Scientists Have Utterly Failed to Prove that the Coronavirus Fulfills Koch’s Postulates
Amory Devereux and Rosemary Frei

About 150 years ago, scientists painstakingly constructed a set of principles that can prove whether a particular microbe is the cause of a specific disease or is just a bystander. Those three principles are known as the Koch postulates.
From all the available information, the novel coronavirus doesn’t appear to meet any of these tenets, never mind all three.
Like most human endeavours, the Koch postulates were the product of collaboration. First, Jakob Henle developed the underlying concepts, and then Robert Koch and Friedrich Loeffler spent decades refining them until they were published in 1890. The resulting three postulates are:
- The pathogen occurs in every case of the disease in question and under circumstances that can account for the pathological changes and clinical course of the disease.
- The causative microorganism occurs in no other disease as a fortuitous and nonpathogenic parasite.
- After being fully isolated from the body and grown in tissue culture (or cloned), it can induce the disease anew.
The principles have been altered almost beyond recognition by various researchers over the ensuing 130 years. But the changes concomitantly watered down the postulates. That’s why they’re still used today by most researchers seeking to robustly prove or disprove the existence of a pathogen and its exclusive relationship with a particular disease.
There’s an urgent need for scientists to step up and do this conclusively with the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. But, strangely, the fire hose of scientific papers on the virus-disease dyad is only a sickly trickle on this tremendously important aspect of it.
A very straightforward and inexpensive experiment is all that’s needed to prove that the first postulate has been met.
Here’s how to do it. Test blood samples from a large number of people for the novel coronavirus using a test that’s been proven by several non-conflicted third parties to be accurate – i.e., to have very low rates of false positives and false negatives.
Then, if all the people who are diagnosed with COVID-19 are the same ones who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, that would prove the virus causes COVID-19. (Note that COVID-19 would have to be diagnosed based on a well-defined and finite set of symptoms. The currently-used and excessively broad diagnostic criteria – such as pneumonia, or the combination of fever and cough – doesn’t cut it, because those are present in many other respiratory conditions.)
But such an experiment has never been done, or if it has been done it hasn’t been made public.
The real kicker, though, is that the third postulate – isolating and sequencing the virus and then showing it causes the disease in other organisms – has not been fulfilled either.
We’ve scoured the internet and found no proof that scientists have done the simple steps required to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 conclusively meets even one – never mind all — of the third postulate’s constituent parts. Those parts are:
- isolation from a human patient’s cells of full-length novel-coronavirus DNA*
- sequencing of the isolated DNA, then determining that the identical sequence is not present in any other virus, and next replicating or cloning the DNA to form a new copy of the virus
- injecting the new copy of the virus into a statistically significant number of living hosts (usually lab animals) and seeing whether those animals develop the discrete diagnostic symptoms associated with COVID-19 rather than developing the diagnostic symptoms of any other infection or disease.
A few scientists have claimed that some or all of the postulates have been fulfilled. Their papers have been given laudatory coverage by the media, public-health officials and politicians.
The problem is that each of these papers falls apart on even cursory examination.
For example, in February 2020 Chinese and Dutch researchers published studies purporting to show they had isolated the virus, which is the first step in fulfilling the third postulate.
But both teams sourced the virus from animals rather than humans. (And on top of that, the Dutch study was done 15 years ago on SARS-CoV, not SARS-CoV-2.)
Another example is a review paper by two Americans published in February 2020 and cinematically titled ‘Return of the Coronavirus: 2019-nCoV.’ Two places in the paper suggest the third postulate has been at least partially fulfilled.
The first is in the section titled ‘Emergence.’ There, the two authors write:
After extensive speculation about a causative agent [of the Wuhan outbreak], the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed a report by the Wall Street Journal and announced identification of a novel CoV on 9th January [2]. The novel CoV (2019-nCoV) was isolated from a single patient and subsequently verified in 16 additional patients [3]. While not yet confirmed to induce the viral pneumonia, 2019-nCoV was quickly predicted as the likely causative agent.
Strikingly, though, reference 3 that the authors link to at the end of the second sentence is a World Health Organization press release rather than a published study.
The section’s next two sentences describe several Chinese research groups’ virus-sequencing results. However, these sequencing attempts are shoddy. For example, one group’s paper has many red flags – and indeed, on the web page showing the group’s sequence, commenters point to such problems as ‘sequencing and assembly artifacts.’ That group also didn’t replicate or clone the DNA to form a new copy of the virus, as required by the third postulate. (All subsequent sequencing attempts also have fatal flaws with respect to meeting the postulates.)
Yet the Chinese researchers’ gene sequences are integral to all of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test kits.
The second place in the review paper that refers to the principles is in the fifth section, ‘Achieving Koch Postulates.’ The authors assert that:
Traditional identification of a microbe as the causative agent of disease requires fulfillment of Koch’s postulates, modified by Rivers for viral diseases [37]. At the present time, the 2019-nCoV has been isolated from patients, detected by specific assays in patients, and cultured in host cells (one available sequence is identified as a passage isolate), starting to fulfill these criteria.
What’s missing is even one reference to back up those assertions.
Meanwhile, public-health officials appear oblivious to this gaping hole in the science. They imperiously pronounce that they’re using the best data available, and act as if evidence-based decision-making is the substrate for the draconian measures they’re imposing.
Could it be that they’re in fact using decision-based evidence-making?
Here’s an idea: please email your local, state/provincial AND national/federal governments, asking for solid scientific evidence that:
- SARS-CoV-2 causes a discrete illness that matches the characteristics of all of the deaths attributed to COVID-19
- the virus has been isolated, reproduced and then shown to cause this discrete illness.
If you get a response, please share it below.
Amory Devereux is a freelance writer and podcaster with 13 years’ experience as a language and communications trainer. He is the co-host of Liberty & Logos and is currently working on a book detailing his fleeing from England due to fears over the totalitarian nature of the UK Coronavirus Act. You can listen to an interview he recently gave about this journey and follow him on Twitter.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary and was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent investigative journalist. You can read her article on The Seven Steps from Pandemic to Totalitarianism, watch and listen to an interview she gave on the pandemic, and follow her on Twitter.
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Some things or phenomen present in this universe are beyond the discoverd theories by human beings. And it is the things that makes science always unique, interesting and a mammoth in it one.
I think Kochs postulates werent so acurate still to date. Virus can not grow in a pure form. it needs a host cell to propagate (multiply) his postulates were not clear on that.
Corona virus needs host cell lines to grow just as same as bacteriophages (virus that eat bacteria)
Is covid 19 narrative getting more Bizarre or this new isolation test will be the new Gold Standard? Here are 3 links that explains everything is there some truth to this?
Found this through WebMD explaining that scientists do indeed still use Koch Postulates
Now here is the bizarre thing that this may end up being the new Gold Standard at least from what I read from this blog news article.
This is the research I found since I am not a Scientist of any degree maybe someone that has commented here already could explain the reason why or why not be the new Gold Standard. One thing is that this new virus testing not sure can be used in purification phase like how the 3rd or 4th Postulate can do.
If Koch’s postulates are no longer relevant (because it is convenient for many), then why do the authors of the earliest studies on the isolation of NCoV-2019 bother to mention that they did not or did not comply with them? (Zhu et al. 2020; Gralinski et al. 2020). Koch’s postulates and Rivers’ criteria are the way to demonstrate the pathogen-disease causal relationship. As for bacteria and “viruses” present in “asymptomatic” people, if they do not produce symptoms, then these people ARE NOT SICK. The narrative of the asymptomatic patient became popular with HIV, whose existence has not been proven either. Many high-level scientists like Kary Mullys put it that way.
Exactly. This is HIV 2.0 with wicked government tyranny on top.
“Over 30 institutions and offices around the world have been queried through Freedom of Information requests for records containing proof the alleged SARS-COV-2 virus in fact exists. The responses have yielded in total no records. Ontario public health officials have zero legitimate evidence to support their story of a “COVID-19 virus” let alone a “COVID-19” pandemic. The virus is unproven and purely theoretical. They have committed FRAUD on the population.” Christine Massey, Canada.
This argument fails to stand once you consider that Koch’s postulates refer to microorganisms, namely bacteria (Segre, 2013). Today, viruses are still largely classified as “non-living” – they are not considered to be an organism, in other words – due to their need for host cells for reproduction. As a result, scientists can’t study them as bacteria, and must use different methods for understanding and classifying them and the diseases that they cause. While they are defined as pathogenic, they are, however, largely exempt from Koch’s postulates. The most obvious example of this is that you can’t isolate and grow a virus in culture by itself without cell lines. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple cold virus, the norovirus, the flu, or COVID-19. The basis for viral reproduction negates this as a possibility. The limitations of Koch’s postulates are made obvious in the face of viral infection.
Beyond that, there are exceptions to every rule, even Koch’s (E.G., asymptomatic carriers of bacterial pathogens). Science is evidence-based, not proof-based , and is a constantly changing field. Koch’s postulates were formulated and published in the 19th century, and as stated, based on the study of disease caused by bacterial infection rather than viral infection. Yes, his work absolutely carries significance and is useful today, but as science evolves, we recognize the need to study beyond known limitations.
How can corona virus not be considered an organism but still be considered to have a genome structure and the capabilities of reproduction?
No kidding, this is why the Postulates were updated specifically for viral pathogens.
Koch’s postulate argument failings:
1. Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Polio, Herpes Simplex and Hepatitis C can be found in asymptomatic carriers.
2. Viruses need host cells to grow. i.e. can’t be grown in pure culture.
3. See point 1.
Science has moved on from Koch’s imperfect rules, Koch himself abandoned the “must” from his first postulate when he saw it was flawed. They’ve been recognised as obsolete for 70 years despite their usefulness 130 years ago.
You’re welcome.
His work maybe 130 years old and I could be mistaken but surely even now his postulates are at least useful as a starting point. It also seems as if many scientists didn’t go down this route / debunk if it really is that flawed (al be it yes old).
Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion were published 333 years ago, and were superseded by Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity more that 100 years ago.
Fortunately, bridges and other earthly structures are still being built according to Newton’s Laws.
Age is no argument; correctness is…‽
About point 1. You’re saying that the presence of the microbes claimed to be responsible for those diseases are found in people WITHOUT those diseases. Think about it.
You’re welcome.
Even without Kochs postulate, it must be possible to aquire a full-length genom from one of the eledged millions suffering fron covid19, wouldn´t you agree?
I made a FOI request to a major UK NHS Hospital Trust for evidence proving the virus exists and causes the alleged illness and deaths. Here is a link to its reply stating it doesn’t have such information:
That link doesn’t work anymore. Would you have a new link?
Another article that needs looking at re: isolation.
An international network of lawyers will argue this biggest tort case ever ‘the corona fraud scandal’. CDC Admits Covid19 Test Does Not Exist. In the video, ATTORNEY REINER FUELLMICH summarizes facts that will become the core of a class-action suit. Reading from what sounds like the opening statement to the jury, Fuellmich brings together in one presentation virtually every major issue that lurks behind the controversies over testing, distancing, masking, and contact tracing Back up if censored
Here are 16 Freedom of Information (FOI) responses from various institutions in Canada, NZ, Australia, Germany, the U.K., England, Ireland, all indicating that they have no record in their possession, authored by anyone, anywhere, ever, describing the isolation of a “SARS-COV-2 virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient:
Thank you for this!!!
I can add to your list, which does include the Government Office for Science, whereby the response I have received goes a little further and laughably suggests the following link as ‘evidence’:
“For example, in February 2020 Chinese and Dutch researchers published studies purporting to show they had isolated the virus, which is the first step in fulfilling the third postulate.
But both teams sourced the virus from animals rather than humans.”
According to
“the virus used was: The SARS-CoV-2 (strain HB-01) was kindly provided by Professor Wenjie Tan1, from the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC). The complete genome for this SARS-CoV-2 was submitted to GISAID (BetaCoV/Wuhan/IVDC-HB-01/2020|EPI_ISL_402119), and deposited in the China National Microbiological Data Center (accession number NMDC10013001 and genome accession numbers MDC60013002-01).”
And according to
“one full-length sequence was obtained from a virus isolated from a patient (BetaCoV/Wuhan/IVDC-HB-01/2020|EPI_ISL_402119).”
Hi David,
I don’t much about these things but from what I can see, study 1 used mice and not infected human patients.
And study 2 concluded “Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak”.
Based on this alone, these studies do not appear to fulfill Koch’s postulates 🙂
Hello, my question is about this
“But both teams sourced the virus from animals rather than humans.”
I don`t know what does that mean.
Hi David. Basically that means they took a biological sample from an animal and purified everything else out until they just had the virus.
Marx said that in exchange in the market the natural/scientific qualities and properties of goods and services, commodities, are extinguished. Their exchange value trumps their use value. That includes labour and the labour of scientists. Like the rest, the product of the labour of scientists, employed by capitalists, becomes capital…their exclusive private property.
Given the profit motive represents an incentive to cheat, then I am in no doubt an unregulated free market in health services could become a playground for business studies’ PR, sales, marketing, quack psychology people and rent-a-scientists.
The covid19 pandemic will go down as a monument to capitalist incompetence. But that is not news as there is a long line of said monuments stretching off into and beyond the horizon.
I’m with Allyson Pollock. It’s a mess because we have let the NHS go to the dogs.
There wouldn’t be any money for scientists to blow if it wasn’t for our merged government healthcare system. Their using a tax payer credit card to fuel fear and greed. That isn’t capitalism. It’s crony capitalism. Without access to tax payer money only Gates could fund this and his little cult of friends. I really doubt they would bother. They have convinced governments to steal from the tax payer for them. If the tax payer could say no to what they spend their money on I’m going to call that capitalism. We don’t have free markets. We have people we can steal from and those that want to.
Recent analysis of “excess deaths” show that covid is pretty harmless. But even those appear clearly rigged. For example, a fancy graphic in the Economist this week is based on a baseline of expected deaths that merely averaged the number of deaths in each week over the last five years. But as everyone knows, the US population of old people gets significantly larger with each passing year.
The correct way to calculate the expected death baseline would be to average the historic weekly death rate for each age, and then multiply that rate by the number of the current population at that age.
But instead they go out of their way to deliberately reduce the baseline and inflate the number of “excess deaths.”
I don’t like believing in conspiracies unless I have to. But every bit of actual hard evidence (and lack thereof), keeps pointing to the conclusion that this “pandemic” is a run-of-the-mill flu event that has been turned into a crisis by the media and other opportunistic actors.
