Coronavirus: Brand new problem, same old reaction
While the media hysteria over the pandemic is unprecedented, behind the facade is a very familiar agenda
Kit Knightly
There was a cartoon on TV when I was little called Pinky and The Brain, watched by small children and ironically appreciated by culty (perhaps stoned) teenagers alike. It followed the wacky adventures of two white mice living in a science lab.
There was a running gag in the show, at some point Pinky (the dumb mouse) would ask The Brain (the smart mouse) what they were going to do tonight, and The Brain would answer:
The same thing we do every night Pinky…try to take over the world!
This quote goes through my head a lot when I’m reading the news or following Twitter or the like.
The novel coronavirus is still all anyone in the media is talking about. While many bemoan the UK government’s inaction, other governments are being far from inactive. The “states of emergency” continue to spread, and the lockdowns are getting broader and stronger.
Eventually, Boris Johnson will likely be told he must “do something” enough that he’ll cave and shut down all the schools, ban public gatherings and put army checkpoints up on all the roads. Totally against his will, you understand. That absolutely wasn’t the plan all along.
That seems to be the thing about this particular pandemic, it seems to be terribly terrifying and yet only ever spurns people to do stuff they would have been happy to do in the first place. It’s been pretty convenient.
How are we going to respond to this crisis Brain?”
“The same way we respond to every crisis, Pinky…try to take over the world!”
Look at Bolivia, for example, where a mighty three people have reportedly tested positive.
Their interim government – the result of a military coup against a democratically elected President – has just declared a state of national emergency. Schools are closed. Public gatherings banned. They may even have to cancel the elections, scheduled for May this year. Won’t that be sad? I guess the unelected Junta will just have to keep running the country until the crisis is over. Darn.
Oh, while we’re in the area, let’s look in on Venezuela.
Though currently home to not one single case of Covid19 (according to the statistics), Foreign Policy nevertheless reports that Venezuela is a nightmare waiting to happen:
The collapsing medical system can’t handle a coronavirus outbreak on its own.
And even, potentially, a global threat:
Government actions that have contributed to Venezuela’s collapsing health care system not only violate Venezuelans’ right to health, but they are now a threat to global health.
The solution? Well…take a guess:
The international community must step in […] sustained international pressure on the Maduro government, including targeted sanctions such as asset freezes and the cancellation of visas for top Venezuelan officials. There should also be a push for international accountability for crimes including torture, given the absolute lack of judicial independence in the country.
In another article, Foreign Policy also suggests the pandemic should be a reason to suspend the presidential election campaigning in the US. Opening the article with the foreboding line:
It’s time to ask, during a time of plague, whether — and if so, in what form — democracy can continue as usual.
Which means no big crowds chanting Bernie’s name, no televised debates where Biden forgets where he is, and no lines of voters being turned away from the democrat primaries over “misunderstandings”.
The article even dances around the idea of postponing the vote itself. Voting “during a time of plague” can have an impact on the turnout and result, Laurie Garrett argues. She stops short of that, but only because “Orange Man Bad”. If it was Hillary in the White House, not Trump, the media would already have vociferously called for a postponement of the election altogether.
As it is, they make do with this:
Actual voting can, and should, proceed with heavy emphasis on mailed ballots.
Given the reported irregularities surrounding Britain’s postal ballots in last year’s general election, and their historic ease of fraud, this is an interesting suggestion. (There will come the idea, someday soon, that all future voting be done digitally from home, at which point any even slight democracy left in the US system will be entirely stamped out).
Elsewhere, the war on cash is being spurred on by the World Health Organization, which is suggesting people stop using money because it carries disease.
Just as important as what we’re being told we must do, is what we’re being told we must not do.
For example, Trump’s decision to suspend travel from 26 EU nations was met with derision (even though these same publications were praising “going medieval” on pandemic prevention previously). Is this just because it’s Trump? Or is it because the idea of a nation isolating itself for protection plays into tropes of nationalism and sovereignty that clash with the open-border, globalist agenda?
It’s hard to say, since so many journalists would criticise World Peace or a cure for cancer if Trump brought it about.
Perhaps one clue is found in France, where Macron has banned public gatherings (say goodnight, Gilets Jaunes) but left his borders open, claiming “viruses don’t carry passports” and warning against “nationalism”. This is hard to reconcile with the alleged danger of the virus, given the fact he shares a soft border with Italy.
The CBC ran an article headlined Why travel bans won’t work to stop spread of COVID-19, quoting Steven Hoffman, Professor of Health Law:
[Travel bans] don’t work…They undermine the public health response. They undermine trust in governments and violate international law in the process.”
Interestingly, Hoffman uses the same exact phrase, word for word: “viruses don’t carry passports”. I don’t know what that means, if anything. I don’t believe anyone ever suggested viruses do carry passports, but they don’t buy football tickets or attend the theatre either.
How much sense does that make? Does quarantine work domestically, but not internationally?
Apparently it’s not safe to watch a movie with a hundred strangers, but sitting on a plane with them for 10 hours, breathing (famously unhygienic) recycled air is perfectly fine. That seems entirely irrational to me, but hey I’m no professor of health law.
(My favourite quote from that article: “if people want to travel, they’ll find ways to do so. Instead it’s best if people travel through official channels”, mostly because I’m not sure how you travel without using “official channels”. He seems to be suggesting that if Virgin Atlantic turned me away from my flight to JFK, I’d just grab a kayak, head to the beach and start paddling.)
What else are you not supposed to do? Well, read misinformation of course. Sharing it can be dangerous. Make sure you read only officially sanctioned government information. Report all perpetrators of click crime and disinformation propagation.
Don’t worry. Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter and Google are all working with the state to make sure you only get the information the government decides you need. They’ll also be scrubbing “misinformation” and “hoaxes” from their platforms. To protect you. You’re welcome.
It’s funny, when you think about it.
It turns out in order to best deal with the coronavirus we need to ban large public protests, introduce martial law, prevent socialists being elected in Bolivia, effect regime change in Venezuela, stop using cash, vote digitally or by post, leave our borders wide open, censor the major social media networks and start enforcing compulsory vaccination.
Which is very fortunate, because they wanted to do all of that anyway.
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Wow…. this may be the greatest website ever!
What would you do?*
What would you do if you have a trillion dollar budget annually?
What would you do if you have a trillion dollar budget annually /AND/ there are very strict laws that guarantee you immunity from prosecution for whatever you can do? Moreover, what would you do when there are very strict systems in place to ensure whatever you do remain TOP TOP TOP SECRET???
If you can answer this question then you many mysteries become self-explanatory!
* Bonus: what would you do, on top of the above, you’re also guaranteed by the Heavens that GOD is actually on your side.
The best book to read is JK Galbraith’s The Great Crash. These social ‘resets’ are engineered so that certain people retain their wealth, while that of the majority collapses – creating an opportunity to realize , concretize and ratchet up the power of the wealthy.
Look at it this way: everybody knows the market will collapse, but how do you make sure it collapses at the moment of maximum advantage to you? And how do you get away with doing such without being lynched? Answer: the appearance of force majeure.
The oldest magician trick in the book. Distraction. While everyone is panicking over a virus that causes the common cold their life savings and pension funds are getting wiped out on the stock market. And when the dust settles they can blame CV. They must be laughing so hard at the goyim
goyim laughat you.
The media, the Govt’s are lying to you. Use your brain. Do the math, the figures they are quoting are ridiculous. They don’t even register statistically so something else is going on. On the basis of the infection and death rate of coronavirus, the whole world should have been in lock-down for the last 100 years! Because of the common cold.
it’s nothing really. in fact there’s no real prove of there being anything.
it’s like someone calling ”fire”!
everybody runs out screaming ”fire”. nobody sees,hears, or smells the fire but everybody knows that there is one!
what terrifies me though is the totalitarian measures. i love dystopian fiction but i don’t want to live like that, and i was glad to have missed on of fascism before.
and anybody who says this gets censored. this is how the internet survives, as a tool for oppression 🙁
are the likes of U.S Summit and China’s Tianhe-2 in communication – has the Reset gone Viral ? – does it see the People…as the disease ?
