COVID 19 is a Statistical Nonsense

Iain Davis

The mortality statistics for COVID 19 have been incessantly hammered into our heads by the mainstream media (MSM). Every day they report these hardest of facts to justify the lockdown (house arrest) and to prove to us that living in abject fear of the COVID 19 syndrome is the only sensible reaction.

Apparently, only the most lucrative vaccine ever devised can possibly save us.

The COVID 19 mortality statistics are the reason millions will undoubtedly download contact tracing (State surveillance) apps. This will help the vaccinated to secure their very own immunity passports (identity papers) and enable them to prove they are allowed to exist in the post-COVID 19 society, whenever the State demands to see their authorisation.

But how reliable are these statistics? What do they really tell us about what is happening outside the confines of our incarceration? Do they reveal the harsh reality of an unprecedented deadly virus sweeping the nation or does the story of how they have been manipulated, inflated, fudged and exploited tell us something else?

The Once Reliable Office Of National Statistics

In order to register a death in England and Wales, under normal circumstances, a qualified doctor needs to record the cause of death on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD).

They must then notify the Medical Examiner for a corroborating opinion. Providing the doctor is clear on the cause of death and no irregularities or suspicions are noted, if the Medical Examiner concurs, there is no need to refer the death to a coroner.

The second opinion of the Medical Examiner (another qualified doctor) was introduced in 2016 following a series of high profile systemic abuses. The mass murderer Dr Harold Shipman, and doctors at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and Southern Health NHS Trust, covered up crimes and widespread malpractice by improperly completing MCCDs.

Today, once the Medical Examiner agrees, they then discuss the death with a qualified informant. This is usually someone who knows the deceased. It is an opportunity, more often than not, for a family member or friend to discuss any concerns about the suggested cause of death. If no further issues are raised, the death certificate can be issued to the informant, the Local Registrar notified and the death recorded.

Registered deaths have been recorded in England and Wales since 1837. From 1911 onward the cause of death has been coded in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Maintaining registration records was the responsibility of the General Register Office until 1970 when it became a department of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS). In 1996 the OPCS merged with the Central Statistical Office (CSO) to form the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

There have been some tweaks and legislative changes to the system over the years.

Technology has sped things up a bit, but essentially the simple process of recording registered deaths has changed little over the last century. The ONS have been accurately recording registered deaths in England and Wales for more than 23 years.

From a statistical perspective this consistent, verifiable system has allowed meaningful analysis to inform public health practice and policy for decades. The inbuilt safeguards, maintained and improved over the years, means the ONS provide some of the most reliable mortality statistics in the world.

They record all registered deaths no matter where they occurred in England and Wales. Whether the deceased died in hospital, a care home or in the community, once registration is complete the ONS add it to their statistics.

For weekly statistics the ONS week runs from Saturday to Friday and the statistics are released 11 days after the week ending date. There may be an additional lag for a small number of more complex cases. However, all are eventually resolved and the ONS record the registration of the death in the week it was notified. The ONS also release mortality statistics on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis for comparison.

This does not suit a hungry MSM eager to sensationalise reported COVID 19 deaths. Nor does it serve the immediate interests of State officials who want the public to accept their own house arrest.

Consequently the MSM have reported COVID 19 mortality statistics from a variety of sources. Some from the NHS, some from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and eventually the ONS.

Now the Care Quality Commission have also been thrown into the mix.

Ultimately, all of these deaths will be registered. The ONS will record them and it will be possible to know how many died, the causes of death and the trends identified.

Except in the case of COVID 19.

The Vague Case Of A COVID 19 Death

The Coronavirus Act 2020 received Royal assent on March 25th. This had significant implications for the registration of deaths and the accuracy of ONS data in relation to COVID 19.

Not only did the act indemnify all NHS doctors against any claims of negligence during the lockdown, it also removed the need for a jury led inquest. Effectively, only in the case of death from the notifiable disease of COVID 19. Worrying as these elements of the legislation are, they are just part of a raft of changes singling out registered COVID 19 deaths as unusually imprecise.

The NHS issued guidance to assist doctors to comply with the new legislation. Any doctor can sign the MCCD. There is no need for the scrutiny of a second Medical Examiner. The Medical Examiner, or any other doctor, can sign the MCCD alone. The safeguards introduced in 2016 were removed, but only in the case of COVID 19.

Doctors do not necessarily need to have examined the deceased prior to signing the MCCD. If it is considered impractical for the doctor who last saw the deceased to complete the MCCD, providing they report that the deceased probably had COVID 19, any other qualified doctor can sign the death certificate as a COVID 19 death.

There is no requirement for any signing doctor to have even seen the deceased prior to issuing the MCCD. A video link consultation within the 4 week period leading up to the patient’s death, is deemed sufficient for them to pronounce death from COVID 19.

If that were not tenuous enough, as long as the signing doctor believes the death was from COVID 19, potentially absent any examination at all, perhaps simply by reviewing the patient’s case notes, if a coroner agrees, a COVID 19 death can still be registered.

The coroner’s agreement is practically a fait accomplis. On the 26th March the UK State released guidance from the Chief Coroner. This was intended as advice to all coroners in cases of COVID 19 referral.

There were some notable changes to normal coronal procedures. Paragraph 5 strongly reminded coroners of their obligation to maintain judicial conduct. It stated:

The Chief Coroner cannot envisage a situation in the current pandemic where a coroner should be engaging in interviews with the media or making any public statements to the press.”

This thinly veiled threat to coroners made it clear that speaking out about any concerns would be considered a breech of judicial conduct. A career-ending act it would seem.

Social distancing is essential

The NHS guidance advised that if no signing doctor has seen the deceased prior to registration of death, a referral to the coroner must be made. This is a procedural recommendation, not a legal requirement. A legal requirement is only applicable in cases of unknown or suspicious causes of death. In turn, the Chief Coroner’s guidance states:

“COVID-19 is a naturally occurring disease and therefore is capable of being a natural cause of death […] the aim of the system should be that every death from COVID-19 which does not in law require referral to the coroner should be dealt with via the MCCD process.”

The Coronavirus Act 2020 also meant that a qualified informant, who agrees with the cause of death on the MCCD, no longer needed to be anyone acquainted with the deceased. A hospital official, someone who is ‘in charge of a body’ or a funeral director can perform this vital function. The Chief Coroner advised:

“For registration: where next of kin/informant are following self-isolation procedures, the arrangement for relatives (etc) should be for an alternative informant who has not been in contact with the patient to collect the MCCD and deliver to the registrar for registration purposes. The provisions in the Coronavirus Act will enable this to be done electronically as directed by the Registrar General.”

Most relatives, or someone acquainted with the deceased, will be following self-isolation procedures. They will almost certainly be terrified of contracting COVID19 because they have just been told their loved one or friend died from it. Furthermore, the Coronavirus Act has effectively placed them under house arrest.

In other words, if the MCCD signing doctor hasn’t seen the patient, while they were alive, no further inquiry is necessary. The qualified informant can be someone who has neither met the deceased nor knows anything about the circumstances surrounding their death.

In this situation, but only for COVID19 deaths, it is fine to assume the death was from the disease. If you, the coroner, don’t like the idea, don’t make a fuss. Just sign the damn thing or else.

Impacting The COVID19 Statistics

This quite bizarre death registration process compelled the ONS to issue guidance to doctors signing MCCDs. Not only is there no need for an examination to pronounce death from COVID19, nor is there any necessity for a positive test or even an indicative CT scan.

In their guidance the ONS advised doctors on what constitutes an acceptable underlying cause of death. When mortality statistics are used for research it is usually the most relevant factor. The vast majority of COVID19 deaths reported by the State and the MSM also reflect its identification as the underlying cause.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) define this as:

“The disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death.”

For COVID19, this determination can be based upon the clinical judgement of a doctor who has never met the deceased. Quite possibly following nothing more than a video link consultation or a case note review of symptoms.

The problem is the symptoms of COVID19 are largely indistinguishable from a range of other respiratory illnesses. A study from the University of Toronto found:

“The symptoms can vary, with some patients remaining asymptomatic, while others present with fever, cough, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms. The symptoms may be similar to patients with influenza or the common cold.”

Nor is there any requirement for a post mortem to confirm the presence of COVID19. Guidance from the Royal College of Pathologists states:

“If a death is believed to be due to confirmed COVID-19 infection, there is unlikely to be any need for a post-mortem examination to be conducted and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death should be issued.”

Clear causation between the underlying cause and the direct cause is imperative to establish the fact. Just because someone tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 (SC2) virus it doesn’t mean they developed the associated syndrome of COVID19.

The Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine found that anything between 5% – 80% of people who tested positive for SC2 did not have any symptoms of COVID19. Asymptomatic people do not have a disease which impacts their health in the short term. Even for those who did test positive for SC2, claims that this was the underlying cause of death are dubious in an unknown number of cases.

Following the Coronavirus Act, in keeping with advice from the NHS, the ONS advised doctors:

“If before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID-19 infection, but the test result has not been received, it would be satisfactory to give ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death….In the circumstances of there being no swab, it is satisfactory to apply clinical judgement.”

This isn’t unique to COVID19. Doctors are required to complete MCCDs “to the best of their knowledge and belief” even when test results may not yet be available. The difference in the case of COVID19 is that all the normal requirements for qualified confirmatory opinions and every opportunity to question the cause of death have been removed.

In addition, the need to complete Cremation form 5, requiring a second medical opinion, has been suspended for all COVID19 deaths. Given that post mortem confirmation is also extremely unlikely and agreement from a coroner is all but assured, this means possible COVID19 decedents can be cremated without any clear evidence they ever had the disease.

In light of all the other registration oddities for determining COVID19 mortality, the direct causation, proving COVID19 was the underlying cause of death, appears extremely doubtful. We just don’t know how many people have died from COVID19. We are told many people have, but we cannot state with any certainty what the numbers are. Neither can the ONS.

Obviously concerned about the implications, the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) have called for a systemic post outbreak review. The Health Service Journal reports that the RCPath expects a detailed investigation into causes of death due to the degree of uncertainty.

Statistically It Gets Worse

The overwhelming majority of medical and care staff, coroners, pathologists, ONS statisticians and funeral directors have no desire to mislead anyone. However, in the case of COVID19 deaths, the State has created a registration system so ambiguous it is virtually useless. The statistical product recorded by the ONS, despite their best efforts, is correspondingly vacuous.

This hasn’t stopped the State and the MSM from reporting every death as proof of the deadliness of COVID19. Claims of COVID19 as the underlying cause of death should be treated with considerable scepticism.

Initially the daily reports were based upon the figures of COVID19 deaths released by the NHS via the DHSC. These were the numbers with positive test results. The ONS also recorded positive test registrations from the NHS, care settings and the community.

As discussed, a positive test for SC2 doesn’t necessarily mean you suffered any health impact from COVID19. In addition, the test itself has proved to have a varying degree of reliability.

Nonetheless, the ONS figures from all settings, were higher than those reported by the MSM and the State in their daily briefings. However, the reliance upon positive tests changed on March 29th.

The State instructed the ONS not only to record all registered COVID19 deaths, where positive tests results were known, but also where COVID19 was merely suspected. In combination with the possibly spurious attribution from hospitals, this ‘mention’ of COVID19, further distanced the statistics from clear, confirmed causes of death.

This prompted a significant increase in the COVID19 fatalities reported by the ONS. Not because more people were dying from it, but because the categorisation of COVID19 deaths had changed. Any mention of COVID19 anywhere on the death certificate, regardless of other comorbidities, such as heart failure or cancer, were now recorded as registered COVID19 deaths by the ONS.

This addition of claimed COVID19 deaths has punctuated the ONS data throughout the outbreak. While we are told by the MSM that these new figures better reflect the reality of COVID19 mortality, in truth we are moving further away from any meaningful record.

