We’re all in the big numbers now

Adding up the damage Britain’s Covid19 policies have caused

Alistair Haimes

Image source: The Times

It is the end of the affair. We are no longer at epidemic levels of covid19 prevalence in the UK (0.27% of the population infected, where 0.4% is the low end required to be “epidemic”), and all-cause deaths have slipped back below average.

Source: Office for National Statistics, 15 May 2020 [CLICK TO ENLARGE]

It seems a good time to look back on the extraordinary past few weeks and try and draw conclusions.

First: who has the disease killed?

Covid19 targets the old and the sick; this is not to be callous, but to understand the enemy and to provide context. The average age of those dying of covid19 in the UK is over 80, and fully a third are residents of care homes where average “stay” (a euphemism I’m afraid) was only 30 months from admission before the virus anyway.

Our statistics agencies are only now following Italy’s lead and publishing the comorbidities of those dying from covid19, and it is now clear just how extreme is the amplification of risk. 95% of victims dying with covid19 have serious pre-existing conditions: not just background illnesses, but severe enough to be mentioned as causes of death on death certificates.

The most prevalent are dementia and diabetes (a quarter of cases, each), hypertension (a fifth) and serious lung, kidney or heart disease (around a sixth each). In both the UK and Italy, the average victim had three comorbidities severe enough to be causes of death on a certificate.

Second: who hasn’t it killed?

Parents, unions and nervy adults fret about the risk, but there is little need. With no serious pre-existing conditions, the young-ish and healthy are far more likely to be hit by lightning (49 occurrences per annum in UK) than to die of covid19 (33 in England under age 40, of which only 3 under the age of 19).

Panning out, among healthy under 60s (i.e. children and the vast majority of our working population), 253 people have died of covid19 in English hospitals; this compares to 400 (non-suicide) drownings per year in the UK.

And taking all age-groups where there are no pre-existing conditions serious enough to be mentioned as contributary causes of death, covid19 has taken about 2/3rds the lives that British roads do every year, and we wouldn’t think of outlawing driving, swimming or going outside in a storm.

Even taking all deaths where covid19 is mentioned on the death certificate regardless of age or comorbidities, looking at the total toll: 43,000 lives is less than 2018’s excess winter deaths and would count as a bad, but by no means remarkable, influenza year.

Scientific Context

Imperial College haven’t had a good war, and after their performance in other recent epidemics perhaps they will now pass their mantle onto another team. Preferably one that can code to levels fit for publication, never mind policy: it is increasingly awkward to hear the Prime Minister quoting their forecast that, were it not for lockdown, the UK could have been looking at half a million deaths when, at the tail-end of the epidemic, there are only 320,000 deaths worldwide.

But there is more to science than models, and the most accurate analysts were those who relied on other pillars of science than complicated models when input parameters were close to unknown (“garbage in, garbage out”).

Science does not only proceed from models after all: it also has, inter alia, experiments, defaults (“null hypotheses”), controls and historical context.

In mid-March, Stanford’s Nobel laureate Michael Levitt (biophysicist and professor of structural biology) discussed the “natural experiment” of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, a virtually perfect sealed petri-dish disproportionately filled with the most susceptible age and health groups.

Even here, despite the virus spreading uncontrolled onboard for at least two weeks, infection only reached 20% of passengers and crew (an “upper bound” to infection levels?); Levitt concluded that we must have high levels of innate immunity that can clear the virus.

And using very simple mathematics (not “15,000 lines of uncommented code” like Neil Ferguson) he demonstrated that the virus’s spread had never been exponential but rather has been running out of steam from day one. Who listened?

The eccentric biostatistician Knut Wittkowski came at things from a different angle, the “null hypothesis” angle – a default, in layman terms.

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, he assumed that covid19 was a normal viral respiratory disease, and at the end of March wrote a compelling but neglected paper showing how the emerging data backed up his view that “respiratory diseases [including covid19]… remain only about two months in any given population”.

This can be seen in the first graph at the top of this article showing the UK’s epidemic, but is illustrated more clearly by a simple “what-if” thought-experiment: respiratory viral diseases generally peak in mid-winter, and covid19 is very unusual to be killing people with a peak at Easter.

If we simply move covid19 deaths from spring to winter, the death-toll and the extent of the epidemic is put in the context of recent bad (but not dramatic) influenza years.

Source: ONS, prior years’ population inflated to current level to compare “apples with apples”.

Remember the killer flu of 2000, and the lockdown after the Millenium super-spreader events? Me neither. Covid19 might not be “just flu”, but that’s because there’s no “just” about flu.

We also have ‘controls’, since not all countries have behaved the same. Neither Sweden nor Japan have locked down so, if the lockdown hypothesis were true, Stockholm would by now be a morgue and Greater Tokyo (population 38 million) a necropolis.

In Sweden, Professors Giesecke and Tegnell have managed the epidemic within Sweden’s healthcare capacity without suspending civil liberties or shutting down schools or society (Sir Patrick Vallance’s “Plan A”), with no greater death-toll than our own. The Free Swedes pointed out all along that lockdown would be much easier to get into than out of: no kidding, we’re in an eel-trap.

The final scientific datum would have been historical context. The media has not pointed out that the toll of covid19 is only 0.5% that of the 1918/1919 influenza, before the advent of antibiotics. Although possible, could Neil Ferguson’s attention-grabbing estimate of twice the number of deaths for covid19 ever have been realistic when the parameters of the disease were largely unknown? I mean: what were the chances?

Oxford’s competing model, trumpeted in the press but attacked by their peers, looks like it will have been far more accurate, so it will be important in due course to ask: why?

Harm done

SAGE minutes make it clear that the public was explicitly petrified in order to ensure compliance with lockdown.

Mind-control is objectionable in itself, but has a real cost in lives: before a policy lever like lockdown was pulled, where was the cost/benefit analysis, or was SAGE only thinking of covid19?

Lockdown, after all, affects not just this thing over here (covid19) but also that thing over there (cancer, cardiac, sepsis, etc.).

Through lockdown, A&E cardiac admissions have been as much as 50% down, so around 5,000 people per month have not been turning up at hospital with heart attack symptoms; heart attacks outside hospital have only a 1-in-10 chance of survival. Same story with strokes. And downstream, many cancers are touch-and-go even if you catch them early; give them a two month head-start and Stanford’s Professor Bhattacharya estimates the impact of urgent cancer referrals running 70% below normal levels will be around 18,000 deaths.

Chris Whitty (CMO) warned two months ago of the toll of these “indirect deaths” (=’lockdown deaths’), and the figures are in: there have been over 13,000 non-covid excess deaths since the start of lockdown, of which over 12,000 in care homes. Can the scale of these figures in the context of the disease be remotely acceptable?


Where the inevitable enquiry highlights failings, let’s hope they will never be made again. An obvious smoking gun is the government guidance (until 12th March) that it was “very unlikely” that people in care homes will become infected with covid19.

It was already known from the Italian experience that this simply could not be the case given the disease’s target demographic; but as late as mid-April government policy was still for patients to be admitted to care homes from hospitals without requiring negative tests.

Bluntly, this is what South Korea (whose care homes instituted regular temperature checks on all residents with compulsory quarantine for anybody symptomatic, and with two consecutive negative tests required before re-admittance) and Germany (where hospitals are paid for each night a patient is retained, unlike “our” NHS) got right and the UK got lamentably wrong.

Lockdown’s political consequences will be dramatic. What of the impact on the “levelling-up” agenda? The lockdown will prove a peerless inequality wedge: many executives are still busy but a huge number of the lower-waged millions think they’re furloughed but will soon find they’re unemployed.

And consider education: it’s increasingly clear that schools should never have closed (so why aren’t they immediately re-opened?), and although private schools have maintained a full curriculum through lockdown, elsewhere many children will have missed out on half a year’s education by September with the damage incalculable.

The damage to the economy is calculable, but dizzying: an extra £300 to 500 billion deficit (let me help you: 10 to 15 Brexit bills, with lockdown now costing a Brexit bill per week) will mean higher taxes, higher borrowing and therefore (the other side of the equation) less investment.