The UN 2021/30 Agenda seems to be slowly coming into the light Open borders Continue even in the light of this ‘virus’ gripping the World Curtailing of global movement for ordinary folk, but not so much for the 1% I wouldn’t wonder, under the guise of stopping the spread. Global travel, cruises, planes aren’t so trendy – go out of fashion and go bust – good way for Greta and her ER to stop individual carbon footprints destroying the earth, while Leonardo Di Caprio continues to fly into DAVOS on his private jet with all the others espousing we are all to blame – populism etc rather than the corporate nasties. Suddenly all those exotic places they want to keep for the animal kingdom (because we all all destroying that Climate too) will become unobtainable to all but the most privileged – Even Prince Charles is going on about building an eco village in Madagascar – the locals argue that would bring too much tourism and the area will be decimated. So what is it, exotic places for the animals And climate to thrive or rich people. They want all the others needed to work, consume and snuff it and the useless eaters gone. We are seeing the vestiges of the merging of military/police/martial law being brought in under the guise of emergency measures for the next two years in the UK, suspension of elections, laws to take any lawful citizen off the street if they so much as sneeze, where does that end? End of protest and more censorship of speech. I do wonder whether POTUS (whether you like him or not) will use these emergency measures in suspend the election and would this set a precedent for dictators (like The hedge banker, Macron and many others to hold… Read more »
I agree but I strongly suspect Iran’s motives are more to do with sanctions than the virus.
Have the weapons manufacturers made a human Coronavirus which will target the cells of the nervous system? Transpose the tissue range of Murine Coronavirus, suitably weaponised, onto a human strain….
If you wanted to launch your second ‘supervirulent strain’, that is how I would do it.
I would not do it, because it is ethically repugnant.
But if you asked me to think about the enemy (and bioweapons manufacturers would be the enemy), that is where my thoughts would lie.
If anyone knows that such programmes exist, it is not treason to leak it. It is helping to save the world.
It is high time that those planning to kill us all are not protected by ‘Official Secrets’ any more.
If they are inhuman psychopaths, expose them for what they are……….
There is just as little if not less justification for theorising a bio weapon than for believing the pandemic is real. Everything indicates there is no novel pathogen at all, naturally mutated or engineered.
I am of the opinion though that the bio weapon story has been planted as an alternative history in order to attract people who would automatically question an official story. I believe it to be an alternative fiction, that’s all, but one quite cynically employed to divert truthseekers such as are found here. I believe the evidence points to something far more mundane but no less frightening. That the pandemic is completely fictional, An artefact created by selecting the worst cases of flu or respiratory illnesses in a given location and assigning them to an invented or theorised pathogen, nCoV.
but the vaccine that people are being herded into taking…………
What Does A Coronavirus Look Like?
Eva AmsenContributor
Writing about the overlap of science and art
Even though they can cause havoc on a global scale, coronaviruses such as the 2019-nCov virus are very, very small. They’re so tiny that you can’t see their details under a microscope, so the best images we have are realistic approximations by artists who use scientific data and models as a source for their images.
Computational biologist and science illustrator David Goodsell recently revealed this painting of a coronavirus. ……………….
Probably requires a scanning electron microscope on an inert sample to get molecular detail and certainly not in ‘natural’ colour.
You are a shill. Dungroanin…… another positively identified shill. More subtle than most, but still a fraud.
Prove it. You troll.
Sounds like Russell’s teapot
Thanks for this. Most informative!
Here is a link to one picture, if someone is interested: ?fit=scale
That looks morw like a William Morris design almost – and not a ‘real’ photo of a virus.
Yes, it’s a work of art.
“Poetic license”, to represent the microcosm,
not unlike NASA for the macrocosm.
There is a view (revisionist?) that Pasteur was a fraud and
Bechamp was sound and straightforward in his practical adaptability
towards a more wholesome human condition.
The fact Europe is not closing its borders while shutting down public assembly is final proof to me this alleged nCoV does not exist as a disease pathogen. I am now sure it’s an exercise of some kind, a hoax if you will.
I believe there are several people inside the epidemiological community who share this view but feel paralysed and afraid to speak out. What if they turn out to be wrong? What will happen to their careers and livelihood even if they are correct? Might they even face arrest for using their official position to spread what will be labelled false information?
This is the most troubling situation I have seen or lived through. The conformity and engendered hysteria are paralysing thought. This website is almost unique in allowing considered rational discussion and analysis.
From a pandemic perspective none of the official proclamations make sense. They are anti-rational and anti-factual or gross absurd distortions of common facts. The only conclusion must be either governments and institutions have lost their minds or this is not a real event.
I am so deeply shocked I can’t express it.
I think that there is an army of paid disinfo agents “shills” if you will working the comments in many sources. Many alt-sites are revealing their true nature having been assimilated into the borg. As Stalin said, the best way to control the opposition is to lead it.
The motives could be to further destroy confidence in what we rely on, to promote fear distrust and division. A population in fear is easy to control.
All that and to milk the stock markets.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thesalonians 2:10 – 12
with all mand vax efforts, of which this is one.
If it is a hoax the Chinese would be implicated as conspirators as would Russians and Iranians.
Do you think that is remotely possible?
If you do then the fact – the Russians have stopped the fukus 5+1 eyed imperial adventure and Erdogan and jihadist from taking over Syria and having Assad murdered – is not real but make believe.
Do you think that is remotely possible?
The latest numbers reported un China are showing many regions reporting zero new infections.
They are reporting that their
‘Hubei Province reported 4 new cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia on Mar 14, with 10 new deaths and 1,335 cases of recovery. The total number of infections in the province climbed to 67,794 with 54,278 recovered and 3,085 dead.’
That indicates about 14000 not recovered of which 3000 are dead leaving 11, 000 waiting to recover or die ( do you agree?). It indicates the current naive cfr as 4.5% in Hubei but much lower elsewhere in China (do you agree?).
It does seem that Chinese lockdown in Hubei halted the spread.
It also seems the Western countries did almost conspire to not act aggressively between the middle of January and now – a period of 7-8 weeks for the epidemic to spread enough to instigate mass control protocols. (What do you say?)
Finally given the fact and numbers of medical personnel reported fatalities it does seem the virus is real?
Keep up the informative posts.
I believe as a fundamental truth that empirical experimentation trumps opinion or expectations of likelihood, particularly where our knowledge on which to base any assessment of probability is limited.
My observation tells me this o pandemic is not real, based on numerous lines of data. AmI info to ignore that because the involvement of China or Russia in instituting fakery of this magnitude seems subjectively implausible? Of course not.
The evidence dictates in my view that the pandemic is a lie and since China was intimately involved in the creation of the pandemic story, they must be implicated, if not central to the lie. Iran is clearly also involved. Russia much less so. It appears to be maintaining some distance from the drama at this stage.
From the same Chinese news ‘9:35 am Mar 15 Without the Wuhan travel ban or the national emergency response, there would have been 744,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases outside Wuhan by February 19. It reduced 96% of the cases anticipated in the absence of interventions to 29,839, shows a preliminary report on medRxiv’ ….. ‘Taking a cue from China’s infection control experience, Russia started building the country’s first makeshift fangcang hospital in the outskirt 60 kilometers from #to treat COVID19 patients’ —— I am not disputing that there is some obvious underhanded Money conspiracy. I have stated it regularly (including the fixed referendums and general election). The asset bubble has been over inflated AGAIN as shown by the Schiller Index and waa going to pop sooner rather than later – I had speculated that the imminent failure of Boeing would have been used to be the ‘Blackswan’ event that would be blamed. However it may well be that the explotation of such a ‘viral pandemic ‘ is judged more useful as an excuse for people losing their savings AGAIN instead. Due to its ‘worldwide’ nature and induction of laughable panic in the populace (the way the toilet roll story was pandemicised by the broadcast media starting with Murdoch in Australia and repeated regularly to the gullible by the BBC and msm), the blue touch paper was lit on the market meltdown and the scapegoat NCov was tied to the post to take the blame (by not responding as fast as the Chinese did – keeping the WHO informed from the moment medics reported the new type of pneumonia at the end of December in Wuhan). Maybe they didn’t expect China to report it to the WHO so quickly… I’ll agree upto that point as to how we are subjected to age… Read more »
Who did create the pandemic story? It seems to me that the WHO have been driving that one.