Then it would be
as they say, if it were Flu` no??Sure. It’s “airborne,” as in spread by little droplets of mucous or spittle. Just like most flu and cold viruses. But it’s not floating around like a poisonous gas. My issue isn’t the degree of contagiousness but the lack of any serious lethality.
Wrong. It’s 100% lethal to the people that die of it. And if wanting doctors NOT to put coronavirus on death certificates isn’t a conspiracy, I don’t know what is.
So it’s 100% lethal to almost nobody. Good point. Like getting struck by lightening. Better stay on lockdown so a bolt doesn’t get you.
They can put “covid” on death certificates if they want. But then to be consistent they should also put “common cold” as well if the person had the sniffles in the prior 60 days.
Over 200,000 dead is not serious lethality? How many do you want?
200K dead (with average age of 80), out of a population of 330M would not be a particularly big deal. If flu and common cold deaths were calculated the same way as covid deaths, they would probably account for an equal number in a given year. The risk from catching a dose of the ‘rona is not nothing, but it’s hardly enough to destroy the economy and suspend the Constitution over.
And the 200K number is most likely bogus anyway. It’s hard to say what the real number could be, because the powers that be have no interest in developing a legitimate statistical or medical methodology for attributing causation to corona when multiple factors result in a death.
Someone probably figured out a good way to do this. But then they would have been banned for “dangerous content” by social media, so we’ve never heard about it.
It could be poisoning gas, chemtrail warfare is an old technique and used many times in 18 – 19th century. Chemtrails are true and the symptoms of covid are the same as being suffocated by chlorine gas and pesticides
So, have you got the weekly population figures for the last five years? Has anybody?
Covid is 100% harmless because it isn’t contagious because it doesn’t exist. It is the malevolent reaction to the host by your perceived overlords that is devastating.
► There are those who do not want you to know the truth. They will do everything they can to distract from the real issues or make fun of those who are exposing fake modern science.
► They who attempt to obscure the truth from you cannot argue with Dr. Kaufman…. he has explained to us that viruses do not exist….they are in fact exosomes….but neither of those two are causing the CORONA sickness.
► So what is this Corona sickness anyways? It is not a virus in the modern science definition of the word causing the Covid-19 illness. Few realize what is causing the disease and few have looked behind the fake veil of the “virus” front to realize what it really is. IT IS NOT A VIRUS, we must repeat.
► There are those who push this fake modern science of monomorphism & then attempt to control the narrative and to prevent the true science of polymorphism from being revealed to the world. The truth brings them no profit. The BIG PHARMA industry profits from the lies of monomorphism as that way they can sell more drugs for various stages of the same root cause, while hiding the root cause of all neuro-systemic disease from public view…… this same root cause is now causing the Corona sickness….. The monomorphic definition of what is a virus hides the truth…Consider what these fakes who push modern science do as well to those who expose true history…they attempt to mock them or drown them out….. It is funny to see how the shills give themselves away, actually hilarious….. 🙂
► We cracked the Corona scam and few others if any have been able to explain it as we do…….the shills will ignore this and attempt to get your attention drawn to something else…look here, not there!!!! This is the technique they use…. it is funny, clear and in broad day light what they are doing….all who have eyes to see will realize this….
Yet the truth cannot be dis-proven as much as they try to ignore it or distract you from it:
► This information is unique and you will not find it anywhere else presented this way. The Corona sickness is not what they claim it is, nor can it be transmitted or acquired in the way they claim. It is not a virus under the modern definition of the term causing the Corona scam sickness and fake plandemic. Check it out!
► It is important for the world to know the truth and to see that now that we really know what thing is, the Koch postulates become irrelevant. All fear gone, as it is actually very easy to treat once you understand what it is!!
Check out the post above!!
tommy, down the line, has a comprehensive list of material from competent, honest researchers.
For those who have some science training, search first of all the accepted definition of a “virus”.
It is hilarious!
It reminds me of the ramblings in physics, my domain.
Unless one considers both those and the virus definition to be of mystic origin, they are nonsensical and unprovable.
But if it’s mysticism, then they are both correct!
Shocking how the 5G switch on is ignored as well as the the vast body of science showing the link between Oxidative stress and lowering the immune system. The virus cover up for the 5G Genocide agenda using contaminated vaccines. Far to many still watching to main stream to wake up.
“Watching to” is the most gross of your grammatical errors. And yet you think you have been able to analyse the global pandemic. Where did you get your God-like powers from?
I’m sure it’s just an oversight that you haven’t explained why so many parts of the world don’t have infection based on proximity to 5G?
The creator gives us those powers as long as you have eyes to see and ears to hear. You obviously don’t.. Shocking how stupid your reporting the main stream BS again..
Who is us? Am I included? Which creator?
Just not true
It was first Isolated on the 12th of January 2020 in China, that is where and when we got the confirmed source RNA sequence that identified it.
This was from a lung biopsy of the first person recorded to die from it on the 9th of January 2020, the biopsy was taken within a short while of their death they knew it was coming so they prepped for it.
Autopsy of a level 3 Pathogen is dangerous and thus only taken in rare circumstances, that is why Covid 19 deaths are sealed casket and off to cremation.
During autopsy body fluids and particles are aerosolised and viral load is in the the Trillions of virid particles. So full precautions including separate air supply, air scrubbing and full decontamination are required. For an unknown novel virus, the poor autopsy doctor would have been in a space suit, triple gloved and they would not have been just sweating from the heat.
Even if you have had it before and developed immunity or had a working vaccine the viral load in an autopsy is so high it will overwhelm your defences.
China took the samples sent some off the WHO (standard practice) China then sequenced the RNA and confirmed with the WHO team and announced that they had isolated the virus.
It has since been re confirmed in Korea
It has been grown in vitro since as part of the search for cures and vaccines and basic level research.
You are brain-dead!
Hi all
In reply to Bubba
Koch’s postulate was made in 1890.
Viruses were first mooted after Koch’s postulate in 1892; after Dmitri Ivanovsky proved the existence of infections that were smaller than the Bacteria of Koch’s postulate, using filtration methods, thus disproving part of the postulate. Peer Review eh.
Koch and his heirs have been trying to fix the postulates ever since.
In fact after Koch died in 1910.
Viruses were first identified in microscopes in 1926 by Thomas Milton Rivers.
And it was not until 1931 and Wendell Meredith Stanley’s invention of the electron microscope that we truly started to understand viruses.
Here are some photographs of the virus you claim does not exist.
Here is a story about the Mississippi Lawmakers who refused to wear masks and caught the virus you and they, thought does not exist.
Here are some graves of the people you say are not dying…
Stop saying viruses do not exist it makes you look a fool and people will keep laughing at you.
Kind Regards Ian
You need to look up the impact factor of be serious. Don’t just post things without checking the IF rating of the journal/website. You may end up feeling foolish if you don’t do due diligence. You might have also noticed that the site resembles a Hollywood rag mag with endless scrolling and a large amount of completely unscientific information. I mean no disrespect, just want to help blah blah never mind I’m sure you don’t care one wit. Nevertheless I mean well to all here on planet titanic
How often do you think Bubba does due diligence?
Well, I can tell you would be the expert on that.
Someone has been into the cool-aid…
If you read the paper of this first isolation in China, you will see with your own eyes that no isolation from the sick patient was performed.
They just observe particules around the culture cells and assumed it was the sars cov2.
If you look with your own eyes into this first paper from China, you will see that no isolation was performed. They just observed particules around the culture cells and they assumed it was the sars cov 2.
The limitations of Koch’s criteria are even more obvious when we consider viral diseases, which were not yet discovered when the postulates were formulated. Thomas Rivers, who has been called the ‘father of modern virology’, wrote:
‘‘It is unfortunate that so many workers blindly followed the rules, because Koch himself quickly realized that in certain instances all the conditions could not be met. . . . Thus, in regard to certain diseases, particularly those caused by viruses, the blind adherence to Koch’s postulates may act as a hindrance instead of an aid.’’
Many viruses do not cause illness in all infected individuals, a requirement of postulate #1. An example is poliovirus, which causes paralytic disease in about 1% of those infected. Further compromising postulate #1 is the fact that infection with the same virus may lead to markedly different diseases, while different viruses may cause the same disease. Postulates #2 and #3 cannot be fulfilled for viruses that do not replicate in cell culture, or for which a suitable animal model has not been identified.
“Many viruses do not cause illness in all infected individuals, a requirement of postulate #1″
bye bye germ theory
Unicorn poo! Does Koch’s first postulate not say that the same illness must be present in all the sickos from whom you extract the puss, and all must present the same symptoms? It’s not about those who test positive for the, ahem… ‘virus’ but are not visibly ill!- that’s sooo last millennium! Germ theory is the new Flat Earth!
What theory do you think is correct? Just asking, I’m not scientist so I’m just wondering.. although a reason some people get sick and not others could be the strength of the immune system, comorbidities, how much of the pathogen came into the body as well as any immunity to the pathogen (or it’s relatives). Although I’d be more than open to hearing any other theories.
No disease/pathogen will show the same symptoms in everybody though – not viruses , bacteria, fungi or any others (maybe prions???, I’m not very familiar with those). For example some criteria nessesary for diagnosis will be presented as a list of POSSIBLE symptoms and then 3-4 if those sx must be present for diagnosis.
I’m not a scientist either, but I know those suffering illness do the research, and generally always know, and care more about a specific disease than does the doctor, and that germ theory has sold an awful lot of SOAP!
The germ theory is plain wrong, and it’s about the ‘terrain’! Fungi grows and can causes illness – but mushrooms are fungi and taste GOOD! We once had bad bacteria only – now we know we must maintain GOOD bacteria in our gut and on our skin. There was ‘high cholesterol’ but now divide cholesterol in to GOOD and bad with our level expressed as a ratio of the two. Viruses have been thought of for over a century as pernicious external invaders, but the word is out – bad ‘Viruses’ are actually GOOD ‘Exosomes’ – inter cellular messengers generated by our body’s defences.
Make sure you’re sitting down when you read this:

Consider this comment as edited in way that doesn’t change the reality or what was observed but completely changes the interpretation:
An example is p̶o̶l̶i̶o̶v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶[exosomes misnomered as ‘poliovirus’], which c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶s̶[is present along with] paralytic disease in about 1% of those i̶n̶f̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d̶[who exhibit these exosomes]. Further c̶o̶m̶p̶r̶o̶m̶i̶s̶i̶n̶g̶[reinforcing the importance of] postulate #1 is the fact that i̶n̶f̶e̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶[exosomes are present in] markedly different diseases, while different v̶i̶r̶u̶s̶e̶s̶[exosomes] may c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶s̶[be present with] the same disease.
The author writes:
“done the simple steps required to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 conclusively meets even one – never mind all — of the third postulate’s constituent parts. Those parts are:
* isolation from a human patient’s cells of full-length novel-coronavirus DNA*”
Sars-Cov2 is an RNA virus. It contains no DNA. The failure of the author(s) to understand this most basic distinction proves they are incompetent to write on the subject.
Additionally, the failure of all prior commenters to notice the distinction proves the same with respect to themselves.
Perhaps an analogy or two can help make my case:
Would you take seriously a reporter who reviews a theatre performance while calling it a symphony?
Would you take seriously an environmental issues reporter who calls a Bird a Fish?
These would be obvious disqualifying errors, not mere ‘slip-ups’. To confuse and conflate RNA and DNA in the field of microbiology is the kind of error that proves complete incompetence to get the most basic concepts right.
Did you reply to your own comment? Now you got two incompetent comment on this article, congrats 🙂
And just in case you didn’t read it before (at the very bottom of the article):
*The virus contains RNA, which it injects into the nuclei of cells. There, the RNA is converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase enzymes.^
the author writes):
isolation from a human patient’s cells of full-length novel-coronavirus DNA*’
Did you see the mark * after DNA?
At the very bottom of the article,
(the author also writes):
‘*The virus contains RNA, which it injects into the nuclei of cells. There, the RNA is converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase enzymes.^’
Did you read it? You didn’t, did you?
The failure of your thinking that RNA can’t be converted to DNA, proves you are incompetent to comment on this subject 🙂
the author writes:
isolation from a human patient’s cells of full-length novel-coronavirus DNA*’
Did you see the mark * after DNA?
At the very bottom of the article,
(the author also writes):
‘*The virus contains RNA, which it injects into the nuclei of cells. There, the RNA is converted to DNA by reverse transcriptase enzymes.^’
Did you read it? You didn’t, did you?
The failure of your thinking that RNA can’t be converted to DNA, proves you are incompetent to comment on this subject 🙂
Keep it on, guerry!
Good stuff!
While this is good reportage, it’s freaking hilarious to see Rosemary Frei accuse others of “Decision-based evidence-making” while arguing the female-assigned are at unique risk of violence and ignoring the evidence on the efficacy of transition medicine, especially hormone replacement, preferring anecdotes from those whom doctors are least-likely to deny same to.
Valerie, do you agree with what she reported in this article? I think you are pointing out hypocrisy as an additional observation. Only wanting to confirm.
I think that would be a fair characterization, except that it’s indicative of bias which may colour her reportage in future incidents.
Thanks Valerie. I’m not a scientist and wanted to be sure Her claim is accurate. Bias abounds, but if we work together to get to the truth we will be better as people. Thanks, Jon
It’s freaking hilarious that you say there is any ‘effective transition medicine’ for a religion.
Also it’s insulting and unscientific to use the term ‘female assigned’. No one is assigned a sex. It is simply observed. When there is ambiguity, further testing is done.
There are only women and men, no intermediate sexes.
All of those who imagine they were ‘born into the wrong body’ prefer anecdotes to any science.
Also there is no such thing as using estrogen as a hormonal replacement in men. Men taking estrogen aren’t replacing anything but rather adding a potentially harmful hormone to their body’s existing balance and propagating the anecdote that men be changed into women.
Just because you repeat the tautology while ignoring science on birth control medicine, poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, declines in depression rates on post-transition people to about 40% that of the general population, and Premenstrual DYSPHORIA Disorder doesn’t make you anything but a tautology-spouting adherent to a flawed hypothesis.
More androgens (in women), more depression:
PS: Note how you skated-by the assault, domestic violence, and homicide bits of what I had to say, because that’s ideologically inconvenient to deal with.
