LOKIN-20: The Lockdown Regime Causes Increasing Health Concerns

Iain Davis

A new public health crisis, very recently identified as LOKIN-20, is raising increasing health concerns in the UK. In their response to a respiratory illness called COVID-19 (C19) the UK State are among those who have responded by locking up their populations and destroying their own national economy. This appears to be causing LOKIN-20.

The most recent statistics from UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) raise significant concerns about health impact of the lockdown regimes favoured by some, but not all, governments. All in response to a disease which researchers at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University estimate to have an infection fatality rate (IFR) of between 0.1% and 0.36%. Similar to seasonal flu.

Of course, a syndrome called LOKIN-20 hasn’t been identified as a cause of death. However, in light of the current data, this post asks if it should.

LOKIN-20 and the Lack of Scientific Justification

Both Public Health England (PHE) and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) were satisfied that COVID-19 (C19) presented a “low risk” of mortality and downgraded it from the status of a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) on March 19th. The ACDP board members include Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College. Presumably Prof. Ferguson was among the dissenting voices on the ACDP board as he completely ignored the majority opinion of his scientific colleagues.

In an interview on 13th February, widely reported by the mainstream media (MSM), he stated his predictive models were “not absurd.” 

He said that infection rates of 60% of the population with a 1% mortality rate were possible. Standing by his prediction of 400,000 C19 deaths in the UK. The Imperial College computer model report was released to the public on 16th March, predicting huge numbers of deaths from C19. By the 19th March Prof. Ferguson must have known a majority of his peers disagreed with him.

When it comes to wildly inaccurate predictions Prof. Ferguson’s work at Imperial College has a long and distinguished history. In 2002, he said that 50,000 people in the UK would die from “mad cow disease”, to date less than 200 have passed away; he predicted 200 million global deaths from the H5N1 bird flu. Currently it is a suspected factor in the deaths of 455 people world wide; in 2009 he told the UK Government that 65,000 could die from swine flu in the UK and worked with the World Health Organisation to predict millions of deaths from the H1N1 global flu pandemic.

Suspected resultant UK deaths from swine flu were estimated to be 457 and the global total showed 18,500 laboratory-confirmed deaths from the H1N1 pandemic. The U.S. Center For Disease Control (CDC) claim there were many more, though their estimate varies between 150,000 and 500,000.

Quite an error margin and still considerably less than Imperial Colleges fantasy. The CDC is heavily funded by flu vaccine manufacturers.

While Prof. Ferguson and his Imperial College colleagues have been consistently wrong they have also been unquestioningly believed by governments and intergovernmental bodies on every occasion. Seemingly without reservation.

Despite the clear evidence to the contrary, policy makers from all political parties have shown tremendous loyalty to Imperial College’s silly data models. In doing so, they have not only ignored the researchers woeful history of failed predictions but have also denied the scientific evidence which usually contradicts them.

In no way can basing policy decisions on Imperial Colleges computer models be considered science led decision making. Quite the opposite.

LOKIN-20 And Lockdown Madness

Farr’s Law is observed with all viral diseases and describes the rate at which a viral infections increases and then declines in a given population. Initially, the virus has practically unlimited hosts and the rate of increasing infection is exponential.

As more people become infected that rate declines. The numbers still increase but the rate of that increase drops sharply. Once the rate starts to decline virologists and epidemiologists can then predict the scale of the outbreak with some confidence.

It indicates that the disease has passed its peak potential and will wane naturally in the coming days and weeks. Regardless of intervention.

Increase in Mortality Analysis by John Hopkin’s University shown by The Financial Times [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

Based upon UK statistics released by Worldometer we can see this initial rapidly increasing rate of infection and identify when that rate began to slow down. For the 50 day inclusive period, between the February 25th until April 15th, this changing rate of increase was evident.

That rate peaked on the March 4th and has declined since. Following the drop in this rate on the 4th, with a consistent downward trend to March 16th, the scientists on the ACDP board could predict the trajectory of the disease with some certainty and consequently downgraded C19 due to low mortality rates.

Calculating the daily rate of increase can be done simply by dividing the current day’s total number of cases by the previous days total. For example, on March 3rd there were 51 total cases rising by 36, to reach a total of 87, by March 4th. A ratio rate increase of 0.71.

This was the peak rate of increasing infections in the UK. From this date onward the rate of increase declined markedly, in accordance with Farr’s Law. We can plot these figures to find the changing rate of the increase in cases.


This slowing rate of new infections is also evident when we look at the logarithmic scale of UK Infections rates. This produces the familiar infection rate curve synonymous with Farr’s Law.

UK Case Infection Growth Rate From Worldometer [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

The UK government are among the many who apparently ignored the most basic concepts in virology and chose instead to base their lockdown regime upon the fictitious Imperial College models. All the science indicated that existing measures, encouraging the public to observe basic hygiene and limit interactions with vulnerable people, was working, as C19 followed the normal bell curve of any viral disease in a population.

There was no scientific justification for the lockdown. Nothing about the UK State’s response was “led by the science.”

Nor is there any evidence that lockdown regimes have any positive impact upon infections rates. Comparisons between severe lockdown states and those who opted for less draconian measures reveal no advantage to placing your population under house arrest.

States who chosen not to rip their economies apart appear to have fared much better. Sweden did not deploy a lockdown and yet, according to data from John Hopkin’s University, case rates per million of populations are lower.


Further comparative analysis supports these findings. In terms of limiting infection rates, there is no discernible benefit to lockdown regimes. In fact, Oxford University found a direct correlation between infection rates and the relative severity of lockdown regimes. It suggests the more stringent the lockdown, the higher the infection rate.


This is not unexpected, as numerous epidemiological studies have shown that infection rates for C19 are higher when people are exposed to it for prolonged periods in confined spaces. Locking people up in their homes is probably the worst thing you could do if you wanted to reduce the infections and the duration of the outbreak.

This is well known to the World Health Organisation. In their joint study with Chinese authorities, published in February, the WHO stated that airborne spread wasn’t reported for C19 and was not considered to be a method of transmission.

They found that most infections occurred within families where the chance of infection was as high as 20%. However, the chance of infection in the community was estimated to be between 1-5%.

The WHO also stated that COVID 19 is less virulent than influenza. They say it is spread by droplets and cannot linger in the air. Equally there is little evidence that flu transmission is airborne. The comparison between C19 and influenza is worth considering as we discuss LOKIN 20.

LOKIN-20 Lurks Behind the Data

About the only consistent element of the narrative we have been given about C19 is that we must believe the death toll is horrendous. This “alarmism” has been spread by State officials and the mainstream media (MSM). It is unmitigated drivel.

Here are some important factors to bear in mind whenever the MSM give you statistics about alleged deaths from C19 in the UK. These factors are unique to C19.

The ONS recording system was changed by the State, but only for C19, from recording only registered deaths to adding in provisional deaths assumed to be from C19. The RT-PCR test for C19 does not appear to be very reliable. Furthermore, the man who won the Nobel Prize for designing it specifically stated that it could not identify a virus. As previously stated, emerging studies indicate a much higher infection and thus much lower mortality rate for C19.

However, in the UK, a positive test is not even required for someone to be deemed to have died from C19. Nor does there need to be any clear evidence of causality for C19 to be declared as the underlying cause of death.

Merely “mentioning” C19 is considered sufficient. Regardless of other, often multiple, comorbidities and infections. In addition, from an age demographic perspective, C19 deaths appear to be indistinguishable from quite normal mortality.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) have reported a consistent rise in mortality between weeks 11 – 15, covering the period 7th March to 10th April 2020 in England and Wales. During that period deaths from all causes (all cause mortality) have steadily climbed and have been above the ONS 5 year average in weeks 14 and 15.

The ONS calculate the mean average from the 5 preceding years completed statistics. This means that any year prior to 2014, many with much higher than average mortality, are not used to calculate the current average.

There is no evidence that this years all cause mortality in England and Wales is in any way unprecedented. In recent history 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2017 have all been years with comparable, if not higher mortality. None were deemed reason to force the population to incarcerate themselves.


The demographics of the UK show a growing but ageing population. Age is the primary corollary for normal mortality and C19 is no different. The ONS expect the 5 year average figure to steadily increase while the population continues to age.

The MSM regularly report C19 suspected deaths among the relatively young. This is to give you the impression that C19 can strike anyone at anytime.

What they consistently fail to mention is that PHE records of ICU admissions for influenza indicate all ages are at risk from the flu. This is not the case with C19. Its risks apparently increase with age.


There was a media frenzy when the ONS released their all cause mortality statistics for Week 15.

This showed there were 7,996 deaths over and above the 5 year average. In total 6,213 mentioned C19. Despite the MSM’s attempt to convince you this somehow proves C19 is a modern day plague, a cursory look at the data demonstrates that it is no such thing.

The ONS noted that these were the highest single-week mortality figure for England and Wales since 2000. This is true, however the historical data also demonstrates that one-week statistical record was exceeded in 2000, 1999 and 1997. Bluntly, not only is there nothing unprecedented about the overall mortality figures, the high one week spike isn’t anything new either.


To further put this into perspective, the population of England and Wales in 2000 was just under 53 million. In 2020 it conservatively stands at more than 60 million. That’s more than a 13% increase in 20 years, with a notable ageing of the population over the same period.

Normalising for population growth alone, irrespective of ageing, if 20,566 died in one week in 2000 then week 15 mortality figures in 2020 are equivalent to 16,109. About 4,450 fewer than in 2000, in relative terms. If we take similar normalisation into account for previous years of high mortality (1995, 1996, 1998, 199) then, as a percentage of population, relative 2020 mortality statistics are well below those years and further below 2017.

As the death rate from C19 reduces in the UK, it is clear that the C19 threat level never warranted the lockdown regime and the collapse of the economy. At the risk of being accused of heresy, it is absolutely possible to state that C19 is like the flu in many respects.

UK Statistics from Worldometer [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

LOKIN-20 Seen In The Data

As usual, in their week 15 report, the ONS noted what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to inflate the C19 mortality statistics. Of the 6,213 reported C19 deaths, for week 15 in England and Wales, 2,333 also mentioned both influenza and pneumonia. It is impossible to see how these deaths can legitimately be called C19 deaths.

Consequently, all that can be said is that of the 7,996 excess deaths, beyond the 5-year average, 3880 deaths mentioned C19 on its own, though we know from previous releases that more than 90% of those had at least one other serious comorbidity. The remaining 4116 deaths were also attributable to at least one other infection and additional comorbidities.

The confusion about causes of death has been highlighted by the Royal College of Pathologists who have called for a systemic review. The Health Service Journal reported that there was “uncertainty” about reported C19 deaths and questions remained about how many may have died as a “knock on” consequence of the lockdown.

The reasons for scepticism becomes clearer when we look at comparative death in the first 15 weeks of 2020. This shows considerably higher numbers of deaths from respiratory infections other than C19 in England and Wales.

When we also consider that attribution of C19 deaths are uniquely vague, and that a considerable proportion may well be attributable to influenza or other respiratory infections, the MSM’s insistence that C19 is the only story doesn’t stack up. Something else is happening too.

ONS reported all cause mortality 2020 to date [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

Frankly, we have no idea how many people have actually died from C19. Nor does the UK State.

Speaking on the 18th March the UK’s Chief Scientific Officer, former GlaxoSmithKline head of research and development, Sir Patrick Valance, clarified the situation for the British people. He stated:

It is worth remembering again that the ONS rates are people who’ve got COVID on their death certificates. It doesn’t mean they were necessarily infected because many of them haven’t been tested. So we just need to understand the difference.”

The difference appears to be that the C19 is the first disease in history from which you can officially die without any firm evidence that you actually had it.

The symptoms of C19 are very hard to distinguish from symptoms of other respiratory infections, such as influenza and the common cold. Diagnoses from symptoms alone seems even more unreliable than the RT-PCR test. Yet the ONS confirmed this is how C19 can be identified as a cause of death:

A doctor can certify the involvement of COVID-19 based on symptoms and clinical findings – a positive test result is not required.”

This is a consequence of the State’s advice to doctors which informs them:

if before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID 19 infection….it would be satisfactory to give ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death.”

As recorded C19 mortality shows a decline, once again, the state is changing the way statistics are recorded. It has now asked the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to record more suspected cases from social care settings. Speaking on the April 14th a CQC spokesperson reportedly said:

From this week, the death notifications we collect from providers will allow them to report whether the death was of a person with suspected or confirmed Covid-19.”

If the system for recording hospital C19 deaths is questionable the one suggested by the CQC for care homes is downright bizarre. At the request of the State the CQC have asked non medically trained care home providers to report, what they suspect, are C19 cases. These figures will then be added to the claimed C19 mortality figures.

The lack of testing in care settings suggest the CQC will be adding far more suspected cases to the ONS statistics than confirmed. Care homes, other than nursing homes, do not typically retain medically trained staff. The vast majority of those who suspect C19 from care homes won’t be basing their suspicions on qualified medical opinions.

The claimed C19 mortality figures are so disparate they have become practically worthless from a statistical perspective. Even if we accept all reported C19 deaths resulted from it, which is a very long stretch, clearly something else is also pushing up excess mortality in England and Wales.

Over the two week period of weeks 14 and 15, of the 14,078 additional deaths, 8189 people lost their lives due to something other than just C19. We don’t yet know what other factors may be playing a part in the increase. All we can say is that excess mortality was unusually high and, at most, plausibly claimed C19 deaths accounted for less than 42% of those deaths.

So what other changes may have impacted mortality this year? One in particular stands out. The lockdown itself.

Are we starting to see the consequences? Could we call this LOKIN-20?

The evidence strongly suggests that possibility.

LOKIN-20 Disproportionately Affects The Most Vulnerable

LOKIN-20 appears to be the increased health risk caused by the lockdown regime. Those most at risk from LOKIN-20 are the same people who are at highest risk from C19. This additional “wave” of mortality, as a direct consequence of the lockdown, has recently been highlighted by NHS data analysts Edge Health.

Based upon ONS weekly figures, their comparative analysis of excess mortality and A&E attendance highlighted the significant impact of LOKIN-20. Speaking of an initial second and then third wave of mortality, from the impact of the lockdown, the co-founder of Edge Health George Batchelor said:

“If projected forwards, these numbers get so large it is hard to relate to them on a personal level. Unlike the current peaks, this third wave may be spread out over a longer period of time. But make no mistake this could be could be a very deadly wave.”

Edge Health Analysis [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

Those who require home care, vulnerable adults in care settings and older people in care homes, have been all but abandoned by the State. This is a direct result of its counterproductive lockdown regime. Dying from systemic neglect appears to be a symptom of LOKIN-20.

During the alleged response to the C19 pandemic you might imagine the State would streamline vulnerable people’s access to potentially lifesaving medical interventions. However, it has done the precise opposite.