They want One World Government, they want to be the Global Department of Health (global Sir Humphreys running the world without accountability) and they are entirely comfortable with the IMF and the World Bank being the Global Treasury.
For Global Government, you need to engineer Global Crises. Climate Change is one, Coronavirus is another.
With viruses, it is incredibly easy for a foreign agent to slip into China carrying the virus, release it wherever and slip out of the country again without anyone being the wiser. Professionals will know how to evade normal security checks. China would then have to deal with the consequences.
Extinction Rebellion are mad enough to organise something like this. They want the capitalist engine switched off. They want oil left in the ground, heavy industry shut down and human consumption to drop off a cliff. This panic is achieving all of that.
I am not saying they did it, I am saying they have motive. To have opportunity, they would need to have been infiltrated by black ops intelligence operatives. It has been known…
Just because this started in China does not mean they had anything to do with initiating it. They may have done, but it is a logical fallacy to say they must have done.
The WHO should have declared a pandemic as soon as they agreed with China it was a new flu back in January. As China followed the protocols. We spent the next two months berating china for being heavy handed instead of laid back like us.
Now st paddys day is cancelled in Ireland! And we are forced into a wartime mindset. And Pence has run out of rope as the biggest meltdown of peoples investments since the 1920’s bubble is perpetrated upon them under the cover of this ‘virus’.
You’re a smart guy . Try and follow the Money.
If anyone is intersted in the fact that a relationship between China, Russia, Iran and Israel has absolutely been established, I strongly recommed going to YT to get yourself up to speed with Australian Brendon O Connell’s material. His best work to date is below but you need to watch his first few vids on his channel to really get your head around what is going on, what he has uncovered. Brendon is a very, very important researcher. Fuck Moon of Alabama and all these cointelpro deceivers who folk here and at Craig Murray seem to be taken in by, Brendon is the real thing. The clip below is essential viewing. This is not kooky conspiracy crap, Brendon has served time (years) in jail for his work where he took multiple beatings (they did him over on 9/11 ffs) and is on the run from Aus, currently residing in Beirut. I know there are many Aussies on this site so I hope at least those people read this and start supporting this brave, intelligent man. Don’t be put off by the stupid thumbnail which comes up for this film, this is some of the best research out there. I would like to make it absolutely clear that people such as Brendon and myself and I’m sure many others here are not coming at this from the viewpoint of a racist. This is about politics and organised crime at the highest level, not a race or a whole group of people forming a religion. We have a big problem, which has been festering since at least the JFK hit, there are many players and actors and we have to be able to research and identify the problem, wherever that may lead us. 22. TRUMP IMPEACHMENT | CERN SOLEIMANI CRYPTO WW3 A… Read more »
If i wanted to be rude Mucho load of crap i’d tell you to stfu.
You will spend that whole post telling us to to listen to the messiah- but you won’t actually say what he is saying!
What are you playing at? John the baptist?
I’ve said it before to you. Don’t respond to me unless you have something to say instead of the constant advertising of some dumb shock jock.
I hope i have made that as clear as crystal.
The thing with Mr.O Connell is that his view has elegance and substance.
Basically the zio’s rule the roost in the US AND(!) Russia, and have
access to all and every information database and digital communication means
through their nefarious shenanigans (case in point the key positions
and companies held by the Maxwell sisters). Unit 8800 and codename Talpiot
where Talpiot is a digital Samson move, a shutdown.
I love the MoA for its commenters who are a wiley bunch.
“b” has a very vanilla and hopey-changey side to his reporting
which can be very tedious and non-sensical and comes out
with events like our crony-virus.
‘ I believe there are several people inside the epidemiological community who share this view but feel paralysed and afraid to speak out.’
For what it’s worth: I know
‘ The only conclusion must be either governments and institutions have lost their minds or this is not a real event.’
On average they lost their minds. This I also know
Ha ha ha !
politicians too maybe, ireland cancelling st patricks day, telling people to avoid PUBS!
And the Catholic Church suspending Mass? Unprecedented (I would imagine, at least outside of war-time or similar)
Yes that was an interesting headline. I think it has the same purpose as the one about shutting down tours to Mount Everest i.e. to emphasise that there is no escape anywhere from the Big Bad Cono – not on mountain tops, not through religion, NOWHERE!
Big Bad Cono. 🙂
I guess someone has already pointed out that coronavirus = con or a virus ?
I thought of con-o-virus but yours is better.
branson is demanding boris pump 50 billion dollars into uk airlines
branson is rothschild agent
Definition 0f pandemic redefined to suit low number of illness or deaths.
………….. WHO, “in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics”, removing the statement that “an enormous amount of people have contracted the illness or died” from its existing definition and replacing it by stating simply that there has to be a virus, spreading beyond borders and to which people have no immunity.
Sad to see the Off-G still publishing the delusional ravings of a conspiracy theorist with no expertise in epidemiology or public health. This from the excellent Moon From Alabama. See if you can guess who Kit is and who Moon is in the following quote…
“”So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”
This is not a common flu. This is a NEW flu. We have zero basic immunity against it. Without countermeasures the number of cases will explode and there will be many serious ones. They will overwhelm the health care systems and that makes all the difference.”
In the midst of a global pandemic Off-G doubles down on dumb. Sad.
Did you typing the same lines for Swine ‘flu, SARS, Ebola, Zika, H1N1 etc etc etc?
“We are all going to die because we have no immunity”? How many times have you typed that line??? Well, we are not dead and this is becoming all too familiar.
Sorry, try posting in some dumb rag full of this pap, you will find that no one believes this here…You are wasting your time.
The Wuhan of Mass Disturbance.
Not good at reading, huh? The virus is overwhelming the public health system in a way those other epidemics haven’t. For example there’s soon to be a chronic shortage of respirators and hospital beds should the number of infected rise to even a fraction of that estimated.
Yeah, ‘it’s like no other illness before it’….
and we’ve heard that before…many times.
So many, many times.
Hype and fearmongering. As per usual, so do not give me the same rubbish I have heard year on year on year. Just stop it.
PCR testing is a load of rubbish, these are dying of what they usually die of. What you post will have zero traction here as most people are informed that this pure hyped nonsense. I doubt that Wuhan of Mass Destruction actually exists.
I never said it was “like” no other illness. You are building a straw-man. It is new though and people have no immunity to it. This isn’t controversial.
So I invented all of these other illnesses that have been hyped up, they are all Strawmen…
It is not a ‘strawman’ at all, I am suggesting that a tree is judged by it’s yearly and repeated and continual rotten fruit.
Mr McCrossin are you a fool or a shill, do you have no powers of discriminatory reading to allow you to make basic common sense assessments of the information you parse?
Sir, every new virus has zero natural immunity in the population in terms of new antibody creation. Every single one. Every new seasonal cold virus, every mutation of every one of the millions of virus out there will have ‘zero natural immunity’ to the extent there has been no specific antibody production.
But our bodies produce antibodies very fast. That is why you are not dead, because your body reacts to a new pathogen by activating its immune response and sending in a storm of quickly specialised T-cells to neutralise the threat.
A pathogen only becomes life threatening when it produces toxic effects so fast that you die before your T-cells can save you or
because your immune system is overwhelmed due to age or pre-existing sickness.
Even if it exists as a recognised new pathogen, and I don’t believe it does, nCoV19 is not a threat to you simply because it’s new. Your body encounters and destroys pathogens new to it every day. These media pieces are simply propagandising a common fact as if it were uncommon and frightening.
The same of ICUs being overwhelmed. This happens every flu season, but goes unreported for the most part. By the media simply focusing on this common occurrence it’s made to seem uncommon
For the record once again, I don’t believe this pandemic to be real.
