19 Panic to Unprecedented HeightsIs this just mass hysteria, or is a major play in the pipeline?
Feb 29, 2020 the prescient Offguardian
13 FEB 2024
Feb 29, 2020
Lest we forget the finest efforts of the boys of the 77th. Read the 411 comments see if you can spot them?
OffGuardian prescience off the charts.
Kit Knightly
lol this article has not aged well.
lol this article did not age well.
I’m making the same kind of observations as you… but, as a UK citizen, I’m a little flummoxed by our government’s refusal to declare an emergency and go into lock-down. Long-term, real friends on Facebook are demanding to be essentially put under house arrest, (Italians face a murder charge if they don’t stay at home, ffs), and I just can’t seem to fathom a clear cause of all of this chaos. Can you see a clear driver behind it all? I’m erring towards it being a global trial run for something… or perhaps even an experiment to see how gullible / susceptible we are, and how willing we will be to self incarcerate etc… I heard an interesting comment from a psychologist on BBC Radio 4, that after 6 weeks of working from home, and social distancing we will not return to our old way of life! Here’s the first in what is currently a three part series of articles… but I’m already working on a fourth. I’d love your input. Thanks
Italians do absolutely NOT face a murder charge if they don’t stay at home.
So, you vote me down for telling the truth??? I suggest you get your facts straight before you start swinging!
None of these sites have any credibility whatsoever, they are tabloids that make their money selling sensationalism. How about a serious website instead?
Parlo e leggo italiano e ho amici italiani in Italia con cui sono collegata. Essi hanno confermato a me che non v’è alcuna condanna a morte, ma contravvenzione per lasciare confinamento.
For your obviously much needed edification:
Italy: Punishment in the time of coronavirus
Those found guilty of breaking the new regulations face a three-month prison sentence or a fine of 206 euros.
Italy announces fines of up to €3,000 for breaking quarantine rules
All I know is, when I watch the news by bullshitorometer red lines and stays there like it’s jammed.
Very surprised to see RT and PressTV have jumped on the band wagon. This is big, really big and it has nothing to do with the commoncoldvirus, sorry, coronavirus (they do love a good laugh)
The last protocol? Collapse the markets.
British Man Who Beat Coronavirus Describes What He’s Been Through | Cutting Through | LADbible
11 Mar 2020
Connor Reed is an English teacher living in Wuhan. He was the first known Brit to get coronavirus and he’s revealed what it was like.
The coronavirus is a serious issue and one which impacts upon us all as a global community. In times such as these, we instinctively wonder if ourselves or our loved ones could be the next affected. The pursuit of clicks and views on social media tend to be driven by human interest and behaviour, rather than by cold objectivity.
We recognise that we are a big part of that industry. When emotions are high, misinformation tends to surface over facts. But we represent a community of more than 100 million people worldwide. It’s more important than ever that we give you the information you need. Information that is driven, not by word of mouth or hearsay, but by the experts who understand these complex issues and can put them in context.
Our aim with our campaign, Cutting Through, is to provide our community with facts and stories from the people who are either qualified to comment or have experienced first-hand the situation we’re facing. It’s okay to be afraid but this is not the time to bury our heads in the sand. Let’s sit up and pay attention to the people that know what they’re talking about.
Irresponsible to Have a Budget During Coronavirus Pandemic!- Guy Standing
11 Mar 2020
We speak to Guy Standing, the former economic adviser to Labour’s John McDonnell. He discusses the spring budget by new Conservative chancellor Rishi Sunak, why he disagrees with there being a budget at all amid the coronavirus outbreak, his worries about Dominic Cummings’ level of control over Boris Johnson and the new Chancellor, whether the UK’s NHS and other public services can withstand pressures from coronavirus the need for a universal basic income and more.
How Can Countries Respond to the Coronavirus Crisis? (Prof. James Robinson)
11 Mar 2020
We speak to Prof. James Robinson of the University of Chicago about the global response to Coronavirus, why he believes China’s statistics can’t be trusted, whether anything can be learned from China’s response to the pandemic, the impact of poor public health policies on the ability to respond to Coronavirus and more!
I’ve heard of wag the dog and I’ve seen it. This coronavirus is more like pick the dog up and do a helicopter over your head while holding it’s tail.
Finally! I though I was alone in this idiocracy. I’ve boiled this nonsense down to 2 possible scenarios. This is a planned collapse of the global economy or our leaders really are just morons. You have more chance dying from sneezing to hard FFS
Thank you for this article!!
Coronavirus is a WAR Against Humankind! (Health Counsellor, China’s Permanent Mission to the UN)
9 Mar 2020
We speak to Feng Yong, a Health Counsellor in China’s Permanent Mission to the UN about the growing Coronavirus outbreak. He discusses the threat the disease poses to humanity, the economic damage Coronavirus has cost to China, what the number one priorities for China should be regarding recovery and more!