Spreading disinformation, the MSM reported that there were  7,500 C19 deaths in care homes in weeks 14 and 15. This was fake news.

Of the 7,500 excess care home deaths only 1,500 were attributed to C19. Analysis by the Health Service Journal (HSJ) found that 80% of these people probably died from something else.

They identified 6000 people, without diagnosed C19, who had died in care or at home. Were it not for the lockdown these people would otherwise have gone to hospital.

The HSJ assumed these people would have died anyway, and they may well be right. But who knows how many would still be with us had they received the hospital care they needed.

This appears to be just one of the health consequences of the States lockdown regime. It seems to be precipitating vulnerable people’s deaths in a variety of ways.

During the same period the NHS issued guidance which stated care home residents should not be conveyed to hospital. At the same time ambulance response times increased dramatically. Being unable to get emergency medical support when you need it is another apparent LOKIN-20 symptom.

Rather than more closely monitoring care homes and isolating vulnerable people from infection, the State decided not to bother. The care industry has been calling for widespread testing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) since the start of the outbreak. So far neither the testing nor the PPE has materialised.

There is currently considerable capacity within the NHS for the people dying in care homes to be treated in hospital. The State continues to build Nightingale Hospitals across the country, most of which are completely empty . While we are misled into believing people are dying in their many thousands in care homes from C19, it appears most are dying from a lack of treatment from every condition other than C19.

Instead of providing medical treatment there are widespread reports of residents having “do not attempt resuscitation” (DNAR) notices attached to their care plans by visiting NHS practitioners. Other more vulnerable adults, such as those with learning difficulties, who frequently have additional comorbidities, are also effectively being told to drop dead.

The UK’s home care industry, providing care to older people living in their own homes, warns that many providers are unable to cope with the additional costs imposed upon them by the lockdown regime.

Raina Summerson, the chief executive of one of England’s largest home care provider Agincare said:

“With a lack of funding and sky-high costs of PPE, there will be providers who go bust….Overnight, local authorities will have the responsibility of picking up care for bankrupt providers but will not have resources to do so. It could well mean people left without care and, in the worst-case scenarios, falling through the cracks and dying alone at home.”

The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock recently made the magnanimous gesture of allowing families to see their loved ones who were dying of C19 in care homes. Whether that offer extends to the families of the majority who are seemingly dying from a lack of medical treatment isn’t clear.

Meanwhile, under his watch, either by design or rank ineptitude, the UK State has effectively created what appears to be a euthanasia program. His platitudes are grotesque.

LOKIN-20 Is Everywhere

Accident and Emergency attendance has dropped to a record low while the percentage of admissions following attendance have risen to a record high. This means people are presenting to A&E for suspected C19 but little else. However, given the dramatic increase in ambulance response times, perhaps many are simply not making it to A&E alive.

Dr Katherine Henderson, the President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, stated:

We are concerned that this drop in attendance may mean that people with serious health problems are avoiding going to their emergency department for fear of getting coronavirus….Even before Covid-19, we knew that patients were getting sicker – people are living longer and acquiring more health problems……The most important thing the public can do at the moment is to stay indoors and follow the government’s advice…..But do seek medical help if you need it – don’t stay at home with a heart attack out of fear.”

Dr Katherine Henderson

I think we can all agree that the State and the MSM have ramped up fear of C19 to quite extraordinary levels. As we have discussed, the medical and scientific justification for this is largely absent. The propaganda seems primarily designed to justify the lockdown regime.

It is absurd for the State and senior health professionals to now express concern that people aren’t going to hospital when they need to. Of course they aren’t.

To claim this was unforeseen is ridiculous. The whole UK propaganda narrative has urged people both to be terrified of a flu-like illness and stay away from health services to “protect the NHS.” The first annual increase in coronary heart disease mortality in the UK, following nearly two decades of steady reductions in the UK, was noted last year, before LOKIN-20 began.

The former president of the Society for Acute Medicine Dr Nick Scriven stated:

“The biggest fear is people sitting at home ill and not attending A&E […] people feeling sick at home or having a heart attack and not coming to hospital as they are frightened…We have seen a few sick young people just sitting at home for five or six days getting worse and worse”.

The president of the British Cardiovascular Society Simon Ray stated:

“It seems there has been a uniform reduction in hospital attendances for heart attacks…..it’s around 40% down in terms of callouts for emergency treatment for heart attacks….There also seems to be substantial reduction in referrals in for acute coronary syndrome….A number of units have also reported people presenting late with complications due to having a heart attack that we don’t normally see. The concern is people sitting out symptoms rather than calling help.”

It is clear, people with acute need for cardiovascular treatment are not presenting to hospital as they otherwise would. Fear driven reluctance to access health services, when they are most needed, appears to be another symptom of LOKIN-20.

Around 170,000 people die every year from cardiovascular disease in the UK. A 40% reduction in callouts present a potential health crisis which dwarfs any perceived risk from C19.

This is entirely due to the lockdown. Part of what we might call the LOKIN-20 condition.

There is no “surge” in C19 patients and there are more empty hospital beds than ever before. Yet the risk to cancer patients from withheld treatment has increased significantly during the same period. Thanks to LOKIN-20.

This prompted Gordon Wishart, Professor of Cancer Surgery at Anglia Ruskin School of Medicine, to write to State officials urging the rapid reestablishment of access to screening and treatment for cancer patients. He stated:

We pushed the panic button and there was a knee-jerk reaction when it was thought there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths from Covid […] However, in the event it seems we are at or near the peak and that capacity has not been needed […] We have the worst cancer survival rates compared with many of our European neighbours […] We are not in a position to cope with any increased demand at the end of lockdown.”

A leading heart surgeon, Professor Stephen Westaby, said:

…We could see thousands of deaths from heart disease and cancer over the next six months. Their families will never forget this. Neither China nor Italy stopped treating these conditions despite the chaos there earlier this year. It’s bizarre.”

How many of the additional deaths we are seeing now are caused by LOKIN-20?

Early indications from the ONS suggest the lockdown regime is having a considerable additional impact upon the nation’s health.  Approximately 84% of people surveyed stated they were worried about C19. Nearly half reported an increase in anxiety levels.

ONS Statistics on LOKIN-20 Impact Upon Mental Health In The UK [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

Anxiety increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and a range of other health conditions. Studies have shown a clear link between increased levels of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. LOKIN-20 is seemingly creating a mental health crisis too.

Depression often has a lifelong impact and substance misuse, domestic abuse, low income and other comorbidities are all frequent consequences. The head of the department of psychiatry at the University of Cambridge Professor Ed Bullmore reported:

The pandemic is clearly having a major social and psychological impact on the whole population, increasing unemployment, separating families and various other changes in the way that we live that we know are generally major psychological risk factors for anxiety, depression and self-harm.”

However, it is not the pandemic that is “increasing unemployment” and “separating families” but rather the baseless lockdown regime of the State.

The kind of economic devastation caused by the lockdown regime, unlike C19, is genuinely unprecedented. The Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) predict a 35% drop in the UK’s GDP with an additional 2 million job losses. For some reason they envisage the UK economy will instantly recover from this hammer blow. Others are far less confident.

The Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) predict that nearly one quarter of UK jobs (more than 6.5 million) will be lost thanks to the lockdown. Failing to see the “bounce back” predicted by the OBR they state:

Our baseline scenario predicts an overall contraction in GDP and employment of around 20%.”


Whether the OBR or the ISER predictions are accurate it is obvious that the economic and social impacts of the lockdown regime will be catastrophic.

Social deprivations and poverty, already on the rise before the alleged C19 pandemic, are set to soar. The link between economic deprivation and mortality is not in doubt.

UK Government Life Expectancy Statistics [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

Between 2001 and 2016 economic and social deprivation in England consistently accounted for a staggering 9.3 year average reduced life expectancy for males and, by 2016, shortened women’s lives by 7.4 years. Millions of lives will be cut short by LOKIN-20.

It is a very sad reality to acknowledge that the loss of life from COVID-19 is as nothing by comparison. LOKIN-20 won’t end in a few weeks. It will continue for years to come. The longer the State persists with its destructive lockdown regime the worse will be the consequences of LOKIN-20.


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May 4, 2020 3:14 PM

Undisclosed whistleblower but huge statements from today’s UKColumn about 9 mins in:


Nick Kollelrlstrom
Nick Kollelrlstrom
May 4, 2020 12:22 PM

Its wonderful to hear someone who really knows what they are talking about, on this topic.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 3, 2020 9:31 PM

Brilliant article, but just one complaint. The author keeps referring to “the state” as the actor responsible for this.

The responsibility for the lockdown rests entirely with the GOVERNMENT of Boris Johnson and the supine BRITISH PARLIAMENT.

The term “the state” is meaningless and just lets them off the hook.

May 5, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Although I am in the U.S. I think the term state is appropriate. It is the behind the scenes state run agency representatives providing the information to the leaders of the country (both in the U.K. and the U.S.). Their bad information is what the officials are using to make bad decisions. We should hold our leaders accountable, but they should first hold the statisticians, modelers, etc. accountable. The unelected bearers of bad information should go first. Bad advisors are responsible regardless of the face of the government.

May 1, 2020 5:22 PM

Do as I say, not as I do:


“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” -Thomas Sowell

May 28, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Offlands

I only discovered Thomas Sowell recently. He cuts through the rubbish like few people can.

May 1, 2020 4:09 PM
May 1, 2020 2:00 PM

I think the question that needs to be answered, if its the lockdown that is causing additional deaths ( and Im not denying this is the case), then why has this not happened in other countries, whom have locked down. Poland, Greece or Germany for example?

Paul too
Paul too
May 1, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  JOHN

It’s been mentioned by others here but I don’t have any links – my understanding is other countries in Europe have not halted the majority of their healthcare and are still treating cancer patients etc, whereas the NHS has cancelled all routine surgery for a minimum of 3 months.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
May 2, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  Paul too

That’s my view too. The Uk lobbed 26k minimum awfully termed ‘ Bedblockers ‘ back into the ” Community ” Like an exploding virus Grenade. The results are now being added ( bit by -day by day ) similar to the daily revelation of backdated hospital deaths. The media ( the BBC – the Bazzing Boris Corporation ) are in on the spin to an awaiting public each night like a week of Jackanory stories issued forth by a lying narrator. The graph last night showed in orange the deaths ” in all settings ” and the orange for the past two days is as much – if not bigger than the deaths in hospital only. Johnson and his Cretinous Cabinet know the real score – that is: There is a Privy Council real prediction/score and a different one for public view. Starmer may know the real predictions/scores hence his worried look but his fixation is the economy unlike Corbyn’s concern for people. The fact that all the workers in the NHS and Care homes have not been tested means that the patients/residents and the one’s who are treating them or look after them are cross contaminating each other and have been for months. Now a cynic would say ( and I am a cynic ) that the reason the NHS staff at least were not tested was not necessarily down to lack of testing kits – in my view it was down to this: Government Thinks: We are expecting an overwhelming surge in the NHS for ICU’s and ventilators which we haven’t got due to robbing the NHSover the years so we have to create ” Capacity ” We create capacity by ” freeing up ” existing beds – we do not add more beds just free up the… Read more »

May 2, 2020 7:44 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

That’s great but you are missing one salient point which is that the bloody test does not work………..i mean hardly at all. It’s next to useless. They might not be testing much because they know that or they just keep going on half heartedly with it because it is a tool in the scam. I remind you that Kary Mullis the Noble prize winning inventor of the PCR test said it should not be used to diagnose in this way. It is not intended for this. It is producing up to 80% false positives aswell as false negatives. Others agree with the inventor of the test so what the holy f…k is going on?

They have never isolated this supposed virus or satisfied the now famous Kochs postulates.

Karry Mullis is reported to have said:

“Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron. PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers [viral load]…These tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all…The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”



May 6, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

I bet you wouldn’t want to be a Uighur in China. Life isn’t so safe for them thanks to the Chinese state.

May 1, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  JOHN

Most lockdown countries haven’t stopped treating other conditions. Germany for example, with a population of just over 83 million, already had 25,000 ICU beds prior to the lockdown. The UK, population 67 million, had 4000 which was 1000 less than Italy with a population of just over 60 million. The U.S. and the UK appear to be the countries who have been most stringent in terms of denying other treatments. Though that has been far more localised in the U.S.

I think the quote from Professor Stephen Westaby, say it well:

“…We could see thousands of deaths from heart disease and cancer over the next six months. Their families will never forget this. Neither China nor Italy stopped treating these conditions despite the chaos there earlier this year. It’s bizarre.”

May 2, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  JOHN

Do not believe in Polish statistic’s. The second thing- we had lock-down very early and too much, so we flatten the curve too much. Now, we are opening, and I believe that we will have a rise in cases. But some are smart and don’t go to see the doctor when having only a minor symptoms

May 2, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  RupiPL

My GP surgery has closed and refused to see any patients or to refer. Those who have contracted Covid are down as non Covid pneumonia from the start. No testing offered. But followed NICE guidelines for Doxycycline.
So say if you were infected at the start of March, not being told it may be Covid meant that person became a super spreader. Only way to know if those down as non Covid would be to do antibody testing. But this Govn’t isn’t even discussing such tests.
Why the bastardisation of Statistical Rules and robust Experimental design
It’s to get you to download the app to track you and keep data in centralised computer.
FYI. Your health data has already be transferred to the discredited Vote Leave AI Guru with DeepMind Director to Sage

Jun 3, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  JOHN

It is going to happen in Germany as well. Of course you will not hear it from the mainstream press.
From Germany

May 1, 2020 11:58 AM

It looks like the effect of the ‘lockdown’ has reached fever pitch in the US:


The UK is unlikely in the near term to see similar trouble, as the financial incentives to go along prove effective so far.
Needless to say, many of those ‘bought off’ in this way, may no longer have a job to go back to in the long term.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 11:50 AM

What effect is the “lockdown” having on social work? I am thinking specifically of child care (although similar considerations apply to other areas).

Social workers have to liaise with many other people. They have see children and see them in their family setting. They need to interview parents and others. They have to liaise with doctors and teachers, psychologists and mental health workers. They need to visit foster carers. They have to participate in court proceedings. They have to attend strategy meetings and case conferences. In order to fulfil their duties to protect children, they have to have contact with a wide range of people. These duties cannot be effectively carried out by working from home with a computer and mobile phone. I am wondering if the government gave any thought to the welfare of children when it decided on its “lockdown” measures.

May 1, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Yes I think about this a lot, there is very little mention of social workers. They were at the point of collapse before all this, god knows how they are going to cope with the fall out afterwards.

May 1, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  JOHN

They will still be required to become scapegoats every time there is a tragedy, so I guess the press doesn’t want to make heroes of them

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 2:32 PM
Reply to  JOHN

And given the situation, such tragedies are unfortunately entirely predictable. But I suspect the government did not even consider this before introducing its “lockdown” measures.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  JOHN

John, it is not social workers I was particularly thinking about, but rather the children they are supposedly safeguarding: many of whom are now at home all day, everyday, with adults who may present a risk, and they are no longer being seen by other adults who might offer some protection or early warning. There has been a sharp rise in calls to Childline, for instance.