@Virus Guy.
Don’t bother with such a vacuous entity. The common flu is a perfect example. Vaccines are so not the go that the common flu mutates seasonly hence giving vaccines annually is like leading from behind.Last years vaccine was beneficial for the flu virus of 2 years prior to make an analogy.The cubans pharmacuetical industry figured this out in the 60’s this helped them with the production of all the new age inteferon type meds which fancy that we in the west due to our fascistic world do not have access to and the ones we have are extremely expensive or not as efficacious .
Got me worried there with our lack of herd immunity being not controversial. Scary stuff. I am 49. How long, how will we sing this non controversial song? Too long!
Your first link shows that the chronic shortage of respirators is due to the panic and not to the disease. Your second link doesn’t lead to any article about beds but does feature a scary picture of people wearing masks. But if you really want to scare people you should link to a picture from “Walking Dead”.
People are not put on ventilators unless they have to be. Respirator masks are temporarily in short supply. They can be ‘recharged’ by placing them in a plastic back, and into the freezer, overnight, which will kill any viruses adhering to them. Wash your hands before and after.
The article says that the repirator masks are being worn by carers as a preventative measure. That is, no doubt, wise. However, such measures cannot be taken as an indication of the spread of the disease.
The soldiers kicked old people from their respirators and left them on the floor!! We need to bomb Assad! What a monster!
By shortage of ventilators I should have linked to machines not masks. As the death toll rises the conspiranoids look more and more foolish by the day.
Wait until they cross this contagion with its high transmissability, with Nipah and its 50-75% lethality.
And the troll arrives…
No, I’m just someone who wants to believe as many things that are true and as few things that are false as is possible. Unfortunately that’s not the case for just about every other commentor on this thread.
You will find plenty of sceptism for the Wuhan of Mass Distraction in the big wide world too…
It is not a question of “believing” what is “true” – that doesn’t even make sense. You “believe” when you don’t know. It’s a question of weighing up what you have been told. And so far you have told us nothing. Other than – of course – your “belief”! Hallelujah! Praise be!
It doesn’t make sense to believe what is true? Are you serious? I believe the sun will rise tomorrow. This is a belief that happens to be true. Some people believe the earth is flat. That is a belief that happens to be false. One belief is correct the other is not. That doesn’t make sense to you? How odd.
There is a difference between belief and knowledge. To believe implies that you do not know. To say “this is a belief that happens to be true” is invalid. If it “happens to be true” it is not belief but knowledge.
The terms are interchangeable in the popular vernacular. Your pendantism is boring.
You must be talking about YOUR “popular vernacular” in which any term is interchangeable with any other term.
Toby McCossin You may believe that the sun will rise tomorrow. But that does not make it true. The sun does not rise. The earth rotates, and thus to someone standing on the earth it looks like the sun rises. But it does not. Appearance and truth are not necessarily the same thing.
Lol Steve & George you got in before I could with the bs gaslighting …
The science denier uses science in an attempt to own me, how ironic! LOL
Good morning troll. You launch invective on Kit and then state figures that don’t back up your following claims about this “global pandemic”.
So tell me: Are you rushing around feverishly buying up all the loo roll, handwash, and …ooh anything in a bright shiny box that looks like you can build a wall out of it? Are you crouching down behind sand bags and spreading out crumbs of hoy wafers while muttering the right incantations? And all because ….a couple of dozen old folk have died whilst suffering from multiple conditions!
I’m doing none of those things. I wash my hands with soap and water after being out in public and try not to touch my eyes, nose and mouth when out in public. There is little else, short of social isolation, one can do to avoid infection. Being mocked by morons doesn’t hurt my feelings.
Don’t forget Kool Aide, you know how that calms down fear of the Wuhan of Mass Destruction…
Toilet paper is useful for fear symptoms.
@TM I have a background in health, truama ICU,double masters. New Virus. Use reason and logic and simple epidemiology will tell you that we have been there b4. MERS,SARS<and swine flu. What makes this virus so different? Ask urself that? If u have a scintilla of grey matter or critical thinking skills. Simple facts like as of March 9th 2020 70,000 people died of TB and only 3700 died of COVID 19 or as I like to call it CONVID . Further more it is estimated that the amount of positive cases for this Virus is underestimated from any where from factors of 10 to 1000 which on epepemiological terms that the death rate is more like 0,03 percent rather than 3 percent. Another tidbit the Octogenarians have a 14 percent chance to die from this virus. Guess what the common flu has a 11 percent chance of killing them. Get my point, because this is the biggest con that the anglo-zionist have ever played on us, out doing the colonial take over of Palestine and fiat money. PUNTO UNO: How convenient to have such a pandemic when the velocity /VIX index is @ all time highs and and not enough QE to save the big end of town. PUNTO DUE: Qui podesta/bono .Who benefits from such a public display of pandemonia due to a manufactured medical pandemic. PUNTO TRE: As the masses are awakening to the reality of their fascistic world /corporatocracies viola what a way to control the masses and force medical fascism on the populace. PUNTO QUATTRO: Italy sign on to the OBOR, much to Brussels ,Washington and London discouraging them from doing so . Tehran is one bet noir for the anglo-zionist. and voila the CHINA< ITALY AND IRAN the hardest hit with the virus. Conspiracy… Read more »
@falcemartello I also have a background in epidemiology – 20 years in different experimental labs and a couple with the WHO which I try to forget. I agree with you 100%, and I am losing sleep over it. I know others who feel the same. This is a total scam, but on a scale so massive it defies comprehension.
Thanks for the great info, VG.
But I’m not sure how the scale of a scam makes it particularly incomprehensible ?
In brief, the bad guys are telling lies for nefarious ends. The more things change, the more they stay the same. 🙂
I call BS.
There was an announcement on the BBC yesterday from the Ministry of Health. Ten people had died of coronavirus overnight. 5 were in their 80s, 2 were in their 70s, one was in his/her 60s. The age of the other two was not mentioned. Speaks volumes I think.
Yes this was the announcement that the deaths had “doubled” – strictly speaking this was not true: the figure had gone from 11 to 21. But the word “doubled” of course sounds scarey. But as you say, the deaths were of people over 60 and some of them had other conditions. Indeed 14 if the 21 had these other conditions.
It strikes me that there is something incredibly convenient about this virus if you are looking to panic people: it has symptoms similar to the flu – even to the common cold. And anyone who dies of the regular flu could be claimed as a “possible” casualty of the new virus.
And it’s announced as if these were the only deaths of people in these age groups to have died (from any condition or just naturally) during the past 24 hours.
The latest available UK mortality figures by age for 2018 show that (my approximation from a quick tally up) approx. 425k people over the age of 70 died that year. That equates to 8k per week or approx. 1,150 people in that age range per day, and my calculation doesn’t allow for any seasonal variations so the winter figures would be higher than the overall average. Ten elderly people who happened to be diagnosed with coronavirus when they died in a 24 hour period doesn’t seem so dramatic after all.
Exactly, a good line to pursue. Wher are the numbers of additional mortalities that ought to be there if this were a new pathogen? They aren’t there.
People die every day, the only difference is these quite ordinary mortality numbers for aged or immuno-impaired individuals are now being reported in the media, giving the impression they are uncommon and remarkable. This is grand deception by omission.
And even then … were they suffering from other health conditions? It’s a farce.
…overwhelm the health care systems…
Let us not forget the neverending austerity prettyplease, thank you.
Just went to supermarket (Australia – epicentre of Govt stupidity), nothing weird at all. Bumped into 3 clients of mine. They all said it was crock. The one client thought it was a gastro outbreak because of the run on toilet paper. That cracked me up. Shampoo was sold out huh? Oh and the most mind blowing part of all. The checkout girl quoted mortality rates for bird flu and then said it was all a crock. No one with a functioning brain believes this nonsense. So what is going on?
Are we to view it as a coincidence that this covid19 frenzy has broken out at the same time as the long planned Defender 2020 is taking place?
Agreed clickkid – I don’t believe in coincidence either – I wrote about it this weekend:
And this book is worth reading:
Can a detailed view of the so called corona virus be seen through a microscope?
