ISS Report: 99% of Covid19 Deaths had Pre-existing Serious Illness

Report on Covid19 morbidity in Italy is shocking reading…but not in the way you’d imagine

Kit Knightly

Anything up to 99.2% of all of Italy’s recent Covid19-associated deaths could have been caused by pre-existing chronic conditions, according to a report released by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian Institute of Health, ISS)

The report was translated and sent to us by Swiss Propaganda Research. Their team have been doing some great work collating and translating sources of information on the coronavirus pandemic. Their daily updated thread, here, is a valuable resource to anyone trying to keep up-to-date.

There are some very important facts here, all ignored by the mainstream.

There’s the epidemiological study done by a Japanese research group that found the case-fatality ratio to potentially be as low as 0.04% (markedly lower even than seasonal flu).

There’s German and Chinese biologists reporting the unproven nature of Covid test kits and that they can generate “false positives”.

There’s the Italian study finding that up to 75% of positive test patients are entirely symptomless, coupled with warnings from Spanish doctors that panic and systemic overload pose a much greater threat to public health than the coronavirus.

As we said, it’s all very valuable information, and we highly recommend you read the whole thread, and check their daily updates. An excellent piece of research.

…but we mostly want to focus on their most recent update, the translation of the ISS report on the morbidity of coronavirus patients. The statistics are highly interesting.

According to this report:

  • The median age is 80.5 years (79.5 for men, 83.7 for women).
  • 10% of the deceased was over 90 years old; 90% of the deceased was over 70 years old.
  • Only 0.8% of the deceased had no pre-existing chronic illnesses.
  • Approximately 75% of the deceased had two or more pre-existing conditions, 50% had three more pre-existing conditions, in particular heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  • Five of the deceased were between 31 and 39 years old, all of them with serious pre-existing health conditions (e.g. cancer or heart disease).
  • The National Health Institute hasn’t yet determined what the patients examined ultimately died of and refers to them in general terms as Covid19-positive deaths.

Consider what these statistics mean, especially the third and final point together, followed to their logical conclusion.

99.2% of Italian Covid19-related deaths were already sick with something else, and the ISS hasn’t actually determined they died of Covid19 at all.

That’s shocking. Especially when paired with the reports that the test kits can produce false positives.

It’s entirely possible that dozens, even hundreds, of deaths in Italy (and perhaps the rest of the world) are being mistakenly attributed to Covid19 rather than the heart disease, cancer, emphysema or whichever comorbidity actually caused the death.

Let us do some simple maths. Italy currently reports 2978 pandemic-related deaths. 99.2% of those were already sick, meaning 0.8 were not. 0.8% of 2978 is just under 24. Which means, only 24 people have died whilst having no comorbidity at all. (And we don’t know their age or social circumstances).

The question becomes, why is this happening?

Why are we getting stories about overflowing funeral homes, when the worst-case Covid19 scenario (ie, no false positives or misattributed deaths) would be an increase of ~2% in the expected mortalitiy rate?

Why are we hearing rumours about Italian ICUs being over-burdened to breaking point this year, but heard no such thing when the ICUs in Lombardy were swamped with flu cases in 2017/18?

Why are the media narratives, and the actions of our governments, totally irreconcilable with statistical reality?

That should be a cause of concern for everyone.


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Apr 5, 2020 5:06 PM

“There’s the epidemiological study done by a Japanese research group that found the case-fatality ratio to potentially be as low as 0.04% (markedly lower even than seasonal flu). ”

This is mistake, which should not happen in this discussion and in off-guardian. Some people might think it is not a mistake, but a fake citation. Mizumoto is estimating the infection-fatality-rate (IFR) as low as 0.04% and not the case-fatality ratio (CFR) . Please read the article again. These two rates mean completely different things. Be careful with figures when you do not understand the difference.

Mar 24, 2020 11:41 PM

invesigate italy’s TIM network, seriousfunnetwork(dot)givingplan(dot)net, seriousfunnetwork(dot)org and their associate companies. There are many names, you’ll be surprised, pay attention to detail. There is a lot going on, why is Pope sad?! http://www.telecomitalia.com/tit/it/ambiente-sociale/TIM-Dynamo-Camp.html

pay attention

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2020 4:27 PM

There are numerous agendas being carried out behind the scenes… Notice the long list of Italian communities which are refusing 5G installations. >
International Actions to Halt and Delay 5G

There are multiple reports of 5G installations taking place in closed schools in the former United States. See the “Take Back your Power” website for more information.

Mar 22, 2020 12:16 AM

Here’s the news…from a calm and measured, as well as flu experienced doctor. Worth, as they say, a look. Could go ‘viral’ (sorry!)

Mar 21, 2020 6:43 PM

I had announced that I will withdraw from this conversation but received an answer from Admin 2 so I thought I would reply out of courtesy. My answer was in no way offensive and contained links of scientific and other findings and an attempt to answer some questions posed by Admin2. My answer appeared on the website but with a notice that my comment was being moderated. My comment has since disappeared. I am not sure whether this was a mistake but to give the benefit of the doubt here it is again.

Thomas paine
Thomas paine
Mar 21, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Orage

I’m with you Orage.

Nearly 800 people died in Italy alone today.

The UK has some of the least prepared hospitals in Europe.

They were on breaking point before this virus arrived.

If someone falls ill now – with anything – and needs hospital care they are going to struggle even more to get it. This will mean more deaths and suffering for people who don’t have coronavirus.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 21, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Thomas paine

Ok here it is.

People are entitled to their opinions, and they’re entitled to be uninformed, and we let all kinds of stuff stand on here, because we believe in free speech.

But when you keep willfully posting the same lying garbage here that has been shown to be completely false, what is going on?

1.The deaths in Italy are NOT extreme, and 99.2% of them were sick with pre-existing conditions.

2.The ISS report makes it clear they do not even know if these people died of COVID-19 or from their original ilness

3.The numbers are not excessive. People die every day – even in Italy. Look up the stats.

4. The only reason our services are struggling even more now is because so many NHS staff have been quarantined for no purpose, other than to possibly cynically create this crisis they can then blame on COVID-19

Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
Mar 21, 2020 11:50 PM

1,2,3, absolutely
4. Evidence?

Mar 22, 2020 8:58 AM

I read the report. The serious conditions you talk of are mostly high blood pressure and or diabetes. You are lying and threatening people’s health with your lies. You should be ashamed. They are not quarantining healthy nhs staff.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 22, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  John

The point is, on a death certificate in the UK co-morbidities are listed in order of how they contributed to a person’s death. Corona being present is not the same as a corona fatality, and these details are not known at present. It has been reported that Italian figures are misleading because they aren’t following this practise. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/have-many-coronavirus-patients-died-italy/

It is perfectly true to say that elderly people die all the time, and these annual (and until now largely ignored) statistics currently dwarf the current corona statistics.

Regarding NHS staff. Quarantine procedure obviously applies to NHS staff. The fact that significant numbers aren’t currently locked down in quarantine is good at least, and helps bring into perspective how virulently the disease is spreading. Time will, no doubt, tell.

Alternative perspective: I believe lowering the quality of life of very ill, fragile, elderly patients due to possibly knee-jerk, hysterical quarantine measures is something to be ashamed of. I wouldn’t want to leave this world cooped up, watching fear porn on the BBC!! I’d at least want the freedom to choose!

Mar 22, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Corona being present is not the same as a corona fatality but these people would nearly all be alive if it wasn’t for contracting the virus. The co-morbitities is mentioned only as a possibly for the difference in the numbers along with the age of the population. If wrong we are still looking at a 4% death rate.

As for quality of life – I’d rather stay in for a while than die and so would my elderly relatives.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 22, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  John

Corona being present is not the same as a corona fatality but these people would nearly all be alive if it wasn’t for contracting the virus.

How can we know this, without conducting autopsies of each individual patient? PCR tests appear to only detect presence of the virus in the body, not whether it is active. It is also questionable whether or not testing is accurate, or rather giving positive results for other corona viruses etc. Many cases of CV have been diagnosed based on symptoms alone.

As for quality of life…

But is it right to forcibly impose your choice on others? This is the crux of it. This is the gateway to authoritarianism. Whether or not CV is deadly and out of control, surely no one can deny the danger of these special measures being abused? We must not let this debate be co-opted by our strong feelings about CV right now.

Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
Mar 23, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  John

Which people? The point being made everywhere I look is that “these people” would have died anyway.
Can you show me statistics of morbidity due to Corona alone, then morbidity for all, and compared to morbidity the same time last year before Corona.

Jay Khaye
Jay Khaye
Mar 22, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  Thomas paine

Is the average age of the dead still north of 80? Asking for a friend. When you are only testing people in hospitals it tends to skew the numbers. When the authorities begin to tell you everything they know without trying to create a narrative I might start trusting them.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 22, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  Orage

Hi Orage, my sincerest apologies! Your comment had been mistaken for spam and binned!! Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, I have now moved the comment back into place. Next time, just mention it to admin, this is usually the reason.
Best wishes,

Mar 21, 2020 10:56 AM

In the webpage of the European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action we can read the following statement:

European mortality bulletin week 11, 2020 [06/03/2020]

Pooled estimates of all-cause mortality show normal expected levels of mortality in the participating countries.

