Six Feet Apart in the Sunshine

Christine E. Black

Image source here.

We are in lockdown in Virginia after Governor Ralph Northam closed beaches, book stores, libraries, restaurants, coffees shops, cancelled live music concerts, and ordered churches closed.

He said to not have gatherings of more than 10 people and to practice “social distancing,” which I think in this strange world of invisible enemies, threatening us at all times, means staying away from people mostly and staying about 6 feet apart when you are with people. I am not totally sure, though.

The governor’s edict – or maybe it was the CDC’s – qualified the 6-feet distance, or “socially distancing” recommendation to say that spouses and children and their parents did not have to stay 6 feet apart.

I am a public-school teacher, not in school now, because they are closed, of course. I love my church, my libraries, bookstores, musicians I go to hear, and getting together with my friends.

Two friends in the last few days have declined walking outside together, even though I said, “We can walk apart from each other if you want to.” I am not sure why. Quarantine? Just stay home? Will walking outside endanger me or others? I thought we could gather as long as it’s less than 10 people. Isn’t two OK?

Keeping clarity and a sense of humor is a challenge, while trying to make sense of a morass of fear and language around this virus, which I know may be serious, but which I also think has been surrounded by a lot of panic and misinformation. I found a few anchoring facts that seem reliable – people with the virus have a recovery rate in the high 90 percents, and infection, or testing positive for it, does not mean you will get the disease.

Also, most people who die, who have tested positive, die of other serious causes, though the CDC has misled the public by forcing doctors to say the deaths were caused by the virus rather than saying the truth, which often is that the person died of heart disease, diabetes, old age, pneumonia, while they had also had tested positive for Coronavirus. They died with the virus but not from it.

Some doctors have reminded us that outside in the sunshine is one of the safest places we can be when an illness like this is a worry. Fear and misinformation have convinced people that inside their homes, in closed rooms, they are safer from this invisible enemy that we are “at war with,” according President Trump.

The War on Terror, the War on Drugs, the U.S. is always at war with someone or something. I am not buying this war any more than I have bought the others.

“Somewhere behind all wars are a few founding lies,” wrote Mark Kurlansky in Non-Violence: Twenty-Five Lessons in the History of a Dangerous Idea. I do not think this “war” is much different than others with its early lying and distortions that take hold, take on lives of their own, and manipulate us into group-think and rash actions, like forcing all businesses to close, probably causing many small business owners to lose what they have spent their lives building.

Isolation and loneliness, especially loneliness of the elderly, who can’t see their friends, go to the symphony, to book groups, to church – all activities that give life sustenance and meaning; economic despair, unemployment, exacerbated addictions without the social supports that keep people alive and healthy – all these kill many more people that any virus, I believe.

Language viruses infect our culture this spring.

This is not a “lockdown,” as it really is, not government control, as it really is, or the government’s taking our civil liberties, such as practicing our religion at our churches or exercising our right to peaceably assemble.

I do not think the writers of the Constitution wrote that we have the right to peaceably assemble, unless there is a sickness around.

No, this is not lockdown.

As people comply with hardly a word of protest, they are not calling it lockdown; instead they are not only doing as they are told, they are speaking as they are told — “sheltering in place” or “staying home” or “social distancing.” These are creepy terms, meant to make government-enforced lockdown sound cozy and good for us.

We are also told that this is the “new normal.” Words and phrases like this distort realities, and not for the better, I believe. This is not normal at all.

Human beings are meant to live in communities. Research supports that human touch, emotional and physical connection, strengthens immunities and prevents disease. There are viruses that cause people to get sick, and some to die, but so much of this so-called pandemic is not adding up. We are not seeing the deaths from this virus in the context of deaths from other causes, such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, car accidents, domestic violence.

I remain skeptical that the government knows what is good for us after studying other wars and calamities and their precipitating and enabling language and lies. Lies around the Gulf of Tonkin incident ignited the U.S. war against Viet Nam.

The Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter was told to tell a false story of babies yanked from incubators to whip the U.S. government into the war frenzy of the first Iraq War. The Weapons of Mass Destruction and “mushroom cloud” nonsense, touted by politicians and bureaucrats, sent thousands of Americans to their deaths, destroyed a whole country, and scattered millions as war refugees.

I have mistrusted the media, while continuing to seek alternative, independent-thinking information sources, after almost every major U.S. media outlet championed war against Iraq.

US media outlets never issued formal retractions after that devastation and after the lies were made plain. I remain skeptical of the government and health bureaucrats when they approved harmful drugs, such as high dosages of estrogen from mare’s urine, which scientists knew caused cancer in women, and they approved it anyway. Women died.

The examples of government deceptions that cause death are numerous. We must read and talk and listen, and keep thinking.

Now, because the government and its highly paid health and disease bureaucrats told them to, people put their pictures inside “Stay at Home” or “I am Saving Lives by Staying at Home” signs or even the stronger “Stay the F Home” admonition to others and shared them on the Internet.

Language changes have been fascinating and frightening when friends now are scared to walk outside, even in pairs. My teenage son, whom his dad and I wheeled in a stroller in demonstrations against the U.S. war in Iraq when he was a toddler while a gauntlet of counter-protestors screamed in our faces, today tells me that I shouldn’t drive to do farm chores on my friend’s farm to help with food production because the government said, “We have to stay home,” my son said.

Death has done it this time. Death and fear and language. Insidious death. Unseen. Phantom death on the TV or computer screens – or even rumored to be there. We don’t even have cable TV in our home, but this fear has infected our home.

The red numbers are out there flashing, digits rising, blinking. Attractive people with super white teeth and expensive haircuts talk nonstop. Bureaucrats and politicians wield language of fear and death – death, like the greenish smoke, snaking by each door in the Charlton Heston movie, The Ten Commandments, my brothers and I watched on TV when we were children.

Maybe our “Stay at Home” hashtags will save us like the blood painted in the shape of the cross on the doors in the Charlton Heston movie.

Today a “news” station showed a cartoon-colored virus spray cascading over a barricaded grocery aisle to the cartoon people on the other side. Over weeks, we have had to look at lines of bright stick people in diagrams multiplying and stacking up, dead presumably, if we did not “social distance” because the deaths will rise exponentially. But even the exponential part is being called into question by health professionals.

On social media today a New York writer, I somehow ended up “friends” with, posted an obscure study saying that 6-feet distance is not enough to stay safe while running outside. It was complete with cartoon figures and bright colored virus sprays, clouding the air and making their way to a cartoon runner many feet away. Oh, brother.

Tell people, like the politicians and bureaucrats are doing, that they may have it, not know it, may not even know how long they have had or will have it. You could not even be sick and still have it, give it to others. Reading and listening to so-called news, I could not get a handle on how long you could have it and not know it – some said five days, someone else said two weeks or more. It may be me. It may be you. Paranoia abounds.

But, guess what? We all have it. We are all going to die. This virus, however, has a recovery rate in the high 90 percents. Most people recover – not in the hospital but at home, I read today contracting it and recovering may build immunity and make us stronger. Our bodies – and our lives – are amazing, are miracles. How can we miss this in this season of resurrection?

Because I miss my friends, and I love getting outside in the sunshine, especially before the government closed the Shenandoah National Park and Skyline Drive, even to motorists, I still wanted to better understand Governor’s Northam’s rules after he closed the beaches and businesses too. My teenage son is worried I am not following the rules or taking them seriously enough. I am. Nothing is open. I only go to the grocery store. I have been making the best of it.

We have planted flowers, moved mulch, cleared brush, had a fire on the deck and made Smores. I taught him how to thread a needle, how to sew on a button, how to mend a tear, with two different kinds of stitches, as my mother taught me, I taught him to make French toast. We played Jenga and listened to my 60s and 70s Pandora station.

I do not like lockdown, however. I do not like the sorrow and grief I feel as I hear of friends and acquaintances losing their beloved businesses they have spent their lives building. And many others do not have the economic privilege to “work at home” or not work at all. I like being free to come and go as I chose while being responsible for my health and caring for the health of others.

When I learned we will likely have to endure this government-mandated lockdown until the end of April at least, I wanted to understand it better. Maybe others were having similar questions, and I could help.

I called the CDC press line, planning to tell them I was a freelance journalist doing a story on safe practices for outdoors.

I thought I would be able to talk to someone and ask my questions right then, take notes. Write my story. I was trying to get a handle on how the 6 feet rule (or is it guidance?, surely not a law?) worked with gatherings of 10 people or less – and how did that work with being outdoors?

Maybe I should call Northam’s office with my questions. I decided to start with the CDC. I also wanted to tell my son, whom I told him he could walk to a nearby friend’s house, and they could walk or play in the neighborhood (stay apart if they wanted to) and that the CDC and the governor said that was OK. I was worried about this health, staying inside so much, and know he misses his friends and is out of the school routine. But my son said no, he didn’t want to go outside to meet his friend. I said, “Why not?” He said, “You know, quarantine.”

So, I planned to ask the CDC and the governor if it was OK to walk outside with my friend – if one friend was OK, and should we walk 6 feet apart? I see people walking in my neighborhood, in pairs and small groups.

I knew people in Walmart were not always 6 feet apart though they have little tape marks on the floor now because maybe because the governor told them to do that.

Surely, outside is healthier than Walmart with all the hands that have touched the bread bags and housewares from China?

I planned to ask how the 6 feet rule worked with gatherings of less than 10, which I thought were OK. And how did it work with family members, which the governor and the CDC said were not required to stay 6 feet apart? What if you had a cook-out in this glorious spring weather with, say, eight people, five family members and three close friends, middle-aged, healthy, not sick?

Would we have to stay 6 feet apart? And what about beaches? They are closed, but the governor said not for fishing, and that the beaches could still be used for exercise. So, can you fish with your spouse or child or friend and not get in trouble? Can you walk on the beach with your boyfriend, for exercise, or would you have to be six feet apart?

