On Labour, and the nature of “reports” & “leaks”
Kit Knightly
An internal Labour Party report on internal attitudes to Corbyn’s leadership and the “antisemitism” crisis on the left has just been “leaked”. It’s not that easy to come by, so we’re hosting a copy here.
When the press reports on a “leak”, the word is carefully chosen.
“This is secret”, they’re telling us. “You’re not supposed to know this”. They go out of their way to make it seem that Joe Public is getting a taboo peek behind the curtain.
Most of the time that’s not the case. In fact, most government “leaks” fall broadly into the category of “fallback narrative”. “Secrets” that really serve to reinforce the loudly broadcast mainstream story.
Look at the Afghanistan Papers, a perfect example. Widely touted as some kind of “big reveal”, and in reality nothing but a combination of flattering half-truths and outright lies that reinforce the idea the US went into Afghanistan for purely humanitarian reasons.
Similar examples are bubbling away beneath the Covid19 narrative, where anonymous NHS “leakers” reveal that doctors are mislabelling Covid deaths to keep the numbers artificially low. This is, again, the complete opposite of the truth. NHS guidance on death certifications means the official Covid19 death figures are likely to be “substantial overestimates”.
Internal reports – whether “leaked unofficially”, or formally published – tend to be similar. Hundreds of pages, confirming a simple truth everyone already knows, to promote the idea of accountability and transparency. Reams of bloat burying the lead.
That’s where you get stuff like the Chilcot Report. An investigation which took seven years to figure out that Saddam Hussein actually didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. A “revelation” known to literally millions of people at the time.
Nevertheless, the report (finally), half-heartedly, admitted a partial truth, and that was apparently a sign that the state is somehow “accountable”. Nobody involved in spreading the WMD lie was punished. The number of Iraqi dead outnumber the people convicted of their murder, not by a million to one, but a million to zero.
Which brings us to this leaked Labour report, which combines the narrative reinforcement of a “leak”, with the hidden half-admission of a post mortem “report”.
Despite people proclaiming it’s damaging, it goes out of its way to declare “the antisemitism crisis is real”. Which is not true. That’s narrative management.
What about the admissions? What does it actually tell us?
Nothing we don’t already know, although it is perhaps refreshing to see it finally admitted:
[Labour HQ] openly worked against the aims and objectives of the leadership of the Party, and in the 2017 general election some key staff even appeared to work against the Party’s core objective of winning elections.
Members of the PLP, and party bureaucrats, didn’t ever want Corbyn in charge of Labour, and went out of their way to undermine him and sabotage the party. They were relieved when he narrowly lost the 2017 General Election and manipulated events to humiliate him as much as possible.
Of course, anyone with one working eye and half a working brain knew all of that already. We’re not being told anything secret. This is an exercise in faux accountability. The details provide gossip and soundbites, but nothing more.
The Labour establishment is just finally copping to something that’s been obvious for years. Now we can have a few token sacrifices and then “heal and move on”, safe in the knowledge that the checks and balances work and everything sorts itself out in the end.
Nobody will change their mind over this.
The media, and centrists throughout the country, will tell themselves it was the right thing to do to prevent a dangerously unelectable man from accidentally winning an election. A whole bunch of liars will reluctantly tell an obvious truth, and consider themselves somehow purified.
Corbyn’s supporters will be outraged, but they were already outraged.
More than that, there is the death of hope. This is a kick to the collective crotch of all those 100,000s of people who joined Labour just because of Corbyn. The party are telling us they don’t want us, they don’t need us, and if we ever come close to real change…the machinery will click into gear, the wheels will turn and the movement will be extinguished.
They will break our leaders and cast us out.
Through a bastardised version of Ghandi’s non-violent resistance, the bureaucracy will simply render any change impossible through mass inaction. The civil servants and Blairites and careerists will just reject the “entryists” like an immune response. Movements smothered in their cradles. Revolutionaries garotted with red tape.
And, in the end, there’s no point in having that power if people don’t know you’ve got it. Examples have to be made, and have to be seen to be made.
Pagan chieftains put heads on spikes. Modern tyrants release reports. They demonstrate their power to destroy rebels, and while we don’t cower in fear, we do retreat into feeling defeated.
Maybe that’s all this is about. Engendering some more apathy. Making the small army of genuine leftists who dared to dream realise they have no chance, no power, and no say.
Everything is back to normal.
Corbyn is gone. Real Leftism is dead. And the only thing distinguishing the leader of the Labour party from the Tory front bench is the colour of his tie and the fact he has a knighthood.
The world is as it should be.
….of course, none of that matters anymore because now the government has the power to cancel all the elections anyway. And her Majesty’s loyal opposition think that’s just dandy.
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I was interested to read in the Canary that Trevor Edwin Chinn and Lisa Nandy were appointed on the same day as directors of Labour Together and that Chinn is a member of the executive committee of the British Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) which, according to Electronic Intifada, is a “British pro-Israel lobby group”.I was also interested to read in the Canary that Trevor Chinn dontaed £ 50 k to Starmer’s election campaign. Does anybody know if Tom Watson will be made a peer? ( Corbyn nominated him and he had in the past nominated Iain McNichol and Shama Chakrabarti. I am not aware of either of the latter having done anything which has greatly served our democracy in recent years. The same goes for T.Watson I was pleased to read in the Telegraph that BoJo has recommended to the Lords vetting committee that they consider carefully whether or not T.Watson should be made a Lord. ( As I understand it , BoJo was questioning the nomination)
I know this is nothing to do with anything but how do I change what appears to be some sort of vegetable by my contributions to one of my own preference.
click it – maybe it opens your profile – look for the option to change or upload an avatar picture. I will try this on my own after posting this and see it anything else needs saying.
Oh well – it was a good idea. But doesn’t work 😉
Welcome to the Flu World Order.
And the Brave Flu World.
Starmer’s leadership campaign was funded by Israel to the tune of £50,000.
Politicians are just like whores, only more expensive.
Still, the good little Shabbos did show his gratitude, getting down on his knees and servicing his Zionist paymasters in the approved fashion.
More information is coming out about how Labour HQ did everything imaginable to sabotage Jezza’s campaign in 2017.
It is quite likely Jezza would have won but for the backstabbing of the Blairite Friends of Israel.
One of the unfotunate things about monomania based on premature judgements arising from uncontrollable kneejerking rattling the brain is a consequently invoked distaste for even just paying attention to potential reason from formerly unrattled sources. It leads to disproportionate growth of the virtual keyboard’s Ctrl-Skip button with a concominant shrinking of the Read-More button. Must be some kind of computer virus.
You are constantly posting incomprehensible gibberish laced with allusive snide you think is witty or biting. It isn’t. You come over as an abusive drunk or middle stage dementia patient. You have the unfocused bile and unsteady prose style common to both. Please shut up. You have nothing of interest to contribute.
Thankyou for your consultation. I shall shut up (1) when I feel like it or (2) when the Off-Guardian admins decide to censor my BTLs, whichever comes first. Meantime, please prepare your invoice. No need to post it: you can shove it right up where Lady Chatterly’s lover was wont to be. Transit times should be quicker (depending on the tone of your retention muscle and your enjoyment of the sensation), COVID-19 exposure will be greatly reduced for everyone from postal personnel onwards and the end result will be identical.
As it happens I, like you, can think of a few posters here whom I think should shut up too. While I might from time to time engage them, even rudely, you will almost* never see a post from me that tells them to shut up. Unlike many of the fascistic, infantile, self-entitled little shits that feel free to censor anything that pokes their sad little religions in their greedy big eyes, I value the Off-Guardian’s very rare policy of “free speech”. Thank you for your cooperation..
* I recall I once told Petra Liverani to “fuck off”. When I later came across it by accident, I regretted not making it clearer that I was making a post-specific retort, not issuing a general request. Over and out.
The fate of Corbyn – who had a huge amount of electoral support – goes to verify one thing that everyone already knew: the actual opinion of the public is irrelevant. Similarly, the neoliberal project lost public support decades ago. Did it matter? Not one jot. And yet some maintain that the lockdown was forced on the government by the people? The politicians have shown over and over that they don’t give a shit about the public. Why would they start caring now?
hand sanitizer dunedin
Oops. Typed into wrong tab. Looking for some hand sanitizer for a relative who lives in Hamilton, New Zealand, but has been locked down in a motel at the other end of the country for almost a month and it looks like they’ll be stuck there for another month yet, with only a slightly relaxed gegraphic restriction (same town instead of same suburb). Doing little electronic errands is one of the modern equivalents of a consolatory hug, but she’s got to have clean hands first.
Soap and water.
Good answer, but as soon as they are released from medical detention they are going to rehire a car and continue their zig-zag route home in a farewell tour to visit her partner’s very ancient relatives who are scattered throughout the south island and she is in search of an in-car solution before crossing their thresholds.
It’s actually easy to make at home or in-motel, but the most efficient alcoholic ingredient to breach the encapsulation of the virus is ethanol, which is almost as difficult to obtain as currently sold-out-everywhere commercial sanitizer because its open sale is largely restricted there in case (or because) the locals drink it and vodka, etc., don’t attain the recommended concentration.
