“Think deep, do good science and do not panic!”
A few considerations on the corona crisis
Daniel Jeanmonod MD, Roxanne Jeanmonod & Francis Neirynck

The monumental importance of the measures taken around the world in the fight for control of the current COVID-19 pandemic during the past few weeks motivated us to express through this text a few considerations and comments on this hugely important topic.
Dr. Joel Kettner [1], professor of Community Health Science at Manitoba University and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases declared recently:
I have never seen anything like this… I am not talking about the pandemic, because I have seen 30 of them, one every year… But I have never seen this reaction, and I am trying to understand why…”
We do too, and wish to share our thoughts through these lines. Dr. David Jones[2] declared recently, concerning the corona crisis, in the New England Journal of Medicine:
History suggests that we are actually at much greater risk of exaggerated fears and misplaced priorities”
Corona and other common Cold viruses
The common cold, as its name indicates, is the most common human infectious disease and affects people all over the globe. Adults have typically two to three infections per year, and children even more. Rates of symptomatic infections increase in the elderly due to reduced defense mechanisms. Over 200 virus types are implicated, the main ones being rhino-, corona-, adeno- and enteroviruses as well as influenza, parainfluenza, human respiratory syncytial and metapneumoviruses.
Studies out of different countries were reviewed by Wodarg[3] (see among others Nicholson et al.[4]), showing that coronaviruses are present year after year in 7-15% of winter respiratory tract infections (RTI). Every year indeed, these common cold viruses invade the planet in wintertime of the northern hemisphere and mutate to get entry into our organisms, and reproduction inside our cells.
We are thus dealing with a cyclic viral planetary invasion with high contagious capacity, in this sense a pandemic, which, because it is so well known and most of the time benign, activates no significant fears in the population and most of the time low interest from microbiologists.
Like the SARS-CoV-1 of 2002-2003 and the MERS virus of 2012, the SARS-CoV-2 is a corona virus which is thought to have mutated from an animal. The next essential characteristic of a virus, after its contagiousness, is its lethality for the human population. Roussel et al.[5] have just published that common (i.e. pre-SARS-CoV-2 mutation) coronaviruses had in France an estimated mortality of 0.8% in 2016.
They analyzed, in addition, 4 common coronavirus strains between 2013 and 2020, which had mortalities between 0.36 and 2.7% (381 other corona strains diagnosed before 2017 were not assigned to this study). Data from the OECD and from France (Roussel et al.[5]) show a SARS-CoV-2 mortality of 1.3% and 1.6%, respectively.
These data are fundamental to demonstrate the following: SARS-CoV-2 displays no higher mortality than its older companions. It must be realized, however, that viral RTIs can be threatening to old, sick and weakened human beings. The mortality rate of the common cold can go indeed as high as 8% in elderly nursing homes (Ioannidis[6]).
Diagnostic tests
We have at the time no idea of the presence (prevalence) of the SARS-CoV-2 in the human population. The journal Le Monde[7] published a detailed review of 26 countries showing an average 10% of tests being positive, and Capek[8] cites values staying between 10 and 15%. Interestingly, the presence of common cold coronaviruses in yearly RTIs worldwide is 7-15% (see above).
These data speak for a usual presence of the SARS-CoV-2 this year as compared with the one, each year, of older corona strains. They contradict the existence of a progression of the SARS-CoV-2 infections beyond the usual yearly rate.
Common cold viruses display a high contagiousness level, due among other factors to the fact that a large majority of their infections, estimated between 80 and 99.5%, are non or mildly symptomatic.
As around 20-40% of the population get an RTI in winter, we are led to the conclusion that a very large proportion of the population must harbor common cold viruses including the SARS-CoV-2 corona strain. Confirming this line of thought, Gupta et al.[9] from Oxford University have drafted a model suggesting that a large part of the population has already been infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, going through a mild or an asymptomatic infection.
Testing its presence in the population just confirms this reality, and the (obviously!) growing number of positive tests should in no way be interpreted as a sign of an unusual propagation of the virus. This interpretation is one of the two main panic activation factors at the source of the current worldwide panic wave. The only useful side of a progressively larger testing of the whole population would be to bring the mortality rate down by including more mild (rhinitis, coughing, no fever) or asymptomatic infection forms.
The World Health Organization and numerous experts have communicated to the world a crude mortality rate for COVID-19 of 3.4%, causing panic: this indicates (erroneously) a danger for the population around 30 times higher than with the influenza virus, which is estimated at 0.1%.
In addition to the idea (not the evidence, as discussed above) of an exceptional pandemic, this statement represents the second essential panic activation factor. The approach here is to count the number of deaths over the number of positive tests performed.
As tests are in general not performed on persons affected mildly or without symptoms, this approach ignores their high presence, estimations for it, going for COVID-19 from 82-90% in China (Li et al.[10]) up to 99.5% in Germany (Bhakdi[11]).
Such a crude mortality rate is thus inadequately high, not providing the centrally relevant information: the number of deaths calculated over the total of infections by a given virus, including all clinical forms, from asymptomatic to fatal ones. This mortality rate is the one representing the real danger the human population is exposed to when getting infected: it is the infection mortality rate.
It is to be noted that the type of calculation followed by Roussel et al. ([[5]] mentioned above) was considering the death percentage on the positive tests performed, with high crude mortality values. The usefulness of this study resides however, as discussed above, in the comparison between the mortality of the older and the current SARS-CoV-2 corona strains.
Ioannidis[6] estimates an infection mortality rate for COVID-19 between 0.05 and 1%. Assuming a mid-range mortality value of 0.3% and a 1% infection rate, it would correspond to 10’000 deaths for the USA. This surely is an impressive number, it would however stay buried within the noise of the estimate of deaths from usual seasonal RTIs.
The European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action[12] reveals that, till year week 13, no global European excess mortality can be seen as compared with earlier years, the death toll trend for 2019-2020 is in fact slightly lower than for earlier years.
Confirming this, the German Robert Koch Institute[13] documented end of March a nationwide decrease in the activity of acute RTIs, with the number of hospital stays caused by them being below the level of previous years and currently continuing to decline.
Roussel et al.5 remind us that every year around the world 2.6 million people die of RTIs. Today, at the end of March and of the RTI season, we may really hope that the SARS-CoV-2 strain will not be the “killer virus” which was profiled and which produced such an intense and worldwide reaction. A revealing comparison can be made with the yearly mortality of influenza infections, estimated between 0.5 and 1 million worldwide.
In Switzerland where the death toll of the flu is estimated at an average of 2’000 deaths per season, we live, like all other countries around the world, with this cyclic reality, and have integrated it fully in our personal, social and national lives (Osterloh and Frey[14]). With the COVID-19, Switzerland remains, end of March, with a lower death toll.
As of today, we have not yet a final estimation of the infection mortality rate of the COVID-19. The data described above indicate a value at or below the one of the flu. Bendavid and Bhattacharya[15] proposed indeed estimations of the infection mortality rate of the COVID-19 between 0.01 for the US and 0.06% for Italy (based on the testing of the whole population of the town of Vò), values close to the ones proposed by Ioannidis[6], and below the 0.1% rate of the flu.
If the monitoring of the global (e.g. European) death toll does not show any excess mortality during the 2019-2020 season, it is nevertheless true that a local increase is present in northern Italy. In the city of Bergamo for example, 652 deaths (all causes of death included) were reported between January 1st and March 21st of this year versus 386 in the same period of 2017, during the last bigger flu wave.
An interesting fact is that in the same period the city of Milano has recorded 3,283 deaths this year versus 3,792 in 2017[16]. Obviously, further analysis of the demographic data and of local factors will be needed.
The detailed Italian official data[17] demonstrate a very high relevance for mortality of pre-existing morbidities: the average age of deceased patients was 78.5 years old. On a study on 481 deaths, 6 patients (1.2%) had no pre-existing morbidities, 23.5 % had one, 26.6% two and 48.6% three or more pre-morbidities. Nine patients were younger than 40 years old, but at least seven of them had serious pre-existing pathologies. In 84% of Italian therapeutic programs, antibiotics were applied, indicating a high rate of bacterial co-infections.
It must also be kept in mind that the SARS-CoV-2 is often accompanied, in an average of 24% of infections according to Shah et al.[18], by other common cold viruses, so that it cannot always be held primarily responsible for the disease and its consequences.
Following these lines and according to Prof. Ricciardi[19], an analysis of Italian death certificates showed that only 12% of them displayed a direct causality from the COVID-19 virus. This leads to a most significant reduction of the deaths attributable to it. One ends up with a few dozen deaths per day, compared to 20’000 flu deaths per year in Italy.
The Italian Civil Protection Service underline in this context the necessity to differentiate between death with and death from corona virus[20]. This analysis is absolutely essential, should be considered by all countries counting their deaths, and will contribute to get a final correct estimation of the COVID-19 death toll worldwide.
Finally, two additional factors add to the Italian mortality rate: the high average age of the population (with 633’133 deaths[21] for all reasons in 2018, estimated 2,000 deaths per day in wintertime) and high air pollution levels. One gets hence the addition of 3 factors reducing strongly the death causality of COVID-19:
- other viruses because they often come together
- bacterial secondary infections
- pre-existing morbidities
In conclusion, a very invasive virus with a high death toll is the basis for the development of fear and panic in the human population. The statistical considerations above allow us to hope that the SARS-CoV-2 will not be the “killer virus” that we expected. Local factors, like in Italy, may play a significant role. That fear and panic may in themselves cause and increase locally human losses is discussed below.
The alveolar and interstitial pneumopathy (AIP) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
The AIP[22] affects around 2 million people worldwide and is due to the triggering of an ill-understood abnormal healing response. This response is delayed over around a week in the case of the SARS.
Two-thirds of AIP are idiopathic, i.e. have no known cause. For the ones with a known etiology, the causes are autoimmune, allergic or infectious. Infectious agents are the coronavirus, but also the respiratory syncytial virus and tuberculosis. There is evidence that the autoimmune and allergic dynamics point to the relevance of psycho-neuro-immunological mechanisms, which, in the presence of an associated genetic predisposition, may trigger overactive deleterious inflammatory responses.
Thus, in the AIP, the virus is only the environmental trigger of a process which needs other factors, genetic and psycho-emotional, to develop.
In accordance with the presence of an autoimmune response in SARS, Chinese and Italian doctors have applied with success to serious SARS patients a treatment of Tocilizumab[23], a medication useful in the treatment of the rheumatoid arthritis, a well-known auto-immune disorder. We thus propose that emotional factors play a role through the development of the SARS and AIP, in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.
Everybody’s life experiences and growing scientific evidence speak for a direct influence of our emotional state on immunity and inflammation processes.
This will determine, at the moment of viral invasion, the activation level of our defense mechanisms, closing, or in stress alas opening up a breach allowing a full-blown respiratory infection (including lungs). In the case of an AIP, an overactivation of the organism’s immune and inflammation responses can also be induced (named “cytokine storm or release syndrome”[23]).
The role of stress and panic
Stress has been shown to be at the source of cell losses in the limbic (behavioral) brain of animals. It is in position to activate excitotoxic, oxidative, immunological, inflammatory, endocrine and vegetative mechanisms, and to cause in certain conditions the potentially fatal failure of multiple organs.
One such situation has been described by ethnologists in the context of a ritual performed by the kurdaitcha man, or shaman of the aborigenic society. It is called “pointing the bone” and causes the so-called “self-willed death”, or “bone-pointing syndrome”[24][25]. It consists in the pointing onto a victim of a ritual bone which activates the effect of a “spear of thought” and kills the cursed person over days to weeks, without great suffering.
This ritual may have served kurdaitcha men along the millennia when a member of their community would become dangerous. The power of an idea and its related emotion, i.e. fear, is exemplified here in a most impressive and definitive way.
We propose to consider the possibility, in the context of the corona crisis, that a planetary “spear of thought” loaded with fear and capable to kill is active now and threatens the whole of mankind, inducing among other things the development of the AIP and provoking fear-based chain reactions all over the world.
Pre-existing and facilitating factors may be the threat of human extinction by a killer virus as shown impressively in disaster movies, and a current feeling of doomed and dismal planetary state due to pollution.
Images have been displayed all over the world of bad science fiction scenes, with human silhouettes installed in beds surrounded by alien-looking fully masked and dressed-up doctors and nurses, dead streets swept with gross disinfectant systems, the close-up picture of the initiating Chinese doctor with panicky eyes over a ventilation device, “state of war” declarations to the virus by politicians, faked Italian messages as the one from a mother wanting to convince her child to stay home, emergency military tents filled with persons waiting for the verdict of their test, etc…
In addition, it is interesting to consider that both the SARS-CoV-1 in 2003 and the MERS-CoV in 2012 were coronaviruses: they may have paved the way toward a sensitivity of the human environment to a respiratory threat. They were rated as dangerous because they had a high mortality, although their propagation was very limited with a death toll of 770 (SARS-CoV-1) and 850 (MERS-CoV) patients worldwide[26].
The elements for panic generation were in place: death by a killer virus, economic failure and chaos, loss of familial and social support, loss of freedom and isolation due to lockdown measures, helplessness, uncertain future for the human civilization, and the overwhelming fear of losing a loved one without being able to say goodbye.
Like the man cursed by the pointing of the bone of the kurdaitcha, the current corona “spear of thought” seems well to be able to hit different body targets and induce multiple organ failure: for example, cardiomyopathy is described in the high percentage of 33% of Italian patients[27]. Fear and anxiety are felt indeed typically at the cardio-respiratory level, with dyspnea (choking feeling) and heart palpitations.
Let us imagine a person, for example in the north of Italy in February 2020, coughing and unwell from an RTI. An immediate fear of getting infected by the COVID-19 virus arises and dominates his mind (I take here the example of a man, as the infection risk is higher for males!).
He heard, announced the day before by the WHO, that this virus kills more than the flu (against which he is vaccinated, being 70 years old). He knows that policemen closed the village where he lives, forbidding entry and exit. Being a good citizen, he announces that he suspects a corona infection and is taken in an emergency to the local hospital.
By arrival, he is placed in a probably uncomfortable and cold tent, in the middle of other fearful citizens, and his SARS-CoV-2 test is performed. Other people cough around him, and he waits for the sentence. His heart beats hard and it seems that he cannot breathe well.
His test being positive, he is taken into the hospital by an efficient but stressed medical team, and gets surrounded by masked nurses. He realizes that he is now no longer free to leave this whole nightmare, to get back home. Panic raises its dreadful head, and his defense mechanisms fall down, opening the way to a full-blown, at his age threatening viral infection. In this state, our patient may experience one of the three following scenarios:
- At best: he keeps an upper RTI, with a bit of fever, a solid cough through bronchitis, some difficulty to swallow and a full nose. He is kept isolated in the hospital, the staff remains efficient but stressed, very busy and distant, and he stays alone with his fears to get full-blown choking feelings leading so many to the intensive care unit and ventilator. He cannot get the visit of his family and he stays sick with a solid RTI for the next two weeks. Most probably, this experience will stay imprinted for ever in his emotional brain.
- At worst, first scenario: his age, his long standing suboptimal pulmonary function, his significant overweight precipitate a bronchopneumonia, with combined viral development and bacterial secondary infection by nosocomial germs, leading to death in a few days. He dies without a last contact with his wife and children.
- At worst again, second scenario: the viral attack on his pulmonary system is moderate and the tissues there begin to recover in proper manner over a week. He keeps a deep feeling of fear and doom, dyspnea arises, a scan is performed showing the presence of an AIP, and he is taken to the intensive care unit. Over the next few days, the “spear of thought” proceeds flying, his pre-existing suboptimal health state limits his resources to overcome the reanimation phase, secondary infections arise, heart failure and failure of other organs develop and he dies, again far away from his family…
Around him and at home, other patients suffering from other health problems are treated suboptimally, all energy, material and staff being concentrated on the corona crisis.
It is easy to understand how hospital staffs will be submitted to a huge overload:
1) worried people flow into hospitals, increasing the workload of the medical and nursing teams,
2) teams are reduced by the absence of burned-out collaborators, by the quarantine of others and in some situations by the ones kept away by the closing of borders. Again stress and panic develop and create the pervasive impression of exceptional and uncontrollable chaos…
The existence of the SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV corona episodes in 2003 and 2012 could point to the possibility of mutations of the coronavirus toward a particular pulmonary affinity.
Three same or similar, allegedly random mutations are however not likely, and we favor in this context the hypothesis mentioned above of sensitivity of the human environment to a respiratory threat, a “spear of thought” loaded with fear and threatening the whole human planet…
There are, currently end of March, very significant differences of mortality rates between countries. The respective crude mortality rates (deaths on the number of positive tests performed) are around 0.3% for Germany, 3.6% for France and 7.8% for Italy.
For the same countries, the number of deaths per million inhabitants is respectively 7, 40 and 178. We propose that the three following factors, in addition to local factors (see discussion above about Italy), co-influence the amount of critical cases and deaths:
- the baseline level of anxiety in a given human population,
- the suppression of basic human social interactions through isolation, and
- the suppression of democratic freedom by limitation of civil rights.
The difference is fundamental between a recommendation to the people in the name of the safety for all or an order enforced by state-given punishments (including emprisonment).
The Swiss government, for example, has managed in such tensed times to pass measures mainly as recommendations and not as orders, counting on the goodwill and adequation of the Swiss people. Concerning point 2), it is to be noted that the disruption of social bonds is indeed a severe issue for all primate societies, and in non-human primates, isolation can lead to death.
