COVID19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown

Part 2 of ‘Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?’

Vanessa Beeley

To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
Dr George Brock Chisholm, who served as the first Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) from 1948 to 1953

In Part One of Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19?, I began an investigation into the individuals and entities that are, effectively, driving the UK Government response to Covid–19.

In Part Two, I will expand upon the Big Pharma and Artificial Intelligence (AI) links already identified and will introduce new connections that appear to have considerable bearing upon the UK Government’s Covid–19 strategy. I will expand upon the Bill Gates connections to the various organisations that are advocating global immunisation.

The UK Government chief medical adviser and Chief Medical Officer for England, Chris Whitty, is saying that a return to “normal” in the short-term is “wholly unrealistic”. Whitty is telling us that the “highly disruptive” social distancing policy will be in place “for really quite a long period of time”.

“Highly disruptive” is a euphemism for the devastation of the world economy and the horrifying knock-on effect — an estimated 50% of the world workforce are at risk of losing their livelihood.

April 16th headline in Business Insider. Chris Whitty with UK Health Secretary, Matt Hancock.

The UK Government has been promoting the concept of “immunity passports” as a means of loosening the draconian lockdown measures. It is very possible that facial recognition technology may dictate who can exit lockdown and return to work. To get a passport, individuals must upload an image of their face to the app along with their ID (passport or driving licence).

They are then tested to ascertain if they have had the virus and developed immunity. The app will then generate a QR code, which the employer will use to verify ID and immunity before allowing the employee back to work.

Onfido’s track and trace app, under serious consideration by the government

The UK health service’s innovation agency NHSx has called for businesses and technology experts to submit their ideas for providing immunity passports. Companies currently making proposals to the UK Government include Onfido, Yoti, IDnow, OCL, and iDenfy.

These UK Government “track and trace” plans still face various obstacles — including the questionable accuracy of some of the antibody tests — but the spectre of increased surveillance and government control over the workforce, and many other aspects of civil liberty, looms undeniably on the horizon.

As I pointed out in Part One, it is no coincidence that the Oxford University start-up, Microsoft-funded facial recognition firm Onfido “has recently raised $100 million (now $200m) to boost its ID technology” to enable the creation of immunity passports.

According to an interview with Onfido’s CEO, Husayn Kassai, the firm had previously offered a service that “automates background checks on prospective employees before they are accepted for work”; it would appear that immunity passports are a logical extension to what is, effectively, private sector spying on the workforce.

A more recent article proclaims: “Onfido in talks with government about systems to help Britons return to work”.

Onfido, already at “pilot stage” in other countries, is claiming that its proposals could be executed within months and that the “health certificate through app technology” is “gaining traction”. Onfido claims this technology could be the linchpin of the new “normality” and key to stimulating the economy — as backed by Bill Gates/Microsoft and undeniably in lock-step with ID2020’s manifesto.

Many analysts have highlighted the danger of ID2020 being introduced under cover of the Covid–19 “crisis”:

We may indeed be just at the beginning of the implementation of ID2020 — which includes forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everybody, on the way to One World Order; and global financial hegemony — Full Spectrum Dominance, as the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) likes to call it.
Peter Koenig

The team behind the UK Government Covid–19 response

[click to enlarge]

My focus in Part One was largely on the role of Imperial College and Prof. Neil Ferguson in “modelling” the virus infection trajectory and influencing the UK Government response, as he has done previously, with a 100% failure rate on the accuracy of his virtual predictions.

My focus in Part Two is to put the spotlight on other members of the UK Government advisory committee and to reveal their connections to Big Pharma and the for-profit sector linked to the Covid–19 response.

Neil Ferguson defends lockdown policy while conveniently forgetting the failure record of his “model”

In a recent interview, Neil Ferguson defended his Covid–19 predictions, which now appear to have been greatly exaggerated.

Ferguson reinforced the message that Britons [emphasis added]:

cannot go completely back to normal, until we have a vaccine there will be a degree of social distancing in place.”

Ferguson also confirmed the UK Government’s track-and-trace policy [emphasis added]:

Longer-term social distancing will be required, not at the levels we have today, if we have contact tracing in place.”

With numbers not adding up to Ferguson’s alarmist projections, the subsequent lockdown of the economy, and now the UK Government’s potential roll-out of mandatory vaccinations and biometric surveillance of the workforce, we could be forgiven for suspecting that the overarching agenda was always the increased surveillance and control of the majority of the population.

Ferguson H1N1 case study — Patrick Vallance — GlaxoSmithKline

At this point, I would like to go back in time to 2009 and Ferguson/Imperial College’s analysis of swine flu, H1N1: they claimed this virus would take the lives of 65,000 people in the UK. In the end, 457 people died from the virus.

In response to the threat of swine flu, Big Pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) developed the Pandemrix vaccine, with disastrous consequences.

An alleged sixty patients who suffered brain damage as a result of the vaccine were allocated £60 million in compensation by the UK Government. Most of the victims were children.

As one report has it:

It was subsequently revealed that the vaccine, Pandemrix, can cause narcolepsy and cataplexy in about one in 16,000 people, and many more are expected to come forward with the symptoms.”

A later British Medical Journal (BMJ) report deemed that GSK and health authorities had failed to warn the public of the vaccine’s alarming “safety signal”.

The vaccine was developed by GSK and patented in September 2006. Pandemrix contained a flu strain recommended by the WHO. After reports of brain damage began to emerge, the WHO revised their advice to urge “restricted use” for people under the age of 20. Pandemrix is no longer licensed for use, but at the time, the Gordon Brown-led Labour government had granted GSK indemnity. Details of that agreement have never been made public.

From 2012 to March 2018, Sir Patrick Vallance was president of research and development at GSK. He went directly from GSK to his post as the UK Government chief scientific adviser.

While Vallance and the UK Government are favouring AstraZeneca — in partnership with Oxford University — to fast-track vaccine development, GSK is also in the race.

GSK is working in collaboration with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), “aimed at helping the global effort to develop a vaccine” for Covid–19.

The UK Government has invested £50 million in CEPI to support the rapid vaccine and immunoprophylactic development against “unknown pathogens” (also referred to as Disease X). Bill Gates was one of the original and most influential sponsors of CEPI; more details later in this article.

So, the UK Government appears to favour AstraZeneca, but Vallance and the government also appear to be subtly supporting Vallance’s former employer, GSK, despite their Pandemrix fiasco.

While Vallance was in charge of research and development at GSK, collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation was increased. In 2013, a new partnership between GSK and the Gates Foundation was announced: to “accelerate research into vaccines for global health needs”.

What we start to see here is the very definition of a revolving-door policy between philanthrocapitalism, Big Pharma and government agencies, all effectively working in lock-step to promote the global immunisation agenda, with massive projected profit for the Big Pharma complex and in particular for the members closely associated with Gates, the WHO, UNICEF, and world governments, as already discussed in Part One.

Scientists, epidemiologists and analysts are not speaking as one voice on Covid–19

Going back to the Ferguson interview I mentioned earlier, my observation is that Ferguson was ill at ease, appearing to defend a script rather than opening up the discussion to include other models and expert opinions that vehemently disagree with his assessment.

Eminent epidemiologist and bio-statistician Prof. Knut Wittkowski has been an outspoken critic of lockdown and social distancing from the outset. In a recent interview, Perspectives on the Pandemic, he spoke about the Ferguson model:

It does not make any sense. I have no clue [what inspired Ferguson to make his estimates]. I don’t like to engage in conspiracy theories, so, if you have a model that give results that contradict everything else, then you contact your colleagues, you say, ‘Send me your model, let me try it, let us compare what we have, where are we in agreement and what is it that makes my model different from yours?’. This is how science works. We all make mistakes — but we don’t present the results without first double-checking.

Even Dr Anthony Fauci, Ferguson’s counterpart in the US, has also cast doubt on the efficacy of these models to determine government response to any given virus:

I’ve never seen a model of the diseases I’ve dealt with where the worst case actually came out […] they always overshoot.

The fact that Ferguson ploughs on regardless — and without any reference to his appalling record and disastrous consequences for the British public — suggests that he functions largely as an outreach agent for actors with vested interests who are exploiting him to keep the Government on track with their own profit-driven Covid–19 campaigns.

The Big Pharma monopoly dictating the “new normal” in global healthcare

Who are CEPI? CEPI is the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. CEPI was launched at Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the British-based Wellcome Trust global health “charity”, and the World Economic Forum.

CEPI is described as an “innovative partnership between public, private, philanthropic and civil organisations”, to which I would add governments: the coalition has received investment from the governments of Germany, Japan, Australia, the UK, Belgium and Canada. Their primary role in relation to Covid–19 is the “development of platforms that can be used for rapid vaccine development against unknown pathogens” (2018).

Historian and author Prof. Michel Chossudovsky is convinced that CEPI is “seeking a monopoly role in the vaccination business, the objective of which is a global vaccine project”.

As I have previously reported, CEPI is key to the success of the Gates “vaccine decade” project, which reaches its conclusion in 2020 — coinciding with the outbreak of Covid–19. CEPI brings together the main players in biotechnology, Big Pharma and associated global health charities, governmental agencies, and university R&D to drive us towards global immunisation.

CEPI’s euphemistically named “wider community” is represented by five non-voting members or observers; these include the World Bank, which is the principal financial institution holding CEPI funds, and a representative from the WHO.

Every governing body or complex that is promoting global immunisation registers the same entities as influencers and sponsors. Again and again, the conflict of interest question must be raised in relation to the Covid–19 response.

Just as Sir Patrick Vallance was linked to GSK, so Chris Whitty, the UK Government’s Chief Medical Advisor, was on the interim board of CEPI until the permanent board was announced in 2018. Should we be surprised that the UK Government has invested £50 million in CEPI while being advised by Whitty?

Whitty with Matt Hancock. “The expert we need in the coronavirus crisis.”

Whitty also received Gates funding in 2008: $40m for malaria research in Africa. The fact that Whitty was involved in the kick-start of CEPI, Gates’ immunisation monopoly project, should therefore not come as a huge surprise.

CEPI and Imperial College partnership

Ferguson’s model was generated under the auspices of the Vaccine Modelling Impact Consortium, hosted by Imperial College — both effectively funded by Bill Gates and Britain’s Wellcome Trust (primarily).

In December 2018, CEPI went into partnership with Imperial College, London.

CEPI provided funding of US$8.4 million for Imperial College to work on a vaccine platform that can be used to “rapidly develop vaccines against pathogens — even unknown ones”.

The platform was appropriately named RapidVac and was focused on producing vaccines for H1N1, rabies and Marburg virus as “proof of concept”. The next step would be to develop vaccines rapidly in responses to “new and unknown pathogens, known as ‘Disease X’”.

So, one year before the Covid–19 outbreak, Imperial College was working on a vaccine for “Disease X”.

An Imperial College statement claimed that the partnership of CEPI and IC aimed to develop vaccines “against new and unknown pathogens within 16 weeks from identification of antigen to product release for trials” (emphasis added).

This is an extraordinary claim, when vaccines have a typical R&D gestation period of up to fifteen years before being safely approved for public consumption. In addition, we must also always consider that there is a very strong argument against the use of vaccines altogether; perhaps a subject for another article.

Development of Covid–19 vaccines

The genome sequence of Covid–19 was published online in mid-January and researchers reportedly sprang into action. The global quest for a vaccine excompasses some ten to fifteen serious programmes. CEPI is reportedly funding six of these programmes: CureVac, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Moderna, and the Universities of Oxford, Imperial College and Queensland in Australia. We can also now add GSK to the list of participants partnered with the UK Government-assisted CEPI.

GAVI and CEPI partnership, December 2018

In Part One, I discussed GAVI, the self-proclaimed vaccine alliance. GAVI was established twenty years ago and incorporates the members of the Gates Foundation “Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration” consortium: those include, once again, the WHO, the World Bank, UNICEF and governments.

The UK Government is GAVI’s top sponsor. In turn, GAVI sponsors the VIMC, where Ferguson models his response to Covid–19 — hosted by Imperial College.

In December 2018, the same month that CEPI went into partnership with Imperial College, the board of GAVI approved a proposal for the Kingdom of Norway to support CEPI through a bond scheme backed by a new Norwegian “pledge to the International Finance Facility for Immunisation” (IFFIm).

Utilising the bond scheme, Norway funded CEPI to the sum of US$58.1 million. Gates-funded, Gates-established GAVI was the broker for this sponsorship deal, which funnelled money to the Gates-funded, Gates-established CEPI.

Other sponsors are clearly involved, but I am just making the point of the revolving-door policy in relation to these consortiums that bring together private, public and global health sectors to further vaccine promotion globally. As Gavi’s website proudly states, the alliance now vaccinates almost half of the world’s children.

The UK Government blurring the lines between private and public sector when it comes to vaccines

UK Column infograph — from the news programme.

The UK Government not only funds Gates-generated projects indirectly through CEPI and GAVI; there is also a direct collaboration that is off the radar of most reporting on the government’s response to Covid–19. If you enter the search term “Bill Gates” as an implementing partner into the UKAID development tracker, a number of vaccine-related projects are revealed.

This week, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, co-hosted the virtual Coronavirus Global Response International Pledging Conference — to “drive forward the global race for coronavirus vaccines, treatments and tests” (emphasis added).

According to information published, the UK has already provided £744 million of UKAID for the global response to Covid–19. That includes £388 million in support for new vaccines, tests and treatments. The UK has pledged £250 million to CEPI (the biggest contribution of any country).

£40 million has gone to support rapid development of Covid–19 treatments; £23 million to develop rapid tests for the virus; and £75 million to the WHO critical health systems response. The UK has also pledged the equivalent of £330 million per year for five years to GAVI, the self-proclaimed vaccine alliance.

The UK Government is effectively focusing on the market sector it has most heavily invested in — global immunisation — at a time when the British domestic economy is being forced to its knees by the government response to Covid–19.

