8 MORE Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
Kit Knightly

Our third batch of Medical experts dissenting from the media/political “consensus”.
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Dr John Lee is an English consultant histopathologist at Rotherham General Hospital and formerly clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical School. He is most notable to the wider public as co-presenter (with Gunther von Hagens) of Anatomy for Beginners (screened in the UK on Channel 4 in 2005), Autopsy: Life and Death (Channel 4, 2006) and Autopsy: Emergency Room (Channel 4, 2007).
What he says:
But there’s another, potentially even more serious problem: the way that deaths are recorded. If someone dies of a respiratory infection in the UK, the specific cause of the infection is not usually recorded, unless the illness is a rare ‘notifiable disease’.
So the vast majority of respiratory deaths in the UK are recorded as bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, old age or a similar designation. We don’t really test for flu, or other seasonal infections. If the patient has, say, cancer, motor neurone disease or another serious disease, this will be recorded as the cause of death, even if the final illness was a respiratory infection. This means UK certifications normally under-record deaths due to respiratory infections.
Now look at what has happened since the emergence of Covid-19. The list of notifiable diseases has been updated. This list — as well as containing smallpox (which has been extinct for many years) and conditions such as anthrax, brucellosis, plague and rabies (which most UK doctors will never see in their entire careers) — has now been amended to include Covid-19. But not flu. That means every positive test for Covid-19 must be notified, in a way that it just would not be for flu or most other infections.
– How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear, The Specator, 28th March 2020<
Few tests have been carried out in patients with mild symptoms. This means that the number of positive tests will be far lower than the number of people who have had the disease. Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, has been trying to stress this.
He suggested that the real figure for the number of cases could be 10 to 20 times higher than the official figure. If he’s right, the headline death rate due to this virus will be 10 to 20 times lower than it appears to be from the published figures.
The distinction between dying ‘with’ Covid-19 and dying ‘due to’ Covid-19 is not just splitting hairs. Consider some examples: an 87-year-old woman with dementia in a nursing home; a 79-year-old man with metastatic bladder cancer; a 29-year-old man with leukaemia treated with chemotherapy; a 46-year-old woman with motor neurone disease for 2 years.
All develop chest infections and die. All test positive for Covid-19. Yet all were vulnerable to death by chest infection from any infective cause (including the flu).
– How to understand & report figures for ‘Covid deaths’, The Spectator, 29th March 2020
Dr. John Oxford is an English virologist and Professor at Queen Mary, University of London. He is a leading expert on influenza, including bird flu and the 1918 Spanish Influenza, and HIV/AIDS.
What he says:
Personally, I would say the best advice is to spend less time watching TV news which is sensational and not very good. Personally, I view this Covid outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic. In this case we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% people with heart disease etc. I do not feel this current Covid will exceed this number. We are suffering from a media epidemic!
– “A VIEW FROM THE HVIVO / OPEN ORPHAN #ORPH LABORATORY”, blog post on Novus Communications website, March 31st 2020
Prof Knut Wittkowski is German-American researcher and professor of epidemiology. He worked for 15 on the Epidemiology of HIV before heading for 20 years the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University, New York.
What he says:
With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children. So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible.
We are experiencing all sorts of counterproductive consequences of not well-thought-through policy
I have been an epidemiologist for 35 years, and I have been modeling epidemics for 35 years. It’s a pleasure to have the ability to help people to understand, but it’s a struggle to get heard.
Dr Klaus Püschel is German forensic pathologist and former professor of forensics at Essen University and current director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. He has worked on many noteworthy autopsies, as well high-profile forensic archaeological studies.
Contrary to the guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute, his office in Hamburg has started to differentiate between deaths with and from coronavirus, which led to a decrease in Covid19 deaths.
What he says:
This virus influences our lives in a completely excessive way. This is disproportionate to the danger posed by the virus. And the astronomical economic damage now being caused is not commensurate with the danger posed by the virus. I am convinced that the Corona mortality rate will not even show up as a peak in annual mortality.
All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes or had a cardiovascular disease. The virus was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak […] Covid-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection.
– “Der streit ums richtige Mas”, Hamburger Morgenpost, 3rd April 2020
In quite a few cases, we have also found that the current corona infection has nothing whatsoever to do with the fatal outcome because other causes of death are present, for example, a brain haemorrhage or a heart attack. [Covid19 is] not particularly dangerous viral disease […] All speculations about individual deaths that have not been expertly examined only fuel anxiety.
– “Von den Toten lernen für die Lebenden”, Hamburger AbendBlatt, 2nd April 2020
Dr Alexander Kekulé is a German doctor and biochemist. He has held the Chair for Medical Microbiology and Virology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg since 1999 and is the current Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University Hospital Halle.
What he says:
It’s impossible to wait for a vaccine […] The quickest we could have a vaccine ready is in six months. Based on experience, I’d say the reality is closer to a year. We can’t stay under lockdown for six months to a year. If we did that our society and our culture would be ruined.
People under 50 are very, very unlikely to die or get seriously ill from the coronavirus. We have to let them get infected so they can develop immunity.
– “‘Infect the young and isolate those at risk’ – One German scientist’s plan to end the lockdown”, The Telegraph, 11th April 2020
Dr Claus Köhnlein is a German Internist based in Kiel and co-author of the book Virus Mania
What he says:
[The coronavirus test] is a PCA-based test, where false positives are programmed in.
Half of [the positive tests] could be wrong. PCA tests often show false positives. You can ask professor Gigerenzer in Berlin about this problem area. The tests are very sensitive. If you have only one molecule of something, the test can show positive. That doesn’t mean the patient is sick, or that he has the coronavirus; it doesn’t get isolated, but one relies wholly on these tests.
At the moment one can’t say how high the mortality rate really is, we need significantly more testing and significantly more sick or deceased people. It is too soon.
But the spreading panic is in large parts founded on news from Italy. And nowadays one doesn’t know how much of it is fake news. I have seen Italian doctors online, where I have compelling suspicions something isn’t right with what they say.
I am a clinician and I don’t see a new disease on the horizon. If you took away the test, life would go on as before, there wouldn’t be anything to see.
Dr Gérard Krause is head the Department for Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection in Braunschweig, director of the Institute for Infectious Disease Epidemiology at TWINCORE in Hannover and Chair of the PhD Program Epidemiology at the Hannover Medical School. He also coordinates the Translational Infrastructure Epidemiology at the German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF).
What he says:
We have to keep these serious social measures as short and as low as possible, because they could potentially cause more illnesses and deaths than the coronavirus itself.
Although my focus is on infectious diseases, I believe that it is imperative that we consider the impact on other areas of health and society. We as a society must not focus solely on the victims of the corona virus.
We know that unemployment, for example, causes illness and even increased mortality. It can also drive people into suicide. Restricting freedom of movement is likely to have a further negative impact on public health.
It is not so easy to calculate such consequences directly, but they still happen and they can possibly be more serious than the consequences of the infections themselves.
– Interview for zdf.de, 29th March 2020
Dr Gerd Gigerenzer is a German psychologist, professor of psychology and Director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin.
What he says:
The 2009 swine flu epidemic killed hundreds of thousands, mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia. But in Europe, where the threat was comparatively small, the media updated the death toll and the number of suspected cases on a daily basis. In the United Kingdom, the government predicted that as many as 65,000 citizens might die from the disease. In the end, fewer than 500 died.
Predictably, such daily accounting triggered fear and led politicians to make hasty, ill-advised decisions – such as stockpiling medication – without examining the evidence. All eyes were focused on the new, unknown virus, and not on protecting people from more lethal threats, such as seasonal influenza, which in 2009 killed orders of magnitude more people than swine flu. It still does – as would be clear if the media bombarded us with hourly updates of the flu-related death toll.
Similarly, millions of people, particularly in developing countries, die from malaria and tuberculosis each year. And in the United States alone, hospital-acquired infections kill some 99,000 patients annually. Yet, these unlucky people get next to no attention.
Why are we more scared of what is less likely to kill us?
[W]hen swine flu spread, many governments followed the World Health Organization’s advice and stockpiled Tamiflu, a medication that was marketed to protect against the severe consequences of flu. Yet, many expert advisers to the WHO had financial ties to drug manufacturers, and there is still no evidence that Tamiflu is effective. The US wasted over $1 billion, and the UK over £400,000 ($522,000), on this medication – money that instead could have been invested in improving health care.
– Why What Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Panic, Project Syndicate, 12th March 2020
BONUS: Dr Pietro Vernazza of Switzerland was featured in our first “experts list”, but he has since written four more articles on various aspects of the coronavirus, including testing programs, medical masks and if closing schools may be counter-productive.
If you can find any other examples of noteworthy experts deviating from the mainstream narrative, please post them below. As always, this list would have been impossible to build without Swiss Propaganda Research. Follow their work and share widely. An indispensable resource.
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These experts reports are from rigth wing outlets: the spectator, the telegraph. Has it occured to you that they are playing the public. You don’t trust the guardian. Fair enough. Why these establishment rags? Not least because they are famously SUPPORTIVE of the govnt in charge. Why would they want us reading articles that say we should NOT not locked down if they are fascist supporters of the state/deep state?
Perhaps because the MSM refuse to publish any experts that dispute their narrative? The MSM doesn’t make any money off of herd immunity, but they’ll cash in plenty of vaccine advertising.
Why do you refer to the source as SWISS PROPAGANDA RESEARCH? They call themselves SWISS POLICY RESEARCH!
Unfortunately a lot of the people you posted here aren’t credible. HIV/AIDS is second only to the current corona virus scam, as being the most egregious crime committed against humanity in the annals of recorded history. You have a Professor from Oxford who is an expert on a ‘virus’ that doesn’t even exist.
There is no professor from Oxford mentioned in the above post. Perhaps this says a lot about the commenter’s claims (which aren’t backed up by any science).
interesting view from one of many doctors and virologists! Why the disconnect? What’s in it for a professional to risk their reputation???
Prof Knut Wittkowski wants to go for herd immunity as quickly as possible. Isn’t this what the UK policy was, early on? It didn’t work out so well as it can overwhelm health systems. In addition, we just don’t know what kind of immunity is conferred on those who catch the virus – how protective it is and how long any immunity lasts. So, to want it to spread as quickly as possible seems irresponsible. Some actions are needed to slow the spread, perhaps akin to how Sweden has handled it, though the jury is still out on that.
