Toilet Paper Is the People’s Vaccine

Edward Curtin

Copyright: jpimedia

The coronavirus panic has resulted in hordes of people running after toilet paper. Such actions are the flip side of running with the bulls, except that I suspect those who run with the bulls have some sense of why they do it. I imagine the thrill is a bit different, even if the goal is similar.

The overriding narratives of every society are composed of myths and symbols. Societies operate within controlling mythic symbol systems whose primary purpose is to allow people to move through their lives on automatic pilot, believing they are safe from death and chaos in the arms of the authorities. All cultures revolve around death and the need to control people’s fears of it through the construction of symbols of reassurance.

People need to be convinced that they are protected. In “normal” times, all this goes relatively smoothly and the symbols of protection – such as the military, the primary institutions, and photos of the political leaders against a backdrop of flags – serve as a comforting security blanket. In times of extreme stress, however, whether real or created, the system of reassurance breaks down and people panic.

Enter the coronavirus and the run on toilet paper. Many economists and psychologists have commented on the fear that motivates this hoarding behavior. Most commentaries are true as far as they go. The problem is they don’t go very far and never touch the real issue. Hoarding is obviously done to quell the fear of running out. But running out of what?

Why toilet paper? The explanations I have seen say that toilet paper is an essential household item that is easy to hoard because it has no expiration date and comes in large packages that are light and easy to carry and store. All true. Fear induces hoarding, and people have gone insane hoarding all kinds of items, as if the plague to end the world were upon us, which is what the mass media keeps repeating as it whips up lunatic reactions. The end times are near! The Grim Reaper is at your door!

The authorities have inflamed this fear, as authorities are apt to do, since fear, and the fear of death and disease, is the greatest way to control people. Remember the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Fear went rampant and people ran to religious services for a while as elements within the U.S. government sent anthrax through the mail to heighten the fear.

But anthrax was nothing compared to the coronavirus’s spread and panic. With the 2001 attacks, the terrorist fear soon went onto the back burner to simmer away for all these years and keep everyone on an emergency fear footing so the government could execute its war and Patriot Act plans with little rebellion. It worked very well. Constant fear and anxiety became the norm as people internalized the 9/11 meme and its emergency phone number reminder.

But now the coronavirus panic is running wild and we don’t know when it will end. But why this frantic race to scoop up toilet paper? The answer should be quite obvious, but it isn’t because it is unconscious. People react to the real biological fear of death by adopting any means that might protect them from it. Excrement is the fundamental symbol of death. It suggests we are bodies and nothing more; that the symbols of transcendence, whether religious or secular, are mirages. Shit has always been so associated, and always will.

It has also long been associated in the Western imagination with the devil, Satan, the Lord of the underworld, who rules the pit of smelly steaming death where the bodies of people are deposited down in the earth to rot away. That’s it. No heaven, no immortality, just maggots in the dirt where shit descends. The thought that that is all we are doesn’t go over well with many people.

To accept that we are only bodies, and that civilization and cultures have been constructed upon symbols created to tell us this isn’t true are pipe dreams, is the fear that runs rampant in days such as these, with the coronavirus allegedly stalking everyone as if it were Mister Pumpkin Head ready to pounce.

The fundamental human fear is that we, like excrement, are destined to be buried and forgotten; that we will be buried in the earth or flushed down a toilet. The fear is that “dead” excrement is what we are and that all the shiny symbols erected by civilization to say we are more are just bullshit.

This fear is compounded when science often claims that everything religions have ever taught is hocus pocus. The religious symbol systems that were the overarching bulwarks of western civilization have been replaced by science and technology. But these twins have no answer for the fact of death, except to say it is inevitable and maybe we can help you to live a bit longer. Many people, if only unconsciously, might not be satisfied with that answer.

So when death comes courting in the guise of a so-called plague or pandemic, toilet paper will keep you safe and clean. You can wipe away any reminder that you are mortal and will return to the earth; that you will rot there unless you somehow believe in the transcendent spirit of days gone by.

Rather than focus on all the death unleashed by government violence – their alleged protectors – people are easily manipulated into fearing the wrong things and unconsciously seeking some innocuous symbol that might do the job.

Running with the bulls gives people the thrill of teasing death while defeating it. It must be very exciting.

Running after toilet paper is quite dull by comparison, but it serves a similar purpose.

It’s the people’s vaccine against death.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Mar 20, 2020 12:45 AM

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Mar 20, 2020 12:41 AM

Younger adults are large percentage of coronavirus hospitalizations in United States, according to new CDC data

White House officials warn millennials they are not immune


Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 16, 2020 4:16 PM



One wonders why it is there are people around who are queuing up to let this incompetent and criminally negligent UK Government off the hook for its abject failure?

One would think there is an agenda operating here? Distracting attention.

The comment attributed to Karl Rove about objective reality based communities v those who seek to impose their own subjective based realities onto others springs to mind.

We are certainly going to be dominating the Darwin Awards for some time. And some of those awards will not all be going to places, people, or media outlets, one would expect them to go to on present evidence.

The notion, for example, put out that in the past elderly people were left by medical GP’s to die at home en masse from flu symptoms is to be frank not only insulting to the intelligence it’s pure bullshit which needs calling out.

But only because I like them today (I might not like them tomorrow). Tomorrow I’ll probably be more inclined to let evolution take its course as the logic observed by Darwin clears out the gene pool.

Here lies X. Killed by something which does not exist.

Mar 16, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  Dave Hansell

An empty statement is any statement that is purported to provide information, but in reality it provides no information at all in the relevant conversational context.

You want an example?

‘ The notion, for example, put out that in the past elderly people were left by medical GP’s to die at home en masse from flu symptoms is to be frank not only insulting to the intelligence it’s pure bullshit which needs calling out.’

There you go

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 16, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Willem

You mean statements like this one:

“Makes only sense to me if the elderly who used to die at home due to end stage disease and flu like symptoms, were given as cause of death: end stage disease. The concomitant flu like symptoms were not even archived.”

The observation Medici cura to ileum springs to mind.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Dave Hansell

Cause of death-Shipman Syndrome.Surely you don’t think he was the only one.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  Dave Hansell

Well if you want an example of a statement that is purported to provide information, but in reality it provides no information at all in the relevant conversational context then how about “Medici cura to ileum”? Google translate determines that it is Latin and translates it as “Medical care to ileum”. And I see that “ileum” is defined as “the third portion of the small intestine, between the jejunum and the caecum”. Thinking that it might have some metaphorical meaning I just typed it in as a phrase but nothing came up. Perhaps it has some ultra-esoteric meaning? To which all I can say is: “Klaatu barada nikto”.

Mar 16, 2020 3:53 PM

This is a macabre tribute to the humble TP roll. But it is hilarious. But, rather than seeing the fantastic animation of matter, in myriad living forms–we dwell on their their temporality, not their magic. I would say that TP is an invocation of this nihilism. We long for death because we are not gods. TP is a form of worship.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  TowerofBabel

The cardboard inserts are great for protecting seedlings, planted out, from cut-worms. That’s why I bought 100,000 rolls.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 16, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  TowerofBabel

As a matter of fact, Holy Writ has it otherwise, “I tell you, you are gods. But you shall die like men.’

That brings your thought full circle, and completes the substantive difference.

Mar 16, 2020 3:31 PM

Happy to acknowledge that you can still convince experts by using argument. Today I convinced an expert The convincing argument went as follows Expert: COVID 19 needs to be stopped as it overflows the hospital IC units Counterargument: that is because all frail and elderly patients with pneumonia symptoms usually died in their own surroundings, while now they must all be saved in a hospital because they have coronavirus Argument: but these people really have lung disease, and in China countermeasures were very effective in halting the disease. Counterargument: maybe so, but what is also true is that at the same time Spring arrived in China, and coronaviruses don’t like Spring, that is warmer weather. Argument: but they also have coronavirus in hotter places, like Indonesia, Singapore Counterargument: Yes, but not as prevalent as here and the remaining coronaviruses probably spreads there through airconditioning Argument… Counterargument: have you noticed that coronavirus is more prevalent in Northern Spain and Northern Italy as compared with Southern Spain southern Italy. Even though measures in Northern Italy were in the beginning far more draconian than anywhere else? – It wasn’t the measures, it is Spring that stops common cold aka coronavirus. Counterargument: the numbers don’t add up. The average age of death due to coronavirus in NL is 79, and that is average, meaning many are older than 79. Makes only sense to me if the elderly who used to die at home due to end stage disease and flu like symptoms, were given as cause of death: end stage disease. The concomitant flu like symptoms were not even archived. Now everybody, including those with end stage disease get tacked with also having coronavirus and that is what leading to the high number of deaths ‘with’ coronavirus of which a large part is >80… Read more »

Mar 20, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  Willem

The expert was simply humoring and patronizing you.