A surely premature review of some national mortality rates worldwide may provide insights favoring this proposition: as an example, Scandinavian countries have mostly respected the freedom of the people, and classical safety measures have been recommended as usually against the flu, without confinement of the whole population. They have among the lowest mortality rates in Europe.
A dominant characteristic of fear is to always favor informations that maintain or amplify it and repress the ones which do not. Could it be the reason why the Scandinavian experience is rarely mentioned and if yes, qualified as being nonethical, without discussion of the pros and cons and the risk/benefit ratio of the confinement approach (see below). Fear does not allow good science to be performed, and we badly need good science, now and tomorrow.
Confinement and isolation measures
The rapid adoption in most countries of the strategy to control viral spread with confinement measures has developed, as far as we are aware, without an in-depth, open and balanced analysis of all pros and cons concerning this approach.
As cited by Ioannidis and other experts, there exists only a weak evidence for the efficiency of confinement measures (see Cochrane Database). Evident however are their negative psychosocial effects we have discussed above, and deleterious effects on the world economy are already present and cannot be underrated.
Of course, classical measures of decontamination/isolation to reduce viral transmission between individuals are to be recommended, but can be limited around the sensitive members of the population, that is old, sick and weakened individuals. This has been the approach of Scandinavian countries. A general lockdown approach does not seem to make sense from many aspects.
Firstly, the rapidity with which European countries lost track of the chain from patients 1 onward underlines a well-known extreme contagiousness, questioning even the possibility to stop the propagation by tracking the virus and its carriers in the whole human population.
This happened in Italy in a matter of a day or two, and in spite of very fast and extensive isolation measures. Common cold viruses have probably developed a great experience through their yearly planetary invasions, and tracking them as well as establishing lockdown measures does not seem to be the proper thing to do when one realizes that, as discussed above, they distribute themselves worldwide over millions of individuals (see the Oxford model above) during the whole winter season.
The next argument is centered on the regularly proposed necessity to flatten the epidemy distribution curve to reduce the death toll. This approach does not consider the existence and relevance of the “herd or population immunity”. With it, the larger the amount of immunized people in the human population, the less dangerous the viral epidemy can be.
The application of general distancing and confinement measures leads unavoidably to all sorts of questionable decisions. Even worse, different measures, which make minimal or even no sense, may be imposed by states and implemented/increased by fearful individuals.
In any case, in the name of the safety of all, states appeal to the duty of all individuals to accept limitations of their civil rights and freedom. This move should be limited to recommendations, and not orders accompanied by punishment: the readiness of the people must remain the dominant factor, and the people should not be threatened by a government they have themselves chosen.
The subject of the adoption of more or less strict measures creates unavoidably fractures inside the social group. Movements come up proposing different ways, mainly through electronic media, to increase the penetration into the private sphere of individuals in the name of epidemic control, notwithstanding the fact that any population control is a danger to democracy.
When a discussion arises on this theme, anybody demanding for a maintenance of her/his private sphere is opposed by the arguments 1) that the fact that one has nothing to hide should bring no problem, and 2) that in the case of epidemic prevention, one surely does not mean to limit safety measures to protect everybody.
In the case of our country, the Swiss federal council has shown a most solid position and insisted to maintain as low as possible the temporary limitation of the Swiss people’s freedom and civil rights, resisting firmly journalistic pressures.
As examples of questionable lockdown measures, let us mention first the school stop, which backfires onto grandparents induced to provide child care. This measure is not evidence-based, i.e. there is no available scientific study demonstrating its efficiency, it has been introduced from country to country because another country had done it before. Population immunity mentioned above has to be addressed here.
Leaving children to interact at school and playground and leaving the young (below 65) adult group work and also interact can be seen as the best way to advance herd immunity and thus protect the whole population, knowing in addition that these two age groups have an absolutely minimal risk to be endangered by the SARS-CoV-2. There are thus sound reasons to doubt the usefulness of the introduction of this measure, and we may even envisage that it could be counterproductive.
The closing of public and natural spaces, particularly parks in cities, makes no sense: if people are demanded or obliged to keep distance in the streets, are they going not to do so in parks, whereby the way more place is there for them to keep distance?
The contact with nature and fresh air, as mentioned by the Danish government, will be of utmost importance for the well-being of inhabitants of large cities, before or after they go out for food, work or other primordial activities. With this measure, they are unjustly limited in comparison with people living in the country.
Among other highly questionable measures, the suppression/limitation of the access to the medical and spiritual domains is fully inappropriate, deleterious and inhumane. Not only COVID-19 patients but also all the other patients hospitalized for other reasons cannot get their visits.
In general, but particularly now in the middle of the crisis, the support by dear ones is part of social and spiritual functions which should never be touched or withdrawn, taking the risk to alienate human beings from their vital psychosocial and spiritual environment. Why couldn’t a close visiting family member apply the same safety precautions in the hospital as the medical staff do? And religious services could be performed with the same distance recommendations as for other civil sessions, which have been maintained because they are considered indispensable.
Lockdown and isolation practices have been taken by many with an amazing amount of ethics, patience, courage, adaptability, inventiveness and humor. As they block the young and active part of society, they may produce along time significant psychosocial and economic harm, risking to destabilize society in a worldwide manner. Rather sooner than later, they will have to be cancelled by governments.
Experts, politicians and media
In the domain of biology, and particularly studies of large biological structures and dynamics, detailed analyses considering all sides of a phenomenon are essential, to avoid biased views and inappropriate conclusions and decisions. Biology is not mathematics, physics or chemistry, its complexity requires the integration of multiple dimensions and the adoption of a hopefully well-based interpretation. In the intensive and extensive, worldwide field of the corona crisis, an open, deep, careful, multidimensional and thus unbiased study of the whole situation with presentation of pros and cons and risk/benefit balance analyses is fundamental. Medical experts, mainly microbiologists and epidemiologists, are the ones to provide these informations to politicians. They have to realize that they hold in their hands the power to modulate the state of mind of the whole human planet, and that they have to carefully avoid to activate a worldwide powerful chain reaction of fear and panic. In the aftermath of the corona crisis, an open, deep and constructive analysis will have to be performed, with the goal to avoid the future repetition of current errors.
Politicians represent their people and, in this function, have the difficult role to protect them when necessary. They have the right and the duty to ask from their experts the open, detailed and unbiased analysis just mentioned. Governments should make at best propositions which are the product of their sound and balanced analysis. These propositions will often be compromises between extremes (a tradition in our country!), and being thus moderate, they will be more readily accepted by the people. And, as discussed above, this approach may take away one of the three panic activation factors we propose, i.e. the reduction/suppression of democratic freedom. The public must be informed in an open and reassuring way, and negative informations should be balanced by positive ones, maintaining hope in the population. There is nothing questionable to provide hope in a balanced information context. In addition, a government would make something deeply constructive by congratulating its people for its courage and adequacy…
Media have a role to relay informations from all possible environments and tendencies. As exemplified particularly clearly in the current situation, they should avoid to exert pressures on politicians, and be deeply aware that they can contribute to the worldwide activation of powerful anxiogenic mechanisms if they do not provide balanced informations from controlled sources.
The very fast and overwhelming distribution of the current panic has as one facilitating factor the spreading efficiency of social media, which have been instrumental in profiling, through biased and even fake news, a situation in Italy as more chaotic than it really is. Of course, positive news are also distributed by social media, but an anxious environment tends, as discussed above, to maintain itself by the relay of dominantly anxiogenic informations.
As of today (end of March 2020), a death toll of around 35’000 worldwide is being attributed to COVID-19. This is of course a high number but still much less than the flu, which kills every season between half a million and a million people. There are 2.6 million deaths worldwide every year due to RTIs.
The world is, in the middle of the corona crisis, mesmerized by one mutated corona virus like hundreds of other ones spreading over the whole world every year. It presents no evidence of higher mortality than its earlier yearly mutations. Diagnostic testing is being interpreted as a way to follow the epidemic propagation, whereas it only reveals (partially) the ubiquitous and collaborative presence of common cold viruses worldwide.
The mortality rate of COVID-19 has been calculated as the percentage of performed tests coming out positive, not integrating the strong mortality reduction allowed by the presence of a high percentage of mild or asymptomatic disease forms. Fear and panic were kindled by these two inaccurate scientific communications and spread over the whole planet like a bushfire, causing the chaos we observe every day on the News.
Scientific experts, politicians and media people will have to deeply realize the importance of providing well-based unbiased information and recommendations. The corona crisis has brought to light that the human planet has currently a high anxiety level and must be treated gently, just like a human patient in a sensitive phase of her life!
There is no way for us to conceive life without viruses. They are everywhere, around 50% of our own genome is of viral origin, and the virologist Prof. Moelling brought documented arguments in her book that viruses are “more friends than foes”[28].
Our main foe is fear activated by a biased and heartless science. We are with most viruses in a win/win and need/need interaction: we cannot live without each other. No party has advantage to eradicate the other. Older pandemics, which are at the source of deep atavic plague memories, were in most cases due to bacterias and related closely to precarious human life conditions.
The only catastrophic viral pandemic was the 1918 H1N1 flu, which killed millions, but developed in the chaotic and unhealthy aftermath of the first world war. Panic seems to be no appropriate, even no feasible way to integrate our interaction with viruses, it would guarantee us a future filled with fear for the next pandemic and repeated panic states and destabilizations of the worldwide human environment.
A bleak future, indeed not desirable at all. Avoidable though if we apply this: to think deep, to do good science, and not to panic…
Daniel Jeanmonod MD, Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery at Zürich University and Physiology & Neuroscience at New York University. Roxanne Jeanmonod, Physical Therapist. Francis Neirynck, Civil Engineer
[1] Dr Joel Kettner on CBC Radio – Cross Country Checkup, March 15, 2020.
[2] Jones D. History in a Crisis – Lessons for Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine (2020).
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[12] European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action https://www.euromomo.eu/outputs/number.html
[13] Buda s. et al. Influenza Wochenbericht Kalenderwoche 13/2020. Robert Koch Institut. March 27, 2020.
[14] Osterloh M. and Frey B. Coronavirus: Vergleiche sind wichtig. Gastkommentar Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 12, 2020.
[15] Bendavid E. and Bhattacharya J. Is the Coronavirus as Deadly as They Say? Wall Street Journal Editorial, March 24, 2020.
[16] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. Dataset sintetico con i decessi per settimana. https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/240401
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[18] Shah N. Higher co-infection rates in COVID19. Data shared at the request of the California Department of Public Health. Medium. March 18, 2020.
[19] Newey S. Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy? The Telegraph, March 23, 2020.
[20] Borrelli A. Dipartimento Protezione Civile. Conferenza stampa 20 marzo 2020 ore 18.00 – Coronavirus. YouTube Video (at 3.30 minutes), March 20, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M4kbPDHGR0&feature=youtu.be&t=210
[21] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. I.Stat. Popolazione e famiglie – Mortalità – Decessi – Morti. http://dati.istat.it/Index.aspx?QueryId=19670
[22] Synthesis on Interstitial lung disease on Wikipedia including detailed references. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstitial_lung_disease
[23] Zhang C. et al. The cytokine release syndrome (CRS) of severe COVID-19 and Interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) antagonist Tocilizumab may be the key to reduce the mortality. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (2020).
[24] Cannon W.B. „Voodoo“ Death. American Anthropologist (1942)
[25] Milton G.W. Self-willed death or the bone-pointing syndrome. The Lancet (1973)
[26] Synthesis on Coronavirus on Wikipedia including detailed references. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus
[27] Arentz M. Characteristics and outcomes of 21 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Washington State. Journal of the American Medical Association (2020).
[28] Moelling K. Viruses, more friends than foes. World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey London Singapore (2017).
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what does this do
and this ?
Well let me say this. I came across this article by chance.
In case they haven’t done so already, the authors would do themselves a favor to revisit the https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/240401 finding recent data. Thus they would see that in the whole of Italy, there is a +25% increased mortality, and in Lombardy a +84%, in certain areas even +200% increased mortality compared to the average of the recent years. The data, for example shows, that in the 1/3 of communities in Lombardy the death rate has increased by 9.000 people, from cca. 5.500 deaths on an average year to cca. 14.500 deaths this year. Yet in the whole region at the time, there were only 5.000 Corona deaths reported. So, what can be estimated is certainly not that the death toll is “significantly lower”, but “significantly higher” than reported. In this case we are talking about 4.000 deaths in plus, and this is the most conservative estimation possible!
Marcello, I am deeply sorry for all the suffering people have been experiencing in Lombardy and in Italy. Yet it is also deeply irresponsible to report cases of COVID19 without evidence that is the cause. Or attribute death even on COID19 positive patients, without making sure COVID 19 was the true cause and not c0-morbidities.
There are numerous flu viruses that are just as or even more infectious in Europe that are deadly too and cause annually many deaths, when there is a novel flu epidemic, even more, like in 2017/2018.
I think this article does a good job of pointing out how damaging isolation and stress are to populations. People can also be dying because of the health care crisis caused by the COVID19 panic, ie people not getting healthcare they need.
Gates and the World Bank have weaponized global public health through the creation of pandemic and vaccine bond markets. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2020/04/13/mind-the-gap-the-violence-of-pandemic-dashboards/
The Real Science of Germs
Do Viruses Cause Disease?
Dr. Andrew Kaufman:
“I think there are two significant things about how they train doctors, at least in the United States. One thing is that they have told us, as medical students, right from day one that 50% of what they were going to teach us about medicine is going to turn out to be false in five years. That’s a pretty bold statement. People interpreted it as meaning that there’s gonna be better and better treatments and it’s going to improve, but that’s not really what they meant.
Kary Banks Mullis was the first person in the ’80s I heard talking about the questionable origin and scientific evidence for HIV. I immediately did some further investigation going back to my medical training. Most published research findings are false and I think that’s really what they were talking about when they taught us about different diseases, including infectious diseases and that 50% of what they were going to teach us about medicine is going to turn out to be false in five years from that moment. They told us what caused the disease, but they never presented the evidence of how that was discovered. They just said basically that it was a fact and all of the other knowledge that we were taught was built on those fundamental principles that we never investigated the scientific basis for. Primary scientific evidence to show what the exact causes of illness are is such a brilliant way to approach this. If there isn’t any evidence, then it would crumble down the whole body of knowledge, because if it’s built upon a false foundation, it cannot stay erect.
In 1918 (four years after the harsh conditions of WW-I), during the period of the Spanish “flu”, large doses of aspirin were causing people to have really serious respiratory problems. They taught us in medical school that aspirin can make, for example, asthma worse. The Spanish “flu” may have not been one illness but it may have been a combination of different illnesses and there’s really no evidence that there was an influenza virus at all. Viruses are very tiny particles which they only discovered once they’d invented the electron microscope and these nice big 3D moving animations that you see on the media are just computer-generated video sequences. That is not what you see down an electron microscope; the images are just black and white and you would certainly not see movement. The invention of the electron microscope by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska at the Berlin Technische Hochschule in 1931 overcame the barrier to higher resolution that had been imposed by the limitations of visible light. No COVID-19 virus has actually ever been photographed or isolated so far and there is no proof to show that it’s actually invading cells destroying them. The primary scientific papers that prove this conclusively are absent.
COVID-19, as depicted in the media, is an exosome. Exosomes are beneficial messengers in our immune system that have been known for 30 years now and if you apply the power of language to any kind of particle you can observe using an electron microscope, this can greatly influence the way in which ‘scientific’ research is carried out (or not).”
James Hildreth, M.D., former professor at Johns Hopkins HIV Research Centre:”… the ‘virus’ is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.”
Kary Banks Mullis (December 28, 1944 – August 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. Kary Banks Mullis:“The scientific papers to even proof the existence of an HIV-virus are not there.”
Napoleon:“One day it will be discovered that you, physicians, are responsible for more deaths than all us generals put together …”
Those who warn us about the dangers of Covid-19, they emphasize that it’s not the death rate which is alarming and the most dangerous, but the very fast rate with which the virus spreads and, as a result, the hospitals get overwhelmed. Hence I do not understand why this article (and many others here) focus on comparing the death rate of Covid-19 with, say, flu.
As for the claimed incorrect calculation of the death rates: It seems the main argument is that due to a low level of testing, the death rate is found to be too high. But for calculating the death rate of flu, can’t you make the same argument: there is a low level of testing, since many people have mild symptoms hence those people are not tested for the flu virus.
Finally, I do not understand why Ioannidis’ article gets quoted so much. It’s not a peer reviewed, scientific article. It’s an opinion which contains criticism of some of the assertions regarding Covid-19. In particular, it contains an *assumption* (not the description of solid research) about how the death rate of Covid-19 may be miscalculated, using the example of a small Italian town where every single person was tested and then it assumes that whatever relationships among the numbers was found may be extrapolated to be valid the whole region where the town is.
Criticism, assumptions are fine. This is what scientists do before they obtain solid scientific results. But suggesting policy decisions based on those is at least irresponsible. Especially, since the facts are there for all to see: hospitals do get overwhelmed and they have to make wartime decisions about which patients get treatment and which don’t.
You simply cite the backup narrative to justify lockdown hastily created after the first one “we’re all gonna die!” was quickly shown to be false. The idea that ICUs will be overwhelmed if we don’t rollout a police state is based on nothing but the ridiculous Ferguson projection, which he has already repudiated in favour of much lower figures for infection.