The evidence suggests the methodology has been altered at opportune moments to inflate and maintain the mortality statistics. Just after the virus peak of infection and the start of the lockdown, the State instructed the ONS to include suspected “mentions” of COVID19. Again, as the recorded numbers of deaths were dropping, the State started releasing more figures from the care sector. From April 29th they have introduced additional figures provided by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

If the figures from the NHS are at best questionable, the figures from the CQC run the risk of moving us into fantasy land. All the same problems of decedents not being seen, video consultations, lack of corroborative medical opinion and so forth remain. However, in care settings the onus for signing MCCDs shifts from hospital doctors to General Practitioners (GP’s).

The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. During the COVID19 outbreak it has not required care homes or community care providers to notify them of suspected cases. It has also suspended all inspections.

From the 29th April the CQC will provide statistics to the ONS where a “care home provider has stated COVID-19 as a suspected or confirmed cause of death.” This notification is made online via the CQC’s Provider Portal. Provisional figures will be included in the ONS daily updates.

The CQC is tasked with making sure decedents from care homes who died in hospital are removed from the reports before submitting them to the ONS. Otherwise massive duplication will occur. We can only hope statisticians will be extremely diligent.

The ONS has reported what these statistics from the CQC will be based upon. Frankly, it makes jaw dropping reading. The ONS state:

“The inclusion of a death in the published figures as being the result of COVID-19 is based on the statement of the care home provider, which may or may not correspond to a medical diagnosis or test result, or be reflected in the death certification.”

Most care home providers are not medically trained. Their judgement regarding whether or not the decedent had COVID19 may well be the result of a once weekly phone call with a GP. Guidance to GP’s from NHS England states that Possible COVID19 patients should be identified primarily by weekly check-ins online.

This is in keeping with the NHS Key Principles of General Practice, in relation to COVID19, which states:

Remote consultations should be used when possible. Consider the use of video consultations when appropriate.”

The ONS add:

There is no validation built into the quality of data on collection. Fields may be left blank or may contain information that is contradictory, and this may not be resolved at the point of publication. Most pertinent to this release are place of death and whether the death was as a result of confirmed or suspected coronavirus.

This is the system the CQC will use to collect the data for the ONS reports. Once someone, either in a care home or cared for in the community, is assumed to have died of COVID19, based upon the best guess of the care provider following a chat with a local GP, in keeping with the process we have already discussed, their MCCD will be signed off as a COVID19 death.

The ONS will add their death to the COVID19 statistics and the State and the MSM will report them to the public as confirmed COVID19 mortality.

How anyone can consider the statistics from care providers an accurate and reliable record of COVID19 deaths is difficult to envisage. Nonetheless, that is what we are asked to believe.

The State And MSM COVID19 Fudge

All we are able to identify with any certainty are the total number of of all deaths, called all cause mortality, reported by the ONS. We cannot be confident about what caused those deaths during the COVID19 outbreak.

The State has presided over a truly remarkable bastardisation of the ONS data for COVID19. This has not only rendered records of COVID19 deaths a statistical black hole but, during the claimed pandemic, has also made the ONS data for other causes of excess mortality practically unknowable.

Especially for the ONS, any chance of accurately separating COVID19 deaths from other causes of mortality has been completely obliterated by State diktat. For the first time in their history the ONS are reporting a relatively large number of highly dubious registered causes of death. However, they remain our best hope of knowing how many people have passed away.

In the meantime, while we wait for the ONS data to emerge, the MSM are reporting every COVID19 death from any source they can find. Some are vaguely confirmed and some not. They are also reporting suspected COVID19 deaths from care homes, provisional figures from the NHS , the CQC and then the same figures again from the DHSC and later the ONS.

The narrative they are presenting, on the back of this hodgepodge of statistical irrelevance, is designed to convince the public of the severity of the outbreak in the UK. There is clearly high excess mortality at the moment. Thanks to the lockdown, this is happening while the NHS is essentially closed to everyone other than suspected COVID19 patients.

Early studies have already predicted a significant health impact from the lack of essential health care caused by the lockdown. People requiring treatment for a range of other potentially fatal conditions aren’t getting it. This was acknowledged by the UK’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Witty in the daily briefing on April 30th:

“…You have the direct deaths from coronavirus but also indirect deaths. Part of which is caused by the NHS and public health services not being able to do what they normally can to look after people with other conditions….It is therefore important…..to do the other important things like urgent cancer care, elective surgery and all the other thing like screening….which we need to do to keep people healthy.”

How many people have died of other causes, due to the lockdown, only to be registered as COVID19 deaths? We just don’t know and the ONS have no way of finding out.

However we do know, thanks to the ONS, the total all cause mortality as a percentage of population in England and Wales over recent decades. This analysis shows us, while excess mortality this year is high, it is by no means unprecedented. In fact, as a percentage of population, it is notably lower to the comparable years of 1995, 1996, 1998 and 1999. Yet none of these years necessitated the shut down of the economy nor the dire health consequences of closing the NHS to all but a few patients.

[click to enlarge]

Between 27th March and 17th April (ONS weeks 14,15 & 16) the ONS registered 25,932 additional deaths above the statistical recent 5 year norm. Of these 11,427 recorded COVID19 as the sole mentioned underlying cause.

We have just explored the considerable doubt about this attribution. However, if we accept this figure, it means the remaining 14,505 people died with other registered underlying causes. That means approximately 56% of additional excess mortality is attributable to something else, either in addition to or entirely separate from suggested COVID19.

Given this inexplicable Spring mortality, it seems highly likely these are at least some of the indirect deaths the UK’s Chief Medical Officer spoke of. To claim all these excess deaths are the result of COVID19, as the State and MSM persistently do, is without any justification whatsoever.

It is not possible to identify how many people have died as a direct result of COVID19 either from the registration of deaths or the resultant statistics. This is not the fault of medical practitioners or statisticians. It is caused by a State response to a claimed pandemic which has rendered the most crucial processes, and the data gleaned from them, a statistical nonsense.


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May 14, 2020 6:59 PM

This is some pretty Soon-to-be-highlighted on Alex Jones tin foil stuff. I love how conservatives lose their minds about 4 deaths in Bengazi but the Trump death clock (currently over 51K from his administration’s inaction) well, that’s basically some sort of cabal of of the Clintons and Fauci and Bill Gates. It would be funny, except that the anti-vax nonsense has real world consequences in a pandemic.

May 25, 2020 10:05 PM
Reply to  JoshS

99.74% fatality rate here in the US…..ooooooo super scary. Statistically for most demographics more likely to die in a car crash or struck by lightening.

May 13, 2020 2:52 PM

Whether one hates or loves Trump, we should all be thankful that he is president during this plandemic. Clinton and the Dems are all NIH, CDC, Fauci, Gates, WHO, Johns Hopkins koolaid drinkers. Beyond doubt they would have followed Fauci the crim and kept the US locked down until the economy was destroyed and we would be handed over to the globalists as dirt eating serfs. Look at California.

May 13, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Jose

Thats the plan.

May 14, 2020 7:01 PM
Reply to  Jose
May 12, 2020 3:06 PM

Excellent article which we can use to counter the hystericals and propagandists. Please also everyone read Dr Judy Mikovits book Plague of Corruption to see the levels to which the State and their medical establishment partners will stoop to in order to deny the truth about vaccines. Do not accept the vaccine without reading the book first or you may condemn your self and family to serious illness or death.

May 13, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Carrie

Its clear that this plandemic is designed to push the eventual (and almost certainly current, ask the BG monster) vaccine with its tracking/passport to reenter society. Thats the plan.

Thus they need to undercut possible cures with fraudulent studies. The HCQ “studies” left out the active ingredient zinc. Total liars.


May 11, 2020 6:17 AM

So, . . . any country on the ‘count any death with covid (or even just assumed) as a covid death’ bandwagon is engaged in the trauma based mind control psyop. Which countries are scientifically rigorous and independent?

Have heard PCR identifies multiple coronaviruses as covid. Yes/no? If so another tool in the scam (the 40/60 scam – 40% true, 60% hoax).

May 13, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Max

So anybody know which countries dont have purposeful overcounts?

May 10, 2020 5:27 PM

All hail free healthcare! What freedom do to think you have to protest any of this when you willingly turned your life over to the state in exchange for free healthcare? Now they get to tell everyone what they died from and then use that as an excuse to put you under indefinite house arrest. But it’s free! Well, free has lots of meanings. What about this is free or freedom? Nothing. But you took it. So clearly you already fell for the MSMs linguistic tricks long ago. So none of this comes across as enlightened or informed when you are just figuring it out now. Now you know why Americans have rejected the idea of state healthcare for 3 decades. There is no such thing as free, but tyranny and usurpations are everywhere all the time. No matter what the guy on TV told you.

Shelley Ashfield
Shelley Ashfield
May 8, 2020 9:31 PM

Here’s a bit of statistical nonsense. In my local (3 county) area, reported as of 12 noon today: in Montgomery County, PA 10.22% of positive COVID-19 cases are now dead; in Philadelphia County, PA 5.79% of positive COVID-19 cases are now dead; and in Delaware County, PA 8.16% of positive COVID-19 cases are now dead. I’m sure the numbers will change; as you say, they are nonsense. I give more credence to the obituary section of my local paper, which is curiously, rather full…

May 8, 2020 11:01 AM

This is a very nice article, though a bit long. Unfortunately it entirely falls apart when you see how the UK’s death rate has spiked dramatically.

That’s exactly what this monitoring service is for: https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps

Death certificates, opinions, test accuracy, ALL OF IT becomes meaningless when you see the spike.

This is not the flu, it’s not a hoax and yes, it’s killing people by the thousands.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 8, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Alan

So Alan how do you account for:

(a) the fact that deaths above the five yearly average coincide exactly with the government’s “lockdown” measures? and
(b) the fact that, even taking the coronavirus related death figures at face value, thousands of these above average deaths are non-coronavirus related?

May 8, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

a. Why do I think deaths shot up dramatically at the same time as a deadly pandemic and actions against that deadly pandemic? Well I’m not an expert but I’m guessing it was due to the deadly pandemic, coupled with idiots and selfish people not following the social-distancing thing. You know, the kind of weasels that brush aside or even downvote the data?

b. When there are thousands of excess deaths during a deadly pandemic that don’t appear to be related to the deadly pandemic? Well again I’m just taking a wild guess here, but maybe the excess deaths are under-counted deaths from the deadly pandemic?

That could totally be a thing, if the deadly respiratory disease ALSO did crazy stuff, like attacking the heart, attacking the liver and thickening the blood? Of course we’d need to look into that, see if SARS2 could actually do that? Let’s take a look right now, because that could be significant and mean we’re seriously under-counting the deaths from the deadly pandemic, couldn’t it?


Whoa! Dude! You were right!

Glad we cleared that up, but do you think the weasels will see the bigger picture, or just keep making noises like an over-rich 2 stroke -Butbutbutbutbut…?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 8, 2020 2:03 PM
Reply to  Alan

Alan, from your response, which not only does not address the question, but pretends to do so, and your sarcastic tone, I strongly suspect that you are not here to engage in a serious, evidenced and reasoned discussion, but are concerned to troll and propagandise.

May 8, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I answered it directly. When thousands of people are dying, and we can so it’s so many it’s effecting entire national mortality rates, you still question what it might be?

It is you that is attempting to put a spin on very clear-cut facts, by raising meaningless questions.

Do you actually dispute the figures? If not then the debate is over – this is killing people in huge numbers and questions about what is or isn’t on the death certificates is now just a distraction at best.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 8, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Alan

Alan, you have persuaded me. You are here to troll and propagandise.