I listened to part of his video (the link above doesn’t work, by the way, I found it here). A lot of what I heard in the first 10 minutes or so what quite wrong. For example, the US did almost nothing for more than a month after the first case appeared (apart from stopping some, not all, arrivals from China) but the virus was not eradicated as Wittkowski claimed it would be if nothing was done. This is the case for some other countries also. He also claims that 2% of confirmed (symptomatic) cases would die, but that, in total, only about 10,000 would die before herd immunity was achieved. However, as I understand it, herd immunity (where it can be achieved), would not occur until something over 50% are immune (not sure of the exact figure but have seen estimates of up to 80% for SARS-Cov-2). With way less than such levels, some countries already have overwhelmed health systems and the US has well over 100,000 deaths so far (more than the Prof’s 10,000 estimate).
I’d need to look further into his comments about social distancing and lockdown happening after the peak but they seem to ignore any effect of the restrictions and also ignore the fact that removing pathways for infection must have an impact. In my country, New Zealand, the measures clearly had an impact, with infections peaking around 10 days after the more severe level of lockdown (March 26th). He seems to cherry pick some of the data in his analysis but, as I say, I’d have to look more into it.
He doesn’t mention the possibly critical insertion of a furin cleavage site in the virus’s genome, which helps make it far worse than “the flu” but perhaps that was discovered after the video was shot.
As questions directed at him mentioned other “experts”, who he seemed to dismiss, one wonders why this site chooses to list this person as an “expert”, rather than others with at least similar qualifications. Shouldn’t we get all views from those who might be expected to know what they’re talking about?
If you had any clue about what you were talking about you will realize there is no pandemic nobody is dying other than people that are on their way out already so all this bullshit you were spewing is meaningless
I especially don’t understand all the railing and misinformation about hydroxychloroquine + azithromyacin in the U.S. especially from Dr Fauci and now Dr Bright. Dr. Raoult in the south of France has been having excellent results with it since February – about a .03% mortality rate so far, and that, I believe, also among people with pre-existing conditions. He also points out that poorer countries who have nothing else but that to use have also had extremely low mortality rates. Morocco was one example . Two other odd details is the fact that HCQ is counter-indicated for people with heart conditions, and yet has been in the US on just such cases, and since the drug has been around since 1934, this should be by now a well-known fact. It also needs to administered early on to be effective and yet it’s been used in the US mainly as “a last resort”to people on their deathbeds. Some of his interviews would be well worth subtitling. Here are a few:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhcm_5D3WOw (9mns)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcvDi6tjldk (20 mns with statistics and the worldwide curve)
And one partly in print: https://www.bfmtv.com/sante/je-ne-suis-pas-devin-je-suis-un-praticien-didier-raoult-s-explique-dans-un-entretien-a-bfmtv-1904535.html
And lacking that, here’s a 10mn collage/rant on the subject that’s nonetheless fairly accurate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKL4XMWYgyU&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2C0eLV1c8FtKbWZWXQJlGm2nUhppkStkD52DBPd1_AQLHERt-bLf5UOk4
This level of misinformation and incorrect procedure is frightening and it seems more than obvious that financial game plans are behind it all. For one, the above treatment costs about $20 as opposed to the many thousands of dollars some hospitals are charging. For another, several companies (including ones Fauci has invested in) clearly count on making billions if not trillions on their new vaccines – which they are also attempting to make MANDATORY – a very bad idea in many medical opinions. Add that to the fact that Remdesivir, touted recently, not only has not been proven to save a single life but also has a 10% rate of toxicity and – what the hell is going on? Eugenics?
Dr. Zach Bush gives a completely different perspective on the vast and complicated world of viruses.
Viruses, according to him, are constantly interacting with humanity.
When there is an imbalance, in the ecosystem between people and viruses is out of balance, then illness happens.
The viruses are there no matter what.
Most viruses show symptoms when people get exposed to pollution, are weak, etc.
I forgot to mention, the doctor’s talk begins around the 54 minute mark on this video.
What a coincidence that US scientists warned China in 2017 that the corona virus ‘could’ escape from their new 4 star security state of the art laboratory…..
Japan’s Demon Of BioWar Kawaoka Inserted HIV
Force Multipliers Inside The Wuhan Virus.
Here in Part 4 of this series on the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, smoking gun evidence against microbiologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka has surfaced in an RNA analysis run by microbiologists Prashant Prashant and colleagues at the Indian Institute of Technology and The University of Delhi. The introductory remarks by the Indian research team are a masterpiece of understated dry wit: “The finding of four unique inserts in 2019 -nCOV (Wuhan coronavirus), all of which have identity and similarity to amino acid residues of key structural proteins of HIV-1, is unlikely to be fortuitous.”
Have a sip of Assam tea while pondering how four GP120 and Gag protein strands from HIV, the virus associated with AIDS, just happen to be strategically located inside this SARS-modified virus. The key word here is “insert”, as in gene-engineered. Wuhan CoV was created in a lab.
Exhibit B is a 2011 research paper by Y. Kawaoka and two colleagues at his animal virology lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, titled “HIV reverse-binding protein is essential for influenza A virus replication and promotes genome-trafficking in late-stage infection”. Published in the Journal of Virology, September 201l, it’s an admission of guilt for preparing the emergence of the Wuhan contagion
My last post was taken down. Who moderates freedom of speech on “because facts matter”.
Dr Fauci and Dr Birx [virus experts to the Trump Administration] are members of a group called Pepfar. Incubated at the WHO and the UN it is the source of massive corruption along with Bill Gates and his fake science foundation. Amazing Polly on youtube, “We are being Plagued” shows in detail the structure of this corrupt group. Dr Fauci authorised Yoshihiro Kawaoke to carry on with his research into Virus plus HIV.
To summarize, a decade ago at his lab in Wisconsin with generous funding from Japanese state institutions, Kawaoka was developing an “unstoppable flu”, secretly derived from an illegal exhumation of the Arctic frozen corpse of an Alaskan native who died in the 1918-19 influenza pandemic, which killed up to 80 million worldwide. I learned of Kawaoka’s reckless violations of science ethics from Robert Finnegan, former editor of the Jakarta Post, who was tracking the theft of MERS and other virus samples from NAMRU-2 (U.S. Navy Research Unit) by a senior local lab technician who personally smuggled the dangerous materials to U Wisconsin. { Yoichi Shimatsu, Rense.com]
We are under attack by the Illuminati, wake up .
This is an interview with Swedish epidemiology Professor Johan Giesecke, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy). Much in line with others cited here at OffG, he states among many other points that The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and how he has never seen an unpublished, non peer-reviewed paper have so much policy impact:
What happened to the “12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic” article?
Has it been “disappeared”?
Same place it always was: https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/24/12-experts-questioning-the-coronavirus-panic/
I’m also finding most of these voices in parallel.
My diagnosis is organised panic not unlike a shaped charge to deliver (us to) a targeted control agenda which cannot be hidden and so must declare itself for what it is; fear driven control.
The choice or accepting of love or fear can be disguised to seem opposite to fact.
Mind reversal is the last refuge.
War on virus? Yes but who do you think that is?
Ask Prince Phillip!
Don’t feed the Beast? Indeed – but don’t follow the finger of the accuser. Listen in the heart. Feed the seeds of embracing Life on Earth. They are not patented and can be trusted to copy right because they are shared
I repost the following from a commenter on Kendrick’s bloc because I believe it deserves considering with regard to the effects of flu vaccinations on coronaviral – and other strains of seasonal respiratory disease.
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US paediatrician Allan Cunningham on annual flu revaccination. (From his BMJ Rapid Response: Tamiflu & Influenza vaccines: more harm than good?
We hear so much about the vital importance of flu shots that it will come as a nasty surprise to learn that they increase the risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, RS viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, HMP viruses and enteroviruses. This has been shown in at least two studies that have received little attention from public health authorities: A prospective case-control study in healthy young Australian children found that seasonal flu shots doubled their risk of illness from noninfluenza virus infections (unadjusted OR 2.13, CI 1.20—3.79). Overall, the vaccine increased the risk of virus-associated acute respiratory illness, including influenza, by 73% (OR 1.73, CI 0.99—3.03). (Table 2 in Kelly et al, Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:107)….A randomized placebo-controlled trial in Hong Kong children found that flu shots increased the risk of noninfluenza viral ARIs fivefold (OR 4.91,CI 1.04—8.14) and, including influenza, tripled the overall viral ARI risk (OR 3.17, CI 1.04—9.83). (Table 3 in Cowling et al, Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1778)…..To my knowledge, the foregoing risk figures have not been explicitly published anywhere. They will not be found in the abstracts of the articles, so you have to go to the tables and look at the numbers themselves.
What is going on? We are told year after year that influenza vaccines are 60% effective…30% effective…45% effective…etc. Does this mean that they prevent a significant proportion of all viral respiratory infections? No, these reports are based on non-randomized surveys known as “test-negative case-control studies”; they look only at influenza infections and make no attempt to look at the other 200-plus respiratory viruses. Furthermore, they make no attempt to look at any vaccine adverse effects such as seizures, narcolepsy, Guillain- Barre’ syndrome, or oculorespiratory syndrome.
How can influenza vaccines increase the risk of other infections? There are at least two possible mechanisms: first, influenza vaccines probably alter our immune systems non-specifically to increase susceptibility to other infections; this has been observed with DTP and other vaccines. (Benn et al, Trends in Immunology, May 2013) Secondly, there is the phenomenon of “viral interference” in which a virus infection stimulates the innate immune system to provide temporary and non-specific protection against other viruses. By preventing influenza infection a vaccine could prevent this unexpected but positive side effect. The Cowling study discusses this possibility in some detail. A recent study of virus population dynamics found, at least, that influenza A prevented subsequent rhinovirus infections, and influenza B prevented adenovirus infections. (Nickbakhsh et al, PNAS, 12 Nov 2019)
In the US seasonal influenza vaccines are now recommend every year for the entire population (excepting infants before 6 months of age). It is important to realize that this policy was instituted without acquiring safety and effectiveness data from randomized controlled trials. When routine vaccination for healthy young children was being contemplated some experts in pediatrics and infectious disease issued warnings. Kenneth McIntosh called for the performance of multi-center randomized trials over several seasons before such a policy was instituted. In explicit language he worried about adverse effects, and the possibility that the risks of annual vaccination would outweigh the benefits. (Editorial, NEJM 2000;342:275) Twenty years later we must ask, “What harm is done by annual influenza vaccines? Where is the balance between risks and benefits?”