There is no real world data to support this scenario, and in countries with no lockdown ICUs are not currently reported to be any more overrun than they are in locked down UK.
Well, the narrative seemed to have been in need of repeating because I didn’t see it enter the discussion. Instead of always talking about “lower death rates” and such, why not talk about what measures would make sure, hospitals do not get overrun. “Don’t lock down” is neither a solution, nor an argument for anything I can take home. Similarly, “Calm down” and “You are overreacting” are instructions with condescending undertones instead of having convincing powers.
Before you start demanding anything or pulling clumsy rhetorical devices designed to assert control over the conversation, you need to make the case for why any extra measures over and above the usual seasonal flu precautions need to be taken at all.
If the virus produces essentially a flulike illness with flulike fatality and flulike infectivity, but less than flulike deaths among the young and fit, why do we need more than flulike measures to contain it?
SO the only reason at present, as far as you’re concerned, is that it’s got a different name, plus you’ve bought the criminally unethical amounts of panic porn from the media and authorities.
Oh dear, have I inadvertently fallen into the trap of referring panicking (thus) topic-related monomaniacs to a site primarily concerned with taxonomy, a site replete with multitudinous but panictime-consuming footnotes, references and citations that have not been panic-proofed at that?
Stupid of me much.
Bought? Me? I won’t even try most of the media and authorities’ free samples. Surely it isn’t the Harrod’s bag I carry around into which to put the ones that interest me, along with our many Poundland purchases, that you’re basing that on, is it? My little affectations?
As a matter of fact, my observation (echoed by quite a lot of Off-Guardian BTL posters in recent weeks) is that the general public is quite cynical about criminal amounts of panic porn, as you phrase it, which leaves the panicking about a coronavirus per se to be done almost exclusively in the MSM and its Reifying Opposition.
Actually claims that we know nothing is untrue. And that we know nothing, or can expect worse from this virus, COVID 19, have not actually been founded.
let’s first deal with immunity. There are groups in the population who are immune to the virus, and are not shedding viral material, they are not infectious. This is group is primarily children under the age of 10. What this suggests is that there is pre-existing immunity for COVID 19, through exposure to earlier Corona viruses that cause for instance Cold symptoms. It means that this virus in not entirely novel and shares many characteristics with earlier infections.
It has shown behavior very similar to the Type A influenza viruses and effects the same age, and risk groups. It can cause respiratory disease. It is proving similarly contagious, will be asymptomatic or mild int he vast majority of cases. as in other flu viruses which can lead to respiratory disease. So though not technically an influenza virus, the model to deal with influenza outbreaks/epidemics, ( where by the way immunization only has 44% effectiveness) should also be able to be applied effectively.
You are sounding quite defensive, Admin.
Not peer reviewed is a serious flaw.
Also, this opinion piece certainly doesn’t make the case for a link between this outbreak and fear. That simply is not proven in this essay.
I too am concerned about the cavalier attitude of the essay. Perhaps the author never intended it to be peer reviewed at all, so felt he could get away with this attitude toward the subject.
In any case, an interesting read. But goes on the pile with opinions, not facts.
People go to the hospital because they cannot breathe, and they cannot breathe because of unusually nasty pneumonia, not because of a panic attack. My doctor friends tell me this. Asserting, they all go to the hospitals because of the effects of panic is a theory, which doesn’t agree with the actual experience of my friends.
[Do you mind if we steer clear of these unsourced, casual references to doctor/nurse friends? They are thrown around a lot, are unverifiable and, therefore, don’t add too much to the debate, except to buy into the generalised fear narrative so prevalent atm. Thanks -ED]
“Do you mind if we steer clear of these unsourced, casual references to doctor/nurse friends?”
So publishing one’s conversations with one’s relatives/friends prior to obtaining formal releases and fully attributing them is not an option for the anecdotal/hearsay class (defined as such by the MSM and the professional legal classes) here at the Off-Guardian, either? Could have fooled me.
Because what you state is simply not true – and it has been proven by the very Italian Statistic Office (istat) that the authors quote. I cannot blame the authors as they were citing it on March 20th, with information that went up to March 14th. At that time, the lockdown in Italy nearly began. We started on March 9th, but got a total lockdown only by March 18th. So, my point is – the data being taken into consideration by the authors was too old to show any peculiarity, while that data from April 6th clearly shows the disastrous increas in the death rate compared to previous years.
I myself have made a comparision between the deadliest flu in Italy in 2017 and the Covid. The death rate in the Istat shows a cca. 45% increased ratio of ALL DEATHS (not just those attributed to flu) in the peak of the flu (1-15 January 2017), and than during the next week the ratio got to normal.
In case of Covid, the ratio of ALL DEATHS increased for a cca. 85-90%, not in the period of two weeks, but in the period of at least four weeks (I expect new data tomorrow). Do I need to ask if anybody can see this difference?
The bad science as the projection of infections by Ferguson in UK (very dangerous to create numbers without known the phenomenon under study) in addition to the hype media creates panic and overwhelm hospitals. Most of the people with flu don’t go to hospitals unless entering a panic crisis.
I think to be clear, that in countries ie, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Iceland Switzerland, where there was no ‘lock down’, (other measures were taken though for precautions) that although the virus has proven to be highly contagious it is not very dangerous, and has not overtaxed their health care systems, in Stockholm there are actually 20 less ICUs being used than is normally the case this time of year, despite high levels of infected with COVID 19.
COVID19 has hotspots. And that has a lot to do with pre-existing health and age of a population, healthcare infrastructure and air pollution along with existing structural inequalities. But outside of these areas, even in the same country with multiple international airports ie CHina, ie Italy, there are vastly different rates of serious illness and death, and no uniform statistic that can indicate how dangerous the virus actually is. However, in the overwhelming number of countries and cities, COVID19 appears to be unremarkable/ very mild and despite large infection rates has not overrun healthcare.
And Sweden had over 5000 thousand deaths compared to the next door neighbour Denmark which had only about 500 deaths with a lockdown.
Did anyone watch the clap fest at eight o’clock last night on TV?
The news item did a scan round numerous hospitals in the UK.. where all the overworked NHS staff: doctors, nurses, porters, auxiliary workers, and management, were out in force clapping themselves, as were the paramedics and police?? So overrun with covid patients that they had the time to coordinate and assemble in the hospital car parks, smiling and clapping. One nurse looked positively maniacal, jumping up and down and sending kisses?
Is it just me, or has the whole world gone completely mad?
Surely all the lemmings watched this? I wonder if it registered with any of them that none of the participants followed the social distancing rule, that is all but one hospital?? Some even had their arms round one another.. But then what am I thinking, they are the ‘essential’ people who are exempt from the rules…
They are taking the wee wee and it’s time they grew a conscience and started speaking out and telling the truth. But then why should they when they have been promised so much….. after being treated like shit under the shoe of so many politicians. More fool them, for when this is over and the NHS is privatised, the majority of them will have to resort to working in third rate Nursing Homes for a pittance, or filling shelves in Morrisons.
The death figures will keep going up – even beyond seasonal norms – whilst the medical profession is being instructed to get DNR signatures from people who would normally have been resuscitated.
The cov19 death figures will continue to go up whilst the medical profession is instructed to label all death certificates as such – even in absence of ( crappy) test results ie if patient displayed symptoms or they’d been in contact with someone else that had it.
Use a test that doesn’t work AND is artificially rationed. Close doctors surgeries so every other serious underlying illness is more likely to be hospitalised putting hospitals under more stress and more DNRs to be signed. A perfect storm.
Re loo paper shortage… is this the weapon of choice when trying to traumatise the middle classes? I seem to remember that was one of the first things to ‘disappear‘ in Venezuela too. I’m sure there’s a psychology science paper somewhere linking it back to a Freudian bowel movements and fear of toilets..
On Covid-19 being used to roll out global digital identity systems that will underpin human capital markets. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2020/04/08/will-covid-19-certificates-trigger-biometric-digital-identity-roll-out/
Hi Alison… have checked out your site numerous times via Cory’s Facebook page.
Excellent work, and I commend you on it.
We just need to get it out to as wide an audience as possible.
The direction all this is heading is chilling.
I’ve never seen the film The Matrix, but know of its subject matter. Perhaps I should check it out?
Thanks for putting out important info on the future dystopian hell these pyscho’s want to implement.
Gezzah –
Forget viewing The Matrix shit, it will just waste more of your life. Read the Wikipedia plot synopsis if you feel the need to get some idea of it at that level of detail : 5 minutes, done and dusted. Idle minds have expanded its half-assed shit-for-brains into any number of shit-for-brains ruminations that demonstrates, in itself, that the number of angels you can fit onto the head of a pin is, in fact, infinite. Some of those ruminations will be ethically sound and socially useful. Say 0.05% for a meaningless quantification. By far the most, 99.95%, will be total crap. What might be called the ‘Talmud Effect’, although the same ratio of (value : shit) applies to any random metaphysical speculation that circumstances thrust on brains to big for their IQ: astrology, religion, necromancy, tarot, you name it. Everyone can find meaning in today’s newspaper horoscope, the quality of the meaning will be 100% congruent with the tenor of their mind in its particular body (99.95 : 0.05). As for the web page at the end of the link: there are a thousand vectors that the parasites that have built their power in an unbroken line from cavemens’ clubs on skulls through shamanism’s weasling-in to the divine right of kings to the capitalist cliques of today have used, and all their efforts have led only to the huge parasite-threatening shitstorm we now see around us, including the martial and political weaponizations of technology and medicine, of which jumping on today’s coronavirus outbreak with responses from rote denial to rote hype is only one transient detail and digital omnipotence only one of the vectors. Getting to be friends with a semi-feral animal will serve you far better than reflexly reifying the humanoid cesspit.
Semi feral animal? Er, there was a cockroach on my back porch last night.
Does that count?
Okay, I know I have a copy of Brave New World somewhere in my cluttered little flat or in a suitcase or something.
Perhaps I should dig it out again? My mentioning of The Matrix was probably nearer the meaningless name dropping thing. A pop culture reference.
And a block of concrete could act better than KR anyway.
I was going to hide under my bed for 4-5 days and refresh and chill out and not get all worked up firing off comments here and there wily nilly. You sent a lengthy, well thought out reply, so I’ve crawled out to reciprocate.
Speaking of the martial and political weaponisation of tech and medicine, really good blog I came across recently called Wrenchinthegears. Really detailed analysis there, and it details a lot of what you mentioned. Similar to what Cory Morningstar is looking at also. Humanoid cesspit. Sigh. I could be here for another 2 hrs with that…
I’m reluctant to say enjoy your weekend, given what is happening across the planet, but, yeah, enjoy your weekend.
Take a look at this cry from frontline medical staff at a Bergamo hospital. Does this sound like a psyop to you? Something pretty desperate seems to be happening in Lombardy, whatever the ultimate explanation may be. Can’t just discount testimony like this:
Exactly this. Thanks for sharing.
The doubters prefer to irrationally believe that this is all a conspiracy or overplayed. Those at the coal face are experiencing something significantly different yet in some ways similar to flu. They are the experts, not most of us, they need to be listened to.
Orange County CA. Mine. 3 million people. 9 deaths in a month from (?) this. Many many times more from yearly flu in same stretch.
And we’re the gateway to the Far East and China. It comes thru here, mostly. They closed everything down but supernagkets etc.
So absurd.
Just look at the down-votes for your reply, Frank: 7 down – at time of writing this – none up. There sure seems to be a nest of delusionals inhabiting Off-G’s comments right now: determined to hold fast to their psyop certainties, despite any evidence to the contrary. Must be a comforting boost to a wobbly ego to KNOW that you see more clearly than the sucker-sheeple all around you!
**Open-minded** scepticism rools, OK!
Can’t wait for that “ultimate explanation”.
The ultimate explanation, George, seems likely – to me – to be that there is indeed something nasty and a bit out of the ordinary – at least – going about and causing a good deal of trouble; and what exactly it is we’re not altogether sure yet, but it’s **real**, and causing us some **real** problems, as in Lombardy.
PLUS – the powers that shouldn’t be, in James Corbett’s favoured description, are using it to make hay with their unadmitted hyper-control-and-screw-everything agenda; this initiative being either preplanned with a deliberate bioweapon release, or just improvised on the fly as the opportunity comes up, who knows?
PLUS – a large cacklecrowd of Chicken Littles (quite a few of them commenting here) who are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that it has to be all a psyop; this despite the sort of heartcry from the named, medical-professional signatories in the report from the Bergamo hospital.
Oh sure! Like Robert McIlvaine is a “crisis actor” and Kevin Ryan is a “government shill”, they’re all just fakers. Yes of course, of course! WhyTF didn’t I think of that! So bleedin’ obvious once it’s pointed out! How could I have beens so feckin’ blind as to think that if it looks, walks and quacks like an authentic, real eye-witness, it can’t possibly be that, as those cacklers with such superior insight (read raging, wilfully-wanky delusionality) have finally made me understand.
For we under-informed, not professionally qualified, mere-lay-person bystanders, **open-minded** scepticism, the key foundation stone of the scientific method, rules, OK!
PS: I recommend – for those who can actually stomach visiting such a dreadful site – a look at The Lifeboat News, curated by Doctor dan, who works at a London hospital, and who also offers frequent eye-witness, coal-face reports of the bloody chaos, death, distress and dreadful danger in which he and his colleagues are working right now. dan reports that he’s been at home for a couple of weeks with a stinking flu-like illness, which his wife has had also. He’s recovering now, and will be back at the ICU coal-face shortly. Well, he SAYS that, but I guess dan must be a crisis actor too, foisted on we credulous loons at TLN by the Illuminati. Yeah, sure, that’ll be it! Why didn’t I understand that before! God, I’m so thick, with my ‘wait-and-see’ attitude, and my naive espousal of the authentic scientific method! Thank god I have the superior insights of the cacklers to put me right! 🙂
PPS: When some of we lifeboat crew-members have actually met with ‘Doctor dan’ in a London pub – several times – we never realised that we were meeting a deceitful crisis actor who isn’t at all what he seems. Every one of us was fooled! YES! Finally, I get it! ‘He’ was actually a hologram; not really there at all. Oh how the realisation of ultimate truth sets me free (to believe any shallow bloody fantasy concoction that pleases me best)! **Open-minded** scepticism rools, OK! :O)
The point of a psyop is to make you believe stuff, that’s the point, Rhisiart … however, they always give you the clues according to their strict rules that they’re hoaxing you and you need to be ruthless in your assessment.
Could the page you link to contain lies. Yes it can. It can be part of a psyop, no problem.
But what about us being told of miracle cures from antibiotics and anti-malarials and having an alleged patient in an ICU say, while flashing her wrists on which we see a cannula tube, “They had to sew that into my artery”.
In a real pandemic patients wouldn’t be interviewed in ICUs and sewing cannulas into arteries is not a thing. That doesn’t fit real. Antibiotics don’t work for viruses and nor do anti-malarials. If this were real the media wouldn’t be pushing nonsense like that. That would be highly irresponsible. So we know that’s psyop stuff, that’s their clues writ very, very large.
For an hypothesis to be correct, all the available evidence must support it. All the available evidence supports psyop whereas it doesn’t all fit real pandemic, in fact, every which way you turn you are met with anomalies.
Can’t? Just watch the overprivileged, layabout denialists that predominate in fora like this whining about the depredations to the economy that underpins their ugly, self-exalting, self-indulgent little lives do just the opposite and discount it to zero. While calling everyone else sheeple and dedicated, life-long public health workers psyopers or dupes. How low can we go?
The article repeatedly emphasizes the need to move pan- and epidemic control from our specialized acute-care health system into the community where it properly belongs, not least because the community, which is where pan- and epidemics occur, is the nexus of the only control system that is not inherently domineeringly heirarchical and crushingly patriarchal.
Fact is, the ‘lockdowns’ currently ravaging the economic underpinnings of our BTL’s overprivileged, preadatory, exploitative ‘lifestyle’ are the only effective community-centred pan- and epidemic control that we have, and brutal, ancient, primitive controls they are, too.
Why? Because for millennia, particularly those centuries since the Enlightenment, the rise of romanticism and the beginnings of the industrial revolution–the underlying bases of modern capitalism–‘community’ has become either a dirty word or an impossible dream. We have been living it up on the accumulated surplus value of the toil of our forebears, trickled down to us as hollow appeasement, until we have become not only unaware of that, but largely unable to conceive of it. The trivial per-generation bills for the systems needed to bring the community into control of its response to pan- and epidemics have been ignored and unpaid for so long in the service of middle class aspiration to upper class kleptomania that now they are high enough to bankrupt the entire community, the undeserving as well as the deserving, yet still–in the midst of social disaster–we are projecting the inordinate demands and magical thinking of our infantile id as the cause of our woes. Still we are indulging the utter contempt of dismissing as “pushing over the edge” the most fragile of all our fragile lives as an inconsequential triviality of an unfortunate dying ‘with’ a pan-epidemic viral infection rather than the incomparably virtuous dying ‘of’ it. We are the generations who have collectively so debased any notion of ‘community’ that we rush to base our ‘insurance’ choices not on any concept of sharing a risk but on a data-driven strategy of confining its cover to only those who do not incur its downside.
We are at a moment of levelling when prime ministers and bus drivers are common paupers in the same rotten boat, adrift together between the lands ‘we’ ravaged and the opulent fortress ‘we’ have built on the proceeds, and the prime ministers and their exploitative owners know it. So do the other ‘we’ even move to seize the opportunity to change our social ‘perspective’, as the article puts it? Does that ‘we’ what.