I had my notes ready and planned to start by asking the CDC press office these questions. But things are different now than they were when I was a reporter 20 years ago and got people on the phone quickly then wrote my story.

The woman who answered the CDC phone said that I would have to complete an online form, listing my name and my questions, and then a press officer would get back to me.

I haven’t done that yet. Maybe I will take a walk outside instead.

Christine E. Black’s work has been published in The American Journal of Poetry, New Millennium Writings, Nimrod International, The Virginia Journal of Education, Friends Journal, Sojourners Magazine, English Journal, Amethyst Review, and other publications. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and the Pablo Neruda Prize.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest, opinion
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David Latham
David Latham
Jun 26, 2020 12:05 AM

Thank you for sharing Christine. Accurate and reliable information seems to be very sketchy at best. I personally have great difficulty in trusting “the experts”. Social distancing has been presented to the country as a necessity for survival. However, it has been pretty much out the window during the nationwide rioting! 🧐

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Apr 26, 2020 8:23 PM

It’s so essential that we reclaim our inner sovereignty on a deeper level as we risk becoming locked up in the mind even more, through the tapestry of ignorance that’s being woven in amidst collective grief and fear… This has an adverse effect on the nervous system and inhibits our immune response… It’s so vital to be outside and connecting with nature and other people, although of course, for the next few weeks, without being reckless… Until we’re clear about the dynamics of the virus in amidst such conflicting narratives…

We have evolved for millions of years with viruses and bacteria and indeed our biology is almost completely comprised of them…

We must now look to the evolved and expansive scientific researchers who are marginalised by the institutions of materialistic dogma.

It’s worth bearing in mind that we have an almighty power inside us and we must bring this deeply loving and compassionate Presence into our life, each and every day for self nurture as this enhances our immune system.

I recommend tuning into Dr Joe Dispenza around this after checking in with his remarkable life story and the healing that he has evolved out of after being written off by mainstream science.

Very accessible and clear in his teaching and also his practical tools for expanding our consciousness and cultivating a powerful immune system.

So important to now activate our higher consciousness in the face of the powers that be which operate within the paradigm of limitation and control.

Apr 24, 2020 12:29 AM

Thank you, Christine.

This is perfect.

I feel exactly the same in another country.

Apr 23, 2020 10:44 PM

For anyone who might be sceptical of the motives of the happy clappers, just read this link to see why scepticism may be well-founded.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 24, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Judy, I read your comment, and initially I thought you meant happy clappers as in born again christians. Then I read the attached article.
Right now I’m feeling pretty angry, and wonder at the cruelty human beings can inflict on others.
For gods sakes… 90 years old, and his wife recently passed away.
This is what this Goebbels inspired crap has turned people into: goose stepping little Hitlers and fearful snitches and chinless wonders with the mindset of sheep.
Today I went to a discount chemist for a couple things, and the security guard on the door was giving people hand sanitiser before they entered.
He went to give me some, and I went: ‘why do I need hand sanitiser, I haven’t been to the toilet and I haven’t eaten anything’. He gave me a weird look and held it out again, and I just went ‘no thanks’ and walked in.
Hope you are well Judy, and the weather in North Wales has been nice?

Apr 24, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah

Thanks for the kind wishes. The weather here is beautiful and has been since the ‘lock down’ began. Just got back from a long walk and I was amazed at just how many people were out and about…sitting on benches and on the grass! There seemed to be more traffic as well. Everyone was ‘social distancing’ but it just seemed much more relaxed than of late and people were actually passing the time of day. Luckily where I am the police seem to be keeping a low profile. If the weather does change for the worse before the lock down is lifted, I can see the relaxed atmosphere changing very quickly!

Hope you are doing ok. Unfortunately, frustrating as it is, we have little choice but to take things a day at a time.

I was going to wish you a nice weekend but that seems a pretty vacuous expression these days, especially for people in your situation …but you know what I mean! Hopefully the day will come when we can say it again with conviction.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 25, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Hi Judy…. yeah, I’m okay, and like you taking it a day at a time also. There’s quite a few Asian supermarkets near me, so stocked up on lots of food. There’s an Aldi in a neighbouring suburb, tho not a fan. Have found the staff at a few Aldi’s I’ve been to quite rude and didn’t like their set up anyway.
Until more people wake up and start saying No, the PTB have us in their grip.
Ironic really, when you think of how few are actually behind this panicdemic compared to the billions of us normal, everyday people.
Unfortunately tho, they have the snivelling, ethically bankrupt MSM in their pockets.
Going into winter down here, and believe me, winters in Melbourne are very cold. May as well be in Scotland! Appreciate your reply✌️

Apr 27, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

“This is what this Goebbels inspired crap has turned people into: goose stepping little Hitlers and fearful snitches and chinless wonders with the mindset of sheep.”

Indeed, ‘Goebbels inspired’ and little Hitlers, your are talking about democracy, the modern Western variant, that is.

They probably have not told you this, and nobody will, but our modern Western democracies are the most hyper-regulated systems ever on the face of the Earth. They consists of the dicatorship of a ‘thousand little dictators’, together having created overtime an extreme amount of laws and regulations and a tightly regulated machine. The size and ‘extent’ of our Western states (in terms of their power, size of bureaucracies, police force, etc) known no historical precedence.
Elites, aristocracies, oligarchies, are not able to produce such over-regulated systems, and even the possibilities of dictators are limited, without the help of many fanatic snitches and co-operators among the people who are all out to regulate and control the other, they can do little.

It is ‘the people’ together who have create this system, not a group of bandits like Goebbels and Hitler, and not an aristocracy.

There have been democracies in the past, but the amount of people who governed and who were allowed to vote were limited. We on the other had have a gigantic amount of politicians, armies of bureaucrats, and armies of activists, and, except the activists, they are working full time, day in, day out, month in, month out, year in, year out, for decades if not a century, to create laws and regulations. And then there are millions and millions of voters calling for this kind of law, and that kind of regulation.

Hence, what you see during the corona virus scam is thousands of activists, journalist and politicians stumbling over each other to call for regulations, the one trying to shout harder than the other. What you see is social control, ordinary people trying to control others. The politicians who still have retained common sense, and who have some spine, they are often overpowered by loads of fanatics and the fearful, journalists, activists, the whole mad media complex, and, a priest class of scientific experts….

Mind you also, Goebbels? the people subscribe themselves to the media, they are addicted to media, and media is the ‘dictatorship of the day’, and this is media is consulted by, kept alive by, and created and financed by the people. This media, this dictatorship of the day system by now is a highly professional system which agendizes who, what, why and where people should place their empathy, their concern, their fear, and what else. And so people are living the thoughts and feelings of other people. They live in a world created by media, but it is of their own collective making.

Not even this medium and other alternative media will write about this problem of modern Western democracies (the problem is about the same everywhere), because it is always the fault of others, never of our democratic systems. Also, because even they want to have influence, control.., which is of course always for the good.. Because the democracy is sacred.

Like Oscar Wilde wrote ‘democracy is the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people’. Sometimes the bludgeoning becomes physical, mostly it is mental/emotional warfare.

Apr 27, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  John

Like Oscar Wilde wrote ‘democracy is the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people’.

The problem is corrupting power and the power of the state. It matters not in whose heads and hands that power resides — whether oligarchs or the rentier & capitalist socioeconomic classes or a mass of individual people (i.e. “‘Goebbels inspired’ and little Hitlers”) consisting of those who pay attention to the cacophony of voices coming from the media, from politicians, from the experts. They’re/We’re ALL corrupted by power.

Do you really have confidence (aka faith or trust or belief) in “politicians who still have retained common sense, and who have some spine” as the incorruptible leaders? Since when have politicians governed for the good of the whole?

No socio-economic class of people, including the pols, are incorruptible. The of politicians (even if they have [so-called] “spine” and [so-called] “common sense”) taking over the state power ends up in disaster because they are not ready to practice that power. Assuming that an objective reality exists which (1) is independent of whether there’s belief, faith, trust, confidence of its existence and (2) is intersubjectively verifiable and (3) is shared by reasonable, logical, rational, dialectical observers; is majority rule really the practice of the power of the state?

Apr 23, 2020 8:41 PM

“this virus, which I know may be serious” Then you don’t know. And, Knowing is caring.

Apr 23, 2020 3:07 AM

Christine, sympathy and empathy for others does not include for the government which is in charge of governing the mint, by hook or by crook, and you/we be damned.
Thus, we must take a different and new/old position of self reliance, group reliance, communities built of common minded, hard working, industrious individuals, couples and families. No corps(e). No dead bodies (corpses). NO legislatures, senates, corporate dead bodies, infected churches except what may be extracted from them before they die. As they surely will.
The rest can, and must, go to hell, first and foremost as they have been infected with a virus far worse than the COVID.
There is, or there is not, a resurrection. Survival is still essential to complete the work at hand. The work of survival.
Survival is effected by working to gather, together, the things necessary for survival. These things have been long unaddressed by elected representative who have proven themselves just to be sucking on the tit which did not bear them.
Enough of that. Let’s be real, get to work, take care of others of the same mind and survive this purge and reset.
Skip the theatrics and socio/politico presentations, remonstrations and demonstrations; Ad nauseum.
Your article outlines a few problems, a few solutions and an invitation: that is the same as that of 10,000yrs at least. Let us work that together! Let us pull and push that hoe together!
In common, in a community, we may better grow and live than we might alone or in a populace which has no real voice or power except to watch the circus. What are the constituent components necessary to do so?
Clean food, water, homes, minds and hearts. I don’t find those in ANY political, religio, econo or corporo system or participant today.
That leaves us just us, not justice, just us, not as just U.S. but, as just you and I and other like minded.
Keep at it, Christine, as we must completely reconstruct the organization of humanity in a very short period of time. Right f..in now.

