WATCH: “Stop calling it contact tracing!”

The newest episode of James Corbett’s #PropagandaWatch tackles the latest re-brand of “mass surveillance”

What’s in a name? Everything. Find out about the latest attempt to package the Orwellian total police state surveillance grid as something wonderful and wholesome—and why you should never, ever say “contact tracing”—in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.

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May 1, 2020 7:29 PM

I can thoroughly recommend channel 4’s Utopia for some genuine belly laughs when viewed through the eyes we have at present..for those who missed it its probably the best tv series i have ever seen and is possibly available via amazon prime or some such service …the humour is blacker than the inside of mr whippy’s deep pockets

Mike Foster
Mike Foster
Apr 30, 2020 10:16 PM

So the new buzz word is R0 . This has to be >1 we are told but not told how it is measured so have no transparency as to fact or fiction.
The issue of course is not the people who get this virus it is the people whose lives are endangered or die from it. To date there has been little or no increase in deaths of people > 50. 50-70 shows an increase that is far from a killer pandemic with 85% of the increase in deaths being people < 70 .
This is all irregardless of the fact that 70’s and sick and let the rest of the nation get on with there lives .
You wonder why this is not being recognised.

Dynamo Hum
Dynamo Hum
Apr 30, 2020 7:36 PM

An article today in the Korea Herald states that tests on recovered patients found false positives, not reinfections. Dead virus fragments were the likely cause of over 260 people here testing positive again for the novel coronavirus days and even weeks after marking full recoveries. PCR tests cannot distinguish whether the virus is alive or dead.

Apr 30, 2020 12:44 PM

Isn’t it a coincidence that many countries simultaneously have this tracing/tracking app ready for release and download, albeit calling it a different name, e.g. in Aus. CovidSafe app.

May 23, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  Frances

In the UK, it’s going to be called ‘NHS Covid App’ and have already admitted that it will be ‘highly likely’ that it will be mandatory. Different names for the same thing- police state surveillance grid.

Apr 30, 2020 2:24 AM

comment image

Apr 29, 2020 6:03 PM

I wish people would also stop calling this “the new normal”. This is anything but normal, and to talk about it in such a way is, in my opinion, dangerous. Of course, it’s the media etc driving it, but we shouldn’t collude. Perhaps call it the “new abnormal”?

Apr 29, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

According to Prati:

Priti Patel has said life in Britain “will not go back” to how it was before the coronavirus outbreak, even after the current lockdown ends.
The home secretary said that while the government has not yet finalised plans of how restrictions will be lifted, there would be “new norms”.
Ms Patel told the Home Affairs Committee that social distancing would be expected in “every single workplace” and on public transport.
“We will move into a new normal as a society,” she added.

Apr 29, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Offlands

It’s a ridiculous rule to try to apply to any situation, especially the workplace. And where is the evidence to support the 2 metre rule? What would happen if we all just refused, I wonder?

Apr 29, 2020 6:20 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

Anyone noticed a real issue with the 2 metre rule on the pavements? When the traffic starts to build up, we’ll have people being run over as a result of walking into the road to avoid the probably non-existent risk of catching CV from another pedestrian. Unless the gov is thinking of making the pavements one-way, and doubling the width of them to allow for overtaking!

Apr 29, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

Nothing would surprise me any more so very possible

Joseph Adam-Smith
Joseph Adam-Smith
Apr 30, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

Ah, yes. But THAT is a Cornovirus death because the person, by ensuring they do not catch the virus is being actually killed by the virus because he walked into the road…..

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 2, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

we’ll have people being run over as a result of walking into the road to avoid the probably non-existent risk of catching CV from another pedestrian.

In which case of course, they’d be recorded as “Covid-19 deaths”.

I’ve noticed that with the quiet roads, driving standards for those driving have taken a dive. Also pedestrians and cyclists are more careless than usual. There are bound to be more accidents if and when activity goes back to anywhere near normal.

Apr 30, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Offlands

Suppose that’s why she always has that stupid smirk on her face…. I seem to remember this person trying to sell herself to the Israeli’s not so long ago.

Apr 30, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

Sorry that should have read… stupid Bubba Gump smirk on her face

Apr 29, 2020 5:49 PM

Apologies I posted this under another article but realised it was better suited here: Re: an article on RTE today about the new tracking initiative. Human Rights Lawyer and Director of Ada Lovelace Institute (AI thinktank) writes: “There is concern that those who don’t have access to digital technology are less likely to benefit from the app. In the UK that’s around 30% of people who are digitally excluded. “Those people include, not only the elderly, but people from certain social groups and its possible that the people who are most likely to be excluded from access to digital technologies are also the people who are most likely to suffer from the virus.” This person implies that the “digitallly excluded” are made up of elderly and “certain social groups” (read impoverished people). And according to her they have a higher likelihood of getting the virus, that is to say they are poor, so dirty, so virus prone. Maybe she should take a look at the developing world figures (for whatever they’re worth) since they might qualify in that broadbrush discrimination (but are mildly impacted). Now if that isn’t bad enough, and what they’re actually signalling here is that if you walk past someone that doesn’t ping their covid status then its possible they’re “digitally excluded”, and if not elderly, potentially belong to “certain social groups” and may be covid positive (and all the fear based paranoia that entails). Now we can add neo-medieval social control to the neu-fuedalist economy they’re ushering in. And for the cherry on top: “Ms Kind said a lack of access to smartphones or a history of distrust in governments, policing and other forms of surveillance could also lead to problems with people’s willingness to download an app – however well intentioned.” Skeptics are added to… Read more »

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 2, 2020 2:17 PM
Reply to  AnonSkeptic

“however well intentioned”

comment image?itemid=11359182

Apr 29, 2020 12:35 PM

Simple Faraday cages. 1. Place phone in brown paper lunch bag (the nonconducer), place bag in foil coffee pouch (the conducer), fold top. 2.
First layer, wax paper. Second layer, alum foil. Note, both of the above deteriorate after repeated foldings. 3. Use cookie or candy tin box with lid without hinges. Line with cardboard. If only sitting on table, cardboard need only be on bottom, since air is electrically nonconducive. Make sure phone doesnt touch metal of tin.

Always test by calling phone and seeing if rings. You know, there’s theory and then there’s praxis.

Apr 29, 2020 1:31 PM
Reply to  Mell65

Just tried it – with a layer of shortbread as the non-conductor. It works !

My company will soon be chasing me – or is that just paranoia ? 🙂

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Mell65

I’ve been thinking about a covert Faraday pouch myself Mell, if carrying your phone with a mass surveillance app becomes compulsory. It would be easy to slip into a jacket pocket and your average policeman who would be checking up could be easily fooled.

Good practical advice on construction too.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Heavy duty plastic bags made with a plastic ziplock are easy to find too.

Apr 29, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  Mell65

1. Always handy to have a faraday cage with your backup memory sticks and portable hd/ssd in – to protect against the inevitable direct hit from a solar flare/EMP event. It’ll fry all circuits and equipment but when you’re up and running again your old memories will mostly be back from being in a cage.

2. If a simple faraday cage stops your 1-4G it’ll stop the 5G! Yes really. For these who really worry get the tinfoil hat (just another Faraday Cage.

3. Walking down the road with no detectable phone will make you stand out in the auto grid and draw MORE attention because of it. Lol. (Better dealt with by carrying a fake/cover ID/device.

Apr 29, 2020 12:11 PM

So lets recap here,,, We’ve got Bill and Mel, Bill, Hils and Chelsea, Tony B + ‘others’ and the ghost of Jeffrey Epstein. So who’s missing? Bono! has nobody told Bono what’s going on… What the world needs now is a bit more moralising from yet another tax exile! Someone get Bono on the phone stat!

Apr 29, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

I’d rather he just kept mum.

May 1, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

Bob Geldof needs some money as his Live Aid funds must be running low !!

May 1, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  marvin

D’ya know I thought the very same thing

Apr 29, 2020 12:10 PM

Ive said this from the start. ‘Contact tracing ‘ makes it sound like we’re dealing with syphilis (where individuals know theit contacts) or measles (which cant be asymptomatic and is very rare). Here we have community spread. Great excuse for tracking us like farm animals. Talmudic supremacist sc*m nirvana here we come.

Apr 29, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  Mell65

Yet we are happy to have a ‘find my phone’ or ‘keep track of my child’ or ‘sos send help’ devices – for better security!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 29, 2020 3:45 AM

I just watched the latest excellent UK Coloumn news, which gives a shout out to Rosemary Frei’s excellent seven step OffG article by the way.
I’m bloody damn angry… We now have two war criminals on either side of the Atlantic pushing Big Brother all seeing surveillance.
Bill Clinton in the above Propaganda Watch clip, and now the odious Tony Blair and his ‘Tony Blair Institute For Global Change’. Yeah, well, those two people sure ‘helped’ things change in Iraq and Serbia, to name just 2 countries.
‘Is the state surveillance a price worth paying’ Why yes it is according to Blair who stated “the public must accept the level of intrusion”.
And of course the fecken Guardian neoliberalised cesspit of sewer sticks their bib in as well, and ‘reluctantly’ (cough cough) agrees. As if they wouldn’t.
Surely to god, even a blind bat can see what’s going on here.

