How the UK’s testing policy makes their Covid19 numbers meaningless
Kit Knightly

Yesterday was May 1st, the deadline that UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock set for the NHS to be testing 100,000 people every 24 hours.
Seeing as the 100,000 was just an arbitrary number, set up for PR purposes to make the government look dynamic and pro-active, whether or not they actually hit this target is moot.
Nevertheless, steadfast in their duty to discuss only that which does not matter, the mainstream media are locked in a fierce debate over the statistics. One which not only buries the lead but burns off its fingerprints and pulls out its teeth first.
Some people claim the 122,000 tests is MORE than his promised 100,000 daily tests. Others point out that since those 122,000 tests were only on 73,000 people he actually missed the target.
Both are missing the point: The testing policy as a whole is producing potentially meaningless data.
For example – UK apparently just admitted to testing 50,000 people twice in one day.
This is potentially significant because it’s evidence to support the numerous anecdotal reports of patients being repeat-tested for Covid19 without ever getting a positive result (and sometimes without displaying any symptoms). But it’s also itself a symptom. A natural side-effect of some very poor NHS advice.
The latest version NHS guidance for managing Covid19 says this about PCR tests:
Beware false-negative upper airway sample if clinical picture is typical
Clinicians are being advised that if they have a patient with “typical” symptoms of Covid19, that any negative test could be a “false negative” and potentially disregarded.
This might explain why doctors would want to redo some tests, but selectively ignoring negative results is a highly irresponsible policy, especially if you base those decisions on a “typical clinical picture” for a disease with a very common pattern of symptoms.
The “typical” clinical presentation of Covid19 is a fever, cough and shortness of breath. This is far too vague to be used to clinically diagnose anything, and could obviously lead to thousands of patients with flu, colds or other minor respiratory infections being listed as Covid19 cases. Either because they were tested for Covid19 repeatedly until they got a positive result, or because they had their negative result dismissed as a “false negative” and were clinically diagnosed.
Clearly this approach could artificially inflate the number of Covid19 cases. This would be true even if your test was a reliable diagnostic tool. The PCR test they use to “diagnose” Coronavirus infection is not reliable.
In fact, the evidence calling these tests into question is pretty extensive (you can read Kevin Ryan’s detailed write-up here):
- An early study, done in China, found two PCR tests from the same patient at the same time could return different results.
- Another Chinese study (since retracted for unexplained reasons) found the PCR tests returned huge numbers of false positives.
- In the UK a batch of tests was discovered to be contaminated with Coronavirus.
- In the US, the tests were found to react to the negative control sample when they should not (potentially leading to false positives).
- In Germany, an 84-year-old man tested positive, leading to his entire nursing home being quarantined. It was later found he actually only had a common cold.
- During the SARS outbreak of 2003, PCR tests in Canada were found to respond to all coronaviruses, not just SARS-Cov.
- In a report dismissing the idea of “re-infection”, South Korea’s CDC claimed PCR tests produce false positives because they cannot tell the difference between a live virus and a dead one, adding that patients could continue to test positive for months after their immune system has killed the virus.
PCR tests cannot be relied upon to produce good data. When you combine their use with guidelines instructing doctors to disregard negative results, rely on clinical diagnosis for an incredibly common symptomatic presentation, and re-test thousands of people every day, you have created a perfect storm for misdiagnosis.
Whether through contrivance, panic or incompetence, Matt Hancock’s much-hyped mass testing plan is potentially little more than a waste of time and resources.
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The best way not to be infected by the madness is simply not to engage in it. I simply do not read or watch any of the MSM any more where ‘news’ is concerned. I do not get bombarded by massive headlines solely designed to inflame emotions, because I simply will not pick those newspapers up.
To me, the greatest mystery of life is how so many millions of UK citizens have become like emotional junkies, needing their ‘fix’ of the Daily Mail, the Sun etc, when any sane person knows that these folks are heartless dealers solely interested in making money through emotional ‘hits’.
Would people really go into emotional ‘cold turkey’ if they were simply detoxified for a month.
I can tell all from personal experience: living a simple healthy daily life for four months barely reading a newspaper nor watching a television (that all happened before the internet existed, let alone mobile phones and iPads) left me happier and healthier than almost ever before. As it happened, I was working in an alpine ski resort, but we still had the ability to share a beer together, have a dance together, sit out a storm drinking wine and playing bridge together etc etc etc. We just did not get infected with BBC/ITV/Sky yammering on about this, that and the other.
So my advice is to promote mass MSM withdrawal programmes and see how many people become happier, healthier and more grounded as a result.
Concerning the link for, “In the UK a batch of tests was discovered to be contaminated with Coronavirus”, this is what I got (I no longer live in the UK)”
You have to laugh… Don’t you?
That link went to the Fox8 site. But the original article is here: Does this work?
Can anyone explain this ? Venezuala – population about 29,000,000. Tests done about 483,000 … Cases 357 … Deaths …. 10
Your guess is as good as mine, Norbertrand, but perhaps Venezuela haven’t lost their marbles and their figures are realistic and scientifically based? I see that Guaido has said that the figures don’t have any credibility and the situation is a time bomb waiting to explode. This would suggest that we should believe the figures. 😀
Hi JudyJ The truth is nearer the fact that our figures don’t have any credibility as we are counting differently from the rest of the world and hey, we aren’t really doing any testing so, it’s still a stick your finger in the air and take a guess I think. If you look at other countries that aren’t in lockdown, the Venezuelan figures seem to be far more accurate than ours!!
JudyJ – also Guaido is an American stooge remember he announced, without any election, he was the President – but I believe is now resident in the USA?
That would suggest that Guaido’s owners in the USA intend introducing new virus strains, to speed up the social disintegration process.
Thailand, population 70 million, 2987 cases, 54 deaths (none in the past 2 weeks), no data I can find on number of tests performed though.
Also please look at the mortality statistics which clearly show below 5 year average death rates for approximately 65% of Europe.
I’m with JudyJ 100%, the numbers are being fudged by governments who are pushing for an excuse to use this as a cover for political power grabbing. I’d even go as far as saying the more a government has showed a will to more tightly control and restrain their populations over the past 10 years, the more likely it seems they are being hit extremely hard by covid-19. And also the very same governments who are openly claiming to be assigning covid-19 to death certificates without testing or due to them exhibiting ‘coronavirus like symptoms’.
Such are the numerous, strange ‘coincidences’ surrounding this ‘pandemic’.
“the numbers are being fudged by governments who are pushing for an excuse to use this as a cover for political power grabbing.”
Or, in the case of Guaidó any country whose power elite decided to openly instill a US-backed puppet as president hoping nobody would notice or object…. not a man to be given the time of day let alone listened to other than to make yourself aware of the levels these freaks will go to to try to lie and cheat their way to power.
They are, of course, effectively using the same excuse as a cover for WTC7, the truth about WHO financing, the current financial collapse and the general NWO “narrative”, all of which are actually bigger and more international agenda than individual governments indulging in “political power grabbing”. The tactic is obviously to coerce, or bribe, the media into discussing nothing at all except HalfWit19…
I have a high-level question for anyone in the know here:
I take the view that the IFR of this pandemic was over-estimated. I think that much is clear already. Santa Clara, the Diamond Princess, the US navel ship, and countries that have tested more broadly.
However, I wanted to see whether anyone has any data / view on the next big fear; the long term effects of the virus. It’s almost as if now the original fear-mongering narrative is no longer valid, the long-term effects of the virus may be the next thing the MSM and fear-mongers latch on to.
What I want to know is; what % of people are coming down with lasting issues from this? I’m assuming its severe cases, those who have been in ICU only?
I am not trying to rubbish the idea that this could be a real and significant issue, but merely trying to get a grasp of this from a maco viewpoint. Is this something we all have to worry about or will this only be for a small number? Once again, these new stories about long-term effects don’t generally place it in context, so we have little idea of the real risk of this and it creates an amplification effect, where the implication is that ALL who get the virus will be walking zombies after this.
I wonder what the estimated % is, and average age is of those coming down with ‘lasting effects’, plus obesity / comorbidity. At this stage its hard to tell if these may be a factor, but logic tells me they probably are. If there is anyone that has a rational of this in context, it would be really helpful to know your views..
As Marie Curie said “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”
I would confidently hazzard a guess that in the vast majority of cases any lasting effects will not be a result of the illness itself but from the direct consequences of being placed on invasive mechanical ventilation.
great, that’s cleared it up then…
In Germany there are finger print test kits available at all pharmacies for EUR30 but phamacies have now been forbidden to sell them to the public and will be fined EUR 30,000 if they are found to do so
Why don’t the govt want the people to know if they are immune or not?
A potential link between Covid and pulmonary tuberculosis?
Johnson appears to have been fully briefed, reprogrammed and/or threatened during his “illness”, and is now totally on message with the vaccine protocol.
he must be the easiest man to be blackmailed on the planet!
Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown
Good luck but look at how the courts behaved over prorogation. The justice system has gone.
“PCR tests cannot be relied upon to produce good data. When you combine their use with guidelines instructing doctors to disregard negative results, rely on clinical diagnosis for an incredibly common symptomatic presentation, and re-test thousands of people every day, you have created a perfect storm for misdiagnosis.”
This is very true, but what is becoming increasingly apparent is that the medical profession is not fit for purpose if they cannot see the stupidity and folly of this.
What do they teach them in medical school these days? How to obey government dictats?
When I went to university in the 1980s medical school was hard to get into. You needed very good A levels to get in. Are they taking idiots these days?
Yes, this is the worry.
Breadheads, after all. A bit sad.
‘ When I went to university in the 1980s medical school was hard to get into. You needed very good A levels to get in. Are they taking idiots these days?’
They are. In contrast with the old days, you now do not need high grades, but need to be good in a job application, that is an interview in which obedient doctors value how obedient students are in obeying orders, and if that is good: you are allowed to study medicine. Because medicine is, as they call it, a team sport. Hence, the groupthink
John Pretty, thank you for this. I am sick and tired of our NHS being described as ‘heroes’ – the hospitals are virtually empty and they aren’t doing anything at all about this alleged virus. They are refusing to admit the frail elderly displaying symptoms and leaving them to die in care homes. Since the 80yrs+ with two or more co morbid conditions are, according to international datasets, the target group that are actually dying with more than from it, this should properly be a scandal in any civilised society especially as GPs are now not visiting care homes or people in their home. The more I review all the evidence the more it becomes apparent that this is all about protecting a failing NHS, not for the good of the people. In these circumstances the NHS is there to protect us not us to protect them. They are failing spectacularly in their purpose.
You wonder how bad the bat flu hysteria can get? How about this Orwellian prospect?
BBC radio news this morning reporting some ‘expert’ stating that social-distancing in some form or other may be with us for years to come! Cover your ears, but my expressed response was an audible “Oh F*ck off, you tw*t”…and I live on my own!
JudyJ love your thinking!! It’s now down to the British people to rebel I think. I am glad to see there was a protest in London at the weekend, I hope momentum gathers. BTW, my sister who is more right wing than the entire Conservative party, is fed up with all of this and feels that the news focus should include proper information such as 97% of the population are not at risk from this non-killer virus (except if you are over 80yrs+ with 2 or more comorbid conditions) and that the newspapers and broadcast news should not be focussed on CV-19 but on proper news items with this being just another news item. She said to me it is time they put proper, reliable and truthful information out there!! Now this is from someone who is rabidly right wing!!
