Authoritarianism in the Age of Pseudoscience
Colin Todhunter
Following the court decision in the US to award in favour of Dewayne Johnson (exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer and its active ingredient, glyphosate, caused Johnson to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma), attorney Robert Kennedy Jr said at the post-trial press conference:
The corruption of science, the falsification of science, and we saw all those things happen here. This is a company (Monsanto) that used all of the plays in the playbook developed over 60 years by the tobacco industry to escape the consequences of killing one of every five of its customers… Monsanto… has used those strategies…”
Johnson’s lawyers argued over the course of the month-long trial in 2018 that Monsanto had “fought science” for years and targeted academics who spoke up about possible health risks of the herbicide product.
Long before the Johnson case, critics of Monsanto were already aware of the practices the company had engaged in for decades to undermine science. At the same time, Monsanto and its lobbyists had called anyone who questioned the company’s ‘science’ as engaging in pseudoscience and labelled them ‘anti-science’.
We need look no further than the current coronavirus issue to understand how vested interests are set to profit by spinning the crisis a certain way and how questionable science is again being used to pursue policies that are essentially ‘unscientific’ – governments, the police and the corporate media have become the arbiters of ‘truth’.
We also see anyone challenging the policies and the ‘science’ being censored on social media or not being given a platform on TV and accused of engaging in ‘misinformation’. It’s the same old playbook.
The case-fatality ratio for COVID-19 is so low as to make the lockdown response wholly disproportionate. Yet we are asked to blindly accept government narratives and the policies based on them.
Making an entire country go home and stay home has immense, incalculable costs in terms of well-being and livelihoods. This itself has created a pervasive sense of panic and crisis and is largely a result of the measures taken against the ‘pandemic’ and not of the virus itself.
Certain epidemiologists have said there is very little sturdy evidence to base lockdown policies on, but this has not prevented politicians from acting as if everything they say or do is based on solid science.
The lockdown would not be merited if we were to genuinely adopt a knowledge-based approach. If we look at early projections by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in the UK, he had grossly overstated the number of possible deaths resulting from the coronavirus and has now backtracked substantially.
Ferguson has a chequered track record, which led UK newspaper The Telegraph to run a piece entitled ‘How accurate was the science that led to lockdown?’ The article outlines Ferguson’s previous flawed predictions about infectious diseases and a number of experts raise serious questions about the modelling that led to lockdown in the UK.
Ferguson’s previous modelling for the spread of epidemics was so off the mark that it may beggar believe that anyone could have faith in anything he says, yet he remains part of the UK government’s scientific advisory group. Officials are now talking of ‘easing’ lockdowns, but Ferguson warns that lockdown in the UK will only be lifted once a vaccine for COVID-19 has been found.
It raises the question: when will Ferguson be held to account for his current and previously flawed work and his exaggerated predictions? Because, on the basis of his modelling, the UK has been in lockdown for many weeks, the results of which are taking a toll on the livelihoods and well-being of the population which are and will continue to far outweigh the effects of COVID-19.
According to a 1982 academic study, a 1% increase in the unemployment rate will be associated with 37,000 deaths [including 20,000 heart attacks, 920 suicides, 650 homicides], 4,000 state mental hospital admissions and 3,300 state prison admissions.
Consider that by 30 April, in the US alone, 30 million had filed for unemployment benefit since the lockdown began. Between 23 and 30 April, some 3.8 million filed for unemployment benefit. Prior to the current crisis, the unemployment rate was 3.5%. Some predict it could eventually reach 30%.
Ferguson – whose model was the basis for policies elsewhere in addition to the UK – is as much to blame as anyone for the current situation. And it is a situation that has been fuelled by a government and media promoted fear narrative that has had members of the public so afraid of the virus that many have been demanding further restrictions of their liberty by the state in order to ‘save’ them.
Even with the promise of easing the lockdown, people seem to be fearful of venturing out in the near future thanks to the fear campaign they have been subjected to.
Instead of encouraging more diverse, informed and objective opinions in the mainstream, we too often see money and power forcing the issue, not least in the form of Bill Gates who tells the world ‘normality’ may not return for another 18 months – until he and his close associates in the pharmaceuticals industry find a vaccine and we are all vaccinated.
In the UK, the population is constantly subjected via their TV screens to clap for NHS workers, support the NHS and to stay home and save lives on the basis of questionable data and policies. Emotive stuff taking place under a ruling Conservative Party that has cut thousands of hospital beds, frozen staff pay, placed workers on zero-hour contracts and demonised junior doctors.
It is also using the current crisis to accelerate the privatisation of state health care.
In recent weeks, ministers have used special powers to bypass normal tendering and award a string of contracts to private companies and management consultants without open competition.
But if cheap propaganda stunts do not secure the compliance, open threats will suffice. For instance, in the US, city mayors and local politicians have threatened to ‘hunt down’, monitor social media and jail those who break lockdown rules.
Prominent conservative commentator Tucker Carlson asks who gave these people the authority to tear up the US constitution; what gives them the right to threaten voters while they themselves or their families have been exposed as having little regard for lockdown norms. As overhead drones bark out orders to residents, Carlson wonders how the US – almost overnight – transformed into a totalitarian state.
With a compliant media failing to hold tyrannical officials to account, Carlson’s concerns mirror those of Lionel Shriver in the UK, writing in The Spectator, who declares that the supine capitulation of Britain to a de facto police state has been one of the most depressing spectacles he has ever witnessed.
Under the pretext of tracking and tracing the spread of the virus, the UK government is rolling out an app which will let the likes of Apple and Google monitor a person’s every location visited and every physical contact. There seems to be little oversight in terms of privacy.
The contact-tracing app has opted for a centralised model of data collection: all the contact-tracing data is not to be deleted but anonymized and kept under one roof in one central government database for ‘research purposes’.
We may think back to Cambridge Analytica’s harvesting of Facebook data to appreciate the potential for data misuse. But privacy is the least concern for governments and the global tech giants in an age where ‘data’ has become monetized as a saleable commodity, with the UK data market the second biggest in the world and valued at over a billion pounds in 2018.
Paranoia is usually the ever-present bedfellow of fear and many people have been very keen to inform the authorities that their neighbours may have been breaking social distancing rules.
Moreover, although any such opinion poll cannot be taken at face value and could be regarded as part of the mainstream fear narrative itself, a recent survey suggests that only 20% of Britons are in favour of reopening restaurants, schools, pubs and stadiums.
Is this to be the new ‘normal’, whereby fear, mistrust, division and suspicion are internalized throughout society? In an age of fear and paranoia, are we all to be ‘contact traced’ and regarded by others as a ‘risk’ until we prove ourselves by wearing face masks and by voluntarily subjecting ourselves to virus tests at the entrances to stores or in airports?
And if we refuse or test positive, are we to be shamed, isolated and forced to comply by being ‘medicated’ (vaccinated and chipped)?
Is this the type of world that’s soon to be regarded as ‘normal’?
A world in which liberty and fundamental rights mean nothing. A world dominated by shaming and spurious notions of personal responsibility that are little more than ideological constructs of a hegemonic narrative which labels rational thinking people as ‘anti-science’ – a world in which the scourge of authoritarianism reigns supreme.
As this article was going to press, it was announced that Neil Ferguson is resigning from his role as science advisor to Boris Johnson’s government, in the wake of the allegations he has broken the lockdown rules he himself recommended in order to meet his girlfriend – ed.
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Already posted this as a reply to a reply to a reply, etc. If it’s alright with the administrators I repost it here.
This is an article by David H. Freedman about the flaws in medical studies and John Ioannidis’ work in exposing them:
And from the book “WRONG” of the same author:
About two-thirds of the findings published in top medical journals are refuted within a few years.
As much as 90 percent of physicians’ medical knowledge has been gauged to be substantially or completely wrong.
Economists have found that all studies published in economics journals are likely to be wrong.
Nearly 100 percent of studies that find a particular type of food or a vitamin lowers the risk of disease fail to hold up.
Professionally prepared tax returns are more likely to contain significant errors than self-prepared returns.
In spite of $100 billion spent annually on medical research in the US, average life span here has increased by only a few years since 1978, with that small rise mostly due to a drop in smoking rates.
There is a one out of twelve chance that a doctor’s diagnosis will be wrong in a way that will cause significant harm to the patient.
Not a single NFL coach or manager was able to spot much potential in future-record-shattering quarterback Tom Brady, leaving him nearly undrafted by the league after college.
Genetics tests are one-tenth as accurate at predicting a person’s height as guessing based on the height of the parents.
Most major drugs don’t work on 40 to 75 percent of the population.
Hearing an expert talk impairs the brain’s ability to make decisions for itself, according to brain imaging studies.
A drug widely prescribed for years to heart-attack victims killed more Americans than did the Vietnam war.
Only about one percent of the scientific studies based on fraudulent data are identified and reported.
One-third of researchers admit to having committed or personally observed at least one act of research misconduct within the previous three years.
Two-thirds of the drug-study findings that indicate a drug may cause harm are not fully reported by researchers.
Ninety-five percent of medical findings are never retested.
Half of newspaper articles contain at least one factual error.
Sixty percent of newspaper articles quote someone who says the reporter didn’t get the story straight.
Three-quarters of experimental drugs found safe and effective in animal testing prove harmful or ineffective on humans.
As many as 98 percent of medical researchers fail to fully disclose all potential conflicts of interest in published studies.
A third of the studies published in top medical journals contain statistical errors.
And the author of this article is of course on the side of angels, and not paid by some big corporation, right?
Because big corporations never wanted people to (a) spend money or (b) take on too much risk, because protecting people costs money, right?
Sure, you are smart. You are special. You have learned the lessons big corporations want you to learn, because big corporations have learned the trick of telling you that the way to fight them is to do exactly and precisely what they want you to do all along.
I think there needs to be a mental health check instituted rather than mass vaccination.
The ones who are so ludicrously fearful due to ignorance, a lack of cognitive reasoning and lashing out at more sane and sanguine members of society, clearly should remain under lockdown.
Those who prove they can think independently, argue cogently and challenge experts with a modicum of knowledge and collegiality should be sent back to work immediately. Particularly if they are under 55 and in rude health, have a history of minimal illness (i.e. a strong immune system and constitution).
Of course, if you want to do antibody tests on the mentally competent as well, fine.
But the first definition of mental illness is believing that you can stop viral spread amongst populations completely. In addition, it is a working definition of insanity to say that 10,000 deaths which might have been due to CoVid justify 100,000 resultant deaths due to lockdown (suicide, heart attacks etc), not to mention all the domestic violence that mostly women will have suffered as a result of all this hoohah.
Why should people have to pass tests in order to exercise their rights?
You talk about fake science, and then inject your own fake science into this piece. According to Johns Hopkins, the case fatality rate for covid-19 is definitely not low. And it’s not just one number — it varies depending on the location. It can range from .6% in Belarus to 14.8% in the UK. OffGuardian has taken a denialist position from the beginning of the pandemic — even before anyone had an idea of its severity. You may not have the courage to admit error now, but as the evidence piles up, you will be seen as a non-credible source.
Please note this person accuses us of using ‘fake science’ but entirely fails to point out what that ‘fake science’ is or where we use it – ed
No one has ever suggested an actual CFR for SARSCOV2 of 14%, or anything close. The fact the reported CFRs in different countries can allegedly vary from o.1% to over 16% (absurd), only indicates how distorted the data has become, as indeed the article you link to admits. Over-diagnosis and completely inaccurate testing, plus tendencies to test disproportionate numbers of the terminally ill, all serve to massively distort the data.
The mere fact people can use words like ‘denialism’ about this pandemic serves to show how tinged with exaggeration it is. Truly deadly pandemics can’t be ‘denied’, and no one would want to do so. The fact this pandemic is more myth than fact is what allows it to be ‘denied’.
Oh and the word itself, ‘denialist’ is a dishonest propaganda term coined by the same people who brought us ‘conspiracy theorist’. They both serve to control free thought and debate.
Speaking of “authoritarianism in the age of pseudo-science”
The following was posted y’day in this thread; today the link is gone with: “this video does not exist”
This one also (about 16 minutes) tells the Mikovits story and is still available:
(posted in ZH May 1):
Active link provided courtesy of @Bob under the preceding OffG article.