Perhaps at this stage, one might still argue that the UK Government has the welfare of its citizens at the forefront of its agenda; but delving a little deeper makes it much harder to draw that conclusion.

The UK Vaccine Network

Not only was Chris Whitty previously sponsored by Bill Gates and on the interim board of CEPI; he now chairs the UK Vaccine Network (UK VN). The UK VN brings together “industry, academia and relevant funding bodies to make targeted investments in specific vaccines and vaccine technology for infectious diseases with the potential to cause an epidemic”.

The UK Vaccine Network provides funding for vaccine development programmes. Projects supported by the DHSC through the UK Vaccine Network are listed here.

One of the projects from the DHSC funding document.

Under Chris Whitty’s administration — Whitty is co-lead for the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) — the NIHR and UK Research and Innovation are giving another £20 million to CEPI for Covid–19 vaccine development. This is in addition to the £50 million already given by the UK Government to CEPI.

“It’s Humanity versus the virus” follows World Immunisation Week (April 26th–30th)

The timing of Boris Johnson’s “humanity versus virus” conference is unlikely to be coincidental, following as it does hot on the heels of World Immunisation Week.

A WHO advertisement for vaccines featured at the World Immunisation Week.

A document produced by Public Health England (PHE) provides a greater insight into how hard the UK Government is promoting vaccines during the Covid–19 “crisis”. The 2020 theme is “Vaccines work for all” — coinciding with the last year of the Gates “vaccine decade” of the 2010s.

Hashtags like #CarryOnVaccinating are being deployed, and the “vaccines work for all” campaign will focus on “how vaccines — and the people who develop, deliver and receive them — are heroes by working to protect the health of everyone, everywhere”.

The WHO has designated 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Why? Because of those professions’ “crucial role as early vaccine champions for new parents and parents-to-be and life course vaccination, making sure older adults have their routine protection”. What a clever way to harness the genuinely dedicated nursing staff to promote vaccines to a huge market sector.

The outsourcing of vaccine promotion continues. There are social media memes prepared earlier that can be uploaded and shared to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by an unsuspecting public, who will thus advertise global immunity for free.

The language of the report is sinister in its behavioural nudging: “Last year, WHO declared vaccine hesitancy among the top ten threats to global health”.

A civilian population in lockdown — desperate to stimulate the economy, to return to work and to avoid being infected with “Pandemic 1” — will be easily gaslighted by such a lexicon into accepting anything that will address the concerns that have been imprinted into their subconscious.

The document details the need to “counter the infodemic”, i.e. expert opinion that does not comply with the Big Pharma/WHO diktats:

If you are looking for information about vaccines, be sure to consult trusted and credible sources, like your health worker, local health authorities, health institutions like NHS.UK, Public Health England, WHO or the members of the Vaccine Safety Net.

We are, of course, already seeing this infodemic warfare in action: the YouTube CEO recently announced that YouTube would remove any video deemed to be in contravention of advice being given by the WHO. A recent statement from the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, reinforces the WHO recommendations.

Guterres condemns what he claims to be “a dangerous epidemic of misinformation”. Journalist and researcher Michael Swifte described the vaccine agenda as follows:

The loving embrace of a vaccine administered by the biggest public-private partnership in history. This is what the Secretary General of the UN is promoting.

The Keep Calm meme taken from the PHE document.

Reading through this PHE document is a veritable exercise in Behavioural Insights methodology: again, no coincidence, when one considers British expertise in “nudging” the public towards any given pre-determined agendas or decisions that benefit the ruling classes. This excellent article at UK Column provides a comprehensive analysis of the role played in the Covid–19 response by Behavioural Insights.

Public Health England — who are they, and how are they linked to Porton Biopharma?

According to one report, PHE exists to “protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing, and reduce health inequalities”. PHE is an “operationally autonomous executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC)”.

In June 2018, PHE transferred its drug development to a new state-owned company, Porton Biopharma Ltd (PBL), which is wholly owned by Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Health (currently Matt Hancock).

Perhaps unsurprisingly, PBL has the only UK-licensed anthrax vaccine among its portfolio. We are told that “the future success and revenue growth of PBL will provide PHE with an income dividend which will be ploughed back into the delivery of its priorities”. Once again, we see the revolving door between government agencies and private, for-profit sectors with a focus on vaccines.

Matt Hancock and UK Government commercial interests in Covid–19

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, is also owner of Porton Biopharma during his tenure; but that is not the only tie that Hancock appears to have to for-profit entities that stand to benefit from Covid–19 response strategies.

A recent report in the Byline Times detailed “highly controversial contracts” which will enable British ministers and senior health officials to “mine confidential data from tens of thousands of Covid–19 hospital patients”.

These contracts have allegedly been awarded to technology companies “without being put out to competitive tender, NHS has disclosed”. Microsoft is included in those companies; that is, Bill Gates is present.

Babylon Health — the NHS is not for sale (!)

Matt Hancock accused of breaking ministerial code by endorsing a private healthcare company.
Matt Hancock accused of breaking ministerial code by endorsing a private healthcare company.

Both Hancock and Dominic Cummings, chief adviser to the Prime Minister, have questionable ties to Babylon Health, a prominent health tech firm implementing AI. Cummings held an undisclosed consultancy job at this healthcare venture: a firm endorsed by the government and at the top of the list to receive a National Health Service (NHS) Fund cash injection of £250 million.

According to an article in The Bureau Investigates, during 2018, Cummings “advised Babylon Health on its communications strategy and senior recruitment just months before its GP at Hand app was publicly backed by Matt Hancock.”

Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow health secretary (British opposition spokesman on health), condemned the Cummings/Hancock

The links between Dominic Cummings in the heart of Downing Street, the health secretary and this AI health firm are increasingly murky and highly irresponsible.

In case anyone is in doubt over Hancock’s enthusiasm for the Babylon GP at Hand app, it is highly advisable to read this article published at the British Medical Journal (BMJ), written by Rachel Clark, a doctor specialising in palliative medicine:

Matt Hancock loves Babylon so much he doesn’t merely use its smartphone app, GP at Hand, he gushes enthusiasm for the product at every opportunity. First, at Expo, he name-checked Babylon, among others, as one of the “world’s best HealthTech companies.”

Then he gave a speech eulogising the company while literally standing beneath its logos inside its London HQ. Then in comments to The Telegraph he declared a breathless vision for the “revolutionary” app to be “available for all”.

And, last week he featured in a double-page, Babylon-sponsored puff piece in the Evening Standard entitled “Technology can be a great fixer for the NHS.”

Its centrepiece was an interview proclaiming Hancock’s ringing endorsement of Babylon: he declared GP at Hand to be “a force for good within the NHS”.

Although this detail may appear to be an excursus away from the involvement of the UK Government Covid–19 health advisory board in the promotion of global vaccine programmes, it serves as a further demonstration of the blurring of lines between commercial interests and the welfare of citizens.

This relationship is highlighted in legendary journalist John Pilger’s latest documentary The Dirty War on the NHS, a film I cannot recommend highly enough for its stark portrayal of the stealth privatisation of the NHS.

Babylon Health was founded by former Goldman Sachs banker Ali Parsa, who also co-founded and acted as CEO of a private healthcare company, Circle — the first private business to operate an NHS hospital. That hospital was Hinchingbrooke, which proved to be a disastrous enterprise.

Babylon and Bill Gates

Yes, Bill Gates has a connection to Babylon, too. In March 2020, Babylon’s Rwanda-focused virtual care subsidiary, Babyl, signed a ten-year partnership with the Rwandan government giving every citizen over the age of 12 access to digital health consultations.

The project is heavily subsidised by the Rwandan government and the Bill Gates Foundation and promises (!) to “make health care affordable” for even the poorest communities. Again, we must ask to what degree these apps are serving as surveillance instruments for government agencies.

The alleged war criminal and President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, and Bill Gates proclaim: “Every vaccine is a shot of adrenaline into the heart of the African economy.”

Cue the Babylon Covid–19 Care Assistant app. The app provides a four step care programme to subscribers: information, symptom checker and live chat with healthcare experts, a care plan, and video consultation with a healthcare professional.

We are informed:

“The app is free to download. Using the service is free in Birmingham and London through the NHS. However, users located elsewhere will have to sign up for pay-as-you-go or annual subscriptions to the service. Annual plans start from £149. One-off consultations can cost as much as £49 each time.”

Cummings and Hancock — tag team that pushed for lockdown while promoting vaccines

Dominic Cummings (Image: Radical Larry 1 / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Cummings is accused of pressuring Boris Johnson’s advisers to adopt a draconian lockdown policy to combat Covid–19. If this is true, it must raise the question, yet again, of how much the UK Government’s policy is influenced by genuine medical expert opinion and how much by commercial, Big Pharma, interests and agendas — interests and agendas which are demonstrably also those of the UK Government.

Certainly, members of the scientific advisory committee “were shocked, concerned and worried for the impartiality of advice” after Cummings effectively gatecrashed the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergency (SAGE) meetings.

Just this week, Hancock warned that there has been “no greater demonstration in modern history” of a need for a vaccine.

Previously, in September 2019, Hancock had stated that the government was looking seriously at mandatory vaccines for state school pupils. Falling vaccination rates for children in the UK prompted Hancock to consider prohibiting self-determination among parents who do not agree with vaccination regimes.

The fact that Cummings used his influence to politicise the SAGE meetings, and that Hancock is not averse to using his influence to promote private sector businesses with links to the NHS, should alert us to the possibility that both individuals are exploiting Covid–19 to further the aims of those whom they are connected to and potentially profit from.

Bill Gates takes pride of place at the heart of the advisory network that has introduced and maintained lockdown in the UK — a lockdown not to be relaxed “until a vaccine is available”.

Covid–19 is pushing us towards global health fascism

One of the questions I get asked the most these days is when the world will be able to go back to the way things were in December before the coronavirus pandemic. My answer is always the same: when we have an almost perfect drug to treat COVID–19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.

– Bill Gates — Gates Notes

Covid–19 threatens an imminent “new normal” of global health tyranny and unprecedented government control and surveillance. The SAGE team was very likely derailed by Cummings’ political agenda and undue influence that he brought to bear upon the committee, which should have remained impartial and science-focused.

The most influential members of the UK Government advisory team have demonstrated a blatant conflict of interest through their connections to the Bill Gates empire, but the British Government itself has invested heavily in the global immunisation concept that Gates is engineering through all manner of public and private sector initiatives.

The WHO is the global health governing body and is heavily influenced and financed by Bill Gates. In January 2020, the WHO published its R&D blueprint prioritising novel Coronavirus vaccine clinical trials.

The WHO’s Working Group for Vaccine Prioritisation aimed in that blueprint to provide guidance and recommendations to vaccine developers and to identify candidates who could be considered for further development and evaluation.

The WHO is effectively a self-regulatory entity in charge of world health but with little public accountability, particularly where vaccines are concerned. The Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) was established by the WHO in 1999 to respond to vaccine safety issues of “potential global importance”.

Bill Gates is demanding indemnity against lawsuits before he agrees to distribute vaccines. We are all being fast-tracked into a future where our medical self-determination is in serious jeopardy and where those who decide for us will, potentially, not be held accountable for any health-endangering side effects.

We have already seen the devastating consequences of mass immunisation during the H1N1 epidemic, with questionable Big Pharma transparency regarding risk, as found by those who were given a vaccination that left them brain damaged for life.

Experts in the field have warned against rushing through a Covid–19 vaccine, bearing in mind it can usually take up to fifteen years of rigorous testing prior to approval. Any attempt to compress this process must carry risks.

Dr Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told Reuters:

I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general […] there is a risk of immune enhancement.

In 2009, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg initiated the Committee of Inquiry into the WHO’s role in H1N1 (‘swine flu’) held by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

In this recent interview, Wodarg describes Bill Gates as “crazy” to be attempting to shortcut research and development. Wodarg also talks about the “secret contracts” between states and Big Pharma that perhaps determine the trajectory of vaccine development.

The H1N1 vaccine travesty must serve as a warning against precipitous vaccine development motivated by lockdown cabin fever, when the lockdown itself is looking more and more likely to be orchestrated to achieve precisely this outcome.

At the same time, as the possibility of compulsory vaccination is under discussion, the government intends to roll out a surveillance apparatus that will ensure forever-control over an already politically weakened workforce pushed ever deeper into financial insecurity, first by austerity measures and now by Covid–19.

It is very important to push back against the emotional triggering that is being generated by the state-aligned media and agencies. The behavioural insight experts are working hard to nudge us towards dependency on the state — but we must not surrender our individual and collective independence.

We must determine the drivers behind this “crisis”, identify the causes, and deal with the symptoms without succumbing to fear or panic. It is not easy; but our futures depend upon our ability to see what is really going on and to respond accordingly.

Originally published by UK Column.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Richard Jessop
Richard Jessop
Nov 29, 2020 12:38 PM

The author’s articles are very much appreciated.

However, to get a larger audience, I suggest that he makes them more ‘punchy’ – with the key points listed at the beginning of each article, and the summary of the ‘big picture’ of this conspiracy brought together in the first few paragraphs, to make people more likely to read on.

Matthew France
Matthew France
Jul 21, 2020 7:50 PM

Worth highlighting also that Patrick Vallance owns (at least) £8m of shares in GSK that he can cash in next year. If he kept his previously held stocks in GSK he is now holding around £16m. (All freely available information in GSK remuneration reports).

Sunny Peta
Sunny Peta
Jun 30, 2020 12:07 PM

Apologies, you have quite a few sources.