To add to my earlier comment, I’m still listening to BBC radio (really shouldn’t, I know) and Jeremy Vine is going to be discussing the fact that it would appear that when the lock down rules are relaxed, 70 year olds and above will still be self-isolating…does this seem right, is his topic for debate. The issue as he sees it is: How is this going to be “enforced”? Will police ask people to prove how old they are? Now, have I missed something? As far as I was aware, self-isolation for the elderly was purely advisory, not a mandatory requirement. How long before elderly people, rightfully and sensibly getting themselves out and about by choice, are going to be abused for putting lives at risk??
For clarification, I should have written the last sentence as “How long before elderly people…are going to be abused for “putting lives at risk”??
Canada just announced it is pausing regulatory approval – which was granted earlier, for the self test Spartan kit citing concerns it was found less effective than originally predicted. The regulatory body went on to say that the kit can continue to be used it for “research purposes”, what ever that means.
Now do you really think they pulled it because the kit was giving false data? Or because it was too easy to use.
The whole thing looks like they are concerned if everyone starts testing themselves. The denominator will naturally get bigger and their CFR will get smaller but what will also happen is that their exposure number will also get larger and that is a problem especially if your trying to open up the country for business now that your news agency has done a brilliant job scaring the shit out of poorly educated citizens.
This whole time the country’s “top doctor” has been suggesting that the curve has flattened and that the cases are decreasing….. well that needs to happen to substantiate their dumbfounded lock down does it not? I mean what good is it if you find out most of your population has had it and is immune to it? I mean shit. All that money, all those poor elderly that were in effect murdered by the state? Not to mention all the shit that is about to come down with failed businesses, mental anguish, unemployment through forced corporate layoffs…. to name a few.
Its all the same. You make a gross error in judgement and now you need a scapegoat or a misdirection. Lord knows they are trying to use China as a scapegoat. The misdirection will be parading the front line workers as heros – you know the ones that basically shut down essential services in ER and EMERG, the ones that left elderly to die in their beds. These bright ones will be paraded around so that no one will dare dissent and call the Government out for what it really has done.
In Ontario, a province of Canada, 77% of the deaths they say are attributed to the disease COVID-19 are the elderly in homes for caring. This is something that they do not want discussed at all. I am certain this trend will be found throughout when the dust settles.
In Ontario, a province of Canada, 77% of the deaths they say are attributed to the disease COVID-19 are the elderly in homes for caring.
Do you have a link to this data?
See the summary of cases chart, this is updated daily.
954 LTC resident deaths out of 1,216 total is what I see- which equals 78.45%- is that what you see.
Even if we lend credence to the entire Covid narrative and the testing procedures that doesn’t seem like a viral problem it seems like an institutional problem.
At this moment in time we can see more than when this was first starting out.
Do I hold the vast medical community responsible for the collateral damage that is about to occur? No. They should have known better, they should have had a better communication structure in place and the WHO could have done more to become that beacon of organization they have been aspiring to be.
That has passed. What we need to do now is stop misdirecting the situation. Sweden should be applauded not dissented upon. I am referring to imbeciles who practice political manifestos ahead of proper science and it exists on both sides of the cause. The Duran has been a complete let down as has our so called Medical Associations. They are the true profiteers of this.
Herd immunity has to date and will be shown to be our only exist strategy , not a vaccine – vaccines do not work for all viruses effectively. This is not ebola and its not polio. WHO and the Bill Gates foundation know this very well. These two institutions need to be identified in situations like this, in times like this and tagged false traits in the world. Terminated from our society once and for all.
MSM media outlets need to be exposed. Shut down or Restructured.
Medical associations need to be exposed for the big pharma spoke person they are.
The reality is we definitely have a problem with the Health Care systems. Who runs them? These institutions need a lot of work but that has to start with the institutions behind them.
The fact is governments have released their data early. its up to us to look at their models objectively. The masses are not doing this – they wait for MSM to tell them. I actually praise the Ontario Government for releasing its models and keeping the data updated. It shows you a lot. April 18th they expected 4000 ICU ( on vent) at the worse end. They got 230. Good. Now lets move on. CBC report the good news – fucking imbeciles will not. Scared they will lose their sponsors.
Top Doctor – tell people your initial concept was flawed. Nope. Tell them you can’t flatten the curve this way with what you know know. Nope.
I recall a doctor on the CBC saying he does not care of the restaurants had to close for a month if it meant saving lives. Well he was wrong. Will he admit it. Nope. There is a big flaw here.
All these wrongs need a right to hide behind. Front line workers are heros. There’s your answer. But the reality is these people know inside they were wrong. Wrong in their approach. We need to make this work for us in times like these. They do not come often.
Perhaps this will be a wake up call and I am hopeful that its in times like this that there will be pressure on waking up the populace by the populace and by dissenting doctors who can think critically.
Its good to dissent and I predict many institutions will be taken down after this. That’s the only positive I can see. I am done with all the we are in this together bullshit.
The time is now to all sit down around the table and solve this once and for all.
Berlin Beerman, the people need to take to the streets and say enough of this bullshit, enough of a crap NHS, enough of political lies and manipulation and enough of fake news!
Maxwell, you are so right but it is an NHS problem because they are the ones that are refusing to admit frail, sick, elderly people to hospital.
In Ontario we need to approach the “board” of the hospital with potential elective surgery cases and they decide, not the surgeon, what is deemed life and death to proceed to surgery.
People have lost what little minds they had. No critical thinking allowed.
Berlin Beerman, great name! Love Berlin and German bier! Thank you for daring to criticise our less than wonderful and grossly incompetent NHS. You are absolutely right about what you say about them. Having worked with them for close to 30yrs I know, not I think, I know, that they take £140bn of public money and deliver a very poor quality service. We have the lowest number of beds in the developed world and the lowest number of Doctors and Nurses on the front line in the developed world. Great use of £140bn of public money isn’t it? Not.
Sum it up:
Utterly misleading and pointless tests.
A collection of what is falsified data to be spread as the truth .
Data manipulations is through this psyop has been the smoking gun used to try to justify unlawful home detentions and economic devastation .
“In war criminals we trust.”
Should be written on all credit cards ( or should I say digital currency).
Until we wake up to who we are and stop needed to be governed by these psychopaths .
The (unreliable) PCR test can’t even differentiate between common cold, SARS-corona 1 ( spread globally in 2002)or the alleged but unproven SARS Corona 2.
“Nevertheless, steadfast in their duty to discuss only that which does not matter, the mainstream media are locked in a fierce debate over the statistics.”
Mr. Knightly recently found himself noticing the contradiction between the dailies simultaneously publishing a narrative (alarmist) and data (not supporting alarm) about this virus: the narrative didn’t reference the data and the data didn’t reference the narrative.
I’m thinking that the reason for this “two truths” media approach is to psychologically prime the audience to accept that the data (reality) has to give way to the narrative (illusion). This virus serves as pretext to herd the populace back on to the reservation latterly wandered off, to oligarchy’s deep consternation. Their hope is that their media audience comes to accept its return to that reservation by watching appeals to the data publicly lose over and over again.
In this way, the dailies hold up five fingers and ask how many we see and have us watch their punishing an answer of “five” and rewarding acceptance of humiliating defeat in the form of conniving at their being only four held aloft.
Covid-1984 indeed.
And also now focusing on the conspiracists:
They just had to lead with the Son of God and reptiles!
Happily, David will have had more viewers this evening than Sky. 🙂 🙂
Yeah, saw that – hilarious. I’ll shut up now.
I was just watching the afternoon rerun of the CBS show ‘Face The Nation’ (as much as I could stomach) which exemplified your point about creating and pushing narrative, reality and facts be damned. This program was a total propaganda matrix, completely one-sided in terms of the guest speakers and their presentation of the subject. The narrative seems to be moving toward the notion there are now new ‘hot-spots’ appearing everywhere and this is going to be an extensive or perhaps endless endeavor. Even the commercials shown by CBS hammered away at the message. It’s just full unrelenting propaganda.
Medical tests that require ‘interpretation’ yield formals result that are regularly unreliable. The purpose of endless ‘testing’ is just to crank up the bill. Medicine being just a racket. Of course test results – for any test – could and should be submitted to multiple panels for comparison. Give the data blinded to one bunch of ‘experts’ for their interpretation. And the same to others. Let’s see what they find.
Studies like this should be standard. But they are not. Because everyone in the med racket knows that the results would show the whole business is garbage. Fraud. Why isn’t this being done with Covid testing? Not hard to do. Same test results. Let’s see what multiple ‘authorities’ make of them. Only the outcomes have to be publicly released in whole, no redactions, at once. Not going to happen. Science and the public welfare count for nothing at street level.
Some time ago one honest such comparison was done of New York state experts regarding the results of bone density screening. The results were a riot. One end of the spectrum to the opposite. So much for expert authority and reliable results. There are other such studies of course but nobody pays them any mind.
It’s all bunk and scam. People posing in white coats while they loot. You can find Nobel laureates who will swear the moon is made of green cheese if there’s enough money in it for them.
This one event is of such magnitude it has deeply affected the lives of all, even those of us who are have no immediate financial worries. Some of us their professional lives may be topsy turvy. At best, we may have lost friends, people you thought would be part of your future, while others you hardly knew and would possibly never have come to know well have become very close. Some have had their worldview shattered. I think even those pretty aware of how things were have been taken by surprise by something that simply does not make sense. You keep reading about totalitarianism, about the alienation of man in capitalist society where the system is what matters, of his fear of freedom, of the fear of death, but still what is happening does not add up. Indeed entire cultures had become insane, as Fromm has written, but even then it does not add up. The only thing understandable is that some out of psychopathic greed and megalomania want full control on every single individual and their hatred of life is such that they want to prevent others from living, only then possibly can then assuage their own fears of death, for death they will have to face: whatever the do, even if they kill and torture everyone, still death will come to them as it will come to all. Its possible to think that a small number are indeed totally insane and dehumanized. But what about the rest, those without whom this small number could not have done what they have? Greed too? Imbecility? Fear? What about all these doctors all over the world using the ventilators when they’re seeing its killing their patients, when they’re seeing that somehow things arent adding up, and are wishing people to be locked up, are still wishing that totally futile coercive measures remain in place? Mediocratization certainly. But inhumanity to this extent? Its one thing to be a mediocre pen pusher afraid of losing your job, and remaining quiet, not thinking, but you’re not directly killing people, or at least you dont see the connection between you and the deaths of others. But a doctor? Have they no shame? Have they no ounce of humanity left?
Why did they become doctors in the first place? A quick way to wealth? For if the doctors refused this situation, if the doctors said: stop we dont want to keep killing people en masse, that is not what we are supposed to do. Then all this would stop immediately, the entire farce would come to light.
Not just the doctors, the nurses too…
The problem with doctors and nurses is the same with 90% of humanity, that is that they don’t believe their own eyes and can’t think for themselves.
In my hospital, that serves a community of >250 000 citizens, the number of IC admittances ‘due to’ Covid19 was less than a dozen. And in the last 3 weeks none were admitted. Still doctors and nurses self-isolate. – You know why? Because the media, politicians and the health inspectorate is telling them that we have a disease that is terrible!
