COVID19: Are ventilators killing people?
Intubation and ventilation were billed as the only way to treat Covid19 patients in the early days of the outbreak, but now some medical professionals are questioning the practice.
Kit Knightly

Since the coronavirus first jumped so dramatically from China to Italy, most of the talk in the Western world has been about whether or not our healthcare services will be able to cope with the predicted tidal wave of patients.
A tsunami of human suffering was predicted which, weeks later, is yet to materialise. The NHS built a new 4000-bed emergency hospital, the Nightingale Centre…which was barely used and is now being shut down. In the US field hospitals were erected, left standing empty for a few days, and then taken down.
Most specifically, in the early days, almost all the talk was about ventilators. Did we have enough? Could we get more? Should we 3D print our own? Do we need car companies and arms dealers re-tool their factories to make more?
This media narrative never fit with the real science of the situation.
Many doctors have since come forward to say that mechanical ventilation is not only inappropriate for those with respiratory infections, but that it is being seriously over-used for Covid patients, and that it may be doing more harm than good.
Writing in The Spectator, Dr Matt Strauss underlined that ventilators were not a “treatment” per se, and were not intended for patients with respiratory diseases:
Ventilators do not cure any disease. They can fill your lungs with air when you find yourself unable to do so yourself. They are associated with lung diseases in the public’s consciousness, but this is not in fact their most common or most appropriate application.
And goes on to explain that patients may see absolutely no benefit from being on a ventilator:
There has never been a placebo randomised control trial of putting people on ventilators versus letting them struggle on. We therefore do not, strictly-speaking, know whether those who survive their time on ventilator may have survived anyway, or whether some would-be survivors died because they were committed to a ventilator.
Many other articles have covered similar ground, including “With ventilators running out, doctors say the machines are overused for Covid-19” in Stat News and “Puzzling death rate among respiratory patients” in Die Welt.
Dr Eddy Fan told the Associated Press:
One of the most important findings in the last few decades is that medical ventilation can worsen lung injury — so we have to be careful how we use it.”
Dr Joseph Habboushe added:
If we’re able to make them better without intubating them, they are more likely to have a better outcome”
While New York-based critical care specialist Dr. Paul Mayo is quoted as saying:
Putting a person on a ventilator creates a disease known as being on a ventilator.’
German Pulmonologust Dr Thomas Voshaar, chairman of Association of Pneumological Clinics, was equally candid about the risks of “too much” and “too early” ventilation. Telling [our emphasis]:
Invasive ventilation is fundamentally bad for patients. Even if the ventilator is optimally adjusted and the care is perfect, the treatment brings with it many complications. The lungs are sensitive to two things: excess pressure and excessive oxygen concentration in the air supplied.
You also have to sedate the patient during ventilation – you take him out of the world. He can no longer eat, drink and breathe on his own. So I take total control over the organism. I can only get air into my lungs with excess pressure. The opposite happens during spontaneous breathing, the air gets into the lungs through negative pressure. The terminal failure of the lungs is often caused by too high pressure and too much oxygen.
[Only] 20-50% of the ventilated Covid-19 patients have so far survived. If this is the case, we have to ask: Is this due to the severity and course of the disease itself or maybe the preferred method of treatment?
When we read the first studies and reports from China and Italy, we immediately asked ourselves why intubation was so common there. This contradicted our clinical experience with viral pneumonia.
The truth is, rather than treating respiratory infections, ventilators actually cause them.
The suppression of the cough reflex, needed to insert the ventilator tube into the trachea, means sedated patients cannot clear their airway. This leads to fluid build-up which, along with the bacteria forming around the foreign body, eventually causes serious bacterial infection.
This condition is called “Ventilator-associated pneumonia” (VAP). Studies show between 8% and 28% of all ventilated patients will be affected by it, and for 20-55% of them it proves fatal.
Apart from the risk of infection, it’s also the case that the actual mechanics of the ventilator – forcing air in and out of lungs – eventually physically damages them beyond repair.
This is called “ventilator-induced lung injury”, and even if it doesn’t kill patients, it can lead to long-term damage and substantially reduced quality of life.
One study found that, even after recovering, 58% of ventilated patients died within the next year.
Simply put: if you take people with severe heart problems, cancer, AIDs, diabetes or other dangerous health issues, and you put them on a mechanical ventilator the moment they exhibit the symptoms of a flu-like illness, you will kill a substantial portion of them.
Perhaps it is not surprising, then, that according to this article 66% of UK Covid19 patients put on ventilators are dying. A recent study found that, in New York, 88% of ventilated Covid patients died. In Italy it was over 81%, in Wuhan it was 86%.
Conversely, South Korea has reported good early results treating Covid19 patients with other forms of oxygen therapy, or “non-invasive ventilation”.
The question arises: If ventilators are not recommended for respiratory infections, may do more damage than they prevent and are less effective than non-invasive ventilation, why are they being so widely used?
Well, one possible reason is that, according to the WHO guidelines, non-invasive ventilation could contribute to the spread of the virus via “aerosolisation”. This is repeated in guidelines from the CDC, ECDC and other national institutions.
The UK’s NHS goes one step further again, with their March 19th protocol actually calling mechanical ventilation the “preferred” option over non-invasive ventilation or other oxygen therapies.
This leaves wide open the possibility that hospitals are using treatments known to cause harm, simply to avoid the hypothetical spread of the virus.
So, where do we stand?
We have already established that the planet-wide guidance on death certificates is leading to “substantial overestimates” in the number of Covid19 deaths.
We also know that the PCR tests are not meant to be used diagnostically, and present a very real risk of large numbers of false-positive results.
Both of these facts will artificially and dramatically increase the death toll and case-load respectively.
However, this situation seems to go one step further. It seems over-use of ventilators may actually be killing people who could otherwise have survived.
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Please search “Dr Bryan Ardis Remdesivir” on Bitchute. It’s not the ventilators alone damaging and killing our loved ones, it’s the hospital protocol… Fauci enforces hospitals to treat intubated patients with Remdesivir alone, which never passed any trials because over half the patients in the trial died of multiple-organ failure. And yet this is the only hospital drug allowed to treat Covid patients in the ICU on ventilators. Physicians risk losing their job for trying to treat with repurposed drugs… and hospitals are bribed $14k for every Covid-positive patient, $39k for every patient placed on a ventilator.. and they get huge bonuses, several thousand dollars, for treating ventilated patients with Remdesivir alone. This is genocide.
This is nothing more than control and mass genocide. Everyone needs to wake up and refuse to go ahead with this anymore. Otherwise, we will never see an end to this bad science.
An essential viewing interview revealing the story about Fauci and big pharma and their role in the politicization, monetization and corruption of vaccines, including Fauci’s vested interests in a vaccine: Plandemic Part 1.
Will a “vaccine” actually contain lethal bacteria that spreads rapidly around the world killing even hundreds of millions? The “vaccine” industry has been corrupt (and evidently totally murderous in the true fashion of bio-terrorists) from the get go, as the many historical facts make clear:
Numerous in-depth articles are linked from the above to help anyone do more research for themselves about these very important matters.
Despite there being a worldwide shortage, the British media relentlessly politicised the lack of ventilators. It now seems there was no need for tens of thousands of the apparatus in the first place.
It was always my understanding that intubation is/was a last resort – with only a 20% survival rate and all of them left with significant lung damage.
In mid April ICU doc Cameron Kyle-Sidell at Elmhurst Hospital Queens (described as infection ‘epicentre’ in NYC) noted that his patients were presenting symptoms more consistent with high altitude sickness than pneumonia and that ventilators were worsening and/or killing his patients. He was interviewed by local news, the New York Post and even the Daily Mail.
Kyle-Sidell: ‘They are suffering from oxygen failure, not respiratory failure.’
When he had a Twitter page, doctors from around the world interacted with him including many who were accustomed to treating high altitude sickness.
I recall an Italian doctor who noted that he was treating two distinct types of COVID-19: Type S and Type L – and they both required a different approach.
The whole lockdown agenda has been weaponised and dissent censored to a shocking degree.
Sorry – Kyle-Sidell works at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NYC.
No new deadly disease called “COVID19″ just a belief in the msm meme and collective madness.
These article miss that fact .
Winter normal number of deaths of elderly and sick (from ” time” and mind) , aggressive( wrong) medical treatments , VAP , drug overdoses, euthanasia and experimental drugs calling all these deaths from “COVID19” .
Very good and solidly researched piece. The unjustifiable use of ventilators is one part of the mass murder going forward on multiple levels under cover of COVID-19. Thank you, off-guardian.
This is Pure Dr. Mengele-speak from an inhuman, dyshuman no conscience medical fascist Dr. Matt Strauss and The Spectator — and has no place in OffGuardian without critical analysis, deconstruction and refudiation.
Hope to GOD or whatever that *NO* such placebo randomized control trial is EVER conducted.
It is a *Crime Against Humanity” that it’s was even *contemplated* let alone uttered out loud for ublication … let alone in OffGuardian !
This is Alex Jones looney tunes Nazi fascism.
BEGONE ! Unless you want to volunteer for this Dr. Mengele clinical trial !
RE: “There has never been a placebo randomised control trial of putting people on ventilators versus letting them struggle on. We therefore do not, strictly-speaking, know whether those who survive their time on ventilator may have survived anyway,”
The article has quoted five medical doctors, who have all said that ventilators may be bad for some patients.
It should be obvious that if a patient is already breathing for himself, then a ventilator will do more harm than good.
From the NHS:
“oxygen therapy involves breathing in air that contains more oxygen than normal from a cylinder or machine in your home.
It may be prescribed if you have a heart or lung condition that causes low oxygen levels in your blood.
You can take oxygen in a number of ways using a:
tube positioned under your nose (nasal cannula).
face mask placed over your nose and mouth
tube placed into your mouth and down your windpipe
The tube or mask is attached to a ventilator machine.”
This first method is non-invasive, with few complications, such as infections from ventilator tube insertion.
Good Germans, Good Germans All…
You are a fuckhead
I don’t understand the doctor to be proposing that such a trial be conducted. He is speaking hypothetically and says we have no way of knowing what the outcome would be.
Cabin fever?
Not necessarily a fascist. Probably just another professional specialist: knows everything about fuck all and fuck all about anything else. For instance, he doesn’t mention the various types of ventilation, the extraordinary mechanical complexity of providing optimal assisted breathing and oxygenation with the avoidance of physiological and hormonal complications across various medical conditions or stages of those conditions, the external or incorporated adjuvant strategies for enhancing or mitigating their often-conflicting requirements, or the communicable disease risks of the various systems and deployments to associated medical staff, etc. One size and one deployment definitely does not fit all.
For two current non-invasive ventilation systems (amongst others) see:
Cuirass cNEEP Ventilation (British-style retroclunk)
(a.k.a. ‘Hayek’ Ventilation)
Forgot to add the link:
An ancient photograph of cuirass-style ventilation (for ‘Virus Guy’).
I do wonder how much of this has been a self fulfilling prophecy.