One of the imponderables is the effect of seasonal influenza vaccines on population immunity. Individuals who recover from influenza can have broad and long-lasting protection against an array of influenza viruses. First infections in young children can provide this, a phenomenon known as “imprinting”; this is subverted by childhood vaccination. Furthermore, the protection in adults who still carry the imprint from childhood may be subverted by the seasonal flu vaccine. This was seen in middle-aged adults during the 2018/19 influenza A(H3N2) epidemic in Canada; vaccine recipients suffered a nearly fivefold risk of illness from a drifted strain of A(H3N2), compared with unvaccinated individuals (OR 4.67, CI 1.85–11.82). (Skowronski et al, EuroSurveillance, 14 Nov 2019)…… What are we doing to population immunity with wide annual distribution of seasonal flu vaccines? Are our annual epidemics getting milder or more severe? What effect will years of seasonal influenza vaccines have on the next pandemic? Remember the 2009 swine flu pandemic? The risk of severe pH1N1 illness in Quebec increased progressively according to the number of seasonal flu shots received in previous years and was more than threefold in individuals who had received five vaccinations in five years, compared with unvaccinated individuals (adjusted OR 3.24, CI 1.97—5.34). (Table 5 in Skowronski et al, PLoS Medicine, April 2010)
In the US a regular feature of publicity urging annual flu shots are mathematical estimates of deaths caused by influenza, provided by the CDC. Since the 2010-11 season these estimates have ranged between 12,000 and 79,000 US deaths each season. The numbers are far in excess of actual cases documented in death certificates or by surveillance networks reporting on laboratory test-positive cases. While we wait for better numbers, it is not merely academic to ask what we would find if we focused as intensively on other respiratory viruses as we do on influenza. If influenza vaccines increase the overall risk of viral ARIs, as they do in the studies discussed above, would
they also increase the overall number of ARI deaths?
It strikes me that the Corona propaganda machinery may be compared to a battle ship. On top there is a bridge manned by officers who issue commands to the sailors. However, they do not design strategy. That is being developed by a few admirals somewhere in a safe bunker and transmitted to the lower echelon on a need to know basis. The big guns are located below the bridge and they hammer their message day and night. On the deck below there are smaller guns. These are meant to defend the battle ship against those who have armed themselves with independent conclusions/thoughts. On the deck below are the ammo bunkers where sailors prepare shells for the big and the small guns and where targets are selected. On the deck below there are the engines driven by the desire for the sweetest thing of all: Being able to tell somebody (or better everybody) what they have to do without there being any possibility of refusal.
New Zealand’s models were “sexed up”
The above has convinced me that this virus is nothing special and no deadlier to most people than most years of seasonal flu.
But I think we have to look closely at how this all started and why, and what I am about to suggest has been my opinion more or less since this started.
So as I have no authority as an anonymous poster on a website, firstly it is the general opinion of this very top epidemiologist who advises the Swedish government, that countries followed the example of China.
Now consider this quote off an article entitled “Silencing America as it prepares for war” by award winning journalist John Pilger, written as far back May 2016, so before President Trump got into office in Jan 2017:
“On Obama’s watch, a second cold war is under way. The Russian president is a pantomime villain; the Chinese are not yet back to their sinister pig-tailed caricature – when all Chinese were banned from the United States – but the media warriors are working on it.
Neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders has mentioned any of this. There is no risk and no danger for the United States and all of us; for them, the greatest military build-up on the borders of Russia since World War Two has not happened. On May 11, Romania went “live” with a Nato “missile defence” base that aims its first-strike American missiles at the heart of Russia, the world’s second nuclear power.
In Asia, the Pentagon is sending ships, planes and special forces to the Philippines to threaten China. The US already encircles China with hundreds of military bases that curve in an arc up from Australia, to Asia and across to Afghanistan. Obama calls this a “pivot”.
As a direct consequence, China reportedly has changed its nuclear weapons policy from no-first-use to high alert and put to sea submarines with nuclear weapons. The escalator is quickening.
It was Hillary Clinton who, as Secretary of State in 2010, elevated the competing territorial claims for rocks and reef in the South China Sea to an international issue; CNN and BBC hysteria followed; China was building airstrips on the disputed islands. In a mammoth war game in 2015, Operation Talisman Sabre, the US and Australia practiced “choking” the Straits of Malacca through which pass most of China’s oil and trade. This was not news.
Clinton declared that America had a “national interest” in these Asian waters. The Philippines and Vietnam were encouraged and bribed to pursue their claims and old enmities against China. In America, people are being primed to see any Chinese defensive position as offensive, and so the ground is laid for rapid escalation. A similar strategy of provocation and propaganda is applied to Russia.”
There’s a video of Q & A on YouTube about it also, you can see by searching “John Pilger Riverside Q&A V1” but as I now know any comment with 3 or more links on it goes into the spam folder I can’t give the link for that.
My point is, when stuff like the above described in John Pilger’s article was already going on before Donald Trump started rattling his sabre at nearly every one in sight, especially N Korea and China and Iran, you can imagine how scared China must really be now the volatile and unpredictable Trump is president, and seems to have it as number one on his hit list in problem terms, because his biggest problem is the world dominance of the Chinese economy and the instability in his own.
So my point is, China must now be very much in fear that nuclear war is more than possible with this apparently crazy maverick US President, who has made it seem like he is ready to “go for his gun” at any time, though it’s impossible to tell if he’s bluffing or not.
Either way, you can easily imagine the extreme motivations they have to get rid of him, because again, judging by John Pilger’s article, you can see things were bad enough for them even under Obama’s reign.
The mythology incidentally that nearly deifies Obama merely on account of his ethnicity is exactly that – the most shameful aspect of which, is that as America’s first visibly black president, he did almost nothing for black Americans in the sense that he left office with more or less the same situation he entered it in, which is with about 2 to 2.2 million citizens in prison and a whopping 40% of them black.
For all his other faults, President Trump has probably still done more for the black Americans than Obama, by giving them jobs, which is the thing they need the very most to keep them from depending on the drug culture and other forms of crime for employment.
But in any case, he doesn’t currently appear to be a “friend” of China, and I suspect he is under the same suspicion as am I that this is somehow a Chinese attack on America and the West.
I don’t think it is necessary that the Chinese actually developed this virus in a laboratory as President Trump has already suggested might be the case, though only alleging an accidental leak.
I think merely that they hoaxed the entire West by what was a genuine leak, meaning the story about the doctor who allegedly (this is the “set-up” for the “sting” in my view) tried to blow this story about this deadly new virus, he tried to “warn everyone” and the Chinese repressed him.
And the Western media and governments too (I’m sure Trump loved it to begin with) went crazy over this story, it was everywhere, that the Chinese dictators/despots had even suppressed a doctor, a genuine hero and whistle-blower you see, just trying to tell the truth to save lives, and his own despotic government shut him up.
But while the Western media and politicians were wallowing in self-righteousness, what they didn’t at first see was that this story had put a global warning out that a deadly virus was afoot.
And as soon as the news of thousands of deaths in just one small province of China (Wuhan, population 11 million, which is “peanuts” in Chinese terms) came out, and the Chinese had to do this massive lock down to stop the dead bodies piling up high, then the sirens were sounding all round the world, and then every other government was under pressure to do exactly the same as China had done.
Especially you see, when the news also came out *very quickly indeed* that the lockdown had been “successful”, and apparently all of a sudden there were *no new cases, no deaths*, which was totally beyond belief, which they then followed up by reporting a few isolated cases here and there to make it look less unbelievable.
But it was truly staggering to see how it appeared all the governments believed the Chinese figures and reports, even though they had been doubting everything that came out of China before that for years.
So the Western media and governments bought this story hook, line and sinker, which in turn did most of the public, really nearly everybody, because they were scared – I even read a comment somewhere normally skeptical which said “well if China is taking it seriously, that proves it must be bad.”
So why would China do that, put out that hoax?
Very simply because they knew that if the Western authorities were *stupid enough* to copy their measures, as they would be unable to lie (in a fundamental way) about their figures, which the Chinese could do at will, as nobody really knows what is happening there, and with a country that massive in size and population it’s probably hard for even the government themselves to know what is going on a lot of the time, they would bring economic ruin on their own countries.
A ruin on America in particular, that the Chinese thought might either get rid of President Trump, or give him so much domestic problems he would be busy with for years and so not be able to prioritise China any more. Which now looks like it may be true.
Trump is unable to prove (and likely never will be able to) if China is to blame for this, or it was just a natural event, and so all he can do is Tweet his annoyance. But he is up to his neck now in domestic disaster, which may go on until he is no longer president, especially bearing in mind his age, so it’s not likely he will do more than one more term.
So then the question may be – OK, maybe China hoaxed the world. Does it really matter? Is anyone better off for knowing that, especially as it is likely impossible to prove?
Note also for example the doctor who was allegedly “suppressed” when trying to “blow the whistle” has conveniently died of covid-19 (a nice and convincing touch to the hoax) though like a lot of other people round the world who got “covid-19” on their death certificate, we will never know the actual cause, but only that he can’t do any “whistle-blowing” any more.
A bit too convenient a death for my liking, when they’ve probably got a million doctors in China, but we’ve not heard of many dying of covid-19 apart from him, bearing in mind to date China has only reported a minuscule 4,636 total deaths, and in a country of nearly 1 billion people apparently nobody died of covid-19 today.
I mean he is allegedly named Li Wenliang, aged 34, so well out of the at risk group, and looks like one of the healthiest young men you could ever see (in the picture in the Guardian).
Did he really die? Is he really a doctor, etc, etc.? Or is there another doctor of that name? Who knows?
We only have the word of the Chinese authorities this is anything more than a “Peking Films Production” sponsored by the Chinese government.
So you know, is this really plausible that out of 4636 total covid-19 deaths, mostly in Wuhan, a region of 11 million people, one of those tiny number of deaths, one is the doctor who tried to “blow the whistle”?