May 1, 2020 11:08 AM

Recovery / deaths ratio worldwide is 5 to 1. Infection / death ratio minimal.
The total worldwide deaths will not reach 1/2 a million.
in a population of 7billion.
The West, and Japan are panicking ‘cos it’s hitting them.
If it was Ebola in Africa, they wouldn’t give a sh*t…
At least one UK young person killed themself due to lockdown.
Sweden deaths about 2,500 at present, for 1/6 of UK pop.
So times 6, 15000. Still lower than UK under lockdown!

May 1, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  davemass

I’m getting a little tired of the constant championing of Sweden as some sort of perfect handler of the situation. Both the level of population and, possibly more importantly, their density of population is just not comparable to that of the UK. As the figures above tend to bear out.

Paul too
Paul too
May 1, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  David

They are seeing no higher in Stockholm than other comparable cities in Europe. People in cities live in cities that are similar in spacing and density, whatever lower population densities they have in the countryside will affect numbers there, but so far no major towns or cities are seeing anything unusually high.

May 1, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  David

87% of Swedes live in urban areas, 83% of UK live in urban areas:


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  davemass

The Guardian has an article about a suicide. It attributes the death to the coronavirus. And no, I am not exaggerating. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/apr/30/pick-up-the-phone-to-loved-ones-urges-man-after-grandfathers-suicide

May 1, 2020 8:56 AM

Check this: ‘As dangerous as Ebola’:
One in every THREE coronavirus patients who go into hospital never come out – and HALF of those on a ventilator die
Biggest coronavirus study in Europe looked at 17,000 hospital admissions in UK
Research found 33% died, 49% were discharged and 17% are still receiving care
Just a fifth of intubated UK patients made it home alive and 53% passed away

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 1, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  Joe

Ventilators do euthanasia in this illness. It is predominately a disease of coagulation, with other organs targeted, because most organs contain ACE2 receptors. Ventilation of lungs full of clots and debris just causes more damage, like the early victim whose right ventricle burst due to back pressure.

May 1, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  Joe


May 1, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Joe

The Mail ? Must be factual then !! Ventilators are known to be incorrect treatment once the true nature of the oxygen-depleting virus was known.….certainly intubation.
I would suggest the Mail have conveniently used the figures to suit the purpose of their headline.
Firstly, FGS let’s differentiate between coronavirus (loads of strains) and Covid-19 (single strain).
Secondly, of all the people who went into hospital, how may actually HAD Covid-19 rather than just the symptoms OF Covid-19 (which are similar to that of seasonal flu)?
And how many of those admitted to hospital had 1,2 3 or more underlying issues ?
Thus how many died in hospital of co-morbidity and were thus a statistical death OF Covid-19 ?
See how it works ?

Apr 30, 2020 10:26 PM

The imagined computer model used is not data.Its the fabrication of data.
These corrupt people that stand to and have made lost of money and maintained control then pushed these lies by calling it ” data” to stupid people .
An unreal predictive computer simulation thats what we are dealing with and those that released it as ” data’ have a political agenda the includes locking people up,maintaining control, criminalizing protest, feeding big pharma,pushing the UN agendas.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 30, 2020 9:10 PM

This is another excellent article demolishing the Covid propaganda exercise. It seems obvious that the original pre-lockdown reaction of Johnson to go for herd immunity was taken from advisers who agreed with Public Health England (PHE) and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP). These bodies later downgraded Covid-19 from the status of a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID). It also seems that he was then “persuaded” by others to perform a complete U-turn and follow the path of enacting draconian measures that are not based on medical evidence. It appears that the “persuaders” were acting in the interests of financial and corporate behemoths who stand to make vast fortunes from measures that have since been proposed, technology based solutions etc.. It also seems these “persuaders” have also been successful in most of the Western world and their financially dependent satrapies. There appears to be no doubt that an international financial and corporate cartel are now in control of all these governments. They appear to have created a massive misdirection campaign to cover the already failing financial system, and combined it with shock doctrine techniques to profit from the technology based “solutions” and failed business asset fire sales. They think the draconian lockdown combined with the massive MSM propaganda campaign will keep the population passive during this process. The cartel secured their control of all these governments in the crisis of 2008, when they put a gun to their heads with the threat of a financial collapse if the banks failed. The central banks of the world have been in lock-step ever since with quantitative easing for these independent banks, whose shares are owned by the financial cartel. This unified approach by the central banks of independent sovereign nations is unprecedented and indicates the control the cartel had over them… Read more »

Apr 30, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Yes. Those that control the economic monopoly ( Banking cabal) have long since controlled govts( which are set up as corporations).
The vulnerable have suffered the State adopting of the corporate model in the Big pharma based medical system. Dr diagnoses need for resthome take all their money, drug them, sedate them which will lead to early deaths ie kill them.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 30, 2020 10:58 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

I wouldn’t describe the Lockdown in the UK as Draconian -many people are still driving around and many over and above the essential workers are still working. In France ( where I live ) it’s a similar picture save for having to wander around with a sheet of paper and your ID which you have to have on you anyway. In both the above garden Centres are all the rage for some mysterious reason. The problem which is animating the panicked Ruling Class isn’t just that people aren’t working – it’s the fact that not as many people are shopping/buying. Don’t forget in any developed nation retail is the price that is paid for the actual.l item plus the taxes. In essence the State has a share in the retail price and gets the shopkeepers sellers to levy it and send it on to the State. Plus the Financiers are losing the interest on the loans that people have to use because their pay isn’t enough to afford the retail price – inc taxes. As I’ve said previously – is this a planned panic or an opportunity to exploit the panic? ( Manufactured or accidental ) and why would the Capitalists rather have their exploitable staff stay at home making no profit/capital for them and as above deprive ( I’m using the word very sarcastically ) the same of their right to spend or borrow their crap wages? It doesn’t make sense to me at all. Unless it isn’t about what they say it is ( the virus). Meaning that it is about something else. What’s the something else? My current opinion is that it may be about a form of Bailing out the Banks and the Corporates that they own or have big shares in with a bail Out… Read more »

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 30, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

If you don’t think being under house arrest, which is totally unnecessary according to many reputable medical scientists and proved by the examples of Sweden and Iceland, what is?

You say many people are driving around in the UK but that is not what I see, the roads are very quiet. How would you know this if you live in France? The Corona Virus Act has provisions for stiff financial penalties if you are suspected of leaving your home unnecessarily and even I, as a dissident, think twice before driving my car. This is enough to keep most people at home.

However, you answer your own question regarding whether it is about something else. It is about the banks and corporates, but it looks like quantitative easing is becoming less effective at staving off the collapse. What you have to bear in mind that the banks and corporates are controlled by their major shareholders who are the super rich plutocrats that are acting as a cartel, as they have done for at least a couple of centuries.

The reason they can attempt this worldwide plan now is the result of the last forty years of globalisation plus the trillions of dollars/euros pounds etc. they have been given virtually interest free since the crisis of 2008.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 30, 2020 11:50 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

…under house arrest is draconian…

Ufo, hunter
Ufo, hunter
May 1, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

We are not under house arrest they are recommendations, it’s the likes of west Yorkshire & Manchester police that are going beyond what they should by telling neighbours to grass on each other patrolling parks and beauty hot-spots in gangs and not doing actual police work. One force has stated that they will not chase kids on motobikes as they haven’t got the man power & won’t investigate nonserious crimes like house breakins because they are short staffed due to covid 19 yet they patrol parks and the streets in groups telling people not to stop and rest or they will be arrested.
As for lifting the lock down dont forget we are a couple of weeks behind the rest of Europe. Could our government done things better damn right but we followed the example of the rest off the world on somethings not as harsh and others the same but i don’t get were people say its not as bad as they make out say that to all the families of the people who have died of it and have been hospitalised because of it, i don’t claim to know how bad it is or if it as bad as they say i have read a ton of different ideas and opinions & a common theme & it is that it can kill just at different rates.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 2, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  Ufo, hunter

Ufo, I suspect you may have confused West Yorkshire police with another force.

May 1, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

Where this all wears thin is in the lack of motive. Why would government do this? They comprise people who have to live in the country they’re ruining, where small businesses will likely collapse and leave high streets even more empty, tax revenues drop and public services struggle, corporate debt burdens and sovereign debts rise etc.

I think lockdown is fairly draconian as people have no right to free travel or to exercise their own common sense. But I haven’t seen a sensible theory for how any government gains from an extended lockdown. The conspiracy theory doesn’t work without a motive. And when people start talking about big banks and QE this just shows the level of desperation involved in trying to concoct some sort of motive. I’d sooner believe the government are earnestly following a dodgy model and making it up as they go along.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
May 2, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Keith

“Why would government do this?”

As answered above in other comments, primarily, but not exclusively, to precipitate and then control a collapse – rather than be caught off guard by a chaotic collapse – of the global financial/economic system. The system has been teetering on the brink for decades, recently kept stumbling along on life support in the forms of QE and ZIRP, among other such instruments. A chaotic collapse could well unseat the Powers That Be. They do not want that.

But it is not governments individually – as wise and sovereign actors representing The People – that should be the focus of our analysis, or even retained as an operating assumption when attempting that analysis. Democracy is a sham. It is far more the (mostly) aligned interests of Big Banks, Big Pharma and Big Data (Facebook, Google etc.) that govern how the major nations are constrained in their actions generally, and are currently acting in this situation specifically. How effective this coordinated effort proves, remains to be seen. I suspect the majority of us, once we understand the sort of fascism/neo-feudalism heading rapidly our way, will reject what they are selling. And that majority includes most politicians and journalists. The sooner they wake up to this, the better.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 2, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

Why would government do this?

In my opinion: because they have gone collectively mad. I am forced to this conclusion because there is (notwithstanding many creative attempts) no rational explanation for the “lockdown” measures. Indeed, Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, admitted at the Coronavirus Daily Update on 10 April that the government had not made any attempt to assess how many people would die as a result of the government’s “lockdown” measures. This is not an approach that any rational policy-maker would follow. Before implementing a policy, a rational policy-maker would weigh the potential benefits against the potential harms. Hancock’s admission shows the government’s policy is irrational, irresponsible and incompetent.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
May 2, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I strongly disagree with the “incompetence” thesis. As I see it, it fails to explain all the data. Any “gone collectively mad” explanation ultimately rests on incompetence. There is no heretofore unknown irrationality that renders its sufferers uniquely incapable of understanding basic numbers and common sense. To assert that the overwhelming majority of Parliament, the Cabinet, the civil service and the propaganda press suddenly don’t know that the economy is vital to a healthily functioning society is, if we stop and really think it through, preposterous. The binary choice presented – that we either save lives or the economy – does not pass even a cursory sniff test. Why attack Sweden as reckless and ignore other countries that did not lockdown, why ignore their excellent results when taking proper account of this wonderful news would mean we could save the economy? Why not adopt a more nuanced, targeted approach that would actually save lives and keep the economy going, especially now that the data is so clear between lockdown and non-lockdown countries? This is not incompetence. They know what’s going on elsewhere in the world. They have and can read the data, just like we all can. They have the propaganda weaponry to tiptoe back from catastrophe, assuming all we have here is a simple case of backing the wrong Imperial College prediction – so extremely unlikely considering Niall Ferguson’s appalling track record and the devastating consequences of halting 70% of the economy. It is far more in the govt’s interest to sneakily backtrack than keep on doubling down and bringing about total ruin of the country. Where’s the opposition who were against lockdown all along? And yet the govt doubles down, extends, increases testing to boost the numbers, further massages the statistics, etc. And I just heard today from… Read more »

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 3, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

Toby, your response is long and detailed, but unless you are arguing that this is a massive, global conspiracy involving almost all of the elites, your response merely supports my contention that they have gone collectively mad.

I would argue that this explanation fits the facts far better than any alternative explanation, as all of them are based on evidence-free conspiracies, and any such conspiracy is extremely unlikely: just think of the number of people who would have to be involved, the degree of organisation, the secrecy required, the conflicts of interest between the parties, the level of mendacity. To think that so many people are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to implement the biggest crimes against humanity requires a cynicism that is beyond me. So until I see evidence of such a conspiracy, I shall prefer the much simpler explanation of collective madness.

Toby Russell
Toby Russell
May 3, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

It’s not evidence free, far from it. The evidence is all around, but in pieces, disparate, ‘hidden’ in actions and new laws carried out rather than what is publicly stated, it’s in eugenics programmes of the past and present, recent business deals between Big Pharma and Big Data, it’s in draconian censorship actions underway, the vilification of people who question the safety of vaccines, etc., etc., etc. What prevents the vast majority of us from seeing the Big Picture that does emerge from these separate pieces is a fear-based reluctance to entertain the possibility that Mummy and Daddy (the Powers That Be) do not have our best interests at heart. They have their best interests at heart. We are expendable. Collective madness is not a simpler explanation, but it is more palatable. Your assertion that it is simpler is simply an assertion. How can you or I know how possible or otherwise it might be to plan what is happening? I don’t know how hard it might be, but would wager it isn’t impossible. Further, what I can imagine as possible does not govern what is and isn’t possible, and the same goes for all of us. The universe does not operate based on our understanding of how it operates. We should not trust what we can imagine, but look as coldly as we can at all the relevant facts and see how they fit together. It strikes my powers of reasoning as far less likely, in fact it strikes me as impossible, that this is collective madness, and I laid out my reasoning above. There is mass hysteria, yes, but that is fomented, orchestrated, kept at a particular pitch via NLP techniques and other public relations shenanigans, and serves the programme: keeps people afraid, hungry for a ‘cure’, pliant,… Read more »

Jun 3, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  Toby Russell

Yes, Germans are rising, but their number is not small at all – the press and politicians would like us to be small – more and more people wake up!

May 2, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Keith

It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes. Most governments have taken the most extreme measures in history to control what they were led to believe would lead to millions of deaths had they done nothing.

Let’s suppose it is a fact that they were wrong in so doing. Their actions have caused economies to collapse and untold suffering in the future to everyone in their respective countries. What would they do?

Do they hold their hands up and say oops?

At last, a child cried out, “The emperor is naked!”

Soon everyone began to murmur the same thing and very soon all shouted, “The emperor is not wearing anything!”