“We have been living it up on the accumulated surplus value of the toil of our forebears”.
Right Robbo! And also on the still-continued looting of the Abused and Deprived Eighty Percent of the world’s people by the the Pampered Twenty Percent – people like us; the keyboard warriors who hang comfortably about places like Off-G, whilst the ADEP people are scrabbling desperately just to stay alive on what’s left after we’ve looted any surplus value that they’re able to create, looting everything lootable in their entire lands, in fact.
It is indeed a lamentable fact that we rank-and-file members of the PTP minority have been passive cooperators in the gangster-capitalist world-looting which has been a way of life for ‘our elites’ for centuries. We, the average PTP citizens of the over-rich states, have been drawn – quite willingly – into their crimes in return for a cut of the loot, to feather our cushy, indolent lifestyles. Generations of Western plebs have even volunteered – FFS! – to be cannon-fodder in the gics’ imperialistic domination-wars and colonialist land-thefts. Never any shortage of Tommy Robinson boneheads, still today.
And now, as you outline, R, the chickens are home. The Earth has slid into these current apocalyptic crises (much bigger than just one pandemic) as a result of human cupidity, and all of us – ADEP, PTP, the very boss-class of the one-percenters included – are copping it. Pandemics were always part of this unavoidable prognosis – and we ain’t seen nothing much of those, yet.
And yes indeed: authentic community is now being re-discovered as the only even moderately effective way to deal with the SGCs – the Synergising Global Crises. After the Long Descent – as JMGreer characterises it – has played itself out, the heavily-reduced human survivors will pretty certainly be relying on the ancient socialistic instincts of small, sub-Dunbar-Number subsistence communities to be able to carry on our species at all – if we’re lucky.
“What a piece of work is man…!”
Oh, one small quibble, R: some shamans are authentic, you know. As a long-time practitioner myself, I have to speak up for the discipline. It’s an ancient, firmly reality-founded tradition of accessing the intuitive faculty which is in fact an equal partner with our ratiocination faculty for getting us sound information about the world – though unfortunately one side-lined and too-much ignored in the modern Western philosphical-materialism dominated world-view. Before you knock it, gain some experience of this authentic ancient capability. The noted USAmerican path-re-finder Michael Harner has done some sterling work in re-introducing the benighted West to the realities of proper shamanic practice and experience.
And my long-time barefoot-healer partner includes drum-driven shamanic-journeying techniques amongst the eclectic collection of sound, proven, frequently strikingly-successful methods which she employs in her veteran, highly-praised acupuncture practice: patients aplenty, appearing spontaneously simply on the pleased recommendation of other patients; never had to advertise, forty years of daily experience as a practical, effective curandera, getting a decent living all that time simply by her perennially-popular practice. Don’t knock it till you’ve experienced its real healing efficacy, Robbo. 🙂
Since I woke up to it in 1963–suddenly, literally in the space of a minute or two–after a childhood of absolutely no exposure whatsoever to even a hint of metaphysics; a brief early-adolescent dabble with organised Christianity arising from a chance attendance at a wandering evangelist’s travelling show (free entry, apparently the local churches paid his way); followed by a decade of trenchant atheism by way of reaction–I have never knocked the insights behind individual metaphysical (a.k.a. ‘spiritual’, an awkward word these days, so one I try to avoid) understanding. Hence the above reference to shamanic weaseling-in on the Divine Right of Kings–the proclivity of many of the world’s putatively spiritual meeks and milds to hide their self-proclaimed light under the cover of royal domination, both in fact and in metaphor; the politicization of the metaphysical as ‘organized religion’. And, of course, the phoney baloneys; the closet divine righters who know the right path and choose to promulgate its exclusive virtues from a spiritual territory of one mind to the sadly ignorant many; the manipulation of the capitalist virtue of scarcity in the service of God knows what.
film done by 2 americans called Quarantiranny
re : Imperial College of Medicine
re : who or whats behind it
The counties where I work or live most of the time, Orange and San Diego, contiguous and 120 miles of coastline, with a combined GDP of almost exactly a half trillion dollars, and each with almost identical populations, 3 million each, each of which is larger than over 20 U. S. States out of 50, released this fearsome figure of DEATH counts from (?) this killer flu:
15 in Orange County
31 in San Diego.
(They think.)
Find the Mega-Font for the global headlines.
We should be so lucky.
I have been quizzing a lot of people in my travels, and roughly 4 out of 5, or higher, think this whole thing is just a tragi-musical. A Soap Opera Psyop. A very police- styled security guard kicked me out of a parking lot at my high school yesterday. I told him I was parked under the solar panels to get shelter so I could use my portable stair stepper, as it was raining everywhere and I had no other access to exercise. He said, “District Orders, sorry. But I agree with you completely.” Given that opening, I gave him a short paragraph pitch that this was an international Ponzi Scheme to crash the global economy, precisely like ENRON 2000, only worldwide. Suddenly the rain kicked up with a driving wind and he was getting drenched, but fascinated, not going anywhere. I took pity on him after 30 seconds of torrent, he said he was only 24 when I asked, but knew some about Enron. He wanted to keep listening, we were alone at my deserted HS of 1970 class, but he was standing outside my car getting soaked, so I overruled him, and he said, “Let me open the gate for you.” It had been locked after I entered!
A dyed-in-the-wool future Police Aademy graduate, if we last that long.
It may be the wake-up call that’s needed, or at least more advantageous. Only the born germaphobes seem to be holdouts to a California statewide citizen quorum….
And even the faces that strike me as born ijjits are spouting a lot of sense ?!?!! What, The Flock?
And *hearing* sense, like, for one featured example of mine: “Governmental Psyops”.
Is not tinfoil hat public pity.
Waking up, World?
Now, just hoping we all don’t wake up dead….
San Francisco County was the first to totally shut down almost a month ago, or less. Or at least it enacted the first draconians of rules….
9 deaths now, 25 days in…. Scary. It’s almost like death is becoming a regular terrorist event, some kind of serial killing.
9 people were murdered here at a beauty salon ten years ago. It ruled the headlines for months, Worst crime in Seal Beach history”.
I was shouting (not very loudly) at the gerrymandered line at Walmart yesterday, “HOAX, HOAX”. This petite debutante comes alongside saying “You are SO sick. People are DYING.”
I burst out laughing uncontrollably, and spluttered, “Wait! That just doesn’t happen! You’re trying to tell me that people DIE! I tell you the real problem here. The millions of your crowd are the biggest part of our problem. Silence of the SHEEPLE! Baaaasasahhh.”
She continued to glare at me steely-eyed like my Commanding Officer, and I said, “Call the cops! I’d rather die or be tortured than this! Call the cops! Turn me in!”
She was still on her high horse, or cart, pushing into the store, but I saw her getting wipes later, and she looked seriously conflicted. But chastened.
I felt bad, but like maybe she was at least searching for that other brain cell to rub together!
We can use all of them, now.
Meanwhile, we can’t attend Holy Thursday tomorrow, at any church, for the first time in my lifetime.
Days of Obligation, cancelled.
Maybe that’s one big prong of their multi-pronged global attack….
Worldwide denial of the Eucharist…
That thought struck me Day 1.
The authors don’t know the difference between Mortality Rate and Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and on top of that seem to think that ‘C’ in CFR stands for crude and the words like ‘mortality’ and ‘fatality’ are exchangeable :). Maybe in everyday language but not in statistics and serious medical literature. The piece is overall ok, but their lack of understanding these basic differences makes the entire article look very amateurish.
In general they should switch from Mortality Rate to Fatality Rate throughout the entire article but … not everywhere! Yes, they got that confused.
The editor or whoever allowed this piece to be published here should familiarize himself with those terms.
Helpful link here: https://www.britannica.com/science/case-fatality-rate
This well-argued article is such a breath of fresh air. Here in Spain the results of the lockdown are awful – fearful, isolated people, violence against those who go outside, and completely bewildering official figures which, if true, only show how useless it is to lock people indoors, often in tiny flats. And where is the quantification of the suffering that the complete destruction of our economies will produce? Not to mention the horrendous treatment of old people who, when they are dying, should have kind, palliative care, not be scared witless with Star Wars-type masks and intubation.
Have you seen any doctors/scientists/etc. publicly dissenting?
In Spain I don’t know, but in Portugal… ZERO.
Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID 19 deaths on death certificates.
Making Sense of the Coronavirus Data
I tried posting two links and for some reason they are all screwed up? Funny that isn’t it.
I’ll try again.
I think we also rather deify doctors, assuming that they are all always totally rational. I do have a neighbour who’s a doctor and has been scared witless, self isolating herself in her house on the top floor, not coming into contact with her 20-something-yr-old son who puts her food outside the door for her. She hasn’t actually been working during this time, so her experience is very partial. I saw her the other day in her house and she very reluctantly opened the door (her son has got fed up and gone off to his girlfriend’s house), was wearing a rather silly, flimsy cloth mask that I cannot imagine would protect you from anything and wouldn’t come anywhere near us (we’d gone over there after my husband stuck a carving knife in his hand by mistake and was bleeding profusely). What I mean is that doctors’ testimony is only good to a certain point. Hard data is, in my opinion, what government policy should be based on.
I’m a little dubious about various aspects of this article including the authors.
While Daniel Jeanmonod is a highly-esteemed neurosurgeon, coronaviruses would not seem to be in his field.
According to her staff bio on Polarstern, a communication agency supporting companies and organisations committed to ecological, social and economic sustainability, Roxanne Jeanmonod, presumably Daniel’s daughter, was a physiotherapist and is now in charge of administration at Polarstern and Coworking Space Loreto. She’s also listed on the company site of her father as a Financial Consultant.
Francis Neirynck is a Civil Engineer so it is difficult to see any reason at all he would be a contributor to this article.
A feature of psychological operations is “controlled opposition” often in the form of experts and another feature is conflicting information. Two seeming experts who comment on this site, Tony and VirusGuy, say that a specific coronavirus cannot be isolated while this article speaks of SARS-CoV-2 as if it can be isolated and tested for.
It’s a psyop folks. In psyops, they don’t do things for real unless they want them for real. They don’t want or need a virus and couldn’t make it behave in the way they wanted it to anyway. There is no virus out of the ordinary and there is certainly no pandemic.
Best guess is that all they can test for is “coronavirus” and they are presumptively labelling anything “coronavirus” as COVID-19. I very much doubt the existence of SARS-CoV-1 (the SARS pandemic) or SARS-CoV-2 – I’d say just like this alleged pandemic the SARS pandemic was a psyop too, as were MERS, Zika and Ebola.
On the other hand, the common cold is not in the specialist field of most of us, yet we know a heck of a lot about it, simply through personal experience. Similarly, the fact that I don’t know a single person who has CoVid19 – (nor does my wife) tells its own story, and it puts a lot of what we hear into perspective.
I’d prefer this version:
While Petra Liverani is allegedly a highly-esteemed PSYOPS disinfo agent, coronaviruses would not seem to be in her field.
Highly-esteemed? I wish.
Disinfo agent. Which disinfo am I pushing, Portonchok? It is a well-known technique of disinfo agents to call out others as such. It just happened to me only a few days ago that Greg Bacon, alleged firefighter, accused me of being an agent but when I asked him to explain the pathetic Firefighters for 9/11 Truth and Unity website considering that 343 firefighters allegedly died compared to the fancy-pants A&E9/11Truth website considering not a single architect or engineer did die he didn’t have an answer. Likewise, I’m sure you cannot reference a single piece of disinformation that I’m pushing Portonchok … which then makes suspicion fall right back on you, doesn’t it?
Coronaviruses are certainly not in my field, Portonchok, and that’s what makes it so frustrating. Which expert to believe when we know that when psyops are conducted “controlled opposition” is out in force mixing lies with truth?
All of it demonstrates our underlying quandary: we have a very real practical problem in establishing the truth or validity of ALL the info we get, let alone really challenging Intel.
The only confidence I can have personally in doing thar, over years of these things, is by a process of triangulation.
THAT IS: Comparing, and contrasting, certain alleged facts with other alleged facts.
One of those clear facts is that they flood the field with psyops from actors and fakes to try to erode our knowledge base and disorient and isolate us from real knowledge, and allies.
And simply distract us. (Franz Kafka: “Evil is distraction.” So, if their shoe fits… Lol)
Triangulation …. is the reason I included some of my own stories. I was raised in various circles around some of these people, and at least I know thus that certain things really happen. So I set them down here, and elsewhere, to 1) document them as such, and 2) as reference for people, later, since they can connect with some very important stories. Later. Archived here.
Obviously we are too busy with the tasks at hand and this mess, to do “legwork” with them now, but they will register at a later date, or even now, if they interconnect with some of these other facts. There are patterns embedded in my testimony that parallel patterns in these other psyops. Some times that can give unimaginable weight to a clue or two, from personal storylines. Especially ones such as those I gave some details.
Which is why I give them. Granted, there are tonnages of facts involved, but there is a peculiar phenomenon here of many similar patterns, and when they connect it can be quite illuminating.
But proof? I loved first reading the opening of GK Chesterton’s Autobiography almost a half century ago, so much that I learned some sections of it by heart.
He calls the first chapter, opening pages, “Hearsay Evidence” about his own birth, “Bowing down in blind credulity before tradition and the testimony of my elders, I confess that I was born May 29, 1872…. etc. etc.”
I got the point, that it’s hard to say exactly what’s true.
Later on he says, “For all the evidence, there still exists the real possibility that I could have been the lost heir of the Holy Roman Empire, or some infant left on my parent’s back doorstep by ruffians from Soho, later to develop traits of a hideous criminal heredity.”
In a word, he was showing us some of the pitfalls of personal revelations, or just acquired knowledge in general. That book is available online at the Project Gutenberg Archives, as well as most, if not all of his 100+ titles oeuvre.
Certainly America today, and its viral infections of knowledge bases everywhere, speaks volumes about these “epistemological problems”.
(GKC had a really big advantage that so very few have: many of his works were dictated without reference to notes. He said offhand, shortly before he died unexpectedly of heart failure at 62, that he could remember the plot details of all 10,000 books he had reviewed for the London press! Wow: most Franciscan and Thomist scholars say that the small books he dictated on their saints were the best single volumes about them.
Just think of what he could do today toward conspiracy crime solutions. Probably why he died in 1936. Things were heating up and they had to get him out of the way!
Sometimes I find, though, just knowing and practicing some of the intellectual tools he developed, and mastered, are of great use in our epistemological pursuits of
I listen a lot to Alan Watts broadcasts and he mentions in one that his training as an Anglican priest and his parallel wide studies in Eastern religions and practices was very useful in “triangulating his true position.”
The Trappist Thomas Merton – also most likely a anti-war 2968 martyr through the handiwork of the CIA, whose more roguish members are the real fly in our global ointment, as current events indicate – was one of the most “devout” of Catholics (Pope Francis singled him out for special mention when he came here 5 years ago, along with Dorothy Day, who was a good friend).
And Merton said, interestingly, “By the time I die, I want to have become the best Buddhist I can possibly be.”
He clearly had a good grasp of the blessings of triangulation.
Not that it is not without it’s pitfalls, and I still am learning it’s fascinating ways, how to use it, hopefully, more correctly.
Meanwhile, we carry on with tasks close at hand. I am not trying to distract but inform that process.
My own “way” that I preach. State Intel will do all they can to recruit and assimilate us. The one Golden Rule I know is to do all I can to remain independent, separate, and a complete ABSOLUTE non-collaborator.
Basically, they only want to control, totally contain, or kill you. And/or your message.
We are under their virtual house arrest now, facts seem to show.
But resistance is by no means futile.
Hello… Unfortunately to me, your article doesn’t offer nothing new!
I’ve been writing and saying that for months now. I wrote to the politicians to the president (of Portugal!) but FEAR and PANIC fueled by IGNORANCE is very difficult to fight especially for someone like me that doesn’t carry a college title.
Even you guys are probably in the same situation, because they don’t care about what you write and say, even though you guys carry a college title!
I’ve made a picture describing the Reality of what we are.
Just like with SARS-CoV-1 in about 2 years time NO ONE WILL CARE about the deaths it causes.
Keep up the good work.
Watch out for the Herd in Panic Mode!
Best Regards
Greetings from Portugal! I hope 25 April will start something here, maybe a moment for people to realise what is actually happening to them.
>> https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=WNK8D9658NBX <>
The above comment didn’t reproduce quite like I typed it. The ‘sorry’ is the vimeo link. The 153 link is still up and running.
I think this guy makes assertions that are not particularly convincing.
In this video he sites that viruses are created in our cells. We all shed cells constantly. Do you think that when someone sneezes, that there are not cells within that ejection from our lungs, throat, nasal cavity and mouth? If those cells from someone else then enter our lungs, throat, nasal cavity and mouth we then have those cells and the virus within us. All it then takes is exposure to our blood stream and we now have the virus. There is possible entry through broken skin in our mouths,throats and nasal cavities. There is also an easy path to the blood stream through our gums, it is how sublingual medicines enter the blood stream. As for the lungs there is a direct path to the blood stream particularly in those with underlying health conditions. I’m wary of any one that cites just how smart they are before they try and sell you a theory, intelligence is often overrated!