Apr 23, 2020 2:49 AM

The shit that’s going on in Italy


Apr 23, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  Reg

It seems to me that the UK is goose-stepping along in their shadow.

Apr 23, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

The UK has turned into a frightening place. It must be something that had been lurking beneath the surface. Now it’s burst into the open. I’m not coming back.

Mrs Gardener
Mrs Gardener
Apr 23, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Reg

I am stuck here in wonder at it all. Some seems to see it but mostly people are scared and spouting the line it’s different, it’s new, blah blah. It’s up to individuals are the OP says, little by little we may make a difference.

Apr 23, 2020 1:31 AM

this is the greatest hoax perpetrated on America since 9/11…..this country will never be the same…the worse is yet to come…..

May 17, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  viper

The deep state pulled off another hoax and psyop on a massive scale meanwhile which not many people in the world have heard about. It’s the 2010 Polish presidential plane crash, which didn’t really happen, the maskirovka theory has been most logically proved by independent thinkers and laughed off by the government.

Apr 23, 2020 1:04 AM

Rappoport on the creative accounting behind the “Certificate of Vaccination ID” numbers


Apr 23, 2020 12:40 AM

Salute to Off-Guardian, one of few remaining bastions of online publishers with big following that did not succumb to Coronavirus Cult of Doom but stayed sober, fearless grounded in rational analysis and hard data.

Crippling censorship of Coronavirus subject on many formerly progressive and freedom loving sites became rampant as their editors clutch stronger to their delusions, as weaker their arguments are becoming, sliding into dogmatic slumber of submission to establishment’s words and deeds.

Keep us good job.

Apr 22, 2020 11:51 PM

And in other news, Elon Muskrat launches another 60 ‘satellites’, eminently visible as a reminder we are being watched.

Apr 22, 2020 11:26 PM

The US is opening up under Trump, against much opposition, it appears, but will the dependent states in Europe be allowed to open up as we now all know it is mostly a fraud?
I knew 4 weeks ago, from German studies, that the death rates were 0.1% to 0.4%, which means, so did they, as they tightened-up their lockdowns.

Apr 23, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Before this marketing campaign operation COVID19 the death rates are 150,000 per day , 600,000 annually in the influenza season.
And lets put the number of deaths in perspective https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-number-of-deaths-by-cause. Sure its sad when people die 150,000 are dying everyday we all are born and die. Its not a pandemic.
The numbers of deaths thrown around are not alarming in context https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid19-impact-europe-overall-mortality/5708585

Apr 22, 2020 11:03 PM

‘Hot mic catches WH reporter saying ‘we’ve all been vaccinated’

more importantly it confirms that the real death rate is 0.1 to 0.3% so it’s as life threatening as flu.

Apr 22, 2020 11:55 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Well, depending on when this happened it also suggests that people in the room (someone in the background) who I assume is a reporter did not know about the LA study, (indicated by the voice saying “oh really?”, which confirms the lower bound range of the Stanford study but with a better panel sample. How could he not know?!

Apr 23, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Ted

I’m watching the press conference with trump now, you’d think those death rates would be their first question, because as the guy says, it makes the whole shutdown look like a hoax. But NO, they are talking about the chance of a recurrence in the winter or the amount of testing. Nothing about why they are testing or about the results of the testing contained in that Stamford study. Just in the same way the Oxford report was ignored in the UK. It’s incredible to watch, they are retarded or under a US D-notice.

Apr 23, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

It is the influenza.
You have been given no proof of any ” COVID19″ its the main lie
along with untrue computer programmed models of the predicted deaths from flu season.

Apr 23, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Whole off-mic exchange here. Clearly the press know about the lower, flu-level death rate but they ignore it.

Apr 23, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks, what an exchange! The gist being that the older man can take off his mask because the infection fatality rate is a 10th of what they assumed. But did the president then come out with the good news? No. Nothing, nada, zip. So this is the moment when we know we are being played.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 23, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I don’t need the shock and awe of the mighty internet to know that the presstituted journalists at every scene are studiously ignoring the facts and numbers. I only need to look at the newstands at arms’ reach.

That is the most shocking-but-not-at-all-surprising feature of all this. It has that lucid dream-like feature, where you see headlines more or less in lock-step with a “rather” hyped version of a more blatant reality, of what you can see with your own eyes.

So far in my county, Orange, with an immigrant campesino population that is huge, this flu is not even noticeable. I have seen in past visits maybe 30 people sharing an apartment for 2 or 3, sleeping in shifts, then their extended family will come to share when they go to work 12 hour shifts (hey, if it’s organized and disciplined it works!) But a strong theme is that even with cultivated, devout families, it’s a closely shared airspace, and surfaces, sheets, towels, etc.

So far in this high percentage Latino population county, there have been 32 (supposed) Covid19 deaths out of a count of 3.1 million people! THIRTY TWO, as of last count that I saw.

If the Plague doesn’t heat up, it’s going to be about as dramatic as grass growing, or watching the same.

And yet all that is ignored, and all the presstitutional coverage is about sensational Plague.

A truly pitiful style it is, if introducing totalitarianism in one or two fell swoops, and a gross lack of swag.

Do their mothers know what they do for a living?!

Apr 23, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

But can it be verified as authentic, in this digital age it is incredibly easy to fake…As the video says is it a hoax?

Apr 23, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Why was this footage released I wonder?
Is this a regular thing before a press conference.

Apr 22, 2020 10:38 PM
Apr 22, 2020 10:11 PM

the man christine legard the ex imf bloke once said numbers matter

it is not 6 feet but
6 feet and 6 inch
like 9 and 11
and 7 and 7
and 13
and 33
and 66 and 666

look at the numbers they mean stuff init
not rock and roll
it kosher kaballa
ritualisticks like
stone the crows
my life already

Apr 23, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  gordon

THE UK’s chief of the defence staff General Sir Nick Carter has revealed the secretive 77th Brigade of the British Army is involved in countering coronavirus misinformation online

Apr 23, 2020 2:18 AM
Reply to  ame

The 77ths trolls are generally recognizable by their rank incompetence.
They turn up on mass, swear a lot and accuse everyone of being a Putinbot.
They also have a habit of turning up slightly too early and commenting on stories that haven’t happened yet.
The PR firm type trolls or the Guardian in-house trolls or even the Kiwi Farms bunch the Israelis hired are much more clever and insidious.
I scoff at the 77th, it’s Saatchi & Saatchi that scares me.

Apr 23, 2020 6:20 AM
Reply to  Croach

Psyops by this bunch would be terrifying – not. As others who have noted, there are others better at it.

Apr 23, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  Croach

I’m unaware of Stacchi and Staachi?

Apr 22, 2020 9:41 PM

These social distancing ” rules’ make no sense and are not science based or medical.
Say (and I’m going to pretend here there is a ” virus” bogeyman when I know the whole thing is a hoax) you exhale an aerosol virus while walking in street or in supermarket hangs out for 3hrs infecting everyone who walks past ( no one but Drs wear eye protection). They then infect another group and so on.
Viruses don’t adhere to the govt’s 6f & “no eyes rules its pure fiction.
So why are all govts simultaneously oppressing us, tearing apart society forcing us to social distance( and to have fear of others)locking us up in home detention in a police state when they have no valid reason to do so .There is no quarantine its a lockup a mass imprisoning . They are figuratively “burying” us away from each other 6 feet apart .To try to break us apart make us unite in a fight against ” a virus'(COVID19 that doesn’t even exist) to stop the growing political uprisings get their totalitarian one global govt, digital currency .
Its total madness.

Apr 22, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

These social distancing ” rules’ make no sense and are not science based or medical.

they do when you understand of the occult it makes perfect sense

they just pick dates and numbers out of the blue nor randomly

Apr 22, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  ame

they dont t pick dates and numbers out of the blue nor randomly

Apr 22, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  ame


they dont t pick dates and numbers out of the blue nor randomly

Rituals ( O.T.O)

Train “bombing”, Parsons Green = Jack Parsons….Lidl shopping bag = Samual “Liddll” MacGregor Mathers – Witnesess – Lauren Hubbard = L Ron Hubbard + Peter Crowley = Aleistair Crowley. Salisbury “Novichok” – Victims – C Rowley = Aleistair Crowley + Dawn Sturgess = Playwright, Preston Sturgess, Mother, Mary Estelle Dempsey, Mistress of Aleistair Crowley…..etc etc etc.

Apr 22, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

because facts should be sacred and they really are
eventuality kit and co Ofg etc can have a mature discussion about
why theses dates periods names event etc are chosen like for example

On the 20th of March Boris Johnson ordered the closure of all venues for social gathering, such as pubs, cafes and restaurants. On March 23rd the UK State legislated for the Coronavirus Act and placed the UK in lockdown.

they dont just pick random dates out of the blue
theses date / period are known as equinox and also 322 3 month 22 day this is a ‘period‘ another known creature of a organization fellowship also has the same name numerology gematria called skull and bones they use 322
coincidentally next day in this
23 march: Tubilustrium, purification of the trumpets.

they are master Psychologist of us

they have many angles covered they use astrology symbolism numerology philology etc etc etc they know how colour’s effect your psyche as well as certain sounds effect your body mind and spirit

of course it a coincidence just like the London bridge attack which fell ion the 333 day of the year 32 days remaining of the year that a crazy terrorist who had fought and was stopped with *narwhal tusk! Fire extinguisher and then was shoot dead by an armed policeman on a empty bridge on a Friday 1pm in empty London.
*November 30 – St Andrews day. Orion and Pleiades set at sunrises, Jocelyn de bohun fought a dragon headed human slayed it and 30 children fell out its belly.