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 16, 2020 2:49 PM
Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 16, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Dave Hansell

“Video not found”

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 16, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Apologies. Missing character:


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 16, 2020 2:46 PM

We are queuing for toilet rolls, but Amuricans are apparently queuing to buy guns (and toilet rolls).

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Ammunition sales were a record. Guns and toilet paper, the adornments of the Free World.

Mar 16, 2020 2:09 PM

“The fundamental human fear is that we, like excrement, are destined to be buried and forgotten; that we will be buried in the earth or flushed down a toilet.”

Wow. I hadn’t thought of that one. I like it. Give the Roto-Rooter man something to think about.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 1:06 PM
Mar 16, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Couldn’t open this link George, because I wouldn’t accept their cookies?
I am presuming that all the fossils in the cabinet and Lords will also be self isolating?? If not, then why not?
Where else can they get free access to child porn, 24/7? Boo hoo.

I know this article is from 2013, but what’s new?

Mar 16, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Magggie

“Couldn’t open this link George, because I wouldn’t accept their cookies?”

Don’t hit ‘Accept’, do hit ‘More Options’, turn everything off.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Sorry. The text reads;

Coronavirus: Brits face £1,000 fines or being detained if they refuse self-isolation

Details of the Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulation 2020, which were published on the government’s website, declare that Brits who do not abide by quarantine rules can be fined and then imprisoned

Police are set to be granted emergency powers if members of the public refuse self-isolation, it emerged tonight.

Those who flout the rules could be slapped with a £1,000 fine – or be detained.

It comes as over-70s are set to be made to go into self-isolation for four months even if they are not ill.

Police in England and Wales will be given emergency powers so they can use “reasonable force” to detain people who may infect others, The Telegraph reports.

Under the Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulation 2020, which have been published on the government’s website, people who are suspected of having the disease can be held for 14 days.

If they leave the secure location they are taken to, they can be moved to custody before being returned to the original place of quarantine.

A £1,000 fine will greet those who don’t comply, with prison waiting for those who do not pay.

Mar 16, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks for that George. Expect to see Westminster under lockdown then? And thank God we won’t be seeing sour faced Liz and big ears around then, for the next four months?
What in gods name are the plebs going to talk about now?
I wonder if Harry and Megan knew what was coming?

Mar 16, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thank you George. I have up voted you, but it hasn’t registered?? (…) We joke about toilet paper hoarders filling their spare rooms with two-ply, but it’s a symptom of a bigger problem – we’re addicted to consumerism, and even the idea of not being able to buy whatever we want, whenever we want is enough to make us lose our bloody minds. Civilisation has been built on scarcity but the idea is so foreign to first-world modern life we don’t even know where to start. With all the world’s technology and knowledge at our fingertips, we’re planning to survive for months on pasta and toilet paper. People are panic-buying flour with no real idea what they’re going to do with it. The supply chains that put food on our family tables are negotiated in multinational boardrooms, and they are more fragile than we might realise My late grandmother lived through poverty, wars and military occupation – if you had asked her how to prepare for hard times, she’d grab a spade and start digging a vegetable garden. If things really get bad, the garden growers will be better prepared for the future than the bunker stockers. If you planted the likes of spinach, Asian greens, snow peas or cabbages this weekend you’d be knee deep in homegrown fresh produce within a month or two, and it could last you all through winter. Even if you don’t have a green thumb – or any actual space for a garden – it’s absurd that we are right now walking straight past overflowing baskets of fresh produce so that if the shops close we can live off cans of tuna. Make sauerkraut from all the cabbages that are in season right now. Get a few heads of cauliflower and fill a dozen… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  Magggie

I have heard about low-lifes buying up toilet paper to sell it online for monstrously inflated figures and I’ve no doubt some asswipes (sorry!) will buy it. I have figured out that you don’t need toilet paper. A bucket filled with warm soapy water beside your toilet and a few bits of common sense will suffice. But there they go off to the shelves and off to ebay sweating their balls out! Assholes! Or let’s reclaim the language for the Brits! ARRRRseholes!

Mar 16, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Magggie

‘Our financial systems are unlikely to collapse in the near future.’

They are only held up by QE – the banks are still not sound. Cash machines may be turned off to ratchet the fear a bit more.
You don’t need head breaking storm troop thugs on the streets if the populace can be convinced to self police their rights away.

Mar 16, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Knee jerk ‘dangerous dog’ legislation for the flogging and hanging little britainer moronity.

Mar 20, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

An estimated 320,000 people are homeless in the UK – how are they supposed to self-isolate, let alone pay a fine of £1,000?

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Mar 16, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Same here. Whenever I access a website and it shoves an ‘Accept Cookies’ message in my face, with no option to carry on unless you do something, I immediately back off the site. Ignorant gits! If you stuck your face in between two people trying to have a conversation and insisted on them answering your question before continuing you’d be in danger of a black eye! So why is this type of behaviour acceptable online?

Mar 17, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  Magggie

Maggie…use a vpn and instruct your browser to clear all cookies on shutdown.

Mar 17, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  Watt

Thanks Watt, I have three ‘cleaners’ which I run after every session.

Mar 16, 2020 12:51 PM

The more a narrative fear-inciting bullying narrative is aimed at me the less attention I give it, and so I don’t allow my attention to be immersed in emotional reaction to the many sub-plots that could lose a larger awareness of what is actually happening, rather than what is being acted out within the archetypes and symbols of a fearful identification with the body. I read through the comment first just to see how much appreciation there was for Edward’s perspective, at least in terms of those who have so far responded. For he brings depth of an embracing awareness to a reactive fragmentation, and regardless of any points I would pick up on if sharing a conversation, it offers more of a quality of wisdom, than engaging in narrative struggle of information as ammunition for an already triggered identity, Identity of an attempt to re-adjust reality to cover over the shit, not least by fixating attention to the currently flagged ‘enemy’. Chaos and order are somewhat initiated with toilet training. As a bottom line of personal and social control over hateful guts, of noxious exposure. There is a psychic transference to ‘shit’ exposure – not least when the repackaged identifications hit the proverbial fan – when not only can it no longer remain concealed, as currency of common exchange, but no one is excluded its democratic unveiling. But here is the underlying attempt to direct the fan – as the framer and definer of the narrative – in the same way as a shape charge operates to amplify and direct explosives. WHO gets to define the standards from which all else proceeds? How transparent and accountable ie democratic – are the priesthoods and principalities of determining ‘scientific’ consensus as set and settled by the emergency reaction its own narrative… Read more »

Mar 16, 2020 11:50 AM

Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine Could Kill 8-16 Times More Senior Americans Compared to No Vaccine at All By Bill Sardi
radicalanarchismMarch 11th 2020, 1:21:15 pm · 5 days ago
Rate of death

Once hospitalized, if patients with severe infection experienced the same hospital death rate of 1.4% (derived from a study of hospitalized coronavirus patients in China), which includes non-vaccine related deaths due to medication errors, antibiotic resistance, etc., with the presumption vaccination among high-risk older age individuals would not be effective (develop sufficient antibodies), then startlingly 54,202 to 111,493 senior Americans would predictably succumb to side effects as a result of vaccination, compared to 7,026 predicted deaths if the entire senior population remained unvaccinated. Note: these same figures apply to flu vaccines in current use.

In this model, vaccination would increase the mortality rate by 8-16 times compared to no vaccination.

Given that vaccines ARE just attenuated versions of the very coronavirus itself, in a scenario of mass vaccination, it would be difficult to distinguish which infections and deaths were caused by the virus at large in the community from the virus in the vaccine. Health authorities and vaccine makers would likely cloak the number of individuals who develop sufficient antibodies on their own without vaccination. By categorically lumping vaccine-derived infection and death and cases of naturally acquired infection and subsequent death with seasonal cases of pneumonia, which is the present practice, a false rationale to maintain a mandated public vaccination program would be maintained. And no one would be the wiser.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

How’s the work on a SARS vaccine going?

Mar 16, 2020 11:48 AM
George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 10:40 AM

The Orwellian mind management continues:


Mar 16, 2020 8:38 AM

The advise of closing schools to reduce speed of spread while good ignores the fact of who exactly is going to look after the kids if the parents are working?

Usually it’s the grandparents…

Yeah I don’t believe they have quite thought this through in an otherwise actual good Groaniad article

Mar 16, 2020 8:56 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I saw that article myself this morning. It is bunk. Shocking nonsense. Propaganda. Unfortunately the author is an “epidemiologist” last and a disgraceful propagandist first.

