Three New Reads – April

Philip Roddis

For weeks my political focus has narrowed almost exclusively to Covid-19. It’s not that I haven’t noted other things. Increased Washington bellicosity over China, Iran and Venezuela has been hard to ignore, likewise the revelations of just how far the Labour Right went in their efforts to remove Corbyn. I’ll write on these things soon.

Meanwhile, Reads 2 and 3 of my April selection concern aspects of the pandemic, Read 1 a boy on a motorbike in the wrong place at the wrong time.


The Disgusting Lies on Harry Dunn (1650 words)

It’s a sign of our polarised times that so many former establishment figures are gamekeepers turned poacher.[1] One such is Craig Murray, Blair’s man in Uzbekistan until he blew the whistle on its leader, Islam Karimov. Dashed inconvenient of Murray to reveal – with Karimov allowing Coalition forces to use the former Soviet Republic’s airbases for strikes on Iraq – that the man not only treated the nation’s finances as his personal piggy bank, but boiled dissidents alive.

Followers of the Assange case will know Murray works indefatiguably to publicise the serial abuses of British Justice to which this brave man has been subject, pending extradition to the USA, where he faces 175 years in jail for the crime of telling us the truth about the rather more substantial, and substantially detailed, crimes of our leaders.

Here his forensic attention to detail – ‘Journalism is tough work if you do it properly, which is presumably why the media no longer even pretend to do it.’ – is brought to bear on the starkly contrasting failure of the UK to extradite Anne Sacoolas, who mowed down young Harry Dunn as she drove on the wrong side of the road.

The lies we are being told have little to do with protecting Sacoolas. (Even Dunn’s family allow that hers was a tragic but understandable error, and the real crime her flight.) Still less are they to do with diplomatic immunity. Had her husband actually been a diplomat, it is likely that any diplomatic immunity would have been waived for a prima facie case of manslaughter.

it is hard to understand why diplomatic immunity has been insisted on … the only explanation I can think of is that it was hoped … to avoid all scrutiny of Jonathon Sacoolas’ real job, which is to spy on British citizens’ communications for GCHQ …

NB though a relatively short piece at 1650 words, I endorse Murray’s advice that an earlier 3500 worder, linked early on, be read first to make full sense of the lies surrounding this case.


Merchants of death: Multibillion-dollar bailout for arms industry (1440 words)

One of the principal concerns of Undersecretary of Defense Lord, as she spelled out plans for the multibillion-dollar bailout of the arms industry, was the disruption of supply chains, particularly those originating in the maquiladora sweatshops just across the US border in Mexico. She also mentioned problems in India.

Thousands of Mexican workers have struck … against the deadly conditions inside these plants … as back-to-work orders are shoved through. At a plant in Ciudad Juárez owned by Michigan-based Lear Corporation, 16 workers have died from COIVD-19, while area hospitals are overflowing with victims of the virus.

The Pentagon and US Ambassador to Mexico Christopher Landau [are] demanding that the maquiladora workers be forced back into the plants as “essential” to US imperialism’s war machine … Lockheed relies on low-paid Mexican workers … to produce electrical wiring for Black Hawk and S-92 helicopters, and F-16 jets, while Boeing gets parts from a plant in Monterrey. General Electric, Honeywell and other military contractors also profit off the labor of Mexican workers across the border.

The piece doesn’t back up that Mexican ‘hospitals overflowing’ claim. Some, including credible experts in relevant disciplines, say the Covid-19 danger is overstated. Others, including credible experts in relevant disciplines, say it isn’t. Taken along with weak and highly confusing data, I find it too early to call but, that aside, the US Imperial War Machine continues apace.

As it has with many other aspects of advanced capitalism, the pandemic exposes the internal contradictions of the profit imperative. For the world’s foremost imperial power, armed might is an essential means of underwriting the extraction of super profits via exports of capital to the global south, where cheap labour and ‘business friendly’ regimes allow repatriation of profits over and above those achievable in the West.

But that armed might is itself a profit centre. As I said a year ago in a footnote to Profit and the Arms Economy:

There are those in arms geek circles who say Russia makes better weapons – SAMS, tanks and small arms in particular – because their primary purpose is to deter and if necessary kill, whereas the primary purpose of armaments in the USA is, one way or another, to make profits.

This piece touches on another aspect: outsourcing to the imperialised south of production not just of shirts for Primark and M & S, or smartphones for Apple, but even of the military means of enforcing that exploitation should push come to shove in the shape of a non compliant leader, or challenge from Eurasia.

A short but fascinating read.


Pandemic, super-capitalism and struggle (2900 words)

I have in fact linked to this piece in another post but make no apology for doing so again here. I’ve read scores, perhaps hundreds, of pieces on Covid-19 but if forced to pick out just one, it would be this from Planet of Slums author, Mike Davis. It gives the biggest perspective, while being grounded in a thorough understanding both of imperialism – though he never once uses the term, preferring the ‘super-capitalism’ of the title – and relevant science.

Viruses hijack the genetic machinery of invaded cells to make copies of themselves. Viruses based on DNA have a built-in proof-reading mechanism to ensure accurate replication, but RNA viruses don’t. Influenza A, with 4 genes (corona has 8), is so error prone in reproduction it probably hovers on the edge of extinction, pushing rate of mutation to the limit, a million times faster than DNA-based viruses or cells. Spitting out so many different and inaccurate versions of one’s genome has a huge advantage in resisting the human immune system. This is why influenza A changes annually and continues to sicken humans despite many previous infections.

Mutations usually occur in the ‘heads’ of the two to three proteins on the virus’s surface that allow it to “dock” on a human cell and then enter. Those are the sites that annual vaccines target. But the “stalks” of these proteins are stable and don’t mutate. Virtually all researchers agree that the tools exist to fashion a broadband vaccine that incapacitates the invariant stalks thus conferring general immunity against all strains that might last for years. The research is out there, but Big Pharma won’t develop or manufacture such a vaccine because it is not profitable. (If given a radical design for a car that lasts for a lifetime, would GM manufacture it?)

For the full archive of Three New Reads, click here

[1] To Murray’s name we can add those of: fellow British Ambassador Peter Ford, Reagan appointees Paul Craig Roberts and Stephen Cohen, UN weapons inspectors Hans Blix and Scott Ritter, former CIA agent Philip Giraldi. This list of establishment renegades is from the top of my head and not offered as exhaustive.


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Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 28, 2020 7:52 AM

The Disgusting Lies on Harry Dunn

Big Myth 1:
The power elite don’t dish out propaganda to make themselves look bad.

The power elite doesn’t care about looking good necessarily, what they care about is power and sometimes making themselves look bad is what works best for power so they’re all good with that – besides they know they’re not highly thought of in any case.

Big Myth 2:
The power elite do everything to cover the truth.

We are told on the internet that the power elite feel obliged to signal what they do to us to spare them from karmic repercussions. They reason that by telling us they push the onus onto us to call them out and if we don’t the fault lies with us not them. Whether or not this is true the evidence clearly shows that they signal to us what they do in a gratuitously obvious manner, eg, with regard to 9/11 they had the second plane pop out the other side of the South tower, they told us the terrorists popped up alive, they announced the collapse of WTC-7 20 minutes beforehand and even giving us the perfect implosion of WTC-7 on a platter was a form of them pushing their psyop in our faces as there was no necessity for it as it didn’t play a role in the “terror story” and they could have brought it down later as they brought the other buildings down.

When you read a story about a CIA agent be on guard. Just because it looks bad against them doesn’t mean it’s true.

When I read the story of Harry Dunn I was a teensy bit skeptical so, of course, my first port of call was Wikipedia. Bingo!

1. They tell us “Sacoolas admitted that she had been driving the car on the wrong side of the road, and the police said that, based on CCTV footage, they also believed that was the case,” but they also say words or words to the effect of “was said to have been driven by Anne Sacoolas” constantly. Why all this belief? If she admitted it and the CCTV suggested it why doubt it? Was the CCTV not clear enough? Was there no electronic recording of her leaving the RAF? Why the doubt?

2. They say call handlers categorised Dunn’s injuries as category 2, “requiring ambulance attention within 40 minutes; the ambulance arrived 43 minutes after the collision. The chief executive of East Midlands Ambulance Service later said that because of a shortage of ambulance crews, the categorisation did not make a difference, because the nearest doctor was far away.”
What difference does it make where the nearest doctor was?

3. I challenge anyone to find this paragraph credible.
“When Dunn’s parents visited the White House on 15 October 2019 to meet with “a senior official,” they were to hear President Trump tell them that Sacoolas was waiting “in the next room” to meet them, an option they and their lawyer rejected as being too soon, and something that should take place on British soil.[30][31] Trump called his meeting with the Dunn family “beautiful in a certain way.” He also said driving on the wrong side “happens to a lot of people” because they “go to Europe and the roads are opposite.”[32] It was later alleged that President Trump had intended to pay the family compensation, but they refused it: The Dunn family’s spokesman reported that the White House meeting ended with the president saying the secretary of the treasury, Steven Mnuchin, was “standing by ready to write a cheque”, adding: “It was almost as if he let it slip out. When he said: ‘We’ve got the driver [Sacoolas] here’, he basically meant we’re all going to have a big hug and a kiss and I’ll get my treasury guy to write a cheque. That’s how it was. On the day it just didn’t register with me, but the more I think about those words, the more shocking it is.” [33]

4. They tell us:
“On 18 October Dunn’s parents said that they expected UK police to charge Sacoolas in connection with their son’s death.[34] On the same day it was reported that the UK government had asked Northamptonshire Police to delay informing Dunn’s family that the woman involved in the crash had left the country. Dominic Raab stated that the FCO had asked the force to withhold the information “for a day or two”.[35] The Dunn family became aware that Anne Sacoolas had left the UK one week later, on 23 September.[13]”

So on 18 October the UK govt asked the police to delay informing Dunn’s family that “the woman involved in the crash” (why not “Sacoolas”?) had left the country but in the next sentence it says that the family became aware of her departure on 23 September.

Let’s switch now to the Daily Mail.

1. In bullet points misspelling of Anne’s name as Anna

2. Harry Dunn’s father, Tim, says of Dominic Raab:
“… he said that he knew on October 8 that the immunity had been impertinent and that there was no immunity”
Impertinent? Is this a usage I’m unfamiliar with otherwise very odd, no?

And let’s have a little look at Good Morning Britain

If anyone thinks that Charlotte and Tim look and sound like grieving parents please say so in comments. Not mentioned elsewhere but here Charlotte mentions a twin. I’ve seen the “twin” device being used in faked deaths before but not sure how they pull it off. Obviously, people who know them would know if there were twin brothers rather than a singleton so no idea how they pull that off if that’s what they’ve done.

Lack of information where you’d expect it.
We’d expect a more detailed explanation of the accident but we don’t get it. For example, 400m from the exit of the RAF isn’t good enough. They should tell us east/west or south/north of the exit.
We’d also expect more detailed explanation of Harry’s injuries and why they weren’t able to save him and confirmation of whether Anne suffered injury or not.

All the anomalies above blare PSYOP loud and clear. The reason for it I couldn’t say but the evidence for it is clear. If anyone thinks there is clear evidence that Harry Dunn was killed on his bike by Anne Sarcoolas please say so in comments.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 29, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

On a little further research have come up with at least one possible reason for Harry Dunn psyop.

Harry Dunn family call for blocking Assange extradition on lack of reciprocity grounds


Apr 29, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

When some outraged victim of your endless personal defamations of random strangers cuts your tits off, I do hope you are going to post a note in some conspiracy prone forum telling us how the alleged bandages just visible above low cut of your blouse are clear proof of a self-signalling psyop.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 30, 2020 12:18 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

More words of violence, Robbo.

… cuts your tits off …

From previous comment.