Doctors (90% of them) have no shame. They don’t know what the sensation is, or think it is ‘shameful’ to think anything different than what the groupthink dictates. So they follow the groupthink, get their pay check, feel important and talk with the nurses about stuff that they can’t comprehend (illness that is) and prove that ignorance is bliss.
“Doctors (90% of them) have no shame.”
My opinion of the medical profession has dropped considerably in the past few weeks. What a bunch of braindead idiots. No wonder some of them enter politics.
Willem, brilliant analysis of the medical profession at least for here in the UK. I think what you are saying is that the medical profession are supporting the illusion of a pandemic when the evidence shows that one doesn’t actually exist. They go through the motions and people who have no powers of critical analysis believe that the “Dr Knows Best” in these scenarios. The truth of course, is that we are on lockdown in the UK to save the NHS having to do any work!
Mass protesting of the coronavirus scam in the US by The Fullerton Informer
Live At The Huntington Beach Protest
Now, this is really sticking with me, this video, as very interesting because I hadn’t realized there is solidarity in that area of California (and wouldn’t have expected it there), nor did I realize how widespread people’s being fed up was. However, ending the lockdown is apparently transforming into “social distancing kept on” and “mask required.” There, you go. Open up your business again–oh, and keep them six feet apart! There is no reasoning going on whatever in this Establishment Scam. It’s all knee-jerk response, so it’s nice to see people are seeing right through it.
No doubt getting advice from the Bill and Mindy Gates Eugenics and Euthanasia Foundation (Henry Alfred Kissinger, President) and its “BRAIN TRUST”, overseen by its chief shaman, Anthony Mengele Fauci.
Yes indeed the untermenschen, useless eaters and assorted riff-raff, not to mention the doggies and the kitties, are in good hands.
In a nutshell, there is zero evidence of a single person suffering or dying from COVID-19.
There is no clear evidence the virus allegedly causing the illness has been isolated nor that it is infectious.
The PCR tests are unreliable.
It is admitted that both deaths and cases are being ascribed to COVID-19 incorrectly and the guidelines for ascribing cause of death are fraudulent.
The media stories show us patients who display no symptoms or contain a number of anomalies that undermine their veracity.
When you blow away the magic propaganda dust there is nada, niente, zilch as is always the case with their psyops. It’s all smoke’n’mirrors.
They could do a more convincing job of their hoaxery but they are scrupulous in their sloppiness and giving us every opportunity to call them out … but we never do.
Anyone in Sydney. Apparently, there’s someone who stands in front of Parliament House protesting lockdown from 2-4pm on Saturdays. I shall join him this Saturday.
Thank you for this page of sanity in a strange and insane world. How much I appreciate all of Off Guardians balanced and inquiring presence. Watching this latest psi op unfold is a strange and quite surreal process . I listen to people wittering on about testing and how more tests need to be done. Winding up the rhetoric and closing down cognitive thought. Incredibly even when you point out that the tests are flawed and not fit for purpose. They acknowledge the flaws and then just continue to argue the point over how many more tests need to be implemented. 100.000 200.000 It is as though the whole point of this and the PPE arguments constantly in the media are designed to keep the focus away from the vast chasms of blatant misinformation and mass hysteria being drummed up day after day by the media. A media who are now pulling in the speculations of how many more really have died of Covid. Because it must be more. Even though the evidence suggests it is far more likely that the number may well be over calculated. So none of the information that they are giving is helpful or reliable. Yet even though they haven’t got any idea of anything. They convey this whole thing as the end of the world and the sky really is falling in. Yet the past is full of much, much worse numbers of deaths from flu and no one behaved this way before. In the end the whole affair has been whipped up in to histrionic proportions and with very little scrutiny in any of the right places. In the mean time. We are being pulled further down the rabbit hole and it is the ones who point out the folly of handing over our freedoms to the state. That are being attacked for not getting it. Life comes with death and this Covid outbreak is defining those who choose life with all its dangers from those who would choose to hand all of their freedoms over to the state to feel safety over freedom and state control over freewill. As if they will then be forever cushioned in the safe embrace of the state. This feels as though a strange mania has taken hold. Meanwhile people really are dead from neglect and dubious medical practices. I think that we are at the cross roads in our collective psyches. But instead of realizing the depth and significance of these choices. It would sadly seem most of the population are caught up in arguing over arbitrary numbers based on tests that don’t work properly. All over a virus which is probably no more dangerous then many others . Meanwhile the clamor for censorship and punishment for any and all dissenters is growing ever louder and things are disappearing off the internet almost before any one has chance to see or process the information in them . Misinformation costs lives has become the new mantra. The idea that you may be allowed to make your own mind up from many sources of information available to you. Has now morphed in to. It being a harm that is being committed by the individual. A risking of the safety of the hive. This is totally fascistic and gravely worrying. Yet it is an irrational fear of death that is driving people to comply and to clamor for such control to be imposed. To speak up has become heresy. How can we combat this latest form of brain wash. Now every Thursday the people shuffle frightened and compliant from the safety of their homes and clap and then go obediently back in and wait. Or stand in long ques to buy food. They will wait until they get tracking devises fitted or until a vaccine is given. And they will live in hope that no one else will die ever again. This brave new world indeed.
Beautifully expressed, thank you, and I quite concur, Thank God for Off-G.
Thank you Kathy….Thank you Off…It’s such a relief to be aware that others are questioning this absolute madness…
Kathy, I agree with the others that this is a superb comment. But I beg you to consider using paragraph breaks in future comments of comparable length; they function the same way spaces, aka “rests”, work in music to shape and clarify torrents of notes.
Thanks for your consideration.
“Thank you for this page of sanity in a strange and insane world. How much I appreciate all of Off Guardians balanced and inquiring presence. Watching this latest psi op unfold is a strange and quite surreal process . I listen to people wittering on about testing and how more tests need to be done. Winding up the rhetoric and closing down cognitive thought. Incredibly even when you point out that the tests are flawed and not fit for purpose..”
So true, Kathy. I am very very grateful for Off Guardian and all those who contribute to articles and comments.
In India, where I live, the situation is thrice as worse as what Kit (the author of this article to which we are commenting) is saying about UK.
I feel so lost here seeing how even otherwise the brave new alternative online media here that takes on government actions, has let themselves be fooled by the fake science behind Covid testing and how they are so dumb that they can’t see the fact that the fatility of Corona-19, even if it does exist, is not any more than other flu viruses or earlier coronaviruses.
Thank you all for your feedback on my post. Off Guardian certainly gives us a haven in a turbulent sea of babble and din.
To Ort, I would like to add. You are quite right, And although there were several reasons why I failed to make use of paragraphs. Non excuse me for not having done so. I do like your analogy in context to music. I will endevour to become more diligent. Unfortunately grammar and spelling are something that I have never manged to grasp well and so I apologize in advance for any future errors i may make.
R Arnold, I quite see how you feel so lost. The situation in India is very worrying. It certainly is all a new kind of crazy.
Be assured, whether or not your written words are presented in a conventionally correct style, your messages and sentiments shine through in your posts. Some of the best poets express their thoughts in similar ways and don’t need to apologise!
It is nice to have you here with many like-minded people (and the occasional contrarians who are equally welcome if they debate issues in good spirit!) so please keep posting as much as you like.
Judy, Thank you so much for that.
“they” have already given their pretend freedom over to the state – or more effectively the corporations that run the state. Its how they live now.
They finance their homes, their cars and now their lives. they actually own nothing and probably never will. They don’t travel as its expensive and now its “unsafe”. They are lost.
So what do we do about it, that’s the question because its about to suffocate the others real fast.
Yes sadly, All lost to glamourie. Yet we live in hope that the spell will become broken, and all this will become apparent.
May the scales fall from their eyes and expose the falsity that has befallen our world.
CDC have apparently downgraded the CV-19 total death rates from around 60,000 to a new low price of just over 37,000.
Careful with this one, I think it’s a different measurement system that is only based on death certificates they received so it is delayed compared to other totals.
For example this page has the number typically seen in the media (closer to 64k-65k):
I see that and shaking my head’s response. There is much confusion on this yet the media here reports the 60,000 plus figure as if it’s gospel.
The larger issue is of course how do they know if it is a Covid death as they openly admit they aren’t testing most, give liberal interpretations towards Covid, have disappeared or reduced flu/pneumonia deaths, the tests themselves when used are questionable and there are financial incentives to overestimate the Covid count.
The difference is I think because of week or more delay in reporting , and that at JHU and elsewhere also CDC they added in one number confIrmed by test , pending tests ,not confirmed by test BUT classified as provisionally COVID anyway, tested positive post dead or deaths of COVID patients after they supposedly were cured from virus and any pneumonia or ADRS deaths tested positive or not in hospital or at home.
For annual death report published year or two later criteria of being included into death count in certain category are different namely reasonable based on autopsy results.
In my opinion real Coronavirus numbers are on orders of at best 16,000 at this point it is what is current deficit of flu deaths some coronavirus deaths the rest collateral deaths of wrong therapies like prolonged positive pressure ventilation, delayed or lack of emergency medical assistance, panic and nosocomial infections involving coronavirus in hospitals.
Such nosocomial infections take 1.7 millions of lives a year all over the world up to 100,000 in US alone.
You’re comparing 60k predicted/projected deaths to 37k actual deaths recorded. They got their projections wrong that’s clear but the two are not the same thing.
Although the mainstream media are reporting that 65000 have already died? Sorry about the link, I couldn’t find a suitable link Maybe someone else has a better link to share?
Sorry, yes I hadn’t seen those reports when commenting. All just adds to the bizarre-ness of this whole thing.
Checking with my CDC link for today I find:
1,092, 815 cases and 64, 283 deaths (Google today confirms this 64,000 number).
When I go to “about the data” I find this:
(In short, then, the data is NOT accurate.)
I interpret commentary at David’s link to mean the discrepancy in the numbers is due to this particular CDC page offering only confirmed cases, so far provided to the agency, which may not reflect accurately all state totals, that are still coming in/pending.
BUT on David’s link with the reduced number of total deaths–
Notice how often the word “with” is used instead of “from” in referring to Covid-19 cases (e.g. “deaths with pneumonia and Covid-19” (16,564) and “deaths with pneumonia, influenza, or Covid-19” (90, 165).
These figures are strange, are they not? We can’t say “from” but must say “with.” So 16,564 of the officially confirmed cases were “with pneumonia and Covid-19.”
90,165 were “with pneumonia, influenza, or Covid-19”. Subtract 16,564 from 90,165 = 73, 601 presumably flu cases?
But the stat on flu cases says 5,846?
And from these figures how could we arrive anywhere near the estimate-of-the-moment (top of this page, echoed by Google) 64,283?
I welcome corrections. Point is I’m very confused. The figures don’t make sense!
Does anyone here really believe a word the government says? I have my doubts they were even legitimately elected (that December election was certainly very conveniently timed given subsequent events) so it is not a big stretch from that to assume they are now hyping up or fabricating the coronavirus fatalities for political reasons.
No government is EVER elected by the ‘people’. They are chosen by the ‘suits’.
Our elections are just a sham to keep the people onside and believing they have a choice.
And the people’s choice was Jeremy Corbin.