Following protests about air quality in Wuhan, there was a lockdown and thousands of deaths, apparently caused by respiratory failure, apparently brought about by a novel pathogen – Covid-19.
The world was put on alert for a deadly pandemic by the WHO (funded by…).
The pathogen is so deadly, it requires extreme measures to tackle it, including:
Ventilators – partly for the patient, partly to prevent aerosolisation and further spread.
Aggressive drug treatments – well, why not. It’s so deadly any measures are justified.
An emergency shutdown, a destroyed economy and sweeping state power.
Legislation to prevent legal recourse for Covid deaths.
Massive sums of money thrown at healthcare providers and other favoured entities.
The limiting of access to non-Covid healthcare.
Returning “Covid positive” elderly patients to nursing homes to free up bed space for the expected wave of younger Covid patients.
The censorship of dissenting voices on media platforms.
And how do you know it’s Covid-19?
The symptoms are not unique to C-19 and symptoms seem to evolve into whatever is needed for the narrative.
The tests look increasingly problematic and not necessarily specific for C-19.
The incentives around recording Covid deaths and the lack of controls are concerning.
The ambiguity of reports of deaths from Covid and deaths by Covid.
I think there are a number of factors in play that make this look like something it’s not.
There has to be a forensic and sober reckoning when this is over and an examination of the roles played by certain bodies and individuals.
A review of the vested interests who influenced how this played out and those bodies who took advantage of the situation to achieve long-standing goals is also needed.
This is an excellent summary of what I’ve been saying this whole time. I think you are spot-on with this.
You select for higher death rates when you “see” everything as the boogeyman.
you “select” for CERTAIN hospitals to be overwhelmed when you shut the rest down, and have special “COVID” hospitals.
you select for vent shortages when you over-intubate.
You “select” for higher COVID mortality when you change the coding rules.
on and on.
It’s appalling on so many levels what has happened.
Spot on, Squid.
All the ‘recyclable’ refuse from the UK and US ends up mainly in Chinese industrial provinces. This includes electronic waste, where workers have to break the units (PC’s, ‘phones, laptops, printers etc.) to remove the circuit boards which contain gold, tin, copper and, in older units, lead. They do this by dipping the boards into vats of molten lead, whereby the unwanted parts are melted off and thrown away. To remove the gold, an amalgam has to be made: this is accomplished with mercury. The environment is terrible, with pools of polluted water and toxic fumes filling the air.
My comment refers to Wuhan province. Pictures of the city were shown on BBC and ITV, where the ‘virus’ first appeared. The air was quite obviously thick with smog, and yet none of the reporters bothered to mention this. Even small amounts of SO2 (the by-product of fossil fuel burning, particularly lignite) in the air will cause illness. The people there have been protesting about this, for years while now, and little is done to improve things. The ‘coronavirus’ is a hoax to cover for the government’s lack of environmental action that has resulted in a serious health issue for their people.
The real problem is the old problem: poor air quality from the smogs enveloping the city etc. Recall the infamous London ‘Pea-Soupers’ that were a direct result of the SO2 pollution from Battersea power station. People were being found dead in shop doorways from the sulphuric acid, produced from the SO2 they had breathed in, that had destroyed their lungs from the insides. Their symptoms could be easily interpreted as ‘flu: coughing, hard to breathe, chest pains. From wikipedia (not trusted on contentious issues, of course): “The worst recorded instance was the Great Smog of 1952, when 4,000 deaths were reported in the city over a couple of days, and a subsequent 8,000 related deaths, leading to the passage of the Clean Air Act 1956, which banned the use of coal for domestic fires in some urban areas.”
The situation is as bad today in China, with refuse being burned in incinerators and no attempt to clean the effluent emanating from them is made. The same for coal burning power stations, right there. On top of this the Wuhan province is a major industrial zone, making many billions in money every year for their economy. It is not something the government want closed down, rather, delayed ‘until the smog clears’. The problem is environmental, but their government has turned it into a medical issue for political reasons. It stopped the ‘democracy’ protests dead, for one, and the anti-pollution protests in mainland China, too.
And this is before I looked at the BBC and ITV farce with the so-called ‘infected British citizens’ from China. The bus driver, calmly driving along with passengers carrying a ‘deadly virus’, and not even a mask on his face, breathing their air!
The ‘tests’ are not conclusive – a qualified viewpoint can be found here:
MSM report here, where middle-class Chinese are buying £3000+ aircon systems to keep their children’s lungs safe whilst indoors (no need to read the MSM commentary, just look at the video’s.) The air pollution is horrendous:
I am amazed that people who generally have a sceptical approach to the media, have fallen for this one. Now, someone with a bad cough or ‘flu-like’ symptoms is jumped on by the media as a ‘possible’ or ‘likely’ to have the virus, and added to the total for the outbreak.
All done on behalf of big pharma and the security apparatus. Even in Europe, the people ‘self-curfew’ themselves, and not a baton or riot gun in sight, there, or in China. Bet on it that when Sterling crashes in a year to 18 months following brexit, this ‘outbreak’ will again appear, in order to render populations passive.
It is interesting to see media pictures of Wuhan today. The ‘lockdown’ has cleared the air pollution, and stopped the protests, for now. But I wonder how long it will be before the pollution creeps back up to dangerous levels, say 6 months time, when all the world will suddenly have to go into ‘lockdown’ again for the ‘virus’.
“There has to be a forensic and sober reckoning when this is over and an examination of the roles played by certain bodies and individuals.
A review of the vested interests who influenced how this played out and those bodies who took advantage of the situation to achieve long-standing goals is also needed.”
Ummm……don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen! 7/7 and 9/11 have never been investigated for the simple reason that the criminals in power who orchestrate these things never investigate themselves or allow their crimes to be investigated. Investigated? You won’t hear of their actions even being questioned, let alone investigated. Unless there’s only 10 million military-manned coronavirus testing stations, instead of the 11 million we were “promised”. Or if they paid for 68 million new ventilators, only for them to arrive and it be discovered they were wired for the Brazilian power grid, so they’re useless in the UK and now they’re going to landfill. But the crime of conning the public into kissing goodbye to their rights and freedoms over an engineered crisis? Investigated? Never. There will be a brand new crisis to contend with by the time this has come to an end, and the public mind will be shifted on to patures new, kept as a rabbit in the headlights, in a constant state of fear driven confusion, utterly clueless and completely disarmed of any critical thinking or analytical powers they have
I fear you’re right Mucho, but I sincerely hope you’re wrong…
I think they’ve overplayed their hand this time and there are too many other reference points from other countries and regions to compare against.
There are layers to peel away, but once we normalise for environmental and demographic differences, the apparently wretched performance of England, Northern Italy and New York comes into focus.
Why did the same disease apparently cause such disproportionate outcomes in these areas? What actually killed thousands of people?
I see they’re trying to spin the “different strains” angle for these areas but we need to hold the politicians, advisers, care providers and other authority figures to account for what they have done. And we must not lose focus.
The comparative data is there (and more is emerging) but the data needs to be treated with real caution. Not a single dataset, headline, press release or law should be accepted without careful and critical examination.
In terms of the the wider implications, there are some key questions to be considered.
Why is there no evidence that the lockdowns worked?
Why was the economy destroyed or, more correctly, why is it being reshaped? And why this shape? Who benefits? Who loses? Who has the influence here?
Why were civil liberties so eagerly taken away and why did the population accept it so horribly meekly and without questioning the narrative?
The virus doesn’t scare me but the lack of pushback on surveillance apps, mandatory vaccinations, vaccination certificates (aka permits to live) and the cashless society terrifies me.
Even if you think the current political mob are only doing this for our safety, what about the lot that follows them?
Armed with all of these tools there is no more privacy and no more liberty. There is only the state.
Yes, thank you, once again for some thoughtful and insightful writing.
Speaking personally and objectively I find the psychology of this global panicdemic to be the most interesting aspect of it.
The word has not stopped for guns, missiles, knifings, war. No, these things may cause misery for millions, but humanity is apparently cool with that. If you want to smoke, that’s you’re right. If you want to drive your car that’s fine. All of these things can and will kill, but we’re think that’s okay. But not with an innocent, invisible virus going about it’s business.
It seems even supposedly intelligent, God-like creatures such as medical professionals are capable of bedwetting over a simple virus. They, it seems are as susceptible to the contagion of fear as everyone else. As incapable of seeing the real problem (fear) as almost everyone else is.
It seems strange that so many have succumbed to the panic. Ventilators, like every other piece of medical equipment have to be fully and rigorously tested over periods of months, not days. Suddenly humanity has discovered that some viruses kill. And in the panic ventilators have been hailed as the antidote. The devices that will make us all immortal and happy forever.
My own hope is not that we will discover how to deal more effectively with viruses, but that we might learn to deal more effectively with the real problem: our own mortality. And there are ways to deal with this. And I guarantee, you are not going to escape this. Not even the likes of Murdoch and Gates.
Maybe if we did that we might learn that life, if it has any point at all, is to be lived (relatively) happily and in community with others.
For my critics: I write here sometimes, but I am probably not always clear in what I say. On this site I have been very critical about a figure on the fringes of the alt media recently. I don’t intend to mention him again. I know he is loved by some, so I expect some flack for saying what I did, but I stand by my words.
Since when did “our own mortality” become a problem?
It’s a fact of life.
Get over it.
Isn’t that what John was pointing out?
Don’t be scared to say what you think, if they don’t like it fock em.
Say it out loud after me, I don’t agree with or trust Corbett.
Science and medicine has a serious problem. Which is because there is now pressure for consensus and not being a maverick, go-to treatments such as ventilators with questions over efficacy, the decision to remove them from a treatment list move at a glacier like crawl. This sort of consensus can be very counterproductive.
What happened to the Hippocratic Oath (do no harm) all doctors must swear to?
Euthanasia by the back door.
Now achieved without any public protest.
Isn’t that for Vets?
You may be old and frail yourself, one day.
Then perhaps you will find out.
God bless.
Don’t mean to sound grim brewerania, but only the fortunate get to live long enough to be old and frail.
The good news is though that we all will die one day. So you can either learn to deal with that fact, or continue to indulge in pointless self pity. The choice is always yours.
Thats not in my plan, i’m gonna eat myself to death when the time comes 😉
You’re going to eat yourself?
Which part will you start with?
Actually, I’d rather not have a reply to that last question…
Count me in.
The Covid 19 virus has peaked early March. Unfortunately the pandemic of Media hysteria has created wave upon wave of unnecessary panic resulting in untold preventable deaths. Dangerous procedures such as “intubation”, the process of ventilating a patient, has always been considered an action/intervention of last resort. However the whole Covid 19 crisis has been a manufactured one as moneycircus points out below.
It’s also actually more than this and we shall see as the current crisis morphs more and more into the true nature of the psyops it has always been. The money and corruption of these kind of “medical scares” are well documented and there is a seamless revolving door between the multinational companies and governments providing information and product – create the crisis and then profit from so called solutions. Solutions which turn out to be not real ones.