… Somebody could print that dateline in 72 point Cooper Black on both sides of a samuri sword and shove it up your arse the ½” needed to reach your brain, a.k.a. you rectum …

The difference in our beliefs seems to be that I believe that many events are psyops while you do not. In my case, I put forward the evidence for my beliefs while in your case you put forward words of great violence against me. This seems, apart from other reasons, highly incommensurate with the difference in our beliefs.

In my last comment I said the following:

I thought OffG readers were here to help promote democracy, freedom (including the very important freedoms of speech and thought) and peace. But it seems not everyone because your words are extremely violent and show great intolerance of others’ views. … I’d ask you to get a grip and refrain from violent language unless in fact you don’t believe in:

Freedom and tolerance of speech and thought
Peace …

… and you’re all for expressing violent words to others when you don’t agree with them and feel you have every entitlement to do so.

I asked you the following question to which you didn’t respond:

Can you confirm if you do believe in the above or not and, if not, what keeps you on these pages? If you do subscribe to the above can you explain how the violent words you have directed at me fit those beliefs.

You seem to express your violent words which a great sense of indignation, however, I object to your violent words and I think that if you feel that you are entitled to say them then you should justify that entitlement. Please answer my question.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 30, 2020 1:06 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

@robbobob…This is completely inappropriate and violent language towards another commenter. No more please.

Apr 30, 2020 11:08 AM

I acknowledge Off-Guardian’s right to interpret Off-Guardian Comment Policies (in this case, #3) unequivocally and without question: that’s part of its freedom of speech, So:

“No more please.”

OK, and apologies.

However, I also value the integrity of my own (and others’) ‘freedom of speech’, so I’ll return to this subject, in general, in non-personal terms (and its sister ‘ad hominems’ subject) tomorrow or on the weekend. Social distancing a full video camera’s length from everyone else present in my study most of the rest of today…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

ANOTHER psy-op! Good God they’re busy.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 30, 2020 4:35 AM

They most certainly are, Richard. I virtually never watched the news in any case but now I only read non-news sections of the newspaper (if at all) because I get so tired of all the lies and psyops. It does wear me down – also the fact that I’m one of so few who seems to see them despite their making it so incredibly obvious.

Just this morning I was chatting on the phone with a friend and he asked me if I’d heard of the alleged incident in Melbourne where four police officers were killed in a hit-and-run accident. Call me a crazy paranoid, Richard, but my immediate thought was, “Doesn’t sound likely somehow.” As we were chatting I searched and found this article.


In the second sentence I saw the words, “last night after 5pm”. Now you can call me a ridiculously-jumping-to-conclusions person but right there, right there, Richard, I thought, “Psyop”, because 5pm isn’t “night” and “after 5pm” is too vague for a news report. And right there, right there, Richard, I made the wild prediction that there would be another reference to the time of the accident that contradicted “after 5pm”. Wild, outrageous speculation, isn’t it, Richard. I mean why on earth would I make a crazy, paranoid, conspiracy-theorist speculation like that?

Well, you’ll never believe it, you truly never will but just in the fourth sentence guess what it says? You’ll just never believe it, it’s just so incredible, you’ll never guess – give you a hint – the word “before” is used. Can you imagine how the word “before” might be used in relation to the time of the accident?

Did you guess correctly? Yes! In the fourth sentence it says the accident occurred “before 5pm last night”. They just went right ahead and switched “last night” from its position before “after 5pm” to after it and from the second sentence, magically, the time changed from “after 5pm” to “before 5pm”. Do I hear you cry, Richard, do I hear you say: “Sloppy journalism, you crazy conspiracy theorist”?

I looked no further. Isn’t that a terrible lack of due diligence, Richard? However, as I continued chatting my eye was attracted by some moving text on the screen that mentioned that the alleged culprit allegedly took some photos before his running off. Yes, he committed a hit-and-run accident but took some photos before fleeing the scene.

Now, of course, I cannot call that event a psyop because I do admit I didn’t do due diligence. If you’re interested, of course, Richard, you could do some due diligence yourself and report back to me that all the evidence apart from that tiny little sloppiness with the time and the seeming oddness of a hit-and-run driver taking photos before fleeing is all completely kosher and convincing. I shall read with great interest if you do familiarise yourself with the accident and find convincing evidence to present to me, however, I won’t purse the event further myself. There are far too many potential psyops to keep up with – I can’t keep up with them all.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 1, 2020 3:35 PM

Actually, Richard, I have to confess my analysis below is poor – it was very sloppy just like the reporting of their psyops. The “after” 5 and “before” 5 are not contradictory because one refers to the time of the accident while the other refers to when the Porsche driver was pulled over. Nevertheless “night” in relation to 5pm and the vagueness of the times still stand as psyop clues. Also, it wasn’t a hit-and-run as the Porsche driver was not responsible for the accident, however, we are told he fled the scene after taking photographs which he later, allegedly, put on FB which is still not very plausible.

“Occurred” is misspelt twice as “occured”, eastern freeway is misspelt in lower case, there’s a number of “allegeds” where you’d expect the information to be certain, you have to wonder at the ability of a driver to be speeding at 140km during peak hour and so on. So even though I screwed up there is plenty more fodder for psyop.

No doubt this is propaganda to elicit sympathy for the poor coppers before they really start putting on the screws.

Apr 27, 2020 4:10 AM

Central planning without the Welfare State – is that what the Technocrats plan?
The second half of Corbett’s Why Big Oil Conquered The World explains the plan.

Apr 27, 2020 1:06 AM

We don’t have ” capitalism” we have a group of banksters running our govt and owning the media.

Apr 27, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Yeah that’s still operating under capitalism. You’re like a cowardly Trotskyist when they say not real socialism about every socialist state except Cuba and the 74% capitalist Venezuela

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 28, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

That IS capitalism.

Apr 29, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

So what are all youse hand fuckers around here going to do about it?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Ignore you for starters.

Apr 30, 2020 11:13 AM

I didn’t think you, in sinoparticular, would appreciate another post of mine hereabouts. Tell me I’m wrong in that assessment of your appreciation or not.

The Tinker
The Tinker
Apr 26, 2020 11:54 PM

Polite Farmyard notice: Watch Out For The Bullshit And Beware Unhinged Gates

Apr 26, 2020 10:30 PM

I was pondering the ‘snitch line’ initiatives introduced by police forces ,not just in the UK but around the world, and the Orwellian/Stasi implications of such a move.

As if reading my thoughts, a friend sent me, via whats app, a tweet from Bedfordshire Constabulary. I can’t upload the image here, but it read:

“Online Radicalisation

Are you worried about someone?

Are they repeating conspiracy theories?

Are they speaking to people who are spreading hate?”

The implication being, it seems, that any ‘worried’ individual should contact them so they can sort out said offender.

It would appear that the new iPlod has arrived!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 11:28 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I note that by using the word “Radicalisation” they are sending the subliminal message that anyone “repeating conspiracy theories” is a quasi terrorist.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Subtle, isn’t it. ‘Antisemite’=terrorwist, too.

Apr 27, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Can’t remember where, but I did read recently that one man has already been arrested on some sort of terrorism charge for breaking social distancing rules. If memory serves, he was arrested while going into a friend’s house. Don’t think it was in the UK though.

Apr 26, 2020 9:36 PM

I’ve been thinking about Gates and the Charitable sector and it’s influence.
I started by looking at Forbes 100 top charities list 2019 and how much private donations mean to these companies. Here https://www.forbes.com/top-charities/list/ then I started popping some of them in the B & M Foundation funding link here https://www.gatesfoundation.org/search#q/k=Funding

There is some interesting correlations going back 2 decades. Not looked at other places as yet, but I think, its worth taking a look at the links.

I expanded my thinking abit on my original theory around Covid 19 Mutual Aid groups And the way a small army of well meaning volunteers popped up on every street in the UK, Now in the US and Australia. Using Community organising as the ethos for its being. At first I considered they were a means to collect a massive amount of Data en mass, under the radar of GDPR regulations as the information was freely given by both volunteer supporter and the person needing the support. Building a network of people at hyper localised neighbourhood level – which it still is.

Then I considered Common purpose and Camerons Big Society mantra and realised this may be the start of regionalisation. If Public services And the welfare state were going to be completely removed, they would need the Community voluntary sector to pick up the slack…for now. Upskill the new army of volunteers with the CVS – Transfer the skill sets, not knowing eventually they too would lose access to funding to continue their charitable endeavours.

In the US alone 51 odd billion pounds flowed into the sector last year in private donations, around 12% of total giving in the US – imagine if they had a small army of volunteers to continue that Work – how much of that money just in the US would be saved by the 1% managed by their own chosen charities and groups who have been paying slavishly into the system for a piece of the pie.

If they wanted to pull the plug on centralised services and local authority support, including Parliamentary governance and oversight, (Moving to the Parliament of mayors) by de-evolving all the local support with a very much reduced funding stream, it would make sense.

I wonder if we are being influenced to see if that sort of modelling would work and how easily people would sign up/be conditioned in terms of snitching on those not conforming as well as the new volunteer Big Society – who would also be accountable at local level if things didn’t go according to plan – so passing the Mantle of blame onto individuals as they have done with Climate Change and other green progressive policies.

Mrs Gardener
Mrs Gardener
Apr 29, 2020 5:50 PM
Reply to  TheThinker

The whole response reeks of common purpose.

Apr 29, 2020 9:30 PM
Reply to  Mrs Gardener

agree Mrs G

Going to leave a link here to multiple, well referenced Common purpose articles here in case people want to learn more about the ‘million change agents’ and how that has been implemented since they formed in 1989


nick weech
nick weech
Apr 26, 2020 9:19 PM

Here’s a peek at the New World Order Bill’s decided we need to be connected into the 5G grid, allegedly:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RZSI0WCL8I where Dr Andrew Kaufman takes us into it…

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 8:47 PM

Nice to see some evidence of independent thought in my locality:


(On one of the pedestrian entrances to a skate park in the Vale of White Horse District, Oxfordshire)

My heart gave a little leap when I saw the “We changed our minds”, but then I realised that of course the VOWHDC had not changed their minds, but someone (possibly an Off-G reader even (not me guv!)) had put up the additional poster. The pedestrian gate had only been “sealed” with plastic tape, and I guess it was the same person who cut the tape.

The skate park is surrounded by a green area with some nice footpaths, partly through woodland, and there is no difficulty getting access to the footpaths. There is a car park whose entrance has been officially blocked, but you can get in on foot, and there is space for a couple of cars in front of the gate, which I’ve seen being used a couple of times.

Another skate park in another part of town has been officially taped off, but it’s easy to get in, and I’ve seen people using it, usually parents and their children.

There seemed to be more people out and about today. Of course the fine weather helps.

nick weech
nick weech
Apr 26, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Oh Dear, We’ve been told that we’re not going back to Normal, ever, ever again
And here we have a clear view of just what we’ve lost forever guys

Apr 27, 2020 1:10 AM
Reply to  nick weech

Our ” normal” was not normal.
If we can use the chaos maybe we can co create a new normal .
where one group of banksters don’t own everything and control weaker minds, a normal where we have enough food and people don’t still go hungry or lack shelter.Where the most psychopathic corrupt and greedy individuals are not running the world .