As has been proved by the pantomime pandemic, anyone who has been following the rhetoric closely can’t fail to have noticed all the faceless ‘experts’ and nonentities paraded to confirm that there really is a dangerous virus stalking us if we dare to ignore their lies.
This will never end now…. they have the people exactly where they want us.
At least the NHS has received the recognition they craved,so much so they even had time to coordinate happy clappy dance routines, with other hospitals.
God knows how they will cope when they have to go back to work…
Maggie, unfortunately, unless we, the British people act now, yes they most definitely have us where they want us. Yes, when the NHS have to get back to real work they will do what they always do, deliver very little, a crap service and continue to grow their management structures. I am however, very interested in your comments about the ‘faceless experts’ – oh how the MSM and broadcast news have a talent for trotting out so called ‘experts’ who spout absolute gibberish and tow the propaganda lies. A 10yr old could talk more sense than most of them. I notice they don’t trot out real, genuine experts such as De Bhakradi in Germany, Dr Kaufmann and others. I will say this though, I think we are probably one of the only countries left in the world that this alleged virus dominates every single MSM and broadcast news medium – most countries have it in context – its all about whipping up hysteria and making the reptile Johnson look like a hero. The question is why is still dominating our media? Because we as a country long ago, ditched the truth in favour of fake news, hysteria and propaganda. What more is there to say? Yep there is a virus out there that is nothing more than a strong flu. Just like the flu, it is not a killer virus unless you are 80yrs plus with 2 or more comorbid conditions, most of us shake it off with either no symptoms or minimal symptoms, the hospitals are running 3/4 empty providing evidence that it is all a scam, No testing, so no verifiable position statement and I could go on. What the hell are the MSM reporting on now – fake news, fake news, fake news, hysteria, hysteria, hysteria – but precious little bona fide evidence. Damn the so called ‘experts’ being trotted out, bring in proper information. Not going to happen with this Government who have a proven track record in lying, misinformation, propaganda and fraud.
I see that the BBC is currently (Monday evening) reporting that:
I like the bit about “space for” 4000 beds. That speaks volumes alone. But note how they disingenuously imply that it has been full of patients until now but we are no doubt supposed to assume that ‘because the lock down is working’ they are now able to cut back on those resources.
Thom – I don’t just have doubts about the General Election results in my humble opinion, I know it was rigged in a variety of ways. I do not believe one single word and I mean not one this Government says about anything to do with this. Their narrative, just like it was in the Skripal propaganda, is all over the place but what I do know, it’s all lies, lies, lies. We have a Government with a Prime Minister who is a pathological liar and has proven to be so, who was sacked from two jobs for being so. We have the most Fascist Cabinet this country has ever known who are all empty vessels, they are merely ‘sound bite politicians’ – no depth no substance. A lot has slipped under the radar due to the relentless propaganda campaign run by the MSM and it is certain now, that the UK is going to crash out of the EU with a No Deal Brexit which Johnson said in December we would do. However, that will tip the UK into a Depression. What a neat little trick to pull – crash the economy which was already in serious recession before all of this – walk away from the EU in June without a Deal – and hey presto, you can blame all the economic woes of this country on the CV-19 alleged virus and the Sheeples will say Baaaaaah, Yeeeeeesss, Bojo is the best, I love him. My goodness, I thought I would never live to see the day that the UK became such a bunch of snivelling, grovelling, MSM loving, fake news loving nation. I am ashamed, truly ashamed.
Fascist you say? BS I don`t believe you have met a real fascist or even a SS Nazi.If you had you would not make such a stupid statement which is static and gathers dust.
Anyone happen to have mortality data for nursing homes in the US.
Looking for overall death totals each year. Month by month breakdown and causes.
From the UK government’s ONS website:
Worst of all, since the ‘lockdown’:
“The number of OVERALL DEATHS IN CARE HOMES FOR WEEK 16 was 7,316; this is 2,389 higher than Week 15, almost double the number in Week 14 and ALMOST TRIPLE THE NUMBER IN WEEK 13.”
Something is wrong here. Covid is not mentioned. Are the poor buggers dying of neglect because of hysterical carers staying at home? Are they dying brokenhearted through loneliness because their families are told to stay away?
All of the above Breweriana. ‘Care’ Homes have never been places where people survived the ‘care’ (lack of). At least they now have a good excuse for their negligence!
What I would like is to see the figures of all who have died, WITHOUT COVID, now that would be something.
We all know or have heard of elderly people who die within days of a spouse dying. They just give up. In denying our elderly in care homes access to their families, this risk should have been anticipated by our “save lives” government. It’s a national disgrace, and somebody should be held accountable.
Breweriana, I can explain this. Our so called NHS ‘heroes’ have refused to firstly, admit the frail, ill elderly to hospital as they have said publicly, they should not take up NHS resources. GPs have now stopped visiting care homes as have district nurses. Therefore, the frail, ill elderly, the very generation who fought for the civil liberties and rights we have now and which we have glibly handed over to a Fascist Government, are being refused medical treatment period. The consequence? Well, they are dying, in chronic pain in many circumstances, without diagnosis, without treatment and without medical intervention. They are being left in care homes by the NHS because they are so contemptuous of the elderly they have said publicly on numerous occasions, they should not be a burden on NHS resources. I an give you an example. An elderly lady, 83yrs old with dementia, was unable to eat normally due to her condition. She required a PEG (RIG) to be inserted so she could eat liquidised food and food supplement drinks to get the required nutrition. The GP, in his wisdom, decided because she was 83yrs with dementia, a referral for a RIG would be an unecessary referral to the hospital. The consequence? Well, the lady starved to death over an 8 week period, a horribly painful, undignified, chronically distressing death due to starvation due to a lack of nutritional intake on the say so of the GP. Why are these issues not a national scandal? There are thousands and thousands of elderly people in care homes treated like this by the NHS. But, in this country, the MSM aren’t interested in the truth just promoting Government propaganda. Let’s not make any more excuses about excess deaths in Care Homes. They are a direct consequence of the NHS refusing the frail, ill elderly diagnosis, treatment and hospital admission. An organisation that takes £140bn of public money is delivering less and less and less services whilst taking huge amounts of public money. No more excuses. The NHS are fully culpable here.
I couldn’t tell you the mortality rate for nursing homes in the US. However, you may find my above message interesting.
In case this info is news to people…
From a draft version of a bill proposed recently by the German cabinet:
My rough translation (other German-English translators can improve it if needed):
In other words, participation in society will only be permitted if you can prove you have been vaccinated against or you can demonstrate immunity from whichever infectious diseases the state deems relevant. And, according to another section of the same draft bill as interpreted by this lawyer in a speech he gave in Stuttgart a couple of days ago (in German), some version or other of Bill Gates’ digital ID passports are being forced into law right now (will be law on 15 May 2020 unless stopped) in Germany.
Proposed changes to Medical Product Law by German cabinet 29 April 2020: New medicines (including vaccines) should be approved for general application more expeditiously, either with very few or no testing. I guess it won’t be 18 months to two years until we get the privilege of being vaccinated.
My daughter yesterday sent me a new instruction from the Irish govt: “Social distancing measures will remain in place until such time as a vaccine has been created.” I think similar statements have emerged in the UK?
Many vaccines contain MRC-5:
Organism: Homo sapiens, human
Tissue: lung
Cell Type: fibroblast
References: Jacobs JP, et al. Characteristics of a human diploid cell designated MRC-5. Nature 227: 168-170, 1970. PubMed: 4316953.
In simple terms, taking a vaccine means that you are permitting the cells of an aborted human foetus to be put in your body.
In March 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe“.
In December 2019, US Republican Rick Wilson tweeted:
In 2017, the Blue Cross Blue Shield system paid paediatricians $400 per vaccination of the Combo10 package if those paediatricians vaccination at least 63% of their infant patients before their 2nd birthday. And that’s just one of many vaccination packages. How critical of vaccines would any of us be if running our clinic depended on income therefrom?
Its frightening what is going on in India. There will now be `house to house surveillance’ teams and evidently Apps. Its beyond belief: but thats the problem if you let things roll too far as Indians have done there comes a point where to oppose becomes too dangerous. India is unfolding the worst case nightmarish scenario that many elsewhere fear.
Yes, and this in (narrowly) the world’s 2nd most populous country, which has reported a mere 1,301 Covid-19 deaths.
The sheer audacity is breathtaking.
The problem is that India never recovered from colonialism, like many other places, and the end result is today all of the Indian elites are accepting the official narrative — even people like Arundhati Roy — that covid is a pandemic. “The sheer audacity is” as you say “breathtaking”, but what is also breathtaking is that the criticism is that the numbers are being played down. Are the Indian elites ignorant of how much pollution kills in India, how much poor food quality kills, how much the use of the cheapest chemicals kills, and kills not just the downtrodden, but everyone?
Hence their discourse that a genocide is ongoing because of the lockdown (the term was used by Roy) is futile and self-defeating. They are not even questioning lockdown as an effective and acceptable way to combat a pandemic (in the event that one day there is a pandemic: lockdown is the exact way to have everyone die. The only survival then would be of those able to disappear in sparsely inhabited places). They are only arguing on a class-based issue. Indeed in India this is amounting to a genocide, but is a lockdown not itself killing everyone, including the middle and upper middle classes?
The official data released by French authorities until April 19 if you analyse them (which anyone knowing how to subtract can do) show that until March 31 there was less mortality this year than in previous years, and in the period April 1-19, there is an excess death from previous years, and none of this excess death is from covid, and this excess death is more than covid deaths in that period. Hence the only other difference from previous years being the lockdown, it follows that the lockdown is killing more than covid even in countries without the abject poverty and absence of infrastructure: it is also killing the middle classes, it is a killing all round. Evidently the poorer you are the more you may suffer. But health issues are not confined to the poor. They affect everyone. Im here not even talking of the economic impact the middle classes will soon face.
This is why Roy’s article was published in FT. If totalitarianism finds a way to make sure the poor are fed, and they themselves dont suffer economically, then seemingly the middle and upper middle classes will be fine with totalitarianism.
Where are the Hannah Arendt’s of today? The Erich Fromm’s of today? Where are the Gandhi’s of today? We’ve become a worthless species which has even lost its survival instinct. A species whose fear of death is leading it to a premature death. Even the dinosaurs were more reasonable creatures than us: more reasonable since despite their aggressivity they found a way of surviving for millions of years. We cant even make it past some 30 000. The physicist Erwin Shrodinger, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, had warned half a century ago that there was a
stupidization” in progress and that according to biological evolution, if we stop using our brains, then the human mind will become superfluous — thats the only thing that makes us human, thats our basic survival tool…
That is merely par for the course, the predictable mantra from day one. It goes like this:
Voice 1: “40 billion people died this morning!”
Voice 2: “Stop trying to reassure people by playing down the figures. There are indications that the number could be 10 times as much!”
A very thoughtful response, thank you.
At the risk of seeming conspiratorial, I suspect your trust in the so-called Elite of Indian society is entirely misplaced. They Really Don’t Give A F***.
“…in the event that one day there is a pandemic: lockdown is the exact way to have everyone die. The only survival then would be of those able to disappear in sparsely inhabited places…”
…was Spot On.
“…This is why Roy’s article was published in FT. If totalitarianism finds a way to make sure the poor are fed, and they themselves dont suffer economically, then seemingly the middle and upper middle classes will be fine with totalitarianism…”
Well said.