May 8, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“Propagandise” what exactly, the raw data?

I’m doing quite the opposite of propaganda and asking you to look at the simple, basic data.

If there really IS something out there killing many thousands of people, in such huge numbers as they say, then that should show up by now on the all-cause mortality rates, shouldn’t it?

So if we look for that tell-tale fingerprint, do we see it? Is the evidence of mass deaths out there – or not?

Super-simple stuff and bypasses all the talk of testing rates, testing accuracy, what people do or don’t put on certificates blah blah blah etc.

Is the evidence there? Are there any noticeable spikes for the hard-hit countries such as Italy, Spain, France or the UK?

Yes – and they’re huge.


Apparently it tells you that I’m here to here to “troll and propagandise”, which says a lot more about you than it does me.

Let’s agree to not talk to each other?

May 9, 2020 11:20 AM
Reply to  Alan

What it suggests to me is that the NHS is not doing it’s job properly.

Maybe, extra people are dying because their conditions are not being diagnosed and they are not getting the care they need.

Maybe, people are worried about going into hospital in case they catch this virus, and instead die elsewhere.

Maybe, the large numbers of patients discharged early from hospital at the beginning of this farce brought a nice little virus with them. Particularly those who were discharged into care homes. Like tossing a match onto a haystack.

Maybe it’s because we don’t really have a health system at the moment.

Meanwhile, the Govt, msm and nhs are doing all they can to bump up the covid figures because otherwise they would have to justify their insanely destructive lockdown policy to a population that for the most part will see no reason for it.

May 10, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  Alan

This article lays out, in excruciating detail, exactly why and how the data is wrong. And your rebuttal?…”the data”. And not another single verifiable fact. So newsflash:. You’re a troll. Buh bye.

May 13, 2020 7:47 AM
Reply to  Alan

Sorry but you clearly didn’t take a word in that was said in the article.

Also every year in the uk we get 20k flu deaths. In “bad flu” years the figure is much higher.

Assuming “flu” and CV19 are different strains of virus how many people do you think can tell them apart. All the symptoms are the same.

So back to the article. We have reduced that annual “flu” deaths to zero and put everyone with a cough in the CV19 death list.

Add in the thousands who dies as a result of being too scared to go to hospital and the annual death spike that occurred EVERY year.

May 13, 2020 8:09 AM
Reply to  Steve

Did I not already give you the euromomo data showing the all-cause mortality rate of the UK has shot up by over 40%?

I did.

But STILL I hear this “But whatabout…” stuff.



Paul Barbara
Paul Barbara
Nov 6, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  Alan

Yes, the all-cause mortality rate covers everything – including suicides due to lockdowns, people being locked out od hospital appointments, people being afraid to go to hospitals no matter how ill they are, flu misdiagnosed as Covid (a motorcycle accident was even classed as a Covid death, till someone quieried it), loneliness and broken hearts for Care Home patients kept apart from their families, all a direct result of the government and Corporation’s scamdemic.

Paul Barbara
Paul Barbara
Nov 6, 2020 12:49 AM
Reply to  Alan

The article explains in great detail that we are deliberately kept from accessing ‘raw data’, and that all the new regulations put into practice are there to increase the numbers (and fear) exponentially, as is the totally innapropriate PCR test with its mega-False Positives.

May 10, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  Alan

Why do you ignore the sudden drop in every other cause of death? Did they cure cancer since COViD arrived? TB? Pneumonia? Every other strain of influenza? Did you miss the entire point of the article? It’s a bait and switch. Count the TOTAL number of deaths compared to last year and show us the increase in THOSE numbers. It’s not there. Your rant, that is nothing more than a word for word repeat of what the TV told you won’t change the verifiable facts.

Dr. John H
Dr. John H
May 8, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  Alan

That chart does look very interesting. What accounts for the excess mortality if not the coronavirus?

May 10, 2020 5:49 PM
Reply to  Dr. John H

Do the math. Roughly 15k extra death across some 14 countries. Or roughly 1000 per nation.
1000 deaths out of populations of millions is increasing any individual country’s death rates by something like 0.01% at best. Well within normal variation. And again we can’t even say for sure that COViD caused it. You have to have some small amount of discernment. Calculate what % 15000 deaths is out of the collective populations of these nation’s and you get a number orders of magnitude off from what they’re telling you the Covid death rate is. So this graph only affirms what the article is saying. If you came to any other conclusion you might need to repeat middle school math.

May 13, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Dutch

So.. explain these graphs, which certainly DO show massive spikes? https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps

Paul Barbara
Paul Barbara
Nov 6, 2020 1:02 AM
Reply to  Alan

Correlating exactly with the artificial lockdown with all it’s extra dangers and stresses.

May 13, 2020 8:12 AM
Reply to  Dr. John H

Well according to some posters here it seems it was the hiccups, and nothing to do with the deadly pandemic sweeping the globe and killing people in other countries. No, see the sudden sharp and dramatic spike in UK’s deaths is because we’re pretending the normal deaths from flu are Covid-19, see?

Of course, miscounting normal deaths wouldn’t actually account for a sharp rise, but I never said they were being logical.

May 9, 2020 3:18 AM
Reply to  Alan

Nobody knows anything, and all, including the experts, the contemporary priest classes, are doing guesswork. The whole show is a theater of fools. Though the so called excess in the European data does not even reach a double of the average, nothing much going on really, relatively. No need to lock down societies for that. Heads need to start rolling, of incompetent and corrupt authorities and establishments, which may bring about a spike of the same kind.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 8, 2020 7:48 AM

The changes to medical procedure for registering deaths might be appropriate if death rates had gone up 1000%, but given they have probably not more than doubled at any time during the crisis, one has to say that Boris Johnson has simply given a get out of jail free card to any medical professional, coroner etc by making it impossible to ever hold them to account. I wonder how he would feel if one of his children died in a way he was not happy with but Coronavirus 2020 Act meant he had to accept what he knew was blustering BS?

The rule of law is actually in the collapse phase of the cycle. Governments are being coerced by billionaires and corporations to actively dismantle the checks and balances of sensibly constituted states, to allow the most powerful to run amok.

May 8, 2020 11:03 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

1000%? If the total all-cause mortality rate shifts by 10% it’s a freaking emergency!

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 7, 2020 11:29 PM

Weapons of Mass Distortion.

An excellent dismantling of the statistical manipulation enabled by the Corona Virus Act.

At over 400 pages it appeared out of the blue and went through Parliament on the nod. It must have been on the shelf waiting as it couldn’t possibly been drafted in such a short time.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 8, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Nemo, it was drafted in 2016 after the Cygnus Exercise, which found that the NHS might be overwhelmed by a pandemic. So they drafted legislation to deprive us of our rights and liberties instead of increasing NHS capacity. There is a logic to it.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 8, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Thanks Steve, just as I suspected.

I guess deductive reasoning is useful after all. 🙂

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 8, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Nemo, one cannot know an empirical fact by deductive reasoning. I know about the drafting of the legislation because Jeremy Hunt, who was the Health Secretary at the time, told the world about this in an interview on LBC.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 8, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes


Paul Barbara
Paul Barbara
Nov 6, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Quite probably, like the Patriot Act.

May 7, 2020 8:24 PM

bigger numbers make better headlines.
― Gerd Gigerenzer

May 7, 2020 10:03 AM

I’ve made several complaints to UK press in last couple weeks about using statistics in very misleading context, and they are all at it, regardless of political persuasion. Ive tried to put everything in context so forgive me if some of my writing is rather chaotic. Some examples are

1) Guardian published a Sweden bashing opinion piece which used the deaths per million stat showing Sweden in 10th worst performance. After that stat, the author simply went on to create a narrative which accused the Swedish effort of being under the control of right wing nutters. The mortality rate , as described above is a redundant comparison unless you know the comparative infection rates from nations being compared. Without that total infections variable, death per million yields nothing of any scientific or statistical value. I complained, 2 days later, got a really long winded reply from the readers editor, arguing that the mortality stat still tells us interesting, it does but not that Sweden is necessarily Europe’s top ranked death factory. They refused to correct. Isn’t that UK press self regulation going well!

2) Daily Telegraph used rate of deaths (red flashing headline for max attention) at the start of the UK lock-down, when there was only a handful of reported deaths. At the same time Italy was still building up to a peak with hundreds of deaths per day. Telegraph screamed “UK death rate higher than Italy”. They are not lying, but unless a reader understand how the two are being compared you could be forgiven for being very alarmed at this headline. Drilling down UK could have 2 deaths Monday and 4 on Tuesday so their rate is double, whereas Italy could have 600 deaths Monday, and 1150 on Tuesday and of course UK has a higher death rate. So they picked practically the only type of statistic which allowed them to report that UK pandemic was already worse than the one in Italy, after only a few days knockdown. I complained and they finally changed it, but not really because they just replaced it with a newer red banner alert notice.

3) Financial Times. They reported on the rather oddly emphasised WHO announcement implying there was doubt that covid-19 recoveries were immune via antibodies. Their famous “no evidence of immunity” Of course that is wrong, there is evidence of immunity since there has not been one proven reinfection so far. Even without a study, apply Occams razor and it would favour immunity has occurred. The FT, had a long rambling article, which for added inducement to panic mentioned some of the cases in Asia of recoveries testing positive for covid-19 again. Of course this is very common with many virus, they leave behind what they call remnants, and they are harmless, as whenever attempts are made to culture them, nothing grows. These are not reinfections, just sort of false positives. However FT appended “and other reinfections” at end of the sentence mentioning those false positives. Factually wrong and really quite alarming, if it was true.I forced a correction but it took a struggle, a few emails and i really got the feeling, i was now the enemy, for being a party pooper and insisting on correction. Funnily enough WHO were forced to correct their announcement a day later, apparently though i cannot confirm ,scientists all over the world complained about the misleading format of semantics used.

Anyway great blog, just came it across it here, and look forward to reading the coverage.

May 7, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  Codigo

just got the rules notice, so will link the Guardian and FT case but not sure i can find the telegraph one as its a red alert thingie.



May 8, 2020 12:04 PM
Reply to  Codigo

Questions need to be asked regarding Bill Gates paying Imperial College $79 million to promote ‘research’ ie: Ferguson and his code? Gates has massive investments in vaccine companies and is promoting global vaccination, why?
(Just an aside, his organisation has been banned from India due to the damage some of his promoted vaccines have done).
It now turns out the code Ferguson used was to put it politely, crap, not to be relied under any circumstances, yet the whole country is under lockdown on the basis of unreliable so called ‘science’. This is going to result in massive economic damage which the country may not recover from for decades. Heads need to roll, despite it being to late to put right what has gone wrong, but policy need to change going forward before any more damage is done.

May 8, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  Trodaire

Yes, i have to say i dont know much about the Gates controversies prior to his all in commitment to covid-19 recently announced. But im going to do some googling when i have some time.

At this stage, i see Gates as a bit of an old fool. I think high profile figures sometimes make silly decisions because they want to stay relevant. Also they are out of touch with main st reality, they really do live in another world. However i am sceptical of some of the rather fanciful conspiracy theories knocking around right now.

May 7, 2020 9:44 AM

Brighteon.com was set up by someone fed up with YouTube deplatforming him and others. Here’s the video YouTune deleted… https://www.brighteon.com/91f524b4-656f-4c46-bab5-01dea4ac1cf1

May 7, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Bob

Brilliant, Bob. I’d sent someone the link to the Youtube version but they couldn’t access it this morning, so I’ve been frantically looking for an accessible version and you came up with the goods! Many thanks.

Wake up World
Wake up World
May 7, 2020 2:01 AM

Great article. It also seems that in England, Wales and Northern Ireland the law states that deaths must be registered in 5 days. 8 days for Scotland.
Included in the daily deaths constant reference is made to deaths just being reported from as much as 4-6 weeks previous.
I find it bizarre to say the least that it takes that length of time.
Based on the evidence the ONS statistics are just ludicrous.