And: there are several sources of ‘denatured’ ethanol in New Zealand (which works as well for hand sanitizer) but all I could Google that supply less than gargantuan amounts are effectively non-operational with locked down staffing…
The endless pseudo-drama of Labour’s faux quest for power begins to look like the Myth of Sisyphus: one more push up the mountain comrades (I suppose we must cease to call our selves comrades any more), but, oh dear, the rock tumbles down to the bottom again. Never mind next time it will be different; but of course it never is. It looks to me like the LP never really wanted, wants, or is theoretically and politically equipped to take power. The party big-wigs certainly don’t want a mass party, oh dear no, that would never do. What they want are the rewards and trappings of a type of limited power. They are not called Her Majesty’s loyal opposition for nothing. They are ambitious and want to be accepted and regarded as respectable. Failure to be so will earn them the ire of the ruling elite and its sycophantic MSM. Upon induction into the party new members socialised into a suffocating bureaucratic-conservative culture which drains most of them of any radical impulses they might have once had. This is based on a barely recognised de facto class division within social-democratic parties. ”Inspired with a foolish self-satisfaction, the ex-worker now party official, is apt to take pleasure in his new environment, and he tends to become indifferent and even hostile to all progressive aspirations in the democratic sense. He accommodates himself to the existing order, weary of the struggle, becomes even reconciled to that order. What interest for them has now the dogma of social revolution? Their own social revolution has been effected.” (Political Parties – Roberto Michels). Of course this is true of all political parties and probably all organizations. But the point to bear in mind is that bourgeois political parties and organizations are, from the outset, openly elitist… Read more »
UK Labour and Australian Labor wonderfully illustrate the essential fraudulence of ‘social democracy’. Over the last forty years the rulers have taken back every social advance eked out by the peasantry over 100 years of ‘democratic’ struggle-and more. With much, much, more to come, or go if you prefer. After 1989, when the threat of communism disappeared, the process went into overdrive, driven by opportunistic scum like Blair and our proto-Blairites, Hawke and Keating.
Oh, the Labour party wants power alright. And it’s going to get it very soon now that it has a neoliberal leader. Murdoch turned on Johnson’s government the moment Starmer was elected Labour leader. Here’s my prediction: Johnson’s government will collapse under the weight of a media onslaught over their obvious and massive failures, and Starmer will be prime minister before the end of the year. He and his remainer cabinet will cancel brexit, and it will be back to business as usual for the Establishment and their Big Money.
I suppose it isn’t entirely weird that as many downvotes as upvotes appear here. After all, decent people are brought up with an instinctive horror of summary, or vigilante justice in western society. However, things change when the country’s own government steps so far out of line that it openly supports greed and corruption, and effectively makes war upon its own citizens. And we all know that during wartime the price of treason is a heavy one – frequently the ultimate price. That is why I support Rhys here. We are not seriously talking about rushing into a building to commit murder here, but to remind Murdoch and Starmer that, given the existence of a body with the authority to judge such matters, what potentially hovers over their heads unless they reverse their treasonous behaviour is no more arcane than the standard, legal sentence for treason.
Well spotted.
Which is why Murdoch’s “Most Humbling Moment” in court, in front of Lord Justice Leveson, needs to be revisited and amplified 10,000 fold . . . Leveson2:0
Robbo: Sorry, to be the household parrot, but I ask myself daily, when will the people at OffG get the big picture?
& begin attacking Murdoch’s media empire & warring connectivity ? !
Incitement to violence and war is possible to interconnect !
For personal gain …
Why do you demand actions that CANNOT and certainly will not ever happen. Murdoch is sacrosanct, one of the real masters in the neo-feudal, neo-liberal, world order. Fulminating at the Murdochs is like shouting at Qomolungma in the hope that thus it will be eroded away?
There is no right or left that is an illusion.
There is only the shadow govt with its minion career politicians( all right wing) .
The appearance of different parties is for capturing the voters minds ( ideology).
There is no real opposition, that is a pretext to stop the people from opposing govt.
A very nice nutshell. It’s about ten years since I first started mentioning that I couldn’t find anything remotely left wing in western politics. Yet the media still happily chirp on and on about “the left” as if they personally knew one of its specimens. They do not.
Firstly they are not our leaders we did not chose them.
Secondly the so called ( Crown)opposition govt is a lie to stop opposition as if the people think a party is opposing something for them they become flaccid obedient believers having no need to oppose.
The whole Crown political system is a con where there are seemingly different ” partys”( ideology) to account for all psychological desires and fears to capture voters.In truth they all dance the shadow govts (UN)dance do as they are told or scandalized and loose career. They are all career politicians.
There has never really been left as the real “left” is called by govt conspiracy theorists.
Center in govt was the new “right wing” a few years back .
Due to the move closer towards heartless greedy corporate fascism ( or the right).
Yup i’m sure they are raising a glass in celebration of their hero’s birthday across the world in final realisation of their thousand year dream.
The whole Crown political system is a con
jeremy corbyn joined it
he is a queens man of the
privy council
corbyn went to chatham house the belly of the beast and stated he would press the nuclear button
all a zio sham
Everything is most definitely not back to normal.
The world we all knew not much more than a month ago has now gone forever.
The psychopaths who rule us have overreached themselves with this latest scam.
The psychopaths will pay a very high price for this one.
I agree -and I will just add that it is “normal” that got us into this fix in the first place -and the high price that will be paid is that it will not be “business as usual” – it can never be because people are waking up to the truth that it is the “system” that is fundamentally at fault, and not the ‘triggers’ that bring about its collapse. In this New Century we have had three of these “triggers”, first of all in 2001 with the “dot.com” collapse , then in 2008 with the “sub-prime” collapse and lately with the “pandemic” collapse. In of themselves, these calamities are not the cause, they are the effect of flawed economics, social structural, and geopolitical failure that is borne of human vanity, stupidity and greed. As Jesse Ventura has said “When governments lie -the truth is a traitor”. It is the deranged and feeble-minded who comprise that greater part of the elites and ruling classes who maintain their desperate grip on powers that oppress humanity and devastate the environment calling into question any future for life of this planet . This existential threat can only be countered by dismantling a failed system which is based on the erroneous doctrine that it is a necessity for the pursuit of economics as if people mattered not one iota and thats is morally acceptable for the innocent to continue to be persecuted whilst the guilty escape with impunity. This perversion of the laws of life is the work of oversized commercial entities which malfunction by adhering to the Neo-liberal dogma that, firstly there is no alternative to their slanted, rigged and corrupt programme and that there are no limits to growth for a planet with finite resources. As bad as things may appear right… Read more »
The power elite are not nearly as strategically and tactically inept as the many sadly strategically and tactically inept wankers posting here. Because they are acutely aware that they do not yet have all their ducks in a row, they will–while maintaining as much of the “emergency” structure that COVID-19 has presented them with and they can deniably get away with–ensure that, as far as the plebs can see, things will get back to “normal” just as soon as possible, and write the whole thing off as a fortuitous learning exercise. From which they will assiduously learn while the dissident plebs continue their self-indulgent wallow in the fantasy mud. “When the going gets tough the tough get going.” And the soft-palmed wankers? Well they’ll bloat on. For the moment.
but what about the hard-palmed wankers? surely their chafed skin has been earned through abrasive experience.
The hard-palmed wankers are, for the most part, not wankers but subjected to the sharpest predatory demands of capitalism, thus comprising the most easily malleable subjects of the owners of the means of production simply to keep food on their family tables and roofs over their heads.
No they won’t. Stop deluding yourself. They will simply turn the screws that much tighter, and if we’re really unlucky, their psychopathic aggressive will end in war on China and Russia, and all your worries will end.
“Stop deluding yourself.” If that’s an answer to me, it’s your sinoworship that’s the delusion. China is not some world benefactor being screwed around by the West. Since Mao learned to spell “Stalin” it’s been just another exploitative state capitalist predator, although until Hua Guofeng →Chen Yun → Deng Xiaoping signposted the way to the uplands of Life Prez Xi Gen Sec and the BRIo of expansionist Colonization with Neobrute Characteristics that we all know and you apparently love, not all that good at it. Yes, there’s a strong possibility that that will result in a war between the US and China, for all the same old same old reasons that ugly fundamentalist capitalist, mercantilist and feudalist states have always gone to war with each other but, unless his inscrutable demeanor covers up more internal panic than he can otherwise handle, not before Prez Xi Gen Sec & CCMC is sure he is ready to move without goofing up (guarding against moving without goofing up being something that surpasseth American understanding). Screw tightening–a priority of the shadow government that owns all of our governments and is even a collusionary fellow traveller with the always-apart Chinese, who have far surpassed it in the art of civil repression, Confucius being what he was–will indeed be pursued but with the same precautionary attitude that informs bellicose strategies in China, precaution being something that can be considered only in the shadows of a ‘civiliation’ as decadently Dionysian as ours. Regarding Russia, nobody in their right mind marches on Moscow in winter, if at all, and Russia, in this winter of the unbroken Cold War, with Putin’s tenure-long objective to restore the morale and confidence of his home masses in a renewal of its former financial power, especially now with oil at literally giveaway prices,… Read more »
It is so funny how this ‘London real’ group has suddenly appeared, with guests like the CIA’s Alex Jones and the Mi5’s guy David Icke to become the controlled opposition to the Virus narrative. The algorithms are pushing them to the top of every list, yet they claim they are being censored. If they were being censored we would have never heard of them. Like the poor old ‘Artist taxi driver’ who is totally crushed by you tube.