I am flabbergasted how highly intelligent people like Arundhati Roy, and other well-heeled anti-establishment popular journalists here in India are completely blind and deaf to the fact that electronic voting machine-based elections are so very easily rigged, and now how the science behind the Covid existence, detection and predictions are so very deceptive.
I lost trust in such intellectuals here in India in 2014 itself when there were clear indications of enough EVM rigging in the national elections to enable BJP to get the seats required to form a government. The popularity of the authoritarian Mr. Narendra Modi was of course at a all-time high at that time, but it was still not enough to secure all the seats required to form a government.
Today, in India, intellectuals have become dumb. They do not recognise how deep the extremist religious elements have infilterated the judiciary, bureaucracy, police force, and other institutions. And, worse of all, they do not see how some corporate groups and industrialists control the decisions made by governments and are also involved in a big way in the rigging of elections.
But amidst all this gloom, I know for certain that there are many common people in India who have seen through the deception of the extreme right wing elements. These people are not left wing leaning, nor are they centrist. They are just smart enough to recognise a liar by his repeated lies. These people do not voice their thoughts freely since the government and its agencies (tax, media etc) come after them; they have jobs to protect, families to support. Remove these exigencies and you will see India explode in protests.
Last year, when national elections took place there was lukewarm support for the BJP on the ground at the time of election campaigning. Yet EVM manipulation took place on a much much larger scale than ever before to get BJP to power again in the Centre. I was happy at least that vast numbers of Indians had booted BJP out and had the EVM manipulation not taken place we would have had a coalition government today that would have created much less problems than the BJP,
Has the government stopped to ask what the most vulnerable in our society – the largely very elderly in the nursing homes – actually want for themselves in terms of family contact, informed choice and all that? The lockdown isn’t about protecting them, and anyone who believes that is just fooling themselves – it’s only going to make the very elderly more likely to succumb to the mental and physical health effects of isolation. And they don’t pose a “burden” re the NHS, because they are dying in their nursing homes anyway. Most of these people are close to the very end of their lives, and having weighed up the choice of seeing their families and taking their chances re their health, and possibly never seeing their families again and dying alone, I’m pretty sure many would choose the former. Good hygiene and common sense (like not visiting or going in to work as a carer if feeling unwell or have any symptoms) is surely going to be at least as effective, and quite possibly more so, than current measures, which are probably killing more elderly people indirectly.
Very sensible comment
They haven’t been asked because they might give the wrong answers. Nor has anyone else been asked, or the issue been put in any election manifesto.
The government just governs by faked opinion polls,as it has in the UK for years.
Thom, the truth state clearly and simply. It’s a shame people don’t know it.
Just like the recent psy op photos of rivers with fish in during the lockup to justified just how beneficial this lock up is add net flocks rise of a vegan jihadists tv series add a few lab synthetic food to do your bit upside down Beltane ritual film is just that another one of them
it did, it sent them a DNR
also added 23 years tot heer pensuion and then said ahve a pre exsting condtion we might not be able to help yuo
see you Thursday for he clap to save nhs save lives etcetc
Help… help…
trying to inform my folks ( for years ) and still they send me this kind of horrible bunkem from the ABC gov news here in Australia… though to need this PR the agenda must be feeling a fair bit of pressure now…
It’s absolutely disgusting…
Yes it’s all here in your link:
So it’s not really the Left who are “criminally” questioning the virus. (After all, these Left ones who are unpatriotically cynical are “libertarians”) It is essential that this virus critique be seen as a Right Wing reactionary trope.
“Anti-science” you see? I have a feeling that the “flat earth” is going to come in. Ah yes, here it is:
And then the passive voice:
“Statistics have shown” (“Statistics” is like some kind of divine being allied, no doubt, to “Science”)
Then we get more of the link with the “Far Right” and an emphasis on how this lockdown is NOT what the govt wanted (in this case the US govt.) This association of “the Left” with favouring the lockdown goes hand in hand with the association of “the Right” with “denial” of the virus.
And I suppose the really depressing thing is that this article doesn’t really matter. I’m sure it was preceded, just as it will be followed, by a million more making the same noises.
Repetition repetition repetition …..
Being sunday – have we forgotten the day yet?
Time to write todays sermon. Inspired by a poster below on mass hysteria, like Diana’s demise.
The last time for UK mass hysteria has been a lot more recent.
Most recent being
– ‘Corbyn is a Judaeophobic terrorist licker and EU lover who would spend hundreds of billions on the NHS and free broadband neither of which are needed, nationalise public services and pay lots out in benefits and spend hundreds ofbillions we haven’t got!’
That was joined and preceded by the mass hysterias of the previous decade :
-‘Austerity is necessary and the fault of Labour not a political choice’
We feel poor ( not because of politically imposed Austerity ) but because we are not getting our ‘fair share of pie’
The EU migrants are the villains for eating our share of the pie, infact all migrants from everywhere especially the non white ones
The EU is a tyranny that has starved the NHS of resources, forced all the privatisations including schools and student loans and are making us have rules and regulations that apply to all equally.
Sovereignty; ‘mah cuntterybaaaak’, RoolBrottannia! Free trade! Referendum!
BrexShit Means BragsShit! No surrender! Gehhdidone!
back to ‘stop Corbyn the jewish baby eating allotment gardener at any cost befor he stops BagShit!
NhS safe in our hand , world will be our mollusc as they rush to welcome the return of RuleBrittania and shower us with goods galore and we will be Singapore on Sea with our own playing fields of Eton (not for levellers)…
To a few months ago ‘Virus is not that bad; Cobra is just a room; no need for panic;
Panic; your old relatives and friends are going to die sooner and alone ; social distancing, lots of Cobras a VERY important room in Downing street. …
plenty of tests – NOT
lots of PPE – NOT
coming from us begging from Turkey – NOT
Shut up and give bozo a badge for having spaffed up a new baby and ending up in hospital and hiding, he’s good at hiding and spaffing (check these nurses for having caught a baby off him!).
The Mass hysteria may have started with Lady Di’s assassination by paparazzi, I saw many crippled by Kurt Cobains suicide too… natural human feelings but they were taken and weaponised to deliver what i listed above.
People generally like to think their government is on their side and so go along with what they are told.
But if what they are told is lies and it is fully backed by their fav media persons and their ‘in-the-know’ social media who actually work for international powers against our interests – you can’t be surprised they act against their own interests.
Collective madness does happen, and the hysterical fear-mongering around the coronavirus certainly seems to have induced a case of collective madness. Certainly, the policies adopted in response to the virus have been irrational and will cause more harm than the virus.
Steve yep, we were in recession before all of this and now, with a crash out of the EU in June without a deal, we will be tipped into a depression rapido. But, you can hear the Government say, WTF? We’ve got a good excuse now for 10 years of Tory mismanagement of the economy, of the 150,000 caused by austerity, of the 500% increase in homeless due to Universal Credit and so on and so forth. Good time for them to crash out of the EU in June without a Deal which Bojo stated back in December is what we would do. Nice excuse though now, because their actions have tanked the British economy and that is exactly how they planned it. From a seriously rigged General Election to lie upon lie upon lie by this Government.
Exactly. This is all just an extension of the years of Brexit gaslighting the UK has endured at the hands of Johnson and his bosses.
Johnson proroguing Parliament last autumn so he could be dictator should have been a warning to everyone.
Dungroanin’ Good. You are back to your oldself. Nice to see!
Jo – don’t misunderstand me, the virus is real.
It is killing people before their time.
None of what i wrote above contradicts that.
I have figured out for some time now that our government- the UK’s – are abusing the epidemic to further their only agendas. Namely BrexShit, and takeover of the profirable parts of the NHS by the US and other foreign interests who have been planning this for a loooooong time and have their people in secretive government bodies as well as the ministers.
So instead of halting or slowing down that process they have worsened the situation to accelerate their plans. Killing many more people than necessary.
It is simply a joint conspiracy in first degree murder.
The fixed trial by media, they have submitted to between themselves is designed to cover that crime and push through the hard brexit which is the raison d’etrê for this government.
They have used mass hysteria they have learned from Di’s death to win their referendum and the dirtiest election ever in the modern era and now to totally further many of the neocon/lib goals.
All best.
Protect the NHS is now the war cry, the people must protect their protectors!
Was ever so – the problem wasn’t herding them into lockdown, the problem is getting them out, takeaway and tv is a powerful disease
Ship in the illegals if you want someone to work
They’re not going back to work without a vaccine and their own therapy drone
Say what you like, Gates has got them bang to rights
So just die at home you ungrateful little moaning shit and don’t bother the services were busy learning off our dance routines and not that our only purpose is to help the sick?
How cognitively dissonanced do you have to get?
So die! Sure… of what…safer to keep away from hospitals, right? Help the sick, help the NHS, help the drones, everyone’s trying to ‘save lives’ even their own in the face of a dangerous …well what exactly, but anything’ll do for a good panic, even long words cog diss sounds very upper class
Absolutely correct. However, this is now out of the control of those that thought they could manipulate society to make some money. A significant minority of the population here in the UK shows every sign of refusing to return to any form of normal life, no matter what they’re told from now on. They will expect to be fed and looked after for at least a year, perhaps longer, and all the while will rage about the ‘selfish idiots’ who will be trying to rebuild any kind of normal economy.
We may yet be treated to the hilarious spectacle of governments threatening to fine or imprison people for refusing to stop believing quickly enough the terrifying propaganda that they’ve been force-fed.
the savagery and success of this coupling between gvmt martial law fantasies and mass cowardice will have taken even the hard ons by surprise, now sitting back whistling quietly aha so how about….
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time…when we start laughing at their humbug narrative, their goose is cooked
May 2020
change in law last month NHS informed everyone in u.k upon death they would be a willing organ donors That nice of them, you must opted out if you dont want your organs sold i mean used,
During this period i wonder of there still going to use body parts or organs of the CV deaths?
all adults in England will be considered an organ donor when they die unless they had recorded a decision not to donate
NHS organ opt out details enclosed
Why is it that when you think you’ve reached (in understanding) the bottom of the depravity of our oppressors, it turns out it was just a false bottom. False sums up TPTB tbh.
Sorry repost (modified) as seems relevant:
Assuming mass testing, false results or otherwise lets explore what the numbers can tell us. We need to set a couple of assumptions that are widely acknowledged. Using these assumptions we can demonstrate why this reaction is self evidently overblown even without testing (accurate or otherwise).
Firstly setting the global fatality count (FC) of lets say 300,000.
Secondly we also need to establish what has been stated about when the virus is said to have begun circulating, which is from at least the start of 2019/2020 winter (this is not the same as when the incident tracking began).
Starting with positive cases. If we have mass testing and it is seen that alot of ppl test positive (TP, falsely or otherwise) when deriving infection fatality rate (IFR), a bigger TP denominator under FC will give you a very small IFR value. For example, If mass testing shows that instead of 3 million global TP cases we have 300 million (4 percent of global population) then the IFR will be 300,000/300,000,000 which is equivalent to 1 in 1000, which is the same range as a typical seasonal flu (0.1 IFR). This means most ppl are resistant/recovered from this virus.