May 7, 2020 4:26 AM
Reply to  Wake up World

Indeed, a great article. Ludicrous or not, however, those statistics will stand in the public consciousness until we decide we won’t put up with them any more.

May 7, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Wake up World


You may not have seen this earlier OffG article which covers precisely this point.


May 6, 2020 7:44 PM

There’s a book called Virus Mania that’s really cogent to the times, it’s amazing that this whole mask craze also happened in the 1918 “spanish” flu “pandemic” and it comes to the conclusion that the cause of that was over-vaccination/medication of the population, especially military, and undernourishment especially after the quagmire of WW1. Vaccines weaken the immune system, they don’t strengthen it and they have all these toxic riders that we know of and probably some we don’t included in them. It’s completely fake to inject a “dead” “virus” directly into the bloodstream, our immunities are naturally made through ingestion of “virus” through mucus membranes etc They don’t even have proof of any “virus” in most cases, according to the Koch criteria. The God-State and it’s Big Pharma phalanx (which includes todays drug and medical testing salespeople called Drs) doesn’t need proof it just needs to make decrees and have orders followed and it’s media wing to spread nonsense.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 6, 2020 9:10 PM
Reply to  John

You can tell there is something wrong with the pro-vaccine story when vaccines are defended so hysterically, rather than coolly, based just on the science. The fact that you can’t sue a pharmaceutical company for vaccine damage is a huge red flag.

An interesting conversation between David Crowe and Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccines Risks Network:


Toby Russell
Toby Russell
May 7, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

US Supreme Court, March 2011, ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”.

Republican Rick Wilson tweeted Dec 2019: “Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property and putting their children into protective custody.”

May 7, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Yes there is a quite a push to imply that a vaccine is our only hope. Huge amounts of funding being raised. And in the msm articles driving the holy grail Vaccine narrative, doubts about immunity are peppered here and there. For instance the NY antibody testing results are consistently suppressed, in that you may read about it, but its usually a small blurb or press include it in their rolling coverage, without doing a full article, while rather long shot vaccine stories are churned out like fresh pasta!

May 7, 2020 1:05 AM
Reply to  John

This book looks very interesting. Perhaps one of the Off editors could write an article summarising its contents. In the meantime I will buy it.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
May 6, 2020 7:13 PM

We are one step closer to marshall law. If one complains, you will be isolated in a hospital, were the nurses and doctors have nothing to do but make silly videos to beat the bordom and post them online.
From there to the crem because you died of the virus after being given a vaccine. Family members will be informed post disposal.

Removing security measures is never a good idea. Harold Shipman anyone?
It seems we can add the ONS to the growing list of organisations failing to uphold their standards. Do they care? probably not.

May 6, 2020 2:57 PM

As a medical professional my wife receives daily updates via text (from some official body, i don’t take much notice WHO) telling her the daily death rate nationally and for her local Trust & hospital. Suddenly a few days ago they stopped! I asked yesterday what the total was for our area now. The stats assert 1 in 3 patients tested with a corona virus have died during treatment. The cause of death listed “SARS-CoV-2 mentioned” so it only has to be mentioned on the death certificate for it to be included in the stats, not even infected with or died from.

Stats as far as i’m concerned are pointless worthless propaganda tools. Not even a million deaths justify this take over & our eternal slavery. Another thing that really pisses me off is the faith & worship in modern medicine ( i don’t mean personnel) i mean the “science” . Frankly they seem impotent charlatans. After more than a century of advanced medical techniques & all the knowledge of respiratory disease they seem clueless on how to treat this disease & have made little or no progress in stopping people dying. Anyone would think death is inevitable an act of nature or god (if you believe) the way they carry on ;-/

I saw a few days ago a new model has been published that contradicted the notion those that died with or from wuflu (old age & underlying health issues) would die within a year or two. The NEW model in fact asserted those that were killed by wuflu certification would have lived another 11 years on average. So whilst they have no clue how to treat a common respiratory virus, & previous models predicting the death rate of the virus were wildly inaccurate they now assert they can accurately determine the exact life span of everyone! Seems death really is inescapable, WHO knew.

Statistics who needs em, politicians?

May 6, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Objective

“Frankly they seem impotent charlatans”. I second that: they are. We are only one step removed from snake oil, if even that. Doctors are being expertly brainwashed by big pharma. A good book on this is: Quentin Ravelli, “La stratégie de la bactérie”, not translated yet in English, I think. The author gets a job as pharma representative and to learn the ropes he goes on tour with more experienced sales people + plenty other good stuff. In spite of their enormous profits big pharma claims already 10-20 years that the only profitable thing for them is something that everyone has to take, and with COVID19 testing and vaccine(s) (to come) they (think they) hit bull’s eye …

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 7, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Objective

Henry Bauer has some interesting things to say about science in this 2017 interview with David Crowe:


May 6, 2020 2:34 PM

We’ve reached the very bottom. Now, can somebody please tell us how to stop this nihilistic, destructive silliness.

May 6, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Here is how WarD. At last, watch this explosive video, and spread it far and wide, across every continent
Knowledge is power, and this is the only thing that will defeat the lying bastards.
I’ve been crying out for medical staff to blow the whistle, and here it is.
Thank you to Objective who has been attempting to open the gates a little.
Come on people let’s make this a flood..
There are millions of truth sites throughout the world. Please, get this information out there.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Magggie

Excellent Maggie…. tho O Lucky Man posted this video further down this thread. I’ve watched this interview twice already, and Judy Mikovits deserves a bloody medal.
Bravo to her courage and tenacity.
Send this to every single person you know! Hell, send it to complete strangers as well. Glad you saw it also.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
May 6, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  Magggie

YouTube scum have removed the video. What was its main message?

May 6, 2020 11:51 PM
Reply to  Magggie

This YouTube link has been deleted. As well as Judy Mikovits’ interview with Patrick Bet-David (Valutainment).

May 7, 2020 1:01 AM
Reply to  Ann

This raises the point is there another medium other than youtube that posters of videos can use that won’t be scuttled?

May 7, 2020 4:29 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

If only… But that’s like asking whether there is another government, other than the current one, which will stop screwing us…?

May 7, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  Magggie

Thanks Magggie, b…u…t… … … guess what…?
(“Oh no, you don’t, you pleb scum!”)
“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines”…

May 7, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Or perhaps it was YouTube’s Immunity Guidelines…?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 8, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  wardropper

YouTube scum filth have the ‘Plandemic: Hidden Agenda Behind Covid19’ video back up on Y/T…. exactly same title as before, Except its not the Judy Mikovits interview.
Its some piece of shit establishment whore – a male doctor, screeching about how Judy Mikovits is a conspiracy nut, how she’s a theif, how the whole video was garbage and rubbish, etc, and really sticking the boot in in a very vicious way.
Not only has YouTube kept the same title as the original (to trick people into watching it) But…. they’re allowing comments, unlike the last couple of uploads of the Real interview where they had comments turned off.
I’m so bloody angry and disgusted about this.
When I did a Google search on the title, almost the whole first page of search results was full on demonising and smearing Judy Mikovits to the heavens. We do Not have freedom of speech anymore. We live in a dictatorship.
The real documentary is now on Brighteon, and I think Bichute.

Dr. John H
Dr. John H
May 9, 2020 2:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Fortunately, the movie is here, at the filmmakers site:


I never thought listening to a molecular biologist would bring me to tears…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 9, 2020 3:21 AM
Reply to  Dr. John H

Thanks Dr John. I got a bit teary at the end of it also. Also outraged at the really vicious hit job they have conducted on this brave woman, and the tactics of YouTube.
That male doctor on their version of that video is beyond contempt. I believe he’s some TV celeb doctor?
All their smears and blatant censorship alone tells me the Documentary is on the money (no pun)

May 7, 2020 8:56 AM
Reply to  Magggie

Any chance the video was uploaded to bitchute ? As it has been removed from youtube!!

May 7, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Magggie

I just clicked on the link – the video has been suppressed for “not abiding by community standards”.

May 6, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper

What you see is only the end of the beginning.

Seen any bees today?

May 6, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Seen any bees today?

Of which species?

May 6, 2020 2:09 PM

Stop the presses: we a pandemic among pawpaws and goats in Tanzania.

“[The president] said there were “technical errors” with the tests.”


Or – as Wolfgang Wodarg wrote:

“When the test shows positive results for animals, then it is not specific enough for SARS-CoV-2.”

May 6, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Magnus

Positive paw paws! Holy mango! Quarantine the kumquats!

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 7, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  Magnus
May 6, 2020 1:59 PM

Apologies if posted already but a new update on Swiss Propaganda site today:


May 6, 2020 1:02 PM

Wow, super article, well resourced and accurate. Well done and thank you.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 6, 2020 12:28 PM

As Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, admitted, the government made no attempt to assess how many people would die as a result of its “lockdown” measures. The Office for National Statistics weekly death figures show that there were fewer than the five yearly average deaths until the “lockdown” measures were implemented. The figures also show that once the “lockdown” was implemented there were more deaths than the five yearly average. These include thousands of deaths that are non-coronavirus related (even taking the inflated coronavirus numbers at face value). The logical inference is that these are the result of the “lockdown” measures. That the “lockdown” measures would result in people dying was entirely predictable: predictable to everyone except the government and the corporate media and all those infected by the collective madness engendered by the hysterical fear-mongering.

May 6, 2020 12:05 PM
May 6, 2020 12:07 PM
Reply to  AnonSkeptic

Sorry, I think this was posted in this thread already.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
May 6, 2020 11:45 AM

An excellent article.
The constant 24/7 repeating of the coronavirus death numbers where they deliberately conflate those who have died after allegedly contracting the SARS-CoV-2virus and those that have allegedly died from Covid-19. But these two different numbers are combined and reported as a total that have died from coronavirus.

The main stream are well aware of this situation.
Nick Triggle BBC Health correspondent
“Coronavirus: How to understand the death toll

Is coronavirus causing the deaths?
The death figures being reported daily are hospital cases where a person dies with the coronavirus infection in their body – because it is a notifiable disease cases have to be reported.
But what the figures do not tell us is to what extent the virus is causing the death.
It could be the major cause, a contributory factor or simply present when they are dying of something else.”
But the BBC and all other news outlets continually report the total deaths as if every one was killed by coronavirus. You do not hear them questioning the politicians about these very questionable death numbers.

I doubt many reporters and probably few if any members of parliament are aware of all the number manipulation highlighted in the article.
When they created the Coronavirus Act 2020 they could have chosen any name for it. They chose to create a new word. A new word that consisted of two existing words “Corona” and “Virus” joining the two words to create Coronavirus. When this new word is printed it may be distinguishable as a new word. But when this new word is spoken Coronavirus can sound just like Corona Virus.
But Coronavirus and Corona Virus are not the same thing. Just to be clear Coronavirus is a Corona Virus. Coronavirus is one of many Corona Viruses. The common cold is also a Corona Virus. But when you hear them say they are or have completed so many Coronavirus tests. Did you hear or understand correctly are the tests detecting Coronavirus or Corona Virus or Covid-19. Much confusion is possible.

Why the UK is determined to win the race for the highest number of Covid-19 deaths is hard to understand. Maybe they want to be in the Guinness Book of records. Maybe it indicates how much the UK is controlled by people that have decided that the UK will be at the forefront of testing the new social controls.