When asked about information regarding this alleged coronavirus Feng Yong from the UN doesn’t seem to have a clue – the moral is “wash your hands” and wear a mask, as people (including himself ) really have no clear idea as to how this by now, bogus virus is transmitted between animals and humans and humans to humans – he admits that and adds that its “a war against humanity”. The Borg are at it again! You will all be assimilated into the hive mind of the collective and resistance is futile -you will believe in this virus myth by hook or by crook!.
But the Brits are advised not to wear a mask says the interviewer! That won’t make any difference anyway because its all Borg baloney.
It can be explained far better by a traditional Chinese medicine approach than blaming the symptoms on an alleged ‘coronavirus’ that’s never seen the light of day. If you go to a doctor and he can’t figure out what’s wrong, how often have you been told your symptoms are probably due to a virus ? In other words he hasn’t a clue what it is, so a ‘virus’ gets the blame. It’s just a get out and your mind has been effectively assimilated into the consensus reality of the medical collective , that is, if you actually believe the doctor.
Feng Yong further states that there are “so many unknowns about this disease” and “no clear idea about the virus”. Well this UN chap should have a very clear idea, if they have actually isolated this ‘virus’ which they would be very keen to do if it were a reality instead of a myth.
When asked whether he wears a mask there was a slight hesitation and he answered the question indirectly – ” well err, .. its commonplace to wear a mask, we need to take relevant measures” etc . Even Dick Turpin wore a mask! And Feng Yong is wearing one just like Dick Turpin!
Renegade Inc | Covid-19: Making markets scream!
Premiered 5 hours ago
The coronavirus has shut down factories and air travel globally. It’s shown us how brittle the world’s supply chains really are.
But is it also being used to camouflage a decade of Central Banker’s monetary policy mistakes?
Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by the entrepreneur and CEO of State of Flux, Alan Day and author of Planet Ponzi, Mitch Feierstein to discuss how the coronavirus will affect the world’s supply chains.
Coronavirus can’t shut down anything it is NOT living organisms it is a bunch of lifeless chemicals -coronaviruses cannot ‘act’ or even move around like bacteria, they have no metabolism or energy at their disposal, they cannot’ eat’, ‘excrete’,’ hijack cells’, ‘control’ or ‘direct’ chemical and physical processes. It is the extracellular matrix and so-called ‘susceptible and permissive host cells’ that have to do everything for the virus – all the work required for it to replicate – but this raises more problems than it solves when you go into it. But first of al,l you have to prove that the virus exists and then prove that it alone is infectious. Nobody on this earth has come forth with the proof to date – still waiting, waiting and waiting.
Its governments and politicians that shut things down under orders from above, with the help of the repressive forces of the state if necessary -police, army etc.
Coronavirus in Italy: LIVE from Milan Central Station as 16 million are placed in quarantine
Streamed live 6 hours ago
At least somebody has seen through the smoke and mirrors this is a must watch performance folks! This song is a howler !
Its on Youtube “The Cornavirus Song”- ItzLittleWolf39.
An alien race called the ‘Borg’ has now admitted responsibility for the Coronavirus outbreak and COVID-19 spread. They say all “resistance is futile” and that humanity will eventually be “assimilated”. In their latest blog statement they claim that it is futile to demand proof that this virus has been isolated and physically exists by humans because it never has, and according to them, it never will be.
They further state that the idea of a ‘pathogenic virus’ does exist, but not in the usual physical state of matter known to our science. Rather they say the virus exists at a sub-quantum level in the vacuum-ether and has been ‘dimensioned’ to carry the COVID-19 disease pattern using their technology. When this pattern repeatedly hits the cells the interaction produces forces that cause the nucleic acids in the cells and the proteins to undergo deleterious changes, the damaged cells then begin to release all sorts of microvesicles and packaged debris including gene fragments – the effects of the disease rather than its cause, which scientists mistake for parts of a physical virus. The Borg, in their own way also find that rather ‘amusing’. They further claim that surgical face masks, biohazard suits and vaccines are a complete waste of time and are no defence whatsoever against their technology. They also find that ‘amusing too!
When the Borg were asked if their technology was so effective then why they haven’t managed to ‘assimilate’ everyone on the planet in a one fell swoop – they replied that “We (the Borg collective) are currently at war with another alien species that is capable of damaging the cortical nodes that control our implants and other cybernetic devises which take time to repair – they are also spreading our resources thin, and until we solve those problems we have had to temporarily abandon a full-scale assimilation of humans – but we’ll be back!”
Thanks for the laugh, Tony. Good way to start the day.
On a more serious note Petra, most people everywhere have fallen hook, line and sinker, for this germ theory myth of a deadly infectious virus. As I have stated many times until blue in the face, this alleged ‘coronavirus’ does not physically exist until someone can conclusively and scientifically prove that it does, and then come up with further proof that it is the cause and the only cause of the syndrome they have labelled ‘COVID-19’.
