Covid19 & the denial of veridical reality
Catte Black
It probably hasn’t passed anyone by that the covid19 crisis, whether manufactured or exploited, has caused great schisms in the alternative media.
Almost from day one there was a divide between those who opted to accept and even endorse the rollout of authoritarian measures by governments around the world as ‘necessary evils’ (or even as harbingers of a world socialist revolution; beats me how that is supposed to work but still), and those who pointed out that this rollout was at best flagrantly disproportionate and opportunistic, and at worst a planned response to a planned or cynically manipulated ‘pandemic’.
Over the last few months the position of the latter has become stronger by the day, while that of the former has been weakened to the point of collapse.
As we have pointed out many times the official data has never supported the panic memes. In fact the two entities, data and narrative, co-exist almost independently of one another, telling mutually contradictory stories, without anyone in the Panic-sphere (to coin a phrase) seeming to notice or mind very much.
It’s as if on this topic some very smart people have been hypnotised or vaccinated against fact. They see the numbers, they read the data, but it just does not compute.
When invited to discuss with us these people become hostile, even aggressive. They bluster, they accuse us of manipulation and deceit, of being uncaring about the sick and dying, even of working for the capitalists (because apparently it is now a truth universally acknowledged that the best way to start a revolution is to lock everyone in their houses and give Bill Gates and the WHO the key).
And when pushed into a corner, these otherwise smart people simply deny the facts staring them in the face.
A good illustration of this happened the other day one Twitter.
Tim Anderson, one of those otherwise very smart and focused guys, has been firmly lodged in the Panic-sphere from the outset. He is fairly careful to avoid fact-based discussion, but does indulge heavily in purple-tinged emotional condemnations of those evil people (like us) who are uncaring enough to cite the data on infection and fatality rates.
A couple of days ago he tweeted some of that condemnation:
Time will judge harshly those ignorant but know-it-all commentators who joined the pandemic deniers, anti-science and anti-vax crowds, swinging from 'no worse than a common cold' to 'a plot to poison us all'. Why would people trust them on any other real social issues, in future?
— tim anderson (@timand2037) May 25, 2020
And, for once, we replied, as so…
Are you claiming #covid19 is NOT symptomless to >80% of those infected?
Are you claiming it does NOT give the vast majority who get symptoms nothing more than a cold or mild flu?
Will you give a straight answer for once?
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) May 25, 2020
Tim did not respond to these questions so far as we are aware, but Moon of Alabama (another otherwise insightful and respected commentator) did. This is what he said.
Covid-19 is NOT symptomless for most grown ups who get it. 80% only present 'mild'
symptoms i.e. they do not develop pneumonia. It
is NOT mild to 20% of cases and very dangerous for 5%. Some 1% of infected die.
Your rejection of current science is embarrassing.@timand2037— Moon of Alabama (@MoonofA) May 25, 2020
Now there is of course only one major objection to this – namely that it is not true.
Or at least some of it is not true and the rest is simply re-stating exactly what we already said while seeming to deny it.
We responded to MoA with two tweets. In the first we linked him directly to Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer and lockdown proponent, emphatically and clearly restating the facts about covid19’s absolute and unambiguous non-lethality to the vast majority of human beings.
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) May 25, 2020
In the second we tried to point out that he is condemning us for ignoring science while clearly doing just that himself…
What you, MoA call 'science' is mostly speculation & data-free fear memes in the media.
We focus instead on solid official data & expert testimony.
Given your recent output do you really want to open up a discussion about who is or is not embarrassing themselves right now?
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) May 25, 2020
He didn’t reply.
This exchange is pretty typical of many others.
Is this ideology trumping objectivity? Is the bizarre belief that many on the Left seem to have developed that the lockdown is going to bring about revolution or some other form of benign new world order, simply overriding their common sense?
How do you become so inured to veridical reality?
And where do we go from here?
Answers on a postcard please.
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A friend drew my attention to this post, where the author claims I am “fairly careful to avoid fact-based discussion”. Perhaps that is because the author thinks all such discussion involves responding to tweets? In any case, a week before this article I wrote a long, fourth research essay on the COVID19 topic. The author’s research seems to have missed it. Here it is.
Why not just ask yourself whether Norway and Denmark are moving towards Sweden’s more laissez faire approach or vice versa.
And, Scandinavians generally being charming and honest, they often explain why:
‘She conceded that she, together with the Directorate of Health, had overruled the advice of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, which had not wanted to close schools or borders…..”I probably took many of the decisions out of fear.”’
‘In an in-depth article, the Politiken newspaper detailed how the government’s emergency law on March 12 had stripped powers from the Danish Health Authority, changing it from an “regulatory authority” to an “advisory” one.
This allowed the government to ignore the authority’s opinion that Covid-19 was not a sufficiently dangerous disease to permit the government to impose compulsory interventions on the public under Denmark’s epidemic law.’
Britain? We removed Covid 19 from the High Consequence Infectious Disease list on March 19th and then locked down the country four days later.
Over 10,000 lives of the elderly and infirm were cut short by being discharged from hospital to make room for covid 19 patients who never turned up.
I was quite gobsmacked by your article, and replied thus – the comment was deleted by AHTribune:
“Most revealing, thanks.
Eminent virologists have from the outset argued that Covid-19 is just another coronavirus, that the young and healthy should be exposed to it, and the old and frail protected. Typical are Prof Alexander Kekulé, chair of Medical Microbiology and Virology of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (‘Infect the young and protect others at risk’), Dr Pietro Vernazza, Swiss specialist in infectious diseases and professorof health policy (‘If we close the schools, we willprevent the children from quickly becoming immune’ and many others, none of whom have been shown to be compromised by vested interests.
The New Zealand experience supports this view, in that of the 21 ‘Covid-related deaths’ [sic], the deceased have averaged 80 years of age, and with one possible exception have all had known comorbidities; most were the residents of care homes. About half the deceased suffered advanced dementia, and experienced the trauma of being moved to another facility where they were deprived of all visits from friends and family – it’s not certain that any of these people died of Covid-19. No careworkers have died, nor planeloads of travellers, as one might expect.
Klaus Püschel, head of forensic medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, whose team have been autopsying all the people who died in Hamburg in connection with the coronavirus, tells a similar story:again, the average age is 80, and the deceased had multiple cormorbidities. Püschel has concluded that the hysteria over the coronavirus is ‘completely exaggerated’ as all fatalities he examined had serious previous illnesses which would have soon resulted in death with or without the virus. ‘There is no
killer virus.’
Worldwide the fatality rate for children under 10 is zero or close to it. The practice of closing schools, imposing social distancing on children, and separating parents from newborn babies, is simply child abuse.
The virus is getting closer to running its course – an Oxford professor has said that it is a ‘race against time’ to develop a vaccine while there are enough cases to test on.
The Covid scare is manifestly the project of Bill Gates, who is also a big player when it comes to the climate scam and promoting compulsory vaccination. Bill Gates is the driving force behind a number of other projects including:
– Geoengineering to stop the sun, by spraying the atmosphere with toxins
– Encouraging 3rd world farmers to use genetically modified seeds
– Surveillance of humanity from space
– A global database of newborns
– Microchipping to provide contraception, or to vaccinate, and now for ‘Covid-tracing’
– Veganism and fake meat
(Now out of date, but gives an idea:…
The purpose of the Covid scare was always to crash the economy, move more wealth and power into the hands of the few, and create a one-world government by an elite. They probably don’t even need to formalise it now – they can buy up everything and everyone as it is. (Forbes reports that the top five U.S. billionaires – Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, MarkZuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison – have seen their wealth grow by a total of
$75.5 billion during the pandemic.)
Thanks to people like Tim Anderson and NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and their naked support for the globalist agenda in its entirety, the true meaning of communism becomes clear: real communists are not harmless victims of McCarthyism whose only crime is to want national rail, a public heath system and a welfare safety net for the disadvantaged. The purpose was always to create a global totalitarian state where the populace is tightly controlled by an elite. We’re just about there,aren’t we?
PS: For those interested, the Swiss Doctor endeavours to provide a comprehensive guide to research relating to Covid-19. Off Guardian has also dealt with the subject in some depth.”
In general, people tend to believe what they personally want to believe. We generate our own personal version of reality and are very uncomfortable when things like “facts” and “truth” shine bright lights on our bad thinking. Patience is important and necessary. The truth about the time we live in now is very uncomfortable. Dangerous events will come harder and faster. Confusion, bitterness and loneliness will spread like a dark storm over the world. In all of this, there is only one path into the light, and that is through the narrow gate of the one called “Jesus”. Most will reject His offer of salvation. Some will bitterly hate Him, but He is the Truth and He will not be denied. These are the very times He warned to watch out for. I have peace in Him. I watch these times unfold like a movie. I am not fearful, nor should you be if you know Yahusha (aka “Jesus”).
What I believe is that your Abrahamic desert cults are a part of the reason we’re in this mess. Humans are naturally communitarian and co-operative but as soon as you start dividing people by ideology you’ve lost the plot.
Exactly, Hector. The Abrahamic superstitions are basically xenophobic cults of hatred of the other. Christ preached a universalist religion, based on ancient ethics shared by religions from China and India to the Middle East, and the Talmudists revile him, and his mother, and his followers, for it. And the so-called Christian Zionists, Dominionists, Pentecostals etc,have reverted to their roots and preach hatred and destruction of their enemies.
And you have been watching the history channel and too much Chanel 4. Academic papers, research, nearly all NT and OT scholars would be pudding
Themselves laughing at you muppet! How can you be here seeing the bullshit Covid narrative through critical thinking and then say, I saw da Vinci Code – Jesus was a Wife Beating Rick star who stole his lyrics from China and the momhamed string quartets
Obviously not read the bible then- only watched the bbc religious programs presented by Jimmy saville
But you should have commented on the post first! Yahweh and his king Need you to be critical thinking, compassionate and relevant! Yes he is in charge but not too much salt🙏😎
As a Christian, I believe that this will lead to a new world order, when the new world order that the planet’s predators are using covid 19 to usher in arrives (which it fairly has) and is itself destroyed. The fake leftsists, and others thinking like them, who posit that the predator’s new world order will be just fine are mentally and spiritually ruined.