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Apr 29, 2020 4:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Too true, GP.

“The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change” – what kind black humour is that?

Trust the co-author of the biggest crime of the 21st century to back police state measures.

While he remains the darling of the BBC, the ABC and the treacherous right-wing rump of the UK Labour Party, he is disliked and disbelieved by almost every demographic in his country.

Hope you’re surviving your forced austerity, GP.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 29, 2020 5:05 AM

And morally bankrupt creatures like Blair are the ones pushing this, on behalf of their 0.01% puppet masters.
Yeah, lots of food at home, but have had to really slam on the brakes financially. Absolute essentials only.
Been given a rent freeze until early July, but after that? I sort of feel like I’m standing on the edge of a 100 foot cliff with one foot dangled over the edge.
Hope you’re doing okay? Had a quick peek at ABC News 24 headlines earlier, and note your Premier, Gladys Beryjkljan (oops, where’s spell check?) saying that restrictions will be wound back, but warned they will come back if required.
Similar to what Boris Johnson was saying. And others. Check out UK Coloumn if you havn’t already. Their video’s seem to go for abt 51 mins, but very informative. Have a good arvo CM.

Nikoz Coleman
Nikoz Coleman
Apr 30, 2020 7:26 AM

If Tony Bliar is advocating it then it must be bad, fortunately a large amount of the public see him as the selfish actor that he, you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time

Apr 29, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If only our brothers and sisters out there were as intelligent as blind bats …

Apr 29, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks for confirming my suspicion of UKColumn.

Apr 29, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And did you see what Newsome said on the video at ca. 5:40?
The guy is a madman.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 29, 2020 10:46 PM
Reply to  Harriet

He’s a complete Neoliberal zombie – formerly the Mayor of San Francisco. Gentrification of poorer areas in that city boomed under his watch.
They’re all the same – the bottom line is the only thing that matters $$$.

Apr 29, 2020 2:20 AM

Its the marketing tag line of the moment.
Another they are using to desensitize us is ‘Our New Normal’

Apr 29, 2020 12:50 AM

Ha ha this cracks me up. They think they can control what’s coming with an app. ha ha haa hilarious. So the iPhone generation is in charge. This should be good for a laugh.

Apr 29, 2020 12:01 AM

So, some people, eh… stil dont get the issue about 5G, afraid of been labeled a Tinfoil hat, nut/t, right, in this times where if you dont hold an belife in something, you will fall for anything, incl total bollocks, wrapped in an language that makes anyone whom asks the right questions to an freak, and most of the shitheads is so far out from anything, even remotely conected to facts, incl science that they just nodds along, coments just echoing the “experts” since the coments are based upon an system where your name comes up, yeah, most wount risk thet wrath of others just because they dont belive the bullshit they spray us with in the day to day basis, like the new twist, suddenly young ones are dropping like flies and hart issues, etc, and the second coming….. sorry, round, witch will be acording to the same “experts” highly lightly, an populare word in this post-truth times, will certanly wipe us out, if we dont bow to their uh…. medicine from the face of this earth, if we dont follow the Gates of Hells ashurance of certain redemption.And of course, do the social distancy dance around in the light of the bonfire of insanity, what could possible go wrong. You see, once they know their narrative is crashing, the invent new ones, and that to continue to have something to scare the shit out of the comon man with, and the cricle jerk is roling. Then we have another eh…. “master” stroke, the pols, yeah, after weeks upon weeks with an MSM filled to the brim with raw hard core scare porn, the pols shows people are against opening the nation/s, what an shocker, right, and the imperial banana republic is pimping the daily hate against China, yeah,… Read more »

Apr 29, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  mikael

I gather that you have a point, but this is so horribly written.

Apr 30, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  jacklord

Maybe English isn’t mother tongue of mikael.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 28, 2020 11:42 PM

The phrase used in the headline above, “Mass Surveillance”, would probably be better. If you say “Big Brother” to most everyday folk they think you are paranoid. The suggestion to leave your phone at home is something I’ve been doing for years for various reasons, including privacy, health etc. They take voicemail messages if it’s important enough to leave one so why worry about missing calls. In 1999 someone attempted to steal something from my vehicle in West London. I disturbed them and they drove off but I got their reg. no.. When I immediately rang the police on my mobile phone they were actually pretty good, calling me back with a blow by blow account as they tracked them by CCTV, eventually stopping and arresting them. They then asked me to go into a Metropolitan Police station that was convenient for me sometime later that day to make a statement. It was convenient for me to call in at Heathrow Airport station, which I did about three hours later. When I walked into the place after parking about half a mile away in Harlington village, it was empty except for a lone policeman at a desk in the back. His phone rang, he picked it up and after a short conversation he turned to me and said “Mr. Xxxxxx, there’s someone on the phone for you. You can use that one on the counter.”. I picked it up and it was the same officer I had been dealing with earlier in the day. He was chuckling as he said “I bet you’re wondering how I knew you were there, aren’t you?”. My unruffled reply of “I’ve got a good idea.” seemed to deflate him but he was still good natured in the rest of the conversation as I was… Read more »

Bill Grates
Bill Grates
Apr 29, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Absolutely agree . The problem is the State has had centuries of experience in manipulation .
Initially it will be by individual choice , then when they’ve got a critical mass after all the sheeple have been suckered , it will become impossible to function in society without it . Then the compulsion bit comes in whereby the plod will be criminalising those heretics and freedom hold-outs who refuse to have their device at hand in public . Job done as they say .
How we fight against it I don’t know . People seem to be cowed by this situation and ready to accept the previously unimaginable. Personally I have parted company with several long time friends over the present hysteria .
There’s a very good quote from Kissinger that can be found , describing the means by which the population is first scared in order to make it seek comfortable safety and give up freedoms to get there . Anyone could think the whole thing was a set-up , but hey I’m just a conspiracy nut .

Apr 29, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Yet people will happily plonk the latest TV with camera built in the screen and microphone that are always on and transmitting; they’ll put in cctv which they can watch from anywhere and they can’t get enoughof Alexa and her snoopy mates all over the house.

Lol. The cognitive dissonance is delicious on these boards.

Apr 29, 2020 9:18 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I have a piece of masking tape over the “eye” ofmy laptop. Don’t know whether this works to shut off access, but in any event the “eye” seems not to be working, because when I peeled back the tape to do a Zoom meeting, the video did not work. Fine with me (even though I had done my hair for the occasion!). But just to make sure, I replaced the tape.

Apr 28, 2020 10:09 PM

Keep Calm And Blame China.
God Save The Queen.

Apr 28, 2020 9:04 PM

I’m actually heartened that, compared to The War on Terror, there seems to be a significant fraction of the population that is (ironically) immune to the bullshit coming from the mass media regarding The War on Seasonal Flu Virus.

Apr 28, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Tom

Hope you’re right.

Apr 29, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

He’s right.

Apr 29, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  jacklord

Yes, I’ve definitely seen a few signs myself. It would be something if those who are immune could, like many of us here, spread the word until we actually have a majority of the population who are not only immune, but who are utterly revolted by what the mass media are currently doing.
Sometimes I fear it is too late, since I know that in some western media ALL the conscientious reporters have been fired, or been forced to resign, leaving only shills to deliver their lies to the public. A horrific development.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 28, 2020 11:40 PM
Reply to  Tom

I wouldn’t disagree with that view.

Different tune – same piano.

It is ironic that ISIS have let it be known that their terrorists are nor bothering suiciding in the West because Covid _19 is too dangerous.

Someone could get killed.

I do think Covid is a threat – but mainly a threat to the well off Western world.

People are dying – but the wrong type of people.

better off people.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

‘Better off’ people are laughing as the loot rolls in. In the poor world and among the US and UK underclasses, people are most definitely dying.

Apr 29, 2020 2:26 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

The creators and funders of ISIS are a little busy atm putting their citizens under house arrest so we will have to wait until ‘our new normal’ for any further ‘attacks’

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 28, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  Tom

Me too Tom.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  Tom

Whatever is going on, and the sinister machinations are pretty plain to see, this is NOT the ‘Seasonal Flu’.

Bill Grates
Bill Grates
Apr 29, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Tom

I certainly hope you are right , but will these people stand up and be counted when the time comes , or melt away under the soothing double-speak of the agenda drivers .
I have my doubts .
That the likes of Blair and Co are constantly given air-time when they should be doing hard-time is a constant source of disbelief to me , and some of those people are still wielding power at high levels .