There’s no money to be made from a real solution. The point which is so criminal about Gates’ crap is that you can’t target a virus with a vaccine, what a vaccine does is build immunity pure and simple and helps supplement natural immunity. So a criminal computer geek who comes along and suggests preventing immunity build up, by lock up regimes and silver bullet vaccines which target individual viruses, is quite clearly a quack.
For such misinformation he should be locked up, not revered as some kind of prophetic guru by the slime stream media.
An economic tsunami is hitting and the US and the UK are on the verge of marshal law because of it. Some other countries with more repressive regimes are already cracking down on their populations in the name of saving them [maybe themselves?] from an invisible enemy which is really a crisis of capitalism.
All of this is passing under the radar as the mask slips on the corona virus scam.
One problem is doctors have become technicians, reliant on machinery, and protocols they dont dare challenge or dont even get the idea of challenging. They just thoughtlessly follow ready-made recipes.
Their training which leads to indifference towards patients removes the human part. Hence either they have lost all sense of whether or not what they are doing is harmful or beneficial or dont care, or are too afraid to rock their careers. The same has happened in many domains of activity, but evidently this in medicine is alarming.
I was saying this very thing last night to my wife, it didn’t go down well (she is a nurse).
The Chinese used ECMO (Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation) to oxygenate blood and remove CO2 outside the patient’s body, rather like dialysis, from early days. But one must not find anything good about China, so South Korea is the go-to ‘clever Asiatics’.
There is indeed villainy.
Cummings/Gould/Cambridge Analytica//Vote Leave axis of evil.
There is also their neocon MIC/Tech/Pharma/Health Insurance.
Then there are the media whore partners in crime, blagging the public with their mixed messages – thick as thieves.
Thank you again, Off-G, for this and other excellent, invaluable articles. This effort and others like it appear to be turning the tide in Germany.
Translation: Angela Merkel is “just about to give in” because of Corona
I have also heard that the forced vaccination proposal is about to be taken from the table in Germany, and the digital-passport proposal has been removed.
A group of doctors just published severe criticism (German) of the lockdown and against any vaccination being necessary (e.g., “vaccinating all of Germany would take four years”).
In other words, it may well be over for Merkel and thus the entire conspiracy. Time will (quickly) tell.
When confronted with 20 years plus of often disastrous attempts to find a vaccine for any corona virus in humans ie SARS, MERS, the common cold etc, the propagandists are now trumpeting the ‘success’ of such vaccines in animals, where any side-effects are carefully monitored. Really.
You blue monkey army – look look ‘black is white’.
Merkel is a scientist and she knows there can be no vaccine available within 5 years – but than again you don’t.
She also knows about controlling the virus.
And in the face of facts you are here selling BS about her being ‘forced’ to do what she planned!
One thing is absolutely certain you will NOT get a Singapore on Thames, while she is there – hence your shoddy narrative scripts.
“Merkel is a scientist”
Yes and Maggie Thatcher was also a scientist … !
And so am I dungroanin, but I’m not trying to ruin an entire country.
lol, we’re not Gods of wisdom dung. However, if you wish to grovel at the feet of my boundless wisdom, be my guest …
She is not merely a scientist, but a politician and leader – probably the best Western leadership for 50 years at least.
History will judge. When we are long gone.
Wow! All eyes on Germany then.
War-footing the factory-converting ventilator emergency: a timeline. What seems clear is that no sooner was the war footing announced than was it put on ice. In the UK it was cancelled within a month. In the U.S. FEMA was having doubts even before NY governor Cuomo revealed it had a stockpile.
March 15 – Johnson calls on business to help tackle ventilator crisis …
March 19 – Automakers Might Retool To Make Ventilators
March 26 – After Considering $1 Billion Price Tag for Ventilators, White House Has Second Thoughts (NYT) Federal Emergency Management Agency said it needed more time to assess whether the estimated cost was prohibitive. That price tag was more than $1 billion, with several hundred million dollars to be paid upfront to General Motors to retool a car parts plant in Kokomo, Ind., where the ventilators would be made with Ventec’s technology… an initial promise that the joint venture could turn out 20,000 ventilators in short order had shrunk to 7,500, with even that number in doubt.
March 27 – Dyson said the company had designed and built an entirely new ventilator, called the “CoVent”
March 28 – Gov. Cuomo on Ventilators in NYC: They Are In Stockpile (RealClearPolitics)
April 2 – 2,755 U.S. Factories Can Be Retooled to Fight Coronavirus (Barron’s) April 4 – Ford and GM are undertaking a warlike effort to produce ventilators. … to retool their manufacturing to create components, Ford’s Price said.
April 8 – Billionaire Dyson’s 10,000 Ventilators Risk Missing Coronavirus ‘Peak Week’ In U.K. Hospitals
April 9 – USA Pays GM $490 Million For Ventilators (CleanTechnica) April 10 – Ford, GM, and Tesla are making ventilators to fight Covid-19 (Vox) April 16 – How GM and Ford switched out pickup trucks for breathing machines (Verge)
April 24 – Dyson Covid-19 ventilators are ‘no longer required’ (BBC) April 24 – Dyson’s £20m ventilator ‘no longer required’ (Sky)
Is ventilation as a treatment pseudo science in general? Of course there are cases where someone’s lungs are damaged beyond repair and ventilation is the only way to keep them alive – which is another way of saying they are going to die anyway.
The conclusion I felt the article was leading to, is that ventilators often kill patients, period: regardless of whether they have Covid or any other illness. Indeed “intubation” (a very silly word, likely a euphemism to avoid the verb ‘we ventilated him’) may actually be pseudo-science.
The article contains several pointers – that the benefits of ventilation have never been clinically proven, that ventilation causes lung injuries, that 58% of patients who’ve been ventilated who recover die within a year, thus the total failure rate from ventilation is even higher than 58% – but the conclusion never came.
It is reported that Medicare pays out $39,000 if a patient is described as having Covid, pneumonia and put on a ventilator – and only $4,700 without the ventilator. There is a clear financial bias at play. A dramatic reassessment of ventilation could be one of the few positives to come out of this whole fiasco. I fear “the money says, ‘no’.”
Ventilation is a 50/50 when all else has failed last resort. Even most of the 50% who come out of it would have permanent damage from the ventilation.
It is not new. It has always been known. Critical care does not mean automatic ventilation. Most critical patients never need it.
Why the hoo haa? BS that’s why
I believe you correct.
However, as we are increasingly being told, there are now 39,000 reasons to ‘ventilate’ patients in the US, irrespective of mortality stats.
It all really comes down to one thing liberal scientism = Denial of natural process, life always has a debt to repay, cost one death. The problem with liberals (leftist liberals, not classic liberty loving liberals) is that they are control freaks, they can not accept their own mortality. Life should be measured in quality not quantity.
Eg. My own mother in law is in her late 70s, has had lung cancer & various serious underlying lung & throat condition’s ( to many to list) Her cancer has come back. But she is to frail to undergo further invasive cancer treatments. So her prognosis is inevitable, she has a limited time left.
Her only real joy in life is seeing her great grand son (not our child) every morning before he goes to school (my father in law drops him off at school) then the next part of her routine is going to Asda everyday ( not my idea of fun) but she loves going.
This ridiculous scenario of saving lives by stopping people enjoying & living their lives has probably made a dying woman’s life a misery. She suffers from dementia so she has no understanding of why she cant see her great grandson or go out to the shop. It not only makes her life a misery but my father in laws, because he is her primary carer! We live at the other end of the country so theirs little we can do to help them.
I have no doubt this example is being repeated through out the world, its better to enjoy whats left of your life than prolong a miserable one because of leftist ideologies where control freaks tell us all how to live for our own sakes, because they know better than we do. The ventilator scam is yet further demonstration how technocrats are destroying our freedoms & lives. We have to much trust in technocrats & doctors, they are like modern mechanics, just part fitters……
I wholeheartedly agree with the important point you are making here, but would quibble about control-freakery belonging to one or the other side of the political spectrum. Control freaks are everywhere, and there’s likely a tyrant of some size or other in all of us.
But quality over quantity: Yes! I am all for that!
There is correlation between control freakery & leftist liberal ideology but yeah they’re everywhere including conservatives & centrists. Libertarians tend not to be.
Anarchists also not…
They might have to revise death certificates to say “death by ventilator” rather than COVID-19. The herd mentality that rejects herd immunity didn’t initially think outside the box.
Generally speaking, 40% to 50% of patients with severe respiratory distress die while on ventilators, but 80% or more of coronavirus patients placed on ventilators died in New York City.
Physicians noticing the high incidence of ventilator deaths are trying other measures. “One is having patients lie in different positions — including on their stomachs — to allow different parts of the lung to aerate better. Another is giving patients more oxygen through nose tubes or other devices. Some doctors are experimenting with adding nitric oxide to the mix, to help improve blood flow and oxygen to the least damaged parts of the lungs.”
“If you think of the lungs as a balloon, typically when people have Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) or pneumonia the balloon gets thicker so not only do you lack oxygen, but the pressure and the work to blow up the balloon becomes greater. So one’s respiratory muscles become tired as they struggle to breathe. And patients need pressure. However in the case of COVID-19 the balloon is not actually thicker but thinner, so they’d suffer from a lack of oxygen. But it is not that they suffer from too much
work to blow up the balloon. In other words, some COVID-19 patients have little trouble blowing up the balloon of their lungs, yet still suffer from low oxygen. This means getting patients’ blood-oxygen levels as high as possible, and doing so using the lowest air pressure possible.”
Isn’t it interesting how the panic promoted by mainstream media news usually leads to an untoward outcome, especially if the hysteria is generated solely to promote a political agenda. The lack of ventilators caused hysteria, but as it turned out using them to treat COVID-19 patients results in a higher death rate. Expect other tragic COVID-19 collateral damage to surface as the mainstream media news frenzy continues…..
Now that it is becoming more apparent that CoVid19 is, in large part, a disease of coagulation and the epithelial cells lining the vasculature, the use of ventilators must decrease-unless it is more profitable to persist. [citation requested -Ed]
Can you please cite evidence for this.
Already done om a previous thread. Why do you never demand ‘evidence’ for the CoVid 19 deniers and downplayers? Just Google CoVid19 and coagulopathies-ten sources on the very first page. Inform yourself.
We have had this discussion and it is not going to change me from flagging your posts if you are too lazy to share your research with others. If the research is there, help to spread the knowledge, instead of sniping foreboding, scary remarks. I am not your secretary, kindly jog on, Sir.
I see that you didn’t bother to refute my observation that you do not demand ‘sources’ from the denial cultists. Can you please answer that question. Moreover, my mentioning facts regarding the pandemic may get those with open minds to do the research themselves, and the atmosphere of Groupthink dissipated somewhat. This is NOT a black and white situation. In my opinion you are correct about the sinister implications of social control, censorship and forced vaccinations, and the role of plutocrats like Gates, but I believe you dismiss the dangers of the virus too readily.
One theory is that COVID-19 affects the hemoglobin causing shortness of breath.
Funny how posts like yours survive. There is no evidence Covid-19 effects hemoglobin.