I can’t say more now as I’m in a work environment but I will try to find time later to develop a little more of a breakdown. In the meantime, and profoundly not in a spirit of mockery or contention, could you explain why this article strikes you as good, and what information it contains you consider to be valuable. I ask because I am aware much thought can go in to the way these kind of supposed authoritative articles are constructed, I have seen it done, and some fairly sophisticated language tricks can be used. Again, this inquiry is not intended as confrontational or demeaning.

Hopefully more later.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 16, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  VirusGuy

Interestingly (at least according to Wikipedia, and I know that we don’t believe in Trickipedia on this forum), the term “Herd Immunity” was first used in 1923, and related to natural outbreaks of measles. However, pro-vax zealots always say or suggest that it only applies to a vaccinated population. (They don’t want to know about natural immunity (as opposed to vaccination-induced immunity)).

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 16, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Not read the article yet, but elsewhere I have seen the statistic of ~40% of children being looked after (at least part of the time) by grandparents. This tallies roughly with a lot of families we know personally.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 11:13 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“Yeah I don’t believe they have quite thought this through …”

Or perhaps they have thought it through perfectly?

Mar 16, 2020 8:36 AM

The oldest magician trick in the book. Distraction. While everyone is panicking over a virus that causes the common cold their life savings and pension funds are getting wiped out on the stock market. And when the dust settles that can blame CV. They must be laughing sop hard at the goyim

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 16, 2020 8:29 AM

I just figured out what COVID means: “Conned Our Voters Into Defeat”.

john pausa
john pausa
Mar 16, 2020 7:02 AM

News by the numbers, Gematria news effect zachary hubard who points out the obvious staring us all in the face…

Mar 16, 2020 5:40 AM

Mar 16, 2020 5:07 AM

Candidates for the Darwin award, they might even improve the human genome by removing themselves from it!


Mar 16, 2020 6:19 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Ad honinem.

Advice: Stop being angry, and think

Mar 16, 2020 6:24 AM
Reply to  Willem

How utterly presumptuous you are! I am not angry and I do think – obviously far more, far more deeply and far better than you.

Mar 16, 2020 4:51 AM

I started to stock up on toilet paper before anybody else. You gotta take care of the women – and they need toilet paper. It is not that there might be none, it is about absolutely needing it one day and being disallowed to go to the shops. Or going there and finding none on a day you really need it.

Bal S
Bal S
Mar 16, 2020 5:19 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Most women i know are more than capable of taking care of themselves and others.

Mar 16, 2020 8:56 AM
Reply to  Bal S

Yup woman are strong where it matters. On the inside.

Mar 16, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  Bal S

in fact women mostly take care of others.

Mar 16, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

What terrifies me is what they did before toilet paper!

Mar 16, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

what about tampons/pads!

Mar 16, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Spotted scrawled into the dirt on the back doors of a van (as an anti-theft warning) ‘No toilet rolls are kept in the back of this vehicle overnight’.

Ray Tuddle
Ray Tuddle
Mar 15, 2020 11:55 PM

ABC Australia is actually trying to compare the Spanish Flu (Millions infected and dead) with Coronavirus. A few thousand infected over weeks globally and a handful dead globally.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Mar 16, 2020 12:47 AM
Reply to  Ray Tuddle

The ABC is no longer a sober, proportionate and balanced reporter of news.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Mar 16, 2020 5:07 AM

The ABC was emasculated under Howard.
They now do the bidding of corporate psychopaths.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Mar 16, 2020 6:37 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Only too true (particularly in relation to its coverage of international events).

Boot Hill
Boot Hill
Mar 16, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

ALPBC emasculated?? WTF?? It still gets its 1 billion pa of taxpayers money. Now its up to 1.3 billion pa I believe. If they are short of a few quid I don’t think the admittedly ghastly former PM Howard was the problem. Probably its paying too much to all the LGBTQ+ staff it underemploys.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Mar 16, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  Boot Hill

Check out who sits on the board Boot.
Libtard flunkies.
And they call the shots.
Far right shots.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:18 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Boot Hill is obviously under the impression that this is the Daily Telecrap web-site. He’s looking for his daily fix of Andrew Bolt, mainlined.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  Boot Hill

Liberal Party homophobe-as common as fleas on a mangy dog.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:16 PM

Since the Howardisation after 1996. Not reversed by Rudd and Gillard, now fully Murdochised, in staff and management, as well. Like the Australian of the air-waves, and the very centre of Sinophobic hate propaganda.

Mar 16, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  Ray Tuddle

I must admit, I thought the US was bad but Australia. Wow! Why do they have so many news channels. They all say exactly the same thing without exception. How do these reporters live with themselves. Spewing out lies and deceit with a straight face day in day out. Do they they think they will be exempt from what’s coming? Think again.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Mar 16, 2020 6:41 AM
Reply to  Rustin

The ABC was mandated to provide an independent news service. For years now, it has allowed the commercial media and the BBC to set its news agenda.

Boot Hill
Boot Hill
Mar 16, 2020 10:41 AM

Well then you know who to blame. All the LGBTQ+ staff that infest the place and think its all about them. If they borrow crap from the commercial channels its because that stuff is about the uninteresting stuff that heteros do, which they can’t be bothered with.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Boot Hill

Of course you do know what an obsession with mythical ‘gays’ indicates about the paranoiac concerned.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Rustin

No Groupthink, no well-paid job.

Mar 16, 2020 4:14 AM
Reply to  Ray Tuddle

169,387 is a few thousand? 6,513 is a handful?

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Mar 16, 2020 7:25 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Around the world 800,000 people commit suicide every year.
And millions die in car accidents.
Perspective please.

Mar 16, 2020 7:59 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Suicide – personal choice and not contagious.
Car accidents – individual (ir)responsibilities and not contagious.

Mar 16, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  Biff

Don’t be daft. It is a verifiable position, a difference of opinion with the happy deny-it-all fraternity.

Mar 16, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Let’s not exaggerate – 1.25 million is not millions.

“Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.”


Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Mar 16, 2020 8:21 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

So they’re inconsequential?

Mar 16, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Fair, me old mucker-this thing has just gotten started. Come back in six months and see what has transpired. One thing it has already killed, stone dead, is the neo-liberal bubble economy. It is no more, gone to Glory, joined the Choir Invisible, turned up its toes and paid its debt to Nature.

Mar 16, 2020 8:54 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

The troll is back. No one is buying into your BS so go away.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to  Biff

Biff, try an argument, not a reflex ejaculation.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 16, 2020 7:21 AM
Reply to  Ray Tuddle

Even if you boycott the mainstream presstitutes (including ABC) and don’t buy into the whole fearmongered hysteria… You still can’t get away from the doom and gloom.
Trains in Melbourne are now broadcasting Coronavirus safety announcements over the intercom, and urging anyone who thinks they have the virus to consult a medical professional urgently….
Can you hear the faint crunch crunch sound off in the distance Ray?
It’s the sound of goosesteps…
2 more broadcasts on the platform while I finished this reply…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:26 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

These geese couldn’t organise a decent goose-step, let alone a Reich, in a million years. A religious despotism, Hillsong meets Gilead-now that’s a possibility.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 17, 2020 1:10 AM

The army is now on the streets of Paris. Macron has ‘suspended’ local elections due Mar 22nd and there is now a 15 day lockdown with a curfew from 6 pm.
Anyone caught outside without having an ‘official’ certificate explaining why they are will be… punished.
Yes, I know, that’s France – but you can just imagine creatures like Dutton, Hastie and Fallujah Jim literally *%#@* themselves at the prospect of this happening in Aussie.

Mar 15, 2020 11:13 PM

Toilet paper makes sense. To deal with all the bullshit!

Mar 15, 2020 11:11 PM

Ok for these who are brave stock market warriors tomorrow looks like the time to wait for the drop and start buying in with grossly undervalued dividend paying stocks, now that Pence has been forced to run out of rope(trump will not be running with him as vice president – he will finally be free of the deep state) and set the collapse rolling. I guess markets will be closed after 10% drop. Try and buy at 9.5% drop pre ordered. I doubt they will reopen tuesday. If they do fill your boots. Once in a hundred year event with these who are in cash. Good luck all.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 16, 2020 6:44 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Been a lot of 100 year events recently:

1. Sell the pound on Brexit night.
2. Buy the pound on day Britain left EU officially.
3. Lay Hillary Clinton at 1.01 in 2016.

Quite a few more……

Anyone would think that they were being created………

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:29 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Well it’s plain that the Super Tuesday primaries were rigged against Sanders by the corrupt voting machines, as they were in 2016. Yet Sanders, once again, refuses to fight, and treats his ‘friend’ the dementing, corrupt, wretched Biden with kid-gloves, rolling over as he did in 2016.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Mar 15, 2020 10:29 PM

And now this:

You just despair! There have only been 81,000 cases in China FFS! And they’ve now got it under control.