This is an impressive piece of work and sounds logical to this tired old pea-brain. However can anyone suggest how the death from Coronovirus of 14 TFL workers fits into this narrative?
If I may speak for them, Off-G have never denied that there is a virus or that it can kill. But the above only states that the workers died “after contracting” the virus. We need more information.
We can deny a virus, though, George, because there is zero evidence of one. In all the footage they show us of alleged patients no symptoms are displayed or the patients say things that don’t make sense. If there were a virus then surely we should see an alleged sufferer look as if they’re suffering – they are scrupulous in the way that they don’t fake anything so well that it can be brandished in support of their story. They also tell us nonsense stories of “miracle survivors” brought back from the brink by potato soup, antibiotics and antimalarials. Not to mention all the other issues: inability to isolate the virus strain, numbers not adding up, or even how could this virus move at all in the way they want it to, etc. Seriously, we don’t think it went from Wuhan to Italy to wherever in the manner suggested.
I think the best approach to any suspicious “event” told breathlessly to us 24/7 by the media is to go through the psyop checklist. If the checklist fits then we can assume that there will be no reality to the event other than what is wanted. They don’t want a virus or a pandemic, all they want is us to believe in them … and they can make us believe anything at all.
This is a 50-point checklist from YouTuber, Jerry Mills. (I watched it at 1.5 speed.)
I think it’s interesting how he points out a really early psyop, the Trojan Horse. They’ve been doing them for so long, haven’t they? and we still haven’t learnt. They know how to make us believe anything at all.
A huge thank you to the authors !
All politician’s wages should be reduced by 75%. The “health experts” who are advising them should follow a similar fate whether “working from home” or not. They are the ringleaders of this fear campaign of misinformation over a virus which is being publicised as something similar to the Black Death.
Needless to say, nobody has the courage to reduce any politician’s wages, and the most corrupt of them will continue to receive the highest wages.
To the three authors of this really important article, 2 words for you:
Thank You.
This needs to be sent to everyone You know… Everyone!
Maybe you’ll be told to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, maybe you’ll be accused of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’, maybe you’ll be told ‘we get our news from the BBC/ABC/CNN/Guardian’, whatever.
But at least try.
Just got back from the supermarket (dinner, chocolate hot cross buns, a bag of tomatoes and cheese) and the chance to get out amongst people, but on the way home, my travel card had expired.
I approached the bus driver to top up my travel card. He almost had a heart attack on the spot… then goes loudly ‘what are you doing? you can’t come near me… Don’t you see the tape’?
He then informed me that the bus drivers no longer topped up the cards, so I had to walk over 200 mtrs to the train station to top up my card there.
And missed that bus.
Yes Dorothy, there are still a lot of people here in Oz scared witless by this virus.
— perhaps the witlessness preceded, or even facilitated the scare.
Hmmm… I only wanted to top up my travel card M. Over 2 km walk home otherwise. I suppose I’m lucky he didn’t call the police…
I just caught the last edition of “satirical” news show, “Have I got News For You” and it was a “virtual” show – nobody in the studio at all. Just five screens showing the host and contestants who were all sitting in their own homes. It was gruesome. Deprived of face-to-face int interaction, it was like watching a show performed by the undead in a morgue. The worst thing is that, without an audience, the only laughter came from the “players” guffawing at their own jokes. Sepulchral and ghoulish. One good thing: if this is the kind of shows that have to be made under virus rules then the hypnotic spell of the TV will soon break.
Trouble is, we lose the good shows as well… HIGNFY is such great fun – not that the Establishment enjoys being the brunt of quite a lot of its humour…
the 3 people who watch that?!
Similarities between the COVID-19 pandemic and 9/11 Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations (psyops).
Two main streams of propaganda:
One aimed at the masses
One aimed at the skeptics
Stream aimed at skeptics
— Focus everyone on the cause of the building collapses and the science involved, maintain ambivalence with regard to the science of the plane crashes – all to distract from the pivotal truth: staged death and injury and thus that the event is a complete psyop.
— Some scientists involved in the psyop are pushing out fake stuff, eg, molten metal at Ground Zero. There may well be other fake stuff that could rear its head in whatever results from the sham Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (similar to the sham 9/11 Commission).
COVID-19 pandemic
— Focus everyone on the anomalies in the figures and the science of viruses and pandemics, all to distract from the simple fact that there is no virus, that this is a complete psyop and perhaps to keep us distracted from the implications of this psyop until it’s too late. As some scientists will be involved in the psyop they will no doubt push out stuff that is fake and/or confuses.
It’s all about distraction and confusion folks. This is so very clearly a psyop and the science and numbers are a deliberate distraction leading us absolutely nowhere. We have right now all the science and numbers we need to know that this is a psyop – as well as, of course, all the deliberate nonsense they push at us, just as we had all the science we needed of controlled demolition and the fakery of the planes yonks and yonks ago.
Both the COVID-19 pandemic and 9/11 are psychological operations and need to be called out as such. Do not let them lead you along the neverending science and numbers path and keep you tied up with all the other distractions.
This event can be called out right here right now. No further evidence is required. There is no doubt whatsoever that it is a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation.
Petra, I like your style. Really. You are rigorously deconstructive, peeling away each layer of the onion. That approach of course is what is required for all these Moriarty-esque psyops, where they are piled high with distractions as involved as some ancient mystery religion, only to disguise a simple objective: $$$. Or Power (to wit, more money).
Why wage the war to “win the hearts and minds” when it’s oh so easy to simply control them, with techniques and “high” tech of “coercive hypnotism”: all new versions of Dr. Mengele’s Mind Control thru trauma-based assaults upon the media-managed world public, now linked everywhere by this gadget we engage here: the sticky and sneaky WorldWideWeb patrolled by their very own WorldWideSpiders?
I don’t know if you ever saw “Young Sherlock Holmes” – a movie out about 30 years ago. It seems at the end roll of the credits that the wily Moriarty escaped yet again, and these current psyops seem as though his current incarnation.
What’s interesting about the film is the use of many ploys that are still in use in these days, age old stage magic and sleight of hand and other standard tricks of deception that are constants in spycraft and go back seemingly to the dawn of society.
The key difference in our age, is that they have a whole Novelty Shoppe of new gadgetry to daze and confuse.
I’m grateful that I began to study it more in earnest about 15 years ago, and digging deeper, like discovering my own father was attorney to the client one old military character told me in 2016 was the director of one of the main mind control projects (I get the vibe that it’s fraught with just too much trouble to get too specific, for now. His name pops up in CIA ROGUES by Patrick Nolan, the chapters about Sirhan.)
I had no idea, no connection of those dots, though I’d got my first hints about 30 years ago, and bought Norman Mailer’s “Harlot’s Ghost: a Novel of the CIA”. I was intrigued to have read he had been writing it for over 20 years and people said he talked about nothing else at parties in NYC. He had promised a finale, “Harlot’s Grave” but died in a fall before that “and so on.”
Also “Bobby” de Niro made a film, “The Good Shepherd” about Angleton, loosely based, but that promised sequel seems also now to be a mirage.
In short, all these studies have only served to illuminate the landscape of my life like a bolt, and gave me a schemata visibly to see incursions into my own life, just for starters. They do it to various degrees to everybody.
I’m a bit of an extreme case, I would suspect, but I try to suggest to thoughtful people all the time, to study these things. We are all in their sites now.
Every time we are being diverted from who we really are, you may bet a lot of what you got, on that “component” of Intel being not too far in the “background,”.
I respect the fact that they have a job to do, of sorts, every nation that’s ever been has had ops, but not with such criminal abandon, and we are venturing into crazier and crazier territory that every Prez since Truman, at the dawn of the CIA, has totally despised, or at least stated so.
Truman: “I would have never agreed to the formulation of CIA, back in ’47, if I had known then it would become the American Gestapo.”
Too little too late, Harry!
Eisenhower: “I have nothing to offer the incoming President but a legacy of ashes.” -His last big meeting with Intel officials, January ’61.
JFK: “I want to break CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds.” And then shortly after CIA scattered his life to the winds of history.
Since then, other presidents have been more choosy in their language.
CIA deformations and their deforming of US society, and the world, has been the greatest tragedy of our times, which they cannot disavow.
But I digress. I simply meant to thank you for presenting your results of your strict deconstruction of their psyops. It speaks volumes that so few in the field take that rigorous approach.
Did ANY of it really happen? You certainly raise real doubts, and that is a real service to readers, how you do that. Perhaps some if it did happen, but that is the wrong starting point. Yours seems to be the correct one, from what I know.
Meanwhile I’m preparing my screenplay sequel, 65 years after, to the classic Terry Southern script “Dr. Strangelove: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb” update 2020
“Dr. StrangeCoVid: or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Virus”
I think there will be seen many benefits in hindsight, after all the fallout.
You know, they delayed the release of the original because it was set tight at the time of JFK Dallas.
Meanwhile, “the game is afoot, Watson.”. Lol
Have you studied the work of the late Steve Kangas? He seems remarkably rigorous. If you look up “Timeline of CIA Atrocities” it leads you to all his work. I read many of the links. Revelatory. That’s the feel I get.
He seems to be an avatar, to the best of my knowledge. Inspiring anyway, and that’s plenty these days
Oops double posted
I know, Petra, but…
Here we are, “calling out” this event, as you encourage us to do.
The response: Silence.
We need an effective outlet, however much OffG cheers us up with real information.
My goodness can they distract us with the science and the figures.
But there is a simpler approach – the checklist test for Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation (psyop) in the form of a “live exercise”.
As the Donald says of the coronavirus:
It’s amazing the words of truth that can come out of that man’s mouth – admittedly, sometimes they’re delivered cryptically such as for the crash of PS-752 where he says the following nonsensical words in relation to a plane while the man standing next to him ostentatiously hides a smile:
We know it will disappear as the Donald says because because the virus – let alone any pandemic – never appeared in the first place … and they will only test our patience for so long before they “make” it disappear.
1. Pre-pandemic indications including exercises. TICK.
— Event 201, a tabletop pandemic exercise, held in October 2019, partnered by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
— Positions advertised by the CDC for Quarantine Advisors as early as November 15 2019 and
— Netflix docuseries on preventing pandemics
— The film, Contagion
— The Simpsons, S22 E6, The Fool Monty, which speaks of a phoney-baloney crisis of a public health scare
2. As psyop rules state we will be told nonsense, check Wikipedia, media and other sources. TICK.
Wikipedia told us (all changed now) about Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits being reservoirs and then we see people falling flat on their faces, laid out on the pavement, nonsense about empty buildings being converted into hospitals within 48 hours with extremely unconvincing visual evidence provided of this amazing feat … and so much more nonsense.
3. As psyop rules state that nothing should be faked so well it can be used to support their story, check that no patients show symptoms. TICK.
Yep! All alleged patients interviewed in hospitals do not show symptoms or there are anomalies in that they are filmed in an ICU and say strange things such as, “They had to sew that into my artery.”
4. As a typical hallmark of psyops (where applicable) is ludicrous “miracle survivors” stories, check for those stories. TICK.
Yep! Yes, we have the 90 year-old looking fit as a fiddle being pulled back from the brink of death with potato soup, and the 82 year-old who miraculously recovered with a course of antibiotics and the 52 year-old who was “gaspin’” and thought “his days were done” who, at the suggestion of a friend, took anti-malarials and hey presto!
Thus we know – nonsense pushed at us without a single skerrick of evidence of the presence of this virus.
In psyops the ONLY things they do for real are the things they want for real. They don’t want or need a virus or a pandemic for their psyop and a real virus would never behave remotely the way they want it to for their story in any case, just as they didn’t want real planes for 9/11 and they wouldn’t have worked anyway, nor did they want people to die or be injured – that wouldn’t have gone down at all well with the loved ones of the 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured (not to mention the 6,000 injured themselves) and nor would it have been accepted very readily by the numerous agency, media, government, corporation and other people necessarily involved in the operation. 9/11 was a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation just like this one.
The alleged COVID-19 pandemic is, in reality, a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a “live pandemic exercise” and there is no novel virus.
For links to above and more:
They can’t make it last too long, however, otherwise we’ll all go nuts. As the Donald says, it will disappear like magic.
If anyone thinks that this virus pandemic will not disappear like magic, please say what you predict.
Yes, that’s SOP: distraction by a hyperabundance of mirrors: it was really first given its rollout with JFK DALLAS. Endless deadends or deadweights are integral to all the psyops, but especially that one. I’m of the opinion JFK was hit there, but that may be force of long habit. Why 1000 books about it? Probably 937 are red herrings, right?
Here’s a fascinating thing though, you will admit: I had a friend at work in 1982 at Reunion Tower, Dealey Plaza. It overlooked the Grassy Knoll, believe it or not. The day after my 30th birthday, they told me that that friend, John (Sullivan) had been shot coming out of a bar around midnight 4.14.82 in Downtown Dallas, clean through the chest, and was in stable condition. I went to the hospital where he was recovering, next evening, with flowers, and left them on his nightstand. He was sedated and asleep with all kinds of bandages and tubes coming out of his chest, no shirt. I offered a few words up, and had to be at our job in the 600 ft. Tower, and left. On the way out of the seedy parking lot, I saw the Marquee sign and ran it back and forth on my tongue. “Parkland Hospital, why do I feel like I’m missing something, here?”
It wasn’t till I got on the freeway and had to go soon to punch a clock that it hit me like a shot, “Holy good night, that is THE Parkland Hospital!” I would have turned back but I was late.
Two nights later I get the call at home, from my sister, that my father had just been found a few hours earlier, dead, in a locked Lincoln, gun in his hand and hole in his head.
I’m not making this up, all the papers for all of that can be verified, across the board. The question is, did it all actually happen, or was I the center of their own little mob-generated psyop?
They have littered the landscape with so many doppelgangers and “simulacra’ that can be proven, also, so we know that much.
If JFK and/or LHO actually DID die at Parkland, I was standing within a few feet of their bays.
But you do cast some serious doubts.
And one other thing, they ran an actual staged psyop on me a few years ago, it was all choreographed with actors. It seemed real, but “after further review” it was staged. They were amazed I could put it all together, but they staged a rather involved skit, to see if I’d bite. I took some deep breaths and realized it was ALL rigged. And they knew I’d seen the moving parts of their metaphorical”magician’s box” such as in magic shows. It was quite elaborate. The proof it was real is that once I figured it out, they suddenly discontinued it a week later.
Here’s one clue: for about 15 years every so often, one of their mob crosses my path and tries to suggest we’re being run from afar by space aliens and they keep steering me to a video at YouTube. Or other trumped up info.
This is a favorite ploy. I tell them, no thanks, but I have enough on my plate just here on Earth.
It’s seemingly just a huge diversion, and I studiously ignore it.
They haven’t done much lately. About a year and a half ago an Armenian guy named Apollo (sounds like a stage magician, eh?) ran some crafty things past me, very sleight of hand. I caught enough wind of it, I found a way to dodge it. It could have killed me, or worse.
Anyway, might seem off topic, but it’s all just to add context and color to your comments.
I am confirming that I have seen with my own eyes some of their psyops hocus pocus and it IS real.
Two of the people in contact with SIRHAN were listed at bios at Wikipedia (which did not mention Sirhan) as two of the most prominent hypnotists in US History. The Harvard hypnotist who has been treating and shrinking for 10 years, Dr. Daniel Brown seems off, to me, when I see him in “The Real Manchurian Candidate.”
Sirhan DOES, categorically, strike me as a *real* trauma based mind control victim, not an actor. He had a history of PTSD as a boy, all the way back in Palestine, when he watched as his brother was run over by a Jeep.
I knew a woman who taught at USC (where my old man taught at the law school) who swore to me in an email in 2006 that one of the hypnotists, my father’s client, could put a whole class “under”, simultaneously, when she went to his Sunday lectures. Gives me the creeps. I don’t mention his name, no free publicity for a “brujo” of his ilk.
This all may sound too colorful to not be scripted, but this IS Hollywood we’re talking here. The Client used to hypnotize Bela Lugosi before he did coffin scenes, because the eponymous (there’s that word again) Dracula had claustrophia!
But it is significant here, in Anglo-American exchanges, that The Client founded in ’30s Hollywood the “Philosophical Research Society”. I mention that, because it is a curious echo, fifty years after the founding in London of the Society for Psychical Research, where both Conan Doyle and Mark Twain were early members. (I think Twain was an intel agent. He bonded with Tesla for many years, #1 early U.S. Intel target.)
PRS and SPR. (I can remember my fabulous late mother, even when I was 2 or 3, calling it invariably “Pew” RS, pew being American slang for “stinks”.)
One of the hypnotists who knew Sirhan (who grew up in Taybeh, Ephraim in Gospels, the last stop of Jesus before Jerusalem and Golgotha) was technical advisor to the first version of Manchurian Candidate, with Sinatra. William Joseph Bryant. He died several years after RFK, in Las Vegas, rather young. My father’s client, subject of the book, “Master of the Mysteries” was murdered on his ranch in Fallbrook, about an hour’s drive from here. So they SAY: I’ve come across several versions of the forensics over the last 30 years, since he purportedly died there in ’90.
My sister told me his corpse was found with worms crawling out of every orifice of his body, like Herod in the New Testament, “Acts of the Apostles”.
But more authoritative sources say black ants. And I read another version too.
All which tends to argue your premise: ops.
And I told you, the Unabomber storyline seems silly with staged events.
One fact I can vouch, though: many a time I have found myself in the penumbra of these events, if not closer! But still in the dark. Duped? Not entirely….