The emperor realised the truth but preferred to believe that his people were stupid.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
May 1, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

I still would not call what’s happening ‘ draconian ‘ The Bricomarche ( French version of B& Q ) has been open all the time as have the tabacs ( there would be riots if they shut ) and for an even more strange ” essential Service reason Florists and Garden Centres will be openin in France from May the 11th. So Gardening and DIY and going to the hairdressers are in whilst putting a bet on at the PMU is out. France is not exactly the Gulag or the Ghetto or The West Bank so please some perspective. The worst bit is arrogant coppers but they were arrogant before the virus struck so no hardship there. The picture from England ( yes i watch a lot of British telly shows the streets of London empty in the City Centre and I have mates in Manchester and it’s the same there in the Centre. The big stores which are still open in the main are outside the centre and on Sundays it’s a fair bit quiet but not that quiet. Similar story in France and many souls are looking towards the 11/5/20 so as they can plonk the children down with the State Baby Sitter ( the schools ) whilst they go back to being exploited ( sorry work ). We shall see how that goes if Covid does more comebacks than Frank Sinatra. The real ‘ Lockdown ‘ would not just begin but would be necessary if it comes back with a vengeance. My non sciencey opinion is that the Western World has been relatively let of lightly and it goes without saying that one death is more than enough but it may return in a different form and the Spanish flu has been quoted and the effects of… Read more »

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 2, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

I can see you are speaking in good faith Ken, and that goes for you too Keith and Ufo, but these new powers were rushed through with very little scrutiny and are set to be in force for two years. The Corona Act stretched to over four hundred pages, it appeared within a short time of the governments U-turn away from herd immunity, and appears to have been on the shelf, ready to use. There was no way it could have been drafted in such a short time. It appears the Government were pressured into making this change of policy by hidden forces. The track record of government over the last forty years shows that once they have gained extra powers they will never relinquish them. The last set of new powers that eroded our freedoms and privacy were enacted under the cover of the bogus War on Terror, which took advantage of the (highly suspect) attacks on 9/11. It seems very convenient that the Covid-19 scare is occurring at precisely the same time as the financial system is on the verge of collapse. The media are already talking about the coming “Covid-19 Recession”, a recession that was already on it’s way before the virus scare. There are many independently minded medical scientists who do not agree that the virus is as lethal as the MSM are claiming. As was pointed out earlier, even Public Health England downgraded it’s status as a High Consequence Infectious Disease on the 19th of March. Their advice was subsequently ignored and they then focussed on the opinions of Imperial College and WHO experts, both who receive funding from the Gates Foundation. Bill Gates is on the record as being a vaccination evangelist and would stand to make a lot of money from it. The… Read more »

Biffo Le Grek
Biffo Le Grek
Apr 30, 2020 6:36 PM

Another excellent article, thanks. Many different sources are making similar conclusions all around the world. My contribution, is a 20-song playlist, which is whimsical but also very serious. The messages are clear in the titles, and sometimes also the accompanying lyrics:
Brainwashed George Harrison
Don’t Believe a Word Thin Lizzy
Liar Liar Captain Ska
Gimme Some Truth John Lennon
Land of Confusion Genesis
Don’t Dictate Penetration
Don’t Stand So Close To Me The Police
Please Don’t Touch Steve Hackett
So Lonely The Police
Man We Was Lonely Paul McCartney
Nobody Told Me John Lennon
Mad World Tears For Fears
Fever Peggy Lee
Don’t Fear the Reaper Blue Oyster Cult
Don’t Worry, Be Happy Bobby McFerrin
Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing Stevie Wonder
Don’t Give Up Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush
Don’t Let It Bring You Down Wings
I Will Survive Gloria Gaynor
Across The Universe The Beatles


Mike A
Mike A
Apr 30, 2020 10:50 PM
Reply to  Biffo Le Grek

My own small contribution..

Splendid isolation Pete yorn/warren zevon
Road to nowhere talking heads
Accentuate the positive and the best things in life are free Nellie McKay
Ghost town the specials
Further on up the road Johnny cash
We don’t believe you will varley
The land of do what your told , you can and bella ciao chumbawamba
Keep your distance Richard Thompson
Spicks and specs bee gees
Weve got ta get out of this place the animals
Panic the smiths
Won’t get fooled again the who
Fox on the run sweet
Far far away and run run away slade
Band on the run wings
It’s the end of the world as we know it REM
Going underground the jam
The boys of summer don Henley
The end of the world skeeter Davis
Against the wind Bob seger
Anarchy in the uk sex pistols
Thunder road cowboy junkies/Bruce Springsteen
Born to run Bruce Springsteen
Is there anybody out there , wish you were here and Run pink floyd
The dark end of the street James Carr

star smile
star smile
Apr 30, 2020 5:07 PM

Something a little different. Three satirical coronavirus poems, performed on YouTube by Suki Spangles:

1.Love In The Time Of Corona

2. It Started With A Viral

3. London, Beta-Testing The Zombie Apocalypse

Rob Dunford
Rob Dunford
Apr 30, 2020 4:48 PM

In the USA, meat producers are culling their herds in the millions. Why? Are people eating a LOT less?

I don’t believe there are millions of Americans starving, so the only reason can be that asked to cook at home for their families, people “naturally” eat a lot less.

Apr 30, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Rob Dunford

Or the export market has collapsed ?

Apr 30, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Rob Dunford

There was a big push for veganburgers and indoor at home cycling starting January or so….or was it earlier?

Jose Silveira
Jose Silveira
May 1, 2020 2:45 AM
Reply to  Oliver

It started before, at least where I live (Portugal), when our pro-technocrat socialist prime minister announced the measures (imposed by the technocrats in Brussels) to fight the “man-made climate change” (nonexistent), which included, among many other Stalinist measures, the dismantling of coal-fired power plants and the rapid phaseout of meat and milk production, due to their “wide” contribution to greenhouse gases. They want us all to eat vegan and drink soy milk, due to their emasculating properties, required for a submissive herd.
Yet, Vaccine Gates, knowing that beef eaters, like myself, will not go easy on the meat ban (military insurgences have started, in peace time, due to food quality), is now promoting the laboratory “meat”, grown in Petri dishes, that could be on the market by 2022 – another wonderful invented business for the technocrats, if the ban on meat really goes forward.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
Apr 30, 2020 11:56 PM
Reply to  Rob Dunford

Most likely supply chain problems, feedstuffs etc, and a drop in demand from the catering trade.
I saw a report that the dairy farmers of Britain have had to pour milk down the drain because of a drop in demand for similar reasons.

Apr 30, 2020 2:37 PM

It’s clear to me that the governments of the lock down nations did absolutely nothing to protect the elderly or vulnerable from this virus. Nothing.

I’ve been writing about this at my site regarding Ontario, Canada and the horrendous conditions in the long term care homes- the problem is under funding. Deplorable, systemic negligence killed these individuals. Doug Ford and his government need to be taken to task. Trudeau’s Liberals as well. It’s shocking to me. Simply shocking and disgusting that my fellow Canadians are too frightened by the perception managing media to really question the systemic negligence built into our elder care systems. Don’t blame Covid. It takes the blame off the real problem and those actually responsible for it!

So far the numbers of dead in elder care homes has not surpassed the previously available numbers of deaths due to communicable diseases. Before Covid.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 30, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Penny

Agree entirely.

I haven’t got the eyes or brains for all the number crunching but when you read that in the UK that 26k of vulnerable and elderly and many not elderly were removed ( I’m being kind – they were prior to this outbreak known as ‘ Bedblockers ‘ ) from the NHS hospitals to make way for the Sombrero effect of Covid- 19 arrivals then cynical doesn’t describe it.

these people were sent back into a community already understaffed and underfunded and that just covers the Care Homes – never mind Local Authorities who have suffered 50% plus cuts to their budgets.

It is only now that the likes of the BBC will talk about the non hospital deaths and infections.

They now have permission.

There appears to be a collective fear magnified by the MSM but their are probably elements of truth their lies.

In a care home recently 13 people died in a week which is a lot for any week for people to die of anything in one care home.

This may be due to one or more of the 26k ex- patients being sent out of an untested for Covid – 19 ( or indeed any other potentially deadly virus ) and in these places where there are alreaddy existing health problems with many co- morbidity’s that is possibly the most dangerous thing the government could have done.

The deaths in hospitals so far are declining but the backlash of deaths out of hospitals is going to be read out on a day by day basis like the hospital deaths.

The media’s mission is to sell these non hospital daily numbers in the same way as the hospital ones to the numerically and statically overloaded public – like me.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Penny

The systemic neglect is a result of the privatisation of care services. Profits always come before people. It has also been facilitated by the neoliberal demonisation of the old, sick and poor as a drain on society.
It’s all part of their eugenics programme to remove useless eaters.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Apr 30, 2020 2:33 PM

Another excellent article The information in this article should be made into and hour long BBC Panorama Documentary. In a year or more this may well happen. They know people have short memories.They will be asking why the mistakes were made. But Ignoring how the BBC and the rest were part of the miss information. We have seen this before be it baby’s being taken from incubators or weapons of mass destruction, or Iran contra or the 2008 banking crash. There were a number of key events and reactions to the events. 1.How China reacted to a illness that appeared to be spreading. Initially China’s reaction was considered authoritarian an excuse to practice a form of medical marshal law. Why did this position change?. 2.World Health Organisation announcements of a growing problem. Was it the reporting from China. Why was the W.H.O. so ready to accept the information from China that they had limited ability to verify. Many have pointed to the financing of the WHO and many conflicts of interest. Be it Bill Gates or Glaxo smith Kline or others. This has been known for a long time. Why wasn’t the WHO was not abandoned or reformed before particularly after the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic?. 3.The pandemic modelling and predications particularly those of Neil Ferguson. Why were these predictions listened to? In light of Neil Ferguson’s bad record on predictions and his own admission the day before the UK Lock down that his modelling had used undocumented and therefore untested computer code he had written 13 plus years before. 4.Why was Covid-19 made a HCID a high consequence infectious disease as early as January 2020. 5.Why was Covid-19 made a notifiable disease in law on the 5th of March 2020 ?. The flue and common cold are not notifiable… Read more »

Apr 30, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

The information in this article should be made into and hour long BBC Panorama Documentary.

So that the BBC can impart its credibility on the subject? Give us a break. The BBC watchers are the ones sitting at home without any idea of when or how they will be free again. One of the world’s oldest democracies brought to its knees in a matter of days and the people just swallow this tyranny, proving that feudal landlords really do still run the country.

Welcome so the hyper-social life of Marxist communism where individual brains with immediate up to date data are ignored but the privideged central brain makes all the decisions based on inadequate, dated data. Nature gave us brains to use them, not to park them in one corner and let some central government do the thinking for us.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Apr 30, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Surprisingly the mainstream and the BBC do cover some important subjects well
Panorama used to be much better in the past. They covered Gladio to some extent
But normally they are late to the party and will only go so far. Often with no followup.
If you tell a half truth once it does not counter a mostly lie told thousands of times,
came across this link from another blog
An example of what the mainstream does. It will print an article that it will ignore itself. As if it had not printed it.

Apr 30, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

The BBC’s Operation Gladio documentary (1992) was a high point. That was Timewatch. As we have some French visitors here, the version with subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl1EOWhgHhw
Since we’re talking documentaries I have to recommend the ultimate expose of the CIA: Frank Turpil: Confessions of a Dangerous Man (1983)

Apr 30, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Frank Terpil, ‘scuse my migraine spelling. Since we’re all discussing how the world works this is a tangent but not completely off topic. Additional info can be found by looking up Mae Brussell – World Watchers International #505 – 8/9/81 – Terpil/Wilson, Private Espionage

Steve Jack
Steve Jack
May 1, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks. have put both of those on my watch list.

Apr 30, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

My thinking was along the lines that the people who have been watching the BBC are the ones who are helplessly locked up. How are these the people who will save the UK from its feudal landlords? How has watching the BBC turned them into fighters for their own liberty? Obviously the BBC watchers are not going to save their country so who will?

Lockdown has now become part of a comfortable western democracy where people are not willing to fight against tyranny. This does not bode well for the future.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 12:07 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Give it time asp, lockdown plus the coming food shortages will sharpen the criticism of the PTB.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Apr 30, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

My initial reaction was that it needs to be made into a thirteen week long televised show trial with a firing squad, but on reflection I agree with your wife and I like to see the potatoes coming up.

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 30, 2020 1:57 PM

Lockdown was a fraud!
Another study!!
Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate by real-time antibody
screening of blood donors

“Our results indicate that the IFR among individuals aged 17 to 69 years is 82/100,000.”

Commentary from Twitter:

This study is showing iCFR(70) of 0.08%. That would translate to an iCFR(all ages) of around 0.12%, which matches the Stanford and USC studies.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 30, 2020 1:36 PM

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, at the 10 April 2020 Coronavirus Daily Update, admitted that the government had no attempt to assess the number of people who would die as a result of the government’s “lockdown” policy. This was a clear admission that the policy is the result of an irrational, irresponsible and incompetent approach to policy-making.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

It could also be that they don’t care about it, or may even see it as a bonus.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Nemo, they claim their policy is motivated by a desire to save lives. Judging it against that criterion is therefore perfectly legitimate. That is unless you have evidence that the “lockdown” measures are motivated by some other concern. Do you have any such evidence?

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

From your own comment:-

“”Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, at the 10 April 2020 Coronavirus Daily Update, admitted that the government had[sic] no attempt to assess the number of people who would die as a result of the government’s “lockdown” policy.””

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

… So their claim to desire to save lies is spurious, especially when Public Health England downgraded the virus from a High Consequence Infectious Disease to a normal corona virus status on the 19th of March.

This site has published a wealth of articles linking the lockdown measures to the underlying financial crisis. Follow the links on the front page.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 2:11 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

… lives …

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Nemo, no, that does not show their motivation was not to save lives. What it shows is that the government’s approach to policy-making on this is irrational, irresponsible and incompetent.

As for your referring me to links to the underlying financial crisis – these are evidence-free arguments, which try to answer an empirical question by deductive reasoning, something everyone who understands logic knows to be flawed.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I respectfully suggest your basic premise that our Government acts in the best interests of the common people is fallacious and illogical. There is a wealth of evidence throughout the historical record to corroborate this.

We will just have to agree to differ.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 4:14 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Oh dear. Expecting evidence to support factual claims is neither fallacious nor illogical. On the contrary, thinking that one can know an empirical fact by deductive reasoning is illogical.

As to your assertion that my premise is that the government acts in the best interests of the common people: that is not something I have ever asserted or implied. You just made it up.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

You said:-

“”the government had (made) no attempt to assess the number of people who would die as a result of the government’s “lockdown” policy. This was a clear admission that the policy is the result of an irrational, irresponsible and incompetent approach to policy-making.””

and then:-

” they claim their policy is motivated by a desire to save lives. Judging it against that criterion is therefore perfectly legitimate”

Both statements appear to assume the government is trying to act in our interest but are merely incompetent.

I beg to differ.

It is pointless to continue this discussion Steve.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 1, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Neither statement asserts or implies that I think the government is motivated to act in the interests of the common people. What the statements reflect, accurately, is the government’s representation of itself as acting in the best interests of the people. These are two completely different things.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 1, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

See above.