Sunny Peta
Sunny Peta
Jun 30, 2020 12:04 PM

I’m open, but you haven’t included one source in this article. I think that’s important if people are to take it seriously.

david byworth
david byworth
Jun 6, 2020 3:10 AM


gusman jones
gusman jones
May 25, 2020 8:44 AM

https://www.linkedin.com/in/annemarieplas/?originalSubdomain=uk. this is your clapping instigator, some serious links to ‘change’ orgs. This clapping thing is mass manipulation, we’re so easy

gusman jones
gusman jones
May 25, 2020 8:42 AM

https://www.linkedin.com/in/annemarieplas/?originalSubdomain=uk. this is your clapper girl, ex dutch TV news host, this is mass manipulation, some really dubious links to ‘change’ organistions, check out her’ interests’, Bill Gates, tops the list

May 21, 2020 12:41 AM

great analysis
Many more people have begun to review the computer code used to justify the closing of the world economy, including engineers from Germany. This is by far the most UNPROFESSIONAL program I have ever reviewed in my life. It is so bad, it leaves one with the question of whether they have been that careless or was this intentional to further the climate change agenda?

There should be an inquiry by the British Parliament. Any politician who refuses to support this public inquiry should be removed from office BECAUSE they are failing to represent the people.

May 20, 2020 1:08 AM

Professor Dolores Cahill Phd and numerous credentials, has debunked every single thing this government has said and done with regard to the virus. She explains in great detail why it is wrong and that it can only have been done and continues to be done for sinister reasons. To the extent she is calling for an international tribunal hearing and demands the governments and leaders of countries name every so called expert who has given the advice being followed.
She has also called for anybody in the legal profession to take this to court whereby she challenges governments, so called health experts and scientists to argue their case against her.
The good news is, that quite a few barristers have contacted her. She is in Ireland and hopefully if it goes through would set a precedent.

Carlo Weeks
Carlo Weeks
May 15, 2020 11:05 AM

European central bank is being taken to court, contesting if they have the right to print money that German citizens will have to pay back?

What will happen when the European central bank collapses, which is highly likely?

Will the World Bank then step in?

Look at the first line in “What we do”.
“The World Bank Group has set two goals for the world to achieve by 2030:”

Ring any bells? Runs parallel to UN Agenda 2030. Another step in the direction towards a single world government.

Covid-19 is being used to crash economies and bring this aganda to fruition.

May 14, 2020 3:09 PM

CEPI was launched at Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the British-based Wellcome Trust global health “charity”, and the World Economic Forum.

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. Devilish capitalist plot or good intentioned club with biological foresight? I believe the latter.

May 14, 2020 1:43 PM

Vanessa might also be interested in these nuggets:
“Dr Erica Bickerton (The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright, Surrey)
Group Leader
Avian Pathology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Virology, Vaccines, Viral Diseases, Virology

Erica became an Institute Fellow in 2016 and was promoted to Group Leader of the the Coronavirus group in 2018.”

“The aim of Erica’s research is to develop rationally attenuated vaccines for the better control of infectious bronchitis virus and other coronaviruses.”

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds development of Pirbright’s Livestock Antibody Hub supporting animal and human health

UNECA To Host Regional Transport Forum in Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa University on Thursday (July 24) conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters on Mr. William Henry Gates.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Tedros Adhanom met Bill Gates, the co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, on Thursday (July 24). He thanked the Foundation for the significant support it has given to the health sector in Ethiopia and said partnership with the Foundation was highly valuable for the country.

Daily Mail
April 18, 2020

Africa could see anywhere between 300,000 and 3.3 million deaths due to coronavirus, according to the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Melinda Gates, the Co-Chairperson of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has foretold that Africa is soon going to be littered with dead bodies of people who would have succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus. – 10th April

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU-nzmwWDko – Bill Gates prediction about Coronavirus and his vaccine solution! – 30th March.

kevin morris
kevin morris
May 12, 2020 11:24 PM

A good friend of mine told me today that Gates wouldn’t have his own children vaccinated, That tells you all you need to know.

May 14, 2020 3:44 AM
Reply to  kevin morris

Gates’ wife, Melinda Gates, debunked the false claim when it circulated in April 2019. “All three of my children are fully vaccinated,” she said in a Facebook post addressing World Immunization Week.

May 16, 2020 9:57 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Would you seriously expect her to say anything else?

May 20, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  Derek

Their GP says different. He should know

May 22, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  lesleyplayle

He should also know saying whether they’re vaccinated or not is unethical, and possibly illegal.

May 14, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  kevin morris

Haha, really, all you need to know huh? My mates cousins brothers dads aunts friend told me that that is bollocks.

Nov 10, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  kevin morris

And there’s the multiple politicians pretending to take vaccines for the cameras, which show the cap still on the needle; the needle not touching skin, etc.

May 12, 2020 8:28 PM

Viva Vanessa.
She and Eva Bartlett and Lizzie Phelan are some of the great lady journalists of our times.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 12, 2020 2:22 PM

It amazes me that people accept being locked up as prisoners, when blatant crimes are openly committed through collusion of alleged “governmental” agencies and corporate sponsors.

The United Nations and World Health Organization spin offs are NOT elected governments. Hello?
Please take the time to watch this interview: >


“Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we’ll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.”

Despair Squid
Despair Squid
May 12, 2020 1:16 PM

Just to add to the layers of vested interests, there’s also the World Bank’s Pandemic Catastrophe Bonds that I think result in a big payout to the countries of the International Development Association. The IDA has 120 countries including, for example, Ethiopia.


The maturity date on the bonds was 15 July 2020 so good news that a pandemic was declared by the head of the World Health Organisation before the payback date.

On the face of it it’s only circa $200 million but I wonder if there are any derivatives hanging off the back.

It may only be a drop in the ocean but it might provide another incentive not to let a panic go to waste.

It may be a conspiracy too far but sunlight being the best disinfectant and all that…

Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 12, 2020 10:11 AM

I have just watched the interview with Patrick Bet-David and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on YouTube. It is over 2 hours long, so I have saved it and watched it in segments. It is the best interview I have seen in a long time. Please watch it if you can before it gets taken down, and give your opinion. You may not agree with his views, but please watch it. I typed in – Value Entertainment Robert F Kennedy Jr and it came up. Thank you.

May 13, 2020 3:26 PM
Reply to  Ginette Craig

It’s “Valuetainment”

May 12, 2020 8:04 AM

Weak Feminized men who feel the need to grab control, control that they perceived never to have had in the past.

Here is a strong leader and president of Tanzania who is also a chemist that didn’t trust the World Health Organization or take money from China, See what he says about Corona, open your eyes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6cL-RbY7No

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 12, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  Hank

Ooh, Hank-you’re such an alpha male!

May 12, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Hank

Quality. Maybe emigrate to Tanzania, I could work for that guy.

May 12, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

You can see the fear in so many peoples eyes as you pass them on the street. Fear that is not warranted. People look for leaders and they are far and few between.

May 14, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Hank

Is that the guy who’s suspended testing after a goat and a piece of fruit tested positive! (I think the rabbit, bird and sheep were ‘inconclusive’ and the engine oil was negative)?

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 12, 2020 2:42 AM

Many thanks to Vanessa for this detailed study. It is now clearer that the long-range goal is much beyond the immediate threat of this Covid-19 thing. There has been sufficient response from the scientific community and others that the models were flawed (as with predicting 2 million deaths in the US by May; this was two months ago), plus studies indicating who the endangered are (and it’s not the bulk of the population), plus the continued propaganda which does not particularize what is happening, instead generalizing and continually putting up the impression that the virus is equivalent to 100 Nazi divisions pouring across your border and annihilating the civilians. The question is how long the current approach (lockdown + propaganda) will be practicable against economic problems and a society disintegrating further into serious problems and breakdown. Further, there is the danger the populations themselves may begin to wake up and indicate “Enough!” Where I am, despite a very light problem relatively (no deaths in the county of 90,000 and 11 of 12 positives recovered) I’m sensing some slippage in willingness to go along with the Official Narrative. There is a certain laxness developing in obeying the rules. Particularly telling, it seems to me, is that, despite widespread skepticism, the official propaganda is continually promoted and even intensified, plus “the rules” come on more heavily. Arresting the lady in Texas last week who opened her beauty salon, plus the other acts of intimidation (notice shift in tone from “shelter in place” to “lockdown” which has a more urgent, martial feeling to it) we’ve heard about, move in the opposite direction from the authorities’ need to update the relative danger of the virus and calm down the sensationalism. Clearly, we should open up and get the less vulnerable population (generally under sixty–those… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 12, 2020 8:16 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Excellent comment Aldous, thanks.
Down here in Australia it seems at least 90% of the population are fully compliant of, and support Govt directives, while small numbers of peaceful protesters against the lockdowns and erosion of civil liberties have been forcefully arrested.
Most Aussies would actually cheer on the cops while sticking the boot into those people daring to hold up a placard while standing up for everyone’s rights and freedom of speech. Bonkers.
Loved your book by the way…. cough.

May 12, 2020 2:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

This hoax shatters the notion that Aussies have a devil-may-care attitude and like nothing better than to stick two fingers to authority. What a crock of shit that was.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 12, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Reg

Stick two fingers at authority?!!?🤣
That’s fecken hilarious Reg. There are way more docile, servile sheep here in Aussie than back in New Zealand!
Okay, never been to the UK, but from everything I’ve read, I’d say people in Australia have gone along with the lockdowns and bending the knee to authority as much as people in the UK.
And before any Aussie commenter takes offence at what I’ve just said, I hear its been just as pathetically sheeplike in New Zealand.
The chances of a mass Gilets Jaunes type protest movement happening in Australia (or NZ) are about the same as an iceblock surviving a bonfire.

May 12, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Oh people in England go down on their knees and thank the authorities that they’re allowed to have a beer in the park and take in some vitamin D.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 12, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah (my new work Brave New T*rd Revisited is underway as we speak), plus some encouragement here from Ron Paul reporting on the arrest of an elderly in Fresno in a line waiting to go to breakfast–


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 12, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Look forward to it Aldous. Sadly tho, you’ll have tons of material to work with, given what we’ve seen in the last 2 months.

Scott Grant
Scott Grant
May 20, 2020 1:18 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Thank you so much for sharing this information, I realy hope light is properly shed on this money grabing dangerous industry.

May 12, 2020 2:00 AM

Why would we trust Reuter’s? Just another billionaire-owned company telling us not to worry, they will look after us. I call bullshit. You and your MSM buddies are the reason we are in this mess. Just like Facebook, you care like a slave owner cares.

May 11, 2020 8:12 PM

How can vaccines, or even tests, be possible for this virus if, as Dr Andrew Kaufman explained (he even went through the papers submitted to date in considerable detail to clarify this, in a video that may now have been censored by YT), the “virus” has not been successfully isolated to date; Koch’s postulates have not been satisfied, nor any Gold Standard. According to this explanation, the tests are only measuring for genetic material, present in most of us. (I’ve also heard it said that the creator of this PCR test himself said the test could not be used to test for infectious disease, let alone a specific virus.)

Now I’ve seen the President of Tanzania come out now saying he submitted samples from a goat, bird and pawpaw fruit, amongst other things, to the laboratory for testing under human names. These three all tested positive for the corona virus. They even tested motor oil, which I think came back as “inconclusive”, and some other mock samples came back as negative. What does this tell us? And are these the “tests” that this fascist “track and trace” will be utilising?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 4:51 AM
Reply to  Rowena

@Rowena: “are these the “tests” that this fascist “track and trace” will be utilising?”

Yes. Like the mass-deluded German sheeple, we want to test as blonde as Hitler, as slim as Goering and as beautiful as Goebbels.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 12, 2020 10:25 AM
Reply to  Rowena

The virus was isolated and its genome described by 10 January, by the Chinese.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 13, 2020 1:52 AM

The genome of something may have been described, but whether it was a virus, and specifically the pathogen causing the disease in question remains in doubt:


May 11, 2020 8:01 PM


is a lengthy and well argued piece by Alexander Mercouris (a regular guest with Peter Lavell on his crosstalk at RT….a programme that can be good sometimes, when Peter actually lets someone do what he keeps saying he ´´so´´ welcomes..ie. jumping in!).
Mercouris (though not a medical expert) seems to have no issue with the worldwide lockdown and its consequences, or the supression of contrarian medical voices in media. I tried to comment in a very polite way on CN, mentioning this article of Vanessa Beeley at offguardian today as an important read. I straight away got a message that… you have already made this reply….and so this was an unecessary duplicate. Message disallowed in other words. Thinking it was just a glitch, I tried again from scratch, a slightly different comment, but again ..the same response.
I was sceptical when recently admin here mentioned that Consortium News was towing the official line, promoting statements from the WHO, but now I think yes, it seems they are fully on board. All the comments on Mercouris article were praising him and many were lamenting the contrarian work of Offguardian..