Video called ‘Restoring Confidence in Science’. Thou shalt not Lie. Thou shalt not Covet. Thou shalt Know the Truth, and the Truth shall set ye free. Love of Money is the root of many Evils:
”Video removed for violating community guidelines” ?
It’s really horrible how fast this is happening now.
Under bush junior I remember someone commenting that our food reserves had been sold. Just looked up FOOD RESERVES and the US does not have any food reserves though Russia and China are said to, don’t know about Europe. worth an article I think.
I’ve got some tins of beans in the kitchen cupboard, if that helps.
They transferred the reserves onto the bodies of the population, they are stored on the waist and under the chin of every American.
I was told, by serendipity of random shopping, at an auto parts store, by a manager who seemed well-stocked with facts, that hospitals were being given federal funding, a sort of bounty (as they did in the Indian Wars for scalps) for every death they recorded as a Covid 19 death.
Can anyone confirm, or deny, that?
I hadn’t heard that elsewhere, but I always stumble upon amazing finds, which is why I talk these things up.
If fact-based, that would really be significant, as another piece in the Hoax/Scam puzzle.
Like the fall of Ferguson in bad odour of pandemic, or the amazing “Pentalawn” that had no jet debris just after the “crash” 9/11/2001.
Adding it to the long litany/laundry list would be huge in making a case.
Join the discussion…
Code Review of Ferguson’s Model
“Conclusions. All papers based on this code should be retracted immediately.”
Also discussed here:
Now that the peak in so-called Covid deaths is reducing, the pandemic planners have conjured up a reason to extend their plan – stay frightened everyone, because now this “killer virus” can “wreak havoc” and cause “super-charged blood clotting”. Oh the drama. Here we go again.
“A growing body of evidence is painting a grim picture of how coronavirus can wreak havoc from one end of the body to the other.
It’s well established that COVID-19 affects the respiratory system and targets the lungs. But several studies and anecdotal evidence suggest the disease may also cause super-charged blood clotting that damages vital organs, including the kidneys, heart and brain”
but wait, there’s more ….
“But strokes, where a clot blocks blood flow to the brain, appear to be just one way damage from clotting can play out in COVID-19 patients.”
M H, in a recent online discussion with someone here in India I was thrown this argument by him that CV19 causes this fatal damage to lungs and all that.
Most of us at Off-G know that there is little authentic scientifc evidence for any causative factors from CV19. Logic suggests that any virus would cause some damage to health. But in the claim that CV19 causes much more damage is very suspect. And, official CV19 fatality rates (deliberately inflated as they are already) are not proof that it causes all those dangers to health.
I want to be able to provide some links to anyone who argues with me on this point. Would you or anyone else here share some links/pointers that busts they myth of supposed fatal dangers of CV19 being more than other viruses? Thanks.
The Swiss Propaganda site is referenced and linked:
I have sent to many who have now begun to question what is going on.
Offland – I started posting the Swiss site link at Youtube in response to the MSM hysteria and was immediately blocked from any further posting. Here in America we euphemistically refer to such censorship as – “free speech.”
The level of censorship on Youtube is now frightening.
I argue that claiming covid causes strokes and heart attacks et al requires proof that these aren’t simply strokes and heart attacks. It’s good to have links, but I would argue its a red herring bothering refuting it. Rather ask them to post their source?
Yep! Thats a valid point. The first onus is on that person, who claims a condition of cough/cold/fever/breathing difficult/heart problem/intestine problem is due to covid, to prove that it is indeed so.
This brings me to a second point I have been wondering about these past days. Today, test kits to detect Covid is being used on people everywhere in the world (no matter that the accuracy of the test kits is not established yet).
Do test kits also exist to detect (whether accurately or not) earlier coronavirus (common cold), Ebola virus, Influenza virus, etc? If so, should not all supposedly Covid positive people should also be tested for these other viruses? That way it will be clear that a Covid positive person is just Covid positive or also positive for other viruses.
If governments want to spread panic on Covid they should also do so for other viruses. That way people will sense faster the hoax behind these tests and viruses.
They are finished lol
No coming back from this and it’ll be all over by the weekend 😉
May, you need to do more research. The truth of CoVid 19 causing coagulopathies was reported by the Chinese very early on, and is associated with poor outcomes. Why deny things reflexively, instead of simply Googling studies and observations. How about ‘CoVid19 and Coagulopathy.’ @ starters.
If it’s easy, post the link yourself. Here it is. It says:
It also says:
HERE is a link about Disseminated intravascular coagulation not in relation to covid. It says:
Of the DIC per ISTH criteria it says:
It also says:
Notice these are very broad causes, and coagulopathy can be a response to all of these things, the most severe form being Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Note also:
Without knowing details of co-morbidities etc. for this unspecified minority of patients with covid who match the diagnostic scoring system for DIC, it seems as if there are many unknowns. However we know the scoring system could well be meaningless, if DIC is indeed linked to their covid and not some other health complication. The majority of covid patients don’t meet the diagnostic scoring system, and suffer from broader coagulopathy. We have no details of any underlying complaints, and they aren’t provided in the article.
Ahhh I think the article is in fact referring to this study.
The study presents 449 Chinese patients in Tongji hospital retrospectively analyzed. 60% with one or more co-morbidities and average age 65.
Only 21.6% qualified as having sepsis-induced co-agulopathy (SIC).
The study says:
So it seems that anticoagulants help sepsis-induced coagulopathy, according to this study, not that covid causes this condition. And actually this is what the study says it is trying to achieve:
The study doesn’t make any exotic connection between covid and SIC. Rather, like ground glass opacities, shortness of breath, fever, cough, these are generic symptoms which arise from a multitude of issues, and regularly present in gravely ill people.
Is the piece perhaps an example of misdirection, unwitting or otherwise, in medical journalism?, and a symptom of the heightened level of panic in healthcare prompted by various factors.
Dear Admin2: There are alternative reasons for shortness of breath and blood coagulant issues. The unseen elephant in the room is the ongoing saturation of urban environments with microwave antagonists such as 4 and 5G. >
Excerpted from: Live Blood & Electrosmog
“The radio frequencies used by various devices can indeed cause the blood to regroup but the clustering, aggregation, or rouleaux can be an effort on the part of some red blood cells to protect others. In such instances, the cells on the periphery will suffer the more of the consequences of EMF bombardment. Therefore, it is likely that the membranes of the red blood cells will also be perforated.
Erythrocyte aggregation is a more likely response to EMF bombardment than rouleaux. In addition to the reorganization of cells, there is interference in the oxygenzation and delivery of nutrients to tissues of the body. This results in degenerative conditions of all types, not simply cancer.”
Complete video and text:
I don’t think 5g is required to bring into question the majority of exotic assertions made about covid-19. This doesn’t mean 5g should be ignored as a potential area for public health concern.
They are NOT ‘exotic assertions’ They are observations from the field in a still unfolding viral pandemic. Time will tell.
It is not exotic in the sense that coagulopathy is a very generic complication of severe illness, which has many different causes, and if you’d phrased it that way it would not have been an exotic assertion.
So you are acknowledging the CoVid 19 can be a ‘severe illness’, which in some cases is leading to death.
I might just as well answer: “So you are acknowledging that cancer, AIDS, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, renal failure, cirrhosis, car accidents, accidental falls, tuberculosis, depression, life itself, and a very long etc., can be a ‘severe illness’, which in some cases is leading to death.”
What kind of argument is this? Give your brain a rest. No offense intended.
On the other hand, saying that “Covid 19 can BE a severe illness” is nonsensical. What causes symptoms, and sometimes fatal outcomes is the reaction of the human organism, or do you think that it stays passive while its survival is threatened? It’s the same unstoppable force that keeps you breathing without even you noticing it. We may refer to it as the immune system, but I prefer to call it “the-force-that-brought-you-to-life-and-tries-inexorably-to keep-you-alive-no-matter-what-the-consequences-are”.
If someone dies of a car accident, would you say that it was the car that killed him? Would you blame the car? Of course not. Cars don’t think, don’t choose, have no will of their own, have they? It’s the human being driving the car on whom the blame falls; stands to reason. The driver may have been careless or drunk, etc., and there you have the cause of the accident and unfortunate death. Same with this so called Covid 19 (by the way, the first thing you do when you want a scapegoat is probably to concoct a nasty name for it; I wonder how many of you would name his child “Covid 19”; anyone?), if it is a natural occurrence, it has no will of its own, can’t choose, just like the car; its behaviour, which obeys immutable natural laws, cannot be modified; it existed among us for many centuries, and we are still here (there are even some who think there are too many of us! Go figure); therefore, nothing special ought to be done in their regard of the part of the majority of the population. “Some people die of it”, you would object. Heck! Of course some people die, though I would not say “of it”!; and supposing the people who died had it, whatever that means, your wouldn’t surely blame it for that; that would be the same as blaming the car in the example above. What happens is that, and here I am using common sense, this thing finds an organism already debilitated, tired, in which the “the-force-that-brought-you-to-life-and-tries-inexorably-to keep-you-alive-no-matter-what-the-consequences-are” is already having several fronts to deal with. Why? Well, we might have a pretty good guess if we take a look at our lifestyle and the chronic diseases it produces (but please don’t look in there, you would open a Pandora box). And here comes our winter-friend and starts doing the things it always does and has always done; but with this new front open and no energy or not enough left from the other fronts, the outcome may be fatal.
These people need medical attention and in normal situations they would be able to get it because they are a minority. If they are not getting it, then the problem is not the “nasty thing” but the ill-preparedness of the country, or a result of an unreasonable, engineered panic (for, people naturally use common sense and are naturally reasonable unless they are deliberately and slowly deprived of it), causing everybody consult for the slightest cough.
Now, if we agree that it’s the combination of several simultaneous fronts open to the human organism that causes the fatal outcomes, and if one of these fronts cannot be modified for it consists of a reaction to a periodical natural occurrence of which we have not, and should not have, (again, common sense) control, and therefore is inevitable, whereas the other fronts are, to the very opposite, reactions to occurrences resulting from chronic attitudes due to our way of life and therefore perfectly modifiable and capable of improvement or removal (here, choose your favourite chronic illness) by promoting hygienic measures, healthy nutrition, regular exercise, etc. If we agree on that, which fronts do we choose, and invest resources in, to act upon? The answer is obvious. Only a fool, or an “expert” who “does not look around” as Wodag said in an interview published here, would choose to invest resources in “medicating” inevitable natural and normally benign occurrences while leaving evitable, insidious, fatal fronts rampant.
Unfortunately, the new medicine has produced such fools. THEY are the ones that are telling us to keep away from sunshine.
You’re just nit-picking. Whatever the existing co-morbidities, if a CoVid 19 infection precipitates the consequent haematological disasters, it is the proximal cause of those effects. The whole situation is complex, with pre-existing morbidities absolutely predisposing victims to poor outcomes. The New England Journal of Medicine has an interesting article on ‘Coagulopathy and Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Patientswith CoViD 19’ , by Zhang Yan et al from a hospital in Wuhan. The Medcram site on Youtube also explains the process well. Moreover SARS2 virusesattack vascular epithelial cells, leading to problems with clotting as Von Willebrands Factor processes are disturbed. The virus acts in multiple ways in different people, and in 20% or so the outcomes are not minimal.
This is not the correct use proximal as I am familiar, as in the opposite of distal?
This statement also involves a HUGE assumption from you. You have offered and I have seen no proof in the above sources you referred to that establishes covid as cause for coagulopathy. If you find something establishing a cause, please post the link. Thanks.
This is the link for the above paper you mentioned.
The paper deals with THREE patients over 60, two strokes and one coronary artery disease. The paper concludes:
Thanks for sharing, however it doesn’t establish anything about cause. It’s really as inconclusive as can be. Why was it published? Strange.
And do forgive me if I have been at all impatient along the way, however if pointing out that certain things are generic, rather than specific, or common, rather than unusual, or speculative, rather than established, is considered nitpicking then consider me appropriately christened! A2
Proximal in time ie recent-common usage. Your fervour to attempt to contradict any findings of CoViD 19 being a severe illness in SOME cases, does not look disinterested to me.
