The ‘Clean Break’ Doctrine

A Modern-Day Sykes-Picot Waging War and Havoc in the Middle East

Cynthia Chung

In 1996 a task force, led by Richard Perle, produced a policy document titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm for Benjamin Netanyahu, who was then in his first term as Prime Minister of Israel, as a how-to manual on approaching regime change in the Middle East and for the destruction of the Oslo Accords.

The “Clean Break” policy document outlined these goals:

  1. Ending Yasser Arafat’s and the Palestinian Authority’s political influence, by blaming them for acts of Palestinian terrorism
  2. Inducing the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq.
  3. Launching war against Syria after Saddam’s regime is disposed of.
  4. Followed by military action against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

“Clean Break” was also in direct opposition to the Oslo Accords, to which Netanyahu was very much itching to obliterate. The Oslo II Accord was signed just the year before, on September 28th 1995, in Taba, Egypt.

During the Oslo Accord peace process, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu accused Rabin’s government of being “removed from Jewish tradition…and Jewish values.” Rallies organised by the Likud and other right-wing fundamentalist groups featured depictions of Rabin in a Nazi SS uniform or in the crosshairs of a gun.

In July 1995, Netanyahu went so far as to lead a mock funeral procession for Rabin, featuring a coffin and hangman’s noose.

The Oslo Accords was the initiation of a process which was to lead to a peace treaty based on the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, and at fulfilling the “right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” If such a peace treaty were to occur, with the United States backing, it would have prevented much of the mayhem that has occurred since.

However, the central person to ensuring this process, Yitzak Rabin, was assassinated just a month and a half after the signing of the Oslo II Accord, on November 4th, 1995. Netanyahu became prime minister of Israel seven months later. “Clean Break” was produced the following year.

On November 6th, 2000 in the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, Israeli Justice Minister Yossi Beilin, who was the chief negotiator of the Oslo peace accords, warned those Israelis who argued that it was impossible to make peace with the Palestinians:

Zionism was founded in order to save Jews from persecution and anti-Semitism, and not in order to offer them a Jewish Sparta or – God forbid – a new Massada.”

On Oct. 5, 2003, for the first time in 30 years, Israel launched bombing raids against Syria, targeting a purported “Palestinian terrorist camp” inside Syrian territory. Washington stood by and did nothing to prevent further escalation.

“Clean Break” was officially launched in March 2003 with the war against Iraq, under the pretence of “The War on Terror”. The real agenda was a western-backed list of regime changes in the Middle East to fit the plans of the United Kingdom, the U.S. and Israel.

However, the affair is much more complicated than that with each player holding their own “idea” of what the “plan” is. Before we can fully appreciate such a scope, we must first understand what was Sykes-Picot and how did it shape today’s world mayhem.

Arabian Nights

WWI was to officially start July 28th 1914, almost immediately following the Balkan wars (1912-1913) which had greatly weakened the Ottoman Empire.

Never one to miss an opportunity when smelling fresh blood, the British were very keen on acquiring what they saw as strategic territories for the taking under the justification of being in war-time, which in the language of geopolitics translates to “the right to plunder anything one can get their hands on”.

The brilliance of Britain’s plan to garner these new territories was not to fight the Ottoman Empire directly but rather, to invoke an internal rebellion from within. These Arab territories would be encouraged by Britain to rebel for their independence from the Ottoman Empire and that Britain would support them in this cause.

These Arab territories were thus led to believe that they were fighting for their own freedom when, in fact, they were fighting for British and secondarily French colonial interests.

In order for all Arab leaders to sign on to the idea of rebelling against the Ottoman Sultan, there needed to be a viable leader that was Arab, for they certainly would not agree to rebel at the behest of Britain.

Lord Kitchener, the butcher of Sudan, was to be at the helm of this operation as Britain’s Minister of War. Kitchener’s choice for Arab leadership was the scion of the Hashemite dynasty, Hussein ibn Ali, known as the Sherif of Mecca who ruled the region of Hejaz under the Ottoman Sultan.

Hardinge of the British India Office disagreed with this choice and wanted Wahhabite Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud instead, however, Lord Kitchener overruled this stating that their intelligence revealed that more Arabs would follow Hussein.

Since the Young Turk Revolution which seized power of the Ottoman government in 1908, Hussein was very aware that his dynasty was in no way guaranteed and thus he was open to Britain’s invitation to crown him King of the Arab kingdom.

Kitchener wrote to one of Hussein’s sons, Abdallah, as reassurance of Britain’s support:

If the Arab nation assist England in this war that has been forced upon us by Turkey, England will guarantee that no internal intervention take place in Arabia, and will give Arabs every assistance against foreign aggression.”

Sir Henry McMahon who was the British High Commissioner to Egypt, would have several correspondences with Sherif Hussein between July 1915 to March 1916 to convince Hussein to lead the rebellion for the “independence” of the Arab states.

However, in a private letter to India’s Viceroy Charles Hardinge sent on December 4th, 1915, McMahon expressed a rather different view of what the future of Arabia would be, contrary to what he had led Sherif Hussein to believe:

[I do not take] the idea of a future strong united independent Arab State … too seriously … the conditions of Arabia do not and will not for a very long time to come, lend themselves to such a thing.”

Such a view meant that Arabia would be subject to Britain’s heavy-handed “advising” in all its affairs, whether it sought it or not.

In the meantime, Sherif Hussein was receiving dispatches issued by the British Cairo office to the effect that the Arabs of Palestine, Syria, and Mesopotamia (Iraq) would be given independence guaranteed by Britain, if they rose up against the Ottoman Empire.

The French were understandably suspicious of Britain’s plans for these Arab territories. The French viewed Palestine, Lebanon and Syria as intrinsically belonging to France, based on French conquests during the Crusades and their “protection” of the Catholic populations in the region.

Hussein was adamant that Beirut and Aleppo were to be given independence and completely rejected French presence in Arabia. Britain was also not content to give the French all the concessions they demanded as their “intrinsic” colonial rights.

Enter Sykes and Picot.

Sykes-Picot: the Gentlemen’s Etiquette on Backstabbing

Francois Georges Picot was sent to negotiate with the British on November 23rd, 1915. He was chosen for this role due to his policy outlook of the “Syrian party” in France, which asserted that Syria and Palestine (which they considered a single country) were French property, for historical, economic, and cultural reasons.

Approximately six months later, the top secret terms of the agreement were signed on May 16th, 1916. The map showcases the agreed upon ‘carving up’ of these Arab territories, to be the new jewels of Britain and France.

Notice Palestine is marked as an international zone in yellow. Palestine was recognised as something neither country was willing to forfeit to the other. And thus, according to the gentlemen’s etiquette, meant that one would simply have to take it while the other wasn’t looking, which is exactly what happened.

In 1916, Sir Mark Sykes created the Arab Bureau whose headquarters would be in Cairo, Egypt (which was under British rule), as a branch of British Intelligence and under the direction of Lord Kitchener. Among the notable members of the Arab Bureau was T.E. Lawrence, better known as “Lawrence of Arabia”.

The raison d’être of the Arab Bureau was to exact British control over Arabia via British Egypt.

The Arab revolt, led under the façade of King Hussein, was launched in Hejaz in early June 1916, however, the hundreds of thousands of Arabs the British were expecting to defect from the Ottoman army and join the revolt…did not show up.

Instead, British aircraft and ships were deployed, along with Muslim troops from British Egypt and elsewhere in the Empire.

As the revolt continued to show its weaknesses and lack of support by the Arabs themselves, to such a point that Britain was starting to despair of its success, T.E. Lawrence (who was known as “the man with the gold”), organised a confederation of Bedouin tribal chiefs to fight alongside the British forces in the Palestine and Syria campaigns.

In 1917, War Minister Lloyd George ordered troops from British Egypt to invade Palestine, expressing his wish to General Allenby that Jerusalem be taken by Christmas.

Obligingly, on December 11th 1917, Allenby walked into Jerusalem through the Jaffa Gate and declared martial law over the city (see picture). Allenby explained to Picot, that Jerusalem would remain under British military administration, for some time.

The British India Office invaded Mesopotamia and took Baghdad on March 11th, 1917. The southern province of Basra, largely Shi’ite, was to be British, while the ancient capital of Baghdad was to be under some form of British protectorate.

After the British conquests of Palestine and Mesopotamia, Syria would be taken by September 1918 by British led forces and Damascus would ultimately, after a bit of squabbling, be left under French control or “advisory”.

The final settlement for allocation of territories was established in 1920 with the Treaty of Sevres which stipulated that Syria and Lebanon were to go to France, and that Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Palestine would be under British control with Arabia (Hejaz) being officially “independent” but ruled by British puppet monarchs. Britain was also granted continued influence over Egypt, Cyprus and the Persian Gulf coast.

Faisal, the son of Hussein ibn Ali and who had been under the “tutelage” of T.E. Lawrence this whole time, was proclaimed King of Iraq, after his failed attempt as King over Greater Syria before the French chased him out with their military, recognising that he represented British interests.

As for Persia (Iran), the British established their control through the infamous Anglo-Persian Agreement of 1919, with Ahmed Shah.

In 1926 the Mosul Treaty was signed where Iraq got nominal control over the oil region and the interests were divvied up among British (52.5%), French (21.25%) and American (21.25%) oil companies.

As far as central Arabia was concerned, Hussein laid claim to the title Caliph in 1924, which his rival Wahhabite Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud rejected and declared war, defeating the Hashemites. Hussein abdicated and ibn Saud, the favourite of the British India Office, was proclaimed King of Hejaz and Najd in 1926, which led to the founding of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Fate of Palestine

While the British were promising Arab rule and independence to the Hashemite Hussein and his sons, the British were simultaneously promising a homeland in Palestine to the Jews. In the Balfour Declaration of November 2nd, 1917 the following was declared:

His majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object…”

Britain received the mandate over Palestine from the League of Nations in July 1922.