Ok what if tests show most ppl are tesing negative? Well ok if it turns out that after mass testing about 6 million TP to give 600,000/6,000,000 or 1 in 20 IFR, which is significant (statistically speaking the p-value). But given the proportion of test negative cases only approx 0.08% of ppl in the world have it, which means that despite the high IFR the virus itself is not very contagious as not many ppl get it in the general population.
Lets say for arguments sake the numbers fall somewhere in the middle of the above. That would mean lets say 150 million TP. So 300,000/150,000,000 or 0.2 IFR, which still only relfects a severe flu season and nothing more Moreover it effects even less of the world population at 2 %. Any value between the low and high TP ranges will either indicate low fatality rate or low transmission rate. Both of which negate the extreme counter measures.
Studies now being released seem to indicate that the virus is more in line with the first high TP scenario.The Italian study below shows that even in the hardest hit area and in the hardest hit demo, about 4 in one hundred succumb to the virus, 96 survive. For everyone else (below 60) it is 1 in 2,000. That’s even with the hyper inflated numbers (estimated to 8x as 12% are actually confirmed “covid”).
The real danger is how these numbers are portrayed. The hysteria tsunami initiated by the MSM (despite also givng the actual numbers as OffG has mentioned) has given rise to a belief that infection = death. Yes the likelihood rises as we get older (or have compromised immunity) but its still not a death sentence.
The extreme measures from reacting with this hysteria are the actual disproportionate cause of deaths e.g. turning care homes into off limits leper colonies leading to mass death from neglect; intubation that destroys pulmonary systems often fataly; ongoing deaths from other medical neglect as services are withdrawn (especially from our most vulnerable who are consigned to the chopping block with DNR notices); and the plodding incalculable deaths from the economic depression. Some of these deaths, particularly the short to medium term medical neglect deaths will no doubt be used to gin up the second wave they’re priming us for.
Past times. Remember the hippie. He/she ended up financially fairly good. Having told the world how to live a life, without bothering about money, but love, remember Woodstock. Today you find them on cruise ships or homes of the old, doing the last trip. Noticeable the noise they made then, and now.
Working for the CIA pays very well.
Far out. 🙂
Didn’t comprehend a word of this – care to elucidate ?
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” —C S Lewis
new speak in new normal…..
was really surprised yesterday,! whilst out i saw people out !!unbelievable, i’m not to sure they was doing there exercise or what. ? i mean they did not look like they was shopping .
I discovered my own brainwashing. Read your first line as “Of all trannies…
Bad word. Bad thought. Must not say tranny. Must not say tyranny. Launch self criticism program. Complete. Reboot. Resume self censorship.
like the rainbows painted everywhere with the thank you nhs on them
Contrived heroes.
Actually social blackmail to get you to buy into the “NHS-supporting” Tory government policy.
Wow, an “NHS-supporting” (Protect the NHS) Tory government, and the BBC watchers are drinking this up like street alkies on Special Brew. Money and commitment makes the NHS nd the Tories provide neither.
Will also make the NHS tracking app more palatable to the misled population!
Sorry, should have said mass surveillance app
And, of course, for the vaccine. Let’s all go out and clap for the vaccine!
And the immunity passport!
Surely not Novicurious!!!!! How dare you speak the truth!
The tyrant who believes in what He is doing is for the common good is a worse despot than one who is simply corrupt.
The corrupt tyrant, may have a relenting of conscience and realise the evil that is being done.
The nanny tyrant will never have such vision and may never relent.
The inaccuracy of the PCR was illustrated to me some years ago…
For nationals, to work in Saudi Arabia required proof that a person is not HIV positive. Stories were emerging about people going to a certified laboratory and testing positive. The same person subsequently walks around the corner to a different lab and is tested negative.
oops “for some nationalities to work”
Dont ever get tested (hiv etc) in any UK or USA gay or lezzie trans hotspots
huge incentives per diagnoses for local county/city’s etc etc
basically the tests are different.
They don’t work, but in different ways ? 🙂
The Greatest Medical Fraud in History – The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS on you tube
We are in the midst of a battle of intelligence. Meaning not the organs or the services but the mediocre intelligence of the technocrats. They’ve fluffed this plot so badly yet they’ve still got the masses hypnotized.
China policy is not a good fit in the West where people expect freedom. In China people have lived their lives without freedom, here people are not so well trained in drone-like obedience.
Am I allowed to say that? I am not being critical of China – which I know is an absolute no no on here – I am just pointing out the differences between those raised on free speech and those raised without free speech. Yes, a bit close to the edge, sorry.
No you’re not, anything that paints china in a bad light here, gets serious negative attention from the socialists, despite china being a despotic dictatorship under a thin veil of communism. No one here will acknowledge exactly how china’s economy flourished.
Rabid, Rightwing, racist bilge. China’s economy flourished through sheer hard work and enlightened leadership.
Never apologize for giving your honest opinion . The only thing that worried me in what you said, was that you felt you had to do that.
There are obvious sociocultural differences between coubtries.
Really depends on whether you’re recounting a personal experience or similar, or something you read or heard elsewhere.
Your first statement “In China people have lived their lives without freedom” does come across a little like a statement of fact with nothing to qualify it, or even what you classify as ‘freedom’.
These days when our western governments are tied up in illegal wars allied with the likes of Suadi Arabia and Israel and told our troops are fighting for ‘freedom’ it’s important to get these things in perspective.
I live in Hong Kong and from my experience the mainland people have a heartfelt belief in their government, almost like the trust you would put in a parent. Most willingly accept the removal of freedoms as the protection of the masses by the leaders – cynicism does not rule in mainland China.
What ‘freedoms’ are absent in China that are prevalent in the West? The freedom to live in poverty despite working several jobs, or the freedom to be bankrupted by simple medical procedures, or the freedom to join the military and invade other countries and murder millions, the freedom to be imprisoned at the highest rate ever known, or to be shot down by the cops in the hundreds, or be renditioned and tortured? What freedoms are you asserting?
Richard, succinctly put and a brilliant summary of so called ‘freedoms’. Before we criticise China as you say, we should look at what is happening in our own countries.
AND, Jo, China intends introducing more freedoms for its people, not just freedom from want, but the process is complicated by the implacable hatred of the West, and their unending efforts to sabotage, subvert and defame China and its civilization.
Paul, to add to your narrative, I would say that we, here in the UK, after 10yrs of Tory rule are not ‘free’. The MSM is now the State propaganda tool. Anyone who challenges the establishment, the pathological lies trotted out every day and the Government are either blocked from the narrative by the MSM censoring their comments and refusing to publish them, or classified as ‘commie bastards’ or shat on from a great height by other such labels. More and more in this country, the truth has been eradicated to the point that, were it not for the alternative online media, the truth wouldn’t be out there at all. The Government has already said its going to severely restrict the Supreme Court because of their Prorogation Judgement, it has said it is going to change Parliament so that Parliament can no longer hold the executive to account, it has just paid the MSM £35m pounds allegedly to run an advertising campaign about Covid-19 but, the truth is, they have dutifully trotted out the Government Propaganda and official line, the money is to save the Pro-Tory MSM from bankruptcy as newspaper sales are falling dramatically – what the hell would the Tories do if the MSM wasn’t there to bankroll them to election victories after all? So, anyone who criticises China, Russia or any other country about so called curtailment of freedoms and liberties, stop doing so because you are living it here, right here, right now and in the future. Fascist Totalitarian state is more than three quarters up the rung of the ladder in the UK. Stop criticising other countries I say and start looking at what is the here and now in this country. Paul, that is not a criticism of your post, you speak the truth, but a lot of anger on my part about, over the past 10 years of Tory rule, the erosion of our civil liberties and civil rights. I will say now, we need Jeremy Corbyn more than ever, more than ever. Stoogie Starmer is a waste of space.
It’s a statement of racist and ideological hatred, nothing more.
No you can’t remind people that the chinese people are forced to eat some of their newborn they aren’t allowed keep under the CCP rule out of pure hunger and nothing else to eat.
Anyone ever eaten the live brains out of a monkeys scalped head on their trips to CCP?
Nope, but I’ll put it on my list …
Is that what happened to you? Mistaken for a monkey, were you?
We possess ‘free speech’ only in that we are powerless to effect any change. And most ‘free speech’ these days is like yours-hate speech.
‘Free speech’ in the West? You are joking, aren’t you. Ask any UK Labour member purged for the least criticism of Zionist barbarity, for a start.
Garbage as ever. In China people are as ‘free’ as they like, so long as they do not break the laws of the country. The EXACT same situation as in The West. There are more people in gaol in the USA than in China, despite the disparity in population. Your Sinophobic, Rightwing, bilge is becoming tedious. And the description of the Chinese as ‘drones’ shows just what a racist you are.
Surely this is true in every country, up to and including Airstrip One. The question is – what is or is not against the law?
Precisely. In the West ‘the law’ is designed to entrench the rule of the rich, and keep the rabble in line. In China the law is there to protect society and the State.
The Chinese have at least as much real freedom in their lives as any Westerner. Just ask the two million banged up in Yankee prisons, or the millions on parole etc, about ‘freedom’. We have numerous laws that restrict our ‘freedoms’, and most ‘freedoms’ are commodities only available on a user-pays basis, in ‘societies’ of mass poverty, where wages have been stagnant for decades, unions destroyed and wage theft, precarious employment and hyper-exploitation is rampant. If that’s your idea of ‘freedom’ then you’re dreaming.
I think everyone misses the point of testing, it simply legitimizes the deadly covid19 pandemic narrative & facilitates government abuse & neo-liberal takeover.
Some hypocrisies to reflect on;
> If “social distancing” works, why do you need the lockup?
> If lockup works why do you need “social distancing”?
> If “social distancing” is so critical how can it be safe to police lockup?
>Are the police inhuman, wait that’s not a hypocrisy, its rhetorical.
Its all bull shit, only one thing can mitigate against the harm of virus infection, natural herd immunity. These lockup measures just prolong that happening & will kill more people than necessary.
Objective, yep. Just look at the 50 or so countries that have not locked down. They are fairing a lot better than we are!
“Death of Stalin scenario”. Can anyone with a Telegraph subscription tell me what they are on about… “Death of Stalin scenario – PM was given “litres and litres of oxygen”
The Stalin scenario is that the leader has a stroke and is left to die. No-one tries to help him either because they are too frightened or because they want to make sure that he does die. Is the Torygraph trying to signal something?
Found it down under.
Oddly the story says doctors had a plan in case he died. And that plan was to announce his death… … … um, yeah. Perhaps the actual plan was to register his death as due to Covid-19.
I still don’t see any connection to the Death Of Stalin SCENARIO. Who writes this shit, the unintelligence services?
Moneycircus, interesting isn’t it that it came from the pathological liar Johnson who went into hospital for the purposes of hiding from public scrutiny? Also interesting is that not one doctor appears to have corroborated this. I guess there are already Government protocols which have been in existence for hundreds of years about announcing deaths of Government officials and monarchy.
Been ploughing through What Really Makes you Ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker and in the section on germ theory they assert that “no disease is caused by a virus,” and that any organization that makes any such claim should be asked the following questions:
1. Is there an electron micrograph of the pure and fully characterised virus ?
2. What is the name of the primary specialist peer reviewed paper in which the virus is illustrated and its full genetic information described ?
3. What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof that a particular virus is the sole cause of a particular disease ?