Mar 16, 2020 4:58 AM
Reply to  Alan Tench

They have popup hospitals for thousands; our semi-privatized health systems do not have that. If the vaccine is 12 to 18 months away you then need to add large scale manufacturing and roll out. That would be another year. So the the current crisis/danger mode will last two years plus.

The ABC is knobbled. But things change and the COVID-19 crisis will probably bring that dynamics. There is the chance to cut expenditure on war preparations because during the crisis they cannot really do the big war.

Mar 16, 2020 9:03 AM
Reply to  Wilmers31

Quick question, are you not in epidemiology and did you not previously offer the opinion nCoV is a hoax? You seem to have changed your mind?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 16, 2020 6:45 AM
Reply to  Alan Tench

The journalist concerned and Katherine Viner should be sent to prison for writing that nonsense.

The concept of a journalist’s LICENSE TO PRACTICE is now required.

One that can be taken away from liars.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Mar 15, 2020 10:23 PM

Here we go:

You just knew this was coming, didn’t you?

Is Gruber (aka Matt Hancock) a complete and utter idiot or what?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 16, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  Alan Tench

I don’t mind having a test. It’s the thought of (one day) compulsory bloody vaccinations that really bothers me.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:30 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

I’ll take a test, but no ‘vaccine’, that’s for sure.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 15, 2020 7:41 PM

14 more UK deaths bringing the total to 35:


The Department of Health announced on Sunday that 14 more patients have died – all in England – after being diagnosed with COVID-19.

They were aged between 59 and 94 and had underlying health conditions, according to NHS England.

Note again that they “had underlying health conditions”. And the actual ages within that 35 year range are unspecified.

Of the definite ages mentioned in the earlier figure of 21,

3 were in their 60s
5 in their 70s
8 in their 80s
1 in the 90s
Leaving 4 unspecified.

Keep tuned. I’m sure all will be revealed.

Mar 16, 2020 12:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Unusually, the 59 year old has been named – just as if it’s a case to serve as an example: look, “young” people too can die [of pneumonia].

Mar 16, 2020 9:43 AM
Reply to  yerib68094

…And he had underlying health problems. He’d been medically retired from the police force 10 years ago after suffering a heart attack and was classified as unable to work. He was admitted to hospital last Thursday after suffering breathing difficulties. His wife has realistically said that it is too early to say yet what the cause of death was.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Mar 16, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  George Mc

(“Influenza killed about 80,000 people in the 2017-2018 season, according to figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”) – Statistics for American flu deaths from the Washington Post.

Remember the nationwide lockdown, the school closures, people working from home, sports being shut down, all the endless MSM publicity and the palpable fear pervading American society? Yeah, well, me neither.

Mar 15, 2020 7:33 PM

However bleak the situation may become, there are potentially very positive (unintended) long term consequences. That may sound callous, but history provides valuable guide of what to expect. It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good. The Black Death of 1348 killed off a third or more of the population of Europe, maybe 20 out of 60 million. Nobody really knows. But in the aftermath of that disaster, the peasants had never had it so good. Their labour was in short supply and they could demand wages and conditions unthinkable only a few years earlier. Unworked land was there for the asking, and many progressed from semi slaves to independent yeoman farmers. Feudalism collapsed. After the sacrifices of privations of WW2, people were not prepared to go back to the old status quo. So despite the total bankruptcy of the country, the NHS was created. There was a massive programme of social housing, and a commitment to full employment. Women had far greater opportunities than previously. Class divisions were eroded. The current crisis, if it can be so described, is already impinging on people’s lives in ways that were never experienced during traumatic periods like 2008. When it has hopefully run its course in a few months’ time, people will begin to ask searching questions of the corporate, globalist neoliberal order that has been imposed upon them over the past few decades. They will be confronted with the weakness and fragility of the system they have endured for so long. Which does not work to meet their needs or serve their interests, which never has done and never will do. They may decide that the whole Ponzi scheme has run its course, and it is high time for things to change. They may ask why we need to accept… Read more »

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:33 PM
Reply to  paul

The greatest ecological collapse since the End Permian ‘Great Dying’ is proceeding at least one order of magnitude or two faster than that event. CoVid19 is irrelevant in the long-term. The Bosses know this, so I expect a final throw of the dice in the form of a Nipah type virus, but with CoVid19 transmissibility.

Mar 15, 2020 6:59 PM

In my own social circles I know hundreds of people, who also know hundreds of people. In my own circle I’ve not heard of a single person yet who’s been infected with Covid 19, let alone died from it.

The posters on this web site collectively have social circles that run to many thousands of people.

Have you, dear posters, heard of anyone in your social circle who has been diagnosed with covid 19, or has died from it?

Mar 15, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  RobG

Yes, I have. A 32-years-old friend of a friend died of it in her home on Thursday in Geneva, Switzerland. The Covid-19 was diagnosed through a post-mortem. She did suffer of other illnesses.

Mar 15, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

That explains a lot of your commenting on this issue, I am sorry to hear that news, and thanks for sharing that personal info.

Would you agree that, just to make certain that COVID19 could be a stronger cause for death as compared with other infectious diseases, that a matched study (e.g., on age, sex, comorbidity) where you compare COVID19 positive cases with COVID19 negative cases and follow them for a month with death as outcome could be beneficial?

For me that would add some light in the complete darkness as to whether COVID19 is for real. And since the design is logistically very simple (as all the information is very likely available in patient charts), I would expect that such studies would already have been conducted.

But when I search internet, all I find are case-reports of people with COVID19 and no comparison studies..

And if I propose such a study as mentioned above to experts, I receive divine treatment, ie hear no answer.

All of that I find weird, and quite suspicious…

Mar 15, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  RobG


And all in my social circle which includes high ups and low ups believe none of Covid19.

They are quite scared though and I concur. Not knowing where this will go to is scary

For that reason I put my first prediction on when at least the scare of COVID19 will end, which will be when Spring is coming (and corinaviruses becomes less prevalent), in NL that is within 7-14 days.

I would like to acknowledge that (like others here) work in Medicine. There many believe Covid19 is for real, although some (but not all) open up when you talk sense about this thing. I particularly have problems with understanding the doctors who believe this thing. Might it be that this feeling of ‘saving people’ through hard work and toughness is numbing their sceptical mind, as if they are participating in a series of band of brothers? – I just can’t get my head around it.

The experts I know: ‘they wouldn’t be sitting where they are sitting if they would believe something different’ (Chomsky to Marr quote), which is quite an achievement of self-deception as it is their job to distinguish fact from fiction…

Mar 15, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Willem

Confirmed: 1,135
Deaths: 20
Recovered: 2
Active: 1,113

Mar 16, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

confirmed how? by whom?

Mar 15, 2020 7:33 PM
Reply to  Willem

From the fine art of baloney detection ‘We tell children about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy for reasons we think emotionally sound, but then disabuse them of these myths before they’re grown. Why retract? Because their well-being as adults depends on them knowing the world as it really is. We worry, and for good reason, about adults who still believe in Santa Claus.‘ That advice does not apply to experts. Or does it? “Men dare not avow, even to their own hearts,” wrote the philosopher David Hume, the doubts which they entertain on such subjects. They make a merit of implicit faith; and disguise to themselves their real infidelity, by the strongest asseverations and the most positive bigotry. This infidelity has profound moral consequences, as the American revolutionary Tom Paine wrote in The Age of Reason: Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. T. H. Huxley’s formulation was The foundation of morality is to … give up pretending to believe that for which there is no evidence, and repeating unintelligible propositions about things beyond the possibilities of knowledge.” Or in my own words, the experts are toast, it is all self-inflicted and they know it, yet can never admit it. And this is hard for me, because the experts I know are not bad people at all. They just think that they are smart: playing the… Read more »

Mar 16, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  Willem

No apologies required. I, for one, found it quite refreshing and fortifying. As for knowing anyone who was infected, I myself had a week long infection of the mind. Then I stumbled on this blog. Eureka, the cure and antidote in one fell swoop. Happy day! Cheers!!


Mar 15, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  Willem

The journalist analogy is a good one possibly. A while back Huw Edwards was arguing on Twitter with independent analysts and journalists who say BBC has been taken over by institualised group think. Edwards just couldn’t get it that people weren’t saying he and others were paid liars or told specifically what to write, but that journalists to an extent operate between certain unspoken parameters absent of critical thought.

Look at John Simpson – a so called expert on the Middle East. He was once when he wrote about and visited these places. Now he hasn’t a clue because journalism has changed and been dumbed down.Group think is common in most professions, the medical profession no exception and certainly talking out of turn is a no no.