Tim Anderson eh? I’m disappointed. (A site that I discovered through OG is Axis of Logic. I had to say goodbye to them beause of their embrace of the covid 19 pandemic hoax, if not covid 1984. It felt like saying goodye to family. But I don’t have time for self-identified progressives who embrace darkness.) This deviation from the path of honesty and rationality that is happening to so many progressives, or should I say self-identified progressives, has been going on for some time. There was so much of it ‘before’ covid 19 that I fell into doing a series about it on my blog. I didn’t even intend to do it but it disturbed me so badly that I could not not do it. I got all the way up to Progressives part 6 or 7 when covid struck and I turned all of my attention to that hoax/terrorist operation. Dr Sherri Tenpenny calls it the biggest scam in human history. I don’t have high school, but that’s how it looks to me. Also, As a former Bible student (not out of fake, mainstream Christianity), I also see other things.
I may not always agree with all that OG does, or all of OG’s staff on some subjects, but I can’t express how grateful I am that OG is here and fighting the good fight. My cousin, a nursing assistant about to retire, asked me where he could go online to enter into discussions. I directed him here, but this is someone who has zero familiarty with computers and the internet. For a captive of the Rockefeller health care system, he’s strangely ‘not’ a captive. We see eye to eye mostly on this harmful hoax. He told me one anecdote that was interesting. He took aside a colleague, and I don’t remember whether that was another nursing assistant or a doctor, and asked him what he thought was really going on. That person told him to just be careful and to keep his head down.
If only being sane, and careful and keeping our heads down could stop what’s coming. Then again, ‘If’ what’s coming leads – as I believe, strongly, it may – to Armageddon and the end of the reign of predators, I’m at least relieved to know that the predators will not be around much longer. The Bible prophecy I’m thinking of in that regard says that the wild beast – human political systems – will be destroyed “while still alive.” It will be humming along, abusing the hell out of the powerless who actually don’t believe in deceit and violence, when they will suddenly be stopped in their tracks.
If the only options on the table right now are the new, ultra cruel and perverted, world order of covid 1984 or a return to the old (abnormal) world order, of course I’d prefer that old world order. I hope that I sound sane.
Government publishes SAGE minutes
The Government Office for Science has today (Friday 29 May) published the minutes from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) meetings 1 to 34, up until the beginning of May.
Published 29 May 2020
From: Government Office for Science and Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies
SAGE minutes outline the scientific and health issues discussed and actions and advice agreed during each meeting of the group during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been meeting regularly since 22 January when it convened for the first time and typically meets twice a week.
SAGE is responsible for providing Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBR) meetings with coherent, coordinated advice and to interpret complex or uncertain scientific evidence in non-technical language. The Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) and Chief Medical Officer (CMO) represent SAGE at COBR, and SAGE usually convenes in advance of COBR. Ministers receive advice from SAGE in the form of these minutes, as well as verbal contributions from the GCSA and CMO in COBR and other ministerial meetings.
Minutes for SAGE meetings, along with the evidence used to inform SAGE advice, has always been published at the end of any event or emergency that it has been convened for, like the near collapse of Toddbrook Resevoir in 2019 or the Zika outbreak in 2016.
Given the exceptional nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government, SAGE and its participants want to ensure there is as much available evidence and material as possible to the general public so there is full transparency on how science advice is being formulated.
The minutes published today cover those from its first meeting to the meetings that took place at the beginning of May. The minutes for meetings that have taken place after 7 May still contain sensitive information, with policy advice still under live consideration. These will be published in the coming weeks.
Read the SAGE minutes:
Now, if only there were some other story which could serve as a distraction. “A good day to bury bad news” sort of thing.
Jo Moore, within an hour of the September 11 attacks, Moore sent an email to the press office of her department suggesting: “It’s now a very good day to get out anything we want to bury. Councillors’ expenses?” Although prior to the catastrophic collapse of the towers, the phrase “a good day to bury bad news” (not actually used by Moore) has since been used to refer to other instances of attempting to hide one item of news behind a more publicised issue.
And the SAGE did not advise the government to introduce the “lockdown” measures as the minutes clearly show.
Stuffing fingers in your ears like in that picture is not recommended, as anyone should know
“We focus instead on solid official data & expert testimony.”
Good, I look forward to that new regime being implemented now that you have obviously restructured your editorial board that was stopping that happening before.
(Don’t forget to put a warning below that picture – you know how impressionable some people are…)
Over at Marko Marjanovic’s ‘Anti-Empire’, an account of how Danish health authorities’ advice and recommendations based on COVID-19 being not particularly dangerous in that it “does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate” was overruled by Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, on the grounds that it was ‘not desired politically’. The emergency laws enacted March 12th by Frederiksen’s government stripped the National Health Service’s authority as a regulatory body and accorded it an ‘advisory’ role.
More and more information is emerging on how legitimate health authorities counseled against overblowing the mortal danger of COVID-19, but it was apparently too useful as a political instrument. This comes in concert with a very informative piece on why the stock market keeps going up even as millions lose their jobs and small businesses close forever. Lengthy, but well worth reading in its entirety.
I saw that news elsewhere. Pretty awful stuff!
Below is a short extract from an article by Bruce Lerro in ‘Dissident Voice’ today. I find if I substitute ‘Covid Deniers’ for those ‘bystanders’ described in the article as being apathetic to Black Life protests, there is a remarkable similarity. Why are so many on this site so keen to deny that there is a large increase in deaths in some sectors of the population over the normal. And why are they so keen to get us all back to the norm of daily capitalist exploitation? I can sort of guess why – it’s a ‘follow the money’ thing. Here’s the extract:
“Given the recent police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the subsequent torching of police stations and the shutting down of bus lines, we will surely hear even greater howls from bystanders that they are being inconvenienced, that their rights are being infringed on, they had nothing to do with the violence and that the police are a neutral force. All these claims are rooted in the same social contract theory that becomes increasingly moth-eaten as capitalism continues to disintegrate”.
Ring a bell, boys?
Here speaks a tribal warrior, typical of his number. Reduce everything to a binary choice to accommodate an intellect limited to simple equations.
Maybe try a climate change denial angle next week.
And here speaks a person with no arguments – only personal abuse. Empty noise. Feeble.
Bog standard projection.
Surely, for your analogy to work, Covid-19 would have to be the work of an oppressed group in society as a protest against police brutality directed at that group. I don’t really see the parallel.
It’s only a loose analogy – I didn’t think of it as an exact match. If you can get the point as you obviously did despite lack of perfect fit, that’s what counts
We’re seeing so many comments, from stats in Italy to India, from Florida to George Floyd, that are “apples and oranges” comparisons.
Geez, I thought of all sites, any reader here would do such stats per capita. Maybe there a few less blacks killed by cops here, total sum, but ten times as many whites per capita. To be comparable, the sum would be over 300, but it’s only 40+. Sheesh, do the Math!
California and India have been neck and neck in (recorded/reported) Covid deaths, last I looked each had about 4000.
But California, though huge, is 40 million, compared to India’s 1.3 BILLION.
ERGO, IPSO FACTO: India has recorded only about 4 or 5% as many deaths as we have in the Golden State. And their standards of social distancing are non-existent. By force of veridical reality.
In nearby Santa Ana, where I often go to Spanish Mass, for years, you may as well be in Mexico, I have known families that live FORTY in a small studio, maybe 20 x 16 feet.
How is that possible? They sleep, as we work shifts: graveyard (night) shift, then 9-5, then “swing shift”. We interviewed one family, very genteel and well-dressed, with devout sayings on the wall and prayer candles, icons in abundance, and they told our leader, Sixto Aguirre (who started out in Albuquerque, New Mexico in a gang, but went on to become the pillar of our church’s Latino parish, and invited me as the only Anglo observer, in 1985, to tag along) that they were paying skyhigh slumlord rent, but divided it forty ways, more or less, and each clan would come to sleep, sh**, shower, shave, shine, and shuffle out the door. It’s really not so bad, when organized. And they send their money back to Mexico, where it triples in buying power (I’m looking to rent there soon, less covid rules and apartment rents only TEN PERCENT of what they are here, 100 miles merely North!)
But clearly, most of our county, OC has social distancing marked N/A, or non-existent. And yet, only 100 deaths out of 3,200,000! I think that’s lowest percentage in state. Hmmmmm. Like the ghettos of Calcutta, low counts.
Sure speaks volume sets of encyclopedias, with yearbooks, for herd immunity! And makes mask mythology farcical, to boot!
But I’m not an Imperial expert.
As Popeye said notably, “I ain’t no doctor, but I know when I’m losin’ my patients!”
Or maybe millenia and centuries of evolving ‘Mexicans’ have ‘built in’ immunity ?
Maybe eating chillies is responsible?
Maybe living and working in isolation from CV carriers is the simple vector?
What are the numbers of Mexican fatalities in New York for example? Are they a lot lower? Or average? Or what?
And your BS argument of per capita is utter and moronic bullshit.
Which has been shown months ago to be the morons goto to hide the numbers.
The UK has less population then USA does that make UK the biggest number of ‘CV’ excess deaths? Worse than the US, which has the higher absolute numbers?
Does the initial epidemic in Wuhan City , Hubei Province in China make sense by looking at the deaths in Wuhan divided by the billion total Chinese population instead of 10 million of the Wuhan city?
If you are so certain of your faith and have no patience drag your arse away from where there is ‘no’ virus to the New York hot spot and hospital wards with infected patients and wonder around for a few hours – dare you!
Maybe you may have aquired the fabled ‘Mexican Immunity’ by close long term contact and chilli eating – like you have certainly got the Catholic infection , knowing that there is a certainty Heaven you are heading too! Or is Hell where you wish to meet a Satanic Angel?
Per capita !! My arse.
Per capita my arse? Very well. Sweden: 4,403 deaths. Italy: 33,575 deaths. Sweden has thus been nearly eight times more successful than Italy in preventing Covid deaths.
Twitter doesn’t permit a competing view from being submitted… The following article blocked:
i do object to yet another karen meme re pic!
Except for the fact that Chris Whitty is England’s chief medical officer, not the UK’s, as listed on the UK Government’s website – ‘Professor Chris Whitty is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England’ – I applaud your stance. Fab, great, brilliant – on COVID facts. But as for the curious blurring… please do not say ‘there is no difference’ between England and the UK – asymmetric national devolution has made all the difference. It may have escaped your notice that the ‘UK Government’ has one central area of authority – England. Hence my concern over the Barnett Formula (declared unfair to England by its own creator), the ever-resurgent West Lothian Question (Foundation Hospitals for England, 2003), etc. Anyway, just to clarify – here’s the link to the so-called ‘UK’ Government’s website with details on Professor Whitty:
Chris Whitty is the Chief Medical Advisor to the United Kingdom government.