Geographically, investment will refocus where it always made sense, not in the locations where, politically, it is most needed. If the lockdown tanker isn’t turned around soon, the “northern powerhouse” agenda will wither on the vine and the mortar is already falling out of the Red Wall. (Sorry for the mixed metaphors but you get the point.)

Next time

Kids can’t make it through a day at school without having “growth mindset” hammered into them, so let’s acknowledge failings and learn lessons from this shambles, and make sure that the next epidemic meets defences ready to resist it:

  1. The Nightingales: is there a case to have spare hospitals mothballed and dust-sheeted, ready at a moment’s notice for the inevitable next time, rather than having to put the rest of the NHS into hibernation during an epidemic at such cost to life? Of course, this is no good without the staff, so:
  2. Remember the 750,000-strong ‘NHS volunteer army’: would basic annual training (like a medical Territorial Army) allow us to hit future epidemics with phalanxes of trained staff ready to go?
  3. Given the high incidence of asymptomatic spread, contact-tracing can’t work with this virus notwithstanding the horlicks made of setting up the NHSX app. But perhaps the next killer, the “disease X”, will be amenable to such an approach, and we should have the app and other tracing measures ready to go at a moment’s notice.
  4. PPE: how on earth could we run out so early in an epidemic? And treatment protocols changed during the epidemic such that the ventilators weren’t needed; but maybe they will be next time.
    Let’s not be caught on the hop again.

For now: we’re bamboozled with daily changes to the semi-mystical R number (cognoscenti have moved onto Z-scores), but dig below the surface and it’s clear that transmission is now mostly within care homes and hospitals (up to 20% of infections are now nosocomial), and even there it is in rapid retreat.

So why on earth is civil society still locked down?

Boris Johnson’s hero was not famous for “grandmother steps”, and it is clearer every day that (despite the polls) the lockdown is causing more harm than good; Churchill would grit his teeth, rip the plaster off, and get the country back to school and back to work.

Originally published on The Critic


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Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart
Sep 14, 2020 8:34 PM

I think the sentence concerning 1918 “before the advent of antibiotics” is a little misleading. Most antibiotics do nothing for viruses (some, mostly newer antibiotics, do have anti-inflammatory properties though). So the only time antibiotics would be used for the flu was if there was a secondary bacteria infection.

May 30, 2020 7:26 AM

The “killed by lightning” comparison is slightly off, in that it’s comparing the total figure for lightning deaths and the number of Covid-19 deaths in a specific age range. It should be comparing the numbers in the same age range at risk from both threats. If you do that, then instead of “far more likely to be killed by lightning” you get “a similar risk to being killed by lightning” for the 20-40 age range in good health, and “far more likely to be killed by lightning” for the 0-19 age range in good health. I just mention this because people will pick up on it.

May 28, 2020 11:34 AM

The George Floyd murder in the USA could be regarded as a Covid death, in the sense that the police arrogance and unaccountability, often present before the virus, is only increased in lockdown conditions in which cops are often the only people allowed to move around freely.
In Turkey, police beat youths loitering in front of their homes in Zeytinburnu, Istanbul. People in the apartment block opposite hooted in derision and threw eggs at the police. I believe the incident was filmed. The examples of police arrogance could be multiplied around the globe, aggravated by lockdowns.

May 27, 2020 8:05 PM

What a lovely photograph of those two piggies walking by, at the top of your article.

May 27, 2020 6:30 PM


More Greek reaction to the virus and the police crackdown that came with it.

May 27, 2020 6:25 PM

Since the lockdown response is way out of proportion to the covid-19 threat, it is clear that covid-19 is the excuse, not the reason, for the lockdown.

And if our governments are so determined to put us into lockdown, despite all reason, faithful men most pray lest faithless men be provoked to desperate acts.

Peter Quiggins
Peter Quiggins
May 27, 2020 11:02 AM
kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 27, 2020 9:32 AM

…thank you for an excellent article, Alistair.

May 27, 2020 6:08 AM

The article moves right past any acknowledgement, or basic investigation, of the obvious super national coordinated, world-wide, social conditioning psyop dimension, right to fantasy world “next time” preparations. As if the “but how will we pay for it” narrative won’t be back in vogue when/if that discussion ever arrives. Not to mention all presupposed by the notion that ruling class (or the broader population to be fair) actually gives a single chat about any of the covid deaths (which brings up other absurdities like the seemingly normalization of the notion of moral ranking of causes of death). I am not familiar with the author but the article comes off as mealy-mouthed limited hangout equating to “oops, we done goofed up a bit” and “we’ll do better next time” (notice any parallels to Iraq?). Frankly, this sounds like a closet globalist apologist spin. Among the many critical omissions how about some discussion around the suspected (for anyone who is paying attention) coming subsequent pandemic “WAVES”? I wonder if the Gates Foundation PR perp’s labelled this one “Pandemic I” by chance??? Not a good sign for OFFG.

May 27, 2020 2:27 AM

Another big number.
$50,000 a second.
The rate of increase in the US National Debt.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 27, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  paul

…thank goodness it’s just imaginary…!!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  kenny gordon

If the crunch ever comes, the USA will just renege on the debt, as many are openly urging for Chinese-held US Treasuries, and invite any who want their dough to try and collect.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 28, 2020 2:49 PM

…dead right, Richard…i postulate that the “debt” exists only in the imagination of psychopaths..!!

May 29, 2020 8:13 AM

The US credit rating would plummet since such action implies it will renege on any other debt when it feels like it.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 30, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

So what? They’ll just print more money, and hand it to Wailing Wall Street. Credit rating, schmedit rating! Credit ratings grow out the barrel of a gun, and the USA has the most guns.

May 26, 2020 10:58 PM

I’ve just come across another anti-lockdown website called cvpandemicinvestigation.com. It looks like another interesting source of information questioning the official narrative. As one example of its content, the link below features the audio of the recent interview on Radio 5 with recently retired snooker player Peter Ebdon who is a fervent sceptic and doesn’t pull his punches about his views.


May 27, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Wonderful interview! Thanks for sharing. He was always a cool cat.

May 27, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie


Thanks. It is well worth regularly dipping into PE’s twitter feed. At the moment it is almost entirely devoted to Covid-19 and is constantly updated.

May 26, 2020 9:55 PM

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 26, 2020 9:03 PM

Does the lockdown with less infection mean less herd immunity? A good crop for next winter’s flu season? Even more reason for having a vaccine? Sounds like a good business model to me. I must get hold of my broker….

May 26, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

“Herd immunity” is just a mathematical model, like Ferguson’s model, but maybe a bit better. The most renowned specialist in infectius diseases in the world, Prof. Didier Raoult does not take it into consideration.
He has been saying since the beginning that this new virus just might go away with the coming of Spring and it might never return, like SARS-1.

It is in fact disappearing. And there is so far no proof it will be back.

Serological studies show that on average a few percent of the population were exposed to SARS-CoV-2 with over 20% in the hotspots. It is disappearing without herd immunity which would require much more than that.

Herd immunity, some say, is a vaccine business term. You need to vaccinate a lot to protect the very few that can’t be vaccinated. Dr. Birx recently affirmed just this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l_jUZ515Zg&feature=emb_logo].

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 26, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  COVID1984PL

I love the covid 1984 moniker! Yes I thought herd immunity came from~ disease sweeps through population, some get it and become immune,some fight it off gaining immunity and then there’s not much left,though some die from being near death anyway. Arguing with true believers on local forum,I had to check up and lo and behold the official meaning is vaccinated immunity, that was first and then (grudgingly) immunity by recovery. So I guess it did creep in from the industry. I’m shocked at the way everyone has succumbed to all this nonsense in spite of being aware of the level of brainwashing for longer than I care to admit. What concerns me is how to avoid vaccination.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 2:57 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Community immunity does it for me, but ‘herd’ just screams the ruling elites’ contempt for the serfs.