Apr 30, 2020 11:54 AM

The so-called ‘pandemic’ is a giant cover for this collapse – this time of the supreme currency established at the Bretton-Woods Conference, the ‘reserve’, when all other currencies must follow in being dragged down to absolute zero. This is why such strenuous attempts are being made to conceal the truth for as long as they are able. Only one thing keeps currencies afloat – public confidence.

I believe they pulled the ‘virus’ hoax in 2020, because now they have everything, ‘net wise, totally controlled (social media, search engines etc,) to prevent any mass online dissent. Couple that with the illogical (in a medical sense) ‘lockdowns’, preventing people getting together face to face and discussing what’s going on. Then follows the slow destruction of small and medium independent businesses with enforced closures owing to unpayable overheads.

They intend introducing a world digital currency once the old currency is destroyed, with everything you need supplied by giant international corporations depending on your ‘satisfactory’ (by their definition) Social Credit Score.

Slowly at first, then all at once.

Apr 30, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Right and the Chinese will let their trillions in US $ Treasury Bills be transmuted into this ‘new digital currency’ without objection?
And Putin will become bozo’s sons godfather.
And the Ayatollah will go pray in Jerusalem.
And the 6/7th of the non Anglo peoples will let the 5+1 eyed empire carry them as a burden and be ever so grateful?

Incredible – its almost as the locusts and brimstone and fires and floods were delivering the second coming! Or was it the apocalypse? Its been a while since i looked at the bible.

Apr 30, 2020 5:03 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Treasury bills are already digital currency. Simply a unit of accounting. Breweriana is right. Digital currency is undoubtedly the goal. It’s been tested on the poor, already, in India. And technocratic f**k-up it was, too.
The tricky bit is indeed related to Treasuries: it’s how the Bank of International Settlements can keep control of the system; what role the Federal Reserve plays within that; and how the U.S. can continue its money for nothing lifestyle.
That lifestyle has never looked less secure. No president wants to be the first to tell the American people that they don’t get to live better than the rest of the world but that is what’s on the cards. I’m not in the prediction business as far as timing goes, but I do see trends.

Apr 30, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yep its the global factory reset button is being pressed by the hidden controllers.

What really makes me angry is they will present things as if there is no alternative to an AI robotic hive mind virtual reality dystopia.

This is why its imperative a new underground system is born that shows humanity there’s an alternative to living in the matrix.

kevin morris
kevin morris
Apr 30, 2020 11:40 AM

Excellent and timely article!

Imperial College is the heart of big pharma in the UK and sadly, it tends to hold sway over politicians of whatever complexion, and its influence within our mainstream media is huge. The consequences of Imperial’s Covid19 policy have been predicted for several months, but a government that has been cowed by public hysteria swelled by our mainstream media, was all too easily steered in the direction they have followed.

It is all too easy to see this as evidence of a conspiracy. If there is one, it is more about big pharma’s desire to stay on top even though it has very little to offer our population. As for our government, getting on for fifty years of cuts to our civil service has resulted in successive governments being all too easily seduced by advice from the likes of Imperial. Boris Johnson’s performance last Tuesday made clear that government has little clue on how to proceed and as ever, it is the vulnerable who pay the highest price.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 30, 2020 9:36 AM

Thanks for all the replies re; Why Capitalism would shoot itself in the foot?

I haven’t read them all but will by tonight ( working – from home – France ) and am genuinely interested
in all opinions on this.


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 30, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

Why Capitalism would shoot itself in the foot?

Capitalism does not do anything. People act. And the elites have gone collectively mad. This is not the first time it has happened. Indeed, history is replete with examples of collective madness.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 30, 2020 8:32 AM

Just to add a little fuel to the fire, this “lockdown” that we hear so much about obviously has a very uneven impact depending on who you are and where you live. I put lockdown in quotes because where I live the primary effect has been changes in grocery shopping patterns as stores adapted to social distancing and some products such as toilet paper and disinfectant wipes disappeared from store shelves. In terms of being shut in I can’t say I’ve noticed it much. People are out and about walking in the streets and parks — socially distancing, of course — and many who are working are working from home but overall the main impact has been on home and garden with all those nagging projects you never quite have time for getting attention.

Extrapolating this (and also from knowledge of things like the Great Depression) it appears that what’s a disaster for many is good times for some. This creates the nagging feeling that if the thing wasn’t exactly engineered it provided a damned good opportunity to ‘reset’ the economy. (I was talking with a banker back before this blew up — we agreed that it really wasn’t a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’, the numbers never lie. The only thing we got wrong was the timing because we thought that nobody would be foolish enough to trigger a Depression before an election…)(…forgetting completely the lesson of 2007/8) So now I’m scratching my head trying to think what the end game is? Could it really be just the product of hubris?

Apr 30, 2020 11:22 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The bandaids are being applied to the burst balloon for a quick reinflate to get Trump his second term or he has them ALL arrested and shot for treason – rather then just have some of them resign.

Apr 30, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

While there are a lot of people, particularly closer to urban centers where enforcement may be more strict and whole swaths of cities have become ‘ghost towns’, are feeling financial pain at the moment, I believe we have yet to see the ripples fully play out. Where I live, in the Ohio River Valley (motto: ‘Don’t like the weather? Wait a minute, it’ll change.’), we’re still mostly experiencing dreary spring weather. As the summer months come in, people are going to realize their ‘play time’ isn’t coming– no fireworks, concerts, barbecues, swimming pools, beaches, vacations, shopping sprees, etc. The powers that be best hope this summer isn’t a hot one, or some of these protests may turn into riots (I am by no means advocating this). That’s on the superficial social scene. More concerning are the following pre-shocks that worn of something more tectonic in the economic arena: Dewine has set May 4th for the first wave of non-essential employees to return to work, but he also declared that children will not be returning to school this year. Given the fact that childcare centers will be among the last services to open, what are all these parents who are now ‘allowed’ to work going to do with their kids? Sure, some will have extended family to help out, but I anticipate a great many may have to make some hard decisions that will effect their employment. Secondly, many companies (mine included) that have remained operational during the lockdown are still letting people go. And, of course, its not the top-heavy ‘fatty’ positions they’re eliminating. They’re furloughing the people on the ground who actually bring in the money. Why would you let thirty workers (from another region) go instead of the six-figure salaried Regional Director for a sector that has shrunk… Read more »

Angry Slave
Angry Slave
Apr 30, 2020 8:11 AM

Is the ‘UK Case Infection Growth Rate’ chart not potentially more deceptive then anything else? If these are positive tests then the absolute number may be as much a measure of the number of tests done as it is a measure of infection rate or count.

Apr 30, 2020 7:59 AM

What a good article. I really like the “compare the years” chart. I’ve a good mind to print loads off and post them through people’s letterboxes….except that logic is either ignored of met with anger.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 30, 2020 8:31 AM
Reply to  lundiel

I’ve a good mind to print loads off and post them through people’s letterboxes

With the hyped up fear, all those people are probably standing at their front doors with flame throwers ready to torch anything that comes through the letter box.

Apr 30, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sadly, this has occurred to me too. Also, in my area, putting anything in a mailbox that is not from the actual postal service can result in fines. Believe me, I’ve thought about it.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 30, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  NowhereOH

In that case, stick notices on lampposts etc. That’s also illegal (only used to be a civil offence, but may have changed) so don’t get caught.

Apr 30, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

That’s a good idea!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 30, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I was just shopping on *m*z*n (sorry) for supplements, and a woman was complaining because she couldn’t see the printing on a bottle of something she’d bought, because “everything that comes through the letterbox gets washed with dettol”, and the print had rubbed off….

Apr 30, 2020 9:28 AM
Reply to  lundiel

Hmm did you miss my comment and Iain’s reply? Perhaps wait to see if he updates the article with an addendum.

Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor
Apr 30, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  lundiel

Exactly well put. I always question what I am told on the basis of the evidence, but now all of a sudden if anyone questions the government line, or refuses to cheer the NHS any difference of opinion is indeed met with anger.

Apr 30, 2020 7:13 AM

The derivative bubble has collapsed (in March) because of the oil war. So they invented a smokescreen for the collapse and the consequent global reset/bailouts/financial looting/food price rises/currency wars/etc. chaos). Then they locked down the global economy until a new order is rolled out. Aka the “new normal” they are constantly warning about.


Makes much more sense than the we-locked-down-the-world-for-a-corona-flu-that-killed-less-than-20,000 (at the time of lockdown) claim.

Apr 30, 2020 8:00 AM
Reply to  Magnus

But was the oil war a construct?

Apr 30, 2020 8:49 AM
Reply to  Objective

IDK, but there’s constantly a war for markets. Saudi Arabia can survive low oil prices (and gain more market share ie. winning) for longer than anybody else, US shale is most vulnerable. The Saudis introduced Chinese as a compulsory language in education not so long ago. Sulemaini was allegedly on a mission to negotiate with Saudis when he was assassinated. Maybe they are permanently changing their alliances.

The point is, a small epidemic killing a few thousands would not crash the financial system (the volatility started in March), a global oil war dropping the price from 50 to 10 $/barrel collapsing the US economy, might.

Apr 30, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Magnus

IDK about the source of cv19, its highly suspicious how Pompeo is pushing the wuhan lab narrative, of course could just be opportunism, certainly all sides are participating in a economic/propaganda war but again the timing is suspect, oil war, failing economy then suddenly a pandemic to save their day. Whilst they all (there’s no innocent governments) make us suffer for it.

Apr 30, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Objective

I think the groundwork is being laid for a new Cold War. People need a scapegoat and, for the West, one is being provided in the form of Wuhan. Wars are also historically incredibly lucrative for governments (while, as you said, we suffer for it). I’d also be interested to see what enlistment figures will look like in the next few months. With unemployment up and universities laying on lifetimes of debt for what will now be ‘remote learning’ (there are already a lot of students switching to local community colleges, at least for the coming year), I think a lot of people, particularly from rural areas, will see three meals a day and a place to sleep as plenty of incentive. Play up the political tension with China and you may even see a ‘patriotic’ surge in enlistment, as we did after 9/11.

Apr 30, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  NowhereOH

Apparently, applications have “doubled” since the new “snowflakes, your army needs you and your compassion” campaign launched. Dunno what they’ll think about a load of recruits wearing masks, scarves, gloves and insisting on 2+metres of personal space and a pocket for their smart phone and pad.

Apr 30, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  lundiel

When my cousin was in Boot (about five years ago, now), they’d started a system in which you could hold up a red card if the Drill Sergeant was ‘triggering you’. My brother and other cousin (who did both did Boot about ten years ago) laughed themselves sick. My grandfather (a Korean War Vet) got up and left the table in understandable disgust.

Don’t know how/if that the red-card system got any traction, but I think we can all agree that most recruits are not prepared for a DS operating even at 25% mercilessness.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Magnus

The first sign of the derivatives implosion was the blow-out in the repo market, last September.

Apr 30, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  Magnus

The bunble has been threatening to pop for several years now as clearly illustrated by the Schiller Index. It has been kept more desperately inflated. The Pandemic ‘blackswan’ is a perfect excuse to let it deflate as happened.
BUT – it seems that rather than return to more normal levels for share prices – the Fed/BoE lot, have decided to pump it up again!

For ‘political’ reasons and to eun another ‘rinse and repeat’ cycle.

Most of the peoples are blind to it and fools to their own selves.

Un-fucking-believable !

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Apr 30, 2020 10:04 AM
Reply to  Magnus

Dead right, but there are still far too many offGuardian readers who express bewilderment a la Martin Usher. Wake up people, triggering the fakedemic was deliberate cover for financial and societal reset. The families who control finance and their stooges make money from our suffering twice: by shorting the market before a an engineered crash, then buying-up distressed assets. It’s called market ramping and is a very long term, cyclical strategy. They can’t afford to lose control now because we would string them up from the nearest lamp post. Hence it is accompanied by social re-engineering to totalitarianism.

Apr 30, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Mark Millward

People need to understand there’s the market and there’s the economy. There is crashing the economy because of Covid, and deliberately crashing the market so that the big boys could time it.
If you know the market is going to crash, you don’t want to be caught with your pants down. So, if you are big enough, you crash the market: when the inevitable reset happens you are positioned to benefit.
The unnecessary and prolonged lockdown will destroy many small businesses and some big ones, too. The powers that be knew that in advance. Most of the population still haven’t a clue.

Apr 30, 2020 6:57 AM

Absolutely gob-smacked… not a pretty sight. A very comprehensive eye opener by a very articulate writer. Can anyone advise what Iain’s background is?

Apr 30, 2020 9:52 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

An excellent question which I considered vital when his first piece was published a few weeks ago, before I answer – many weeks ago Off-G dropped the blurb at the bottom of articles with a brief biog about the author – I was informed it was something to do with their new website and would be restored – Not yet.

Anyway if you click on his name at the top it takes you to his site whicj states the following

‘Iain Davis

I’m an author, journalist, blogger and video maker (contributing to 21stCenturyWire, UKColumn, the OffGuardian and other leading news sites,) I am able to leap small footstools in a single bound, haven’t been kicked out lately and am occasionally reliable. I really enjoy a jolly good rant. Though many have expressed their wish that I didn’t.’

Interesting, no?
🤔 🤥😬🤠😱🤣

Apr 30, 2020 5:55 AM

But.. but.. Ferguson is a hero. Business Insider tells me so: How ‘Professor Lockdown’ helped save tens of thousands of lives worldwide — and carried COVID-19 into Downing Street. Seriously, there is no mystery. Vested interests finance the academic studies, finance the media, put their people on government committees and give money to politicians.
The Mockingbird Media is what ties this all together. Media spreads the uniform message among the bureaucrats and politicians. Media makes political careers and destroys others. Media spreads disinformation to hide conflicts of interest, past history or racing ‘form’ and silences those who would point this out. Media ensures the population follows in lockstep. Media is owned by six corporations.
Everybody know Operation Mockingbird, right? That Frank Church exposed how the CIA owned many of the most influential names in journalism. Everybody knows that more than half the victims in the Branch Davidians’ compound in Waco were ethnic minorities? That a third of those set on fire were black? Everybody knows that the Watergate burglars were CIA and FBI lifetime employees. Common knowledge, right? Right?

Apr 30, 2020 6:30 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Just came across a clear illustration of media gaslighting. From 1993, the Washington Post: What If They Were The Black Davidians? The FBI had cameras inside the Waco compound. The Clinton White House knew who was in the buildings. It is inconceivable the top media didn’t know.
That is the level of media complicity that we are up against. The media bloody well knew many of the Branch Davidians were black, yet had the chutzpah to pose as if they didn’t. Likewise with Covid-19. They wouldn’t lie? Yes they bloody well would.

Apr 30, 2020 6:40 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

How ‘Professor Lockdown’ helped save tens of thousands of lives worldwide — and carried COVID-19 into Downing Street.