Then these nut jobs claim they are freedom fighters for getting a video removed by their fellow agents in Google. When it was clearly a stunt to get them coverage and credibility amongst the low IQ’s. Pathetic amateur operation.
london real
Funnily enough it was
who ordered
take down my short #clip of
saying Covid19 ‘doesn’t exist’. Despite declaring the interview was ‘copyright free’.
They are criticising YouTube for censoring them, but censoring criticism of themselves. #hypocrites
London Real are psychedelic, martial arts conspiracists very much in the mould of Joe Rogan. They’ve been around for a long time.
Have they fuck.
London Real started as a podcast in 2011 as an antidote to the numbing effects of mainstream media, by offering an alternative perspective on the hottest topics of the day via in-depth interviews with a diverse range of inspiring guests.
‘If it happens, it was meant to happen’.
I’m not buying this story that Brexit was all Cameron’s fault, which is being pushed by all major news media now. It is too much of a coincidence that the US engages in a massive trade war with the rest of the world and with the EU in particular, a year or so after the UK initiates Brexit, effectively helping the USA’s efforts against Europe, and their long term aim of breaking up the EU. We are the most obedient of the USA’s poodles and it looks to me like Cameron was just following US orders. I believe History will show that Brexit was just a small part of a greater US project, not some personal choice by some useless PM which is the story being spun today.
And there you go again with your lie. The Trump administration is anti-EU. The US Establishment is pro-EU. You might have noticed that Trump and the US Establishment don’t get along very well.
Why don’t you tell me why I’m wrong like a grown up ? silence……………
I see you don’t understand geopolitics and believe every word American politicians tell you, which means I can’t help you.
Why don’t you provide a shred of evidence that the US Establishment helped brexit in 2016? A few non-government lobbyists isn’t evidence. Why don’t you provide some proof of your claim that that David Icke is MI5? Why don’t you provide some evidence that Alex Jones is CIA? You throw your bizarre and baseless claims around like confetti at a wedding, in post after post after post, all day long. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are here to do nothing more than disrupt by taking the discussions down the rabbit hole relentlessly.
It is well known that the Cambridge Analytica mob, financed no doubt by the likes of the Mercers, lent their expertise to the Brexit campaign. That plus the innate stupidity of the mob, and the regular MSM brainwashing, and bingo!, you get a debacle. Yet another debacle. ‘Things fall apart..’, ever more rapidly and broadly. I advise learning how to sleep under a hedge-row and subsist on wild foods.
Duck and cover?
One can only speak of someone’s “fault” when the result is universally held to be undesirable.
Cameron was clearly taken aback by the Brexit result, and was incompetent enough to be exactly the sort of person who would be taken aback by something which a strong element in British society supported.
In this case, we can be thankful for Cameron’s incompetence, not that the May/Boris incompetence which followed it gives us much cause for rejoicing. Brexit can, of course, only be a good thing if the government of the day has the wit to implement it wisely.
But wisdom left Washminster a long time ago.
So one day, it all comes true that Covid19 is nothing more than seasonal flu. There are just too many people who were not bought into this game and once the fears wear of of the intellectuals and the scientists, and experts find out that there is nothing more to study than Covid19 and that they therefore can close their labs and universities, as they don’t study Covid19, and therefore have the ‘wonderful job’ to first fire all their employees and then turn of the light when they leave the building (fire themselves), unless they proof that the whole thing is a scam (which is not that hard to proof once scientists start to collect valid data, which they will), is the reason that one day it all comes true that Covid19 is nothing more than seasonal flu. So when that day comes, the next question is: who gets the blame of imploding the economy that caused death and destruction among the planet for an unfounded panic? I guess that will be like the peeling of an onion or moving along Dante’s 9 circles of hell. And this peeling may not happen at all (as we are kindly but firmly moved into another distraction), but this is not ruled out. What circles would we pass if the population would start to peel? (I hope I didn’t miss anyone in the following assessment) First circle Limbo: Where you can find those who never knew anything: the genuinely scared experts who were saying stupid things in newspapers like locking down the country when all this began. Second circle Lust: where you can find those who were hungry for attention in the media and therefore said everything that sounded correct according to the (then) conventional wisdom like that countries needed to be locked… Read more »
Matthew 23:33
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:15-20
Stumbled on this earlier, claiming flu vaccines may actually make corona virus more dangerous.
RT has an article about recent study claiming CV19 is less dangerous than flu.
Sadly the links to official source of the RT quoted study have already been taken down, so hurry to the first link before it disappears. I offer it only as a unbiased observer & make no claims for its validity.
* COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California *
It’s all about “the controlled disintegration of the economy” (sic Paul Volker anno 1970s!!)
See https://theduran.com/from-cop-21-to-covid-19-the-collapse-of-predictive-models-and-the-return-to-actual-thinking/
posted by Bob in the previous article
Yes they did it in the ” Great depression” which was only great for the oligarchy and their minions.
The problems with this is the false data used in the ” actual models”.
The data they use ( positive and deaths from)does not represent facts. The testing are flawed and incomplete .The science is not there.
The predictive models are pure fiction.
Volcker! Remember that Varoufakis talks about him in his books and the Warwick lecture. He basically had to ‘solve’ the issue in the 1970s that the US was not a surplus country anymore but a deficit country, living in a decadence that they could no longer afford, yet still wanted to Volcker’s plan: I quote Varoufakis ‘In 1978 Paul Volcker […] addressed an audience of students and staff at Warwick University. Not long after that speech, President Carter appointed him to the Chair of the Fed. One wonders if his audience grasped the significance of his words: “It is tempting to look at the market as an impartial arbiter… But balancing the requirements of a stable international system against the desirability of retaining freedom of action for national policy, a number of countries, including the US, opted for the latter …” And as if this were not sufficiently loud and clear, Volcker added the following: “[A] controlled disintegration in the world economy is a legitimate objective for the 1980s.” (the emphasis is mine) It was the Global Plan‘s best epitaph and the clearest exposition of the second post-war phase that was dawning. Volcker’s speech was a blunt proclamation of the future that US authorities envisaged: Unable to maintain reasonably well balanced international financial and trade flows any longer, America was planning for a world of rapidly accelerating asymmetrical financial and trade flows. The aim? To afford America the exorbitant privilege of running up boundless deficits and, thus, to entrench further US hegemony (not despite, but) courtesy of its deficit position. And how would such a feat be accomplished? The answer Volcker gave, with his usual bluntness, was: By choosing to fling the world economy into a chaotic, yet strangely controlled, flux; into the labyrinth of the Global Minotaur. In the… Read more »
When you have a monopoly and can create money from nothing( debt) then you control the world economy ( and govts).
Its already been done.
The banking cabal will be fine its just the people that will suffer another depression and totalitarian global govt.
Its the people’s economy they destroyed not their own.Which is a ponzi scheme( fraud).
That is it. Whether CoVid19 is a convenient excuse for the Great Dismantling, or an engineered weapon to provoke it, is the question that does not really matter. The psychopaths of the Atlanticist Empire have no ambition but rape, pillage and murder. The extent of their genocidal ambitions is virtually limitless, like their greed.
There are calls for an inquiry already, but that is just a way of hiding the facts. For decades it will be called a conspiracy theory and people encouraged to shun those who propagate it because the state will still be using the surveillance they developed off the back of the virus.
And if you do propagate these lie then they will quarantine you and all the people you told because you will have signed up to the Covid app, to be able to buy your food and go to your gym. They will have all the exits covered, I’m afraid.
Great post Willem. I kinda like the ‘seven sins + a couple extra’ take. I think Gates will have some success with his program. He will almost certainly have planted the seed by the time the fog of this coronavirus hysteria has cleared.
What if Covid is ‘like a flu’ as say a Dyson is the same as a Henry? They’re both vacuum cleaners if you follow?
But one sucks a lot more!
Note that the headlines are all about the 2017 election too. Not the 2019 one, where the treachery went much further , with Labour MPs completely failing to defend their leader against the vilest personal attacks, and in which recently departed Labour MPs more or less told people to vote Tory. And where Shadow Cabinet members, including Starmer, failed to campaign for Labour on a national level at all.
That’s before you get to the wider issues of a rush to hold the 2019 election that looks even more suspicious given unfolding events; media bias worthy of a dictatorship that Labour failed to challenge (sign of things to come); and strangely ‘convenient’ results in the Labour ‘Leave’ marginals (but not the ‘Remain’ Tory ones).
So this ‘leak’ is merely misdirection. They don’t want anyone suggesting that Corbyn would have handled the coronavirus debacle much better than Johnson (who is being hidden away as usual when things get sticky).
Yes, it is very weird that Johnson is hidden away. I wonder what is really happening there. What are they doing now that might leak out in the future, that he might need distance from ?
We’ll know just as soon as he takes on US citizenship, writes books and goes on very lucrative lecture-tours. These monsters, like Blair and the rest, have nothing in common with actual people.
I don’t know how trustworthy Canary is, but I assume all this is verifiable:
And the unsurprising (lack of) response by the BBC:
I’m never sure about the Canary. On the coronavirus, they have always been pushing the facile line that ‘lives are worth more than the economy’, which basically serves the government.