PPS: We also have people who are clearly non-dyadic, who don’t have XX or XY Karyotypes or genital morphology that matches that of an archetypical penis or vagina (or testes, ovaries, uteri, vas deferens, etc). What part of bi-modal are you not-interested in understanding?
& how often does that occur in nature? Hemaphrodites are rare. Genetic mistakes that do occur. Not enough to create other gender types.
But there are only 2 sexes, regardless. Where as monotremes for example have 5 sex chromosomnes. Humans are sexually dymorphic. They have 2 and only 2. UIncluding intersexed people (xxy or xyy). More or less copies of a sex chromosome does not make a separate sex, just male or female.Thats all there is. At best any other gender percieved to exist is only intersexed.
Mr. Bump:
There are both male-assigned and female-assigned people who have XXY Karyotypes. Different Catholic Bishops have, in attempting to maintain an oversimplified model, declared all people with Kleinfelter’s (XXY) to be male… and also all people with Kleinfelter’s to be female. This is ideology trumping both what we know about science and what we know about selection of mates. If we want to focus on karyotypes and gametes further, there is at least one case of a male-assigned person with XX chromosomes who still produced small gametes and, via a tear in ducting, managed to impregnate themselves.
Again, sapient species, does the vast majority of its reproducing voluntarily… I think your metric of sex is wrong.
I totally agree we’re sexually dimorphic, just that it’s a bi-MODAL system, not a binary one. The existence of trans men and trans women (as opposed to politicized attempts to turn feminism into a gender identity, ala Bill Nye’s “trigender pansexual woodsprite”) and their psychological response to different hormonal states, one that cis people of the same identified sex share, REINFORCES that dimorphism.
Why would we evolve cis gays and lesbians as a species and not evolve a means for them to reproduce?
You are not copy-and-paste correctly, or the lexicon is too daunting for you and memory feeble.
All your responses are short and without supporting evidence, so who’s feeble and can’t tell the difference between a computer technique and a human. of course she is not copy-and-paste!
What is tautology?!
Break it down in what you have just scribbled above.
Substance of the article, Valerie!
Not ad hominem warble vis-a-vis other matters!
In this study they isolated SARS-CoV-2 from a patient in Hong Kong and could consistently replicate it in Syrian hamster.
I wonder why they couldn´t replicate SARS-CoV-2 in this study in dogs, pics, chickens and ducks, but in ferrets and cats?
Looks dodgy to me. What do you think?
Both of these studies clearly show that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the causative agent for disease. And your questions are good questions and I am sure there are many scientists trying to figure it out.
“Clearly shows” and “trying to figure it out” don’t mesh.
You think?
Whether somebody punches you in the face in daylight or in the the dark, yiou will feel the pain.
However in one case you will know who did it. In the other you’ll maybe figure it out!
I think that “meshes”.
Neither study isolated a virus. PCR is not an isolation technique.
this article states:
Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 were detected in all ferrets by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a neutralization assay, although the antibody titers of the two ferrets that were euthanized on day 13 p.i. were notably lower than those of the ferrets euthanized on day 20 p.i. (Fig. 1, I to L).
Performing an ELISA involves at least one antibody with specificity for a particular antigen.
The first article quoted clearly states that the Koch postulates were met:
Conclusions: Besides satisfying the Koch’s postulates, this readily available hamster model is an important tool for studying transmission, pathogenesis, treatment, and vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.
It must be pointed out that the debate settles around what defines isolating a virus, and what doesn’t. Many papers are claiming to have isolated it, whereas it is argued by some that they haven’t.
Also, with regards the hamster paper, which is the only one I’ve looked at, it should be noted – for the sake of perspective – that none of the hamsters died or suffered permanent injury.
Given some of the scary, scary papers and opinions circulating around, this is a pretty important thing to remember, I think.
True, we need to know if the novel coronavirus has or has not not fufilled Koch’s postulates. So the work of Andy Kaufman is really relevant. What it at stake is what is a virus really? At the time such Koch postulates were formed, there was no such notion of viruses. Kaufman does a nice job to define them… my next comment takes this in consideration as Andy explains MYCROZYMA, MYCOPLASMA, also known as protids or somatids.
The hamsters did not die or suffer permanent injury, apparently, as the test was to prove transmissibility of the virus, which was proven, and not cause them death. (So was an antidote treatment given to them…apparently so… [Please double check the paper, I think you’ll find no ‘antidote’ was given. They were infected and dissected at the latest 14 days later – Ed]
So in order to determine if a virus was isolated in such tests, one needs to see the work of Mr. Kaufman and see my second post as well, to understand what Andy and I are referring to….. these micro-organisms indeed act as viruses and carry all the viral RNA code.
See these videos and info:
There Is No Virus – The Rooster in the River of Rats – Patrick Herbert
Ok, maybe they were euthanized before the virus could cause a more serious damage? Or are you saying the virus did not do serious damage to them? Certainly it would affect animals in a different way than humans and this would be expected. But the test does seem to prove the disease is transmitted….the articles show also that by using ELISA which involves at least one antibody with specificity for a particular antigen, that indeed antibodies for Covid-19 were detected and antigens were being developed to react to the disease…. Now whether the sequence is coming from the SARS 2, from the mycoplasma or from a combination of things is the question. Thanks.
Antibody to what?
That is the question that you and the valeries are overlooking!
Antibody tests are just as nonsensical as PCR. Have you read the Feli Popescu paper? Dawn Lester wrote this short article on it which I helped to translate. It might help you to understand.
Antibodies are non specific and they do not ‘fight viruses or bacteria. That test is even less use than the PCR and it is also not an isolation technique.
Tell me, were those postulates hewn into tablets of stone or inscribed on plates of gold?
It has to do with logic.
So, foreign stuff to you…
“What’s missing is even one reference to back up those assertions.” It’s hard to miss something else. The authors there refer to the researchers own admission that they are ‘not’ using Koch’s postulates, even though they sort of try to trick us into thinking that Rivers’s postulates are still Koch’s postulates. As Dr Kaufman (whose video “The Rooster In The River Of Rats” goes through all of this) explains, Rivers watered down Koch’s postulates in order to make it easier to find (claim to have found) viruses.
I saw that Kaufman video last night and he sounds convincing. However, one needs to consider that:
Kaufman demonstrates how the virus is identified via a filter. But mycoplasma infections act as viruses and are smaller than viruses. So they would pass through the filters and the RNA inside the mycoplasma would be picked up on a antigen test.(The PCR tests may pick-up the Corona sequences but with much error).. Doctors are not performing urine antigen tests or other such mycoplasma detection tests on Covid patients for the most part and this is the huge elephant in the room. The PCR tests only detect the RNA sequences but are blind to see where it comes from. Antigen tests detect mycoplasma type antigens. This is what is causing the Covid-19 advanced stage disease,not a new virus. Per the work of Judy Mikovitz, it would take 800 years for a new virus to develop in nature. So a new virus by natural causes is impossible. It must have been genetically engineered. But the serious cases and fatalities are not from the so called new SARS Covid-2 virus, but from the mycoplasma infections. This is why Azithromycin together with hydroxychroloquine and zinc work. The first kills the mycoplasma bacteria and the later two stop the viral reproduction which leads to the serious cases.
► The key to cure the “Corona” sickness is to use a combination of anti-virals which treat malaria and anti-biotics with intra-cellular penetraton. (It is possible in some cases there are plasmoid parasites inside the mycoplasma and in this case intravenous artesunate is used. Other medicines which treat the plasmoids are Plasmocin and Plasmoare.) To treat the “Coronavirus”, doctors can prescribe Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin together with the Zinc sulfate. The three should be administered together.
►Here are the links that explain the militarized versions of the mycoplasma and also the research published by a few teams of scientific researchers who had their articles peer reviewed. Their articles confirm this information above.
►Several strains of mycoplasma have been “engineered” in military laboratories to become more dangerous. They are now being blamed for AIDS, cancer, CFS, MS, CJD and other neuro-systemic diseases & now the “Corona-virus”!!
Here are the links to the research:
► This link above explains it all. It is not only a parallel mycoplasma infection as the article below suggests, but the bio-terrorism generated mycoplasma is what is being detected in the PCR tests, not such Covid-2 viruses only! In reality Covid-2 is a type of distraction because the bio-terrorism generated version of mycoplasm is being detected by the PCR tests and not the Corona virus.
► This information above is critical to be submitted to the medical community and for all to be made aware of. We know of two natural medicines – Quinine and Artemisia, both used to treat malaria patients as well as multiple pharmaceutical medicines created to treat malaria which eliminate the mycoplasma infection and end the Covid-19 disease when used in the correct proportion and combination.
So check-out the links. They confirm all we have been giving you recently.
Here is an additional link:
►The Covid-19 Corona-virus: A co-infection in conjunction with the mycoplasma together with other bacterias may be connected to the progression of the sickness to the state of death?
(Download the PDF version and check it out).
►The drugs which are anti-malarial should be thus focused on. These medications should be administered in the beginning stages of the disease before it progresses as using them in advanced states reduces the effectiveness.
►The Corona-virus comes mixed with different pathonogenic agents including the mycoplasma:
Thanks. There’s lots to dig into there. I don’t have a lot of free time right now, unfortunately. But this is here and I will bookmark it on my bookmarks toolbar.
It’s going to be very hard for anyone, now, to convince me that nature is my enemy. True, self-modified people – who now believe in deceit, violence and inequality and follow a ‘riches for the strongest’ philosophy – are not exactly natural. And some of those ones are quite smart. There’s no denying the advances in technology, including in the area of small things. (Look at the chemicals causing problems. Bayer just got nailed, but not stopped. I agree with Jon Rappoport that viruses and the whole health care industry around viruses are a convenient cover for the problem of manmade chemicals [which probably explains swine flu], which are a problem mainly because those who create, use and sell them don’t care about our health. I am not sure that all manmade chemicals are destructive. But I am sure that nature is not the problem.) I don’t believe that all scientists in on the covid 19 pandemic hoax believe that there’s a covid 19 virus. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was not alone in saying/thinking “prove it.” The difference between myself and those scientists is that I have not sold my soul for possible, temporary gain.
You are welcome. Yes, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I have a 30-40 page article I created on this topic. I posted only some of the key info. We are discussing here the Kochs postulates and what I have to share below is all about this. It is all inter-related and indeed a complex subject. But we need to understand the related issues in order to tie it all together. Whether you accept those Kochs postulates or not depends on your views of micro-biology, as noted below. This is important to determine if a new virus exists, if enough monoclonal antibodies are present and such issues. The issues are thus all inter-connected.
In order to see the connections, here it goes:
Kauffman has touched on the subject of “MYCROZYMA”, also known as protides or somatids, in his video I cited, noted again below. (The second and youtube video link): This is important to understand in the context of the Kochs postulates as these were developed by those who did not have the same modern concepts of science from today. See this video if or when you have time:
(Please see my post below from Jul 8, 2020 1:46 AM where I posted this video link and the second link which refers over to another Dr. Kauffman video).
This video also explains:
“Mycrozyma” also known as “protides” or “somatids” – – same as mycoplasm?
According to “Mycrozyma Theory” of PJA Béchamp, “mycrozyma” is spread all over the universe, including earth. They cannot be destroyed, even under hostile environmental conditions…. “mycrozyma” can remain in sleeping mode (inactive) for thousands of years together and would get activated when suitable environmental conditions occur..
Continued next post…..
Continued from my previous post….
► Notice also that mycoplasma go into a dormant mode and are activated under conditions of immunity stress. They can live without oxygen and can be crystallized so they can thus be weaponized and introduced in the body via airplane aerosols, via nano-bots and nano-tubes of the type being developed by Charles Lieber (see the material of AIM and Americans for Innovation for details).
► This article establishes also the connection between mycoplasma – “microzymas” and neuro-sistemic diseases, if one considers they are actually one and the same: (It is important to understand this so we can determine what is causing the Corona disease and also so we can determine how to apply such Koch postulates). This article connects to the other article I posted on how mycoplasma is behind all neuro-systemic diseases, if microzymas and mycoplasma are in fact related: This would determine if the Koch postulates are even capable of determining what is behind the disease and how to use these postulates to determine what it really is: (We need complete good science, not the lousy science all are using to declare a global pandemic.So until this subject I am posting is understood, the errors will go on… my view….).
Continued next post…..
….Continued from my previous post……
“Cancer And Most Diseases Are Caused By BACTERIA
Bechamp’s Microzymas & Human Disease”
By Alan Cantwell, M.D.
The transformation of “microzymas” into bacteria – why this is important in the entire context of the coronavirus, the Koch postulates, monoclonal anti-bodies and whether a virus even exists. What is actually causing the disease? All of these subjects are inter-related!!!
Bechamp made a tremendous scientific discovery. Under certain conditions (and by a process known as “vibrionen evolution”) he observed microzymas transform into bacteria!
Continued next post…..
Continued from the previous post…
(The Youtube video I posted above on microzymas also explains this subject). Per the article:
► After many laboratory experiments and microscopic examinations of these granules, the physician-scientist claimed that microzymas were capable of developing into common living organisms that go by the name of bacteria. Some of these intermediate bacterial stages were regarded by experts as different species, but to Bechamp they were all related and derived from “microzymas.”
► It all relates because Koch was against such ideas and believed in monomorphism (as do most modern scientists): (So as a result, his Koch postulates and especially those of Pasteur may be thus entirely flawed. Not even to mention that at the time, there was no concept of viruses. And now scientists in general believe in germ theory but if Bechamp was correct, Germ theory goes out the window!!) This seems to agree with what Kauffman is saying as well.
Microzymas and bacterial pleomorphism
Robert Koch, a legendary figure in microbiology for his discovery in the late nineteenth century of acid-fast bacteria as the cause of tuberculosis (TB), (note how many neuro-systemic diseases which doctors have trouble treating are all being caused by mycoplasma, including AIDS, CANCER and maybe even TB, per the link I posted before) was rigid in his belief that a specific germ had only one form (monomorphism). And he opposed all research showing some germs had more than one form (pleomorphism) and complex “life cycles.” Thus, from the very beginning of bacteriology there was conflict between the monomorphists and the pleomorphists, with the former totally overruling the latter and dominating microbiology to this day.