Apr 28, 2020 8:56 PM

I dont see this as complicated – Propoganda/marketing campaign/spin/political proselytism , call it what you like……but because it only discharged from the mouths of a few offensive individuals – it shouldn’t really require the critical observation it receives – after all, it’s only meant for the deserted husks who listen and believe and so, in truth, goes nowhere without peoples compliance. We, who realise how pathetically feeble the scheme, should be allowing it only as far as seeing us roll around in fits of laughter but, on we go, continuing to state the obvious, until, as has happened time and time again, the nightmare becomes real……Inflicted on us, not only by the maniacs who spoke the words – but by the screwballs who believed them – as is they, and always they, who grant its implementation, but, is us All who live with the result….we cant let that happen, not this time, it’s not all about them, they’re proven compliants, and can’t be trusted to Think of the greater good – many I saw today – and one who especially stood out was a woman replete with face mask and gloves who had great difficulty opening her car door – then after much struggle with it and finally seated behind the wheel, sat with her hands in the air until she gathered her self enough to take off the hand armour – these, are the same fear puppets who live life as passngers, and are only truly content when the transport is full with destination fixed – they stick to the beaten track, and woe betide any that break from it…..they’re treacherous ego-trippers who’ll be first in line to do the work at the ministry of enforcement, to monitor track and restrain us – so no, we’re not all in… Read more »

Apr 28, 2020 8:37 PM

“Pandemic 1,” the beta version.

Apr 28, 2020 11:15 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

“This is like a world war, except in this case, we’re all on the same side”. Er, no Bill, I’m pretty sure we aren’t.

Apr 29, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Plandemic1, wargamed by Bill Gates, the Woody Allen impersonator, and John Hopkins. Why fo you think BG is ready with all the answers? Why is JH quoted all the time?

Apr 28, 2020 8:26 PM

Celebrity Gives Quarantine Advice

Apr 28, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)
Apr 28, 2020 7:54 PM

Check this out before it is removed

Apr 28, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  elsewhere
Apr 28, 2020 7:49 PM
Apr 29, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  borish

Good movie. Should be compulsory viewing.

Apr 29, 2020 8:00 AM
Reply to  borish

Apr 29, 2020 8:01 AM
Reply to  picworthy

Apr 28, 2020 7:23 PM

Wanna hear a joke about the Coronavirus? Naa,
you probably won’t get it! anyway

Apr 28, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  ame


Apr 28, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  ame

Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Because it was socially distancing.

Apr 28, 2020 6:39 PM

In case anyone hasn’t seen this yet.


I don’t doubt this account it fits with much else I’ve heard and read.
Institutionalised mass euthanasia.

Apr 28, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Croach

It wouldn’t surprise me, they’ve being doing it in the UK for years under the Liverpool Care Pathway, since the outcry at it’s exposure it only nominally doesn’t exist…I am 100% sure it still goes on though.

Apr 28, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  jay

Yes, they kill your dying relative through starvation, dehydration and with large doses of Morpheme. They are so used to death it is routine and often done with the consent of relatives.

Apr 28, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The “consent” is obtained by a so called “expert” telling emotional people, that this is the “best” thing to do…
They make no effort to spend the time in rehabilitation…once a person cannot feed themself, then that is probably it.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  jay

Dying people don’t ‘rehabilitate’. The choice comes down to that between comfort and speed, and the palliative police generally opt for speed, unless it is more lucrative to seek comfort. They are not all the same, of course, and my experience is limited, but that of others reinforces my opinion. Many, many, doctors are Shipmans, I fear-just better organised.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  jay

Yes they tried that with me too, which I rejected, but they ignored me anyway because I didn’t have power of attorney. See my comment below.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:11 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

They tried the dehydration route on an elderly relative until I raised a stink and they stuck a line in. ‘Palliative care’ is a very sinister business in the UK and Australia, at least, as far as my experience tells me.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 12:44 AM

Yes, I had the exact same experience, but also the withdrawal of all medication including for her heart condition, until I also went ballistic on their arses. See below.

Apr 30, 2020 1:18 PM

and in Canada, no different. If a person can’t feed himself, and family member attends at meal times, the staff hierarchy actually called a meeting to say, what are you doing? I had to ask, you want him to starve to death? In the end he was given a dose of morphine which pushed him over the edge and he died.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  jay

It’s called the End of Life Pathway now jay, once your on it it’s a one way street and if your misdiagnosed it continues for a year until you can have your case reviewed. They did this on my mother and guess what, they put her on a morphine pump “for the pain” with steadily increasing doses until she conveniently died a month before her review was due. She had been on paracetamol at home before her admittance for a lung infection.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 12:54 AM
Reply to  Croach

The etymology of Euthanasia is from the greek for a “good death”. It’s a PR term that they use which should be called out as NLP and the proper term of Eugenics used, because that’s what it is.

See my other posts in this thread.

No offence intended to you Croach.

Apr 29, 2020 9:47 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Pardon my ignorance – what is ‘NLP?’

Apr 29, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Apr 30, 2020 2:38 PM
Reply to  JohnB

Thank you JB

Apr 29, 2020 6:52 PM
Reply to  Croach

There are a lot fewer people travelling to Switzerland for self euthanasia- Dignatas i think it was called.

People when they decide they have had enough and want to let it end do so – they refuse food and water and drift into coma and eventually die. End of Life care is hard but less cruel than a lingering death and should only be considered by the person demanding it. Not imposed.

Apr 28, 2020 6:00 PM

As a non-MSM watcher/listener, when I first saw the term “sheltering in place” in an email from a “leftist” friend, I assumed it to be sarcastic. Silly me. Then I heard it in a phone conversation with another friend and was introduced to reality: The original prison term “lockdown” was badly in need of a euphemism. Voila! It all sounds so cozy now.

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 28, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

“House arrest” or “jail” is more apt. Ellen Degeneres used the latter to describe our situation and was chastised, which means she was on the mark. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/08/entertainment/ellen-degeneres-quarantine-jail-trnd/index.html

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 28, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Another name for it is “detention”. We are being treated like little kiddies. Where I live in Australia, we are now allowed the “luxury” of going out for a picnic. But only if we stay 1.5m apart. We’re all in this together, sort of.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 28, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

If someone says lockdown I say “Don’t you mean locked up?”

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Shelter in place here means a bushfire is approaching, and being out doors will get you burned to death in agonising seconds.

Apr 29, 2020 3:44 AM

Not much of a euphemism, then.

Apr 28, 2020 5:15 PM

very odd interview with clinton foundation
a man that should be in sing sing with an ankle restraints and a hannibal the cannibal face mask
lecturing the goyim about tracking

very odd yes sir

the desperation with this 5g roll out is quite palpable it would seem you do not even need planning permission for these head and body cookers
line of sight military phased array

thanks israhell

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Apr 28, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  gordon

Head cookers you say? shows you know very little about microwaves.Come on tell me what the real problem with microwaves is and what they the NRPB have not pointed out.

Apr 28, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

tell you what old bean put 2 eggs in your pockets and stand next to to one for an hour send
upload the video crack the eggs at the 50 min mark
drink some round up ready as well as a boiled egg chaser

who invented this technology lawson what was the original job why so many


Apr 28, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Research by people better informed than you or I, can be found at this link, here:


Partial quote:

“News about 5G
March 30, 2020 By Mona Nilsson

March 2020: Effects of 5G wireless communication on human health. A report from European Parliament Research Service. Link

February 2020: Geneva halts 5G and 4G+ rollout for three years. Link (in French).

January 2020: Slovenia halts adoption of broadband strategy including 5G due to uninvestigated health risks. Link”

End quote.

And many more at the same site.

Apr 28, 2020 9:01 PM
Reply to  breweriana

no 5g for israel they invented the technology
they are still using 3 g and lots of new copper wire and fiber optics

5g and vaccines synergies
phased array pin point sniper directional snuff it or sickness beam for slow kill

cloud entrainment directional weather
city lockdown grid
sky grid

the internet of everything cooking you 24 and 7

zombie humans full of nano mesh and heavy metals

Apr 28, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Apr 28, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  jamie

You really need to learn to read.You really do not understand electromagnetic radiation.Go back an read what I wrote.And this is from the article you posted.”Results from this study clearly show that biological impacts occur at non-thermal exposures like those that take place from cell phones today.”I doubt if can you can explain correctly how energy is transferred from a battery via switch to a light bulb.

Apr 29, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Hey Dave, i doubt if can you can type a coherent sentence without some pre-school errors.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Apr 29, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  jamie

Go back to school and find a teacher to explain to you basic physics of energy transfer.They are like hens teeth.You are out of your depth.

Apr 29, 2020 6:21 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Oh man Dave, you didn’t see the glaring mistake you made in an earlier quote, i was poking fun at you with my message if you read both carefully. Judging by our two correspondences thus far, i believe most would agree it is you sir who should be dusting off the satchel and tear stained school books not i. Farewell.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 28, 2020 11:23 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Is it something like Ghostbusters?

Don’t cross the beams?

I hear the Israelis like cooking by boiling.

Microwave or something else?

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Apr 29, 2020 1:24 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

They used microwaves on the women at Greenham Common.That was high power.The low power effect is not heating.We have known for decades that brain tissue performs as a very good coherer of microwaves.

Apr 28, 2020 4:57 PM

The CEO of NHSX; the company creating the NHS COV19 tracking app is Matthew Gould. The app that will ramp up hysteria to unheard of levels.

Matthew was British ambassador to Israel as well as setting up a UK/Israel tech hub (ie theft of our tech) and the U.K govt Director of cyber security.

Is this some form of joke.