Is there even a virus to test for ? And I am not hopeful that Matt Hancock at the Ministy of Truth will be forthcoming with the answers to any of the above.
Never fails to get me. A Tory minister with a sign saying “Protect the NHS”. Life has jumped the shark.
Standard Operating Procedure. The bigger the Big Lie the better, and the more often repeated, even more so.
Well I think you’re on safe ground there. I doubt Matt Hancock is going to wax lyrical on the topic of ‘Do Viruses Exist?”
I may regret asking but according to the authors, if no disease is caused by a virus, then what is the answer to the book title?
I won’t pass judgment on the book, of which I haven’t read a single word, but the authors’ profiles made me laugh genuinely out loud where it was stated that having a background in accountancy demonstrated an aptitude for logic.
Am still on page 80 of 800 so I too am reserving judgement but the very fact that the subject of the existence of a virus is being discussed makes me think
that perhaps the science is not quite as settled as we are always led (told) to believe !
Another interesting one is the offer of E100,000 prize if anyone can prove in a single study the measles virus exists, and the size of it. The prize has been outstanding since 2013. Look up Dr Stefan Lanka.
The German regional court ruled that he had to pay up and that was all over the media as you can imagine. He appealed to the Supreme court and they overruled the judgement, it didn’t meet his criteria, and therefore he didn’t have to pay up. Obviously nothing about that in media. The supreme court ruling is online for anyone interested in translating it. Took me an hour to wade through it, but it certainly seems Lanka is correct and the Supreme court overturned the judgement.
If it was possible then big pharma could easily afford to take this guy to court and claim the money, but in 7 years it is still there unclaimed.
Why because maybe he is right, the virus cannot be proved.
Sri Lanka !
Serendip, perhaps?
This video by Dr Andrew Kaufman has been posted on this website several times in recent days. It covers precisely the issues that you raise.
Thank for the Andrew Kaufman link ! It was very interesting.Again the rabbit hole gets a little deeper !
David Crowe’s take on the existence of viruses:
Thank you ! I might start to enjoy this if
it weren’t so serious !
From the outset this has been nothing more than large numbers of people pretending they are in a disaster movie. As for the UK, the last time we witnessed this kind of mass hysteria was when Diana died.
The last time for UK mass hysteria has been a lot more recent.
The Mass hysteria may have started with Lady Di’s assassination by paparazzi, I saw many crippled by Kurt Cobains suicide too… natural human feelings but they were taken and weaponised to deliver us even furtherinto the hands of the global robber barons – before the virus emerged.
People generally like to think their government is on their side and so go along with what they are told.
But if what they are told is lies and it is fully backed by their fav media persons and their in-the-know social media who actually work for international powers against our interests – you can’t be surprised they act against their own interests.
But this time, Matt Hancock is playing the part that should have been played by Leslie Nielsen.
(Sadly / ironically, Leslie Nielsen died from pneumonia, aged 84, in 2010).
If you want a ringtone to upset the true believers around you …
Sorry, wrong link.
Things like this sustain my faith in people, even if most of them seem to be in a trance at the moment!
As someone comments under the video, many people would believe the message. 😀
As for many people it becomes clear the coronavirus do not posess extraordinary lethality and hence want heath and economy damaging lockdown eased or cancelled, MSM propaganda responded with new ways of white and gray propaganda attacking selected science and methodology itself and most of all smearing ad hominem scientists who authored such repudiating official fearful narratives epidemiological studies.
The most blatant example of that is attacking epidemiological studies based serological tests of antibodies to SARS-Cov2, that unequivocally proved that there was at least 50-100 times larger exposure than official ct-qPCR test positive results of over a million symptomatic cases in US as until last week only those with vague symptoms were allowed to be tested.
In fact NY state serological test showed that at least 2 million of state residents have already been exposed to Coronavirus infection in early weeks of April almost month after imposition supposed infection spread suppressing near total lockdown.
Why they criticize those results confirmed in LA Co and Santa Clara Co. ?
Because if they accept standard serological diagnostic procedure of epidemiological studies they would have to accept fact the IFR estimate for Coronavirus is very low, for some young and adult age groups much below that of influenza.
But MSM attacked, dismissed and smeared not only authors, experts in epidemiology where use of serological tests is a standard operating procedure for over a century now, but principle of serological diagnostics itself as supposedly giving unreliable results while in the same time the same people are silent about proven low reliability of ct-qPCR tests prone to give massive false positives as it is non specific and produce false positives for variety of common bacterias and viruses present in mouth, throat and nasal area including Influenza.
FDA is warning about that in its emergency approval letters to test kits makers.
Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.
But if serological test are so unreliable giving false positives such above warning should have been included in letter of approval for serological tests as well. So let check NY state serological tests approval letter.
From FDA approval letter of SARS-Cov2 serological test kit submitted by New York City lab
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health Empire State Plaza, PO Box 509 Albany, NY 12201.
No danger of false positives mentioned by FDA at all. And hence there is no danger of of overestimating number of exposed people using serology and hence no danger of underestimating of IFR.
In fact as serological test is a blood test it is not as much prone to errors associated with improper administrating nasal, throat or mouth swab testing required for ct-qPCR potentially producing some sporadic false negatives.
In other words Serological test are reliable tests to detect past exposure of population to SARS-Cov2 virus.
But that is not what MSM propagandists including opens from hired doctors critics of those epidemiological studies really can deny under weight of hard scientific data but instead they are using a straw argument, attacking serological test unreliability not as detectors of past virus exposure among population but questioning claim no epidemiologist is making of serological test supposedly being sole determinant of individual immunity, confusing people by insidiously questioning correct virus exposure data by in reality questioning validity and effectiveness of acquired immunity coming from that exposure.
They sometimes quote FDA statement commonly included in serological test approval letters like this:
Such truism coming from immunology 101 course tells us nothing but the fact that immunity in general is time dependent and variable and depends on specifics of pathogen, state of health of immune system as well as health of entire organism and the fact that some people who may have produced antibodies to known pathogen could acquire symptoms of associated disease when exposed again if their immune system is suppressed by extreme stress, panic or other diseases like bacterial pneumonia or cancer etc.,
In no way it invalidates general claims of epidemiologists historically, about acquired population immunity based on serological tests (claims actually not made by those attacked studies focusing on IFR) and possible reduction of coronavirus effective reproduction number R below 1 (containment) after sufficient exposure to natural inoculation occurs.
It is obvious that this particular attack on legitimacy of century old serological testing methodology has one common goal among political and medical authorities namely to perpetuate myth of extraordinary lethality of Coronavirus as well as defending justification of deadly, socioeconomically devastating near total lockdown as well as continuing mass medical surveillance and control after lockdown.
“Everybody says they want change
But nobody want to do what it takes
To make it better
Everybody complains
But nobody ever wants to take the blame
And nobody ever does anything”
“Right to complain” … Trombone Shorty.
Another angle from which to doubt the numbers is evidence of Masonic coding. While many people pooh-pooh and believe that speaking of Masonic coding in these events undermines credibility and is in the realm of woo woo, one must always judge by the evidence. Do certain numbers appear more frequently than they would by coincidence? If so, then surely the claim for Masonic coding must be taken seriously.
This event is a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation which, virtually by definition, makes it also a Problem > Reaction > Solution scenario, or Order out of Chaos.
Problem Reaction Solution (Latin: Ordo ab Chao) is a mass mind control system. It is used to make changes to the law that the citizens would not accept otherwise.
1. Create a problem – Terrorism, financial crisis, etc.
2. Manufacture a reaction – Let the mainstream media only broadcast/print the side of the problem you want to show
3. Provide a solution – wars, corporate tax-cuts, welfare budget cuts, etc
The Masonic coding for Order out of Chaos is 777
777 isn’t always coded directly as 777.
Other possible codings include:
37 = 3 7s
21 = 3×7
12 = 21 backwards = 3×7
343 = 7 cubed (whenever I see 343 I think of the alleged number of firefighters who died on 9/11 – I knew it was Masonic number but I didn’t know how until a few days ago)
14 (2×7) with an adjacent number being, for example, 16 (1+6=7) to make 3 7s.
You might say well you can probably get to 777 any which way but I don’t think that’s true and there are definitely a significant number of 777s coded directly as that or 7 cubed.
Other Masonic numbers are doubles – 11 (the big one 9/11, JFK – 11/22), 22, 33, 44, etc and other triples (eg 666).
Below are the figures I’ve extracted from a video by Matrix Breakout. or, if censored,
Johns Hopkins World Map
Date: presumably around April 16, when it seems the video was made.
Total confirmed cases
As Matrix Breakout says: “You cannot get more hoax-coded than that.”
Interestingly, when I looked about 2pm on 3/5/2020) the figure was as shown below. (At 2:30 it’s moved up to 3,428,114 – cannot find Masonic coding there)
4,427,343 (44; 27 = 2 7s for 77; 343 = 7 cubed)
Reuters, April 7
Dutch new coronavirus cases rise by 777 to 19,580
CBS News, April 10
New York is “flattening the curve” but sees 777 more deaths.
CNN, April 11
Headline: At least 343 homeless people have tested positive for Covid-19 in New York City, official says
Body: So far, 37 homeless people …
18wlfi, April 12
Nearly 8,000 cases of coronavirus in Indiana 343 deaths
African Newsroom (quoting Nigerian Centre for Disease Control), April 14
Coronavirus – Nigeria: 343 confirmed cases, 91 discharged and 10 deaths from COVID-19 reported in Nigeria
(Here we also see the 911 code (zeroes don’t count))
Warrington Worldwide, April 14
Two more deaths at Warrington Hospital as confirmed cases of COVID-19 climbs to 343.
Worldometer / Latvia, April 15
Coronavirus Cases: 666
Recovered: 44
Worldometer / Romania, April 16
Coronavirus Cases: 7,707
Deaths: 392
(3+9+2=14 thus 77 +
Recovered: 1,357
1+3+5+7=16=1+6=7 for 777)
Worldometer / Lithuania, April 16
Deaths: 33
QNS (Queens), April 15
Coronavirus count: Queens leads NYC with more than 33,000 cases and 2100 deaths.
Also in body: … as of 4:30 pm on April 14 … ((4+3=7) + 2×7=14 for 3 7s)
Derbyshire, April 16
As of Wednesday (April 15), the number of cases in Derbyshire has increased by 22 in a 24-hour period to 777.
Meanwhile, in Oldham, the number of cases is now 370.
In Tameside, there are 308 confirmed cases to date – an increase of 23 since Monday. [3+8=11]
Press&Journal, Pennsylvania, April 16
There have been 33,777 negative tests for the coronavirus.
MyLondon, 16 April
London coronavirus map: Where every coronavirus case is in London as city death toll hits 3,377.
Reuters, April 16
Thailand reports 33 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths
Body: … bringing the nation’s total to 2,733 cases … (2 7s for 77 and 33)
Petra, I absolutely respect what you say about this being a trauma-based psy-op, there can be no doubt the masses are being played like a demonic screech of violins, but I beseech you not to clog up this precious channel with impentetrable, alienating esoterica. We need clarity at this moment, spiritual clarity included. The Gnostics had it right.
I’m hardly clogging up the channel, ginghiniagenie, however, I have to admit I just did a google search on “coronavirus” with “777” and with other random numbers and the number of responses for 777 didn’t show up as higher than the random number search – in fact, it seemed to be significantly lower than for certain other numbers. I shall drop references to Masonic coding although I have to say this result won’t disabuse me of my belief in it being a phenomenon – I’ve simply seen too much evidence elsewhere.