So please, if they are going to tell barefaced lies like those, why should we believe anything they say, and moreover, why did we?
Because our governments and media were stupid, that’s why…
That’s the lesson we need to learn from this.
And now we’ve seen how dangerous it is to have stupid governments, who acted basically (in both the case of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump) to protect their own political careers (and probably in both cases destroyed them in the process), we need to do something about that – we need electoral reform (mainly full PR, but also rooting out “bought electoral candidates”, using deselection, etc.) or we’ll continue having these not bright enough and not principled enough people putting us all at risk and locking us all up for no good reason.
Yes, I appreciate they (Trump, Johnson, etc.) thought “Hey, wait a minute…if I call it wrong, I could get blamed for hundreds of thousands of deaths…”
Yes, true, but if they had taken enough scientific opinion instead of knee-jerk reacting to scientific advisers who were also all trying to cover their own rears, they could have stopped this hysterical response.
Because just think.
Suppose you are a scientific advisor to government – not some “independent expert” who isn’t going to carry the can if they call it wrong, but somebody who knows that the president or PM is going to take actions based on your advice which may cause numerous thousands of deaths if you call it wrong, of course you are going to want to cover your rear so solidly it will be like you’ve titanium coated it.
So obviously when asked for such advice, you are going to err on the side of extreme caution and therefore likely do a massive overestimate of the risk in order to cover that consequently titanium plated behind.
So you need scientists with guts, just as you need leaders with guts, who are able to stand firm while the health services whinge relentlessly (though not having protective equipment was a very justified whinge) that they are overstretched, like they’ve been doing probably since the NHS was invented.
So we didn’t have them.
So our experts lied, they deceived us pretending a) they could control a virus b) they could stop people dying c) the economy would survive
Let’s just hope the lie about (c) wasn’t half as bad as the lies about (a) and (b).
If people are giving negative ratings to a comment (as is their right under this system of commenting) it occurs to me that if they do not explain their reasons for downvoting the comment there is no reason for anybody to take it seriously, or even to be able to safely assume that they have even read the comment, so can’t possibly be able to pass a considered opinion on it.
Could be trolls. Your comment was awesome.
Neither upvoted nor downvoted, 1of7, but thought your comment very good and thought-provoking.
My only area of disagreement is your belief that ‘electoral reform’, specifically PR, will solve anything. The majority of ‘democracies’ use some form of PR, much good it does them—Italy, Spain, they are all as messed up as any other, and currently all embracing the new totalitarianism. In Britain, non-mainstream parties and their supporters tend to favour some form of preferential voting to get their foot in the door, if not No.10; but in Australia there are calls to restore FPTP as their preferential voting keeps the non-mainstream out.
Whether favouring or opposing PR or FPTP, along with supporting or opposing lowering/raising voting age or compelling voting, disenfranchising here and enfranchising there—all of this only illustrates the corrupting effect of democracy where we all just try to game the system in pursuit of our own ends.
People go on about ‘democracy’, repeating it like a mantra—unsurprising being the products of our State schools, faith institutions inculcating the worship of government more effectively than any RC school ever cultivated faith in Christ.
To break their programming requires questioning their ‘democracy’ mantra.
Britain has proliferating elected offices (imposed from above)—mayor, Police and Crime Commissioner, etc. Are we better governed for those offices’ existence? Has the introduction of PCCs prevented our police behaving like newly-promoted KZ-Wachleute?
Tony Benn famously had ‘five democratic questions’: ‘If one meets a powerful person … one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you?’ I would add a sixth: ‘How can we get rid of your entire damn office?’
One of the first ‘red pills’ is realising that ‘democracy’ is not synonymous with ‘liberty’; indeed is arguably antonymous—and so argues Plato in his Republic, Book 8, that tyranny inevitably follows democracy.
The history of the West, with particular respect to the 20th Century, shows democracy expanding along with government while liberty and retained income decreased. Democracies withdrew from core functions like defending the people, and turned to nagging and harrying them instead. And now our ‘democracy’ has delivered a level of tyranny with neither historical nor fictional precedent: ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’, an increasingly hollow notion, has become ‘An Englishman’s home is his prison’; no longer either Subject or Citizen, we are Convicts or Internees; and while Cromwell’s infamous Parliament is still remembered and condemned for banning Christmas festivities, this Parliament has banned everything, including walking in the countryside and sitting on park benches. And this new totalitarianism has been embraced by all parties at all levels of government, from WM through devolved to local.
Plato’s warning is fully realised, and gone far beyond his expectations.
Strong Conspiracy and Moderate Pseudoscience website that also promotes Russian propaganda. (D. Van Zandt 5/29/2019)
This website is part of the Russian propaganda machine. Don’t be fooled.
Here is the source for my comment above: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/offguardian/
mediabiasfactcheck.com is heavily monetized, full of ads and injunctions to become a member, and use the term “pro-socialist” to describe off-guardian.
What is this? 1950 during the cold war? It is clearly an american suprematist website trying to oppose every opinion against the “great” american empire.
Even their CSS design shows it was made by government people with zero webdesign skills.
Basic “anti conspirationist” rhetoric, everywhere on this trap-website.
Further, they describe WikiLeaks as factual reporting as “MIXED” when they have a 100% accuracy record in over ten years of reporting. LMAO.
Don’t think you’ve yet included Professor Johan Giesecke, described as: “one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO”. He made a whole bunch of excellent statements about the panic, explaining Sweden’s approach, and criticising the British government’s panic response and the science behind it.
Interview here:
Also another important strand currently is the important suggestion that the immensely costly lockdowns have made no difference to the progress of the disease. This was picked up from the data by Israeli mathematics professor Isaac Ben-Israel and reported in the Times of Israel here:
He is not a medic, but that’s beside the point – as a mathematician he’s an expert at studying datasets, and if he says the disease datasets from different countries show no difference whether there is lockdown or not, then it’s likely that’s the case. The next step is for medics to explain how that comes about (most likely because all the important steps in limiting spread are taken before coercive lockdowns are introduced, or possibly just as a result of seasonal variation in the activity of the virus, as with colds).
More support for that here:
here (per swprs):
Could it possibly be because the people dying in either case are not dying of infectious diseases at all or Covid19 in particular? It’s cancer, old age, pneumonia (which can be caused by rotten teeth etc), COPD, or maybe just the standard flu anyway. It could be something they catch in the hospital after they are admitted whilst at death’s door.
When you are very sick you can catch diseases off yourself. There is no need for anything to even “spread”.
Thank you for sharing
75 Expertenstimmen zu Corona http://blauerbote.com/2020/04/13/75-expertenstimmen-zu-corona/
Vernon Coleman (UK doctor and medical author) posted another YouTube video entitled “The lockdown remedy for coronavirus is deadlier than the disease. Dr Vernon Coleman explains why far more people will die from the so-called “cure” than the coronavirus.” on the 15th
I found this recently. Maybe I’ve just spent too long in isolation and want to believe something else, but according to this, deaths from flu in England, Scotland and N.I. were 372 in 2017/18. (Link below.)
2017/18 has previously been cited as a ‘terrible year’ for influenza deaths. It seems it was a terrible winter for hospitals. But not a bad one relatively speaking for flu. In fact there don’t seem to be that many deaths in the UK from flu at all according to government data
Which does make me wonder, because if only 20% of the UK caught Covid19, and there was a mere 0.1% chance of dying from it, you’d still end up with 13,000 deaths.
As I say, I’m probably starting to go mad. But 13k at 0.1% seems to produce quite a lot of deaths in comparison to regular flu stats.
I’ve lost a central train of thought on this.
Regardless of the virus’s potency I agree that this is part of a globalist agenda. And I believe some clear and concise data would be helpful.
That is because of the stated death statistics in the UK (see beginning of text). Flu and pneumonia are not listed as death causes if there are some other underlying grave diseases like Cancer, Cold, Alzheimer (and that is the case for most deaths of influenza). In comparison Covid-19 is given as the death cause even when there would be other underlying causes/ diseases (as there almost always is).
In Germany there is c. 25 000 yearly deaths from the seasonal Influenza. That would be 0,1-0,5% depending on year or severity. Now they are calculating a letality (not mortality for the whole country) of similar or less magnitude for corona.
Awesome. Cheers. Become fatigued with so much info of late. That – plus the professor to Sweden having been interviewed today – clarifies a lot!
There is a vaccine against flu – there is NOT a vaccine against Covid-19. The two should not even be compared.
Compare it to the common cold then. That is a more apt comparison actually.
The death rates are similar. They are both caused by Coronaviruses. They both spread the same ways. They both have no vaccine.
The common cold is normally a mild illness that resolves without treatment in a few days (Source: Villanova.edu)
A vaccination against *which* kind of flu?
As they say in political science, by analogy, you are always fighting the new war with the knowledge of the last war.
Flu is a moving target and as already noted above with reference to a peer-reviewed article, flu vaccines are arguably unhealthy.
The idea of vaccinating against flu can be understood as a component in the war on microbes, which is the foundation of all life. Worse than shooting yourself in the foot, it resembles removing your legs.
Intresting times, huh, indeed.
So. off-g, what is happening as we speak, you are, been under attack, I have my opinions but they are more hooned into historical bollocks than anything else, since I my self have expirienced and is expiriencing falsifyed/falsifying my tribes history as we speak in the year of the lord 2020, and I hate people from the bottom of my hart those that continue to barf lies, continue to fake history and/or invents more bollocks to cover up their initial lies, as infinitum akaka an continuing circle jerk where I have focused on slamming that down as far I can and sometimes by temper takes the lead.
Then we have some more aspects, I really found this article with the coments made by this people to be enlightening and just confirms the issue when you use critical thinking and lifts the carpet where everything is been thrown under, regarding the hyping of the so called epidemic.
Another thing is, the attacks comes from some sites/persons that is a bit sad, infact, they try to undermine the issue with ad-homeniems and uses the official narratives as the guiding light, and cencures everybody whom is or dont comply, while they them self attacks, like the MSM witch they claim is cencuring alternatives, they do excactly the same, and somehow your site is been under the hammer.
Weird, to be honest.
Then we have the eh….. plauge.