Well done Charlotte, but it will make NO difference to the cultists.
Thank you for this excellent post.
Myself and my partner are nurses and were aware of the paradox of Covid patients appearing not to be in distress while their oxygen levels were alarmingly low. Your reference to thick walled and thin walled balloons explains this perfectly.
This throws into sharper relief my underlying concerns:
In this article, which I accessed via Toby Young’s informative website,
which makes a good case for the seriousness of the illness, Dr Godfrey makes no mention of the two opposite types of lung damage, yet he is obviously on the front line. He simply states that Covid patients when they deteriorate to a certain level have to go on ventilators. Is this bad practice?
As for Toby Young’s other politics, I do not agree with them at all, but he has seen fit to publish a voice that dissents from his lockdownseptic theme at least.
It is important that patients do not deteriorate, as the viraemia increases, which is where hydroxychloroquine plus other medications, and substances like Vits C & D, selenium and zinc and quercetin are so useful, which makes the frenzied and mendacious attacks on HCQ so Evil and sinister.
Another nail to COVID narrative coffin.
A recent scientific publication strongly suggest that SC2 is often recognized by immune system TCells as common cold as it is genetically affine to SC2 and is hence attacked and disposed of without necessity of developing specific antibodies. That immune mechanism may likely account for so called asymptomatic Infection broadly observed in SC2 cases. In such a case rt-qPCR test of SC2 if reliable is simply detecting dead virus RNA unable to reproduce itself.
From one of comment to the paper clarifying the payer content .
Another argument that SC2 is simply bad version of common cold virus.
By the way Newsweek article about death of 90% of COVID patients put on positive pressure ventilators in NYC , today after a week online changed headline to 25% of deaths of entire NY state health system. I see ministry of truth works hard to obfuscate reality of murder by ventilator .
I had original linked few days ago in one of my comments.
Italian doctors weeks ago raised issue of COVID patients deaths with no or mild symptoms at home due to other causes than lung failure, ARDS or pneumonia and that shocking 50% of those put on ventilators died suggesting that ventilators did not help and in fact may have likely caused lung damage significantly contributed to or directly caused deaths. In fact near 90% of all deaths in Lombardy were caused by other reasons than COVID according to death certificates.
About few weeks ago German doctors effectively stopped using ventilators for very old patients with severe preexisting conditions especially diseased lungs as potentially more harmful than beneficial and instead use non invasive oxygen respiration or ECMO direct blood oxygenation completely bypassing lungs. Worth to note that Germany has few fold smaller number of COVID attributed deaths and in last month and death numbers are stagnating or slowly declining, in the county similar size to Italy.
So What actually may be killing COVID patients in hospitals as it is not only local lack of hospital access or capacity but perhaps misdiagnoses and wrong therapies for actual disease.
The problem is what exactly clinical disease of COVID actually represents beyond patients testing positive for SARS-Cov2 virus as apparently observed hypoxia, i.e starvation of blood and cells of oxygen seemingly associated with COVID that prompts use of ventilators can happen due to variety of different reasons and viral infection of influenza or coronavirus driven pneumonia is only one of them.
Many of those reasons for hypoxia however are often due to severe preexisting or chronic conditions especially among elderly. These conditions could be any heart-lung disease, brain disease, injury, loss or blood, organ failure like kidney or liver failure or broadly spread in US viral Hepatitis B or C or all kinds of acute anemia also caused by other diseases as well by chronic malnutrition even starvation common among elderly under stress, depression with little to live on.
Enzyme deficiency may be one of the reasons of people of African ancestry dying or rather being killed in hospitals when treated with HCL supposedly for COVID.
Ot is important to note that many of those deaths clearly caused by malpractice will go unpunished as doctors received blanket immunity for COVID cases only. Is it not an invitation to paid COVID murder?
You don’t mention the coagulopathies common with CoVid 19 cases with poor outcomes. Is that a regular feature of infections with the ‘common cold’? [Citation requested -Ed]
Please can you link to your source for this? Thanks. A2
As I say above, just Google ‘CoVid19 and coagulopathy’ and you get evidence from the New England Journal of Medicine, the NEJM Journal Watch, The European Heart Journal, Science Daily, The Lancet etc. Educate yourself-it’s easy.
Learn how to copy and paste. It’s easy.
It’s even easier to Google.
Patients on mechanical ventilation are at risk of life-threatening thrombosis but because of their sedation it is difficult to diagnose. For this reason such patients tend to be routinely given anticoagulant drugs as a prophylactic measure, unless they have a known medical history which advises against this. This has to be weighed up against the fact that if these patients have a bleed (inserting oxygenation tubes or feeding tubes or any other invasive procedure can cause ruptures) their blood loss can be profuse. So it could be these clinical procedures causing coagulopathies rather than the infection. If you saw the video of the NY nurse’s testimony posted several times over the past couple of days, she mentions witnessing herself a couple of patients bleeding to death as a direct result of tubes being inserted clumsily or inaccurately.
Issue of clotting was discussed in my comment linked article from Multipolar Magazine and it is likely unrelated to SC2 virus by use of HCL for those patients.
Those of us who first heard of “The Book of Revelation” in the Bible decades ago certainly never dreamt that something so dramatic and fantastic was going to happen in OUR lifetimes… We thought it would be way, way, way in the future, like when the Sun begins to turn into a red giant and engulf the Earth…
So, let me get this right: An unremarkable, over-indulged intellect like Bill Gates conceivably reads about the beast mentioned below, and thinks to himself, “Oh, so THAT’s who was talking to me that day…”
I’m not kidding; we are going to need divine help with this one. “God helps those who help themselves” just doesn’t cut it here…
“And he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which it was given him to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived.
And it was given [unto him] to give breath to it, [even] to the image to the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as should not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead;
and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, [even] the name of the beast or the number of his name.”
1 At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
praise to our victorious King,
who has washed us in the tide
flowing from His pierc-ed side.
Praise we Christ, whose love divine
gives His sacred Blood for wine,
gives His Body for the feast –
Christ the victim, Christ the priest.
2 Where the Paschal Blood is poured
death’s dark angel sheathes the sword;
Israel’s hosts triumphant go
through the wave that drowns the foe.
Praise we Christ, whose Blood was shed,
Paschal victim, Paschal bread;
with sincerity and love
eat we manna from above.
3 Mighty victim from the sky,
hell’s fierce powers beneath You lie;
You have conquered in the fight,
You have brought us life and light.
Now no more can death appall,
now no more the grave enthrall;
You have opened paradise,
and your saints in you shall rise.
4 Easter triumph, Easter joy,
sin alone can this destroy!
From sin’s power, Lord, set us free,
souls new-born in Thee
Father, who the crown shall give;
Savior, by whose death we live;
Spirit, guide through all our days;
Three in One, your name we praise.
Exchange with a friend through email today, have been her and her husband articles and studies- went like this:
She: Hello Max,
I understand you have your views about this virus but you need to understand that this virus has hit our family and it has effected me personally. It is not the flu. It is not a hoax. It has devastated many lives and this devastation has happened with social distancing. Imaging how bad it would have been if we did not take these actions.
I hope you and your family are all well.
Me: I never used the word hoax- I don’t use that term. That doesn’t quite cover it.
Also never said it was or wasn’t the flu.
Social distancing is not science- this is well documented. The masks are also anti-science for viruses of this nature.
The entirety of the situation is based on statistical fabrications as well as media hysteria and political and financial agendas. I could cite for you all day long data that is backed up by numerous medical professionals that corroborate all I say and more- I’m guessing you wouldn’t read it.
Many lives have been devastated by many things- that sucks- and by far worse than what we are seeing with this seasonal virus and no such draconian responses. People in Iraq, Haiti, Afghanistan etc…have had millions of their lives in recent years destroyed by the US and UK and Canada and…yet nary a peep.
These aren’t my views- I don’t do views or opinions- these are well researched and meticulously documented details of what is actually happening not anecdotes or corporate media fear mongering.
How many died in nursing homes? Over 50% in Europe- after all is said and done will be close to the same here in the US. Why is that, some killer virus? Nope. Social conditions. Numerous of these homes had already been cited for inadequate care particularly in the area of infectious disease- long before this year.
Do you remember hospitals being overrun in 2018? I do. It will happen again- killer virus again? Nope- deteriorating social conditions and shuttered hospitals- it’s called privatization- the status quo profiteers advocate for this- millions of lives destroyed. News won’t be covering that.
Do you remember how many excess deaths in Italy occurred due to influenza in 2016/17/18? I do. More than this year- happens every year there now? Why? Same reasons as listed above. Expect it again next year. Will we hear about it?
They are cooking stats on Covid and switched 50 year old protocols to inflate Covid numbers- the CDC is owned by Big Pharma as is the WHO- completely corrupt.
Oh and those PCR tests are known to be terribly inaccurate in diagnosing Sars-Cov-2. You need a serology test for that. Happy to send you vast amounts of information from medical studies that show this conclusively.
Meanwhile Big Pharma’s stocks soared and the Wall St. parasites walked off with another $24 billion or so- how many lives destroyed?
I am truly sorry that you and yours have been impacted. Who specifically? In what way? If you don’t want to talk about this fine.
Read here and you will see all sorts of studies from all sorts of medical professionals. There is nothing that is being accurately portrayed by any of the mainstream media which includes NY Times, WaPo, CNN, The Economist, C-Span, CBS, NBC on and on- if you choose to accept that then your are believing in state functionaries that have a proven track record of openly lying about all manner of world events for decades- it’s their job. This is no different.
Pick any study here and we’ll discuss it- if you aren’t willing to do that then I’ll assume you aren’t an honest broker.
Take care H,
Critical thinking skills have been evacuated from the building.
“Imagine how bad it would have been if we did not take these actions (social distancing, lockdown).”
That’s where her thought process ended: imagine.
Care to have a guess at answering her question? Something like Brazil, perhaps.
Brazil = 40 per million. Are we using deaths/ mil or total deaths to intimidate with the numbers nowadays? Perhaps we should be consistent. Epidemiologists have stated, lockdown is delaying deaths, not saving lives. That has always been UK policy. Flattening and widening the curve. This also adds death, due to added time and social/economic destruction. All countries will have similar mortality, discounting blatant funny-business with the counting of course.
Forty per million-so far. Get back to me in six months. Care to have a guess at what the death-toll in the UK or USA would have been without masks, distancing and isolation.
Please do not attempt to intimidate with trailing implications…. if there is one fatality of this ‘pandemic’ it would be these foreboding remarks. Sick of ’em!
I think it could have been much lower if we hadn’t drawn it out with unscientific lockups. We have kept vulnerable people in harms way for longer, denied people healthcare, terrified people away from A&E, kept inpatients from seeing family, with no one to advocate for them, made people redundant and created the worst economic disaster ever.
Sheltering the healthy has achieved nothing according to notable Epidemiologists. It is not a scientific way to combat a disease and, frankly, I am pretty startled by an apparent change in tune from you over the last couple of days. Have you had a head transplant?