Then there is the study by Han et al, published on 16 March, 2020, titled, ‘ Prominent Changes in Blood Coagulation of patients with SARS -Cov-2 Infection’. Its conclusion-‘ The coagulation function in patients with SARS-CoV-2 is significantly deranged compared with healthy people, but monitoring D-dimer and FDP values may be helpful for the early identification of severe cases’. FDP-fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products.
This is an article by David H. Freedman about the flaws in medical studies and John Ioannidis’ work in exposing them:
And from the book “WRONG” of the same author:
About two-thirds of the findings published in top medical journals are refuted within a few years.
As much as 90 percent of physicians’ medical knowledge has been gauged to be substantially or completely wrong.
Economists have found that all studies published in economics journals are likely to be wrong.
Nearly 100 percent of studies that find a particular type of food or a vitamin lowers the risk of disease fail to hold up.
Professionally prepared tax returns are more likely to contain significant errors than self-prepared returns.
In spite of $100 billion spent annually on medical research in the US, average life span here has increased by only a few years since 1978, with that small rise mostly due to a drop in smoking rates.
There is a one out of twelve chance that a doctor’s diagnosis will be wrong in a way that will cause significant harm to the patient.
Not a single NFL coach or manager was able to spot much potential in future-record-shattering quarterback Tom Brady, leaving him nearly undrafted by the league after college.
Genetics tests are one-tenth as accurate at predicting a person’s height as guessing based on the height of the parents.
Most major drugs don’t work on 40 to 75 percent of the population.
Hearing an expert talk impairs the brain’s ability to make decisions for itself, according to brain imaging studies.
A drug widely prescribed for years to heart-attack victims killed more Americans than did the Vietnam war.
Only about one percent of the scientific studies based on fraudulent data are identified and reported.
One-third of researchers admit to having committed or personally observed at least one act of research misconduct within the previous three years.
Two-thirds of the drug-study findings that indicate a drug may cause harm are not fully reported by researchers.
Ninety-five percent of medical findings are never retested.
Half of newspaper articles contain at least one factual error.
Sixty percent of newspaper articles quote someone who says the reporter didn’t get the story straight.
Three-quarters of experimental drugs found safe and effective in animal testing prove harmful or ineffective on humans.
As many as 98 percent of medical researchers fail to fully disclose all potential conflicts of interest in published studies.
A third of the studies published in top medical journals contain statistical errors.
The deeply compassionate media have been hiding the true nature of the virus from us because they haven’t wanted to scare us. Yes really! Because here is the full truth: You can catch COVID from thought alone, from sexual arousal, from sneezing twice in a row on alternate Thursdays and, the real biggie, that the final stage in COVID is zombiefication. Yes I’m afraid so. The Walking Dead was a documentary!
I knew it. I’ve been archiving zombie movies since the b&w 1950s, as photographic evidence. Current times support all that reality, in spades.
Wait, the news IS just outtakes from the movies?!
The lines are getting blurred then.
It seems to me Sweden was allowed to follow the rational path because it exposes the idiocy of the policies that other democracies have followed, after they had been falsely advised by CIA (deep state) scientists. The real campaign by the far-right parties in America’s dependent states of Europe will start now, as they trash the actions of our elected leaders. Steve Bannon and the US alt-right who have control of the British mob, will now make hay.
Jack, you have no idea what “far-right” means. Everything in western politics today is “far-right”, and although the far-right calls anybody who disagrees with them “far-left”, it has to be said that since Blair infiltrated and wrecked the Labour Party, there has been no “left” at all in Britain. What we are now stuck with is “them” (all the politicians) and us (the rest). Left and Right are obsolete terms.
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Do you?
Let’s just say I don’t. It will save a lot of time.
So he (you) is saying the left wing of politics has been crushed? ….Sure….but that does not mean the far right no longer exists. It means the far-right are stronger than ever.
I repeat: Left and Right are obsolete terms. Something else entirely is governing us today.
Imagine still talking about far right and far left in 2020
Did you never hear of Operation Gladio? The far right and the far left have always been controlled, if not created, by our own “governments”
Also, please explain the difference between living under a far left totalitarian state and a far right totalitarian state. (pro tip – for most people there wouldn’t be a difference)
IMHO, what is termed as left and right, expressed through parties, don’t exist anymore in the sense of two completely opposite, mutually exclusive ideologies, fighting each other. The only real opposition is between a dominating minority which alternately claims or uses left or right ideologies, and a dominated majority.
I think that what he’s trying to say is that the Labour Party has reverted to being the alternative conservative party (now that the Blairites have destroyed Corbyn).
The same is also true of the Australian Labor Party whose current ‘leader’ informed his MPs that they would have to get used to voting with the conservatives.
When talking heads on the two countries’ state broadcasters call someone a ‘moderate’ (Joe Biden, say) they really mean a right-winger, anyone to the left of whom is ‘hard left’ or an ‘extremist’.
So he is saying the left wing of politics has been crushed? ….Sure….but that does not mean the far right no longer exists. It means the far-right are stronger than ever.
Capricornia Man, the Aussie Labor Party almost always votes with the Liberals. They join ranks to keep the Greens out. We have a one-party system.
‘Labor’ sold out under the millionaire proto-Blairites Hawke and Keating. It’s been all downhill since.
Jargon Control is the most integral and broadest feature of Mind Control, and more essential than MKULTRA hypnogogue voodoo.
Chomsky is an MIT auto-didact “semiotician”.
Pretty clear and, what’s more, up to date. Gore Vidal said there’s never been a Left in the USA, only maybe just up and down. That’s been my lifelong take. Up and Down, toward the right.
Sweden’s death rate per million is 288 as of May 7, the seventh highest in the world.
The six highest are, I believe, European countries with lockdown in place. It isn’t 500,000 deaths, that’s for certain.
It is 3175 -so far.
An interesting article. May I just point out that Lionel Shriver, despite the misleading name, is a woman. She is the author of numerous books including “We need to talk about Kevin.”
From what you say it sounds like we need to talk about Lionel, as well.
Well put! There was a fashion for a while – I don’t know if it still exists – to give girls names like Campbell and McKenzie, and it would seem, Lionel. Despite her name, Lionel is not at all woke, quite the opposite, and talks a lot of sense.
Apparently she was named Margaret Ann at birth. According to her Wikipedia page she didn’t like the name and was a bit of a tomboy so decided at the age of fifteen in 1972/3 to give herself a male nickname and chose Lionel which has stuck ever since. Nice story.
Well, there you go. I didn’t know that.
What’s wrong with Janet, and Judy, and Jill?
Everybody has to be called Chardonnay-Kimberley- Fifi-Trixibelle now.
Those nice people in the government have your best interests at heart…
Boris announced a lockdown – not just unprecedented in modern history, but in all of history – then promptly came down with the disease himself…
Boris miraculously came back from the dead on Easter Sunday, only to bugger off again for two weeks paternity leave during what is probably the greatest crisis in UK history.
Boris’ performance today at PMQs was an absolute embarrassment; and so was Keir Starmer’s (Thunderbirds are go!).
We don’t have any kind of democracy anymore.
The lunatics have well and truly taken over the Asylum.
For me, the fishiest part of Boris’s story is that he went NHS and not private!
Boris was apparently in a private ward on the top floor of St Thomas’ Hospital. Whether Boris was ill or not is a matter of debate.
About 50% of the NHS has now been privatised, by stealth. This includes just about all ambulance services and mental health services.
This all started with the Health and Social Care Act 2012, which was the biggest sell-out in UK history.
I’m sure others here can tell you about all this, if you’re interested, and in particular the MPs who voted for it.
Here’s a useful history of this plandemic ….. “In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?
Flash forward to 2020…
They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid contact. The plan was unfolding with diabolical precision, but the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing… the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.
The window of opportunity is open as never before. For the first time in human history, we have the world’s attention. Plandemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature. 2020 is the code for perfect vision. It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment we finally opened our eyes.
May Hem, I like your style. I think there is a lot of Beauty to see in this (micro-managed) chaos, as a young man suggested to me, at the laundromat yesterday morning.
People should take this all as a field day, a grand opportunity to expose so many obvious lies.
I did it in the 2000 rolling blackouts that Enron (pre)fabricated to bill us of 9 billion dollars. Everywhere I went then, there were sheeple shushing me and shaming me, glaring me down, just like all these masks at our global Masked Ball of omnipresent masked nurses.
I’m sure there were others, but I jumped in on it right away, and was the lone voice in my travels.
Not much later it all came out, and the perps were prosecuted and convicted. A few years later.
So, let THAT be a lesson in templates!
Such perps. Just when you think you’ve got rid of all the cockroaches, an other army springs out.
A pest controller’s work is never done.
Some of these roaches you could put a saddle on.
I wrote my first piece, in 1984 (I know…) about the Gary Hart Campaign here in the OC.
The article was sabotaged, but not my discoveries. All of his advisors here went to jail or were disgraced in some key way, when the feds caught the scent.
I had moved out of the area, and only found out about their fallen fallout a few years ago. Their masks were yanked off.
So I turn my thoughts to that, as a precedent.
I also think the elite have missed an opportunity (or at least I hope they have) – they should have had mandatory track and trace surveillance and/or vaccination in place before furlough ends and huge swathes of the population find out they’ve lost their jobs and not sure how they’re going to pay next months’ bills. I’m guessing they’ll have less of a stomach for the elite’s plans then.
Use this site to DOWNLOAD from YouTube. Judy Mikovitz’ video and others are still popping up on other YT sites. download it by pasting the address into this page:
That wasn’t working last time I tried it.
Try this:
Or this:
(Different interview, but also with Dr Judy Mikovits )
Tweet from John Sweeney:
Drearily familiar manoeuvre. Blandly stated doomy assertion followed by attack on Boris. The effect: Any suspicion that may have been raised by the assertion is instantly diverted by presenting Bojo’s government as the villain of the show. The very mention of BJ (who is an arsehole but that’s irrelevant) gives us the designated enemy and we are happy to take up the customary “rebel” positions in the little media theatre. And it is a nice position to take up. It is, after all, the traditional dissenting position. We are like the “bad” cousins who are nevertheless still part of the same comforting little show.
True-believing Guardianistas can’t think straight when it comes to Johnson. They just get apoplectic and start talking in slogans. Same with Trump.
FYI Lionel Shriver is a woman, not a man
While there is much talk about the heroism of Sweden or perhaps the indifference of Japan, as far as I know, EVERY nation in the world has panicked to some degree. Even Sweden has been battered to the point that it expects a steep, albeit relatively short recession. My point is that whether forced to shelter in place or (in the case of Sweden) frightened to shelter in place, I can’t for the life of me remember a virus that has so cowed humanity. What’s different about this one ?
Well, our economy is broken, for which we need a scapegoat after which we can rob the population blind (again). And since we are either out of enemies, or face enemies that can defend themselves, we created an enemy out of thin air aka Covid19. For the latter part, we needed a little help from so called scientists, who did as they were told, without even saying a word to them. And this was easy as scientists have been conditioned to know what to do when you want attention and/or a buck. They are not very different from salivating Pavlov dogs: so we have them a bit of attention and a small buck, et voila.
It’s really like the old days when the government and their scientists told us to ‘duck and cover’ for nuclear bombs (which was useless info, in case a nuclear bomb would fall, but it made us pretty scared). Now the government and their scientists are telling us (in NL) that we should wear face masks in order to protect others to not get infected (which is useless info, in case someone would be infected, but it makes us pretty scared). It’s all from the same cookbook: ‘how to frighten a population into obedience’.
And for those who may be stubborn in believing all this bullshit, we have screens that will remind them of the dangers of Covid19. And if that doesn’t help, we send in the police. Or the military.
Who ever said that ruling the world was difficult?
I should have written ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ throughout, but you get the idea
I grew up in Florida and was just old enough to discern an undercurrent of anxiety. I later came to understand that Floridians, in particular, could have been annihilated in short order. Yet, there was certainly no whole scale panic and life went on.
The Evil psychopaths who rule in Thanatopolis DC have decided to blame China for their own incompetence and social necrosis, and I expect war, and that’ll cure the pandemic, but good.