May 11, 2020 3:11 PM

I completely endorse Vanessa about exposing the drivers behind the crisis, identifying causes, and dealing with the symptoms …but I want to question how we do that without an interpretative method? Because I have been applying the standard modern interpretative method …to incredulity. So I read the the response to my recent comment: and it is elucidating. I genuinely am grateful: because I really am serious about understanding. And communication can only occur when a group of people have the same – or similar – understanding. I’m not out to confuse: I genuinely thought that understanding was commonplace. So the ungrounded assumption I have been making is this: the modern interpretative method is largely a genealogy of German Idealism – developed from the interpretation of Kant – through a line of flight to Heidegger and Gadamer …who were actual Nazis. Which I thought everyone knew: that hermeneuticism is a closet fascism. And the other mainline of ‘scientific’ explanation (as differentiated from understanding (Verstehen)) is a direct genealogy from Descartes. Which is the basis of the anglo-american rational analytical tradition of classical capitalist liberalism …which as ably demonstrated above – is an outright fascism. Now the ‘F’ word is much overused: the ultimate ideal is to produce a homogenised model of Man …in the perfect image of the system that produced him (sorry ladies: this is a non-inclusive modelling …but you did not need me to tell you that). Well, this has been the process of Staatsphilosophie from the footnotes of Plato and Cicero: to produce the ”state within the state” …the mini-state representation in every model citizen. The man within the Man. The thing about individuality – the individual horizon – is that it has to be broadly in line with the traditional horizon for interpretation and understanding to take… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  BigB

BB, you are clearly a person of enormous intelligence and learning. But it may be that you inhabit a world too rarefied for….well, for me anyway. When you say, So I read the the response to my recent comment: and it is elucidating. I genuinely am grateful: because I really am serious about understanding. I feel for you. But I read, And communication can only occur when a group of people have the same – or similar – understanding. I’m not out to confuse: I genuinely thought that understanding was commonplace. So the ungrounded assumption I have been making is this: the modern interpretative method is largely a genealogy of German Idealism – developed from the interpretation of Kant – through a line of flight to Heidegger and Gadamer …who were actual Nazis. Which I thought everyone knew: that hermeneuticism is a closet fascism. And I doubt very much that everyone knows “that hermeneuticism is a closet fascism”. Yeah, now that I think about it, you seem to be saying that hermeneuticism (esotericism?) may be allied to fascism since it implies an elite? But in any case, I think the somewhat stunned reaction to your last entry had less to do with the minutiae of the argument than it did with the simple fact that you are talking way above the heads of most. I don’t want you to stop. I am intrigued by your entries, but I think you have to resign yourself to the fact that most won’t have a clue what you’re on about. As for myself, I have read Kant but never could make much headway with Heidegger. I have heard the opinion that the latter is a writer who needs to be read in the original German. Neologisms which would be “natural” in the German… Read more »

May 11, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

On the other hand, I wouldn’t criticize BigB for talking “above the heads” of the rest of us here. In fact I believe that this is the very place where the loftiest thoughts might find fruitful ground for their growth. What I object to is the use of Latin and Greek words where perfectly suitable English words are available. For me, it’s the difference between knowing a lot, and constantly proving that one knows a lot. I know German extremely well, but if I were to start rabbiting on about Gestalt and Weltanschauung, I would not expect to be making my point particularly well…

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Just make sure you don’t fall for Schadenfreude. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

May 12, 2020 3:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, a damn good word… Very tempting…

May 12, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  wardropper

WD; George: Thanks again. I’ll drop the German. The only reason for including it is that the subjective social sciences – the interpretative humanities (”mind-sciences”) – split from the natural sciences largely in 19th century Germany. Where ”Geist” as mind or spirit as a collectivity is such an important concept. As for Heidegger: he is hoisted by his own hermeneutics. He placed the ”being of beings” as a lived of language; a cultural enactment; a historical emplacement – as an expression of a particular temporality (Being is Time) …as a historical specificity in Germany. Where he was a member of the Nazi party from 1933-1945. So if we have to understand his writings as a spirit of the age? And likewise Gadamer. But going back to the article: identifying individuals and entities outside of the nexus of language, thought, culture, and historical emplacement gets us nowhere. The facts are easy – for we few – to understand …but the context. The scientific interpretation – which was differentiated as ”explaining” – gives us rational actor thinking grounded in pure logic. And the hermeneutic interpretation gives us cultural context; based in historical tradition and grounded in being and the absolute. Which are the ”Two Cultures” with no integrated perspective on humanity …the mythical ‘Third Culture”. Neither of which perspectives incorporate the economy. Which is clearly implicated. Both scientism and historicism pangloss the pre-dominant dark nature of the human intellectual tradition. If I can use one overlong word: the historical intellectual tradition of man understanding man – which obviously did produce pre-eminent moments of beauty – is also primarily a ”anthropodicy” a justification of goodness of humanity. Which works by the aesthetic and rational erasure of an over-dominant economic order: which is naturalised and mythologised by the great big intellectual Myth it vindicates… Read more »

May 12, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  BigB

My thanks, BigB, for your very gracious willingness to meet your reader half way. For myself, I admit I sometimes play devil’s advocate for the purpose of clarifying complex issues and trying to come to a workable conclusion, but perhaps I sometimes go too far.
In the present case, dealing with what we might call, “Advanced English”, I try to imagine what effect some of your in-depth comments might have if they were presented to someone like the current President of the US, or the current Prime Minister in the UK – someone with the actual authority to act upon any good ideas which they might agree your comments contain. But, regrettably, I have to say, that I am certain they would not read further than five or six lines, nor do I think they would even hand on the text to an assistant who might be able to boil it down to material which our bumpkin leaders might find easier to digest.
That is probably the real reason I have had reservations about the intelligibility of your comments, while, on the other hand, I really feel it is arrogant and impertinent of me to presume to comment upon your style.
I admire, appreciate and strongly support good English, so I intend to make the effort to get your message, especially since you, yourself, are so clearly prepared to put no small effort into stating it.
Thanks again.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Gestalt and Weltanschauung are in Webster’s, both of them perfectly naturalized English words. As is the perfectly naturalized English word Guerilla to which Addison (1670-1720) objected as mere showing off in polite society that one had been to Spain.

May 12, 2020 3:03 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Well done, Doctor. But you have missed the point. When a normal well-educated British person hears others talking about Gestalt, or Weltanschauung, he probably wishes they wouldn’t, unless, of course, they are discussing German-speaking philosophers and German culture. Those are NOT “perfectly naturalized English words”, but belong in the domain of those who wish to show how much of the Webster’s Dictionary they have memorized. They are pretentious English words, and they pollute the language if used inappropriately. Let’s look at the converse of this: I live in Iceland, and many Icelanders who are rightly proud of their beautiful, if complicated, language, experience considerable dismay at the tendency of their compatriots to insert a great many English words into their sentences (yes, of course the Internet is responsible). Those in the past who had standards and who made reasonable demands upon their culture, even invented a new word for “computer” (tölva) back in the days when computer technology was beginning to catch on here, rather than just use the English one, and I admire them for doing so. Similarly, I can’t help noticing when Germans use such idiotic terminology as, “Das Baby”, when their own “Der Säugling” has just as few syllables and is no more difficult for a German to pronounce. “Das Handy” (for a mobile phone – mispronounced, “Hendy”) is another weird example. Addison (1670-1720) was right, even though one is generally helpless before the onslaught of modern cultural sloppiness. No one is denying that it is perfectly possible to fill one’s conversation with foreign words, and I don’t really object to people doing so, but I somehow feel obliged to ask, WHY would one want to do that? If it costs a little effort to come up with a good domestic word, is that really such a… Read more »

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  wardropper

@War Dropper (with best wishes for the eventual triumph of that name): Those are NOT “perfectly naturalized English words”, but belong in the domain of those who wish to show how much of the Webster’s Dictionary they have memorized. They are pretentious ….

I do not wish to be contentious. Neither did I wish to introduce a personal note into my previous reply, but now I must add that personally I learnt the meaning of both Gestalt and Weltanschaung as English words in English books on popular psychology and sociology, without being conscious of their German origin. As to their being pretentious, Weltanschaung is not a word I have ever used in ordinary conversation (and neither for that matter is Worldview) but Gestalt and Gestalt Psychology I certainly have; to me Gestalt is as English as Blitskrieg and Lager. Conversely I think it jolly broadminded of our German cousins to have adopted that English Baby.

May 13, 2020 4:00 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Well, I do no wish to be contentious either, Dr. Maroudas, and I apologize if I adopted a rough tone. After all, this is only a side issue in the context of the article above. My view basically boils down to an enjoyment of the characteristics of different languages, and I would consider it sad if they were all to be somehow homogenized (“from small beginnings…”).
Blitzkrieg is no less effective if translated (loosely) into “lightning attack”, or something like that, while Lager was a handy word to import along with the drink which was not even available in the UK until relatively recently.
Languages have depth, apart from the literal meaning of their words, and it is easier to identify with some of the undercurrents of a language if access to them is not confused.
So I suppose I am arguing from an artistic, rather than a scientific, viewpoint – for me it’s like the question of whether to play a Beethoven piano sonata in a Beethoven-like style, or to lapse occasionally into the style of Grieg. Both composers wrote beautifully for the piano, but their national and personal character is very different.
But I’m getting more involved in this than it’s worth. I have no objection at all to you enjoying languages in the way you see fit. Best wishes, WD.

May 11, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  BigB

Excellent BB, but i think i still prefer the original- its more musical.


George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Now there’s a fine occasion for ranting about dumbing down. Who nowadays writes rhymes with “Heidegger” and “Aristotle”?

May 11, 2020 2:10 PM

Randomly searched “Guardian man”. Of the top 10 results: My life in sex: the man with a small penis | The Guardian — Man with a pram | Moneyless man | My life in sex: the man who sleeps with straight men | Covid-19 found in semen of infected men
All in all, it’s pretty depressing being Guardian man.

May 11, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

We can be eternally thankful for the divine intervention which steered us away from it. My muscle memory now automatically presses the right keys to shut down any accidental contact with that sleeping slob which still pretends to be a “guardian”…

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 11, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Covid-19 found in semen of infected men

I suppose that is one way to “sex up” these boring tests.

May 11, 2020 6:18 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

People are so careless with their semen these days…

George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2020 9:19 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Quite right. I always check my semen before I ejaculate. (Indeed these days I check it INSTEAD of ejactulating!)

May 11, 2020 6:23 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Unfortunately the PCR test is so crap that there is no knowing what it was reacting positive to. Up to 80% false positives plus false negatives and the rest……..

George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2020 9:24 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Covid-19 found in semen of infected men

My one hope is that these increasingly aggressive attempts to thrust COVID into every nook of your life (sorry about the Freudian imagery!) will backfire. Perhaps when we get to the headline “Every third breath you take contains COVID” maybe some folks will start to wise up (though I daresay the majority will be holding every third breath).

May 12, 2020 2:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wild animals mesmerized by the headlights of the speeding truck which spells their doom. It really isn’t very different from that.
About thirty years ago, a good friend of mine, with whom I shared an enthusiastic loathing for Maggie Thatcher, pointed out that for all her many, and ghastly, faults, she wasn’t all that much of a liar. Typically, she would say, “This government is going to do this, that, and the other” (such as wreck everything in society which doesn’t turn in a good profit for her Treasury), after which the population, inasfar as it had an interest in the things which make life worth living, would mutter to themselves, “Oh, no, she wouldn’t dare to go that far…” But she always DID dare to go that far, and even gained admirers for her “tough” (barbarian/philistine) leadership.
There are countless thousands of us now who are constantly urging each other to “wake up”, but we need to be clear exactly what our sleeping and waking states actually are.
The alarm bells are all ringing right now. The speeding headlights are only metres away. We have to protect ourselves, or jump. Then we identify, and go after, the inebriated speeding driver…

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 13, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Reminds me of that song by “The Police”:

“Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take, I’ll be watching you
Every single day and every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay, I’ll be watching you”

(nowadays known as “contact tracing”)

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
May 11, 2020 2:06 PM

As is widely reported Neil Ferguson’s predictions of 500,000 deaths in the UK unless there was a complete lock down had a big influence on Boris Johnson decision to lock down the UK. While watching UK Column I was first made aware of the tweet by Neil Ferguson that he had used thousands of lines of undocumented computer code written 13 plus year ago to make his prediction. As a computer programmer with some forty years experience I was very surprised by this. Proper documentation of computer code is a basic requirement and vital if proper testing is to be carried out. I then became aware of the Lockdown Sceptics website and there interest in Neil Ferguson’s code. From this I found that a tweet John Carmack tweet that the original code was a single file consisting of 15000 lines of code worked on for decades. There is also this https: //www.thetimes.co.uk/article/neil-ferguson-interview-no-10s-infection-guru-recruits-game-developers-to-build-coronavirus-pandemic-model-zl5rdtjq5 It can be seen without a subscription if you have a login. The quote comes from this paragraph: “Yet for other scientists the big problem with Ferguson’s model is that they cannot tell how it works. It consists of several thousand lines of dense computer code, with no description of which bits of code do what. Ferguson agreed this is a problem. “For me the code is not a mess, but it’s all in my head, completely undocumented. Nobody would be able to use it . . . and I don’t have the bandwidth to support individual users.” He plans to put that right by working with Carmack and others to publish the entire program as an interactive website.” This interview is dated March 29th. The original code was written in the computer language ‘c’ but has been converted to the computer language ‘c++’ with some bug fixes… Read more »

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 11, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

I tracked down the Lockdown Sceptics site, and I think it is worth knowing about:


Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 11, 2020 3:08 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

@Brian Sides: “Neil Ferguson’s predictions of 500,000 deaths in the UK unless there was a complete lock down had a big influence on Boris Johnson’s decision to lock down the UK.”

I would read that backwards, thus: “Boris Johnson’s decision to lock down the UK had a big influence on Neil Ferguson’s predictions of 500,000 deaths in the UK unless there was a complete lock down.”

And Johnson did not make a decision; he followed an instruction. As, in turn, did Ferguson. Follow the money.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 11, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Hi Brian, seen your comments elsewhere, so your name is now familiar to me.

I’m retired now, but did spend 37 or so years in IT, admittedly not always programming, but doing a fair amount of it, including intensive debugging on many occasions. (I was on the systems rather than the applications side). I still do a bit for my own entertainment or to keep the brain alive somewhat.

I haven’t looked at this code to be honest, as sharper keener minds than mine have already done so, but it does sound like the worst form of what we used to call “spaghetti code”.

But quite apart from the code, there ought to have been things like specifications, a summary of the algorithm(s) used, even some old-fashioned flowcharts.

He should be able to describe in words the approach the model is taking, and if he can’t, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, even if he claims “it’s all in my head”.

I’m not convinced that converting it from C to C++ was necessary or an improvement at this stage in the program’s life, but that’s probably something for techies to argue about ad infinitem. It might have been better to write it in C++ to begin with, but maybe C++ was still too new at the time it was originally written. Admittedly, he’s had plenty of time since then to learn C++ and re-write it from scratch.

But to convert it from C to C++ while apparently having no separate documentation for it (specs, algorithms, etc), seems a little bizarre.