So lockdown is our saviour now, all of a sudden, and you have apparently read ZERO content ATL, to at least give yourself a grounding in opposing views?
I think we could have been as low as Sweden. Or maybe Japan. Whatever, it will all wind up about the same, as the disease winds its course, minus the institutional euthanasia that just may be taking place as we speak.
Whether some lab-created monster or normal corona virus, of which there are millions, the only way to deal with it is shelter the immuno-supressed and catch the disease. Luckily, if you’re a child you’re immune and if you’re a healthy adult you are about as vulnerable to it as a bad flu. Flattening the curve does nothing except delay the inevitable.
Plus there’s a huge chance we’re tracking normal mortality to a large part, since all death is apparently now caused by covid.
I think everyone should be encouraged to ‘man up’ and catch the disease, because cowering in our homes is making us slaves to fear, and slaves to other agendas. You know the expression ‘We’re all gonna covid one day’. What’s to lose?
What other options are there? I’m really interested to know. A2
Since when have active attempts to ‘flatten the curve’ (= ‘increasing the kurtosis’) ever had anything to do with anything except keeping an expected load from exhausting the resources available to deal with it (in this case health resources)?
And yes, increasing kurtosis ‘thickens the tails’, i.e. pushes up the number of outliers (per unit of time in this case; per unit of other measures in other cases), so what’s new about that?
How do you think actuaries can calculate the cost of accomodating anticipated loads with whatever sticks and carrots they can deploy in such other cases (e.g. the variable seasonal levels of ‘night rates’ or special ‘new customer’ offers for electricity supplies, etc.) when trying to balance revenues and resources for unusual but expected variations in load, such as a forecasted El Niño summer (airco) or winter (heating), or whatever)?
I think this whole episode has revealed that for almost all of the educated that “critical thinking” essentially means devoted consumption of corporate media and being capable of repeating the official narrative flawlessly.
Exactly. As I’ve found out with everyone I know. Thank god there are wide awake, rational people who come here.
I think I would’ve gone insane otherwise.
Gezzah, same here (a few friends notwithstanding).
Amen to that!
✌️I don’t know one single person who is on our wavelength Tim. In Australia, the fear has been ramped up to ridiculous levels.
And normally smart people are literally hiding under their beds, with the front door barricaded.
Yeah, a bit like after 9/11. That produced the “desired” War on Terror. If people don’t wake up quick, Covid-19 will produce the “desired” global ID chipped surveillance society.
Isn’t Caitlin Johnstone one of those normally smart people? I’ve noticed some of them get shirty very quickly if you try to burst their bubble!
Sadly true B. Thanks.
Totally screwed up my preferred evening entertainment. Suddenly bedroom windows are too high.
Your reply hasn’t appeared on here yet Tim, but I was back home in New Zealand (Christchurch) when 9/11 happened.
From memory, people were initially shocked, but afterwards – nothing, absolutely nothing like the mass, over the top fear with Coronavirus that I’ve witnessed in the last 10 weeks in Australia.
No, I’ve pretty much wiped Caitlin Johnstone as well. I used to go on there fairly often, as I did with the WSWS, but after all this…. Nope. Quite a few sites I’ve wiped.
The positive thing about here is a lot of links have been posted to sites and blogs I didn’t even know existed.
Wrench In The Gears, Wild As The Wind and Arby @wordpress are all very good and recommended.
Wherever you are in the World, hope your day is good, cheers✌️
Re 9/11, I was talking about the way the American public seemed to let the Patriot Act happen while they were too busy being shell-shocked. Admittedly, this crisis has been more far-reaching and destructive in every country.
Yeah, I’ve dropped WSWS too, last year, on account of their opposition to Jeremy Corbyn. They’re a bunch of po-faced Trot nutcases on there. They delete your comments if you point out their hypocrisy.
And yes, about Off-guardian links, I wouldn’t have discovered Swiss Propaganda Research without them! Muchos gracias, Kit!
Greetings and have a good day yourself from here in the benighted UK! ✌️
“I was back home in New Zealand (Christchurch) when 9/11 happened.
From memory, people were initially shocked, but afterwards – nothing, absolutely nothing like the mass, over the top fear with Coronavirus that I’ve witnessed in the last 10 weeks in Australia.”
The USA is a long way from Christchurch. It would be interesting to compare hormonal stress levels in Christchurch with those of people somewhere distant from any tectonic fault lines when they hear about a major earthquake somewhere else too far away for either group to have felt it.
‘Hiding under the bed’ is a turn of phrase Rob, and as for your preferred form of ‘evening entertainment’…
I think I get the picture.
Yes, granted, Christchurch is a long way from United States, and no, I wasn’t there when the 2 major quakes struck.
Okay, I get that you can’t really compare them without experiencing Both events Yourself. Got it.
I hope you have a good weekend, and get to go for a nice walk. Take care.
It seems to be that there is no willingness (from otherwise very sensible people) to consider that any of this should be debatable.
I find this truly frightening and often find myself wondering how brazen the government policies and media lies would need to get before a facts (not fear) driven debate could be had across the broader population.
I’m just dumbfounded, confused and depressed that ‘smart, ‘anti establishment’ ‘anti the system’ type people have so fully jettisoned their ideals and principles, and drowned themselves in the fear mongering and establishment narrative.
And stridently lashed out at people opposed to what is going on.
The last 6 weeks has been so brazen, even a chimpanzee would recognise what has been happening. Hope you have a good weekend Stu✌️
I would not advise visiting your friends any time soon as they if I may say turned into fanatics of American religion worshipping god of money (Plutus) and all the blessed authorities money can buy.
Some things change but nothing change.
From Wikipedia:
It is we the sane, rational, concerned about our brothers and sisters health and welfare who are on a path to Council of Constance of today. I am not kidding.
Not sure that we have reached the point of burning dissenters at the stake as yet.
My guess is that this is not going to happen, but then I am an optimist.
Long may that continue to be the case.
But we do have its (watered-down and largely less fatal) equivalent – being burned at the stake of ‘public opinion’, which includes being ridiculed, smeared, de-platformed and, on more personal levels, scolded etc by friends and family.
More like pillorying than burning, in fact, but the underlying concept of attempting to silence dissent through intimidation (although not death. Yet) is the same.
Go and learn history. Good and truth-speaking people have been ‘disappeared’ in their millions.
The only free speech ‘guarantee’ is the 2nd. It’s there to defend the others
You might like to explain then how Hong Kong has managed to do so well in containing things when the government here is generally panned for a half-arsed and incompetent approach.
Yes, it is the masks.
People wear them for the wrong reasons, but universal mask usage defeats the spread of the virus.
You do score ten out of ten for a tactless reply to someone who probably did not appreciate your diatribe, indeed who tried to gently warn you off further hectoring. Bonus points for being so oblivious to this that you publish the evidence on the Internet.
Harsh truths are a disinfectant against blind ignorance.
Let’s make that 11 out of 11 if it got a rise out of the likes of you. I’d say that percentage was pretty good no and I didn’t even have to cook the numbers.
Not many people have died of the flu in Sweden despite Ferguson’s bullshit-in-bullshit-out ramblings . . .
Sweden’s deaths per million are 288 as of May 7, the seventh highest in the world.
It isn’t 500,000 is it? Plus the six countries with greater per million are all locked down. What’s the point of this discussion? It doesn’t demonstrate the deadliness of the disease or effectiveness of lockdown. There is in fact zero evidence worldwide of this virus running out-of-control. There is rather more evidence that institutional hysteria is causing many excess deaths. Incidentally, in UK excess deaths didn’t begin until after lockdown. We can make of that what we will.
I wish you hadn’t posted this.
We are almost certainly now going to get treated to another graph (or maybe the same one) from you know who. Strap in.
The fact people are still dying (their claim) kind of suggests Lockup don’t work. But politicians aren’t going to let facts get in the way of their “science”. Incidentally I see even collaborative MSM streams are starting to question lockup.
I down voted you only because i hate brown nosing.
He, he-you hate Badthink, don’t you? A bit hysterical, too. 500,000-where did you get that flight of fancy? In Sweden the lockdown was voluntary, and apparently many people did do it,or restricted their movements. That may turn out to be the best policy, but the conditions in each country are different. One size, locked up or wandering free, does not suit all. And I thought the ‘point’ of this site WAS discussion.
500,000 is the predicted death toll without intervention widely publicised by Imperial College London report. Just go and darned google it and do some gosh-darned research, you big ol’ ignoramus you (bants).
I didn’t know this, but Sweden’s Uppsala University actually replicated Imperial’s model in early April and published their own, predicting 40,000 deaths by now unless they changed course!
Imperial College actually published their modelling code on 27th April, saying “parameter files are provided as a sample only and do not necessarily reflect runs used in published papers”
So just the model, then, not the actual parameters they used. SO essentially meaningless. I wonder why they’re not keen to be all that transparent?
@Kit Knightly also consider these articles (first has good stat):
from www dot archive dot is/xGcCp Medscape – Is Protocol-Driven COVID-19 Ventilation Doing More Harm Than Good?
From www dot archive dot is/5q8vI Do COVID-19 Vent Protocols Need a Second Look?
From www dot uchicagomedicine dot org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/uchicago-medicine-doctors-see-truly-remarkable-success-using-ventilator-alternatives-to-treat-covid19
Also, now there are two videos nurses speaking out on the treatment of patients. “but these people aren’t dying from covid, let me give you several examples”. She explains multiple egregious cases of negligence.
There is also this one but I’m not as sure about it:
More info: www dot gulagbound dot com/60053/murder-nyc-covid-19-patients-left-to-rot-and-die-in-hospitals-sara-np/
The first video I linked to with the whistleblower nurse is now covered in the Daily Mail. Again disappointing that only the tabloids seem to want to do anything that might question the narrative:
An scientific publication strongly suggest that SC2 is often recognized by immune system TCells as common cold genetically affine to SC2 and is hence attacked and disposed of without necessity of developing specific antibodies. That immune mechanism may likely account for so called asymptomatic Infection broadly observed.
From one of comment to the paper.
Another argument that SC2 is simply bad cold virus.
How ‘bad’ is the question. The innate immune system, which is stronger in children, seems to play a role in preventing infection proceeding to harmful illness.
We shouldn’t be distracted by the ventilator issues. With the “death from Covid count* spiralling in the USA and the UK the picture is becoming clearer as to who the driving forces are behind this scam and who is ultimately responsible for manufacturing the hysteria. Fear is the real infection not this virus.
Distraction propaganda (pushed out both by the paid controlled opposition and the genuine opposition whose thought is controlled by the paid controlled opposition – I mean that’s what they’re there for, right? to control the genuine opposition’s thought), including but certainly not limited to:
— Ventilators
— 5G
— Manufactured virus
— China (just like Israel for 9/11 – not that neither country is involved, of course, but who isn’t now? and who wasn’t for 9/11 – Australia certainly was – our own Little Johnny was in Washington with front row seats for the big event)
— Virus manufactured in Wuhan lab
— Numbers don’t add up (truth but still used as propaganda to push that there is a virus-caused illness somewhere somehow)
— Tests don’t work (truth but still used as propaganda to push that there is a virus-caused illness somewhere somehow)
— Response is incommensurate (truth but still used as propaganda to push that there is a virus-caused illness somewhere somehow)
All the evidence supports the hypothesis that there is no illness beyond the norm and ALL illness and death ascribed to the completely-unproven-to-exist COVID-19 is ascribed fraudulently.