Spot on. Thank you.
Authoritarianism in the Age of Pseudoscience
this video was listed below a must see
stomach churning holocaust
tory blair and imperial public private partnerships forged in satanick hell
Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion
Yet another Tony Blair crime.
“The master of the sincerely told big lie”, as a publication called him.
Presented to the public as a respected sage by state media in Australia and no doubt in the UK.
‘ a recent survey suggests that only 20% of Britons are in favour of reopening restaurants, schools, pubs and stadiums.’
Why would anyone be surprised at this? Don’t forget we have people out every Thursday evening clapping their hands, banging their pots and blowing their whistles to show their support for our NHS. This whilst their appointments, treatments and ongoing hospital visits have been cancelled and put on hold to the detriment of their own health. 80% of the British population can only be described as ‘stupid’, there is no other word for it. They have been truly, what I like to call ‘Guardianised’. The hugely laughable point (you’ve got to laugh or you’d cry!) in all of this is that it is at the instigation of a pathological lying Tory prime minister who is not only a morality free zone but believes in the NHS just about as much as he believes in marital fidelity. Tories have opposed the NHS since its inception and are intent on privatising it as soon as they can.
Nye Bevan said that “The NHS would last just as long as there are people left who will fight for it”.
80% of our population seem quite happy to roll over on to their backs and let Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and the rest of the motley Tory crew tickle their tummies and deprive them not only of their liberty but any degree of common sense they might once have had.
Good news to finish on. Neil Ferguson is no more—gone supposedly for visiting his girl friend and not abiding by distancing rules (and if you believe that be sure to make a note of the pigs flying past your ear). 20% of people have retained their common sense and are not stupid so that’s encouraging. And don’t forget, Off Guardian, Swiss propaganda research to name but two sites can be relied upon to publish facts and good science and whilst ‘you can fool some of the people some of the time you can’t fool all the people all the time’.
people memory’s are not great
FIRST responders in usa where treated like heroes during 911 all the p[parasites low-elites praised them, not long after 911 they made quite a few redundant and cut there jobs and when they got ill from the poison used in that what ever happened there quite a few of the heros FIRST responders couldn’t get help.
i could go on all day with the forgetful memory’s people have and they still vote when the electoral college choses the selected one
Unfortunately it seems ‘they’ can fool enough of the people all the time. Overheard a conversation yesterday: ‘this new tracing app is a good thing, it’ll mean people who’ve come into contact with those infected can be traced and ‘asked’ to self isolate’. Wonder what will happen should anyone not wish to self isolate? Actually we all know what will happen.
How long would you say it will be before we hear something like: “This chip under my skin is great! And every hour or so I get a message from a nearby tower telling me what to do so I wouldn’t have to think about anything”.
Nothing much has changed.
“80% of our population seem quite happy to roll over on to their backs and let Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and the rest of the motley Tory crew tickle their tummies and deprive them not only of their liberty but any degree of common sense they might once have had.”
A common symptom of chronic TV-SMS consumption.
I meant TV-MSM.
Off topic but can’t help but think that there will be many readers here who would eagerly watch this old broadcast from 1989. Tony Benn, Miles Copeland and a circle of old dusty intelligence lords sit around and candidly discuss some very interesting subjects. I post it linked to a time selection (as it was to me) where Copeland (CIA) basically admits Roosevelt’s engineering of Pearl Harbour. (Can anyone interpret his comments differently?). It goes on from there, and Benn shows his intelligence and erudition, bringing forth one admission after another from Copeland and others, who to me come across as surprisingly unintelligent for ‘intelligence’ insiders. These are the kind of clowns running this whole Covid caper. They are not clever, but they know they can rely upon public ignorance, public credulity and their own protected status to carry on with their schemes.
[h/t Colin McKay and ‘Toussaint’]
One of the best programmes on British TV, before they dumbed it down. It is so clear during the programme that we still had our independence from the US and were still able to talk objectivity about them, oh how those days have gone.
It is quite a remarkable programme. (I’d not seen other episodes). Amazing that -even back then, it would pass the censors and be broadcast.
If we let our imaginations picture what the media could be….
This is a real gem. Thanks for posting it. I’ve lived abroad a lot during recent decades, so I didn’t even know about the programme. The opening exchange between Tony Benn and the CIA guy revealed perfectly the huge gulf between American exceptionalism and British common sense – a gulf which confronts us just as hugely today.
Absolutely. I really loved that programme. Was that Channel 4? Channel 4 used to be something special.
Eddie Chapman had a heck of a life.
I totally believe it to be a smear of FDR, that (CIA) canard that he engineered Pearl Harbor. Both JFK and RFK were in the Pacific Theatre as Navy, and you would have to be sure they had some Intel association there. JFK almost died when his PT boat was run over and split in two by a Japanese destroyer. Then his brother Joe died in a bomber explosion off the coast of England. Both had gone to LSE, where they were in class with David A. ROCKEFELLER. (Their sister “Kick”, the Marchioness of Hartington, briefly had dated Rockefeller in GB. Oh, and she died in a small plane crash in the south of France not much later. 1948?)
I believe that JFK & RFK were aware of rogues within Navy brass that had engineered the attack on Pearl Harbor, then laid that turd at FDR’s door, the same way CIA engineered Bay of Pigs in Cuba and the Cuban Missile Crisis (Dulles & Co.) 20 years later, and have been smearing the Kennedy’s endlessly ever since, pinning all the blame on their corpses, as they did on FDR’s.
The CIA will forever “admit” that their victims are to blame. It’s second nature to them.
There are people who believe something they say? On what grounds? Their valour in protecting us from Coronas?
RFK’s widow went to Havana about 20 years ago and had lunch with Fidel, to tell him face to face that she was in the White House every day and had never heard a word uttered about assassinating him. Castro consoled her, saying he knew all along.
“Yo se, yo se.”
(See his speech, free online, a great and core read, “Concerning the Facts and Consequences of the Tragic Death of President Kennedy”. He knew the whole story the next day, Saturday after the murder. He knew the entire CIA, Nazi, Biz, and Mafia scheme, and all while LHO was still ~A Dead Man~ walking.)
But, like all Mobs, though the largest ever, CIA and allies are always more than happy to “admit” their victims committed their crimes for them.
Remember that they said the same thing about Gary Webb in 2004 when they suicided him. But that cat’s so completely out of the bag now. EVERYBODY knows. Of course, much later. But Webb offered up his life to get that key news to us. LA Times did their due diligence and smeared him to Kingdom Come in their obituary, then surprisingly, or not, published a sort of retraction years later. Well, they had to, to save what little face they had left.
But blaming FDR, blaming their countless victims?
It’s S.O.P. in their psyops training manual.
It might at least carry *some* weight if they had a cause, any cause, that wasn’t completely inane, like simply more and more oil. Or fake vaccines.
So they weaponized goodness and named it Philanthropy. (Philanthrocapitalism) Their first foray into that was in the 1930s “American Liberty League”. A prophet said of it, then, “They should call it The Cellophane League, because it’s a DuPont product and you can see right through it.”
Or maybe just “The Gates of Hell”.
Because that’s when they opened them. For us. Or rather, for all their minions to come through. There was twenty years ago a great site, now down, called
Its tagline, or epigraph, was: “The time will come when Hell is full and the dead will walk the earth.”
Who can argue? Too much evidence. Though I count my blessings as a daily memo.
S. O. P.
”The CIA will forever “admit” that their victims are to blame. It’s second nature to them”
Apply that to Covid and you see will see the CIA blaming the democracies for the bad guidance the CIA were giving them, via their stooge scientists.
As Gore Vidal said, everyone in Washington, where he lived, was waiting for ‘ the blow to fall’, all through the summer of 1941.
Great article. It’s interesting how all of this blatant corruption is happening in broad daylight, that it is painstakingly clear that it is happening to anyone who is prepared to look into it with an open mind, yet in the UK, out of around 650 MPs and 750 Lords, we have ONE representative, Lord Sumption, who has anything sane to say about this whole debacle. One. He did a great interview on Radio 5 on Emma Barnett today and spoke well. This is the first time a dissenting voice has been broadcast since this all kicked off.
Time to get rid of these parasites. They have no right, they have no credibility. They need to go.
Every institution in the UK, bar none, is rotten to the core. That is a fact. They deserve no respect. Just a bunch of corrupted useful idiots serving a tiny minority of twisted, outmoded, sick, vile people. Fuck them and everything they stand for.
Mucho, I agree with everything you say. Unfortunately we live in an ocean of fear porn and propaganda, and as such you can’t blame people who get sucked into it.
I think this will change over the coming months, when many people start to realise that the world they once knew has been taken from them by a bunch of psychopaths.
There’s an article in the current edition of the New Scientist that puts the coronavirus into perspective. It reviews the history of viral pandemics, they’re not a new phenomenon at all. It explains how pandemics have occoured previously, not just in modern times, and how the human race eventually adapts to accommodate whatever new strain is afflicting us. (These outbreaks also affect non-humans, BTW.)
The whole purpose of separating people is to try to cut down the contagion to give us time to respond to it. We can debate the modelling — I thought that the Imperial College study was flawed based on its track record, for example — but the basic idea was sound. Looking back its easy to second guess decisions (or the lack of them) so its a waste of time trying to second guess this now. What we need to understand is the way that governmenets and well placed individuals “never let a good crisis go to waste”. Spooked populations are easy prey for those who want to implement bad policy — witness what happened after 9/11 in the US — and the way that this gets ruthlessly exploited leads to the quite reasonable assumption that they’re always looking for ways to scare us, all the better to manipulate and so dominate us.
I put our troubles down to poor education. We’ve heard a lot about “making education relevant” in the last 30-40 years but what it meant was training people to not think for themselves, to give them enough knowledge to be able to diligently perform work functions but not enough to activate their BS detectors. We screwed up big time in the 60s by over educating our young so instead of rushing off to promote peace and freedom in SE Asia they pushed back, asking quite cogent questions about why it was necessary to destroy a people in order to save them. (This led to a barrage of other awarkward questions such as “Why are we raping the planet?” and “Are you sure that weedkiller based monoculture is a smart idea?”) Youger people tend to be better trained; although there are still plenty of dissidents most are so distracted by the sheer difficulty of surviving that they don’t have the resources to seriously challenge the system (and they’re supplied with plenty of local targets to go after — “Keep ’em divided”, that’s the ticket!)
But you don’t normally quarantine healthy people. You quarantine those actually sick, and protect those at most risk.
Damn! Despite my best manoeuvres, I caught a bit of media diarrhea sprayed by Channel 4: “Thousands of COVID victims still not reported”. (Isn’t it interesting how they can give a report on something unreported?!)
Well you know how Greta can see CO2? Well, these people must be able to see viruses. Even when they are nowhere near the victims. It’s a miracle of modern science.
Covid was a classic burning down of the Reichstag by the far-right with the intention of blaming the ‘communists’, or our democracies. The deep state, the rogue security agencies and the military and staging a slow rolling coup to destroy our democracies and we are all falling for it.
Yes, of course. It’s the far right.
The politics of the military and our (US/UK) security service is essentially far-right. They hate the left, blacks and any liberal idea and are of course nationalistic.
Indisputable. All our coup d’états, all the Assassinations, all the black ops against popular movements, etc etc, all come out of our right wing military jihadists, then they methodically pin it all on the left.
In all that, left and right actually do apply, as historical buzz words with a true buzz.
They even admit it as death bed confessions, like Angleton, and Ehrlichman copped to all of it a couple of years ago, about the stratospheric phoniness of their Drug War. I know close hand, I went to ARMY ROTC with the sons of those people. My oh my.
I mean, that is all sacred fact.
NB: for those who missed it, John Erlichman copped to their Nixonian War on (some) Drugs as being a fraud in an *article* that came out in the Atlantic a couple years ago, though I missed an edit: the Watergate fall guy died in the ‘nineties, not recently. He made the comment before his death, saying that they had used marijuana “crimes” as a strategy to discredit hippie war protesters, and heroin laws to criminalize blacks, the two key groups of dissidents.
“Did we know we were lying? Of course we did!”