May 11, 2020 8:17 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

It seems to me that it was deliberately written that way so that it could NOT be peer reviewed.

Even the source-code of a bog standard web page, has comments added to various sections of HTML, to make it’s purpose known.

May 11, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Ferguson sounds like a total chancer saying the code is all in his head and can explain it to some one else.

Are people that bloody daft??!

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
May 11, 2020 1:38 PM

How can a test ascertain ‘immunity’ to any virus? Do they mean only those vaccinated would be considered immune? You aren’t necessarily immune to Covid-19 if you have fought it off before, surely? Am I missing something here?

May 11, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

Let’s put it this way: Bill Gates would like us to miss something here…

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 11, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest

You are immune to Cov19 but not to its progeny Cov20, 21, 22, 23 … .

It takes about a year to prepare and test a vaccine (years longer if you want a safe vaccine) while Flu viruses mutate about once a month. By the end of 2021 WHO will have rolled out the vaccine for Corona of the Year 2019; meantime there will be half a dozen generations of descendants against which the Cov19 vaccine will be useless. Every poultry farmer knows there is no good vaccine against Corona (alias Bird Flu). Most people know that even if you get a new vaccination every year that does not necessarily prevent one catching the flu.

The Gates Flu Virus Protection scheme is as big a scam as his Microsoft Virus Protection scheme — and for the same reason, there is no lasting solution to either. What Microsoft and Big Pharma are after is tying every person on earth into buying ever new “protection” against ever new viruses.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
May 11, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Bingo. So my instincts are right, another red herring.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Oops! “By the end of 2020 ….”

Gill Bates
Gill Bates
May 11, 2020 1:28 PM

Coronavirus is RNA type virus. In this context, it means Replicate Non Accurately. SARS was also a Coronovirus. It was around for a few months, then left. (And the Camel jockeys got back on the hump). So, anyone who talks about herd immunity or second waves or vacines is having you on. Apparently, an over zelous doctor in China found a corpse that had expired to due a viral lung infection last year. And two doctors continuing the investigation also died. Well, dying in China is commonplace. Income tax defaulters get shot in the back of the head viewed by stadium watchers. China by design, flouts all civillised norms of human rights. So a “lockdown” (perhaps a psuedo word from a Microsoft software instruction manual) would be tollerated at the threat of force. It should also be appreciated that the current embezzelers/rulers of African states, are going along with this white man Fergeuson. (Knowing of course nobody dies in Africa of a cold- is too hot and too hot for virus, and that AIDS kill far more than anything else. But soon there will be famine in Africa, and a queue for the white man money payouts..) But back to RNA. The real investment needs to made in a chemical that that targets protein bonds that are applicable to all coronavirus, and not some cheap vaccine. But the most incredulous aspect of all of this is that the proffesional opionions of 30year expert virologists are being ignored. Is this the Internet? Do you really think that your access to the Internet makes you an expert? When you click on your search result, have you ever considered that there are many,many pages of search results you didn’t click on? Perhaps “Do no evil” expects you to click on the first result?… Read more »

May 11, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  Gill Bates

The Sars-CoV-2 virus is real.

Thousands of full genomes of its 30,000 letters are available and being studied – more daily.

It will tell us about what, when and WHERE it began.

Yes there is plenty of crisis profiting going on – not just money but power.
Including absurd misinformation.
It does not make the new virus any less real.

Tomorrow we will see what excess deaths there were for the weekending 1/5.
I’m hoping for well below 10k.

May 11, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Thank you for the absurd misinformation. You clearly restrict your reading materials to within 2 metres as well… Do you actually hope to contribute something here, or learn something? It sure doesn’t look like it.

May 11, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I wasn’t disagreeing with the o/p and added some detail.

I contribute regularly to bring more sources, new information and personal opinion too. Like this which you have obviously missed (seeing that you haven’t responded to where iposted it):-

I don’t think putting up Gates and Ferguson as the scapegoats to draw the fire and the cover up of the corona virus pandemic failures are going to be enough for the British Public to forget what has always been Plan A – for Bozo to deliver.

Speaking ahead of post-Brexit trade talks on 3 February 2020, Greenwich, London



‘Revealed: How Britain’s profiteering spymasters ignored the country’s biggest threats like coronavirus—and endangered the public’

By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis• 7 May 2020


It adds to Venessa’s ‘revelations’.

May 11, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Well I’ll admit I don’t read OffG “cover-to-cover” every day, but simply comment on articles or other comments where they catch my eye. In this case my eye was caught by something you have chosen to trust:

Thousands of full genomes of its 30,000 letters are available and being studied – more daily. It will tell us about what, when and WHERE it began

, while other sources of expert scientific opinion claim that their research shows that the existence of these “full genomes” is actually far more elusive than the mainstream – cherry-picked – men in white coats would like us to realize.
I haven’t time right now to dig up the links, but many of them were arrived at from other contributions here.

May 11, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yeah well I’m more than happy to back up what I quote.


3050 SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences were retrieved from GIASID database. After aligned by MAFFT, the mutation patterns were identified by phylogenetic tree analysis. Results: We detected 17 high frequency (>6%) mutations in the 3050 sequences. Based on these mutations, we classed the SARS-CoV-2 into four main groups and 10 subgroups. We found that group A was mainly presented in Asia, group B was primarily detected in North America, group C was prevailingly appeared in Asia and Oceania and group D was principally emerged in Europe and Africa. Additionally, the distribution of these groups was different in age, but was similar in gender. Group A, group B1 and group C2 were declined over time, inversely, group B2, group C3 and group D were rising. At last, we found two apparent expansion stages (late Jan-2020 and late Feb-2020 to early Mar-2020, respectively). Notably, most of groups are quickly expanding, especially group D. Conclusions: We classed the SARS-CoV-2 into four main groups and 10 subgroups based on different mutation patterns at first time. The distribution of the 10 subgroups was different in geography, time and age, but not in gender. Most of groups are rapidly expanding, especially group D. Therefore, we should attach importance to these genetic diversity patterns of SARS-CoV-2 and take more targeted measures to constrain its spread.


That is upto date published last week.

So going to find some science which disputes that?

May 11, 2020 6:36 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

I’ll look into your data later today when I have more time. For now, addressing your concluding sentences, let me just say, hypothetically, for example: “What I heard on Fox News today is up-to-date, published just an hour ago. So, going to find some science which disputes that?” The whole point is the ultimate trustworthiness of the information one sees. One has to research and one has to think. No data on earth is automatically trustworthy, because it is all collected, catalogued and interpreted by human beings. You would also certainly agree with me that human beings are not automatically to be trusted either.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 6:06 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

@Done Groaning: “So going to find some science which disputes that?”

Yes, you find a cautionary warning by the authors in that Cambridge report itself: conclusions are subject to modification by further sampling. A point reinforced by subsequent scientific comment on the method used.

Genetic Linkage Lines in that Cambridge report were derived from only 3,050 samples out of a Corona-infected population that must number at least 1,000,000,000 worldwide. Linkages to the Wuhan samples are already skewed by steadfast refusal of Uncle $cam to allow viral sequencing of The Team from Uncle who were lodged near the Wuhan Market and performed so astonishingly badly at the NATZO Military Olympics that was held in Wuhan Sept 2019. The conclusions of Dr.Gupta from Oxford are even more cautionary: she was among the first to find evidence that many people in England must have encountered this virus months ago without ill effect. Subsequent data worldwide has reinforced the significance of her findings: the Lethality of this particular strain of ordinary Corona flu virus has been vastly exaggerated “beyond my understanding (Dr.Gupta)” by media-hyped reports from Imperial College.

“Spreading Alarm and Despondency” is a war crime.

May 12, 2020 9:36 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Dr (?) NG M,

“, you find a cautionary warning by the authors in that Cambridge report itself: ”

What Cambridge Report?

I do hope you are here to persue the scientific trail rather than play geo-politics with me – this world war seems to be deploying the new information weapons aggressively down to such bottom feeding levels as here.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

DG: “What Cambridge report?”

The one in the Link you copied and pasted from:


DG, your posts are usually fair and sensible but even the most intelligent of persons can be temporarily derailed by nonstop propaganda relentlessly proclaiming “Existential threat, Exterminate, Existential threat, Exterminate”.

As Goering famously said, you can get people to do anything you like by rallying them to “The war against the existential threat”. It’s easy, Democracy or Dictatorship, doesn’t matter which form of government.

As for my qualifications, I have a PhD from Imperial College, programmed “virtual” mathematical models when the subject called for one, but mainly published real “hands on” experimental researches into microbial and human cell biology.

May 12, 2020 11:59 AM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas


That link and research report does NOT identify it as from Cambridge. Infact it is Chinese.

I though fot a moment it might have something that it may have been from Taiwan from the mention of Kuanren.

So kindly show me that it is Cambridge.

If you pardon me I only refer to medics as Doctor.
Teachers at degree level I call Professor.
Phd’s i call postgrads.

And as I discerned and your comment confirms you are here to play games with me. I happily oblige all comers.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
May 12, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

@DG. Many thanks for your reply, and apologies for confusing two similar phylogenetic network studies: the one from Cambridge to which I was referring, and the one from China which you Linked.

Forster et al, Cambridge:

“In a phylogenetic network analysis of 160 [now over 1000] complete human Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) genomes, we find three central variants distinguished by amino acid changes, which we have named A, B, and C, with A being the ancestral type according to the bat outgroup coronavirus. The A and C types are found in significant proportions outside East Asia, that is, in Europeans and Americans. In contrast, the B type is the most common type in East Asia”

[Authors caution] “The phylogeographic patterns in the network are potentially affected by [inter alia…] sample size.”

Chen et al, China:

“…. we classed the SARS-CoV-2 into four main groups…. group A was mainly presented in Asia, group B was primarily detected in North America, group C was prevailingly appeared in Asia and Oceania and group D was principally emerged in Europe and Africa.”

[Authors alarm] “Most of groups are rapidly expanding, especially group D. Therefore, we should attach importance to … SARS-CoV-2 and take more targeted measures to constrain its spread.”

I now understand one source of your alarm; that sentence at the end of the Chinese paper [marked Authors alarm]. In contrast, the Cambridge paper merely ends with a caution over the limitations of the method [marked Authors caution].

Neither paper contains actual clinical data on morbid statistics such as Deaths from Cov19 per Million of Population, or Deaths per Million of Total Population Carrying Cov19 Antibodies; let alone Total Excess Deaths per Million of Population This Year.

May 12, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas


NG no wonder Imperial is getting stick if its postgrads can’t even differentiate between 2 studies.

How do you explain my direct quote and citation becoming confused in your mind by some other study?

That only had 160 genomes to study or did they do the (over 1000)? against the 3 THOUSAND of the Chinese study.

Alarmed? 🤣🤣🤣
Not me, i’m just a mardiarse.

You on the other hand need to go back to a bit more studying and certainly not try and confuse people thinking you are a medic with your title.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 12, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Sources, please. I’m sure Admin agrees.

May 13, 2020 4:29 AM

Some of the sources accompanied other OffG articles or comments, and I obviously don’t give sources for other people’s work. Dig away. I’m sure it can’t be all that difficult to find what you’re looking for.

May 21, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Gates is behind the ‘pandemic’ that is why we are talking about him
He funds the WHO, PHE, Imperial College, BBC, Guardian, and works with DFID and DHSC and is heavily invested in the vaccine companies and will stand to make $$$ out of the vaccine sales. He has a conflict of interests. And since when was it legal for a foreign charity to give money to our governemnt with strings attached from which that ‘charity’ will profit?

May 21, 2020 8:42 AM
Reply to  sam

Sam, Sam, Sam!

since when was it legal

Since it has NOT been illegal!
Since we have not stopped the revolving door between Private and Public Sector.
Since the late 70’s.
SInce Maggie the Milk Snatcher.

Since the counter revolution by the Aristos and their Banker overlords.

You can easily blame Gates and not be accused of Judaeophobia can you?

Try accusing these that Gates is the latest ‘face’ of – the Rockefeller’s and Rothschild’s.

Gates is the willing and public scapegoat who will cry Wolf! Or (AS!) when the get out of jail card is played.

The Pathocracy is who you need to focus on Sam not just ine of its generals.

May 21, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yes agree but its too much for the public to understand so we have to home in somewhere and it would help to pull out a large lynchpin. The conflicts of interests are provable in his case because of the Foundation’s benefit from being invested in the vaccine industry.

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Preconceptions are weird things. I note that you, DunG, have always asserted that this virus is really as deadly as it has been made out to be. You’ll excuse me if I don’t share that belief. The unmistakably histrionic tone of the MSM coverage is what aroused my suspicions. I feel a visceral loathing for the feeling that I am being manipulated. And I can’t understand those who don’t share my feelings. That would be the vast majority of the people around me.

Now you may say that this emotional predisposition of mine doesn’t prove that the virus ISN’T as deadly as made out. But then again, the very belligerence of this emotional provocation grates on me constantly. Why are they all trying their damnedest to poke me with the big emotion stick? And how can anyone simply respond with that automatic knee jerk flight?

May 11, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George I feel you!
The big emotional stick is what always riles me up too. It is what has made me up my attention to this event and it’s reporting.
The ‘fear porn’ that Philip Roddis wrote about here recently in his open letter (where is he by the way? Has he stopped submitting articles here? ).

Anyway George, I have learnt in my life to recognise and determine IF i want to succumb to emotional blackmail (sometimes it is the least overall harmful course of action – mostly to maintain domestic ‘bliss’ 😝).

But in general on facts and principles and fair play, a few other things? No surrender.

I have devoted more time in study on this in the last 3 months than i probably did in years of education! Fortunately I have reasonable working understanding of science method from that now ancient education, to keep track.

My opinion on the virus has changed , in various directions, since I started looking and is still being refined as MORE science is daily published. That is refined – not completely overturned.