Throughout the 1920s and 1930s violent confrontations between Jews and Arabs took place in Palestine costing hundreds of lives. In 1936 a major Arab revolt occurred over 7 months, until diplomatic efforts involving other Arab countries led to a ceasefire.

In 1937, a British Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by William Peel concluded that Palestine had two distinct societies with irreconcilable political demands, thus making it necessary to partition the land.

The Arab Higher Committee refused Peel’s “prescription” and the revolt broke out again. This time, Britain responded with a devastatingly heavy hand. Roughly 5,000 Arabs were killed by the British armed forces and police. Following the riots, the British mandate government dissolved the Arab Higher Committee and declared it an illegal body.

In response to the revolt, the British government issued the White Paper of 1939, which stated that Palestine should be a bi-national state, inhabited by both Arabs and Jews.

Due to the international unpopularity of the mandate including within Britain itself, it was organised such that the United Nations would take responsibility for the British initiative and adopted the resolution to partition Palestine on November 29th, 1947.

Britain would announce its termination of its Mandate for Palestine on May 15th, 1948 after the State of Israel declared its independence on May 14th, 1948.

A New Strategy for Securing Whose Realm?

Despite what its title would have you believe, “Clean Break” is neither a “new strategy” nor meant for “securing” anything. It is also not the brainchild of fanatical neo-conservatives: Dick Cheney and Richard Perle, nor even that of crazed end-of-days fundamentalist Benjamin Netanyahu, but rather has the very distinct and lingering odour of the British Empire.

“Clean Break” is a continuation of Britain’s geopolitical game, and just as it used France during the Sykes-Picot days it is using the United States and Israel.

The role Israel has found itself playing in the Middle East could not exist if it were not for over 30 years of direct British occupation in Palestine and its direct responsibility for the construction of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which set a course for destruction and endless war in this region long before Israel ever existed.

It was also Britain who officially launched operation “Clean Break” by directly and fraudulently instigating an illegal war against Iraq to which the Chilcot Inquiry, aka Iraq Inquiry, released 7 years later, attests to.

This was done by the dubious reporting by British Intelligence setting the pretext for the U.S.’ ultimate invasion into Iraq based off of fraudulent and forged evidence provided by GCHQ, unleashing the “War on Terror”, aka “Clean Break” outline for regime change in the Middle East.

In addition, the Libyan invasion in 2011 was also found to be unlawfully instigated by Britain.

In a report published by the British Foreign Affairs Committee in September 2016, it was concluded that it was “the UK and France in March 2011 which led the international community to support an intervention in Libya to protect civilians from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi”.

The report concluded that the Libyan intervention was based on false pretence provided by British Intelligence and recklessly promoted by the British government.

If this were not enough, British Intelligence has also been caught behind the orchestrations of Russia-Gate and the Skripal affair.

Therefore, though the U.S. and Israeli military have done a good job at stealing the show, and though they certainly believe themselves to be the head of the show, the reality is that this age of empire is distinctly British and anyone who plays into this game will ultimately be playing for said interests, whether they are aware of it or not.

Originally published by Strategic Culture


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May 23, 2020 3:30 PM

It may seem unpalatable to people now, but Stalin played a crucial role in the establishment of Israel – and did so in the context of the Arab Revolt of the 1930s. Stalin knew – like the Brits – that a Jewish State would spark endless war in the Middle East, a region whose oil had been central to the UK war effort in both World Wars. Britain expressly tried to avoid a Jewish State for this very reason.
There’s more.
Stalin need Jewish refugees to weaponize. Many Holocaust survivors willingly joined Stalin’s refugee trails south, but others had to be persuaded by fear and violence. 700k Jews were forced out in a series of coordinated killings, like in Kielce (Poland) in 1946. The police shot dead 20 Jews on orders from the secret police and beat another 20 to death. They blamed it on the anti-Communist resistance – a charge which anti-Polish propagandists in the West repeat to this day. Even though in 1990 retired secret police officer Anatol Fejgin boasted about it being a secret police operation. Fejgin was himself Jewish. Other people involved also spoke up.
Stalin also supplied hardened Jewish guerrilla fighters – like Abba Kovner, who’d fought in an NKVD unit engaged in ethnic cleansing operations that killed a large number of Polish women and children. As did Shmuel Krakowski, chief archivist of Yad Vashem and ex-NKVD officer assigned to Poland at war’s end. It’s important to be in charge of history – that way no-one links the convicted Nazi murderer Hermann Schaper with the Jedwabne massacre … now widely and falsely labeled a massacre by Polish neighbors.
My Jewish family left Poland after the war. They never understood why Stalin sent Czech arms to Israel …

May 24, 2020 3:59 AM
Reply to  Dave

Britain tried to avoid a Jewish state………….

No it didn’t.
It worked to further Zionist interests from the outset.
It did everything it could to smash Palestinian civil and paramilitary organisations with great brutality. It sent 100,000 troops to Palestine in the late 1930s and killed, jailed, tortured or expelled over 10% of Palestinian males.
At the same time it created the Zionist terror gangs who were given a free hand to murder Palestinians as they pleased.
Not surprisingly, this enraged the Arab and moslem world who saw some hope in support from Britain’s enemy, the Third Reich.
There was a dishonest pretence at limiting Jewish immigration by the British regime to try to reduce this growing hostility as war became imminent.

May 27, 2020 7:22 AM
Reply to  paul

Britain tried and failed to have “the best of both worlds” hoping to play off Arab against Jew. And failed miserably.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 23, 2020 2:14 PM

I’m coming more to the conclusion that Britain is a colony of the Empire of the “City”of London.

May 22, 2020 10:03 PM

Like every other world problem, these conflicts and power games and repressions of innocents don’t end until we get real democracy, instead of the corrupt fraud that passes for it.

These actions are nearly all carried out by democratically elected governments, so the problem is fundamentally one of democracy, and effective electoral fraud.

That is, the governments who take these actions do not do so in the name of the people who voted, but due to the people being conned into being able to vote only for those who continue to support these kind of international power games without question, rather than honourable or ethical persons, who like Jeremy Corbyn or George Galloway, they are conned out of being able to vote for, mainly by deceitful propaganda.

Unfortunately in some cases, like Jeremy Corbyn’s too open support for a united Ireland, and arguably too close connections with the IRA leaders or former leaders, they make it easy for the propagandists to bring them down.

For example, Theresa May’s government was only propped up by the DUP for the sole reason of stopping Jeremy Corbyn ever being PM and trying to force a united Ireland on the Northern Irish protestants, a large and likely paramilitarily backed proportion of whom were totally against it.

But essentially it is a failure of democracy.

In particular, a first past the post system in both America and the UK, who are probably still the two main protagonists in this support of unnecessary repression and hostility in the Middle East, with the constant threats of terrorism against all concerned in America, France, the UK or elsewhere.

Then of course there is the equally huge problem of “bought candidates.”

The British Labour party for example does not appear to have a properly democratic basis (i.e. a member’s vote) for selecting local candidates. For example, in the case of the murdered Jo Cox, she was replaced by an ex-soap opera actress chosen by some non-democratic process.

Here’s the Guardian write up of it:

“The former actor Tracy Brabin is the frontrunner to replace the late Jo Cox as Labour MP for Batley and Spen after the party unveiled its final shortlist.

Brabin, 55, was named alongside Jane Thomas, an environmental campaigner, as a potential candidate for the post ahead of the byelection on 20 October.

The ex-Coronation Street, EastEnders and Emmerdale actor was a close friend of Cox, who was shot and stabbed to death in her West Yorkshire constituency on 16 June.

Labour’s candidate for the byelection will be selected on Friday evening following a hustings of party members in Batley and Spen. It is understood that the two candidates were whittled down from a list of six or seven people after interviews by Labour’s national executive committee in London on Monday.

One person close to the process expressed surprise that only two candidates had been taken forward, with many expecting a shortlist of three or four.”


So the National Executive Committee decided who the candidates that the local party members would be allowed to vote for, and allowed only 2 choices even, and as the other main parties had chosen not to contest the seat “out of respect for the murdered formerly sitting MP Jo Cox” it was an effective coronation.

No doubt the National Executive Committee had made sure the candidates they allowed to be selected as effective shoe-in MP, had “the right views” on the Israel-antisemitism question – we can safely assume an unknown younger version Jeremy Corbyn type would have got nowhere near being a candidate.

This example shows also the all round appalling lack of democracy, even in a country (amalgamated country) like the UK, as the people of that constituency, many of whom undoubtedly would have been opposed to both the new Labour MP and the effective coronation of her, were not even allowed to vote, as their parties refused to field a candidate.

The sad reality is the public do not much know or care what their governments are up to in far away places unless it affects them personally like terrorism.

Which they then blame the terrorists for, and not the government actions – like the Iraq War – which lead to the terrorism, as there was no known Muslim terrorism on British soil before Tony Blair tricked parliament into the Iraq War.

May 23, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  1of7billion

However, Brabin was a very good constituency MP.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 24, 2020 9:46 AM
Reply to  1of7billion

There CANNOT, EVER, be any real ‘democracy’ under capitalism.

May 21, 2020 12:42 PM

Yossi B said:

Zionism was founded in order to save Jews from persecution and anti-Semitism

Ever heard of Dumbo? He’s a flying elephant.