Apr 28, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  aaaa

gould A

are very own rabbi dov zackheim or michael chertoff

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  gordon

One of very, very, many.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 28, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  aaaa

but, but its keeping us all safe.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  May Hem

From ‘antisemites’-they’re everywhere!

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 28, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  aaaa

They are also taking “advice” from those very helpful chaps at GCHQ.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  aaaa

The Israelis will gobble up all the info from these apps-bet on it.

Apr 28, 2020 4:03 PM

@ Dungroanin (Apr 28, 2020 11:58) Below (at Apr 28, 2020 11:58) You posted: Excess deaths 120% over w/e 17/4 OFFICIAL. Still want to keep publishing stories and comments implying its ALL fake? My answer to this: 1) The number of deaths reported today are not the deaths of today, but with a high probability those from 2 weeks ago! At least in Germany that would be so, because when someone dies its needs 2 weeks before this death shows up in a government’s medical statistic. I have no reason to believe that this is different in Great Britain. So the death-number “of today” only shows the numbers of who have died on April 14th. 2) And even those who had died on April 14th had showed the first symptoms of “Covid-19” (as we are asked to believe) only 18 days (average) before. those who die of Covid-19 don’t die the same day they start to cough or sneeze – but (average) 18 days later. So we deduct 18 days from April 14th: That makes March 27th . 3) And those who showed symptoms of Covid-19 for the first time on March 27th. weren’t infected that same day. Instead an infected person only shows symptoms 8 days (average) later. That makes the day of infection: March 19th. So the top of an infection wave was last Month – a full month ago! But let’s be careful: May be government and MSM gives us an even higher number of deaths tomorrow. Then the top of the wave was not March 19th, but March 20th . OK: Lets add a full week to March 19th – that would be March 26th . So we had already hit the “top of the wave” a bit more than a month ago! So why this… Read more »

Apr 28, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Joerg

You are right. There was an article that linked to a NHS website which showed most recorded deaths for any day were from random days in the preceding month.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 28, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Permit me to pre-empt DunG’s response: he’s going to start screaming about “EXCESS” again. Not sure why but that’s a word that seems to send him into some odd kinda “Gotcha!” ecstasy.

Apr 29, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dream on George. See the ONS criteria for yourself.

GOTCHA! As you know was the LYING headline in the Sun when torpedoing and sinking a ship with 700 soldiers illegally outside a exclusion zone. Great to see that you are using it in the same spirit.

Apr 28, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Joerg

This is absoutely true in the UK: the numbers released officially are those who died “with COVID-19” (or are presumed to have died with COVID-19) over a period of time in the past.

To all those who would like to have a more objective and realistic view of the UK figures, go to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine COVID-19 evidence: https://www.cebm.net/oxford-covid-19-evidence-service/. This particular topic of daily deaths is reported in the following article: https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/covid-19-death-data-in-england-update-27th-april/ (updated daily).

I highly recomment other articles from that website. The CEBM Director, Prof. Carl Heneghan suggested the peak of infections took place before the lockdown.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 28, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  COVID1984PL

…suggested the peak of infections took place before the lockdown.

That’s pretty much what Andrew Mather of Peerless Reads says.

Apr 28, 2020 7:04 PM
Reply to  COVID1984PL

Great link (CEBM)!

May 2, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Thanks. To have an objective view on the situation the best sites are of course Swiss Propaganda Research, Off-Guardian and the likes.

From the world of science the best, in my opinion, are CEBM in the UK and prof. Raoult (Director of the Infectious Disease Center at Institut Hospitalier-Universitaire at Marseille, France). From the start they were asking the right questions, from the start they were not spreading fear like the “sanitary regime experts”. Prof. Raoult, moreover, started to treat sick people at his hospital with very cheap and widely available medications and that with excellent results. He is not waiting for clinical trials and a vaccine (which he doubts will work) because this pandemic, as he thought, would soon probably be over. In most countries the peak has passed in the first days of April.

May 2, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  COVID1984PL

We agree. Here the “Karma”:
comment image

Apr 28, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Been tracking UK “deaths with coronavirus” (which reputedly includes a man who died after getting a limb amputated), and have found that just over 1000 people had no comorbidty, pre-existing illness, call it what you will (see here). These are the cases one might say with any certainty could be attributed to something called Covid-19, but even then there are other possibilities, the simplest being old age (tired of being poked about in hospital), and even a flu disguised by a SARS-COV diagnosis. Then, of course, there is likelihood of death by NHS treatment (see here).

As for “excess deaths” – deaths above the average, that’s all. Can’t be said to be unexpected, not since the environment was expressly created to make them more likely.

What I actually wanted to bring attention to was that, from Wednesday 29th, “coronavirus” deaths in care homes and “in the community” will be included in the daily figures that hitherto have only reported death in hospital. We will be forgiven, I expect, if we think that this has got more to do with presentation than science (let’s put it that way, because to use the term “scraping the barrel” is perhaps not appropriate).

Apr 28, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  PWL

Thanks for your website PWL. Watched Equals(2015) today on your recommendation. That’s a film perhaps everyone should see.

Apr 28, 2020 10:30 PM
Reply to  Dave

Got some more on that to come. (And thanks to you too).
The disease is unsanctioned behaviour; Switched On Syndrome and Covid-19

May 2, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  PWL

You are very right in saying that even those with no other commorbidities did not necessarily die of COVID-19. How many stories from around the world do we hear each year that a young and healthy person just died in sleep. If you don’t do a thorough autopsy there can be no certitude.

Dr. Annie Bukacek talks about the general problem of ascertaining the actual cause of death and the filling out of death certificates in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5wn1qs_bBk.

Apr 28, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Where is he?………..Mr Groanin? …Hello…hello?

Apr 29, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  Joerg

I only see your reply by chance. You should reply to me and then I can receive notification of your comment.

To answer your question follow the link to the ONS website which explains which dates of death are included. The death certificates once issued are uploaded to a database by the issuer – it is legal. Sometimes it takes a few days. That’s why the release date for the weekly numbers is 11 days after the Friday of the weekending day. They are still referred to as provisional incase the last few haven’t been entered – later they are classed definitive. There is hardly any difference.

In short – the figure for the weekending 17/4 are deaths that occurred during that week.

So does that change your erroneous deduction?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 28, 2020 4:01 PM

A TOXIC CESSPOOL Let’s fully analyze the sanctimoniousness and deceitfulness overtly displayed by one of the most contemptible creatures inhabiting the planet Earth, namely Bill Clinton, a world renowned scoundrel whose lasciviousness was fully displayed during each of his 26 flights on the “Lolita Express.” Bill Clinton, is now an expert on all things COVID-19. Let me remind everyone, the “Lolita Express” was a private Jet owned by infamous deceased Jeffrey Epstein who for decades ran a “honey pot” pedophile sex ring funded and controlled by the CIA and Mossad. Bill Clinton a Epstein chum is a specialist in running front organizations, inasmuch, as the Global Initiative is little more than a “pay for play” slush fund whose resources are dispensed for gruesome covert operations. Bill Clinton, is just one of the the many well-known soulless celeb freaks embracing and promoting contact surveillance tracing, some other notable contemptibles are: Bill Gates, Michelle Obama, Susan Rice, Chuck Schumer, Gavin Newsom, Mario Cuomo, Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski, Rachel Maddow, etc… and of course we can’t forget the degenerate Rockefellers. The Rockefeller family who just one hundred years ago gunned down and burned to death men, women and children striking in the Colorado Coalfields. Yes, the “tracking and tracing Rockefeller’s” whose Standard Oil company has turned the natural environment into a toxic cesspool. The intelligence agencies working hand-in-glove with trillion dollar tech firms are determined to catalog each individual using newly minted AI driven surveillance programs. Didn’t Bill Clinton candidly say he’d like to see the government form an army of young people going from door to door ensuring everyone is tracked and traced. A CIRCLE BECOMES A MAZE Paul Craig Roberts, who I don’t always agree with recently wrote an article worth mentioning. He points out what should really be terrorizing everyone… Read more »

Apr 28, 2020 6:12 PM
Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 28, 2020 6:24 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

A war criminal is now giving advice on how to combat a virus…… Hasn’t this ghoul done enough damage. Assange, should be released and his prison cell should be occupied by Blair and Bush.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 28, 2020 10:31 PM

It may be that this intended digital dictatorship does not come to pass. If the global financial crash – now well into its beginning stage – is severe enough, there will be disruptions of all kinds – especially in the supply of fuel/electricity/energy. Without a constant supply of electricity, the 5G networks cannot work. An nor will much else in a collapsing society. Even so, perhaps this is better than tech-tyranny?

Gail Tverberg believes we will end up in smaller, largely independent communities, self-organising and trying to survive. some will. Let’s hope so.


Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 29, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Tverberg is describing what will happen after a collapse–of course she’s depicting the best case scenario.

Apr 29, 2020 10:28 AM

“Assange, should be released and his prison cell should be occupied by Blair and Bush.” and Howard.
The three amigo’s.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Apr 28, 2020 11:01 PM
Reply to  Novicurious

Isn’t it nice, the way he wants to build trust through accountability?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:20 AM

Which Circle? The First, or the Last?