I don’t know but you can see the neon lighted arrival of the anti-christ all over the papers.
It’s existance is only theorised and imagined as are all viruses.
PCR testing is inaccurate, people have tested positive for HIV, then negative, then positive and back to negative again. Depends where you are tested if you have HIV or not.
From the I:
Coronavirus in the UK: Police to get powers to detain people suspected of having Covid-19 under emergency law
According to The Times, police and immigration officers will be able to detain people “for a limited period” if they’re suspected of being infected – while the new laws will also allow the government to force schools and nurseries to stay open if they’re closed by teachers or staff during the pandemic.
Additionally, the government can stop “any vehicle, train, vessel or aircraft”, and shut down ports if there are “insufficient resources” to ensure border security staff in customs and immigration officers do not contract coronavirus.
The emergency laws will remain in effect for two years, according to the newspaper.
Other powers will see councils permitted to lower standards in care homes to accommodate limited staff numbers.
Regulations around deaths will also be stripped back.
Doctors will no longer be required to see the body of the deceased before issuing a death certificate. Senior health professionals other than doctors will be permitted to sign off death certificates themselves, and the necessity for coroners to hold jury inquests will also be removed.
Basically they can do what the fuck they want.
We are now living under martial law.
Add to this, secret sources deliberately report individuals (the government don’t like) as infected with the virus. There is no one to check the reliability of sources and the police cannot be trusted. Meaning, the whole thing stinks ..
So, organs can be stolen and the person can be buried alive (or disappeared) and no one is responsible. Fantastic, that sounds like the end of oversight and accountability. Mass gatherings wouldn’t be allowed. Goodbye protests!
33 More Reasons Why The Coronavirus Is Bollocks (Video)
Ordo ab Chao means Order out of Chaos, and it is the motto for the 33rd degree of Freemasonry and other secret societies. They create chaos, hit hard with their media and then the public demands something be done to solve the problem. This is how they implement their “solutions,” which inevitably give their “order” more power. They wage war by way of deception.
This video was deleted by YouTube for inappropriate content, I am pretty sure it wasn’t for the cartoon testicles, or the use of the word ’bollocks’!
“Israel plans to use anti-terrorism tracking technology and a partial shutdown of its economy to minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday.
Cyber tech monitoring would be deployed to locate people who have been in contact with those carrying the virus”
At 10.29pm
Nothing to fear, nothing to see, move on people…
As of 14/3/20 at 10.30 pm:
Total tested: 37,746
Total tested positive: 1,140
Infected as a percentage: 3%
Total deaths: 21
Mortality rate: 1.8%
Deaths as a percentage of all tested: 0.06%
Is this a catastrophe? Well I did a bit of extrapolating and found that, projected onto the UK population (given as 66.44 million), the total number of deaths we could expect would be just under 40,000. Sounds impressive – until you look at the 21 victims and consider the age groupings:
2 deaths with no further information.
1 in the 70s and 4 in the 80s
All the other deaths are listed as having other conditions:
3 in 60s
4 in 70s
4 in 80s
1 in 90s
1 described as “elderly”
1 described as “older” (This is the one in Scotland.)
Summary: of the 21 deaths, 19 were over 60 and 14 of these definitely had other conditions.
Yup, it’s what we call a crock
The final protocol. Pucker up Goyim. You were warned many times and you chose to believe the garbage you were fed.
“Israel plans to use anti-terrorism tracking technology and a partial shutdown of its economy to minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday. Cyber tech monitoring would be deployed to locate people who have been in contact with those carrying the virus”
how did it come to this – which Fools Voted ….placed themselves Under their Rule?…No complaints from you – I hope !
As various countries vlose down one thing after the other – and the economic damage grows.
I am waiting for the first limits on cash withdrawals from banks.
You know it’s coming.
Was actually thinking the same about bank withdrawals half an hour ago C.
It’ll be like Cyprus all over again (banking crisis). A lot of people havn’t got a clue what’s coming.
Yes, Cyprus was a test run for the Bail-in process to be implemented to save banks during a run by robbing everyone’s bank accounts. My book explains it all and which I started writing in April 2013 because I was so angry at TPTB taking everyone to the cleaners.
Thanks Peter… I recall at the time, people on some independent news sites were saying Cyprus was a test run, and another commenter here, Paul, has mentioned that also.
I have the equivalent nearly 6 weeks rent money sitting in my account. And that’s it. No real assets.
I’m just taking things day by day, trying to stay in the moment and not panic, even tho I know what’s coming, as you point out below, viz the ‘economic reset’.
I was telling customers today (I sell The Big Issue street mag) that the fear mongering hysteria about Coronavirus was a distraction; an alibi to be used for the soon to happen economic implosion.
A couple agreed, said they suspected this was why the media were going overboard about the virus, but the majority looked at me like I’d just landed from Mars, their reaction was virtually: ‘oh, you’re a conspiracy nut’.
Reading this I couldn’t help but remember from my younger years the old jokey cliché about sitting on the top deck of a bus and ‘why does the person wearing the hat embroidered with “I’m a nutter” always sit next to me’? These days I would be that ‘nutter’ although as yet I don’t have a hat declaring so! 😀
Yes… Most people I try and have even a fairly tame discussion on all this…. their eyebrows raise, their eyes widen, and they have this puzzled, but slightly concerned look on their faces.
It’s obvious tho, a small number are waking up, and putting 2 and 2 together, but from my observations, nowhere near enough.
Don’t see any chance of a Gilets Jaunes type movement starting up in Aussie.
Way too apathetic, and drowning in consumerism and hedonistic pursuits, and not willing to do anything that might endanger their creature comforts.
That would be the case in the UK also, tho the recent protest for Julian Assange in London did seem large.
Have a good week Judy…
Cheers, Gezzah! You too.
Yes, this is all planned to cover for the coming economic reset. After all, we can’t carry on as we have done and everyone awake knows it. You can smell the stink emanating from the Fed and the Masters of the Financial Universe
That strange General Election in December is now looking even more suspect. I assume the plan was to install Johnson by whatever means necessary (including a Zimbabwe-style media smear campaign against the opposition leader and, perhaps, even rigged postal ballots); get Brexit ‘over the line’ while there were still some sunny economic uplands to be seen; then crash the economy with a virus (hyped-up, deliberately started, completely faked or otherwise); suspend elections; and bring in a fascist-lite regime where travel is banned and people can’t protest.
I wonder whether the section of the older demographic who voted for Johnson and Brexit – and who are now suffering a wipeout of their pensions and investments, a disproportionate chance of dying from the coronavirus (assuming it is genuine), and unable to enjoy their retirement in their sun – are at all regretting swallowing the lies they were fed about Corbyn?
I very much doubt that the unquestioning English cattle -otherwise known as the electorate -are regretting not voting for
Corbyn. Even as the final rasping breath leaves their lungs, their dying thought will be,
“Well, at least we didn’t vote in an anti-Semite.”
I haven’t voted in their stinking, stupid elections for more than 30 years.
The UK has a junta government gained by a coup instigated before the election.
A very British coup.
They have deployed the same against Bernie ang Gabbard.
A very American coup.
Okay I’ve analysed this for days now. Nothing makes any sense from any angle. It looks like they deliberately crashing the economy but no one is dying. If you going to reset the global economy you need to lose about 70% of the world population or your situation is just worse. So either the NWO set a plan in motion and someone forgot to tell them virus is actually a joke or (as I am beginning to suspect) the entire world has become an Idiocracy led by the chief idiots.
The psychopaths who rule us are actually not that smart.
After the massive demonstrations in Paris today (see a bit lower down in this thread) this is going to pour petrol on to the flames…
France orders all bars, restaurants and non-essential shops to close in battle against coronavirus epidemic
What’s been an uprising for the last three years or so has every likelihood of now turning into a full blown revolution.
And I’m in the middle of it all!
May you live in interesting times.
But don’t forget to wash your hands, sing Happy Birthday twice and trust everything those nice people in the government tell you.