Mme. Blavatsky was a key figure in SPR in late 1800s London. Gandhi visited her there. She was exposed as at least semi-fraudulent: she was not above using early audio technology at her seances, for audible spookinesses! Wooooo…. Hahaha
They called “The Client” of my dad’s, “the American Blavatsky”. Even Ronald Reagan consulted him. Huxley knew him. I had dinner with Huxkey’s wife once, when I was a callow 15 year old, but I never was introduced to The Client. Thank God! The old man insulated me from some things, for some reason.
Angleton used a phrase from “Gerontion” about “mirrors”.
We’re seeing a helluva lot of mirrors, this month!
“The CIA doesn’t care what you do, as long as it’s something they want you to do.”
That is, something irrelevant & unmeaningful.
(Some of the above might sound rambling, but it is all unbelievably pertinent. Believe it!)
I’m sorry your dad died in such a way, John. Interesting about the hypnosis and Sirhan.
My Dad and I had been estranged for 13 years before he died, but we wrote fitfully. But yes, no doubt sad enough. Ancient history. It was very good we wrote just before his staged suicide (Highly Assisted Apparent Suicide) as I mentioned he was in my prayers. In his pompous reply, his default mode, he managed to thank me for my prayers, “I need them.” One close friend, an intimate, told a family member years later that he had told her a month before he was found dead, “I can’t see you anymore, it’s too dangerous.”
So that’s a smoking gun on a pile of preponderant evidence, as you find many such also in Robin Williams’ absurd forensics post-mortem.
I don’t offer these personal scenarios for personal reasons, just by way of a disclaimer, but because they tie in truly astonishing ways to global events.
And he did receive the Peace Medal of the U.N. for 1972. As had in another year his client Norman Cousins, author of the truly spine-tingling and curiously unknown 1972 book, “The Improbable Triumvirate” about a very hugely crucial part of history, when JFK, Kruschev and Pope John XXIII were liaisoning backdoors thru Cousins, though he modestly downplays that part, to end the Cold War.
Cousins is the only party I have yet come across, besides myself, who notes all 3 were out of office in a little over a year….
The Sirhan case is one of the most important in history, but rather neglected. To say the least.
See “Bill Pepper on MLK Assassination” at YouTube and watch the other ones with him there. I guarantee it will rock your world, and it is right up your alley.
William Francis Pepper became a good friend of MLK his last year or so, and as an Oxbridge prof and lawyer, got a Memphis jury in a civil suit of wrongful death to convict, not James Earl Ray, but the U.S. GOVERNMENT as co-conspirators in the murder.
I know among black people in US only a fraction who know of that verdict. That shows you how total the propaganda is here, since blacks are so militant in solidarity on many other things. And many older blacks will go off on me when I tell them Sirhan didn’t kill RFK (there were witnesses never called to trial who saw flames and “confetti” coming from his .22 ~ blanks, of course). They won’t even listen, they’re programmed, as I was till I began to dig into the evidence some years ago.
Bill Pepper is the most important American you will never hear about, unless you really dig. That speaks volumes, MLK asked him, a white journalist, to address his Atlanta congregation and explain why he was expanding the movement beyond race, into poverty, anti-war, and the Poverty Draft. Seems pretty important. Never covered, but they’ll tell us in headlines about 15 flu deaths in my county of 3 million, and the latest on Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga. Can’t miss that, or the world famous Kardashians. Hold on a moment while I … there that’s better.
But Sirhan’s brother approached Pepper about 15 years ago, after the ’99 Memphis verdict, and asked him if he would take Sirhan’s case.
Right when that case was really heating up in 2013, Sirhan was transferred to San Diego pen, on
NOVEMBER 22, 2013.
The Golden Anniversary of JFK.
No these murders happened.
My future brother in law was standing near Bobby when he was shot, and a priest I worked with, Fr. Thomas Peacha, gave him his last Rites. He was with the body.
In the hospital where I was born.
Good Samaritan Hospital. L.A.
And I met others, like Pierre Salinger when I was in Paris who was standing near a fallen Bobby, while blood poured out on the ground around his head, like a red halo. Pierre ran upstairs when it struck him, knowing 13 year old David was alone in the hotel suite watching it on TV, finding him nearly catatonic.
That can’t ALL be crisis acting, though I support your works to start from that position, and work back toward the baseline of hype, while shunning like a flu.
You just never know, but I would say the Assassinations I believe 99% were real.
Problem is, in most of these, the feds and the mobs have bottomless budgets to simulate reality.
I certainly give you that!
I’m sure you’ve lived an interesting life, but does any of your rhetoric inform readers as to practical solutions?
“Modern” society is now living under the boot of a militarized police state. Yet no one is married to such persons, no one is related to such persons, no niece or nephew, aunt, uncle, or cousin. No one knows them as a neighbor or as a person who is seen at the local bar. Hmmmm… Strange…
The sleaze balls you allude to have names and addresses, and need to be hunted down and culled. Jus’ sayin’…
Petra: I was on radio at Goddard College in VT 15 years ago, 7.15.05, reporting and analyzing with the host, Jim HOGUE, the 7.7 London Tube and bus bombings. So very clearly a “terrorist training exercise.” Peter Power, formerly of Scotland Yard, spoke later that evening how they had been doing a training exercise at the very moment for Visor, a private company, when he said, on BBC Channel 4, “You can imagine how the hair stood up on our necks when we realized the drill had suddenly gone ‘live'”.
There were many other stories like that.
I found out around then in a nice “find” of my own that a CIA agent, Art Riley, I believe had been in charge of Port of NYC during 9/11, and was also head of London Transport during 7.7.
C’mon. Serious? So obvious.
This was the idea crystallizing in my mind the last few days, that the whole flu op was just a new training exercise like those, for a variety of Intel purposes.
A to Z.
Great minds think alike!
But no fooling, it’s got all those same fingerprints.
Hear, hear.
But garishly, tastelessly, wide in scope. If it’s not “class war”, I wonder how we categorize it.
The 7/7 9/11 connection is interesting, John. And they’re so brazen, no? “Hair stood up on our necks.” Yes, where their nature is applicable, psyops are “live” drills of themselves and are preceded by at least one other drill, sometimes more and sometimes other drills run concurrently. The greatest number of drills and exercises ever to occur on US soil probably occurred on 9/11 which was, in effect, a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event.
The way I have come to see it, after ten years of having sporadic “chance,” (yeah, right?) interactions with Intel agents out in the field (they – a few retired one’s have- almost never identify themselves as such, but you get a workable certainty, and though the working ones are saturated with sheepdip as being regular folk with regular jobs) is that they see the world strictly as insiders versus outsiders. Us v. Them. They don’t say that, it’s just so manifest.
Anyone who is not in the loop is essentially an adversary, and should mind their own business if they’re smart: “pay no attention to the wizard behind the curtain!” Etc.
Their own business: According to pretty dammed strict fish bowl like rules.
Oh, they don’t mind if you act up or “carry on” but as the tagline of the Denzel remake of Manchurian Candidate was given us by the late great Jonathan Demme: “Everything is under control.”
Pretty sick, but what now can they do. It is a bestial dialectic of the beast, that has broken it’s chains, really, and a roving rogue everywhere in the world. At least in its most dangerous aspects.
Which are not few!
Only God and our own very good judgement, itself a gift, can save US.
Two have told me, “Be careful, it’s NOT a free country.”
That can put quite a nasty cramp in good judgement, but that comes with the territory….
Might as well really reconnoiter that territory, eh, because we ALL share it now.
Exhibit A: all the many lockdowned nations. Switzerland, characteristically, is proud of it’s neutrality and one of the lightest loads now. That speaks volumes about what’s really going on?
Like Jews during WW II, I’m scanning their borders. I’m pricing jet tickets.
No, after all, I’ll share this grief…
One has to consider, however, the possibility that they would rather like us all to go nuts…
Then we get the great civil military confrontation which some in Washington are just dying to see, because their new devices for crowd control desperately need a thorough try-out.
If that seems far-fetched, we might consider that little Iceland, a country which had no crime to speak of thirty years ago, ordered, after the banking crash of 2008, a crapload of AK-74s for its police force (it has no army)…
Not too far-fetched, wardropper, not too far-fetched at all.
Needless to add, it was not the people of Iceland who ordered them, but their “representatives” in government.
There was a fuss made about it, but today, it is forgotten, along with the story of exactly where those weapons ended up…
Latest figures Gov uk.
Deaths registered in the year-to-date, Week 1 to 13
Looking at the year-to-date (using refreshed data to get the most accurate estimates), the number of deaths is currently lower than the five-year average. The current number of deaths is 150,047, which is 3,350 fewer than the five-year average. Of the deaths registered by 27 March 2020, 647 mentioned the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the death certificate; this is 0.4% of all deaths.
U.K Lockdown – evening of the 23’rd March – Deaths, of ‘or’ with Covid ? Tests, false positive / incorrect diagnosis = ? ? %
Excellent article. It is apparent that the ‘bone-pointers’ generating individual panic and general hysteria are first the MSM. Thus, this article should be sent to every editor and every journalist involved making it clear that they are potential murderers.
If no one knew what Corona Virus was and it wasn’t on the news no one would know or care about it. Unlike Spanish flu. You would know and care very quickly. With or without MSM bullshit.
That should tell you something.
The writers over at Anti-Empire are calling it a “mind virus” which seems appropriate.
There is a very seminal documentary at YouTube which rocked my world and reconfigured my entire perspective about 9 years ago, PSYWAR, by Zeitgeist Films, with the tagline: “The Real Battlefield is the Mind.”
It has must-know info for everyone who knows a bit about the Age of the Mind Virus.
As I shall now call it.
(The co-producer of the film is a real keeper name: “I Am the Mob”)
Population of the USA 332,000,000
Annual normal death rate 2,712,000
Monthly death rate 226,000
Daily rate 7,500
Source: CIA World Fact book
Has anyone seen what is happening to US finances?
US Federal Budget $5,571 billion.
Budget Deficit $2,130 billion.
Trump is borrowing 38 cents for every dollar he spends.
This will get substantially worse with the CV.
This is the prime mover for most of Trump’s behaviour.
Trying to solve his intractable economic and financial problems at the expense of other countries.
Sometimes this is outright looting.
Finding assorted specious pretexts to steal the assets of foreign countries, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, anyone who has anything worth stealing.
The virus may be the next excuse to seize Chinese assets. People like Rubio and Cruz are demanding that Chinese holdings of Treasury Bills be declared null and void, and $4 trillion of Chinese assets confiscated. They may try to seize Saudi assets in a similar fashion, using 9/11 as a pretext.
Otherwise Trump is quite open about running a global protection racket.
“They gotta pay us! They gotta pay us!! They gotta pay us for their protection!!”, croaking like a cheap Mafia hood.
He demands that other countries buy their weapons, energy and agricultural products from the US at inflated prices and give preferential access to their raw materials and markets.
This is the rationale for the trade wars and sanctions, nou just against countries like China and Iran, but even the most obsequious satellites, Canada, Mexico, Germany, the EU, Japan and S, Korea.
This crude looting and extortion is extremely unlikely to be successful, even in the short term.
It is said that one of the reasons the Roman Empire collapsed is simply that they ran out of people to rob and enslave.
Trump’s America is rapidly reaching that point.
The article here is so very good and creative, but it seems to presuppose some good faith on the part of the perpetrators of this global hoax.
There is none. This is a BANKER’S MONEY GRAB, using a not that unusual virus as a cover. That’s all, folks. The rest is window dressing.
Expose them, yes.
That is the one indispensable and invaluable service to the global public that sites like these deliver.
Here’s one hot tip (on a hot pile):
Pondering how familiar some of this seemed, and then it came, as a Californian who survived it: The summer of 2000 (Enron) California “Rolling Blackouts”. The “late” (show us the corpse!) scumbag/mega-felon Ken Lay and his crime partner Jeff Skilling pumped California electricity consumers for billions of dollars of inflated charges, by cutting power during that summer’s heat waves, then raising prices.
An eerily familiar vast pretext for gouging.
It came at a time of huge heat waves here ~and misery, I will skip the gory personal details, but they were tough~ and I told everyone I could corner that it was a hoax, a hoax, and nothing but a hoax, so help me God.
I was literally “a voice crying in the wilderness, make ye straight the…” billing of the state. Few listened. It was a year before 9/11.
At the outset nearly no one took me seriously. Some branded me as the traitor, or loon.
But guess what? I was right.
Same with WMDs. My family lives in a conservative county, and there we were thought to be “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”
More or less the charge the Nazis used against Sophie Scholl, voted by the German people not long ago in one national poll “Greatest German of the 20th Century.”
She had to REALLY pay a price for that honor, the guillotine from Hitler and his “People’s Court”, Roland Freisler.
But we may just content ourselves with using what means we have here to bang pots and pans and alert the “global village” to this huge robbery, disguised as a fake (or grotesquely overblown) “pandemic”. Taking place under our (masked) noses.
Using RMM (RICH MAN MEDIA) to put a global scare into everybody as the pretext ~in lieu of a heat wave, or imploded skyscraper, etc. staged London Tube bombing du jour, etc.~ they have just obviously used their propaganda mills, otherwise called “newspapers” (theirs), to fan the flames and shout “FIRE” in the “crowded building” of our world.
With a flu far less deadly than their stats pretend. We see the headlines at the store everyday, and they are just ludicrous: ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER: below the banner, “Residents Urged to Cover Their Faces.” Well, OK. Then right next to it, column 1 “Virus can be spread JUST BY BREATHING.” Well, yes, breathers are more treacherous, here, in all this, than non-breathers.
Once again, just like with Enron in charge here in California in 2000, when their word was bond back then.
Until it wasn’t.
They were all brought to justice…
So, dear readers,
With each passing day the criminal nature of this global version of Enron 2000 becomes more and more obvious. It is FAR too similar to the other heists.
The movie “Inside Job” won Charles Ferguson the Oscar for his exposure of the 2008 crisis. Similar template.
He sits on the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), by the way, another suspect in all of it, and he made that movie AFTER the fact.
” it seems to presuppose some good faith on the part of the perpetrators of this global hoax.”
Exactly! And that faith is unwarranted, just like faith in ‘good science’ is unwarranted. We’re being indoctrinated that if we juist wait a little longer science will solve all our problems, but it ain’t so. Found this tidbit:
With SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, researchers’ main safety concern is to avoid a phenomenon called disease enhancement, in which vaccinated people who do get infected develop a more severe form of the disease than people who have never been vaccinated.
I’m not holding my breath till this is solved.
I see that Obama advisor Ezekiel Emanuel is calling for lockdowns to stay in place for 12-18 months, until a vaccine is developed. Are these people deranged, or are they hell-bent on grinding us all into dust and sweeping up what they didn’t take from us after 2008? There is zero scientific basis for any of this. Why are the medical and scientific community playing along with this?
Short answer: they are both.
Slightly longer answer: Virology is at best a beta science in its infancy, at worst it’s Gamma science for someone with an SPSS fetish.
ezekial emmanuel is he the irish
brother of the fella
rahm emmanuel
so many irish running the tv programme show
Irish? I though the Emmanuel brothers were Amish? 😛
Those Mennonites sure do get around. They’re into everything.
Media science is not science, and Obama had no use for real scientists. The only ones people should be looking at are the retired professors who have little to lose by telling it like it is. Several articles here have pointed towards such people in recent weeks.
You are all being conned. Boris (a proven liar, fraud and charlatan, who should have never been let near the PM office), is now ‘recovering’. Other members of his government are now claiming to have the Frankenstein flu; far more than general members of the public.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist…
In the meantime the UK is being run by a very shadowy cabal of unelected lunatics that I guarantee you’ve never heard of.
you are wong
donmeh turkic
boris is a political prisoner being persecuted for his many beliefs
many of us if we wasn’t weakly immunity compromised and locked down many of his followers would be outside his detention centre
with candle in the wind singing free he are new nelson mandinka
And who is that Rob? I thought it was Common Purpose the EU funded Marxist Matrix weekend lot at £4000 a time of taxpayers hard earned cash.
Is a virus a pathogen though, or is it caused by a pathogen? That’s the first and foremost scientific question that has to be answered for once and for all.
And is there even such a thing as a pathogenic virus? There are those who say that no such thing has ever been purified. Here is a discussion on that subject, from 2018, by someone who observed and has written about the SARS panic of 2002-2003:
David has also written about the current panicdemic:
Those links are much more informative and interesting than I thought they would be.
Thank you.
An exceptionally excellent article. Thank you to the authors and OffG for sharing it.
Like John Pretty below, I have say I was a bit saddened that this otherwise utterly brilliant analysis strayed momentarily into the realms of “voodoo.”
I mean, such ideas don’t personally bother me, because I understand the context in which this theory is introduced, and this “spear of thought” idea is actually useful, as an image.
The concern is just that mainstream critics and opponents will use such an element to ridicule all the otherwise very solid looking science and penetrating analysis.
Which is doubly sad, because in fact, what is called mainstream science, so considered “scientific truth” and “hard fact” by the mainstream qualified scientific community who hold this information and effective belief system, is very often not as solidly based as is pretended or claimed.
And as this article/analysis points out, this is especially true in the biological or indeed environmental field, both of which of course are of great importance in assessing virus/infection issues in general.
Indeed the difficulties in assessing this whole situation are of a quite staggering interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary nature, because of course, the key factor here which has justified the official response is the use or abuse of statistics.