As you will see from my response to WD just above.

The politics, geopolitics and power games on display via the perception management activities in the full spectrum of media are something else – and my opinion on that is just MY opinion, though it may be shared or informed by others. I decide how I feel about it.

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 7:14 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Philip Roddis doesn’t take the Off-G line which is why you don’t hear much about him around here. He has been generous enough to post articles from the “skeptical” side on his website. But this virus matter has been a very divisive matter for the ones we may broadly describe as “the Left” (amongst whom I would certainly count myself, him and most of the Off-G contingent). I got into a bit of unpleasantness with him but we kinda patched it up.

But I do feel that there is still a basic divide between those who are totally invested in the “deadly pandemic” view and those who are not. It’s almost like a religious divide – by which I don’t mean that either side is stupid. It’s just that the basic viewpoint is very much ingrained. There are those who are totally convinced that there is this unprecedented biological holocaust just waiting for them. And those who think it’s the most ludicrous hyped up bullshit they ever heard. I’m with the latter.

May 11, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ah i see – I’ll have to checkout his site then – Off barred a contributor! That has slipped under my radar.

And I also see where we are having a problem of communication

There are those who are totally convinced that there is this unprecedented biological holocaust just waiting for them. And those who think it’s the most ludicrous hyped up bullshit they ever heard. I’m with the latter.

I don’t hold either of these extremes.
I don’t believe the hype from either extreme.

Mine is a pragmatist opinion based on available knowledge and risk of the unknown.

That knowledge changes, that changes the risk too, that varies my opinion – pragmatism.

I don’t use media social or mainstream or other or youtube/fb/twitter etc to form my opinion, maybe to confirm or illustrate it or to interact with what I know to be wrong.

When it comes to scientific rigour – there is a different order of proof. It doesn’t excuse a scientist giving their interpretation of their work as a settled judgement – because it will be judged by other scientist for rigour. It has to be. That is how progress happens.

It is how we are having this ‘conversation’!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 12, 2020 4:35 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Of course Phil Roddis hasn’t been barred! What hysterical nonsense. We published his April ‘Three New Reads” piece about ten days ago. He has a monthly slot here for that.

George McC doesn’t work here and has no insider knowledge, so why he is making such silly claims and why you are giving them credence is beyond me.

May 13, 2020 5:31 PM

Admin1, Was my statement ‘hysterical’ ? I thought it was expressing mild incredulity! or are you referring to George’s response to my passing query? I recall seeing more articles by Philip Roddis in the past, regularly as well as his ‘Reads’. How does it work? Do you receive submissions or do you decide to just reproduce articles published elsewhere? For example this article we are on? I looked up Philips site , http://steelcityscribblings.uk/ There are numerous articles there on CV and the government measures which would certainly have been informative for readers here whether they agree or not. Is there any reason for not reproducing them here ? Has Philip refused? I thought i’d check his published here – the Open Letter to Off-G. Just to see if there was any further clarification/follow up and read the comments there. Well that was an eye opener ! I saw Georges exchange there and Phils responses – which are straight forward and not what shocked me. It was when I actually reviewed the ‘Open Letter’ which I had bypassed to just read the comments that I was left dumbfounded! The original Open Letter there is NOT what Off-G has published here!! There is quite a significant truncation – Why? Whose decision was that? I’ve never seen it with any other ‘reprint’, does it happen regularly? The original makes a lot more sense. Not only explaining better why he wrote it, Cattes tweet! but also the opinion of another one of the Off-G editors – which is not one I have seen expressed here at Off-G. Why? I really am more than mildly incredulous now, thanks to your intervention in this thread, that prompted me to go look for his site, that has revealed the edits to the original Philip Roddis Open Letter… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 14, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

When we offered to publish his open letter Phil decided he wanted to rewrite it for a wider audience, and we accommodated his wish.

If you want to ask him to confirm that I can give you his email, but you’re just embarrassing yourself now D.

May 14, 2020 5:06 PM

Thank you for your reply Admin 1.

It is unusual, isn’t it, that an article published somewhere is adjusted when republished?

I don’t mean ‘updated’ or ‘corrected’ with a clear signpost of such.

I suppose I should ask Mr Roddis directly why he published an ‘Open Letter’ to the Off-G and then changed it when you published it as you suggest, so thanks for letting me have his email – i have learnt valuable lessons by embarrassing myself.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 14, 2020 5:10 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

One of our editors has sent Phil a link to your comments, so he can reply here if he wants.

May 11, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

This confuses me because we are also told most assuredly by some experts that to this day the alleged virus has not ever been properly isolated and that no link has therefore been established with a syndrome called Covid-19

May 11, 2020 8:08 PM
Reply to  Ben

Well they may have done research and they have found no evidence for it – they’d publish their findings and allow peer review of their experiment, method, analysis and conclusion especially by these who had some contrary study. Has that been done by those ‘experts’?

May 12, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  Baron

MoA presents the best current analysis on all subjects it turns to in my experience of it – of course he/they are using correct method to track ‘truths’ and are not as polemic as many ‘alt’ sites … I give bernard plenty of credence.

May 12, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

MoA has one thing in common with the Guardian: vanishing of relevant – but not the party line – posts.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 12, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  Gill Bates

Really filthy, racist, Sinophobic bilge. Hate rules OK, in the dying West.

May 11, 2020 1:13 PM

The criminalizing of democratic protest — London Poll Tax Riot Documentary 1990 – The Battle of Trafalgar FULL

There are several documentaries with a similar name – making it hard to find this one: this is the one you want as it looks at police tactics and argues that they deliberately turned a demonstration into a riot, thereby criminalizing democratic protest.


May 11, 2020 12:54 PM

I see the Tories are channeling WW2 strap lines…
“Stay Alert: Watch for Tojo Snipers” has been recycled “Stay Alert, Watch for the Virus”….
I thought of another one…
“Loose Lips Sink Scientists”
“Save the Ecconomy, DNR Granny”.
“Free Mark of The Beast With Every Jab”.
“Let Nursey Dance…Die at Home”.
“DANGER VIRUS…You only Have a 99.9% Chance of Not Dying”.
“Stay Woke…and Hate those Dirty Rooskies and Bat Munching Chinese”.
“Be Safe from Covid…Catch TB when you become homeless”.

May 11, 2020 12:37 PM

Reading the Guardian comments it’s amazing to read people desperate to destroy their own economy for an illness as dangerous as the flu. It is amazing to read. I can only assume most are trolls, and they are totally in control of almost every comment.

May 11, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

a nurse was just on the radio screaming people will die without the lockdown
people will die.
as long as it takes until the vaccine is ready.
the nurse said she had been working all though and was exhausted at her wits end.

the nhs is the biggest employer in europe costing 200 billion stolen from tax payers or should that be defrauded whatever

this psychopath wants to shut the country down for 15 months

no fraud no theft no taxes no nhs

pure communism zio

May 11, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  gordon

Very funny, yes they do blame the communist too.

May 11, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  gordon

No, no this poor nursey needs time…time to get Her dance routine down pat…

May 11, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  gordon

“a nurse was just on the radio screaming people will die without the lockdown
people will die.”

Was she working in the Nightingale hospital ? You know, that one that’s been overwhelmed by all those dying Cov19 patients. ?

robert harris
robert harris
May 21, 2020 9:45 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Very interesting… some research you might be interesting that connects a few more organisations … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdaJ2ER0TkI&fbclid=IwAR3PjWE6XkjaSR1XmDrhUO9xxaDU5qnah5mPOAv-_wPS-uf2mDEHa_ySxlQ

Ros Liddle
Ros Liddle
May 11, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

I cannot get my head around this situation at all….how the general public have just given in so easily,no fight..nothing.

May 11, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  Ros Liddle

I take heart from the likelihood that the public have not given in at all, but that the media have been given strict instructions NEVER to let that come to light. We still underestimate what billions of dollars can do to the media and to our government. That fact should be in the forefront of our thoughts at all times when we try to digest “the news”.

May 11, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Our country is not bribed it is threatened.

May 12, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

It is threatened AND bribed – subject to the entire repertoire of the archetypal bully. Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing” in 2003 had nothing to do with willingness, of course. It was a Coalition of the Bribed and Threatened. That’s what American diplomacy is today. It’s always, “Look, if you do what we want, we can promise that there will be tremendous profit in it for both of us”, followed quickly by, “Look, if you DON’T do what we want, there will be crippling sanctions applied to your international trade and we’ll put you on our blacklist of terrorist sympathizers”.
The banking crash of 2008 began in the USA, when unbelievable institutional and international greed came to light, which made it inevitable that the same systems of greed in the UK and elsewhere would also come to light. The huge amounts of money rushing into all sorts of shadowy back alleys at the time involved a great deal of palm-greasing, a.k.a. bribery. And the same is going on right now, as we speak.

May 11, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Ros Liddle

Bribed with 80% of their wages for doing nothing.

May 11, 2020 4:05 PM
Reply to  jay

That’s a pretty devastating point, and essentially true. After all, are you going to go and complain to your boss about getting only 80% of your wages, when you know he can turn around and ask you if you would prefer zero wages…?

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 11, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Ros Liddle

Plenty of people about today I noticed, and the 2 metre distance wasn’t being observed quite so religiously. Unfortunately, most small businesses in my area are still closed and look like remaining closed. Only one person in front of me in the supermarket queue this morning and it happened to be an old friend, so that was nice. So was feeling quite positive until I saw all the gloom and doom in most of the headlines in the newspapers.

May 11, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Ros Liddle

The British are cowards.

May 12, 2020 2:55 AM
Reply to  jack(jim)

No more than any other western nations today are cowards – and no more than sheep are cowards, for that matter.
This is not cowardice, but ignorance – a mark of success of decades of brainwashing into the acceptance of a cosy “cup-of-tea/coffee/beer-in-front-of-the-TV” existence which the “authorities” would like us to believe is quintessentially British.
I don’t consider that cowardly. It’s just lazy.
Fortunately, the “authorities” have also succeeded, through sheer habit of thought, in brainwashing themselves into believing that the “world order” they are trying to put into place is a good idea, but, frankly, they are not bright enough to make it anything other than a catastrophe. You need exceptional human qualities to reorganize the WHOLE of human society, and the people behind the NWO are barely even human, let alone bright…

May 11, 2020 12:31 PM

Just shown my 10 year-old the ‘beginners guide’ to Forbidden Archaeology * to open up the discussion that what we are taught is only a version of reality and not even a very convincing one. The idea that we live in the best of all possible worlds – and by implication that there is nothing more to know – is central to creating an unquestioning, docile population. The central tenets are that civilization is recent, just a few thousand years old, and linear; that it has never been much different (a hierarchy telling us what we need to know); that the sources of knowledge have been fixed and crucially the references – to which we refer to validate everything in our society – present no challenge to the owners. So much of what passes for science is political. Not necessarily the science itself (though sometimes even the science is biased, political and corrupt, as you can see with much of eugenics) but the elimination of inconvenient science. The rejection of catastrophe, and evidence that civilizations can be destroyed and can rise again, is central to modern science and is also a very convenient political ruse: there is no alternative. The reassurance that everything evolves for the better, without significant interruption, is a political construct. It is not scientific, in fact it often runs counter to science. The method of ensuring nothing challenges the ruling ideology is the ‘knowledge filter’ suppressing any information that does not fit. Virginia Steen-McIntyre’s career was destroyed when, in 1966 in Hueyatlaco, Mexico, she discovered a site of human occupation that was convincingly radio-dated to 250,000 years old. Just one example of a victim of the knowledge filter. The order in which civilizations rise, the direction in which peoples migrate, their color, the political structures of… Read more »

May 11, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“Charles Darwin, in contrast, was rapidly embraced”, because Darwinism justifies capitalism!! Survival of the fittest, yeah, right…
Fortunately, there are more and more voices questioning that blind faith in Darwinism. Google e.g. “Jonathan Wells Icons of Evolution pdf”

May 11, 2020 5:51 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I very much enjoyed Michael Cremo’s talk about “Forbidden Archaeology”. Highly interesting, but it certainly shows incidentally how difficult it is to get alternative research into the consciousness of establishment scientific circles… Reminds me of how many paths are smoothed if one can state that one received an Oxford education, as in the case of Neil Ferguson, whose scientific brilliance certainly doesn’t fill my consciousness with light…
Still, as Cremo says, we all ultimately have to look at the evidence and make up our own minds.

May 11, 2020 10:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

An almost great comment completely undermined by the crass traducing of Darwin. Almost every word of your sentence about him is wrong except his name. For a start he was reticent about publishing his theory on natural selection being responsible for evolution of ALL life on Earth – the Tree of Life. He was only pushed into it publishing it by the work of another scientist who independently came to it from his own studies – Wallace. It is a very thrilling tale – not too many years ago celebrated so I am perplexed you don’t know it! Humboldt was a great discoverer too but bein German doesn’t get any mention. Anyway Darwinism (he got his name on it first) has nothing to do with survival of the ‘fittest’ in the sense of the word most people understand it as i.e strongest etc. Fittest in his meaning refers to adaptability to the environment – fitting in. Much of the great and good and establishment did not welcome it. Many objected to the final nail in the literal bible Genesis story – it had been coming for a while because of fossils, and sea shells at tops of mountains and so on which had already proved geological ages – a tad longer than 6,000 years. There were these who objected to being related to monkeys never mind ALL life on Earth! And others who decided their Anglo Saxon superiority needed a rationale that sounded scientific as well as god given, which they eventually turned into their eugenics – the theory of the survival of their superiority by virtue of being strongest – having guns and gunboats mostly. Please try not to poison 10 year olds minds there is enough of that in some schools already – there has already been a… Read more »

May 11, 2020 12:30 PM

It looks like the deep state are throwing Bill gates under the bus to take the blame for a lot of this. As long as the Empire is not in the firing line, anyone can be sacrificed.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 11, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

“It looks like the deep state are throwing Bill gates under the bus”

I wish I shared your optimism, jack

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Please make it a fully-loaded double decker.