Well spotted. In fact he seems to wear about 7 “hats”, depending on how you might count them. It’s funny; he doesn’t look like a Superman. In fact he reminds me of Richard Attenborough’s version of John Christie (the Rillington Place murderer):
Nearly every single post of yours is a sectarian rant about devolution issues. You have nothing else to contribute but thinly disgusted Alf Garnett tropes tenuously connected to the original point.
Goverment controlled dissidents/ talmudic dissemblers showing their true colors. Sheeple showing theirs.
It’s all in the tone; with regard to email Tim or,depending on your social standing, actually it’s Timothy or even Mr Anderson please. Really it should begin “Tim will judge harshly” but they never say that, it’s aways an abstract (legal training?). Beautiful passive aggressive tone, gradually becoming more brusque but always well modulated, smug,self assured and condescending. I can’t decide if it’s AI or just another narcissist gazing in the looking glass, but it’s all over the Internet. They never reply,which suggests the former but the latter would probably not deign to either,or be able to. Sometimes I wonder if there are thousands of clones out there made in a secret government laboratory! Composites even, hordes of Davony Camonblairs, goodness knows they’re cheesy enough.
Do you mean Dr Tim Anderson?
The Tim Anderson of the email quoted in the article, strangely enough,who I don’t believe actually exists. Ihope the good doctor is well and unaffected and uninfected by my comment.
The phrase “veridical reality” is rather torturous. Reality is, full stop. Truth, however, is far more complex, as it invariably contains a value judgement(s). Perhaps I could suggest the word evident as a substitute?
However, the point about the “lockdown” proponents being impervious to facts and preferring belief is well taken. In my judgement, this is a case of collective madness. I have explained this judgement previously here at OffGuardian. This judgement has been subjected to much disagreement by people seeking a rational explanation. But there is no rational explanation for cases of collective madness beyond the basic emotion that provides the motivation. The classic case of collective madness, Tulipomania, was a result of greed, people thinking they could make astronomical profits for virtually no effort in virtually no time. Looked at from the outside, anyone could see that Tulipomania was a case of collective madness, but at the time hardly anyone could, even those who did not buy into the madness tended to think of it as rational behaviour. The same is true for the coronavirus madness. Those driven mad by fear cannot see their madness. But it is also the case that many who have not been driven mad by the fear and hysterical propaganda cannot see that it is a case of collective madness, and so think it must be the result of a secret conspiracy by self-interested individuals and groups. There are of course self-interested individuals and groups who are attempting to exploit the situation, but that is not evidence that they planned it in order to promote their interests.
Cases of collective madness happen. They happen over and over, throughout history. People struggle to think; they prefer to emote; they prefer to follow what “everyone” knows even when they can see that it is false, wrong and harmful. However, just as with every previous case of collective madness, it will pass. More and more people will stop believing the fear propaganda, and will return to their senses. And before too long, you will struggle to find anyone who will admit to ever having been in favour of the lockdowns.
That’s a very interesting viewpoint. I’ve been saying from the beginning of all this that the world has gone mad, without actually believing it myself. I have been looking for other explanations and none have completely satisfied me. So maybe it is a collective temporary madness.
Norway’s Prime Minister has now admitted that the lockdown was a mistake. She says she panicked.
Randolph Bourne observed, during WWI what we are observing today and later started writing about it. The “The State” is very revealing. While the world has changed in important respects, Bourne really described well the kind of collective madness that we are now observing. I’m surprised that, in all of this covid 1984 craziness, no one else has even mentioned Bourne.
Here’s an excerpt in which Bourne talks about “amateur government agents,” which I’ve be referring to as self-appointed gatekeepers. (Think neighbors frowning at you for not wearing a mask, or citizens, newly fired, joining the ranks of contact tracers. There’s an amusing, and frightening, interview that Spiro Skouras does with Helen Buyinski in which she talks about her experience joining the contact tracing army, so she could report to us about it of course.) Appointed gatekeepers are paid and are usually aware of their role as gatekeepers.
Here’s Bourne’s entire draft. He died before he finished the book which this was going to be a part of:
When you have to burn Atlanta …
When you have already jumped the shark and crossed the Rubicon and led the charge into the valley of doom of a rabble roused BrexShitheaded mob on a false trail …
“We focus instead on solid official data ..”!!!
PLEASE explain the Excess Deaths from the OFFICIAL data.
June is here and the final victory/defeat is at hand , either way the war which lasted a lot longer than bargained for will be over – looks like demob happiness or death or glory pops at these not as Intelligent as you?
Dungroanin, Deaths above the five yearly average only occurred this year after the “lockdown” measures were introduced. So here are a few ways in which those measures are likely to have effected mortality:
1. Elderly hospital patients were decanted into care homes to free up NHS capacity for younger people.
2. People were confined in their homes, denying them access to fresh air and sunshine and exercise.
3. The health service virtually shut down for everything except the virus, denying people access to diagnoses and treatment, even for cancers and heart conditions, etc.
4. The government and the media have wilfully terrorised people, resulting in fear and anxiety and failures to seek medical attention.
5. The “lockdown” has increased isolation and denied people access to mental health services.
6. The isolation has resulted in increased levels of domestic violence, child abuse and stress.
Dungroanin, it was obvious to any rational person that the “lockdown” measures would cause more harm than the virus ever could.
Got any solid official data, Mr Hayes or just going to rely on being obvious?
Dungroanin, I have no idea who you are quoting or what the relevance is. You asked for an explanation of the excess deaths, and I have cited six explanatory causes.
Dung, the village Covid Cult nutter. Not amenable to reason. I don’t know why I bothered to reply to his last post.
brewed up on sanitiser again – adhom deserves one back.
You can’t even reply the the right person
Keep going for the max downvotes.
You’ll make Guinness Records yet.
Fame at last for you dung.
Have one yourself brewhead – seeing as that is the metric of this site and how you and your ‘gang’ have used Proyet to train the readership to down vote on sight.
Honestly – think you are being clever? The On-Groan jad to ban people because they went without the diwn button. The Mail does have it but allows only the cinnebts it likes to stay…
Full soectrum shitheadery is not really that hard to see.
Quite morinic actually
Who am I quoting ???????
Did you even bother to READ Cattes article?
It’s is a FACT i’m quoting Catte and Off-G.
Yet YOU chose to jump in and respond with your ‘obvious’ distractive attempt.
Dungroanin, I am not a mind reader. Yes, I did read the article. I chose to answer your question, which asked for an explanation for the excess deaths. I offered six potential explanatory causes.
By the way, you do understand that data is not explanation and explanations are not data? These are completely different phenomena.
Steve Hayes
All you are is a mind reader.
You didn’t bother to read the original article and see I quoted Off-G. Maybe you did and wanted to divert from it. I gave you a chance to re-address that. You have chosen to ignore it. Again.
Excess Deaths are not merely data. They are a FACT.
That needs explaining.
Yet you deliberately use word play to mix up data/explanation in your little word salad ditty.
Which is nonsense.
Your made up propositions to explain the Excess Deaths are only just that – made up.
You haven’t offered the researched scientific evidence to support these.
You are just a pretend mind reader, who wouldn’t be able to pass a scientific test of your mind reading claims.
A flim flam stage show clairvoyant in fact. A right Uri Gellar. Bending words not spoons.
Well done – now put up the citation for your ‘common sensense’ or move along.
I’m waiting for an answer from ‘solid Official data’ that is claimed in the article.
Dungroanin, let me see if I can explain the difference between data and explanation for you. Take for example the global warming issue. The facts about the temperatures constitute the data. The hypothesis that the burning of fossil fuels, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere is the explanation.
I am going to assume that you understand and accept the above distinction and apply it to your call for an explanation of the excess deaths. The data are the number of deaths, in particular the number of deaths above the five yearly average. An explanation for the excess deaths would be a cause for the excess.
I hope this has clarified the matter.
Steve you start well … and instantly fail.
Temperature record is data.
CO2 levels are ALSO DATA.
As is fossil fuel extraction over time.
There is correlation between the three.
Yet there is still argument over the correlation is the CAUSATION.
So the definition of ‘explanation’ you tout is not valid and i do not accept your presumption of my opinion in it.
Because it hasn’t been PROVED.
Yet! Because we may see proof now that there has been a worldwide reduction in fossil fuel extraction and useage for a measurable period of time – we ought to notice a blip in the CO2 levels and we may even in earth scale time notice a linked variation in temperature change.
That ought to provide proof and test the theories and determine which models are correct.
As someone who has science as my chosen philosophy – the CV offers very many real-world laboratory for the human variables at play in the Earths environment- research will take years and hopefully move us a step further in UNDERSTANDING the universe.
I hope that has clarified the matter MORE for you to go back and try yet again.
Dungroanin, I really do wonder about you. An explanation is an explanation regardless of whether or not it has been proved. I merely referred to the global warming issue to illustrate the difference between data and explanations. Yet, rather than acknowledge an acceptance of the meanings of the terms, you wonder off pursuing of red herring about whether or not the global warming hypothesis is correct or not. Whether it is correct or not is irrelevant to whether or not the hypothesis is an explanation. Frankly, if you cannot appreciate the difference between data and explanation, you are simply not competent to engage in this discussion.
Yet again the deliberate word salad game Steve. Your go to as soon as logic destroys your flim flam stage act.
I did disgree with your definition.
You introduced Global Warming and attempted to set your own parameters.
I logically ‘explained’ to you.
Yet you exclaim:
” if you cannot appreciate the difference between data and explanation, you are simply not competent..”
Let that be your own personally penned epitaph.
Any minor drop in fossil fuel usage will, I believe, be outweighed by the extra solar radiation reaching the Earth due to the lack of high altitude, high albedo, aircraft condensation trails, leading to warmer daytime temperatures and cooler night-time, without the blanketing effect of that high altitude cloud cover. We’ll soon see.
We’d like your data so that we can see if your explanations fit it. Is that too hard for you?
Jams, I have no idea what data you have in mind. Care to be more explicit?
Obviously you haven’t been reading this thread very closely. Try it from the top. The information you require is there in something like 12 pt Arial.
Jams, I don’t have any data. The data under discussion is from the Office for National Statistics, specifically the weekly death figures. Neither Dungroanin nor I dispute those figures, which we have discussed previously many times. So what data are you referring to?
Yeah, but Mr ‘Dungroanin’ asked for solid official data – do you have any?
PS Your ‘six explanatory causes’ have as many holes in them as a tramp’s sock.
Here is an analysis of government data from Scotland.
Unless you are over 75 or in a care home, you have an insignificant probability of dying from ‘covid19 related’ causes.
The virus is real. There have been excess deaths, limited to elderly people in poor health. The data points to the conclusion that this virus is dangerous to those with compromised immune systems.