The real left in the USA have been told to shut up on economic issues and will only be allowed to address race and sexism. The Empire will not tolerate challenges any more from the left when the people are so hungry for change. That is why Bernie sanders was forced out before he became too popular. This is happening in the UK too, the Labour leadership look terrified all the time.
“Follow the money” does not apply in politics. Nobody does anything for profit, out of venality or seeking rent from a trapped underclass. No… all politics is hierarchy… but not hierarchy for profit… no, no, no. Hierarchy just for, um, racism.
All politics is the patriarchy but not because it’s profitable or it cements their wealth… No, no, no, it’s just because they don’t like women. That’s the sum total of politics.
The US ‘left’ are not allowed or do not want to cover real economic issues. there is nothing wrong with defending, black, gay or women’s rights but it needs to be supported by a fight for economic justice, and challenges to the inequality and the Corporate status quo.
“defending, black, gay or women’s rights” is just talk, precisely because the left ignores the real economy.
Sorry, Jack, but there IS no left any more, and there has BEEN no left in western politics for a very long time. Unless disagreeing with Washington qualifies as “left”, of course…
The real left in the USA have been told to shut up on economic issues and will only be allowed to address race and sexism.
then they’re not a real left, are they?
but fear not, transgender toilets are still a legitimate subject for passionate debate.
Here in America we now have the absurdist spectacle of a MSM that is pushing the corona-hysteria 24/7 nonstop, while collectively pretending that an obviously demented neoliberal war-monger accused rapist is not only a viable candidate, but is in fact the “people’s choice” to square off against the orange haired gonad-grabbing malignant narcissist in the White House. And they do this while somehow managing to keep a straight face. Amazing.
(“Pagan chieftains put heads on spikes. Modern tyrants release reports. “) – I love it.
– I doubt that I’m alone in feeling more and more inclined to openly – “embrace my inner pagan” – at this juncture.
Trump is farther Christmas for the media, the democrats, the military and the Corporate sector, what is there not to like. 6 trillion dollars and more to come. Everyone is happy with the way things are.
I do indeed hear you. Nevertheless, I’d keep a careful 6 feet distance from your inner Pagan, for the time being!
Some of us have been going through the contents of this document for nearly a week aalready. What is clear is the motivation behind it is purely defensive. To refute the attacks by the extreme centre of what passes for UK politics both inside and outside of the Labour Party. The implication that this report somehow represents something new in terms of the acceptance by the official left in the Labour Party of the existence of an anti-Semitism problem in the Party is undermined by the simple cross referencing of some of the material in Section 5 of the Report. Which is entirely devoted to demonstrating the seriousness of the LOTO on the issue. This section references a number of occassions quoting actual communications from Corbyn to the entire membership, including videos, on the subject, which any member will verify was the case. Certainly some of the cases detailed in earlier sections demonstrated the existence of an issue amongst a small minority of members. As those sections also detailed how certain staff members operated a selective approach by essentially giving a free pass to blatant cases whilst chasing others with no substance for obvious sectarian reasons. However, the document is useful in a least one, if not other, regards. It demonstrates clearly how consumed the Party was and is over the issue to the exclusion of almost anything else. Early on the Report notes the lack of sufficient personnel in the appropriate Units to deal with the general, never mind specific, number of complaint cases arising from a massive increase in membership. Despite an increase in staff levels over time, following Jennie Formby’s appointment in April 2018, and the gradual replacement of staff clearly not fit for purpose by early 2019, the number of anti-Semitism cases processed, which are detailed… Read more »
Early on in the Evil and filthy campaign of false accusations of ‘antisemitism’, one UK Jewish elite grandee, Sacks if I recall correctly, declared that one of the signs of Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’ was his ‘ Leftwing policies’. There, in a nugget, unrepeated, but a real slip of the unforked (for once) tongue, is the truth of it. As Milton Friedman declared, ‘(Neo-liberal) capitalism is good for the Jews’. Not all Jews, of course-they’re just the ‘human shields’. No, it is good for the Jewish elites, the richest little claque, by very far, in all the world, and, thus, the most powerful.
eye wonder if queer tory keir
was prime minister
i wonder if it would
the raf out
for slaughter.
bug spray the clappers out
raid spray the goy
a rite royal gates rockerfella shower
i bet he would
goy the roundup is done
are you ready
Spain “Authorizes” Military Planes To Spray Disinfectants Over Cities
“Revolutionaries garrotted with red tape !” Great line, the sardonic irony is exquisite. Take heart Corbyn if elected at the head of this group of self serving , so called labour party, idiots would have been every bit as authoritarian as BoJo and friends are and will increasingly become. As in the US democracy based in equality has collapsed in Britain since the the twins Thatcher/Blair and their ilk gained power.
Starmer a millionaire socialist. As they say in Scotland, “Aye right”.
Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission.Say`s it all.
I saw Ken Livingston, is backing Starmer now!
Yes, Ken Livingstone hilariously disagreed with almost every single point George Galloway made in an RT interview. Including his venomous hatred of Starmer.
he wants back in, perhaps
Perhaps Ken is entering his ga-ga years, and is merely looking for a comfortable chair in which to sit and drink his tea.
One is not forever 30 years old, after all …
I’ll miss him.
I actually think it must be dementia.
It is very revealing that the Leader of the Opposition supports the cancellation of elections. It is even more revealing that he supports the abolition of the right to assembly; that he supports the abrogation of the right to freedom of movement within the country (whilst supporting the right to freedom of movement internationally); that he supports violations of the right to freedom of expression; that he supports the indefinite suspension of juries; that he supports the Coronavirus Act 2020, which gave the government the power to do anything, forever (Part 2 Section 90); that he supports the indefinite suspension of parliament; that he supports ending the right to protest.
The political elite have instituted fascism. And the only dissent comes from isolated, unorganised voices.
Yes-with ‘restrictions’ on gatherings made permanent, no more Extinction Rebellion for a start. They might need to really rebel, instead of having happy-clappy carnivals.
Stooge Starmer – worthless as Leader of the Opposition – Corbyn had vision, insight and a keen eye on justice and doing right. Starmer, determined, as he said in his victory speech, not to mount an opposition or do political point scoring – well Corbyn did neither, Stoogie is just quoting the MSM, which shows just who he is – an MSM stooge no more no less. I am a big Corbyn fan and my admiration grows more and more when I read things like this. Despite the vicious, malicious, vitriolic and unprecedented in UK Parliamentary History campaign against him by the MSM, the Board of Deputies, the Security Services and his own Party, he went out there, stuck to task and focus, and fought the election out there, engaging millions of the public at his rallies. He did so with enthusiasm, energy and a genuine belief in a brilliant Mainfesto that would have transformed this country in a social democracy along the lines of other European countries and improved the lives of the poor and the most vulnerable bringing in proper standards of Benefits, Housing and services. Stooge? Doesn’t believe in any of it. The first thing he did was send a letter to the President of the BoD grovelling and apologising for an anti-semitism crisis that was purely fabricated by the BoD. Just look at his Shadow Cabinet. Lisa Nandy as Foreign Secretary? She has serious vested interests in I*****i organisations. Her campaign funding was from known virulent anti Corbyn establishments and in her campaign she was vocally anti-Corbyn. Rachel Reeves who famously said that Labour should be tougher on Benefits than the Tories. John Healy in Defence, a fan boy for the invasion of Iraq. I could go on. With Corbyn the Labour Party had the most… Read more »
The Green Industrial Revolution to reboot capitalism stupid.Did you listen to the comments of the elite at the Davos meeting.Here is one for you.“Bilderberger Zanny Minton Beddoes editor-in chief of The Economist who attended the 2019 Davos meeting alongside with Greta Thunberg said he only people that matter on the planet are those here at Davos.” Ref.interview BBC World Service.
If Greta said that, it’s simply an acknowledgement of reality under neo-liberal capitalism, where ONLY the top 0.001% or so matter, and the bottom 99% are ‘surplus to requirements’.
Vile, vile, vile ‘antisemitism’. I’m shocked! Have you forgotten your place?
Richard don’t be so shocked!!!😷😷
corbyn was either weak or just another bad actor agent.
then again maybe he just did not want to be john smithed or robin cooked.
pawns in the game is an old book but still important clearly a book that anthony c sutton read and eutace mullins. another is even older the empire of the city of london
the guy above it that the taxi cab guy john worbuys
what a weird world A
the world as it seems is full of demonick actors and players freaks all.
the question is if these money lenders usary merchants where true super natural would they need to steal via taxation and debt
It was strange how he was raised from total obscurity to be leader, as one of very few anti EU members in the Labour party during Brexit, then promptly booted out after Brexit was passed. He was used as a useful idiot or was MI5 infiltrator of the left.
I thought he was an MI5 stooge from the start. He completely ignored accusations of child abuse in his constituency. That’s an MI5 thing. Assume he was blackmailed.
‘During the 2015 leadership campaign, he wrote an open letter to Jeremy Corbyn saying that it would be “inappropriate” for him to become Labour leader due to allegations that he had failed to act over allegations of child abuse in his constituency.
And kept about Hodge’s murky 80s past….