And a lot of what we are seeing is a direct consequence of the fact that the vast majority of the population, including politicians, are not very numerically or statistically competent, and in fact, the statistical issues in question here, are not even easy to be decided upon I would guess by those who are allegedly very competent in these statistical matters.
I will give a simple example of my own thinking in regard to how the current statistics are being abused, which I think is actually somewhat implicit from the above analysis:
I would ask the reader to imagine a school with 1000 children in it.
10%, that is 100 children, are tested for the virus, and 10 are found to test positive, and 5 deaths are reported in the school.
The headteacher issues a newsletter to the parents (by email probably) which in summary says:
10 confirmed cases, 5 deaths (who tested positive) therefore the mortality rate = 50%.
The parents are horrified and demand the school is shut down and the teachers and medical support staff are sacked for putting their children at risk.
A statistical expert however arrives on the scene, and points out that as there are 10 confirmed cases from only 10% or 100 of the children tested, there would likely be 100 cases if 100% or 1000 (all the children) had been tested.
So that while still concerning, the actual mortality rate is only 5 out of 100, so thus only 5%.
In fact however, when autopsies are carried out it is found that the 5 deaths were all due to food poisoning, so in fact there was a 0% death rate from the virus.
Thus the school did not need to be closed down, all that was needed was to fire the cook for failure to implement adequate hygiene measures.
So the media have been giving us to date the erroneous figure which comes from only testing a small percentage of the population, while reporting the deaths from the entire population, just as in the above school example.
And also because the cause of death has not been reliably determined – how can we believe hospitals deluged by droves of patients and overloaded with cases in ICUs – can expect to be carrying out thorough autopsies/postmortems to reliably determine the truth cause of death?
Making the whole statistics we have seen presented by the politicians and the media impossible to verify or deduce any definite conclusions from.
However using the statistical logic as in the school example above, I was able to deduce from figures in the last several days (alas I cannot currently find them) that at that point something like 234,000 people had been tested in the UK and about 50,000 has tested positive and about 5000 deaths (attributed rightly or wrongly to the virus).
It’s currently at about 55,000 and 6,000 deaths, but I don’t know the current total tests.
So using the figures above from a few days ago that works out at roughly 20% of the population has tested positive, which would mean about 13 million in the UK would test positive if everybody were tested.
So at present that would mean the mortality rate (in the UK) is something like 5000/13 million = .0004% or about 1 in 2500 of those in the population infected are dying (so far).
Which is minuscule, perhaps several times less deadly than seasonal flue which kills 17,000 average annually; but of course we won’t get a proper figure until the total deaths and total infection rate of COVID-19 is known.
The point is, it’s comparable to seasonal flu, and not in anything like the same league as the 1918 pandemic.
Comparable results will be found for Italy even, if enough testing is done, which even if it is 10 times worse a mortality rate than here, for various reasons there, will still be very small.
Now seriously, in light of this tragic and possibly even multi-level catastrophic overreaction by government and media, we surely need to look very closely at the ability of politicians to understand information like in the article above, or indeed the example and deductions I’ve given above.
I mean, very seriously, if any MP (and especially those at the top) is incapable of reading the above report, and digesting and accurately deducing statistical information of this nature, and indeed cannot *prove* that they have this competency level by aptitude tests, they are a serious danger to the health and safety of the country and the whole world.
They cannot merely leave this to scientists, without having the intellect to question and understand simple statistical matters like how misattribution of the cause of death alone can skew the statistics wildly to indicate a totally different scenario, just as a nurse who administers a medicine must be able to distinguish clearly between a 30 ml dosage and a 300ml dosage, or is quite likely to kill somebody.
And my guess is I suspect 90% or more of those in the current House of Commons do not have the level of statistical competence and analytic ability to analyse data and information like in the above article, and make logical deductions from it; and even more importantly, to be aware when *no clear deductions can be made*, as when as Mr Spock puts it there is “insufficient data.”
Which in the case of this COVID-19 crisis, has been the case since the beginning – it’s been decision making by anecdote and wild unchecked rumour, instead of carefully verified and analysed information.
So as has been my trumpet call here on other comments I’ve made – we need urgently to find a way to remove our current irresponsible, incompetent and not sufficiently qualified and educated politicians from office, and replace them with ones who have all the above qualities.
I have explained in other comments the only way I can see that can be done.
Which is by reforming our electoral system such that we have firstly, proper public control over who is on electoral candidate lists (currently hijacked by special interest groups, including rich elite backers); and secondly, by a system of full proportional representation – which bear in mind already exists in Germany and other European countries.
Because without that, no new party can break the domination of UK politics by the current three party system.
Parties which seem to be all increasingly alike and authoritarian, leaving most of the public with nobody to vote for whom they really feel represents them, but continually left with only a choice of “the lesser of two (or three) evils”, all of whom currently seem to be united in supporting these tyrannical and destructive measures.
I would conclude by saying that I think the main party at blame is the media, though I think they were given their cue to gross irresponsible reporting, causing mass panic, by the initial crazed decision by the current governing to instigate what they disastrously termed “a war cabinet.”
It was at that point, I became aware that madness was breaking out, and I am not ashamed to say having seen what was already happening in other countries, I stocked up on provisions probably about two weeks before nearly anyone else did, and I pity those who did not.
As it was impossible (and remains so) for the government to reliably assure everyone “no shortages of essential supplies will occur, so no stockpiling is necessary…”
For please! – what the hell are people supposed to do and think when a government declares “war” on a virus, assembles a war cabinet, as if a new Hitler with thousands of bombers was about to blacken our skies, and kill by the thousands at will with a “reign of terror” – but instead meekly trust in a government that initiates such madness to care and provide for them?
So what the public needs to know and learn the very most from this experience, is that though our lives are in danger now (not much from the virus, but mainly from their response), they already were long before this, e.g. from terrorism, that blows to pieces up to 100s of us anywhere it breaks out totally unpredictably mainly due to the Iraq war.
And will be ever more in serious danger until we get rid of these *not wise and competent people* we have somewhat recklessly continued to allow to rule over us.
I already said how that can be done above.
Those who are able are going to have to campaign for those electoral changes until we get them, or we will never have real democracy, and never have competent politicians who truly represent us and care about us.
I would just finally however like to thank the authors above for what I still think is an utterly brilliant analysis, despite the momentary straying into voodoo territory.
As I do feel it has helped me quite a lot, and in particular to understand the importance of *not fearing* what is going on, as this article argues very plausibly that by surrendering to such fear, we can even invite our own otherwise wholly avoidable deaths.
I already did in fact advise on another comment that especially those alone and isolated, which the unprecedented millions of “singletons” in the UK and the West generally now are, to binge on feel good material such as is freely available at such places like YouTube and archive.org and numerous other sites.
I found a few years back, another therapeutic thing some may find useful is to try to write your own autobiography (though I’d also advise not putting it anywhere that might get hacked, if it is very revealing), as it can help people make a lot more sense of their lives.
I felt more at peace with myself after writing mine.
Regarding you not being comfortable with voodoo, the authors provide a reference…and it’s an article from the Lancet! That might assuage your concern.
It’s very helpful that you point out that this material re the “spear of death” etc. was from an article from the Lancet, which I didn’t notice, but now see is in the references list.
But I still don’t feel that overturns my objection, which you didn’t quite follow properly I don’t think.
As I did point out if you re-read what I wrote it wasn’t me who has a problem with “voodoo”, but that I was merely concerned that the “mainstream” would jump all over this to discredit the whole article and its authors as being “mumbo jumbo purveyors”, when the rest of the analysis/article was as I said, quite brilliant and deeply intelligent and insightful.
I think the thing we have to learn most from this crisis, is the way that scientific authorities are being used to justify unprecedented and very dangerous and unjustifiable government actions, and the public needs therefore to stop allowing the governments of the world to pass the buck onto scientists, for failing to apply their own commonsense and take proper responsibility for national and world events.
For example, while all we hear about is scientists/medical “experts” telling governments what must be done, we don’t hear a word about economic “experts” telling us if this carried on another week or two there could be millions unemployed permanently and we might have to slash the NHS budget by 50%, meaning millions might die of this eventually by the economic fallout and consequent enforced reduction of health care, as opposed to the 10s of thousands who at most are currently predicted by the authorities themselves to die of this.
And personally I think it’s not just medical/biological experts we need to start doubting, but academia in general, which in my view is full of charlatans, far more dubious in cases even than shamans, who are in general promoting belief systems, and not rationally proven truth and factual knowledge as is universally claimed, especially in the fields of “psychology” and the “social sciences.”
The “voodoo” or “shaman” allusion should be taken in reference only to the point they were making, which was not whether any of it was credible, but their overall contribution to this virus literature: there is a strong “anxiogenic” component in the death toll and sick toll. .
Insofar as victims are susceptible to such things, it has an impact on morbidity factors, etc.
That was their point, not voodoo.
If you ask me, much of our elitist press is voodoo, and I don’t even believe in it.
~Jaw Nervin’
(The Jawbone of Reckoning)
First point – re Voodoo/‘pointing the bone’. The authors use of this analogy/science is clearly viable. The media saturation of death graphs and the government’s horror science fiction ads clearly affect those who view them. Bombarded with this information the viewer will begin to believe this as fact and the slightest sniffle will mean you’re going to die. It’s alarming and deeply saddening. These people ie media and government are either clearly absent of any common sense or have a planned agenda that is utterly sinister.
And secondly re resisting the present day political system and this creep of social lockdown and the civil war it will entail…how get this resistance going? When no one can get together as a group socially but also ultimately there is very little will amongst the common people because they are all brain dead because of the Voodoo????!!
Where is the resistance?
There is a twitter conversation between Charlotte Gracias and Louise Brookes which sums up perfectly my own suspicions (typing mistakes corrected):
Charlotte Gracias: “Why have all elective operations and most clinical consultations been cancelled for 3 months? Why are some reporting that schools will be closed until September? If the situation is supposedly being reviewed week by week, this sounds like something well planned in advance?”
Louise Brookes: “Also heard conveyancing may be stalled until Sept, that from an ex planning officer… That makes my blood boil as this lockdown should only be a hiatus for the NHS to manage & should cover the surge and time to recalibrate good care, anything else is agenda riddled…”
Charlotte Gracias: “That is worrying. How do they know so far in advance what is going to happen? I assumed cancelled operations for 4-6 weeks and all appointments face to face until the so called surge was over. Why they are planning so far ahead, ruining more lives and destroying jobs is a joke.”
Louise Brookes: “Well, I’m assuming it’s a prior agenda. They are ticking many boxes; internet censorship, railroad the NHS, crash the property market as an precursor of economic meltdown as predicted in Event 201 pandemic scenario. Not a return to normal if these play out. You saying Sept too”
Charlotte Gracias: “You are spot on Louise. When will people wake up and realise the extent of the damage being done? There will never be a return to normal if we allow them to get away with this. It’s up to us now to expose what’s going on and get ourselves back on track somehow.”
There is a problem with exposing them is that they will be ignoring or censore you in the virtual world which is so easy to do. Only people on the streets would come close to stopping this but the British people are lazy cowards to a man.
Say that to my face.
It is important to realise that whoever is behind this does not have full control. We have been in lockdown for two weeks and there is already tension. A few days in and there’s a novelty about it. But it’s astonishing how internet culture has speeded everything up. The jokes about lockdown are now starting to grate and it will get to the point where even the most brain dead “keep smiling” types will start to wonder.
I can foresee massive unrest and a steepening police presence – followed by the army. At some point there is going to be a turning. The skepticism will grow – necessitating an increasingly shrill and eventually brutal condemnation of “conspiracy nuts”. Naturally the rancid George Galloway contingent of phoney radicals will be out in full force. But at some point there will be violence.
The MSM – indeed, the entire edifice of the state and civil society needs to appear as something justified in the eyes of the majority. At present there is a general submission to a “scientific” consensus. But when the trouble begins, this will start to crack. This will be the biggest change in Western society since World War 2. I foresee a mass sense of alienation of a new sort i.e. where there will be an end to the old assumption that all’s for the best and “they” upstairs will muddle through and that the system will somehow work etc. That is all about to go.
And, as the old song has it, it’s a long long way from May to September.
“It is important to realise that whoever is behind this does not have full control.”
Nobody is behind it, George. Unless you have some proof …
Somebody is behind it even if he doesn’t have proof.
Seriously? It all just sort of happens? Politicians walking around in a zombie state? And of course the rich don’t ever plan anything do they? This is like the old one about the British having an “accidental empire” as if they just woke up one day and – bless my soul! – there it was!
Who parked an empire on my lawn!?
Even if “nobody is behind it”, there’s definitely a long line of very self-interested agencies in line to exploit it. To me, it’s looking less and less like an ‘act of G-d’, but we all know even the most natural of disasters are exploited for all they’re worth. ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’
Do you or anyone think the so called 1% give a hoot if billons of humans are extinguished? Leaving a few survivors as their “game” and a lovely unpolluted planet as their garden of eden….. fk
I think the problem here is that human beings in technologically advanced cultures are not psychologically well balanced on the whole.
I ducked out of the rat race a few years ago. I don’t earn much, but I am (relatively) free of the yoke. There’s a path not far from me that I often walked which goes under a busy road. You would see them all at teatime in their cars. I felt a bit sorry for them sometimes. Human sheep. Thinking that this was what they had to do. Driven.
They go home, and they gorge on a diet of shit tv. “Strictly”, X-factor, “Dragon’s Den”, “Bake Off”, and surely the worst garbage ever devised by man: “Come Dine With Me”. I was subjected to this shit when I visited my parents a few weeks ago. I had forgotten just how bad it was.
Brain dead fuckwitts visit each others houses for dinner then hold up plackards giving their hosts scores. In the background an annoying prick makes lame jokes about them.
Is it any wonder that these people are so stupid as to all do as they are told en-masse?
This isn’t planned. it is just the sheep-like remnants of the human race wetting themselves over something they can no longer deal with: their own mortality.
My suggestion to anyone reading this. Learn to deal with it. Your carcass will rot one day. I wish I could tell you, but I just don’t think most of you will get it.
Do not identify with your body! I think that’s as far as I can take it. You are afraid of your own thoughts!
I’m in a similar situation to you John, ducked out of the corporate ladder now surviving modestly off my own back. After a while it’s clear to see how mindless the corporate workforce is. All pushing and shoving on the road to save a second in time for their employers yet risk their lives to do so. Mindless sheep. Easy to manipulate. Easy to scare. Easy to leech off.
The problem is that they are recieving 80% of their wages and there is plenty food.
Take away the food and there would be rioting in days.
It is a paid holiday for some.
As i asked above… where is the resistance going to come from?
Some platform is needed for organisation.
Because as CG says what was normal a few weeks ago will soon be eradicated….
I don’t agree with that. The basis for the development of fear and panic in the human population is the mainstream media, which has lied and manipulated from the outset and continues to do so, and has bullied all of the governments into these insane lockdowns, from which nobody knows when we will ever recover.
I am now in a huge dilemma. I believe in free speech without reserve, I used to be a no-platformer in my youth, but have learned, but now I have this dichotomy that I believe in free speech without limits but I do not believe in a free media because they are obviously just scum.
Can anybody advise how I get out of this hole, how I might square this circle?
The mainstream media are NOT free media, that is exactly the thing. They are beholden to their corporate sponsors and governments.
Governments must regulate the news media to keep it balanced and independent, like they must regulate Corporations to stop monopolies and cartels. Our media need to be opened up from the straight jacket of Corporate far right interests, which currently dictate the presentations of the news in the Guardian and other right wing Corporate organs.
All news should carry a Health Warning !
Al Jazeera is doing a puff piece on Bell End Higgins and Bellingcat and their crusade for the truth.
I’m in a spiky mood this evening, so I apologise to any I may have offended along the way*
I’ve been looking at the weird stats for the UK. Has anyone noticed how the “deaths” figure keeps on yo-yoing?
Fri 684, Sat 708, Sun 624, Mon 439, Tue 786. (Sauce: worldometer) It’s up and down so much I could get giddy! I don’t like to be conspiratorial, but that is a bit fishy. Looks like they were working extra hard on Monday! Very strange.
(* excepting vegans)
Weekends – fewer reports.
Haven’t you heard Pretty boy?
Carnivores = cancer.
Vegans = LIFE.
interesting, re-arrange the letters of corona virus, and you get carnivorous .
Maybe not so much for the carrot family …
When they forbid questioning a topic, you know they have no argument.
Video Removed & BBC inferred I lied. My 2 cents.
The CIA I supsect are putting out so many fake alternative voices now, be careful. 5G I think is a red flag for me becaue I know the US are not doing very well in the race and the linking of the virus to Chinese and european techynology might be one of their aims.
You can question everything. Look at the evidence. Why are they banning the topic if it’s a red flag? If it’s a red flag it’ll be on youtube, guaranteed.
How 5g can affect the human body: https://www.brighteon.com/42d3cd7d-ac25-443e-b071-742f04c7b72c
(Video deleted from youtube.)
Even if you are skeptic about this, at least look at the evidence rather than stick your head in the sand because it’s not something that you had previously considered.
They did 9/11, people still today are not able to even consider the alternative story.
Who are obvious CIA fakers to be wary o
Indeed. And there’s little or no 5G in the US yet they have the highest COVID rate, so clearly nonsensical to link 5G as a cause.