Every single skerrick of evidence supports the hypothesis that this is a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation aka a Problem > Reaction > Solution scenario aka Order out of Chaos.
The power elite have been perpetrating these types of operations on us since Roman times at least.
“Diocletian’s vice-emperor, Galerius, didn’t have a hard time in persuading him that if a Palace were just to burn down, Diocletian could really accelerate his crusade against the Christians. Just by coincidence, twice within sixteen days toward the end of February, Diocletian’s palace in Nicomedia burned. The Christians were immediately blamed.”
In two millennia we haven’t woken up to them despite the fact that they push the evidence right in our faces with, for example, the clear presaging in the opening ceremony of the London Olympics. It’s interesting that while there is a video made by YouTuber Peekay on the subject, the comments on the actual video published by the Olympic channel themselves has hundreds of comments from people remarking on the obvious presaging.
Peekay video –
Entire ceremony published by the Olympics –
I agree with most of what you say here but I don’t see why you have included ventilators in your list of ‘distractions’ from the truth. I agree with what you say that we have insufficient scientific information to know much at all about ‘the virus’ or even whether it exists as a novel, stand-alone virus but the ventilator issue is a reality, not a contrived distraction; it is a reality that people are being placed on ventilators who more than likely shouldn’t be. That is immaterial to debating the nature of ‘the virus’. People questioning the use of ventilators have every valid reason to question whether this is adding significantly to the official ‘Covid19’ death statistics, and indeed whether it is causing irreparable physical damage to those who do ‘recover’ from the trauma of being placed on invasive ventilation. Questioning the unnecessary use or mismanagement of invasive ventilation protocols is not in anyway validating the existence of ‘a novel virus’; it is highlighting yet another scandalous outcome of the entire scam.
I take your point, Judy. The thing is something can be a real problem and perfectly genuine but still function as propaganda – it doesn’t have to be a “contrived” distraction but it can still be a distraction nevertheless even while being a genuine problem at the same time – I know that sounds contradictory. Controlled demolition had a great deal to do with 9/11 but it was still used to distract from the pivotal truth of staged death and injury. Ventilators may be being used incorrectly and causing problems but they’re still a way of reinforcing the message that there’s a virus somewhere somehow and distracting from the fact that there is no evidence that there is a virus-caused illness beyond the ordinary.
And just to add, presumably if this farce wasn’t happening, there wouldn’t be a ventilator problem! In a sense, one might say it is a contrived problem.
I agree, Petra. All the more reason to flag it up as a scandal. It’s a collateral problem.
Rappoport on that vaccine which will alter your genetic make-up to “protect” you . . .
And let’s not forget that the vast majority of “Covid-19” death has nothing to do with intensive care, let alone a ventilator. These patients have been expiring of other illnesses on the general wards, and then the doctors only follow orders when it comes to the death certificate.
Folk might be aware of an effort to pin Covid-19 down (perhaps for the history books) as ultimately being caused by obesity (I will be covering it as a follow up to the linked-to piece, below), but it is problematic in terms of British officialdom soon having nil credibility. While on one hand Covid-19 involves specific interaction between SARS-COV and ACE2 at the lung with the patient suffering hypoxemia, on the other hand, the old and the weak can pass away peacefully in their sleep with only a PCR test pending.
No surprises as Covid-19’s exceptionality remains ignored and unreported; ACE2 crops up again
Overlong wearing of mouth/nose covers is causing outbreaks of strep and staph infections as recycled bacteria are inhaled and colonize the face mouth and nose.
You really only need wear them in the presence of others. And clean your face. And change them often, if you can.
This seemed obvious to me. However being in a country where they may be forcing us to wear masks, common sense arguments don’t hold sway. So would you have a reference for this? Its truly amazing how one has to today backup every obvious statement with scientific studies. The over-reliance on science has made man utterly stupid.
With all credit to:
1) A face mask in no way protects you against any virus free floating in the air. To be fully protected from floating viruses one needs a full biohazard containment suit with a mask filter capable of filtering virus size particles. The entire contact area between the face and the mask MUST be sealed….so any form of face mask home-made, surgical, industrial etc., to protect against airborne viruses is ILLOGICAL. No mask will protect you when an infected person sneezes at close quarters unless you are inside a full biohazard containment suit!
2) If you are infected unless you wear a sealed medical mask capable of filtering viruses..every time you sneeze, cough etc. virus particles will freely flow through the mask into the open infecting others or contaminating an infected person wearing any mask other than a medical grade mask capable of filtering virus particle is also total NONSENSICAL advice!!!
3) A healthy human face is not meant to be covered in a mask unless it is for very relatively short periods such as surgery, construction or industrial work such as sanding, milling all of which require specialty masks.
Continuously wearing a face mask especially in warm humid conditions will lead to bacteria growth from inside your nose and mouth to grow onto the skin causing all forms of horrible itchy conditions such as bacterial and fungal infections. The scars from these infections will last a long time unlike a pimple scar!
4) Recommending people wear homemade masks to protect AGAINST VIRUS particles is not only ILLOGICAL but literally evil. The reason is homemade masks made from cloth contain lint and dyes that are not meant to be inhaled. Many of them are petroleum based polymer compounds like polyesters that can actually cause CANCER of the lungs when fine micro-particles are inhaled! So instead of inhaling fresh healthy air, you will be inhaling cheap carcinogenic Chinese, Pakistani lint laden with the cheapest chemical dyes from your homemade mask!
5) The MASK itself becomes a source of infection! By wearing a mask constantly, the inner surface of the mask itself becomes a site for nasty bacteria to thrive in enormous numbers. So once again, instead of breathing healthy air, a worker at WALMART forced to compulsorily wear a mask has to breathe through a bacteria laden surface that makes him prone to higher risk of fungal and bacterial infections!
Yes but the point is… it causes more damage, more things that people need treatment for, enhancing profits… again.
Was it someone on here said “Farts can spread coronavirus, unless you’re wearing pants”? That about sums up the ludicrousness of the mask situation for me. Having worked in orthopaedic theatres I know that for years doctors have been split, arguing for and against the studies that demonstrate masks achieve little. However, masks ‘feel’ important. I think they could mostly be emotional crutches – which probably benefits your immune system, but not others’. Ironically.
Masks must be changed regularly, and need only be worn in proximity to others, a greater distance if one is coughing or sneezing. Disinfect hands before donning, and after removing. Simples. The last lot of orthopods I saw operating were working in suits like those used in Level 4 biology labs. They don’t like infection in your hip replacement.
Kit: It’s clearly printed on the NHS leaflet you link to: ‘NHS England’. We have devolution. We have the Barnett Formula – and the sometimes resurgent West Lothian Question. You profess to be a thinking man. So, why do you keep referring to England as the UK? Is England a dirty word? It is the largest and most ethnically diverse UK country – and is severely disadvantaged by asymmetric national devolution. Apart from this, you are being inaccurate. NHS Scotland, etc, are not bound to follow England’s decisions – we do not live in a unitary state.
Good point Andy and it relates to the role of ALL media narratives in the mass distraction of the people.
England seems pretty keen on not letting Scotland, Wales & NI be more Unitary – or many of the ‘British’ territories and such littered around the planet ..
The English legal powers do claim a bind – ask Nicola why she isn’t declaring UDI – she has shown her true whoreish nature, she is no lady but will be a dame!
So we finally get to it – from today’s Daily Mail: “Prof Ferguson’s married lover is a Left-wing campaigner who has repeated slammed Boris Johnson and Brexit on social media…”
I have been arguing for weeks on various websites including here this was a “PC left wing plot” to try to stop Brexit and get Mr Johnson replaced by a PC Blairite type Labour government, and we know of course Keir Starmer is practically an EU fanatic, who would undoubtedly call a second referendum.
So it appears the man the Mail is calling “Mr Lockdown”, was but a pawn in the hands of a PC left wing fanatic who wanted to stop Brexit and get Boris Johnson replaced by one of her own kind.
This would rather seem to compromise the impartiality of the advice he was giving.
And it has also emerged Professor Ferguson has flouted his own lockdown rules twice by having this married woman across London to visit his home.
And from the same Mail article, I have a world famous billionaire scientist in my corner who pretty much agrees with me:
“Today, Elon Musk branded him [Prof Ferguson] a ‘moron’ and a ‘tool’ and said he and other academics spooked the White House into initiating its own lockdown by peddling ‘fake science’.”
No doubt “PC left wing” scientists in the US did the same to President Trump with their allies in the media, just as in the UK, Professor Ferguson had the wholehearted support of the Guardian and BBC.
I think Prof Ferguson and his lover now need to be investigated by the authorities, and having suffered personally greatly under this frankly barbaric lockdown, as I know have millions of others, if this conspiracy theory proves to be true, then I would suggest that a fitting end for Professor Ferguson and his lady co-conspirator, might be a lengthy “lockdown” of a more restrictive kind, probably in Holloway and Wormwood Scrubs.
It is no joke to say, if he has been influenced unduly by this lover, Professor Ferguson may have caused thousands of wholly avoidable deaths of people denied operations and tests due to the lockdown, as well as causing the destruction of the economy in terms of potentially millions of jobs and businesses lost, which only time will tell the number of.
Was he unduly influenced by his lover when he condemned all those animals to death; when he grossly over-estimated death rates for at least two previous epidemics?
He has been fucking up massively for well over a decade. Has it always been a left wing plot influenced by his lover?
Not against the concept of left (or right) wing plots in general. It just seems unlikely in this case, given his pre-existing levels of apparent incompetence.
Foot and mouth doesn’t kill animals so much (2-5% mortality), it just renders them unfit for sale, or lacking condition, or not producing enough milk etc, or some such capitalist clap-trap. In places in Asia not thoroughly Westernised, it is often mostly simply ignored.
My reaction too Philippe. The DM’s photo of poor Neil with hands in prayer position is downright nauseating.
CoVid 19 can certainly infect the brain. [citation requested – Ed]
Please provide a clear citation for this. Thanks, A2
Psychology Today, ‘Neurological Implications of CoViD 19 raise concerns’, Douglas Fields, PhD. ‘Whats does Coronavirus do to the Nervous System?’, RACGP, by Douglas Hendrie, 22 April, 2020. ‘Nervous System Involvement after Infection with CoViD 19 and other coronaviruses’, Wu, Y et al, NCBI, March 30, 2020, and at least four more pages of studies and reports. Educate yourself.
I am enjoying educating myself, thanks.
Neurological Implications of COVID-19 Raise Concerns
My emphasis:
I have browsed the above pieces and not seen anything to support the claim that covid definitely infects the brain. If I am missing this please link to it.