The crusade in the ME will continue, with Israel the top dog until America’s military support is no longer there. Even without the Israeli eastern european invaders, the area is primed for perpetual tribal warfare because the masses are driven by tribalist doctrines and warped metaphysics dictated by insane and inhumane parasites (priests). It is the epicenter of a spiritual plague that has infected most of the planet.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 21, 2020 9:59 AM

Is C.O.V.I.D. 19 Part of a Global Hybrid War Strategy? Vanessa Beeley Interview
20 May 2020

Jason Liosatos Outside The Box

My talk with Vanessa Beeley Independent Investigative Journalist, Researcher, Writer and Photographer, best known for her articles based on eyewitness views of the Syrian conflict

May 21, 2020 11:15 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Outstanding journalist.
One of a small number of outstanding figures.
Eva Bartlett, Lizzie Phelan, Pilger, Henningsen, Assange, Snowden.
She makes a very valid point – they will probably stage some bogus bio terror attack like the anthrax hoaxes after 9/11 to ramp up the fear an justify more control and surveillance.
Thanks for everything you do Vanessa.

Darren Hiebert
Darren Hiebert
May 21, 2020 4:07 AM

Someone already commented on the 1982 Oded Yinon plan, which is what has been playing out for the past 30 years. Literally, the “balkanization” of the middle east into ethnic/religious conclaves more easily overpowered in war, giving Israel regional hegemony of a highly advanced weaponized Jewish minority amongst an overwhelming majority of iron age armed Arabs/Muslims. This can’t go on much longer and changes are coming.
Recently, we have seen the disturbing use of the term ‘antisemite’ to aggressively accuse those that question the current Israeli agenda, and to shut down debate over the rights and freedoms of the indigenous Palestinian people under more than 50 years of oppressive occupation and illegal annexations. Zionism is equated with Judaism (which they are NOT), and disagreeing with Zionism equates to antisemitism which will get you “escorted from the game”. The voice of 98% is much louder than the irritating whining of 2%. It’s time we started using it

May 21, 2020 12:59 PM
Reply to  Darren Hiebert

Talking of weaponization- “anti-semitism” is their best weapon. It just destroyed the only UK politician with a semblance of humanity and genuine-ness, gave the Tories a majority win and condemned the people in the UK to who knows how many more years of corporate feudarchy. (- i have never supported any political party).

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 21, 2020 2:58 AM


Instigating sectarian wars is a well-established way of balkanizing territories. It’s what Empires have been doing throughout history. In that regard, Britain and now the US is no different, it’s just following the footsteps of all past imperialist domains. What’s astonishing, is that the desire to vanquish and subjugate indigenous populations still exists today. You’d think human nature would’ve evolved just a bit over the last 5,000 thousand years. I guess not, since the West as well as the East are continuing the battle over geostrategic hegemony.

“A Clean Break” as cited by Cynthia Chung sounds very much like the “Yinon Plan” which refers to an article published in 1982 in the Hebrew Journal Kivunim entitled “A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s.” The article was published by the World Zionist Organization. It was written by Oded Yinon.

The Yinon Plan is an early example of how political warfare in the Middle East would be viewed in terms of sectarian divisions. Many believe it influenced the formulation of policies adopted by George W. Bush and his Project for a New American Century (PNAC) gang. The article predicted major political events in the Middle East since the 1980s, including the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrowing of Saddam Hussein, the Syrian Civil War and the rise of the Islamic State.

It seems obvious, the Oded Yinon Plan was adopted during Bush’s presidency as a way to further American interests in the Middle East. In this context, Israel becomes an ancillary US military base. However, before Bush we can’t forget Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor Brzezinski who organized and funded the Mujahideen with the help of Osama bin Laden to combat Soviet influence in Afghanistan. Saudi born Osama bin Laden was recruited during the Soviet-Afghan war.

“With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan’s fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistan madrasas. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad…….. The Islamic “jihad” was supported by the United States and Saudi Arabia with a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent drug trade.” https://www.globalresearch.ca/osama-bin-laden/5688305

The Mujahideen morphed into Al-Qaeda and then into ISIS–the rest is history…..Smiling Obama, expanded Bush’s two wars into seven, recycling various terrorist groups throughout the Middle East. Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to remove troops from the Middle East was a pipedream. Even the strategic shift towards a “Great Power Competition” has done little to extract the US military from all the endless wars.

The US Empire has “800 formal military bases in 80 countries, a number that could exceed 1,000 if you count troops stationed at embassies and missions and so-called “lily-pond” bases, with some 138,000 soldiers stationed around the globe……..

Here’s an excerpt from a prescient speech given by Eisenhower to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, in Washington D.C., on April 16, 1953. Eisenhower highlighted the cost of continued tensions and rivalry with the Soviet Union:

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of
threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”

May 21, 2020 2:50 AM

Ahh Strategic ‘promote covid 1984’ Culture. I’m more or less ignoring them.

May 21, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  Arby

Me too: and the Rising Tide Foundations insidious brand of neo-Platonic ”God, Government, and natural law”. A natural born technofascism if ever there was one. Unfortunately: someone is promoting them here. Will Off-G be incorporated too? I seriously hope not.


May 21, 2020 2:40 AM

“History,” they say, “is written by the winners.” But if you want to get at the fundamental flaw, remove the last three words and you have it: “History is written.” Events cannot be written, they can only be lived. Just as a sun in a picture cannot give heat or light. The problem is that those who live history seldom speak of it, it’s much too traumatic for them. And those who speak voluminously of it most likely did not live it.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 21, 2020 10:01 AM
Reply to  Howard

….nice comment, Howard. When my Father [Royal Artillery] was told to stop fighting against my Father-in-Law [Waffen SS], he was sent off to fight against MOSSAD in Palestine…he witnessed the brutal treatment handed out to the “indigenous people” and was very reluctant to talk about his experience.. “By way of deception thou shalt do war”..!

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 21, 2020 12:17 AM
Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 9:42 PM

Years ago I read a distinguished Syrian observing, cogently, that Israel was a cancer in the region ie the Hear and Middle East. It has metastasised worldwide ever since, with its malign influence felt everywhere.

May 20, 2020 8:32 PM

Cynthia Chung thanks for the article

Mike A
Mike A
May 20, 2020 7:22 PM

Rob Newmans “history of oil”


Slightly off-topic …the sea front today at Whitley bay has been almost at bank holiday levels….plenty folk out of all ages….and not many sporting the “compliance muzzles”

May 20, 2020 8:19 PM
Reply to  Mike A

You can’t say that,Britain is a totalitarian state

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  Mike A

‘Compliance muzzles’!! The cults mantras are multiplying.

May 20, 2020 5:30 PM

There is complete continuity between the activities of Zionist controlled western countries and those of the present day.

In the 1930s, there were about 300,000 adult Palestinian males. Over 10% were killed, imprisoned and tortured or driven into exile. 100,000 British troops were sent to Palestine to destroy completely Palestinian political and military organisations. Wingate set up the Jew terror gangs who were given free rein to murder, rape and burn, in preparation for the complete ethnic cleansing of the country.

We see the same ruthless, genocidal brutality on an even greater scale in the present day, serving exactly the same interests. Nothing has ever come of trying to negotiate with the Zionists and their western stooges – just further disasters. It is only resolute and uncompromising resistance that has ever achieved anything. Hezbollah kicking their Zionist arses out of Lebanon in 2000 and keeping them out in 2006. Had they not done so, Lebanon would still be under Zionist occupation and covered with their filthy illegal settlements.

They have never stopped and they never will. The objective is to create a vast Zionist empire comprising the whole of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, and parts of Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. This plan has never changed and it never will. The Zionist thieves will shortly steal what little is left of Palestine. But the thieving will not end there. It will just move on to neighbouring countries.

The prime reason they have been able to get away with this is not their control of British and US golems. It is by playing the old, dirty colonial games of divide and rule, with the Quisling stooge dictators serving their interests. They have always been able to set Sunni against Shia, and different factions against others. The dumb Arabs fall for it every time. Their latest intrigues are directed at the destruction of Iran, the next victim on their target list after Iraq, Libya and Syria. And the Quisling dictators of Saudi Arabia are openly agitating for this and offering to pay for all of it. Syria sent troops to join the US invasion of Iraq in 1991, though Iraqi troops fought and died in Syria in 1973 against Israel. Egypt allows Israel to use its airspace to carry out the genocidal terror bombing of Gaza.

All this is contemptible enough and fits into racist stereotypes of Arabs as stupid, irrational, corrupt, easily bought, violent and treacherous. This of course does not apply to the populations of those countries, but it is a legitimate assessment of their Quisling dictators, with a (very) few honourable exceptions.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 20, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  paul

Of course, Arab rulers who don’t tow the Zionist line generally get overthrown, don’t they? And that usually requires the efforts/intervention of FUKUS, doesn’t it? So you can’t really pretend that ‘Arab stupidity’ is the main factor.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 21, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

….i posit that “British” stupidity allowed these monsters to establish their base on my lovely islands…just a thought..!!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  paul

The fact that, as the Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages declared in 2006, as Israel was bombing Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’, under Talmudic Judaism, killing civilians is not just permissible, but a mitzvah, or good deed, explains Zionist behaviour. Other doctrines allow an entire ‘city’ eg Gaza, to be devastated for the ‘crimes’ of a few, and children, even babies, to be killed if they would grow up to ‘oppose the Jews’. Dare mention these FACTS, seen everyday in Israeli barbarity, and the ‘antisemitism’ slurs flow, as ever.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 21, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  paul

….good comment, Paul….and all of the above was perpetrated on the Islands of Albion [Albien] a couple of millennia ago….it’s about time we kicked them out….!!