December 1st Alister Crowley death
etc etc etc

they know general public must be slightly Hypnosis dumb down comatose , even more so when they said


Police are urging people to use “common sense” and refrain from sharing videos of the London Bridge incident today


Doctortrinate you get thank you enjoy the new moon

Apr 22, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  ame


Doctortrinate you get thank you enjoy the new moon

most welcome….excellent post btw

Apr 22, 2020 11:55 PM
Reply to  ame


Apr 23, 2020 12:25 AM
Reply to  gordon

7, Zayin, the flaming sword, penis ,phallus Western Kabbalah sees the sword as a mental weapon, for a sharp mind can cut through illusions.

These globalist scum high ranking zio Freemasons and secret societie shitters) have as their motto on their rings ORDO AB CHAO. In Latin, Order Out Of Chaos. It means or equals in Hebrew Gematria “777”. 777 the Code the Media uses in many hoaxes, staged events, and fake news stories.

yer know like Allegedly sort of thing

Apr 22, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

The psychopaths who rule us are purposely crashing the global economy.

You either submit to this, or you join the Resistance.

Apr 22, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Well, I believe, your not aware, this virus is equipped with navigation, distance censors and AI. Or . This is the science, really.

Apr 22, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  Lucky

IF target beyond 6′ return to host and wait. IF aisle has arrows follow direction according. Presto, now we can control microscopic airborne particles.

Apr 22, 2020 9:33 PM

These social distancing ” rules’ make no sense and are not science based or medical.
Say (and I’m going to pretend here there is a ” virus” bogeyman when I know the whole thing is a hoax) you exhale an aerosol virus while walking in street or in supermarket hangs out for 3hrs infecting everyone who walks past ( no one but Drs wear eye protection). They then infect another group and so on.
Viruses don’t adhere to the govt’s 6f & “no eyes rules its pure fiction.
So why are all govts simultaneously oppressing us, tearing apart society forcing us to social distance( and to have fear of others)locking us up in home detention in a police state when they have no valid reason to do so .There is no quarantine its a lockup a mass imprisoning . They are figuratively “burying” us away from each other 6 feet apart .To try to break us apart make us unite in a fight against ” a virus'(COVID19 that doesn’t even exist) to stop the growing political uprisings get their totalitarian one global govt, digital currency .
Its total madness.

Apr 22, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Sometimes Chomsky can be useful, who said about terrorism (which is the same as the virus scare: Potentially deadly but extremely rare that it will happen to you)

‘ Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.’

Stop participating in the bullshit.
Spread the word.

Apr 22, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  Willem

More often than not Chomsky is useful to the oligarchy .
There is only operation ” Covid19″ ( no virus )

Govts are terrorist.Invading and bombing nations is terrorism , their needless perpetual wars are all acts of terrorism
This is bio-terrorism.
A psychological and physical imprisonment the ( UN global ) govt waging war on our bodies, minds and spirit .

Apr 22, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  Willem

Nobody is going to pour truth into your brain. It’s something you have to find out for yourself.
Noam Chomsky

The media want to maintain their intimate relation to state power. They want to get leaks, they want to get invited to the press conferences. They want to rub shoulders with the Secretary of State, all that kind of business. To do that, you’ve got to play the game, and playing the game means telling their lies, serving as their disinformation apparatus.
Noam Chomsky

Apr 22, 2020 9:33 PM

A good film for Earth Day.
The Green movement has been completely taken over and is just a fake single issue astroturf plaything for billionaire plutocrats. Greentech is dependent on fossil fuels, is environmentally worse than the fossil fuels, and socially, politically and economically just as bad : it is the same people running both anyway!

This film made before ‘covid’ came and opened up the road ahead to eugenics, depopulation and a full reset of the economy for the Filth Industrial Repression. I am in my boots. It’s a well made film and worth watching :

Apr 22, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  crank

Watched it have you ?
A review ?

Apr 22, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  crank

Michael Moore.

Need I say more?

Apr 22, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Willem

I know, that is what I thought, but it was made by Gibbs. Watch it. It is not a Moore film.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 24, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  crank

Crank…. I just watched it over at Wrong Kind Of Green (didn’t realise you’d posted it here). When I saw Michael Moore executive producer, I was very sceptical, but coz it was posted at WKOG, gave it a go.
A lot of The Planet Of Humans content, I already knew, but still found it very powerful, and a couple times even had tears in my eyes.
My contempt and scorn and disgust for creatures like McKibben, Gore, Brune, and the other environmental fake activists. They have sold their souls for crumbs from the billionaires table.
Morally and ethically bankrupt. Like the system driving this destruction of our Planet…. $$$$.
Very telling watching McKibben squirm and try and dodge the question when asked where 350.org gets its money from. Only after the reporter mentions Rockefeller Foundation as one example did he reluctantly agree. What slime.
I won’t even start on the fraud of ‘renewable energy’. Okay, out of 5, I gave it 4 stars… Glad I watched.

Apr 24, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks for the reply. Good to hear that WKOG posted it. Been trying to tell my Green friends for years about the subject matter in this film, but :

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”

– Plato
I too was amazed that Moore put his money and name on this. He seems nearly as compromised as McKibben et al.
Glad Heinberg was in it. I noted that people like Caroline Lucas gave a sleeve endorsement to Heinberg’s definitive book ‘The End of Growth’, however, little within the Green movement has really explored the uselessness of greentech. (until now ?).

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 24, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  crank

Well, one thing for absolute certain, our whole ‘lifestyle’ – everything is completely unsustainable.
As Jeff Gibbs stated: is greentech and renewables only about maintaining our present lifestyle?
Everyone I know in the green movement are either in the Green Party here in Australia (big fans of renewables & greentech and Not opposed to the Capitalist profit system as you’d be aware) or else they’re in Greenpeace. A few customers I have are in Avaaz.
I also really really relate to the ‘no one is more hated than he who speaks the truth’ bit as well. Cheers Crank

Apr 24, 2020 1:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

As Jeff Gibbs stated: is greentech and renewables only about maintaining our present lifestyle?

Getting the economy accelerating faster again is all about “maintaining” the system of pollution, waste, overconsumption, overproduction, over-extraction &-exploitation of natural resources for the primary benefit of the capitalist and rentier classes.

This present political economy — whether growing fast or growing slow — is ecocidal, suicidal, sociopathic insanity. Exponential economic growth on a planet of finite resources will ONLY result in collapse. The sociopaths won’t be satisfied until the whole of the biosphere is ruined.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 24, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  GS

Fully agree with your comment GS.
If you havn’t watched that film yet, I highly recommend it, tho you will probably find yourself wanting to throw a shoe at the screen!
Greed. Greed. Greed. And complete betrayal by those proclaiming to be ‘enviromentalists’.
In bed with the exact same people destroying the environment.

Apr 24, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I watched it twice.
The Albert Camus quote (if I found the correct one) was pretty good. “Outside of that single fatality of death, everything, joy or happiness, is liberty.” — Albert Camus

Apr 24, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Go well Gezzah.

Apr 22, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  crank

The truth scares some people even more than MSM propaganda. I tried to balance the score 😉 but someone else posted the same link earlier today .

Apr 22, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Objective

Great line from the film, [paraphrased] ‘While the Right think that God will save them and provide them with infinite fossil fuels, the Left think that solar panels and windpower will save them. Both are deluded.’

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  crank

That’s true because it is far too late.

Apr 23, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  crank

That Right-Left thing seems so outdated and moronic now.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 24, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  crank

‘go well’…. You too Crank✌️ The comments are all out of kilter on my phone =513 comments shown, on the story page =607 shown. Which is why I’m replying on this one.

Gerald Cecil
Gerald Cecil
Apr 22, 2020 9:26 PM

Let’s get some statistics. Everyone here who thinks that this is a farce please find someone who just tested actively positive and hang out with them until you test likewise. Let us know, then report back here in a month to tell us how you fared. What should we assume if we don’t hear back from you, perhaps never again?

Apr 22, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

in a weeks time we will see how many mp’s have it as bojo had it for a week before he was diagnosed meaning he infected many many people with his CV
in his words a mild form of CV

Apr 22, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

A farce?
You mean like the empty prefab hospitals…
The cover story, they built them knowing no one was available to work in them…
Is that farcical enough?
The fact the government killed 140000 with austerity because there “was no money”, then they miraculously “Find” oodles of moolah to save (maybe) a mere fraction.
What about a meglamaniac computer salesman with an agenda who happens to sponsor all
of the so called experts advising the government.
Would you like more farce, there is lots more????
Just HOW farcal would you like it to be?
How much more FARCE do you want farce fan????

Gerald Cecil
Gerald Cecil
Apr 22, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  jay

Looking forward to hearing from you a month after exposure so you can fill us in on your personal experience.

Apr 23, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

I have had it or should I say, have been ill during the ‘pandemic’? I had 48 hours of feeling drained and tired. Drank lots of water, upped my vitamin C intake and recovered quickly. I also have several potential immune issues such as psoriasis and I vape. I did not buy into the fear that would have driven me to believe I was going to die and rationally dealt with a nothing worse than a bad cold or the dreaded ‘man flu’. Fear will kill you, the ‘virus’ has little to no chance of doing that.

Apr 23, 2020 1:46 AM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

I was a “presumptive case” after getting sick because I’d been in contact with my sister who’d been out of the country. It wasn’t worse than what I’d expect from a regular seasonal flu. The worst part of it was losing my sense of taste and smell. There’s a lot of food that becomes pretty gross when you can’t taste it.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 23, 2020 7:11 AM
Reply to  esmeuta

Rudy Gobert an All Star in the NBA for the Utah Jazz spoke of losing his sense of taste and smell. You can find that in a search. It wasn’t much of a bout for him. But it’s interesting that other people talk of that.

I had a bout of that in juvenile form maybe 55 years ago, early teens. So it’s a flu but appears maybe in cycles.