Kept stoom*
Corbyn was/is just another privileged middle class liberal, the only thing that’s surprising is he didn’t fit in the labour party better.
The Zionism battle was yester-centuries cause, the left have a new cause now “identity-politics” with which to divide us with, meanwhile people slowly starve, locked in someone elses home, under house arrest by the advice of un-elected technocrats..
Nothing much has changed, labour ignoring the needs of its core vote to advance the interests of faux-working class liberals…
“Have yachts, against the have nots”… George Galloway
Objective- couldn’t agree more.
Be careful with suggesting Robin Cook was some sort of good guy, remember in 1999, was a cheerleader fan groupie of Albright’s bombing of Milosevic’s Yugoslavia (which at the same time NATO was arming Ankara’s massacres.
i did not say robin cooked was a good guy
he was snuffed out for talking of the data base and tim osman osama bin cia donmeh bin blah blah
Sir Keir is the black knight so wished upon Corbyn.
He is busy chopping off the limbs of the party so it can never rise again as it did.
imagine sir keir’s mossad file.
printed,written,kodak negative surveillance film
jpeg,mpeg4 video, red raw code data
live streams and screams
yes sir a mighty israel tool indeed
oded yinon never sleeps
Signs of unrest:
London protest – we’ve had enough
It was only a matter of time.
Why the 4th of May, why not the 1st of May, that is suspicious. it looks like an even to to distract from the 1st of May.
Social-distancing enforcement in the Hood (DC):
This might be good to happen in every city, town and village in the land, better than only in the deserted capital epicentre. The date?. There are plenty other, equally propituous dates. No holds barred, let’s say. Samizdat!
Some of us have been going through the contents of this document for nearly a week already. What is clear is the motivation behind it is purely defensive. To refute the attacks by the extreme centre of what passes for UK politics both inside and outside of the Labour Party. The implication that this report somehow represents something new in terms of the acceptance by the official left in the Labour Party of the existence of an anti-Semitism problem in the Party is undermined by the simple cross referencing of some of the material in Section 5 of the Report. Which is entirely devoted to demonstrating the seriousness of the LOTO on the issue. This section references a number of occassions quoting actual communications from Corbyn to the entire membership, including videos, on the subject, which any member will verify was the case. Certainly some of the cases detailed in earlier sections demonstrated the existence of an issue amongst a small minority of members. As those sections also detailed how certain staff members operated a selective approach by essentially giving a free pass to blatant cases whilst chasing others with no substance for obvious sectarian reasons. However, the document is useful in a least one, if not other, regards. It demonstrates clearly how consumed the Party was and is over the issue to the exclusion of almost anything else. Early on the Report notes the lack of sufficient personnel in the appropriate Units to deal with the general, never mind specific, number of complaint cases arising from a massive increase in membership. Despite an increase in staff levels over time, following Jennie Formby’s appointment in April 2018, and the gradual replacement of staff clearly not fit for purpose by early 2019, the number of anti-Semitism cases processed, which are detailed… Read more »
Very difficult to understand, but entirely true.
As I’ve said before, this chap is definitely an acquired taste, but has some interesting things to say about Momentum, and much else regarding the leaked material:
(“Red Star Radio “
Democracy has become a quaint histrionic performance to be now written off. Westminster with its newly restored clock will open as a museum. And the Labour party will rename itself as the party of the terminally ill and undertakers confederation.
The Labour Party is dead, buried ..cremated.
Not worth a scintilla of serious thought.
What the party did in the last election was the final straw that broke my belief in the existence of democracy.
Such a fool I was to have kept the faith so long ……..
Can we stick to the main subject and not go off on tangents?
So I do not expect anyone in the Labour Party let alone members of the PLP to be disciplined over this. There may be an enquiry which will be long and pointless.
So the next thing is do people stay in the Labour Party and battle on or do they drift away or are there mass resignations?
If people decide to leave the party do they give up on democratic socialism and watch the TV or do they form or join a new political party?
Historically meetings to form new political movements are taken over by redundant political parties with zero electoral appeal to the working person so doomed from the start. They would also have to accept the hard truth, as another poster has intimated that certain words would frighten people from joining or be used by the media.
There are numerous registered political parties in the UK , hundreds in fact to choose from so it might be better to join one of these (in good faith rather than subvert its aims) rather like an off the shelf company. The advantages to this are we would meet the requirements of what I think is the Electoral Commission Registrations Officer. But the disaffected would all have to join the same party en masse.
The other option as I see it is to build up a political party / organisation from the ground up in areas of the UK (or maybe just England) In modern times with technology and crowd funding this would not be impossible.
In conclusion can anyone tell me who is behind ‘counterfire’ ? Are they democratic socialists or revolutionary socialists? Are they SWP rebranded?
Carrot not Stick. You have got me thinking. How was Nigel Farage suddenly able to start the Brexit Party, just like that, overnight? An enquiry was due to start about funding for the Party but Farage refused to cooperate. If he can do it, surely the Left of the Labour Party can do it or er, would the funding be illegal?
We need a completely new party that can provide a home for Chris Williamson, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Ken Livingstone, Jezza, hundreds of thousands of new supporters, and everybody smeared and purged by our Zionist Mafia masters.
Yep, then sink it somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic.
WTF do you need that bunch of crusty old Marxists, for? They’ve spent a life time failing to change anything.
With respect if you read what I wrote I did not suggest we needed a bunch of crusty old Marxists or as I said
Historically meetings to form new political movements are taken over by redundant political parties with zero electoral appeal to the working person so doomed from the start. They would also have to accept the hard truth, as another poster has intimated that certain words would frighten people from joining or be used by the media.
I think it is entirely possible to build a mainstream and entirely electable political party appealing to working people either from the ground up or by joining an existing registered political party of which as I say there are 100s.
I agree all these should be invited to join the ‘new’ party
can anyone tell me who is behind ‘counterfire’ ? Are they democratic socialists or revolutionary socialists? Are they SWP rebranded?
they’re former SWP apparatchiks, who were kicked out when it became apparent that they were too authoritarian even for that organization.
some interesting history here:
‘New Rule: Panic Porn | Real Time with Bill Maher’
Interesting view from the fake ‘left’ : Almost on target but not critical enough of the lies and hysteria.
Thanks Kit for taking the trouble to document so concisely what has happened.
As a foot note to Kit’s excellent footnote: JC collected money that was donated to the White Helmet psyop; supported jihadi child murderers via his ”good friend” – the Jo Cox Foundation (who were exposed as a philanthrocapitalist dark money humanitarian interventionist front); championed the billionaire kakistocracy’s ”climate emergency” agenda; and something called the ”green new deal” of privatising nature, banking biodiversity offsets, and financialising ecological services …to provide even more rentier income for the owners of the titles of private property ecology. Which, along with backstabbing and occasionally frontstabbing any true party anti-Zionist radicals; effectively betraying and tacitly torturing Julian; introducing the IHRA ”definitions” …making racism a fixture in British politics forever whilst betraying the Palestinians as second class citizens in their own homeland (betraying the Labour imaginaries universal ethics); etc. Lord alone knows what anti-human perfidy he would have gone on to do. But whatever he did: people would lobotomise their own cognitive and critical capacities …and blame someone else for him. Quite remarkable to observe. Lot’s of excusory someone else’s: because the anti-semitism cover story does not fit all of the above (a partial list). The anti-semites made him support jihadis? And he did support jihadis. All of which I went on record to link to contemporaneously. All of which was immediately memory holed in denial. Which taught me a lot about politics. And the fact that people do not believe epistemologically grounded facts: not when there is a good victim narrative to be had. I’m wondering: how does that political fairy tale hold up today? The so-called reality based community is seemingly a narratological fictionary one. The fact his party was against him does not explain everything. He colluded with the Zionists by persecuting actual anti-Zionists – as well documented by Greenstein and Atzmon. And yet… Read more »
Noted and remembered by some BigB.
Corbynism -what a fucking shitshower.
I’m embarrassed.
Is it me or does the Covid testing use the same methods as DNA collection ? Oops our DNA data base just grew by a few millions.
It is incredible that Israel has allied itself to the far-right. white supremacists of the alt-right and their deep state agencies. Of the USA.
Is there any political establishment or group that should be more aware of the dangers of the far-right than Israel and the jews?………… What are they thinking?
Speaking as a devout anti racist, I know that when it comes to antisemitism in the future, I’m firmly on the fence, because too many were on the fence when the campaign to attack and destroy our democracy was underway. Too many jews and jewish organisations said nothing…….Ok fine, you’re on your own in future, fight your own battles and, good luck with that.
Israel was on good terms with apartheid South Africa while it existed, for example a version of the Israeli Galil assault rifle was adopted by the South African army, and Jabotinsky, n ideological source for Likud, was an admirer of Mussolini.
Israel spent much effort with their Afrikaaner best friends working on ‘ethnically specific’ bio-weapons. And as the Zionist front, the PNAC recommended in its ‘Rebuilding America’s Defences’, report ‘…advanced forms of biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool’. Israel isracist to its core, and Zionism is for Jews as Nazism was for Germans.