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 29, 2020 1:17 AM

Don’t be such a square.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 29, 2020 4:06 AM

‘Behind every great fortune is a great crime’ … I forgot who said that, but it seemed apt when reading your comment.
Fully agree about digital money, and once it’s implemented, anyone who dissents or speaks out against the new regime…. well, no money for rent or food or anything.
Deeply chilling to realise how close these psychopaths are to achieving their very dark goals.
I vaguely recall 20 years ago, anti establishment figures pointing out where all this was heading…. and now we’ve arrived. And of course Orwell and Huxley saw this decades ago.
Neoliberalism is like a cult, and the scary thing is you have people under 38 or so, and this is all they’ve known, the relentless propaganda of the Clinton’s and Blair’s and Newsom’s and Emmanuel’s and the hordes of ideologues working in papers like The Guardian or New York Times.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 29, 2020 5:42 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“Behind every great fortune is a great crime”
It’s attributed to Balzac.

Apr 29, 2020 9:59 PM

Guess who just died?

[typo alert: that should of course read “dies” but the error is in the orig.]
Chef Andy was, per Maria Farmer as told to Whitney Webb, virtually the only staff, besides the “many girls,” who remained on hand in one of Epstein’s Manhattan townhouses when Bill Clinton was the honored guest for the evening.

Apr 28, 2020 3:53 PM

Mike Graham v Peter Hitchens: Round 4

Thank god for Peter Hitchens he wont give up.

Apr 28, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Shambolic performance from Mike Graham. If you’re going to debate a subject, you would think you would try to at least have a basic grasp of the facts. He stated that 2 “million” had died (currently about 200,000 worldwide), that Sweden has 2000 deaths per day (it’s just over 2000 in total) and that Japan has more restrictive measures than the UK (it doesn’t).

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 28, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  Chicot

What makes it even worse is this was Graham’s fourth attempt. Watch the first if you want to see how bad a journalist he is.

Talk Radio’s comment on YouTube was to ask viewers who won the debate, which illustrates one of the (many) things wrong with the corporate media. Obviously they do not understand that the role of the interviewer is not to beat the interviewee, but to enable the interviewee to express their opinions in a manner that viewers will find accessible.

Apr 28, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Mike Graham is a Dunning–Kruger poster child. Last time he insisted the Covid must be worse than the Spanish Flu because we have air travel.
Mikey overlooked a small thing called WWI, which is strange since the anniversary was widely observed in the UK and has only just finished. Seventy million troops were mobilized. As for transport, the railway network was much bigger a century ago. Add living conditions, even without war, that for many meant tenements, and poor sanitation and diet.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The last time I saw or heard any local MSM presstitute display intelligence, curiosity and an appreciation of the complexity of things, was years ago. They all now follow a Groupthink script, with their performances no doubt being constantly assessed for any signs of ‘unreliability’.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Chicot

It’s like the rampant Sinophobes here. Once they get on with their lying, their body language changes, their voices rise in pitch, they hector any remaining non-haters, or those showing less than full rabid fury at the Yellow Devils. The hatred is plainly innate in many, just the garden variety racism of the Right, but others do appear to be performing.

Apr 28, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

It is a shame that he lacks the rhetorical and polemic debating skills of his brother Christopher . I wonder what he would have made of this panic ?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

The early Christopher would have been good, and the latter pissed.

Apr 28, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Ah, the go to man from the Mail,funny how he’s ok but when crispy encourages people to go to the Mail online site i get told off

But then Hitchens is a now trusted kremlin stooge on Syria and now covid 19

Hitchens does make me laugh, he’s such a sad character,spending years trying to be a conservative,when really he never moved on from his angry Trotsky tendency days now showing his true ‘ revolutionary ‘ colours,oh and usually talking BS about how he’s gonna get arrested for his anti establishment ways

How fucking sad !

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 28, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  crispy

I believe you’re thinking of his brother, Christopher.

Apr 28, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nope,Peter Hitchens is on the record,on his own Mail online blog in fact, telling all about his early Trotskyist days,apparently that’s why he understands propaganda so well,funny how he falls in line with the kremlin stuff so easily,or perhaps he’s just a kremlin stooge deep sleeper come out to spread Putin disinformation ?????

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 28, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  crispy

Consider me corrected! 🙂

Apr 28, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  crispy

Assuming you are referring to the Daily Mail, Peter Hitchens doesn’t write for that newspaper. He writes for the Mail on Sunday which is not related to the former.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

They are ALL ‘related’ in ideological uniformity.

Apr 29, 2020 11:50 AM

I know, Richard. I was just being contrarily pendantic. 😉

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 29, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

erm….possibly not related editorially, but both are owned by the loathsome Rothermeres. Here, The Grauniad, of all papers, trying to defend them (and failing IMHO):


S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 28, 2020 5:48 PM
Reply to  crispy

One might call Christopher Hitchens and Bogdan Denitch the Abbott and Costello/Martin and Lewis tag team of the DSA “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Yugoslavia” crowd. What fine fellows. How many excursions did they make to “Sex Slave Island?”

Apr 28, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

All these death figures and never being conclusively identified as FROM Covid19. Not acceptable.

Apr 29, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Makes a great headline though.

Apr 28, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The likes of Graham are not interested in facts and neither are they there to debate them. These people are ‘gatekeepers’ there to steer the narrative and shock and humiliate those who may disagree or stray from the orthodox view.

I am surprised PH would actually engage with someone like Mike Graham even less so on talk radio. He is something of an enigma I guess.

Graham’s show has recently attracted the Groyper’s who have engaged and tried to debate him in a fact laden approach and as soon as someone is armed with facts and data they are quickly shown the door. I suppose fair play to Hitchen’s but it reminds of that quote ‘never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and the pig enjoys it’.

Sums up MG and talk radio for me.

Apr 28, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  IANA

PH has said himself that he is grateful for any opportunity to put the counter-narrative out there, whomever it means he has to ‘debate’ the matter with. He has at least had the decency to express gratitude to Mike Graham and one or two others for giving him a forum, unlike the BBC.

Apr 28, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yeah, he is a journalist and it is his job.

Apr 28, 2020 3:45 PM

There is no evidence in most peoples lives that any of this shut down is at all justified, I don’t know anyone affected by this illness and I bet you don’t either. Only dead in the streets would justify the total destruction of our economy.

Apr 28, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

We can agree on this. I say it to anyone who will listen. This virus would need to be of Stephen King proportions to warrant this sort of response and then it would happen naturally. As it stands, utter tripe and they keep pushing it. I do think the next one that is released will be much more deadly(more deadly than the common flu, that is) and any leftover resistance(not like there is nay right now) will fold like a lawn chair. This is the beginning of the end for any sort of free society. It’s been coming for a long time.

Apr 28, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  livingsb

Yep, for sure, if everyone is as negative as you are.

Apr 28, 2020 8:50 PM
Reply to  JohnB

I have a fairly positive outlook on life to a point. There is not much positive about the overwhelming reaction of most people towards this scam. I just dropped off groceries at my Mom’s house.She and my Dad were wearing a fucking mask, wouldn’t even give me a hug. When do they get to act like normal humans? When the TV tells them everything is ok? It’s absolutely insane.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  livingsb

I feel sad for you livingsb, that must have been hard to bear. It’s not really their fault though, it’s the psychopathic barrage of propaganda that’s frightening them beyond reason.

Apr 29, 2020 4:43 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Thanks for the kind words! It is hard to take when people you love and consider intelligent , good people are so easily mislead….especially when they are all taking you down wit them…that certainly doesn’t make it easier.

Apr 29, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  livingsb

I’ve been telling my mum for over 50 years not to read the Mail, and not to watch the news on telly. No result so far. She’s in her 90s, and thinks this lockup is a load of bollocks though.

It is not easy – but we must stay positive. Like-minded people are a big help in this. Don’t forget, there are thousands of people who come to this site.

Apr 28, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

You can be sure that were there a real pandemic, you’d see people in every neighbourhood dying and falling ill, being taken to hospitals in large numbers. In fact all would then probably collapse. And foremost those who have been given the leadership of countries today would not be around giving their weekly press conferences. The journalists would not be around screaming for totalitarian measures. They and anyone who could would try to escape to uninhabited zones of the world. To be locked up would be the sure way of dying.
It would be a total pandemonium, without any coercive regulations, rather with no laws left, with the police realizing they are humans behind their spacemen gears which would not protect them from the pandemic…

Apr 28, 2020 7:06 PM
Reply to  hope

Exactly and real things don’t feel like this, pandemic feels. They feel real.

Apr 29, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  hope

It’ll kill on average about 1 in 300 who gets it. It will hosptalise on average 1 in 50 who gets it.

How many people do you personally know who has got it?