May 27, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Indeed, that last problem will concern us all.
The only way we can try to avoid it is to convince as many people of this “pandemic” fraud. Larger numbers might (I say “might”) exert more pressure on the politicians thatn Big Pharma (& Gates, et al.). But they still might listen more to Big Pharma than to the people…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 27, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  COVID1984PL

Raoult has observed that the ‘data’ coming with The Lancet ‘study’ that declared hydroxychloroquine the greatest threat to human health ever, is remarkably homogenous in regard to parameters like smoking incidence, from continent to continent.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 28, 2020 3:09 AM

Now, using this crooked ‘survey’ Governments and the WHO are ending REAL drug trials using HCQ, and banning its use. We are going to get vaccines, come what may.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 30, 2020 12:28 AM

And now 120 international experts in infectious disease and epidemiology have written to The Lancet demanding that this crudely falsified ‘study’ be withdrawn. BigPharma and even more sinister forces want vaccines, with ‘nano-particle adjuvants’, a term appearing more and more often. A cheap medical cure for the disease at its early stages MUST be destroyed, come what may. The WHO ordered Indonesia to cease using HCQ on the basis of this crude fraud, but India told them to get stuffed, having found NO significant side-effects to HCQ use.

May 31, 2020 8:23 PM

Yes, I follow Prof. Raoult’s weekly bulletin and some interviews, if I have time. This Lancet study, like a few other studies, seem to be fraudulent.

Would you mind providing the source for the experts demanding the withdrawal of the Lancet study?

Bias in science is a huge problem nowadays. It seems more and more studies are biased one way or another…

May 26, 2020 7:08 PM

Bullshit detection 101. Signs you’re living through a spook operation.
1. Mass media references to a newly-created “dashboard”.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 27, 2020 12:05 AM
Reply to  Tom

Dashboard! I hardly see any media but it sounds so typical,what the hell is it? Does it tell you how fast the pestilence is moving, how much vaccine is in your tank and how many revolutions in society we’re having per second?

Michael Fereday
Michael Fereday
May 26, 2020 6:36 PM

What this clearly communicates to those with common sense is that (from Ferguson to Cummings) they do not believe their own hype. The project of fear and control, to the glee of lockdown fanatics who would imprison us for every flu season to follow this new virus, is meant for the little people whose rights to freedom, liberty and economic autonomy are an affront to their communistic wisdom.

May 26, 2020 5:55 PM

The. Only. Solution. Is. CIVIL. WAR

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
May 26, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  Josh

It’s almost like war trying to suggest to people that there’s something else going on. The anger,the conspiracy tin foil hat shouting and the head in the sand act are as much as I can take, let alone mixing it with our gun toting coppers.

May 26, 2020 10:35 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Sad but true, even amongst those who routinely entertain “alternative” historical narratives.

SUCH is the Power of Their Brainwashing.

May 26, 2020 2:13 PM

So let’s get it clear post “con of a virus” where will you be?

You will be in a wrecked economy caused by the elected puppets of your choice [depending on where you live on the big blue ball]. The puppeteers will be hounding away with what remains in cripto-crap post filthy lucra. Well who’d ‘ave thowght it?

And the new normal will not be the happy clappy, let’s save the government in blighty, sorry NHS, that we thought it would be. You realise that the fear mongers had driven us all to out wits end with no way out! Dam! Just when you thought the Gov were looking out for us.

I’m not sure there is a vaccine for all of this, ’cause Boris’s brain Dom [the coming and going genius] hasn’t yet thought of an exit strategy. Pretty much like there’s no Brexit strategy – and there never was.

That’s the problem with genius’* they only think of themselves and their own wealth, sorry perspective.

But clearly a deal struck with GSK in Barnard Castle will no doubt mean Dom’s looked after. Clap for Dom he’s done a bostin’ deal for himself. Boris won’t sack him and he won’t resign, what would be the point?

The scamdemic is going to plan.

*Johnson not included in this category.

May 26, 2020 12:39 PM

i doubt it’s the end. it’s the coming of the second wave that will close the trap. and with …https://thefedupdemocrat.home.blog/2020/05/25/coming-contact-tracing-failure-may-be-part-of-the-plan/

May 26, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Thanks for the link, Sabel. Added to bookmarks.

May 26, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  Reg

it’s terrifying though.

May 26, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Aaron Russo interview back in the day discussing what his friend Nicholas Rockefeller told him 11 months before 9/11. Includes RFID chipping:

May 26, 2020 12:28 PM

The problem is that the chattering classes, “working” from in their well appointed homes with capacious gardens, no pesky commutes and much reduced outgoings have never had it so good.
Expect them to loudly proclaim their made up objections to each and every granny step back towards normality.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 26, 2020 1:18 PM

Correct. And of course its the ‘chattering classes’ who couldn’t give a flying banana about all the most vulnerable people plunged into deep poverty, who will lose literally everything, or made homeless because of this situation.
The ‘chattering classes’ will be gagging to get back to their uber trendy cafes and ‘pubs’ (with the semi celebrity chefs and strict dress code) while boasting how they’ve been ‘model citizens’ by downloading the Tracing app.
And wondering aloud when they’ll be able to get their vaccine jab.

May 27, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

localized lock down measures
when CV glares up in a certain area watch them close the certain area down, lower class one first council estates , areas of certain character types ‘quarantine it’ ow they are talking about this now we will hunt this virus down and LOCK IT down stop the spread ! Hungergames society wasnt so far even fucking worse they did not even raise a gun on people and this killer virus aimed at us,
localized lock down measures new name for the same shit they was talking about in 50/60’s
now it real
welcome to the new normal

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 27, 2020 11:16 PM
Reply to  ame

Agreed Ame. You can bet your last £ that these ‘flare ups’ and ‘local lockdowns’ won’t be occurring much in places like Borehamwood or Maidenhead.
Think more Rochdale and Halifax.
I will not comply with the ‘new normal’ in any way. I will not give it legitimacy.
Civil peaceful disobedience.
I keep thinking of all the small children now, and those still to be born.
What of their future?

May 26, 2020 3:53 PM

yes 🙁 in other words, them as are sitting pretty/minions.

May 26, 2020 11:28 AM

Yeah, the “only” true science is hindsight, hehe, and this article summs it up, and confirms that we where never wrong, of corse, the problem sometimes is that we more or less gets the info from the same source as everybody do, but then to differentiate the so called facts to what actually is happening can and sometimes will take time, I have even made that mistake my self, but I blame that on the lack of divertment on the MSM or whom ever we take out info from, this days you cant relie on some few sources you need to scan everything, and in this uh…epidemic it took a while before other opinions managed to penetrate what we call the MSM, incl fecebook to YT, and now, they hunt everybody down, and cencures them all, and to me surpirce even ZH have an simipare article and as said before, just to take an ex. even ZH can come up with something desent and they do, but you have to wade thru an quag mire of propaganda and manure to find them. To me this is indeed just an sad day, and the destruction, is jaw dropping, the economy in a nation like Norway whom stil is toed into the “we are all going to die” next week or something, and in the comentary field they have gone total retard, and nobody is defient to the propaganda nonsense the MSM feeds them, and the row of experts is growing, and everybody awaits the savious, the Gates of Hell, to come and lift out nation from our missery and near death expirience suforcating everything this days. But I am afraid they will not go easily, the momentum is everything the MSM focuses upon, incl an wast array of drivel to attack… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 26, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  mikael

✌️🙏😁 There are more people than you think who see what is really happening. And I believe more people are waking up and questioning this ‘new normal’. Take care, peace to you also Mikael.

May 26, 2020 11:09 AM

Just …”Thankyou”.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 26, 2020 11:08 AM

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, at the 10 April 2020 Coronavirus Daily Update, admitted that the government had not made any attempt to assess how many people would die as a result of the “lockdown” measures. This was an implicit admission that the government’s approach to policy-making on this issue was irrational, irresponsible and incompetent. However, having adopted this approach, the government placed itself in a public relations nightmare. The “lockdown” measures are more harmful than the disease. But government ministers – no matter how soon they noticed this – are hardly going to say: “Ooops! We made a mistake. Sorry about that. We should never have violated your rights and liberties, trashed the economy and caused incalculable harm that will have lasting effects for decades to come. Sorry.” Having made such a disastrous, unnecessary decision, they are stuck with it and will stay with it until they can think of some plausible narrative that allows them to represent themselves as the heroes who saved the nation, if not the world.

May 26, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Yeah, it’s all about the “optics”. We’re really in a shitty place with these rats.