► What I am getting at, if you read the reference links I posted above, is that science today actually holds on to rigid views that actually may be quite wrong in terms of Koch postulates, germ theory, what is causing the Corona sickness and much more. For this reason, it is important to understand that few are considering the militarized mycoplasma element in the Corona sickness. As Dr Stoian Alexov has explained, covered here……:
THE missing sufficient number of IgG Covid-2 specific monoclonal antibodies and how this relates to the Kochs postulates
►…. The current Corona tests are not detecting enough Covid-2 specific monoclonal IgG antibodies to determine the existence of Covid-2, per Dr Stoian Alexov, as noted in the above article. So thus, this would be another reason why the Koch postulates, even if true, cannot be met under such conditions.
► They are detecting antibodies yes, but these are of two types – general IgM and more specific IgG Corona-related antibodies. But apparently those IgG do not establish a new strain of the virus and may be only flu antibodies, a result of a previous strain. Dr Stoian Alexov has explained this, as noted in the other article. In order to prove that a new strain exists, a sufficient number of Corona-2 specific antibodies IgG would need to be present in the various types of Corona serology tests being performed, which apparently is not the case. So thus neither a new virus can be proven nor can the Koch postulates be fulfilled and thus the entire science around Covid-2 is flawed and a disaster, a failure. Much time is needed to understand all of this. So please see this article below also when you have time:
► Once we inscribe these ideas in stone, we can together change the course of history and set the facts straight!
Thank you!
If today’s scientists actually had a sound reason for jettisoning Koch’s common sense approach to proving that there is a microorganism that causes a specific disease, they would have provided it, because there are powerful special interests who are in charge of their health care system who don’t like Koch’s postulates. It’s a ‘gold’ standard for a reason. If they were to jettison that, people would notice the scam that Rockefeller health ‘care’ is.
People, as ruined as they are, can still see, when they care to look closely, that something’s up. I’ve always said that ‘how’ you sell something tells us something about ‘what’ you’re selling: For example:
They do not have a reason because they are protecting the big pharma industry, owned by the Black Nobility Banking Cartel, the Neo-Nazi Pharanonic blood-line families, the Rockefeller health care system which belongs to the 13 main families which control banking. The powerful special interests who are in charge of their health care system like Koch postulates or don´t like them? The same ones pushing the fake science behind SARS Cov-2, fake history, fake space programs, fake religion, fake politics, fake elections, fake news,faulty educational system and everything else fake, And yes, I saw this video you posted before…nice to see someone post it again. Dr. Cowan as well does a nice job and I have promoted this video as well 🙂
The Youtube video which I meant to post above on microzymas, but now see was not posted, can be found here: (This video is key).
Pleomorphism in Human Body -Mystical Science Pt6
► Notice how stabilizing the P.H. levels of the body are key to controlling the mycoplasma in the body. The mycoplasm mutates to bacteria which then mutates to form viruses, the video above suggests. A later state is mutations to parasitic form. This would explain why broad sprectrum anti-biotics attack the Corona virus as those which are anti-malaria attack the parasite forms…the hydroxychloroquine and zinc will attack the viral mutation. The drugs which attack like or flees are also effective to attack the plasmoid state. Anti-malarial drugs are effective as well. By eliminating the mycoplasma, one can eliminate cancer, AIDS, Corona virus, cystic fibrosis and many other neural-systemic diseases.
► There Is No Virus – The Rooster in the River of Rats – Patrick Herbert
The video referenced:
► Jeff G. — Viral Misconceptions – Presentation on The True Nature of Viruses – Germ theory down the drain. Viruses original inside the cells? So the result is exoxomes? So if a virus only exists inside a cell, what happens when you pass them through a filter? If the cells and larger bacteria are filtered out, what is left if not the smaller 40 nM mycoplasma agents? (Corona viruses are 500 nm inside cells and 100 nM outside cells, much larger than mycoplasma).
► So which of these will go through the filter and be identified as the cause of the Corona disease? Only the mycoplasma? See the video:
► In summary what we have is a common cold flu, the Coronavirus making people sick but not leading to the serious cases. This combined with the militarized mycoplasma versions is what is leading to the more serious cases. So the combinations of drugs which attack both the common cold flue type Coronavirus combined with drugs whcih display intra-cellular activity will be most effective to treat this mycoplasma. It is similar to the Legionnaires disease or mycoplasma Legionella. (Azithromycin is very effective as it operates under a broad spectrum range and will deal nicely with the infection). Keep in mind also Artemisinin can be used in the protozoan phase of the mutation of the mycoplasma.
See this video Artemisinin VS corona virus. WE WIN!!
► The extract artemisinin from artemisia annua that has the toxic liver chemical Thijione removed can be taken higher doses that regular art. Art and ferritin iron have an affinity for each other. So most pathogens including cancer are big iron stealers. So if a pathogen soaks up iron alone w art the art has a peroxide group if grown in greater China area
This peroxide introduced to the pathogen sling w iron causes an oxidizing effect turning the pathogen or bad cells into free radicals. Then the macrophages haul away the free radicals and destroy them in the liver.
► Please let me know when you have reviewed the info I have posted, and your comments on this. If others would like to join in the technical side of the discussion, this will be appreciated as well.
Correction to my text above:
The drugs which attack lice or flees….. a few items like this to correct…did not see an edit button for my comment above….
Yes, that edit button is a wee bit hidden. But I’m so happy that it’s there. This is truly a great resource. Kudos to OG!
When I come across the word “mutate,” I automatically assume that I am not going to agree totally with what follows. Darwinian (functional) evolutionary theory promoted the idea that mutations are drivers of biological evolution. I don’t buy it at all. Are there mutations? It wouldn’t surprise me. ‘We’ are assaulting nature. But mutations in fruit flies have been observed to fade away. That is, for those insects that could survive the mutation and reproduce, the mutation eventually faded. God’s creation asserted itself.
While “mutate” can have a Darwinian suggestion, it does not mean I am advocating evolution in that sense. It is a fact of nature but does not mean one species can become another. It is just adjustments which God programmed into species to allow them to become more suited to their environment, my friend.
Hope that helps explain.
Kaufman is a psychiatrist,not biologist, even though he has an undergraduate degree in that.
No hands-on experience.
But he has the common sense to pay heed to Stefan Lanka.
Kaufman explains nicely the exosome model based upón the polymorphic nature of the militarized mycoplasma disease infection of the cells which is causing this so called pandemic. It is not a Corona pandemic nor should it be characterized this way. It is a bio-weapons generated mycoplasma infection pandemic. It was created for profit, so the Rothschild – Warburg – Rockefeller – Queen – Black Nobility – Nazi Swiss Octogon banking cartel can rake in trilions from their contaminated vaccines which will spread the sickness even more. All vaccines are contaminated with the mycoplasma. See the videos and work of Judy Mikovitz to understand this. Yet even Judy does not understand that viruses do not exist. What she isolated was not an AIDS virus but rather exosomes which are manifestations of the mycoplasma infections, the root cause of all neuro-systemic diseases. So SARS Corona-1, 2, 3, 4 or whatever are not viruses. Viruses do not exist. What exist are cells infected with the militarized mycoplasma, infected via The Invisible Rainbow process as described in the famous bookd by Arthur Firstenberg. So 5G combined with the nanobot, nanotube dispersed bio-weapon mycoplasma versions are what cause AIDS, cancer, cystic fibrosis and other neuro-systemic diseases which doctors have a hard time to treat as they do not know, for the most part, about these militarized versions of mycoplasma. (97 % of doctors do not know about them). There are some 7 or so militarized versions. The Spanish Flu was actually caused by the vaccines. The same with AIDS, cancer and now Corona Covid-19. This is because they contain the infected mycoplasma which carries the RNA or DNA genetic code for whatever disease they wish to produce. They can either disperse it directly via DNA code or reverse transcript it into the cells using the nanobots activated by 4G or 5G. The nanobots burrow the mycoplasma carrying the RNA or the DNA into the cells. Once this is done, the spark of the disease is initiated. It progresses in a polymorphic disease progression through various stages. It ultimately manifests, in the current RNA sequence, as what they call Covid19. But it is not a virus and it was never a virus. Germs and bacteria etc do not transmit the disease. Viruses do not exist nor do they transmit any disease. Bacteria are reactions of your body to fight off the intracellular mycoplasa infections. All germs are manifestations of the cell illness. It all begins in the cell. The various sicknesses all go through polymorphic stages and most can be treated by treating the mycoplasma infection of the cells and body.
This is what so far NOBODY, I mean NOBODY has explained until NOW!!
Source-X, The Source of The Sauce.
The legit “Q”. Accept no imitations. 🙂
The other “Q” movement is fake and controlled opposition.
You will find only the full 100% truth HERE!!
I am a messenger of love,
Actually, viruses DO exist but in these forms: Examples: It’s very sad that scientists & doctors keep confusing people about viruses & exosomes. They aren’t the same. Viruses are non-living toxins that can cause disease/illness/death, as can living bacteria/parasites, & exosomes are what are released by the cells to clean them up. A lot of the people publishing papers on exosomes are still misleading people as to their proper function & not helping people see that toxins and viruses are ONE & THE SAME!!! “Toxicant” is the new word for what the original meaning of a virus is, & “virus” is now the word for a so-called living germ (that has never been photographed & that CGI has us believing looks like a little spiky landmine) that actually doesn’t exist, has never existed, & will never exist, & therefore cannot cause disease/illness/death. Some are trying to pass off real photographs of exosomes as real photographs of “viruses” which don’t really have a form or shape to them because they are liquids, semi-liquids (slushy, sludgy, etc), fumes, dry (like Comet or Ajax cleansers for example), etc. People love the false virus meaning/narrative but I can’t understand why bc there is ZERO benefit to/for them in believing them. We still need to be careful of these toxins (viruses) as they ARE still hazardous to deadly.
In order for people to understand the context, I will post the relevant videos here:
There Is No Virus – The Rooster in the River of Rats – Patrick Herbert
So my previous reply to Arby will be understood within the context of these videos which establish the revelancy to this discussion and all of the related issues. It will be important for all to see my previous reply for this reason.
Thank you.
“The principles have been altered almost beyond recognition by various researchers over the ensuing 130 years. But the changes concomitantly watered down the postulates. That’s why they’re still used today by most researchers seeking to robustly prove or disprove the existence of a pathogen and its exclusive relationship with a particular disease.”
That was very contradictory. Scientists now want a emasculated set of postulates because they are trying to robustly prove or disprove the existence of a pathogen?
i have to agree with ARBY…not i think what was wont to be said.
It was a bit awkwardly written, although it becomes clear if one thinks about it for a second or two: the original Koch’s postulates are still being used because the changes watered them down.
Dear admin1
I am writing you this letter to inform you that there is a person in the comments section who is insulting me which would have been perfectly ok if i were to be able to wrote him back. I can not for some reason. his insult stays there open as a sky while my polite to a point replys dissepears. Is it because of a glitch ? i very much would like to continue my intellectual conversatio with that person. Thank you
Jun 13, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to A leaf
They cancelled New Year you lying moron.”
Best regards
Yours truly
A leaf
“Dear Admin…“
Let me get see if I understand what you are saying:
“ 😢😢😭😭😭…”
Correct me if I got that wrong.
Oh and I just replied to your response below and quoted FACTS.
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine” (1).
More recently, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness” (2).
and furthermore:
“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful” Dr Relman former chief editor for the New England Journal of Medicine.
References in no particular order:
GVP #156 – David Parker & Dawn Lester: Viruses, and What REALLY Makes Us Ill
It’s not the virus STUPID,What really makes you ill?Do virus cause disease? Kaufman,Lester, Parker
The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious – Jeff G.
Jeff G. — Viral Misconceptions – Presentation on The True Nature of Viruses – Jeff G.
The Veiled History of Polio and How it Relates to Current Vaccination – Jeff G.
Dismantling the virus theory
The “measles virus” as an example
Why should we doubt the existence of viruses? What are viruses and what are they not? How are viruses being scientifically demonstrated to exist?
Is short-term exposure to ambient fine particles associated with measles incidence in China? A multi-city study.
The Corona Virus-Fake – Dr Stefan Lanka (Part 1)
Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript)
No Panic – Dr. Stephan Lanka on Bird Flu, AIDS and the Corruption of Medicine
OLG Stuttgart judgment of 16.2.2016, 12 U 63/15
Award: Willingness to become legally binding in the event of a negative award; Interpretation of a competition regarding the detection of the measles virus
Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation – 1
Béchamp’s Politically Incorrect Science, Part I
The Fallacious Germ Theory
Biochemistry Debunks Corona – (Mirrored)
By Kary Mullis
Exposing the Myth of the GERM THEORY
Debunking The Louis Pasteur Monomorphism Germ Theory With Scientific Live Cell Observation – Stem Cells – NY Times; Shape Shifting Bacteria – Antoine Bechamp Discovers Toxic Terrain Theory Of Pleomorphism, Detoxification, Cell Regeneration, Confirmed Via Cytology And Microbiology
The Scientific Undoing of Germ Theory
Human body may produce bacteria
How the Corruption of Science Leads to the Collapse of Modern Civilization
This Is The Sickening Amount Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Top Journal Editors
Death by Medicine
Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
The Corruption of Evidence Based Medicine — Killing for Profit
Payments by US pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers to US medical journal editors: retrospective observational study
The Rockefeller-Carnegie Big Pharma Scam
Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?
Brussels – European Parliament – Dec 08, 2003 PROBLEMS WITH ISOLATING HIV Etienne de Harven, MD.
The Great Influenza Pandemic: What Really Happened in 1918?
Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence
THE POISONED NEEDLE – Suppressed Facts About Vaccination – By Eleanor McBea 1957
Dr. Andrew Moulden’s Tolerance Lost: Part 1 of 3 – “The Problem”
Reply to Bennett: There is no Gold Standard ‘HIV’ Genome
Stop Giving People Toxic Drugs: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong – by David Parker (Author), Dawn Lester (Author)
Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud – by Dr. William P Trebing (Author)
The Blood and Its Third Element – by Antoine Bechamp (Author), David Major (Editor)
The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life – by Arthur Firstenberg (Author)
Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-dollar Profits at Our Expense – by by Torsten Engelbrecht (Author), Claus Kohnlein (Contributor)
PDF version:
Bechamp or Pasteur? – by by Ethel D Hume (Author)
Excellent! Thank you greatly!!
I’ll have to bookmark this and comb through it. Germ Theory is not, I must point out, a myth. A theory is a theory. It may refer to unicorns, but the theory itself is just a theory.