Mar 15, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Very true of the medical profession whose scientific independence was gutted by the lawyers in the wake of the Shipman case.
“Exceptional cases make bad law” says the lawyers’ adage.
But that’s exactly what they’ve done to British medicine.
It’s now dead in the water.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Mar 16, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Groupthink is rampant in the corporate and state media. When I complained to a ‘news outlet’ about its biased and one sided reporting on a contentious issue, its main response amounted to ‘that’s what all the other news outlets are saying’.

Mar 16, 2020 4:26 PM

commentators too! + censorship/banning.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 16, 2020 6:50 AM
Reply to  Willem

Doctors in the main are not independent thinkers. They follow the ‘party line’ as it were.

Amazing how many believe what they are told.

Mar 16, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

and violate their oath.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I worked in hospitals for years. The medical staff ‘believed’ what the Head of Department believed. Sheep in white coats.

Mar 15, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  RobG

A 26 years-old man now is in intensive care at the University Hospital, Geneva, in a serious condition.

Mar 15, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

wow, I bet that’s never happened before, ever in the history of the world. nobody ever heard of pneumonia, until two weeks ago. it must be some unstoppable plague.

be very afraid.

Mar 15, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  milosevic

He has Covid-19.

Mar 15, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

so does everybody with pneumonia, these days.

Mar 15, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Pneumonia caused by Covid-19.

Mar 16, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka


Mar 16, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

@ Vierotchka, So he has a pneumonia. And a PCR test has been administered and produced a result consistent with him having trace DNA in his body that has at least some resemblance to the DNA (converted RNA) that has been assigned to the theorised nCoV

This is not by a long shot the same as saying he has an active virus called nCoV-19 that has produced a pneumonia.

Crucially, why is this very young man sickening? Does he have any comorbidities or immuno deficiencies? Has he been tested for any of the current flu pathogens? Diagnosing him as a case number for COVID-19 is ultimately a political decision I am afraid, and I urge you to comprehend this and not be fooled by what is essentially a trick

Mar 16, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

but why?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  RobG

I’m sorry, but do you really think that situation won’t change?

Mar 15, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  RobG

Thanks for the interesting replies. I still see no concrete proof here that a pandemic is actually happening. Feel free to disprove me if you want to: it’s why I started this thread.

I have three elderly aunties back in the UK who are all terrified by this.

I try to reassure them.

No one is dying large scale, beyond the usual flu deaths at this time of year.

But in the meantime the police state is being rolled out big time.

That’s what I would say is what people really need to worry about.

Mar 16, 2020 4:07 AM
Reply to  RobG

A pandemic is a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents, or worldwide. OVID-19, has spread to at least 114 countries and territories on six continents, therefore, Covid-19 is a pandemic.

Mar 16, 2020 4:11 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Oooops – COVID and not OVID – Covid-19 is not a Roman poet!

Mar 16, 2020 4:40 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

therefore, Covid-19 is a pandemic.

— so is the ordinary flu. what’s your point?

Mar 16, 2020 5:04 AM
Reply to  milosevic

I was replying to RobG’s statement above:

I still see no concrete proof here that a pandemic is actually happening.

You need to focus on what people write and/or improve your reading comprehension capacities.

Mar 16, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  milosevic

“therefore, Covid-19 is a pandemic.

— so is the ordinary flu. what’s your point?”

That COVID-19 is a pandemic but ‘seasonal’ flu, what you call ‘ordinary’ flu is not. Seasonal flu is endemic.

Mar 16, 2020 10:08 AM
Reply to  RobG


You and others might be interested to see this paper which discusses the issue of how and why the WHO first came out with the current definition for ‘pandemic’ in 2009. I shall not attempt to summarise it but it makes for interesting reading as it covers the social and economic consequences of effectively downgrading the previous dictionary definition.

Those of us of a certain age are more familiar with the former definition of pandemic as ‘an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population’.


Mar 16, 2020 11:51 AM
Reply to  RobG

many find this also including online contacts. everybody is screaming fire because everybody is screaming fire…..

Mar 15, 2020 5:49 PM

The herd shit themselves

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 15, 2020 5:45 PM

The irony of this is that dirrhea is listed as something you don’t see with COVID-19 infection.

Its possible that the shortages are also driven by a misplaced attempt to profit from the probem….


This article raises some interesting questions. Its easy to condemn profiteering — during wartime this sort of thing would get you into serious legal trouble — but at the same time we’ve got used to legitmate sellers profiteering all the time, be it drugs, fuel or avocardoes.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

There’s deep psychology at work. Excrement is fundamental, if you like, to human pathopsychology, being symbolic of rot, decay, uncleanness and death. I reckon the toilet paper panic may be a psy-ops test, for the coming Big One, when the culling of the ‘useless eaters’ begins, and hysterical panic will be useful in spreading the contagion.

Mar 16, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“The irony of this is that dirrhea is listed as something you don’t see with COVID-19 infection.”

The panic buyers are probably not thinking so much about the problem that might arise if they have a diarrhoeaic attack of COVID-19 so much as the problem that might arise if they have an attack of being locked in their homes for a couple of weeks. Toilet paper, canned food, candles, etc., are standard on the must-have lists for every long-term movement- and shopping-restricting event.

Mar 20, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Diarrhea and other digestive symptoms are the main complaint in nearly half of coronavirus patients, Chinese researchers report. Most patients with the coronavirus have respiratory symptoms, but these findings from the early stages of the outbreak show that digestive problems are prevalent in many patients with COVID-19.

“Clinicians must bear in mind that digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea, may be a presenting feature of COVID-19, and that the index of suspicion may need to be raised earlier in these cases rather than waiting for respiratory symptoms to emerge,” wrote the investigators from the Wuhan Medical Treatment Expert Group for COVID-19.


Mar 15, 2020 4:57 PM

I just heard on the radio that in Spain they are policing the lockdown using spy drones armed with speakers. Hell is truly upon us. This is what happens when you let the Nazis take over. This is what happens when flase flag events like 911 and 77 are allowed to take place with zero scrutiny from the masses. The chickens are now coming home to roost.
What a fucking horrible, disgusting world we have created.

Mar 15, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I saw on a French TV channel that the drones were equipped with loudspeakers and reminding people out in the streets of the precautious they should take. It is not the same thing as policing, it is informing.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 15, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

You jest surely

Mar 15, 2020 8:31 PM

No, I don’t jest at all.

In the capital, however, the town hall was forced to close parks after many people continued their Saturday morning jogs and other outdoor pastimes, with municipal police resorting to airborne drones with speakers to urge people to go home.


Police urge Spanish to stay home on first day of national lockdown

15 Mar 2020


Mar 16, 2020 3:53 AM
Reply to  Vierotchka

This is ridiculous. We should be encouraged to get out and about, especially in the sunshine, for sunlight exposure so our bodies can make Vitamin D. Vitamin D is good for the immune system and helps to reduce susceptibility to infections.

The drones should be advising people to take precautions and avoid places where they can’t use social distancing.

Telling people to stay home only wards off infection for a short while. Once lockdown is lifted and people start interacting again, because they have been deprived of nutrients and sun exposure while at home (especially if they live in apartments in the cities), the pandemic will come roaring back.

Mar 15, 2020 8:32 PM

Confirmed: 7,798
Deaths: 289
Recovered: 517
Active: 6,992

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 15, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Or, as an alternate and even less incredible “conspiracy theory”, it could all be a dry run for NWO martial law.

Even if it were all sincere, they sure are mining a lot of data on us.

Mar 15, 2020 8:35 PM

Drones with loudspeakers in Madrid urge citizens to return to their homes

March 14, 2020

The Municipal Police of Madrid have used drones equipped with loudspeakers this Saturday to urge citizens to seclude themselves in their homes to prevent further contagion of coronavirus.

Municipal sources have confirmed to Efe the use of these devices, which have been used, as Efe has been able to verify, in areas such as the vicinity of the Toledo Bridge.

Eyewitnesses have indicated that they have seen evidence of use of the devices, whose loudspeakers warn that, due to the state of alarm, citizens must go home.


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Possibly they might be less Orwellian if they played soporific music before booming out, like the Voice of God, their warnings and recommendations. They ought not, of course, be equipped with surveillance cameras-some hope.

Mar 15, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  Mucho

indeed, the global fascist police state is now open for business.

*Police use drones to enforce movement restrictions in Spain*


*Every Briton over the age of 70 will be told “within the coming weeks” to stay at home for an extended period*


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 15, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  milosevic

Should reduce attendance at the House of Lords then.

Possibly BJ, following his new-found socialist largesse with public money, will take this opportunity to abolish the House of Lords altogether.

Mar 15, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Drones with loudspeakers in Madrid urge citizens to return to their homes

March 14, 2020

The Municipal Police of Madrid have used drones equipped with loudspeakers this Saturday to urge citizens to seclude themselves in their homes to prevent further contagion of coronavirus.