May 21, 2020 1:07 PM
Reply to  paul

The Iranians are not Arabs, though 🙂

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 20, 2020 4:33 PM

It would be impossible to condense the establishment of the Israeli State into less than a thousand pages. The mythology of the Hebrew tribes begins in the arid lands just west of the Indus valley some 4300 years ago – then migrates through the ancient precincts of Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, and Phoenicia. As was noted in ancient Egypt and Assyria, it was far more difficult to “inherit” lands when standing armies and fortified walls happen to be present… But as history now articulates: Economic infiltration is just as effective as direct assault. It just takes longer to implement the crime…

Suffice it to say; that seizure of lands and enslavement of life thereon is often accompanied by some notion that a god or deity made it less than an atrocity. (See the earliest texts of the Talmud) Endorsement via deity is a common modus throughout human history… This delusion is of course; a mutually cancelling psychic projection within a Universe that far exceeds human ambition. First there is a deity. Then there is no deity. Then there are no humans…

There are a number of astute readers offering comment. Some are correct… The “British Mandate for Palestine” was placed into enforcement in 1922 as a further “resolution” of the Balfour Declaration, which was only a reiteration of the Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1917. French, British, and Hapsburg crown money is commonly used to support Zionist agenda.

For background information regarding the original modus which now enslaves political choice in the Middle East, please read:

The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa’ud
by Robert Lacey
First edition: February, 1981

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 20, 2020 8:42 PM

Indus Valley? Really? Kind of hard to swallow. If that were true, the Jews would be worshiping Krishna!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 21, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

“begins in the arid lands just west of the Indus valley”

The early Hebrew were a nomadic tribe, period. They never possessed a homeland they didn’t steal from some other tribe or ruling class. What ever happened to the Phoenicians?

Find an accurate map of the middle east prior to the Punic wars of approximately 400-200 BC. Then (perhaps) you could peruse these interesting historical descriptions. > Aden – Yemen – Wikipedia
History of the Jews in Aden – Wikipedia

May 21, 2020 1:33 PM

Since Hebrews are mentioned… there is no validity to the ancestral claim of the land in Palestine by the Zionists.

Most of the modern day American/ British /Israeli Jews and Zionists are not descendants of the ancient Hebrews and are not semitic. They are quite clearly white Caucasians from Eastern Europe, with turko-mongolian being the most southern they get, racially. Their ancestral lands would be somewhere in present day Russia.

The term “anti-semitism” is very indicative of how devious the hive mind of this self-proclaimed tribe is. It is a smear concealing another lie. Not only is it used to equate critics of Israel and Jewish power with Nazis, it also introduces the lie that “semite” = “Jew”. In fact the Palestinians are also semitic as were various tribes that inhabited that area since pre-history. The Zionist smear appropriates the Palestinian identity as they have appropriated their land.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 21, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  Almondson

Hello Almondson: Correct. The anti-Semite meme has been browbeaten into the hive mind since at least the late 1890’s, and the meme won’t go away anytime soon.
The peoples of Yemen and Palestine are being slaughtered and starved to death for possession and control of land. Same old wine – same old bottle…

May 20, 2020 3:08 PM

And the French steered the USA for 300 years because they were decisive in helping the Americans defeated the British during the American war of independence….Can we can play this silly game in any period of history ?

May 20, 2020 1:07 PM

If you are going to write a historicism: you might as well stick the boot into Churchill as well. It was at the Cairo Conference the borders were finally drawn in the ME: with the implementation of the ”Sherifian Plan” in 1921. When the Kurds were written out of history: in favour of Attaturk. Looks like they have been written out of history again.

The really important historical point is that previous to all the skullduggery sketched above (how can you leave out Cairo?): there were no actual nation-states in the region. The very concept of a bounded nation-state was enforced by the imperialists of France, Germany and Britain. The nation-state and statehood is a capitalist imperialist control invention: imposing statecraft and nation building of shared identity and imaginary consensus unity …which is a psychological engineering project from the start. Categorically turning nomadic peoples with familial blood ties and feuds; pluralism and multi-culturalism; major theological differences (Sunni, Shi’ite, Alawite, Christian, etc); and their own independent, autonomous cultures, practices and languages into a stratified distinction of One. The move from semi-independent domination (by the Ottomans) to dependent domination (by us) is the mapping of enslavement. It was never going to work. It was never meant to.

And if you want an Arab Spring conflict: there will always be ancient differences to exploit. But that is capitalist imperialism for you.

So: “…anyone who plays into this game will ultimately be playing for said interests, whether they are aware of it or not.” That is the Empire State of mind: enslavement and destruction of autonomies and self-determination rights for the centralised control of oil. So this is a counter capitalist statement, it seems?

FFS: the writer is a libertarian technofascist with pretensions for the stars. The ‘history’ – inaccurate as it is – serves a function of propaganda …by another indistinct flavour of the libertarian scientism, economism, and historicism that caused the very biocidal totalitarianism we are dominated by now. But if we just rewrite the history: exponentiating cancerous growth will metastasise and mutate differently this time. Won’t it?


I must say: for a site that avowedly anti-propagandist …you don’t half push a lot of your own

Once again: I ask you to check out Cynthia and Matthew Ehret’s hyper-growth science fiction life-denialism and libertarian technofascism. It took me just two minutes: several months ago. The ”Rising Tide Foundation” should be enough of a clue. We tried that particular cancerous mind-virus in the 80s. It brought us here: to the edge of chaos. More hypertrophic growth hormone and economic expansionism will not eventuate humanism. We are enslaved and lacking any real autonomy because of it. And do not ever mention the finity of the planets resource base to these freaks.

We need a clean break from their doctrinaire libertarian technofascism …aka Platonic Humanism; neo-Platonic (Hermetic) Christianity; the Cartesian Enlightenment Project; Classical Liberalism; etc.

From Plato to NATO we’ve been overruled by ratio (the instrumental individualist rationale).


It is about time those who want to be autonomous and free of the transhistoric totalitarian tyranny start to write our own philosophical history and sociology rather than giving the platform to the same dualistic, hyper-individualist Theanthropism (God-Humanism) that brought us here. We are limited: and so is the planet. If, and only if, we can accept this is there a chance we go on. With Cynthia’s doctrinaire doctrinal dogmatism – which is the very theanthropic principle operating throughout the history of our oppression and enslvement – we do not. That is the clean break that is needed.

From this theo-idiocy!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 20, 2020 1:10 PM
Reply to  BigB

I must say: for a site that avowedly anti-propagandist …you don’t half push a lot of your own

Rather than – yet again – taking easy potshots at this site for not exclusively posting POVs you agree with, why not submit an article? If it’s well written we will probably publish it, because we actually are anti-propagandist, which means hosting a variety of opinions and not excluding or censoring based on whatever ‘ism’ they are alleged to emerge from.

May 21, 2020 2:08 PM

It does not take ten minutes to discern where Cynthia and Matthew are coming from: and who their backers are. I’m not the only one who has established the facts. You cannot have a libertarian free speech opinion about about thermodynamics. Anything that contravenes – in such a concerted and coherent fashion as the Rising Tide Foundation – the laws of nature is a fallacy. And to promote it is a propaganda of impossible things.

Do you honestly think an article will change the course of history? Because there are countless accounts of limitation and sufficiency and an intellect grounded purely in the phenomenal senses. In fact: there is a whole perennial philosophy of less is more …which has continually been repudiated by the likes of Cynthia and Matthew’s somewhat perverted brand of historicism and aestheticisation of infinity. No one wants finity: they never have.

I’m flattered that you think anyone writing an article can change that: but I would have to rewrite history too. Every fascism begins with control of the past. Freedom begins with escaping it.

Having said that: do you really think that libertarian technofascism is the way forward? Because I am pretty sure that is exactly how we got here.

Have you checked out their credentials? Do you actually agree with them? LaRouche was an actual lunatic …exactly why you are promoting his actual brand of science fiction is up to you. You cannot reason or fact-check God-Humanism. And telling them life is limitation is incendiary to their divine sense of self-importance. But you don’t have to promote it: unless you actually think that ”God, Government, and natural law” will ”serve as a light of reason for all generations” …as a BRI world domination under Trump, VVP, and Xi. In which case: I seriously am concerned for your sanity too!

Catte Black
Catte Black
May 21, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  BigB

Calm down please and stop abusing the admins. They have enough to do without being insulted and harangued by angry commenters who have temporarily lost their sense of the appropriate.

Another thing for future reference – Unlike the Guardian and most of the pseudo-left media, we don’t do guilt/censorship by association here, because that is a weapons of those who want to control a narrative or dismiss a POV without evidence. We judge articles on their own merits, and not by whether the person or site they emanate from is in perfect accord with our own preconceptions about the world. We do this because being challenged by dissonant voices is never a bad thing. We have never felt the need to personally agree with every point of view we share. The fact that you think we should is simply another dissonant opinion that we allow to be aired. If we did, in fact, follow your diktat here, you might find YOU were a first casualty.

By all means dismiss this article, tear it to shreds if you can, but do so with actual rebuttal of actual things it actually says. I’m not sure ‘libertarian technofascism’ isn’t a tautology, but unless you show where this article is guilty of it, it’s not something that can be termed criticism, is it? It’s just the type of obscurist abuse we expect from the likes of Louis Proyect (a classic proponent of the fact-free dismissal by association method).

A factual critique is positive, even if devastatingly dismissive, a fact-free or generic fulmination on the heresy of daring to publish a given opinion, is negative, merely adding to the already overflowing cup of human intolerance and blind adherence to dogma.

I hope you take this as intended.