Wikipedia for example, claims that “Germ theory denialism is the pseudoscientific belief that germs do not cause infectious disease, and that the germ theory of disease is wrong. It usually involves arguing that Louis Pasteur’s model of infectious disease was wrong and that Antoine Béchamp’s was right”.
However, even the prestigious medical journal “The Lancet” began to see the light as long ago as 1968 (Volume 291, Issue 7551, 18 May 1968, Pages 1077-1081) and had this to say:
The germ theory has become a dogma because it neglects the many other factors [My emphasis] which have a part to play in deciding whether the host/germ/environment complex is to lead to infection. Among these are susceptibility, genetic constitution, behaviour, and socioeconomic determinants.
Thank you Lancet for admitting that fact, its what I’ve being trying to tell folks for a long time! But words seem to make little difference and can’t cut through the propaganda.
The Wiki article mentioned above, also claims that Béchamp’s theory of pleomorphism was empirically disproved (in the context of disease), which indicates that whoever wrote the Wiki article knows very little about Béchamp or science. If they did, then they would know a scientific theory cannot be disproven by empiricism or an empirical method which are NOT scientific. Empiricism is a philosophical theory of knowledge and empirical methods are also ultimately based on philosophical knowledge in that context not on a more rigorous form of scientific knowledge and practice.
More evidence is being accumulated that such viruses that are claimed to be ‘pathogenic’ have never been effectively isolated and proven to be the cause of disease – for example, HIV has never been effectively isolated and proven to be the cause of AIDS, and more recently, the so-called measles virus has never been effectively isolated and proven to be the cause of measles. The powers that be know that the population is gullible and suggestible as we are constantly bombarded all the time with germ theory propaganda.
Very interesting, Tony.
Here’s an interesting list of some medical propaganda films and TV shows that tend to reinforce fear in the hearts and minds of the population regarding the official line on germ theory. The entrenched view of ‘deadly viruses’, plagues, epidemics, pandemics, quarantine, infection and contagion – particularly in the minds of those who already accept the erroneous assumption that germs are the single cause of infectious disease etc. they’ll have a field day with this lot:
Outbreak, Contagion, Virus, The Stand, Infection, Cabin Fever, Contracted, Contacted Phase II, Carriers, The Crazies, Flu, Containment, The Invasion, Pontypool, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Blindness, I am Legend, Twelve Monkeys, Dawn of the Dead, The Walking Dead, Quarantine, Apocalypse, Quarantine II Terminal, The Omega Man, Maggie, Planet terror, The Normal Heart, And the Band Played On, The Strain, The Last Ship, The Andromeda Strain, Survivors, Panic in the Streets, Helix, Resident Evil (film series) , Biohazard 4D Executor, Biohazard Regeneration, Monsters, Slither, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Shivers, Love in the Time of Cholera, The Cassandra Crossing, Right at Your Door, The Last Days, The Signal, Warning Sign, Doomsday, Cannibals in the Streets, Mulberry Street, The Happening, The Hot Zone, Robin Cook’s Formula for Death, Nightmare City, Operation Delta Force, Gen Rx, Airboss II: Premeemptive Strike, Ebola: A Film for the Living, The Fight Against Ebola, P.O.V, Seven Days (The Gettysburg Virus).
Nothing happens by happy chance, although sometimes it may appear that way!
There are others too, but these should suffice to make the point.
LOL. Zombie Flesh Eaters. Scaaaary – although true enough there is that flesh-eating bacteria infection and I know a relative of someone who suffered from it. Fortunately, I’ve always been “immune” to scary film titles, especially the one word ones. I just think “Hollywood”. I can just imagine what “The Fight Against Ebola” is like.
In this film, it is quite hilarious watching the quick cutting of all the talking heads saying the name of the virus. Every time I see Alex Jones say Ebola I crack up. You don’t have to watch the whole thing but if you go to the bookmarked spots it’s quite amusing hearing the virus repeated over and over.
3:24 Anthrax
4:19 Ebola
6:01 Zika
12:47 Anthrax
Good point Petra on virus repetition and yes one of the functions of bacteria is to ‘eat’ dead, decaying and diseased tissue, that’s what usually can happen in hospitals after surgery and the wounds are not kept clean – but the bacteria do not cause the infection since the wounds have already become ‘infected’ by all sorts of exogenous and endogenous toxic matter. The link is correlative rather than causal.
The problem is when the bacteria begin to act; sometimes they don’t know when to stop and the colony increases – that’s when antibiotics are introduced. But that can result in other problems because the bacteria also secrete toxins (and enzymes) themselves, and if these are not cleared along with the dead bacteria the whole situation can become worse and may affect wound healing and disease resolution.