May 26, 2020 10:19 AM

In many countries, police have a more military look than they used to. In Greece for example, even more than the two British cops in the illustrating photo. Many police in a lot of European countries are gendarmes and in fact organisationally part of the army.

May 26, 2020 10:07 AM

Churchill would be urging fortitude in this the British People’s darkest hour, from his Chartwell home, paid for by Glaxo-Kline.

Churchill was the epitome of strategic deceit. Anyone in doubt should read ‘Prolonging the Agony’ by Gerry Docherty and Jim McGregor, the chapters on Gallipoli.

T Brites
T Brites
May 26, 2020 9:59 AM

These are the BIG numbers for Portugal!

age/deaths/confirmed cases/%D/CC
Age group 60-69 of 3409 “confirmed” cases 118 died – 3,5%
Age group 70-79 of 2501 “confirmed” cases 258 died – 10,3%
Age group 80+ of 897 “confirmed” cases 258 897 – 20,2%

They still don’t publish the data for comorbidities but we just need to look at other data to know that most of these subjects have at least one. We also know from other studies that the vast majority of the population has a very weak immune system (deficiency of vitamin C and D and other minerals are prevalent). These groups are also the target of INFLUENZA vaccination campaigns! And these groups are also the target of the doctors, via over prescription of drugs.

They have ALL the goodies necessary to succumb even to a very weak piece of RNA like the “new” “SARS-C oV-2”, and they do.

But… the important part of this, is that THEY DON’T KNOW ABOUT THIS REALITY, and even if someone tells them they still BELIEVE in the STATE propaganda and obey its orders.

The data:
http://bayimg.com/LanHJAaGp (at least for me this site takes a long time loading the pic!)

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
May 26, 2020 9:45 AM

https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/02/what-happens-to-coronavirus-covid-19-in-warmer-spring-temperatures/ “Flu season” generally lasts from October to April or March. Scientists have a number of theories for why that is. Some suggest it’s closer quarters—to escape the cold weather, people cluster indoors, where human-to-human transmission becomes more likely” Sounds like a good reason for lock down If one months lock down is expensive. Is two months lock down twice as expensive or more. Maybe some one could make a model to calculate all of the factors and predict the cost multiplier. What about three months or four months. Here in South Wales it looks like we are going to get at least an extra month more than England. The lock down started slowly in January with air travel advice then flight restrictions. Covid-19 was classified as High Consequence Infectious Disease in the UK in January before a single case of Covid-19 in the UK. In February the first cases in the UK with initial government advice. In March the 5th Covid-19 was made a notifiable disease in the UK. So has to be put on death certificates. The Governments stated reason is the strangest. They claim it was on the instance business worried about insurance claims that Covid-19 was made a notifiable disease in the UK. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51730412 Without this decision there would be ZERO Covid-19 cases on death certificates. On March the 19th Covid-19 is downgraded in seriousness it is no longer a High Consequence Infectious Disease in the UK On the 20th March pubs and cubs ordered to close. On the 23rd March full lock down The very slow easing of lock down . When will pubs and clubs re-open. In July or August. What about flights September , October. Maybe November in Wales. Just in time for next winters instalment. I ran out of toilet paper and… Read more »

May 26, 2020 8:47 AM


Bare faced lying manipulation by the author.

If we simply move covid19 deaths from spring to winter, the death-toll and the extent of the epidemic is put in the context of recent bad (but not dramatic) influenza years.

That is the ‘ abracadabra’ spell dressed in utter moronic science and maths which is being pushed here to make fools of any who believe it.

In this instance we are not being asked to believe 2 plus 2 makes 5, no the mastermind is actually selling :

2+2= 2!

Such absurd, idiotic invention – they are having a laugh, while people are dead who shouldn’t be -and their funerals have been basic – the arch villain Dominic ‘Dr Strangelove The creator of BS daleks’ Cummings, does what he likes, when he likes and his BS daleks approve totally. 2+2 =2 they screach in agreement.

If you don’t understand than just read that manipulation again slowly and see when the ‘pea’ is disappeared – when moving the excess deaths back a ‘few months’ the actual deaths from that time are ‘lost’ !
Last winters flu spike is disappeared!

That spike is missing the actual deaths and would be nearly twice as big!

See they are resorting to barefaced LIES.

Line up the flying blue monkey army trolls , to drown the truth and echo 2+2=2!


May 26, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Ah, the lead vocalist of the doom metal band Excess Deaths is here.

May 26, 2020 11:13 AM
Reply to  Reg

…playing all their Greatest Hit.

George Mc
George Mc
May 26, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Shouldn’t that be “Greatest Hit” (singular)?

O Lucky Man!
O Lucky Man!
May 26, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Oh dear, two points on this seemingly emotion fuelled “analysis”.

The “winter flu spike” had no covid related deaths, therefore is not part of the “pandemic” and logically not added to the “pandemic” peak for any meaningful analysis of its unique temporal impact.

Secondly if you care to look at the figures on Euromomo you will find the excess death “winter flu spike” on week 2 of 2020 was 2,465. The excess death “pandemic” peak on week 14 was 31,547. Even with the wonky logic of adding ordinary flu deaths into the covid “pandemic” you only have 34,012 a 7.8% increase in the peak which wouldn’t significantly alter the analysis as given.

Yeah, the maths is a bit harder to do than 2+2, but worth having a go at it before venting your sound and fury and ending up signifying nothing.

May 26, 2020 10:34 AM
Reply to  O Lucky Man!

The logic is you deliberately failing to see that the ‘fake covid comparison’ is WITH ALL deaths during the winters of the previous years, but LEAVING them out from the ‘moving back in time graph’!

it is such simple tautology that is practiced by sleight of hand merchants in ‘hunt the pea’ scams on suckers always. Anyone falling for it is a sucker. Anyone touting is part of the con. As always.

George Mc
George Mc
May 26, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Is that “hunt the pea” or “hunt the excess pea”?

May 26, 2020 3:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Taking the proverbial pee more like – as you well know 😉

May 26, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

If the mid-winter of 2019/20 had a bad flu season and excess deaths were high, then there would be some validity in your comments that this has to be taken into account. But there wasn’t and isn’t. Indeed in all probability 40,000 elderly people with comorbidities who would have died this last mid winter when a bad flu struck, were all still alive when covid-19 came calling. In reality they have had an extra 4 months or so of life by the timing of the bad respiratory disease this year.
Under these conditions it is perfectly reasonable to compare excess deaths from the covid-19 period with similar respiratory disease periods. The maximum increase of excess death over the covid period compared to recent seasonal flu periods is 15%. Of course if the you go back a few years and decades the flu seasons were far more deadly.

May 26, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  jimW

It is a lie.

Here have a look at this chart which does NOT include the last months data!

comment image?x98723

I have asked the author to update it – he said he would and hasn’t.
Instead Off-G are allowing not just a time travel but an alternative universe version of another fake news graph.

There has not been the same multiple higher peaks of deaths POST the winter flu spike like this year.

May 26, 2020 7:09 AM

This article does no more than recover ground that has been gone over a million times

1. what inevitable enquiry – this government has proven it does not do enquiry and analysis

2. lockdown’s political consequences will be dramatic – in what way? with a nation still living everyday in fear who knows whether the lockdown will ever finish? do you think the elites even care about consequences?

3. ‘learn the lessons’ – famous last words of an apologist – this is a comedy skit, no?

4. What is civil society – us, the plebs or the celebrity based intelligensia – most of whom want the lockdown to continue




Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 26, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  bob

But without the lockdown we’ll all develop herd immunity, the virus will fizzle out, and there’ll be no justification for the oh so crucial vaccine. And poor old Cummings will have done all is money and regulation shuffling for naught.

May 26, 2020 6:56 AM

This article is a perfect example why, when reading a scientific paper, one should look only at the methods and the results and make up his own mind on the conclusions.

The comparisons of death with Covid compared with death due to lightning, drowning and driving are very insightful. So are the comparisons with seasonal flu.

But the conclusions about wearing an app, etc and that one should follow the example of Churchill simple doesn’t follow from the results.

The technical term for this fallacy is: non-sequitur (it doesn’t follow)

May 26, 2020 4:37 AM

The posters the cops are walking past are rather vomit-inducing.