Phrenology was once a theory, too. 😉
That’s very interesting about the lack of science in science. Reminds me of when I was an English teacher in Japan and part of my job was to vet the English used by doctors and scientists in their papers which were due for public presentation outside of Japan.
It was very hard for me to explain to them that their use of English wasn’t the only problem. Their theses were simply lacking in logic. Even I as a non-scientist could tell that they were producing unscientific works.
Also reminds me of a section in Michael Crichton’s book Travels in which he explains how peer reviewing actually works: not scientifically.
Germ Theory: The Lynchpin Holding the Entire Hoax Together
There’s no such thing as a contagious “virus.” Unbelievable? Shocking? Yes, it is. Here are quotations from doctors, authors and experts that refute Louis Pasteur’s fraudulent “germ theory.” This is the lynchpin issue that holds this entire planned-demic together. When you disprove the theory that so-called viruses can be transmitted through the air from one person to another, the entire house of cards falls to the ground:
“The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of the unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infections and contagious disorders are caused by germs.” — M.L. Leverson, M.D.
“… Viruses are simply the excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA, with a few other proteins. They butt out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything.” — Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., commenting on Rudolf Steiner’s insights
“We said before that so-called ‘germs’ are ubiquitous. They are ever present, in many varying forms in both healthy and sick people. These microbes kick into what modern scientists call ‘pathogens,’ when the media is toxic and conducive to clean up. When you enter into a healing crisis, and your body is throwing off toxins, these ‘germs’ appear out of your very substance, to help eliminate, process and break down these toxins. Germs have absolutely no causal relationship to disease. But germs do appear to help you clean out, because put quite simply, your disease is your cure!” — Dr. William P. Trebing, author of “Good-Bye Germ Theory,” page 154
“If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it.” — B.J. Palmer, D.C.
“Three criteria are, according to the scientific method needed to properly identify a virus. It must be isolated from a host cell. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be photographed and it’s diameter measured. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be biochemically characterized. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. This has never been done with any virus (herpes, hepatitis, h1n1, bird flu, swine flu, influenza, polio, measles) let alone HIV, HPV, SARS, Zika or Ebola.” — Viruses. How Much is that Dogma in the Window?, New Medicine Online
“We agree with those members of the profession who hold that no germ causes tuberculosis. Germs do not cause any disease. Further, we agree that there is more harm in the fear of germs than there is in the germs themselves.” — Simon Louis Katzoff, M.D., author of Timely Truths on Human Health, 1921
“Germs seek their natural habitat: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” Rudolf Virchow
“The general public have been told that we do not become ill except when germs penetrate into from without. The germ theory of disease is ridiculous.” — E. Douglas Hume, author of Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
“Medical doctors are working on the germ theory of disease… But the germ theory is already weakening and is due for being thrown aside. Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California have experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have been unable to produce a single disease by the introduction of germs into human subjects. Dr. Waite tried for years to prove the germ theory, but he could not do so. During the World War an experiment was conducted at Gallop’s Island Massachusetts, in which millions of influenza germs were injected into over one hundred men at the Government hospital, and no one got the flu. Germs are scavengers.” — Principles and Practice of Naturopathy, E.W. Cordingley, M.D., N.D., A.M.
“You’re working under a wrong premise to begin with and you’re never going to find the answer if you do that. Viruses have no nucleus. There’s no respiratory system. There’s no circulatory system. There’s no digestive system. Viruses are not alive. That’s like saying soap is alive. They’re not alive. They are solvents. They are soaps. However, more accurately, they are enzymes to fractionate tissue for waste elimination.” — Aajonus Vonderplanitz
“We must infer that at least some and probably all three of those Russian peasants died because of Pasteur’s vaccine, as did uncounted people later on… Only one thing is sure: ever since Pasteur developed his “vaccine,” the cases of death from rabies have increased, not diminished.” — Hans Ruesch, animal rights activist and pioneer of the anti-vivisection movement
“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.” — E. Douglas Hume, author of Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
“The culprit however, is not the microbe. It is the level of toxicity you have in your own blood stream.” — Good-Bye Germ Theory, Dr. William P. Trebing, 2006
“We must look rationally at the bacterial issue. Consider the fact that many tribes ate primarily unsalted raw meat, unsalted raw fats and/or unsalted raw dairy products from the beginning. They did not wash their hands or sterilize their food before eating. Every form of natural bacteria, including salmonella, E. coli and campylobacter were eaten with their food abundantly and constantly. Why were they vibrant, healthy and disease free if microbes are the culprits?” — Aajonus Vonderplanitz, The Recipe for Living Without Disease
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”
― Aldous Huxley
Thank God a voice in the wilderness !
I’m here. 🙂
Turns out that Huxley’s prediction was slightly rosy. “The people” don’t apppear to be enjoying it very much but are simply resigned to their slavery because they’re too afraid to live or to die.
“Fun fact”, Aldouses brother, Julian (internationalist), was the first director of UNESCO.
Never examine your heroes, unless you’re prepared to be disappointed.
O, I’ve no problem with that.
Besides, personality cults and those in favour of them, make me itch.
My understanding is reverse transcriptase occurs with retroviruses but not RNA viruses, is this wrong?
That is entirely correct, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, like many other RNA viruses use an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to copy its genome and make all of the mRNA transcripts for its proteins.
Sorry. I meant to write “That is entirely correct”
Edited for you. You can edit your comments for approx 15 minutes after you submit. A2
Can we take the government to court over this? The lockdown measures are a crime against humanity, based on scientific fraud. Today I saw one of the yellow rags celebrating that BoJo has “allowed” old people to hug…. We cannot let this continue.
Probably in theory but our legal system is as bent as Westminster.
The Government IS being taken to Court over this! The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void as Koch’s Postulates have not been followed!
Please support the new legal action against the lockdown, social distancing, testing etc. in the UK that will lead to the failure of lockdowns, social distancing, testing and coronavirus vaccine policy around the world. The fight back starts here!
Why waste time trying to prove something exists if almost the ENTIRE Herd of Morons believe it exists?!
On average “allegedly” a virus is 1,000 Angstroms in size (a millionth of a mm) & an atom is 0.2 of an Angstrom meaning a virus is (c) 5000 Atoms.
There are (c) 204 Billion atoms in a single strand of DNA.
There are (c) 100 Trillion atoms in a human cell
When Luis Pasteur claimed the existence of viruses the electron microscope had not been invented.
Luis Pasteur’s private diaries where he wrote down everything (warts & all) were given by an ancestor to a US Museum in 1990’s because this family member no longer wanted to live with the fraud that had made the family so much money. Pasteur created an imaginary monster – how he injected dogs brains with puss to make them mad (rabies) is documented & can be found.
To date no virus has ever been photographed – everything thing you have seen are artists impressions.
Photographing a virus is physically impossible. Viruses are too small and can’t be prepared for the electron microscope. In order to photograph something in an electron microscope you must isolate it first, then dry it out and eliminate all moisture by applying a high vacuum. Then you cover the object is a thin layer of metal. The heat can be over 160°C. If you can’t see the object that you are intending to photograph, then this process is impossible. You can only photograph the surface of a relatively large object using an electron microscope. Thus, all the photographs that have been published of viruses are all frauds.
Yet Big Pharma Keep lying & the BILLIONS rolling in ?
Black holes and Neutron stars are bigger than a hair some are calculated to be about 20 miles in diameter –
Seen any photos of them?
The Higgs Boson is the biggest boson – it apparently exists for a very short time – ever
Seen a photo of one?
The double helix of DNA was not ‘seen’ or photographed when it was discovered.
The Corona virus has 30,000 ‘letters only’
Do you only believe photographs???
Did you ever do chemistry or physics or trigonometry or anything that didn’t require the proof of your own eyes of a photo???
Don’t know what that random link to is – be nice if you could put information about it or a link to its information.
In essence you have accepted that no photo of a virus exists – Thanks! You got point 1.
In essence – I don’t need to see a photo of oxygen to know I need to breathe it to live – do you?
OK so the photos are fake because nobody can isolate a virus (Ref Luc Montagnier & read his exact words on HIV for which he got a Nobel Prize).
Let’s assume these mythicals exist & have life remembering that a Human cell has (c) 100 Trillion Atoms & a Virus only (c) 5,000 Atoms.
Now can you show a believable video of a dog & human with rabies?
I’d like you to state you will have unprotected sex or blood transfusion with or from someone who tests positive with HIV.
Would you do that?
Then consider
If you look deeper you will see that the Spanish Flu was a mass vaccination before science was ready.
Ask yourself is it plausible that of the very 1st cases of HIV that 3 out 5 people survived & then when they went on the 1st wave treatments they died like flies until today when you have a gigantic cash cow for Big Pharma?
My background is Molecular Science using non-cryogenics to separate atoms & molecules VIP in Oil & Gas. During the lockdown I thought to apply my science to the so called “Medical Science” & something does not add up on Viruses……….The deeper you look the smellier the rat becomes! I respect your opinion but if there was no money in it then would viruses exist ?
5,000 Atoms is not life ! I can’t get past this….
Think – They are planning to Mass Vaccinate us all ! Be concerned!!
30,ooo ‘letters’ in this virus genome – I’ll venture that consists of a lot more than 5,000 atoms – don’t you think your molecular science Knowledge is a tad inadequate?
Then Viruses would be bigger – can’t have it both ways !
This is what should concern you when the mass vaccinations start?
First, SARS-CoV-2 is 170nm (1700 A) in diameter. Second, that’s just a diameter. So you have to cube it. That is ~2.6 billion cubic Angstroms which is certainly large enough to fit a billion atoms, not just 5000 like you claimed.
Read the comment from “Tommy” above – We need to know these things before we are all hung !
Yes I would, but only if I fancy them. Sex-wise. Blood transfusion has to be my type too though…;-)
if you eat the wild soon u will be x vaxx cult. thxs.
Thanks, the size shown of 0.5um = 5,000 Atoms exactly as per my calculation.
The “theory” is that this is not a living organism because no known arrangement of that few atoms can be alive but is actually a fragment of dead RNA or DNA.
This is not proof in anyway they 5000 Atoms are a living mobile invasive virus. It has never to date been shown.
Representations such as below are pure fantasy! Colour does not exist in Electron Photos.
Nanobes are bigger than 5000 Atoms but nobody can agree they meet the definition of “Life”
life līf►
Never seen so much BS for a long time. There are numerous photos of Viruses, indeed, these were among the reasons why the electron microscope was developed. By “artists impressions” you may mean false colouring of the black and white images gained from EM, necessary to show the different areas more clearly. From 1939, images have been taken by EM of Viruses, the first one being of tobacco mosaic virus. Viruses have been discovered and typed using EM over the last 80 years. Norovirus was discovered by EM use, so was Ebola, in Zaire, in 1976. But it is nonsense to say that if you cannot see the object, then you cannot photograph it! That’s the whole point of EM – to photograph the extremely tiny, using electrons that have a far greater resolving power than visible light. I think people spreading rubbish like this should be prosecuted.
Nobody has ever isolated a live virus – FACT – Please refute with science
5,000 Atoms have never shown life – FACT – Please refute with science
Luis Pasteur diaries show he was a fake – FACT
So what are these images EM claim to show & why do people get sick – It’s a reasonable question ? YOU CAN PHOTOGRPAH EM – Don’t get so upset.
DO YOU KNOW THAT HARD EVIDENCE SHOWS THAT THE SO-CALLED SPANISH FLU WAS THE 1ST MASS VACCINATION ROLL OUT! Started in Kansas BTW not Spain. There was a mass cover up & they used the name “Spain” to throw people off the track.
Can’t be both – Why the fakery?
As with prehistoric ape-men.
Completely false. I worked on x-ray crystal structures of icosahedral viruses 28 years ago. Electron microscopy preserves biological samples ALL THE TIME. The tobacco mosaic virus is an RNA virus shaped like a rod and is a classic model of biological self-assembly. It was used as an internal length standard for EM images.
Actually, viruses DO exist but in these forms: Examples: It’s very sad that scientists & doctors keep confusing people about viruses & exosomes. They aren’t the same. Viruses are non-living toxins that can cause disease/illness/death, as can living bacteria/parasites, & exosomes are what are released by the cells to clean them up. A lot of the people publishing papers on exosomes are still misleading people as to their proper function & not helping people see that toxins and viruses are ONE & THE SAME!!! “Toxicant” is the new word for what the original meaning of a virus is, & “virus” is now the word for a so-called living germ (that has never been photographed & that CGI has us believing looks like a little spiky landmine) that actually doesn’t exist, has never existed, & will never exist, & therefore cannot cause disease/illness/death. Some are trying to pass off real photographs of exosomes as real photographs of “viruses” which don’t really have a form or shape to them because they are liquids, semi-liquids (slushy, sludgy, etc), fumes, dry (like Comet or Ajax cleansers for example), etc. People love the false virus meaning/narrative but I can’t understand why bc there is ZERO benefit to/for them in believing them. We still need to be careful of these toxins (viruses) as they ARE still hazardous to deadly.
Absolutely on the mark and 100% correct. I do not want to steal you thunder but this is a fact that should be obvious to any Infectious Disease Specialist. So why is it not discussed or being pointed out. Basic Microbiology. Anyone with a Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology knows this fact. Its a major question on all the exams for the first year students.
I love this quote and those who want to maintain their sanity need to repeat it every day like a Mantra.
You can fool almost everyone all the time, but you can never fool reality.
No deaths from a totally fake ” new” disease called COVID.
I have been wondering about what the medics/media means when they talk about asymptomatic people (those who were ‘tested positive’ for sars-cov-2.
If a body is not producing any symptoms that, to my mind, means there is no problem in the body. So, when a rt-pcr test tells a asymptomatic person that you have ‘sars-cov-2’ virus it is a lie. There is no mystery of how that person is ‘infected’ with a ‘virus’ but not showing any symptoms.
It simply confirms that the test is detecting not a ‘killer virus’ but one of any harmless exosome.
You may not show any symptoms of a STD after having sex but it doesn’t mean you won’t infect your husband or wife with that STD.
Understand now?
If you don’t have symptoms but a test kit is telling you that you have a STD bacteria/organism/’virus’ then the test kit would most likely be lying.
If the test kit is also telling your wife/partner that he/she has the same organism and if he/she shows symptoms of the disease associated with that organism then it is likely that the symptoms are due to some other known/unknown toxins/disease and not due to that particular organism.
The tests are as good as useless.