Apr 29, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Talk about fucking stupid. There’s elementary disease control on the one hand, millennia old, true, but that’s all we’ve got since youse hand fuckers pissed away the social investment needed to update it incrementally (and run a socially responsible health and age-care service to back it up, come to that) and there’s a totally crippled world economy on the other hand, with a lot of the very biggest players–e.g. the airline industry–at least as crippled as everyone else, including the locked down public– and all you hand fuckers can think of doing is thowing out what primitive disease control methods remain, as elementary as not petting your rabid dog, and assuming for the sake of hanging on to your corporately-shaped concepts of ‘freedom’ at all costs (your Gucci boots colour-matched to your new 5G phone are sooo cool) that you believe that all you have to do to get to Sweden from your nearest High Street or Main Street is turn right at the second corner past the end of the shops and walk about a kilometer. And what else? Youse wouldn’t know how to shape a genuine opportunity for people out of a genuine disaster also for the very elites whose evil you constantly rabbit on about if God hirself came down from heaven with one and shoved it up your uncollective noses with a heavenly spoon. Youse can’t even conceive of the possibility that the elites you so despise are, right now, largely in the very same lifestyle threatening boat you lament is the one youse are in. For one little instance, you had a largely imperfect but still radical people’s movement behind Jeremy Corbyn, the biggest in modern Europe, and what did you do with it? You bitched unstrategically away on the Off-Guardian about how unelectable it was while the On-Guardian went all out and convinced you that the best place to put your actual non-bitching secret X was behind the same old same old Johnson-Starmer way. Bet you can’t wait to fly off to a Disneyland holiday with your colour matched Gucci boots and new 5G just as soon as the first near-dead airliner wakes up and staggers towards the runway. ‘Human rights’ aren’t something that Indian villagers have over the tiger that eats them by its right to do that when they stop paying attention; they’re lines in the sand that will remain there only as long as they’re protected from the winds and tides (epidemics) on one hand and the predatory sociopaths (‘elites’) on the other, ‘elites’ who would fence off the beach and use the sand to build the hotel you’ll stay in when youse arrive there in your Gucci boots posting selfies standing in front of it with your 5G phones. P.S. Why doesn’t the sign mention the Swedish pubs the Swedish police shut down at literally zero notice a few days ago because they’d breached the Swedish Government’s ‘recommendations’ (or a bunch of similar actions before that? Wrong sort of coercion?

Apr 29, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

and breathe …

Apr 26, 2020 8:44 PM

Netflix has just added their own contribution to the Covid pandemic Fear Campaign, featuring Bill Gates, scary pics of previous pandemic victims, lab technicians staring into microscopes, health “experts”, dodgy statistics, etc,etc. It’s going to be a long running series featuring all the usual suspects and disinformation laden with lashings of unbridled fear. You have been warned.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 11:08 PM
Reply to  Grafter

That’s been on Netflix for some months, interestingly.

nick weech
nick weech
Apr 26, 2020 6:47 PM


Our sock puppets have learnt to follow the rules as laid down by someone like lovable Bill Gates- surely not, not here in our free country. It’s all just coincidences not dots to join up atall …

Bill Grates
Bill Grates
Apr 27, 2020 12:05 AM
Reply to  nick weech

You will be pleased , and relieved , to know that DIFID is promoting “world immunisation week” @vaccinesworkforall , with partners Gavi and Cepi vaccines .

So that’s alright , I thought we were in trouble for a moment there .

Apr 26, 2020 5:41 PM

What economic changes may be snuck in during the lockdown? Big data is central to how the oligarchs intend to maintain wealth and power. Technocracy cannot proceed, however, unless a Smart Grid is imposed everywhere at the same time, says Patrick Wood.
The oligarchs balk at paying for the Smart Grid themselves. So the Smart Grid was inserted to the 2009 financial bailout package by Barack Obama. Roll forward to the financial bailout of 2020 and it may be happening again.
Could COVID-19 Lead to a Cleaner World?
Inception Report – The Rockefeller Foundation
Want To Jump-Start The Economy? Include A Green New Deal In The Stimulus Package
Stimulus grants were offered to utilities not just in the U.S. but all around the world, simultaneously. Someone was coordinating its rollout in China, S Korea, India, Japan, the UK and more. There was a parallel movement to set up a Global Smart Grid, the energy web or internet of energy, to control all the energy produced and consumed in the world from a single control point. That cannot happen spontaneously.
The move to an economy based on data has been so well hidden that people cannot see the problem. How can you fight an enemy that you can’t see. But there is a way. James Corbett and Patrick Wood https://youtu.be/b7E9ZsrYnU0?t=1915

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 26, 2020 4:40 PM


To sum it up, the world’s population is held captive by an international gang of super-wealthy influential sociopaths given legitimacy by the national security state working hand-in-hand with trillion dollar tech companies appropriating wealth and securing unilateral hegemony via brute force or through terrorizing psyops operations. The direct eyewitnesses to this barbarity are indigenous populations bombed, droned, or sanctioned into disease and starvation. The other material witnesses are the millions chain ganged indefinitely to factory assembly lines. I wonder if the Foxconn factory producing Apple iPhones and other fancy schmancy tech products in China still use nets to catch workers attempting suicide regularly. The other onlookers to this gangsterous barbarity are the working-poor, indigent, and imprisoned in Western industrialized nations. Flashy mainstream media news diversions do not conceal the truth from these powerless victims. Reality, has given the bombed and brutalized a firsthand unveiled view of what thugs are capable of doing.

The satisfied and contented middle-class are the next “chosen ones” to bear witness to the cruelty experienced by billions for decades. COVID-19 is the “weapon” that’ll devastate the previously untouched. COVID-19 is a potent bomb obliterating neighborhood shops as well private doctors practices. Fungus ridden Wall Street slugs are purchasing it all. Private-equity and venture-capital groups are swooping in with ever larger offers to all kinds of doctors practices. Every little “independent business” is being smothered by Wall Street and security state controlled tech companies. Previous opportunities for individuals to be “independent” of the state or multinational corporations are dwindling rapidly. COVID-19 is a contagion devastating lives, but not in the way advertised by the state-run mainstream media news. COVID is a disorder causing a reorder; a transformation welcoming a new batch of
eyewitnesses to the sociopathic thuggery previously concealed.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 5:15 PM

Your resume is accurate – Your concluding statement “COVID is a disorder causing a reorder; a transformation welcoming a new batch of eyewitnesses to the sociopathic thuggery previously concealed.” hits the nail bang on the head ! Thank you

Apr 26, 2020 5:44 PM

Satan has authority for now…

8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

Never has been so obvious that a choice has to be made.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  jay

I’m not a Bible scholar but I think that the bit about seeing through a glass darkly applies perfectly to TV.

Apr 26, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sure, but it is the message not the media.
When I came back to Christ, I was listening to a Preacher on the internet, through a monitor. I remember the moment. My speakers of solid metal seemed to dance in an impossible way. I had given up drugs a long time ago…

Apr 26, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  jay

Sounds like you’re having flashbacks.

Apr 26, 2020 8:56 PM
Reply to  lundiel

My mind has never been clearer.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  jay

‘There are none so blind….’

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:10 AM
Reply to  jay

Don’t worry-it was just a flash-back.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 26, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  jay

I’m an agnostic…..

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Thank God I’m an atheist!

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 6:25 PM

Charlotte, I believe you had some trouble with the WSWS. I have taken the plunge myself when I went on one of my, by now, rare visits to that site. I found a curious development in the comments section. Unusually, there are now lots of “down” votes appearing as certain comments, skeptical of the official narrative, are attracting negative attention. These comments attract a lot of angry responses from the loyal site users. I was annoyed at the way one thread was going and put in a response. But then – just as unusual – I found my comment go in fast and receive an answer from a moderator, no less. (I don’t recall moderators on the WSWS.) I have responded again and now await my judgment!

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 26, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Very rarely does a moderator intervene. They usually comment to clarify a misunderstanding regarding the content of their article. But you’re correct it happens very infrequently. If you don’t mind me asking, could you post the link to the thread.
I haven’t taken a daily glimpse at WSWS since every article is devoted to the horrors of COVID-19.

The regulars attack with a brutal “cult-like” viciousness. One followed me from the defunct Truthdig website where I was banned on January 7,2020, and continued to attack me on WSWS where I was shadowbanned a few months later.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 7:58 PM

The WSWS article is this one:


I post under the name “George” without the “Mc”. I was initially annoyed by the implication that the fact that people were avoiding hospital somehow proves that the virus must be as described. I said that you have to distinguish between what is caused by the virus and what is caused by reactions to the virus.

The first reaction from the moderator – one David Brown – gave us the customary “piles of corpses” thing. I was sorely tempted to get a bit creative in my response but restrained myself. Mr Brown also responded very quickly to my second response. Such eagerness to react is something I am not used to with the WSWS and I can only assume that they are getting a little bit of unusually lively feedback on this issue. This matter has certainly brightened their comment sections up. You can see we get that customary pejorative term “conspiracy” coming in. And then there’s the links to interviews with front line staff – though none from the ones choreographing dance moves to kill the time.

Anyway, you can read the thread as linked to above.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That whole thread is worth examining. Note the one from nicolas X. Sacrilege! You can always tell by the “down” votes.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 26, 2020 9:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Reading that article confirms COVID-19 has rendered WSWS no better than MSNBC. The article was designed to terrorize workers so they’d willingly accept heightened surveillance: “The White House has made clear it is calling for businesses to reopen under conditions in which the infrastructure to test all suspected cases, quarantine those infected, and trace their contacts does not exist.” The entire website beckens for workers to demand contact surveillance tracing…..

Well, I’m glad a few bloggers are challenging their narrative. Maxwell, who I used to get into a huge brouhaha with over Bernie Sanders is one of the few who surprisingly disagree with WSWS. They usually adore all his comments, but they’re even turning on him.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 27, 2020 11:26 AM

You have to laugh:


The frenzied attempt to restart the economy lacks any grounding in science.

Nothing in the article up to then suggests frenzy. But the WSWS has been on this hyperbolic hysterical roll for some time now and cannot stop.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Apr 27, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The terror campaign WSWS is promoting does not serve the workers they represent who are losing jobs and forced to
line-up at food banks for hours.

We know why state-run MSNBC
and CNN are generating fear their agenda is clear–heightened surveillance and the removal of Trump.

What I find particularly offensive is loudmouth commentators and mindless bureaucrats telling the public what’s “essential.” These hypocritical slimeballs are perfectly coiffed each day. Are they practicing “social distancing” as their makeup artist and hairstylist prepare them for each broadcast.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:13 AM

Yep-I was banned at Truthdig for saying that some Jews hate the goyim, and at WSWS for simply mentioning, albeit unsympathetically, Zionism.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 26, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Comparing the Orange Hair Clown to Rasputin, now that is one for the books. What is surprising is that the writers signed their names to it.


SEP has been a disappointment, to say the least. Their continuance of the fascist corporate state fake “Pandemic” hysteria propaganda campaign would tend to indicate a complete disregard for human, civil, political and legal rights. Socialist (in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs) they are not. Critical thinkers they do not seem to be. Rather frightening.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 26, 2020 10:06 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The WSWS used to be my main go-to site. That has not been the case since they, like everyone else, started to sing the World War Z script. At that point I literally switched off the lot of them. The Beeb unfortunately cannot be avoided since everyone I know watches it.

But I have noticed that it’s all like an odd kind of blanket censorship. Many commenters here are probably too young to recall the test card i.e. that picture of the girl with the blackboard and some light music which the Beeb showed when they didn’t have enough progs through the day. I feel as if that has returned – only instead of light music, it’s themes from horror movies. This constant drone has wiped everything else out.

It’s like our reality being suddenly switched with another one as in a Philip K Dick story. The instantaneous gung-ho charge was the most notable thing. No pause for thought. No doubt. No critique. And of course a nice little perch for vengeful displays of bile from the designated opposition. 9/11 déjà vu.

Apr 26, 2020 6:40 PM

Well written. Good comment.

Apr 26, 2020 4:05 PM

If we had to rely on people for a return to a life without masks, without lockdowns, without forced vaccination, without apps tracking you everywhere to be made impossible, then we might be in real trouble. For instance, someone I know where there is legally enforced lockdown, no legally enforced social distancing, said she and her friends have mutually decided not to go to each other’s houses, only to meet outside and stay 2m away from each other. This person’s workplace since last winter has been changed from a traditional building with separate offices to an open space workplace in a huge glass building with no windows that can be opened. She never complained or complains about this unhealthy workplace, where infections of all types can far more easily be caught, and is back working there without a thought. But no she wont see her friends, no she wont come nearer 2 ms of them. She is one of her country’s senior civil servants…

Rather if we recover basic rights and more rights are not taken from us it will be due to the millions who are losing/will lose their jobs. For over the next months, it wont be just the most vulnerable. Think about the air industry, public transportation as a whole, restaurants, hotels, cinemas, theatres, shops. Even after one is allowed to go there, if you have to put on masks (which goodness knows how one would in a restaurant), and keep distances, then it will reduce customers. If all measures are lifted, then many have been made so afraid, they simply wont go anymore. Also because many have suffered financially, they couldnt afford all this anymore. So these sectors will further fall. That means further job losses… This time, among the middle/upper middle classes. Just think of universities: they will lose their international students, a major source of their funding. This means also a freeze in hiring.