Municipal sources have confirmed to Efe the use of these devices, which have been used, as Efe has been able to verify, in areas such as the vicinity of the Toledo Bridge.

Eyewitnesses have indicated that they have seen evidence of use of the devices, whose loudspeakers warn that, due to the state of alarm, citizens must go home.


Mar 15, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Spot on, Mucho.

Mar 15, 2020 4:57 PM

Turn OFF the TV and the RADIO and Con virus Does NOT exist.
1984/ Brave New World anyone?

Mar 16, 2020 4:48 AM
Reply to  Magggie

The terror that Winston already felt was suddenly shot through by a streak of ordinary embarrassment. It seemed to him quite possible that he had simply made a stupid mistake. For what evidence had he in reality that O’Brien was any kind of political conspirator? Nothing but a flash of the eyes and a single equivocal remark: beyond that, only his own secret imaginings, founded on a dream. He could not even fall back on the pretence that he had come to borrow the dictionary, because in that case Julia’s presence was impossible to explain. As O’Brien passed the telescreen a thought seemed to strike him. He stopped, turned aside and pressed a switch on the wall. There was a sharp snap. The voice had stopped.

Julia uttered a tiny sound, a sort of squeak of surprise. Even in the midst of his panic, Winston was too much taken aback to be able to hold his tongue.

‘You can turn it off!’ he said.

‘Yes,’ said O’Brien, ‘we can turn it off. We have that privilege.’


Mar 16, 2020 1:46 PM
Reply to  milosevic

PRECISELY! Milo…. Precisely!
It is the flue season, just deal with it…

Mar 20, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  Magggie

There’s a season for flues? Not everyone has chimeys, you know.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 15, 2020 4:44 PM

The problem most people have is that they simply cannot imagine that they are controlled by seriously psychopathic groupings, people who see ‘acceptable collateral damage’ as just one of those things, people who are master race eugenicists and worse. So they simply do not start from the supposition that someone very nasty is trying to ruin your life, steal your assets, destroy your way of life. Right now, people are being told not to: 1. Go out at all if they over 70. 2. Stop going to large public events, be that sport, music, mass fun runs, and presumably beach holidays in the summer. 3. Take any foreign holidays. 4. Socialise in pubs, restaurants etc. I mean: how did humans suddenly become so pathetic that a few germs here and there would make them all drop down dead? I am very clear that the richest people, who are controlling this move to fascistic world government, must face the death sentence if they do anything which resembled their normal life until everyone else can do similar. 1. ban all private jet flights and shoot down any planes flying a single rich individual. 2. Stop the rich travelling to all their foreign bolt holes, be they in the Caribbean, South America, the outback, wherever. They stay in one place, like everyone else. Shoot them on sight if they disobey. This may sound extreme, but there cannot be any question of the rich having anything other than one hundred times worse punishments than the poor. they cannot have any privileged existence whatever, they cannot speak to a single politician without the conversation being recorded and put out for public consumption, and any politician who transgresses has their entire greater family shot dead. You think asking rich folks nicely to suffer like everyone else… Read more »

Mar 15, 2020 4:33 PM

My explanation:
comment image

To this please hear Eric Burdon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAcMzuu70A8

Mar 15, 2020 4:19 PM

A US Army biohazard lab in Seattle was closed in August 2019 for failing safety checks.

369 American soldiers went to Wuhan for “military games” in October 2019 . . . and were quartered right next to the market.

The Chinese picked up the outbreak in December 2019 at . . . Wuhan market.

American cases kicked off on January 21st 2020 . . . in Seattle.


Mar 15, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  Einstein

No, E., it was just some bats that had gone off a bit. Honest.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 15, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  Einstein

And surely those brave GI’s would have been vaccinated before venturing onto furrin soil wouldn’t they?

I wonder what they were vaccinated with?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 15, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  Einstein

A woman told me that here on the street a few days ago, without the details. Wouldn’t be the first black op if it’s kind.

Mar 15, 2020 4:14 PM

This is a big one. How do experts tell the story of the origin of the China epidemic? The story is always important. The medical professionals need to make it sound credible. If it has major flaws, it’s as if a stage magician screws up a trick in full view of the audience. As he’s sawing a woman in a box in half, everyone sees her sneaking out of the back of the box. Busted. That’s what’s happening in the case of the so-called China epidemic. According to Chinese and international public health agencies, the epidemic started in Wuhan, in a hospital, with a single patient who had pneumonia. The doctors could find no cause. Soon, researchers discovered the never-before-seen coronavirus in the patient. Really? Let’s break this down. The doctors couldn’t find a cause for the patient’s pneumonia. That means they didn’t locate the usual bacteria or viruses said to be responsible for pneumonia. They were puzzled. BUT as I’ve pointed out in past articles, the city of Wuhan is famous for clouds of foul pollution. The unprecedented combination of toxic compounds in the air constitutes a clear and present danger. Last summer, there was a large protest in the city focusing on this very issue. When lots of people take to the streets in China, you know the issue is serious—because the brutal government doesn’t take kindly to public expressions of dissatisfaction. SO…who cares if doctors in a Wuhan hospital couldn’t find familiar bacteria or viruses in a PNEUMONIA patient? LOOK AT THE AIR POLLUTION. You want a cause for lung problems? THERE IT IS. In other words, why would this patient be a mystery in the first place? Why would researchers look for a virus no one had ever seen before? This whole origin-story is absurd. It… Read more »

Mar 15, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Quite so. This condition exacerbated by the ‘local’ population(several millions of’em) suffering from chronic depleted immune systems. Blame it on the bug! Coroney baloney, I say. When the London smog was around, lots of premature deaths. We’ll be seeing clear blue skies before long.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 15, 2020 10:18 PM
Reply to  Watt

Very good point. Cigarette smoking was very fashionable back in the days of the London smogs, making the problem even worse.

Are the Chinese still heavy cigarette smokers?

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 15, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Magggie

“IF it has major flaws.” Precisely. If. Let’s look at a few basic questions. Like why it was that a city “well known” for its pollution levels has only suddenly started getting people attending hospital of GP facilities with chest problems on December 26 2019 rather than constantly for every day for the past umpteen years? Or why it is that Dr Zhang, who first brought these cases to the attention of the Chinese authorities, along with his professional peers in the medical profession who all have decades of medical experience and training between them cannot tell the difference between pollution induced chest problems and flu symptoms. See chart 7 on the link below https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/covid-19-exponential-threat-why-global-politicians-business-leaders-must-act-now?utm_campaign=&utm_content=ZeroHedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_source=zh_newsletter Because even I can tell the difference. Having just returned from a two week tour of India (to a UK with no basic common sense containment protocols in place at ports of entry) involving heavily polluted cities like Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur the pollution got to my chest and throat straight away. The three night stay in the hills at Shimla was a welcome relief. However, on return to the UK the effects started to come out in cold like symptoms. But not like any cold I’ve ever had. And certainly not flu. No fuzzy head. No sinus pressure. Like I’d got a small ball bearing stuck in the bullet. Not constantly blowing the nose on tissue paper/bog roll and making it sore but occassional bouts of coughing and blowing the nose as the mucus on the chest started to come through. Certainly no on your back aching all over you get with any flu symptoms. A bit tired. But that was down to the hectic travel schedule on someone my age. I was up and about able to go on occassional walks to aid… Read more »

Mar 15, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Thanks Maggie, really interesting blog

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Magggie

The description of the Chinese Government as ‘brutal’ gives you away Maggie (Thatcher?). The rest is gibberish.

Mar 16, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Your reporting is ill-researched and misses multiple major points. The (now) best known Wuhan medical worker–Li Wenliang, an opthalmologist–who is generally labelled a ‘whistleblower’, blew his whistle only within a private WeChat group of medics who were already discussing the matter (wondering if it was a recurrence of the earlier SARS outbreak) by reporting that a whole cluster of cases had been put into isolation. Someone else publicly leaked much of the discussion, including Li Wenliang’s contribution, causing him to be concerned that he would be reprimanded. That was the case and he was made to promise that he would not repeat the matter. He didn’t, but he did become a vocal critic of the early handling of the outbreak in general. That is about 1/10th of the whole initial story, the other 9/10ths of which you seem to be unaware of. But, if so, only for lack of looking.

Still, just another par for the common course of factual posting in these parts, at least as devoid of fact as is the reviled MSM’s everyday output on any topic, and not as bizarre as the determination of 95% of the denizens of these forums to resist the oncoming paranoia blob, contemplation of which is even further damaging their sanity–the stalwart paranoid’s equivalent of John Doe’s stockpile of bogroll–with a concerted blast of overheated air.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The Dr. Li garbage is pure ‘fake news’. The Wuhan health authorities were aware of the outbreak and working to define its nature and origin at the same time that Li was chatting with colleagues. The Wuhan and Chinese authorities acted with alacrity, as WHO has declared, but that does not suit the Sinophobic hate propaganda peddlers.