May 11, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

…then sadly a steam-roller happened to be following the bus.

May 11, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

He is being demonised in a massive campaign across all faux alternative sites. Surely you can see that.

May 11, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

The same tactic they used Trump ?

May 11, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  jack(jim)

It certainly looks that way, I’ll admit, but I will never underestimate the power of the billions of dollars in the atmosphere these people breathe to paint whatever picture they think will befog us the most. I’ll believe it when CoVid, along with its iniquitous vaccination programme, evaporates.

May 11, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  John Pretty


Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 12:13 PM

There is currently no government guidance on the coronavirus and social distancing. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-social-distancing-and-for-vulnerable-people/guidance-on-social-distancing-for-everyone-in-the-uk-and-protecting-older-people-and-vulnerable-adults
The guidance is being updated.

So the government’s one number priority, the coronavirus, is in a policy limbo. I suspect this policy limbo says more about who runs the British government than all the connect-the-dots work that Vanessa and others have engaged in.

There really is no master plan, no grand conspiracy. Policy-makers are, as is their wont, muddling through. They are reacting to various demands, especially the hysterical fear-mongering of the corporate media. Their primary concern is, as always, with their own careers.

What we are witnessing (or participating) in is nothing more than just another case of collective madness. This one is primarily driven by fear.

May 11, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

If you know the population have had enough, and want to get back to work, because this flu is not serious and it is destroying the economy, but your applications to reopen the economy are going unanswered in Washington, because they want you to destroy more of your economy, then you are in a conflict.

May 11, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

So, this fiasco is happening around the world…and there is no conspiracy…
India is being locked down because 3 people caught the phony crony, meantime 100’s of thousands die of other communicable disease EVERY year…
Ordo ab Chao…
Only, it is just chaos, murder and lies non-stop.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  jay

Jay, your argument is an example of the well known logical fallacy known as argument from incredulity.

May 11, 2020 1:00 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Yeah, it is all just coincidence…

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  jay

Jay And whilst sarcasm may make you feel superior, it is not even an argument.

May 11, 2020 1:22 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

You know, some people rightly scoff and sneer at the possible existance of riddiculous conspiracy theories. Many of these enlightened folk have every confidence that Tony and George will be back real soon with those WMDs.
Enjoy that kool aid.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 1:34 PM
Reply to  jay

Jay, I have neither scoffed nor have I sneered. Nor have I resorted to logical fallacies, still less have I resorted to sarcasm. If you have evidence to show the motivation is other than the claimed one of saving lives, perhaps you would care to present it?

May 11, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I’ll refer you to, virtually the whole production of this website for the last two months…I’ll refer you to 99% of the posters, some of them very knowledgeable people.
You are right though, sarcasm deserves better than virus fools.

May 11, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

That’s right the tories killed 140000 with austerity ’cause they had no money, now they have oodles of dough…30000 old died from hypothermia last year…320000 on the streets…
The tories care about saving lives….hahahahahahahahaha….
Get yer Shill Book updated Mr Regiment 77th Brigade of Judas’s.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 2:04 PM
Reply to  jay

Jay, I have to wonder why you think a logical fallacy (argument from incredulity) and name calling is a sound, persuasive argument?

May 11, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

And your debating technique is to evade questions by claims to authority. Unfortunately, you are such an obvious dissembler.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  jay

claims to authority

What claims to authority?

May 11, 2020 2:40 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Again, the arbiter of what is ‘legitimate’ debate speaketh…

May 11, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Well, that seems to have run its course…

May 11, 2020 7:45 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

”If you have evidence to show the motivation is other than the claimed one of saving lives, perhaps you would care to present it?”

Government policy over the past 20 years is targeted at killing the old disabled, unemployed and sick. Why would I expect them to change that policy during the Covid scam?

Where have you been over the past 2o years ? with your head in the sand ? Its is all being done in plain view.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  jay

“Many of these enlightened folk have every confidence that Tony and George will be back real soon with those WMDs”.

Didn’t George find them under a table in the Oval Office?

May 11, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Under the floorboards, actually. It mustn’t be too easy to find them…

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 4:12 PM
Reply to  wardropper
Victor G.
Victor G.
May 11, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  jay

Take the hint, bro … Don’t argue from incredulity. Simple, no?

May 11, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Being credulous, on the other hand, is just great.
Who said that common sense has to follow the rules of “logic”, anyway? Logic actually has a hard time dealing with “intuition”, for example, but, like the colours you perceive as red, or blue, you know it when you experience it.
I would never dismiss logic, but it is possible to recognize it as only one part of human experience, and not everybody accepts logic as their automatic king. Experience is experience, and not everybody who experiences something is a lunatic.

May 12, 2020 12:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

>I would never dismiss logic, but it is possible to recognize it as only one part of human experience, and not everybody accepts logic as their automatic king.

Thanks for that, wardropper. CV is being hyped far beyond apparent reason.
Cui bono?

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Policy-makers are, as is their wont, muddling through. They are reacting to various demands, especially the hysterical fear-mongering of the corporate media.

So the fear mongering in the corporate media is the initiator? To what end? Just to scare people for the hell of it? Note: It is the CORPORATE media i.e. what they pump out is always to the advantage of the corporations which own them. And you really think that policy makers are separate from them? No interference? No connection? Is it all just a bit of a lark then?

How many politicians are up to their eyeballs in corporate interests? Recall the oil bandwagon with the Bushes? “Tony Blair Associates”? And speaking of our Blair man, he wouldn’t even have come into power without securing a nice little arrangement with the Murdoch empire. All sown up in one big incestuous package.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc It must be a day for logical fallacies. Rhetorical questions are not an argument, still less can they provide a sound substitute for facts. You imply that you know the motivation of government politicians. I know I do not know their motivation(s). They assert that they are motivated solely by a concern to save lives, but their “lockdown” measures are, when judged by that criterion, irrational, irresponsible and incompetent. However, I cannot infer from that that they are in fact lying about their motivation. Whatever their motivation is, it is a matter of fact: and to know a fact requires empirical evidence. If you have empirical evidence as to their motivation perhaps you would share it?

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Where is my rhetorical question? I pointed out well known connections between politicians, corporations and the media. These show that the media is not some separate entity that just “does its own thing”. And these connections show that it is not enough to talk about the “motivations” of politicians, as if these politicians, like your implied “free media”, are somehow working on their own and therefore free to indulge in psychological whimsy.

All of the above shows that judging speakers on their stated aims is, to say the least, naïve, just as musing on their motivations indefinitely postpones any conclusion. Instead we should look at what is really happening. Off-G has shown over and over that the actual statistics do not justify the lockdown, that furthermore, these statistics have been consistently massaged in such a way that constantly boosts the death figures and that therefore this lockdown (justified by these fudged figures) is motivated by something other than concern for health.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So the fear mongering in the corporate media is the initiator? To what end? Just to scare people for the hell of it?

you really think that policy makers are separate from them? No interference? No connection? Is it all just a bit of a lark then?

How many politicians are up to their eyeballs in corporate interests?

I trust that answers your query.

As to you substantive point. You are completely misrepresenting me. I have repeatedly pointed out that the “lockdown” measures are, judged on the criterion of saving lives, irrational, irresponsible and incompetent. However, I know that does not prove that saving lives is not the motivation. People are perfectly capable of being irrational. People are perfectly capable of being irresponsible. And people are perfectly capable of being incompetent.

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I wouldn’t have said that these are rhetorical questions. I meant them to be answered and did so with two myself. And in doing this, I was just following the logic of your stance. The only reason the media (assuming it to be “free”) would have for the fear mongering if they had not been involved in a concerted and unified phenomenon is that they were just “being sensationalist” and just “trying to sell papers”. But we are not talking about the customary celeb gossip stuff here. This lockdown with its concomitant fear spreading is very much a matter of govt policy.

My second question queries your apparent assumption that policy makers are separate from corporate interests. But perhaps you do not think that yourself? Let’s say there is room for manoeuvring here.

My third question was about politicians being in bed with corporate interests. Now that is something that is well documented. So I suppose this may be rhetorical in that the answer seemed obvious to me.

People are perfectly capable of being irrational. People are perfectly capable of being irresponsible. And people are perfectly capable of being incompetent.

And the opposite is true too. Very well then. I suspect the worst whereas you make allowances. I would like you to be right. But I fear you’re not.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc It is not that I make allowances, as you put it. It is that I know one can only know the answer to an empirical question by empirical evidence. One cannot know a matter of fact by reason or intuition.

Here’s simple illustration: imagine someone wanted to know if there was bread in the bread bin. Would this person simply respond to the question with their gut feeling? Would they reason that bread is kept in the bread bin, therefore there is bread in the bread bin? Of course not. They would look in the bread bin and see. They would do this because they know they cannot know whether or not there is bread in the bread bin by intuition or reason, but only by empirical investigation. Everyone knows this. Yet when it comes to complex matters, lots of people seem to forget this simple epistemological rule and think they can know facts by mere intuition or reasoning.

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I gave the wrong impression when I said, “make allowances”. All I meant is that you are taking a brighter view. That’s why I hope you are right.

As for “epistemology” and “empiricism”, yeah whatever.

May 11, 2020 12:09 PM

Time for some light relief. Comedian Andrew Lawrence has been producing regular video sketches about the lockdown (I see he was a link yesterday on Toby Young’s Lockdownsceptics.com).

This pithy twitter comment from him deserves to be shared.


May 11, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  JudyJ
Despair Squid
Despair Squid
May 11, 2020 12:04 PM

A powerful and valuable article ready for the great reckoning (I hope!).

There is a great similar (but shorter) piece on Rubikon from yesterday, apologies if it’s already been posted:


It’s in German but automatically translates well.

The incompetence of the UK response must surely become obvious to the mainstream audience at some stage…

May 11, 2020 11:53 AM

IMO calls for early planning to prepare for total population Flu Vaccination programme Warning that such an ambitious programme will not be without challenge The President of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), Dr. Padraig McGarry, has said that the Government’s plans for a total population flu vaccine programme will require urgent and detailed planning now if it is to be successful. Dr. McGarry said that the IMO fully supported the announcement (this morning) by the Minister for Health that he was seeking a total population flu vaccine scheme. Dr. McGarry said that such a population wide scheme was critically important this year in the context of Covid-19; “Covid-19 changes the flu challenge completely. We simply can’t have the double-whammy of a Flu and Covid-19 crisis this winter. We have to up our game in respect of flu vaccinations and a total population approach is the way to do it.” However Dr. McGarry warned that such an ambitious programme would not be without challenge; “If this is to work as it must, we have to invest immediately in detailed planning to get it right. The key will be to vaccinate people as early as possible. The IMO will work with the Government to agree an ambitious programme and we look forward to an early engagement on the issue.” Dr. McGarry also warned that the Government can not assume that people will be enthusiastic for a broad vaccination programme; “the sad reality is that the authorities have lost some ground to fringe movements of anti-vaxers. We have to redouble our efforts to educate people about the necessity and the safety of vaccination and we must not concede any ground to reactionaries or fringe commentators who are only interested in stoking fear.” Dr. McGarry also stressed the importance of a GP focussed vaccination… Read more »

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 11, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

“the sad reality is that the authorities have lost some ground to fringe movements of anti-vaxers”

This is where I get really annoyed. It doesn’t matter if vaccination is safe or not.

Governments still have no moral authority to force it on you if you don’t want it. You can say no. You don’t have to justify your choice.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

“The President of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), Dr. Padraig McGarry, has said that the Government’s plans for a total population flu vaccine programme will require urgent and detailed planning now if it is to be successful”.

And a lot more soldiers than they have now.

May 11, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

“We have to redouble our efforts to educate people about the necessity and the safety of vaccination and we must not concede any ground to reactionaries or fringe commentators who are only interested in stoking fear.”

Straight out of Orwell’s 1984. The Dr McGarry ‘s of this world need to be sent to a penal colony. Ireland and its people deserve better than this deranged individual.

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 11:43 AM

Some of my “Right On” colleagues have started to post these “Rebel” slogans:




All of which marks one essential difference between the Great Depression of the 30s and the one we are about to plunge into. The earlier one happened entirely TO the masses who were under no illusions about it. The one we are facing now will be triumphantly cheered on BY the masses as they posture radically while getting shafted by the very forces they think they are threatening.

May 12, 2020 3:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Surely it will only by triumphantly cheered on by the masses until it really starts to hurt. Then, they will be looking for someone to blame, and someone to make the pain go away.
1933 Germany, anybody…? There are still people who think that the 3rd Reich hasn’t run its course yet, and NOT learning the lessons of history is still a very popular pastime in the higher eschelons of western society. Again and again, they use the same tricks, and again and again, society falls for them. Only education can fix that, which is why education has been so drastically undermined for decades. The authorities don’t want it fixed.

May 11, 2020 11:41 AM

so man have so much to gain 🙁

May 11, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse


John Pretty
John Pretty
May 11, 2020 11:28 AM

More tireless work from Vanessa. It will take some time to read properly! I just wanted to mention an off-topic matter which has come up on the twitter feed. I don’t have a twitter account (conscious choice) so cannot comment directly. It concerns death certificates. I think there is confusion here, so here are some extracts from my grandfather’s death certificate, which I have in front of me (and which is typical of these documents). He died on 8th July 2001. The system in place in England and Wales, by the way is not the same as in Scotland, which has always had a separate system. The certificate (on A4) asks the following questions: 1. Date and place of death 2. Name and surname 3. Sex 4. Maiden surname (if woman) 5. Date and place of birth 6. Occupation and usual (ie, home) address 7a. Name and surname of informant (THIS IS MY FATHER) 7b. Qualification (SON) 7c. Usual address (MY DAD’S ADDRESS) 8. Cause of death (stroke, certified by ONE DOCTOR) 9. Signature of informant, with confirmation of details (MY DAD’S SIGNATURE) 10. Date of registration 11. Signature of registrar Cause of death need be certified by only one doctor. The informant, as here, is usually the next of kin and his/her “qualification” is simply their status as son (or wife, daughter, etc). A doctor just gives a cause of death – a doctor does not register the death. That is done by the informant. The informant needs to register the death and obtain a certificate to give to the undertaker. Undertakers will do nothing without a death certificate. (For what should be very obvious reasons). The recent rules brought in (I think) in 2016 give the informant (ie, the next of kin) an opportunity to challenge the assertion… Read more »

May 11, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

“there has never been a necessity for two medical professionals to pronounce cause of death.”
In the case of a cremation – following the Shipman case – TWO doctors must certify the death.