Herd imunity, what do that really mean, as some stated it, the real source must be that this virus isnt that dangerous is initially prodjected/persived, and the testing witch rises the numbers of infected exponetially just confirms the facts that this eh… epidemic isnt that dangerous, of course the problem is that this, as the counteless flu epidemics have shown in the past, is dangerous for certain groups, no matter how large the numbers of detections we have or gett, the numbers of deaths dont fluctuate acodingly to compare to the level of hysteria and the howling of the medical ind. complex, aka the MIC 2.0, and what do that lead us to, herd imunity is for me an narrative what just tells me the virus isnt that serious for the comunity at large, and the test regime confirms that, but our main problem is that the hyping of fear, makes an real debate on whats the true numbers difficould, if nor more or less, impossible.
And herd imunity, again, of course I am not against protection gear, if you have an issue with coungh, why not use something to protect others, but going from that to total lockdown of an entire nation is overkill by an massive magnitute. But I strugle with the narratives, what and how dangerous is this Virus, and thats where the entire debate should be focusing on, not the herd imunity witch is another weird narrative to cover up the fact that this, when the rate of infected is much lower than “expected”, says everything I need to know, period.
Then some coments on other people whom have this as an proffesion, and I really liked the video with the German Ernst Wolff, that one is one of the few that nails everything to the wall, sould be an trascript of it, since the level and the presision of the lecture is priceless, hats off, I couldnt agree more, an rear video and a good catch.
Then I will link my self two some intresting articles:
This is education, and a must read, FR found a rear germ, exremly relevant.
From Swiss propaganda research, a site I didnt knew about until just some days ago, but do read their stats and what they have cut out from the current uh…. epidemic.
There are some aspects so sevear that I dont want or will tread carefully into since I dont belive for an second this hyping is by accsident, this, is to hide something much more serious, like the intervju with the German indicated, I really dont like what I think is coming, I for now just ignore that, until forther profs are coming or found, this, ladys and gentelem is an cross road, between an path of light of drakness, and I am not joking, I dont like this at all.
Take care, and fear is their tool, no fear is ours best counter messure.
Be the light.
Not the most inspiring of interviewers but valid points by Swedish epidemiologist Prof Johan Giesecke:
I think the views of Dr Malcolm Kendrick should be more widely known. Unlike the other “dissenting doctors” Dr Kendrick is a general practitioner in the NHS. He has acutally seen people dying, including eight in a period of seven days in a care home he visits. Large numbers of people do seem to be dying in care homes, largely because of government policy to keep beds free in hospitals for the general population. He says “COVID is a strange disease that kills people in a way that I have never witnessed before. In some cases, very quickly.” Obviously there is something new here. Does he think that making the whole country stay at home is the best way of dealing with it? No. This is what he says :
“Contain, delay, research, mitigate. The UK has passed through “contain” and is now in “delay and mitigate”. Research sits in the background and may, or may not, provide a solution.
However, delay and mitigate doesn’t mean that people will not become infected and die. It just means that the NHS will not be overwhelmed by a massive wave of people getting ill at the same time. We are simply, it should be made clear, trying to control the “peak”, which now may likely be a series of “peaks”.
“At present, ministers are not admitting this. They are presenting lock-down as a way of “beating this virus.” In order to enforce lockdown, they are haranguing and scaring the population into compliance.
“Covid-19 is being presented as a deadly killer that does not discriminate. Young, old, we are all at risk of contracting this dreadful disease. Every night, the television news has story after story of young people who have been infected, and who have died. In fact, very, very few people under 20 have died so far. I believe it was five, at the end of last week.
“There is hardly anything said about the fact that the average age of death is around eighty, that the vast, vast, majority of those dying are old (92% are aged over sixty) The great majority of them have several other serious medical conditions.
“The reality is that for anyone younger than about sixty, Covid-19 is only slightly more dangerous than suffering from influenza. The infection fatality rate (IFR) currently stands at around 0.2% in those countries doing the most testing. This figure will inevitably fall, once we can identify those who were infected but had no symptoms.
“By avoiding this more reassuring message, by frightening everyone into compliance, the Government has painted itself into a corner.”
Incidentally, Dr Kendrick usually blogs about heart disease and long ago came to the conclusion that government advice to base meals on starchy foods, avoid saturated fat and lower cholesterol, results in overweight and illness. In view of the fact that people under sixty who find themselves in an ICU due to covid-19, including the prime minister, tend to be overweight, it might be time to heed Dr Kendrick’s advice.”
I first came across Malcolm Kendrick when I read his book “The Great Cholesterol Con” about 10 years ago or more, which was both instructive and entertaining. I think he may have made some small technical errors in that book, which unfortunately gave his critics some ammunition, although what they probably hated was the fact that he was basically correct, and they secretly suspected this themselves, but were afraid to admit it, since they’d been pushing a false paradigm for so long.
I liked it when he wrote in that book: “If you don’t drink [alcohol], then start. Not on your own, but with your spouse or partner.” I think he was actually joking, which probably annoyed his enemies even more.
I was less happy when he said “eat what you like and don’t worry about it”, because I think there is a link between diet and health, although most of the official messages on diet have been misguided for decades. And I think blood lipids are important, and can be affected by diet, but just not in the simplistic way that orthodox medicine has been teaching for probably 50 years or more.
He used to be part of something called “The International Network of Cholesterol Sceptics” (“THINCS) and I used to read their website on a regular basis, but I don’t know if it still exists. Likewise, I used to read the occasional online article by Malcom Kendrick, but I’ve never got into the habit of reading his blog. Perhaps I should do.
Jane, you state
. “The reality is that for anyone younger than about sixty, Covid-19 is only slightly more dangerous than suffering from influenza”
. do you wish to say that to the families of the NHS hospital workers who have died?
I am clear that this article is below the Guardian standard of accuracy and objectivity:
I comment:
two “UK experts” the first a media person and consultant histopathologist – the only patients he sees are dead ones
– and the second one states (31 March)
“In this case we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% people with heart disease etc. I do not feel this current Covid will exceed this number” – he is already wrong.
and all the other experts (1 Swiss and 6 Germans – albeit one of the six Germans is New York based – the latter is clearly not a clinician; working in Rockefeller University in New York City – not a medical centre although next door to the New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Centre where I once worked)
so the 7 non-UK experts are (apart from the non-clinician in NYC) are from countries where Covid-19 has been well kept at bay:
predicted 2020 UK deaths – roughly 30-40,000 (worst flu year recently 28,000)
.. .. .. UK deaths to date: 14,576;
. . Germany deaths to date: 4,352
. . . Swiss deaths to date: 1,327
– Data NOW as of Friday 17th April 2020
it must be recognised that the figures in BLACK represents the cases reported positive on the date the lab test was done
the PINK figures are the reported deaths that day – as supplied by the Department of Health and Social Care
Tues 31 Mar 3,000 († 381) 7 Apr 3.600 († 786) 14 Apr 5,252 († 778) – worse † than 2 weeks ago
Wed 1 April 4.300 (†563) 8 Apr 5.500 († 938) 15 Apr 4,605 († 761) – worse † than 2 weeks ago
Thurs 2 April 4.200 († 569) 9 Apr 4.300 († 881) 16 Apr 4,618 († 861) – worse † than 2 weeks ago
Fri 3 April 4.500 († 684) 10 Apr 5.200 († 980) 17 Apr 5,599 († 847) – worse † than 2 weeks ago
Sat 4 April 3.700 († 708) 11 Apr 4.600 († 917) – worse † than 1 week ago
Sun 5 April 5.900 († 621) 12 Apr 4,500 († 737) – worse † than 1 week ago
Mon 6 April 3.800 († 439) 13 Apr 3,500 († 717) – worse † than 1 week ago
Lies, damn lies and statistics! A mark of a true troll; none of your love of numbers provides any real context. What is in it for you to push the exaggerated death counts for CoVid1984?
Protecting the cumulative decisions of the incompetent government medical authorities? What proportion of all these deaths are just CoVid1984, and not deaths from more compromising medical conditions, with only a +ive test for the PRESENCE of CoVid1984?
It looks like other commenters just had to ignore your trolling. I didn’t, because it is obvious you are here at the service of AUTHORITY, and not everyone.
John, Darryl:
I serve no authority and no-one can even suggest that I troll
no-one – certainly not I – said that the government’s data is accurate. what is more, this is what I wrote earlier:
it is complicated: but Chris Whitty the CMO (Chief Medical Officer) and the government let us down very badly:
did they read LANCET 31 January 2020? The most respected UK medical journal . . . In their role they should have.
. . The LANCET Editor, Richard Horton, wrote in hindsight on the CMO’s failings on 28 March, recapping what had been written in the journal 8 weeks before: . . . .
. . . “Based on their modelling of the Wuhan outbreak of COVID-19, Joseph Wu and his colleagues wrote . . . in The LANCET on Jan 31, 2020:
. . “On the present trajectory, 2019-nCoV could be about to become a global epidemic . . preparedness plans should be readied for deployment at short notice, including securing supply chains of pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment, hospital supplies, . to deal with . . a global outbreak of this magnitude.”
. . . This warning should have been read by the CMO, the Chief Executive of NHS England, and the Chief Scientific Adviser who had a duty to . . put the NHS . . on high alert in February, to expand coronavirus testing capacity . . distribution of PPE, establish training / guidelines to protect NHS staff.
. . . . They (the CMO, the Chief Executive of NHS England, and the Chief Scientific Adviser) didn’t take any of those actions. The result has been chaos across the NHS. Patients and NHS staff will die unnecessarily.”
. . . . The CMO Chris Whitty was wrong – he led the government to procrastinate – – and as a consequence too many are dying in the UK of Covid-19 . . . . . . . . the CMO and the UK government did not keep us safe when they could have.
Just FYI. Off-guardian is a Russian web site used to spread Russian propaganda (Source: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/offguardian/
Good God settle down Baker you’ve got your beer money. Go do some classwork now.
Yep, mediabiasfactcheck.com seems like a trustworthy source. Who are they? Who checks them?
… and are you not questioning your data??