Yes we already knew that from the Wuhan experience – so why state it like it’s something new?
Even the fuckwit bozo said that your grabdparents and parents were going to snuff it!
It is about MINIMISING fatalities and making sure these that need hospitalisation and care have it AVAILABLE.
By MOST importantly reducing the spread through the wider population to these VULNERABLE.
Whether the infected is asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic, badly symptomatic – all who will recover without needing hospitalisation – but will cause MANY others who will!
There are some fuckers who never understood the idea of quarantine and used to try and jump ship to make it to the land so they could carry-on with their personal pleasures and plans – they would be shot by these on the ship or by watchers on land or drowned with sticks and stones if they tried to get out of the sea.
It seems such selfish fuckers are always around.
This is getting silly.
The facts in the case are the numbers of excess deaths.
These facts may have any number of hypothesised explanations.
Dungroanin asked Steve Hayes to provide such a hypothesis, and he did.
D then attempted to move the goalposts by asking Steve to supply proof for the hypothesis, which was not part of the original requirement.
Steve can’t provide proof and never claimed he could. He is not claiming the hypothetical explanations he supplied are the definitive answer. He was asked to supply a possible explanation, and did so.
It would be much more productive for you and D to debate the merits of these potential explanations, rather than simply hectoring him for cast iron proofs he never claimed to have. The fact you both decline to do so is telling.
No one knows at this point definitively what caused all the excess deaths. Steve is not claiming to know. He is merely putting forward some plausible potential factors. Which, for reasons best known to the both of you, you and D prefer to ignore or evade.
I did NOT as you claim ask Mr Hayes ‘to provide…a hypothesis’.
Why claim that I did?
What I did ask in my o/p was to addressed to the article and author, and I quote my query:
Mr Hayes jumped in with ‘hypotheses’ that he claimed were the definite ‘explanations’ – which I doubt Catte can claim are from ‘Solid Official Data’ – She is welcome to claim that and cite that quality source.
Steve Hayes does not know his explanation from his data as I have demonstrated above. As I have just demonstrated that you have also misinterpreted my o/p.
OK – the merits of the potential explanations:
1. Elderly hospital patients were decanted into care homes to free up NHS capacity for younger people.
Being decanted into a care home is an unlikely cause of death – these are “Care” homes – not hospices. The exception to this is when the patients are crowded together without proper distancing and all become infected with a disease.
2. People were confined in their homes, denying them access to fresh air and sunshine and exercise.
I have never yet heard of anyone dying from lack of access to fresh air, sunshine and exercise – risible.
3. The health service virtually shut down for everything except the virus, denying people access to diagnoses and treatment, even for cancers and heart conditions, etc. I don’t believe that this is actually true – do you have figures? Even so, it’s unlikely that this would make up to the large number of excess deaths.
4. The government and the media have wilfully terrorised people, resulting in fear and anxiety and failures to seek medical attention.
As ‘2’ – I’ve never heard of anyone dying from being ‘wilfully terrorised’, and as in ‘3’ – do you have any figures?
5. The “lockdown” has increased isolation and denied people access to mental health services.
At a reasonable guess possibly a dozen or so people have suicided as a result of isolation, but I’m pretty sure that no-one has collected this data so there’s no way of telling, but it can’t amount to anything near the excess of deaths.
6. The isolation has resulted in increased levels of domestic violence, child abuse and stress.
As ‘5’ – maybe a half dozen people murdered – haven’t actually seen them on the news.
So only ‘1’ as qualified by me, and to a small extent ‘3’ are in any way realistic. The rest are as genuine as Johnston’s smile. Pretty thin gruel.
“I have never yet heard of anyone dying from lack of access to fresh air, sunshine and exercise – risible.”
Aha. I spot a testable hypothesis. Confine yourself to a space just sufficient to contain your body that is permanently in the dark and with little ventilation. See what happens.
That’s probably the most witless reply I’ve ever read. OK, it was mildly amusing, but have you no plausible arguments?
Not meant to be amusing at all. What do you think would happen to somebody confined under those circumstances? Actually, we don’t need to guess as we can look at what happened with the so-called Black Hole of Calcutta:
The “Black Hole of Calcutta”! Really? And where exactly is this new version of the ‘Black Hole’ located? Tower of London maybe? This is school playground stuff – please get real.
“I’ve never heard of anyone dying from being ‘wilfully terrorised.’”
Yes, but the point was that this is making them reluctant to seek medical attention. And, yes, I have heard of people dying from lack of medical attention.
What? 20 / 30 / 40 or whatever the latest figure is, thousand people dying because every one of them was too afraid to seek medical attention? Pull the other one.
No, you are maliciously misrepresenting my argument, which is that it is perfectly possible for people to die from lack of medical attention.
It certainly is, but in the numbers required to explain the over-the-normal death toll? Please!
“haven’t actually seen them on the news.”
Well if you’re waiting for the news to tell you what to think then why bother coming here?
One of the reasons I come to this site is for it’s comprehensive coverage of the various sensational (or otherwise) murders that take place in the UK. what’s your excuse – a liking for empty rhetoric?
And furthermore, why would a report on certain deaths be a directive on ‘what to think’? That points up the fact that your own ‘thinking’ processes are somewhat lacking.
Because they don’t give you the full story and even what they give you is skewed.
Exactly. What did you think they were there for? Read some Chomsky.
To further elucidate on my reply to you, in case it’s not clear – of course the media are there for population management – but that does not mean that you can’t take some evidence from them – it’s just too much work to make up lies wholesale about absolutely everything.
Jams, I see you have despatched my hypothesised explanations to your own satisfaction. However, mere dismissal of possible explanations on the ground that your do not find them credible is frankly nothing more than a logical fallacy. So let’s look at the explanations a little more closely.
The care home issue. The majority of the above the five yearly average deaths have occurred in this setting. That fact alone reveals your dismissal to be cavalier to say the least. Further it is widely recognised, both by supporters and opponents of the “lockdown” measures that NHS policy of removing elderly people from hospitals to care homes contributed to these deaths. Further, in the care homes, the residents were effectively locked down in their rooms, provided with inadequate care, denied access to family and medical attention. I would have thought that anyone could see that this would result in a higher death rate.
People confined to their homes issue. You dismiss this with nothing more than sarcasm. However, it is a very serious point. The Royal College of Psychiatrists has reported a six hundred percent increase in suicide attempts by the elderly due to isolation and anxiety. It has also noted a surge in suicide attempts by young men. Their Australian equivalent reported that suicides in young men caused by the lockdowns could result in more deaths than the virus. Further, lack of access to the outdoors and exercise and sunshine seriously undermines a person’s immune system, which notwithstanding all the progress of modern medicine is our best defence.
The health service virtual shut down issue. Saying you don’t believe it is not just a logical fallacy, but one that shows you have not been paying attention. Even the corporate media has noticed that people are dying as a result of not receiving medical attention. The BBC described such deaths as “indirect cover 19”, by which they meant that people had not received the medical attention for heart conditions and cancers and so on because the health service was focussed on the virus. Millions of planned treatments were cancelled due to this focus on the virus. From the untreated cancers alone it is estimated that there will be fifty thousand premature deaths within six months, which is more than the virus.
The wilful terrorising issue. One effect of the terror campaign has been to discourage people from seeking medical attention. This has been recognised by the government, the corporate media, the NHS, Public Health England, by the health professional bodies. For weeks doctors have been exhorting people to seek medical attention if they need it. There have been thousands of non-coronavirus deaths at home than the five yearly average, as even the Guardian reported.
The access to mental health issue. No, I don’t have any figures, but I refer you to my above remarks on the increase in suicide attempts.
The increase in domestic violence, child abuse and stress issue. Again your dismissal frankly looks like nothing so much as a failure of empathic understanding. The relevant organisations such as Refuge, the NSPCC and Child Line have reported massive increases in calls for their assistance and have repeatedly warned politicians of the dangers.
Your ‘refutation’ of my ‘refutation’ only goes to show the lengths some people will go to to avoid admitting they are wrong.
None of the above even in combination, could possibly lead to what is now being reported as 50,00 deaths over the average. Many (all?) of your ‘reasons’ involve completely unfounded speculation as to numbers.
Your nutty conspiracy theory would have to involve the whole staff of the NHS, cleaners, drivers nurses and all, and similar organisations worldwide, as well as the usual suspects we do so well to suspect of their actual crimes.
OK Jams You obviously think I am an unreliable source, so here is the BMJ on this issue:
OK – there may be something there, but to play the subject in the same way as you have:
This is only one source, which also says:
“some of these “excess deaths” might be the result of under diagnosis”
“Some of these deaths may not have occurred if people had got to hospital,” he said. “How many is unclear.”
So I am a nutty conspiracy theorist and so is the the BMJ. Are you even listening to yourself? Virtually everyone recognises that the lockdown measures have killed people. Even the government accepts this. So why are you attempting to deny it?
It’s the length a degree of lockdown that is the question. Indefinite, hard, lockdowns will financially ruin people, particularly the further down the income and wealth distribution you go. Indoors is where the virus is preferentially spread, outdoors you get Vitamin D. Lockdowns will ruin the economy, setting the scene for a decade, at least, of hyper-austerity and savage social sadism. The Chinese, the targets of this bio-warfare attack, went hard, early, then relaxed, wore masks (as ever) checked temperatures, did testing, followed contacts, and are doing relatively well, but we MUST NEVER say anything positive about the Yellow Peril, must we.
Richard, you have seriously changed your tune of late on this issue. Care to tell us why?
I know of nobody who is either suffering from/with or died from/with the hoax ‘virus’, and nor does anyone else I know.
Screw your b*****it ‘official data’. It’s right in front of you! Look in the paper!
The 2019 death announcements in the local paper where I am ran at 3 pages, as they do each and every week all through Winter, and have been more or less the same since many decades. Summer, too – but only a handful of notices, as is usual.
Absolutely nothing different to see in this historic pattern for 2020, at all no ‘excess deaths’, nothing.
But of course, the Covid Cult member dismisses all this, with an angry snort – ‘We were just lucky, here. We follow the guidelines, you see.’
I heard that chemicals in the water supply were making people stupider – I believe that now.
Brew is not the shallow end of the gene pool-he’s sitting on the poll edge, frightened to death of water.
I suggest a couple of songs for you, DunG:
Roxette’s “Dressed For Excess”,
Iggy Pop’s “Here Comes Excess”
and a couple of movies:
“The Sweet Smell Of Excess”
“The Secret Of My Excess”.