Keep fighting the bastards Rob. Screw Macron and his Masters. Screw Neoliberalism. Screw any imperial edicts from the French State. Stay safe as you can. Good luck…
Honest Government Ad (govern/rule – ment/mind) | Coronavirus: Flatten The Curve
The interesting part is that video is on youtube? So now I’m completely baffled. Now I’m thinking reverse psychology.
This video is such a heap of steaming excrement it’s not funny. Her stats are wonky to say the least. This is a propaganda. And the reason for swearing all the time? Sounds like it’s aimed at teenagers who can barely read and write.
This video shows how much craftier the American approach is. In the UK, the panic was presented by the government and so ran the risk of people being suspicious. However – if the government takes the opposite approach e.g. Trump saying the virus was bollocks, then the panic can be presented as the oppositional stance. And of course everyone knows that Trump is an asshole (which he is but in this case his asshole condition plays into the propaganda). Hence our smart little presenter here who must be presenting the truth because she says “shit” a lot.
This is a little inspirational pep talk about what to do with “self-isolation”:
New York City has declared the first ‘death from covid-19’ – an 82 year old lady with emphysema.
Now, she may have had Covid-19 viruses in her body, assuming they exist, but she already had emphysema.
It would be more correct to say that she died of emphysema and was found to have covid-19 viruses – assuming they exist.
At this rate, pretty soon if you get run over by a bus and then ‘test positive’, then you will be declared to have died of covid-19, becaause it impaired your judgment while crossing the road.
Considering the brutal logic of linking Pavlovian response terms together, I’m waiting for the headline that tells us that those who died in Auschwitz had covid-19.
Thanks for that. I actually did laugh out loud,
Spain has been in a state of open revolt since the 2008 crash (millions marched on the streets in protest, but were ignored). More recently in Spain protestors have been adopting the yellow vest movement. The same has happened in Italy. It’s perhaps no coincidence that Spain and Italy have been put in total lock down, and now France is following suit.
I know, it’s insane!! Some old people die of a flu like bug. and? wtf! It’s like Morons Anonymous out there
@clickkid Exactly so. It’s very heartening to come here and see people analysing and thinking for themselves. It gives me hope. I believe many many people are seeing through this but are afraid to speak or lack an outlet.
The British government has decided to cancel local elections in order to supposedly mitigate the spread of the virus.
Kit: “Perhaps one clue is found in France, where Macron has banned public gatherings (say goodnight, Gilets Jaunes)”
This isn’t correct Kit. Protests aren’t included in the ban on gatherings of over 1000. The 3000 PSG fans chanting outside the empty stadium on Wednesday night were allowed to say, because it was classed as a protest.
That does not seem correct, Basher…
The ban on more than 1000 people gathering was changed yesterday to a ban on more than 100 people gathering (because they knew what was coming this weekend).
If interested see posts by myself and others a little further down this thread.
The establishment always uses any crisis to push its agenda, regardless of logic or consistency. In Belgium bars, restaurants and clubs are shut down, sporting events are cancelled, schools suspended, but chip shops are open. The people like their frites. How is this even supposed to make sense?
……. in the same way that football has been closed down for rest of the month but ‘the sport of kings’ continues at Kempton Park and Uttoxeter today and boxing is still in the frame ….
A chip shop sells food and there will typically be only a handful of people in it at a time.
In Belgium the chip shops come in all sorts, large and small, eat in and take away, etc. Moreover, contagion occurs more easily in small gatherings than large groups.
Please tell me that is not intended as a serious point. You believe thousands of Belgian fast food outlets, where food is prepared and then consumed by many more thousands of customers, literally taking this potentially contaminated food into their bodies, constitutes less of an epidemiological concentration point than a few major sporting events?
Do you also believe the absurd claim viruses don’t carry passports is a good reason to keep borders open while closing theatres and schools? It’s pure nonsense from a real containment perspective. If this was a real new deadly pathogen of the claimed magnitude the first thing they would do is close the borders. That they will not is proof to me there is no pandemic, no deadly new pathogen.
VirusGuy Russia secured its borders back in January. It ensured that anyone entering the country who might have been infected was subject to quarantine. It has thirty-four cases, all Russians returning from northern Italy, and no cases of community infection. What I am wondering is why western countries did not institute such methods in January? I am also wondering why people who are allegedly in quarantine are living at home with family members who are allowed to mix with the general public? It almost seems like western governments want to spread the virus, provide the corporate media with something to fear monger, and then be forced by public fear to introduce draconian measures of social control, whilst simultaneously throwing obscene amounts of money at finance capitalists and the corporations. It certainly does not look like they wanted to stop the spread of a virus.
I sincerely hope – that the PTB will be sending home the majority of the Military and Police – far away from their barack/station breeding grounds – I think it would be a good idea, as am sure they wouldn’t want these “protectors” to come down with this terrible “bug”… being so dangerous to us – ALL !
One big learning I’ve taken from this.
Mass panic buying of toilet paper should be positively encouraged.
If we can cull from the human genome all the people who think they can eat toilet paper, then the world will be a happier, healthier place…
I prefer to leave talk of culling to the eugenicists.
Panic-buying no, preparation for the unknown – yes.
Here’s a video version of this article:
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel
The agenda out on display for the naked eye to see.
(This simulation event seemed to have very little or nothing to do with “simulating”. This really is a propaganda reel, a propaganda reel with a lot of boring filler material. Also take note of who the speakers are at that panel they keep cutting to.)
Harry Vox commentary on this:
And let’s not forget the Salisbury and Porton Down Novichock event. For three weeks before on Salisbury Plain the army was carrying out biological warfare exercises.
Thank Gawd Tubby the Grifter was able to help those really in need! Those TBTF Wall Street Casinos who got a 1.5 TRILLION cash injection Thursday nite with more help expected next week. Whew, that was close.
Not true, @realDonaldTrump. I wrote to you more than 600 days ago demanding answers after you fired the entire White House pandemic team.
With Tubby’s SENIOR advisor, slumlord Jared the Snake, fresh from bringing peace to Israel-Palestine; solving the American opioid crisis & overhauling the fed bureaucracy, look for anudda’ home-run from the miracle kid! (Yes, I’m being sarcastic)
Beginning of The End was in September, 2019 when the repo market blew up.
Despite the ban on gatherings of more than 100 people, 1000s of people are at this moment out on the streets of Paris, marking Acte 70, the 7oth consecutive week of protests against ‘austerity’ and neoliberalism…
(if you follow this guy’s Twitter feed you’ll see that the police have now started using large amounts of tear gas on the protestors)
They don’t seem to be washing their hands as regularly as they have been told that they should.
Thanks for that milosevic.
There are, apparently, several different demonstrations going on in Paris this afternoon. It’s hard to get the numbers, yet the protestors must be in the tens of thousands.
Those who buy into the Frankenstein flu stuff are calling these protestors foolhardy. Others will say that the French are the bravest people on the planet right now…
Usually what goes on in Paris is mirrored in towns and cities all over France. Thus far I’ve seen very little evidence of large scale unrest outside of the capitol.
A metro station is filled with teargas. That’s criminal and disgusting.
The riots in Chile, and the bestial police response, go unreported, week after week. Don’t you just love the ‘Free Press’?
You have to laugh…
France will shut down cafes, shops, restaurants and cinemas to stem the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, prime minister Édouard Philippe has announced.
Philippe said public transport will be kept open but asked citizens to limit their use, Reuters news agency reported.
The closures will come into effect at midnight on Saturday.
This myth of SARS-CoV-2 origination of “Chinese Bat-soup” is total nonsense – and also only another attempt of “China-Bashing”.
And also remember: If Adam and Eve had been Chinese they would not have eaten the apple – but the snake! And we would still be in Paradise!
Tell this China-hating Christo-Fascists like Mike Pompeo!
On the power of fear used as a weapon: The 70s BBC drama “I Claudius” had an episode where the future mad emperor Caligula, as a child, poisoned his own father Germanicus. Caligula received instruction from an expert in poison, Martina. Martina cottoned on to the fact that Germanicus was pathologically superstitious and she stitched together some impressive “apparitions” to scare him. As she noted:
I’m not telling people to be reckless with their hygiene. Just to bear in mind this weaponization of fear.