Most organisations like the EDL, Robinson, and the Wilders organisation in Holland are Zionist fronts. Robinson is on a retainer of £10,000 a month Zionist money. These are just 2 of many examples. They also tried unsuccessfully to take over Nick Griffin’s BNP as an anti Moslem tool. Israel sold Apartheid South Africa atom bombs. They closely cooperate with openly Nazi Ukrainian groups. Israel is a criminal terrorist state that will work with anybody to further its agenda.
Every Little Helps ….just ask Dame Shirley
I know that when it comes to antisemitism in the future, I’m firmly on the fence, because too many were on the fence when the campaign to attack and destroy our democracy was underway. Too many jews and jewish organisations said nothing …
Ron Unz — The Nature of Anti-Semitism
Until the IHRA definition of antisemitism is amended or corrected to remove it’s protection of Israel, the political entity, and it’s terrible far-right elite, we know we will not have true freedom of speech in the UK. I noted a while back that the Guardian signed up to the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which they think gives them cover for their disgusting censorship of reasonable views held on Israel by ordinary people.
The IHRA ‘definitions’ totally destroy all International Treaties and Law guaranteeing freedom of speech and opinion. A mere trifle compared to Judaic supremacism, of course. A grab for total control over thought and speech, and none dare oppose it.
Here’s how despicable bullies and gaslighters like
are dealt with and put in their place, regardless of gender:
There is nothing new in the US taking down a socialist leader overseas, in one of its dependent states, in the name of the greater neoliberal project and to feed its hungry Corporations. The US has been doing this in Europe since the 60’s when Operation Gladio worked to destroy any left leaning parties in Europe through murder, threat and terror attacks ostensibly to create a bulwark against Soviet Communism. Venezuela or the UK, the methods are similar, they get the wealthy and powerful in the target country who are sympathetic to ‘the agenda’, to take on the socialist, with the help of the local security services and media of that country, who will be under the direction of the CIA and pull them down. As in the early 1970’s when Harold Wilson suffered from the persistent attention of MI5, and almost a military coup, Corbyn was publicly labeled a ‘threat to national security’ by Cameron during a speech given by the then Prime Minister, which I suspect, was a signal to ensure the involvement of the security services in discrediting Corbyn, and any future leader that thinks the people deserver political representation in parliament. It looks like the largest operation against Corbyn was coordinated by Israel, which mobilised their intentional antisemitism campaign, agains the Labour party. They did the same against the left in the US, Australia and I believe Canada as well, all members of 5 eyes. Many believe Israel was invited to play by Pity Patel following her visit to Israel, when she offered payment to some Israel organisations for some unknown reasons. The operation was a tremendous success despite almost no evidence at all that Corbyn was an antisemite, and he and his party were labeled antisemitic and his image trashed in a media onslaught and… Read more »
One of the things that united, in spite of their differences, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
Not to mention David (International Rescue – “Thunderbirds are Go!”) Milliband.
Oh yes, and of course, the Groaniad.
The US didn’t ask the UK to leave the EU. You keep repeating this lie, and it’s getting annoying. Establishment US, under Obomber, pressured the UK to remain. The support for leave came post-referendum, via Establishment enemy Trump.
Evidence points to the US having vary heavy involvement in Brexit, from Steve Bannon’s promotion of the far-right in the UK and the US alt-right links to Nigel Farage. Facebook and Youtubes flooding social media with racist content prior to the vote creating a hyped up xenophobic hysteria and Bannons Cambridge anlytica help the Brexit party to punch above their weight.
And of course prominent members of the ‘Atlantic Bridge group’ since disbanded by order of parliament, were key leaders of Brexit. Fox, Chris Grayling, Gove all traitors to the UK working in the USA’s interests.
And all you’ve got to say is a known liar and war criminal, Obama, telling us that he likes the EU.
Just because you don’t know anything about a subject it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, so go and away and find out and stop waisting my time.
The CIA and New Labour
The first recorded mention of the need for a “successor generation” came in 1983 when President Reagan spoke to a select group, including Rupert Murdoch, Sir James Goldsmith and senior CIA officers, in the White House. Reagan told them: “Last June, I spoke to the British Parliament, proposing that we – the democracies of the world – work together to build the infrastructure of democracy.
http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg04573.html
Friends in high places
You won’t have heard of the British-American Project, but its members include some of the most powerful men and women in the UK. Officially it exists to promote the ‘special relationship’, but it has been described as a Trojan horse for US foreign policy. Even its supporters joke that it’s funded by the CIA. Should we be worried?
‘Should we be worried?’
that horse has bolted, we should be scared now.
Bullshit. All you can come up with is a few lobbyists. The US Establishment is VERY pro EU. They helped create it. When it comes to the EU, you’re the same as all other remainers: a pathological liar.
Exactly. The only way you can really explain the behaviour of May and Johnson over Brexit, and their complete disregard of the political and economic consequences for the UK and Europe, is that they were following orders. It was the same with the Iraq War and the same now with the coronavirus. No one is allowed to stand in the way of Washington’s geopolitical projects, and the vassals are expected to lie, cheat and kill if necessary.
May sabotaged brexit. Johnson was being allowed a soft brexit (ie: he was being allowed to kick the can down the road). Despite not being a gambling man, I’m willing to bet that Starmer is prime minister before the year’s out (the Murdoch attacks on Johnson and his government started as soon as Starmer became Labour leader), and brexit is cancelled.
I think Trump is trying to avert a revolution by appearing to side with those who disagree with the lockdown. The Americans are not bribing folk with 80% of their wages and they have guns.
The first revolution only required a small proportion of the population to dissent.
In the Good cop, bad cop game, Trump is the ‘good’ cop.
The Tories had to bribe everyone to kick off the scam, don’t worry eventually it will become evident government bureaucracy & banks refused to honor many payments.
Even the unemployed no longer have to engage in jobsearches.
Yeah cos there aint no jobs. They’ve even miraculously solved homelessness apparently..But don’t worry those are the things that will return to normal first.
It’s the end of political opposition to neo-liberalism in Britain which bought maybe four out of five MPs. Now Britain is a one-party state with two right wings, one blue and one blue with a red feather in it. Hopefully George Galloway’s new party will become a mainstream opposition but I think he gave it the wrong name with the Workers Party of Great Britain. To the media that’s ammunition, as good as calling it the Trotsky Party (and to some working people too), so I think he’ll have to change it to something more inclusive to really make a challenge. Calling it the People’s Democratic Party might have been better, and he could still keep its mission statement and manifesto.
Right now, anyone who is a virus fan is a danger to me…
Anyone of any creed, colour or political belief who doubts the hoax is my friend.
I don’t trust George Galloway.
No, quite, and even more importantly, neither would, I suspect, the majority of the UK electorate.
What’s needed is a younger version of Corbyn with a bit less baggage, but just as much integrity. I can think of a couple of candidates, but I won’t curse them with my endorsement. 🙂
Mike Ellwood – Rebecca Long-Bailey and/or Richard Burgeon backed by Ian Lavery and Corbyn.
Indeed. I heard RLB speaking in East Oxford during the leadership election campaign. She came over much better (IMO) than she normally does on TV. It was in a large hall with standing room only and an enthusiastic audience.
I assume most people were members or registered supporters, and could therefore have voted, and you’d imagine they’d all be voting for her. But the CLP supported Starmer. Newer members or supporters were not allowed to vote in the CLP selection process.
The CLP has sent a letter to Jenny Formby (General Secretary), copied to members, demanding an enquiry into the revelations in the leak, but also, strangely, urging that they publish a redacted version of the report, in order to try to stem the propagation of the unredacted version. hmm….
Anyway, the way he handles this leaked report is going to be the first big test of “Sir” Stooge’s leadership. Unfortunately, he will have plenty of chance to whitewash it under the smokescreen of “Covid-19”.
BTW, I noticed that in the early-ish part of the leaked report (I’ve only got to about page 140). the Labour HQ people were dissing RLB. This was of course, years before she was ever in the running for leadership.
R.L.B… The labour party is a comical farce that never stops entertaining.
Seriously, R.L.B? FFS……stop it, please just stop it now.
An egomaniac with a committed communist as deputy leader, he signed its suicide note before it was ever conceived.
Starmer’s funding.
Jeremy Corbyn: ‘My Jewish ancestry’
Crypt Toe Creeper?
I don’t know where best to post this yet it does have relevance here because the labour party are part of the problem, not the answer. Way back in the Seventies Joel Kovel wrote: “In behavioural-directive therapies, the therapist engages in a certain activity focused on the observable source of the emotional problem. He thereby separates the problem from the patient. The problem becomes some attribute of the person, something he has rather than what he is. In psychoanalytic therapies, by contrast, the whole person is under concern” (A Complete Guide to Therapy: Joel Kovel / Penguin Books 1976) Question: – why are governments, politicians and elites interested in changing our behaviour? I haven’t seen anybody bring this up. If we look at the year 2010, when the conservatives under David Cameron shared governance with the (il)liberal democrats having won the general election. Very early on in its time the government introduced the Behavioural Insights Team and embedded it in the DWP – it now exists in the cabinet office ( the unelected hub of all deviousness). It very quickly moved against disabled people in Britain, claiming that disabled people were nothing more than lazy, benefit loving cheats. There then began an onslaught against them via the media. The social welfare that had been the mainstay (although inadequate) of previous governance of the people was torn up. Social welfare was seen (and still is) as a means for people ‘not to work’ and not be productive in the workforce. Testing was brought in along with the introduction of American Corporations to run a new system that basically denied people their rights and their income. Iain Duncan Smith became the leading light in this attack under the guidance of his Centre for Social Justice (an NGO with a totally inappropriate name).… Read more »
“…what is it about us that causes our ‘elites’ to worry…”
We have outlived our usefulness in their preferred view of the arc of history.