Like it George! 👏😀
Well, it looks like we can’t rely on large segments of the Left to join us in the fight against the rolling out of the Fascist police state.
Because they’re on the other side actually embracing the stripping of civil liberties, blatant censorship, the so called ‘new normal’ and have happily smeared anyone opposing this authoritarianism as ‘anti vaxxers’ and ‘conspiracy nuts’.
Of course Anderson didn’t reply. You can’t even comment on his Facebook page without becoming a member.
In other words you’re screened first. Unlike the Facebook pages of Vanessa Beeley and John Steppling for example where you can freely comment.
Stick with those who have been the most trustworthy during this whole event.
The media have done a good job of making it seem that only right wingers believe in “conspiracies” but unfortunately many of the very people who say they don’t and never have trusted the media are regurgitating media vomit constantly
Exactly Koba. I know one person who lived in Cyprus during the Turkish invasion. Last year, he told me that he witnessed events himself in Cyprus that were completely lied about by the local media.
He gave me more recent examples also.
Said he would never believe the media ever again.
Yet he hasn’t left his house for 7 weeks, gets his groceries delivered and is terrified about the pandemic that he says will kill millions.
Other people I know are almost as bad, and most of them read The Guardian.
On the latest article, by Kit, it seems the CCZ trolls are out in force.
CCZ = corona cult zombies.
You’re right – and a lot of them are here! Why those supposedly on the left want to join in a right-wing extreme-libertarian conspiracy theory about an actual virus is beyond me.
Facts used to speak for themselves, now we have to stand up for them.
Some years ago reported on a certain research team’s discovery, that we live in a time where people are in denial of facts even when the facts are placed right before their eyes. While trying to find this (to no avail) I noted one website’s opening line, “Denial is a coping mechanism,” which then suggests that the denying intelligent need this mechaniam more than anybody.
Soejet, psychologists have looked at why 911 makes people put the blinkers on. When we hear information that conflicts with our world view we experience cognitive dissonance. This causes fear and anxiety. Our psychological defenses kick in to protect us from this anxiety resulting in denial.
Google is deleting videos and it is important to perpetuate the names of these psychologists. They include Richard Hopper Ph.D, Danielle Duperet Ph.D, William Woodward Ph.D, Robert Griffin, licensed psychologist, the theologian David Ray Griffin Ph.D, and the counsellors Dorothy Lorig MA, John Freedom MA and Frances Shure MA.
The psychology behind 9/11 – from the documentary, AE911Truth_Experts_Speak_Out (full documentary here )
Thank you moneycircus, this video was most informative
Facts are sacred. This saying becomes more meaningful to me by the day. The only way through a disagreement – to the extent there is a way through – is by humbly following the facts. Of course interpretation plays an important, if not pivotal, role, and subjectivity is foundational to the process, but without the best facts you can muster, there is often no hope of finding a way through to agreement.
And yet, sufficiently bewitched, we humans are capable of not seeing what is right in front of our noses. I once watched someone hypnotised into believing the onion he ate was an apple. No matter how many facts we might have presented him with, the man would have insisted it was an apple. Similarly, anorexics insist they are overweight, often until they die of malnourishment. No facts will convince them they are horribly skinny. These two facts about human ‘gullibility’ show us we can be put into a state of mind that determinedly refuses to see what is actually happening.
Ergo, most of humanity, at least in the West it seems, has been hypnotised – or something similar. NLP, pervasive repetition, authority, pavlovian conditioning, etc., are together acting as a continuous ‘magic’ spell to bewitch those among us susceptible to such witchery. It is truly awe-inspiring to see how effective it is.
I don’t know which is more frightening: how effective the spell is, or the potential explosion should the spell suddenly fail.
It IS witchery. Just organized, technologized, mass produced and so on. One name is advertising, another brain-washing, another behavioral engineering, another mind control.
Humble prayer breaks many a spell, but it’s not infinitely hard, anyway.
Just say no.
This is so very true.
As the Covid situation tends to dominate conversation, speaking to some long time friends has become a minefield, since we are so very far apart on this.
Far too many times a day, I find myself pondering how so many (otherwise smart and reasonable) people have fallen so far into the swirl of fear and irrationality. This includes an incredibly bright friend who evidently gets up at 6am in order to do his daily exercise safe in the knowledge that he’s very unlikely to come close to another human being who could infect him.
I realise this daily toil is not good for me and has no positive purpose, but its a difficult train of thought to avoid. What on earth has happened to everyone?
I agree with your point about media-induced witchery. This seems to be combined with an unwillingness of intelligent people to even consider that they have been lied to and bought into those lies. An blinkered sense of self that simply will not entertain the notion that they may have got this wrong. They’re too clever for that.
I remember the same with 9/11. For a terrifying number of people, clear facts and science could take a running jump if they clashed with a worldview that had seen years of personal investment.
The divisions are deep, and concern me greatly as they have divided me from people I love. I try to look to discern my contribution to the problem but keep coming back to how the data does not support the lockdown, and so the division remains. My own brother, for example, flatly refuses to look at the data, no matter its source. I had no idea he was capable of such stubborn recalcitrance. And these rifts are cause for sadness, and concern for the future: how do we heal from this?
Around 2004 the ‘In Plane Site’ movie was shared round the office where I was working. It repeatedly showed the plane melting into the WTC, but the commentary fixed your attention on some military bulges on the belly of the plane – ie telling you the plane was real. This was the drilling office of an oil company, engineers and supervisors working with steel structures, but nobody I can recall (inc me) questioned it on the basis of Newton’s Laws. My feeling was the film was unconvincing and I left it. I think that was also because the shock of 9/11 on the day (I was offshore on an oil rig bringing in a live well) had firmly implanted the rather poorly done cgi illusion as ‘veridical’.
The media and Govts are not objective.
We could go either way.
Fear= further into tyranny,ignorance and State fascism( w potential 4 more false flag ops to divide playing race card) .
Or Love= and we could see the end of bankster authoritarian fascists and the police state.
Again, as there is no “new deadly disease” or even any proof of a new disease with the exact same symptoms of common cold/ influenza first, shouldn’t we deal with that FACT.
Off-Guardian was too early with labeling Covid19 as “innocent” while Moon of Alabama went overboard too early too with supporting mad restrictions.
It took time to find out that Covid19 is actually attacking the blood vessel wall linings with its ACE2 look alike hooks. Lung specialist Dr. Seheult finished 75 Medcram Youtube Covid19 research videos and has the best and explanation. Here is what he himself takes daily to boost his own immune system while working with Corona patients in L.A. HCQ solo nowhere to be seen. :
Not protecting the elderly care homes was a big mistake in most of the West and upped the death statistics by > 50%.
I don’t believe Wuhan or these lockdowns were planned; they are just the moves of central bureaucrats with much more power than science. It is the natural reflex of any Establishment.
All in all a good Global exercise for when a more deadly virus breaks out, economically costly as it was. While fear for Global Climate Change was heavily promoted, the smallest R/DNA strings showed us who were really tricky to handle.
Rubbish. The Covid-19 virus was assumed to be dangerous by western governments before anybody in the west had any data regarding the virus. The starting point was that it was dangerous because China overreacted.
The fact that China would not allow western observers in to see what was happening should have been a huge red flag, but the west was persuaded it was bad because the CCP released a few stories about the disappearing whistle-blowing doctors.
There are new viruses every day, so why was this one assumed to be dangerous and the others assumed to be innocent. This virus was born guilty, but the court was China which is notoriously dishonest about pretty much everything.
So Off-Guardian = western governments???
Off-Guardian likes present China!
“Off-Guardian likes present China!” – how did you come to that conclusion?
What does it mean?
Off-Guardian didn’t label Covid19 as innocent because from an Off-Guardian perspective (from what I read here) the virus was considered innocent until proven guilty. The British government assumed the virus was guilty until proven innocent.
My point is that the British government treats all the other viruses as innocent until proven guilty but treated Covid19 as if it was Julian Assange.
Read the next Off-Guardian “Op-Ed”:
10/20 even in hindsight.
Racist, Sinophobic, lying, as usual, protected as usual. The Chinese alerted the WHO on 31 December, the US CDC of 2 January. They shared the genome with the world in the middle of January. What psychological rewards do you gain from repeated, pathological, lying?
You upset that I have not yet joined your white-man-bad, yellow-man-good hate group. Surprised you aren’t rioting with your fellow Antifa fascists. As this article from the NYT (I thought this would be acceptable to an anti-white racist such as yourself) shows, the Chinese were not cooperating even in Feb …
You quote the fucking New York Times as an honest source? That’s real chutzpah! I’m not in any way ‘anti-White’ whatever ‘White’ is, not like your plain, racist, mendacious loathing of the Yellow Devils when they cease groveling at your White, Western, Judeo-Christian feet. I judge everyone as individuals, on the basis of evidence and my own opinions and prejudices, which is why I loathe your type. Enjoy your race war-you won’t win. Nobody will.
So cretin, let me explain. I pay tax to your beloved CCP, they are the government here in China. I have no say in how the country is run, but I still have to pay tax. In return for paying tax, I will voice my opinion, even to delusional outsiders like you who have some bizarre love affair with China. I live here because I have children who are half Chinese, half British. I know you think I have waged war on my children, but that is because you are a cretin.
You must like cartoons
The elderly and those with compromised immune systems required social distancing, but lockdowns were not necessary for the rest of the population. Lockdowns bankrupted most small businesses and created massive unemployment. Closing schools was another disaster. Having millions of young people indefinitely idle and unemployed is a recipe for disaster. We’re seeing this catastrophe being played out right now in demonstrations throughout the US.
Violent protests triggered by a video showing a sociopathic cop and three other sadistic police officers murdering an unarmed black man over a $20.00 forgery. Protests which could’ve been avoided if these four killers were immediately charged with murder. But instead, foolish apparatchiks hesitant to do the “right thing” caused an explosion releasing pent up rage over much more than just the horrific death of George Floyd. The sight of Floyd’s senseless murder initially unleashed mass furor, but this outrage by the young is expressing frustration, hopelessness, and disgust towards the entire culture.
Arrogant rapacious elites are too tone-death to realize how manufacturing a COVID-19 crisis inevitably triggers outrage over an array of other ancillary social issues. The sparks released from the explosion in Minnesota activated eruptions in every major US city.
The politicalization of a virus allowing trillions to be transferred to the most wealthy while leaving millions debt ridden and jobless is the height of foolishness. Security state scams promoted by nitwit corrupt politicians provoke the seething indignation displayed by thousands of young people. If sensible solutions are not provided this outrage will become increasingly more violent. The political platform cited by sellout Bernie Sanders addressed some of these issues: free tuition of public colleges,
elimination of student debt, a guaranteed jobs program, etc… You don’t need to be a mastermind to tackle this predicament, you just need to be wise enough to know if you don’t you’re laying the groundwork for your own destruction.