We can only imagine how his ego fed off that, it’ll probably inspire another life saving model..

Now we know what the tories were doing with the NHS for the last decade, facilitating this shite.

Apr 30, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus


The infiltration and control by the Gauntlet throwers is generations older than Mockingbird – which wasn’t disbanded but the CIA senior moment director was swiftly replaced by his assasin coup juntas princeling deputy, who went on to take the ceo role with his court as he was destined to by dynastic plan – Bush snr.

The control of the main stream media is complete now thay they don’t care who says what about them – because it is never published or broadcast and the comments are wiped.

Try researching and writing about LaurakoftheCIA for example – it gets disappeared immediately.
Or Cadwalldr of integrity initiative.

Along with the msm most old school alt media are agitprop setups – the pseudo trots/marxists which were print based. They have recently been joined by the newer shinier web based ones which seem never to have to worry about funding and personal backgrounds are obscure. Their facades vary from catering for anti establishment oldies to the yoof readerships. Their politics is fluid and covers every taste – but they end up delivering the same ends.

Perception Management is Full Spectrum – just when you think you are on safest ground you will be sucked under and into their reality – which you’ll believe without question.

They are clever and advanced – like advertising is – but it requires the gullible us – to let our buttons be pushed so readily that we think we have made our on paths when all we did was follow their trail of sweets to their lair in the forest…

Capice ?

Apr 30, 2020 10:25 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Like the covid psyop, right?

Apr 30, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  Reg

Yes Reg, the covid death under reporting, and obsession with the irrelevant made up minutiae and fake news ‘experts’ to divert from the reality of a new virus and the number of total EXCESS deaths it has already caused.

That also includes the excusing of this governments political choices that has led to many tens of thousands of preventable deaths and protection of Bozo and his clown bus full of BrexShitters.

Apr 30, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Really? This “virus” killed all those people? Nothing else? The psychological and physical breakdown of vulnerable people hasn’t happened in your lockup regime? You’re not stamping “Covid-19” on death certificates willy-nilly? Have all other diseases simply disappeared off the radar? And what infallible test are you using to identify this “virus” about which no one has a clue? Have you isolated it?

Apr 30, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Oh dear……..I was beginning to think you might be on to something.

Apr 30, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Good post.

Sums up the overwhelming level of ‘perception management’ nicely.

Apr 30, 2020 5:28 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Dungroanin you describe the situation well. I know that world intimately having spent 35 years in it but I bite on small chunks when posting. I know that most journalists don’t understand it, let alone Gen Pub.
Systems collapse from within, however. The powers can lock down the propaganda but that won’t save them from themselves.

Apr 30, 2020 5:45 AM

“It came out of Davos”

This is no Hollywood Blockbuster. When future historians look back they may well see:

A period of time when an oligarchic class, alien to the rest of humanity launched their C1984 plandemic, it later became known as “The year of the cull”. [Not circa 1984 but Covid 19 + the Orwellian 84]

The effects of “Lokup20”, was intended as a bi-product of the panicdemic. This none-science based approached vaunted by a handful of visionary psychotics and their attendant sycophants is based, not on empirical research or knowledge [scientific method], but pure cash – filthy lucre; the hidden disease which must never be spoken or exposed.

It was designed for thinning out the burgeoning populations of the world. A population which, because of the advance of AI, meant that the labouring classes in their masses were no longer required. Much of which was driven by euthanasia obsessed Gates the Dr Death of the program which became known as the New Global World Order.

This future shock was never really envisioned by Alvin Toffler, who like Asimov, but not Dick, had a fairly optimistic vision for the future for mankind.

Apr 30, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

There is no enforced lock up or enforced quarantine in the UK.

There is crass BS worship and self delusion by some.

But I do like the dystopian SF storyline – i have come across some books that it chimes with but can’t place my finger on it – i’ll get back to you.

Apr 30, 2020 4:53 AM

Excellent article, no doubt about that, showing irrefutable evidences of unprecedented disproportionality of state response to reality of flu like coronavirus lethality potential. Such fear mongering attitude crossed the border of criminality. The mechanism of presenting media narratives of this made up extreme pandemic threat as documented in UK in this article is fully applicable to all US and EU countries even where merit based opposition among medical field professionals to such extremely radical, deadly and destructive measures like near total lockdown was loudly heard like in Germany and Sweden. However, I would like to comment on second graph from the top of article showing rates of new infections from Feb 25 to April 13. While the graph correctly addresses general trend of rate of new infection decrease according of Farr’s law in fact it misses part of the curve before February 25 where real infection rates were starting to increase exponentially. It likely happened in mid to late January per results of genomic studies as well as by the fact that first test positive patient was reported on January 22 in US according to CDC. If so apparent rapid growth of infections rates from Feb 25 to March 4, was likely artifact of increasing ct-qPCR testing rates and small sample involved. And in fact decline after March 4 peak of infection rates showed in the graph was likely caused by rejoining already declining Farr’s curve from peak of exponential growth achieved sometimes perhaps in mid February at the time when no significant ct-qPCR (unapproved for diagnostics) testing was done and coronavirus patients were likely included in ILI (Flu like) cases in fact causing no excess ILI cases or deaths in already very mild flu season. Prof. Ioannidis in April and following immunological random sampling studies using approved for diagnostics… Read more »

Apr 30, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  Kalen

The testing regime in the UK is patchy flawed and will still be for the forseeable future – there is no approved antibody/antigen test or plan to make even the unapproved ones results public and easily available. The swab tests for viruses for an assessment of current infections in the public are of lowscale and pathetically planned.
They won’t tell us much for at least another month and certainly won’t enable us to know who is infected and revovered and safe to interact.

Ionnades sampling and ‘weighting’ is disputed. There is no peer reviewed consensus. Same goes gor the other youtube celebrity doctors – who everyday are losing money from their private clinics. The profit motivated Hospitals if the US are desperate to get going afain because many doctors will have to give up their luxuries because they can’t keep up payments.

Mixing up the epidemic in the US with various European countries is lazy and patently wrong for these and other reasons.

Some key parts of the analysis in this article are not valid and they certainly are not upto date with the latest Excess Death numbers for the UK as confirmed by the author in a response to my questions below.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Apr 30, 2020 5:16 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

John Ioannidis, for example, has a good job at Stanford University. Are you sure he has a private clinic, because I don’t think so? I am fairly sure that Wolfgang Wodarg does not have a private clinic, either.

Apr 30, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I am not suggesting any malpractice in the research they have presented or interpreted.

I am just saying it does ‘not sit right’ in terms of peer review, reproducibility and modern meta review (which Ionnadis is a living legend for).

It would be a shame if Ionnadis with his contact network and dozens of honours and awards ‘experimental research’ he was involved in weren’t subject to the standards he is a large part of formulating – the sensational demeanour of a prophetic scientist presented to the public gives me a ‘gut feeling’ of unease.

Being a CDC linked, Executive board member and center director, Human Genome Epidemiology Network for example makes him a ‘insider’.

I’d hate to see a great gamekeeper be accused of turning into a poacher! 😉

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 30, 2020 4:39 AM
Reply to  May Hem

here is the link

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 30, 2020 4:41 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Not having much luck with posting my link. Sorry folks.

Apr 30, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Just copy and paste from the browser url bar at the top.

The laying in the stomach is to see if the fluids on the lungs may drain better to enable better oxygen take up but it requires for the patient to support themselves of they could end up burying their face in the pillow as well as not allowing the front of the chest to expand.

They are trying many different things in icu’s because not every patient is the same and sticking them on ventilators is a last ditch attempt which is not pleasant for the medics or patients – most of who will not recover.

Try and be understanding of medical staff trying to make it up as they go along in a new illness – you may be grateful one day that a method worked somewhere and is then used widely.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 30, 2020 7:37 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

It’s not a new illness. The people dying are dying of pneumonia.

Apr 30, 2020 9:18 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Pneumonia affect different parts of the lungs there is now plenty of evidence from autopsies and scans that the ‘covid pneumonia’ is caused by the virus attacking the parts of the lungs which have cells rich in the ACE2 receptors.
(In fact all parts of the body where there are such cells)

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 30, 2020 7:39 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Medical orthodoxy used to recommend laying babies face down. That didn’t end well.

Apr 30, 2020 9:21 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Clinical orthodoxy in the covid wards is a moving front.


By a front line doctor.

Country Girl
Country Girl
May 1, 2020 6:15 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Lying on the back is the worst thing you can do with a lung infection. The lungs can fill with fluid. The lungs inflate better at the back of the body so lying on the front helps. If a person is very ill they will need help to get into the correct position front lying. In addition, the breathing muscles can become ‘paralysed’ during the illness making it difficult/impossible to move the lungs or diaphragm. This can be aided by someone massaging or freeing the muscles.

I had a bad respiratory illness 14 months ago. I did breathing exercises during the illness because I realised I needed to do this to stay alive. I then found I couldn’t lift my right arm to lift a fork to my mouth, the muscle on my back had stopped working. I did slowly recover, but knew my ‘breathing’ muscles had not fully recovered. Luckily someone told me about a therapist who did acupressure and he freed my rib muscles and my diaphragm. My oxygen levels shot up 2% by the next day into the normal range.

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 30, 2020 3:13 AM

Makes for some sad reading, many posts from people whose relatives had covid on their death certificates despite dying from something else:

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 30, 2020 3:24 AM

“The Hospital where Judy passed tried to put on her death certificate it was the Covid Virus. It wasn’t..my niece challenged them and they admitted a Whoops..but said that’s common practice..unbelievable”

Other link with death certificate posts, maybe need some refining with the modifiers:

Apr 30, 2020 7:47 AM

The same feeling for family’s who’s venerable sick disabled relatives partners who died for austerity measures only 120.000+. hardily a eye lid battered and many people got numb ifed pre this they did many psy ops to justify it like Benefit street was one. add the alt right dig digd dig at them. humans become them
The west has just got rid of a tier -class and brought them down to . hardily a eye lid battered section of society and put them on a system called UC which was suppose to be delayed until 2024 due to just how fuckd it was
3 high court cases found a welfare system UC discriminated towards disabled people and . hardily a eye lid battered people where worse of.

the culling has been happening a long time. now the culling is closer and real for thoses who . hardily battered a eye lid

Apr 30, 2020 3:05 AM

Mandatory Covid Vaccination for Brits.
UK Control of Disease Act 1984 has just been amended.

Look what just quietly happened to we Brits. on 27th. April:

Apr 30, 2020 6:48 AM
Reply to  janmarsh

I wouldn’t take that too seriously, the guy thinks a petition will save him LOL Anyone who thinks petitioning the establishment will change anything is deluded by the concept of democracy.

Look when the mandatory vaccination diktat comes it will be with a different law. Don’t get me wrong its coming, & none of our MP’s will object to it. But it ain’t here yet.

There’s only one way to stop this, that’s mass disobedience, good luck with that.

Apr 30, 2020 7:50 AM
Reply to  janmarsh

Look what just quietly happened to we Brits. on 27th. April: and people where happy for bojo new Beltane baby! clap clap clap

Apr 30, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  ame

clap clap clap

I think of trained seals every time that damned new cliche comes up. 😉

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 30, 2020 2:52 AM

Oregon article suggesting recent rise in all-cause mortality is lockdown rather than covid related

“More Oregonians died the past month than is typical in mid-March and early April, according to data released by state health officials, but fewer than half the excess deaths were officially connected to coronavirus.”

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 30, 2020 2:44 AM

Damage control/controlling the narrative instead of admitting the lockdown was a farce:
WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward

Apr 30, 2020 10:24 AM

What about Norway?

Shaking My Head
Shaking My Head
Apr 30, 2020 2:16 AM

Comment from Knut Wittkowski on Youtube:
“In Germany, Die Tagesschau (government funded ARD news) had a criminal case opened against me because I asked them to correct the errors in their reporting! ”

Link to video/highlighted comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0Q4naYOYDw&lc=UgySK-e9HZ-eJiVpDcV4AaABAg


Apr 30, 2020 1:35 AM

Andrew Kaufman talks about the ‘virus’ from LondonReal this evening

Apr 30, 2020 1:04 AM

These “modelers”, Statisticians & liberals bring the profession of the study of nature (science) into disrepute as a consequence I no longer trust any scientist. Not for their lack of intellect or ability but because of their integrity (lack of). Politicians don’t do science, they’re liars (see one flapping their gums you know they’re lying) they couldn’t do science their theories would to easily be debunked. It’s the “professional” (government funded) privileged liberal pseudo scientist that tells them what they want to hear (research) I blame for this. The symbiotic (always loved that word until some lefty liberal changed it) relationship between the 2, professional liars (politicians) & pseudo-scientists = Funding a lie! That’s the issue. It has to be clear here modern science along with everything else is corrupted by money. It’s as obvious as your nose on your face this event has an agenda. It’s blatant that the build up to total lock-down (solitary & cell confinement) was a carefully orchestrated propaganda exercise, first the bribe, then the request followed by the threat, just to ease everyone into their prison cells without to much fuss. Followed by the terrorism, note the avid glee in MSM descriptions of a horrible death from asphyxiation, every breath like swallowing glass, “a nightmare 2 weeks suffering the disease”, the daily tally of deaths, to keep them in voluntary confinement. Then there’s the nauseating song & dance routines & sycophantic health worker worship. The stories of heroism & analogies to war, all pulling on the country’s cultural heart strings. If this wasn’t a Psychological operation (PSYOP) i don’t know what is. It has all the hallmarks of a contrived collaboration & it must have taken months if not years to put together. Its main giveaway (apart from real science ) it was to… Read more »

Apr 30, 2020 12:57 AM

Great synopsis of events. It is clear that politicians and their health advisors have made a catastrophic error of judgement which a corrupt MSM have been only too willing to endorse.

Apr 30, 2020 1:52 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Is the point not that it’s no error? Rather a deliberate deception?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 30, 2020 12:37 AM

Great post. Thanks OffG for sharing it. It is one I’ll reread this evening with a glass of wine in my hand in order to keep my blood pressure from spiking twice in one day! It would appear that our international cabal of global criminal oligarchy has yet struck again.

Apr 30, 2020 12:27 AM

In the previous thread I was banging on that half a billion people will starve in the poorer nations as a direct result of this bullshit crisis.