Apr 28, 2020 3:45 PM

I appreciate the concern that Corbett is raising, but we know the US intelligence monster can already track and trace everyone all the time through through cell phones, online activity, drones, and satellites (remember Ed Snowden). Here we are seeing an attempt in the US to bring this to the state and local level by prominent deep state democrats like Bubba Clinton, Gavin the Realtor and Mario the Fixer. (I am guessing the deep state at NSA and CIA don’t want to share their toys with these governors, who are jealous). But the key point made by these proven idiots in the video clips is that they clearly know they can’t afford it! Moreover, those who have never been to or lived in California would be forgiven for not knowing it is probably the most corrupt and incompetently governed state in the country (with LA as the regional basket case of even worse government). California can barely keep its schools functioning and its roads navigable. It cannot build a high speed rail line between two backwater agricultural towns no matter how many billions it spends. It cannot even manage to run a decent covid19 epidemiology internet page with a proper epidemic curve based on date of onset of illness rather that the day a report showed up in a public health office (not the same thing) — something the much smaller states to the north do without a problem. And here is the handsomely stupid realtor and governor for the bay area (hello tech billionaires!) talking about needing “an army of volunteers” to go around tracing thousands and daily contacts that people in a state of 40 million hapless souls to lock them up and test the?! Yeah, good luck with that Gavin. This is what counts as “leadership” in… Read more »

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 8:48 AM
Reply to  Ted

I wear a Faraday bowler hat, one of Odd Job’s cast-offs. No-one’s going to read my mind-I’m no sadist.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 28, 2020 3:39 PM

A TOXIC CESSPOOL Let’s fully analyze the sanctimoniousness and deceitfulness overtly displayed by one of the most contemptible creatures inhabiting the planet Earth, namely Bill Clinton, a world renowned scoundrel whose lasciviousness was fully displayed during each of his 26 flights on the “Lolita Express.” Bill Clinton, is now an expert on all things COVID-19. Let me remind everyone, the “Lolita Express” was a private Jet owned by infamous deceased Jeffrey Epstein who for decades ran a “honey pot” pedophile sex ring funded and controlled by the CIA and Mossad. Bill Clinton a Epstein chum is a specialist in running front organizations, inasmuch, as the Global Initiative is little more than a “pay for play” slush fund whose resources are dispensed for gruesome covert operations. Bill Clinton, is just one of the the many well-known soulless celeb freaks embracing and promoting contact surveillance tracing, some other notable contemptibles are: Bill Gates, Michelle Obama, Susan Rice, Chuck Schumer, Gavin Newsom, Mario Cuomo, Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski, Rachel Maddow, etc… and of course we can’t forget the degenerate Rockefellers. The Rockefeller family who just one hundred years ago gunned down and burned to death men, women and children striking in the Colorado Coalfields. Yes, the “tracking and tracing Rockefeller’s” whose Standard Oil company has turned the natural environment into a toxic cesspool. The intelligence agencies working hand-in-glove with trillion dollar tech firms are determined to catalog each individual using newly minted AI driven surveillance programs. Didn’t Bill Clinton candidly say he’d like to see the government form an army of young people going from door to door ensuring everyone is tracked and traced. A CIRCLE BECOMES A MAZE Paul Craig Roberts, who I don’t always agree with recently wrote an article worth mentioning. He points out what should really be terrorizing everyone… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 28, 2020 4:39 PM

Hello Charlotte Russe: You stated: “The young born into the digital revolution know no different. in the discussion…” True!

Most of our young have been poisoned, hypnotized, and addicted to digital and cellular technology since birth. Parents were warned by countless informed persons working in health related fields – to no avail. “Regulatory” FCC butchers like Tom Wheeler (who was working for the telecom industry) and over rated bastards like the IEEE Standards Association – Wikipedia

[“The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is an organization within IEEE that develops global standards in a broad range of industries, including: power and energy, biomedical and health care, information technology, telecommunication, transportation, nanotechnology, information assurance, and many more.”]

The above are a pathological gang of technocratic ghouls; who believe that poisoning every thing and every one for a paycheck and a pension, is the proper way to fulfill their dreams…

A civil answer to the surveillance State is to cancel all cable and satellite television subscriptions, and discard all cellular phone services. The “system” is designed to imprison and addict the young. It’s a massive death wish for everyone. Every subscription pounds another nail into the collective coffin.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Apr 28, 2020 5:30 PM

What we really need is “decentralization,” too much centralized power is dangerous.

“It is not by the consolidation or concentration of powers, but by their distribution that good government is effected.”

Thomas Jefferson

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 28, 2020 10:41 PM

Yes, we are facing a battle between the forces of decentralization and centralization, change and non-change, control and rebellion.

As always, Nature will eventually find a balance.

Apr 28, 2020 3:21 PM

Seemingly in France some well known actress of 83 was taken to hospital with breathing issues. The doctors said she was in dire critical condition. She however felt quite well and had much work left to do.
Given she’s a celebrity” they as a result did not put her on respirator, gave her antibiotics as for pneumonia and sent her home. She is well now…

Apr 28, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  hope

Yes! In January, a friend of mine (in UK) was ill with a very high temperature but no other symptoms. She was given a blood test, diagnosed with pneumonia, given antibiotics and, apart from being knackered, was fine a couple of days later. I’m pretty sure she’d have been diagnosed with Covid nowadays.

Apr 28, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Cheezilla

Most of us in Wester Europe & the UK had it in January or February, they are lying by saying it arrived in March.

Apr 28, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Jack(jim) that is indeed another layer to the pantomime. They had to pretend the virus had just arrived, otherwise the plans — the Nightingale hospitals, the prison lockdown, the cower-in-place, the panic over ventilators, the cancellation of operations, the Netflix “Pandemic” special, the police enforcement and the shredding of civil liberties — would have been shelved as unnecessary.
As the pantomime went ahead regardless, it must have been planned in advance.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 28, 2020 7:03 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

A contact of mine in France reports that two co-workers of his had a flu-like disease in January. They felt it to be worse than “normal flue”, but anyway, recovered satisfactorily.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 8:49 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Perhaps it was the ‘flu.

Apr 28, 2020 3:19 PM

I decided to listen to James O’Brien today to see how the establishment were playing with the British people’s minds. He knowingly spins and attacks any anti-deep state characters. He is pro-Israel, anti-left wing,, yet claims to be a liberal, the very worst of the psychopaths. PPE was at the top of his list.
The government will have asked the media to rant about PPE to give a safe controlled distraction from the real complaints about the house arrest and destruction of the British economy, so he rants endlessly about PPE. The PPE discussion follows:

Hate the government over PPE

Demonise those who say there is enough PPE in hospitals.

Opposition call the government incompetent over PPE. (Almost like we have a real democracy )

Claim the press are bring criticised for calling out PPE. (It’s almost like we have a real press.)

Make PPE look like a controversial campaign,

Make the people who would oppose the lockdown feel like they are opposing the government by complaining abut PPE.

Result: 2 weeks of 24hours a day coverage of PPE, nothing on the destroyed economy and no discussion of or justification for the lockdown. The government can eventually sack a minister over the lack of PPE, everybody happy !

If you mention the economy or house arrest you are a murderer of the old, but the PPE anger is allowed and encouraged because it means absolutely nothing.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 28, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

James O’Brien sounds like one of those germophobic “Killer Covid Cult” folk, that see Pandemics and Black Plagues on every chair. He is liable to kill somebody.

“Nothing like a little mass hysteria to start the day.”

Apr 28, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

james an adoption child a low level zio project obrien often talks of his charrr rity work he does a lot whatever that means for the anne frank foundation.

funny thing is anne franks dad was involved in a court case involving monies made from the diary? you see the frank family had to pay a hollywood script writer compensation because he worked on the book. it later came out that ball point pen was used in parts of the diary

The results of tests performed at the BKA laboratories show that portions of the work, specially of the fourth volume, were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available before 1951, the BKA concluded, those sections must have been added subsequently.

Apr 28, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Yes, that’s how our controlled ‘democracy’ works. The ‘opposition’ and ‘media’ make criticisms of the government that are either harmless or actually help the government politically by making it look as though unpopular policies are being forced on them from elsewhere.
Hence, the narrative is all about ‘not doing enough’ because any criticism for ‘doing too much’ isn’t allowed by the spies and bankers trying to crush our economy and society to enrich and empower themselves.

Apr 28, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Well done and thank you for ‘taking one for the team’. I couldn’t have listened to that fool for even a couple of minutes.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

How does one become ‘pro-Israel’ when its record of crimes against humanity is so utterly appalling? It’s a true litmus test of one’s human decency.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 28, 2020 3:13 PM

Here’s a suggestion for some “contact tracing.” How about we “contact trace” every one of our glorious elites that have any connections to their buddy Jeffrey Epstein and put them all in prison for the protection of humanity? Bill Gates makes the list by the way.

I mean we have the “technology” to do this right? And it would benefit all of humanity.

All we seem to lack is the willingness of our elite betters at the helm of our legal systems to live by anything resembling law and basic universal humane values. Instead we all collectively remain under “house arrest” while the amoral psychopathic global criminal class move freely enjoying the spoils of their mass criminality.

Apr 28, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

That’s the best suggested use of this technology that I’ve heard to date.

If you start a petition, I’ll sign it.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 29, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

“The Law is for the guidance of Wise Men, and the obedience of fools.” is an old quote from someone I can’t quite remember that sums it up Gary. There is no Law for people like them, there never was, only for the plebs. They are just more blatant about it now.

Apr 28, 2020 2:58 PM

In the TIMES today………”PM We’re moving to second phase of battle.”