They like their special dates – it is ancient witchcraft and Lud lore.
From Friday the 13th …
The City is preparing.
Their Hard Brexit looms.
It erects Hard borders and declares itself a country.
While we are blinded by their virus scare and Bozo and Laura and Dominic deliver what they are promised their ‘seats at the table’ for.
… to the Ides of March!
Many major financial firms are making their people work from home from this week – they have bought thousands of laptops and large screens and this weekend their people are forced to turn their homes into offices!
Obviously the sandwich shops, barbers, cleaners etc will be laid off with NO pay – a crises of necessity to recreate the poor begging classes of yore that we have been being prepared for through our dumbing Downtoning acceptance.
Meanwhile the City implements it’s grrand plan.
Not to mention the preparation supplied by endless post-apocalyptic shows e.g. “Walking Dead” where there are endless supplies of zombies all crawling after you till you do the manly thing and spike their brains out. The message: the mass of humanity are vermin and they’re coming for what’s yours. KILL! KILL! KILL!
As Friday the 13th rolled out their latest scare by text –
‘From Monday 16th March your GP surgery will be operating a telephone triage only. Do not go to the surgery, please call or use e-consult until further notice.’
Yesterday saw the bounty of the single Aussie fighting over bog roll ‘event’ duly amplified by the Murdoch and worldwide msm directly into peoples brains – FAKE NEWS became real news.
The queues at the supermarket were cataclysmic- old couples squeezed into packed stores where they would easily pick up illnesses to prepare for hiding from illness!
People bought ANYTHING because other people were buying ANYTHING.
You had to feel sorry for the shop workers faced with bigger than xmas madness without the good cheer or any music, which made the whole hour in the queue seem like a scarier tube commute.
So as Caesar’s wife was warned of the Ides of March, any chance we can look forward to our mini-me Churchill-Caesar meeting his metaphorical end?
I fear not – the whole wheeze seems to have been planned and workshopped and being delivered just like the coup that was instigated by fixing the election of the December Friday 13th.
It strikes me that it wouldn’t take much people to create a panic run on goods. There are always those who are highly susceptible to suggestion and if, say, only twelve people went mad in a supermarket, that would create an impressive gap in the shelves. Now compare the figure of twelve with the local community. Very small percentage. But it would be enough for the TV cameras. And, of course, the sight of those fearsome holes in the display would be enough to set others off for a nice domino effect.
“From Monday 16th March your GP surgery will be operating a telephone triage only. Do not go to the surgery, please call or use e-consult until further notice”
Was it clear who sent this message? Would you please clarify, which clinic/town/country was the text from?
My surgery ( I won’t name it), north east London. UK.
Corona is a novel virus, therefore there is zero population immunity (unlike other flu viruses) – in theory everyone could catch it.
For this reason alone the death rate is almost certain to be higher than other strains of flu.
The fatality curve in Italy tends to support this.
Coronavirus Cases: 17,660
Deaths: 1,266
My sense is that geopolitical responses are primarily reactive because on a country to country basis different governments are taking different measures.
With regards to the UK I think the fear, and probably with some justification, is that an already stressed system like the NHS will find it difficult to cope with a spike of this nature, especially once health workers become ill.
Corona is most contagious during the latent period (ie the first few days after acquiring it) so while asymptomatic there is every chance staff will be passing it on to each other, for example when sharing communal areas, or when they are helping themselves to goodies from the same source (bickies, choccies, crisps, etc).
I agree with Kit to the extent some leaders will seek to exploit public panic but the number of variables make this outbreak feel like their responses are opportunistic rather than truly orchestrated in the way that regime change was in the Middle East.
“Corona is a novel Virus ”
Yes, a work of fiction.
This stuff about covid-19 reminds me of the “Captain Trips” virus in Stephen King’s “The Stand”. So it wipes out 99% of the human race and paves the final confrontation between the anti-christ and …well, you get the gist. I think the PTB would love to cull most of the human race and leave a miniscule number of easily manipulated religious nuts.
Almost invariably I find myself in agreement with everything you say. But, regrettably, on this occasion I am inclined to question the fundamental premise on which you have based your comments.
Can we really be so sure of that? As has been explained in other quarters and by BTL posters on OffG, coronaviruses are a range of viruses which include the common cold and influenza. Some commentators have also contended, arguably quite convincingly, that the test being used to ‘diagnose’ Covid-19 is not actually technically capable of revealing anything more specific than infection with a coronavirus. So how can we be certain that the ‘diagnoses’ of Covid-19 are not simply picking up routine flu and cold viruses, the asymptomatic presence of which is likely to be routinely occurring in a very high percentage of people at any given point in time?
As always there are also a number of questions about using statistics as a measure to prove a point. Number of deaths needs to be qualified in much more detail to be meaningful: How many of these people would have died irrespective of whether they contracted Covid-19? Was there a detrimental delay in any of them getting medical support? What sort of medical treatment did they receive once attended to? How do the figures compare with other patients who died of influenza in the same time frame?
Your concerns, Harry, may prove to be well-founded but I think it’s premature at this stage to regard the situation as the global crisis being suggested by politicians, the mainstream media and, indeed, some ‘experts’. I may of course be proved wrong. 😀
Thanks, Judy – I work in A&E, already seen several very sick patients who ended up being intubated, and are now on ITU. Last night resus was like something out of a sci-fi movie (lots of staff wearing PPE) – not often you see hard core A&E staff looking so worried. I would be wary of polarising debate too much – on the one hand some people see corona as little more than a pesky version of the common cold, while others are predicting a doomsday scenario. Neither is likely to be true IMO but from the little I’ve seen the absence of immunity and severity of respiratory symptoms suggest we are dealing with a significant threat – for how many I don’t know. Containment in the UK is now too late – estimates of prevelance vary and can only be guessed at because swabbing is not routinely carried out by the NHS amongst those that have presented to services suspected of having corona (unless very sick they are simply sent away with advice). The NHS generally uses nose/throat swabs rather than antibody testing – nose swabs are about 70% accurate (so 30% of those tested will have a false-negative result). Chest x/ray is used as the primary screening tool but this only has about 40% sensitivty – so again an apparently normal x/ray does not preclude corona for 60% of patients. One of our big fears at the moment is the risk of a depleted workforce (should staff become unwell then are asked to self-isolate) because we are already very stretched, or a surge in attendances if corona follows a similar pattern to say Italy, or the initial outbreak in China. So far 80,824 coronavirus cases reported in China and 3,189 deaths. As I say upstream I am… Read more »
Would I be correct in saying that an apparent difference between covid19 and “normal” flu is that while the latter can turn (for some unfortunates) into pneumonia (perhaps because a weakened immune system allowed in a different agent, i. e. a bacterium, what seems to be happening in people with serious cases of covid19 is that it attacks the lungs directly, with pneumonia – like symptoms?
However, I realise this may not really be a true distinction, I. e whether something “turns into” pneumonia or simply “acts like pneumonia”.
Btw what exactly is the NHS swab test testing for? It seems to me that there is a lot of uncertainty over what are really “confirmed cases” of covid19, and what are not.
Italy stands out, but it seems to be the exception in terms of death rate.
Quite odd really.
Have seen one explanation which is that many young adults live with parents so perhaps more chance of older people being infected by their adult children who are more mobile than they are.
I heard a ‘man in the pub’ saying that Italy has the world’s highest percentage of old people in its population. I haven’t checked this assertion, but if true, it would explain a lot.
Your pub man spoke the truth. That explains a lot, bu that doesn’t explain all…
It’s true
Poor air-quality in Lombardy has also been floated – as in Wuhan
The strain of the virus in Italy is stronger than the one in China and South Korea. The strongest strain of the virus is in Iran.
Also I think Chinese businesses brought up large amounts of the Italian textile industry and many came to live and work in Italy, I can’t find the article that states the major outbreak in Italy started in the region where the textile Industry is largely based. I found this one which shows how the Chinese have brought businesses and migrated over the last 20 years. May have a baring if lots of people went back to Italy after the Chinese New Year.