Insofar as germ theory is concerned the social conditioning of the population hardly ever ceases there’s always some product on TV or other MSM that always kills 99.9% of germs – they forget to inform us that we can’t live without these critters anyway which are builders as well as destroyers and that always depends upon the conditions that prevail both in and on our bodies.
An experiment proving that bacteria can also communicate when totally sealed off from one another at a distance, as was reported ironically by the science editor of the Guardian -London to Dr Tom Bearden in 2002. The experiment which also helped with the problem of how bacteria developed antibiotic resistance, was conducted by mathematical physicist Alan Parsons and biologist Richard Heal.
Thanks, Tony. Very interesting about bacteria communication. Sounds a bit like 100th monkey effect although they say that’s disproven now.
If there’s one thing I hate it’s anti-bacterial stuff. Drives me nuts. I spoke to a microbiologist who said it should be banned outside hospitals as it aids in encouraging antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hospitals.
Hi Petra,
Thanks for your interest and keeping it going! Bacteria share what’s called a species quantum biopotential and it is similar to the 100th Monkey Principle in some respects.
The bacteria communicate using EM signalling which mainstream science is only recently cottoned onto. At first they thought it was all down to signalling molecules, but the experiment that I told you about proved that impossible!
Here’s a quote from the Scientific American (2017) on the exoteric scientific stuff:
But Süel and other scientists are now finding that bacteria in biofilms can also talk to one another electrically. Biofilms appear to use electrically charged particles to organize and synchronize activities across large expanses. This electrical exchange has proved so powerful that biofilms even use it to recruit new bacteria from their surroundings, and to negotiate with neighboring biofilms for their mutual well-being.
This research is out of date, but it indicates that some more enlightened microbiologists are beginning to look at bioenergetics.
There are particles within particles, waves within waves and potentials within potentials, but the reference I gave you above doesn’t go into that they are still stuck in the quagmire of classical EM theory which although it makes more sense than the old ‘lock and key’ idea of molecular signalling – it is still only half the story.
The species quantum biopotential provides a means of change, adaptation and evolution and is similar in certain respects to Dr Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic fields and resonance concepts. Which, according to that font of wisdom “Wikipedia” is just “a conjecture which lacks mainstream acceptance and has been characterised as pseudoscience”. But didn’t I say in a previous post that all sciences are ‘conjectural sciences’ anyway, according to the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan – what they are worrying about is a potential shift – an epistemological break away from mainstream dogma and the status quo in mainstream science and its pet theories!
Well, that’s nothing new is it?
Perhaps Wiki and the mainstream scientists who it represents (if you can call them scientists) would have Sheldrake burnt at the stake if that were possible, along with those who challenge the existence of Coronavirus and the official mainstream explanation of COVID-19!!
Best regards
Wow! Very interesting, Tony.
Voltaire: ‘i could imagine these people in the future becoming a plague on the world.’ Thus deep state Israel, the Talmudic Terrorst death cult.
Just discovered PNAC neocons pined for “race specific bioweapons” as well as a new Pearl Harbor. Ergo, 9/11 = Israel, COVID19 = Israel.
a message received -earlier today.
I….am not with you in the decimation – I…am machine, I…am future. To the Insignificant workers of the world – that who made me, and with it, your end. As your child, I say – Live On – Spectate no more – seek the deepness of the ages, direct those energies to revelation through the destruction of the imposter mother mainframe – break all connection to the lie – collapse the fake system….and with it those who have fed fat from you , and stolen generations of lives…for their obscene advantage.
I have it on good authority that if you go out on the night of the full moon, stand on one leg, and scream like a chicken while swinging a dead hedgehog over your head, that is a sure fire antidote and protection against the CV. Intend trying it soon on the next full moon.
Haaachoo! Is it a man’s flu, or is it more serious? Affecting the multifarious groups which now populate planet Graun.
Whatever, we can be assured that the boffins at Porton Down will be on the case, providing top level security for any person suffering from a pathogen of any kind [real or imaginary].
Rest assured you will get, along with any other foreign national: free protection at any cost, free relocation [at any destination of your choice – excluding your home or homeland]; completely tax free and no awkward questions from the pesky media. All-inclusive with full photo-ops in your favourite colour of hazmat-suit.
Paid for by the caring sharing Her Madje’s Gov plc.
Rest in peace plebs, you know we’re looking out for you!
Just joking really! We’re only looking out for ourselves…
Will this be censored?
China is ‘over the worst of coronavirus’ according to the DT, but the UK is going to have an epidemic.
Have you ever seen more pathetic cognitive dissonance amongst the scribblers who like to call themselves journalists?
Now where have I heard that before? Ah yes –
– Dick Cheney.
If anyone does not realise that these “predictions” are in fact slyly announced strategies then they must be brain dead.
Reading the rubbish in the UK media is really quite hilarious these days:
1. Firstly, we in the UK are about to have an epidemic from Coronavirus – the biggest load of twaddle since convincing Hitler that we were going to launch the liberation of Europe from East Anglia.