John – not my data – government data – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-51235105
“from countries where Covid-19 has been well kept at bay:” That is not true of Switzerland which has 3 times as many cases of Germany. Its very odd logic to say that German experts don’t count when they have by your own words kept it at bay. The reason for the lower German death rate is Doctors in Germany record Covid 19 deaths as deaths from the virus NOT WITH the virus as they should do, British authorities have admitted. When so many people have little or no symptoms at all its disingenuous to put it mildly to record all who test positive as Covid 19 deaths.
Germany did not even go into a full stay at home lockdown either, only Bavaria and Saarland did. Germans seem to have kept their head while all around are losing theirs, the British have forgotten how be British, the media reporting is mainly hysteria.
er two UK “experts” – I am far from convinced.
the first a media person and consultant histopathologist – the only patients he sees are dead ones
– and the second one states (31 March)
“In this case we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% people with heart disease etc. I do not feel this current Covid will exceed this number” – he is already so wrong.
and all the other experts (1 Swiss and 6 Germans – albeit one of the six Germans is New York based – the latter is clearly not a clinician; working in Rockefeller University in New York City – not a medical centre although next door to the New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Centre where I once worked)
so the 8 non-UK experts are (apart from the non-clinician in NYC) are from countries where Covid-19 has been well kept at bay:
predicted UK deaths – roughly 30,000 (worst flu year recently 28,000)
.. .. .. UK deaths to date: 14,576;
. . Germany deaths to date: 4,352
. . . Swiss deaths to date: 1,327
no surprise that this curiously chosen set of “experts” with regard to the UK risk – have likely gotten it wrong.
This is a rather lightweight article – it should be better based on fact –
– Data NOW as of Friday 17th April 2020
it must be recognised that the first figures by date represent the cases reported positive on the date the lab test was done
the † figures – (in brackets) are the reported deaths that day – as supplied by the Department of Health and Social Care
Tues 31 Mar 3,000 († 381) 7 Apr 3.600 († 786) 14 Apr 5,252 († 778) – † worse than 2 weeks ago
Wed 1 April 4.300 (†563) 8 Apr 5.500 († 938) 15 Apr 4,605 († 761) – † worse than 2 weeks ago
Thurs 2 April 4.200 († 569) 9 Apr 4.300 († 881) 16 Apr 4,618 († 861) – † worse than 2 weeks ago
Fri 3 April 4.500 († 684) 10 Apr 5.200 († 980) 17 Apr 5,599 († 847) – † worse than 2 weeks ago
Sat 4 April 3.700 († 708) 11 Apr 4.600 († 917) – † worse than 1 week ago
Sun 5 April 5.900 († 621) 12 Apr 4,500 († 737) – † worse than 1 week ago
Mon 6 April 3.800 († 439) 13 Apr 3,500 († 717) – † worse than 1 week ago
M Venning, I notice you do not use the descriptor ‘better than the previous day’ for reported deaths but rather ‘worse than 1 or 2 weeks ago’.
In other words you seem to be avoiding highlighting the seemingly obvious trend of declining numbers of late.
Look here Venning, why are you posting heresies on a site mired in the truth?
These explanations are very clear, I personally studied Biology to teaching level, majoring on epidemics and pandemics, the latter being the fraud in this case. It is time the media came clean, and published the truth.!
I find it more informative to read the original scientific publications and listening to virologists, for example:
TWiV 602: Coronavirus immunology with Stanley Perlman
Meant to say, “even more informative”. I did not mean to be dismissive of this article in any way. I think you are doing great service.
Fascinating stuff.
Definitely like listening to “the other side” as far as I’m concerned, but I found it very interesting, all the same.
What struck me, mainly in the first half or so of the discussion, was that these ostensibly pro-vaccine type people seemed to be giving lots of evidence as to how unreliable and uncertain vaccines were.
And then towards the end, in the context of “Covid-19”, one of them was saying quite happily that perhaps the ideal situation would be to find that the virus had spread widely throughout the whole population, mostly symptom-free leading to natural “herd immunity”, and without needing to use a vaccine, even though there might be one by then.
(And incidentally confirming to me what I had always believed to be the case, that you can have herd immunity completely in the absence of any vaccine, contrary to the views of some pro-vaccine zealots.
From the Guardian, no less:
“An interesting study has emerged in the US which found that the number of people infected with coronavirus could be as much as 85 times higher than previously thought.
The research from Stanford University, which was published on Friday, tested samples from 3,330 people in Santa Clara county, in California, and found the virus to be 50 to 85 times more common than official figures indicated.
The study, the first large-scale one of its kind, has yet to be peer reviewed and was conducted by identifying antibodies in healthy individuals through a finger prick test, which indicated whether they had already contracted and recovered from the virus.
At the time of the study, Santa Clara county had 1,094 confirmed cases of Covid-19, resulting in 50 deaths. But, based on the rate of people who have antibodies, it is likely that between 48,000 and 81,000 people had been infected in the county by early April – a number approximately 50 to 80 times higher.”
So, proper large-scale scientific research reveals that far more people have been infected, 48-81,000 as opposed to the previously recorded number of cases of 1,094. That reduces the case mortality rate from 50/1094 x100=4.6% to between 50/48000×100 and 50/81000×100=between 0.1% and 0.06%.
The PCR test is a fraud. The CFR is a fraud. Euthanasia is mandatory behind the scenes and the deaths are being falsely recorded as SARS-COV-2 deaths. This is profoundly not just the old and sick. Not at all. Murder is happening under your eyes. Vast numbers. Don’t allow yourselves to be hospitalized. Don’t take a test. Warn those you care about. The worst case we anticipated is proving real.
An article worth flagging up, I think:
Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox
A Nation investigation illustrates the moral hazards surrounding the Gates Foundation’s $50 billion charitable enterprise.
By Tim Schwab
Philanthropy – the fine you pay for staying out of jail.
I think we should not have sex until there is an AIDS vaccine. I’m still waiting. It’s been 40 years.
You’re missing nothing!
An extremely valid point.
Surely wearing a condom is sexual social distancing ? Seems to have worked fairly well.
I have been following this brilliant website for a while and I am agreeing with all the facts about the false numbers being swung at us by the media but please can someone explain to me, why would our country push for weeks/months of lockdown if it potentially will shatter our economy?
I’ll try. I think there are several things you could say about why they’re pushing for a lockdown if it will shatter the economy.
– At a global level they’re not really interested in a capitalistic economy, but only in big semi monopolies. Microsoft and Amazon are two good examples. They will profit regardless. And if they don’t they will be bailed out.
– Shorting, or short-selling, is when an investor borrows shares and immediately sells them, hoping he or she can scoop them up later at a lower price, return them to the lender and pocket the difference. With short-selling you can profit from a crash, especially if you have foreknowledge of what’s on the agenda.
– All small and medium companies will be bankrupt by the end of this and will be up for grabs for the big companies.
– Much like most covid deaths having underlying serious liefthreatening issues, so even before the lockdown began the economy was sick to the point of collapse. The corona measures are a way to control this collapse in an orderly fashion, much like controlled demolition.
– The economic chaos will be used to justify a worldwide global new world order, with a new digital currency and total control over all aspects of our lives.
It’s probably clear that I’m no economist, but this is how I understand it! The real key is probably the central banking system but that’s too complicated for me.
Let’s not forget that government backed loans to small businesses to keep them afloat are a “no brainer” to banks who will get 3.75%+ interest on loans the government (READ: TAXPAYER) guarantees if the borrower goes bust. This is why the Wall Street bankers told President Trump we should wait until the public is ready to get out and work: the initial business loans have been scarfed-up and the banks want more guaranteed loans to sell; more time, more panic, more businesses having to stay shut means more demand for more loans and more money to the bankers.
This happening at a time when banks were still pretty stingy on giving loans because of the previous collapse (though they were bailed out): they were not making as much money as they wanted to, and a loan without a risk (read: FREE MONEY) is what they were waiting for.
You might like to watch this video and see what you think. This interview has been linked elsewhere on this site recently, and Ernst Wolff presents his arguments very persuasively.
An important interview. Thanks for posting.
I would add to “thankful reader’s” comment that there are a lot of coincidences which come out astoundingly well for “the authorities” during this ridiculous farce:
The Gilets Jaunes in France, and elsewhere, were gaining strong traction with the general population, both because of their reasonable claims and their non-violent methods. People like Macron were beginning to fear them, to the point where sheer vindictiveness was beginning to show in his methods for dealing with them. That was reducing his popularity – which was looking very dodgy to start with – even more, to the point where people in the street were quite prepared to make statements like, “The people hate him.”
Also the appalling corruption within the WHO, the IMF, the media and politics in general has become so obvious that a smokescreen became desperately needed.
So a CoVid panic fits the bill perfectly. Just look at the news on TV…
I LONG to hear about other things that are going on in the world, but all I get from the media is CoVid CoVid CoVid. While those who are planning to control every aspect of our lives work constantly to increase their wealth exponentially, to the great cost, not only of us, but of the whole planet.
In other words, the greed of the few knows no bounds, and a shattered economy here and there doesn’t worry them in the slightest. Yes, we are talking about actual evil here, not just misguided human sheep.
In my opinion ‘thankful reader’ nails it. For more info, this guy appears to be on the money….
I’m inclined to the cockup theory, rather than the conspiracy theory of history.
I think it’s down to economic and scientific illiteracy on the part of those we have chosen (?) to be our rulers.
(Not that there are not some conspiracies, of course, but I’m still not convinced that this is one of them. There may however, be a lot of opportunism (“never waste a good crisis”, etc) goin on.
You don’t go for the “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” theory? I do – David Rockefeller and Bill Gates have persuaded me. https://stovouno.org/2020/04/03/covid-19-bill-gates-engineers-a-global-crisis-from-seasonal-flu/
Watch before it’s taken down https://youtu.be/F8pVwl-9THU
Good talk
good knowledge – Thanks…..as so difficult to locate honesty in the Small Time msm and Lilliputian Government propoganda apparatus …and anyway, who in their right mind would listen to those insignificant lightweights, primitive has-beens as they are.
To counter our likely and inescapable confirmation biases, and in keeping with the scientific method for supporting beliefs, are there equally independent, credible, and reputable experts in the field who are voicing opinions and reaching conclusions that are contrary to (i.e., falsify) those featured here. Similarly, are there sites that are showcasing relevant, authentic, and valid data and information which contradict those so excellently curated at the Swiss Propaganda Watch site?