Of course the web page is updated with data for this last week and they are aware of the developments in Italy and Spain:

Some wonder why no increased mortality is observed in the reported mortality figures for the COVID-19 affected countries. The answer is that increased mortality that may occur primarily at subnational level or within smaller focal areas, and/or concentrated within smaller age groups, may not be detected at the overall national level.

Furthermore, there is always a few weeks of delay in death registration and reporting. Hence, the EuroMOMO mortality figures for the most recent weeks must be interpreted with some caution.Therefore, although increased mortality is currently not being observed in the EuroMOMO figures, this does not mean that increased mortality does not occur in some areas or in some age groups, including mortality related to COVID-19.

I am no expert and I have no idea how this data is made available or registered. But if The Guardian, The BBC and the rest have an update on deaths every 10 minutes, I find it odd that the body in charge of monitoring excess mortality in Europe is not receiving and registering this data with similar expedience.

It might well be that the data hasn´t been shared. But, so far, after a few weeks of the deadliest virus arriving in Europe, there is no evidence of an increased level in overall excess mortality in the continent.


Mar 21, 2020 10:17 AM

It is a shame that OG has become an echo chamber for the promotion of the misinformation that this is just another seasonal flu virus. Of course time will tell but until then I am afraid untold damage will be done when you will be seen to have taken the wrong decision. No one of course can tell the future but we can see the trajectory, the science and the logic. If we are selective on what we believe, ignoring the science, the evidence and the logic then we will never get to the truth.
Anyway, I have said enough, I have been attacked by mindless bloggers and Admin has taken a very antagonistic line to what I write. So goodbye OG, I used to enjoy reading this blog, but no more.

Mar 21, 2020 10:34 AM
Reply to  Orage

don’t blame you the place has become a joke

Mar 21, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  Orage


I think the difference between you and others is that you have already accepted the premise and official narratives about this – even though at the same time, official announcements are sprayed with ‘we don’t know’ ‘we don’t yet know’, ‘ you’re not invincible so don’t go to the pub’. A media with an appalling track record to date, full of worst scenario outcomes and sensationalism. A country shut down for business.

Some science, some logic.

And of course the record of anyone who has accepted these narratives at face value in the last 25 years would be a disaster.

I think the difference here is that this site and many of its readers are looking beyond this, not accepting official narratives at face value. In fact we are looking at the science, logic, statistics and proportion.

Some of the posts might be wrong, outlandish or silly. That’s the nature of free discussion. But I think there’s enough information, resources, life experience, open mindedness and intelligent posts here to cast significant doubt over many aspects of this. And of course, those who disagree have the right of reply and respond with evidence. Or take their ball away and play somewhere else as you have opted.

Mar 21, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Good post, loverat.


A country shut down for business.

pales into insignificance compared to the martial law, and its acceptance by most of the population.

Mar 21, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  Orage


You did not address anything written in the article.
Which means you don’t have an argument.

ignoring the science, the evidence and the logic

The article is in fact based on science, evidence and logic.
Which means it appears you did not even read the article.

Msm fear mongering articles are the ones typically devoid of any science or perspective.
Numbers and statistics only have meaning in perspective. A perspective that is never given in the msm.

Mar 21, 2020 7:33 AM
Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 21, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  John

Do you understand the diff between opinions and statistics?

Try reading again. Those squiggly things are percentage signs. They represent numbers of case victims etc – as reported by the Italian Health Institute – not made up by Kit to give you a fatuous talking point while you ‘self-isolate’.

And stop using Trump memes as a substitute for rational thought

Mar 21, 2020 7:40 PM

Why do you keep deleting my comments?

I prefer the guardian to you bunch of brainless twats!

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 21, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  ThomasPaine

They were diverting to spam. Since this is the first time you’ve reached out to us about this, I think you need to calm yourself, sir!

Thomas paine
Thomas paine
Mar 21, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Please put them back then

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 22, 2020 9:12 AM
Reply to  Thomas paine

I did! 🙂

Jay Khaye
Jay Khaye
Mar 22, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  Thomas paine

If your a fan of the Guardian I’m quite sure no one who comes here would care to see your posts.

Mar 21, 2020 7:27 AM

This is an important article to read, in my view, from the Japan Times yesterday, in which it describes how the coronavirus seems to have faded from view in Japan. I live in Kyoto and yesterday I went out for lunch and the popular restaurants were packed, including a popular Chinese restaurant chain, called Osho. Some people were wearing masks, many weren’t and it seemed just like a normal day, pre-coronavirus hysteria times. Yet, Japan has had thousands and thousands of Chinese and Koreans coming all the time, especially in Kyoto. Now there are less, of course, but they were coming in huge numbers well into when the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, and you would have expected that many should have been carrying the virus. After all, Trump banned all Chinese from entering the US, and it is claimed that China was where it originated.

My daughters were told initially that school wouldn’t start in April, but later, but now they have been informed that classes will start as usual. This seems to undermine the narrative that this is a very dangerous, deadly outbreak, in my view.


Mar 21, 2020 1:04 AM

Covid-19 : “Co” -mutual, in common — “Vid/Vis” – to see, vision, Seeing in Common.as one. ” 19″…1+9=10 . 10 – Tetractys, the “10” points of a Triangle, the 4th Triangular universal number “10”. Power and Influence. London, “10” Downing Street – London Stock Exchange, “10” Paternoster Square – Supreme World Council of Freemasonary “10” Duke Street – (0ld) Scotland Yard “10” Broadway – Chatham House, Institute of International Affairs, “10” St James Square – Ministry of Information (ww2) “10” Caxton Hall – Brtitish Council, “10” Spring Gardens etc etc.

the uniform assimilation begins, but if you know how, you’ll know what to do.

Mar 21, 2020 12:25 AM

Latest from Swiss Propaganda Research.


Virus Guy
Virus Guy
Mar 21, 2020 12:20 AM

The awareness that we are being railroaded is spreading in my discipline. Concern, if not fear, is widespread. Martial law in Lombardy now. The claims it’s a result of non-compliance are not borne out by stories I hear from colleagues over there. How far will this go?

Mar 21, 2020 3:02 AM
Reply to  Virus Guy

The sheep in the UK are being bribed by the promise of what they believe amounts to a 3 month holiday. Thus, they accept the pubs being closed.
Boris “pleads” with people to stay indoors. To come: Cue pictures of people living their lives. Boris: ‘I pled with you….’ Now, he has generated an excuse, but He has been most ‘reasonable’ and ‘patient’ with it. People have disobeyed his advice, after all, He only wants is to protect people. It is then virtual house arrest under martial law.
It might be fun to watch in London: Drug Hoodies versus RoboCops. I believe, that in the scissors, rock, paper game…Up close and personal, a knife beats a gun if the gun is not cocked, levelled and aimed. I’m stockpilling the pop corn.
Anyway, they will not get Sweet FA off the tories and probably end up on the dole. But, hoorah, hoorah, it’s a holi holi day…for now…The munificent chancy Liar is being praised as a ‘genus’…
Maybe, the mugs deserve what they get.
Ultimately, it is all God’s Will.

Mar 21, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  jay

Up close and personal, a knife beats a gun if the gun is not cocked, levelled and aimed.

So many variables – skill of combatants, how far apart, type of firearm. Me, I’d go for the firearm every time.

Mar 21, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  JohnB

Mar 21, 2020 12:13 AM

Covid-19 : “Co” – mutual, in common –“Vid/Vis” – to see, vision, Seeing in Common.as one. ” 19″…1+9=10 . 10 – Tetractys, the “10” points of a Triangle, the 4th Triangular universal number “10”. Power and Influence. London, “10” Downing Street – London Stock Exchange, “10” Paternoster Square – Supreme World Council of Freemasonary “10” Duke Street – (0ld) Scotland Yard “10” Broadway – Chatham House, Institute of International Affairs, “10” St James Square – Ministary of Information (ww2) “10” Caxton Hall – Brtitish Council, “10” Spring Gardens etc etc.

the uniform assimilation reset is in motion. If you know how, you’ll know what to do.

Mar 20, 2020 11:24 PM

I’m not sure about Ben’s stats but here’s mine:

World Population 7,600,000,000.00
Number of People In World Who Die Every Year 57,000,000.00

Population of Italy 60,550,075.00
Percentage of World Population 0.80
Approximate Death Rate In Italy Every Year 10.6 per 1,000
Average Deaths in Italy Every Year 10.6 * 60,550 = 641,830
Average Deaths per Day in Italy 641,830 / 365 = 1,785

(Added to my previous post.)

Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
Mar 22, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  phil_n

Thanks Phil, yours are better than mine

I made an error in the word population, it is 7.7 as you say, so my final figure should have been about 1,150

I could not find a specific death rate for Italy so surmised it from the global average, but I didn’t know there are wide variations per country, a lesson for me.

Mar 20, 2020 11:20 PM

Just did some quick calculations after seeing the convoy of military trucks needed to take the bodies of the dead in Italy somewhere. In approximately 15 days Italy has had about 4,000 deaths from the virus and therefore need a convoy of military trucks to move the huge amount of dead bodies. On a normal non-covid day approximately 1,785 people normally die in Italy. In 15 days that would be about 26,775 people. What do they do with those bodies? (The stats are freely and easily available from a number of sources on the internet.)