A reason some of the rich or super-rich are now rethinking may be because they are of two kinds: the unproductive ones whose wealth comes from the virtual world of the internet who are making huge profits at the moment, and those whose wealth comes from real productions and real commerce… Might explain Trump’s worries: his wealth is from hotels, gold courses, all deserted at the moment.
Think about the car industry: who on earth will have the money and want to buy cars in the next months… For that part of the elites, social distancing, masks, any form of restriction, will prevent them from maximising their profits, without which you cannot remain rich in the current form of capitalism.
Evidently that also means a huge loss of jobs at all levels…

Those who like in some countries think the governments will keep giving money to individuals to take them through, and for them to keep enjoying lockdown without working, they will soon return to reality. There is no money to give: if money is printed non-stop, inflation will be unmanageable and the same consequences will follow…

Some insane people may believe the virtual world is the new reality, a reality where you can decree pandemics, etc, at will, but we are of flesh and blood, and actual realities are not phantoms, they will necessarily pierce through. You cannot live in a make-believe world. The longer you try, the closer to death it will take you.

And the longer the measures will be kept, the greater will be the terrible human toll, and hence the more terrible the reaction. Paradoxically, and tragically, this unnecessary, blasphemous suffering created by some utterly insane people crazed with power and goaded by utter mediocrities is going to ultimately save humanity.

Apr 26, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  hope

sorry in the above, it should be someone I know where there is no legally enforced lockdown.

Apr 26, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  hope

sorry also meant Trumps golf courses. (And as corrected later, no legally enforced lockdown).

Atlantic Realm
Atlantic Realm
Apr 26, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  hope

Perusing your thoughtful analysis, I was going to commend you for leaving Trump aside for moment. Oh, just noted your addendum.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  hope

Still springing eternal, I see.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 26, 2020 3:31 PM

A very brief video clip of Pompeo and the Orange One that is worth watching for Pompeo’s fascinating choice of the words “live exercise” and Trump’s response:


Google-Translator ^^
Google-Translator ^^
Apr 26, 2020 3:03 PM

Evidence of SARS and/or COVID19? (Koch&Rivers) NONE UNTIL NOW… Only lies anywhere.
Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvcEIarencM

Apr 26, 2020 4:34 PM

All very interesting and true but for the “ordinary” man or woman in the UK, Sky or the BBC are the gospel.

Apr 26, 2020 8:01 PM

Thanks, excellent. A really interesting and enlightening presentation by Dr Kaufman.

Apr 26, 2020 2:54 PM

Properly understood COVID 19 is a business plan. Properly understood the WHO, CDC, NHS are the medical marketing departments of investment bankers, hedge fund investors and short sellers.

Thankfully C19 Inc. arrived just in time- just as the global investment cartel was experiencing a wee bit of a crash.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 8:48 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Nowhere more obvious than when that odious golem, Fauci, sings the praises of hugely expensive remdesivir, on the flimsiest grounds, while dismissing A Chinese study that showed NO benefits from its use, and continues the Holy War against cheap, very safe, hydroxychloroquine, based on surveys so crooked as to be laughable, and straight, hysterical, lies. One wonders how much he gets from ‘Gilead’.

Apr 26, 2020 2:45 PM

“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”
A.C. Dolye: Sherlock Holmes

I must apologise for the lenght, this is about knowing the difference of everything they feed us this days.

Yup, the best thing you can do this times of imformation over load, is to do something else, go fishing, anything, but dont read any stuff, just go blank, as I tell our child, you think to much, stop thinking, expirience or just persive the world around you, watch birds, anything, but dont think, dont prodject, just look, and I read one coment or recomandation years ago about insight, and how to get them and from where, and then I learned about the 3Bs, bed, bath and buss, from an science guy, and he explained that with been in rest, let you mind wander and sometimes, you suddenly sees things from an different angle, and so on.

If you really want to have something to read this days I will this time give you some links, and I will try to give you them in an orderly time line to give you an more complet picture.
But first I want you to see what DNA/RNA etc is and how it works, what makes it work and where do the boligical information come from, whom is the desider of things, when it comes to issues as mutation, etc.
By Dr. J. Wells.
Yeah, is may shake and rattle your brain.
Then we have another eminet video that gives you the basics, like what is the Koch postulate and how it works and what are we then told etc to the lastes CONvid nonsense incl so called results of this tests and what actually happens, layed out in an fashion I call, laymans terms, you need to see this, and this two videos will give you an teaching that I know will never come from the MSM, not for now, anyway.
A. Kaufman M.D. about the Koch Post.
And another one to end this line of videos, from an anon whom works as an Respitory doc.
Sounds credible and I dont doubt whats is been said.

Then to the problems with another field, because I indeed have some problems with electromagnetic waves, and what they are capable to do and the intense bombardment anyone whom writes anything negative about 5G, since the weird thing is when you read this that is claiming we are Tinfoil hat wearing nutts, is that they never say what 5G is and what it do.
And when I intitaly started this about 5G is tought I was threading muddy waters, but now, It infact much worse than what I intitaly considered, it much, much worse and do remeber, we have had this equimpents for just an decade and now the effect of it is going thru the roof.
5G have the same frequency as an standard micro wave owne, 2.4 GHz, and some of the 5G is to be much higher when it comes to the frequency up to 25GHz, and thats what they tell, and I think some places with an large part of physical obsrtuctions like citys, they can go higher, and so on.
The site run by R.F. Kennedy and my next one is about vaccines.

Think about this, when you then combine this knowledge with polution, electromagnetic polution, toxic materials to toxic food, GMOs and now they want to inject artifical DNA, etc.
And on top of it, the so called virus, the corona, it dawns to me, since I intitaly hold back, when I wrote this stinks, and must be an hoax, back then to now, I am dead certain this is indeed something else than a virus, they may hide behind the flu/s, but so far, I havent seen nor heard anything that convinces me that this is something else than an flu, and the NWO is ramping up the attacks on anyone whom diviates from the proper eh…. storys we are spoon feed.

So, I hope you de read and watch this videos, I think this ones summs up most of what you need to know, its indeed an scam, and we need to fight back this one because its seems like the worst is yet to come and I dont mean the flu/”virus”, but the all encompasing NWO.
Wake up.
Take care and take you time, you need to know and even more important, able to differentiate batshit from shinnola.


Apr 26, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  mikael

I think the folks on here have been very kind to you.

Apr 26, 2020 2:15 PM

It’s heartening that you, Phillip are endorsing Craig Murray.

All his recent legal reports are worthy of Pulitzer Prize.

Assange, Salmond, Dunns, NuLabour viral infection…

Now the ‘Alex Salmond Unit’ of the Scottish police and the senior civil ‘servants’ are after shutting him and other Independence journalists down with threat of imprisonment and bankruptcy.

Any ‘journalist’ or ‘publisher’ who stands by and lets this kangaroo action take place undefended is surely showing their true colours.

Get his defence fund past £60k get it to a £100k.

Spread the word to all you know and every web site you go to.


cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This is Assange 2.0. – I have made a donation – thank you, Dungroanin, for leading me here – Some time ago I heard all this rumour and tittle-tattle about Salmond, The usual smear – sexual perversion – the easiest way to provoke the intellectually lazy and politically ignorant masses into a fever of outrage – what has been identified as “manufacturing consent” and the reason why this is all happening is because Alex has his own show on that pariah of broadcasting – Russia Today – in which he offers a platform for many who challenge the heresies preached by the neo-liberal establishment – and so the Deep State operation has now extended its tentacles into Scotland – we must fight against this – for it us they will be coming for next – this is nothing short of totalitarianism -Salmond is a decent person of honesty and integrity – it is these spooks who are the real perverts – and it is the cause of justice and free speech that they are perverting.

Apr 26, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  cupid stunt

Thanks cupid – made my evening.

Craig Murray has a lot of articles on Salmond and why he is being targeted, do a search at the site.

The SNP he led and almost delivered independence has been captured at the top. Like Labour was by the ‘Blairites’. He describes the character assassination and trial by media innuendo conducted, to stop his return.

I have no dog in the Independence but the Scots can decide again seeing how they didn’t expect to leave the EU when they were asked last time.

The lying liars and thugs of the Crown. cannot be allowed free reign any more.

As you say first they come for the journalists then they will come for us and ours.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Thanks for your sincere appreciation, Dungroanin, I have good reason to think you are a Scot. Correct me please if I am mistaken in that view. Did you see the interview on RT Alex Salmond Show, where he had a discussion with Billy Kaye – viewing at home here in London, it was fascinating. Watching this show I am continually delighted by Alex – his generosity of heart, his enquiring mind, and his warm humour. Isn’t it ironic that it always appears that those of the greatest personal integrity and consistency, are usually targeted by those for whom morals and ethics are mere commodities – to be traded and compromised for their convenience at the inconvenience of others. I am going to try to get in touch with Craig as I have many contacts who may be able to help him too. I am in complete agreement with your assessment of Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP. They appear to be silent on this issue and they will eventually pay the price for their lack of courage. I’m going to pour myself a glass, and drink to you !

Apr 26, 2020 11:17 PM
Reply to  cupid stunt

I’m happy to clink glasses – bottles of Ale, not as great as pulled from a keg – but i’m sorry to disappoint at a complete lack of Scottish roots. My pseudonym affectation came from having Done with the Grauniad. As i gave up with the licence fee a few years ago fed up with being forced to pay for the propaganda, so no TV just the odd netvideo snippet every now and then. I do have a few great friends from Scotland – strangely they seem to be mostly Celtic fans!

The importance of this is far reaching it. It is about stopping criticism and revelations of illegal acts and conspiracy by the State – in effect a reintroduction of the old charge of sedition, without calling it that. As Joe Lauria writes on Assange at Consortium News (weirdly maligned by O-G recently) today, a technicality is used as a charge against him. So it seems that one is being used against Murray. Both accused of doing what the msm has done in both cases, without any censure!

It seems that the response by us, the people, may well have everyone reeling at how fast and how much is raised by tomorrow morning (including Craig!). I hope you are able to get in touch with him – he seems to respond readily on his blog comments and tweeter.

Finally Craig’s piece on the Dunn case is extremely relevant to the Assange misjustice – revolving around Treaty Law. It is an issue that the msm and alt-media are ignoring entirely.


cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 27, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This is all good stuff, Dungroanin with a great article there from consortium news – so with regards to Julian we redact espionage and replace it with sedition – itself a charge that no longer exists under US Law – this would be comic, if it were not so profoundly unfunny – by your actions over the last two days you have shone another light into this dark cranny of mischief – they got Julian now they are after Craig – the acausal connection principle here is the RT connection – Salmond hosts a show where, to use the Overton analogy, the narrative is being conducted outside of the permitted frame and they cooked up all this sex-crime nonsense in a further attempt to undermine RT by discrediting him, whilst at the same time it was RT that broadcast this :

https://youtu.be/Af5jP5UYKLg. (particularly from 5:19 – 6:07)

I have contacted RT (London Bureau) and I hope to be able to speak to someone about this – if I have any luck there, I will report back – Roger and OUT !

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 8:53 AM
Reply to  cupid stunt

It’s the essence of the MeToo smear-even a not guilty verdict in court, and evidence of an outright conspiracy of lying feminazis, is simply ignored, and the witch-hunt continues, and spreads to Salmond’s defenders. The same process applies to ‘antisemitism’ smears-once made, you can NEVER defend yourself, evidence of more ‘antisemitism’, be defended others, more ‘antisemitism’ or be proved innocent. It is Salem redux.