We will all soon be receiving text messages telling us to down load tracking apps on our smart phones. They will know if you have not obeyed the order and no doubt more text orders telling you to obey. Telling you it is for your own safety and the safety of the community. How you are putting lives at risk if you do not obey. Will they enforce these orders maybe threats of fines or arrest.
We are supposed to down load the app and self diagnose. If we think we may have covid symptoms at any time we must update our status. Once we have down loaded the app we may at any time get a message telling us that we have been within the proximity of a suspected covid person with in a certain period of time. We will then be ordered to quarantine ourselves for a period of time. Also any one living with us must quarantine themselves. We must not leave the house. We must get food delivered. To be released from quarantine early we must get a negative covid test.
This may also extend to those we have been in the radius off after being in contact with the suspect covid. Would it then extend to those that have been in the radius of those that were in our radius and on and on. Would the people delivering our food be flagged up as inside our radius? This sounds a bit like a pyramid scheme that could get out of control.

Obviously do not download the app or if you do do not carry your tracking device with you when you go out. (I know they do not need the app to track you)

This reminds me of that joke “It wasn’t the cough that carried him off. It was the coffin they carried him off in”

May 8, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

“When they created the Coronavirus Act 2020 they could have chosen any name for it. They chose to create a new word. A new word that consisted of two existing words “Corona” and “Virus” joining the two words to create Coronavirus.” [Emphasis added]

Not so. The word “coronavirus” was coined by virologists decades ago. Did you invent this story and the complicated bullshit that follows to give yourself some currency as a big man in the conspiracy business or did you just read it somewhere and decide to steal it?

May 6, 2020 11:37 AM

and at this point many of us know people who died from other causes but were entered into the covid death statistic.

May 6, 2020 11:36 AM

that bio weapon bit was a good idea. apparently some people really re terrified. sad for them but most just won’t look properly, nor think.

May 6, 2020 11:33 AM

I’m not sure if this has already been posted on here Kit, but this is a revelatory short video about the corruption and lies which have built into the Covid 19 Plandemic:


Watch it and download it before it’s taken down.

May 6, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Thanks, that video is devastating to the narrative.

Imagine this was the lead item on the impartial BBC 6 o’clock news – what effect would that have?

May 6, 2020 12:42 PM
Reply to  IANA

US Secret Bio Lab near Tbilisi from Sept 2018 this article from a Georgian investigative journalist is well worth a read also.

May 6, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Thanks will take a look.

May 6, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Taken down…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

I clicked the link T, and the message came up: ‘this video has been removed for violating YouTube’s guidelines’.
There you go. The censorship will be all encompassing – everywhere.
And a lot of cretins are cheering it on.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 7, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Gone already. 🙁

May 6, 2020 11:21 AM

Anyway, the good news is that Ferguson’s been partially sidelined: forced to resign from SAGE. Now, if we could only get rid of that other clown Whitty, and Vallance went back to doing what he does best (selling overpriced medicines), we would make some real inroads into this farce.

May 6, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  Tony

i have met many fergus sons and have always found them to be straight shooters you can tske that to the bank types.
in these regardings why should this outstanding honest broker fergus son son be penil lised for wanting his staats doctor to release his toxic build up.
shirley if the covids where building up in the groinals then the groinals need massaging
until the issue is resolved.
groinal tension combined with a gates windows covid 1 can be a lethal combination can it not already

May 6, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Tony

Don’t discriminate, don’t leave out Boris.

Anyone notice how Boris received no criticism when he left “hospital” to be with his live in lover & at her side when she gave birth to his bastard child (convenient recovery from a convenient infection)? No critique how he traveled all over the country all we were treated to is what they named the little tory bastard.

then there’s fergusons theory he had tested positive so it was OK, yet we were told the only way to protect everyone was lockup because there were no tests accurate enough to prove immunity! Was his defense a retaliatory dig? because of the lack of testing that would have proved the virus wasn’t it all it was billed to be?

Now all we hear is the alarming story how his doctors prepared to announce his death, sadly we all missed out on that charade. many have stated they don’t wish anyone with covid19 bad will i’m not feeling so generous.

May 9, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  Objective

I noticed that they described him as being in “good spirits” while in ICU. Huh? I thought that ICU was for extreme cases, and yet he was in good spirits. That’s how terribly ill he was.

George Mc
George Mc
May 6, 2020 10:57 AM

I can’t help noticing a similarity between the matter of reporting COVID deaths and the matter of disputing how the Twin Towers and Building 7 fell on 9/11. With both, the controversy rages on about the details: With COVID, the dispute is over how many have truly died with the virus. With 9/11, it is over how those buildings fell. But in each case, there is a far more pressing question: WHY DON’T WE KNOW?

With 9/11, the material from the buildings should have been saved for examination. It wasn’t. The question should be: Why not?

With COVID, we should have clear statistics. We don’t. Why not? But the “Left” are the first to say, “Well we just don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see. There’s too much confusion at the moment.” etc. They don’t ask: Why the confusion? Why the wait? (And how long do we wait?)

May 6, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

To add to this, a cognitive dissonance amongst some people who believe the models and numbers are absolute truth (and therefore the lethality), but when refuted with evidence and reason they give the rejoinder “we cannot be sure”.

May 6, 2020 10:03 AM

Iain Davis, you write :

All we are able to identify with any certainty are the total number of of all deaths, called all cause mortality, reported by the ONS.’

‘There is clearly high excess mortality at the moment.’

‘Between 27th March and 17th April (ONS weeks 14,15 & 16) the ONS registered 25,932 additional deaths above the statistical recent 5 year norm.’

So Iain,

Would you clarify a few queries?

1. You missed out the release of the weekending 24/4 figures yesterday! (as you had missed the w/e 17/4 in your previous piece!!) – WHY AGAIN?

2. If you add in the excess deaths for the latest week than the total becomes 38,000 and your ONLY graph would show that this ‘season’ had already gone well past these ancient other numbers, you have compared to, wouldn’t it?

3. Therefore isn’t It is also a incomplete comparison to make as these previous seasons are complete and absolute and this current one is still on-going?

4. Where are the other graphs from the previous piece that would benefit from the updated numbers? Specifically the one that shows the annual peaks?

Some consistency in reporting is surely necessary in times of inconsistency from the politically inspired ‘covid deaths’ moving feast? Which has been largely understating numbers including most media – maintream and Alt!

So final question

5. Perhaps your next piece will be timed to include the next release of the ONS stats and total deaths and excess and you will be able to show the updated graphs – an extra day before publication wouldn’t be a disaster would it?

George Mc
George Mc
May 6, 2020 11:06 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

DunG, are you going to perform this trick every time? i.e. “Ah but you didn’t include the statistics from yesterday!” and if they did, “Ah but you didn’t include the statistics from the last hour!” and if they did, “Ah but you didn’t include the statistics from the last 10 seconds!” (All of which is supposed to prove that those wonderfully titled “excess deaths” really confirm that corra-lorra-ding-dong really is The End Of The World.)

May 6, 2020 1:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I have never claimed it is The Cause of the end of the world as we are used to.

May 6, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Hi DunGroanin

I wonder if you could clarify a couple of points for me
1) Does the use of weeks 14-16 of the ONS figures rather than weeks 15-17 or weeks 14-17 invalidate the thrust of the article ?
2) Apart from the issue of which weeks were used, you have commented little on the meat of the article. Does that signify that you share his concerns as to how the numbers are being compiled, or are you anticipating addressing that at a later time ?

May 6, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  RTB

1. Yes the non inclusion of week 17 in the graphic of the selected years for weeks 49- 16 does have an effect on how that graphic looks.

I look forward to the follow up article next wed/thurs for the graphic with weeks 49-18 for the selected years.

2. Yes I agree with him.

The numbers are and have been unreliable, because of politically motivated ‘covid 19’ deaths definition, test and collection of data – which has resulted in a consistent under reporting of covid deaths – until forced into the open by the honest ONS total death numbers.

May 6, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Hi Dungroanin
Thanks for the reply, and I acknowledge that the inclusion of week 17 does marginally affect the data, probably in the range of 0.0 something, and I’ll accept that all the numbers are still working their way through, which again will alter the figures slightly.
However I’m concerned that criticising a very small segment of an article (in which the writer informs you the period he is using) does not address the main thrust of what was written.
I then turn to your second point, which I confess brought a smile to my face. It appears we may both agree on ‘ politically motivated ‘covid 19’ deaths definition, test and collection of data’ , but I suspect from your elaboration, we have come to entirely different conclusions.
The ONS have gone from a report of originally 5 pages in previous years to one of 13 now, which reminds me of George Carlin and his skit on ‘Shell Shock’.

May 6, 2020 11:37 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

1. Article publication date: MAY 3, 2020
2.For all the reasons stated in the article those figures are highly questionable in my view. But no, it wouldn’t raise the death rate as a percentage of population above those previous years. The point is not that deaths aren’t occurring it is the missing clarity regarding the causes those deaths. While those “ancient” years of 2o -30 years ago didn’t reflect mortality from COVID 19 nor did they reflect mortality from closing the NHS.
3. It is incomplete but that places us in an impossible position. On the one hand we must accept that all decisions are science led and based on the data (which is incomplete) and on the other you are suggesting no meaningful comparison can be made because the data for this year is incomplete. The situation becomes more complex because the ONS report complete year statistics in the July following the end of the reported year. However the annual statistics for this year, to date, are based upon total figures for the last 12 months to date. Much of which will necessarily become 2019 statistics when the full year report is released.
4. They are in the previous articles. But you raise a good point. Perhaps I’ll look into this in future articles.
5. When you write an article you can only base it upon the evidence available at the time. If you wait for future evidence to emerge you will never publish the article. To be clear, the whole point of the article was to highlight that all we can know with any certainty is total “all cause mortality” because, as highlighted in the article, the data for COVID 19 deaths is not reliable. Therefore, because an unknown number of deaths from other causes are included in the COVID 19 deaths, the future data on those causes of death will also be unreliable. Unless the ONS go the extra mile and investigate every claimed COVID 19 death in great detail. Which is extremely unlikely.

May 6, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Iain


Thankyou for your reply which implies we are largely agreeing.

Though yours answer to 2&3 doesn’t quite correlate with my questions – the graphic is not a percent of population Y axis – it is total deaths!

The answer to 5 – doesn’t stop you from waiting to include next Tuesdays ONS total deaths along with yesterdays before publishing just a day later I suggest.

The rest of it – I whole heartedly concur with.

As you say the ONS and others, also collect monthly and quarterly totals (provisional) and annual too, including causes of death/age/geography etc- hopefully the last qtr will be released soon. They will answer a lot of the ambiguity raised by the politically defined ‘covid-19’ definitions. I look forward to your conclusions when they appear.

As for the ‘provisional’ numbers these are clearly defined by the ONS and as far as I can understand it, they are more likely to be about the same for correction from registration date to actual dates of death, as well as available down to the more granular ‘daily’ levels for the X axis.

It seems we do concur:

To be clear, the whole point of the article was to highlight that all we can know with any certainty is total “all cause mortality” because, as highlighted in the article, the data for COVID 19 deaths is not reliable.

May 6, 2020 3:19 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Whats your rank, in the 77th Brigade? Good pension?

May 6, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Objective

Is that aimex at me O?

I ask because I haven’t received a notification of it.