Q: How can you tell when a politician is lying?
A: When his lips are moving.
Yes. It is. There is only a mountain range of evidence.
If fergie the wife banger political leaning can be digged out from the type of bird he was shagging she was far left and I’m sure he created a model to try get breixt back on the table again if his previous tweets on it were anything to go by.
here’s a clue: radical leftists don’t work for imperial regime-change propaganda outlets like AVAAZ.
”Avaaz is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization launched in January 2007 that promotes global activism on issues such as climate change, human rights, animal rights, corruption, poverty, and conflict.”
Thanks for that, I’d not heard of them. The CIA always slip in ‘global warming’, another one of their operations to convince the rest of the world to disable their own economies.
Unchecked global climate destabilisation will DESTROY economies, civilizations and probably our species. Rather more dire than being ‘disabled’, which effective action will not even do.
But hey – isn’t this lockdown a case of “we the people” finally sticking it to those parasitic bastards? Aren’t they squirming with fear that “we” are shutting down their system? Are all those Left sites not justified in their triumphalist glee that the whole order is going to come collapsing down BECAUSE of the bold prole fuelled lockdown? And isn’t it true that anyone querying the lockdown is an evil class traitor?
Who is really benefitting from the lockdown?
I think I’m getting a bit more insight now: The Left think (i.e. wish) that this lockdown is that long awaited general strike they’ve been praying for. Now a REAL general strike would be something to behold! All the workforce getting together, downing tools and refusing to go on in protest against really shit working arrangements. And the virus can be seen as the ultimate in lethal working conditions etc. But it wasn’t the proles who downed tools here. The lockdown was fuelled by the press. And the press is owned by the corporations i.e. the bosses.
To put this into the terms of the old industrial action: It’s as if a factory came to a standstill NOT because the workers stopped but because the boss ordered it. And why did the boss order it? Because he is upset about conditions unfair to the workers (?!)
Something smells a bit off here!
There is method in the madness George to my mind anyway. The many things going on in the world have been, make the problems and then direct the blame and project the accountability onto the individual, rather than where it should lie, at corporate and governmental level and beyond. This allows them to sidestep accountability. We ‘wanted’ the lockdown, consent was manufactured and we allowed them to do it. But ‘they’ used the 4th estate to push the general everyday bod to ask for that to happen.
My local rag has for the last decade or so been declining, about a year ago I came across some funding they had been given (can’t link back to it now) but the BBC were given funding to put local reporting at front and centre, and they were paying for BBC reporters to support local newspapers, like community reporting champions (this one was was owned by Newsquest which tracks back to Gannett a US media corp) Gannett was taken over in November 2019 by News media group, the parent company of GateHouse media.
Then Interesting during this Covid crisis they went Paywall – which is nuts in the current climate – who would do that and try to get people to pay for their copy in a ‘crisis’ when people had a right to local information in real-time?
My thoughts were, they are starting to shut down local information/comments boards, however shit or a week later the information was anyways) Corporates buy up little local rags, which most would not use for chip paper. When they changed to a Paywall, they did a Guardian and said ooh pay for it and you can keep your local news – but the BTL comments mostly said stick it, your news is crap anyways, so we won’t miss you etc
I did an about turn and thought, hang on, they are literally manufacturing the consent to shut down both local news, people commenting from the bottom up – thereby cutting off people from localised information, then I am sure we will be told who will be our local news from here on in.
Is the same for my initial thoughts on the Covid Mutual Aid groups – assemble a volunteer army to do this work and the local authority/Public/Community Voluntary sector become unnecessary and those helping with the current crisis have no idea they will become obsolete
As they transfer their skill set to volunteers – Cameron can’t be credited with the Big Society mantra, he is just another tool they used to forward it and most don’t know they are actually being used to Justify it.
I think that’s called a “lockout” isn’t it George?
Frankly, the old militant manoeuvres are so long forgotten, I don’t think anyone knows what these terms even mean.
Knowing how shocked we all are at the resignation of Neil Ferguson (JOKE!) I wondered what the inestimable WSWS had to say about our Neil.
Ferguson referenced in an article breathlessly titled: “London’s Imperial College predicts millions to die from coronavirus pandemic in UK and US” But one from about 5 weeks earlier is more interesting:
But there is a flicker of intelligence in the comment section from one Barbar
Ah mathematical modelling recast as established fact. But, seeing this virus as the most miraculous of all gift horses, the WSWS most certainly doesn’t want to inspect this stallion’s mouth. It’s just a shame they are on a Trojan mount.
Unsurprisingly, The Grauniad letters page is largely supportive of poor little Professor Pantsdown.
I have no doubt they’ll turn him into another martyr done in by phoney sexual allegations.
Indeed, I can see it all now. Here’s how the story will go: The mainstream media (i.e. the very mainstream media who have been happy to give Neil a platform for whatever “end is nigh” scenario he can dream up) is really against him and want to hide the true horror etc. Therefore, they nail him with his pants down. Oh, but what brave soul can now tell us the truth about the millions dying every microsecond now that the MSM are desperately trying to play down the figures? Etc.
Maybe we’d be somewhere different now with real leadership?
… as would Germany, dungroanin …
Yup they too would be heading towards 100k excess deaths, no ppe, testing, or plan for the coming winter. Meanwhile we get our very on little Britain app, misrepresented as a ‘NHS’ app, while the rest of the world has a better choice.
I have broadcast to all my contacts that if they insist on loading up with that trojan horse they must remove me from their contacts friends and delete all emails and messages from or to me – or else!
Your last paragraph makes an interesting point. Don’t know enough about how this app is supposed to work and whether it could leach across to other phones (ie mine), but based on your heads-up I shall look into it.
An interesting strategy, delete contacts etc
If you must have a mobile pest, get a Faraday pocket or purse in which to carry it.
I wonder if Germany is coding Covid deaths more accurately ?
The disparity in death counts between countries is quite possibly an exact reflection of the disparity in propaganda.
We know for a fact they’ve been wildly inflating counts. A rep at an auto parts store here last night, where I stopped in, responded to my standard covid comments, I poll everybody I meet, that they get federal funding for every corpse they count as covid. I had not heard that, but I noted that that means the funding was put in place for the very purpose of inflating counts.
I told him how it reminded me of the rolling blackouts 2000. He lit up like an electric meter.
He said he got thousands of dollars rebates Enron tanked because he caught their meter readers coming by to his three business sites and having all his meters stuck on 60 when he could prove they were 45. He out them back, then next trip they kept sticking them on Max. He finally proved it.
I thanked him, because I suddenly remembered I had seen something like that at my 83 years old mom’s place. Supervillains, Ken Lay & Co. did that everywhere they could.
Incredible. Some people must just have smoldering embers of a conscience, and spin it as entrepreunerial success.
But this whole extravaganza is like Enron 2000, only on mutant monster steroids.
It’s kind of become the New American Way, though I hate to see it or say it.
But then these are not recently sown seeds. They go back.
”I have broadcast to all my contacts that if they insist on loading up with that trojan horse they must remove me from their contacts friends and delete all emails and messages from or to me – or else!”
That is a great idea. I’ll consider that, even for people and businesses I no have contact with. It sends a good signal.
What is phase 2 ?
A slightly less Anal Lockdown.
Phase 3 holds promise of being even somewhat less anal than 2.
‘Anal Lockdown.’
Sounds very German.
The MSM’s lack of coverage of the OPCW’s – “coverup of their coverup” of their fraudulent original reporting on Douma – speaks volumes about the complete untrustworthiness of these megaphones for oligarchy. Meanwhile, these same completely corrupt MSM are the primary source of information for most people regarding our so called – “pandemic.”
Ferguson will soon no longer be employed by the idiot gov’t as he was caught spreading his germs all over his squeeze. He slipped away from the wife and slipped into something else altogether. Now he is persona non grata for creating chaos from nothing and skipping across London whilst ordering the plebs stay home.
It seems locking oneself away from everyone is for some but not for others. It also seems that good old sleaze is set to return to the Tory party. Let’s hope they don’t go full pedo like the previous Tory gov’ts.
This is a massive hoax pushed by science employees with dubious backgrounds and they along with the press have been manipulating data to fit their hysterical models. The same crowd are also convincing people that CO2 is poisonous to the planet! Streuth, give me strength.
If the figures given in this article are correct, it means that only 20% of the British population are thinking straight. That’s sad and doesn’t bode well for the future.
“If the figures given in this article are correct, it means that only 20% of the British population are thinking straight.”
Sounds about right. When was it any different?
In “some” countries 20% would feel like a 49er Gold Rush.
I am 84. No one I know here in Wales has been asked about lockdown. Where does this 84% approval figure come from. It is a scam by the likes of Bill Gates to make money from dodgy vaccines and the government to illegally watch us.
I too live in Wales – North Wales to be precise. I agree entirely with what you say about it being a scam. Surely that must be the only explanation…no government could simply be that incompetent, could they?? Unfortunately I can say that I have found no evidence in the area where I live to dispute the 80% figure. In fact I would confidently say that in my area it is much higher than that. It is quite dispiriting.
To entertain myself whilst out on my daily dog walk I eye people up as they approach and try to work out from their actions, mannerisms and what, if anything, they say (before they scurry away in haste for fear of being fatally infected!) whether they are ‘believers’ or sceptics. I’m afraid that most of them fail the test. I was approaching three adults (presumably from the same family) today and was at least encouraged that they didn’t deviate round me from a distance of 20 yards as some do. But as they came nearer I heard one of the men say to his companions “Well I think they should just fine them on the spot, no questions asked”. I thought to myself ‘Well there’s my answer in a nutshell!’.
We are told that ‘the virus’ is a particular risk to elderly people, and that my well be the case to the same degree that flu would potentially be. So I am heartily encouraged that I do see many elderly people out and about taking their exercise and going to shops, thankfully not feeling the need to lock themselves away in total isolation, with all the problems that could cause.
Anyway, stick to your guns, safe in the knowledge that you are not suffering the psychological distress engendered by this supposed unprecedented threat to mankind, and knowing that there are other people who are of the same mind as you!
Generally true where I live. But I did see one particular elderly and possibly frail gentleman in one of those double-gas-mask type things. It looked really OTT, but then he might feel (and actually be) particularly vulnerable.
Excess CO2 is, indeed, ‘poisonous’.
That’s true, if one is stuck in a confined space with a car engine running non-stop.
Maverickstar reloaded built his own C02 meter and found that the reading was 1200 in his own lounge with just himself talking into a camera. The same readings will be found in pubs, cafes, shops, etc. We even infuse our beer with the stuff.
If CO2 levels drop below a certain figure we all die, along with almost everything else.
Recent science, the real stuff, has found that CO2 levels have zero affect on temperature or climate, but it does make the plants grow very well indeed and lines the pockets of all those who pushed this shyster science onto the unsuspecting and can’t be bothered public.
The uninformed now have to pay a carbon tax, over and above what their energy costs them. They even welcome the fact that they are paying more because they have been duped into thinking that they are actually making a difference to nature itself.
To affect the climate on this planet one would need to control the sun. Perhaps that’s the next scam?
The ‘real stuff’ is not what you like to believe, for obscure psychological and ideological reasons. It’s the science peer-reviewed and concurred with by the global scientific community, and CO2 is IRREFUTABLY a greenhouse gas, whose levels in the atmosphere do indeed, control the planet’s heat budget, along with other greenhouse gases, and the prime driver, solar radiance. The assertion that the Sun is the ONLY factor driving the planet’s climate, not the prime of many factors, is simply incorrect, and a favourite and ignorant denialist canard.
We shall soon see who is right in a few years time when global warmist cult followers and CO2 haters will be freezing their nuts off wondering what happened to their greenhouse effect.
CO2 has zero effect on climate. If you believe that it does, then you have swallowed the UN Dr Mann nonsense hook line and sinker. What happened to your ozone hole? It got better all by itself.
What we are seeing are natural cycles not manmade anything. Stay happy in your bubble, paying your carbon tax thinking it will be well spent on defying nature.
Latest Swiss Propoganda Research update. Apologies if it’s already been posted.