Apr 27, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

How much does CM pay for your unquestioning sycophancy?

Apr 27, 2020 7:31 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Does he pay?
Or just more libellous ad hominem?

How much you on?
Make me an offer I can’t refuse to spout shite like you do.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 30, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  breweriana

If your poisonous comment is directed at me, then I will just inform you that Craig Murray pays me nothing for this “unquestioning sycophancy” you speak of It is I who pays him at the moment, the sum of £2 monthly towards his defence campaign.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 8:50 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The feminazis in Scotland have crafted a real fascist regime in no time flat.

Apr 26, 2020 2:08 PM

On a lighter note, I have never seen my local beauty spot so busy as this morning. The car park is closed but cars were parked all up the road and people, walking, cycling, running and – gasp – sitting enjoying the sunshine!

Apr 26, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  Thom

Impossible,you’ve obviously had to many magic mushrooms!

Didn’t you know the U.K. is now a totalitarian,Orwellian hell hole worse than North Korea

Apr 26, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  crispy

Well it would be if Plod had his way

Apr 26, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

….but obviously plod isn’t in charge

Frankly plod is to f@cking stupid to create such a thing

Apr 26, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  crispy

No crispy, the media is in charge and the people are enthusiastically doing plod’s job for him. Plenty of phone calls about so-and-so breaking lockdown, going out twice, standing to close to someone, hearing talking which proves they have visitors etc.
Meanwhile, plod is immune from batflu as verified by myself when 7 of them were grouped together without protection looking at something another was holding in his hand; they all got in 2 cars and a van and sped away.
I hope you’re clapping every Thursday to save the NHS from disappearing up its own arse while people can’t even see a doctor or dentist.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:45 AM
Reply to  crispy

Such self-criticism is quite worthy crappy.

Apr 26, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  crispy

It’s already a failed totalitarian, Orwellian hell hole.
The pitfalls (maybe pratfalls) of a police state with a lack of police.
But don’t worry, they’ve got an app for that.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 27, 2020 3:55 AM
Reply to  Thom

Good for you Thom – that’s a thumbs UP from me !

Apr 26, 2020 1:45 PM

There seem to be uncanny parallels between the ‘failed’ assassination of Reagan two months after his inauguration in 1981 and the ‘near-death’ of Boris Johnson from the coronavirus three months after his election victory in December.
Did the spooky medics – or indeed someone closer to him – slip something into Johnson’s tea when he showed reluctance for the lockdown? With marriage and a baby on the way, has he been frightened into following the official line?
Note how the Twitter feed of the Prime Minister – a man who was once paid for his clever use of language – has been for weeks churning out propaganda lines so banal that Kim Jung-Un would be embarrassed by them.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 26, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Thom

Thom, I think he has been intimidated to follow the line, but it looks to me that it happened earlier, when he performed his volte face away from the herd immunity tactic.

As for Johnson’s hospitalisation, move into intensive care, and then treatment on an oxygen mask, they were always carefully qualified with the phrase “… as a precaution.”. This qualifying phrase made me deeply suspicious from the start.

He is famous for his verbal gaffes but it appears his handlers have put him on a tighter leash since his election as the leader of the Tory party.

It is very convenient for his masters to have him out of the public eye during this (manufactured) crisis, there is then no chance of him making any flippant or off the cuff pronouncements that would damage their carefully crafted narrative.

He has served his purpose by being elected and it now appears he is being hidden “in the fridge” again. Whether or not he did contract the virus is not really relevant, he is not in a high risk group and would most likely have had mild symptoms anyway.

His extended “convalescence” will elicit sympathy from the propagandised masses and he will be wheeled out again when his masters see fit. When he does re-appear, if criticised for government mistakes in handling the outbreak he will be able to say ” Sorry, I was ill.” as he waves his sick note.

He is definitely a sock puppet, and his Twitter feed would be one of the first things they controlled when he disappeared.

Boz the sick note sock puppet. Pathetic isn’t it?

Apr 26, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

I would argue that there’s fewer people in government than Boris more susceptible to blackmail

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 26, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  bob

That’s true Bob, and probably a large part of the leverage they have on him. Which is why I don’t think he was deliberately infected, or possibly not even infected at all.

Apr 26, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

He was as infected as much as I’m Catherine the Great.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

From the moment he was made PM, I never thought he would last the full 5-year term. I wasn’t sure how he’d go, but I was sure he would “blow up” in one way or another.

A worse than usual political gaffe; a sex scandal; be exposed as an alcoholic or coke-head. Or simply become bored with the job (as Harold Wilson is supposed to have become).

And while he’s not in the highest risk-group for “COVID-19”, he never looks healthy, is overweight, and probably over-uses alcohol. Add to that the stress of the job (Prime Ministers always visibly age quicker than most people). Possibly he really was quite bad with whatever it was he had.

(By contrast, Dominic Cummings, a younger skinny cyclist, seems to have shrugged off his reported symptoms).

If he does have skeletons in the cupboard, we can be sure that the gentlemen at Thames House wil know all about them, and be ready to leak them if it ever seems to be in their own interests to do so. OTOH he may have friends in high places at Vauxhall Cross who might help out.

Apr 26, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  bob

I thought that he had herd immunity to blackmail.

Apr 26, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Thom

is was psycho drama
after the Thursday clap ritual on easter thrusday all the news outlets said bojo has come out of 3 days of ICU
on Easter sunday he did a short tv announcement Resurrection literally a miracle
for the dumb down comtised inoculated
ia healthy looking overwiehgt bojo with mild form of CV

if he could get it maybe we could – psychology drama also called psy op

you fell; for it so did many others

Apr 26, 2020 1:37 PM

has this been posted?

Witney Webb on the AI revolution and tech war USA v China

Apr 26, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  bob

I don’t trust this girl, she is of the ”all is now changing” CIA meme.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 26, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  sally

No sally, she is saying our betters have been planning these changes. She in no way is supporting any of what is going on. Perhaps you didn’t listen to the entire interview, and read her article and read the planning document she is referencing. I suggest you do all three before you engage in anymore – “shoot the messenger” posts.

Apr 27, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I heard her pushing her rubbish on Jimmy Dore and TimDillon, like I said, I don’t trust her.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 26, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  bob

Webb did the most complete investigative reporting on Epstein and all of his ties to the wealthy and powerful and the intelligence agencies. Her reporting on this planning document from less than one year ago (with a link to the document itself) offers I think one of the most interesting behind the scenes look at what the U.S. intelligence/military/silicon valley conglomerate is doing and planning for behind our backs. If anyone has any information that challenges what she is reporting here please share it. I find it credible.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

In fact, the sheer brilliance of her reporting, putting other alternative media operators to shame, is deeply suspicious, but I’m just channeling the paranoid atmosphere of the times.

Apr 27, 2020 8:21 AM

You’re right, the CIA will serve up to the alternative media the BS they know they want to hear.

Nick Weech
Nick Weech
Apr 26, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  bob

She was on last American vagabond, if that’s accredation enough…

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  bob

Her name is spelt Whitney Webb – and be thankful for activists like her – they take immense personal risks in the work they do. It is pitiful to read comments criticising her – comments by those either ignorant of what is actually going on – or in full knowledge of it and colluding from their own safe spaces.

Apr 26, 2020 1:13 PM

tesla said we are electric

robert o becker wrote a book called the body electric

vitamin c donates to the human body electrons

vitamin c has the power

dr klenner used gram doses of vitamin c in his community in the 1940s

in the 60s 70s and 80s another great man did the same.

Dr. Robert Cathcart, vitamin C pioneer.

Apr 26, 2020 12:53 PM

Mike Davis is a genius: but he stops just short of saying “End super-capitalism before it ends us”.

So why are there so few radical anti-capitalist, anti-globalist, and anti-corporatists? Why is the radical ecological critique of the World System of globalist neoliberalism so vilified? Why do we validate and legitimate capitalist statism as an electoral bad habit? Why is there no radical degrowth movement at the political level: that would at least make politics partially relevant?

So many questions: so little time.

Mike does not correlate in the economic carnage and collapse of the globalised market price system …and the concurrent value destruction that the CV-19 outbreak curiously parallels. As I say: CV-19 is a bad – perhaps terminal – case of globalised affluenza. So what will the ”historic agency” of class struggle be if there are no jobs to return to? Surely this is a critical point of consideration?

The structural-functional organisation around work is the structural-functional organisation around greed. The natural assumption of going back to historical dialectical material contingencies and conflict classes is a limit assumption on more radical and ecological critiques. There is no analogue with 1919: we’ve used all the readily available materials and drained the largest reservoirs of petroleum since then. The industry demand from Shell et al for at least $20tn to find new supplies is unfeasible. Even if there are new supplies to be found: which is beyond doubtful.

So it a sick joke to talk of petroleum shortages when you can be paid to take it away from the refineries: but any redux of the old normal means we will have slashed output by depletion in 10 years: absent $20tn to find non-existent new resources. From Shell et al own research.

So there is no redux: and there is no decoupling. There is no alternative. And even brilliant researchers like Mike can’t put it all together …why? Mike includes the ecological perspective: but not the energy and thermodynamic perspective. The real reasons behind CV-19 are environmentally and economically determined affluenza A. To which the real cure is radical and rapid degrowth; de-globalisation; de-centralisation and a turn toward regenerative cultures of reciprocity and radical wealth redistribution.

That is the reversal of accumulation by dispossession by the bourgeoisie of the possessive and privatising World System’s core – that’s us – and the redistribution to the peripherised poor that developed us. Which entails – without necessitating – a new onto-axiological life-coherent value-ethics; and a new ethos of practices of selflessness.

That is the radical alternative to the TINA of the linguistic mind virus of individualised myopic self-interest maximisation of partially bounded ethotic practical greed. Why is there not already a massive and active praxis and enaction of anti-globalist degrowth and disempowerment of inverted totalitarian corporatism …aka liquid modernities new bio-medicalised fascism? It is not if we could not see it coming. Previous radicals – eg Guy Debord and Mark Fisher – end up dying for the cause without witnessing any real change. This is our final warning. The world we co-created is rapidly decohering …and will do so exponentially from now on. There is no ecological reset or redux: only the radical ecological alternative of degrowth and re-humanisation of the entirety of humanity …including us. And the decreasing number of interspecies biodiversity we have not already made extinct at a continual spasm rate with our radical over-accumulation of resources.

Any remembrance that we try to make present and future will fail. And fall into fascisms of self-protectionisms of privatised property accumulation rights – our currently metastasising former lives. We live in ecological equanimity and parity with nature: without privileged privatised remembrances of civilisational hyper-accummulation reduxes …or we do not live at all.

If we can see to make the right life-validating value-ethical choices: maybe one day we will discover the real nature ”out there” – the one we are making extinct – and the real human nature ”in here” are in fact the same? We inter-are: or we inter-are not? That is the paradoxic independent choice we make …to inter-be, or not to inter-be: that is the question?


Apr 26, 2020 2:35 PM
Reply to  BigB

”radical ecological critique”

will kill us as quickly as redical capitalism will kill us all. At least radical capitalism isn’t based on a hatred of the human race.

Apr 26, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  sally

That is simply ridiculous and nihilistic. Capitalism is a co-participatory extinction religion. It is amazing how many are still addicted even as it is now turning on the bourgeois heartland. Oh well, I guess we stick we stick with the extinctionism we prefer then? The one we co-manifested and legitimated: even as it turns on its own.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:06 AM
Reply to  BigB

‘sally’ has swallowed the Kool-Aid but bad.Radical capitalism, more than any other creed or cult, hates Life itself, not just the ‘useless eaters’, like sally.

Apr 26, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  BigB

“radical wealth redistribution.”…….Therein lies the problem. Has there been ANY redistribution of wealth from the 1% to the remaining 99% ?