Mar 15, 2020 4:12 PM

A US Army biohazard lab in Seattle was closed in August 2019 for failing safety checks.

369 American soldiers went to Wuhan for “military games” in October 2019 . . . and were quartered right next to the market.

The Chinese picked up the outbreak in December 2019 at . . . Wuhan market.

American cases kicked off on January 21st 2020 . . . in Seattle.


Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers
Mar 15, 2020 5:59 PM
Reply to  Einstein

Hubei began picking up cases about mid-November, so not too long after these military games, see: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3074991/coronavirus-chinas-first-confirmed-covid-19-case-traced-back

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 16, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Einstein

I believe it was Fort Detrick in Maryland, not Seattle.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 15, 2020 3:54 PM

Here’s an instructional tale from The Land Of The Free:


In brief: A guy from Miami goes to China and comes back with flu symptoms. He does the decent thing and goes off to get a medical check. He finds he has regular flu. He goes home happy. He then finds his health insurance doesn’t cover the test and he gets hit for a bill for $3,270 (=£2665.04). The “good” news: He only has to pay $1,400 (=£1,140.99). But he also has to “provide additional documentation: three years of medical records to prove that the flu he got didn’t relate to a preexisting condition.”

Now here’s the question: If you were an American and you had heard this tale and you were experiencing a dry cough etc., what would you think? Here’s exactly what I would think: “Well fuck that test! I’ve either got the Big Bad or I don’t. If I don’t then I’ll probably be OK. If I do …well, there’s no cure anyway so what the hell? I may die but at least I’ll due without owing anyone.” (And in the meantime, I may well go about infecting any number.)

Mar 15, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Excellent logic.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Mar 15, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George – Exactly! America’s completely (amoral, heartless, safety-net free version of neoliberalism) + (a contagious disease) = one big freaking cluster-F! What could possibly go wrong with our nationwide “response?” Rather, to rephrase the question, what could possibly go wrong that anyone with two functioning neurons to rub together couldn’t have predicted as a disaster even decades ago? Almost half our nation is living paycheck to paycheck and healthcare costs even for those with insurance are still the prime cause of most bankruptcies.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The most inhuman aspect of the most inhuman and predatory system ever created. The Shining Shit-house on a Hill.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Mar 15, 2020 3:18 PM

In Santa Clara California, 45 miles from San Francisco there’s a quirky house built at the turn of the 20th Century called the “Winchester Mystery House.” The house is seven stories high strew together in a haphazard fashion too indyoscrcatic to be designed by an architect in his right mind. There’s doors and stairs going nowhere, windows overlooking other rooms and stairs with odd-sized risers. The story has it that Sarah Winchester the wealthy widow of the Winchester Gun manufacturer built the home in Santa Clara on the advice of a medium during a seance. After her infant daughter died of an illness known as marasmus, a children’s disease in which the body wastes away, and her husband died of pulmonary tuberculosis, a Boston medium channeling her late husband advised her to leave her home in New Haven Connecticut, and travel West where she must “continuously build” a home for herself and the spirits of those fallen victim to Winchester rifles. So not to be the sort of person to doubt the word of a mystical channeler, especially while under severe emotional distress Sarah did exactly what she was told. Mrs. Winchester, convinced her family’s fortune was haunted by ghosts was determined to appease the raging spirits by continuously building them a house. I guess, even irritated spirits are longing to live in Santa Clara. So the obedient and terrified Sarah Winchester hired carpenters nonstop to piece together a structure which made no sense, but would satisfy the angry gods. In the same way, Sarah Winchester was too terrified to stop construction of her maze-like structure panic ridden individuals are “scared to death” of being without a sheet of toilet paper. In their minds, a 12 pack of Charmin ultra-strong gives them power over the dreaded, COVID-19, a mercessily vicious… Read more »

Mar 15, 2020 4:22 PM

Intrigued, I googled it and also did a google image search. It doesn’t look like it is seven stories high, and it is located in in San Jose, California.
comment image

It is quite beautiful in some ways, and fascinating.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Mar 15, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Poetic license…..

Mar 15, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka


I’ve been to the house and it really is magical. Like stepping into a Grimms’ fairytale. It’s open to the public but when I went (maybe 25 years ago) it was very quiet and we were taken round in a small group of about 6 or 7 people. Real fantasy world and – even if you don’t believe in ghosts – so atmospheric . Well worth a visit if you ever get the chance.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 15, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

San Jose is in Santa Clara County…..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:26 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

The top stories are invisible-you gotta believe!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:25 PM

It’s definitely an hysterical mass psychology, possibly manipulated as an exercise in the old Terror Management Theory.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Mar 15, 2020 10:49 PM

Which leads to believe it’s not just about COVID-19……..

Mar 15, 2020 2:57 PM

From the book, demon haunted world, ch: obsessed with reality Quotes ‘most scientists feel it’s not their job to expose pseudoscientific bamboozles, much less, passionately held self- deceptions. They tend not to be very good at it either. Scientists are used to struggling with Nature, who may surrender her secrets reluctantly but who fights fair. Often they are unprepared for those unscrupulous practitioners of the ‘paranormal’ who play by different rules.’ ‘One of the saddest lessons of history is this: if we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new ones rise.’ ‘Most [charlatans] are only after your money. That’s the good news. But what worries me is that [someone] will come along with bigger fish to fry – attractive, commanding, patriotic, exuding leadership. All of us long for a competent, uncorrupt, charismatic leader. We will leap at the opportunity to support, to believe, to feel good. Most reporters, editors and producers, swept up with the rest of us, will shy away from real sceptical scrutiny. He won’t be selling you prayers or crystals or tears. Perhaps he’ll be selling you a war, or a scapegoat, or a much more all-encompassing bundle of beliefs. Whatever it is, it will be accompanied by warnings about the dangers of scepticism.’ ‘Sceptical scrutiny is not only the toolkit for rooting out bunkum and cruelty that prey on those least able to protect themselves and most in need of our compassion, people offered little other hope. It is… Read more »

Mar 15, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  Willem

He also has to say something, by using a story from William K Clifford, about the experts, you know those who should see through this hoax as it is their job to do so (epidemiologists, virologists) but fail to do so, as it puts them in a ‘difficult’ position. Here it goes: A shipowner was about to send to sea an emigrant ship. He knew that she was old, and not overwell built at the first; that she had seen many seas and climes, and often had needed repairs. Doubts had been suggested to him that possibly she was not seaworthy. These doubts preyed upon his mind, and made him unhappy; he thought that perhaps he ought to have her thoroughly overhauled and refitted, even though this should put him to great expense. Before the ship sailed, however, he succeeded in overcoming these melancholy reflections. He said to himself that she had gone safely through so many voyages and weathered so many storms, that it was idle to suppose that she would not come safely home from this trip also. He would put his trust in Providence, which could hardly fail to protect all these unhappy families that were leaving their fatherland to seek for better times elsewhere. He would dismiss from his mind all ungenerous suspicions about the honesty of builders and contractors. In such ways he acquired a sincere and comfortable conviction that his vessel was thoroughly safe and seaworthy; he watched her departure with a light heart, and benevolent wishes for the success of the exiles in their strange new home that was to be; and he got his insurance money when she went down in mid ocean and told no tales. What shall we say of him? Surely this, that he was verily guilty of the… Read more »

Mar 15, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Willem

Experts will remember this when the hoax is replaced by the real thing: a collapsed economy for which COVID 19 was used as a scapegoat to give a free pas to those who made the collapse happen.

That now includes the experts too because they were ‘incapable’ to be sceptic at a time for which they were payed by the population who put trust in them to be sceptical.

What a terrible and completely not necessary situation they put themselves in, just because they didn’t dare to impose rigorous science on the meme we know as COVID19.

Mar 15, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Willem

Tony Blair claimed HE believed in WMD and legality of invading Iraq when the experts said they couldn’t ‘believe’ that.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:27 PM
Reply to  Willem

Sounds like the anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialist cult to me.

Mar 15, 2020 2:44 PM

How many people have actually DIED from con-virus this year? Compare that with the real figures, and reasons for death up to now this year.


Mar 15, 2020 2:39 PM

when words fail …

comment image

Mar 15, 2020 2:14 PM

Edward – if I can paraphrase – a load of crap!

The warmongering global robber baron bankers are not just taking the piss they are cacking themselves as they make people delude themselves into shitting themselves as the great daylight robbery is performed on them once again.