May 27, 2020 7:24 AM
Reply to  Reg

They are like something out of V For Vendetta.

May 26, 2020 4:29 AM
May 26, 2020 7:54 AM
Reply to  Reg

Not Australia, only the Marxist State of Victoriastan run by Chairman Big Ears. Still waiting for Noddy to appear. I believe his Treasurer is making a run for it, Noddy that is not the money.

May 26, 2020 9:06 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

I stand corrected. Hope other states don’t follow suit. There is insanity in the air. It’s contagious.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 26, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

I’d prefer Victoria to Queensland, the Alabama of the North, with apologies to Alabama, every day.

May 26, 2020 1:39 AM

I’m going to have to repeat it Alistair All the ” big numbers” are lies, they are false recordings and so the numbers used are meaningless.
You must surely mean ” its the end of cold and flu season”.
It still amazes me that people that know they have been lied to continue to believe the same liars word of the existence of a ” new deadly disease Covid19”.
People that talk about mind control and don’t know where their mind control program started and it was with this lie of a “new virus causing a new deadly disease”.

May 26, 2020 1:29 AM
May 26, 2020 1:20 AM

I have occasionally in my history, convinced my boss -look we need some more people here – so she passes my request to Senior Management..You have got the budget..so I put the ad out, and I am drowned with loads of paper…but I read it all (well a bit) and of the best, I asked them to come for an interview, and asked them a question. They were probably expecting to see someone old, suited and booted, but it was me at 24 asking the questions. I could spot the talent straight away. I could tell this guy about the same age as me from Edinburgh – travelled to Mancherster for the interview is completely amazing. So we hired Brian. Very good looking young man. I hope he is well. Apart from my eldest brother, probably the cleverest person , I have ever met. A new Distributed Array Processor being built in Ashton_U_Lyne, near Oldham, Lancashire (International Computers Limited) (near Manchester) How do we test that? It runs in 3D a bit like a human brain. No one had done this before. He said knew a bit of Fortran, which was more than me. I wanted the best. They said OK – has he got a place to stay? I suggested full relocation expenses. They said – he’s only 23. Listen Again I suggested full relocation expenses, from Edinburgh to Manchester or he will probably go and work for IBM in Waterlooville. This guy is good. They said O.K. and a few years later fired me. Best move I ever made, though it was tough for a bit, and I was not expecting it. I met another girl in Lancashire and less than a year later we both moved to London We didn’t know anyone, but our broad loud friendly… Read more »

May 26, 2020 12:33 AM

I find it absolutely incredible how easy the British public have just rolled over during this farce. This is indeed a psyop on the British public but even with the hard data and evidence presented to people they just refuse to accept it. It’s almost as if the public seem completely oblivious to what’s going to happen next and are almost begging the government to keep them in lockdown. All over the world there are mass protests as many people in these countries are aware of the impending economic doom the governments response to this virus has caused. Whilst it’s very likely there will be mandatory vaccinations, health passports, state surveillance, what’s absolutely certain is economic catastrophe. There will be hundreds of thousands of job losses, surge in mental health issues, rise in cost of living, excess mortality due to treatments and diagnoses missed and it’s going to be next to impossible to receive health care. As human beings we all look forward to our social outings. How is that going to be possible in the future? Who wants to sit in a bar or a restaurant 2 metres apart? No one will do it. What about theatres and concerts . How will they be possible? Sport- who really wants to watch football, golf or any sports in pure silence as no fans. The expected rise in taxes, no jobs, rise in prices is going to lead to most people not being able to have a great quality of life. Have people not thought of this? This is not the new normal- it’s abnormal. Its very sad as the majority of people are just blinded by fear. When people ask me for my opinion on current matters I always say the same thing- Before all this would you have believed… Read more »

May 26, 2020 7:51 AM
Reply to  Paul

Paul, sadly you are right on the money. Fortunately down here in Oz we seem to be getting put of a less stringent lockdown with the exception of the Marxist state of Victoria where power has gone to the head of the slow educated moron of a premier. But still I’m amazed that many of us took the 1.5 metre rule seriously. Fear and greed remain the main motivators and governments can prey on their victims through fear. I think it was Frederic Bastiat who opined about economic decision making by taking into account “what can be seen” and “what cannot be seen”. That is make a decision purely on what you can see, a pandemic, but not taking into account the hidden ramifications, the “its the economy stupid”.

The generations of common sense have either gone or are going. Those that remain will be manipulated without even knowing it. Sad, really sad but they will not listen so on their heads be it!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 26, 2020 9:42 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

Queensland, the Alabama of the North, home of imbecili like Pauline Hanson, Christensen, Joh Bonkers-Bananas etc, where they worship coal and are happy to sacrifice their own children and the Great Barrier Reef to the fossil fuel Moloch, is locked down, too, like West Australia, South Australia, Tasmania.

May 26, 2020 10:03 AM
Reply to  Paul

I think it works better in relatively prosperous “Western” societies. Not as well in the Third World. There the state brutality tends to be more obvious and genuine cooperation by fooled populace less available. Early on there were images of Nigerian policemen beating a woman in an attempt to “enforce” lockdown. Images of Turkish police beating kids for loitering outside their own homes during lockdown are proliferating.

Concerned citizen
Concerned citizen
May 26, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Paul

Before all this would you have believed anything the Chinese government said?

I was with you until this point. What really do people in the west know about China and its government except for western propaganda? Most if not everything we know about China comes from the MSM and politicians, both of which you claim to not trust in the very next point. Something something mental gymnastics.

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
May 25, 2020 11:55 PM

I realise my post isn’t about UK, but want to say how very alarmed I am by the recent draconian laws now being enforced in New Zealand.

I’ve always wondered where the loyalties of Jacinda Ardern lay, although she is portrayed as the darling of MSM. New Zealand is the chosen escape place of many mega-wealthy who have been buying lots of land in remote areas and building mansions/bunkers. They have Jacinda by the short and curlies, although she may be in agreement and being rewarded. This article is an excellent summary of what’s in store for UK and many other countries.

The author was an MP in N.Z. and now lives in the U.K.

May 26, 2020 1:59 AM
Reply to  Jean Wilson

Jean the author of the article you gave a link to does the msm walk or is ignorant he tries to make people believe msm and govts false claims that we haven’t been given proof of .
We have been lied to with a fabricated predictive model, propaganda and falsified winter death recordings .No evidence of any ” new deadly virus ” casing a new deadly disease COVID .

The Crown NZ Govt is the Bank of England’s Corporation that illegitimately governs NZ. War crim Tony Blair’s secretary Jacinda now NZ PM is not separate to the City of London’s Crown. No Govts are not owned or separate from the banksters that loan them money.
A Rothschild : Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

May 25, 2020 11:43 PM

The Wizard of Bozo…
The Man from Behind the Curtain makes the mistake of decurtaining Himself…

May 25, 2020 11:43 PM

I have put down the gauntlet to the halfwits I encounter online to put up or shut up, they claim to have all the evidence but refuse to come here and put it up for scrutiny which tells me they have no idea what they are talking about and just pretending to be knowledgeable by towing the corporate media scaremongering idiotic to high heavens narrative, Still I live in hope.

This is the idea place for folk who believe with a passion that their is a pandemic that there is a killer virus out there that is proper deadly to everyone and anyone, yet I bet they dare not put their cod science to the test for fear of looking like the absoultute halfwits they really are. People are making me sick to the back teeth with their acceptance of this nonsense, leaves one with a sense that these halfwits will happily march into a dystopian future and accept it as normal,, arghhhhh

May 25, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  lefttoeshuffle

should read “ideal place”

kevin king
kevin king
May 26, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  lefttoeshuffle

I’m finding it mentally tough to cope with the mass derangement that surrounds me. I will get through it of course, but not without my respect for humanity falling to an all time low. The level of stupidity is extraordinary.

Nick Weech
Nick Weech
May 26, 2020 7:38 AM
Reply to  kevin king

It’s an example of very skillful manipulation, over decades but especially last few years. Getting everyone onboard via MSM with the Coalition, Scotref/Indy, the EU, then Brexit and more EU; so when the mass audience is told to stay indoors, wash hands, wear masks, the mass complies. The mass has been trained to obey QED. Our dissenting voices are mere whispers offstage, we’re sidelined in our little ineffectual bubble, a tiny chattering clique safely quarantined here, away from any real influence on the mass-hivemind. What’s next?