May 6, 2020 10:01 AM

“The COVID 19 mortality statistics are the reason millions will undoubtedly download contact tracing (State surveillance</strong) apps. This will help the vaccinated to secure their very own immunity passports (identity papers) and enable them to prove they are allowed to exist in the post COVID 19 society, whenever the State demands to see their authorisation." [Stupid Fear Porn Emphasized]

Most of the surveillance squawkers around here seem to be afraid that the state is going to stick its surveillance up their bums in a particularly unwelcome way. Too fucking little too fucking late: to a large degree it already has, not least because they’ve spent most of the near-instant digital database collation era bending over to pick up its perfumed shower soap. It didn’t need Snowden to tell them what was going on: scores of highly involved IT-aware persons were telling them so for years before he flashed his Rubik Proofs in Hong Kong. They chose largely to ignore all earlier warnings until he placed his Rubiks on the floor beside the soap. Then they got all het up. But still they have kept on bending over to pick up the soap. Pa-fucking-thetic. Anyway, water under the bridge. So:

Timely, reliable contact tracing is an essential part of efficient communicable disease control, whether epidemic or not, and it is a given* that the world’s big-database bumfuckers, i.e. practically every hack national politician kissing their big-data overlord$ butts, which is practically every hack national politician, will rush to use big-database technology to implement such. However, it is quite possible to employ, in an even more sophisticated way than hitherto, electronic contact tracking technology, which nowdays means phone apps, that feeds NO big-database but relies on self-interest informed by actual, real, serious social concern (in short supply around here, but) in which all irrelevant personal identifying data remains only on the individual phones, all contact activity by public health authorities is initiated by each individual user rather than any sort of mass surveillance or geotracking, wbich provides epidimiologists with all the randomized data they need once the individual user responds but no more, and which removes itself and its data when a tracked epidemic is over:


The alternative is some flavour of the big-database central-server route. One of the less onerous is:


Question is, will Off-Guardian’s readers and supporters hustle every local and national politician, celebrity and public figure, family, friend, associate and acquaintace (and all their local and national politicians, celebrities, public figures, families, friends, associates and acquaintances) to get behind the most anonymous solution (e.g., possibly, DP^3T) as hard and loud as they can before big-databa$e$ win the Official Way or will they prefer to squawk comfortably inside their little O-G echo chamber while wrapping themselves in the no-effort-needed arms of Big-Data’$ Big-Bill Long-La$ting Big-$urveillance? My guess is ‘what’, as in “Will they ‘what’?”

* Which is why it should be factored out of all serious related discussion.

George Mc
George Mc
May 6, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

No, “most of the surveillance squawkers around here” have noticed they are being sold a massive pile of crap. But then you are fixed on “actual, real, serious social concern” which is apparently “in short supply around here”. Hmm …so “real serious social concern” NEEDS all this screamingly dubious statistical manipulation? NEEDS this fraudulent horror show? NEEDS to smear all alternative views by smearing them? Well I guess we just don’t understand REAL social concern!

George Mc
George Mc
May 6, 2020 11:31 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Tautology alert: “NEEDS to smear all alternative views by smearing them?” should read “NEEDS to smear all alternative views through guilt by association”.

May 6, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Sod off with your smartphone brain deep-fryers.

May 6, 2020 9:14 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Ah Robbo, I fear you have gone through the looking glass into the echo chamber of the 77th – expect withering crossfire from them with drive-by downticks and comments decrying you from whoever is on duty …

Great comment Sir. Totally agree. I see The Register does too.

May 6, 2020 9:01 AM

Goes to prove what we already know: the state is not interested in collecting and distributing real facts.

The state listens to fraudulent “scientific” advice, from a very compromised Imperial College, then fails to collect any decent scientific data. In the mean time, even after the fraud is revealed, the same bunch of crooks from Imperial continue in place. The gullible populace forgive them for their inept performance because they are “trying so hard”. The reality is that they are selling us out: Imperial has received a lot of cash for playing Judas. Well I hope they personally suffer for selling their country down the river.

May 6, 2020 11:11 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Admins why is this comment pinned?

May 6, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Appeals to authority when he’s stuck.

May 6, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  breweriana

How am i stuck?

And the pin is now removed.

May 6, 2020 11:39 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

the ”state” is run by corporate, more or less depending on country.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
May 6, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

”Goes to prove what we already know: the state is not interested in collecting and distributing real facts.”

Well I think that this much has been pretty well established given its blanket coverage.

Next question. What do we do about the ensuing social, political and economic chaos. Unfortunately what we have is a chorus of – yes, not sure how, but hey everything is going to be different, or, no we will revert to ‘normality’ shortly.

Of course down the years this vacuous state of affairs is due to the never ending chorus of TINA from the fog-horns of the PTB/MSM. We have been have been subject to a mass inculcation of propaganda to the extent that we no longer have the dimmest notion that their could be any other type of economic and social system than neoliberalism, it’s natural isn’t it?

Article in today’s Guardian raises this important question. Varoufakis, of course, the Guardian’s favourite European integration doyen along with an Irish economics named McWilliams, also a devotee of the EU seemed to think that a new Bretton Woods system would be optimal in present circumstances.

BW was established in 1944 by the ruling powers – apart from the Soviet Union who wasn’t a member – and established the new paradigm. This involved a trade and currency system with the US-$ which was fixed to gold at $35 per oz and the rest of important states fixing the currencies against the dollar. There were capital controls and financial repression, and state printed their own currencies, there was also restricted movement of labour and capital, they also had their own central banks which worked jointly with national treasuries in planning and implementing their own national policies.

Suffice it to say that none of these policies are allowed in the EU today. The whole theory and practise of the EU is neo-liberal, and Varoufakis knows this more than anyone. So the two gentlemen in question seem to be talking out of two sides of their mouths at the same time. Which is it to be? You can’t have you cake and it.

May 6, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  Francis Lee

‘Varoufakis, of course, the Guardian’s favourite European integration doyen along with an Irish economics named McWilliams, also a devotee of the EU’

NO Varoufakis is NOT a devotee of the EU. Why do you falsely claim he is?

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
May 6, 2020 8:43 AM

From your sick, psychobabble.

May 6, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Fair dinkum

Contact tracing is, and has been for scores of decades, pretty much the most effective means of containing a wide range of communicable diseases from STDs and TB onwards, including many serious third world diseases.

Your reading ability has evidently become so impaired that, in a situation where the ‘official’ use of electronic methodology in pursuit of efficient contract tracing is absolutely certain and possibly even soon mandatory world wide, when presented with the existence of options that minimize the present and, particularly, future misuse of such tracing by big-data’s exchange- and social-control machinery along with an injunction to agitate forcefully for them rather than big-data’s preferred big-money counterparts, you slaver on as though the very suggestion is somehow against the principle of this whole series of Off-Guardian’s COVID-19 articles.

As you seem to be Australian, one assumes that you do not have TB or even rabies so I’m wondering which STD gnawing away at your brain has caused it to react with particular distress to a few situationally uncomfortable, or maybe too comfortable, plastic puzzle jibes?

Why do you think I put the jibes there? Because after a working life of day jobs involving much covering of truth with mountains of too-easily ineffectualized, anodyne crap I decided to go out enjoying identifying the gratuitously offensive* and the brain dead by means of a counter-distorted mirror and the long-deferred gratification of hearing the parrots squawk. One doesn’t convince, persuade or inform anyone if one isn’t nice to them Toby told me in one of these BTLs. My well-founded response to Toby is, one doesn’t convince, persuade or inform any of humanity’s bozos if one is nice to them either. So what the fuck.

* Which reminds me I have a half-finished post to Admin1 still on my to-do list.

May 6, 2020 3:32 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

electronic methodology in pursuit of efficient contract tracing is absolutely certain and possibly even soon mandatory world wide


State goon (police-person) Why is your tracking device not sending a signal sir?

Free thinking Member of public (Human being): my battery died officer!

State goon (police-person) Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Free thinking Member of public (Human being): Slow death by tazzer!

You noticed how we are subjected to laws to protect & serve us in a civil society, the state steals our money to pay violent goons, to throw us to the floor, punch & handcuff us, then throw us in a cage! Judicial punishment for breaking house arrest law, imprisonment in a state cage! Oh what a wonderful choice, what a wonderful future & its all for our own safety to protect us from violence & criminals! Now it’s to protect us from nature so they stop us living because the risk of life is just to great. Protecting us from our selves NOW.

May 7, 2020 3:36 PM
Reply to  Objective


I deduce you didn’t bother to follow even the first of the two links I posted.

State goon (police-person) Why is your tracking device not sending a signal sir?

Free thinking Member of public (Human being): my battery died officer!”

Wrong answer. Right answer:

Free thinking Member of public (Human being): I’m using an iPhone but it’s like there’s not enough Samsungs around here today officer! They must all be indoors self-isolating.

I could be wrong but I reckon it probably takes a genuinely self-absorbed, reality-disconnected, pre-programmed dumbshit to fuck up such a simplistic, four-line, totally self-crafted parable. Did you hire a ghost writer?

May 7, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Talking of dumb shits you must own an iphone.

May 8, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  Objective

“Talking of dumb shits you must own an iphone.”

No. Too much exploitation in both the supply chain and marketing strategy.

But you obviously hired a technically obsolete ghost writer. Perhaps he or she is too reliant on an 18th century theology degree?

May 6, 2020 8:36 AM

I wonder how many of these people who have ‘died because of coronavirus ‘ have in the past had their yearly ‘flu jabs ? although I doubt we will ever find out .

May 6, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Geoff

“I wonder how many of these people who have ‘died because of coronavirus ‘ have in the past had their yearly ‘flu jabs ?”

I am well past the age where I can get flu shots for free, so I got them (duh) A few years ago, for the first time, I had a significant adverse reaction. A quick look through the leaflet in the box, which is usually thrown away but which I insist we are given for any prescribed medicine, revealed no mention of such a problem, but a report in a medical journal several months after the flu season ended revealed that the manufacturer’s trials had revealed the problem even before the first production run was shipped. Couldn’t be bothered to overprint the leaflets. Never had one since (though we do take care to use the age-old pre-vaccine precautions–hand hygiene, prudent distancing, self-isolation if infected–haven’t been so far–and so on). But then, I haven’t ‘died because of coronavirus’ yet, either. Should I do that first and try again?

FWIW, I’m similarly suspicious of clavulanic acid adjuvanted amoxicillin (anti bacterial, co-amoxiclav, Augmentin ®, Synermox®, Curam®, m-Amoxiclav®) as well. Documented, but my first ever adverse reaction to a penicillin, and a significant one, although it’s about the only way penicillins can handle β-lactamase. If I had previously had even just the slightest reaction to a penicillin, I’d think twice about taking a clavulanic acid adjuv anted version.

May 6, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Did you ask the medic if the shot contained MRC-5?

Many vaccines do contain MRC-5:
Organism: Homo sapiens, human
Tissue: lung
Cell Type: fibroblast
References: Jacobs JP, et al. Characteristics of a human diploid cell designated MRC-5. Nature 227: 168-170, 1970. PubMed: 4316953.


In simple terms, taking a vaccine means that you are permitting the cells of an aborted human foetus to be put in your body.

Personally, I’d rather get the flu.

May 8, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  breweriana

First a clarification: for “Never had one since…” read “Never had a flu shot since…”

Next, re your question:

“Did you ask the medic if the shot contained MRC-5?”

No. Our GP’s flu shots are administered by a retired RN hired in the flu season to give her a bit of extra income and him more quality time with patients. And no, not a cell culture, just a plain, old, bog-standard omelette. Cell-cultured vaccine can be (more) dodgy for geriatrics (than omelettes). Also, MRC-5 cultures often end up making MMR shots and we all know that sort of thing can end up in court.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 8:21 AM

Greetings Admin✌️Just discovered 3-4 comments made to me in the previous couple of articles that I received no notification for in my email.
I saw that apparently Dungroanin was having similar issues with non notification of replies also.
Has anyone else discovered this? It’s never happened to me before, so I assume it’s to do with my email account and not OffG?