Apr 26, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Grafter

‘ And even brilliant researchers like Mike can’t put it all together …why’

Because he is not a brilliant researcher, he is a fraud.

He talks about shit storms as if they do exist (they don’t)

He talks about a virus when he means a bacteria

He talks about essential conditions for cholera to grow (warmth) that are simply false

Apr 26, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Willem


He talks about that there is a potential for a vaccine for coronavirus, but that this has not been found yet as pharamaceutical companies do not want to find a vaccine (as that would kill the goose with the golden eggs, that is produce phony vaccines that governments will buy anyway). But he doesn’t say how he knows this. He just says it, and we have to believe him.

He also says that coronaviruses heads constantly change, but not the stalks and that therefore a vaccine should aim for targeting the stalk. Nice theory, accept that I haven’t been able to find a single reference that backs this claim.

And he says that vaccines will be produced, however not by pharmaceutical companies. But when one thinks about the logistics of a trial that should proof that a vaccine works, one needs millions of dollars that universities don’t have. If pharmaceutical companies don’t do the trial, who will? A trial (even a phony one) is not a simple endeavor (lots of rules and regulations) and cannot be payed by anyone else than pharmaceutical companies.

In short, this Michael Davis reminds me of the Duke and the King in Huck Finn. Genius is not the word that describes him.

Apr 26, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Willem

Just to save you bother in future: I am well aware of the internet propensity to strip communication of well, most of its communicational ability. Whenever I use a word ironically: I will put (not sarc) or something like it. If I do not do that: it’s because I am being sarc.

Apr 26, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  BigB

Sorry, I thought you were sarcastic and should have made that clear in my comment. It is just that it is according to the author above the line that this is one of the 3 must read articles of this month. I find that hard to comprehend since this mike Davis is definitely not a genius, which was the reason why I responded to your comment.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  BigB

Yes, Blanche. You read like a more comprehensible (at least for me) McMurtry, but I can never quite accommodate the ‘we’ narrative. ‘We’ don’t exist. It’s us and them, the dead souls, the pathocrats and the brain-dead Homo consumerensis, and they will always win because they have the least compunction in utilising the supreme human sanction-murder destruction and genocide. That is why they have triumphed-they’ve murdered everyone ‘ ..who gets in our way’.

Apr 26, 2020 12:21 PM

I sent a neighbour a copy of this:


he’s an educated man and here’s his reply:

Long read. Some valid points but mostly speculation…also what government would totally kybosh the economy unless they thought necessary
Take care

Apr 26, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  bob

It’ll sow the seed so don’t be disheartened. Keep sharing.

Apr 26, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  Dave

I agree with you. It can be tiresome, like shooting a fire hose against brick wall and hoping some water gets in through the cracks, but you can only hope that their unconscious mind will nurture that seed until its strong enough to stand a chance against conscious rationalizations.

Apr 26, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  bob

Yea. I’ve had – repeatedly – the same response from a retired Professor of Medicine. Utterly frightening. They retire, sit back and watch TV, and believe it. Brain dead.

Apr 26, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  bob

This is obviously some new meaning of the word “speculation” that I wasn’t previously aware of.

I’ve had similar experiences with intelligent and educated (not necessarily the same thing) people.

What I find interesting is that the myriad expert sources quoted in the article would (I contend) be considered credible, by your neighbour et al, if they supported the official CV19 narrative.

Apr 26, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I have yet to see evidence of any credible scientist who can argue convincingly the case for lock down. You may have seen the Cambridge University Union ‘debate’ (8 monologues truth be told) a few days ago which Peter Hitchens was involved in. Three of the four speakers supporting the lock down were just an embarrassment; the fourth speaker, Professor Karol Sikora, spoke on that side as well but he actually spent half the time arguing that the lock down should now be lifted…so clearly the Union had struggled and failed to find a fourth convincing supporter.

The other three pro-lock down speakers were all reading very poorly and hesitantly from scripts simply endorsing the Imperial College approach but with no additional or retrospective evidence over and above what the model had been based on, and no reference to the economic and other longer term consequences. The worst of these speakers was Prof John Edmunds OBE, faculty head at the London School of Tropical Medicine. He had obviously been asleep for 5 weeks. He was even basing his ‘position’ on the original forecast mortality figures in the Imperial College model. He was absolutely appalling. But he’s young and has an OBE so there are plenty of people such as @Bob’s neighbour who I am sure would be convinced by everything he said!

Apr 26, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  bob

Why would a government put us on this train to Auschwitz unless they thought it was necessary.

Apr 27, 2020 6:17 AM
Reply to  sally

yes, surely the Proper Authorities know what’s best for us.

Apr 26, 2020 1:53 PM
Reply to  bob

You’d be surprised how many are looking forward to tyranny because they think they are on the winning side, and the immigrants will suffer, not them, they don’t understand that they are the target.

Apr 26, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  bob

When Casinos and Bookies are shut down – it ain’t no scam.

Apr 26, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Bookies were finished after the stake on the fixed odds betting machines where chopped…
Casinos, you gamble ’til you hearts content online.

Apr 26, 2020 2:22 PM
Reply to  bob

The Economy was already kyboshed, wasn’t it?

Who thought Covid-19 would become the ‘Patsy’?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  TFS

NOT CoVid 19-China. The race enemy.

Apr 26, 2020 2:47 PM
Reply to  bob

I’m sorry, bob, but anyone who looks at the SWPRS analysis and refers to it as a “Long read” is clearly not educated. It’s the ‘go to’ document I use if I want to offer friends with poor concentration and comprehension capabilities the opportunity to see a quick summary of the key points being made, whilst avoiding blinding them with scientific jargon and technicalities. I like to think it might trigger an impulse to investigate further but, from my experience, it rarely seems to work.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Apr 26, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I’ll second that. I’ve sent that link far and wide, and if I receive a response at all, it’s along the lines of my wanting people to die. There’s a small church just across the street from our apartment in central Paris where people from the neighborhood come and sit on the steps in the sun. After lunch, I went out to get a bit of sun, and remarked that, instead of Paris Plage, we had our own little “beach” right here. Everyone agreed. That was, at the least, a bit encouraging.

Apr 26, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  bob

Such people as your neighbour should always repeat their words to themselves a couple of times. It may contain a next logical step, rather than being the summation. After all, it’s the neighbour who ends a question with: “unless they thought necessary”.
Hmm… necessary for what? Perhaps they kybosh the economy for another reason. Were the markets about to freeze up, was another bailout imminent?
Was there any reason why they chose not to quarantine the sick as has been done for centuries? That departure from standard procedure, not Covid per se but rather the quarantine of the healthy, that is the reason for shuttering the economy. Thus the kybosh was not a predictable response but a highly unpredictable one. Not grey and sensible and bureaucratic and understandable but neon-flashing-rainbow-Day-glo random and unusual.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 26, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  bob

bob – I think at some level for people to actually imagine that their government would lie on this scale is so challenging to their world view that psychic defense mechanisms like denial, minimization and rationalization are actually a much more common and comforting response than is rational coherent “thought” about the available information. Breaking down such defense mechanisms with factual information is difficult – because people are in fact responding “irrationally” in order to maintain a more comforting world view.

Apr 27, 2020 6:23 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

in other words, they’re mindless conformist assholes. move on, to some less privileged person who might be capable of listening.

Apr 26, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  bob

9/11 syndrome.

Apr 26, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  bob

Funny isnt it. Government guess work and panic is accepted at face value. A considered response to that is ‘speculation’.

No wonder the world is in such a mess.

Apr 26, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  bob

He’s a fool.

Apr 27, 2020 6:25 AM
Reply to  livingsb

“It is difficult to get a person to understand something, when their salary depends upon their not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair

Apr 26, 2020 12:07 PM

May I suggest a 4th read, the John Ward, TheSlog


I always wondering if Bojo would meet his demise and Brexit would be no more………strange times!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 26, 2020 12:00 PM

Craig Murray has been charged with contempt of court for his coverage of the Alex Salmond trial, a trial which concluded with Salmond being acquitted by the jury – but of course there are no juries now: how convenient.

Apr 26, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Glad to see even lawyers and political opponents rallying to his support. As Craig Murray points out, if his posts had been in contempt of court by influencing the jury, the time to act was before the jury delivered its verdict, not after. He is also charged with identifying “by jigsaw” the anonymous accusers who conspired to destroy Alex Salmond’s career – even though MSM journalists have come far closer to identifying them.
“But what proves that the Crown Office is acting from base motives and not those stated is the one-sided nature of this. Only supporters of Alex Salmond – the Alex Salmond found innocent by the jury – are being pursued by this continuing Police Scotland operation.
“There are literally thousands who put out “Salmond is guilty” “Salmond is a rapist” “Salmond is a pervert” posts on social media before and during the trial. Not one has had the police knock on the door. The Herald published absolutely deliberately, the day before the trial, a montage of Alex Salmond amongst photos of mass murderers. They have not been charged. Every newspaper published “jigsaw identification” information which I withheld. They have not been charged or investigated, despite the evidence brilliantly compiled and presented to the Police.”

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 26, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

But none of that might matter if the case is heard without a jury.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

There must be a Scottish Baraitser, surely.

Apr 26, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

where’s Nicola and her SNP in all of this?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  bob

Directing matters.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 27, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  bob

Nowhere to be seen, Bob – nowhere to be seen

Apr 26, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Lets hope Murray does not let this distract from his usually good work. Is there a saying, stay on the offensive to defend yourself.? Something perhaps Corbyn failed to take on board.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  Loverat

You are right about Corbyn – he allowed himself to be thrown under the bus – and the cowards of the Labour Party sat back and did nothing – that’s why I didn’t renew my membership

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Scroll up to Dungroanin’s post where he has a link by means of which you can learn all about this horrible business – and make a donation to Craig Murray’s defence fund – ultimately we owe it to ourselves to push back against this evil – it is evil, there is no other word for it.

Apr 26, 2020 8:21 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

The proposal to stop using juries was not agreed upon. In Contempt cases there are, I believe, no juries anyway.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 27, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  bevin

The Scots abandoned juries by administrative fiat.

Apr 26, 2020 11:59 AM

Asking for a friend:

He’s wondering if the Corona Virus has temporarily stopped the EU moving offices between Strasbourg and Brussels every month?

Also, he’s wondering why Greta couldn’t accomplish such a task?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  TFS

Yes, it would be interesting if one expensive act of insanity had been stopped by an even more expensive and destructive act of insanity.

Thought experiment for Greta: work out the most efficient route between Brussels and Strasbourg by sailing boat.

Apr 26, 2020 11:53 AM

No, Murray and his gang of goons er… ‘mods’ are sheepdogs to keep the rest within scope of the Overton Window.

Apr 26, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Sadly, as a previous admirer of Murray, I’m inclined to agree with you. Note how he has ‘become the story’ yet again through his own incompetence and is asking for more money from readers as a result. The Dunn case, for all its personal tragedy, is a small beer involving small operatives compared with the crime of the century going on at present conducted by far bigger fish.

Apr 26, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Thom

I share that view.

I used to spend some time there and when this began he seemed to share the view that this was being hyped. Since this escalated into lockdown etc. it has been very interesting that he has had nothing substantive to say on this at all. The mods particularly are very keen not to support any narrative wishing to question whats happening.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  breweriana

What is the Overton Window ? That is new to me – could you explain – I would be most interested to know – thank you

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  cupid stunt

Basically the permitted scope of discussion.

I must admit, I didn’t know why it was called that, but it turns out it is named after this gentleman:


cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 10:18 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Thanks Mike

I checked the link you provided and, amongst other stuff I got this:

Noam Chomsky said in 1998:

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum—even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

Interestingly enough, in the context of this forum, it sometimes appears that certain contributors fashion their own “window” reading the parameters of what, expressed in the opinions of others, falls within Overton’s envelope of “thinkable or unthinkable” – we are now entering the realm of “psychological operation” which, as you are only too aware, is one of the tools of the Deep State.