I haven’t paid that much attention to the occult side of the power elite but I think it’s important to understand at least to a degree. There is a whole structure of belief that they rely on to justify what they do. The fact that they make all their crime “hidden in plain sight” is not something we plebeians would relate to if we were committing a crime, is it? Plebeians generally try to commit their crimes as stealthily as possible so I think it’s important to understand that they operate very differently from us.
Another phenomenon that at first sight is counterintuitive is that they control the opposition in ways that are gobsmacking. It is truly incredible how they will push out people who bad mouth the power elite as fiercely as any genuine critic, if not moreso. It’s no holds barred. How do they do it? How do those people justify what they’re doing when they say the words so very convincingly. Isn’t there massive cognitive dissonance going on for them? Do they justify what they do by thinking, “Well, I’m telling them so very much truth, it’s up to them to work out the rest and if they don’t I’m not to blame – I’m doing my bit for the truth – it’s up to others to do the rest.” James Corbett is a great example. I do find it amusing how he calls out Noam Chomsky as “dangerous” because he mostly speaks out about government wrongdoing but not on very important subjects, namely, 9/11 … but, of course, James, himself, doesn’t tell the truth or, at least, not the whole truth on 9/11 himself – not the pivotal truth that death and injury were staged. And on the subject of the pandemic he’s all about “blown out of proportion” when the evidence clearly shows there is no illness of any kind beyond normal.
Here is another example. What an actor! Deserves a “controlled opposition” Oscar. Before censorship took hold on YouTube they used to make joke videos awarding Oscars to crisis actors. They could do the same for controlled opposition. Here’s Harry Vox exposing the plan of the elites for the future, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, published by the Rockefeller Foundation. Allegedly, he made the video all the way back in 2014 but I wonder. It’s a bit like the PNAC document where they talk about a catalysing event like Pearl Harbour that was produced in September 2000. Perhaps it was produced then but did it appear on the internet at that time? Or did they push it out just at the time people were starting to wake up as part of their propaganda campaign directed at truthers? I’m not saying they didn’t push it out at the time of publication but it’s possible, just as Harry may well not have made his video back in 2014 though not saying he didn’t. Anyway, check him out. He’s so good, what a performance … just one little problem, he acts as though the power elite are pushing out viruses “false flag” style rather than the whole pandemic thing being a complete psyop. I asked him on this version of his YouTube video posted by someone else (where he makes a comment) why he believes in them pushing out viruses when there is evidence of fakery of both Ebola and Corona (link supplied) – no response so far.
Whatevs, keep it up, BUT, y’know, don’t clog, mate. Gets dull.
And thanks Petra, for a very thought-provoking response.
Mass testing is a tool to exert control. Politicians, like senior managers, are not interested in solutions that do not benefit them personally. Their objectives are different to yours so should not be judged using your personal criteria which probably hinge on what is best for you.
Aspnaz, yes agreed. Politicians in this country have been given an extra £10,000 to work from home despite already having an office payment of £26,000 per year so one has to assume they already have office equipment, home offices etc. Like Jenrick, the Tory MP who is renovating a monumentally expensive second home in Hampshire all at the tax payers expense of £1,000 per week to which he has been commuting on a weekly basis breaching all guidelines. He should have been arrested and charged like common people are. He wasn’t. He was defiant and still is. Probably still commuting to his publicly funded 2nd home mansion in Hampshire.
Professor Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, says there is no clear evidence that Covid-19 is causing massive loss of life, despite evidence to the contrary in places like Europe and New York City. In fact, Levitt, who is currently stuck in Israel, says it has not been a particularly bad year for flu deaths. And the people who are dying from coronavirus are those who are at risk of death anyway. Professor Levitt believes we’re been ‘primed for Covid-19 panic.’
Can’t see anything to disagree with. I’ve always believed a big majority of patients get better despite medical treatment not because of it. It seems probable a large majority of patients are dying because of their wuflu treatment.
> ventilation is ineffective in 80% of cases, outcome, patients die.
>Hydroxychloroquine used to treat wuflu caused serious heart arrythmias in 80% of patients taking the drug, one known side effect is, no pulse or blood pressure.
>Remdesivir, suppresses the immune system, is that best for treating a virus?
This panic-demic seems more like a big pharma free for all to sell dangerous patented drugs that didn’t work safely for its original licensed use. While being the perfect scam for mandatory vaccines. You think being forced to take one vaccine is bad? Wait till you are forced to repeat your seasonal flu vaccine several times a year & an annual regime of boosters, the big pharma profits will sky rocket.
Your assertion that hydroxychloroquine ‘…caused serious heart arrythmias in 80% of patients’, plus the imbecility of ‘.no pulse or blood pressure’ (ie DEAD) is the most ludicrous lies I’ve seen so far. Care to say where you picked up this garbage, or did you make it up yourself?
Richard, I’m not sure they are ludicrous lies. Hydrocholorquine is actually a drug used to treat malaria. It cannot, by definition, therefore be used to treat a common Covid virus because the two are qualitatively different. It is also medically established that anti-malarial injections actually cause quite serious mental illnesses. The truth lies in the internationally renowkned scientists assessment that viruses do not require vaccines by the very virtue of being a virus. The common cold after all, is a Covid virus. You cannot treat a strong flu with an anti-malaria drug which is known and medically proven to cause serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Two different conditions.
No, Jo, drugs have various effects. HCQ operates as an ionophore that assists the transport of zinc into infected cells, which then disrupts viral replication in the cell. Azithromycin is an antibiotic, but also has an effect on viral reproduction and operation, hence is also useful. The Chinese noted early on the lupus sufferers, who took HCQ for their illness, were not being affected by SARS 2, so tested it in vitro, then on patients. It works early on, to prevent disease progression, but is pretty useless once the disease is established. The myth about schizophrenia is a new one-where’d you get that?
Hi Richard, thanks for this. Some 15 or so years ago there were some medical reports published that people who had been given anti-malaria injections or medication appeared to then go on to suffer mental illness as a result of it. Not all of course, but there were quite a few cases. One of those identified was schizophrenia. I am not sure we are talking large numbers but it was reported at the time, in a medical journal. That’s as much as I can tell you. The comedian Paul Merton stated in an interview that he had been the victim of this side effect and ended up on medication for a short time before it was found it was a consequence of the malaria injection.
It’s the same everywhere! The obvious conclusion – the tests serve the interests of the people who have the most to gain with this farce! The freak show goes on and governments take the opportunity to flex their muscles and pass authoritarian legislation without any chance of opposition.
Results aside, the testing frenzy, serves well the pharma cartel, not only increasing their sales, but also by supporting their fear narrative and paving a yellow brick road to the controversial (I would say bipolar) vaccine, the billions pouring from everywhere.
It’s a win-win for the scammers and a loose all for us.
Kurt Nimmo on the fallout of this scam . . .
And the majority drag us down to their level of stupidity. There’s democracy for you.
A poll of 3,000 U.S. residents — eight proposed crackdowns on rights — including forced quarantine in a government facility — criminal penalties for spreading misinformation — bans against certain people entering the country — conscription of health-care workers.
“Even when explicitly told that the policies may violate the Constitution,” the group writes, “the majority supported all eight of them,” including the restrictions imposed on free speech“.’
If they tested the same person 100,000 times, it would meet the target and provide a talking point for the next Hancock’s Half Hour.
China, Taiwan and South Korea seem to have handled the CV issue a lot more successfully, although they had to make things up as they went along. Their figures for deaths are much lower (however you view those) than America and Europe. They seem to have been far more successful in producing and distributing protective equipment, and carrying out testing (whatever its inadequacies.) And they are now reactivating their economies and civil societies.
The record of China, Cuba and Russia in sending medical teams and medical supplies to nearly 100 countries whilst still combatting the outbreak domestically, is particularly impressive. It compares very favourably with that of western countries like America, Israel, Czechia and Poland, whose main response was to steal and attempt to steal medical equipment from other countries, and then to search frantically for scapegoats to divert attention from their own incompetence.
America and Europe squandered several weeks of precious time before the outbreak spread to those regions. There was little in the way of coherent planning or preparation, and no attempt to learn vital lessons from Far Eastern experience. Confusion, wishful thinking and general incompetence were much in evidence. This was only to be expected, given the obvious limitations of current western political leadership.
Russia’s overseas aid embarrassed the Empire, so they spread more Fort Detrick virus in Moscow in the hope of undermining Putin.
Unsettling reading. The ultra-rich and their obsession with the human body, and the deep web of incestuous connections in the military-industrial complex
Look at typical phrases used by FDA emergence approval letter.
From FDA Emergency approval letter for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., RT-qPCR test with out any quality control conducted in the Bio-Rad Labs.
Manufacturer Creative Diagnostics is much more honest on its website .
This PCR text is unreliable gives false positives on almost everything including Influenza and Chlamydia Pneumoniae wide spread all over the world continuously present in hundreds of millions of people.
According to CDC over 40 millions of Americans have been infected with influenza.
Ask and you shall receive. Keep testing and you shall find what you are looking for.
What year is that- are both these tests currently being used? How do they differ? Is that this:
And this:
I came across this from here:
COVID-19 detection and serology Serology testing for COVID-19 is attractive because of the relatively short time to diagnosis and the ability to test for an active immune response against the virus. Currently, however, no serology tests are available for COVID-19. The CDC uses and currently recommends a PCR method to diagnose infection based on the presence of viral RNA. While PCR is a very sensitive assay, combining PCR with serology would theoretically increase sensitivity of testing. Having 2 tests would allow confirmation of infection, rather than relying on a single test. The 2 potential serology tests for COVID-19 would be (1) a test for viral proteins (likely a Western blot), with antibodies raised
in animals that would allow for detection; or, more commonly, (2) an ELISA that detects the patient’s antibodies to the virus. These would allow for rapid detection of viral proteins, or antibodies to those proteins, using serum alone.
Before any serology tests can be developed, a better understanding of the viral proteins to which immune cells react is required.
And this:
That’s actually the normal procedure for how to test for a dangerous virus, say someone returning from Africa who is suspected of having Ebola. First, you do the PCR test and then you do a serology test in order to confirm TWICE that they have it.
The “problem” is that this is a very lengthy and expensive procedure.
Not really expensive if done on large scale – Korea were able to manufacture millions of blood drop test kits.
Not lengthy either PCR tests take just a few hours and are normally done in batches. Again a matter of scaling.
It is just that in the UK our political leaders have CHOSEN not to do it.
And yet that’s the FDA itself admitting that even a positive test accompanied by symptoms doesn’t necessarily prove a C19 case.
Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status. Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.
Sum it up:
Utterly misleading and pointless tests.
A collection of what is falsified data to be spread as the truth .
Data manipulations is through this psyop has been the smoking gun used to try to justify unlawful home detentions and economic devastation .
“In war criminals we trust.”
Should be written on all credit cards ( or should I say digital currency).
Until we wake up to who we are and stop needed to be governed by these psychopaths .
The (unreliable) PCR test can’t even differentiate between common cold, SARS-corona 1 ( spread globally in 2002)or the alleged but unproven SARS Corona 2.