Richard Burgon, the shadow justice secretary, has expressed regret over a video in which he said “Zionism is the enemy of peace” in 2014, which prompted Jewish groups to call for an apology.
The senior Labour MP said this was not his view after freelance journalist Iggy Ostanin published the video, which was branded “shameful” by the Board of Deputies of British Jews
Guardian 16 April 2019. Pathetic or what?! What do these Labour MP’s have for a backbone?
Far from being anti-semitic the Paliamentary Labour Party has been infiltrated and is controlled by Israel through the Labour Friends of Israel. Any aspiring Labour MP or member of the House of Lords, must of necessity belong to this organization. As follows. Officers Labour (unless otherwise stated) Steve McCabe: Chair Sharon Hodgson Pat McFadden Rachel Reeves John Spellar Meta Ramsay, Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale Jonathan Reynolds Sitting MPs Labour (unless otherwise stated) Mike Amesbury Nick Brown Chris Bryant Liam Byrne Feryal Clark Rosie Cooper Yvette Cooper Jon Cruddas Wayne David Angela Eagle Maria Eagle Chris Elmore Chris Evans Barry Gardiner Preet Gill Mary Glindon Lilian Greenwood Nia Griffith Andrew Gwynne Fabian Hamilton Margaret Hodge George Howarth Dan Jarvis Diana Johnson Darren Jones Kevan Jones Mike Kane Liz Kendall Peter Kyle David Lammy Chris Matheson Conor McGinn Catherine McKinnell Stephen Morgan Toby Perkins Jess Phillips Bridget Phillipson Lucy Powell Virendra Sharma Barry Sheerman Jeff Smith Karin Smyth Wes Streeting Graham Stringer Gareth Thomas Emily Thornberry Karl Turner Derek Twigg Rosie Winterton Sitting Lords Labour (unless otherwise stated) Donald Anderson, Baron Anderson of Swansea Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top Jeremy Beecham, Baron Beecham Lord Blunkett Lord Boateng Lord Clarke of Hampstead Lord Collins of Highbury Baroness Crawley Lord Desai Lord Donoughue Lord Foulkes of Cumnock Baroness Gale[20] Lord Grantchester Lord Hain Lord Harrison Lord Haskel Baroness Hayter of Kentish Town Lord Hughes of Woodside Lord Hunt of Kings Heath Baroness Kennedy of Cradley Lord Kennedy of Southwark Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead Lord Levy Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke Lord Livermore John Maxton Paul Murphy, Baron Murphy of Torfaen Lord Rooker Lord Stone of Blackheath Lord Tomlinson Lord Touhig Lord Turnberg (Independent) Lord Watts Lord Winston Lord Wood of Anfield Lord Young of Norwood Green Former members David Abrahams, former Treasurer[23] Lord Archer of… Read more »
Francis, frightening indeed since quite a few of them make up Starmer’s new Shadow Cabinet. It’s time that a law was passed that no representatives of a foreign government and funded and supported by that Government should be banned from standing as an MP.
You are probably aware of this already Jo, but:
…hmm…they also had a piece about Lisa Nandy’s dubious funding, but I can’t find it now…
Like a ‘ Labour Friends of Germany’ in 1938.
Who do our politicians serve? John Titus’ series is an essential guide to the financial reset going on in the shadow of the plan-demic. But it’s a bloody eye opener when you see the Bank for International Settlements extend its jurisdiction over the U.S. and UK authorities… and the drug bank HSBC… with George Osborne quite clearly acting as the representative of international bankers.
A lot of people are rightly still angry over the anti-Semitism slurs. When Corbyn announced he’d recognise Palestine if Labour won the election he ensured his own downfall. Maybe he should of followed the alcoholics prayer: To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. On reflection, I think those commentators saying he should have kept to class issues are right. Foreign policy needed a very delicate hand. But hay ho, Momentum would have stuffed him anyway over EU membership.
Yes lets of just keep mum about zionist atrocities. I just can’t believe what I just read. Operation Cast Lead, Operation Protective Edge, Blowing up the King David hotel in 1948 nice work Irgun. Shabra and Chatila massares the bloody list is endless. All (and more) meticulously detailed in Norman Finkelstein’s book ‘Gaza’.
One particular incident – among countless others – was the case of Rachel Corrie, and American girl who had the guts to confront the IDF as it was in the process of bulldozing some Palestinian property. They simply ran over her with the bulldozer! Just another day in Gaza.
The policy of looking the other way may be politically expedient – but hey, F*** that.
“Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But, conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.”
Martin Luther King
It’s not about ‘keeping mum’. It’s recognising that before you can hope to change foreign policy you’d have to clear out Whitehall and the diplomatic service, to say nothing about a majority of the PLP, the Tories and LibDems, university academics, the press and media while leaving NATO and cutting military ties with Europe. That is the political reality in Britain. Therefore it is prudent to concentrate on class issues that affect British people directly in a mainstream political party that claims to be social-democratic. I’m not a social democrat, but that’s another story.
Proof positive to the highest degree that ‘democracy’ in neo-liberal capitalist states, with active Zionist Fifth Columns, is a very dirty joke indeed. Any fool who stays in Labour now is beneath contempt, a victim of political Stockholm Syndrome.
“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it, that no American President can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control Congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticise God, but you can’t criticise Israel.” Tzipora Menache, Government spokesperson.
America is Israel’s bitch.
So is Britain.
So is Canada.
So is Australia.
So is France.
So is Germany.
But China isn’t, hence the rage of hatred.
Jews have always been prominent in radical politics and were very influential in founding Britain’s Labour Party, groups within it like Momentum, and many other left wing organizations outside the LP – after all politics is just one aspect of life along with business and social institutions as my Jewish aunt from Manchester was fond of expounding. Also involved were many other cohorts if you want to segregate people by ethnicity and identity politics (which I don’t). But there is also something “stuck in history” about this – and that is the national nature of politics. Yes, politics must be local but it must also move on and draw on international movements. Perhaps the international Jewish lobby is successful because it has little competition. The anti-Semitism canard is a bought and paid operation financed by the current rulers of Israel. Peter Oborne and Al Jazeera have exposed it. https://www.aljazeera.com/investigations/thelobby/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lby-BP5xVRI You can’t say it’s just Zionist and has nothing to do with “ordinary Jews” because it makes Jews central to a struggle to veto, cancel, neuter and control British politics. It makes use of Jews in every corner of society – the media first and foremost. That’s what makes it toxic. Let me repeat: those who are promoting the anti-Semitism canard are toxic. It is a technique to use British Jews as a human shield for international policy. It also plays a game – not racism, a game – the denier game – with anyone in British society who is forced to jump through an imaginary hoop to prove what they are not. It’s also extremely offensive given that there is no evidence that anti-Semitism is massively more prevalent than in the past. Quite the reverse. Jews are more influential, richer and safer than they have ever been. Unless… Read more »
The ‘antisemitism’ industry openly declares ANY criticism of the behaviour of ANY Jewish person, ANYWHERE, EVER, is not an honest opinion based on one’s moral evaluation of that behaviour, but an ‘antisemitic’ outrage based purely on deranged, racist, hatred of ALL Jews, EVERYWHERE. It, of course, thus implicitly declares that Jews cannot commit crime or bad actions, even accidentally, and are thus, infallible and perfect in all ways. You have to admire the chutzpah, and marvel at the craven groveling of the goyim.
As I have said before, why think that the Labour brand is so great anyway? If hundreds of thousands really only joined Labour because of Corbyn, then those same hundreds of thousands can walk out and found their own party, call it whatever they will. They will refuse all funding from Jews, ban formal allegiance of officers to any part of Israel and generally say ‘this party is a safe house for everyone wanting the Jews to stick to Labour and Tory’. Any threats from Jews to conform or else MUST see Jews being attacked. The great ‘No, no’ of British life is that the world’s criminal mafias are not filled to an inordinate degree by Jews. Jews are some of the biggest financial criminals worldwide. Yet they are never punished for it, never forced to be accountable, never forced to repent. Next time they make threats, they pay the price….and that is YOU I mean, Chief Rabbi. And you, Stephen Pollard….. Jews control the propaganda waves of the world to a degree utterly incompatible with their world population. But no-one says: ‘stop this vile distortion of human reality’. Why? Because senior Jews are snivelling little cowards who squeal Holocaust whenever anyone challenges their presumptions, lies and duplicity. And their billionaire media friends ensure that that is all the airwaves get to hear. Holding Jews to account is neither racist nor is it antisemitic (the Zionists in the main are Khazars, not Semites, after all). I believe in holding Muslims to account just as much as Jews. Indians and Sikhs just as much as women. Gays and sexually indistinct just as much as Lefties. If you want a genuinely democratic party to exist, you have to stop pandering to Jews in any way and tell them to lie in the… Read more »
You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with religious groups.