May 25, 2020 11:20 PM

MoA psychotic delusions continue. Now we learn from b that Johnson, who was admitted to NHS hospital with symptoms of mild cold and was put on ICU as a political stunt, almost died of COVID.

First Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not take the issue seriously and even boosted of shaking hands with coronavirus patients. He then caught the disease himself and nearly died from it. He has since been a bit more cautious.

That tells us how Eatonian elite is treated, measly common cold treated by wasting ICU bed.

Even MoA some long time worshipers called nonsense b is peddling.

One wonders how sick Boris was with the Coronavirus. Maybe Boris faked a bit for street cred.

The UK with its City of London Corporation is another power center for empire and Boris and his team are playing their part in support thereof…..when your god is finance, that fealty comes before health evidently

Posted by: psychohistorian | May 25 2020 19:09 utc | 1

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 25, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Kalen

OffGuardian and Moon of Alabama chit chatting on Twitter now. “b” says that OffGuardian is embarrassing themselves. I commented at MOA for the first time in a while. I had to, “b” is so full of himself.

May 26, 2020 12:27 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

He’s being a total dick. Still stalking OffG after blocking them. Lol. Like a fifteen-year-old that just discovered Twitter.

May 26, 2020 12:46 AM
Reply to  Tom

While Tim Anderson and Bernhard punch sideways at the their fellow 99%-ers, the Elite stay on the offensive and again drop any pretense of their plan to usher in the New World Order and Happytalism. (Notice the UN logo is basically the Soviet Union coat of arms minus the hammer and sickle.)

May 25, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  Kalen

In response to a comment I made linked to previous article, an off-g commenter (sorry, can’t remember who) said that Boris was in a private part of the hospital, not NHS. And we know he wasn’t on a ventilator. I think we can conclude he wasn’t at death’s door. But certainly got a bit of public sympathy, and psychologically, a win on the “I know how serious this disease/infection/ thing is, so you’d better do as I say [fists clenched]( and not as I do, as I clearly wasn’t socially distancing before I got this thing, as observed in the House of Commons)”.

May 26, 2020 2:37 AM
Reply to  Kalen

More MoA commenters criticize b’s censorship and peddle certain conspiracy theories to whitewash MoA betrayal.

At a time when so many posts here have been deleted for no obvious reason and the article above it is typo free, it does make even long term regulars worry if b is still the source. Posted by: A User | May 25 2020 23:32 utc | 23

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 25, 2020 11:11 PM

A lot of resentment has been caused by needlessly involving the police in what should be a community activity. The cops in the illustration are definitely not your traditional British policeman, they’ve got that paramilitary look, they’re not the community looking after itself but the government telling people how to behave and making damn sure they do. Its just not necessary. I live in California where like the rest of the US the police are armed to the teeth. Yet they’ve deliberately chosen not to harass people. Why? They openly state that its not their job, all the social distancing and the like needs to be enforced by the community. They also acknowledge that heavy handed policing would be a PR disaster. This ‘light touch’ has meant that for many of us life goes on pretty much as normal. Sure, lots of places are not open, going the grocery store need planning and so on but people do outdoors for exercise and now our beaches are open. (They were only closed because of crowds — there would never have been an incident like the one where the cops harassed a lone woman on a remote Welsh beach.) We all want to get on with our lives, we want people out and about, and we’re doing what we can to gradually open everything up. (Ignore the political pandering stuff — “FREE whatever”. That’s people being silly.) This complaint about Covid isn’t really about Covid. Its about heavy handed policing, a “one rule for us nice people, another for the plebs”. Its about people learning that they aren’t ‘free’ in any sense, they live in a tightly regulated society and they’re not the people doing the regulating, they’re the regulated. Suck it up and fix the politics (you did vote for this… Read more »

May 25, 2020 11:07 PM

Why no links to back up all the stats quoted? I agree that there have likely been many lockdown-related deaths, which must be ongoing as lockdown is ongoing, so why aren’t they showing up in the ONS stats (if we take the 1st graph at face value)? Why do the euromomo graphs show a different story? Why does the author place so much emphasis on preparing for the next “epidemic”, when this one is clearly BS?

May 25, 2020 10:44 PM

This left me a little baffled as the article drifted from healthy criticism of the farce we are all living through to an enthusiastic acknowledgement that this will become a regular event and therefore we should invest in an army of virus medics .

I do know that these criminals will try to make this a “‘regular event ” but making contingency plans
just gives that narrative the green light imho .

Iphone updates ….. Latest IOS update includes software to help integrate iphone with forthcoming Contact tracing/spy Apps. Nice of them to let us know in the “bugfixes” list.

We still have the choice to not install ….. for now.

May 25, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

“This left me a little baffled as the article drifted from healthy criticism of the farce we are all living through to an enthusiastic acknowledgement that this will become a regular event and therefore we should invest in an army of virus medics .”

I’m glad someone said it.

May 25, 2020 11:11 PM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

Zigzag, you beat me to it!

May 25, 2020 10:39 PM
May 25, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  gordon

The glaxo gluttonous gargoyles are the new king of the castle.

I was called by my masters at once!!!!

May 26, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits


2 glaxo smith kleinfelt castle

1000 points of durham light
chill in the
purple reign room
work talk monkey virus envelope covid deals in the g4s conference suite
eat pizza
spirit cook in the serco grill lounge restaurant

ease your cares away in the rainbow mossadick, epstein camera massage rooms

why lock down

when you could be all paid up

with a happy ending

Pearly Q
Pearly Q
May 25, 2020 10:28 PM

Please support the new legal action against the lockdown, social distancing, testing etc. in the UK that will lead to the failure of lockdowns, social distancing, testing and coronavirus vaccine policy around the world. The fight back starts here! https://click.pstmrk.it/2sm/www.crowdjustice.com%2Fcase%2Fthe-coronavirus-act-2020%2F/iwKdMQg/UnpD/peaXLgm8or/Y2FzZV9hcHByb3ZlZA

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 26, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Pearly Q


May 25, 2020 10:14 PM

Covid 1984 Plandemic (stage 1) is a well orchestrated and executed global PSY-OP and good people at offG and ukcolumn.co.uk have done an excellent job in exposing it. When talking about post plandemic death rates, cancer accounts for more than a quarter (28%) of all deaths in the UK. There are around 165,000 cancer deaths in the UK every year,

    that’s around 450 every day

. I have absolutely no doubt that most cancer casualties in the UK during this plandemic have Covid-19 on their death certificates.

michael canning
michael canning
May 25, 2020 9:53 PM

Great article — shame about the Churchill bit.

May 25, 2020 10:14 PM

I don’t think the author really made a judgement of Churchill. Just Churchill would, like most leaders at that time, have told people to get back to wotk.

Fat Bobs Brother
Fat Bobs Brother
May 25, 2020 9:50 PM

Never, ever, for one second (did I say Never) believe the ‘official’ narrative on this great psyop, pehaps the greatest psyop since 9/11. Warning! Any Covid-19 ‘test’ involving PCR or similar DNA dependent techniques will result in you being unwittingly ‘profiled’ and added to a database. When you consent (consent is key) to having a buccal swab or other DNA sample taken for testing by a Government agency (even the NHS or a contractor appointed by the Government) is will not, repeat will not, remain ‘private and confidential’. Remember, many people have already discovered (and some even been arrested) that so called ‘Ancestry’ or ‘Health’ DNA checks are not private and confidential – the Intelligence agencies (particularly MI5 and the CIA) and international Police (ie Interpol and the FBI) can, and have obtained profiles and full personal details from those submitting profiles. There have already been some genuine leaks, amongst the speculation, regarding a global DNA database for everyone – not just criminals (to compliment the already shared national police databases and national police fingerprint databases, and national police archives, and of course the electronic NHS / Health records that seemingly anyone with a pass code can read). The Covid-19 ‘test’ appears to be a way of getting the mass population to consent to giving a DNA sample, and as this is an international affair, and as the Police and Governments have prior history of compiling massive databases, it is reasonable to assume that his is a ‘back door’ or legal loop hole to begin such a database. Remember, when the CIA came up with a facial recognition system, and began linking street cameras, and then CCTV cameras to thier facial recognition database, what did they do to populate the system and fine tune the algos and AI? They went… Read more »