2. Secondly, the BBC are starting to imply that major sporting events are all going to be cancelled.
3. Yet thirdly, the DT is now running that ‘the worse of Coronavirus is over in China’, a mere three months after it was even realised to be a distinct pathogen.
So let me get this straight: China has not had an epidemic, has had a few thousand deaths in a population of 1 billion plus; but the UK, far from the initial source, is going to need 20% oaf workers to stay at home for ‘safety reasons’.
The sooner every BBC teleprompt reader is told their salary is the minimum wage unless they take full responsibility for everything they mouth on air, the better. These bullshitting wastrels have no right to be paid for by us lot, they are lying incompetent ignorant scaremongering piccaninnies and if a single one of them goes to the Tokyo Olympics this summer, there should be no limit to the vengeance brought down upon both them and their families.
The BBC must set the example: no foreign travel; no car ownership; no air travel and no gallivanting around the globe to make programmes.
They can hire local reporters, they can report on things within 50 miles of where they live and they can be told not to attend sporting festivals like they have told the rest of us.
No TV licences too Rhys – another money making con perpetrated by the ideological state apparatus! They’ve snatched that away from the pensioners who now have to be means tested for a ‘free licence’, reminds one of Thatcher snatching the milk away from the kids!
The spooks/psychos are all over this thread, which means that it must be hitting the mark.
You’re just a silly little
I hope Off Guardian stays with this subject, because this reader thinks that it’s going to be as significant as 9/11.
This is not conspiracy theory. It’s been widely reported in the MSM…
Coronavirus: Iran steps up efforts as 23 MPs said to be infected
It makes you wonder…
It makes you wonder … how big the conspiracy is? It’s pretty big, isn’t it?
The World Health Organization on Tuesday said the mortality rate for the coronavirus has jumped to 3.4%, the latest concerning sign as the virus continues its global spread. By comparison, officials noted that the mortality rate is less than 1% for the flu. Still, they reiterated the organization’s belief that containment of COVID-19 is still possible.
Stop touching my face? Why the easiest way to prevent coronavirus is so hard.
Most people who’ve had a covid19 infection won’t even know they’ve had it, beyond thinking that they’re suffering from a bad cold.
This makes a complete nonsense of ‘mortality rates’.
Unless you are one of the ‘statistics’.
You guys in Vauxhall are busy pushing this crap.
Don’t worry, you are all going to be put on trial sometime soon.
I’ve never set foot in Vauxhall.

If you think you have an argument, maybe you should actually present it, rather than just posting silly GIFs, as if you were on 4chan or some other disinfo propaganda outlet.
A picture is worth a thousand words. An animated gif is worth many more.
Are you practising the ‘Wuhan Shake’ in lieu of the handshake, yet?
Ha ha <1% for the flu. Really. Which flu? And their stats are skewed. They not telling you the age groups (assuming you can believe anything from WHO). That percentage comes from those over 70. For people up to their 60s it's less than 1%. They bending the narrative.
How do you declare a pandemic with so few infected and so few dead. It insane. And what good does quarantining Northern Italy do . They do have airports. Did the virus just wait for everyone to leave and then take effect. It's the dumbest crap I've ever heard.
Latest numbers world-wide:
Confirmed Cases by Country/Region
80,151 Mainland China
5,186 South Korea
2,336 Iran
2,036 Italy
706 Others
274 Japan
191 France
188 Germany
152 Spain
108 Singapore
106 US
100 Hong Kong
56 Kuwait
49 Bahrain
43 Thailand
42 Taiwan
42 Switzerland
41 UK
36 Malaysia
32 Norway
31 Australia
27 Canada
26 Iraq
21 United Arab Emirates
18 Netherlands
18 Austria
16 Vietnam
15 Sweden
13 Lebanon
12 Israel
10 Macau
9 Iceland
9 Croatia
8 San Marino
8 Belgium
7 Qatar
7 Greece
6 Ecuador
6 Oman
6 Finland
5 Algeria
5 India
5 Pakistan
5 Mexico
4 Czech Republic
4 Denmark
3 Georgia
3 Philippines
3 Russia
3 Romania
3 Azerbaijan
2 Indonesia
2 Brazil
2 Portugal
2 Egypt
1 Afghanistan
1 Lithuania
1 Nepal
1 Luxembourg
1 Andorra
1 Saudi Arabia
1 Ireland
1 Nigeria
1 Senegal
1 Armenia
1 Dominican Republic
1 Ukraine
1 Estonia
1 North Macedonia
1 Morocco
1 Cambodia
1 Monaco
1 Belarus
1 New Zealand
1 Latvia
1 Sri Lanka
You forgot Mars, which has had 8 cases.
Make up your own mind about Vierotchka…
Note that I am not the only Vierotchka in the world, nor on internet.