Apr 23, 2020 7:18 AM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

Gerald, I’m not afraid of it, don’t judge others by your own weak mindedness and kool aid quaffing.
Get back under your rock where you will be nice and safe.

Apr 23, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

Why do you think anyone would ‘hang out’ with someone who has ANY infectious disease, covid or otherwise.
You’re nuts.

Apr 23, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil


Apr 23, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  clickkid

Oh , nearly forgot:

“In the ballpark of seasonal flu”

The reaction is a farce /tragedy, take your pick,

Apr 23, 2020 12:30 AM
Reply to  Gerald Cecil

Ha ha ha ha ha comedy gold. Now off you fuck!

dynamo hum
dynamo hum
Apr 22, 2020 9:03 PM

Just this morning we were Remembering Petula..
Please note it was recorded at low volume so must be turned up.
We take our amusement where we can.

Apr 22, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  dynamo hum

My god she looked better when she was younger.

Apr 22, 2020 9:02 PM

Oil minus $37 a barrel.
US budget deficit $3 trillion plus.
Crapitalism is collapsing.
The Orange Baboon is now threatening to start a war in the Persian Gulf to boost the oil price in a desperate attempt to save his arse in the coming election.
No doubt with Starmer and all the Shabbos Friends of Israel cheering him on.

Apr 22, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  paul

according to this Trump Administration Gives Coronavirus Tracking Contract to Peter Thiel’s Palantir

what maverick umpa lupma is

Apr 22, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  paul

The loss of the Asian wars in Korea and Vietnam heralded the end of American capitalism . The Bush family began the wars in the mideast a disaster exacerbated by the Clintons and Obomber . Trump has been struggling with his deepstate to avoid war , while he and his cronies work to loot what is left of America’s wealth.

Apr 23, 2020 7:46 AM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

brainwashed at it’s best . Trump has been struggling with his deepstate to avoid war ,
Q psyop yer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trust the plan

Mrs Gardener
Mrs Gardener
Apr 23, 2020 10:10 AM
Reply to  paul

As soon as he got into office we said he would be used as a cover for crashing the economy.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 22, 2020 7:02 PM


“A government that governs least governs best.”
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves”

Ubiquitous quotes, we’ve all heard a million times spoken by teachers in grade school classrooms, or written by political commentators– accepted truisms never fully resonating until now. The freedom to do simple things—daily activities we’ve all taken for granted, like exiting your home, driving your car, walking to local shops, and purchasing trivial goods and services. Even the pleasure of “working up a sweat” playing tennis, baseball, soccer, or golf is no longer an option. Stuff, which folks regularly enjoyed are now demeaned irrelevant or superfluous by repugnant state-run media commentators. Insufferable obnoxious loudmouths are telling everyone what stores can be opened and what can be purchased. Of course, all the superfluous crap they condemn can be purchased online. Nancy Pelosi, couldn’t wait to show millions her well-stocked designer ice cream neatly arranged in the bottom drawer one of her TWO top-of-the-line stainless steel refrigerators. The ice cream had just been delivered to her front door–how lovely, chocolate is her favorite flavor.

We’re living under a Politburo controlled by a Central Committee making day-to-day political decisions about how each American can live their life. Those within the “coveted corrupt committee” dine on designer ice cream in their new $250,000 “bells and whistles” renovated kitchen.


Although 500,000 die from cigarette smoking they have the RIGHT to smoke, just like the 350,000 who gorge themselves daily and die annually from obesity. The rights of these 850, 000 Americans are not being altered in the name of public safety. Although, these self-imposed medical conditions result in a strain on hospital services and other public resources. These chubby smoke obsessed individuals are allowed to “choose” how they want to live their lives. Similarly, if a small business owner wants to reopen his neighborhood store, and if customers are interested in purchasing its goods and services they should be able to do. Decisions, which should be determined by individuals are now being decided by mindless apparatchiks whose every edit is more contradictory and inane than the next.

Families living near parks are not allowed to enjoy them, they can just look at the greenery from afar. All sports activities are curtailed deemed superfluous by the politburo’s state-run media. Every bit of pleasure individuals derived pursuing favorite outdoor activities are deemed prohibited by the “state.”

Is this how it feels to live in an autocratic country where every citizen is held indefinitely captive. Americans, are not fearful to leave their homes because of bombs, bullets, or an unending war but because of phobias generated from hysterical propaganda.

A segment of the population will suffer nothing more than boredom, but many more have lost everything. Only 29 percent of the workforce “can” work from home. What happens to the other 70 percent. I’ll answer that– they’ll lose their businesses, their homes, and their life savings. Soulless selfish crooked bureaucrats have the power to arbitrarily destroy lives. Crooked politicians, now tell you what activities are essential. And if you disagree, you’re considered silly, ignorant, a science denier, or perhaps a deplorable………..

No one is questioning the existence of COVID-19, but what should be questioned is the validity of the data triggering mass panic, hysteria, and unreasonable decrees. The fact of the matter is, the same mainstream media news “creepy-crawlies” who relentlessly screamed with unflinching certainty about invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya and Ukraine are now self-appointed virologists shouting about COVID-19 and its life threatening capabilities. This should all give us pause. Handpicked scientists are like cherry-picked intelligence officers who for decades fabricated hysterical data taking the US into 25 years of needless wars in the Middle-East and Africa. These ghouls are wrong ALL the time, because they’re being paid to deceive.

Apr 22, 2020 7:24 PM

Stuff, which folks regularly enjoyed are now demeaned irrelevant or superfluous by repugnant state-run media commentators. Insufferable obnoxious loudmouths are telling everyone what stores can be opened and what can be purchased


Apr 22, 2020 9:05 PM

the largest segments of America’s workforce are either truck drivers or retail clerks. truck drivers have been deemed essential retail clerks have been declared redundant , as “automation” rushes in to replace them. Silicon Valley is pleased after the debacle around automating trucks last year , and on it goes?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 22, 2020 9:36 PM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

Shouldn’t you question why there’s a plan to consolidate all goods and services, limiting options and forcing the population to be dependent on just a few mega-businesses.

The fewer options one has the more they can be controlled, exploited, and held captive. For example, the indigent have very few options they are living under feudalism, while the wealthy have many options and are thoroughly enjoying their liberty.

Apr 22, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

There is always a plan , however our elites are not monolithic and constantly work against each others interests for short term personal gains when no external threat to the status quo is perceived. As “the Dude” from The Big Lebowski cult classic film was often heard to opine , “I really don’t understand your question?”

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 22, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

Big fascists and little fascists fight among themselves but, in the end they always join forces and unite.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Once the theft of everything valuable and the radical disempowerment and impoverishment of the serfs is complete, mass extermination MUST follow, otherwise there will be an age of revolt.

Apr 23, 2020 12:46 AM

Guy McPherson, proponent of near term human extinction, would agree.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 23, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  GS

I wouldn’t call him a ‘proponent’, more a witness.

Apr 24, 2020 1:24 PM

Technically, none of us will be around to witness the extinction of humans, but I get your drift.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 23, 2020 1:00 AM

By that time everyone will be “chipped” and cataloged.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 23, 2020 9:50 AM

Like wood-chipping?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 23, 2020 11:59 AM

That might be more appealing…..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 24, 2020 9:15 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Saddam’s ‘human-chipping machine’ could come in handy. I believe it has pride of place at one of Tony Blair’s mansions.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 24, 2020 12:55 PM

The US and Britain didn’t need a chipping machine they slaughtered over a million with bombs, drones, and bullets.

Apr 22, 2020 9:32 PM

‘Of course, all the superfluous crap they condemn can be purchased online.’

– So Jeff Bezos (with Amazone) is also in it, just as Bill Gates is (that is: forget about the names, these people are replaced by other billionaires, the moment they step out; it’s the system that is destructive!)

‘Decisions, which should be determined by individuals are now being decided by mindless apparatchiks whose every edit is more contradictory and inane than the next.’

– That is where it will stop. Maybe not yet, because the stubborn people who remain in the ghost house have no incentive to leave, yet… but when reality sets in, like losing a business or seeing other businesses get ruined, it will come. I don’t know how many trillions ‘we’ already pumped into ‘their’ economy, but I do know it’s a lot. The terrifying thing is not the virus, it’s the economy, if you would ask me. And the question is who is going to pay the bill of the years of decadence, made possible by stock buybacks and dividend that was given to the rich by QE, leading to a stock market that went through the roof. Much of that is already gone, leaving the companies with huge debts.

I liked your essay and the ‘ubiquitous quotes’. Here is another one:

– Everybody, sooner or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences. –

Apr 22, 2020 11:01 PM

Individual freedom/liberty is never absolute. It’s always balanced by social responsibility.
Some people really are rejecting COVID-19 by calling it fake or planned or a scam.
These people, even (so-called) anti-capitalist leftists, seem to wish/strongly desire to return to the biosphere-killing laissez faire status quo ante coronavirus hysteria rule of imperial finance capital ASAP — all in the (fake?) concern (trolling?) for small businesses and mental health.

{begin snark} Let’s get back to capitalogenic ecocide tout suite. That’s great for the overall health of the people and the planet.{end snark}
“Capitalist ideology in general, Zizek maintains, consists precisely in the overvaluing of belief – in the sense of inner subjective attitude – at the expense of the beliefs we exhibit and externalize in our behavior. So long as we believe (in our hearts) that capitalism is bad, we are free to continue to participate in capitalist exchange. According to Zizek, capitalism in general relies on this structure of disavowal. We believe that money is only a meaningless token of no intrinsic worth, yet we act as if it has a holy value. Moreover, this behavior precisely depends upon the prior disavowal – we are able to fetishize money in our actions only because we have already taken an ironic distance towards money in our heads.”
― Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 22, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  GS

If the capitalist system collapses worldwide 90% of the population will be wiped out. And that figure is generous.