Nick Weech
Nick Weech
May 26, 2020 8:08 AM

We should all look into Maritime Law. Why is your name on your driving licence in caps? It’s another rabbit hole guys, if you’re ready for yet another red pill. Don’t say you weren’t told …

nick weech
nick weech
May 26, 2020 8:17 AM
Reply to  Nick Weech
May 25, 2020 9:45 PM

This article may be worth a read: https://www.aier.org/article/the-2006-origins-of-the-lockdown-idea/ It would seem that the idea of social distancing originates from a 14 year old girl and the lockdown by computer simulation modelers some 14 years back and that doctors fought these insane ideas. The more you learn about what is going on, the more incredible it seems. Also, this complete takeover by what most people appear to consider science, but is not, and mathematical models is dehumanizing: it is in the first place dehumanizing those doing it, even to some extent those trying to give less unrealistic models and prognostics. All are forgetting the human beings, who just remain points on a graph, or numbers in some statistics, are no longer able to deal with the purely human. In the last days I was told of the death of someone I knew well, from a heart attack because doctors in a hospital refused to attend to him (he knew something was wrong with him, so he’d gone to the hospital) and sent him away because he did not have covid, and he died unattended shortly after. Then apart from his wife, none of the family was allowed to attend the funeral, as a result one of them is having a breakdown, and all are on the own in different regions, and have no right to be all together. The priest at the funeral appears to have been to frightened to even support the lonely wife. When I related this to some people I know, apart from one person (but then she’s got cancer and is equally not being treated properly, so knows the situation), not a single person showed dismay, my learned colleagues least of all, and either they doubled down justifying this as normal, and did not even say once… Read more »

Fat Bobs Brother
Fat Bobs Brother
May 25, 2020 11:13 PM
Reply to  hope

@ Hope, Social-Distancing (or ‘Antisocial Distancing in non-Orwellian standard English) is one of the most destructive and downright evil aspects of this Psyop. It is particularly damaging to children (intensionally so I believe). So far we have seen children become actually villified as, quote, “Assymtomatic Super-Spreaders”. Just today (Bank Holiday Monday) I saw x3 families with children turned away from a garden centre I was lining up to eventually enter. I was discusted by this vilification and walked away from the garden centre and drove to another one, only to see that garden centre turn away a woman with a toddler too! This comes after I saw a local supermarket with a sign outside saying ‘no under 16s due to Covid-19’. Seriously, what the heck are people doing ‘banning’ children! So far, 1) All schools have been shut to prevent the ‘assymptomatic super-spreaders’ from interacting. 2) Playgrounds and playcentres have been closed or roped off to prevent the ‘assymptomatic super-spreaders’ from interacting. 3) Grandparents and relatives have been told to avoid the ‘assymptomatic super-spreaders’ and worse, many children have been told they cant visit Grandma or Grandpa because ‘you might make them sick and they may die’. What? telling kids they are Ganny Killers, what the heck! 4) Supermarkets are not children inside. 5) Garden Centres are literally ‘banning’ children – witnessed this vile discrimination myself! 6) Teachers Unions telling the government that children are all potential ‘assymptomatic super-spreaders’ and a risk to thier members. 7) Parents telling the government they will not send THEIR children to school in June because OTHER children may be ‘assymptomatic super-spreaders’ and infect thier children, who will in turn infect them, and who will in turn infect Granny who may die! Just what the heck are we doing to the Children! Now we are… Read more »

May 26, 2020 12:27 AM

The covid fanatics have an agenda. They don’t mind making children suffer. Absolute, implacable evil here.

May 26, 2020 12:30 AM

I don’t understand why is the asymptomatic super-spreader a thing all of a sudden. The notion that they are common is just plain wrong.

It looks like we will have a generation or two of severely traumatized people.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 26, 2020 12:35 AM

So far we have seen children become actually villified as, quote, “Assymtomatic Super-Spreaders”.

And I believe that the whole concept of super-spreaders is novel and unscientific, and was contrived to try to make sense of what happened when facts did not conform to their faulty theories.

May 26, 2020 2:30 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood


John Milton
John Milton
May 26, 2020 1:08 AM

Agree totally. Under no circumstances will my son be having a covid 19 vaccine or going to school if they are implementing those hideous social distancing measures.

I just wish the nightmare would end. But I’m afraid it’s only just begun.

May 26, 2020 3:01 AM

The ruling class, truly, behind the electoral extravanganza and partisan theatre, are all psychopaths. They see the rest of us and the earth and other lifeforms as objects. We can all be exploited and manipulated so satiate their desires for wealth and power. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole and look into the bleak abyss that is our reality just follow the Epstein trail. Or Saville across the pond. The royals. The intelligence agencies. Israel. The governments. The media. The UN. They’re all in on it. They kindnap and rape children. And it’s just swept under the rug. And no one is held accountable. Because they control every level of the state. And they use the sexual terrorism of children to blackmail anyone or might become a threat. And they kill the rest who they can’t control. Its been this way for centuries. From the conquistadors to the colonialists to present day imperialism. They’ve gone around the world raping and pillaging and enslaving and murdering with impunity. Most people are unwilling or unable to seek the truth let alone look at it and accept it when they find it, or it’s presented to them. I mean it really is almost unimaginably horrific, the rock bottom reality behind the seemingly endless layers of lies and illusions and distractions. But we will not be free from these monsters and parasites until there’s enough of us who are willing to do just that, and to take responsibility to act upon it. And they, through this Plandemic, are waging an all out assault on humanity in order to tighten their grip even more, to concentrate the wealth and consolidate power and obtain nearly total control over society. Before they unleashed the Virus on us, millions of people all around the… Read more »

May 26, 2020 11:09 AM

The filthy ‘Teachers Union’ is milking the nonsense for all it is worth.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 25, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  hope

It is sad to see how easily manipulated many people are. The applied psychology used by unscrupulous behavioural scientists to achieve these results is extremely powerful. They deserve a special place in Hell.

If you ask their unwitting subjects why they behaved this way, they will say “I was just following orders.”. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

There is hope though, Hope. The same psychological studies indicate that a significant minority will never succumb. There will be a chance to have our voices heard once the numbers are properly analysed, as the article intimates. Many people will hang their heads in shame.

May 26, 2020 7:56 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

I so hope you’re right. I so hope. As they say, history has the last laugh and its hard to know how we make it through the darkest times, how that minority’s actions and thoughts effect the whole… But it may demand incredible courage, depending on how far this rolls. We’ve all read of the heroic martyrs throughout history, of the many who stood up during ww2 in occupied nations… They indeed were just ordinary people like you and me. Will we have that courage if it comes to that? We’ve, at least my generation in Europe, has had such a comfortable, easy life, will any of us, be able to veritably stand up and say: “No, I refuse”.
Im not saying there arent, there were protests all round in the last years, and people all round were being beaten up, even killed by the police, for protesting… But it was the action of the desperate. The Paris Commune was a bloody fiasco. The middle classes, or the thinking parts of the middle classes, left them in the lurch. There was no leadership. Is there the possibility of leadership today? Someone like Gandhi, or Luther King? Im afraid I very much doubt it. There’s not even a Zola, nor a Tolstoy, to take up his pen to write “J’accuse”, or “Shame!” There are voices, but no powerful voice.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 26, 2020 9:01 AM
Reply to  hope

Time will tell. I have a feeling the coming financial collapse will provide the stimulus for many new dissenters. When people have little to lose they are prepared to take more risks, the potential rewards are orders of magnitude greater. There will be men and women who say “No!”, the Milgram experiment, among others, shows this.

The crash will also reduce the distance between the middle classes and the working classes. Both will have to endure equal hardship and this will be a chance to build solidarity between them in the struggle against the kleptocrats who have brought us to this present situation. The lie that the virus is causing the crash must be exposed as the fiction that it is, this is our opponents weakest point.