Changing the subject- thank you for the photo of that park in Wiltshire which displayed a sign declaring it was OPEN !

It just remains for a few more minds to be opened !

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

These days it’s the ‘Overton peephole’, ever occluding more and more.

Apr 26, 2020 11:37 AM

Message from Dracula on Twitter ……


The sun may be out, but the virus is still present.

Stay at home.

Apr 26, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Grafter

at the same time handycock is pleading with people to go to their nearest A&E for any health problems ….

Apr 26, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Your house may be on fire and a tsunami may be headed your way, but the virus is out there so… stay at home.
Ps. As part of the COVID Big Pharma projection package, neither the government nor your friendly pill pushers have any liability should you die following any of our advice.

Apr 26, 2020 10:55 AM

Peter Ford isn’t a renegade,he’s an apologist for a dreadful and murderous failed state

He worked as a lobbyist,along with Assads father-in-law,thus he’s totally compromised as a biased person,obviously one of little moral value

Craig Murry sounds like a deranged hateful anti English racist,ironic really since he was borne in England

Murray along with Assange both appeared on kremlin propaganda channel RT International,so to does Mr Cohen, a sad Putin apologist

Paul Craig Roberts, has totally lost the plot,he’d have taken to world to war if Putin had followed his advice,simply a mad and frankly senile old fool

as for Mr Girald I’ll leave readers to make their own minds up based upon the work of Louis Proyect,who for some strange reason seems to be some sort of hate person on Off G????

If this represents the best of alternative supposedly left wing thinking then I’d suggest the left has totally lost it,oh and for all you budding revolutionaries out there I’d like to know how many joined with Corbyns brother protesting against the covid and the Orwellian state,aka,the U.K.???

Apr 26, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  crispy

Read us, please do, some names from your Integrity Initiative list of approved writers. Preferably those in receipt of Foreign Office expenses so that we can be sure they’re taking the approved type of shekel.

Apr 26, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Peter Ford worked for the Assad family as a lobbyist, just a fact,a fact never disclosed when he appears on RT International,or other so called alt media

Two Assad regime goons are currently under arrest in Germany facing charges of torture, murder and other unpleasant stuff

The families of those who’ve been killed stand outside the court with photos of those killed by Assad waiting for justice

In the Putin world though these people are terrorists,so his propaganda channel likes to tell us

Its claimed about 120,000 people disappeared into Assad regime jails,tortured,raped and killed, the evidence of this exists but nobody from this little list of so called renegade would ever dare go into the details would they,perhaps Vanessa Beeley could do some real journalism into this?

Oh, but i forgot she did once go off the pro Assad propaganda reservation in a few Tweets about torture,but soon got back on message

You see Craig Murray can make a big song and dance about the conflict of interest in the Assange case, but he’ll basically follow the pro kremlin/ Assad line on Syria

Ironic Murray talks bollocks about how Assange has been tortured when he appears, along with Asssange on RT International,kremlin propaganda, and a Putin ragime which has helped Assad the torturing thug stay in power,ironic and frankly deeply disturbing

Basically this little list of so called renegades are people of very low moral standards,they operate on the basis of my enemy’s enemy is my friend

Giraldi used to work for the CIA,FFS thats the CIA which has killed, planned assassinations,and all sorts of other stuff,usually to stop left wing/ socialist/ communist states,and the left embrace him,god know s why,as he’s just another idiot American who wants an isolationist uber libertarian America,basically he hasn’t got a grip on his American history,he’s to busy talking shite with Ron Paul,yet another RT regular

What this lot represent are a bunch of angry fools who’ll align themselves with malevolent regimes for some sort of perverse ego trip,they’ll simply accelerate the world towards more conflict not less as its obvious which side they’re on

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:17 AM
Reply to  crispy

How many of your friends, the Netanyahu goons, are under arrest for torture, murder and genocide?

Apr 26, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  crispy

All of them, without exception, are also racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and complete bounders, who kick their dogs, cheat at cards, and wear women’s underwear.

Like Jezza, they are probably also Kremlin agents, terrorists and anti semitic into the bargain.

Or so the well oiled Zionist Smear Machine and their incredibly truthful MSM would have us believe.

Apr 26, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  crispy

are you gary lineker by any chance?

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  crispy

I’m so sorry Crispy – I will now have to retract a comment I posted a while ago attributing you with wisdom -goodbye and farewell

Apr 26, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  cupid stunt

Whatever 😱

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  crispy

Dear crappy, locked in his Tel Aviv basement, spewing hate and lies. Where would we be without him?

Apr 26, 2020 10:39 AM

For some light relief and dark humour on the whole crisis.

The Tim Dillon Show:

Apr 26, 2020 9:43 AM

This virus unlike all the other acts of US facsist surtvillance, gives the population the posibility to refuse to participate. To refuse to be tested, to refuse to use the app, and refuse consent through demonstration. This is our last stand, if we donlt refuse and withhold consent now, then we are finished as a free people. We will need to be tested to shop, to eat, to live, and that test will morph into the whim of a policeman or offical, which is the police state. A police state just for a virus as deadly as the flu, this is not worth it.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 26, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Sally

This is very interesting. The “Sally” posting with a capital “S” posts intelligent sane thoughtful remarks, and the “sally” posting with a lower case “s” comments are by comparison . . . well, I guess I’ll just let them speak for themselves.

Apr 26, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  Sally

I’m feeling low today and I’m fucking sick of banging my head agains the wall. For lack of sports analogies, I’ll give a sports analogy. This is like Arsenal down 4-0 at the Anfield with 5 minutes remaining and Aubameyang just went off injured- Mustafi and Luiz playing CB. About 90-95%% of the population is clueless. From what I’ve gathered, the US seems a bit more rebellious than the UK but not by much. My immediate family, except my Dad, is on board – eating up what the MSM says with a spoon. There is no large platform to be heard from – it’s all locked down from Twitter and FB to CNN, Google and the NYT – they’ve got it all. Any person who gets regular air time on the big stage is full of shit. The elite have also conditioned the public to believe that anyone who questions 5G, Big Pharma, 9/11, vaccines, etc. is a kook who lives on the edge. The only way to be heard is by MASS protest and rebellion and, as most on here have relayed, there is not a large enough support base for this to happen. Hell, even if it does happen, they do what the fuck they want, i.e. the million person protest in London agains the invasion of Iraq – came to naught. They will roll out the vaccine slowly – you’ll have to get it to work and/or travel. You’ll have to get injected to be insured in the US. It’s coming within a year. I have a decent job and a fairly comfortable life. I’m not old, but I’m hitting the tail end of middle age. I am not interested in joining a counter culture revolution and living like an urchin in some dystopian rebel camp for a lost cause. I’m not going to sneak around in the black market trying to avoid detection or inoculation. There is no way I’m going to hole myself up with a bunch of firearms. We need articles and ideas on wtf to do. This is the beginning of the end of humanity as we know it(I do not feel this is being over-dramatic in the slightest). There is enough proof to show that the elite are fixated on more and more wealth consolidation and population control(and certainly more dastardly acts). It has been confirmed. We get it. In a true court of law, people like Bill Gates would be sent to prison or stripped of power. So what the fuck are we supposed to do? Bitching on Twitter or writing comments might make one feel less isolated, but it isn’t doing anything. Arsenal sucks and fuck Stan Kroenke. They may have us by the balls, but I will do my best to not participate voluntarily in anything I don’t have to. I’ll educate anyone willing to listen. I certainly appreciate the work of Off Guardian and will continue to support like causes. I think that is the extent of what is to be done. Unless a lot of people wake up very quickly, the game is over.

Apr 27, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  livingsb

Brilliantly put.

I believe they pulled the ‘virus’ hoax now, in 2020, for exactly the reasons you state; they have everything, ‘net wise, totally controlled to prevent any dissent.

Couple that with the illogical (in a medical sense ‘lockdowns’ preventing people getting together and discussing what’s going on, and the slow destruction of small, independent businesses with enforced closures.

Mark L
Mark L
Apr 26, 2020 9:23 AM

‘Some, including credible experts in relevant disciplines, say the Covid-19 danger is overstated. Others, including credible experts in relevant disciplines, say it isn’t.’

Would appreciate links/references for the latter group of credible experts Phil.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  Mark L

For goodness sake, don’t pretend that the bulk of scientists, whether incompetent, corrupt or swept away by Groupthink, do not outnumber the sceptics by orders of magnitude. Scepticism is fine, so long as it does not become self-delusion.

Mark L
Mark L
Apr 27, 2020 9:24 AM

The operative word was ‘credible’. Has anyone come across any ‘credible’ ‘experts’ with ‘credible’ arguments that stand up to even the most basic scrutiny? I have read widely on this topic for months and haven’t.

I am frankly bemused that anyone capable of independent and critical thought is persuaded by the mainstream narrative, or remains undecided, deeming it ‘too early to call’ in Phil’s words. I really would like to know what evidence or information there is to support the C 19 narrative that has led him and others to this position.

Apr 26, 2020 9:11 AM

KPS – Koronavirus panic syndrome. The media-inspired fear campaign has induced a mental illness that is much, much worse than any physical damage caused by the routine cold/flu virus.

How come my parents, born 1913/1914, both survived routine, multiple flu epidemics, to survive into their late 90’s, and I have also survived another 40-50 years since? All without a national lockdown. What is so different this time?

See: https://straightlinelogic.com/2020/04/25/the-herd-grows-by-eric-peters/#more-50278

Apr 26, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  Gordo

That said, the scare campaign was clearly pre-determined and co-ordinated well in advance, with even Australia – in late summer, with virtually no cases – coming out with the same crazy “flattening the curve” language in order to immediately impose a lockdown and police state.

So the key question is – just what is the agenda and who is behind it?

Apr 26, 2020 8:57 AM

Gates Foundation Behind Completely WRONG Coronavirus “Death Toll” Numbers – Ben Swann, April 24th.

Apr 26, 2020 9:34 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Great clip.

The problem we face is that manufactured narratives such as C19 don’t require everybody to buy into them; they only require a critical mass to do so. As long as dissenting voices remain in the minority, where we can be ridiculed and suppressed by the corporate media et al, the majority will carry the day.

The value of sites like Off-G, the one in this clip and a few others is that, faint as they may currently be, they are beacons of sanity in this misinformation storm. As long as these sites keep doing what they’re doing, then perhaps as more people start to believe what they are seeing, as opposed to what they are being told, they will seek out such beacons.

In a perverse way, continued lockdown would be better in terms of changing the minds of those currently in thrall to the prevalent narrative. I’m not advocating that. Obviously. But, I’m certain the authorities also know that and will time their ‘exit strategies’ carefully to counter that possibility – just before critical mass (for their side) is lost, they’ll reduce the pressure somewhat in order to maintain dominance. It’s a balancing act with high stakes. If the authorities were in any way competent, I would be worried that they could maintain this state for a long time. The only thing that gives me hope is the fact that they are not competent and are bound to fuck it up.

Ultimately, politicians live for votes and anything that threatens those votes will be avoided. So, although Gates thinks he is be a super-villain of James Bond proportions, in terms of the reliability of his minions (aka our politicians) he may well end up as more of a Doctor Evil (without the humour, of course).

This crisis may have been perfectly planned, but no plan survives first contact with the enemy, particularly when those executing it are incompetent; and the enemy (us) won’t just lie down or go away.

Apr 26, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Philippe

The biggest problem in these situations is that the seller of the narative will simultaneously put a lot of effort into ensuring that the consumers of the narative do not have enough data to make their own decisions regarding the narative, thereby persuading the majority to decide that they do not know enough to contradict the seller.

I believe this is the biggest problem with CV: the data points received during the outbreaks in different countries have appeared to be deliberately designed to throw the average observer off the scent. They have differed in the extreme, from thousands dying almost every day in Italy to only 4 people dying throughout the whole pandemic in Hong Kong.

The absurdity of the data points leads to the frustration of making decisions in the dark, so a lot of responsible, intelligent people are deciding that they cannot oppose the authorities because they do not have enough data.