Catte B

May 21, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Catte Black

Thanks Catte: I take no offence, but it is basic interpretative hermeneutics to take into consideration an authors context. In other words: the article cannot stand on its own merit. It has to be placed in a larger context in order to study it more fully. And in the context of ”The Rising Tide Foundation” the agenda is highly suspect. To say the least. Libertarian: is that a byword for freedom?

The simple facts of the matter is that there are facts: and things are true or false (they just do not have to be fitted into a metaphysical schema of Truth). The reason we are in this mess is that ”human intolerance and blind adherence to dogma” knows no bounds. Like libertarianism.

We cannot grow anymore: we consumed our way into this mess, and we cannot consume our way out. That is a fact: not an opinion. The Belt and Road Initiative as well as the Strategic Eurasian Partnership, Polar Silk Road and bold space exploration projects …under an alliance of Trump, Xi, and VVP will destroy all life on Earth. Which is a monstrous perversion of humanity, biodiversity, and beauty. Is that a set of opinions and propagandic agenda I am supposed to be tolerant of? Or one I should oppose? And shouldn’t you be opposing actual fascism too?

Industrial capitalism has all but destroyed all life on earth: and the solution is …more industrial capitalism. And the dissonant voice is the one that says clearly that this is insane? Who has lost their sense of the appropriate? I’ve made multiple factual comments over the years that make clear what should not need to be made clear: that industrial capitalism will destroy us all. No matter how aestheticised and historicised it is. Are you really telling me I should respect the opinions of those who want to consume the Earth?

We were promised a Rising Tide in the 80s: and look where it brought us? Only the self-lobotomised would fall for that again because of a pretty poetic rhetoric and aestheticised ”anti-entropic” dominion over all life. I have no idea why you have linked up with these two: but it is on your conscience – not mine.

I hope you take this as intended: as a last ditch attempt to save life with some actual sanity.

Ehret has the temerity to call for a re-evalution of value: the end of techno-utopian Rising Tides would be a good place to start!


May 22, 2020 12:34 PM
Reply to  Catte Black

Woah a bun fight on offG

How exciting to see you all start to fall out,but if you’d listened to old crispy you wouldn’t be in this mess,that is, you could actually start to look for answers and solutions instead of promoting daft propaganda,which as BigB has correctly pointed out will simply enshrine the power in more authoritarian governance from the usual suspects he mentioned

As for having a go at Mr Proyect at least he’s stuck with his Marxists principles i honestly don’t know what principles you people have other than the rather self destructive notion of,’ the enemy of my enemy is my friend ‘

May 21, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  BigB

@BigB If writing articles makes no difference then surely writing long bombastic comments below the line makes less than no difference, yet you do it.

I think you’re making excuses because your’e afraid of judgment. You like being a big(b) fish in a small BTL pond, where you don’t have to add links, make sense or answer your critics. Much easier to huff and puff about how wrong and stupid someone else’s article is than put yourself out there and actually write one yourself, stand by your point of view above the line.

Admit it, BigB, you’re a journalist manqué, someone who wants an audience and recognition but is too scared to go for it. Hence your eagerness to snipe at those who do.

May 21, 2020 11:42 PM
Reply to  MLS

MLS: I have no idea where you keep popping up from …but it is rarely to add a useful contribution. Touche: pot, kettle, black!

Knowledge formation is a shared occupation. I generally try and put a different reasoned perspective. And I’ve posted plenty of links. Plenty.

Cynthia and Matthew support infinite growth on a small planet. Which is an infinitely stupid, impossible, and utterly absurd thing to believe. Utterly impossible. And Matthew is quite vocal about those who criticise his ”anti-entropy” …our favourite subject. The uncritical acceptance of which has led us to the edge of chaos. And here we are yet again: arguing whether we can grow any more due to thermodynamics. We can’t. End of.

Any belief contrary to that is wrong. And if it is coercively maintained: it’s fascist too. Belief in thermodynamics is not an option: it is a must. Do you really want to live under fascist rule for the rest of your life: just to maintain the belief in highly aestheticised cloud-kingdoms of infinite growth? Because I do not.

The only growth is degrowth: the very opposite of the libertarian fascist Rising Tide and Free Market Foundations rich philanthrocapitalist agenda. And I have no qualms about pointing this out. None at all.

FFS: we are going to be subsumed by libertarian facism soon enough. The last thing I want is another fucking flavour of the sheer fucking lunacy that destroyed the beauty and poetry of the Earth. Because they have an equal liberal free speech right to preach the very poison we are already dying from. And no: I’m not very tolerant of those who continue to support our extinction cult. Why should I be?

That is why I don’t write: cos no one chose to believe anyway. Ecology has been derided for no other reason than the impossible belief in illimitable and infinite things. Things which cannot exist: do you seriously think anyone wants a factcheck now?

The human mind made a fundamental categorical error from the start. The rot set in at the root of the root of the interpretation, knowing and understanding of all human knowledge. That which is fatally flawed in its duality. We live in a fantasy world in the solipsism of our own imaginations. Several thousand years of alternative spiritual exegesis have done nothing to balance this. Ecology be damned. People just do not change their minds. They just keep on unconsciously exponentiating the errors. People are culturally inculcated to want growth. And they do not take very kindly to the limitation of their narcissism.

Que sera, sera. We are sleepwalking into fascism. It would be something if we chose not to so obsequiously usher it in. Or turn on those who are at least trying to point it out. FFS: libertarians, rising tides, and free market fascists have had their day. But they still have a right to be heard over antifascists? What was it Huey Long said?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 23, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  BigB

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun?’

May 21, 2020 6:50 PM

OffG admin : you’re making the same mistakes and excuses that I did back when I used to invite them (yes, Larouchies) to talk on the radio. I was wrong back then because I was not differentiating between people with well thought out opinions of their own who were open to discuss their theories and people who were voicing the opinions of a strange cult that had guided them to opinions that were obviously not their own. There is a big difference. A really big difference.

My first roommate in university was an International Socialist. He was not at university to learn anything because he had already learned everything (at the ripe old age of 19!) and it involved convincing everybody on campus that the truth could be learned through his little newspaper that he used to hand out next to the library. Every day. All the profs were brainwashed pawns of capitalism. So was I because I didn’t immediately agree with him (he would lend me magazines… I would read them and want to discuss. I’d lend him a book… he would refuse to read it because it didn’t conform to the ideal tenets of International Socialism.) Only his group was right. He was never voicing a well-thought out opinion of his own, he was a mouthpiece of a group that would not allow any discussion that opposed their dogma.

The Larouchies are the same. Their members are mouthing the dogma of a dead sociopathic loonie’s mind control cult. They hang out near universities and hand out their little magazines just like my old roommate back in the day… except they’re not all university age, many I see hanging around are my age and older… this is depressing. Their brains have been hi-jacked. They should know better.

Sorry to get rough on them, but I prefer the opinions of intelligent individuals who think for themselves to the propaganda of weird, far-right cults that use everyone from Edgar Allen Poe to Plato to justify ends that are deliberately obscure, weird and of no use to anyone who wants to remain an independently minded individual.

I’ve recommended so many articles on this website to a lot of good people. Most authors I’ve read here at the OffG are excellent. I disagree sometimes, I agree on others but they deserve respect because they are obviously written by INDIVIDUALS who are not mouthing THEIR GURU’S DOGMA. I can spot the difference, others in this thread can… why can’t you?

I hope this was clear enough. I’m going to go outside now.

All the best.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 20, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  BigB

B… I already found out about the Rising Tide Foundation months ago, and what it stands for and it’s ‘libertarian values’.
Made a comment about it after one of Cynthia Chung’s earlier articles.
Found out Matthew Ehret was there as well, and go back to the founder of Rising Tide, and who father is. Your eyes will pop.
You probably already know all that anyway.
I also agree with you that ‘it’s all fucking bullshit’. Gonna hide under a rock for a couple days. Enjoy your day.

May 20, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I will try: but it can’t be easy for anyone right now. I had to watch my father-in-laws funeral on a fucking webcam because of all this bullshit.

You take care now. It can’t be easy for you, either.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 20, 2020 10:52 PM
Reply to  BigB

I’m really sorry to hear that B. My condolences to you and your family.
That would have been so tough, especially for your wife.
The inhumanity of all this – the pathology of it…. These bastards could not care one second about the consequences of this panicdemic on real people’s lives.
I’m struggling as well. Some days are relatively good, other days I just put on music and go to bed during the day.
I have joined a few Facebook groups opposed to the whole agenda of this – and where its all leading: a 1984 fascist dystopian technocracy that would make Orwell blush. Total control.
The positive thing about those groups is there’s a lot more people out there than I realised who see exactly where this is heading. And yes, I hate Facebook!
Okay, it’s 10.50 where you are – take care, thanks B✌️

May 21, 2020 12:50 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks, all the best.

May 21, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  BigB

What &^”!@: &$£” would downvote a persons grief!

May 22, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  BigB

A cunt!

Can i say that this time Admin?

It does seem appropriate

May 20, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  BigB

“When the Kurds were written out of history: in favour of Attaturk. Looks like they have been written out of history again.”

If you think the “Kurds” were written out of history, you don’t know any history.
And probably don’t know much about the “Kurds” in general? Or in specific?
Other then main stream gibberish and the adulation given to them from the likes of the french “philosopher” Henri Bernard Levy who champions their cause, equally to how much he champions everything for Israel-
In fact HBL has championed, cheered and encouraged the strife present day in the ME/NA which benefits Israel (as well as the US/UK)
And Israel 2.0 aka Greater Kurdistan will be the icing on the anglozionist cake
Bad for Russia and China.
As for them being written out of history again?
Well it’s too early to state that with any accuracy. And if they (Kurds,Khazars, US, UK and France) do get their Israel 2.0 then it will serve the same function as Israel 1.0 has.