Apr 22, 2020 11:18 PM

I am questioning the existence of COVID19.

I am not questioning the existence of operation COVID19 that need people to believe and not question everything.
If you know the scientist the govt used are corrupt then why would you believe in the existence of COVID19?
Just like Al Gores ” Man made global warming “myth they changed the name to market it as “climate change”.
So they changed first marketing name from ” corona” ( aka common cold) to “COVID19”.

Don’t take as gospel the word of pathological liars( Media and Govt) .

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 22, 2020 11:34 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

They labeled a virus COVID-19 so I referred to it by its assigned name. I personally believe it was released from 3 different biological warfare labs in three different locations sometime last October. The rest is history……

Apr 22, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Technically, the name of the disease is COVID-19 and the name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2 (which Sinophobes want to call the Wuhan virus or the China virus) and there are a list of symptoms. Here in British Columbia it looks like “social distancing” recommendations will be eased except for people experiencing symptoms.

I personally believe it [the virus] was released from 3 different biological warfare labs in three different locations sometime last October.

Why? There was a zootic origin of the H1N1 flu of 1916-1920 and SARS and MERS and Ebola and HIV/AIDS.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 23, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  GS

The wet market in Wuhan was 4 miles away from the biological warfare lab in Wuhan. It should be noted, Obama initiated funding to that lab in 2008. Fort Detrick is a United States Army Medical Command installation located in Frederick, Maryland. It mysteriously closed in July 2019 and recently reopened in mid March. There were an unusual cluster of flu cases in Maryland in October. The virus was probably released from that facility.
I think the virus was also released in Europe……

“In a recent study about coronavirus, experts from Cambridge University were able to map the genetic history of COVID-19 from December, when the spread was first recorded, to March, discovering that the virus has three distinct strains, all of which are closely related to each other.” I don’t think the virus mutated. Three similar strains were released from three different labs. That virus has been floating around for 6 months. It was initially detected in Washington State in January, but it was there long before that. People who contracted COVID thought they had a cold or the flu. Of course, this is just pure speculation on my part.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 23, 2020 2:53 AM

Hello Charlotte Russe: That’s some pretty accurate speculation regarding the “pandemic”…

VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls” – Global Research

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 23, 2020 4:35 AM

Check out my comment on the thread entitled: “WATCH: Kit Knightly on the Corbett Report; Covid19 & speaking truth to power.”

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Apr 23, 2020 5:25 AM

” A Government that governs least governs best.”

Not true in all circumstances. Families of those killed in workplace accidents due to inadequate regulation, or lax enforcement of regulations, would disagree with that statement.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 23, 2020 11:45 AM

And now all of what you describe will be compounded by this panic. Industries knowing workers are desperate will exploit them to the max. Panic ridden populations will accept and “welcome” heighten surveillance. Billions “will roll up their sleeves” beggings sociopaths to inject poison vaccines.

Apr 23, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Because a society dominated/aggressively coerced by capitalist and rentier classes is sick unto death, that society’s responses to disasters such as pandemics, famines, weapons of mass destruction, the destruction of ecosystems due to climate change caused by the 1:1:1 correlation of energy usage, exponential growth of GDP, greenhouse gas emissions will also be sick unto death.

As long as we have a political-economic system which does everything in its power to NOT prioritize universal social needs & universal social values & ecological equilibrium, that system will continue to be hellish & death-oriented.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 23, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  GS

And how do you think promoting mass hysteria and locking down countries will help the working-class and the indigent.

Apr 23, 2020 12:50 PM

First of all, I don’t believe that “mass hysteria” is being promoted. I think that there are intelligent measured responses to a pandemic which are not being taken and, because they’re not being taken, confusion reigns.
See https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2020/04/taleb-the-only-man-who-has-a-clue.html

Capitalism and rent-seeking have failed. Marx’s view of capitalism is the historic force that tends to eliminate all forms of pre-capitalist rent seeking, i.e. land rent, monopoly rent and financial rent (usury). The original meaning of a free market as discussed by classical political economists was a market free from all forms of rent. The gist of classical political economy was to distinguish earned and unearned income (also known as rent or free lunch). Today modern capitalism is dominated by rentier classes. The other form of rent is imperialist rent, flowing from underdeveloped countries to developed ones. All of these forces distort the political economy of modern capitalism, pushing labour-capital contradiction to the background and bringing other issues to the foreground. Finance, insurance and real estate (the FIRE sector) have gained control of the global economy at the expense of industrial capitalism and governments. This is as if instead of progress, history has regressed back to a neo-feudal system.

Human society and the biosphere need to transition from neo-feudalism to socialism. Such major transitions are painful. The working class and the indigent will continue to suffer until the transition to socialism is accomplished. Unfortunately, that’s the fate of us slaves/serfs to a sick-unto-death system/political economy.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 23, 2020 1:24 PM
Reply to  GS

“First of all, I don’t believe that “mass hysteria” is being promoted.”

That comment in itself demonstrates that you’re either unwittingly unaware, or you’re consciously preaching security state bullshit.

The naivete to believe that a “panic pandemic” will help to accelerate a Marxist agenda is laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic…..

Apr 23, 2020 1:53 PM

Most of the internet commenters pushing the beliefs in/the ideas of “mass hysteria” & “pandemic panic” are utilizing rhetorical hyperbole & fear-mongering instead of science, logic, reason. You’re welcome to your opinions regarding the “panic” and “hysteria” you’ve personally observed.

Those who want to get back to the status quo ante coronavirus business-as-usual want to accelerate ecocide. There are (so-called) “Marxist” accelerationists (look up the term or see https://necessityandfreedom.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/some-brief-comments-on-accelerationism/ ), but I think they’re crazy.

The naivete to believe that a “panic pandemic” will help to accelerate a Marxist agenda…

As a Marxist myself, I’m confident in asserting that there is no “Marxist agenda” in existence, much less such an agenda to be accelerated. There’s only the objective reality of the dominance of & the aggressive coercion by the capitalist and rentier ruling and controlling classes. Marxists can analyze this dominance, but Marxists — like the rest of the slaves/serfs — have no power to put forth an agenda or to accelerate that agenda. We can only cultivate a revolutionary spirit as we await the self-destruction of the capitalist & rentier classes.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 23, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  GS

Your arrogance and naivete is overwhelming.

Apr 23, 2020 11:37 PM

Your arrogance and naivete is overwhelming.

Duly noted. I think you’re projecting. There’s nothing particularly naive or arrogant about (1) linking to Marxist accelerationists delusionally believing we can (2) Marxists having no political influence to put forth an agenda to (3) Marxists have no political power to overthrow this present insane, suicidal, ecosystem-destroying political economic system into which every living creature is born.
I apologize for one Marxist reminding another Marxist of our collective powerlessness feeling offensive.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 23, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  GS

I find it fascinating that a supposed Marxist would readily buy into the COVID-19 hysteria.

Apr 24, 2020 1:04 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

The word “hysteria” — like panic or mass frenzy — is rhetorical hyperbole.
But it’s neither fascinating nor surprising that someone who engages in speculation that this virus was engineered in one or more bio-weapons labs & then (intentionally?) released would also utilize rhetorical hyperbole instead of the minor logic of the dialectic or the major logic of critique aka critical analysis.

Try again. Or go the route of identifying a fake Marxist. I. Don’t. Care.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 24, 2020 2:17 AM
Reply to  GS

I smell the stench of security state bullshit…..

Apr 23, 2020 6:40 PM

Although 500,000 die from cigarette smoking t

The people who give you covid19 statistics, you believe when it comes to tobacco ?

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 23, 2020 8:12 PM
Reply to  JohnB

You’re trying to make a pointless point….

Apr 22, 2020 7:00 PM

the up voting on this sire is just as rigged as the elections i up vote people and sometime it 1, other times it up loads several votes
anyone else notice this.?

Apr 22, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  ame

Yes, I have, but I don’t believe it’s the result of rigging. May be a glitch in my mouse or some other phenomenon I wouldn’t understand.

Apr 22, 2020 7:38 PM
Reply to  ame

When you vote it refreshes the page so if others voted in the meantime you’ll see those too.

Apr 22, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Dave

That would seem to be the common sense answer. However, I once voted Louis Proyect down and it changed from -21 to -41.

Apr 22, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  Loverat

That would seem to be the common sense answer. However, I once voted Louis Proyect down and it changed from -21 to -41.

He is a pretty unpopular guy

Apr 22, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Dave

It’s called negative popularity…

Apr 22, 2020 10:11 PM
Reply to  Dave

Thanks. And I did understand that.

Apr 22, 2020 10:06 PM
Reply to  ame

The site seems to have a few code glitches, eg. have you noticed when someone posts a you tube video sometimes it gets corrupted by another later you tube post?

that said i suspect its simply a fact others thumbed it since you started reading, once you thumb it it refreshes the page. I find i have to refresh the page a lot to see new posts.

None of it detracts from the value of the site, i don’t think its any kind of dishonest shenanigans.

Apr 22, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  Objective

thank you i was asking and also taking the piss U.K sense of humor which either did not come across funny nor as one siad above common sense which in my case is not always common, never the less thank for explaining the cliches

Apr 22, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  ame

I think it is to do with the way the site is refreshed.
But, you have to remember all my comment up votes are actually half what they should be due to some quirk, just mentally double up plus votes and half my down votes.

Apr 22, 2020 6:43 PM

Yesterday saw the fourth night of rioting in Paris (and also Strasbourg)…


This is not directly connected to the gilets jaunes movement (it’s mostly impoverished immigrants), but all roads lead to Rome; or in this case, Paris.

You ain’t seen nothing yet when it comes to protests on the streets of France.