Virus Guy
Virus Guy
Mar 21, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  phil_n

The trucks were not taking bodies. You are being inundated with false stories to quell you into accepting what looks increasingly like a worldwide imposition of martial law.

The only slightly reliable data comes from the various health institutes, such as the Italian ISS. Their figures in no way support the hysterical lies and rumors such as this.

Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
Mar 21, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  phil_n

It looks like a single incident in which a backlog of 40 bodies in coffins were taken to the next crematorium further away. The local crematorium could only manage 12 a day so this would be more about saving a few days wait. Sad but hardly relevant to the bigger picture presented.

Mar 21, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Ben McDonnell

The scaremongering (BBC?) TV report last night from a hospital in Bergamo was another example of how the death rate may be being over-hyped. The hospital morgue had about 12 coffins in it and we were reliably informed how unusual this was. Indeed, it may well have been unusual in the normal course of events but, arguably, not for the reasons being implied.

First, it wasn’t clarified as to when the first of those coffins was placed there…hours or days before? Even if it was only hours – quite possible – the report failed to mention that, until this ‘crisis’ occurred, dead bodies would have been taken away quickly and individually on an ad hoc basis by undertakers employed by bereaved families, keeping the cumulative morgue numbers down.

Since the ‘crisis’, the edict is that all Covid-19 victims have to be cremated at a particular crematorium on certain days, and they are transported there together (whether or not in military vehicles) by a procedure determined by the local authorities with little input from the bereaved families. It would therefore be necessary and logical for bodies to be accumulated ready for transportation en masse.

As always, the context of claims is crucial if the correct inference is to have any chance of being drawn, and it is context that is sadly lacking in the media coverage of events.

Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
Mar 22, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Excellent, thank you

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 22, 2020 10:46 PM
Reply to  Ben McDonnell

Wait: when did the Italians all convert to Hinduism? Why can’t they just be buried? Why cremation?

Ben McDonnell
Ben McDonnell
Mar 20, 2020 10:58 PM

May I contribute my basic maths here to confirm what the article is saying
World population 8.8 billion world deaths per day 150,000
Italian population 60 million expected Italian deaths per day therefore (150,000 x 60,000,000) / 8.8,000,000,000

So today for example record Italian deaths reported due to Coronavirus 627 out of 1000 normally expected, ( not to mention that it’s winter) OR 99% of (627 out 1000 deaths), could have been due to something else which they were already suffering from and would have killed them. I get that.

However 2 days old Lombardy figures alone were 319 deaths in a population 1/6 that of the whole of Italy. Normally expected deaths would have been 166.6. A bit more serious but of course an identical conclusion in each area could also mean that in Lombardy itself, again these deaths could 99% have been due to another pre existing cause, and death in the elderly is commonly a combination of several factors anyway and it can be academic which condition actually caused the death. The only outstanding factor is that in Lombardy the death rate has risen above average however you look at it.

But no one is telling us what the occasional variations over time can peak at to get that average of 166.6.

Have I at least got the arithmetic right? Not even maths, just simple arithmetic.

james bate
james bate
Mar 20, 2020 9:41 PM

This might explain the unlikely deaths in UK and beyond attributed to covid 19 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_AyuhbnPOI&feature=youtu.be

worth a look

Mar 22, 2020 12:05 AM
Reply to  james bate

Thanks, James…more than ‘worth a look’, although the offhand understatement you deployed actually encouraged me to have a look. I’ve downloaded it and saved. Worth spreading around a bit. Kind of ‘viral’ we could say!



Mar 20, 2020 6:57 PM

The filth at the BBC are going to hell for their role in this outrageous crime against the people. Each and every one of them, TV and radio, there is no way back for these snakes

Mar 20, 2020 6:48 PM

Greg and Jeremy of The Antedote go deep into Spanish Flu and expose the myths and lies which are common knoweldge about it, which actually, they say with good evidence, was not flu at all, but a bacterial pneumonia hatched in a Rockefeller military lab near Kansas. Nothng Spanish about it and the reason they framed it as SPanish is explained.
Given that HMG is basing at least some of their actions on what they “know” (bullshit of course, lying scum that they are) of the Spanish Flu, the truth of the Spanish Flu is relevant.

Learning from History: The “Spanish Flu” of 1918

Mar 20, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Please can you make sure the correct link is displayed?

Mar 20, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  Mucho

There are layers to the ‘reality’ in which many have born into and lived that are not as believed – and yet we live from our beliefs and defend them.
whole it can be accessed whale.to has a lot of the history we are not told – as well as models for disease that are more toxicological than virological – and compounded by fear and control reactions – become a sort of parasitic complex, that protects and controls in the name of fear.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair

How much more so when your life or freedom and well being as you know it, depends on seeing in compliance with defined social parameters?

The business in hand is working a socio-political shift to another kind of ‘order’.
If you accept the official narrative makes sense, then the modelled expectation of more deaths justifies the undermining of our actual economy. But one can as readily model the results of mass poverty to a much worse outcome than another way for the very old and the immune weakened to reach their tipping point.

We have an official WHO derived narrative dictate of protection that is itself protected against free speech. The pattern is characteristic – and recognisable as the blocking and suppression of symptoms deemed threat – if only for not conforming and complying to orders.

The Net may soon be shut down in a number of ways – one of which is to terrorise by example. Another to intimidate or restrict, penalise or deny our voice and shape our behaviour and thought. Is it all about fear and control?

Regardless the conditions – learn to give and live the meanings that support life.
If life is our true desire – there is our highest alignment.

Those who go about it in destructive ways see life as the result of gaining or regaining power or control and or overcoming fear, threat and conflict and defend it!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 21, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Binra

For the 3rd or 4th time I’ve mentioned in the last few days, if you missed it Binra, have you heard of the ‘Earn It Bill’ currently in the United States Senate sponsored by Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal (D). Its pretty chilling stuff.
It’s aimed directly at all independent sites, (like us here) if they don’t adhere to…. ‘best practice’. Basically, get on your knees, lick boots, and don’t publish anything that may be, um, controversial or cause embarrassment to any important figures.
Like war criminals for example.
You’re also spot on that… ‘the business in hand is working a socio political shift to another kind of order’.
Most of us here can see where all this is going, aye. I refuse to panic, or get caught up in the herd mentality thing.
Practising mindfulness to the best of my ability, focusing on nature, the sky, etc.
Enjoy your weekend and the natural surroundings in your part of England.
Oh, and music of course🎶

Mar 21, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I saw a passing reference to Graham – perhaps yours – but I cant/dont click everything – but I did note the name and picked up on the contextual inferences.

Yes, the bid for overt power through COVert control is the need to deny all others.

The term resistance can be used with different meanings – and with very different outcomes accordingly.

Within the mind of fear, (separateness) and control, (defence, or order under threat), is a realm of action and reaction, as polarised forces become polarised identities locked into strictures of paralysis that bring on death, or release of energy from structure that no longer serves life.

Resistance as rebellion seeks to take power from – in order to get – or get rid of – for private agenda – whether an elite coterie or a working of the mob by those who seek power under ‘moral justification’ or are fed such by rival contenders who use them.

To the binary mind of separated things, events, enemies, viruses, or whatever, everything is ‘flagged’ to serve the current ‘threat-driven cause’ from which sympathy, funding, support and the conditions in which to exercise power are momentarily held, but which immediately shift to new forms because they are without substance or support in truth.

The developing of consciousness is the recognition of patterns, contexts and purposes that reveal more of life than the flagged reality of conditioned experience, but are still purposed to the fear-threat and GET mind until the consciousness recognises embrace of a universal quality of existence that until then had been discarded and in a sense turned away from in seeking for a self set in image and form.

Recognising and releasing the pattern of an outmoded stage of conscious development can itself be experienced as conflicted – even though there is no communication between two opposing functions relating to the same being. The idea of resisting temptation to fear and the deceits of fear, that deliver us to misery via any kind of ruse, is the residual hankering for a self-driven world that cannot be, but may seem to be – yet has no peace in it and cost the world we would otherwise share in the creative challenge of co-creating within life – rather than set over others and life.

If we recognise fear-deceit as a ‘temptation’ then we are no longer tempted – but have uncovered a wish or belief that we still identifying in, for whatever reasons of our own.
But if we lose such mindfulness to narrative framing in struggle, then the mind of the attempt to eradicate, deny or suppress the ‘temptation’ will effectively enact its own deceit as the morally justified sense of self GOTTEN from polarising against the feared and hated.

‘Resist ye not evil’ is a profound revelation to the willingness to release our investment in its propagation through our own reactive self-protection.

But resisting temptation to be baited by reaction, is the vigilance for peace, against division. Peace is part of your being, but the reactive consciousness seeks it outside in conditions of the always changing, and fights for the conditions it assigns as the restoring of power, rights and face – or self-vindication.

To be whole in what we do or say is simply to align in the true movement of our being and not a matter of all the king’s horses and all the king’s men trying to put life together again.

How do we relate to the blind or selfish urges that we uncover in ourself?
Are they such, or are they flagged as such by ‘moral guilting’ of a socialising that instils a control layer over everything that lives?
How do we open and grow trust if we are also the policement AND the criminal?

Mindfulness is not my preferred term, but the term is not the point. The point is an open and uncluttered space of awareness in which to discern the true movement of being from the overlayering or overriding of naked and direct knowing by the shift into narratived identity.