Boris aided and abetted by an over zealous Sturgeon know full well that their misguided actions are ineffectual and harmful and are coming out with this “second phase” routine to fool the gullible Sky and BBC addicts that they are making them “safe”. One of these provisos relates to shops selling “non essential” goods IF they can keep their customers 2 metres apart. Insanity takes many forms.

Apr 28, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Grafter

They are trying to get ahead of their fail (too many who are disobeying).
The disease is unsanctioned behaviour; social distancing: the thin ice under UK Government

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 28, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Grafter

And the 2 metres figure has no scientific basis whatsoever, even if you believe this is an infectious disease caused by a virus.

Apr 28, 2020 2:58 PM

If you are one of those who believes that this is some weird ‘globalist conspiracy’, because some America blogger tells you it is, you are really missing out on some really exciting geopolitics here.

These are historic times, We are witnessing the collapse of the biggest empire in history and the transition to a new currency and to new power structures in the world.

The US are not going down without a fight, but ultimately their tech, their oligarchs, who are just the subcontractors of empire, will not save their bacon, they are going down and that is why they are panicked and taking possession of their dependent states as much as possible.

Following the US project Brexit, the UK is now a total agent of US interests, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the ‘missing’ PPE, the British media are bleating on about, wasn’t sat in New York hospital today, stolen from their slightly retarded but obedient poodle.

Apr 28, 2020 4:59 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

You seem to be unaware that the US has not won a conventional battle never mind a war since it claimed to have won WW2 , which we both know was won by the Russians on the Eastern Front. Some empire ? American elites insist on riding their personal hobby horses and or having their own specially painted bandwagons , this keeps them occupied and at each other’s throats constantly , again some empire ? They only stop squabbling when a perceive real threat to their diseased avarice is identified and even then only for a short time. .

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 28, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Look at less than an “Empire” and more as an assortment of “Organized Criminal Syndicates” operating transnationally/globally. Old Smedley Butler, who was no socialist, was on to something. “Let microbes achieve what war can not.”

Apr 28, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

All empires are a lose alliance of interests, but they have one thing in common, a shared interest in maintaining the empire. This kind of crap fills the hole where a understanding of history should be.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 29, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Ever see Thomas Cole’s “Course of Empire?”

That is an idea, writing a history of the empire of crime. That should fill several libraries.

Apr 28, 2020 2:51 PM

I went for a walk yesterday. The streets were quiet and empty except for motorcycles – mainly delivery couriers – which would thunder past with those mega-loud exhausts. One after a funkin ‘nother. My ears are still ringing 24 hours later.
You’d think noise pollution would be an obvious and easy project for politicians to tackle. A couple of laws and self-financing fines to pay for the enforcement. Block the problem at the point of sale. But in this case.. politicians are powerless. Utterly powerless when it comes to making cities liveable.
Question: have politicians effectively lost power to corporations. Or are they deliberately making life stressful to push us in certain directions?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The old cartoon-two boffins looking into a box full of lab rats. The first says, ‘We bombarded them with pollution, noise and other stressors around the clock’. The second replies, ‘What happened?’ The first, ‘Oh, they voted for a Conservative Government’.

Apr 28, 2020 2:50 PM

I see Corbett has also done kremlin service!

He wants truth and justice for 9/11 which he thinks is some sort of conspiracy by the US government 😜

I wonder if he’ll stand with the families of those who died in the so called Moscow bombings in 1999?

It’s alleged that this was a state act of terrorism,unlike 9/11 though the security services of Russia,FSB,where actually caught red handed planting more bombs to kill people,it was after this that Putin came to power,you know that same Putin who had created for himself kremlin propaganda channel RT International,thats right, the same channel Corbett has appeared on,oh the fucking sweet irony

I see Bellingcat has outed the people,Russians,who shot down MH 17,well done,maybe Corbett can also stand with those victims?

At least the mad mullahs in Tehran can admit to their mass murder,obviously not so the Russians

Oh,i checked out Mr Corbetts creds on RationalWiki, yup just as i thought,but just to confirm my suspicious nature also checked out Encyclopedia of American Lones,who state the following about Corbett,.. ” …..impervious to truth”

To which I’d add,no fucking shit Sherlock !

Apr 28, 2020 2:52 PM
Reply to  crispy

Oops typo, should have been loons

Apr 28, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  crispy

oops typo, should be deleted

Apr 28, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  bob

Hahaha,I’m trying, believe me my friend 😁

Although i do suspect just few have been,Admin !!!

Apr 28, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  crispy

Bellingcat? Really?

Apr 28, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  crispy

RationalWiki is a typically Orwellian name where the purpose of what it is said to be doing is inverted. RationalWiki, Snopes and FullFact are supposedly ‘independent’ fact finders that the MSM rolls out when it pushes propaganda by claiming information from these ‘independent sources’. These organisations are well funded by the philanthropists that care for us so much to smear any opposition to their ludicrous and sinister nonsense.

Theres a reason why the Guardian and the BBC dont smear the likes of James Corbett and UK Column, thats because they dont want people to know about honest and decent news providers that comprehensively demolishes their insane narratives. RationalWiki is a joke and it should take no more than 10 seconds to recognise its true purpose.

Apr 28, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  MoH

RationalWiki is great fun,whats not to like???

Unlike Mr Corbett i somehow don’t think its been to serious,just ripping the piss out of idiots is actually good fun

Apr 28, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  crispy

Does Carole still work for you? She only seems interested in attacking Bojo and his clown troupe these days.

Apr 28, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  crispy

Slow day in barracks crispy? No grass that needs painted? Maybe get yer hair cut just how the queen likes it…

Corp d’etat shill

Apr 28, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  crispy

Poor dim crispy mistakes confirmation bias for a suspicious nature and has the front to quote Eliot brown-moses, suck-my-balls Higgins, an outed nutjob.

Apr 28, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Oh the irony!!!

I swear down i just cracked four ribs laughing at that,but do please keep going,don’t mind me

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 28, 2020 5:31 PM
Reply to  crispy

Clearly no meaningful exchange is developing out of this thread. I’m now closing it.

Apr 28, 2020 2:35 PM

I’m addicted to chess but enjoy gaming a lot too. Does any1 else remember the original sci-fi/role playing game called Deus Ex? It was developed by Microsoft, of all companies, the year before 9/11, it has stood the test of time well and cld be called prophetic.

Deus Ex dropping redpills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8kZ3HfeqtA

Apr 28, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Cesca

It’s called Predictive Programming… prepare the people to accept “anything”.
The majority of the millenniums who played this game won’t even remember what they saw, because they believe it is fiction.. so when it comes to pass, it is then accepted.
Just as those who played shoot em up games, didn’t realise that they were being programmed to use drones?

Apr 28, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Good point Maggie, i’m one of those millennials u mention, probably most of us don’t understand, a lot of us do tho. All that’s good =)

Apr 28, 2020 2:30 PM

I disagree completely with Corbett that contact tracing is a new phrase. This is precisely what the NSA and others have openly said they were doing from the start: gathering meta-data, data about data:
“On a common description, imagine I send an email to you at 10:13 AM today. Whatever is contained in the email, the content (the subject an message), would be the primary data. However, the time it was sent (10:13 AM), who sent it (me), who it was sent to (you) etc., would be the meta-data: that is, this is data about the email, rather than the email itself.” http://counterterrorismethics.com/bulk-meta-data-collection-and-use/
The authorities have actually used contact tracing to defend their actions, as in: “we are not spying on what you say but merely the network”.
(anti-stupid postscript: Of course I am not saying contact tracing is ‘a good thing’. Nor do I support state surveillance. I am pointing out that the public has been prepared for this in the usual incremental ways of cultural programming.)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 28, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Trust the plan . . .


. . . or perhaps not.

Q – The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED
Joe M – 6 Mar 2019

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 28, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Erm… State surveillance and contact tracing Hilary Clinton’s emails didn’t work worth a damn. Ooops!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 28, 2020 6:51 PM

It helped in getting Trump elected. But she’s not been locked up yet.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:36 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Total Information Awareness.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 29, 2020 1:15 AM

PLOT SPOILER (as if you didn’t know the plot by now!)

BTW: I hadn’t even heard of this series before


The Last Enemy is a five-part BBC television drama starring Benedict Cumberbatch and featuring Robert Carlyle and Max Beesley. It first aired on 17 February 2008.

Set in a recognisable, near-future London beset by terrorism and illegal immigration, The Last Enemy features the introduction of “TIA” (Total Information Awareness), a centralised database that can be used to track and monitor anybody, effectively by putting all available government and corporate – i.e. credit card and bank activity, phone use, internet use, purchases, rentals, etc. – information in one place.

The story deals with a political cover-up centred on a sanctioned but secret medical experiment run amok with key members of the government trying desperately to hide all evidence of their experimental batch of vaccine that seems to be causing a deadly virus. The complex story unspools to reveal the moral, social and privacy concerns of this hypothetical TIA system in a post-7/7 world, including such control mechanisms familiar to both real life and science fiction as retinal scans, fingerprint identification and ubiquitous camera and cellphone surveillance footage.