“alleged” $20 forgery ….
That’s almost extraneous–as soon as those cops were called Floyd was a dead man.
Hey, a new way to off someone one does not like. Accuse them of trying to pass off a bad $20 bill and call in the local gestapo to have them epsteined. What will they think up next.
One can use this too on anyone, one does not like, who is not wearing the official “YOU WILL ALL DIE” FAUCI BLACK PLAGUE MASK or is unable to prove that they have gotten the Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot.
They are not nitwits, they know what they must do, that is why they are in their positions in the first place. Any politician doing the “right” things gets thrown out very early as a mistake.
If they’re not nitwits, then they must be suicidal……..
Or they are looking forward to reaping the gains, gains like the speaking engagements and/or directorships paid to past nitwit politicians: Blair, Clinton, Obama etc.
Steven Jackson was a good friend of Floyd. Jackson was not an NBA superstar like LeBron, but widely beloved and a legendary career. Gavin Newsom declared a Stephen Jackson DAy in SF, before he became California Governor. “Jack” is heartbroken.
Floyd had his job to Covid..
No foolishness there at all. It’s all deliberate and long planned. Agenda 21 must happen and a lot more chaos is on its way to soften us up.
Police departments have been allowed to “get away with murder,” that’s why Chauvin brazenly believed he could kill Floyd. Local corrupt incompetent politicians have turned a blind eye to police violence. On the national level greedy elites would rather implement social repression than advance economic reforms and social justice.
Idiot Biden will not be able to resolve any of these issues. Social problems will escalate until structural reforms occur. If that doesn’t happen, violence will be unleashed to end social unrest.
I don’t mean to pry but are you the talking pudding so often met in myth and folk legend? Forgive me, the lockdown taking it’s toll. I can’t even contact my familiar, the flying pullover and the bungalow of doom is in hot pursuit. Help!
You sound a bit annoyed that I didn’t give credence to your theory regarding Agenda 21.
No not at all, isn’t Charlotte Russe a pudding? I was just playing with words, it’s the best thing to do with them. Sorry to cause any offence.
A Charlotte Russe is not a pudding it’s a cake that comes from the eighteenth century. The cake has layers of lady fingers, Bavarian cream and fruit.
The ‘authorities’ have forgotten, or never learned, the Ancient Roman rule that it takes both Bread AND Circuses to control the proletariat.
With the nonsensical ‘lockdown’ they have now left out the necessary ‘Circuses’ – theatre, football, gambling, pubs, cinema…
The s**t will hit the fan.
99% of the protestors are young and many are white. The provocateurs and crooks come out at night to smash windows and steal designer shoes……
In Gladiator there is that scene where loaves of bread are quite literally thrown to the crowd at the gladiatorial games. Nobody was social distancing of course…
Vernon seems to know a thing or two about it:
When TV is your teacher, and the lesson is always ‘what to think’ and never ‘how to think’, ignorance blossoms. Apparently tim and Moon are at the top of the class.
Finally, an accurate disgnosis of what ails us: TV. It is within that very boob tube that covid veridically lurks.
– along with what? 50-60-70% of British, American, Canadian, etc populations ….
Interesting that in this MSM mouthpiece, USNews, we have this comment:
Then today, this bright idea for restaurant dining:
Here, you get inside your personal “bubble” at your chair, with companions in their bubbles. There is, however, an open lower space with this bubble that could be 24-30″. That’s room enough to shovel in your food, but how about them covid-19 particles or whatever they are?
It’s inconsistencies like these that suggest science has nothing to do with what’s going on. Ceremony, a ritual, is clung to. It’s a feel-good thing. Then add on how it offers opportunities of various sorts, such as defeating Trump next December.
>It’s inconsistencies like these that suggest science has nothing to do with what’s going on. Ceremony, a ritual, is clung to. It’s a feel-good thing.
I disagree: it’s conditioning, as with TSA security-theatre in airports, but ratcheted up to the
next level (for now). What will you *not* accept, is the pertinent question..
that’s good, you keep thinking December …. the race’ll be over when you get there :<))
Virus Propaganda & the One World Lockdown
OK, Karen!
Brilliant video! The world has gone completely bonkers.
“Gives her otherwise meaningless existence a sliver of self importance’. Karen. Exactly.
You’ll see, Gezzah, that we’re heading into a phase where the original ostensible reason for all this will be completely forgotten and what will remain is the imperative to enforce the madness. And the authorities are mobilising a force of Karens for that.
I think we’re almost at that point now Reg. And obviously it’s not just Karen’s, but a few Kens as well.
All this after what, 12 weeks is all about a virus?? Of course not. We all knew that ages ago.
Groupthink every hour of every day of every week. Or if you like, 2 mins of hate. That’s what it’s really about.
Sorry about upsetting your sleep last night. No more vomit emoji’s!
You’re right tho, Madonna sitting in her bath was truly a low point.
Ha ha, no worries. I slept like a tabby cat by a winter fire.
HOLD on did not the video podcaster who made this hoprseshit tell you to go out and vote to endorse a politically party who would never do this yet thickos later on then laugh when he show you videos of the crime they done.
even worse Karen CAN Kqeen means serpent deceiver snake
iof you want to get deep as clearly YOU so informed in etymology linguist understanding The serpent in genesis 3:1 was not a snake. The Hebrew word under here is NAHASH The Navajo Indians still use this word today, it is pronounced NAH-GAH-OSHEE and means: “witch doctor; guru; voodoo; sorcerer.” That’s what Cain CAN was.
PJW capl clap the special branch psyop and the edcuated voting window lickers want more
We could use some gender analysis in this Covid event. Apart from early reports that men were more vulnerable to flu-variant-Covid-19 I haven’t seen any. Academic studies have shown women more ready to embrace authoritarianism yet superficially it seems authoritarian governments tend to be male and to force women into traditional roles.
Florence Denmark – women might possess the “authoritarian” trait of ethnocentricism to a greater degree than men and might therefore exhibit and find approval for more authoritarian behavior in leadership roles than men do. Analysis of men and women non-leaders’ descriptions of leaders’ actual and ideal behavior fails to support this hypothesis. In general, the opposite is true. Men leaders exhibit and find approval for more authoritarian behavior than women, especially in using power to keep individual members in conformity with group norms and in controlling group goals. Women leaders exceed men in authoritarian behavior only in the more passive sense of exhibiting the correct ritual forms of group activity to the members and persuading them of a rosy future. (1966) – Ouch! Genders studies departments where are you ¡¿?!
always get special branch to inform the simpletons and window liickers that they video podcaster is IN the know yet the podcaster is special branch what fucking idiots
run out and vote ow people weho watch video run by government operative
donate now
Many alternative authors have explained in the past that the “journalists” at the MSM rags, such as the Guardian, are not being pressured into writing biased articles, instead they were employed because they naturally produce biased articles: the bias is a part of who they are, it is not forced.
The MoA blogger is reportedly an ex intelligence person: I don’t know what the requirements are for an intelligence person, but in my view the chances of him being a true rebel are very slim. One can see traits in the way he behaves that match what I would image are common threads in intelligence: an expectation that in an emergency you do not question authority but just toe the line, an authoritarian approach to other points of view, encouraging a cliquish environment between commenters, a left wing bias that sees bigger government as the solution to the world’s woes. There will be more but my guess is these traits are a part of how he was deemed a good fit for a job in intelligence.
Similarly, Craig Murray used to be an ambassador, so the chances that he will be a total rebel are also slim, and we now see his true self shining through when it comes to the corona virus.
We all have flaws, so the question really is whether an author’s flaws justifies their exclusion. I am not a big fan of the idea of excluding people, but I am guilty of doing so, having given up the Guardian and MoA. Just understand that these authors are not born rebels.
“…blogger is reportedly an ex intelligence person: I don’t know what the requirements are for an intelligence person, but in my view the chances of him being a true rebel are very slim.”
There, you have uttered precisely my “j’accuse” and charges against Snowden et al. And my reason in essence for why I don’t buy that they are veridically real.
90% of youtubers are paid by government via patroen or donations
they usually call themselves INDEPENDENT yet endorse politician regurgitated what other say that day week ione ahs to be seriously hyposiosed to not see it
Neil Saunders did the idiots guide for people to see where and who they are
The old slaves were killed for reading. The new slaves won’t research to stay alive.
Neil Saunders did fine, but you with your 90% that you pulled out of a hat are just an idiot.
Here is a link to Craig Murray’s 9/11 thread, near to 12,000 posts about freefall building collapse. His moderator at the time, Clark, still posts there, played a pivotal role in ensuring this 12,000 comment 9/11 disinfofest is the absolute pile of soiled toilet rolls which it turned out to be.
Clark is the quintessential disinfo shill, squealing “conspiracy theorist” at anyone who challenges his fraudulent agenda. Total scumbag. Funnily enough, you only need to read the thread nearest the top to see this utter piece of slime in action. I did a quick Google search for the thread and it came up with this beauty on page 133 to expose this snake for what he is. Craig Murray employed this man. Do the maths.
Unhappily, there is always a convenient useful idiot. Alternatively, as far as I can tell, this site is saturated with MI5 drones, and you are one. Divide and conquer – if the drones are stupid enough.
Divide and conquer indeed Jams. Unfortunately, many on here jump at the chance to be divided, completely oblivious to the fact that they are being played by shills.
You obviously have very little knowledge of who Craig Murray is, or what he has done. I suggest you put your balls on the line in the same way as he has in the past before you make these puerile assumptions.
Are you saying that he didn’t used to be an ambassador? Then why does he say he state that he was an ambassador on his website?
How did you extract that question from what I said? Lots of posters here seem to be feeble-minded.
It is a honour to have your immense intellect lead us through these difficult times, we are obviously not worthy and your arguments are like lightening from Zeus himself, revealing the path ahead. Thank you oh great one. I’m sure Craig Murray is at this very moment worshiping at your altar.
Another non-reply – just more mindless abuse. Is that really the best you can come up with?
Many alternative news sites have become corrupted by the very things they claim to rail against: Avarice and self interest.
Are the manipulators and parasites who rule us so fucking devious that they anticipated this?
Are the alternative media who have cowered to the groupthink too weak to speak out?
Keep up the war of logic and common sense folks.
We CAN turn the tide.
What part of what MOA said is true?