Unless we open this within our self, we will not serve its opening in our relationships. But as we see another is feedback to our own mind of interpretation, and needs to be re-cognised as such instead of reacted from as if ‘THE WORLD UNDER WHICH IS THE ONLY SURVIVAL’.

The War On Consciousness is its self-undermining – as a sense of limiting self-differentiation that has grown monstrous, cancerous or parasitic to the whole.
But what is healing is true alignment through which a wholeness of being communicates presence. And then only as each step or moment of willingness allows.

Mar 20, 2020 5:30 PM

What would you do if you have a trillion dollar budget annually?
What would you do if you have a trillion dollar budget annually /AND/ there are very strict laws that guarantee you immunity from prosecution for whatever you can do? Moreover, what would you do when there are very strict systems in place to ensure whatever you do remain TOP TOP TOP SECRET???

If you can answer this question then many mysteries become self-explanatory!

* Bonus: what would you do, on top of the above, you’re also guaranteed by the Heavens that GOD is actually on your side.

Mar 20, 2020 5:27 PM

There is an enormous problem in comparing incidence/mortality in (northern) Italy with deaths in China, as is being done constantly now. As far as I’ve read, there are no deaths outside of Kubei province. At the very least, if you must, compare Italy (one European country) with Kubei (one Chinese province); or compare northern Italy with Wuhan; or compare China as a whole with all of Europe. And use percentages, not numbers. More important, make sure that the number of people in the total samples you’re comparing are equal.

And this does not even touch on the problem of the differences in ways of arriving at mortality figures (as Kit wrote) or – and this is huge, and has already been mentioned here often – the failure to give the perspective of flu incidence/mortality in previous years.

This exercise is preying on people’s ignorance of numbers versus percentages, the human propensity to focus on individual numbers in isolation – just as Westerners yawn at the number of people killed in a foreign war but are moved to tears by one victim.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 20, 2020 5:19 PM

I can’t find the comment but somebody said something about older people being very cynical about this virus and one describing it as “a con”. My mother (now pushing 90) has expressed this attitude and I’ve heard about it from other “oldies” and I wonder when those military guys will turn up to “take regrettably necessary drastic action” about those who don’t stick to the quarantine rules.

Thomas paine
Thomas paine
Mar 20, 2020 4:48 PM
John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 20, 2020 4:43 PM

I’ve just had an e-mail from my (Labour) MPs office. I am told that Labour want to put the proposed new law to a vote every six months. I replied that I was encouraged, but would like to see a more regular review.

I also wrote back to say that people need to be informed of who is at risk and what the symptoms are. Closing the schools seems ridiculous given that children are not at risk. The hay fever season is just beginning and there will be a lot of people sneezing and having runny noses. These are not symptoms.

I also gave a plug to walking in the fresh air for exercise. Expecting people to imprison themselves in their houses is not healthy! I saw a few people out and about today. I saw a couple of older men fishing and asked them if they were hoping to catch anything. They laughed, so there is hope!

And there’s also perspective. Alcohol, smoking and suicide cost thousands of lives each year. These are all preventable deaths. How many have died from flu? How many have been killed or seriously injured in RTAs?

So far this virus has not killed anyone who did not have a pre-existing medical condition and then only 164. In a country of about 66,000,000 people. This really needs to be got into it’s proper perspective! People are already losing their jobs. A close friend of my sister was made redundant this week.

I don’t know about the virus, but the coronapanic is very contagious.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

The whole thing is about fascism, it was never about disease.

Seen what Lindsey Graham is doing in the US?

The man should be hung from a lamp post.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 20, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Posted about that several times Rhys… This ‘Earn It Bill’ sponsored by Graham and Blumenthal, and the grave implications for independent sites everywhere.
Stumbled across that info at a site called The Last American Vagabond, and others have reported on this also. Everyone else seems too distracted by Covid19…

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Mar 20, 2020 4:42 PM

Some US senators causing outrage playing the stock market on knowledge of the upcoming hoax.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Germs Bond

That was the plan all along.

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Mar 20, 2020 4:08 PM

Sorry, but there is no ‘reblog’ widget that I can see. I will therefore ‘copy and paste.’ If you have a problem with that, do let me know.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 20, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

If you want to share, please click on the social media icons above ^^^ (they are multicoloured and square, in a row, up the page a bit ^^^). Copy/Paste also works, but please fairly attribute the original author/publisher (in this case Offg/Kit Knightly) + add a link if you can. Hope this helps 🙂

Norman Pilon
Norman Pilon
Mar 20, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I don’t do any social media other than WordPress. Should I take it that you don’t want me to republish. I don’t mind complying if that’s the case.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 20, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Norman Pilon

Share/republish away!!

Mar 20, 2020 3:33 PM

I thought Dominic Cummings was meant to be a maths wizard, science geek, systems theory and data guru? Is he on holiday or decided to give all that numbers stuff up for new year? Where is he getting his figures from?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Blubber

He is an arts graduate FFS.

Mar 20, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I sit corrected RJ.
It’s just prompted me to look again at his 2014 IPPR Hollow Men talk on the tube. Around 35 mins in – some fascinating, astute observations about ‘beneficial crises’ and how to use them. Ancient and modern history was his subject.

Guy Thornton
Guy Thornton
Mar 20, 2020 3:20 PM

I’m getting confused….when you talk about Covid19 are you referring to the Ft Detrick virus?

Vo Hiwi
Vo Hiwi
Mar 20, 2020 2:52 PM

Here’s an interesting development: “COVID-19 pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus”.

I’m sure the significance of this does not need to be explained.


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Vo Hiwi

There is a mass of announcements about clinical trials.

Amazing how they lined up all these trials with no virus to generate model systems for 4 months ago, eh?

I think this proves that this is a huge hoax with the virus already known about long before November 2019.

The fact that no journo is asking this basic question in the MSM shows how mentally subnormal they all are.

Mar 20, 2020 9:27 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Re: Lack of any real question or challenge:

Is it not a culture of fear under a global dictate Rhys?

Look at the way the mindtrap is set and see that that effectively operates through every and any means of influence.

Fear-bidden compliance has to come across as robotic and formulaic. But perhaps only to those who haven’t switched to the channel?

The process has been going on all through my life regardless of opposition and even by subverting and capturing the ‘opposition’.

It is a ‘mindset’ that operates its own self-reinforcement – such that anything not ‘with them’ become the virus.

The Medical Mafia has been written and whistleblown extensively since Rockefeller philanthropy took over the medical model.

Perhaps the internet is the means to shift to a new cage. However, fear-control is not the only channel available unless we actively limit and depreciate our own heart-consciousness as our means of maintaining control over perceived chaos.

Thomas paine
Thomas paine
Mar 20, 2020 2:44 PM

Mar 20, 2020 2:43 PM

Right now I am more concerned about, how long will they drag this hysteria?Till half of population will be without resources?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  padre

Until the citizenry storm Wood Lane and take out 200 BBC drones, perhaps?

Mar 20, 2020 2:19 PM

Why was my posting removed?

Mar 20, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Baron

Did you –
a. Use the “c” word?
b. Invite Tony Blair to write an article for OffG?
c. Praise Washington for its compassionate attention to detail when considering the subject of morality?
If none of the above, I’m sorry, I can’t help you : )

Mar 20, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Many thanks, wardropper, not one of the reasons applies, it happened twice, possibly because of links, but one was to a WHO table that gets updated each day and you and everyone must have seen, the other to a piece in Wire.

Still, the well of knowledge of the world will not empty because of it, but it would be nice to know the reason.

Mar 20, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Baron

I’m sure admin can help if you followed reasonable guidelines. Misunderstandings can always arise too, of course.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 20, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Baron

It’d gone to spam, Baron, very sorry! It’s back now.

Mar 20, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thanks, Admin2, you might have left it there, it says nothing new.

Mar 20, 2020 2:17 PM

You look at the WHO table below, the individual countries page, the most striking feature is how little of the pathogen is found in the countries which one would assume to be top contenders for it – the non-white regions of the world – less hygiene, even less money, not that sophisticated health delivery systems, people can hardly isolate, they have to earn the living form one day to another, the Governments lacking the borrowing power of the Western counterparts … But no, not many infected from it, even fewer if any dying from it. What do these countries have in common? They bake under the sun.


The pathogen may be new, but it’s reported to be unstable, temperature is its worst enemy, like flu it will get hit when the sun reappears. From the very start of the scare, Baron has predicted it would be all over around the end of April, this coming April, based entirely on the above reasoning, he sticks with it, but of course one has to take precautions, more than usually.

As things are panning out it looks the reaction to the virus is already causing more harm to our lives than the harm the pathogen can ever engender. Madness.