Apr 22, 2020 6:57 PM
Reply to  RobG

The maggot Macron did a PR stunt today at a supermarket in Brittany. Note that maggot Macron & Co are not wearing masks and are not really observing ‘social distancing’…


Mrs Gardner
Mrs Gardner
Apr 23, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

Macron discovers a supermarket! great comment.

I think if someone speaks to you through a mask keep saying what? sorry? don’t understand? no idea what you are saying.

And if you wear one, then just mumble, and mumble louder, then take the thing off and shout! I talk in a very loud voice across the 2m distance. yes dreadful this lockdown, yes they have done an amazing job of getting everyone to fear everyone else. etc. Except at the pharmacy, there I speak really quietly and they say sorry cannot hear you, I need my privacy I say in a loud voice, then quietly ask for what I want, they get frustrated because of the distance. I just through my hands up and walk off.

Childish I know. !

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  RobG

‘ Things fall apart…

Apr 23, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  RobG

For maybe three or four weeks the (somewhat routine) rioting in certain impoverished parts of outer Paris was restrained by the lockdown, but eventually people broke out. They cannot lock people down forever.

Apr 22, 2020 6:39 PM

this couldn’t happen to a ‘nicer’ guy


Apr 22, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  bob

I find the demoisation of Gates misleading, it’s a distraction.

Apr 22, 2020 6:37 PM

The “Food-Chain” has been broken now – and that turns thing into a big desaster! See: “THE AGRIBUSINESS MODEL IS FAILING” (by F. William Engdahl): http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO20Apr2020.php

Here a more than 10 years old trick film: “The Meatrix”: https://youtu.be/rEkc70ztOrc

Apr 22, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Here a more than 10 years old trick film: “The Meatrix”: https://youtu.be/rEkc70ztOrc

Excellent…same applies to all transgenic foods – messing with “their” genetic make-up – transfers to a disarrangement and destruction of ours…. .

Apr 22, 2020 5:50 PM

Anyone getting the feeling that the state are saying: ‘yea we know the shut down is a big hoax, we even left you Sweden to prove it, and we’re taking your freedom, So what are you going to fucking do about it ?’

Apr 22, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Yes definitely letting Sweden do their own thing is a massive piss take and must be laughing their asses off watching the idiots at home watching Sweden go on about their day whilst the rest of the world is on house arrest.

Apr 22, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

No doubt there will be some low hanging fruit that ends up getting scapegoated when the dust settles.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 10:50 PM
Reply to  jay

The dust is not going to settle this time.

Apr 22, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)


Apr 22, 2020 9:39 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Because of the open policy on this site (which I agree with entirely), people like you are allowed to spout whatever BS you want.

That’s fine.

It also means that I can equate people like you to a baby in the pram, throwing its toys out.

The frightening thing is, how many people you sucker in.

Apr 22, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  RobG


”The psychopaths who rule us are purposely crashing the global economy.
You either submit to this, or you join the Resistance.”

You wrote this earlier.

Apr 22, 2020 5:45 PM

Unfortunately, it seems that COVID-19 has infected everyone involved in healthcare management and turned their brains into useless mush.


Dr Malcolm Kendrick’s view of health policy

Apr 22, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  bob

By putting the infected olds back into old peoples homes, It’s almost like they want to kill as many old people as possible, but that can’t possibly be true, can it?

Apr 22, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  bob

Looking at those comments, I can’t but think that at least some are bots.

Apr 23, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  DAVID

Funny, that’s what bots normally say.

Apr 22, 2020 5:37 PM

But what about the wind? If it is blowing from me to you do you have to stand further away than 6 feet? How many feet. What it is you who is infected? Can I stand closer to you than 6 feet? What if it is not blowing towards either of us but at a right angle to the line between us? What then? What if there is no wind?

There simply isn’t enough detail.

Where is Spock with his impeccable logic?

Apr 22, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Scotty

You can’t handcuff the wind…

Apr 22, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  Scotty

Ask The Police, although I suspect they’ll tell to Don’t Stand So Close To Me…I’ll get my coat.

Apr 22, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  Scotty

some supermarkets due to this very serious conundrum have stickers on the floor.
but dont panic no need for spook as your mobile phone app will inform you via the police that you have been to close and issue you a fine

Apr 22, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Scotty

I am copying this from lower down. This is just to add some more important considerations. For example, there is very low smog these days, meaning that there are less particulates in the air. That means there is more space for germs to hang out in the air. This is not to mention all the spring birds flapping their wings and whooshing this air around all of sudden, distributing the germs. It is a complicated calculation to be performed daily.

Apr 22, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  TrueNorth

That’s arsebiscuits!

Apr 22, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  Scotty

Spock on lockdown:

“It’s life Jim, but not as we know it?

Apr 22, 2020 5:32 PM

A lot of the expressed rationale for all of the measures being taken and proposed to be taken rests on “testing.” It is mentioned in almost every article one reads in a newspaper and every COVID-19 rant on mainstream media. Which test has been/is proposed to be used (RT-PCR, or antibody or whatever else, test kits, anyone?) is never mentioned.

And what is that test supposed to test? How reliable is that test at finding whatever it is it’s looking for? Having found that result, what does it mean? Most of us here in this OffG community know the answers to those questions. No one else does. Does our future – physical, emotional, economic – rest on tests whose results and significance we are taking on faith?

Our right to outdoor sunshine is predicated on “tests.” We need indoor sunshine – access to facts, freedom of inquiry.

Apr 22, 2020 5:23 PM

Liberty and diversity are now old hat, controlled and engineered societies are the new buzz, for idiot politicians, the military and Corporations, and their little fan boys and useful idiots.
I grew up understanding that freedom & diversity were compliments to the free market, it is that which made our economies so wealthy, flexible and productive. But people think the rigid Chines economy has proven that wrong. They are wrong China is living off the fat of western freedom and diversity, it hasn’t discovered a new way.

I think this experiment in control is going to last 20 years, and will eventually prove we were right all along, freedom & diversity of opinion is the fuel of a rich economy and culture.
But it is impossible to convince the idiots. It’s like trying to convince somebody under 35 that inflation is a bad thing, and you can’t just print money from nowhere, they just don’t get it.

Apr 22, 2020 5:27 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Agree.. though also there’s nothing new in technocracy… in fact it’s stuffy and old hat, like much of Darwin. Why do cutting-edge technocrats have dynasties… why do we have Elon Musk, grandson of one of the founders of Technocracy, Joshua Norman Haldeman

Apr 22, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

I hate (is this a crime) the word “diversity” used in a political sense, as with all things liberal-left its as if the uneducated (indoctrinated) minds have no comprehension of the meaning of words found in the English dictionary. They literally flip the definition of everything.

Apr 22, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Objective

I didn’t mean lots of black asians if that is what you assumed. Diversity in the social sense, I mean those not conforming. Conforming is unhealthy for the soul and sometimes even the economy. Diversity in the economic since is powerful, because it means innovation, productive competition, as opposed to destructive Corporate monopoly and cartel.

Apr 22, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

well ok then.

Apr 22, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  Objective

My fault, I wrote it really badly. I’m not a gifted writer.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 10:56 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

China has taken at least five thousand years finding, not a ‘new’ way, but a different, and obviously better way. What made the US economy wealthy was imperial pillage, particularly of Latin America, the USA’s unparalleled natural wealth of vast fertile farmlands, the extermination of the Indigenous, and ruthless exploitation of tens of millions of slaves, indentured workers and immigrants. And the only thing ‘rigid’ is your brainwashed mind.

Apr 22, 2020 5:01 PM

We went shopping today. I was completely amazed. There was no guard on the door. No one insisted on disinfecting us, and there was no queue. We even bought some more compost. In fact half our shopping trolley was compost. I thought there was a slight chance, the supermarket may have some food inside, and to my amazement they did. I asked my wife – what’s going on? She said it’s not normally like this. Maybe we just dropped lucky, or someone posted, that they had run out so don’t bother queuing for an hour to get in, cos you are wasting your time.

I reinforced my original theory (we dropped lucky), cos when we came out, there was an extremely long queue, snaking down the road.

We hope to grow much more of our own food, and now is the time to start.

Great article, and I love the subtle gif. I did post a response this morning, and first of all it failed to do anything. So 10 minutes later, I tried again, and it briefly appeared and then disappeared. This may have more to do with me – or indeed my wife’s computer, which she rarely uses except for her keep fit classes, which last night started to behave extremely strangely. Now where exactly did 17,475 trackers come from on her computer? She spends most of her time when not gardening on her mobile phone.


Apr 22, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Maybe you entered a new dimension, an alternate reality, i keep imagining i’m going to wake up from this nightmare myself .

Apr 22, 2020 4:39 PM

There appears a lot of activity around where I live today and the weather is a help. Looking at some comments on line with even the ‘DM’ ahem running stories of Britain ‘sneaking’ back to work there is feeling that this will change. Comments on there also supportive of that. With the weather set to hit 25 over the next few days I am praying that this is a watershed. Get away from the MSM and get out there and enjoy the weather!

Apr 22, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  IANA

I am suspecting that this could be a deliberate move. Quietly start to open up again, that way the already failed narrative can slink of into the night. Just a thought.

Apr 22, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  DAVID

I don’t think you’re wrong, I sort of had that impression too. Like they are subtlety trying to change the narrative.

It must incumbent on us that when that does happen we don’t let it go – there should be serious repercussions over this.

Apr 22, 2020 4:24 PM

Out of curiosity – does anyone know where the 6ft / 2m social distancing nonesense came from ? Did it originate from a dodgy study, or did they just pluck it out of the blue ? I believe the rule varies country to country – i am not sure if in France or Brussels it is 1m or 1 1/2 metres ??? Does anyone know ??

Apr 22, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  marvin

1930’s, TB?

Apr 22, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  marvin

It’s based on how far most blokes can p1ss on a full bladder.

Apr 22, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

That seems to run against the stream of advice to protect the elderly, surely.