May 20, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Penny

The Kurdish tribal ‘lands’ were split between four modern nation states at Cairo: betraying the deals the British had made with them. An ”independent Kurdistan” was sacrificed to the larger plans of Empire. Making them the largest ethnic group without a nation-state to call home. And yes, I have enormous sympathy with the history of betrayals and near genocides perpetrated against them …because they really have had a raw deal. They’ve been gassed, bombed, murdered, and made persecuted minorities. Is it any wonder they do not know who to trust?

And I do have a deal of sympathy for the Rojava autonomous region: because I was an avid reader of Murray Bookchin too. They tried to put his ideas in practice: for the moment, it looks as though they have failed. Barring some deal with the Syrian authorities. What do you find so objectionable about a culture that wants a homeland? An autonomous free homeland after a century of persecution: for oil.

But I am not so naive either. They have made any number of poor allegiances – to Washington and Riyadh – during the conflict. But would you really have the Turks genocide them? Because that is exactly what they would love to do. And if they thought they could get away with it: they would have already committed the atrocity.

Destabilisation? I think you got the wrong group. Capitalist imperialism destabilised the area: as it does every area …for profit. The autonomy and self-sovereignty of the people – any people – be damned. It is an economic system that consumes all humanity that is the real enemy here. Not this group, or that group. There are no beneficiaries of capitalist imperialism: including Russia and China. They all want the same resource base under their control: for their benefit …not for the people – any people …including their own.

The struggle and fight for what is left of the resource base will claim many more lives …of all nations. For what: humanism? Or corporatism? Did you check out who’s side Cynthia is on? The Rising Tide brought us here.

For all their mistakes and mis-alliances – the Kurds tried to put their people first. Maybe we should try and do that: and stop colonising other peoples lands and living off their suffering and death? Autonomy and freedom: great ideals. Maybe we should try them one day and support others in their struggle …instead of endorsing exponentiating economic expansion that consumes any vestige of autonomy and self-determination? Economic expansion and unlimited growth will destroy all life on earth: and rob every person of humanism, dignity, and cultural identity. Is that what you support?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  Penny

Bernard Henry Levy (BHL)is a Jewish Streicher, a common type.

May 20, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  BigB

Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, formed powerful nation states and empires under various names from the Bronze Age, long before any western countries.

May 20, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  paul

Generally classified as pre-national states. The concept of ”nation-state” is Westphalian – one nation, one state – of homogenous cultural identity. A foreign imperial concept of bounded entities and uniformity.

You are right: in the sense that there has probably never been one. Because of the ensuing persecution and hegemony of a particular caste or cultural group …perfect for access to the resource base.

You must know that every region the British partitioned has caused decades of violence and suffering – to this present day. India and MENA being salient exemplars.

Churchill was charged with ‘solving’ the ME problem (with T E Lawrence). And Cairo was where ”the map was drawn”. Sykes-Picot was a precursor in the perfidy. It seems strange that this is not mentioned at all.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 21, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  BigB

….it seems to me that all of the above comes from the doctrine and dogma of the Religions of “Government” and “Money” [i see Government as a servant of money – much like Jacob Frank to Zevi]…remove all belief and you will arrive at the harmony of Anarchism….trust me – i’m a musician….!!!

May 20, 2020 12:50 PM

This could have been written by Webster Tarpley, or Lyndon LaRouche himself (from the beyond).
OffGuardian are funded by their readers, I believe. I wonder what the biggest single donation is, and from whom it comes…?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 20, 2020 12:51 PM
Reply to  crank

We have NEVER been paid to publish an article and we never will accept money on those terms. We don’t accept advertising either. We are here, working for almost zero income, because we care about what we do.

Now why don’t you fuck off to a place with ads and paid content since you’re too dim and/or corrupt to tell the difference.

May 21, 2020 10:19 PM

Thanks for that carefully worded reply Sophie/ Sam.
Seemed like a legitimate question seeing as you re-publish so much writing on geopolitics from the same small clique who clearly are engaged in advocacy journalism.
I will take my ball elsewhere if that is how you respond to inquiries about transparency.

May 21, 2020 10:36 PM

That is really unnecessary. You have no idea who you are representing. The narrative might seem plausible: but they prey on weak minds. I’ve had to deal with their cult like fanaticism for decades. I actually thought they had died out. Now they are here, there and everywhere.

Instead of turning on those who have experience of their, erm, strongly held fantasy beliefs, why not take heed that there is a darker side …once they have got you believing. Are you really favouring libertarian science fiction over your informed readers. Cos these guys ain’t the good guys. Do not let the poetic and aesthetics veneer the most heinous misanthropy.

If you give them the time of day: there will not be a world worth saving. Some of us were just trying to warn you.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 20, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  crank

Webster Tarpley:D I remember when Obama was running against Romney, and Tarpley was having a meltdown, in total fear of an Obama presidency. His solution? Vote for Hillary:D

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 20, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Hellary wasn’t running in 2012.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 20, 2020 8:48 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

It was in 2008

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Romney was 2012, not 2008. Have you forgotten McInsane?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 20, 2020 11:24 PM

Yes, I was wrong about Romney in 2008, it was McCain–McInsane:D Thanks for the correction, Richard Le Sarc:)

May 20, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  crank

I donate a two dollar coin for a photocopy of the latest Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) every summer! The Larouchies always set up tables at the same places in Montreal, outside Place Bonaventure and Snowden metro stations, also downtown near Concordia and McGill universities desperately trying to attract fresh, energetic and gullible first year students looking for a cause to wear on their t-shirts or tweet on their cellphones.

EIR will have a different name this year, all shiny and re-branded after the death of their beloved guru, but containing all the same Larouchie viewpoints that OffG readers have grown to either love or hate or at least recognize as being extremely questionable. They’ll probably want more than a toonie for it now, but since I get their articles on the OffG ABSOLUTELY FREE well, why bother to give them the time of day anymore?

May 20, 2020 9:17 PM
Reply to  Chris

Extremely questionable ideas: flux capacitors …and one world capitalist colonisation under Trump; Xi; and VVP? The ‘Rising Tide Foundation’ is a bit of a sophistication on their past: a bourgeois attempt at the aestheticisation of world domination, perhaps?

I’ve had a few run-ins myself in the past. I naively thought they had died away: until the started colonising Strategic Culture. They seem to be trying to create a creative history and coherent cultural narrative to conceal their libertarian ethics.

And their philosophy: is there any tie in with Aleksandr Dugin? Because their neo-Platonic, hermetical metaphysics of actual infinity seems very similar, but I can’t quite tie them down? Given where we are right now because of that exact metaphysical bullshit: it is actual lunacy.

May 21, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  BigB

Agreed. Your statement “…they seem to be trying to create a creative history and coherent cultural narrative to conceal their libertarian ethics” is exactly right. Ever since I encountered them in the early 2000s they’ve been on this track… of course they had been on it long before that. Looking at their Rising Tide website proves it. Looks & sounds the same… same key words, names & phrases (Bretton Woods, New Silk Road, British Oligarchs, Schiller this, Poe that, Leibniz, Plato, doctrine of this, Dionysian that etc etc)

But it always comes back to the book Larouche wrote years ago, (1983) “There Are No Limits to Growth” and how anyone who dares suggest the contrary is a British dupe, brainwashed by Tavistock/BBC/CIA/the Beatles and, of course, on hard drugs. All of their old pre-death-of-guru publications inevitably refer to its contents and their new, shiny re-branded website points in exactly the same direction.

In other words, as you quite rightly point out, metaphysical bullshit and lunacy.

May 21, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Chris

It was one of Cynthia’s articles on Schiller that drew me in. Then I started to look around. Like you, alarm bells went off …I’d seen it all before. Very much as you so eloquently described …the same old talking points. If, on the eve of actual fascism, well intentioned people cannot recognise the historical and philosophical roots of fascism …we’re in big trouble.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 20, 2020 11:50 AM

If there is anything to be learned here it is this. That the imperialist criminals must leave completely the Levant and the areas around it and that IMPERIALISM and its racist creation, ZIONISM, must end. They are no good for humanity.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 20, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Oh yes one other thing. Zionism is not Judaism. Never was, never will be, no matter how often or how loudly “the goyim” and racists insist it is. In short, the Messiah has yet to come.

May 20, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

the house saud i believe they are donmeh turk
bagmen just fake oriental

in many ways swarthy front for khazarian ashkanazi pirates that run the show.
gangs counter gang and pseudo gang

sas david sterling and general sir frank kitson very important low level bleeding operations

yemen libya iraq and syria weaken collapse a division of spoils.
template set long ago it still works great mate
why stop now

it is nice to see irania,tel aviv,moscow,north korea all in lockstep with the state within a state city of london and newyork mafias

communism talmudism zionism satanism

this play is old


May 20, 2020 11:47 AM

Instead of the word ‘British’, just use the word ‘Rothschilds’ instead. The Rothschilds family has long controlled the British Empire (and its subsidiaries the US and Israel) for global domination.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
May 20, 2020 11:33 AM

Really are you so short of copy that your happy to just reprint this garbage ?
I subscribed to OffGuardian nor rising tide foundation or Strategic studies.

I may be anti establishment but I’m not yet so gulable as to swallow this blatant propaganda yet.

Did you get paid to run these articles ?
I hope it was more than the 50 cents, or thirty pieces of silver that is customary.
Surely you held out for a bit more before joining their influence apperatus.

I presume you were, so what’s the third article going to be on?
The New silk road perhaps, or maybe you will reprint that article about the end of the Roman empire.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 21, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  Freeborn John

We never accept paid content.