If the sun cannot do the job on its own things are moving also in the search for cure, here’s one that looks reasonably promising (longish the narrative, but worth reading)


Mar 20, 2020 2:08 PM

I am convinced medical Doctors, Politicians and Journalists have little numerical understanding, in general, and in this CoVid19 hysteria I suspect they may all have got their statistical numbers completely wrong.
In any case there are few things to be highlighted on the report bullet-points above:
1) The median age OF THE DECEASED is 80.5 years (79.5 for men, 83.7 for women). The median age of the diagnosed is 63, much lower and with a much higher sigma.
2) All the numbers about chronic illnesses are of a sample’s smaller fraction, only 355 out of 2003, and are probably available especially because of the pre-existing conditions. Additionally few of the pre-existing conditions (i.e. dementia, hypertension) can’t be truly considered an additional death risk factor, given most (97.2%) die from respiratory failure. So that “99.2% of Italian Covid19-related deaths were already sick with something else, and the ISS hasn’t actually determined they died of Covid19 at all.” may be true, but is not in the report; the report say that of the 353 case for which data on pre-existing condition were available 99.2% had at least one, though some those pre-existing conditions were not particularly deadly by themselves.
3) the three most common preexisting pathology in that small sample (76.15, 35.5% and 33.0%) are hypertension, diabetes not cancer, liver\kidney failure or ictus while death causes were almost exclusively respiratory failure (97%), kidney failure ( 28%) and cardiac failure (11%)
Surely the report, that seems authentic, though the sample is still very small, let transpire few cracks in the official hysteric reaction

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 20, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  gpcus

So basically this particular strain of corona affected people with pre-existing conditions that by themselves may not have amounted to the death of the patient, that patient being over the age of 67.

Furthermore the patients that did succumb did so primarily of respiratory failure. The possibility exists that they died with the virus rather than of the virus yet it seems to be the other way round.

This “pandemic” would place certain populations in high risk of death because the nation which they reside in has a health care system incapable of dealing with such an outbreak. They can not all build hospitals overnight with state of the art respiratory equipment like China did.

Many Western countries have an aging population, not to mention they are smokers and obese which also adds to their risk. Some have a social existence which includes poor hygiene mannerisms – like Italy I hate to say. Its the one place I often get sick in when traveling. Even Asian street markets have not been like that to me.

Its fair to say that this is one bad flu like virus that will cause death to a segment of the population that is of a higher risk than others.

Is it fair to say that we are over-reacting with the numbers and the approach to lock downs?

People at risk will always be at risk – nothing has changed there. This viral outbreak will create a higher risk to the at risk populace – I think that is a fair assessment here is it not?

We need to think of how to improve the health care system – not change our way of life.

All this talk about a new world is bullshit unless you deal with the health system and its limitations imposed oddly by the same group that forced this reaction upon the world, specifically the WHO, Governments and health care professional politicians who stand to make some monetary gains from all the hysteria.

So the basic question still remains – are we over reacting? I think we are when its all over with -but what about now – I am at odds with that answer.

Po Siha
Po Siha
Mar 20, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

The virus might have nothing to do with any of it, except trigger treatment that kills an immunosuppressed patient.

Mar 20, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  Po Siha

The virus could be a working hypothesis that finds a fit with the established order of the day. Sone of this is the power of belief. If you believe the disease is very powerful and treat it with ‘powerful’ (toxic) drugs, then the results are assigned as proof the disease is that powerful. One down that path, waking up to the error is a terrible sense of sin that is protected by any kind of cover story – that then sets the basis for another layer of invested belief. (IE: biological and biotech solutions for what all along may have been a mix of toxicities, malnutrition and poverty in spirit – all of which can produce disease symptoms corresponding to designated viral disease.

Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts gives some background.
Virus – however caused – is a toxic load – hence the efficacy of vit C – especially IV in extreme needs.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:07 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

You fail to perceive that this is all about taking away from you the right to decide about your way of life.

They are turning you into slaves and you will have no say about it.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 20, 2020 6:55 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I can appreciate that.

My comments were more geared towards the current health care situation or lack there of, and how such limitations on a single entity ( important to everyday quality of life) can impact on our compassionate nature, hence influence what should have been a simple rational decision.

In other words we cave into stupidity for the sake of saving a life that may or may not be worth the cost but its not ours to make – is it?. But that does not mean we all have tp cave in to all sorts of stupidity with out a worthy fight and that move still remains to be played as a viable option. War on our selves.

So is there something more? Is there is a master brain behind the wall of stupidity.

You and I may have deeper thoughts and higher intellect but the rest may not and that includes Government, Health Sciences and heads of corporations. You may just be giving them a bit too much credit.

What your doing is providing credence to someone or something that is, in your opinion or in your head, trying desperately to control our right to decide about how we live our lives. Your doing pretty good so far are you not?

Look I am not suggesting Facebook and Google are not government entities – but really fuck them. Life is too short.

Ok assuming your correct, what ever that entity is – it needs hosts – MSM can be viewed as one but keep in mind all these hosts need mindless twits to act upon the “orders” and that’s a tall order given the amount of aptitude these people possess . They can’t all be that sinister , really? Can they?
Fear, can they really implement it so cunningly? Or are they really just plain old stupid and money corrupt – that’s enough to make anyone do what is currently going on , is it not?

Hence are we not more a product of our fears – you have one – about being turned into a slave and people who believe all this corona hype may have one and we go on to subjugate ourselves to living with handcuffs on for the sake of the rest of so called humanity – the ones that can not take care of themselves. Is that rational fear?

I think sometimes we build our own walls around us. I think this is a perfect example of it. I do not think there is anything actually directing it other than our own stupidity at allowing such fears.

Time for a beer and a canoe paddle.

Mar 20, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

In some sense the situation is an unveiling of an already slavery.
The body can be used to enact every kind of attack, but the mind is the freedom to give the situation all the meaning it then receives. This will seem insane to the exclusive with the body, but then perhaps for any mind to exclusively identify the body is insane – even if ‘normal’.

I am not arguing against your first premise. But is there a capacity that CANNOT be taken away – so much as denied or covered over by fear, pain, loss and grievance?
The scenario is a global imposition, but the underlying story is an old one.

There is no limit on man’s imagination – and when this is negatively empowered – we meet our limits for fear, pain or meaninglessness. Perhaps in ways that we do not expect (when what we took to be true is revealed false).

Mar 20, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

I have a simplistic, but no less corroborative, method of judging whether or not there appears to have been an over-reaction to this virus. Replace the word ‘flu’ wherever the words ‘coronavirus’ or ‘Covid19’ are used and judge whether the statements still remain true and accurate. If they do, then it’s safe to say the panic is manufactured.

Mar 20, 2020 10:31 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yes. The reaction or ‘defence’ is the manufactured ‘viral’ hijack of hearts and minds.
But it finds many willing hosts whose reaction will also extend to attacking the immune system of the Body politic – or the natural functional intelligence.

Magic on a global scale.
That operates through our own beliefs and fears and so cannot be ‘seen’.
However, is it the revealing of what was hidden as a result of being drawn out of the capacity to mask itself?

The manufacture of ‘consent’ is the framing and farming of ‘Skinner’s rats’. (Conditioned reprogrammable algorithms). That took on a new level with technological adoption, and dependence.

So ‘they’ embody the belief that system-control is the underlying truth or reality that has to be reset to – as the working out of the ‘bugs’ that initially may have been ‘nationalism, religion, family’ but will never actually be eradicated because they are not bugs, but features – ie – part of the implicit challenge of the human experience – REGARDLESS any redefining or re-casting of limitations.

The ability to re-enact the human dilemma under ever more limiting conditions is the attempt to see limiting of consciousness as the answer of ‘control’. You will never get enough excepting perhaps by death itself.
But IF IT IS WORKABLE, it can run on the willingness of those who accept it.
Maybe the young are conditioned to run on whatever they are born into while those who know another world no longer have a voice or a record of it – under the new enlightened understandings of a dark and deluded and dangerous past.

Workability is unarguable. If everything is falling apart then narrative control only assigns delay to our waking to a lack of substance to a world of weaponised whimsy.
While that may allay psychotic mayhem, it doesn’t provide a path of transition to uncovering truth by which we live and move and have our being.
or maybe – despite all appearances – that IS what is going on in a significant number of people who can no longer operate a world that is no longer supported or supportable.

Regardless the appearances – our willingness to learn sets the parameters of our re-education. Not the old set of ‘parental’ powers.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 20, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Poor hygiene mannerisms?
“like Italy I hate to say. Its the one place I often get sick in when traveling.”
Beerman, this will all pass. When it does, please don’t come back to Italia. That way you won’t get sick (or disgusted).
I presume you’re German … did you know that Italians don’t actually like Germans? It goes back a long way. We’re tolerant bunch but only up to a point.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 21, 2020 11:58 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Being German has nothing to do with it. Italian manufacturing , especially in the food industry is one of the cleanest and well organized that I have ever witnessed in the world.

The reason why Italy has issues is because its always had issues. Its a country that should not function but it does – and it usually functions just fine.

Its my personal experience that I get sick eating in Italy when I do not anywhere else.

Its also one of my favorite place to go.

Mar 20, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  gpcus

Add to that their Public Health Officers. These are all important points, and highlight both sound principles of scientific practice and the use of science findings for public policy. But we now see clear evidence, everywhere, that few know or understand these principles. Instead, we see that people are completely enthralled with pronouncements made by TV news celebrities, self interested bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci in the US, and grand standing politicians. People need a good sharp whack to see how they have been and are being deceived, and this moment is a doozy in that regard. I think we will see more skepticism and then anger and outrage in the coming weeks.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Mar 20, 2020 2:04 PM

All cause mortality is an extremely important piece of information. If the coronavirus narrative is correct we should expect to see a significant increase in all cause mortality. Yet the elites are ignoring all cause mortality, even though this is a simple and completely reliable piece of numerical information (unlike the estimates for the number of coronavirus cases and deaths). The government publishes the all cause mortality figures. And according to their latest figures, mortality is down, rather than up. https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-mortality-and-fear-mongering.html

Mar 20, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

‘ If the coronavirus narrative is correct we should expect to see a significant increase in all cause mortality. ’

We will, but it will not be due to a pathogenic coronavirus as the narrative suggests, but due to stress, depression, suicide, loneliness and austerity measures

Mar 20, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Willem

…and hospitals using it as an excuse to ‘prioritise treatments’ at the expense of the elderly. Well, the UK’s pandemic contingency plan does say that “Difficult decisions may have to be made, and it may mean that treatments cannot be given that would benefit the patient”. See final para in the section ironically entitled “Respect” in the linked document. Says it all.