You need to at least talk to an STD doctor if not actually get tested if you have been labouring under that understanding. Soon.
You brought up the STD example. Onus is on you to share your understanding after speaking to your STD doctor.
In case you seek better understanding of viruses, diseases, toxins, this is one of several good places to start –>
Nice to find there are quite a few people who are as baffled by the ‘tests’ mania as I am. Around the first week of April I wrote emails to several scientists at the Indian Council of Medical Research and to bureaucrats in India’s Ministry of Health to ask, what will the tests you have ordered look for and how? But by then the wagon was rolling. The media was already producing scary graphs and the ministry was producing “daily dashboards”. The words ‘PCR’, ‘antibody’, ‘antigen’ were flying around with no-one the wiser as to what did any of it mean when a test produced ‘positive’. Was ‘positive’ good (I am healthy and resistant) or was ‘negative’ good (I show no sign of an infection and am healthy)? No-one cared to answer. The media in India – completely unchecked by the administration, I should emphasise – rolled from one scare-mongering day to the next: “new spike in cases!!” “more cases than Italy!!” “millions now at risk!!” For older folk like me, the decision needed had nothing to do with covid, it had to do with how to survive the epidemic of stupidity.
Yes, Rahul. I agree with you on the the sheer nonsensical and tragic manner in which the the ‘virus’ tests are being carried by India’s health ministry, its prime minister’s office and the other authorities in the states.
Am glad that you actually wrote to ICMR and sought a response. I have been wanting to do the same but haven’t yet except share the perspectives from here in Off-G and other places to people & mediapersons in India through the social media.
Lets hope more Indians join in the effort. The insanity and the panic levels among educated but unthinking elite-middleclass Indians must come down sooner rather than later.
Such obstinacy and enough braying flat earther types ready to keep shilling gobbledygook so read real science and understand – before you start lining up for the magical thinking purveyed here.
The Evolution of Koch’s Postulates
Jonathan Cohen, in Infectious Diseases (Fourth Edition), 2017
Conclusions – and a Note of Caution
Koch’s postulates were invaluable at the time they were developed and remain largely valid for a relatively small number of defined circumstances in which bacteria can be precisely tied to the cause of a particular clinical syndrome. But in a world in which viruses cause cancer and noncultivable bacteria can be demonstrated by molecular probes, Koch’s postulates are no longer fit for purpose. What is more, used uncritically they have the potential to mislead.16 Their main purpose now is to provide a framework to ensure that scientific rigor is applied when proposing an organism as the cause of a disease – exactly as Koch intended when he first conceived them.“
wtf? you didnt manage to say pseudoscience in your rant.
It’s a quote.
You’d realise that if you bothered to look before gibbing off, dimbo.
Just rude.
The PCR test (apart from being ridiculously unreliable, as the 40+ page CDC document on the test admits) does NOT identify a virus. It identifies configurations of RNA, some of which are selected as “identifiers” and then ATTRIBUTED to an imaginary entity that establishment “experts” call a virus … that no doctor can demonstrates actually exists.
The same holds true for any “viral” illness, as ‘German New Medicine’ has been declaring for decades.
The biomedical “germ” model of disease is founded on a fraud, as at least one biographer has claimed its inventor, Louis Pasteur, admitted on his deathbed.Pasteur admitted that his great rival in the field, Bechamp, had been right and he was wrong.
A century ago particular bacteria, labelled as the “germs” that cause cholera, were isolated from a cholera patient and multiplied in a Petrie dish. The Doctor concerned (and his assistant) swallowed a large quantity of this bacteria and DID NOT GET CHOLERA. This powerful demonstration was ignored by the medical establishment.
The truth is that THE HUMAN BODY, genius that it is, produced the ‘guilty’ bacteria to fight whatever toxins that had entered the body that produced the dreadful symptoms The bacteria were the body’s own cure and not the cause of the illness.
The motive for installing this false model is easy to guess.
Money and power rule, as always,.The interests of big finance, who fund the dominating institutions, come first. They wanted a model of illness that put them in the driving seat. The control of persons is a very big deal to the ultra-wealthy. So is money. When people got ill they wanted the standard practice to be that their experts treated human bodies as war zones requiring mobile armies (Big Pharma drugs) to enter the fray, do battle and win the day on behalf of the paying customer. The Flexner Report of 1910 set the stage for the installation of the ‘external-invader’ doctrines with which everybody is now familiar.
The invention of “virus” theory was required to prevent society supposing that electro-magnetic waves (actually, NEW or UNFAMILIAR EM Frequencies) could pose a threat to the very lives of the public at large. EM Flus at times of high sunspot activity had been known about for centuries (since the 1600s). Such a supposition would have been VERY BAD for business. If people thought E/M radiation might kill them, the 20th Century would never have happened the way it did. After the Spanish Flu that killed millions (and experiments demonstrated was not person-to-person contagious) many scientists and famous thinkers (like Rudolf Steiner) of the day pointed the finger at the global roll-out of radio antennae that took place at the time as being the cause of the pandemic. Given the recent traumas of WW1 and the intensive vaccination of millions at the time, it was probably but one of the causes of ‘Spanish Flu’.
The virus story, with its sickness, adjustment then “safety” until and new version of the virus came along EXACTLY mirrored the bodies reaction to a new EM frequency, which disturbed the bodies electrical nervous system, made the person [or, rather some but bot all persons] ill then the patient was immune to this frequency and was OK until some new frequency came along.
We have all (including the medical profession, brainwashed by their similarly brainwashed teachers) been staggeringly conned. here’s what German New Medicine holds as a foundational principle:
“In the reality of the body and of its mechanisms,
there is no place for hypothetical malignant pro-
cesses. All biological processes, including those that
can end in suffering, pain and death, are originally
meant to be useful.” (Dr. Stefan Lanka)
In other words, God got it right.
P.S. The word “influenza” comes from Italian. The originating phrase for the word was something like “Influenza delle stelle” (influence of the stars). Thinkers realised that these severe and ridiculously contagious (appearing in different countries or even different continents at the same time) respiratory problems occurred at times of maximum sunspot activity.
We now know what the sun emanates during the geomagnetic storms and CORONAL ejections that take place in the turbulent regions around sunspots. Excess U-V, X-rays and Magnetic waves (plus particles that tend to cause spectacular Aurora Borealis displays near the poles.
Millions today blame the symptoms of Coronavirus on 5G (taboo to say so on the mainstream media, of course). They want it investigated thoroughly. It has been, we know that … but the public are forbidden from seeing the results (Barrie Trower talks about all this). We are also forbidden from knowing when transmission of 5G begins in our neighborhoods. We are forbidden from knowing the frequencies and intensities of transmission. We have also not been told what the huge plethora of satellites recently launched in low-level orbit, will be beaming down at us It’s all 5G related, that’s all we know (I think).
Does this not appear that this must be an essential part of the global architecture of the matrix intended to monitor and eventually hold us all in servitude to … umm … the gang of thieves currently pretending to care ever-so-deeply about our good health..
You probably refuse to wash your hands after wiping your arse too I bet.
The kind of reply I was expecting from a dirty little moron.
Your summation was excellent, BUT DON’T FEED THE TROLLS. It just encourages them. The ENTIRE ALLOPATHIC SYSTEM is based on a) Rockefeller ‘medicine’ petrochem based drugs and social control, b) fallacies about the alleged ‘immune system’ which is a measurement of how in touch and IN LOVE with the life force, NOT the life FARCE you are.
We are not in Kansas any more, Toto. We NEVER WERE.
Thanks for that. Like the last line.
So you’d be happy to have unprotected sex and blood transfusion from HIV positive persons would you???
That really would be moronic.
It may even be dirty or downright filthy if you do it right!
I should have prefaced it with Bull Shit!
Why are you angry – it is the classic response by the believers. I won’t get into the weeds as I admit I don’t know – but my expertise is in law. Those who choose to diminish, insult and censor are those with no case. That is a truism in law – avoid the details at all costs. When the heads of Oxford, Stanford, literally thousands of professionals whose assessment is this is a nasty virus but fully within the CDC’s seasonal range are censored and removed from social media, not invited to talk on MSM – then I know what I am seeing. We saw it WMD’s – bail outs in 2008 – “the sky will fall unless…. fill in the blanks”. All major indicators of a fraud. Don’t need to be a doctor to see that. When government doctors are called “authorities” – whereas those with CV’s a mile long and 30 years in the filed are dangerous. But this is worse – many Covid19 deaths are a result of the fraud – this is now a murderous fraud. Mission creep – flatten curve – becomes wait for cure – WMD’;s became spreading democracy. Beliveing MSM is a disease – that is epidemic – the Russiagate, WMD, Bay of Tonkin, Assad gasses his own people, Putin did it etc… that media has no credibility as it crossed the line and willing perpetrated lies resulting in deaths. The lockdown deaths are mounting. Trouble is the bubble head Putin did it crowd are now behind this nonsense. Let me say this though – the numbers simply are not there to justify the lockdown – but what number ever would? South Korea said it best why they did not lockdown – because we a are a democracy. That’s right – since when did we all have to submit to germaphobes – a mental disorder?
You ain’t seen me angry, bro!
This is just fun propaganda bursting of the narrative manufacturers and pushers and their trolley bus loads of paid posters – with maybe an occasional naive but otherwise innocent reader led to their lair and boudoir getting in my firing line – which I really regret and try very hard to avoid.
What you see and class as anger is merely a progression of the discussion- which requires keeping track of, as THEY try to revert to the narrative by refusing to accept the facts that counter their fake proposition.
Mostly they operate using a script – obviously since they are not paid to think but to spread the narrative.
I’m pretty certain now, that when certain ‘senior’ Members of the 77th and their cohort here, have tried to go off-piste with me , they have inevitably gone off the edge!
The modus operandi is fairly clear to me now here after almost 2 years of reading and than engaging. Just
as it became stupefyingly clear at the On-G after decades of reading but just over a year of engaging.
The burn and run is already underway to various new citadels of ‘truth’ – as THEY have learnt to do in these wild web frontiers as they are doing in the ‘burbs and cities’ If the MSM and social media platforms.
If you can’t see that – you are either one of the naive or one of their cohorts – either way I ain’t fighting anyone just their message.
That was a dramatic change of ton and an admiral attempt at distraction to divert off topic. You appear to be very familiar with this 77th brigade.
You have not countered any of the points made by Riccotelely or Thereisagod. Since you make out that you are a font of knowledge then I’d be particularly interested in reading your counter arguments to the points they raised.
Yes yes Bill, I got a bunch of ‘tones’ for a bunch of scripted narratives deployed here btl.
Surprised? I don’t care.
Engage with their narrative management? Nah … I’d rather eat glass.
You can read my counter arguments on many a story and thread over the many months. Go look.
I would point but the shitty comment system doesn’t allow us to look up our past comments or replies to them. Even after the ‘upgrade’.
er – I could cite Mercer’s lyrics to Moon River – Two drifters off to see the world…. no better yet – you took the part that once was my heart so Why not take all of me.
Well you can see it however you choose, but what is ‘THEY’?
You read as a reactive set against ‘They are lying to us’ without giving witness to the truth you insinuate you are protecting.
If I cant (wont) agree with you – am I one of ‘THEM’?
I posit that cognitive dissonance does not know that it is cognitive dissonace. But love knows itself in the sharing. And I dont mean mutual stroking and reinforcement.
You said you had already answered me here in another post – so I come here and find its all about ‘THEM’.
If I hadnt just had a coffee machine moment with you I would have to meet the thought that you are one of these 77 brigade operating the protection of narrative control as the right of elitists – who pull the levers of social controls by which financial support, energy supply, food and water supply, or mobility and the freedom to speak or associate increasingly depends. Oh and mandatory medical powers over all other rights at the drop of a virus.
I understand ‘They’ is a useful pronoun that posits a ‘we’? – but without contextual qualification the binary spins off into its own artifice as if an intelligence.
If you are not into going there I don’t mind, but it seems that if I challenge the dogma masking as science that effectively runs a pathological biology in the exact same way is being replicated for Climate, then I must be one of ‘Them’. Or did I miss something?
“One of the most spiteful and most unhealing properties of scientifc models is their capability to strike down truth and take its place, and often, these models serve as blinkers, by limiting attention to an excessively narrow area. The exaggerated trust in models has contributed much to the affected and ingenuine character of large parts of current natural research.” ~ Erwin Chargaff, professor at Columbia University’s Biochemical Institute in New York.
‘Lets focus all our resources and attention in protecting the leverages of controls set over fear of loss of face – to the exposure in what lies beneath’. It’s a no brainer.
There has been censorship of opposing positions of doctors and scientists who disagree. Both the CDC and WHO are largely funded by Big Parma and the Health Insurance industry. Hence the schizophrenic responses of these organizations battling responsible messages vs corporatist messages. Vaccines are manufactured by private corps without full transparency.
You have missed ground zero – corporate science is not science as it meets none of the rigor of transparency. Are you on board with oil company global warming scientists? But you are on board with big pharma scientists working to create corporate property.
Are you innumerate? Using lousy CDC numbers and allowing for Covid19 deaths that are in fact Covid19 lockdown deaths – the numbers are in the yearly range.
2017 650,000 died – no Marshall law
1968 over a million – world Population 1/2 of today – no Marshall law
1957 over a million – world Population 1/3 of today – no Marshall law
You say you know science but can you count?
Science would want to distinguish a Covid19 death from a lockdown death as it would provide knowledge of whether the lockdown works. But here they are lying and censoring. Not counting lockdown deaths is criminal behavior and we should pursue those fudging the numbers and demand criminal charge are laid.
The state is creating a mass hysteria and many have developed germaphobia – a mental disorder. Encouraging mass psychosis by a person who ostensibly Thinks the understand what science is would be funny if it was not so sick.
here is a clue for the clueless. LA police just stated they would use contact tracing to track suspects and their associates. Anyone with any thoughts in their head would know contact tracing even used for disease is untenable.
Try thinking – that’s all it takes – a mild attention to detail.
Let me help – when government says anything – first reaction – must be a lie – and allow them to prove otherwise. They have engaged in censorship here- their position can not withstand scrutiny.
There were exactly two reasons for a widespread lockdown: 1) inadequate testing capabilities, and 2) preventing an overrun of ICU capacity. If the USA federal administration has been prepared and acted quickly on making tests available, the chance of hospitals ICU being overrun would have diminished. Without tests, there was no way to tell where the virus was spreading until 1-2 weeks after (when people would get sick). Other countries responded quickly and the citizens complied with broad testing, contact tracing, and strict but specific quarantining.