Perhaps this has not in fact been established yet? And since your statement might also imply that C19 causes neurological symptoms I think it’s all the more important to be very clear.
Perhaps you could word it differently?
EG: Covid 19 might infect the brain (and a citation link*)
*because this is the internet, and we’re here to share.
See that everyone? See how the messages are coordinated across all media down to the daily scripts of posters btl?
As i have said all along – there is only one plan – a hard BrexShit come hell or highwater , novel virus or floods…
I said it was a limited hangout and scapegoat.
To kill two birds with one stone. an Avaaz wearing fem holding a sign and smiling while entering Fergusons abode posing for the cameras – kick the scientist and therefore science and push through hard BrexShit.
The same crowd who ran and organised BS are behind the whole dodgy ‘NHS‘ app.
This ‘crisis’ may well signal the end of the EU anyway, Brexit or no Brexit.
I’m sure you will already know that, given your expertise on all things EU, including the inherent instabilities under which it (barely) exists. If nothing else, the complete lack of leadership from Brussels and the varying sovereign responses of individual EU countries should highlight the frailties of the system.
In the parlance of our time, the EU is a very old person with a dozen chronic illnesses already. This ‘crisis’ has effectively put that person on a ventilator. Now we wait and see if the ventilator morbidity statistics run true.
Time will, as they say, tell.
Are you deliberately blind to the nexus of BreShitters and Foreign conglomerates in our failure to react effectively to the virus and coordinate with our EU partners?
The facts are clear as is the narrative construction and management- excrss deaths are less important than the hard BS.
You approve that – Understand you will never be able to say ‘you didn’t know.
I’m not deliberately blind to anything, and please stop telling me what I approve of – it smacks of “how many fingers am I holding up, Winston?”
Interesting turn of phrase – “coordinate with our EU partners”.
It may have escaped your notice, but our “EU partners” are not coordinating with each other in any way at all. That’s the point. They are all independently coming up with different reactions and scenarios, as opposed to an EU-wide strategy.
What does that say about the efficacy or indeed relevance of the EU? It’s first major test was Greece and it broke every rule it had ever written to prop itself up over that one; this is its second major test and it can’t even establish a common response.
I know you don’t want to think of the EU as anything but a shining light in an otherwise dark world, but sometimes you just have to look at what is there, rather than what you want to be there.
You understand as well as anybody here that the problem with the majority of the population at the moment is that they are believing a false narrative rather than looking at the facts. You have, correctly, pointed that out many times. However, you appear to be doing exactly the same as them, vis-a-vis the EU.
You do the same in respect of excess deaths. The evidence is overwhelming that the govt in the UK are doing everything they can to class as many deaths as possible as C19. By any definition, they are over-estimating. Yet you continue to insist they are under-estimating, to avoid considering that any excess deaths could be a result of the lockdown rather than C19 itself. I genuinely don’t understand why, unless your brief is to muddy the waters.
I’m just trying to understand where you are coming from so I can better consider the points you make and perhaps respond more constructively.
Not only blind but plain lying i’m sorry to point out.
1st on DELIBERATE underestimating infections and deaths.
Remind me again – what does the PCR test actually test for?
Then tell me how more testing would indicate more people have died from C19.
Whilst you’re at it, please explain why the Govt are going to unprecedented lengths to class as many deaths as possible as somehow involving, however peripherally, C19.
Many thanks.
Pip on your knees and pipe away
I answered both your questions with clear citations of authorative sources and you respond with squirrel spotting whatabouttery – PCR – and repeat the lie that the
“Govt are going to unprecedented lengths” to overstate the deaths caused by CV when i have repeatedly said they have done the exact opposite – UNDERSTATING DEATHS.
Heres the link to that professor which was eaten by the blockquote.
Prof David Spiegelhalter CLEAR statement
You are obviously not interested in understanding the facts I keep bringing, but me, so that you can attack me – the usual playing the man not the ball (remember that game?) , style over substance ( if you don’t) – well you can go whistle.
As an added bonus you can try and tell us why the ‘media’ sat on the Ferguson story and photo of Avaaz booty girl with a convenient ‘lefty remainiac slogan’ for almost a month?
You know how to whistle don’t you? You put your lips together and blow, but you’re an expert pipe ain’t yah?
I must admit that I find you to be an enigma.
You didn’t answer either of my questions with any substance.
This may come as a surprise to you, but simply telling me what you have “repeatedly said” doesn’t actually constitute evidence. I could “repeatedly say” that the moon is made of cheese, but it still wouldn’t be true. You totally failed to address the obvious problems with the PCR test and the numbers it generates. I suspect we both know why.
Then, having ridiculed somebody on here for linking to a Daily Mail article, you offer the Guardian as an “authoritative” source – the same Guardian (lest we forget) that is receiving millions from Bill Gates – in order to support your position.
I have no idea why the media sat on anything, but then nothing they do would surprise me.
I know you’re not stupid. You write some really intelligent, inciteful comments on here. Yet you persist with these specific irrational positions. As you will be aware, it is impossible to rationally counter an irrational argument. You have demonstrated the truth of this over and over again.
Oh, and you seem to have a rather unhealthy obsession with fellatio. What’s with that?
Pipe pipe – the professor is the authority who is saying the feaths are under reported.
Iain Davis AGREED that excess deaths are the only real indicator available.
And i’m not the only one ridiculing the Mail/Telegraph/msm/alt-media narrative change mid stream.
And as for the piping remember It’s not healthy to swallow all the Downing street spaff. Regardless of orders.
A heads-up to the wise, if you will. 🤣🤣🤣
But is he the only authority saying that?
There seem to be a lot of other authorities saying the opposite.
As is no doubt your intention, I’m bored of this ‘discussion’ now. It has degenerated into pigeon chess – as do most discussions with you (at least the ‘you’ that operates this legend whilst on shift). The other one(s) is (are) a lot more credible.
‘Pigeon chess’ – that’s a new one on me.
It is good that you will move along. Don’t worry there’ll be SPR along soon to prove you all right.
Most viral outbreaks take about 70 days – it’s always about flattening – we are nearly through.
We in the UK have been politically abused by the government and DS for their own nefarious ends – many i have identified in the post you ‘like’. I have said that it was the ‘black swan’ cover for the finacial bubble; and a great excuse for the defeats in Syria and against Ukraine and Iran; and a submission to the new nwo; and an excuse for further robbery of on public purse and services and ultimately for enacting powers that will force through the hard brexit which is the main priority of our govt.
This chapter on the outbreak is nearly over. It has two endings.
The virus probably came by high speed train to Wuhan – carried by a single person who had picked it up in the karst caves of the south of China where many ancient viruses live. He incubated it on the journey and became infective after getting of at the station- from there he spread it, it went from there.
The alternative is that it was manufactured either in a Lab in the US or China and escaped/released from there. Furthet accusations of which may lead to some ‘hot’ nastiness.
Given that it is not Ebola,a lot less deadly except for the aged and infirm, a lot of them have needlessly died.
Don’t take any new vaccines or magic meds and don’t try winding me up any further by replying. I’m off wallow in the supermarkets for a few hours.
Toodlepip Phillipe.
The pandemic is being used to fast-track the privatisation of the NHS. Then the looting will commence.
The looting is well underway -a hugh number of contracts have been handed out without competitive tendering many to the US/Israeli tech/health/daya/sales groups who had been expecting it for years and had booked it in as their ‘sales’ last year – expecting a hard brexshit after rigging the referendum. Forestalled by Corbyn.
There are any number of tory/brexshit wide boys coining it in – look at the link to businesstimes I put up revealing the nepotists of the Leave campaign in the spending departments and in Craig Murrays report.
The push is in to ‘geddid-won’ – no matter the excess deaths/ wasted money on dodgy ppe flown in by RAF planes to go begging for, rubbish commercial control of testing etc etc.
BrexShit has turned from burglary to robbery.
They have injured and killed many in their mania.
Their media ho’s are everywhere ‘standing by their man’.
Including here.
With hordes of their flying monkey trollbots.
It IS Joint Enterprise- they are all guilty of conspiracy to robbery with violence – there should be a special trial and punishment for them – not a penny should be left in their pockets or in their estates – penury for their families and penal exile for them for life.
I see you are beginning to take flak Richard , that means you are over the target! Ignore the flash bangs. Open the bomb bays and let them have it!
!No Pasaran¡
Secondly on EU ‘not’ coordinating, I won’t cite all actions just some early ones to upto yesterday.
The EU haven’t got any lack of ppe and aren’t buying dodgy gear from some Istanbul souk dealer and flying it in using RAF planes.
28 January
EU Council presidency activates IPCR in information sharing mode
13 February
Extraordinary Health Council adopts conclusions on COVID-19
EU health ministers adopt conclusions on COVID-19 calling upon the European Commission to:
* continue coordination on risk assessment and guidance on travel advice
* increase preparedness should the outbreak escalate to the next phase
* activate of existing funding mechanisms to support member states preparedness
* strengthened support to the Health Security Committee
6 March
Council holds second extraordinary meeting of health ministers to discuss the latest developments
10 March
President of the European Council holds video conference with European Council members
During the meeting leaders identified four priorities:
* limiting the spread of the virus
* ensuring provision of medical equipment
* promoting research, including for a vaccine
* tackling socio-economic consequences
16 March
We will protect our citizens and our currency, come what may and with everything we have got. Our commitment to provide support in this time of need is unlimited.
Mário Centeno, President of the Eurogroup
17 March
European Council members hold second video conference on COVID-19
Members of the European Council followed up, by video conference, on the EU actions responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, focusing on:
* limiting the spread of the virus
* ensuring provision of medical equipment, with a particular focus on masks and respirators
* promoting research, including research into a vaccine
* tackling socio-economic consequences
* helping EU citizens stranded in third countries
5 May
Telecommunications ministers discuss implications of COVID-19 crisis for the sector
EU telecommunications ministers gathered for the first time via video conference during this crisis to discuss:
* the use of contact tracing apps in tackling the pandemic
* the role of the digital sector in the post-COVID-19 recovery, including measures to incentivise investment in the deployment of new very-high-capacity digital infrastructures
6 May
EU-Western Balkans Zagreb summit reaffirms EU’s commitment to the collaboration in the fight against COVID-19
WTF has bozo and his clow of BrexShitters done? Hide, create a dodgy App that the EU wouldn’t allow and manoeuvre towards their (and many heres) beloved HARD BS.
I hope the rewards and bonuses are worthy blood monies.
What you’ve admirably highlighted is that they had a lot of meetings.
Bureaucrats love meetings.
But meetings are not coordination. EU meetings are a bunch of people talking about what could be done, what should be done, what it is possible to do. Then not actually doing any of it.
I’m willing to bet that the only concrete decisions reached at any of these meetings are: When the next meeting is going to be; and what expenses can be claimed for attending (virtually or otherwise).
Meanwhile, despite all the meetings you mentioned above, each EU member country is deciding and implementing its own measures, independently of all its neighbour states.