Mar 20, 2020 2:02 PM
    A highly recommend blogger for the discerning ……
    ‘Aangirfan ‘
Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  Noodle

Worth reading with a sceptical mind, do not become a disciple.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Mar 20, 2020 1:53 PM

It should also be mentioned, that Italy has one of the world’s oldest populations with 60% over age 40. In addition 25% of the population smokes.

What’s even more interesting, is that in the US only 1 homeless person in Silicon Valley died from COVID-19. There’s an estimated 151,000 people experiencing homelessness in California living crammed together in the most hideous unsanitary conditions–tent cities. You’d think tens of thousands of homeless would already be infected and dying, if COVID-19 was as terrifying a contagion as relentlessly professed to be by the mainstream media news.

Just a few things to ponder…….

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:09 PM

The media long ago started smoking wacky backy, the concept of truth died on 9/11.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Mar 20, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

The truth died when Henry Wallace was removed from FDR’s ticket– Truman became the next president and established the CIA.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Mar 20, 2020 10:00 PM

It does.

To me it generally indicates that the richer people (i.e.those who go ski-ing in the Alps ) don’t mix with poor Tibetans who don’t go ski-ing in the Alps.

No better off person ever goes near the Shanty Towns either.

This seems to be in Europe a Eurodemic of the travelling better off.

Not scientific but may explain the Well Off West’s panic.

As usual despite the Crisis the Well Off and the very Well Off are taking the State’s ( our ) money.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Mar 20, 2020 1:50 PM

It should also be mentioned, that Italy has one of the world’s oldest populations with 60% over age 40. In addition 25% of the population smokes.

What’s even more interesting, is that in the US only 1 homeless person in Silicon Valley died from COVID-19. There’s an estimated 151,000 people experiencing homelessness in California living crammed together in the most hideous unsanitary conditions–tent cities. You’d think tens of thousands of homeless would already be infected and dying, if COVID-19 was as terrifying a contagion as relentlessly professed to be by the mainstream media news.

Just a few things to ponder…….


Mar 20, 2020 1:24 PM

This is turning out to be a rerun of the Mid Staffs hospital scandal where totally erroneous figures relating to preventable deaths are still being bandied today by press with an agenda.
Then and now it seems there is a misunderstanding of the mortality data which, in the case of Mid Staffs, was weaponised, and this time is being used to instil fear, the purpose of which has yet to be deduced.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Well, privatising the NHS is one of the purposes. They are actively ‘buying bed time from private hospitals’ no doubt at prices far more expensive than NHS costs are.

Everyone knows that there is a supermajority in the UK who want the NHS state-owned, free at the point of delivery.

It is therefore justifiable to be more successful than Guy Fawkes et al if they try and privatise it on the sly.

Mar 20, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You are more than likely right, along with an excuse for the West’s failing economy and useless interchangeable governments.

Mar 20, 2020 1:02 PM

Have the system propaganda organs started using the term ‘covid-19-denier’ yet?

They will.

Mar 20, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  clickkid

from jay below: batty-flu denier has a better ring to it.

I am extremely disappointed with the vast majority of my friends, some of who’m are highly intelligent, and don’t believe the official US Goverment story of 9/11.

About 90% of them believe what they are told by authority about batty-flu.

It’s a waste of time, trying to argue with them, or even console them with real facts and figures.

They are close to a state of total panic. They might try and laugh about toilet paper, but the reality is they are frightened to death.

Strangely enough, I am exceedingly worried myself, not about becoming ill or dying, but the effects of the panic. I am treating it very seriously, and preparing to grow a lot more food in my back garden, and taking other measures to increase self sufficiency. Supply chains could easily completely break down, if this panic continues for much longer.


Mar 21, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I feel the same way. I live in Toscany and every day the government publishes more stringent measures and every day the news papers publish more horrid photos and everyday more people give into the story. I stopped talking to people entirely. On byoblu.com is the beginning of the discussion that this a COUP. It will be used to clear the italien bondcrisis. Italy will be the next Greece.. the citizens will be overjoyed to have survived C-19 and willingly go along with all measures taken.

Mar 20, 2020 2:07 PM
Reply to  clickkid


RT, actually. It disappoints me how much they’re helping push this one.

Mar 20, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Frank

To tell the truth, what scares me is that even people who have written extensively on how science is distorted, and usually can differentiate between science and what passes for science but is dogma are now just repeating what so called “experts” are saying on TV, without analyzing, reading any of the actual data, mathematical models, etc. This is what is scary for me. Not the virus. There are viruses around, I myself twice nearly passed away in passed years from viral fever, an even doctors cant explain how I survived, nor could they identify the strain of virus I was contaminated by. But no one panicked, no one went screaming to the press we have here someone young and healthy dying of a viral fever. In one case the daughter of my neighbour died, while someone else in the neighbourhood recovered within 2 days. I have no idea who else had this viral fever. My doctor later told me many.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Frank

They are publishing that as a Foreign Policy weapon. Russia has already stated it considers the Western reaction overdone.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 20, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Frank

RT are bullshit. They went along with the “evil immigrant mass rapists in Cologne” story:


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 20, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  clickkid

And we’ll get “C19 truthers” but the rhetoric will be stepped up since they will be considered REAL dangerous loons for putting everyone’s like in danger.

Mar 20, 2020 12:25 PM

I think we need a term for this virus/flu/nonsense that has not been dictated to us by tptb.

This would help ridicule the panic, spread the fact that a lot of people do not believe any of it, and in an NLP-ish sort of way, reclaim at least part of the battleground. Please suggest possible terms/names.

My current thinking –

fascist flu
headless-chicken virus
old pony virus

Mar 20, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  JohnB

Batty Day Night Fever?
Enabling Act Virus?
Wuhan of Mass Distraction (WMD)?
Swollen Jackboot Disease?
Wuhan Zoo Flu?

Mar 20, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  jay


Was it you who came out previously with the lovely ‘mickey mouse flu’? Whoever it was, thank you. I decided to make use of it in my interactions with total believers just to annoy them! I do occasionally have a cruel streak! 😀

Mar 20, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

It wasn’t me, but I’ll claim the runner up prize.

Mar 20, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  jay

I like enabling act virus, but fear it would whoosh over most believers’ heads. 🙂

Mar 20, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  JohnB

Hollywood Flu

Mar 20, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Noodle

Goebels Reichstag Syndrome

Mar 20, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  JohnB

“Spanish flu” ought to be known as Fort Riley Flu….

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  JohnB

Neoconservative Wet Dream?
US sanctions hard-on?
21st Century Kristallnacht?

Mar 20, 2020 12:20 PM

Little knowledge is more dangerous than total ignorance. It is interesting to see how the world is now full of experts in exponential growth. Before spreading fear as is the case today, people should
1) learn about the reproduction number (the number of people, an individual is supposed to contaminate): how subjective that number is, the unbelievable assumptions its definitions are based on, for there is no single definition.
2) learn about what it means to apply mathematics. Mathematics is a language to describe quantifiable patterns. You can make a mathematical theory as unrealistic as you wish just like you can write stories about unicorns. What matters in science if you are going to use mathematics is the quality of the empirical study the model is based on
3) All this, remembering that even the best of science has to be based on assumptions. Our theories cannot mirror nature because it is too complex. All our theories are reductive, however holistic we may try to make them. And the application of mathematics for many reasons which would be too long to expose is especially reductive.
4) science, whether descriptive or quantitative, is beautiful, only when it remains true to its nature, remembering the many shortcomings it is plagued with, which are nothing but the shortcomings of the human mind which no technology can alter.

It is not for nothing that Richard Feynman, one of the finest physicist of the last century, said science is the belief in the ignorance of experts”: there can be no science without doubting our seniors and peers.

In the later 1950s, another exceptional scientist, Schrodinger, lamented that a stupidization” process was ongoing. If Darwinian evolution is correct, there is a serious danger of a general degeneration of our organ of intelligence”, he wrote. The current reaction frighteningly shows how far the process has advanced in 60 years.

Mar 20, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  ann

I like what Feynman had to say, I wonder why I have never heard before now, hahahahaha.

Mar 20, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  jay

You’ll find it in the transcript of a talk he gave to the National Science Teachers Association in the US in 1966 . The title is: What is science”. Its available free on the internet I believe.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 20, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  ann

And related, I feel:

The Great Tragedy Of Science, The Slaying Of A Beautiful Theory By An Ugly Fact.


And, although I am not a libertarian prepper, and do not follow this blog (I found it by looking for a particular phrase), I do like this snippet:


The fact is, science can be done wrong. Methodologies can be faulty. Scientists can fall in love with their theories and manipulate data. You see it all the time in bio-medical research, especially observational studies.