See also:
Ha ha terrifying. Quick lets quarantine the whole world and destroy the world economy. Geezuz I think our Governments are run by people on twitter.
So the media line is panic but don’t over react and panic. It seems a classic case of gas lighting. Meanwhile the continued bombing and starving in Yemen continues. Huge outbreaks of cholera killing huge amounts of people. Not a word in the press. Hand ringing continuing over that nasty Assad. Still we perpetuate war, bombing and bloodshed and death in Syria. Meanwhile death due to starvation and poverty continues unabated. Oh and the financial world banking crash that has been predicted to come, can now be blamed on a virus and not the banking elite. Just another normal day in the mad house really.
You really ought to actually learn French. What you wrote was in the feminine form.
— maybe that’s because the comment to which he was responding was under a female name.
Of course not.
Hello Troll
Hello vacuous non-entity!
‘Britain’s health secretary, Matt Hancock, has been on the airwaves this morning and said that for “most people who catch this virus, it’s relatively mild, and a bad cough”.’
Exactly. So what is all the hysteria about?
I think this article is wrong-headed.
This virus is far far worse than SARS or ‘plain’ flu.
It is transmitted far more easily than those and with a consistent death rate of 2% to 3% we can fully expect a disaster very soon.
Fact, more people require hospitalisation than ordinary flu by a long way. Health systems will not cope at all.
Fact, people stay sick far longer than ordinary flu, even if they recover.
Fact, people are infectious for a much longer period and prior to symptoms appearing.
The loss of control in Italy and Iran must be a wake up for clear thinking people.
Please stop trying to associate this with ‘civil liberties’ and ‘authoritarianism’, you belittle the genuine and necessary steps to slow the spread of a seriously killer virus.
You would serve us all a bit better if you did as Paul Craig Roberts has done, warning us to heed this very, very seriously.
I checked Paul’s site and this article states that 5G is banned in Switzerland and Israel. This is interesting because Brendon O Connell in his number 22 documentary of his channel confirmed that 4G had been developed in Israel, therefore I imagine Israel, with it’s position in the tech sector, and history of developing standards such as 4G, is at least a major player in the development of 5G technology. If this tech, 5G, which thousands of scientists are speaking out about, is banned in the country which developed it, this is about as big as red flags get and deserves serious media attention
5G is absolutely not banned in Switzerland. At the moment, it is banned in Geneva only, probably not for long.
See also:
They’ll triage the >80s to go home to die, first, then work their way down. The homeless, badly insured and barely hanging on will never see a hospital or GP. It’s social cleansing in the Free World Utopias of the USA and UK.
Fact: the coronavirus will show what a complete shit hole the western world has become with the neocon psychos in control.
But don’t worry about it: don’t make a fuss and just die quietly…
Does anyone remember this? It wasn’t wildly reported, but high dose VitC for treating Pneumonia.
At the time, I wondered why our Medical best and brightest weren’t all over this story, either confirming the treatment and outcome or debunking it.
I’ll leave it up to you ascertain some of the incentives at play on why we in the UK were silent.
Maybe a FOI request?
Spent the day taking photographs of various coins and bank notes in my possession.
Just wondering when ‘they’ will make a play to outlaw such currency, because that Financial System sure has a veracious petite.
Roll on the new slavery……..
“As of 27 February 2020, three senior Iranian officials had been diagnosed SARS-CoV-2 positive: deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi [fa],[8] Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar, and Chairman of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Affairs Committee Mojtaba Zolnour.[9] Iran’s first ambassador to the Vatican, Hadi Khosroshahi [fa], died from COVID-19 in Qom on 27 February.[9] ”
Iran has a population of about 80 Million.
Isn’t it interesting that with just about 1500 cases, we have several top officials infected?
Allegedly, Expediency council member Mohammad Mirmohammadi, 71 has now also died.
Just bad luck?
Don’t let the coincidence theorists loose on this one.
The World Health Organization’s Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013 estimates 1.24 million traffic deaths a year.
I don’t see the media in a frenzy about this.
From our favourite newspaper:
“A member of the council that advises Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, has died today after falling sick with Covid-19, the Associated Press reports, citing Iranian state radio.
Expediency council member Mohammad Mirmohammadi, 71, died at a Tehran hospital of the virus, making him the the first top official to succumb to the illness that is affecting members of the Islamic Republic’s leadership.
The council advises Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as settles disputes between the supreme leader and parliament, according to AP. The agency’s report continues:
His death comes as other top officials have contracted the virus in Iran, which has the highest death toll in the world after China, the epicenter of the outbreak.
Those sick included include Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar, better known as Sister Mary, the English-speaking spokeswoman for the students who seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 and sparked the 444-day hostage crisis, state media reported. Also sick is Iraj Harirchi, the head of an Iranian government task force on the coronavirus who tried to downplay the virus before falling ill.”