May 11, 2020 11:21 AM

This could be my last post here – I’m writing in severe distress due to spinal issues and yet feel it important to make a couple of points Firstly, I posted here a few weeks ago an article about behaviour modification – this was and is very relevant given I believe the uk population is being played by ‘background actors’ to create a new way of living. This is backed up in this article: http://www.frombehindenemylines.org.uk/2020/04/the-disease-is-unsanctioned-behaviour-switched-on-syndrome-and-covid-19/ Secondly, I have regularly called for ‘action’ rather than the continued information bombardment from all directions. Whilst this has proved invaluable it has not, and I repeat, not made much/ any difference to what is currently happening. Johnson’s speech (sic) last night just confirmed that the uk will not lift the lockdown and indeed, seems to be highlighting the ‘fear’ scenario once again. The government failed to provide any analysis of the lockdown, as promised, it has failed to inform people of what is going on and it has completely lacked any transparency. I am not interested in the virus because what is happening is not about public health It is spoken of the mass of the population as being too scared to understand what is happening. I have to say that those dissenting voices are also too scared to act – rather taking refuge in the analysis of countless streams of information. There is no opportunity to debate anything except within the parameters we are provided with. This is not a time for rational debate in such a confined space. You/we cannot rationalise present government policy because there’s absolutely nobody to rationalise with and bring about change – the elites have withdrawn and are not accountable – and we are still paying them to do so and to incarcerate us and to kill us… Read more »

May 11, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  bob

sorry, i should have said somebody has typed this for me as, today, i cannot do it for myself, I am in much pain

May 11, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  bob

What is the cause of your distress Bob? What is the pain relief you are taking?
It is natural that such painful conditions and the medication regime would cause ‘extreme’ depression withiut anyother external factors.

You say someone is writing for you and hence you are not on your own? It is good that you can vent your frustration and pain in someway – always best to get things off ones chest (inadvertent pun, soz).

Do give the Samaritans, the health emergency number, your support charity, or in desperation even here. a call for attention if you need.

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 11, 2020 12:08 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

The Samaritans I have always found to be very helpful if feeling depressed and phoning them is nothing to be ashamed of. At the moment they might be quite busy, but they will answer your call. 116 123.

Bill Grates
Bill Grates
May 12, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  bob

Don’t give up old Chap . The game is far from over . The authorities have had decades to manipulate peoples’ behaviour and a lot of the youngest don’t know anything different .
What I do know is that the govt control of “ordinary” folk isn’t as complete as they or their advisory groups may hope for . The bulk of the “deplorables” or prols will only toe the line as long as they see fit . Once that breaks down be prepared for wide scale unrest which will be hard to stop and unpredictable .
There are multitudes of handy lads who are becoming restless , not good for out of sync politicians .
Remember you only get to abandon-ship once , don’t give them satisfaction of doing their job for them . We may not get back all we are loosing but may be able to restrain the advancement of the nwo for a while longer .

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 10:56 AM

The basic confidence trick has always been the same. Since you cannot make a profit out of contented people who are just getting on with their lives, it is essential to keep everyone discontented and preferably even unhappy and scared. You must convince them that there is something missing in their lives, something they desperately need.

We are used to seeing this in the general consumer society but perhaps money is no longer being made quickly enough. Manufacturing mere discontent no longer suffices. You must scare them into buying whatever crap you’re selling. Thus, one reason for the pandemic. Convince everyone they need this little tube of gunge you are going to inject into them. It may well contain microbiological signatures to monitor everyone. But even if it didn’t, it would still be justified.

Keep them all lined up, keep the money rolling in from governments to fund this sheep urine you are pumping in. Indeed, if the vaccine makes them sicker, that’s good since you can then come up with another vaccine to “cure” the first vaccine, but which will only set up more illness to pave the way for a third vaccine etc.

May 11, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Since you cannot make a profit out of contented people…”

Jean Baudrillard claimed that advertisement for a product can claim anything, except hapineness, because you might not be able to sell the next thing: there would be no more needs to be staisfied. But CocaCola arrogantly defied this: “Open a Coke, open hapiness…”

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
May 11, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

— H. L. Mencken

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 10:28 AM

The name “Onfido” seems most appropriate for the people behind it. Especially when addressing the “free” citizens of our countries.

“On, Fido, on! Fetch! Fetch!! Now sit… Good dog! This little prick won’t hurt you at all. Now just have a nice little sleep… Good BOY!”

John Pretty
John Pretty
May 11, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

I am free, Tom.

It maybe depends on whether you allow yourself to be defined by “them” or whether you define yourself.

Not sure about the last bit … at least if you’re a dog you can bite …

May 11, 2020 10:20 AM

World government? Try herding cats?

May 11, 2020 10:02 AM

While this excellent expose of Beeley about global financial interests that drive imposition of vaccination on population which serves multiple purposes of beneficial for ruling elite (Gates are prominent members) technological developments in their, not so clandestine, effort to achieve precise and efficient political and social control, she does not (in this article) address concerns of many about specific mechanisms of general and acquired immunity that if correctly understood makes entire global vaccine effort, even if taken at altruist face value, obviously pointless, meaningless and detrimental to people’s health potentially in many catastrophic ways. I am writing that not from anti vaxxers position as I support principle and limited efficacy of most bacterial disease vaccines (if honestly developed and tested devoid of profit motive) but only applied in specific limited in time, limited space and for specific reason. Viral vaccines in contrast are simply nonsense because of fast and significant mutation of viral pathogens much faster, in matter of weeks much faster than any possible vaccine commercial development cycle and distribution that takes years if done efficaciously and safely. And hence I vehemently oppose mass global vaccination, bacterial or viral, with some lab manipulated bio-agent developed for profit by murderous big Pharma. In fact such viral vaccine development is complete unnecessary and waste of scientific resources and money as our evolution gave us appropriate tools against those viruses built into our immune system process inherently violated by almost all vaccinations, creating potential of inherent endangerment of organism. It is important that people learn how immune system work. Simplifying things for purposes of this comment, there are three basic pathways according to strength or robustness of immune system defending our organism from both biological pathogens and chemical agents and that includes not only poisons but infected, dead or mutated human cells… Read more »

May 11, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  Kalen

“Viral vaccines in contrast are simply nonsense”. Indeed!!

May 11, 2020 11:26 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

Isn’t that what we’ve always been told – that flu vaccines in particular are hit and miss affairs, probably targeting the ‘wrong’ virus and anyway going quickly out of date as new viruses come along.
The annual flu shot is far more valuable to the pharma companies than it is to you and me.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 1:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

As Dr Mikovits and many other experts have warned us, it is very difficult to create a safe, reliable vaccine against any virus. Otherwise the common cold would be a thing of the past.

Much worse, present methods of creating and manufacturing vaccines lead to many, many very dangerous impurities and “passengers” being in any vaccine. Some are made, for instance, in monkey or mouse cells – overlooking that such cells always have their own complement of viruses. So, along with your clever vaccine, you get a shovel-load of monkey or mouse virus. (This is very probably how HIV/AIDS reached humans).

There is evidence that the worst outbreaks of Covid-19 (as in Italy) took place in areas which received the very latest and best flu vaccine last year.

The whole vaccine business is a perfect example of the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” (or “Golem”) myth. Cells and virus, and their interactions, are hideously complicated and scientists are only just beginning to learn a few basic things about them.

The smart thing to do is avoid all vaccines or other inoculations unless there is strong proof that they will save your life. Avoid government nutrition recommendations – eat grass-fed beef, lamb, fish, eggs and dairy, plus vegetables – avoid all pharmaceutical concoctions, supplement judiciously to compensate for our impoverished soils and industrial farming, get plenty of exercise and sleep as long as you can.

Steve Church
Steve Church
May 12, 2020 9:43 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Great post, Tom. I’d just like to add these links to the discussion. They come from one Matthew Ehret, whose association with Lyndon LaRouche and the Schiller Foundation have me, at times, scratching my head, but he brings up some very interesting possibilities about the ability of of DNA to communicate. I found this stuff fascinating.



As usual, up for discussion.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 11, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  Kalen

only healthy people enjoy full immunity from vast majority of pathogens and hence number one countermeasure against pandemics is good health of population.

This is both axiomatic and obvious. And the number one public health problem is a lack of exercise. Thus, any government seriously concerned with public health would prioritise exercise.

The government claims its number one priority is public health, that public health is more important than our rights and liberties, more important than the economy. Yet, that government has done next to nothing to promote exercise and pursued policies that actively discourage exercise.

May 11, 2020 12:16 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

It is sad that I have to state obvious here but the obvious is denied by MSM as hence must be stated again.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 12, 2020 2:18 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

And the number one public health problem is a lack of exercise.

I’d say the number one problem is lack of proper nutrition in every sense of the word.

Unfortunately the junk food and drink industry is too powerful to allow anything meaningful to be done; we do get regular token efforts, but they probably do as much harm as good. It really has to come from the ground up, i.e. for people to find out what’s really good for them and vote with their feet, cash and payment cards. About 3/4 of what is in supermarkets could be safely removed with only beneficial effects on the nation’s health. Unfortunately, it would destroy a good part of the food industry.

I’ll agree that lack of exercise comes a close second.

And environmental pollution a close third.

Viruses come approximately nowhere, IMHO.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 12, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 13, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Fair enough. In evolutionary time, mankind (especially the male) would have been out hunting a lot of the time. The female would more likely to have been gathering, as well as preparing food. All very physical anyway. And we likely would have been exposed to plenty of sunlight.

May 11, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Kalen

May 11, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  Kalen

May 11, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Sorry I was trying to post a YouTube link by using the “link” option but it doesn’t seem working.

This is the latest interview that RFK Jr. has given that covers a lot of the terrifying shenanigans involved with this globally concerted effort to force vaccines onto the population.


Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 12, 2020 2:08 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Very interesting and lucid Kalen. May I ask what is your background?

I certainly agree with your overall thrust. I would only add that the health of the immune system of young and old should be given the best possible chance by optimal nutrition (including the supplementation of essential vitamins and minerals), and the elimination where possible of pollutants, and the bare minimum (if any at all) of pharmaceutical drugs & interventions.

There are as I’m sure you know, those who question whether any viruses are in fact pathogenic, or indeed, whether they have ever been proved to exist at all. (People like Andrew Kaufman or David Crowe, but they aren’t the only ones).

There are even those who question whether any bacteria are pathogenic, but are in fact, the results of, or reactions to, diseases, rather than the cause. They may be found at “the scene of the crime”, but they are not necessarily the “criminals”, just as firemen may be found at the scene of a fire, but are not its cause, and just as cholesterol is found at the location of an arterial plaque, but is not its cause, but is a kind of sticking plaster covering up a lesion in the artery. An arterial plaque may not be ideal, but it’s better than a hole in the artery.

Anyway, if you have the time, you might like to listen to this:


That is David Crowe talking to Dr Stefan Lanka, who was a virologist, but who no longer believes in viruses. Unfortunately, sometimes his English is not quite good enough to express what he wants to say, so it can be a difficult listen in places, but I found it interesting.

Rahul G
Rahul G
Jun 28, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Kalen

An excellent explanation Kalen thank you for this. I would like to know whether (a) now that we are at the end of June you have any new observations to add to this, (b) what your view is about the apex medical research agency of India, the Indian Council of Medical Research, which has given the following order to all hospitals: “Symptomatic individuals who test negative for COVID-19 by rapid antigen test should be definitely tested sequentially by RT-PCR to rule out infection, whereas a positive test should be considered as a true positive and does not need reconfirmation by RT-PCR test.” This sounds to me to be an order to ensure that there is a ‘positive’ reading regardless of the condition of the person being tested.

May 11, 2020 9:40 AM

This seems a rather naive analysis. It is fairly plain that that ‘health’ is only a smokescreen for the plotters of this attempted coup, and that it has a lot more to do with trying to collapse the world economy for geopolitical and financial reasons.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 11, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Thom

True, but I believe her rationale, in this series, is to address first things first. Health, “their” premise for compliance. Then, the rest of the points.

George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 9:34 AM

I don’t suppose it’s a coincidence that just as there is a growing scepticism about the virus and noises about ending the lockdown, there seems to be a determined new offensive to restart the panic. Today’s leading headlines form the increasingly frothing WSWS:

China, South Korea and Germany report new COVID-19 outbreaks

Automakers continue production restarts as US death toll tops 80,000

and under their “Perspective” section:

Capitalist economics and the politics of death

This last one headed by another re-showing of those mass burials in New York.

Meanwhile, the common touch is provided by Janey Godley:


The above is the received Right On Rebel wisdom from those folks who are really sticking it to The Man. Or perhaps not?

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 11, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“China, South Korea and Germany report new COVID-19 outbreaks”

My, they are getting desperate! “Wuhan reported FIVE new cases…” Not deaths – just “cases”.

“New coronavirus clusters have been reported in Wuhan city – where the virus first emerged – and the north-eastern province of Jilin in China.

“Wuhan reported five new cases on Monday, after confirming its first case since 3 April on Sunday”.


George Mc
George Mc
May 11, 2020 11:00 PM