I have to say I am very happy sticking the boot in Ferguson
Finally, I have found a review of the code that implements his model
I can also confirm that a colleague of mine, who has a PhD in Computer Engineering, and has at least 30 years experience in the ‘industry’ thinks Ferguson’s modelling is worse than appalling
Yes, well that’s because there are really striking parallels between Ferguson’s career and its dynamics, and those “confessed” by John Perkins in “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”.
Recruit a university type with certain weaknesses -sex, greed for money or fame, drugs, or other frailties- to be pressed into the service of controlling and enslaving him, then put him in some government agency to inflate the facts and figures.
I still have questions about Perkins, but I take what good from his story that I can find. His colleague in one poor country vilified him to his face, “I’ve spent years here forecasting economic growth for these poor people at no more than 6% tops, and you come along giving them bogus projections of 3 or 4 times that much, which is quite impossible.” He figuratively spat upon Perkins.
Of course the whole Enron-esque Ponzi Scheme was to saddle the poor country with unpayable debt, by LYING to them, shamelessly, on the road to owning them. Loan Sharkology 101. The collateral being acquisition of the country and it’s leaders.
Voilá Pax Americana.
Perkins said that the strategy was that simple. Of course, he’s a spy, confessed or otherwise, but I think it’s clear you can apply his template here.
Groom Ferguson as a “made man” of the Medical Intel Mob, to doodle and draw up ridiculously inflated overestimates of coming (contrived?!) scourges, then -CHA ‘CHING- cash it in for Big Pharma.
Seems to fit. That’s exactly what Enron did, followed by a deafening crash.
Easy enough for me to wrap my head around, since my own father was given the 1st S.J.D by Harvard in ’47 (CIA founding year) “sent” out to found the first law firm in Beverly Hills as well, taught taxation law at USC, founded the Tax Institute there. AND founded the L.A. chapter of the U.N. Association, all in a sort of Royal Flush.
All those institutions are still thriving, four decades after his staged suicide (LAPD has it as open case). I only beat that dead horse again, to show all the parallels and the harmonious M.O. with the Imperial College suspect, Neil Ferguson. That story, and ours, and Perkins all have more than “striking parallels”.
They’re really almost like peas in a pod, same Ponzi strategy.
Douglas Valentine wrote the book? Recently. “The CIA as Organized Crime.”
“The Scientists” are seen as saintly folk of unimpeachable integrity whose lofty pronouncements must be treated with due deference and the prescribed amount of forelock tugging.
In reality, many of these “scientists” are no more than hired guns who can be relied upon to shill loudly for whatever agenda is being promoted by the powerful corporate and other interests who reward them handsomely. Just like whores, only more expensive.
So we see “all the scientists” bowing the knee to the Great Global Warming Hoax. Doing otherwise is to kiss goodbye to any funding, tenure, and promotion prospects. Integrity, professional standards and self respect are strictly optional extras.
Clap-trap. Scientists work for a pay-check, like the rest of us. Their pay does not, in the vast majority of cases, depend on pleasing some external actors. However we do know that scientific fraud is rampant in medical and pharmaceutical research, but NO evidence of climate science fraud has ever been produced, just stupid lies, regurgitated over and over, like Climategate, refuted by at least seven inquiries, which doesn’t stop denialists spewing it out again. Meanwhile climate science denialism is richly rewarded by fossil fuels and the Right, as was tobacco harm denialism, agri-chemical harm denialism, vaccine harm denialism etc, etc.
20% of us can go back to going to pubs, restaurants, etc. Everyone else can stay at home, cowering behind the sofa in their PPE. It seems only fair. Why should we all suffer because of the gullibility of the majority?
Shorter queues at the bar!
I’ll see you all in there. First one’s on me.
Right you are, Philippe!
In fact our elites were in the main unaffected by the “lock-down of the masses and have now been granted expansive permissions from cyberspace to get back to business and their elaborate and expensive recreational fetishes. The sky’s are increasingly full of private jets .
Thanks for nothing you clowns…
Lockdown will be eased on MONDAY: Government will drop ‘stay at home’ message this weekend when PM eases restrictions as Matt Hancock says cafes with ‘outdoor facilities’ could REOPEN and pubs gear up to let drinkers order rounds from beer gardens
How much money did all the commercial radio stations take to broadcast that ‘stay at home message’? That little bit of ‘blood money’ kept them ‘on message’ for the duration.
Kindly Correct
Lionel Shriver is a woman not a man.
Who knew!
Science has become a cult and many scientists behave in a way that would make the average Jehovah witness seem the epitome of openness and rationality.
A few weeks back I had a little online skirmish with (I guess) a friend. A P.h.D. in pharmaceutical sciences from a top London university. She was arguing that “it was such a shame to see people from the arts and humanities spreading conspiracy theories”. As an artist and professional conspiracy theorist I kindly asked if she was referring to the conflict of interests, the totalitarian measures, the lack of scientific debate, etc.. No, she said, it is basically a problem of not listening to and not understanding scientists.
I asked her if, for example, the use of immunity passports was not more of a moral, social, political dilemma than a scientific one. No, she said, this can be settled by science. I asked her which scientists should I listen to (linking to the excellent series of experts quoted on this site). To the scientists with more expertise, of course, she replied. And who is going to determine who are the scientists with more expertise? Why, science of course. When I replied that some of the scientists she was quoting were not using the official data, had terrible records or were seriously challenged by other scientists with equal or better qualifications, she just informed me that since I was not a scientists I couldn´t understand anything and that therefore I should just shut up and stop with my attempt to mass murder the elderly by spreading my hate. She couldn´t waste her valuable time with me. What a comfortable position!
So we have a woman with some of the best scientific education money can buy, who couldn´t formulate a single argument but quoted science as some sort of miraculous, immaculate panacea, free of corruption, and with the means to solve every possible human issue. A P.h.D. who couldn´t calmly and intelligently point out the alleged error in my reasoning but who thought that she had won the debate by invoking science as some kind of unchallengeable truth, inaccesible to those not belonging to the priestly class.
And those not in the priestly class, wanting the religious authority to forgive them for the sin of not being scientists, the holders of saintly virtue and wisdom, followed: antivaxxer, you have to trust the science, do you also believe the earth is flat? do you know that Trump said the same thing?
Top notch intellectuals. All of them.
It is a pity you couldn,t have kept her on the hook a bit longer and asked where Bill Gates medical brilliance showed up in her plan
To be fair she was holding a grudge to Billy Gates, but only because he didn´t give her a grant and she will have to apply one again. : (
You should have said to your Ph.D friend, I’m not a veterinary either but I know a horses ass when I see one.
I’ve had the ”Do you also believe the Earth is flat?” nonsense thrown at me by a friend I’ve known for several decades. During the same exchange, he also told me that he hoped that neither I nor any of my family caught the coronavirus. Which was a weird thing for him to say; I already took it for granted that he hoped that neither I nor any of my family would catch it.
(He also chucked in some more emotional manipulation, regarding his sister, a retired doctor who’s been called back in to help with the ”crisis”).
Yes! I didn´t mention the emotional manipulation and the moral straw men. In my case, I was given a (digital) form to print out so that doctors knew that, since I was not into flattening the curve™, I shouldn´t receive any medical attention.
I reckon she might not get very upset if I get the virus : )
Yeah, well, you don’t deserve any medical attention if you’re not enthusiastic about flattening the curve™! ;o)
By the way, what you recount about the digital form (which seems a little bit like a self-DNR) is possibly the most absurd thing I’ve heard about this whole farce. Which is quite the honour, of course…
It is in fact a self DNR…
That form’s been keeping me amused during a very long and boring day at work. :o)
“The Scientists” are like the high priests of the medieval church.
Anyone who challenges their authority is a heretic who must be burnt at the stake.
Masterful projection. A New Dark Ages looms.
If you speak to her again you might ask her for her opinion on Dr Andrew Kaufman’s analysis of Koch’s Postulate/River’s Postulate insofar as it applies to the identification of SARS-CoV2 as a virus.
And don’t send her the link in advance. Put her on the spot.
If she really knows or cares about the science behind Covid19, I would expect her to at least be aware of his dissenting voice already, so if she isn’t it would certainly give you the upper hand when it comes to debating the issue! If she is aware of his thoughts it would be interesting to hear how she refutes them scientifically.
A very interesting and valuable post of yours for all readers to reflect on. What you say is so true. I have experienced a very similar mentality when running rings around so called legal professionals.
I didn’t go to university and over time learned to think for myself and get educated on many subjects. I am amazed when so many I debated with on their field of expertise fell apart and resorted to ‘you don’t now the law or science’ etc. They hide their qualifications.
I think congratulations have to go out to the small number of scientists and experts featured in these articles, brave enough to speak out and use their brains in the way god intended.
Thanks, loverat
Learning to think and learn by oneself is much more important than anything that can be taught at university; and any credential is meaningless without the integrity and the courage to speak out, which are not very much fostered in academic environments.
Academic success is increasingly reliant in social climbing and conformity. Many of these people only learn very specific skills, accumulate specialised knowledge, but have no good thinking habits, initiative, imagination or even a vague notion of how the world works outside of their niche of groupthink and mutual adulation. And without those, they are easily channeled if not bought and paid.
Therefore they can be easily disarmed, and when that happens they have nothing but strawmen and bitterness.
Pigeon chess.
Politicised science = Weaponized science.
Just look at the vast majority of shrinks, the last 100 years.
R. D. Laing (not to mention Antonin Artaud, whom he quotes) brought that story out brilliantly in his memoir, “Wisdom, Madness, and Folly”.
Since early 1990s when PhD programs including not only medical sciences but for example physics (as I know for a fact ) started to accept candidates whose career goal was not scientific research and teaching but being advisors to politicians or PR officers for huge corporations, scientific value of PhD collapsed even to Batchelor level as universities started to produce obedient lap dogs of government and corporations.
With huge cuts in government funding of science number of genuine scientists with PhDs dwindled as only self funded grad students with big grants and with big corporate and political connections that could be milked by University administration for money were prioritized.
My, my-‘science’ has become a ‘cult’ has it? All of it, or just the bits you cannot comprehend, or dislike for pathopsychological and ideological reasons?
You are right, Richard. I should have said “Science has become a cult for many people”.
But funny that you mention that: I have no opinion on the science I can´t comprehend. How could I? but I am always, unlike you, open to try. And to do that I try to listen to both sides of an argument and to think, unlike you, that in principle a scientific theory doesn´t make people of the “hard right” or “deniers” (I am sure that you would acknowledge at least the cult like vocabularies that you use).
Also, I would never, like you do, throw away terms such as “irrefutable” for scientific issues which have no way of being falsified (such as climate change) and have competing theories. That would mean I am being dogmatic. And being dogmatic, like you are, is a sign of a psychopathology and a product of ideology.
Anyway, have a good one.
There is often more than one side to any argument, not just two. The side of business financed disinformation is not so hard to recognise.
You are right, there more than two sides.
As for the business financed disinformation…
And climate change believers thinking that they are fighting against the agenda of powerful economic interests; that the issues involving what is to become the largest commodity are immune to business financed disinformation…
You have a tough choice here, Richard. “Capitalism is cancer”, yes, but it is precisely capitalism who is driving the climate change agenda. I am curious, how you deal with the contradiction?
No-it’s science driving anthropogenic climate change. That the parasites have hijacked the debate and constructed an ‘agenda’ of parasitism, as they do in everything (while keeping their fossil fuel trillions, of course) does NOT refute the science.
That is a very interesting reply from someone who immediately casts every scientist with an opposing view as “paid by big oil”.
Are you sincerely arguing that the scientists who refused to share their data, who performed “tricks” to “hide the decline”, who changed their proxies for measuring past temperatures along the way are immune to corruption? That the scientists who are handsomely funded by governments and corporations to come up with results that fit their agenda, are not influenced or tempted to produce the results that will keep their funding coming? That the fact that people like you, with the backing of practically 100% of the mainstream media, ostracise anyone daring to ask questions, is a sign of robust, “irrefutable” science?
Can you tell me then which observations or experimental data make of climate change a scientific truth? Because it sounds like if you are defending scriptures and not a scientific theory.