I have no idea what this evens means, or at whom it is directed.
“This ‘crisis’ may well signal the end of the EU anyway, Brexit or no Brexit. ”
Surely that’s part of Trump’s dastardly plan?
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or serious. I’ll assume sarcastic 🙂
To the best of my knowledge, Trump doesn’t have a dastardly plan. Or any plan.
Bit of both. Trump’s just a frontman (frontpuppet?) How to destabilise the Chinese and EU economies in one easy pandemic? Lots of unanswered questions.
I think you might be right about Trump.
However, this situation is likely to harm the US far more than China. Which would, I concede, lend weight to the idea that the very stable genius had a hand in it, given his track record.
The difference between a doctor and a plumber?
A doctor can bury his/her mistakes.
Amusing, but technically plumbers can actually Bury some of their mistakes, as we had once found to our considerable expense.
Anyhow to stay on topic, I note that Boris was not put on a ventilator during his ICU stint (just oxygen), despite all the rags pronouncing “Boris no longer requires ventilation!” – which he never needed in the first place.
Re Boris Johnson, all the headlines were going overboard about how close to death he was (!) and that he needed 4 litres of oxygen. They talk about it like it’s blood. I’m puzzled as well as to how this works exactly, being that the average person breathes in about 7 or 8 litres of oxygen every minute. Presumably the oxygen would have been regulated to supplement his existing (but compromised?) oxygen intake, but 4 litres doesn’t sound a lot to me. As a gauge I found the following document which gives a case history in section 2. Essentially an elderly woman struggling to breathe was hooked up to a machine from which she was supposed to be given 2 litres of oxygen per minute. So that example would somehow deflate ( 😀 ) the suggestion that Boris Johnson was seriously ill.
I think you will find the ‘4 litres’ of oxygen refers to that contained in the pressurised O2 BOC cylinder, not O2 at atmospheric pressure.
I’m happy to take your word for it, b …but I still very much doubt that he was as ill as he and the MSM made out! As we know the government is very good at concocting fraudulent details (lying, to put it bluntly) when it suits the agenda!
I too, think he just wanted a convenient excuse for an Easter break – the media, of course went along with him ‘throwing a sicky’.
Four litres of O2, through nasal cannulae I suppose, ain’t much.
But, the vemtilated patients are very valuable in New York hospitals, they get $39000 medicade per.
I’ve not known the British government pass-up an opportunity to kill old people in the past 20 years. From The Liverpool care path, voluntary euthanasia, to ‘do not resuscitate orders’.
If only 25,000 of those dead were pensioners on at least £600 per month
600 x 25,000= 15,000,000 pcm saved.
180,000,000 per year.
Some incentive to euthanise the oldies in just that for a government, I mean how else can you pay for all the new Economic refugees, I mean cultural improvers that are floating over from France.
Hi Kit and company:
I’d written briefly about the problem with ventilators when doctors first began suggesting there are issues with their use- that they were likely killing patients .
My own personal, sad experience, with a family member being ventilated gave me a tiny bit of insight into the idea that they did more harm then good. Because they cause damage that couldn’t really be taken back- A hoped for transplant was never going to take place. The ventilator made sure of that.
Our family member was kept alive until his heart gave up anyway- we said good bye after he was removed from the ventilator- One of the most difficult times I can recall and I shudder to think of these patients coming to further harm in the same way. Most, probably being brought to the end of their lives with these devices
Doctors are well aware of these dangers. I question to this day why this was done to all concerned.
But will never know.
It is rather puzzling why so many of these patients go on ventilators. These are used during serious illnesses which say typically require surgery. I went on one prior to emergency surgery to locate the source of a bleed which they’d made several attempts to treat by less invasive means.
I haven’t established the mortality rates for people who go on these but they are high and seems should be used as last resort only after treatment has failed.
So yes, likely they are killing people if overused. I recovered well but I had a sore throat and chest infection after. Had I been 20 years older or less fit this might have been a major issue. And the longer you are on them the higher the risk.
Something doesn’t right with me at all about this whole thing. You can kind of go along with the poor science scenario and notion the government have been panicked into measures so stupid beyond belief. But when I hear this too, I wonder can such stupidity exist on such a wide scale? I have to wonder if there is not something truly sinister going on here.
Either way, this time there’ll be plenty more people speaking out as this goes on and they can’t all censored or ignored.
I saw they were having a 100% death rate in NY, when used.
I have enjoyed reading Off G for the last few years and have found myself checking in every day these last few months. Thankyou for saving my sanity! I work in a hospital and have been dismayed by what I see going on.
Apologies if this has been linked to previously. I hope in the UK our politicians will display the same level of passion!
People are going to get very angry when they realise that it was all a scam.
I am still unsure of many things regarding the whole Covid-19 situation but what I do know (from my experience at work) is that hospital patients at the end of their lives have been treated very differently from how they would be treated had this virus not been around. I have great reservations about the ethics surrounding the rights of loved ones viewing their family members who have passed away, their rights to a ‘normal’ funeral service and indeed visiting them towards the end of their lives. There seems to be no rigorous debate in the mainstream press/media about the measures that have been put in place that affect society as a whole at this moment in time. I am astounded that legislation seems to have been passed with very little scrutiny. Whilst my immediate concern in my job is with the draconian measures that are affecting vulnerable patients, I am also deeply disturbed by the rhetoric coming from the government and the conditioning of the public at large.
(German) Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn struck an interesting chord today (22nd April): “In a couple of months, we will probably have to forgive each other a lot of things”…
I presume that was the Minister trying to cover his ass in advance…?
Though I’d like to believe people will come to their senses and demand accountability, it will be easier for them to go into denial than admit they’ve been conned.
For doing too much, or not enough?
We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we? But it sounds like something is bothering his conscience – if such a thing still exists in high places…
Nah, most of em don’t even lift their head from their tracking devices, they’ve got plenty of vapid celeb distractions to still waste their lives on.
What I wanna know is where are all the privileged middle class liberals, i’m not expecting them to riot but protest about doing their own cleaning yes certainly.
It can’t go on, how anyone expect them to do mundane shit like cleaning their own toilets ?
It is important not to lose sight of the fact that the very people at the top of the global pyramid, those who are ultimately behind our – pandemic hysteria and lockdown, are the very same global elites who can think and can even publicly state that – (a half a million dead Iraqi children) – “are worth it” – justifying literal mass murder in order to achieve their corrupt amoral illegal goals.
That said, there is one thing we can all be absolutely sure of in all of this, and that is that these same uber-wealthy amoral psychopaths have absolutely (no concern whatsoever) for your health or your welfare, for whether you have a job or a roof over your head or food to eat, or ultimately for whether you live or die – as their only real concern is continue in their endless efforts to further consolidate absolute power and total control.
Even tens of thousands of needless ventilator deaths are simply seen as morality-free “data” in such planning circles. No doubt such deaths (as with those Iraqi children) are also seen as – “worth it.”
Like those dead Iraqi children – we are all in the end simply more “collateral damage” in the parlance of our betters – justifiable casualties in the efforts of such global elites to extend and expand their corrupt rule.
But who are these global elites? Not all global elites are capable of evil. Only certain ones. Time to start calling out the overwhelming group which is capable of evil.
Among our ruling elites, it’s Evil or Imbecility, frequently both.
Zen – perhaps you can post a list of the multi-billionaire global elites you think fall outside of the – “capable of evil” group. Also a brief rundown of the criteria for your selections would also be helpful. Thanks.
Open your eyes. There is a privileged ruling group, overwhelmingly. They also almost all happen to be anti-God. They have a history of organising genocides – exactly as they are doing now against the White Christian/Christian cultured.
Kit has mentioned one of the seldom-mentioned aspects of mechanical ventilation, and specifically early intubation, for Covid-19, namely that it is motivated to a large extent not by clinical need but by the desire to minimise risks to health care workers. See, for example, the following consensus statement (recommendation 3 and section headed “Risks to healthcare workers”):
Perhaps thats what they mean by ‘protect the NHS’ . Stay at home – if not we’ll do it by putting you on a ventilator.
I think this is the link you meant (missed the “l” at the end – anyhow it mostly goes straight over my head)
Some weeks or months ago I read a transcript from an eminent Russian pulmologist or somesuch, which largely also went over my head (ie I skimmed the lecture about drugs I have no access to), but he did mention that symptoms should be treated by nasal & oropharygeal lavage, as well as nebulisers.
My understanding is that this aspect of treatment, which can be self-attended at minimal expense, is contraindicated because its an aerosol-inducing event, ie increase risk of spreading the virus to others.
Thank you for correcting the link!
Aerosolisation of virus is indeed the risk they’re seeking to avoid, but I understand that there are simple procedures, like use of surgical masks, that can minimise this. In any event, doctors in Germany (see this video) and Sweden (see this article), and presumably elsewhere, are now avoiding intubation wherever possible and delivering oxygen non-invasively. Presumably they wouldn’t be doing this if infection was proving to be a significant problem.
I think that was the point. The worst affected areas in terms of death are the UK and NYC. The numbers in the UK are about 7 times that of the rest of the world. The NYC numbers are off the charts even though they have one of the toughest lockdown regimes in the world. It’s a very selective ‘virus’ for sure and one which moves across the globe in extremely mysterious ways. The distribution of deaths is similar to that other mythical virus – the black death – where large swathes of Europe remained unaffected and defied the accepted way in which any virus could have actually spread.The fact that in january 1348 the mediterranean suffered one of the worst earthaquakes on record leading to the breakdown of trade across Europe (Venice was at its peak) and large migrants groups were moving south because of real climate change is rarely mentioned. Of course coming to the conclusion it was a virus 800 years after the event also requires a large leap of faith but is so readily accepted by a gullible public.
Maybe the answer is in your description mysterious and selective and much more than an actual virus.
Referencing the stats is completely pointless as been shown repeatedly, they aren’t worth the pixels on the graph they are displayed on. Shoddy interpretation and deliberate manipulation for political and financial gain has been the order of the day. Particularly in the US and UK.
The pathogen that causes bubonic plague which is said to have been responsible for the Black Death in the years 1347 – 1350 is actually a bacterium (Yersinia pestis), and is spread mainly by fleas hitch-hiking from rodents to humans.
This is not to rule out the fact that particular political, economic, cultural, climatic and other circumstances existed in that period that enabled the plague to spread the way it did, otherwise it might never have occurred at all, or might have occurred earlier or later than it did.
The pattern of deaths that can be attributed to COVID-19 in different countries probably says much more about how prepared (or not prepared) their healthcare systems were, after years or even decades of being run down by government cutbacks and privatisations, how governments across the world panicked and copied what everyone else was doing, and how a policy of lockdown or no lockdown can be used to excuse problems already existing in ailing economies.
Those terrible medieval conspirators making it all up about the Black Death.
Yeah, right Kevin.
It attacks the already unwell underclasses best. And what is ‘real climate change’, for pity’s sake?
Also take a look at Acute Kidney Injury associated with ventilators.
Reports flying around the Covid is causing acute kidney injury… wonder why?