Don’t post under more than one name please. Not cool.

May 20, 2020 10:47 AM

The Young Turks just happen to have been freemasons.

May 20, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Edwige

the young turks and attaboy atatturky

followers of zvi and jacob frank school of slaughter

the blood must flow or the crops may fail

my boy
my life already

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 21, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The Young Turks, in FACT, were doenmeh, crypto-Jewish descendants of followers of the failed Messiah Sabbatai Zevi, who ‘converted’ to Islam while keeping their Jewish identity intact, in secret.

May 20, 2020 10:05 AM

The Occupation of the American Mind documentary
Israel’s ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated

May 20, 2020 9:36 AM

”…is that this age of empire is distinctly British”

….it takes some balls to make such an absurd statement and still expect to be taken seriously. The US of course with its 800 military bases around the world and gifts of 40 billion a year to Israel has no opinion on the future of the Middle East. You would have us believe that they are just humble onlookers, as a small bankrupt country tells them what to do. We are being told that the CIA, the most formidable spy agency and manipulator of countries in history, sits quietly by as the British and Israel tells the US what to do.
Absurd isn’t it.,……Clearly the truth is that Israel is just another military base for the US in the Middle East, easily the most important geopolitical region in the world. They fund it, arm it, and protect it from all attacks, Israel does as it is told by the US for the most part despite the pantomime on the surface.
Many on the far right like to hide US interests behind a wall of antisemitism that likes to paint ‘the jews’ as an all powerful enemy but this is just cover for Israel’s real geopolitical roll as a US puppet.
Time and time again all we are seeing is attempt to write the US, the largest empire in the history out of the news and out of the history books, like it is some invisible benign force that has not interests, no control and does noting to forward it’s interests and it’s empire.

‘’To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m not 10 years old and I know I am looking at Empire and it’s power being flexed every day in every part do the world, especial in the parts of the world that it funds with trillions of dollars.

May 20, 2020 10:52 AM
Reply to  Julia

not very aware informed are you Julia about history or even the Talmud, Kabbalah, maybe Christendom also
Clearly the truth is that Israel is just another military base for the US in the Middle East,
it is not just another base in middle east for fundamental Christians and they are bat shit fundamental some even in CFR and even kocks brothers and many super duper rich familys and many of the usa & worldwide owned alt right and left puppeteers pretend independent media its like where there messiah was born and also about the 2nd coming actually bush keegan and many other even down to steve bannan its about doing gods work.
Christians must understand that the religion of Judaism is anti-Biblical. The true religion of the God of Israel is Christianity according to them not Judaism, so there is infighting between them ansd the building of the temple is another massive long dawn out story

Ben Shapiro’s the Daily Wire is actually financed by the Wilks brothers. Dan and Farris Wilks are right wing fundamentalist Christians who made their money via the fracking industry They donated over $15 million dollars in 2016 to a superPAC supporting Ted Cruz (the original choice of Cambridge Analytica). The Wilks brothers also finance PragerU, a conservative media outlet that champions causes that they favour. Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin and Candace Owens have made videos for PragerU amongst others.

The Koch Brothers, via a series of conduits, also provide financing for the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is a right wing Christian think tank that tries to sway public policy, it is described as one of the most influential conservative research centres in the world. Rebecca Mercer has been on the board of trustees since 2014. At least 66 foundation employees and alumni got staffing positions in the Trump administration. The foundation also recommended cabinet members Scott Pruitt, Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, and Jeff Sessions.
Candace Owens (despite claiming to be fiercely independent) works for Turning Point USA a far right organization funded by the billionaire Betsy Devos and the Koch brothers. Candace Owens has also appeared on Infowars and the Rubin Report. The Devos family over the years have financed the Republican Party to the tune of over £200 million. Betsy DeVos is the current Secretary of Education for the USA. Betsy Devos is part of a conservative think tank funded by the Koch brothers.

So, by remarkable coincidence the media outlets owned by Robert Mercer/ The Koch brothers (and those employed by said outlets) spread anger and discontent in a manner surprisingly similar to that of the company also financed by Robert Mercer which works for the British Government and Intelligence agencies when they wish to ensure their preferred outcomes in elections and induce behavioural change in populations.

Richard Spencer of the NPI (who claimed to have coined the term alt-right) is also financed by the multi millionaire William Regnery 2nd of the elite Regnery family. Regnery also funds the right wing think tank the Charles Martel Society.
Mercer and the Koch brothers also financed James O Keefe at Project Veritas

Richard Spencer organised the Unite the Right March with Jason Kessler at Trump Tower. By a huge coincidence Nigel Farage and Stephen Miller were also there that day.

Dinesh D’souza has the majority of his books published by the Regnery family and has appeared on Mercer financed Rebel Media more than a few times. D’souza was recently pardoned by President Trump after pleading guilty to making illegal campaign donations in another persons name.

Breitbart is financed by elites, Rebel Media is financed by elites and therefore their stars Robinson, Southern, Loomer, Bannon, Yannapopolous etc are also financed by elites. Richard Spencer is financed by the elites. The Daily Caller is financed by the elites. Dave Rubin is financed by the elites. Ben Shapiro is financed by the elites. Candace Owens is financed by the elites. Cambridge Analytica is financed by the elites and a tool of elements of the UK Government.
You may not care and you may still believe what these people and outlets say, fair enough, but again, the fact that these entities are owned and promoted by extremely wealthy people with links to the military, government and establishment of both UK and USA, who obviously have their own agendas, gives me pause for concern.

Nick Griffin from the BNP( who isn’t a liberal or pro Islam) said about the English defense league. He said that it is a Zionist front meant to take over nationalism and use it to promote wars against Israel’s enemies. He also said that he was approached by representatives from western powers who offered him money in exchange to only criticize Muslims and not criticize the banking system. Political Zionism has always been financed by fractional reserve international reserve banking. Robinson is a shill.
Faith Goldberg,Laura Loomer,Lauren Simonsen(Southern)Alex jabbahut Jones paul smeggal watson ,Ezra Levant(RebelMedia)Jerome Corsi, Milo who calls trump daddy ,Mike ,Cernovich , Avi Yemini , RED ice, Michael tarsion & david Whitehead unlsvaed Kate Hopkins And Thats w/o Research. WHAT Do These ppl have in Common? – CONTROLLED OPPOSITION –

Jim dowson a real Christendom fundamentalist says about the whole ALT right wing YT movement explaining @ 49mins in who owns them and why


May 20, 2020 12:29 PM
Reply to  ame

The real opposition is everyone that’s been attacked by the media and NATO in the last thirty years starting with …..Serbia for kicking out the BIS in November 1990.

May 20, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  ame

That’s a tour de force all that information on the Zionist controlled opposition you’ve explain very well.

May 20, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  ame

All that just to hide the power of american empire. The truth is easier to justify, lies are hard work.

May 20, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  ame

The far right media are an arm of the CIA, the deep state who ultimately steer empire. They are a tool of empire whose job is to keep empire invisible.

May 21, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  ame

Yeah, i did an quick read on your site, the Nielsandersmindcontrol, yup, you nailed it, the only thing I do have some issues about is, the a bit narrow definition on alt-right and that the founders are racists, I beg to differe, because the truth is, they are the defenition of what I define as the Tribe, since they all, from African elite to the Chines, have one thing in comon, the lust for raw poltical power and economic plundering of us all, incl their own people.
This Tribe owns everything, and controls the MSM whom is the force behind our problems in basically everything, witch leads us to the truth, its an class war, the elite against us all.
Apart from that, I have known about this peoples for years, nothing new if you have payed attention to what they do, not what they say, like the Robtards etc to the TrumpTards, the same pack of drooling idiots is everywhere, but one thing to they have in comon, they all bow for the Tribe.

And the Video is also nailing it, I could go into som few aspects but I am not in the mood right now, but overall agrees in most of it.
About hate.

I linked to this one, to you all, this is what we have lost, this is what could change everything, but right now, the masses are scared shitless, and like the Americans, shouting MAGA and pumping their fists into the air, while they are lead straight into the slaughter house, like blind sheeps, and humanity have no spirit left, no fire within, only decaying to dead matter, while they refuses to see what causes everything, from wars, refugees, economic downfalls, the elites imperialism, witch creates refugees and poverty the sole reasons for this millions of humans in the move and the human trafficing to europa, to their latest trick, this scamdemic to solidify their gripp on our Gov and politicians balls, and anyone not complying is crushed by the gate keepers, the MSM.

When I coinded the wake up, I meant it for all of us, from Africa to South America, we all need to be awaken up to the nightmare we live in, take Bolivia and Libya, they have no shame, and the fake right is backing this as the fake left is, all given the reasons by the enem more rotten MSM.
WE need an revolution, united we stand an chanse, divided we will be hanged separatly, one by one to we have nobody left and humanity will become slaves for an elite whom cares only about them selfs.
We need to fight back, have no mercy, since no mercy have been given.
Any Good christain knows this, its your obligation, its an great sin not to fight for our brothers and sistes everywhere, an stong man stands up for himself, and stronger man stands up for others.
Be the light.


May 20, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Julia

How do you explain the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967…?

May 20, 2020 8:44 PM
Reply to  Tinero

Tinero you asked How do you explain the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967…?
the answer is deeemed anti semetic

never the less in les than a few 1000 words i cannot explain the whole Mephisto Mesopotamia mythology which they take very very serious so serious they align there houses monuments to the constellation and star they say they came from

this battle has been going on longer than Christendom islam put in that way

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 24, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Tinero

Excess of enthusiasm.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Julia

The antithesis of the truth. It is US politicians who flock to AIPAC’s meeting every year to pledge UNDYING fealty to Israel, not Israeli politicians pledging loyalty to the USA. It is Israeli and dual loyalty Jewish oligarchs funding BOTH US parties, it is US politicians throwing themselves to the ground in adulation when Bibi the war criminal addresses the Congress with undisguised contempt, not Israeli politicians groveling to the USA. The master-servant relationship is undisguised.