There is also a quote there from our friend, John Ioannidis.

Meanwhile, a nice quote attributed to Einstein:

“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

I think too many medical and climate people nowadays just want to prove themselves right.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 20, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  ann

Here is some basic maths:

Give or take, the Chinese had 100,000 reported cases of CoVid19. To make the maths easier, we will increase that 50% to 150,000, so no-one can say we are being too optimistic.

In a population of 1.5bn, that equates to 0.01% of the population infected in a meaningful, clinical way (as opposed to subclinical infection).

We now make an assumption that the % susceptibility of European nations to clinical disease induced by CoVid19 is of the same magnitude.

That means we expect 0.01% of the population of the UK to end up with meaningful disease.

That means we expect 0.0001*70 million patients = 7,000 patients. So around 300 – 500 deaths then.

Is that anywhere near 500,000 deaths??


So let us see how to get closer to that.

Instead of taking the population of the whole of China, let us use solely the population of Hubei province, where the vast majority of Chinese cases occurred.

The population of Hubei is 57 million, so in other words vaguely equivalent to the population of the UK or France.

So our next guess is that we will have 80,000 patients, because that is pretty much what China has had. Have 150,000 if we are going to be pessimistic about future cases.

Hubei province only had about 3000 deaths, so to be REALISTIC we should expect no more than 10,000 deaths in the UK, absolute maximum.

Still nowhere near 500,000 deaths. No chance for any FRCP to challenge that. They have all been LYING!

All the stupid modelling trying to use fancy assumptions should be forgotten. Just take the Chinese figures and come up with one good reason why we should be very different to them.


Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Mar 20, 2020 11:59 AM

The Bank of England, following other Central Banks around the world, has pushed interest rates down to 0.1% . Given that the rate of inflation is 1.94% this means that central banks around the world are exercising seigniorage rights. Which is to say that profits made by a government by issuing currency, especially the difference between the face value of coins and their inflation costs. As usual savers are penalised and speculators rewarded. All these filched monies are going to banks, hedge-funds, private-equity, courtesy of the powers-that-be. This of course will deepen the gross income and wealth inequality already a fait accompli around the world. One wonders which came first, which was cause, and which was effect, the virus or the slump.

Mar 20, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Causality is easy on this one given that 08 GFC was the slump post-Lehman debacle. QE-4 did not resolve the conundrum whatsoever and now we evidence the returning slump which is exactly 12 years after the first slump.

Wall Street serial felon marquee banks were bailed out along with GM & Chrysler plus AIG, Fannie & Freddie, & Sally Mae too.

If governments don’t line my pockets & bank account with trillions in gold bullion immediately I will vote them out and appropriate their wealth transfer.


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 20, 2020 11:58 AM

On top of all the other strain there is a more acute one: to maintain the “cover story” for the sake of loved ones while secretly rejecting it as utter bullshit. I wonder how long I can keep up the pretense.

Virus Guy
Virus Guy
Mar 20, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t try. People need to be told while there is still enough freedom of information. I don’t think it will last long. No one has the luxury of self-delusion any more.

Germs Bond
Germs Bond
Mar 20, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  Virus Guy

Virus Guy I fear they may kill us

Mar 20, 2020 11:33 AM

We have a world population of 7.7 bn and the BBC has just announced that worldwide, CV cases have reached 200.000…. cases NOT deaths

So in percentage terms around 0.000026% of the world population.
The only pandemic that exists is the fear that’s being perpetrated.
What we actually need to be concerned about is not a cold virus, but

* Economic and financial meltdown
* Mass unemployment
* Destruction of small businesses
* Food rationing
* Fuel rationing
* Digital currency
* Martial law/loss of freedom
* Medical tyranny

Every day we are being primed to accept a vaccine as the answer to this ‘pandemic’. For which the manufacturers will make billions, while most people in this country face ruin.

It’s classic Problem, Reaction, Solution and when people wake up and realise our freedoms have been stripped away, it will be too late. This is Agenda 21 in action.

7 billion were asked to jump, and replied ‘’ how high’’ !

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 20, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

What we also need to be concerned about is the destruction of the public services and indeed the entire infrastructure.

Mar 20, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Great comment sabelmouse.

Mar 20, 2020 11:25 AM

Wonderful website link to the Swiss site

I wonder how many on here would fail the Russian propaganda test?

I wonder if Mr Knightly has taken it?

Mar 20, 2020 11:03 AM

The Lie and the father of it, needs fear to ‘survive’.
In your name.
By accepting fear as your self, you become ‘food’.
Breaking the spell of fear is the willingness to recognise fears,
within us – as the active result of conflicted beliefs.
instead of false-flgging OUT and AWAY from a sense of control,
set over or against the very fear, that now controls us,
under hope of security or freedom,
in its terms.

The love that suffers the lie is not corrupted.
But denied and usurped by imposter.
Love of truth cannot abide self-betrayal,
But let not THAT be the call to love instead,
an illusion of herd immunity.

Love has no need but to share itself.
Self-extension is the receiving and giving of,
a true with-ness in a sense of shared worth.

Let self-isolating from conflicted insanity
serve the reconnect and realignment
of a true intimacy and peace of being.

The field of a shared resonance in conscious purpose,
is of a virgin birth, and not a manufactured coercion.
The still point opens the recognition and embrace of polarities
as sharing a common centre.
That strictures of control
run on false premises
under false profits.

Fear says, “you are not safe – unless you listen to me!”.
Love says, “be quiet, I am listening for truth now!”

Fear controls.
Love commands.

Who shall determine your reality?
True purpose aligns free-willingly.
Consensually and as a fluid balance of needs,
of the whole, felt in the heart,
as communication of life.

Mar 20, 2020 12:31 PM
Reply to  binra

Fear says, “you are not safe – unless you listen to me!”.
Love says, “be quiet, I am listening for truth now!”
Very nice binra

Mar 20, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  Blubber

While nice can devolve into niceties, the term in engineering is for a nice or perfect fit.
I hold that truth is a recognisable resonance – regardless the forms or contexts – by the absence of coercion or division.
When the forms of yesterday’s truths become the niceties of a ritual observance, they are in a sense ‘masked in’ or merely associated with, as a sort of unconscious habit that originally derived from something fitting and workable.
If something has to be forced into shape or forced out of shape because it isn’t actually workable, then the call is to release the ritual habits of thought and reaction for a fresh take in place of a persisting mis-take.

Focussing on the difficult makes fear the master.
Sharing the experience of the easy, grows the trust by which to move through fear.
In this sense the easy is what is within our realm of responsibility and the difficult is the framing by which we isolate ourselves within a sense of conflicted self in search of power from outside. To the identity in fear and grievance, sharing may seem the more difficult while self-isolating fear is the devil ‘we know’ and in that sense have faith in or adaptation to.

I use sharing in the sense of aligned purpose or appreciation – of what we have recognised and accepted in common, rather than seek to take or withhold at each other’s expense – under a sense of threat, scarcity and lack.

All ‘control agenda’ operates from the disconnect of lack-seeking outside itself and is inherently self-isolating from relational context, so as to take on responsibility for functions that are far beyond its capacity and grievously burdened by death and taxes.

The influx of light, energy and feeling for life and being that comes with the release of an ancient hate is experienced as healing – regardless the symptoms fall away at once or peripherally fade over time.

Healing is in the heart as the realignment and renewal of the mind, and the release of the use of the body as the means of a mind seeking joy in the spin of its own pain.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Mar 20, 2020 9:56 AM

Two key parameters that should be divulged for any medical test are Sensitivity and Specificity.

The Sensitivity parameter indicates how well the test dects the disease when it is actually present. Low values may miss the disease giving a False Negative result

The Specificity parameter indicates how specific the test is to the disease. With low values, other diseases may be detected giving a False Positive result.

If the test has a very low value for either or both, then it may be worse than a random guess, with potentially dire results.