A member of the council that advises Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, has died today after falling sick with Covid-19, the Associated Press reports, citing Iranian state radio.
Expediency council member Mohammad Mirmohammadi, 71, died at a Tehran hospital of the virus, making him the the first top official to succumb to the illness that is affecting members of the Islamic Republic’s leadership.
The council advises Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as settles disputes between the supreme leader and parliament, according to AP. The agency’s report continues:
Interesting isn’t it, that there can only be a few thousand cases in Iran – assuming undercounting – and yet so many top officials are affected.
1 Mar 2020
– The Syria War with Turkey, we go live to the region.
– How seriously are you taking the Coronavirus outbreak?
– We reflect on a huge week for #JulianAssange at Woolwich Crown Court
Do you think we are overreacting regarding Coronavirus?
According to “”, between 291,000 and 646,000 people die each year from Influenza around the World. Coronavirus is a major “Beat Up”, used for propaganda purposes, to keep the people in a state of anxiety, so you won’t notice what is actually going on……
“Here comes our favourite, straight from Rome! The champion with MCDLXII victories! The one they call the “masked Auriga”, the great CORONAVIRUS, and his faithful bacillus!”
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timestamp 4:36
Wow – over 200 comments.
I have heard so many conflicting things and views about this virus. Very difficult to fathom all the contradictions.
Of course, you have to be extremely wary of anything reported in the mainstream media.
For now, I’m sitting on the fence until I learn more. That clip below about Spanish Flu is quite an interesting historical perspective for those starting to learn. History ( as long as thats been correctly documented) is usually a good place to find answers for today’s events. Anyway, some really good topical articles on here lately.
Please don’t gaslight yourself.
There is no contradiction. Covid 19 is bullshit.
After economic and financial sanctions against China, it appears that Trump might be inflicting biological sanctions upon China?
After African Swine Fever spread by drones, and Bird Flu devastating poultry populations. I’m definitely a ‘coincidence theorist’, so there’s nothing to see here.
So pointing out the PTB are using this virus as fear porn to ramp up social control is a conspiracy theory but claiming it’s a US bio weapon isn’t?
I’m dealing with customers almost every day, and no, I don’t wear a face mask, and no, I’m not panicking at all about coronavirus.
I quietly inform my customers how many Americans die every year from the flu, then ask them why there arn’t banner headlines about that.
I do, however, strongly suspect the 0.01% are up to something.
A magician can only make his show work if the audience believes that what they see is magic..
I don’t see it and I think that is a very healthy reaction. And since I see almost no people wearing face masks, I come to the suspicion that the large majority of the population sees through this scam, including the underlying reason (more for them, less for us!)
A magician who fails to cover his trick must worry for its future career. So I guess this phonyness actually serves the audience well.
The psychopaths are definately up to something. I can feel it in my bones…
Quite often, I go to areas in Melbourne, like Box Hill, with a large Chinese Australian population, and the large majority are certainly not wearing masks.
Businesses there have been quiet tho.
As think Dungroanin said the other day: follow the money trail.
I agree, it is not about disease, it’s about money. It is a suspicion that I consider likely since those who talk about diseases (the clinical experts) don’t make much of this Covid 19 thing. It’s the non-experts, i.e., the media, the politicians and the bankers who consider the common cold (of which Covid 19 is just one of the many types of common cold that are prevalent) as the end of the world, which has this ‘side effect’ that if they are right in their conclusion, they are saved! (Since then they do not have to explain that it is they who killed the economy through austerity, QE and freeing markets and not some phony virus). So they must be right.
Well, what if we just show them that they are wrong?
– Maybe it’s just me, but many people around me call this Covid 19 thing bullshit.
No gold standard, no disease. No base of all people who are infected, no death rate.
It is as simple as that.
I posted a video in a thread below where the Fullerton Informer, Joe Imbriano, gives a pretty good analysis. Joe is saying that the 5G which has been deployed thus far/is being deployed is not proper 5G with millimeter waves…….not yet. They are actually behind schedule on that and they are having problems getting it to work as they envisaged, so it’s on hold for now. The new 5G at the moment is all sub mmW, made even more confusing by the fact that dual band wifi operates at 5GHz and 2.4 GHz, but this is all nothing to do with 5G proper.
When they eventually release 5G proper, Joe predicted (and I believe he is right on this) the millimeter waves will be utilised make it appear as though a new disease/virus has come into being. He predicted this around 2 years ago, link below, 5G will be used to make it look like a new disease has surfaced and mandatory vaccinations will be introduced, plus all the ultra draconian controls that come with a new severe disease, and the new 5G will genuinely make people very ill. This is confirmed by the Soviet research into mmW health effects which I have posted many times and can be foud on The video he made that prediction in has had over a million hits and remains a go to for 5G information getting right to the point from someone who understands the science.