Or as I have explained on various threads now about the toilet rolls:

Due to its ‘worldwide’ nature and induction of laughable panic in the populace (the way the toilet roll story was pandemicised by the broadcast media starting with Murdoch in Australia and repeated regularly to the gullible by the BBC and msm), the blue touch paper was lit on the market meltdown and the scapegoat NCov having been tied to the post to take the blame.

It is the ‘blackswan’ excuse for the popping of the way overvalued asset bubble based on QE for last 10 years.

It is as simple as that – that is why the elderly especially have been induced into hoarding tp and tins of cornbeef – they are the main daily recipient of ‘news’ by the msm and broadcast media.


As their savings disappear again they’ll blame the virus and the Chinese … anybody but the mugger bankers infront of their eyes or the media that tell them the muggers are some else.

Mar 15, 2020 1:59 PM

No Guardian Bullshit watch aricle today Off-G?

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 15, 2020 1:59 PM

Over analysing the behaviour.

Most people are buying this in bulk not to wipe shit off arses but wipe the anticipated running noses when they get infected. Toilet rolls in bulk providing more tissue paper than even Aldi/Lidl priced non brand tissue paper for your £/$.

Which suggests that the even more deadly Imasthickaspigshit virus (not to be confused with the equally virulent ImsointelligentandcleverIcantellwhatisrealandnotreal virus) is out there given that a runny nose is not one of the symptoms associated with this virus which, as we all know (because we’ve been told by those who know these things) is not real, fictional, a figment of the imagination, and totally made up.

Mar 15, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Dave Hansell

I’ve just come from Aldi. People are now panic-buying everything. They’re limiting people to 4 of the same products but the store is already out of fresh chicken.

Dave Hansell
Dave Hansell
Mar 15, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Ah! The humble much maligned and much misunderstood chicken. Even it’s designation “chicken” conveys the ultimate negative image which no one wants to have associated with themselves. Remember that riddle cum philosophical cunundrum? The first ‘joke’ you likely heard as a kid? “Why did he chicken cross the road? Remember the answer, the punchline, the grown ups fed you? It’s bullshit. “To get to the other side.” Yeah, right! That’s what they want you to think. And because of that it takes a lifetime of experience and patient observation to work out the world would be a better place if they had given you the real answer in the first place. Because “to get to the other side” gives the chicken no decision making agency whatsoever. It’s portrayed as simply aimlessly ambling about. A dumb, stupid creature with no purpose whatsoever. The butt of the joke. Fit only to be sneered at and patronised. And they don’t tell you about all the other creatures in the scene. The turkeys, the frogs, the wheel, cattle, goats and pigs. Because the real reason the chicken crossed the road is down to be fact that that chicken made a deliberate decision to cross to the other side. It was highly motivated to get there and set off at Olympic Gold Medal sprint velocity. It was, of course slowed down by all the other creatures rushing in the opposite direction. But it certainly was not aimlessly ambling about. Unlike the frog the chicken had no intention of sitting in a slowly heated pot of water till it was boiled alive. Unlike the turkeys the chicken had no interest whatsoever in the Christmas holiday festivities. Unlike the sheep, the cattle, the goats and the pigs the chicken, being the only sane and rationale creature in… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 16, 2020 8:03 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Went to 2 Coles (New World) here in Melbourne today in different areas, and row after row, shelf after shelf… Empty.
They’re even panic buying cleaning products now, ffs…
Flat inspection on Thurs, and I couldn’t even buy any chux clothes or pine o clean. Completely ridiculous.

Mar 16, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“Flat inspection on Thurs…”

Intrusive British shit. Fish rot from the head down and the head of the fish rotting in Austral(as)ia is located in the age-old UK parliamentary and legal systems back in Blighty. Did you pay a bond to get into your flat? If so, well then. Fuck ’em.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 16, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Not really a normal flat Rob…
Its a small portable cabin managed by a homeless housing organisation (who I’m a client of) who teamed up with the State Govt and a ‘very wealthy philanthropist’ to build a lot of these cabins for people who were homeless or at risk of being homeless.
So effectively, my cheap rent is paid to this homeless organisation, but it’s treated like a normal rental property.
It’s vastly better than sleeping in a Park or the street.
I’m very grateful to have it for now, but things are going to get very tough.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 17, 2020 2:50 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Flat inspection on Thurs postponed….
due to ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’.
Oh good. Means I can put off scrubbing my shower for a while.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Mar 15, 2020 1:58 PM

When family and friends (via telephone or email) ask my wife and I how we are doing, and about the frenzied toilet paper hoarding here in southern California – I tell them (tongue firmly implanted in cheek) that we have managed to stay quite calm and content by taking a very different approach – and that instead of toilet paper we are “hoarding cheap cognac and dark chocolate” in massive quantities!

Ah, but all around us there is a fine madness that seems to be increasing daily here in ‘paradise,’ where the parking lots at the big box stores are beginning to look like a scene of the frenzied mobs in the classic film Soylant Green. I quite concur with Ed Curtain’s diagnosis of the psychological forces, both conscious and unconscious, that come into play whenever the collective fear of death is promoted by the State. Of course the unspoken question regards – “what remedies” – the State will at some point offer in order to soothe the frenzied masses it has created, and how many civil liberties will vanish in the course of that “answer?”

Mar 15, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

tongue firmly implanted in cheek

— much better that, than head firmly implanted up ass.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Mar 15, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

On the civil liberties front, here’s a couple. In the UK they’re now on about everyone over 70 being asked (i.e. told) to “self-isolate”. Wouldn’t it be bloody brilliant if we had a system of mandatory ID cards that must be carried at all times? Then anyone over 70 found out and about could be marched off by “the authorities”. Then, cash. That disgustingly filthy stuff we carry around in trouser pockets. How much cleaner and safer we’d all be if a cashless, i.e. total financial surveillance, society came about as a result of the bat flu. Anyone come across cases of these Orwellian suggestions being touted in the current hysteria?

Mar 15, 2020 7:30 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

Alan, it’s the perfect opportunity for more steps in the direction of having everyone microchipped. If you’re a good little citizen, a scan of your chip buys you things, gets you medical care, opens your house, starts your car, etc. Step out of line and the chip suddenly doesn’t work. This is what happens to a population that lets false flags like 9/11 get by and then starts giving up freedoms and privacy in the name of safety and security. We are so screwed.

Mar 15, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I’m with you there, Gary, although I’m relying on decent sipping rums and a couple of similar, yet more ‘unorthodox’ mood alterers. As for the civil liberties, my main concern these days is this very lifesaver we still currently enjoy i.e. online communication. All the best!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 15, 2020 9:29 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Good God! I forgot to hoard chocolate!

Mar 15, 2020 1:50 PM

The sheeple aren’t bright enough. But toilet paper would be symbolic for the planners of an artificial scarcity psyop (where rumours of panic buying would become self-fulfilling). They would have had a good old chuckle.

Now, with stories about “Army to guard supermarkets”, the BS is off the chart. The scales have clearly tipped to indicate “hoax“.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Mar 15, 2020 1:18 PM

I’ve stocked up on bog roll. I’ve now got two months supply. Why? It’s very simple. I’ve panic bought because everyone else has, and if I didn’t, I’d be wiping my arse on newspaper by now (Morrisons didn’t have a single roll this morning). So there’s no deep meaning to this. The reason for the panic buying is contagion, not of bat flu, but of global stupidity, which is more contagious than the virus.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Mar 15, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

A run on bog roll run on banks to follow?

Mar 15, 2020 1:11 PM

Once more I am not surprised that the most elemental explanation for ‘people’ emptying the stores off toilet/bathroom/convenience-paper is missing. The ‘people’ that are hoarding bleached paper are simply full of shit. The more they are full of shit – the more paper will be necessary to re-ass-ure them that they will be able to wipe their asses no matter what. Starting South of the Alps in Europe, there are for all kinds of reasons and surely most notably for the one, that you don’t need toilet paper to clean your donkey when you have, what is called a ‘Bidet‘ (and I just read that their sales are soaring…). Returning to the first ass-ertion: ‘people’ that are hoarding toilet paper are full of shit. They do not know what to do when they just had a fast food extretion event that leaves the entire area in need of mopping with bleached paper. It would never occur to them to use soap and water to do a much better and more sanitary job. No more skid marks – for which the ass-paper hoarders are well known. The whole of South America has bidets in their houses. The shelves are normally stocked, because using a bidet means also being able to use a towel to dry your spanking clean behind. You could say that the toilet paper problem is a NATO problem. As I have stated in the first thread about this pandemic, the consequences are not obvious if one does not allow for the truth to explain what is going on. Needless to say that now, where my original comment proved to be true into the detail, those who downvoted me and all those basking in their pathetic suffisance should enjoy the Karma they have created for themselves. And double yes… Read more »

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 15, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  nottheonly1

“It’s bein’ so cheerful as keeps me goin'”.