If Moon of Alabama and Tim Anderson hold you at arm’s length, maybe you’ve gone off the deep end. I started following you when you started this website because Richard Drayton, a guy I really respect, linked to you. That was five years ago. He never linked to you again. And that is before you began running the 9/11 Truther stuff, which probably alienated a whole new group of one-time supporters. That wasn’t enough. When the pandemic hit, you began posting the same talking points as Fox News. In any case, I urge you to continue on your current path. It will undermine anything that you post about Syria.
No doubt, those “alienated” will be happy to return to those alt sites which have been assimilated into the borg.
I think you will find, that the subset of those who are aware of Syria but are not ” 9/11 truthers” will be vanishing small.
Louis, why do you waste your valuable wizz dome on us, wouldn’t you be happier where you’d be appreciated, somewhere like the Daily Chimp?
Guessing Louis N. Proyect™ is well-compensated for the tripe he posts.
30 Pieces of Silver?
I read in the Bible recently, that Judas attempted to hang himself, but ended up falling from the tree and disemboweling Himself in the process.
You make a lot of sense.
My brain is melting. Cats blink dog farts
I belch zebra tongue or I am humus pyramid’s with dancing elbow, blind rock
So how has your 5 years following this site been?
More self-emasculation, and self humiliation from a long bankrupt pseudo-Marxist intellectual prostitute peddling absurdities including conspiracy theories about OFFG while fishing for provocation with his twisted logic that instantly self destructs as LNP is grossly indicting himself as a fear mongering liar and elite’s influence peddler of “Mocking Bird” style .
The MoA and others who follow closely incoherent COVID narratives concocted by governments, CNN or other MSM fake news factories as well as blindly believe Dr. Mengele type criminals running global medical authorities, are simply brainwashed or are engaged in psychological warfare.
LNP and MoA in fact blatantly aligned themselves with murderous legacy of Nazism and their murderous policies regarding social hygiene (including effective eugenics practiced in elderly homes today where 50 to 80% of all COVID patients are murdered under guise of phony COVID emergency) and policies regarding extremely deadly, disproportionate Nazis dealings with more dangerous than COVID infectious diseases like typhus including government forced quarantines, lockdowns, mass relocation, exclusion from economy and mass mandatory vaccination to benefit of Nazi corporates.
ALL that Nazi attitude today and in the past is aimed not to save lives but to take them needs be to assert political control by Nazi style regime and marginalization or eradication of opposition like gays, communists and Jews or anyone who questions authorities .
LNP turned fascist following dead-end path of many opportunistic pseudo-Marxists.
If I may humbly say, your first 2 paragraphs were absolutely brilliant.
The rest of your comment was brilliant.
You will have noticed that Proyect never replies. He just dumps his shit here and then doesn’t respond. Even to lucid replies like yours.
He’s the classic definition of a troll.
“Live from the parking lot of the Concord Motor Lodge on the shores of beautiful Kiamesha Lake, NY it’s Mr. Borscht Belt himself Louis Alter Kocker, losing what mind he had.”
Take a hike.
“Regime-change Louie” lecturing OffGuardian on Syria reporting! Wow! Now that takes the cake Louie! If nothing else you do manage to induce some grins, unintentional though they may be.
By the way Louie – if I look up and notice that “the sky is blue,” and Vladimir looks up and notices that “the sky is blue” – does that render me a “Putin Puppet” in that little space between your ears?
Have you rejected all logic and common sense to enable a comfortable retirement Louis?
Try thinking outside the confines of control.
Abandon your ego for a while.
Loo, you are a repellant thing. Why don’t you distance yourself from us? We’re afraid of what you carry. We won’t catch it but it makes us heave and thow up. Be considerate.
…Richard Drayton, a guy I really respect…
That part made me smile. No one here gives a fuck about whether or not you respect someone, Louis. ;o)
You appear to be an armchair communists who hopes that the rise of China will bring about an egalitarian world. Well, let me intervene in your fantasy: the world is made up of people and people have “failings”, and the people with the worst “failings” tend to rise to the top of society by doing things that the better people would never do. When Xi rose to the top he ran an anti-corruption campaign that assassinated a lot of the middle manager types who were supporters of his enemies. The corruption continued, but now the recipients were Xi’s cadre so their loyalty was now reinforced. I doubt you would consider assassinating your enemies, but to some these things come naturally.
*Doesn’t respond to any comments in his thread. Posts new thread.*
Are you trying to enter the Guinness Book of Records for the most downvotes ever achieved on a website?
I think you are, so I did.
Happy to help.
Tom Feeley has not been too well over the last 3 weeks – he probably got it too..I did, it wasn’t that least most of us old people are still alive, and gradually getting our fitness back
One of my favourite Americans in the world. What a nice man.
Tom Feeley is Back in The Saddle Again
” Note From Tom
I want to express my gratitude to those of you who have been kind enough to enquire about my health and for your good wished for my recovery.
It has been a difficult 3 weeks, but I am happy to report that I am back at my desk and more inspired more than ever to fight against the lies, propaganda and horror that we laughingly call civilization.
I will need a little time to catch up on recent events and I sure that within a few days I can have this service back to normal.
I am humbled by your support, your kind words of appreciation and your desire for ICH to continue to fight for peace and justice.
Tom Feeley”
He’s had health problems for quite awhile, I’m surprised you went to covid-19, he didn’t mention it.
What’s really disappointing is when I went to his Twitter page last week and saw that they banned him. He was probably telling the truth again.
His site introduced me to Caitlin Johnstone, Moon of Alabama(B.C.), and a few others. One of the few consistently great sites on the Internet:)
“Caitlin Johnstone”
Ah, yes. The ‘pro-choice’ hypocrite.
Look for consistency, for there lies the truth.
What do you mean by “pro-choice hypocrite”, breweriana?
What is this? A puzzle? Can’t you explain what you mean?
And what about Corbyn? His buy in to the madness has made me question my entire mind….
I think the blindness of so many can be partly attributed to how far down the spiritual awakening path they are; even the most enlightened political minds may not be willing or able to look within and realise all change, all independence of mind and soul, truly lies there.
I’ve always wondered how such admirable genuine political activists maintain their energy to fight the fight over so many years – as I’ve found the more I have looked within the more I realise that it doesn’t matter what is said, how compelling the truth of the matter is – it will fall on deaf ears until the listener – individually or at society level – looks within. And that can only come from within.
If Corbyn questioned the narrative he would be mauled, chewed up and spat out, never to work again in any capacity.
Who, then, is allowed to speak truth? What a dark time we’re in, with the Few creating and benefiting from it yet again..
That is ALREADY guaranteed. The Jewish Board of Deputies would absolutely insist.
He’s trying to be relevant.
After his brother getting arrested. I don’t think he’s got the balls to actually speak his mind.
He proved THAT during the ‘antisemitism’ campaign.
Corbyn was more systematically attacked than any other UK politician I have seen in recent years – Johnson is starting to get flak but he is in office and is clearly incapable but he was also clearly the establishment choice rather than Corbyn so they will stick with Johnson a while yet. Corbyn knows better than to contradict official narratives now.
You’ve got to laugh. Johnson looks seriously out of his depth. He thought his allegedly superior genes and a misspent youth at Eton were enough to carry him through life. The dishevelled, inbred buffoon has come up against something so monstrously powerful that he has no idea how to react. The fucker just has to do what he is told. He is not in charge.
What about Starmer? His putsch to retake Labour for NuLabInc redux.
The Labour members had their brains turned to mush – they chose SIR KEIR a London metrosexual man over the first ever female leader a true Salford lass & lawyer.
Well they were gaslighted so effectively they even forgot the NHS that Corbyn made central and went on about.
The final straw is that of Bercow and Murphy being denied the peerages that would bring some sense into the Lords.
Sir ‘Jeeves’ Starmer (copyright Steve Bell) is the humble man servant of the toffs to clear up their mess and protect the establishment.
Who exactly were the members who voted for Keeves? Are they for real?
Hahahaha you’re still stuck in the “save us Labour Party” mode hahahahahahahahahaha
Just want to share with readers here.. I’m working on a series about deaths in LTC
It encompasses Canada and the UK, so far. As well as Italy
shocking similarities in policy
Heading to the US
You can find and read the first three parts
and here
My intention is to use the court of public opinion to up the pressure on our respective government for their malfeasance
Curfews declared in cities across US
Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Atlanta have all just announced curfews.
They are not telling you the half of what’s going on at the moment.
Rense is providing links to many stories from the troubles in the US.
You know it’s something when the virus gets driven off the front page and the TV screens that it has dominated for months.
What desides everything is raw power, and by that, economic power, and corruption of our Gov, and thats what happened with this scamdemic, the highjacking of everything, incl peoples mind. And then we have the side effects regarding the media world we have, and in that I am not even surpriced, maybe I am becomed old and cynical, but when thats said, some sites remain, and I dont care that much about whom they initially where or claimed to be, eventually they all reveils them self when the SHTF, and from then on, they will never be able to convince me about their so called independence, and I have more, as said before respect for genuine assh…. than pretenders, at least we know where the aholes stand, thats eventually the real deal, turncoats I wll always despice, in that I am without mercy, once an turncoat, always a turncoat.
Yeah, OffG, you see, even when the rest was beaten to pulp with facts, logical deductions of whatever statistics and cause/effect situations the MSM and the leauge of experts came with, some never managed to get that into their heads, I dont exuse them, because to me it was so bloody obvious that I am more anoyed than irritated, some sites is and was an insult to intellegence despite their claims of representing just that, in this, they all failed, and again why, I really dont care, its to late, they have dropped the curtain and is but naked, and MoA, witch some called the Foreman Mao of Alabama, is just an moron, eloquent drivel cant hide that, and have now become for me irrelevant, apart from some aspects, but the damage is done, and will be irreverisble and as OffG have shown, MoA is an spineless coward.
But dont drag issues as CCP into this, that is an propaganda stunt that is equally anoying as it is an lie, I also tought the initital event that came upto the news last year was certainly an BioAttack, and the clampdown done by the Chines was in that regard seen as logical, and it was when this then spread that it cought my attention (Iran and Italy), and the initial responce by the same rat packs that have been hit hard, from the Imperial banana republic to Italy/Span/France since they ignored it first, was and is the reason for me the moment I realised this was something fishy, and the numbers we got sould not come as an surprice at all, others whom did notice what the Chines did and took notice have much less, and then we have nations with did nothing, etc, to Sweden, whom have/had the same problems as everybody else, the take on this was done wrongly and to lightly and the elderly payed for that, but then, in hindsight, we where right all along, and the rest wrong, they will never admit that, like the saying goes, the last one to admitt a swindel, is the one whom is been hadded, but I am in that sense happy, because I knew we where right, ever doubted that, and I dont expect anything from the people whom was wrong, but I respect people that indeed do admit that, its an display of growth of wisdom, we all have been wrong, shit happens, because this is not an deadly “we are all going to die next week”, but nothing more that an anual flu hyped to be something it isnt, but I have learned to be more patient, dont just jump on the first thing you see or hear, take your time and collect info, then start the process of unvind them and find the truth.