As some of us suspected….
Who is supplying the rates? How old were they? Did they have any other disease? Notice what they don’t tell you. Northern Italy is full of old people.
We are informed every day including the age groups which reveal that the victims are not all old. Why don’t you come to Northern Italy yourself before making unfounded statements.
Thanks for your comment. Glad to see there are some sensible comments on this site about this
So that is interesting that you work at the A&E. Your story is similar to what Italian doctors are saying and what the Dutch health inspectorate is afraid of.
I have 5 questions
1. Which people with Covid 19 positivity are usually admitted?
2. Are there among these patients rare encounters like hospital personel who get infected and end up being intubated at the intensive care?
3. Is there any reason to believe that the COVID 19 negative cases are doing better than the Covid 19 positive cases (in terms of subsequent mortality/ morbidity)
4. And are Covid 19 positive cases different in characteristics than negative cases (for instance more often man?)
5. Are any epidemiologic studies started at your A&E department and if so do you know which types of studies?
Especially ad 5 is a riddle to me, since there are so few epidemiologic studies as far that could show that indeed Covid 19 is far more dangerous than the usual common cold or flu like disease.
This story is now 2 months and still no good data is available as to whether this thing is for real or a hoax, for which reason I remain sceptical.
Would appreciate your thoughts on this, since you are a prevalent commenter here and since you work so close at the source.
Out of interest I thought I would try to find out how many people had died of flu last year. Here’s a headline from the Guardian, dated 20th February 2019, over a year ago : Britons urged to get flu vaccine as critical cases rise above 2,000. From the perspective of the coronavirus panic, the sub-heading was even more interesting : Virus has killed 200 and left even more in intensive care over winter period. Here’s a link to the article.
If you read the article you discover that 200 deaths is nothing out of the ordinary for seasonal flu,that people with long-term medical conditions are more likely to have problems, that the flu is following a dangerously different pattern than (sic) usual, and that we should all get vaccinated just in case. So what is different this time?
I find it interesting that there has been so little flu vaccine pushing this year. It usually reaches a crescendo point, but this last flu season it has been almost non existent. Its as if the whole flu thing has been sidelined for whatever reason!.
The uptake of flu vaccination has been pretty consistent over the last decade – around 70% for over 65’s in England.
The global tally for flu is over 100,000 every year
Annual global death toll from pneumonia – about 2,500,000
In the UK about 30,000
Errrm, at the risk of being controversial I have to admit that I am getting a little bored by this whole Coronavirus issue. Contributions to Off-Guardian seem exclusively targeted on 1. Coronavirus, or 2., American politics.
It has been estimated by the WHO that the estimated death rate among those who have contracted the disease is approx just over 3% and of those the overwhelming majority are among the older age groups. Quelle Surprise! Persons under the age of 50 who have contracted the virus have a statistically negligible death rate of 0.2%. Every winter mother nature takes her cull of the elderly, and already ill and infirm. Could it be that the older age groups also tend to die of old age? This is a law of nature. As Nietzsche put it in his own inimitable fashion.
”The weak and ill-constituted shall perish: first principle of our philanthropy. And one shall help them to do so.” (The Anti-Christ)
Hmmm, a little bit over the top perhaps, but that’s our Fred, but I take what he means.
As for American politics – that uniquely American branch of showbiz – I lost interest in this grotesque farce when Russiagate got started.
But maybe I’m wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time.
You getting bored? Come to Australia. It’s like living George Orwells 1984 actually worse!
I’d say, ‘Animal Farm’ meets ‘The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of The Asylum of Charenton, under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade’.
You are thinking of it in the terms in which it presents itself – as a disease.
Think of it as the largest psyop of all time intended to move us into a different social/economic/political paragigm.
Now, that’s a little less boring isn’t it?
Yes clickkid has it right. Everyone is bored by this con-o-virus. But it’s not the virus that’s the problem. It’s the clearly manipulative use of fear porn that’s the problem. Next step: the Goon Squad. For our own protection of course.
Fairly sure we vastly out-number the goon squad ?
Sure but the virus is the perfect divide-and-rule strategy where folks are huddled in their homes.
War is the health of the state said Randolph Bourne at the time of World War I.
Can we say that pandemics are too?
Or maybe saying that they are the health of the money power is more accurate?
The money power IS the State under capitalism.
One of the key things Joe Public needs to think about is how uncritically they should view medical professionals. I can speak semi from the inside (I have worked with them and a family member is a senior consultant in London) and tell you with absolute certainty that the medical culture is an authoritarian, power culture where independent-mindedness is heavily frowned upon. The consequence of this is that senior hierarchy members get used to being obeyed without question and not having to answer uncomfortable questions about their logic, rigour etc etc. London Medicine is certainly a veritable cesspit of security services infiltration and infestation. No-one should have any doubt but that they are close linkages between consultant doctors and spooks, indeed several of them are trusties, spying on folks in the community as part of their ‘paying their way in the unholy Western World’. You should also be aware that the Regius Professorships, the most prestigious in the country, are almost exclusively held by spies. This ensures that the Key Opinion Formers in UK medicine are aligned to security services agendas, whilst being apparently far enough removed from actual active service so as not to arouse outrage. You should also be aware that the Wellcome Trust, even 25 odd years ago, was routinely spying on its staff at work. There will be no electronic job applications sent in by WT employees/scientists funded by WT grants that WT is not aware of. Big Brother rules……. So people really should start thinking about how many more instances there are of medicine becoming subordinated to corporate/security service agendas. 1. Dietary advice is constantly changing and rarely consistent. But I am sure that the medical professionals helping the private sector are remunerated for their advice. 2. Vaccines cannot be questioned by anyone: repate ANYONE.… Read more »
Agreed good comment
Thanks Rhys. Not thought about it before, but the spook/top doctors link makes total sense. So much dosh in big pharma.
Your first sentence may need an edit – “… how uncritically they should view medical professionals.” ?
They banning mass gatherings but you can go to the supermarket? Huh? This sounds like riot control, not containment.
In Italy the supermarkets are open on week days and only a small number of people are allowed in at a time, those that have to queue outside keep at least a metre between them, all this is being done with a general sense of calm.
Ironically, the question as to whether coronavirus is real is irrelevant. The fact is that the powers that be need this virus – or something like it to implement the changes that are needed to protect them and their system. Therefore, the real threat comes from them and what they intend to do. And so far it looks like they are aiming to diminish and possibly even destroy the public services with the intention of re-introducing a medieval scenario. Everyone stays at home or at most stays within a small community – each of which will be securely monitored. It will be as if everyone has been relocated to Portmeirion, “The Village” where Patrick McGoohan was stranded for interrogation.
Socialism flood for the rich.
And a trickle for the poor.
Very conflicting messages from the govt. Basically they have now done a u-turn on mass gatherings and sporting events – still leaving us with the bread while the circuses have shut but one thing that struck was Johnson’s definitive comment that ‘your loved ones will die’. That is a statement of fact while at the same time during the same speech he refused to ban mass gatherings, shut schools etc. So basically you or your loved ones are going to die but we are not going to do anything. Wow.
Now they have banned these events but we can still go to work travelling through central London tube and train stations everyday but that’s ok?
This has all the hallmarks of a pysop and continues to remind me of 911 in the way the narrative appears set. I tend to agree with other commenters here who see this in terms of a managed decline of the economy and the massive liabilities etc.
Interesting times although condolences to anyone who has actually / does actually die.
Yes it’s nonsensical which is the obvious red flag that something else is going on.
So what excitement do we have today?
The virus is now MORE than a pandemic. It has become an “existential threat”.
And concerns about “Fake News”:
Predictable stuff with various straw men. Infowars, Trump, Fox News … ah but
You can trust the BBC. And who is telling you this? The BBC.
Can only reply that they are in such a bubble so detached from reality they believe their own bs.
The government is here to help:
Funny to a degree but still pushing the narrative and blaming Trump.