History shows us, and human social behaviour dictates, that a leader will emerge. “Cometh the hour, cometh the [wo]man.”. For now, we must all raise our own small voices and encourage others to speak out, softly if they are afraid, to build the chorus of dissent.

Many small voices speaking as one will build a powerful voice. A voice that can not be ignored, and that will also encourage a person with the latent potential for leadership to step forward.

I, for one, still believe that we can eventually triumph. They have gone too far with their lies this time and the ordinary people I am meeting and discussing this with are also beginning to see it.

May 26, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

Yes, I think you’re right. I think the economic collapse is actually our main hope.
Its cruel to say that, because hundreds of millions may well die of hunger. They may well have achieved the depopulation agenda they were after. In fact, the earlier people begin to resist and try to bring about a more humane society, the less number of people will die and suffer…
And indeed in this may bring the working and middle classes together.

kevin king
kevin king
May 26, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  hope

My sympathies. God knows where this will end. I guess the sane people will have to start locating one another and forming their own groups of resistance. We have to stop the insanity.

May 26, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  hope

Thank you for the link investigating the backstory on these tyrannical measures. I was wondering how Medieval techniques were dredged up to administer the biggest experiment on humankind. I look forward to the public trial of those responsible for this tragedy.

May 26, 2020 7:10 AM
Reply to  hope

‘ I fear we are being transformed each of us into monsters, people who only yesterday were caring, and appeared human, have lost their basic humanity, all in 2 months… ’

I fear this dehumanizing has been going on for a much longer time. I remember when I spoke with a colleague on ISIS, a couple of years ago, who said it was a good idea to bomb Syria because of ‘ISIS’

It’s the Copernican revolution but then backwards where we are made to believe that we, as an individual, are all the center of the universe, instead of being part of a total entity. You can expect such a believe in a young child. But speaking about my fellow colleagues, who are all into numbers, they have never grown up. Thank God there are PhD students and fortunately experts (the ones who are into numbers) only form a tiny minority of the human race. Give them less influence, for instance by mocking their modeling, could be a way out of this.

May 26, 2020 7:43 AM
Reply to  Willem

I agree Willem. But Im thinking of people who you see analysed Syria and everything truthfully. People who know what goes on, and have in the case of those I am thinking about even outspoken about it all before.
As for the others, its always been the case that people cant understand and care much about whats going on elsewhere. Otherwise, frankly, Europe wouldnt have been incessantly involved in wars elsewhere directly or by proxy over the last few centuries. Populations themselves voted in such governments and dont care a hoot.
However, what is different this time is its happening to themselves: usually a callous person may not care what happens to others, but wants himself to be ok.
But possibly you’re right, the incessant silence and uncaring about others may have over the generations changed something fundamental in the people, so much so that they have self-depreciated themselves to the point that they are now themselves willing victims.

Nikoz Coleman
Nikoz Coleman
May 27, 2020 4:23 AM
Reply to  hope

Couldn’t agree with your more, it’s the personal stories of tragedy that are important, and should arouse our empathy, and concern for the future because we’re not just numbers, we are all individuals with emotions, so many are going through hard emotional struggles right now, especially those in at risk groups, those with physical and / or mental illnesses who are struggling without support. It was the cases of residents in care homes that especially concerned me, some of whom are not only locked in a home but, to stop them being a risk to or from others, are locked in a bedroom, without any visitors, for elderly people that may already have long term physical problems, and perhaps dementia too, that isolation is so awful, is this the reason deaths increased so rapidly, if the quality of life diminishes so much perhaps some lose that desire to carry on ? I know staff with work extra hard but you are limited for time between so many residents, and whilst there’s skipping and telephones not all will be able to use such thongs. It’s sad many may pass on without seeing their relatives in the last days, weeks or months of their lives, whilst it was hard seeing my mum gradually get worse I still felt it was important to see her to the end as much as I could. For myself I ironically was glad to get furloughed as I have been ill for some time but having to work which I was finding touch, had a painful neck infection for 10 months now, so I’m glad I’m not having to work it at least, as I could not get a sick note with no formal diagnosis and pushing myself I could work. The doctors did some blood tests… Read more »

May 25, 2020 9:23 PM

SO, a contact tracer will go to your home if they find you were in a store where there was a COVID+ person. If you test positive, they quarantine you. But if the contact tracer was in your home, by that same logic THEY are now potential carriers. WHO QUARANTINES THE QUARANTINERS?
asked James Perloff

what was once conspiracy theory (like cbd oil helping pain) is now normal…………………………..

5 Lies which where conspiracy’s by mentality ill non experts
now the 5 Eyes = government becomes mainstream truths
We spy to keep you safe
We spy to prevent terror
We are the good guys
We don’t spy on you
What we do is legal

Jean Wilson
Jean Wilson
May 25, 2020 11:44 PM
Reply to  ame

my guess is that in order to become a Contact Trapper you will firstly need to have the microchip implanted via vaccination, or some app on your mobile phone until vaccination is available. and you will only be employed if you are 100% brainwashed, in agreement with all this crap. not that the vaccination will be any use for health – it is for control and data stealingl

May 25, 2020 9:11 PM

Great article.

The German Public health system, one of the best, was not attacked in last decade as much as NHS was by devastating austerity measures, and hence in no point was even briefly overwhelmed by panicking public rushing into hospitals with slight cough and admitted to hospitals based on phony PCR tests positives as courageous German doctors and epidemiologists already in early March stand up against madness when their global and British colleagues kept their mouths shut up and took money. As a result in Germany official COVID dead count is today about 35% of this very season 2019/2020 flu-like deaths with no measurable all causes excess deaths.

Italian doctors soon after started disclosing how nearly destroyed local public health institutions in badly polluted Lombardy are virtually killing people due to many reasons like murderous WHO approved therapies and lockdown itself that forced abandoning of patients by foreign healthcare workers. American doctors followed suit as US protocols were as deadly resulting in 90% of all COVID patients put on invasive ventilators dead on NYC hospitals.

It was not a mistake it was simply mass murder of elderly and sick reminiscing of Nazi policies of eugenics purposefully inducing hundreds and thousands lockdown deaths to come in coming years in US and UK, EU alone due to deliberately orchestrated devastating economic depression to cover up truly historic $10+ trillions so far bailout of financial oligarchy.

Oligarchs have committed crime of mass murder of hundreds of thousands pensioners worldwide to cover up their financial crimes amid collapse of financial capitalism.

Governments are just oligarchic puppets.

May 25, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Those involved should be tried in court.

May 25, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Mass insanity – take it to a Higher Court.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 25, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  breweriana

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 25, 2020 11:46 PM

A real life example appeared to be Judge Altham, who imprisoned the protesters against fracking in Lancashire. His family’s business, J.C. Altham Ltd., are major suppliers to the conventional hydrocarbon industry in the North-West. This even alarmed his judicial colleagues, who immediately released the protesters on appeal.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 26, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

In case you weren’t aware, the above was based on the trial for attempted murder in which Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal Party leader) was acquitted. Wikipedia states:

At the 1979 Secret Policeman’s Ball, in aid of Amnesty International, the biased summing up speech by Mr Justice Cantley was parodied by Peter Cook.[168] The sketch was written and delivered shortly after the trial,[142] and was, according to Freeman and Penrose, “actually not that different from the original”.[169] The nine-minute opus, “Entirely a Matter for You”, is considered to be one of the finest works of Cook’s career. Cook and show producer Martin Lewis brought out an album on Virgin Records entitled Here Comes the Judge: Live of the live performance together with three studio tracks that further lampooned the Thorpe trial.[170]


Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 26, 2020 12:41 AM

Yes, I am old enough to have watched the Thorpe affair unfolding, it was hilarious enough in itself but the satire by Cook was in a league of it’s own. Imagine what he could do with this present charade.

My point about biased judgement in the fracking trial would also be rich material for this irreplaceable genius.

Nemo Nomark
Nemo Nomark
May 26, 2020 12:44 AM
Reply to  Nemo Nomark

The only one I felt sorry for was the dog.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
May 26, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  Kalen

You need to look to the management system in the NHS.And it is become even worse after it was infiltrated by the Common Purpose cult which set up a Super Management system.They need purging.