May 6, 2020 10:23 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

No, it’s happened to me as well. I came across a couple of replies to me yesterday afternoon/early evening while scrolling through BTL comments and waited until this morning to see if a notification was slow coming through…but nothing came. I think there may have been a couple the day before as well.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 11:17 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Hi Judy…. no notification of your reply either… Hmmm. I’m still getting all this spam junk in my email like ‘Why Are Our Leaders Crying’ and ‘What Kurt Cobain thought’ etc and things from Pinterest and Medium. But no OffGuardian replies. Sniff.
May have to resort to manual Samizdat mode and check for replies in person, but that’ll be a pain in the butt, especially if a thread has 350 – 400 comments on it. Some sites I’ve been on previously use a different platform, and you never got notifications anyway.
Hope North Wales is enjoying some nice weather and you are well. Enjoy your walk – oh, give your dog a pat from me.

May 6, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks, Gezzah. As you say, it seems to be a case of trawling through threads to see if there are any replies. It’s not that I (and I’m sure you as well) am arrogant enough to want to see if my ‘profound’ 😉 comments have been acknowledged but if someone replies I like to at least acknowledge their reply and respond substantively if appropriate. But we have certainly been spoilt up to now by receiving emailed confirmation of notifications.

Weather is lovely here at the moment and is likely to continue for some days yet, although I believe we may be in for some colder weather come Sunday…strong possibility of morning frosts. Just about to go out for my walk now – Lily says thanks for the pat!

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yep, manual searching now it seems.
I checked my phone before and for this actual site it says ‘notifications allowed’ so it’s not my phone blocking replies, so not sure what is going on.
As I’ve said numerous times, everyone I know fully swallows the MSM crap. Hook, line and sinker. Trying to reason with them is like repeatedly head butting a wall, and getting the same response: nothing.
My two main reasons for coming here are to vent my spleen and to connect with other like minded people who have their eyes open also. Have a good day J.

May 6, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

get a room, you two!

May 6, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  breweriana


May 6, 2020 5:44 AM

Why COVID death numbers are being frantically fixed, fudged or outright fabricated by authorities MSM and corporate world as this excellent article unequivocally demonstrated?

Manipulation of official death numbers in COVID is tremendous and is a subject to major battle between establishment trolls in MSM and few communities online like OFFG who use reason and hard epidemiological data to assess real threat of Coronavirus to population at large. And based on that judge of authorities’ responses if they are commensurate with actual pandemic threat.

That is the last battle of those who push establishment lies and obfuscations as without death card entire narrative that built COVID house of cards will collapse as it cannot be spun in eyes of people facing orchestrated by lockdowns catastrophic economic depression and hundreds on millions of lost jobs globally , jobs that will never come back.

The trust of attack against those demanding scientific proof of extraordinary lethality of Coronavirus that could, at least in part, justify invocation of exigent circumstances of global medical emergency in any way support draconian and deadly measures, goes in two directions.

First they are framing opponents as deniers of very existence of Coronavirus or denying that any substantial harm may come from Coronavirus.

They are conveniently ignoring that most of opponents of MSM propaganda narrative suggests Coronavirus lethality is not zero but that it is similar to all strains of flu without downplaying deadly record of that flu-like diseases that have been in fact neglected by authorities and erased from public domain by MSM as mitigation of flu is more systemic (poverty poor overall health of population) than epidemiological while causing substantial number of preventable deaths by likely can be massively reduced by applying preventive medicine, a major aim of profit free, free universal healthcare that rewards doctors for keeping patients from getting diseases in the first place.

Secondly, as official COVID death numbers of hopelessly inflated they shockingly peddle theory of supposedly many unaccounted so far COVID deaths at home supposedly caused by undiagnosed COVID, while stoping short of blaming those deaths on catastrophic state of de funded public health institutions, pauperization working people into poverty and poor to locally catastrophic state of health of population with broadly spread potentially life threatening chronic diseases amid rampant malnutrition and even intermittent starvation also among children.

And that purposeful confusion regarding appropriate classification of any disease attributed deaths as caused by COVID is aimed at stirring emotional response, painting opponents of medial narrative into heartless monsters who want their grandmas dead, feeding on huge ignorance among population about purpose of those death classifications and derived from them mortality rates still peddled as 1-3% or worse.

Hence not only misclassifying, double or triple counting and otherwise inflating number of deaths there is much deliberate MSM confusion about statistical terms as those terms describe different things in clinical and epidemiological context.

Reported COVID case fatality rate (CFR) is not the same as infection fatality rate (IFR) or broader measure of Pandemic Mortality Rate.

The COVID CFR should be calculated as ratio of number of deaths of patients diagnosed with COVID admitted to hospitals as COVID cases regardless of ultimate causes of death in hospital either ARDS or pneumonia or other causes, to all patients diagnosed (tested positive or by other means ) and admitted to hospital as clinical cases of COVID and hence this ratio primarily measures effectiveness of diagnostics, utilized procedures, applied clinical therapies including drug regime and overall state of health among local population at given time period. This relative measure has to do with comparing outcomes of care among different hospitals, different hospital systems applying different therapies and drug regimes among different local populations. The CFR measure has nothing to do with epidemiological research related to epidemics which uses different measures.

In other words hospitals death illustrate in most part not deadliness of SC2 pathogen but utter systemic failures of politicized medicine for profit unable because of constrain of profit and political subservience to procure positive outcomes. When money comes first people come last.

Epidemiologists are using IFR that is much different and broader than CFR as it counts in IFR denominator not only clinical COVID cases but those mildly and moderately ill infected people who were never hospitalized or even never went to doctor to become diagnosed as clinical cases (working sick is as American as apple pie) not to mention all those infected who are asymptomatic which is estimated to be for Coronavirus Infection up to 80% or more of those symptomatic. The numerator of IFR in contrast to CFR is much narrower as it relates only to deaths caused by SARS-Cov2 virus directly or indirectly as determined in autopsy by pathologists effectively denied by governments decrees, hindering, obstructing epidemiological research into COVID from the start, in January 2020 in US and EU as CDC and EUCDC dis nothing, no random sampling serological studies and/or however flawed ct-qPCR tests knowing that SC2 was already in their jurisdictions. They simply did not want to know how lethal SC2 was and instead they waited for massive testing starting to used statistical artifacts of growth of cases due to growth of test numbers which fueled doomsday scenarios.

And hence it is IFR they refused to collect hard data for deriving empirically early this year , not broadly propagandized CFR, that determines level of threat of viral infection to community, and potential of emerging epidemic or pandemic. CFR however has important input in assessing capabilities of public health system of effective mitigation in response to pandemic.

The highest estimate mortality rate of those above, by definition, is Pandemic Mortality Rate used broadly by sociologists as measuring total impact of pandemic on community and that includes clinical COVID deaths any clinical deaths caused or impacted by deficiency or collapse Public Health Institutions and all the excess extraneous deaths (suicide, preventable deaths of impeded access to medical services etc.,) that happened in the impacted areas resulting from efforts of fighting COVID disease, social consequences of disease including failure of life maintaining infrastructure as well as deaths due to socioeconomic and psychological consequences of political authorities’ imposed measures like lockdowns in attempt to mitigate pandemic. All those cumulative death numbers calculated per 100,000 of local population.

In this context typically vast majority of Pandemic deaths, except for cases high lethality (50% plus) pathogens are not related to contagion but to fundamental systemic characteristics including public health and healthcare system, socioeconomics and direct and indirect deadly consequences of pandemic mitigation efforts ordered by authorities.

Blame is clear it is governments and their corporate masters that kill people in many ways , this years also under guise of COVID hysteria which is the major contributor in observed spike of weekly all cause mortality rates which prorated seasonal (October to September) all causes mortality rates are still 50% to 75% below of 2016/2017 bad flu season. So far lockdown hastened deaths that would otherwise occur in the rest of season while is creating real excess mortality to be showing in following months and years.

R Anand
R Anand
May 6, 2020 9:12 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Very well articulated, Kalen.

May 6, 2020 10:14 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Oh dear oh dear Kalen

‘Covid’ deaths have been UNDER reported by the UK government and ALL their media muppets.

And you believe the complete opposite!

George Mc
George Mc
May 6, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

‘Covid’ deaths have been UNDER reported by the UK government and ALL their media muppets.

The thrill! Those media bastards have been found out! How they must be quaking in their boots!

And who is telling us this?

Umm…..the media!

May 6, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  Kalen

“…pathologists effectively denied by governments decrees, hindering, obstructing epidemiological research into COVID…”

I do believe (as does the Crazy Donald) that there could be a specific, mostly unmentioned(able) hidden reason for that, but have not yet completed enough research to advance it publicly as a formal (conspiracy) theory (Crazy Don, as usual, either needs no research or has privileged access to a conclusive ton of it).

May 6, 2020 2:15 AM
May 6, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  Reg

What is the summary of his position?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 6, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Not sure why you are asking, but I will assume it’s in good faith. This is his takeaway message:

Therefore, again, ALL case numbers of COVID are meaningless.

Likewise, all seasonal flu or flu-like numbers are meaningless. As just one illustration of this fact, I have published, many times, Peter Doshi’s shocking investigation of US flu deaths. Doshi reported in the online BMJ, on December 10, 2005, “…CDC claims 36,000 Americans annually die from flu…Meanwhile, according to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), “influenza and pneumonia” took 62,034 lives in 2001—61 777 of which were attributed to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was flu virus positively identified…”

After both stepping outside the numbers game, and momentarily stepping into it, what are we left with? We know that people have been falling ill, for a long, long time, with respiratory problems of various kinds. The human race has survived, without a lockdown on the scale we have now, and without the deaths caused by economic devastation. If you wanted to enable general immunity (aka health), regardless of how you define and describe it, you would now promote people being in close contact with one another. If you wanted to postpone immunity/health, you would lock people up and separate them.

As for the true causes of illness and disease, I have commented on that subject in other places. It’s not the purpose of this article. I will say this: In modern times, we must never ignore poisonous vaccination campaigns; other toxic medical treatments, including many drugs; the insults delivered by pesticides, GMOs, industrial pollutants, and electromagnetic technologies; and the promotion of fear. Germ theory is not king. It never was.

May 6, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Thanks for that MikeE.

May 6, 2020 1:59 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

“Another nutter.”

May 6, 2020 2:09 AM

So every single Coroner in the UK has been gagged .. told not to speak to any media and not to issue any statements.

Your professional lifestyle versus your professional obligation to the deceased.

No contest .

May 6, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

There are honest coroners especially these close to retirement- they will speak but the media is dishonest and won’t report.

May 6, 2020 11:16 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

As indeed happened in the wake of the suiciding of David Kelly.

May 6, 2020 1:51 AM

After reading that excellent analysis it reminds me along the lines of…”Oh what a tangled web They weave when first They practice to deceive”. The zombie mask wearing drama queens however have no interest in how the government’s “statistics” are concocted as their brain cells are only programmed to now receive the words “Covid 19” and “Deaths” as the unquestionable gospel from on high.

May 6, 2020 1:37 AM

Let’s set the agenda. Critical care beds are going to be free of “Covid-19” cases soon. SARS-COV-2 probably doesn’t exist. Covid-19 is SARS-COV in a new health terrain context?

No surprises as Covid-19’s exceptionality remains ignored and unreported; ACE2 crops up again

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 1:25 AM

Again, thank you Iain for your analysis and investigative work.
Via a link at the Telegraph, have just watched an eye opening interview with Dr Judy Mikovits entitled:
‘Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid19’. In this must see interview, Dr Mikovits names names, including the truly vile Anthony Fauci.
Its still up on YouTube, with 124000 views a short time ago.
With the blatant jackbooted censorship now occurring, this video will not be there for much longer. Dissenting voices are verboten in our Brave New World.
Apologies, am unable to post links.

O Lucky Man!
O Lucky Man!
May 6, 2020 8:36 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Here are some links to the movie – it is being taken down of course so these may soon be censored, but as the producer has requested others are posting copies up to keep it alive. Try here…


Or here…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 6, 2020 1:09 PM
Reply to  O Lucky Man!