Since you project a knowledge of things viral and things scientific in your replies here, please be aware that you invite an added level of scrutiny of your scientific approach.
Please won’t you take full account of all the facts, rather than make blanket declarations about this virus? Honestly, that time really has passed, there are many, many holes in the narrative which require answers now. If you want to engage in more rewarding chat, please check out the coronavirus section on this website and read the many, many pieces we have published dealing with a huge range of things relating to covid and lockdown. Thanks. A2
There was a recent study on the safety of 5G by a European body of “experts” and it was announced in The Guardian of the lies (with a “safe ” verdict of course). There was no mention of whether anyone looked at the effects of mobile telecomms tech on smaller creatures, or indeed human DNA.
While I am attentive and involved in an ‘electric Universe’ idea – i am not putting all my eggs into another ‘man made threat’ basket. Though we are effectively denying our own Life Support under a false sense of self-protection.
Nor am I discounting toxic EM exposures by negligence, indifference or design.
But I see a synergy of ’causes’ in the realm of cause and effect (world) as part of the defended identity in effect that can be seen as part of why some are susceptible and others not – to all kinds of things – and the attempt to fit everything into general terms as the World, is not subject specific enough.
Anyway, that is the part I noticed a dissonance with in your post.
If 5G AND bioweapons were involved in the Covid 19 event – it still operated within and apparently instead of a flu season.
Fear is the ’cause’ of progeny or derivatives that replicate and reiterate fear – by exactly the same law that operates for love.
The influence of the stars (Gods in the pre-history era) was much more in our face than our current worldview allows.
Suffice to say that tons of cosmic particles fall to Earth as a matter of course and can be toxic – such that life has to adapt or survive through. Likewise the electrical system of the cosmos underlies much we assign elsewhere – such as earthquake, volcanic activity and storms of magnitudes higher than our recent historical experience filled with arc-plasma discharge and surrounded by serpentine vortices.
We are mostly living within an extremely stable Solar system for as long as we have structured our consciousness to project it backward and forward as a model of vast expanse of predictability.
We are currently in an extremely low phase of Solar activity – in which our so-called magnetosphere (named after the belief that molten iron generates magnetic fields when we had no other way of thinking), weakens because it is the ‘double layered ‘bow shock wave’ set against the Solar charge field (wind).
One of my potential theories to be utterly disproved is that of feared and predicted catastrophe for which the population must be prepared – but never openly told. This then requires the ignoble lie and ignoble means to propagate them to operate in place of full disclosure.
But I have gone off on a tangent.
Why put all of your eggs in prioritising electrical resonances and dissonances as ‘The Cause’ of all kinds of disease, and therefore ‘The Enemy’ – when there are so many? Is that not itself a biological shock-response?
The means to destroy human life are operating as broad spectrum biocide – but if the recognition of the choice to pull the final trigger rises to a full consciousness – will we choose to release it?
The immediate arms race for Internet of Things as well as Vaccinations and track and trace are all marketised control agenda pushing technological developments as part of what I cannot but see as a 4th Reich – rather than a 4th Industrial Revolution. There is no love, life or peace in it. IE_ it operates a living death trap for a control mentality that has spun out of all proportion to its original remit, to run as if an alien agenda.
It’s not a matter of “all eggs on one basket”. The issue is that one major basket (possible cause) is being determinedly ignored … indeed excluded, forbidden, declared taboo by those that claim to be protecting us.
Why would they do that with so much historical scientific evidence recorded demonstrating the danger?
“The protection of the people is the usual alibi of tyrants” Albert Camus
“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to control.”
Those who rule over us don’t care about us THE TINIEST BIT. When you know this the wilfull ignoring of the EMF radiation issue is a mere detail and the only reason to raise it is to emphasise the larger point.
We are governed by lying fiends.
The fact that this ridiculous, insane comment gets 29 upvotes and 4 downvoted tells you exactly the kindness of nutjob that is reading this garbage.
Read “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg, you nitwit.
The fact that you cannot demonstrate (or even argue against) this “insanity” but, rather, offer familiar abuse … speaks volumes regarding the desperation of media-addicted establishmentarians, devoted (as you are) to the outpourings of lying fiends … [not that political class REPEATERS are even aware that they are forwarding falsehoods to the subject audience].
At last someone pointing out the Virology is a cargo cult science. Koch’s postulates have not been satisfied for ANY virus.
An excellent demolition of the SARS papers from 2003 by Andrew Kaufman MD
No longer available….what a surprise. The truth must be supressed at all cost.
Here he points out the obvious flaws in the entire hoax,not yet taken down.
As Kaufman points out here they never isolated the virus, but simply identified a stretch of RNA that they assumed to be the virus (taken from a sample contaminated with stuff like antibotics that are known to produce exosomes) and claimed this was a novel virus. Pure nonsense of course. But don’t ask the sheep to use their brains.
“Koch’s postulates have not been satisfied for ANY virus”.
Maybe any human virus. They were satisified for tobacco mosaic virus, over a century ago.
Of course the new-found ability to sequence viral DNA and RNA complicates the issue. Now that is feasible, it should be done whenever possible to make absolutely sure that the virus is positively identified. The symptoms of TMV are a lot more unique and distinctive than those of “Covid-19”.
I have read differing accounts of the percentage match of presumed fragments of presumed unique identifying strands of RNA and DNA material. The ability to move the goalposts is not always obvious to those who think a test is a test is a test.
There is also the matter of increasing expert processes working within corporately funded environments that cannot be simply made transparent and so can only be taken on face value.
Along with the ability to splice and clone lab versions for whatever reasons. I read of capacity to ‘fake’ human DNA. there was a time when a photograph was considered proof.
I am not much aware of tobacco mosaic virus, but I see it was the first such discovery. Most of my reading on this has been in the context of fraud – such as Koch’s Tuberkulin.
I have a sense of biological code – that is far more complex than our binary – and yet still open to corruptions that become mutations or distortions of normal function. there does not appear to be an ‘entity’ or organism or functional existence to a tobacco mosaic virus – although we tend to assign life to such a thing it is an expression of cell replication.
it is all pretty irrelevant. they admit most people r not effected so right there you can dismiss causation. it is regenerative detox that solves things.
say there was car fumes the only way it could kill people instantly would be in an enclosed space. that would be the factor to adress urgently. if you didnt know if it was fumes in enclosed space or just enclosed space you would know enclosed space was priorityto look at. you wouldnt waste time with fumes on beach.
it would be like if someone claimed there was a new star responible n not to look at enclosed spaces. the syptoms occred b4 the new star and were associated with enclosed spaces not stars.
Jon Rappoport’s latest in his tireless campaign against stupidity.
Perspectives on the Pandemic | The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse | Episode Nine
Thanks for posting. I would urge all decent human beings to watch this video. Something very wrong, amounting to murder, is going on in New York hospitals and the same thing could well be happening everywhere ventilators are being used as the intervention of first choice with suspected Covid patients.
I agree with all you say. I feel sure that similar travesties must have been happening in the UK and other countries. I hope global governments have set aside sufficient money to meet compensation claims. The drug user who was the sole escapee from the ventilator death programme in New York had better be careful that he doesn’t die from an ‘overdose’ as I am sure he or someone he knows will soon get to hear about this nurse’s account.
As @Tim Drayton has just said, thanks for posting this very disturbing testimony. @Charlotte Russe posted it earlier on the “95%” thread and it had crossed my mind to repeat post it on this thread, such is its significance, but you beat me to it! The nurse confirms many suspicions but it is still distressing to have the details presented first hand, recorded undercover and so explicitly as to leave little room for doubt as the validity of the claims. It’s another video that is sure to be removed by YouTube sooner rather than later.
Thank you for drawing attention to this important video, and thanks also to John Kirby and this nurse interviewed.
Wow… the medical zombies basically murdered a whole bunch of people in hospitals. Those ventilators are proper frankenstein science… not even that. They are obvious murder machines.
Great article unfortunately no one is listening . The authorities are now into the disgustingly facile patting each other on the back for stopping the pandemic phase of this fraud while assuring the sheeple that it will be worse in Phase 2 this fall.
Ceredigion County Council invented a “gold command” to deal with this idiot shit, they are patting themselves on the back for preventing the virus from causing the deaths it never was going to cause in the first place, a few of us are determined to campaign at local and national elections to try and get these cretins out of public office.
I am finding I am getting more and more uptight the longer this idiot shit goes on, I am going to assume I am not alone and if we can all find away to channel our frustrations and pent up agression in a positive way that kicks back at the absolute and utter cretins who not only live in our areas but in our streets too. all the better, it is getting spookier by the day as they seem incapable of absorbing reality which in turn has me wanting to punch them in the face, I wont as I am not a violent person, but my word it is getting tempting which has to be due to this idiot lockdown and the idiots parroting and keeping this idiot shit going,, going to ARGHHHHHH and go punch a pillow.
Ceredigion County Council invented a “gold command” to deal with this idiot shit, they are patting themselves on the back for preventing the virus from causing the deaths it never was going to cause in the first place, a few of us are determined to campaign at local and national elections to try and get these cretins out of public office.
I am finding I am getting more and more uptight the longer this idiot shit goes on, I am going to assume I am not alone and if we can all find away to channel our frustrations and pent up agression in a positive way that kicks back at the absolute and utter cretins who not only live in our areas but in our streets too. all the better, it is getting spookier by the day as they seem incapable of absorbing reality which in turn has me wanting to punch them in the face, I wont as I am not a violent person, but my word it is getting tempting which has to be due to this idiot lockdown and the idiots parroting and keeping this idiot shit going,, going to ARGHHHHHH and go punch a pillow.
Edited to add that my last paragraph has made me realise the damage being done to people on a psychological level, it is pretty brutal, and one can only imagine what people with very real mental health problems are experiencing, our societies have gone rogue, this needs to end, I have no idea how professional folk live with themselves, how folk with university education can square what is happening, how dr’s and nurses can stay silent in the uk as the waiting lists are going sky high, they are killing people, they are the disease.
The excellent Swiss Propaganda Research site has just published it’s monthly updated information and links for June. This material is worth sharing widely with friends, family and others you know who have bought into the hysteria narratives of MSM.
Regarding treatments in the Swiss Propaganda Research update, they left out an important development: a group of critical care physicians has found an effective treatment for Covid-19 using methylprednisolone, ascorbic acid, and heparin.
Madagascar and several other African countries have been using a well-known and trusted herbal plant-based remedy, artemisia, apparently with success. It’s been in use for generations to treat other conditions safely and with success. The WHO tried to discredit it recently saying it must not be used as it is unproven and potentially dangerous (familiar narrative). But the Madagascan President stood up to them, told them where to go and said that they were going to continue using it irrespective of the WHO’s instruction.
Heparin is an anticoagulant and Covid19=venous thromboembolism (that needs treatment with anticoagulants as is known for more than 60 years)
So that explains a lot!
I’d spotted that.
I seem to recollect that, early in the outbreak, the use of steriods was strongly advised against.
Am I correct (my memory not being what it was)?
A very intelligent and unassuming woman, Zoe tells it like it is about anti-social distancing
After the mask article a few days ago in Off-G I consulted my wife (30 year experienced RGN) for her perspective, on the pros/cons of masks. She asserts her training has always been that (surgical) face masks are only worn in surgery or if dealing with infectious patients BUT in the latter instance (surgical) masks are only beneficial for 10 minutes before they become ineffective! She added nothing beats washing your hands. And shes pretty strict with hygene she wouldn’t wear her uniform outside of hospital.
She tells me PPE at work is a joke, even if it were necessary what they are supplied is worthless.
I had to take my mother to a hospital (large, modern teaching hospital) today for a routine ultrasound scan. (She’d been having regular scans prior to the Coronapanic; this is the first since then; they seem to have opened up for more general business.
In view of
…we thought we’d better wear masks, and gloves also, just in case.
I was surprised that almost no one else was wearing a mask; at least, in the general areas.
The nurse who came out to take her in for her scan was indeed wearing one, as you might expect, as personal contact was necessary as part of the scan.
And no doubt others, away in treatment areas or whatever, behind closed doors. But in reception, corridors, etc, etc, and in the courtyard outside where there were plenty of staff coming and going, hardly a one wearing a mask.
Interesting, I thought.
(Oxfordshire, UK).
slightly off topic…apologies… I recall you posted two videos around the middle of May where police behaviour toward lockdown protestors in Hyde Park was the main feature. I’ve searched for those posts but can’t find them. Can you help with those links? Cheers.
Thank you! Great link. Zoe’s amazing at busting holes in false data etc.
The scientific analysis by the ONS is clear.
Excess Deaths caused by CV.
Excess Deaths by low skilled workers using public transport clearly indicative of deaths amongs that group – mostly consisting of black and South Asian workers employed in that category.
Especially – security guards.
Prove me wrong or admit your narrative is wrong.
A racist virus, eh?
Who would have thought…
Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, has repeatedly publicly asserted that the virus does not discriminate.
black people need some 5 times more sun to get vitamin d. nothing new about the vaxx cults ideology killing more blacks. if they were working in tranport they would be more fearful leading to adrenal fatigue n death. when they saw the hazmat they stopped breathing in terror. if not the drugs would finish them off.
Ah rachel – ready time jump into the big racist fight eh? Ok I’ll bite .
Your mum …
And you believe what Matt Wankock says?
It is not a matter of belief. By the way, how could a virus (which isn’t even alive, let alone sentient) discriminate?
Yes sorry, own petard etc. I agree about viruses not being alive etc. Wancock makes it sound as if covid is – and again I wouldn’t trust a word he says, blatantly idiotic as much of it is.
Not racist. But classist.
Like you.
So it’s a marxist virus.
Who would have thought…
Poor people’s hospitals kill more than others (see the video with nurse Erin on this same site for a taste of vulgar Marxism).
Such a disgusting thing, all this scientism. Even within science it is well known that paradigms shift (until then, visionary disidents will be ostracised, ridiculised, sent to he mad house), but people throw to you the experts’ dicta (Aristotle, Saint Thomas, etc) and do not for a second enter into a serious, honest debate. This silly paradigm of evil minute invasive entities being the Cause (theological initial capital required) of illnesses has been losing ground for more thatn 100 years. More and more exceptions invented (“pathogenic microbes are a tiny minority, the rest are necessary for life”, “some illnesses are autoimmune”…) within the silly paradigm. Meanwhile, all the sophisticated lab escolastics are used to “prove” exactly what results in more money moving.