Frank S,
Somewhere in the masses of albeit different theories that I have seen, someone put forward the suggestion that the 5G impact on humans and Covid-19 are two separate but ‘related’ illnesses, as follows:
After 5G was rolled out in China last autumn, and other countries, it became apparent that an alarming syndrome was occurring involving reduced oxygen absorption in vulnerable people. This led to people spontaneously collapsing in the street, as photos appeared to show in China.
To detract from any connection to 5G, there was a cover-up agreed which involved contriving a pandemic with a virus on which to blame the syndrome and deaths – to achieve this, either a man-made virus was released or, being winter, the next flu-like virus to emerge naturally was selected in order to be labelled a global threat, with appropriate hype to exaggerate its lethality.
Herd immunity as a means to kill off the virus would have to be discouraged so that recurrent waves or pockets of recurrent ‘virus outbreaks’ (in reality being symptoms of 5G physiological damage) could continue to be blamed on the ‘ongoing’ virus or, in future, a mutation of the current virus. If this hypothesis were true, we wouldn’t know how many people might have already died from the effects of 5G as opposed to Covid-19 – it might be a relatively small number with little impact on global mortality rates but sufficiently concerning to justify a fake pandemic.
Whilst interested in following the different theories as to what the motive might be for exaggerating the impact of the SARS-CoV2 virus, I myself am avoiding getting too engrossed in those theories. I am staying focused on the known statistics and facts and following the arguments challenging the mainstream narrative. But I thought I would let you know what I had read about a possible connection with 5G.
Their not saying that 5G causes Covid 19. They’re pointing out the possibility that intense EMR may exacerbate it.
BTW even though we are Ground Zero here in the US. The fatalities aren’t any higher than any other average flue season. So what gives?
So your logical leap went off a cliff.
I see that the “fake news” Nazis at GoolStapo has removed both Robert David Steele and David Icke so far for suggesting there’s a connection to 5G and Covid 19 which is kind of strange. Why wouldn’t they just quarantine them like they do with the videos on 9/11?
Breathe deep, do good economic analysis, and panic all you want… it’s not looking good! Read more here… Our Economy Is Way More Sick Than Us
Really excellent article, thank you Rachel, but, erm, panto season in Weston Super Mare!?
The whole cover up of what is really happening (financial system imploding) is, for me, like a cross between Kafka and Orwell with a large dose of the Mad Hatters Tea Party. Actually, a really large dose.
I think a lot of us assume, most of the time, that the people running the show actually know what they are doing. They don’t. There’s going to be a lot more chaos before we start yo make sense of what we need to do. It’s our last wake-up call, and it’s going to really hurt!
Please share this article with as many people as possible. People need to know what’s going on. They aren’t going to get their bail-outs… Those are only for the banks! We need to start investing in a store of value so that we don’t get left with cash which is horribly depreciated if we find ourselves in a period of stagflation… which is looking exceptionally likely.
Wishing you all the very best,
Thanks Rachel… all the best to you as well. I agree, we’ve barely only begun, and a lot worse is to come.
The 0.01% couldn’t give a flying banana how many Real people suffer or die.
Their greed and cruelty and callousness knows no bounds. Keep fighting✌️
I’ma little confused at the difference in the figures presented in the weekly reports from the Public Health England NOIDS weekly report here at page 14, covid-19:
and the cumulative and daily totals here on their dashboard:
The figures do not seem to quite add up. My fault, I’m sure. Can anyone out there assist me?
It’s all BS.
The only thing you need to decide is whether you are going to tolerate it.
In other news, not sure if any of you have seen this, but a guy in the UK has been jailed for 3 months for daring to enter a hospital to verify for himself evidence of the pandemic. https://www.cps.gov.uk/thames-and-chiltern/news/man-who-wandered-around-local-hospital-see-impact-coronavirus-jailed
Whether or not this was a good idea, I think 3 months in jail is rather excessive. A great way to scare people into compliance.
Just today I was out walking with my wife and young son and whilst ambling along the pavement of a normally busy road we crossed paths with a woman. Upon seeing us she froze stiff, as if confronted with a family of monsters (admittedly, I’m no Brad Pitt!).
We just carried on. After passing her she piped up with ‘that wasn’t 2 meters’.
I mean seriously, did she expect me to push my 7 year old boy into the road?!
How people are allowing themselves to be scared witless by the MSM propaganda is beyond me.
I’ve not come across that before. Generally I have been fortunate with the sheeple, but I walked around a young woman in a supermarket aisle on Saturday who contorted herself into the shelving as I passed.
Had this happen a few times. Had thought up to now it was my sexual dynamism … 🙁
today – I also came across a member of the undead…I was in a queue, so thought to have a chat with a young guy in front of me, (around 20) he looked chilled, a little punkish, could be something there I thought – but sadly, whatever the question I voiced – tests, modeling, data, consequences, timing etc etc et cetera…were all responded to on the most numbingly vapid level. I was talking to a program with a schedule, as however minute the probability, however contradicting the argument or counter it was to good sense, There Is a Pandemic, therefore, any reaction, however extreme, was Blameless. Yet what concerned me the most , was that he fully understood the arguments against, only, they simply didnt matter.
That future, his future, I thought…was of children of the corn cold, clinical, of unmelodious greyness.
But hey, if they like it that way, who am I to tell them otherwise – as contrarily, who are they to tell me – so all that remains… is where to keep it contained.
That made me laugh 🙂
they’re possessed – and this current bedevilment, being as pitiful as it is – there’s likely never been an easier pass for any to drive it out….if they crumble now – it seems they’re going under proper – and as there’s nothing there for us – have to separate…..and I think, at this point, thats where we should be concentrating our energies toward.
did she expect me to push my 7 year old boy into the road?!
perhaps the best way to deal with these idiots is to just stand still, and let them detour around you, at whatever distance their paranoia dictates to them.
I’ve had people ‘detouring’ out into the road, right in front of my car. Darwinism ?
Another superb article from Off Guardian regarding the Covid-19 crisis.
The world renowned author and medical doctor Gabor Mate, in his best selling book ‘When the Body Says No’, noted: “The research literature has identified three factors that universally lead to stress : uncertainty,lack of information, and loss of control.”
All three of these social dynamics are at play on an unprecedented global scale at the moment. There is not a single person alive who is not experiencing some sort of negative uncertainty in their lives. And there is a great deal of variance in the ways in which people can cope with that stress.
Lack of factual information–a major problem at the best of times–has now reached unprecedented proportions. We are fortunate that a few alternative media sources like Off Guardian and Swiss Propaganda Research are countering the blizzard of fear mongering promulgated by the mainstream press.
The desire to reassert “control” is of course a natural human instinct. But in this case it may have many unforeseen negative consequences . Such as politicians , bureaucrats, and corporate opportunists claiming to have “solutions” that only serve to plunge us deeper into crisis and societal collapse. At the micro-level it also leads to such anti-social behaviour as hoarding, or reporting one’s neighbour’s activities to the local police for daring to venture outdoors.
Many have noted that this Covid-19 crisis presents a “turning point” in our civilization. The question being: will our response be socialistic/co-operative or individualistic/ authoritarian? As Dr. Mate notes, the availability of accurate information will decisively determine that historical outcome.
Thank you and bravo Off Guardian for your valuable and courageous reporting!
“There is not a single person alive who is not experiencing some sort of negative uncertainty in their lives”
tell that to all the MPs sitting at home doing nothing but following their twitter accounts and still getting paid by US, the taxpayer!!
Having spent a lifetime in journalism I know how my trade, at the national level, is a home for the stupid scions of nepotism. That doesn’t shock me. What is more gut wrenching, because it is more important, is the implacable stupidity of the great mass of humanity.
All the narratives we nurture about our well-run world, the intelligent initiatives that drive forth progress, turn out to be illusions. Children at play, and nothing more. Quickly corralled by nanny.
That is because we think we are exceptional.
Compared to 90% of humanity we indeed are by having more money than them. We can stride the planet in our cheap plane seats that cost more than many anuual incomes of most.
And how many in the wealthy West take all this for granted? For a majority of my customers, it’s almost de rigeur to go on an overseas holiday at least every 2nd year.
Plus all the boutiques and brand sneakers and trendy cafes and having our meals home delivered by Uber or Deliveroo. By an overseas student.
Or all the gyms we can join to get our overfed bodies into shape. Even hiring our very own personal trainer.
How are things going in Guatemala or Chad or Haiti? The very large majority in the West wouldn’t even know those places existed.
While many are in lockdown literally surrounded by luxury. And most don’t even think about it. Perhaps this is part of why so many are scared witless?
Was this article translated from original German ? Its got that heavy syntax that is rare native English
Two titbits :
Peter Hitchens – “The old USSR would have loved to have a population like the current western world which actually genuinely believe the propaganda and does what it’s told.”
The owners of the ExCeL centre in east London are charging the National Health Service millions of pounds in rent to use it as a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients.
The ExCeL, owned by the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (Adnec), is charging the health service £2m-£3m a month, according to industry sources.
“This is doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell, ER and critical care doctor from New York City. Nine days ago I opened an intensive care unit to care for the sickest covid-positive patients in the city. In these 9 days I have seen things I have never seen before. In treating these patients I have witnessed medical phenomenon that just don’t make sense in the context of treating a disease that is supposed to be a viral pneumonia.
Nine days ago I presumed I was opening an intensive care unit to treat patients with a virus causing a pneumonia, that was ravishing lungs across the world, starting out as something mild, a cough, a sore throat, and progressively increasing in severity until ultimately ending in something called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS. This is the paradigm that every hospital in the country is working under. This is the disease, ARDS, that every hospital is preparing to treat and this is the disease, ARDS, for which in the next two to six weeks a hundred thousand Americans might be put on a ventilator.
And yet everything I have seen in the last nine days, all the things that just don’t make sense, the patients I’m seeing in front of me, the lungs I’m trying to improve, have led me to believe that covid-19 is not this disease and that we’re operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue. In short; I believe we’re treating the wrong disease and I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time.
As New York City appears to be about ten days ahead of the country I feel compelled to get this information out. Covid-19 lung disease as far as I can see is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one. Rather it appears as if some kind of viral induced disease most resembling high altitude sickness. It is as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at thirty thousand feet and the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen. I’ve seen patients dependent on oxygen take off their oxygen and quickly progress to a state of anxiety and emotional distress and eventually get blue in the face. And while they look like patients absolutely on the brink of death they do not look like patients dying of pneumonia. I have never been a mountain climber and I do not know the conditions at base camp below the highest peaks in the world but I suspect that the patients I’m seeing in front of me look most like as if a person was dropped off the top of Mount Everest without time to acclimate.
I don’t know the final answer of this disease but I’m quite sure that a ventilator is not it. That is not to say that we don’t need ventilators, we absolutely need them, they are the only way at this time that we’re able to give a little more oxygen to patients who need it. But when we treat people with ARDS we typically use ventilators to treat what’s called respiratory failure, that is we use the ventilator to do the work that the patients muscles can no longer do because they’re too tired to do it. But these patients muscles work fine, I fear that if we’re using a false paradigm to treat a new disease, that the method that we program the ventilator, one based on a notion of respiratory failure as opposed to oxygen failure, that this method -and there are a great many number of methods that we can use with the ventilator- but this method being widely adopted at this very moment in every hospital in the country which aims to increase pressure on the lungs in order to open them up is actually doing more harm than good. And that the pressure that we’re providing, that we’re providing to lungs, we may be providing to lungs that cannot stand it, that cannot take it, and that the air the s that we are seeing, that the whole world is seeing, may be nothing more than lung injury caused by the ventilator.
Now, I don’t know the final answer to this disease, I do sense that we will have to use ventilators, we’ll have to use a great many number of ventilators and we need a great many number of ventilators, but I sense that we can use them in a much safer way. In a much safer method. That safer method challenges long held dogmatic beliefs within the medical community and among lung specialists which will not be easy to overcome, but I really believe that they must be overcome. There are hundreds of thousands of lungs in this country at risk and the time to overcome them is now.
I’m confident that if those of us that work bedside with these patients, those of us who are witnessing the things that we have never seen before despite the many years we have worked and the thousands of patients and diseases we have seen, if we can effectively communicate this to all those that are so important but who are not bedside, the researchers, the administrators, those who procure our resources and make our protocols, the politicians, our own government, if we are able to convince them that this is a disease that is different than anything we have ever seen, I’m confident that an answer can be found, that effective treatments can be discovered and that a plan to disseminate that treatment can be rapidly deployed and that tens of thousands and probably hundreds of thousands of lives and lungs will be protected.
The time for this is now. We’re staring into a future in which a great many of our fellow Americans are going to suffer not to mention people all around the world. For those who will not suffer directly from this disease, from the terrible human cost of this disease, for those who will not lose a family member or a friend, and there will be a great many number of people who will lose those close to them, but for those who don’t, they are still going to suffer from the great economic cost of covid-19. We are all involved in this future. So I urge you, for those of us -if you are out there- for those who work bedside I urge you to speak up. We can change this.
I thank you all for listening, please spread the message and stay safe.”
Transcript from From nyc icu: does covid-19 really cause ards??!!
“ravishing lungs”
lol, I’ve never heard them called that before. Must try that line out next time I go out. “My dear, you have a ravishing pair of lungs!”
If he’s right about the ‘altitude sickness’, that does tie in with what people have been saying about the 5G 60GHz radiation and haemoglobin/oxygen uptake.
Here are some puzzle pieces:
– The medical establishment is broken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWaijZK9aaY
– Exosome theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWRbIIaPV78
– Germ theory does not have scientific evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S8pYWWp52I
– What 5g does to the body https://www.brighteon.com/42d3cd7d-ac25-443e-b071-742f04c7b72c
– covid-19 is the same as high altitude disease https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/928156
There’s more but guess what, they all fit together perfectly!
The presstitutes are already talking about ‘the second wave of the pandemic’.
In otherwords this lockdown is never going to be lifted.
Your world has now gone, folks.
The only question is, what do we do next?
lockdown for another week at least according to channel4 news – this inhumane treatment of the public will continue until Boris is out of hospital at least – given the NHS is turning away people who do not exhibit virus symptoms the deaths of others maybe counted as well now, just routine doctoring of figures – the NHS is complicit in what is happening by refusing to treat other than covid cases
According to the likes of the Guardian and BBC (both mouthpieces of the police state we now live in) the lockdown will continue at least until the end of May, and probably until the end of the summer.
Is this really the world you want to live in?
Stop shitting your pants?
John, I’m not shitting my pants. At the time of writing about 5 million people in the USA have registered as unemployed, and that number increases by 1 million with every day that passes. The 1200 buck cheque that Trump has promised these people is paltry. I can almost guarantee that Trump will be the last American President.
A similar story in the UK, which is now up to about 2 million unemployed (not that they had proper jobs, anyway). What’s going to happen to all these people..? I won’t answer that now, because we’ve got to wait for the cognitive dissonance to start wearing off.
Why will Trump be the last President and what does it have to do with COVID?
They have played us like a fiddle. Its been so well coordinated complete with major members of the govt having had to self-isolate at awkward moments and then like Hancock suddenly reappearing looking like he’s had two weeks in a health spar before giving us all a good bollicking for sitting round the park.
And who am I to cast aspersion upon the Great Leader (pbuh)…
Exactly right. This is all such a propaganda exercise it’s quite breathtaking.
A little more time is required for a tipping point – when enough people have learnt the hard way – but then we end the lockdown, each of us individually, when we please. It will become a movement. As others see the example, having come to terms with the fact that doing nothing is not an option (ironically, a slogan of the Responsibility to Protect rules based international order types who rule [for the time being]), they will end the lockdown too. And if we have to go to jail, so be it.
This is the consequence of “flattening the curve” as opposed to developing “herd immunity.” The bell curve is suppressed but lengthened (through social distancing, lockdown, masks), producing mini-wave upon mini-wave, possibly ad infinitum. The meaning of “flattening the curve” has never been made clear. People have understood it as a bell curve with a smaller peak. From what I understand, the actual purpose is not to overburden health services by stretching the period of infection timewise.
I did read a lot about this FARSE, but the present article maybe is the best by far.
“Hats off..!” for publish it, I will share with all the people that I know.
Many thanks and keep “fighting the good fight”, as usual.
SWEDISH UPDATE via The Daily Mail:
* Total COVID-19 deaths so far: 401.
* Total confirmed infections: 6,830.
* Deaths seemed to have peaked on Friday at 59, falling to below 30 on Sunday.
* Total new infections also seem to have peaked on Friday at 612, falling to below 400 on Sunday.
As the article notes, “only patients admitted to hospital and health care personnel are being tested for the virus.” Therefore, if only 6% (i.e., 401 / 6830) of those being admitted to, or working in, a hospital are dying of this, I think we can safely surmise that this virus, in society at large, is just not that deadly–probably not much worse than your standard flu!
So, is it still too early to look upon the ‘Swedish Model’ with some guarded optimism?
One of the most interesting presentations by Andrew Mather was that which showed the graph for Sweden following a similar trajectory to that as for most countries barring Italy and Spain I think suggesting it had already began to reach a peak number of cases.
The interesting part being of course that Sweden had not been subjected to any kind of draconian lockdown.
Yeah, of course. That’s my angle exactly. That’s why I want to follow Sweden as closely as possible: they’re part of the ‘Corona Control Group.’ I am also interested in news from Belarus and Iceland. Has anybody here heard anything about them?