Apr 22, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  marvin

Menu of Suggested Provisions For State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws
G. Social Distancing Measures – Workplace, Schools, and Other Public Settings


Apr 22, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  marvin


I believe the WHO guidance was and is still less than that.(I think 1.5m) The guidance different in other countries.

I havent really found any research or study which gives rationale for 6ft. So basically I think they taken one figure and added a bit.

So likely guesswork, yet again. My view is the length of time of contact between people and how prolonged is more likely a bigger factor than distance. Just my opinion from looking at all this.

Apr 22, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  Loverat

You also have to consider other factors when doing your daily distance calculation. For example, there is very low smog these days, meaning that there are less particulates in the air. That means there is more space for germs to hang out in the air. This is not to mention all the spring birds flapping their wings and whooshing this air around all of sudden, distributing the germs. I bet you haven’t though about that.

Apr 22, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  TrueNorth

What about altitude?

Should one be further away from each other at higher altitudes than at lower ones? Or can we huddle up a bit on the 19th floor without our mobis going into ballistic mode?

Apr 22, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  marvin

In NL it’s 1.5 meters. The reason? – There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you have the MSM who do all the reasoning for you?

If only people would be able to turn the MSM off… They are in fact, but they are incapable to do it. Which is another riddle…

Apr 22, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  marvin

The twilight zone?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  marvin

I believe it was employed during the ‘Spanish’ Flu, and perhaps earlier. Plus lots of masks.

Apr 22, 2020 3:33 PM

Some good news:


Attorney General Bill Bar:
“Our federal constitutional rights don’t go away in an emergency. They constrain what the government can do,” Barr said in the Tuesday interview. “And in a circumstance like this, they put on the government the burden to make sure that whatever burdens it’s putting on our constitutional liberties are strictly necessary to deal with the problem. They have to be targeted. They have to use less intrusive means if they are equally effective in dealing with the problem. And that’s the situation we’re in today. We’re moving into a period where we have to do a better job of targeting the measures we’re deploying to deal with this virus.”


De Blasio set up a social distancing tip line:
‘Except instead of submitting photos of supposed social distancing violations to the number, people have been sending in news articles about De Blasio hitting the gym during the pandemic, images of male genitalia and Hitler memes, according to Twitter screenshots and the New York Post.
“We will fight this tyrannical overreach!” one person apparently texted the number, only to receive an automated reply back thanking them for the tip and informing them that “a representative will be with you soon.”’

Apr 22, 2020 3:05 PM

I guess on balance the docility and fear is what the powerful want. But it does sometimes seem as though they are waiting for something… perhaps some kind of angry response from the public that will give governments an excuse to take further actions. Or perhaps the governments falling is the plan too – start with ordinary people and small businesses, then crush larger businesses like stores and corporations, then come for those in charge by first discrediting them. Time will tell, I guess.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 22, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Thom

Cliched as it is, “Be careful about what one wishes, for one may probably get it… AND MORE.”

Apr 22, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Thom

For those, who or many years, were not quite sure why the authorities have been trying to make it more dificult for the populace to own firearms, the reason must now be blindingly obvious.

Apr 22, 2020 3:00 PM

Mother arrested at Idaho playground . “”Her kids are here! Her kids are here? What is going to happen? Who’s got her kids?” ”

Apr 22, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  clickkid

We need to oppose en masse, I’m pretty sure only a few will be as brave as her.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 23, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  clickkid

Thanks C for this prime example of what our world has become. Just disgusting… and even more so, there will be many brainwashed sheep applauding the cops actions.
They are so blind to the fascism all around them, and indeed are actually embracing it.
Kudos to this brave woman who refused to back down.

Apr 22, 2020 2:48 PM

Excellent chat with Whitney Webb on the looming techno-tyranny and the setting-up of China as Eastasia to the US’s Oceania for perpetual war.

Apr 22, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Reg

AI is all hype, just like autonomous driving cars and the hyped-up-loop was all hype. We will not see it in action for a very long time, if ever.

Apr 22, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Yes – this latest round of automation hype really kicked off with that viral video on Youtube in the summer of 2014.

A lot of is just hype – people getting overenthusiastic, but it serves the purpose of making people fearful of losing their jobs.

Apr 22, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  clickkid

The Federal Reserve forecasts 47 million unemployed, with a rate of almost 33% unemployment in the second quarter. Hype?

Apr 23, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Do they think that is due to AI?, No, I didn’t think so.

Apr 22, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The technology is moot. The Nazis worked perfectly well with radio, guns and a touch of 1930s-era eugenics.

Apr 22, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  Reg

The CIA’s logic is whatever China can do inside China, the CIA must do in the U.S.. You might wonder why the CIA would want to copy a totalitarian state until you look at the relationship between Allen Dulles, J.E. Hoover and the Nazis.

Apr 22, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The claim is that the Chinese are stealing a lead on the US in their social control and tech. So the US must catch up and have a equally ruthless, tech to harvest and control the population better.

Apr 22, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

I’m fully onboard with the fight against intellectual property theft and have worked with many industrialists. However, I don’t think the CIA is talking just about IP when it says the U.S. population must adapt so that the U.S. can stay ahead of Chinese surveillance technology.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The biggest IP thieves are the USA, as Snowden’s documents (those not deep-sixed by Greenwald et al) show. IP theft by China is a racist meme peddled by those who think that the Chinese are stupid and backward, a truly hilarious conceit.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 24, 2020 9:23 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

China is less ‘totalitarian’ than any Western ‘liberal democracy’. You have NO idea, just a life-time of brainwashing.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 24, 2020 11:09 AM

Could you expand on that? How free is the press? How much poverty/exploitation is there? Do they have a one-tier free health service? Do you have personal experience of living there?

Apr 22, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Reg

Whitney’s face confuses & concerns me, i can’t trust a face i can’t work out.

Apr 22, 2020 2:18 PM

If nothing else freaks you out, the fact that the characters in the BBC’s Archers are not in ‘lockdown’ should really worry you. They usual reflect almost all current events, but it looks like this is too much tyranny for even them…….spooky.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 22, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Interesting. I had expected them to be in full-on propaganda mode.

I’m a recovering Archers Addict, and only ever hear it now accidentally on the car radio, and have managed to avoid it totally during the plandemic.

Jill and Peggy are definitely in the “vulnerable” category.

Apr 22, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

That IS a good point.

I haven’t heard ‘The Archers’ for decades, but if I remember rightly, then the dominant tone was one of common sense and decency – this was in the 70s – and, as you say, the contrast is just too much. They can’t fit it in.

Apr 22, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  clickkid

One reason the Michigan farmers protested last week, peacefully but bearing arms, against the lockdown is that April is sowing season. There are two more months to get the crops in the ground to avoid shortage next winter. Perhaps BBC Archers wants to avoid raising that issue.

Apr 22, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

I wonder how they will film the episodes of Eastenders and Coronation Street that are supposed to take place during the pandemic ? Most of the activity occurs around the shop and pub – they will be very boring episodes if they do air sometime !!!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 22, 2020 2:14 PM

Perhaps the lock down will allow civilians the opportunity to examine the benefits of shuttered airports and suspended hyper-industry… Below is one of the best documentary films I’ve ever watched. >

“Planet of the Humans,” is a new documentary about “renewable” energy systems, including solar, wind, biomass and seaweed. Jeff Gibbs, Michael Moore’s longtime director, produced and directed it.

Enjoy one of the last Earth days…

Apr 22, 2020 2:28 PM

It is amazing that somehow ‘the left’ have been made into the enemies of the working population, via a claimed love of the planet.
It’s as act of genius. and here we are, with the left fighting to impose austerity and restrictions on the lives of the working population, because, we, the carbon units are the enemy.

The war on the carbon is one of the deep state’s greatest achievements, it spells the end of ‘the left’ forever as the people oppose their oppression and austerity.

Apr 22, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The word ‘left’ as a politiclal term, has changed vastly in meaning over the lat 30 years. The whole collection of political memes (gender, obsessive multiculturalism etc etc ) ,which dominate the pages The Guardian, constitute, in effect, a sort of cultural guerilla warfare against the population – a strategy of cultural tension.

Apr 22, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Yes – ‘humans are the virus on the planet’ stuff.
Its all self-hatred in deification of victims.
So now we can have an infected carbon guilt ‘economy’.
Thanks – but no thanks.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 22, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Hello jack(jim): The distinctions between “left” and “right” will become irrelevant very soon, as economic and environmental collapse will very much level the playing field…

The war on carbon has progressed like all banker funded wars before it. >

The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan
By The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute
Global Research, May 28, 2019

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 11:12 PM

The fly in that paranoid ointment is the REALITY of anthropogenic climate destabilisation. Keep burning fossil fuels and humanity will be devastated by climate instability, and probably exterminated.

Apr 23, 2020 12:39 AM

it will be even more relevant in the future.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 22, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

That’s just dumb. The war on fossil fuels is absolutely essential to avoid human extinction. Everything the ‘working population’ needs can be achieved through renewable energy, organic farming (ie non-fossil fuel based)electrification of transport and redistribution of wealth.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 23, 2020 2:21 AM

Hello Richard Le Sarc: I once had the same optimism regarding the corrective methods you suggest. As the film points out, the war on fossil fuels has been hijacked and massively corrupted by fossil fuel suppliers and subsidiary interests…

My second point is that we don’t need renewable energy nearly as much as we need to reduce ALL forms of energy usage to less than twenty percent of 1970’s levels. That will require a permanent ban on all nonessential civilian aircraft, closure of international shipping, and cessation of all military actions world wide…

Lighting up cities and freeway systems to make them appear like Las Vegas casinos is perhaps a quaint artifact, but it is caused by persons who have never studied the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.

The energy we gleefully expend on entertainment and war efforts have direct thermal consequences. CO2 is placing a blanket ov