If such a compelling opposing perspective on the COVID-19 phenomenon can indeed be found, which admittedly is doubtful, OffGuardian can provide readers with its measure by compiling and presenting an easily digestible review and juxtaposition of what would clearly be two extremely divergent views of presumably the same, singular reality.
I for one do not believe the conclusions reached here so far are false, or that an equally compelling opposite stance can be soundly established at this point, but due diligence must and would be sustained by actively looking for data that may falsify our latest and best knowledge about the world, including ourselves especially.
Thank you for all that you have done and accomplished already to counter the obvious hype and overwhelming hysteria that confront us as soon as we glance away from your wonderful site.
Have you seen such a counter case made? No. The reason is simple. It can’t be made. The governmental response to the false pandemic is entirely political and backed by specious reasoning or ambiguous wording by professionals bribed or blackmailed into giving their approval to measures they know to be insane.
I wish it were possible to offer a different interpretation, but it is not. This is a coordinated plan, global in scale. The forces ranged against science and reason on this are formidable and frightening. Lives have been threatened directly and indirectly.
Those scientists best placed to reveal the truth are bullied into silence, gagged, monitored. So much is riding on the success of this play.
Virus Guy: “Have you seen such a counter case made? No. The reason is simple. It can’t be made.”
Right on. I’ve watched and waited 19 years as “experts” debated the causes of collapse of 3 steel reinforced structures at the World Trade Center complex in 2001. Even when collapse can’t be explained beyond a controlled demolition, the “debate” goes on, and on, and on.
The world’s economies have been decaying ever since, and the bread and circus show is now over. The Covid-19 fiasco is all about planned economic failure and the permanent establishment of a police state. Most readers here know this…
I too have been seeking this for a balanced view but have yet to find a body of evidence that reinforces the media narrative
I haven’t been following the coronavirus much, but the U.K. death figures are only from hospitals, and not everywhere, so there is one reason to believe they are being under-reported. I have no view on whether the numbers are being inflated or deflated, but there is a case to be made for the latter: it is not blatantly false from first look. The Moon of Alabama takes the view that the coronavirus is more deadly than the flu, although I have not investigated its claims.
The Off Guardian and Moon of Alabama have gotten into Twitter debates about the coronavirus as well, for those who wish to investigate further.
As with all propaganda induced panics the Coronavirus has served its purposes and is even now beginning to be wound down. Unfortunately what lies ahead for the masses will be much worse with probably permanently reduced circumstances . Life will be lived small in the 21st century, at best.
I know this will interest you.
There’s been a bit of publicity that black and ethnic minority People – in Europe and the US – are apparently dying ‘of covid-19’ at higher rates than one would expect. I immediately thought of Vitamin D. A Person with a darker skin living in temperate to cold latitudes is obviously at a disadvantage as far as the formation of Vitamin D from sunlight is concerned, especially if they are forced to remain inside.
A point which applies to the general population too.
According to the Daily Telegraph 44% fo NHS docdtors and 24% of nurses fall into this category.
Good idea, thanks!
You may be aware of research currently underway into whether there is a correlation between BCG vaccinations and immunity from the more serious manifestations of Covid19.
All nonsense. There is a blizzard of misinformation being pumped out in an effort to conceal the bare truth that covid19 is an inferred and fraudulent pandemic built on fraudulent science.
I myself don’t believe that Covid19 is anything more than a seasonal flu variant. It may simply be the case that those of us who have had the BCG vaccine in childhood are equally as immune to the potentially deadly effects of severe seasonal flu. So in that sense the research could well be revealing, depending on what it concludes.
It does appear that a significant proportion of those who succumb fatally to the infection or ‘with’ the infection (as they might well do with any other seasonal flu) are older people from ethnic groups, and these people are less likely to have had the BCG vaccine in childhood. Presumably that is what prompted the research into a possible correlation.
Put it like this, I would prefer this correlation to be proved than to face the prospect of a new, untested mandatory vaccine being rolled out!
You thought Vitamin D, and sane people thought social and economic inequality, poor diet and lack of medical prevention.
Because Vit D deficiency is correlated to poor diet, social and economic inequality, lack of medical prevention and political malaise.
Supplementation above 3,000iu’s per day ought to be mandatory.
The Italians are perhaps less to be believed, they are artificially inflating the numbers in order to blackmail “Eurobonds” from the Nordic countries and restructure their corrupt and highly indebted economy. Should Merkel not send German tax money to Rome, the old “Nazi” club will be unwrapped, it always works.
Their alleged deaths are easy to explain: They have the highest air pollution in Europe, traditionally living in extended families where there is a high risk of infection. Their hygienic conditions leave much to be desired. In Italy, the resistance to antibiotics is said to be 40 percent, in Germany less than 5 percent.
In Germany, 20,000 people die every year from “ordinary” influenza, another 20,000 from multi-resistant germs, which they contract in hospitals. But the Orwellian alarmists and hysterics have never seen this as a reason for quarantine and martial law.
It’s strange that homeless people in Boston are said to be infected, but despite their adverse living conditions they have no symptoms. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8226683/One-forty-six-homeless-NO-symptoms-test-positive-COVID-19-Boston-shelter.html
I’ve seen this with my eyes in San Diego, Calif., a huge older homeless population, but few problems. There was a hepatitis scare several times, that gave a taste of quarantine, as many churches emptied their holy water fonts and baptismals, and only gave Communion under bread, but no wine.
Which, unlike this, was ignored by some churches, depending on the degree of risk areas and paranoia.
That gave some preparation for this, but not much. At least the idea.
One wonders how many factors we guess, intelligently, but don’t fully know. Some of this seems very covert, using the old “need to know” disclaimer/cover.
I don’t even want to know how many billions more litres of drinking water it takes every day to wash your hands 30 times a day. Probably people now shower three times a day and destroy their skin flora.
Now, of course, nobody wants to live like homeless city dwellers. But rural living was once the most effective protective factor, the purifying pollution. Neurodermatitis is a typical consequence. It has long been known medically that we acquire immunity through contact with other people.
Prof. Haditsch (video below) even said that just a few years ago pneumonia was considered a welcome grace to save old and sick people from their agony. Now one tries to keep them alive artificially, which of course fails.
I was not aware of Prof. Haditsch prior to today. In 2015, at age 65, in a visit to my physician, she said that I needed the pneumonia vaccination. I told her “pneumonia is nature’s way of dealing with the elderly”. She laughed nervously, then adamantly insisted that I receive the shot.
Now I do not visit a medical facility unless I need stitches. Avoiding such annoyances as unnecessary shots and tests.
I have been social distancing for years. That used to be considered being antisocial, now it’s the mandatory in thing!
In 1971-72 I worked in a geriatric care facility in the terminal ward.
Bedridden, heavily medicated, is no way to spend your remaining time on earth.
My grandmother was constantly active, pushing her walker around when she was over 90, just to send me a letter. Then she fell over in her apartment and ended up in the hospital, with the doctors saying she could never go back to her apartment. Three days later, she was dead on New Year’s Eve, 2013.
What you “need”, only you know. Due to a “blood pressure crisis” I was put a wire into my heart 25 years ago. Later I learned that I was a guinea pig in a university hospital.
Martin, all this hand washing is pointless, absolutely pointless. I wash my hands as I would any other day of the week. Also, the gel used is harmful to the skin.
The evil joke is that people not only wash their hands, but also all the products they buy in the supermarket. You never now.
Meanwhile in NL, our prime minister is talking in the media that all people who are sick should see a GP and that in terms of the ‘corona crisis’ mistakes were made with the measures. The types of mistakes he mentions are actually completely unrelated to the mistakes that were made (closing a country for a virus that is as ‘dangerous’ as seasonal flu), but apparently we are now allowed to openly talk about mistakes that were made, and that healthcare should open its gates for all people who are sick.
That’s a beginning.
I also think the politicians have to reduce the measures in order to keep the population ‘passive’.
Would be interesting to know if politicians in other countries have received a similar memo and are therefore talking the same talk as our prime minister now does with the media.
What mistakes were mentioned then?
I only skimmed through the article (since it was from the revolting msm). But he admitted that people in old people’s homes were dying faster than usual and that this was partly explained by the government who put their interest in getting not too many people on the ICU by ‘flattening’ the curve and forgot the old people’s homes.
To balance this mistake, he also said the government made a mistake by not protecting health care workers, and possibly also the population by not offering all of them… mouth masks to prevent from catching this terrible disease.
As you say, they may miss the crux of the matter but they aren’t unreasonable points.
It does make me wonder what bureaucrats and contigency planners get paid for.
I’m not sure that the government forgot Care Homes.
The effect of ” freeing up ” around 26 k of beds ( meaning same number of staff with same number of beds ) meant that many of the 26k were slung back into the Community possibly complete with an untested/detected Covid -19 infection to pass on to the already flu co-morbid other frail people at the homes or in their own homes.
They were not tested either in hospital or out of it.
I don’t know about anyone else but we surely must be Pseffed out with all the numbers flying about.
The media have played this don’t scare the children and horses game since the start ( certainly in the UK ) and it doesn’t help that the UK have the most right wing set of bastards we’ve witnessed so far.
So don’t be surprised that spinning of numbers and efforts to justify inaction as well as alleged action are being strewn around like confetti at a Wedding.
Fear sells and fear creates more fear and so on but the economics/politics are the most important issue here in solving the outcome and keeping unecessary deaths down to a minimum.
OK maybe it may not turn out not to be a massive addition on top of the number count of those who die each year of everything.
Could be a blip – a confluence of bad luck etc but the now is where people are.
The economic damage is and will be palpable – real people will really be skint and it is they who will clamour to get back to work – not because they like work but because they are skint or skinter.
The Tories will then do their warning schtick – Well we advised people to stay at home but the people wanted to go back to work etc etc – we couldn’t fight that and that they wanted to not be locked in day after day.
If this virus has exposed one thing it is that many firms who were thought of a profitable enterprises have crumbled to dust due to having very little or no back up in past profits being saved.
Bigger firms fare not much better.
Mainly due to paying dividends year on year and not re-investing much profit as capital.
The truth is that capitalism has no room for adjustment as China has.
The Chinese State is in charge not the Corporations. They call the shots.