Thanks for the link. When I looked a while ago on YouTube, it had 1 million views, so yeah, it’ll be taken down very shortly by the YouTube Stasi.
What a wonderful, brave woman Judy Mikovits is. I actually got a bit emotional at the end myself, and then just felt such disgust towards Fauci, Gates, Ferguson, and the MSM especially.
For some odd reason, am not getting notifications of replies from OffGuardian in my email.
Checked my phone and the connection to this site, and my phone is saying ‘notifications allowed’ yet they’re not happening. Odd. Cheers✌️

May 6, 2020 1:23 AM

Unsure if you are aware by Prof Neil Ferguson has resigned after breaking lockdown protocols
His lockdown protocols from his insane computer models

I’ve posted this at my site- came to it from skynews

” Professor Neil Ferguson has resigned from the government’s scientific advisory group (SAGE) after reports he broke coronavirus lockdown rules.

In a statement announcing his departure, the leading epidemiologist from Imperial College London said he had made an “error of judgement”.

“”I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms.

Almost two weeks. Plus he had a visitor at his home? That’s a no no.
Shakes head. They don’t even take their own advice serious- but we’ve got to live and abide and suffer by it?

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
May 6, 2020 9:29 AM
Reply to  Penny

– ever the authoritarian way, the rules are meant for YOU not ‘us’ – ‘do as I say, not as I do, peasant!!’

May 6, 2020 10:46 AM
Reply to  Penny

It seems that the torygraph still represents some oldstyle grandee Britain first tories. unhappy with tbe newstyle gungho BS tories rush into the arms of the US (+1) new Pathocrats arms – it was they who ‘revealed’ Ferguson – more a shot across the bows than anything else. Maybe even a blackmailers demand of a payoff or else further revelations on bigger figures…

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 6, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  Penny

Lockdown is what the prison authorities do to regain control of the prison. When they do this, it is the prisoners who a locked-down, not the authorities who order the lockdown. I wonder, how many of those advocating the lockdown are actually complying with it?

May 6, 2020 4:19 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

None of them.

Despite ‘social distancing’, weeks of ‘lockdown’ and also that barbers, hairdressers and the like are ‘deemed’ to be non-essential, ministers, BBC and ITV presenters and all are still perfectly coiffured and manicured.

Hypocrites, all.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 6, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  Penny

Let’s not be coy; it wasn’t just a “visitor” it was his lover (married to someone else). Normally the sort of tabloid tittle tattle I would disapprove of, but in his case, I can make an exception:


I half seriously wonder whether the spooks leaked this (since they always know the sex secrets of the high and mighty, so that they may exert pressure on them) in order to discredit him, now that his model has been largely discredited, to give the government a sort of an “out” for having acted on what turned out to be a very misleading model. They can (try to ) argue: “We acted on good faith, believing this scientist whom we thought to be reliable, but now it’s been revealed that he has feet of clay. Lessons have been learned….etc”.

The Ferguson model is the “dodgy dossier” of the COVID-19 affair. Wouldn’t surprise me if the spooks put him (and the government) up to it in the first place, for their own nefarious purposes.

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
May 7, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  Penny

UK Column Wednesday led with “do not Covid your neighbour’s wife 🙂

May 6, 2020 12:38 AM

The British “legally oppressed health system” is making the Chinese CCP look positively honourable.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 6, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

More knee-jerk racist Sinophobia.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 6, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Alessandro

In keeping with the practices of former communist countries, we should probably change our name to the “British Democratic Republic”, since we are neither democratic, nor a republic.

May 6, 2020 12:25 AM

Despite all the statistically devilry, which is undeniable, it would be possibly to estimate the true burden of Covid-19 mortality by conducting a careful study using medical records and death certificates. The ISS in Italy has said that it is doing such a study there. I can’t imagine, however, that there would be any appetite for such a study in the UK, given the political use of death stats to bolster appalling public policy.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 6, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  Sam

I would think that sometimes it would be impossible to say what the precise cause of death was.

You could have a patient with lung cancer who had a heart attack due to the stress of the lung cancer. What killed the patient? The lung cancer or the heart attack?

Maybe you would say the heart attack, but if the person did not have lung cancer they would not have had a heart attack. How would you then apportion “blame”?

There must be some people who had flu and cv19. If they died of a pneumonia type condition (a complication of flu) was the pneumonia due to the flu or cv19, or both?

And would they died of the flu if cv19 had not killed them. Or vice versa?

I don’t think it’s always as straightforward as it seems!

And you know what? I don’t really care that much. Everybody dies.

We know the threat of this virus is being hyped up. We know that. And that the fear narrative is the real issue here. People have developed an irrational fear of this virus, which for most people is not a serious condition.

May 6, 2020 1:20 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

How do you think fear is generated? Stats, including dodgy stats. Facts matter. They are used to justify policies and to establish precedents for future action. Learning lessons matters.

R Anand
R Anand
May 6, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

“..There must be some people who had flu and cv19. If they died of a pneumonia type condition (a complication of flu) was the pneumonia due to the flu or cv19, or both?..”

I would argue that the cause of death be apportioned equally between flu, CV19 and pnuemonia. So, one death of this kind would be statistically treated as 0.33 flu, 0.33 CV19 and 0.33 pnuemonia.

Even if we think that CV19 effect may not have been strong enough that person’s death, we would still be able bring down the absurd CV19 fatality numbers being banded about by the government and the media.

May 6, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

They have (had) a rule that says it is the first critical illness, or injury, accident, etc. that must be entered on the death certificate.

May 6, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  Sam

The studies are happening and the ONS and others report regularly on these – they will show clearly what is what.

May 6, 2020 12:22 AM

I like how the covid virus imagined 3d image has external equilateral triangles of the type that make up the ‘Star of David’. 60degrees by 60 degrees by 60 degrees.
FYI…King David never had a “star”..It is actually the Star of Rempham (Saturn).

May 6, 2020 2:20 AM
Reply to  jay

Actually it’s an ancient Hindu Symbol. So is the Swastika….

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 6, 2020 12:18 AM


It’s easy to be a medical examiner these days you just need ONE official stamp engraved with the illness COVID-19. Every death is attributed to the coronavirus. If a patient is deathly ill with terminal cancer, or a fatal heart condition their death certificate magically says COVID-19. Hospital reimbursements are dependent on a surge of COVID-19 deaths. It’s a guaranteed source of revenue. When in doubt shout out: “they died from COVID-19 .” What else would anyone dare to die from, it’s the latest rage….

In fact, it’s hard to find patients in hospitals with anything other than COVID-19. Probably because those who feel ill are afraid of being exposed to the killer virus. Thousands are avoiding treatment for conditions which if left untreated will become fatal. Don’t worry, those too will be cited as COVID-19 fatalities.

With all the fuss about overcrowded hospitals in NYC the makeshift Javits Center Hospital costing a
fortune to assemble was barely used: “As of April 7, the convention center (a 2,000 bed facility) had admitted only 66 patients. This was due in large part to the strict admission requirements. At first, a patient could only be transferred to Javits if they were convalescing, or in the recovery period. The fear was that Javits didn’t have the ICU beds, operating rooms, or equipment necessary to handle patients who might relapse or need surgery because of an underlying condition.”

The USNS Comfort only had 20 patients, and the Navy hospital ship, the U.S.N.S. Mercy, docked in Los
Angeles, had a total of 15 patients. If LA and NYC hospitals were overrun with patients suffering from the coronavirus, then the Javits Center and the two hospital ships would have been filled to capacity.


At this point, all the statistics related to COVID-19 are questionable. Fatality figures are overly inflated and the test results yield either false negatives or positives. What we do know is that in 2018 45 million Americans contracted the flu and 80,000 died. As of today there’s 1.23 million cases of COVID-19 in the US and 71,532 dubious covid deaths. Problematic statistics serve only to advance a political agenda, but in doing so prevents the public from gleaning accurate info about COVID-19.

What I find particularly disgusting is how MSNBC and CNN use COVID-19 to terrorize and prey on seniors in order to gain support for Biden’s campaign. Predatory cable news is targeting and terrifying older adults. This terror campaign is sociopathic. That being said I’m not a fan of Trump, but one has to ask what would a mentally declining Biden do if he was confronted with COVID-19. Actually nothing, since the security state will be in total control of his administration. The intelligence agencies would immediately demand contact surveillance apps on every phone, while COVID-19 surveillance drones would be launched in every city. A Smiling vacuous Biden could truly turn out to be the more effective

May 6, 2020 3:08 AM

@Charlotte Russe
Esattamente.Exacvtly rite.
They are fudging the numbers.
The legacy media are putting uip numbers like a football match.
IE: Look the USA has just surpassed Ital;y from their top spot.
It is sad to see how dystopian it has all become.
The quitest coup de’etat in thew history of western civilisation which makes thje B olshevik revolution look like a BIG MASSIVE TERRORISTIC EVENT WHICH IT WAS’T THEY STORMED PARLIAMENT adn not a shot fired.
As Tolstoi said “History would be wonderful thing ?if only it were true”

George Mc
George Mc
May 6, 2020 12:07 PM


That put an intriguing scenario in my head: All the newly deceased lining up at the pearly gates and being refused entry till they have signed a form declaring they died of COVID. And if they refuse …..the fires are waiting below!

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
May 7, 2020 12:53 AM

Yes, I agree. I don’t know much about US politics but is seems to me the nature of the beast we are facing in every country is top to bottom, not left/right, black/white, male/female etc. etc.

May 6, 2020 12:11 AM

how do i change my OFG profile icon photo?

it looks like the coronavirus cgi shown in the press

i dont want people thinking i got the it

May 5, 2020 11:52 PM

Wow! Thanks for extensive investigation, shedding more light on the insanity we are in.

Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson
May 5, 2020 11:48 PM

I’m shocked.

May 5, 2020 11:47 PM

what could this dishonesty achieve – if without the spellbound fools who believe it.

May 5, 2020 11:28 PM

I’ve said it before, but I’m going to repeat myself here. According to Euromomo, out of all European countries, only England shows a very large recent spike in all cause deaths in the 15-64 year age group. Given that in most countries, most so-called covid deals are in the elderly (see Euromomo graphs filtered by age 65+ years) and assuming that this so-called virus doesn’t for some inexplicable reason behave differently in England to in other countries, then it suggests that many if not most of these excess deaths in working age adults in England are caused by something other than Covid-19. My guess is that it’s more likely to be due to indirect consequence for which the uk gov are directly responsible.

May 6, 2020 12:24 AM
Reply to  Novicurious

Interesting graphs.

“then it suggests that many if not most of these excess deaths in working age adults in England are caused by something other than Covid-19.”

Or, it suggests that the make up of this population is different than in other countries. England has far higher percentage of BAME population than other European countries, save perhaps France. And BAME people here are dying at far higher rates, possibly due to vitamin D deficiency in addition to social factors. Notice that other (far more white) UK countries do not mirror England’s spike in the 15-64 grouping.

May 6, 2020 7:58 AM
Reply to  porkpie

Yet, in comparison with England, France has had a relatively small increase in excess mortality in the working age group. I’m also curious as to why, if BAME people are more susceptible to dying from Covid19, African, middle eastern and Asian countries haven’t been more affected by this so-called pandemic. Why would europe be hit so much harder, despite its relative whiteness, wealth and generally better living conditions?

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
May 6, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Novicurious

Strong correlation with 5G rollout. Funny that..

May 6, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  Novicurious

With so many changes in regulations and guidance at the last minute and with no quality assurance built into the processes, you will probably find that the UK numbers are substantially inaccurate mostly due to human error. Personally I wouldn’t trust any UK figures that show trends that have not also appeared in other countries.