More than 820 million people in the world are
still hungry today, underscoring the immense
challenge of achieving the Zero Hunger
target by 2030. Hunger is rising in almost all
subregions of Africa and, to a lesser extent, in
Latin America and Western Asia. We welcome
the great progress seen in Southern Asia
in the last five years, but the prevalence of
undernourishment in this subregion is still
the highest in Asia.
Another disturbing fact is that about
2 billion people in the world experience
moderate or severe food insecurity. The lack
of regular access to nutritious and sufficient
food that these people experience puts them
at greater risk of malnutrition and poor
health. Although primarily concentrated in
low- and middle-income countries, moderate
or severe food insecurity also affects
8 percent of the population in Northern
America and Europe. In every continent,
the prevalence rate is slightly higher among
women than men.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 30, 2020 12:11 AM

Absolutely brilliant article Iain, thank you for the detailed work you put into it.
This epitomises why OffGuardian, for me, is one of the few trustworthy sites seemingly left in on the internet.
I type this sitting at home not knowing when I’ll be able to go back to work, along with many millions of other low income people who are in the same boat; many with children and mortgages.
Believe me, under these conditions, its a struggle maintaining a fairly good mental health. Thank you.

Apr 30, 2020 12:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

We are very lucky having Off_Guardian, not just for the articles they publish, but for everyone who writes their thoughts, especially when someone links to something or some information, well I wasn’t aware of. I do not watch TV, though I do watch some videos – many linked from here. Thank You. My latest favourite is Whitney Webb. I had read her blog before. I may watch her video again for the 3rd time. Her talent is extra-ordinary particularly in a live interview. Just look how she responds to a question out of the blue, which interrupts what she is saying and her train of thought. I don’t know any politician who can do that now. Its as if all their questions and answers are pre-recorded even when they are doing live. They are not very good.

Whitney Webb is Awesome. She’s only a Kid. WOW !!!!

I hope the link works, but I would not be surprised if it doesn’t


I do like music. I also like intelligence and live performance.


Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Apr 30, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Works ok Tony, thanks for sharing, very interesting interview.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 30, 2020 1:17 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Fully agree with your sentiments Tony. Have read quite a lot of articles by Whitney Webb, especially when she was at Mint Press news. Excellent investigative reporter.
Yep, a number of sites I’ve discovered here that other people have linked in the last couple of months.
Music is one of the things that has kept me sane…. some suggestions for you:
Yndi Halda, Hammock, Slowdive, Constantine (day of light) all on Bandcamp… cheers T

Apr 30, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Great interview. Thank you for that.

Apr 30, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Until now I dismissed the guardian as leftist claptrap.Not now.

Apr 30, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 30, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Hi D, not sure if this (Err) was meant for me? You probably havn’t checked out UK Column yet, but in my opinion they do a really good job.
Watching nearly 1 hour + videos really chews up the phone data, so have only seen a few of their presentations…. However – they most definately do Not strike me as ‘conspiracy loons’.
In fact, I find them quite calm and rational. Like OffGuardian.
You can see where all this is heading, can’t you Dun?
I’m not trying to sound melodramatic, but I see a mass surveillance, panopticonic Fascist dystopia dead ahead. Like the iceberg was dead ahead of the Titanic.
We all have our own opinions on the current situation, but just a friendly suggestion, check out UK Coloumn with an open mind – if you think they’re loons, then you have an off button, aye.
Hope your day is okay, take care😁

Apr 30, 2020 12:11 AM

First of all: congratulations Boris and Carrie. How many is that Boris? Hancock added 4,300 to the death list today: as they added in deaths from care homes. Which takes the figure to 26,000. No sudden rise: they said they were going to do it yesterday. As Iain carefully points out: the way they are collating the statistics is making it hard to follow the perniciousness of the bullshit. And especially hard to compare country to country. One might be tempted to say: incompetence is the newspeak for competence. As for what is going on in care homes: my father-in-law was one of those sinister ‘mentions’. An unlikely one: as he was in the advanced stages of Alzheimers. The curious thing is: the care home was tested after he died and found to clear of CV-19. Even allowing for the doubtful testing: lies, damn lies, and UKGov’s CV-19 statistics. Having said that: and having seen where our former lives where heading …I maintain only an inveterate lunatic would want to return to the robotic industrialised manufacture of actually extant inverted totalitarian corporatism …previously known as fascism. The economy was toast long before the unlikely mating of a bat and a pangolin’s viral RNA. About 40 years before. With that in mind: I’m amazed by the vitriol being heaped on Michael Moore’s recent film: probably one of the most honest ever made. The folks at the Guardian berated it: and extolled that with carbon capture and storage – we will go green …and be carbon neutral by 2050. #NoDealFor Nature. The problem is: everyone I know is an inveterate lunatic – charming and fun at dinner parties – but raring to get back to planetary cannibalism of the new normal of novel coronaviral covidiocracy with fossil fuels …Or: raring to get… Read more »

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 30, 2020 3:03 AM
Reply to  BigB

“I’m amazed by the vitriol being heaped on Michael Moore’s recent film: probably one of the most honest ever made. ” – Just watched the film last night and I couldn’t agree more. I will recommend it to all my friends and family.

The film is a long overdue analysis of our collective lemming-like march toward the cliff – all while telling ourselves an endless series of reassuring fairy tales.

As Derrick Jensen puts it: ‘most people can imagine the end of life on earth easier than they can imagine the end of capitalism.’

Apr 30, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz


Likewise: I recommended the film (see caveat about Moore’s eternal return to cancerous capitalism below).

Capitalism is over: only – it is still running as a pattern of delusion in the vast majority of heads. Fascism – crisis capitalism – is actualised and visible globally. Facing the choice:

a) continue with preferential habitual behavioural response set (former life) and manifest fascism, or:

b) rapidly deselect habitual behaviour response set to escape fascism (new life)

the incorporated response is inveterately a) …with screening discourse of blame transference onto negatively iconised control group. Works every time.

Selecting b) and rapidly creating an alternative that puts the Earth and its inhabitants before the billionaire conditioned response a) seems beyond comprehension.

We get to destroy the life capacity of the Earth under the iron heel of a fascist boot that prevents us from sharing in the Blut und Boden ‘reward’?

That does not seem like much of a plan to me. It is just a pity that so few can see what we are collectively sleepwalking into. 🙁

Apr 30, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  BigB

It is just a pity that so few can see what we are collectively sleepwalking into

Whether sleepwalking or being herded, your comment reminded me of this Larson cartoon:comment image

It’s a bit low-res but readable nonetheless.

There is another, which I can’t find online, of a herd of cows waiting to be slaughtered; one of the cows has an enormous head and wide, suspicious eyes. The caption reads something like “Only Mabel, with her enlarged brain, suspected that all was not as it seemed.” Or words to that effect. I don’t need to explain that, I’m sure.

(I do accept that cartoons rarely translate well to descriptions of them)

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 30, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  BigB

I watched Planet Of Humans a week ago at Wrong Kind Of Green – thought it was a powerful, well researched, and very revelatory film, especially for those who wouldn’t know about WKOG.
It exposed the sham of the whole Green New Deal – Renewable Energy (cough cough) and how mainstream green groups have literally jumped into bed with the same Billionaires pillaging and plundering the Planet: The Koch Brothers, Rockefeller, etc. Oh, and The Big Banks!
Most illuminating to see Bill McKibben squirming when asked by that reporter who was funding his 350.org organisation, and he suddenly lost his memory.
I really understand why The Guardian stuck the boot in. They would be fully on board with this greenwashing of Capitalism and the GND. They’re Neoliberal ideologues after all. I gave the film 4.5 Stars, btw.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 9:12 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The ‘Green’ crooks do not like being exposed. Any contact with capitalism is poisonous.

Apr 30, 2020 10:49 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Wrote my comment: switched to Cory’s Twitter …only to find her sticking the boot into Michael Moore. Who is basically using the film’s publicity to advocate for Bernie and AOC. AAAAAArrrrrrrrGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! As she rightly says: any good the film did was already undone by re-routing everyone back into the billionaire New Deal For Nature and #4IR coronaviral agendas. Ruining Jeff Gibbs and Ozzie’s exemplary work. I wish they had featured Vandana Shiva more: one of the few sane advocates left on the planet. I now no longer need to take off my shoes and socks to count the sensible adults out there. Soon, I’ll only need one hand. “We are talking about the old oil economy trying to maintain itself now through another raw material, the green planet. . . . The big crisis of our time is that our minds have been manipulated to give power to illusions. We shifted to measuring to growth not in terms of how life is enriched but in terms of how life is destroyed.” Which is possibly one of the most insightful quotes of all time. The real reason for the cortico coronaviral plandemic has nothing to do with Gates and vaccines. It is about energy, depletion, and thermodynamics. Populations are a control problem for the elites as things deplete. Our plan seems to be to give power to their illusions and empower their vision in order to cling on with bleeding fingers to the privatised and commodified illusion of ‘our’ lives. We seem to share the billionaires delusions: and our resistance is to blame them for benefiting from our empowerment. In which the noise of resistance is drowned by the signal of collaboration. We want the same illusory goal-orientated oncological mutant growthism: and will suffer incorporation into the corporate-statism of pseudogreen fascism… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 30, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  BigB

I took the film at face value, watched it, and didn’t do any follow ups on reactions to it or what MM was up too.
Admit, I was very wary about Michael Moore’s involvement – But, as a message to expose the fraud of renewables and the mainstream groups, etc, I thought it did an excellent job. I noted the overpopulation argument inserted in there which I did find disturbing. That was the only blemish for me.
I agree with you about Vandana Shiva – we need more voices like hers speaking out. As I’ve stated quite a lot lately, the number of sites I trust now has dwindled right down to literally a handful.
I’m very aware that things are going to get a lot madder and badder B.
Take it ezy… enjoy the vista’s✌️

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Apr 30, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I also was really skeptical of Moore’s involvement in this film given his shameless support for HRC last election cycle instead of using his “celebrity” status to call out the corruption of the DNC. Vandana was looking like almost a lone voice in the wilderness by the end of the film.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 30, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Agree Gary… I ditched Moore a long time ago actually. Just another celebrity sheep herder for the Democrats.
Also agree with Big B’s reply to you.
Humanity is now really at a dangerous crossroads.
I see its a balmy 23° in San Diego. Right now in Melbourne, a very chilly 8°.
Cheers G.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 1, 2020 3:10 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Here in the U.S. right after those controlled demolitions on 9/11 they rescinded habeas corpus, but that was of course – “for our own good;” they now spy on our emails, phone calls, internet searches and social media comments also naturally – “for our own good;” and it appears they have now conducted a controlled demolition of the economy – but I’m quite sure Gezzah that this too is only for “our own good,” just like this whole house arrest thing is! They truly love us. I’ll never doubt the oligarchs again. 🙂

Watching the global capitalist order march in “lock step” Orwellian fashion is truly something to behold. Whitney Webb’s recent work seems to provide the most intelligible ‘context’ for all this and for what our betters have planned for us – “for our own good.”

Warm regards from the belly of the beast Gezzah.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 1, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I think I’d rather be where you are Gary, coz it’s bloody freezing here! Am wearing 2 jackets…. inside! I live in a plywood cabin with no insulation.
Yep, it’s always for…. ‘our own good’.
They only ever have our ‘best interests’ at heart. Sorta like the wolf did in Little Red Riding Hood!
Yes – a controlled demolition of the economy, with, I just read somewhere, 38 million Americans out of work.
While Wall St parasites have made off with hundreds of billions plus. But that’s the very ethos of neoliberalism – every man, woman and dog for themselves. Remember Gordon Gecko’s mantra: ‘Greed is Good’.
Will go back and have another look at Whitney Webb’s interview with Jimmy Dore. Am impressed with her knowledge and intelligence also.
Tho have to be choosy with what I watch as am using my phone, and longer videos really use up data, and the prepaid plan I have, its $40 each time I top up phone credit.
One of the disadvantages of being poor – your choices are greatly limited.
I’m still struggling somewhat to comprehend what is actually happening. I get it on a surface level – but on a much deeper level…?
It’s surreal and disorientating.
Really good blog a number of us here have mentioned that I was just on then. Called Wrench In The Gears, lady in Philadelphia runs it called Alison McDowell. She goes into a lot of detail on where the future is heading viz blockchain, vaccines, Fourth Industrial Revolution, digital currency, etc.
Hope your weekend is okay, and you get to walk on the beach or a park (if they’re open).

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 1, 2020 4:01 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I have no right to complain about the weather Gezzah, you’re absolutely right about that. I haven’t really checked out the site: Wrench In The Gears – but I’ll certainly do that on your recommendation. Thanks.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 1, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah – I just visited the Wrench in the Gears site you recommended. I read the current lead article and thought it was absolutely top notch research and analysis. So I attempted to post a comment to thank the author only to discover that I’ve now also lost my ability to comment at WordPress.

I’ve mentioned in an earlier post that I’ve lost the ability to post a comment at Youtube, Disqus and Medium, but it is rather amazing that I can no longer post at Word Press as I have an account there – but then again – I suppose that shouldn’t surprise me as I had an account at Medium also. A paid account at Medium no less, and even the Medium tech staff couldn’t get me back in or even create a new account for me. An issue above their “pay grade” perhaps?

Then again, who am I to question “the system?” I’m sure its “for my own good.” Amazing.

I’m guessing that whatever segment of “the system” handles such matters that it simply has no sense of humor at all. Perhaps they were offended by past “comments” suggesting that someone more tech-savvy than I might design and share plans for a – “3-D printable” guillotine!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 2, 2020 2:13 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Hi Gary…. I’ve just spent the last hour trying to find a needle in a haystack!
Alison McDowell actually made a couple of comments here at OffG 2 weeks ago or slightly more?
I remember coz I thanked her for her blog tho she didn’t reply.
If she had’ve, could’ve given you the article name…. so just been wading thru hundreds and hundreds of comments trying to find it. No luck.
You’ve noticed the massive amount of comments here now, compared to say 6 or 8 months ago!
You’re blocked on YouTube, Disqus, Medium and now WordPress as well. I’m sorry to hear that. What bastards.
This is what will happen more and more to those who speak truth to power.
The psychopaths are methodically closing down dissent.
You would’ve seen other commenters here say censorship is now happening at alleged ‘progressive’ sites also – the last place you’d expect that. If you took them at face value without looking deeper.
But as Charlotte Rouse (her comments are very insightful and profound) has pointed out, a number of those sites are security state setups, or at the very least, controlled opposition.
I fully agree with you that Wrench In The Gears is a very impressive site, and last night started going thru her archives from late last year – before we were all drowned in a tidal wave of fear mongering.
Was taking a few days off from commenting and having some time out.
Enjoy the sunshine!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 30, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  BigB

[* the ”8%” claim for solar is, in fact, too high …not too low, as critics claim.

It has niche applications, at best. If, as the Climate Alarmists want, we have to abolish all forms of fossil fuels within a short time, then nuclear is the only possible way.

Apr 29, 2020 11:42 PM

An institution with the name “Imperial College” pretty much as it all. Here they like to disguise their imperialistic urges using the name of some imperialist like John Hopkins for example or Rockefeller or Gates all named after families who would make the Manson Family seem like the Brady Bunch in comparison.

Hey but it’s all about perception. Just ask Eddy Bernays.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Apr 30, 2020 10:44 PM
Reply to  Gall

The other colleges in London refer to it as “Imperious”, so I’ve heard.