The story is told through the eyes of a mathematical genius, Stephen Ezard, who is portrayed as a recluse showing some signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. But the shy genius overcomes his own inhibitions to burrow into a highly compromised British government using his brilliance and their TIA system only to find himself ultimately trapped by the people he most trusts, and to learn he is a pawn in manipulative Security State machinations which take the people he most loves from him and compromise him forever.

Sound familiar?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 8:52 AM

I wish. Is it on Youtube?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Apr 28, 2020 2:03 PM
Apr 28, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Tell that to someone who’s jobless and trapped in a high rise flat with two small children!

Apr 28, 2020 1:55 PM

Great stuff. Who plays the wonderful guitar riff that recurs throughout the John Carpenter cult classic , They Live , Roddy Piper pictured above ?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 29, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

Could well be Carpenter himself, he scored a lot of his films, particularly his early ones. Although not The Thing, that was Morriconi.

Apr 28, 2020 1:48 PM

There is active propaganda and agitation going on to make this epidemic a ‘conspiracy’ in both the msm and some of the supposed ‘alt media anti-establishment’ sites.

Above and below the lines

They are also coincidentally very BREXSHITY…

Apr 28, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Well, it is a conspiracy – presumably by the Washington ‘deep state’, Saudi oil barons and/or the bankers, as they are the only groups powerful enough to pull something like this off.
The propaganda in the media and alt-media is to pin the blame on the wrong people.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 28, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Conspiracy, in contrast to an extreme example of germophobia by the “Killer Kovid Cult” folk, that see Contagions, Epidemics, Pandemics and Black Plagues everywhere.

Apr 28, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

There is active propaganda and agitation going on to make this conspiracy an ‘epidemic’ in both the msm and some of the supposed ‘alt media anti-establishment’ sites.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 28, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Don’t call it Conspiracy Theory, call it Reason Analysis.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 29, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Or Reason analyst/ crime stopper. The Sherlock Holmeses of political of economy.

Apr 28, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

A conspiracy theory?
You mean like it’s the Chinneeeessssseeeee or the Roooskieeessssss…..?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 28, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

There is active propaganda and agitation going on to make this epidemic a ‘conspiracy’ in ….the msm

Can’t say I’ve noticed that – unless it’s to put the “conspiracy” idea down. Or are you implying that the very media that is telling us that the human race will shortly be wiped out is also telling us it’s a con?

Apr 28, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Curiously enough the economic effects of lockdown are awfully similar to what Minford envisioned as the economic future post Brexit.
Collapse the entirety of British industry including farming, put half the country out of work and then allow foreign producers to flood the country with cheap tariff and regulation free shite.
I never quite understood how that was meant to be to our advantage.
As you’re an advocate for essentially the same thing, perhaps you could explain it to me.

Apr 28, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Croach

As soon as you explain why the tory brexshit doners have done what you think you describe – which endangers their hard breshit….er ??

Apr 28, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

What I’m describing would have been the result of hard Brexit.
Now it will be the result of lockdown.
No problem for Tory Brexit donors.
That is the economic results of lockdown will be near enough the same as the batshit hard brexit advocated by Minford, just with less union jack bunting and at-the-bar pints.
You are now basically the hardest of hard brexiteers.
And all it took to turn you around was a virus with a lethality in the range of seasonal flu.

Apr 28, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Croach



See what you’re doing there now is cslled Projection in psychiatry.

Well done i have now been accused of being a hard remainer to a hard brexiteer in hours.

It is also known as double speak.

But than again it probably makes no difference to your hypocrisy as you obviously have no worries about anyone. Do you even live in Britain?

Apr 28, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I don’t speak for anyone but myself.
Do you even know the meaning of the word?
You decry brexit but in the same breath advocate a policy that will have the same or worse effects then the hardest of brexits.
You talk about lives but advocate for a lockdown that has already killed more people then covid-19 has and will kill more people then covid-19 ever could have.
The clinical model alone, whereby patients are refused non-invasive ventilation, has likely killed more than covid-19 before you even factor in the indirect deaths as a result of lockdown.
The lockdown has already precipitated what is likely to be the worst global famine in modern history for fucks sake.
130 million people pushed to brink of starvation, at least 60 million pushed into absolute poverty, at least 500,000 deaths of children that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.
You haven’t got a leg to stand on.
You’re just a time waster.

Apr 28, 2020 7:53 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Ever get the feeling you’re trying to nail a jelly to the wall?

Apr 28, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  jamie

Yup. It’s a challenge! However as a physics geek i know that much is revealed of internal structure by the way the jelly doesn’t stick to the wall.

Apr 28, 2020 1:44 PM

A number of us having being wondering what the pushback from the The (Epstein) Enterprise would look like. COVID 19 is that pushback.

Apr 28, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

New research has been forwarded to the FBI contained the video Pedogate 2020. You’d have better luck finding it on Bitchute, I suspect.

Apr 28, 2020 1:31 PM

The UK government decided the people were not scared enough, so today they invented the death of ‘well’
children, just to make sure the lockdown never ends. They are absolute lying scum.

Apr 28, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

How people aren’t waking up is beyond me.

How can you suck the devils cock and actually enjoy it simultaneously.

Apr 28, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

The lickdong?

Apr 28, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Because it’s been re-branded as a trendy techno hotdog?

Honestly, I don’t know. The stupidity required to swallow this nonsense (especially the ever-prevaricating ‘expert’ opinion of the efficacy of masks) boggles the mind. But they want to stay asleep– the false boogeyman they’re being presented with is still less scary than the truth.

Apr 28, 2020 3:04 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

You tell us mate.

Apr 28, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits


Apr 28, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

How did we end up with these vermin?

Apr 28, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  Reg

They kept rigging the elections and US social media news feeds poisoned the minds of the people. An large number of the British friends I now have, have transitioned into being poisonous bitter people. Operations like Brexit have taken their toll.

Apr 28, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Brexit as an operation by the Cameron government to take the heat off his tax evasion Scheme aka the Panama papers failed. Brexit as an expression of the will of the English people was a initially massive success, now beaten down by the likes Of Blair , Corbyn ,
May , and Johnson.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 29, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

A ‘massive’ success? 52% of those who bothered to vote?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 28, 2020 1:24 PM

Suggestion: Lockstep Tracing

. . . as an alternative to “contact tracing”

SGT Report
Lock Step: Blueprint For a Rockefeller World
19 Mar 2020

Apr 28, 2020 1:32 PM

All this stuff is just subcontracted from the CIA for the American empire.

Apr 28, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

American attempts at empire ended in Korea circa 1950. CIA however has established its own filthy hegemony with various tyrannies using taxpayer dollars and illicit funds from drug dealing , gun running , assassinations and extortion , but even they are now in declined , and a global Sky Net like surveillance state run by an alliance of international security elites who operate beyond national government’s control is replacing it. .

Apr 28, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  mcdonagh4

US Empire will die when the dollar dies, not before.

Apr 28, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The dollar has been declining in value since the the US became bankrupt during the debacle in Vietnam aka Korea part 2 .The American empire since has been just just another delusional boogie man The enslavement of the masses by the elites is always the game . It appears that to have succeeded at this point ?

Apr 28, 2020 1:20 PM

Greater Manchester Police #StayHomeSaveLives
#Prevent | Online platforms can be a fun world. Unfortunately, they can also be used to exploit vulnerable people. If you are worried that one of your friends or family is showing signs of radicalisation seek advice or call police on 10


Apr 28, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  ame

Maybe we can track them with the Covid app. and who they have contaminated with their extremism.

Apr 28, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Assume talking about the police. I agree absolutely! 🙂

Apr 28, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  ame

Don’t ever talk to police – even police agree. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1998119
“Regent Law Professor James Duane gives viewers startling reasons why they should always exercise their 5th Amendment rights when questioned by government officials.”

Apr 28, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Nor give eyewitness testimony or evidence to the FBI unless you want said evidence destroyed or you wish to be disappeared yourself.

Apr 28, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  ame

Signs of radicalization:

  • Questioning the official narrative.
    Pointing out that the ‘new normal’ is not, in fact, normal.
    Exhibiting signs of critical thinking in _any_ area of life.
    Not clapping.
    Clapping, but not doing so enthusiastically enough.
    Attempting to introduce topics of conversation that have nothing to do with COVID.
    Not wearing a face mask.
    Wearing a face mask, but not being cheerful about it.
    Expressing a desire to go back to work.
  • And so much more!

    Apr 28, 2020 1:06 PM

    contact tracing
    track trace
    trace and track

    reminds me of my days as a huntsman
    with the bullingdon butt boy surfer hunt
    out oxbridge eton mess way.

    the fox is super clever whiley devious
    sharp as a tack.

    manys the time we would quit without the blood death rituals
    because that damn fox was to clever by half.

    the hunt today is much easier as many of the foxes have injectable brain mesh rf id chips.

    hunting humans is childsplay

    the fox will not quit damn him

    the goy give up at the first hurdle
    the scum are for the liverpool care pathway chop
    i tell yer

    the horn has sounded
    i must ride on

    let us rebrand contact tracing

    how about search and destroy

    forward bullingdon carepathways