The Corporates run the States in the West – not the governments and competing capitalists compete for bailouts ironically by the bailed out Banks and they are not playing ball.
Starmer and the media may be playing mind games with Exit strategies whilst the current strategy is leading to more deaths not less.
The bad news for Starmer and any other Centrists in the media is that the pent up demand they think will be there ” Once it’s over ” will not be there.
That’s the psychology of scaring people near to death and to actual death itself.
Dead people don’t spend anymore and those who survive this virus ( whether higher or lower than expected ) will not ” Get back to normal ” very soon.
There will be not many businesses to get back to.
Ironically the only jobs in town will be essential service jobs.
The one’s that were Privatised many moons ago.
Double irony – the may have to be re-nationalised.
By a Tory government – ” For the sake of the Nation Old Boy! “
Our government (UK) will never be this honest.
Hear! hear! in Belgium Jan Jambon, Minister-President of Flanders, put the exact same speech on social media: We all make mistakes, we too are only human, etc. And this morning a headline: “We relied too much on the scientists…”
In my mind there is no doubt that this whole shebang is orchestrated worldwide by worldwide Powers That Be, that our local politicians are only lackeys of this system, and that what passes for science is utterly bankrupt. “Science” is the new religion, and the abuses follow…
From ZeroHedge:
“A reporter who adopts a stereotypical fake ‘news reporter’ accent which normal people don’t use when they talk to each other tells the viewer that the conspiracy theory linking 5G to coronavirus is false.
A doctor wearing a white lab coat inside what appears to be his own home (to stress faux authority) is then presented to call the conspiracy “completely false.”
The doctor doesn’t even explain why it’s false (he could have pointed out for example that Iran was impacted by coronavirus yet has no 5G network at all), but the news station just expects the viewer to believe him because he’s an authority figure in uniform.”
The politicians seem now to be rather trapped by their own narrative, as I suspect that at least some of them must be aware of what a balls-up they have made of it.
The decisions they have made over the past month or so, have probably been the most expensive decisions ever made outside of wartime and declarations of war.
For a fraction of the costs that have been incurred, all members of the vulnerable groups could have been protected and pampered for the rest of their lives, while the rest could have developed herd immunity.
Macron’s TV broadcast to the nation a few nights ago was delivered in a similarly apologetic frame. He said mistakes have been made in how the current crisis had been handled, admitted to mistakes on his own part and promised a return to the old path once the crisis is over. 37 million people tuned. How many believe him is very much open to discussion.
South Africa
If a patient has terminal cancer, motor neurone disease or another serious disease, and contracts COVID-19 that’ll be recorded as the cause of death.
So that means, if a person enters an emergency room with fatal gunshot wounds lingers for a few days and dies from an upper-respiratory infection their death certificate will cite COVID-19 as the cause of death. Will all murders and suicides be designated as COVID fatalities? If you slip on a banana peel crack your skull and go into an irreversible coma will the medical examiner say you died from the coronavirus. Ultimately, will all 155,000 deaths recorded each day worldwide be attributed to COVID-19.
The real shocker or elephant in the room is that annually 99,000 Americans die from “healthcare acquired infections.” Infections, run rampant throughout hospitals and doctors’ offices. What’s ironic is that this type of mortality is considered a “winnable battle.” The following are the statistics related to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs):
1.7 million Americans develop hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) each year, and 99,000 die of HAIs annually.
Three-fourths of the infections start in places like nursing homes and doctors’ offices.
The economic burden to the U.S. may be as high as $45 billion per year.
In 2012, antibiotic-resistant MRSA infections killed more Americans than emphysema, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, and homicide combined. An MRSA infection is a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). It’s a bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body. It’s tougher to treat than most strains of staphylococcus aureus — or staph — because it’s resistant to some commonly used antibiotics.
Healthcare-associated infections disproportionately impact older Americans. These infections are
prevalent in nursing homes and hospitals. According to data, hospitalized elderly patients are two and a half times more likely to develop HAI’s than younger patients. In other words, the minute an older person enters a hospital for even a minor procedure he’s susceptible to develop a deadly infection resistant to existing antibiotics.
How many times have we heard of older adults entering the hospital for minor procedures and dying of pneumonia or other infections. It’s almost commonplace. When it comes to older adults, hospitals and nursing homes are like “The Roach Motel”–you check in, but you never check out.
The reason for widespread infections in hospitals are due to shortages of new and effective antibiotics. Bacteria and viruses mutate and become resistant to existing treatments. The enormous number of deaths resulting from infections directly correlate to the lack of interest in research, inasmuch as pharmaceutical companies do not see antibiotics as a profitable enterprise. The development of antibiotics is heavily regulated (as it should be), hence not as profitable as “sketchy vaccines.” Vaccines which governments will try to rush through hoping to eliminate COVID-19–thus, resulting in untoward consequences–namely death. Talk about the cure being worse than the disease.
The mainstream media news commentators promoting the most hysteria should be forced to be the first vaccinated with the new and exciting vaccines. I couldn’t think of a better “test population.”
It should also be noted, that Prior to COVID-19 the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists cited a shortage of “182 drugs and medical supplies. The list includes: IV bags, injectable morphine and other powerful painkillers, anesthetics, antibiotics, electrolytes, cancer drugs, etc….
The real problem and the one that will never be addressed, is the predatory nature of the pharmaceutical industry comprised of ghoul-like CEO’s who manufacture and distribute life saving products only if they can secure JUMBO profits.
Great post thanks for it.
I heard a report from the BBC this morning. It involved some researcher from the USA, who it was happily announced worked ‘with’ Gilead. She aggressively denounced the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, one of which she claimed, was involved in a medical trial that killed 48 participants. I can find no other mention of this hideous death-toll by Googling. Then she went on to sing the praises of remdesivir, a drug, no doubt HUGELY expensive, made by the very same Gilead. Coincidentally, the next news bulletin reported a surge on Wailing Wall Street caused, in part, by Gilead’s announcement of a wonder, anti-CoVid 19 medication, remdesivir. Talk about ‘spooky synchronicity’.
Charlotte Russe: Excellent! The elderly have been traumatized and euthanized by pharmaceutical ghouls for decades – as CEO’s float into retirement on golden parachutes.
I agree that persons collecting paychecks within mainstream media should be first candidates for vaccinations… Maybe they’d quit lying, or preferably, just shut up…
Thanks, most people don’t realize hospitals and nursing homes are petri dishes for the most virulent bacteria. Frequently, it’s the infection from a minor surgical procedure that kills thousands of patients. Pneumonia, is also a common cause of death among the elderly in nursing homes.
The exercise is showing complete compliance in Europe and only limited protests in the USA, we are releasing information into the media that it is a hoax yet no protests are appearing. We will press ahead to the next stage of App surveillance unless challenged. Operations in china and India are cancelled due to political protests.
“The exercise is showing complete compliance in Europe and only limited protests in the USA, ”
I think that as economic pain starts to bite, that that is likely to change.
In the USA it seems so far to be the Michigan Militia, with a few people bringing guns along. However you are likely to get more disobedience and even protests the longer lockdown goes on, which is why I suspect lockdowns will end soon.
Regarding the UK gov press conference today, one question that was not asked.
Will there be any country left to save by the time you come up with a vaccine for what is, for the vast majority of the population, a mild case of flu ?
Many of those pinning their hopes on a vaccine have no inkling of what an undertaking that is.
Lots of resources have been thrown at producing a vaccine against the common cold – also a corona virus – over the last few decades, with no success.
Given the amount of lying going on from our governments, are we sure it matters to them if it works or not.
The only way the UK can exit the house arrest is with a vaccine. so one and a half years imprisonment. Our mistake was staying at home.
That simply is not true.
I think you need to be a bit more grown up and realise that the evidence is piling up against Billy Gates and his vaccine mantra.
Any specific ways it will be pretty clear to the public?
Sorry my bad, I was quoting government in the UK.
Yeah, the evidence is piling up but who(no pun intended) is listening? I will say that this is doing more to turn people on to the anti-vac/pro science movement than would have happened organically.
Yes, but I think unfortunately you could present Joe Public with the most compelling and irrefutable evidence showing the reality of the situation, but they will still think the lockdown is required and they need to avoid each other like the plague.
It’s collective insanity on par with religion.
My neighbour is a genuinely intelligent guy, but he has bought into the propaganda. No matter what arguments and evidence I present to him, I can see in his face that he just doesn’t want to believe it – won’t even consider the other side of the coin.
I’m sure most people are like him, apart from being intelligent.
I think being really good at taking orders doesn’t equate to the real intelligence needed to decipher what’s going on..
Intelligent or an educated fool?
I assumed jack(jim) was being ironic.
is this comment being misconstrued ?….Is it not – the people (as usual) empowering the “Guv’nors”….to a point where they wont return freedoms unless needled….as said – a mistake.
not too late to correct the gaffe.
Jack(Jim) – Strange thing is, virus’s, as some of the scientists have said, have no immunity therefore a vaccine is worthless. You don’t get a vaccine to prevent the common cold and that is a Covid Virus – yes, you can get a flu jab but, apparently, some people with the vaccine still get the flu! Our Government has backed itself into a corner with this and have no idea how to get out of it. Mostly, they are talking BS and making it up as they go along. Since the Cabinet are nothing more than a bunch of power mad pathological liars we can’t believe a word they say. The narrative keeps changing on a daily basis. There is something far more sinister going on which I am sure is designed to help the incredibly rich and to deprive us of our civil liberties and rights and, so far, we haven’t been out on the streets in rebellion, passively accepting this. There are going to be millions more people on Universal Credit which is a system that is not geared to help people rather geared to not paying anything if it can be helped. People who have worked all their lives, like me, won’t take that lying down for too long of that I am sure.
The easy way out is to do a phased relaxing of laws to “boost herd immunity”. Allow 2 people in cars. Send kids to school first, then allow sports like Tennis, then etc etc.
Then just allow people to violate the laws and then just one way quietly say the lockdown worked and thanks everyone for being so good we’ve beaten it!
Anyway, I’m just demonstrating that there is a way for them to get out of it whilst saving face. If we are too hard on them they will double down and get their revenge on us by going nuts with this.
That’s assuming your govt is not EVIL and hell bent on killing everyone with dodgy vaccines and/or giving us the mark of the beast.