Apr 29, 2020 11:40 PM

The modern online/digital/call it what you will world is corrupted. The lifestyles we lead, the apps we use, the social media platforms, the 1 click convenience, the endless streams of information etc. It’s physically impossible for any one human to fully comprehend the vastness of this reality we have created. Even the giants who are forging the way; Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon etc only have a hunch and their ideas have never been tested before. No-one really knows where this is leading, where our lives are headed with the technologies we are now using. This is really no mans land and we have given the reigns over to huge tech billionaires who we ‘trust’ will lead us to a better world. It’s clear to see that so far it has corrupted us. People no longer know the difference it seems between truth and lie, good and bad, up and down, fact and fiction. COVID-19 proves that. If you wanted to test the fabric of social reality after you’ve spent the last few decades ripping apart reality for the masses and then instilling new technology, new realities, new lifestyle choices etc in order to see whether there is such a thing as grounding, to see if people really know what is going on anymore, COVID-19 provides a wealth of information to prove how humanity is slowly falling off the cliff blinded by their own gadgets, the superficial and empty reality created by the powers that be. I say all this because, without social media, without the HUGE transformations over the last decade or so, COVID-19 would have barely scratched the surface. People would have shrugged their shoulders, let out a subtle ‘Meh’ and had been done with it. Plus, governments would have no surefire way of instantly communicating with tens if… Read more »

Apr 30, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  ned

Ned, there was a survey done recently in the UK about how many people have mobile phones. Apparently 5% don’t have a mobile phone. I’m one of those 5% (as a Brit who lives in France).

On Brittany Ferries recently (the first time I’ve been back in the UK for more than a decade) I was absolutely astounded to see how many people were completely hooked on their mobile phones. It really is like some kind of mind control cult.

By way of reference, I’m someone who’s been on the internet for a long time (I’m talking 25 years ago). Due to the work I was doing at the time, I also had one of the early mobile phones.

Ironically, I walked away from it all in the early 2000s, just as everyone was getting hooked on it.

Now I grow vegetables and drink red wine and get a sun tan.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Apr 30, 2020 8:26 AM
Reply to  RobG

Pretty much my story, as well, Rob. I had one of those huge old phones back in the 90s for my day sailing charter business, then gave up because it was too invasive and way too expensive. Must admit I now have an early Nokia knock-off purchased for 10 euros a few years back at my wife’s insistence for emergencies, but it’s now sitting on the bookshelf with the battery disconnected. I wrote about this stuff a while ago, and here’s one example:

Totally agree with Ned’s brilliant comment.

By the way, how’s your garden coming with all this rain?

Apr 30, 2020 9:47 AM
Reply to  Steve Church

Steve, just read your WordPress piece. I’d like to grab a bit of that for myself (and family ?). Will I ? Am I able to drag myself away from what I’ve become “used to” ? It seems as if a large majority are unwilling to cut the apron strings of the Nanny State and strive to achieve anything more. They are happy to be led and thankful for what that State gives them.
I put my nose to the grindstone and hopefully my successful businesses will allow me the chance sometime soon to leave all this shit behind.
I envy you…..probably more so because, in my heart-of-hearts, I suspect I’ll continue being sceptical and angry and howling at the moon. And in my suburban house in the UK.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Apr 30, 2020 11:06 AM
Reply to  David

Thanks for finding my comment and following the link. I ran away from the corporate world at a young age, choosing chance as a partner, and it hasn’t been all that bad. Kept me young, alert, and healthy. Get out while you can.

Apr 30, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Steve Church

Must admit I now have an early Nokia knock-off

Same here, for many of the same reasons. I declined to have work pay for my cell just so I could stay on my ‘dumb’ phone– when I’m off the clock, its off the battery. Since I work in programming, many people make fun of me for my ‘museum piece’, but I just smile.

Apr 30, 2020 1:07 AM
Reply to  ned

Good post ned.

Steve Church
Steve Church
Apr 30, 2020 8:29 AM
Reply to  ned

Totally agree, Ned. See my reply to RobG below.

Apr 29, 2020 11:07 PM

A nadir for Off-G surely!

A superb piece of work Mr Davis. You said you’d have an answer to the total excess deaths.

I’ve had a first read and will have another tomorrow.

3 immediate questions.

First why compare the UK with Sweden?

A better comparison would surely be Sweden with Norway. Neighbouring countries with closer population sizes, demographics and health services. UK/ Germany would be a more equal comparison.

Second in the chart showing the previous peak deaths back to the 90’s, every max is a single in about January, we had one also this January and now have a second peak! I can’t see any other double peaks. Not worth mentioning?

Third, why not include the latest ONS data, released yesterday? Publication could surely have waited until you could incorporate them.
( or are they in there and I didn’t notice – i’ll have another look tomorrow).

Apr 29, 2020 11:47 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Fourthly we’ve had a series of major flu pandemics over the years, a lot of them far more serious than what’s happening at the moment, yet never has the global economy been shut down as a result of it.

Covid 19 is quite blatantly a mask for the inevitable economic collapse.

Anyone who can’t see this is a complete egit.

(oh, and by the way, there’s been a record breaking transfer of wealth to the 1%; but that’s ok, because I’m colouring in my play book).

Apr 30, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  RobG

Yeah yeah – just see below

Apr 29, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Comparison with Sweden was merely to compare a non lockdown state to the UK’s lockdown state. As was the data from Oxford. Comparing Sweden with other Scandinavian countries shows a higher number of deaths per million in Sweden that other Scandinavian lockdown countries. So you make a good point. Nonetheless Sweden is important going forward because thus far it has resisted calls to completely close its economy and the both the CFR and IFR appear lower than the UK. Though population density is also a factor.

The issue of peaks in deaths was made to illustrate that such high numbers are not unprecedented. Nor is more than one high peak in a given year. Perhaps it could have been included for further comparison.

I wrote the article before the latest ONS data was released.

Apr 30, 2020 7:29 AM
Reply to  Iain

Population density in Sweden isn’t a factor in it’s lower-than-the-UK covid19 rates Ian. 85% of Sweden’s population live in urban areas.


An even better comparison with the UK would be South Korea. It has a similar-size population and similar-size cities. There have been extremely limited social distancing measures in place (they even held a national election last month, where about 30 million people voted in polling stations), yet they have had less than 250 deaths, and today reported no new domestic cases.


Apr 30, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  Iain

Thanks Mr Davis for confirming that I am correct in my initial assessment of yours.

The publication of the data is timetabled.

Given the rising trend in the previous two weeks 60% and 80% would it not have been prudent to see what the number was?

A 120% excess. The article could surely be updated to include that?

I’m glad you also concur that Sweden/Norway is a valid comparision, they meet your criteria of wanting to compare a country with fewer restrictions with one with more – so why didn’t you show that graph instead/as well? You still could as I suggest.

I take your point about there may have been more than one peak in a year in deaths in the past, but it is not at all clear in the graph published, I can’t see it (eyes getting old)

Which years did that happen?
A single graph with just these lines by week number for the years with more than one peak would make it crystal clear, wouldn’t it?

Would your article not benefit from an addendum, today, with the above 3 points and make it abundantly better to illustrate your thesis for the lay readers?

I’d certainly like to urgently clarify at least these 3 points.

Eric Blairiser
Eric Blairiser
Apr 30, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Jeez that bone you can’t stop gnawing must be just about gone by now. Perhaps you should beg your owner for a fresh one?

Apr 30, 2020 1:12 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

why compare the UK with Sweden

Oh please stop while you don’t look totally ignorant.

UK/ Germany would be a more equal

Are you a chef? You seem good at cooking the books.

Apr 30, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  Objective

The AUTHOR seems not to disagree with me. Did you bother reading?

Just when i think your subjectivity is becoming objective and you may be a free thinker and logical about making your own mind up – you suddenly restart your yarbooing act! Like some kibd of Turet syndrome.

Try and concentrate on what the Author wrote in response to what I wrote and consider the effect on the conclusion of the assessment.

Ken Kenn
Ken Kenn
Apr 29, 2020 10:58 PM

Despite all the pros and cons of the lockdown ( it is very limited in the UK) why do commenters on here think that the rich and those who are employed by the rich would want to close down a large proportion of their most valuable asset?

Wage labour.

If it is all over the top and exaggerated – why have they reacted with actions which undermine their own system?

Genuine question so give me a few reasons why they are shooting themselves in the foot over this virus?

Apr 30, 2020 12:03 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

You’re only seeing it in a very small light. The shutdown of the economy is nothing in the long run. The aim right now is to bring in new changes to how society is run on a global scale so that when things are up and running they are conforming to these new changes. In this case it could be biometric passports, cashless societies, a social credit system akin to China etc. Plus these news laws will never be discarded. They are always temporary until they just simply are now written out of law. So these new laws can always be used again, and likely will. All we need is another COVID. These will benefit those in power because everything is becoming centralised. It is the panopiticon dream. 360 view of the entire world by those in control. Shutting down the world while you have BILLIONS hauled up in your assets, accounts, projects etc is really nothing. Bill Gates for example has enough money to give every single person on the planet a dollar several times over. Just imagine that, having the ability to open up your banking app right now and practically having the ability to fire in every single person in the world and sending every single person a dollar. I say a dollar while I’m British because it’s easier not to do the conversion into pounds, but even in pounds, at an estimated net worth of $90 BILLION, even with extreme conversion rates he’s still got a dollar for every person alive and probably every person whose going to be born for a good few years to come. That should put it into perspective. These guys are not running out of money anytime soon and while they do need labour, they also have to CREATE or REDEFINE… Read more »

Frank Speaker
Frank Speaker
Apr 30, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  ned


These evil bastards already have more than enough money as well as control over our lives.

Why would they risk their cushy number by having a massive global revolt by tens or hundreds of million unemployed destitute people?

Doesn’t make any sense.

Apr 30, 2020 2:07 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

Why? is the grand question. I think there is something less than human at the spearhead of all this That thinking aside(some think it nonsense), the wealthy elite have little fear of the masses. They are the worst sociopaths imaginable and they will push the rest of humanity as far as they can get away with. Think about it: The average nice person commenting on here would NEVER be able to rise to the level of a Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos; there is a unimaginable lack of morality involved with ever accumulating that kind of wealth.What do these two fuck sticks do with their money? Bill Gates is trying to corner the market on computerized surveillance, seed monopolization(food control), and mass vaccination while pretending to be a humanitarian(he really is into having less people around). Bill Gates wet dream is to actually control every person in the planet or exterminate most – guaranteed. Jeff Bezos wants to rule every from of commerce and would turn us all into slaves at the blink of an eye. He’d rather have all robots run his warehouses, as they don’t need piss breaks(think about that – Bezos basically runs big warehouses. He doesn’t actually make anything.). Bezos wants every person on the earth to purchase goods form him only. They never give their money away, except for insignificant quantities. In order for the human being to survive, these types of personalities that contribute absolutely nothing to the human race and actually exist to the detriment of millions must not be permitted to EVER be in positions of power. Here’s an easy solution = global wealth cap. Problem is that there is a cabal of people that are wealthier than the shitstains paraded round. They have a large say in manipulating financial institutions and… Read more »

Apr 30, 2020 9:55 AM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

And you think the lockup makes sense?

Apr 30, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Frank Speaker

They want more control– it will never be enough. They’re also convinced that they’ve bred and spoon-fed enough apathy into the population via their so-called public ‘education’ that people no longer know how to fight back, or even why they should. Divisive rhetoric has ‘othered’ anyone who disagrees to the point where some no longer so them as human. I have wondered, based on the behavior of police departments across the nation, whether or not that (and the National Guard, for that matter) would even flinch at firing on civilians. Maybe I’m being bleak, but there are cases in which I honestly don’t know. And, as livingsb points out, there is something less than human at work. How literally should we take that? I don’t believe AI as portrayed in science fiction is anywhere near technologically feasible, but I also know that Gates, Bezos, Musk, et all have all shown trans-humanist leanings to one degree or another. They want to either create or be an AI godhead. When you start viewing humanity as a deprecated model, you are pretty much a traitor to your species.

Apr 30, 2020 7:33 AM
Reply to  ned

I wish I could vote this post up twice Ned.

Bill Grates
Bill Grates
Apr 30, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

It depends on definitions , a rich factory owner doesn’t necessarily want to see these things happening. But wealthy “philanthropists”, international finance and govts who have been essentially feeding each other for decades do . There are multiple agendas going on here . It isn’t necessarily coordinated to produce a single beneficial outcome . Many of the “players” in these agendas are also ideologically motivated . Much of it runs back to the so-called Sustainability Agenda . The changes that are envisaged are huge far reaching and can only be achieved by drastic measures . So far as money/finance and the big pharma agenda is to creat a virtuous loop providing a constant and increasing revenue stream derived from essentially blanket coverage of “treatments” please see”wrenchinthegears” for a meticulous breakdown of the investment strategies and revenue streams anticipated from the vaccine agenda . Their most valuable asset is no longer such an asset as one may imagine. Part of the ideology has it that there are too many non productive people and these need to be redirected for the benefit of the greater whole , throw in the green agenda and you have a high-octane mix of revolutionary potential . The worlds govts are essentially bankrupt and the trawl for revenue is closely linked with the war on cash and surveillance which is also linked to the social credit score and total oversight into every aspect of an individual’s life which can be helped or repressed by application of behavioural incentives . Don’t forget that the hoards of migrants across the world are largely funded by micro finance loans , there’s huge money and investments at stake here . If businesses close etc assets can and will be hoovered up by govts and govt supported banks for bottom dollar .… Read more »

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 9:17 AM
Reply to  Bill Grates

Once the parasites have sucked up all the distressed small and medium businesses, as they did property in the USA after the GFC, they will leave a good many ‘small businessmen’ really pissed off. Normally these would be fertile ground for fascism, but this time I think it will be the Great Cull of the useless eaters, before they become truly dangerous.

Apr 30, 2020 12:20 AM
Reply to  Ken Kenn

Ken Kenn

Small business gets in the way of corporate monopolies, which spend a lot of their energy driving smaller competition out of business. Through loss leaders and undercutting until the competition goes under. After driving them out of business, they can then snap up their assets at fire-sale prices. So a short term loss of business can mean, more long term monopoly profits. It is very nice of government to assist the Corporations in destroying small business.

That is why they will be happy to wreck the economy. Already in the UK most high streets look the same from one end of the country to the other, that is because Corporate monopolies have already taken a very large chunk of the wealth in the high street. In the US this process will be more extreme as the government have handed trillion over to large Corporations to snap up distressed small business and are denying small business any real help.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Apr 30, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

Usually the small business suckers are a ready reservoir of votes for hard Right parties, as the buffoons see themselves as future plutocrats, and love ordering their workers around. But when they are liquidated en masse, in their millions, the atmosphere will grow very nassty indeed.