My wife actually walks to the local newspaper shop to buy The Daily Mail, she says for The Women’s Pages, and The Film Reviews.. She has been working – well me a bit too in the garden, and has so far not left the house today. It is entirely possible, she does not know these people involved, though it would not surprise me if she does. I personally think they should all be arrested, apart from the bloke who used to review films, who used to live in our road. So far as I am aware, he is not implicated.
One of the commenters on Craig Murrays website, where it seems I am now permanently banned from, has some even more in-depth research and analysis, on this subject as have several others, on various things like the first programmable computer, but as I am not allowed to post, I can’t argue.
Some of it is probably true, but don’t expect them to let you out any time soon.
(He wouldn’t do that would he, unless he knew it was a complete load of bollocks. What would the kids think – and what would the dad think?)
“My wife actually walks to the local newspaper shop to buy The Daily Mail, she says for The Women’s Pages, and The Film Reviews.”
My dad – who is 77 – has it for the Sudoku. I think my mum reads it though.
Oddly enough when I was last in their house – the Sunday before lockdown – my dad was prevented from making an inappropriate comment about “culling” by my mother. I was guilty of smirking slightly (lol).
My guess it was probably golf club talk. The old boy is prevented from playing his beloved golf just now, but is again allowed to walk on it with the dog, which he does with my mother. I think he is still practicing his swing in the garden.
Hopefully he will be able to get back on the course in earnest soon.
“My wife actually walks to the local newspaper shop to buy The Daily Mail, she says for The Women’s Pages, and The Film Reviews..”
Have you noticed how all the Mail readers stress that they only get it for the sport, the women’s page etc? Funny that, because I can spot a Mail reader just by the xenophobia and general nastiness that often sneaks out in their conversation….
Oddly enough I’m giving you a thumbs down for that cheezy.
To be fair, there are people who buy it for these reasons. They do have some good sections, finance for some, health and few good columnists. Besides I think theres not much choice if you are a mainstream reader not up to speed with whats really going on in the world. Its not all their fault they’ve been indocrinated. In terms of news and opinion, no better no worse than any other. Solution for the better informed is not to read papers and encourage the less informed not to. Not an easy task and in a way people need to find out for themselves.
Any system you contrive without us will be brought down
Leonard Coen
Quick straw poll question for any Londoners.
Seen any honey bees today?
Vote up for yes and down for no.
What if i’ve only seen anecdotal models suggesting there have been honey bees today?
We’ve got a massive one, though I have not seen her today, but she has been around most days recently. There has been no shortage of local honey, and its a lot better than the imported stuff. So I voted down, as I have been doing bureaucracy much of today, but I’m sure she is around. Just not seen her yet.
I’ve done some modelling. Statistically I should have seen 24 honey bees today. I have seen 54 winged insects, however, apiarists are in lockdown and are not able to verify my data. As luck would have it, a complete stranger, who happens to be a care worker was passing by and assisted me. It is possible I saw a number of bumble bees, wasps and house flies but, no matter, this kindly person was able to sign off on my sightings labelling them all as “suspected” honey bees or the fact that I’d “mentioned” honey bees.
Good enough for me.
So, without question, I’ve seen 54 honey bees today.
I thank you !
In the Oxfordshire countryside we have plenty. Do you need any honey?
Ferguson is a bad scientist but he didn’t FORCE governments to use his bad work. Before this year they ignored his bad science. The problem isn’t bad scientists, the problem is GOVERNMENTS using bad science to “justify” genocide. Clearly the top officials in nearly all countries already decided to kill everyone this year. They felt that they needed some “science” to bring the lower level governments on board. If they didn’t use Ferguson’s bad science, they would have found other bad science. There’s plenty of it available.
I agree with the main thrust of your point.
One thing though …
Tell that to several million dead animals and bankrupt farmers in the UK.
The point is he’s been very publicly wrong before, yet they listened to him again. That makes them even more complicit imo.
Please show the respect due to Professor Ferguson. 😉 (only joking, of course!)
You and others on here should really be referring to him as Professor Neil Ferguson OBE. He received this honour for his good work destroying the UK’s livestock industry. The way things are he will probably receive a knighthood for his work on Covid19.
Two days ago you’d probably have been right Judy!
It’s a sad indictment of our system that he’s likely to get more flack for playing away than he ever has for his actual crimes against humanity. And animals.
Tony Blair would certainly agree with you. See slaughtered link below.
Exactly so. Ferguson himself is just a pathetic impostor. The criminals are those who decided to adopt and implement his “advice”, instead of consulting the thousands of more reputable and competent doctors and scientists.
The key difficulty is that politicians need scientific advice because they themselves are utterly ignorant of science.
But, that being so, how can they hope to discriminate between good, bad, hopelessly bad advice?
Politicians were told on the 19th March, by doctors and scientists of the NHS and others, that the ‘virus’ had been downgraded to the flu:
But they ignored that advice.
lol … I’m not sure it was “downgraded to the flu”, but worth providing the link again.
It was a political decision.
Well, Dominic Cummings, although not a scientist by formal education, is a bit of a science wannabe, and may well be advising the politicians on which scientists to listen to.
We don’t expect much of our politicians, but a true leader doesn’t just listen to one expert, but seeks a range of opinions, with supporting evidence of course.
Those who are hell-bent on committing an atrocity will promote any absurdity which suits their purpose.
They have “by any means necessary” in their marching orders.
If it’s unconstitutional, they’re supposed to disobey and report them. Higher up. There were a few resistant soldiers who did just that, for the My Lai Massacre a half century ago, or it would have been buried up.
I still meet fascist sympaticos who tell me it was mostly the other way around. They were killing the VC in reprisal for crimes against humanity. I suppose it’s whose fingers are pointing.
Yeah, right? One of them saying just that also told me he was a “mercenary”. A sanitized word for assassin, really.
Here in USA, for half the country or the quorum, it’s almost all about team colors, not right or wrong.
Clubs, not consciences.
Actually they didn’t ignore his science. They culled millions of cattle unnecessarily at a cost of billions. During swine flu they purchased millions of doses of Tamiflu from Roche who Ferguson was a consultant for. Also don’t forget the thousands of treatment tents set up based on the predictions, again millions of wasted taxpayers money.
What we observe all over the world is herd induced self reinforcing delusions characteristic for any coordinated fear mongering campaign of social control based on peddling supposedly deadly threat du jour, Today it is Coronavirus.
Sadly but not unexpectedly nominal leftist media and that includes DP appendages, anarchists even Marxist flavored factions of Trotskyites, Stalinists or Maoists turned into cold opportunists shattering their own reputation as supposedly informed by scientific outlook and instead are peddling opium of mythological COVID and sell snake oil remedy of lockdown to, as they must have wrongly assumed, superstitious and fearful masses.
When time came to show their revolutionary aspiration and convictions and what they really stand for they sold their ideals of workers revolution and self governance and instead peddle leftists medical fascism and by that exhibiting huge totalitarian tendencies of calcified leadership that is apparently only tolerated by ruling elites as a zoo like curiosity.
Shocking, massive fear mongering among leftist media nearly indistinguishable from MSM in their semi pornographic sensationalism and sole reliance on many scientifically baseless narratives and manipulated data coming from most reactionary factions of ruling elite of current global governments, informed not by Marxist analysis of facts but by their almost religious belief in captured by global corporate capital public health and medical authorities.
While they are somewhat critical of acts of governments like bailout of oligarchy, clearly directed against working class they are blind to reality of entire COVID phenomenon concocted as element of escalation of class war and a weapon of preemptive counterrevolution amid collapse of financial capitalism as well as a direct response to millions of strikes amid protests all over the world in last decade and at least 500,000 labor protests in 2019 alone.
In the same time leftist media, turned to censorship of their own supporters and sympathizers critical of their own coverage and joined MSM choir in condemning all critics of lockdown and all skeptics questioning lethality of SC2 virus and severity of COVID pandemic including attacking results of empirical studies that contradict MSM narratives conducted by established medical and epidemiological experts.
What can be more anti-Marxist than rejection of dialectics of science for dogmatic slumber of scholastic beliefs in “divine” authorities and their proclamations.
Incessantly quoting NYT, Wapo, CDC or WHO officials all corporate capital captured institutions without a shred of criticism of merit of their evidence free proclamations is simply appalling and a total break from revolutionary or any historical leftist legacy.
Leftists media COVID narratives are virtually indistinguishable from corporatist media creating absurd situation of workers forced to turn to right wing fascists with their concerns about collapsing economy and losing jobs due to lockdown as leftist media call for no revolution in the crowded streets or factories but a tea cup revolution at home wearing face masks not to infect family and domestic cats or dogs.
Nowhere in the leftist media is expressed any grave concern that succumbing to pandemic disease threat, real or fake, and unquestionably adopting totalitarian narratives of social control based on argument of deadly disease opens up a pathway to fascism as it was shown in history those supposed Marxists seem to forget.
They forget that Goebbels used argument of threat of deadly lice transmitted plague of typhus in conjunction with other arguments by Nazis to dehumanize, contact trace, terrorize and to deport millions of Jews, infected or suspected of being infected in the future via contact with other infected Jews or simply accused of being infested with lice potentially carrying the pathogen, to isolated relocation camps for a sort of permanent quarantine before and during WWII also to death camps where typhus was already present and obviously infected new arriving human transports and by that self enforcing their false narratives.
All that was supposedly done on advice of scientists and medical professionals warning about deadly justifying all means, social and economic consequences. Hygiene became another Nazi tool of political and socioeconomic control.
Let’s not forget history.
Good points worth repeating. Many supposed leftist distort the meaning of fascism so that the public can’t see it coming. You have to wonder where their loyalties lie. The division is no longer right and left but totalitarians and constitutionalists.
Re the Reich, members of the medical professions were disproportionately prominent in the Nazi party. Health, purity, germs has resonance. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the same concerns are being used to stampede the public towards corporatism.
Moneycircus Could you define “supposed leftists” for us? Thanks.
“supposed leftist”: a person who is supposed, correctly or incorrectly, by some other person(s) to be a leftist.
there you go.
Kalen, Awesome post. I wish I could write as well as you. Thank You
‘ Hygiene became another Nazi tool of political and socioeconomic control.’
Reminds me of that Covid19 is, in terms of numbers, the biggest iatrogenic cause of death since Semmelweis tried (but was mainly not-successful) to let doctors was their hands.
Maybe, just maybe there is a problem with the secular worship of the god Science, particularly among the professional middles classes. In my experience and reading, there is a scientist and “science” for just about anyone (state, non-profit, or oligarch) holding out a big bag of money for “science” to support her or his cause. Nature, of course, remains a murk, a mystery … as impenetrable and as untamable as ever. But the mysteries of Nature hold little interest to the Scientist and her or his acolytes, money, 15 minutes of fame, and invitations to expensive parties are much more enticing.
My wife and I went to the local big box home improvement store yesterday (our Big Outing), prepared with our face coverings and to comply the corporate-state demand to cover, never mind the duck, while shopping — you know to “protect” others from the unseen evil that floats about our head and neck region such that cover is required. There were dutiful plucky citizens coming and going with a bright assortment of face coverings on, but nearly all employees and a number of customers had their coverings around their necks are none at all (it was hot day). Many customers also. People have sussed out the BS, most now begrudgingly going along, and looking for sites of resistance and normality where they can. Science be damned.
much of it is unconsciously projecting the religious impulse onto science.
Or, for many, another word for mere materialism, a worship of the golden calf by another word. “Science” another form of dogma, re-enforced by cliques of consensus.
I had a doctor I much admire, a Russky no less, tell me that coffee is bad for the heart, especially since I have some slight BP.
Then, after he supervised my acupuncture, I went home and read a study that coffee is actually quite helpful for brain function and really not a heart risk.
We live in interesting epistemological times.
The thing i don’t understand about “social distancing” & contact tracing is if “social distancing” works why do we need to track all recorded contacts? Isn’t this simple admission “social distancing” doesn’t work?
Does the device record distances from other devices, will this be used as evidence against you/others? How do you prove it was your device breaking “social distancing” law not you?
And how do we trace all contact with door knobs & hand rails. My experience of Bluetooth is that its pretty fallible & unreliable.