Mar 20, 2020 9:45 AM

Jon Rappoport is making some extremely important points about how this could be “seen” to be spiralling out of control and appear to be far more serious than it actually is, based on hospital stats and scenes, and this is something it is vital to focus on. We have to hammer what Jon is saying home, he has been documenting these hoaxes for decades. This is one of the tricks which will/has convinced entire populations the whole thing is real. It is our duty to provide our friends and family with intelligent, well presented facts that demonstrate how ridiculous this whole thing is. This is a chance to prove how corrupt our world has become.
OK. So we have all been subjected to the fear porn. Even though I am someone who is now 99% convinced that this is nothing more than a hoax, I am definitely having instinctive reactions if I see someone coughing…..I really want to get away from them, it makes me feel uncomforatble. I’m washing my hands more etc. There is still that element of doubt, even though I know they are lying, such is the power of Tavistock-powered mind control techniques. So imagine how it feels for someone who is not savvy, someone who believes every word the authorities are telling them, someone who is seeing the lockdowns and listening to the “experts” and hearing about all the people dying. The fear levels must be off the scale.
Taking this into account, just imagine how these people will feel if they actually get a cough, or a bit of a temperature. This could be a very real cough, suddenly brought on by say, all the chemicals being sprayed on the streets to “eliminate” the virus. They cough as they walk down the street. People look at them with fear and hatred in their eyes. They immediately feel maxed out on fear. “Oh fuck, I’m coughing……….IT MUST BE CORONAVIRUS.” It’s not of course, it has been caused by inhaling a load of toxic chemicals they are “saving” you with, or it could just be a regular bit of seasonal coughing.
So they start coughing. They will not want to take any risks, and off to the hospital they hastily trot with the classic “You can’t be too careful” mindset. The hospital staff, also on maximum fear alert, even higher you could say because they believe the bullshit too, plus they “understand” the bullshit. So an inordinate amount of people will be presenting in the hospital, and in the midst of the frenzy, the hospital staff will be on strict orders to take no risks…….ICU for you, you must be placed in Gary Neville’s hotel in isolation to prevent the whole of Manchester becoming infected…….I cannot risk my Nan’s life, WE MUST ISOLATE THIS MAN in ICU. All of a sudden, Gary Neville’s hotel is full of people dosed up on toxic antiviral drugs, convinced they are going to die, hooked up to all manner of gadgets and a scene from the apocalypse quickly develops.
And so the whole thing snowballs from there. All of a sudden, hundreds and thousands of terrified people with absolutely nothing wrong with them are swamping the hospitals up and down the country, providing endless photo opportunites for the media to use to freak out the public even more and justify the measures being taken. Even if it’s not that bad, I guarantee they will portray it like this.
All the world’s a stage. You cannot over-emphasise how important it is to have a deep understanding of those words.
Here is Jon’s best and most recent broadcast on the topic. IT IS ESSENTIAL to listen to this, then start spreading the word. This is a hoax which will lead to forced vaccinations and a fascist police state. That much is clear. Are you going to just roll over and let them do that? No way, Jose. Time to start exposing this multi pronged assault on the public for what it is. They are committing enormous crimes against you and your family, and they will continue to do so until they are called out and exposed for the lying pieces of vermin they truly are. Enough is enough.

The RSB Show 3/15/20 – Jon Rappoport. Michael Boldin, Coronavirus, Constitution

Mar 20, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Mucho

There is some corners of hope. My old neighbour is nearly 90 years old. I asked Her what she thought about it all. She replied it was “con”.
How can folk believe that the tories who killed 140000 with austerity care about the sick and the old. Or for that matter, (some) medical people who will bump off your granny bed blocker with the Liverpool Care Pathway….
So much for the hypocrutic Poath in China, doctors will rip out your kidneys if you fall foul of the state for a few $$$$…

[Link fixed. A2]

Mar 20, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  jay

[Link above. A2]

Mar 20, 2020 11:05 AM
Reply to  jay

i wonder how holocaust survivors feel about this. here in ireland we’ve got the gestapo making sure we’re 2 m apart 🙁
IF we dare to go out.

Mar 20, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Do people not tell them to fuck off ?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mar 20, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  jay

Speaking of granny bed-blockers, about 13 years ago, my 90-year-old father-in-law fell ill and ended up in hospital. At some point, he was diagnosed with pneumonia. I am not sure whether he had that before going into hospital or not. When we went into see him, he was in a(n admittedly small) shared ward. There was no talk of Intensive Care Units or Ventilators. This was not the flu season (it was late summer), and this was 2007, pre-GFC and pre-Coalition/Tory cuts. The hospital was not overwhelmed with respiratory patients; just a normally busy (for that period) NHS hospital.

So far as I could see, he was not being given any treatment, and was almost ignored by the medical staff. He was also largely denied water, which he desperately wanted (a not-uncommon experience, I later found out).

At one point, my wife went into the corridor for a break, and overheard one nurse say to another: Is Mr S—— dead yet?” The other nurse said: “shh….that’s his daughter over there…”.

Basically, he was just being left to die. He’d have been no worse off at home, and probably would have felt much more at ease there. It had been the authorities who had insisted he go to hospital in the first place, deeming that his wife could not look after him. That in itself was questionable, but he also had 4 family members living close by, who could have and would have cared for him at his home. However, I think that they thought that the doctors must know best, and that hospital was the best place for him. Had he been well enough to decide for himself, I doubt if he would have agreed. He’d discharged himself from hospital more than once, back in his 80s, and was always somewhat sceptical about the medical profession.
(On those occasions, a well-meaning GP doctor had sent him to hospital to give his wife a break from looking after him. He didn’t really need hospital “care”).

Until this illness, I would say he had no serious “underlying medical conditions”. While never exactly athletic, he was basically a fit vigorous man for most of his life, and, e.g. a very active gardener. Apart from seasonal colds, he was hardly ever ill, that I remember, except when he once had a fall, and broke his collar bone. Now, he’d had a good and very fulfilling life, a good family life and successful career. He’d had his 3 score and ten years, and 20 more, so was perhaps ready to die. I can understand that he would not be the top priority of a busy hospital. (So why send him there then, when he could more happily die at home?). But don’t hypocritically cry crocodile tears for aged Covid-19 victims who allegedly die for lack of ventilators, when you don’t treat “normal” aged respiratory patients seriously, or put them into ICU or put them on ventilators in “normal” conditions, when there is no shortage of them.

Mar 20, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

I could not agree more. My fit, active and self-sufficient mother went into hospital with acute sepsis at 89 years of age. The sepsis was sorted out within 7 days. She remained in hospital for another 8 weeks as she succumbed to repeat bouts of pneumonia and UTIs. During that time she was overdosed on morphine and not given sufficient food and water. When she came out of hospital she was skeletal, completely immobile and suffering from (morphine induced) dementia. The only thing she subsequently overcame at home was her weight loss. She lived for another five years, suffering the consequences of hospital mistreatment and neglect.

The only treatment she was given for the pneumonia was an oxygen feed into her nostrils. One day we came into her ward just after she had come back from x-ray and the oxygen feed tube was lying on the dirty floor caught up under the wheels of the bed. We pointed this out to a nurse who said with no sign of shame ‘Oh that should have been put back’ and then promptly dragged the wheels back over the tube and put it back, as it was, under my mother’s nostrils.

We had to fight tooth and nail to get mum away from the hospital as it was obvious they were doing their best to kill her off. We had to be interrogated at committee meetings where they constantly argued that they knew what was best for her: “you really ought to put her in a home”. They made it clear that every move we made with mum at home would be scrutinised and we would be in serious trouble if there was any suggestion of mistreatment!

Apart from one GP visit after a couple of weeks to ‘confirm’ that mum had dementia (this was when GPs were being paid to diagnose dementia cases) we never heard from a GP again even to offer sympathy or support when she died. May have been because we were labelled as trouble makers for daring to challenge doctors and social workers who ‘knew best’. I am just relieved that mum died last year before all this ridiculous ‘self isolation’ nonsense because we would really have been ‘up shit creek’.

Mar 20, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I should add that this wasn’t some inexperienced parochial hospital in the sticks. It was a major, purportedly distinguished, teaching hospital in South Manchester.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Mar 23, 2020 2:57 AM
Reply to  jay

Any particular reason that my protest at this villainous slandering of Chinese doctors, ‘..doctors will rip out your kidneys if you fall foul of the state for a few $$$’, was censored? Are vicious Sinophobes a protected species here?

Mar 20, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  Mucho

i am not optimistic that actual info would get through the brainwashed. the way things are here in ireland most would march into camps. happy to be saved from thefakedemic.

Mar 20, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

At least you got rid of a nasty Verucca.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 20, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  Mucho

“All the world’s a stage. You cannot over-emphasise how important it is to have a deep understanding of those words.”

Shakespeare was a genius.

Mar 20, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Sorry, youtube at it again – can’t watch unless you sign in

bo dive
bo dive
Mar 20, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Mucho

A tip: when waiting in the long line to buy shopping, get on your soapbox. Let ’em know what you know; why it is that they have been made to behave the way they find themselves behaving. Your audience will be a captive one, and you will find that some people already have a clue, and want to explore their ideas, but thought they were on their own, and this was an inhibitor. Go out and inoculate people against the bull.

bo dive
bo dive
Mar 20, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  Mucho
Mar 20, 2020 9:24 AM

I guess an interesting case study is Germany. Around 14,000 cases and 40 or so deaths. Similar I guess to South Korea which has tested extensively. I think looking around the world at different experiences and ways of dealing with this and recording information might shed more like on things. Panicking at the situation in Italy while ignoring the real picture which is unfolding seems far more dangerous than the risk of a new virus. You have to ask why the mainstream media is not addressing the questions in this article and seem hell-bent on cherry-picking to portray the worst case scenario. In a few months and if we’re all debating what the fuss was about journalists in mainstream may have to answer these questions. People won’t to be satisfied with ‘ our draconian measures dealt with the crisis’

In the meantime, I’d suggest people read proper, independent papers and science journals to learn more.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Mar 20, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Loverat

“You have to ask why the mainstream media is not addressing the questions in this article and seem hell-bent on cherry-picking to portray the worst case scenario.”

Because their core function is to make money for their owners. They do not exist to truthfully inform the public about world events. They give a distorted version of the truth, if they tell the truth at all.

It is well known that the more scary the story the more people take notice.

Mar 20, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  Loverat

People won’t be satisfied with ‘our draconian measures dealt with the crisis’

I wish I could agree with you on this statement, Loverat. Unfortunately most of the people I know will undoubtedly be echoing the sentiment at every opportunity.