Information is power.

Apr 26, 2020 11:07 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

100% agree with you.

If you read the Cabinet Office paper ‘Mindspace’ (https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/MINDSPACE.pdf), it details ongoing efforts to ‘manage’ the behaviour of us, the general public.

I would hazard a guess that this situation is being exploited (has been created?) to change our behaviour patterns. I also wonder whether, when they finally end this thing, they won’t go as far as people like us expect them to. Instead they continue their decades-old strategy of incremental change.

This will (as it has in the past) lead to people being grateful that they’ve only lost of few of their temporary privileges, as opposed to all of them. An exercise in expectation management, if you will. We expect draconian results so anything less than that is a bonus, however much we’ve actually lost.

George Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a treatise on the dangers of communism, but I don’t see much difference between what he describes in the book and what we have now in ‘the West’ – a population essentially in slavery to the few and brainwashed into being grateful for it. Therefore, the premise has already been proven, as far as they are concerned, so as long as they don’t do enough to tip us (I mean the majority who appear to buy into the CV narrative) over the edge, they can continue to chip away. The only variable at any point will be the size of the chips – perhaps they will be larger this time. A docile population is easier to lead by the nose, so it would make no sense to wind them up too much in one go.

I say this more out of hope than expectation. I could be completely wrong. Time, as they say, will tell.

Apr 26, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Philippe

George Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a treatise on the dangers of communism, but I don’t see much difference between what he describes in the book and what we have now in ‘the West’ – a population essentially in slavery to the few and brainwashed into being grateful for it.

Spot-on. Whatever his intentions, the book is less a warning about communism in particular than it is about how easily any belief system can be leveraged (weaponized) into something that coerces/forces people into submission.

Every time I see some suspiciously coiffed talking head or a group of unmasked experts standing shoulder to shoulder while lecturing the viewers on social distancing, I think:
“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”

Apr 26, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  NowhereOH

With you all the way.

Ross Hendry
Ross Hendry
Apr 26, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Gates doesn’t look very well at all. Quelle surprise. He’s on a power trip – all natural joie de vivre has long since disappeared.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Ross Hendry

He looks like the “Before” picture in a laxative advertisement.

Apr 26, 2020 11:05 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Apr 26, 2020 8:37 AM

Last American Vagabond’s Titus Frost breaks down the latest lies and disinfo (April 25th) coming out of government.

Nick Weech
Nick Weech
Apr 26, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

May I mention a good read: What Really Makes you Ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker

Apparently the Germ theory is just that, a theory and furthermore it’s all based on junk science. It’s time people realised how hoodwinked they’ve been and still are of course by MSM. Gove was right about some of the “experts”, look at Neal Ferguson from Imperial college that started this! He was so wrong about Foot & Mouth remember? Now he’s walked it right back hasn’t he?

If you’re even here on this site there’s hope: But don’t the my word for it, find out for yourself before too late: Antoine Béchamp, the French contemporary of Louis Pasteur for starters …

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 26, 2020 1:53 PM
Reply to  Nick Weech

The Real Science of Germs: Do Viruses Cause Disease?

(Dawn and David in an interview with Dr Andrew Kaufman)

nick weech
nick weech
Apr 26, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Background reading I’ll recommend. Thanks for your reply, yes I watched it and the other one they did with James True, also good/informative

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Apr 26, 2020 8:36 AM

“Mike Davis on pandemics, super-capitalism and the struggles of tomorrow
The lack of clean water and toilets, as everyone knows, is the number one public health issue in the world and the single greatest cause of preventable mortality, especially among children. ”

There was a Netflix documentary on how the lovely Bill Gates was going to solve the problem of the Toilets. Bill Gates correctly identified the problem of poor sanitation. As he said the drive for clean drinking water would not solve the problem of poor sanitation. So what was big brain Bill Gates solution to the problem. Invent a better toilet. So research grants were got for a dozen or so companies to each independently over the next three plus years to Invent a better toilet. So they all applied there big brains to inventing a better toilet. Some interesting ideas were developed but each had draw backs. Those that needed electric power forgot electric power was not always available. Chemical toilets require chemicals and maintenance. But the main problem was cost of production and how to reduce it.
So Bill Gates correctly identified the problem but came up with the wrong solution.
The correct and simpler solution was just provide them with good sanitation using existing toilets.
It would be better to produce them locally and provide employment and wages that could help relive poverty. As apposed to getting the toilets cheaper from slave labour in North Korea,

Of course the companies that got the research grants to invent new toilets would have lots of meetings.
Where they would brain stormed ideas on white boards. But if any one at the meetings pointed out the folly of the project. The bottom line , the toilets would be to expensive and impractical. They would not be invited to the next meeting.
I know they only want yes men at meeting. I was rarely invited to meetings as I would point out the obvious that know one wanted to hear or think about.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 9:37 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

The expression ‘..slave labour in North Korea’ renders your contribution risible.

Apr 26, 2020 4:38 PM

There are many more slaves in the brothels of London and Hamburg than there are in North Korea.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  paul

Indeed. And don’t forget the debt peons and wage slaves.

Apr 26, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Clean CookStoves was a similar story – in reverse. A very expensive effort to create a biomass burning stove which ticked, superficially, the right boxes of reducing wood use and smoke.
Turns out that propane delivery is already common in the developing world as elsewhere, does not require electricity or complex technology or maintenance…. and is better for health.

Angela Woodhouse
Angela Woodhouse
Apr 26, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

It would be funny if it didn’t make you want to scream.
Unbelievable………oh no, totally believable.

Apr 26, 2020 7:59 AM

Instead of putting our focus on Covid19 only, I think we should talk more about the economic consequences of it.

In NL, ‘we’ just gave 4 billion euro to the KLM, while at the same time it is totally uncertain how people with small companies are going to survive the Covid19 crisis/scam. Why do the big guys always get the big money first?

Michael Hudson gives some current examples from the US here

‘MICHAEL HUDSON: Just think of when, in the debates with Bernie Sanders during the spring, Biden and Klobuchar kept saying, ‘What we’re paying for Medicare-for-All will be $1 trillion over 10 years.’ Well, here the Fed can create $1.5 trillion in one week just to buy stocks.
Why is it okay for the Fed to create $1.5 trillion to buy stocks to prevent rich people from losing on their stocks, when it’s not okay to print only $1 trillion to pay for free Medicare for the entire population? This is crazy!

The idea is that only the rich should be allowed to print money for themselves, but the government should not be allowed to print money for any public purpose, any social purpose — not for medicine, not for schools, not for personal budgets, not for full employment — but only to give to the 1 percent.’


Apr 26, 2020 7:27 AM

Davis in the last piece refers to Cholera and Yellow Fever as viruses. Cholera is bacterial an YF a protozoan infection with the mosquito introducing it. The credibility rather ended there.

Apr 26, 2020 8:06 AM
Reply to  OffMessage

He also talks about that cholera thrives well in warm climates, like India.

But we had plenty of cholera in 19th century Europe, which was caused by a poor sewer system and poverty. Warmth is totally irrelevant. So why does he bring it up?

Apr 26, 2020 8:47 AM
Reply to  Willem

He also talks about the ‘stalks’ of viruses, being very stable and that if you want to make a vaccin, you should target the stalk of a virus, not the head (as pharmaceutical companies do). My question is: is this true? – If so, a vaccine could make sense. But if it is bullshitting, this guy just wants us to believe that a vaccine for coronavirus is possible, while it actually.

I seriously doubt the genuineness of this guy. Should be read with a ‘caveat emptor’ sign at the least

Apr 26, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  OffMessage

The cholera reference is a weird one, but yellow fever is an RNA virus (Flavivirus).

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 26, 2020 9:39 AM
Reply to  OffMessage

Yellow fever is caused by an arbovirus. You’re thinking of malaria, methinks.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
Apr 26, 2020 5:37 AM

Mutation is a form of adaption to environmental conditions, both natural and man made.
It is the survival instinct.
When the Psychos who rule have exhausted their lust they will become extinct, because instead of adapting via mutual aid, as nature does, they exploit Life.
Greed is unsustainable.

Apr 26, 2020 8:56 AM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Agree absolutely.

It does, however, raise the question of how long it will take them to go extinct and whether any of us will be around to see it. I think they have quite a way to go yet before they reach that point.

Perhaps our great-grandchildren (assuming mass sterilisation isn’t implemented here as it was in Kenya) will be in a position to savour that particular victory.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 26, 2020 5:36 AM

What seems to be emerging politically, at least for the next several months, is the scene of a blazing house on fire, surrounded by gangs of ravenous cannibals, fighting amongst themselves as to who will be the first to sample the “dainties” from the bodies of its unfortunate residents.

The gnarls, grunts and howls are quite maddening.

cupid stunt
cupid stunt
Apr 26, 2020 4:21 AM

More excellent work from Philip – which convinces me that we should delay no further in looking into the possibilities of developing an alternative pharmaceutical industry which should be funded for the common good, and, of course, those working within it should receive adequate recompense for their efforts. However the thorny issue of patents and ‘intellectual rights’ will probably raise its ugly head however, if such a revolution in this industry could be spearheaded by those who are still in possession of a moral compass that would always point to ethical procedure, then we just might be able to bring this treadmill of misery to a halt, once and for all. And it is in the hands of the younger generations who bear responsibility for the future – for it is one they and their offspring will have to inhabit.

Apr 26, 2020 9:33 AM
Reply to  cupid stunt

Non-patentable or out-of-patent drugs alone could keep such an industry (essentially a research industry) very busy. Pharma patents are surprisingly recent, they mainly got going in the late 70s:

“In most of continental Europe, until recent years, only the process of producing a drug could be patented, so once a drug was discovered, a second producer could also produce it provided they found a different way of doing so.”

Germany had a thriving pharma industry before patents were introduced, as did Italy:

“In Italy, pharmaceutical patents were prohibited until 1978,
when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of eighteen pharmaceutical
companies, all foreign, requesting the enforcement of foreign
patents on medical products in Italy. Despite this complete lack of
any patent protection, Italy had developed a strong pharmaceutical
industry: by the end of the 1970s it was the fifth world producer of
pharmaceuticals and the seventh exporter.”

Quotations are from Chapter 9 of Boldrin and Levine’s “Against Intellectual Monopoly” http://dklevine.com/general/intellectual/against.htm

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 27, 2020 1:23 AM
Reply to  beer

Of all the capitalist blood-suckers, BigPharma are perhaps the most Evil pack of ghouls.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Apr 26, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  cupid stunt

CS, (Is that a deliberate wordplay?)

Your comment, with which I more or less agree, raises some interesting questions. Attempting to modify a known toxic system from the inside, be it pharmaceutical, financial, political, or whatever, is a lost cause. Worrying about intellectual property rights and launching internet campaigns against the theft of plants, etc, while justified, doesn’t get to the heart of the problem, though it does raise the general consciousness of predatory capitalism.

Here, in France, well before this virus chaos, after the protests of ’68, a fair number of people basically gave up on the city and its insanity, and moved to the country to establish (or at least try to) an alternative. Many, for any number of reasons, failed. There were, however, successes that exist today. Agricultural villages that were basically disappearing, falling into ruin due to an exodus of the young for the tinsel of the city, were reinvigorated by these new arrivals who had a different (one could call it Luddite, but it was a little more balanced) vision of what might be possible. It’s a balanced view of technology and old fashioned common sense and a willingness to get one’s hands dirty (a lot different from the filth of the cities). Age-old remedies for all kinds of stuff were rediscovered and practised. In spite of the fact that the State has attempted to illegalise a lot of the natural remedies, there exist folks who continue to practise this kind of medicine and make it available. It’s our responsibility to make sure that our children, and their children, are exposed to these possibilities.

Apr 26, 2020 12:14 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

CS, (Is that a deliberate wordplay?)


Not a Kenny Everett fan then Steve?

It sounds crude, but really it’s all done in the best possible taste!