Science and religion are not necessarily at odds.
(Says a science graduate).
They are not at all at odds, except for minds that can’t or won’t absorb them both at once.
Aquinas put it right, “Truth is Truth, wherever you find it.”
He was an early Dominican, whose letterheads still show that single word as their Order’s Latin maxim, “Veritas”.
We could use more any time now.
Well… The point of the article should have followed the headline, but failed to do so. How long are journalists going to coach every damn issue on the myriad functions of corona reporting? The more glaring issues of corrupt governance are only another history lesson. So let’s wash and repeat…
The Monsanto/glyphosate poisoning of farm lands and environment is caused by FARMERS dumping poisonous substances onto the land, period. Is the destruction of the environment actually the fault of corporate marketing, lying scientists, and/or governmental ineptitude? Or is the destruction due to IDIOTS who are so intellectually corrupt they don’t give a damn about anything but profits?
They dump their own bullcrap on themselves and everyone else, then blame it on Monsanto…
Regardless of the source, recklessly dumping poisons into common environments is a personal choice. In the long run, it’s a choice of environmental assault and careless murder of all living things. The blame game has been waxing redundant for at least a thousand years.
Read Farmageddon. It’s not the simple choice you assert.
Yep, terrorists didn’t keep us locked up.
The virus certainly does.
No escaping the fear globally, based on rumors and restrictions which, when carefully assessed have such a number of contradictions build right into them.
The fact that they are so similar globally, one cannot help but wonder if this is not the same system used to introduce the harmful but “supposedly” better lightbulbs, mandatorily introduced world wide without pause nor a system in place for proper recycling depots, nor was information issued to third world countries (where I live) that they actually need to be recycled or that a broken bulb constitutes a direct serious health threat.
So, long sentence, but it sums it up nicely.
Even the better “alternative” news sites are fear mongering with little critical observations.
A global consistent response, to a threat which was grossly overstated like all the other threats we encountered in the last few years.
I am not saying that the virus does not constitutes a threat at all, after all, the “common” flue kills thousands every year as well. No panels of experts chew us to death over that!
Be critical!
Look at facts!
You will lose friends, when you speak up critically, trust me on that!
Be prepared for a roller coaster effect, because once you recognize “the systems” used to “mold” us you will see more and more areas in which they are used.
Read a bit about Edward Bernaise, to learn a bit more, and State of Mind is a good movie to get the drift of this.
Stay alert, think critically and ASK QUESTIONS!!!
And above all: Stay Sane!
Read a bit about Edward Bernaise
wasn’t he the guy who invented a kind of fish sauce?
No that was Dutchy Hollandaise
Bernays, I used to spell it like the sauce.
“Yep, terrorists didn’t keep us locked up.”
I don’t know, I think that depends on how you define “terrorist”.
Government and mainstream media fit the description rather well these days, IMO. They’ve managed to terrorise millions with their relentless fearmongering.
Poor old terrorists. They must be feeling rather neglected nowadays.
Our Socratic forbears taught us through their “Seeds of the Logos” that the reasoning man does not have to be an expert in a given field to be able to make a competent judgment regarding whether he is dealing with leaders whose advice he should heed or reject as fraudulent. Frauds demand absolute faith in their claims, treating the confused doubter with contempt for his invincible ignorance. Such imposters may seriously believe that they are omniscient experts. But when they tell young or otherwise healthy persons that they are in the same condition as the weakest of the elderly or the already ill; when they say that in order to protect itself the vast mass of the population has to abandon its livelihood, the well-being of its country, the cultural life of its civilization, and the tools required for its eternal salvation they must be dismissed for what they actually are: quacks.
John Rao
May 4, 2020
the tools required for its eternal salvation
what are those, exactly?
how do we know that those offering them are not also quacks, of much greater antiquity?
Rao is referring to the sacraments of the Catholic Church. You may have noticed that the overwhelming majority of the Church’s bishops acquiesced to the State’s request that the public offering of same be prohibited on the recommendation because “science”.
Such bishops certainly support the quackery. But if your suggestion is that the very offering of the sacraments is quackery, why then would the Mass be stopped and not greatly encouraged by the virus “experts”- as pornography or abortion, or Fauci’s Tinder hook-ups etc were encouraged?
Can a house – even of quackery- divided against itself stand? Neither will a house united against oligarchy withstand division wrought by the useless attempt to fight it on one’s own preferred terms and not the terms of objective fact.
The bishops who rolled over should not be surprised if, when they reopen their doors, the faithful don’t come flocking back in such great numbers that used to attend.
Perhaps that’s what such a bishop wants.
Neil Ferguson, quavering voice of runt, classless ‘no class’, arrested development spermal-twin of Justin true-doh, scraggly bearded, mein few-hair who presumes to give ordures to while he licks a boot, for a penny or two, surreptitiously out of sight.
Neil Ferguson, a Member of the US National Academy of Medicine. A US NGO, which usually means CIA run.
Justin true-doh
surely you mean Justin Turd-eau?
frozen image above neil interview
nice hand gesture from the prof making discreet statement to club members
trust me i actor
hey i one of you
queens man kingsman whatever
saturn babylon twatter working casting spells on flat terrafirma
twisted performance artist
he looks like gareth the pimlico gchq guy you know
the man in the suit case
is it not
Decrees issued by the prominent and powerful never apply to those whose sense of entitlement is their underlying principle of life. To put it simply “do as I say, not as I do.” The famous, eminent, or well-connected follow a very different set of rules and regulations. This is the case in regards to the statutes
relating to COVID-19, or the circumstances surrounding Harry Dunn a 19 year old British man who died following a road traffic collision, on 27 August 2019. The car, a Volvo XC90, was said to have been driven by Anne Sacoolas, a CIA operative who left the country for the US claiming diplomatic immunity and has not been extradited to the UK.
Distinguished notables regularly reveal themselves as being two-faced con artists. Take Neil Ferguson who tested positive for COVID-19, but couldn’t resist visits from his mistress:
“Britain’s health secretary said Wednesday that national lockdown rules were “for everyone,” after one of the government’s key scientific advisers quit for receiving secret visits from his girlfriend amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Imperial College epidemiologist Neil Ferguson developed models that predicted hundreds of thousands would die unless the U.K. imposed drastic restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus. His advice was key in triggering Britain’s lockdown in March. Under the rules, people are barred from visiting friends and family that they don’t live with.
Ferguson quit the government’s scientific advisory panel late Tuesday after the Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that a woman he is in a relationship with had crossed London to visit him at his
home.” The woman is married with small children, but fornicating took precedence over protecting the health of her own family.
The US, also has their share of sneaky hypocrites, the Chicago Mayor being one of them: “Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended getting a haircut over the weekend even though barbers and stylists were shut down under the state’s stay-at-home order, saying she’s the face of the city and the woman who cut her hair wore a mask.” The “face of the city ” is somehow entitled to services denied all others. There’s millions who feel their personal grooming is important why is this double-dealing politician so special.
Last night Tucker Carlson summed up the self-righteous disingenuousness of authoritarian political hacks in his opening comments:
It looks to be like what remained of our crumbling democracies have been set-up by the deep state, and are now being discredited and ridiculed. Fed false information by selected scientists they, stupidly acted in it though fear.
So now the deep state’s friends, like fox and the far right, are declaring themselves the heroes of the crisis, mainly because they knew all along it was a set up, because their CIA friends told them it was.
The end result of this will be a resounding victory for Trump at the next election as our weakened democracies become even more discredited and ripe for overturning. Weimar and the rise of Hitler all over again.
If you don’t think that the “liberal” media, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc, are friends of the deep state, you clearly haven’t been paying attention for quite some time now.
Either that, or you’re suffering from delusions, probably brought on by a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The media have been pushing all our governments into adopting idiotic measures, and yes they are an arm of the deep state.
They are also helping trump stay in power in the US, one of their major projects was the Russia inquiry, which was interned to protect trump.
When I say weak democracies, I mean our European democracies or any opposition that is still left in the USA, which isn’t much.
the media are also helping trump stay in power
as I suspected, delusions induced by a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next election. The cable news audience is comprised of older adults. Commentators have been targeting and terrorizing seniors for months.
The only thing that could be said with any certainty is that the corrupt political duopoly is controlled by the military/security/surveillance
/corporate state.
Not totally, they would have you believe all is lost, but not yet, only if you give up will it be lost. The trouble is everyone keeps thinking all is lost, it isn’t, individual Americans still have a lot of power , if they would only use it.
An addendum needs to be added to a comment I posted yesterday in response to an article written by Hopkins.
The Left and the Right need to unite and fight against government overreach to ensure individual freedom. Surely both political ideologies can come together for at least that one issue
You asked: “There’s millions who feel their personal grooming is important why is this double-dealing politician so special.”
Answer: Because she believes she is special, and tax payers agree…
Empress Lightfoot’s new clothes reveals she wears Depends pull-ups an essential item when you’re full of shit.
Calling Neil Ferguson a scientist is an abuse of the English language. Ferguson’s “science” is computer modelling, which is nothing more than making up a bunch of assumptions and treating the mathematically inevitable outcomes as though they are evidence.
He served a purpose his fallacious models created enough panic to cause a lockdown.
In computer science, it’s called ‘GIGO’ – ‘Garbage In=Garbage Out.
People may be “fools” for being humans in the park our dear Chris Cuomo, brother of Andrew, says on Global Corporate TV. But clearly they know it is all a show, a hoax, a lie. The damn fool made a public show when he himself had a bout of the flu, a cold, or whatever. And surprise, surprise, surprise, in his personal life we discover that neither he nor his family members believe a word of it. How can the entire New York establishment (de Blasio, Cuomos, etc.) be so politically tone-deaf? Answer: they have been assured they will only reap rewards for their public policies no matter their private actions.
Not long ago Mr Carlson was considered a right wing nutter by so called progressives and self declared lefties, now he is perceived as a dissident radical to most of them ? How the hell does that happen?
Maybe because the Left have proven to be a bunch of co-opted phonies.
Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi.
Suitable for the king, not allowed for peasants.
The 6th paragraph mentions the case-fatality rate, but did the author mean the infection fatality rate? The IFR is the really low one as per all these studies:*tSVYNFq7kqyOphuMAc3ySg#
This is a note to the editor (just putting that word there in case it triggers an alert).
It is always important when you run these scams that you control the keystone science, that holds the whole fantasy together. With the war on Covid the key to controlling the narrative was the death rate. The death rate generated the fear and generated justification for the house arrest of the population.
With the War on Carbon the key piece of science is the relationship between CO2 in the atmosphere and the effect that that additional CO2 might have on the temperature of the plant. That key complex chemical relationship is fundamental to the justification for the War on Carbon and no matter how they claim otherwise it is not conclusive and is not resolved.
99.99% of scientist are not atmospheric chemists, so know nothing about this key piece of the justification, for the war on carbon. Yet we are told that 99% of scientists believe CO2 is responsible for the change in climate, when they have as much clue as I do. The climate always changes and a study of Mongoose in Cuba might confirm that change, but it does not confirm any aspect of the complex atmospheric chemistry of CO2 and it’s warming effect, if any.
High school science explains the mechanism by which CO2 traps re-radiated heat in the troposphere. Did you sleep through that one. Needless to say, scientists can appreciate the basics of other scientific disciplines, up to a point, of course. It is climate scientists, the experts in the field, who in 97-99% of cases, agree with the science. Your ‘argument’ is a nullity.
who wept for the 10 million cattle burnt on pyres in england scotland and wales
based on projections models imperial.
projections not unlike the dangerous scary imaging in plato cave
imperial College neil ferguson
HIV & AIDS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and SARS covids
how many more humans must be slaughtered
on the benign killing grounds of a statis ti cull corrupted perverted math modeller.
cows and pigs in the 10s of millions buried alive and burnt
imagine the noise from the hellish pits
counterbalanced by the quiet silence of nhs or care home nil by mouth human snuff kill
what do you do
I’m a model i do moddelin for the gates man init
i create the horror story i work the terrain
with charts windows and math mati culls
captain of the numbers ship
i create nightmare sums
based on all your fears
zion as rome
who lives who dies
no down thumb needed
just key stroke