May 20, 2020 9:25 AM

In Daniel Yergin’s The Prize, a history of the Oil industry, he provides another interesting angle to explain British interest in the region. He states that at that time, Churchill realised that a fighting Navy powered by Coal, was not nearly as good or efficient as one using Oil as a fuel, and that securing supplies of the stuff was the best way forward to protect the Empire.

May 20, 2020 11:28 AM
Reply to  Pyewacket

Yergin would be right. The precursor of the First World War was a technological arms race and accelerated ‘scientific’ perfection of arsenals – particularly naval – in the service of imperialism. British and German imperialism. The full story involves the Berlin to Cairo railway and the resource grab that went with it. I’m a bit sketchy on the details now: but Churchill had a prominent role, rising to First Lord of the Admiralty.

Docherty and Macgregor have exposed the hidden history. F W Engdahl has written about WW1 being the first oil war.

May 20, 2020 8:33 AM

Reading the past by a earth dweller born 1942. His remembering of the good or bad people always included Russia. Korea or Vietnam dominated by media in the past never or very basic started explaining from the beginning. Like corona, someone someplace started problems of today. Cutting the rot out today is a good start for life of tomorrow. The French and Russia revolutions did give this planet the face of today. Not perfect, but better in many ways.

May 20, 2020 7:45 AM

Strategic Culture,more kremlin propaganda,says it all really

May 20, 2020 10:19 AM
Reply to  crispy

Please show us on the doll where the bad Russiaman touched you

May 20, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  crispy

Are you saying that none of this is true and the Russians made up the whole thing?

What has any of this to do with the kremlin?

May 22, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I’d refer you to BigB he’s nailed it,although the dots are fucking big enough byeeeee

May 22, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  crispy

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying it’s all objectively true – everything is a matter of perspective.

I’m just wondering how the British fucking over the Arabs back in the day could be anything to do with kremlin propaganda. Rather than refer me to somebody else’s post, perhaps you could have a go at this particular one yourself.

May 22, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Philippe

One of those big fucking dots is Strategic Culture Foundation,another is South Front,another is the Saker,i could go on,all of those I’ve just mentioned peddle a pro kremlin position,often they feature articles by people who often appear on RT International,on shows such as Cross Talk,people like Pepe Escobar for example,they never stop with this memetic engineering of how bent corrupt and morbidly decedent the west is, Escobar in particular used to give it big ones about BRICS,but its now mysteriously been reduced to RICs

RT International love the whole meme thing about dollar collapse,Bit Coin,Gold and so on,as an alternative,they love to promote,especially Escobar,this Chinese led bank AIIB but what they don’t tell you is that this Chinese bank basically signed up with the World Bank in 2017,so the new imperialist,China,join with the old,whats that French saying about the ‘ more things change…… 😜

Oh incidentally i think the Americans are the biggest shareholders in the World Bank,….just one of those dots 😝

people like Escobar often use this old trope of colonialism and western imperialism,the antidote to this is the Belt and Road thing the Chinese are pushing, plus their new swanky bank thing I’ve just mentioned, but its basically infrastructure imperialism,but when the aforementioned promote this stuff its the solution to all the worlds problems 😜

Basically the kremlin promote this stuff and encourage it because its only purpose is to weaken western institutions and help the kremlin gain more power, because the Russians are economically weak hence the whole point of this article is to get people in the west whipped up into a frenzy of outrage about the past whilst conveniently forgetting Russian and Soviet history,i think its called whataboutism

oh and Putin has very recently pushed this idea that Russia is now some sort of unique civilisation, but that’s ok,if the Americans say stupid things like,’ indispensable nation’ RT have a fit

Putin however can give it the old ultra nationalist
” we’re under siege” stuff from those horrible barbarians in the west,oh and you’ll see plenty of that kind of sentiments from the aforementioned especially the Saker which is ok, even though it sounds like fascism buts its still ok,ironic really when Putin and his western useful idiots never stop telling us how Russia saved the world from fascist 😂😂😂😂😂

Can you know see why i call it kremlin propaganda? because this stuff gets regurgitated across a whole bunch of websites,from this one to Mint Press News or the horrible Russia Insider, or Fort Russ, or Sputnk News,its the same message; west bad,new world order,of multi polarity,belt and road thing, Russia China and Iran good

You know what, this is the same message as the article the other day by the Canadian bloke,lets promote something which looks positive but actually just shifts the power to more authoritarian regimes,and the point BigB makes is they’ll do just the same as the old imperialism,churn and burn through the earths resources and put the profits into the usual pockets

You should read Lenin,and that little pamphlet he wrote over a hundred years ago about imperialism,I’m sure he’d see the Chinese and their infrastructure thing as basically no different than what the west did back then,bit more high tech,but basically the same

Now I’ve given you a starter for ten,as they used to say on University Challenge,you should now start to connect a few more dots and I’m sure this side of infinity you’ll understand whats going on 😉

May 23, 2020 5:52 AM
Reply to  crispy

I understand what you’re saying but you seem to be implying that the Russians, or Russian agents/sympathisers, have a monopoly on propaganda. That is patently not true.

Are you implying that our propaganda is ‘good’ propaganda, whilst there’s is ‘bad’? I would argue all propaganda is bad – ours or theirs. The thing is, the more we are subjected to it, the easier it becomes to spot, wherever it originates.

If you’re going to have a go at the Russians for WWII, you should give equal weight to the fact that the nazis were bankrolled by JP Morgan and his Wall St crowd. They effectively funded both sides. That’s not kremlin propaganda; that’s simply a fact. No government (except perhaps Tahiti) or power structure is inherently better than any other.

To be clear, I’m not saying that anybody comes out of this smelling of roses (just ask the Skripals, if you can find them), but to brand everything as kremlin propaganda is just another form of propaganda in itself.

Balance is important because, without it, we fall into the trap of believing that one power structure (ours) is good; while the competing power structure (theirs) is bad, when they are both inherently flawed. Clumsily utilising entry level in-group/out-group psychology, however transparently, in an attempt to divide people in this way only serves the power structures – not normal people.

I suspect you know all this already.

Incidentally, the British did fuck over the Arabs back in the day. One could argue that we still are. That fact is true in and of itself and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Russian propaganda. Those events have been dissected and analysed over the years by a broad range of people, not just those sympathetic to Russia.

I suspect you know that also.

May 24, 2020 4:22 AM
Reply to  crispy

What people like you and the western sham democracies you slobber over so much can never seem to grasp is that when you DO bad things, people SAY bad things about you.

Calling out their shitfuckery for what it is, the slaughter, starvation and immiseration of hundreds of millions, suddenly becomes “Kremlin propaganda”, unless it involves the Chosen Folk and Kosherstan, of course, when it becomes “anti Semitism” instead.

If you’re really looking for propaganda organs your attention would be more profitably be directed at the £4 billion a year state controlled BBC, the US media owned by 6 Zionist billionaires, and the vast, sprawling Hasbara empire.

Fair dinkum
Fair dinkum
May 20, 2020 5:41 AM

Empires come and go and tragically many human beings are sacrificed in the name of someone’s god or ultimate authority.
Truth, on the other hand, is forever.

Andreas Schlüter
Andreas Schlüter
May 20, 2020 5:32 AM

And don´t forget which of the US Military command regions into which the US Military divided the WHOLE World is named “US CENTCOM”!
„One Thing Must be Clear to the World: The US Power Elite Regards the Whole Globe as Their Colony!“: https://wipokuli.wordpress.com/2016/10/26/one-thing-must-be-clear-to-the-world-the-us-power-elite-regards-the-whole-globe-as-their-colony/

May 20, 2020 4:58 AM

In 1996 a task force, led by Richard Perle, produced a policy document titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm for Benjamin Netanyahu

No source link for this!

By the way 1996 was during the Clinton administration. Warren Christopher was secretary of state and John Deutch was the Director of Central Intelligence . George Tenet was appointed the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence in July 1995. After John Deutch’s abrupt resignation in December 1996, Tenet served as acting director.

May 20, 2020 8:18 AM
Reply to  Antonym
Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 10:07 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Antsie, what are you going to deny next? The USS Liberty? Deir Yassin? The Lavon Affair? Sabra, Shatilla? Qana (twice)? The Five Celebrating Israelis on 9/11?Does not impress.

May 20, 2020 4:39 AM

Check the Sykes-Picot agreement map of 1916 above: “Palestine” constitutes no more than 5% of this area.

Than why is it in the ME news for 50% of the time?

Because massive oil finds later on in sections of the other 95% made those ruling it global financial top dogs. Their religion was Islam of various shades but they had one thing in common: no tolerance for non Islamic neighbors. The Christians were easy pickings turning their other cheeks, just those damn Jews were a nuisance. Because of Big Oil Money all other artificial ME borders were swallowed and kept out of the MSM. For the same reason Israels borders are in all the time, even on the “alternative” blogs.

May 20, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  Antonym

I see you’re back, just like your buddy Proyect. I guess the temptation to spout lies gets the better of you every time.

May 20, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  Antonym

The only difference between 1916 and now is that the parasites have replaced one host with another.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 20, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Antonym

One can easily imagine Antsies’ German predecessors moaning in similar fashion about Po;and, or those beastly Czechs, back in 1938-9. Ironic how history rhymes.