Lets keep it real, Its all politics, it is, was & always has been about class, who cares about “jews” & “Muslims” its about neo-liberal greed & psychopathic ego.
You just play their divisive game by labeling & vilifying groups of like minded people, neither jews or muslims brought down Corbyn or the labour left, it was the neo-liberal (‘elite’ ) establishment !
There is always a danger that what seems to one to be the blindingly obvious might appear simply facile to others.
Clearly those groups you wish to simply submerge in that portmanteau term ‘class’ clearly think there is far more to politics than class. As a Labour member and proud Brexiteer, I know all too well that it was neither religious or ethnic affiliations nor class, but Europe that brought the Conservatives their victory last January, and the man who was willing to see which way the wind was blowing now sits in number ten.
Nonsense, the working class found an outlet to vent their frustrations on, because the party (claimed to be)affiliated to their values has betrayed them time & again.
It was more about class than it has ever been. The Tories saw their extinction looming over brexit & took the only root that could save them, a brexiter PM, the traditional labour working class were sick of being called names & ostracized from their own party by middle class liberals & voted for what they wanted, not who they wanted, no ideology, no racism or prejudice they just voted against the middle class status quo..
Don’t worry the tories will stab the working class in the back too, you over complicate politics, its why Marxist socialists will never realize their dreams, to ideological.
What you say is correct enough, but you use ‘Jews’ when it is the ‘Jewish elites’ who are the world bestriding criminals. Many, many, Jews supported Corbyn, but were ignored by the MSM sewer or vilified as ‘self-hating’. Jews are like any group-some of their members are saints, others devils, only more so, given 3500 years of group solidarity and the honing of a xenophobic and chauvinist ideology with few equals.
You might well have a point regarding ‘Jewish elites’. When you realise that the CCP is performing in very much the same manner, you will finally be onto something.
Great post Rhys, I agree 100% , Corbyn should never have apologised , he was warned time and time again, the more you give in to these people, they’ll be back for more, I’m not a fan of David Icke, but did you know over the past year friends of Isreal have hounded three venues to the point that they have had to cancel his meetings, on in Leicester, he was summonsed by the chief of police to attend the police station to explain what his shows are all about. why can we talk about any other war apart from the last one that involved jews ,I don’t know. and as you know even to mention the holocaust in Belgium France etc can land you in jail, but good old Galloway believes it should be made an international law forbidding anyone to deny the holocaust , don’t know what happened to free speech
Galloway is an establishment stooge, he proves it again & again with every rant. Sadly he represents everything that’s wrong with socialism, ‘authoritarianism’.
The “Holocaust” was one of the earliest mass physiological operations, politicizing a genuine atrocity (which all sides share some blame) into a weaponized movement for political gain.
Remember politicians are professional liars, rule #1 in their manual, never admit you’re wrong (lying). Galloway is a savvy politician. There’s a very good reason he gets on well with dictators, he has lots in common with them!
Have a look at the holocaust by David Cole himself a Jew and see if you still think it was a genuine atrocity , there is somewhere if I can find it, a jewish woman of some authority admitting they use the holocaust for sympathy and to get people to support them, obviously people can believe what they want, I’m one that doesn’t
The War was a genuine atrocity, anyone pretending concentration (slave labour) camps didn’t exist is a naive fool.
How those camps became politically weaponized is a whole different narrative. But that’s the point politicians/elite/psychopaths play the blame game to keep us killing each other for their profit.
Look at the bigger picture stop trying find a victim to take your frustrations out on, we shouldn’t be killing each other because of their divisive scheming.. The greatest victims of any war are innocent civilians.
I’m not suggesting for a minute the last war , or indeed any war weren’t atrocities where did I make that claim, all wars are bankers wars, and the victors are the ones who make the history up, certainly there were concentration camps. i don’t know of anyone who would deny that, what people question is 6 million people put through gas chambers, the international red cross has lowered it over the years with a plaque outside Auschwitz from 6 million to four to three it stands now at 1.2 million people have thought to have perished at this site, it would have taken at least 16 years to achieve such a claim, don’t even attempt to twist the point I’m making , I’ve had enough fuckin nonsense rammed down my throat over the years , I’m truly pissed off with it, the only hope we had was fucked up not only by Corbyn but by your followers as well
I will not remove your post, although a lot of sites might, because I don’t think it was intended hatefully. I would ask that you don’t bring up this off-topic subject again here. The very reasonable association that this form of denialism has with far right ideologies means it is impossible to raise in a neutral or appropriate way unless in an extremely respectful and controlled environment, and not casually BTL. Thank you -Ed
Why are people still obsessing over statistics & propaganda a life time ago. I’m highly skeptical you were even alive at that time to be affected by it have a right to be pissed off.
If you want the truth you’re out of luck , i’m afraid all you will find are lies & more lies from anyone that offers an opinion on it. Whats important is now.
Whatever that means.
Why are people still obsessing over statistics & propaganda a life time ago…………… that’s what we would like to know, why do they keep bringing it up, the pricks never stop, any mention of Israel is greeted anti semite anti semite anti semite, yes I am totally pissed of hearing it, I was born in 1945 if that makes any difference to you can I only respond to events that have happened in my life time then? anyway you are just being provocative for the sake of it
It doesn’t matter what Israel is was or gonna be, Israel is a nasty stain on history but a fact of life that’s going nowhere.
Its a simple matter of real-estate now, Israel won, what ever the crimes were/are, the damage is irreversible now. The middle east has been destroyed there’s nothing left to prevent/stop Israel.
History is littered with unfairness & injustice, move on, the Palestinians would be better off selling off whats left, because righteous pride will only bring more suffering to them.
Worry about the here & now in your own home/country. Shit has yet to hit the fan, invest in an umbrella.
Is the left going to learn anything from the debacle of Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party? I seriously doubt it.
The sad truth is that Corbyn was elevated way, way, beyond his pay grade almost by accident as a protest by the grass roots against the right’s stranglehold on the party and destruction of social democracy within society and politics.
Corbyn and the people around him simply weren’t up to the job and crucially lacked sufficient ‘ruthlessness’ to confront the rightwing of the party, even when they had the opportunity and strength to do so. Corbyn himself wasn’t a competent leader or a ‘fighter’, someone ready to punch holes in his enemies. He’d rather make a nice pot of tea, with cake, and have a ‘commradly discussion’ about our differences. He was never a revolutionary and his loved the ghastl ‘Labour tribe’ and ‘unity’ way too much.
Admittedly, his position was weak among the MPs, who overwhelmingly loathed him, his style, abilities and politics.
Increasingly he refused to mobilise his supporters to his flag and undermined his own base, in fact demolraliseing them when he most needed them, whilst appeasing his opponents; it’s hard to imagine a worse strategy. He was, in reality, always on the defence and hardly ever felt inclined to attack his sworn enemies. He was though, willing to sacrifice the left on the party altar of ‘unity’ at any cost. He damaged the left and weakened it severely. He left the left weaker than before he became leader and more demoralised.
Although Kit’s is a good footnote to the Corbyn’s era, it still holds to the narrative that it represented ‘real Leftism’, and that the man himself was a worthy leader unfairly shafted by his opponents.
Politics is a battle though, and Corbyn wasn’t there for his troops. When faced with the big decisions he sided with his enemies rather than his allies. He gave his worst enemies (McNichol and Watson) peerages. He joined with rightwing unions and a Leftwing zionist faction to stamp out the efforts to democratise the party at the crucial open selection decision. He dumped key figures and longtime comrades like Livingstone, choosing optics over truth.
Imagine if he had become PM. The same kind of disaster that happened within the party could have been replicated in the whole country.
Corbyn was probably the most principled and honest backbench MP that Labour has had in my lifetime. But he was a complete joke at being a leader, and all that his term has served to do is to lead a load of people up the garden path to a big dead end [I was one of those people]. A waste of time, effort, money and hope.
He should have chosen one of two very obvious strategies : either mobilise to remove his opponents within the party after the first coup attempt, or stood down with the intention of splitting the party and creating a definitively socialist party.
I’ve gone on record from the off saying Corbyn was a temporary leader. But I think he managed the assault with grace and history will be kind to him. Personally, I commend his style against the fast-talking spivs we see so much in today’s politics. As a leader, he was more like Xi than Trump. You don’t seem to grasp the limits of his power within the party or the strength of those who oppose him.
No. He woke them up to the reality of Labour, not a party of the working class, not a social democratic party….and certainly not a left-wing party.
When does cowardice in the face of Evil amount to ‘grace’? Disgrace, surely.
Corbyn lacked ticker, but he must know that successfully standing up to the Zionist Mafia invites a ‘mysterious death’.
The problem with Corbyn, was Corbyn, its a sad indictment on the left that they wont admit to themselves he just wasn’t up to the task of taking the fight to the established elite in the labour party.
So how would he have ever made any progress in Westminster & Whitehall had he won an election?
If they ever want a socialist government they need to be honest with themselves first.
Correct, he was more interested in when David from Mousehole as to when bin is likely to be emptied , that’s all we ever got from PM question time,nothing never scored a single goal, even though there was no goalie, shame we’ll never ever get that opportunity again, he blew it, totally out of his depth, and now we’ve got another out and out Bliarite .I’ve finished with it .