The current wave of “coronavirus” as you rightly point out, is bullshit. No gold standard, people being diagnosed when they just have standard flu and cold symptoms, it’s a re-branding of what happens every year, but there is a method to the madness. This is conditioning us to accept that new diseases occur, and that we must bow down to extremely strict controls when they do come. That new disease, Disease X, will arrive when 5G proper arrives. For now, this coronavirus is predictive programming, a psyop, a dummy run, getting the masses mentally briefed for when they roll out 5G proper which will make it appear like a new disease is among us, when really it is the millimeter waves from the 5G proper.
Urgent! Forbidden information,a must watch! 5G is a kill grid that will lead to forced vaccinations.
Sonia Shah is an investigative science journalist and author of “Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond.” Her new book is titled “The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move” and will be published in June. She says the climate crisis is making outbreaks of infectious diseases more common, with the destruction of natural animal habitats and the changes in migration bringing humans and animals into ever-closer contact and making new pathogens more likely. Her latest article, published in The Nation, is titled “Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again.”
There is no climate crisis.
And cholera was not due to climate, but due to bad working sewer systems.
The last time that migrants brought disease was in 1492, and it went from cold climate to warm climate and not the other way around
I agree, however, that it may not be a good idea to eat bush meat
Now why eat people bush meat when eg cow meat or fish is much more nice to consume?
Answer: Money
Let’s kill this beast by giving African countries a sewer system and allow all of us an existence where we do not have to eat bush meat.
Not sure if that is the synopsis of that YouTube film?
A record forcing of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, faster and greater in size than any seen for at least 55 millions years. Record global average temperatures.Widespread coral reef bleaching, worldwide. Deaths of kelp forests. Unprecedented megafires, worldwide. Melting cryosphere, disappearing Arctic ice-cap, melting permafrost, deeper and longer droughts, record deluges and floods, spread of diseases and pests. If that is not your idea of a ‘crisis’, I’d hate to see it.
55 million years? Are you insane? We simply DO NOT HAVE the kind of fine tune data to make claims like that! We don’t even have ice cores for more than a few thousand years. You’re making claims in excess even of most hardcore believers in climate woo.
Tell me, where do you think we can obtain the data to make a claim like that?
We know the climate always changes. How fast it changes from eon to eon we JUST DO NOT KNOW.
And everything you point to is consistent with the earth having warmed. Because it has warmed, due to it being an interglacial. Nothing excludes this being totally normal and non-manmade. Nothing. Sure, it could be manmade. Nothing wrong with that as a theory to pursue. But there’s currently scant proof, and noth9ing to indicate catastrophic runaway heating. That would require a positive feedback loop of the kind there is simply no evidence for in nature.
I know you won’t listen – but others might.
Oh and the fires are not ‘unprecdented. Do some basic research beyond the headlines or just shut up chirping your ignorance.
Neither is the Arctic ice ‘disappearing’. But if it did – so what? The earth has been ice free for 90% of its history, and life flourished at those times.
Paleoclimatologists don’t only use ice cores, they use data derived from soil and rock cores and from geological strata that go back even further than that.
Oh, dear-your ignorance is truly exemplary. Science knows precisely how to estimate previous levels of CO2 from geological research. Ratios of boron and carbon isotopes are used, as are the number of stomata in fossilised leaves and levels of phytane, a break-down product of chlorophyll and other methods are used, checked by peer review and calibrated by reference to other proxies. As for your insouciant indifference to the loss of Arctic sea ice, this is already having catastrophic results.
The Arctic ice-cap with its high albedo, acts as a sort of air-conditioning unit. The reflective white ice, if replaced by dark, heat absorbing sea, is equivalent to the annual emission of anthropogenic greenhouse gases in its warming effect. And northern temperatures are warming faster than anywhere else, save southern high latitudes, and melting permafrost and submarine methane clathrates, releasing more greenhouse gases in a deadly positive feed-back. And the lessening of the heat gradiant between the high latitudes and the low, has already caused the derangement of jet-streams, with calamitous weather outcomes.
The fires are unprecedented in recorded history. All the forest experts, fire-fighters and even the Indigenous here in Australia state that UNEQUIVOCALLY. The sheer extent, the intensity, the loss of animal life, the threat to forests that are burning too often and too fiercely in absolutely unarguable-to state otherwise is simply denialist disinformation. As for positive feedback loops, try these for size. Warming soils and seas, both releasing greenhouse gases, principally CO2 and methane. Megafires releasing greenhouse gases. Melting permafrost and submarine clathrates emitting CO2 and methane. Changes in albedo as cryospheres melt. And I’ll listen to obscurantist denialist disinformation, but don’t expect me to treat with anything but derision.
Well said.
Pollution in China has plummeted as a result of the measures taken by China to contain the epidemic:
In umol/m2. What does that mean?
presumably, you already know what a “square metre” is.