Again I will link to an video, this one is one of the reasons I go like hummmm….. and how on earth isnt this been debated more than it is, in this days of uh…. where the racism card is flashed all the time, and even when this video tells everything you need to know about certain people, like the CDC and Gates from Hell, this never comes up, but this I picked up at Fort R. a site a bit to friendly with historical issues witch I know are fake, the denile of facts, and like MoA, have certain issues where they cant help them self, they just cant handle anything else than what they think is the truth, anyone diviating is automaticly an nazi7white ass rayyzist, etc, like Faker, South F. is one of the few I find to be unique, and I place them on the top of my list, but I am not that in love with war porn, but the site is never the less as far I am conserned, top of the range.
The Video link.
Gates of Hell honored doc, about We should just get rid of the white race.
Yeah, real evil in plain daylight and by some obscure reason, its uh…. ok, right.
The person that I was 15 years ago would probably have believed the covid nonsense.
If That personage of me from 15 years previous met the current now me, then the younger me would consider my ideas to be insane. The awakening process is akin to a wedge that slowly widens in the mind. Many of us forget how long this has taken.
I have found virtually all scientific shibboleths are BS, the News is virtually all fake, the worst criminals and murderers wear suits.
Is it not the truth that:
“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities”
You got that right
Oh sure, we all know where all our local drug dealers are but, if you owe the goverment $10 in taxes, they will find you even if you are in the middle of the Amazon Jungle.
1) Bernhard from Moon of Alabama (MoA) not only brutally censors comments that don’t follow his intentions (my comment, in which I criticised the WHO for massively cheating when comparing the death rate of Flu with that of Covid-18).
He also doesn’t understand (or has an agenda not to understand) what “flattening the curve” means. At the beginning of this Covid-19 thing it was on MoA where I read this term “flattening the curve” for the first time. And for days MoA hammered it into the heads of his readers how important this “flattening the curve” was. This was also absolute the mainstream and the policy of all governments of countries, which than ordered this lock-down.
But then the governments, the MSM and MoA suddenly – without telling or even discussing it – turned away from this “flattening the curve” strategy. Suddenly the new strategy was ‘preventing any infections with (nearly) all means’.
But both strategies are incompatible!
“Flattening the curve” means that you have one curve or wave – not several! That means: This strategy has to care that this flattened curve does not come down too early, but keeps up for a longer time – this in order that the whole population gets in contact with the virus and thus develops immunity.
So if the curve comes down to fast the respective government has to take care that people have more contact (while, of course protecting – even isolating – the most vulnerable). But this never happened! And neither MSM nor MoA demanded that!
Instead governments, MSM and MoA switched to a (totally new) strategy aiming at total prevention of new infections. That this was done silently, without explaining this to the people was absolutely dishonest!
And this new strategy (aiming at total prevention of new infections) is also absolutely inapt for a corona virus “pandemic”.
Why is this so?
This is so, because a virus is not a bacteria. Yes, with, let’s say, cholera or the Black Plague you must definitely prevent as many infections as you can. Total lock down would indeed be the strategy there. This because this pest attacks cells of the body (or of certain organs). Or, like in the case of the Black Plague, poisons the body of the infected person to death (bacteria of that kind let free their inner poisonous fluid when they dissolve at the end of their lifetime).
But corona viruses don’t attack cells of the infected person or kill them. This is the reason why – unlike infections with dangerous bacteria – only persons of weakened health and a weakened immune system (mostly elder people) die from corona (or flu) viruses.
These infected persons don’t die from corona viruses (e. g. Sars-CoV-2) but from there own immune system, because in a person with a weakened health (e. g. already other diseases) the immune system tends to ‘panic’: While antibodies in healthy persons ignore corona viruses, when they are within a cell (lets say: of the lung) of the infected person, in a weakened body they mark this cell of the infected – and the macrophage (that always accompanies the antibody) than destroys (“eats”) this cell.
So this new strategy of our governments, to block every possible infection is totally wrong. And this effort is also in vain. Because as Prof Püschel (Hamburg) says to Covid-19: “We can’t prevent infections” (“Wir können Infektionen nicht verhindern.”) – (German)
2.) Prof. John P. A. Ioannidis and others published a paper with the topic
Here a quotation from that paper:
“The absolute risk of COVID-19 death as of May 1, 2020 for people <65 years old ranged from 6 (Canada) to 249 per million (New York City). The absolute risk of COVID-19 death for people ≥80 years old ranged from 0.3 (Florida) to 10.6 per thousand (New York). The COVID-19 death risk in people <65 years old during the period of fatalities from the epidemic was equivalent to the death risk from driving between 13 and 101 miles per day for 11 countries and 6 states, and was higher (equivalent to the death risk from driving 143-668 miles per day) for 6 other states and the UK. People <65 years old without underlying predisposing conditions accounted for only 0.7-2.6% of all COVID-19 deaths (data available from France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Georgia, and New York City). CONCLUSIONS: People <65 years old have very small risks of COVID-19 death even in pandemic epicenters and deaths for people <65 years without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably uncommon. Strategies focusing specifically on protecting high-risk elderly individuals should be considered in managing the pandemic.”
Does anyone suggest to stop motor traffic worldwide, because of those hundred and hundred thousands of deaths per year? Are those, who don’t, uncaring?
Sorry, correction: “…with that of Covid-19)”
You are right. MoA follows official scripted MSM narratives to this day (with exception of blaming China), changing narratives one step ahead of hard data that repudiate previous narratives.
What is worse that current insane narrative of complete eradication of SC2 virus (while no virus was ever eradicated worldwide) serves no medically efficacious purpose but follows direct objectives and interests of big Pharma vaccines making for them long term hundreds of billions of dollars while impose useless, pointless from medical point of view draconian policies and measures of social surveillance and control.
The psychological warfare were are witnessing today is exactly how it was done to justify ruling elite’s lies and MSM conspiracy theories before, during and after US Iraq invasion in 2003.
All that changed at MoA after January 25, 2020 when still sane b wrote following.
B’s (who demands extension of lockdowns until vaccine is devised) hypocrisy is on a display by reading his latest post about supporting national protest against police brutality and systemic murder.
There is no mentioning in his post, however that about million people protesting police on the streets are endangering public and likely will be dying soon of supposedly horrific COVID as a result of not obeying lockdown or social distancing.
Manipulating, lying to cover up old lies with new lies seems to be MoA’s daily bread.
The WSWS are also into the Floyd protests and it probably makes them think of storming the Winter Palace – the fact that rallies are an obvious breach of social distancing does not seem to factor in at all. The governor of Minnesota has tried to calm things down by saying for God’s sake think of the virus.
As has been seen elsewhere, if people are angry or desperate enough they will come out, virus be damned.
It is a shame about Moon of Alabama, although I never put much stock in the site to begin with.
Moon of Alabama is/was good on some points. Unfortunately “little critters” scare them. They should listen to George Carlin and “grow a pair.”
MOA has been superb on some issues but he is (we are credibly informed) ex-Intelligence Services (which is significant) and German (which isn’t).
From my limited experience of observing activists who are ex-Intelligence or ex-Military or ex-Police, they nearly always reveal themselves eventually to be covert statists. They are people placed within the anti-establishment ‘conspiracy-theorist’ communities to lead them astray and to betray them at the crucial moment.
The most obvious (fairly) recent example of the ilk is Ken O’Keefe. He was ex-US Marines. I believe he was an anti-authoritarian rebel who gave his commanders lots of trouble and they handed him over to Military Intelligence to see if they could find some use for him.
O’Keefe was sincere in his own way. he appeared to be genuinely outraged by tyranny and injustice …
However, when push came to shove he completely betrayed those closest to him, people who obviously thought he was genuine. He had collected a large amount of money, kept it for himself, left his wife and kids in London and ran off to a Caribbean island with a new girlfriend.
In retrospect everything was obvious. He had previously collected thousands of pounds that bought a lorry and filled a trailer of goods to be towed to Palestine … but the lorry and goods were stolen just before he was about to start the journey. He later waltzed into Israel with Max Igan (with an ease that, at the time, amazed Igan) and made some insulting anti-Zionist videos while travelling around the country. He toured American Universities carrying out what he called his “Fuck You” Tour. Insanely brave … but, on reflection, how do you get away with a thing like that?
As Lenin said, “The best way to defeat the opposition is to lead it.”
Can any sensible person doubt that MI5/MI6/CIA place people in various positions inside the ‘Truth’ movements to do exactly this kind of thing?
It’s part of their operating template.
My first awareness of this came from observing such people in action within the UK 9/11 Truth movement. It was knowing that we were being led by such types that caused me (and many others) to stop attending meetings and to withdraw from group activism back in about 2006.
Since then I have spotted such people in action time and time again. They tend to be high-profile figures initially. Then they lose the respect of allies for diverse reasons.
Anyway, MOA is one of these.
The powers-that-be are going for it now. we are in the early stages of the sequence of traumatic events that many of us have been expecting for years.
He is showing his true colours, attacking his new “community” from within. Completely on-message with Gates, the bankers and the rest of the Satanic psy-op.
He’s an asset that has been put into play, activated for his intended purpose. A weaponised establishment mind-virus designed to target and undermine the most serious resistance to his paymaster’s project.
If people understand this MOA is nothing.
Understand the playbook but know this too. Individuals like ‘Moon Of Alabama’ will not stop us winning the great battle to come.
If Truth be our sword and Love our compass … to the end … the power of God will manifest against the minions of the Satanic power that imagines it can own us.
Whether we as individuals personally live or die, there can only … ONLY be one winner.
“[Ken O’Keefe] …made some insulting anti-Zionist videos…”
Oops. Your mask slipped there a tad.
I’ll take O’Keefe’s version of events over Max Igan’s any day. You’ve quoted the latter’s account of their falling out almost word for word, by the way. Perhaps you’d also like to quote Igan on his recent revelation that the earth is flat, recanted a day or so later with the claim that inter dimensional forces were tampering with his mind. Or something.
I knew O’Keefe. Met him many times. He tried to be honest, in my opinion, but was “owned”