One can, and defenitely should, talk about the science, but lets not forget that it is possible to speak about science from the outside science. The inimitable BigB is doing it all the time in these parts. Quite tough to follow (to much philosophical jargon for my taste and capabilities, I have to admit), I will grant, but I’ll keep trying…
“from the outside OF science” among other less unconfortable typos…
I can’t edit my comment for some reason
Marxist are just the invention and tools of bankers.
Here’s the latest update for June from the excellent Swiss Propaganda Research site.
They don’t do their own research on the CV they are merely publishing from various alternative sites and opinions.
They do not claim the virus does not exist or that it has caused deaths.
Don’t deny all excess deaths are cv related, coz fucking lock-down stopped them getting hospital treatment & those that were vulnerable were coerced into signing DNR’s.
Plus the NHS sent infected patients into care homes (over 50% of all mortalities were in care homes)! The rest simply committed suicide because they couldn’t tolerate any more moronic comments like yours from tedious trolls.
Fuck! Both barrels, eh?
Of moonshine.
Got any evidence that isn’t very subjective?
I’ve stopped the nonsense of trading data sets to prove a narrative. On the principle its all bullshit, or relying on corrupt government & scientists. The only fact you need to know is they don’t have any reliable effective method to identify a virus they haven’t proved exists.
Be clear, I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, i’m saying there’s no true science showing it does. & no reliable test to diagnose it.
If you where as smart as you pretend to be, you would stop listening/trusting government sources. An irony really you trust a tory government but are a remoaner!
Science is dead, long live science.
Wow! No true science showing that SAR-CoV-2 exists? Except for a whole site where you can look at its genome: nextstrain, and many studies where they have infected cats, ferrets, hamsters, minks, and macaques, which release live virus after being infected.
In B.C. Canada – drug overdoseS in May Was a record – those deaths alone were greater than Covid19 – those are lockdown deaths / and that does not include those who died from lack of emergency services.
I already know a couple lockdown casualties – no effort to track the results of closed emergency rooms.
The apparent desire to ignore and to not document lockdown deaths or worse to include them as Covid19 deaths – that is not science.
Science seeks to further knowledge – what we see is an echo chamber refusing to practice science.
With total deaths being in the seasonal range that the CDC published – I ask people you spent your whole life not worrying if you were going to be one of the seasonal flu victims. Now you are a full blown germaphobia – what is different other than a flu with a PR department if fear.
And people want to live that way? The government and its dutiful stenographers on MSM have created a mass mental illness.
The frustration is forget the government – how do we wake up the zombies?
3 kinds of zombies – full believers- doubters afraid keeping mouth shut. And those who know we are right but wish it is a virus because the reality of government abuse Is far scarier. This last group I am starting to run into – a as few almost blurted it out after pretending to be true believers.
You are entitled to your opinion like everyone else. Healthy debate is important.
But before you provide links to statistics around Covid19 you have to prove it exists.
Unless you provide clear scientific evidence Covid19 exists the statistics are meaningless.
When the WHO declared a new virus it’s their responsibility to provide the evidence it exists.
When governments declare lockdown due to a virus , then it’s the responsibility of the ‘expert scientists’ to provide evidence the virus exists.
None has been provided. Testing, antibody testing are meaningless
The statistics are pointless as infections, deaths and all hospitalisations and deaths cannot be attributed to a virus that has not been proven to exist.
All government policies- lockdowns, rules surrounding it, face masks, quarantines, divisive distancing etc cannot be lawfully be enforced based on a virus not proven to exist.
The responsibility of the MSM is to investigate government policies to see if they stand up to scrutiny. None have done this.
The excellent Off Guardian has conducted proper investigative journalism and have challenged the official narrative. The conclusions and articles on this site are not wild theories or opinions.
It’s evidence backed up by facts.
The public deserve to be provided with facts.
Many millions of people are having their lives turned upside down, businesses closing, jobs lost, health services destroyed, freedom of movement restricted, socialising heavily restricted, kids education destroyed.
Families have been unable to visit relatives in hospital and attend funerals. This is sick.
And for what- a virus not proven to exist.
There is no way these ‘scientific experts’ aren’t aware of the Koch postulates.
They know what they are doing. It’s medical tyranny and is beyond evil.
If we are wrong then please provide your scientific evidence this virus exists.
It’s almost as if there are grounds for a massive class action lawsuit for ‘reparations’ on behalf of those who have suffered any harm or loss due to the covid 19 lockdown, house arrest, repulsion zones and so on. Sue the barstewards till their unborn children scream, now that the results are in!
Viruses exist. The flu virus exists. The various SARS type viruses exist.
Do you refuse medication? Antibiotics? Tetanus? Pain killers? Blood transfusions? Anaesthetics?
What dumb flat-earth, geocentric Sky Fairies religious claptrap do you follow?
Do you teach your children Creationism? Do you believe it?
This is where I diverge from the mob, I don’t like this belief, hypothesis, concept viruses don’t exist. For those that support this theory please explain HIV, Myxomatosis, Rabies etc.
HIV/AIDS (shout to Mike Ellwood for introducing me to this wonderful film)
Rabies / Myxomatosis:
Thanks WP I was already aware of Dawn & David’s theory.
You show me one actual scientist who has proved the virus does NOT exist and I’ll show you a snake oil salesman.
The article argues that there has been no proof the Coronavirus fulfills Koch’s postulates. I don’t see how the links you have provided shows this narrative to be wrong.
Viruses are not bacteria.
Koch applies to bacteria – then and now.
Viruses exist.
Are you denying they do?
Yes, you can argue that Koch’s postulates are not relevant to viruses. However, the claim of the article that the virus has not been proven to satisfy Koch’s postulates retains its validity.
No it doesn’t.
As the link I quoted from a textbook in 2017 clearly states.
Why do you choose to believe the authors who are in no way qualified or have put their article to peer review?
They are working to a agenda and using propaganda machinery (this site) to do that.
That you are happy to either receive confirmation bias or worse, push it like a drug to kids in a playground, is the important point here.
The narrative is clear.
Koch’s postulates were modified by Rivers in the early 20thC to apply to viruses. Filtration was added as a requirement, in order to exclude larger pathogens. Filtration has not been used to isolate SARSCOV2 as far as I know
The link I provide is explicit that regardless – they do not work with viruses.
Are you disputing that?
By the way – the article doesn’t even mention Rivers.
Where are the Editors, who are supposed to check this kind of stuff?
Are they on holiday? (That’s vacation for these of you who don’t get holidays Basically all yanks and soon the Brits after they join the equal rights of US workers 😉)
Sadly, the article is completely flawed. There entire genome for SARS-CoV-2 is published and can be viewed on Nextstrain. Multiple labs have shown that cats, ferrets, mink, macaques, and hamsters get infected, and become contagious. The virus has been isolated and viewed with electron microscopy. The nucleotide sequences have been used to make recombinant protein to investigate receptor binding, to generate antibodies, and design antiviral drugs.
What are you, 77th Brigade? Posts a link to the ONS, gets proven wrong, shuts up.
Err … are you new here ?
The Flying blue monkey Army of the 77th regularly end up in my trophy wall. – want to join them?
As the editor of the Lancet said:
This is a serious problem. Whole areas of “science” are currently little more than pseudoscience. Computer model outcomes are presented as though they are evidence about the world. Epidemiological studies are touted as proving X or Y when even a cursory reading of the actual research shows that no causal agent has been identified. Social science is filled with political activists who merely dress up their biases and prejudices in impenetrable jargon to hide its vacuity. None of this would matter very much if it all stayed within the ivory tower of academia. Unfortunately, all too often, such pseudoscience is used to inform public policy. This can be seen, not just in the current panic around a virus, but in such areas as global warming.
The use of pseudoscience to inform public policy inevitably results in policies that cause serious harm. An obvious defence against such harm would be a scientifically literate political elite. Unfortunately that is exactly what we do not have. The politically successful have virtually all been educated to hold the “correct” opinions rather than to understand the scientific method. This was laughably illustrated recently by Dawn Butler (then the Shadow Equalities Minister) when she asserted that 99% of giraffes are gay (meaning homosexual). She said this to exhibit her solidarity to the trans activists. As long as holding the right opinion is considered to be more important than anything else, we will have nothing but public policies that do more harm than good.
Excellent post – nothing to add, other than thats why we don’t need experts technocrats & politicians, a bonus being imagine how much of our money we would save in taxes.
Lets adopt natural process & be free, fair & equal!
Or, as Bob Dylan put it: “If dogs run free, why don’t we?”
I’m glad you mentioned both COVID-19 and global warming – because they present totally different scientific scenarios. Computer modeling, as evidenced with climate change, can be accurately predictive when a wealth of empirical evidence is entered; as opposed to modeling based on nothing but speculation. Neil Ferguson’s computer model would have been flawed even if it showed nothing significant, simply because there could not possibly have been sufficient data on which to base the model.
Temperature fluctuations based on millennia of core samples, tree rings, layers of sediment and so forth yield a reasonably accurate framework around which to construct a computer model. And when you add various other factors, such as ocean acidity, wildlife and plant migration, increases or decreases in greenhouse emissions, changes in snow and ice coverage; and keep tweaking the model with additional and updated data, you get a viable work in progress.
Whereas, when you deliberately omit data simply because it doesn’t yield the desired result, you get something which is totally useless – you get an “On Demand” piece of crap. Garbage in garbage out is bad enough; but Big Brother’s whim in, Big Brother’s delight out is – or should be – something at which every man, woman and child on the planet ought to both hurl curses and spit.
The global warming computer models have all produced predictions that have been invariably wrong. Yet the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, with every Assessment Report, states ever greater degrees of confidence in these always wrong predictions.
Bear with me while I say that this is one reason I have confidence in the IPCC assessments. What I mean is, they freely admit when they have been wrong. And if you’ll recall, every wrong assessment was followed by an even more dire assessment. This may be because they had assumed the climate crisis would be a linear event; but once they got a better handle on how feedback loops function, they have been forced to abandon their linear assumption.
However, my confidence in the IPCC is less than 100% because they consistently – and persistently – ignore climate engineering as a factor. Dane Wigington of offers compelling evidence of both the existence of climate engineering and its critical impact on the climate.
Indeed. A year or so ago, I looked at Wigington’s site and then looked up countries which admitted they were involved in climate engineering.
I thought there would be very few.. There are MASSES! and very few countries not involved.
Howard, the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change used to acknowledge that the climate is a non-linear, chaotic system that is unpredictable. It removed that acknowledgement from its website, not because the climate had become predictable, but because the acknowledgement had become inconvenient.
Is that what they call cooking the books in East – Anglia?
Whilst i’d agree there’s a bigger data set to put into a AGW model, its also in order of magnitude, infinetly more complex to model the biosphere & its ecology!
Simply put, climate change bollox is a manifestation of human arrogance from a group of scientists who assert they know even a fraction of how our planet works.
You need another pristine planet identical to ours to compare & identify AGW. Whilst I don’t DENY human activity is damaging our environment, I don’t accept climate change apocalypse theory either.
I’m the last person on earth to argue in favor of human arrogance – one way or the other it will be the death of us all. However, since we – arrogantly, admittedly – presume to be able to decipher the entire universe, is it such a reach to accept that science has gained an extraordinary understanding of this one planet?
It is, for instance, climate science 101 that when you destroy forests, both boreal and rain, you accomplish two things together: you reduce oxygen and you reduce CO2 sequestering. Even more so, when pollution acidifies oceans and kills plankton and kelp and increases algae, ocean life is greatly diminished. The point here being that the climate of Earth is not an esoteric topic that only those with secret knowledge can comprehend. It is as basic as straight arithmetic.
Yes if you believe we know every variable, especially as we probably haven’t even identified half the species on this unique planet.
That is exceptionally arrogant. Which demonstrates the extent of your own knowledge.
Your knowledge and understanding of the science is far less than you think. Forests do not sequester carbon dioxide. Plants are simply part of the carbon cycle.
It is far from basic arithmetic and nobody really has a clue about the climate further than a few days in the future.
I have a BSc in Environmental Science.The climate narrative is a greenwash, a misdirection from the actual problem and the real culprits, which is ecocide because of capitalist greed that has infected every corner of the planet. A criminal plunder of resources and pollution of land, sea and atmosphere for the enrichment of a handful of parasites. CO2 is not a toxin- the toxins are produced by the military/industrial/pharma mafia and pumped into the environment and our bodies, and are destroying the ecosystem faster than CO2 buildup. Ever wonder why there is so much cancer? Not to mention EMF pollution, light and sonic pollution, which have already done unknown amounts of damage… All because of the maniac endless growth paradigm of “development”.
Just for clarity I up voted your comment because it is excellent. However, to answer your rhetorical question:
because we are living much longer. Age is the biggest risk factor for cancer. Anyone who lives long enough will die from cancer. So greater life expectancy inevitably results in more people contracting cancers.
I agree! Our world has become totally corrupt because we go on our knees for money, and your average scientist is only a lackey in a white coat. Or as Michael Crichton put it: “The truth is what returns a profit.”
It’s not really science as such, but individual scientists (and of course groups of them).
In the breakthrough days of the 17th to early 20th centuries, most of the best work was done by self-motivated individuals who were either financially independent or had generous patrons.
In both cases, there was no pressure to do any particular work, to publish (ever, let alone monthly), or – especially – to support any particular beliefs or opinions. Newton lived in Trinity College, Cambridge for most of his life and made discoveries that shook the world; not once did the college or the university dictate to him what he should or should not be working on, or press him to publish. Einstein certainly experienced want as a young man, but managed to combine a day job with his visionary work in physics. Darwin was free to pursue his inquiries at his own pace – he only published “The Origin of Species” when he became worried that Wallace would beat him to the draw.
Today, and for maybe the past 50-60 years, the vast majority of scientists are humble workadays drudges, earning a modest living by doing what they are told by managers, administrators, and funding bodies. If you work for the government, you publish what the government wants to see – or you don’t publish. Likewise with corporations.
It’s not a science problem, but a social and economic one.
You say it is not a science problem, yet your whole comment makes it plain that you know it is a problem of institutionalised, professional science.
That was the response:
Thank you for your message. We are currently receiving a large number of enquiries about the new coronavirus and the gradual easing of the measures in place to protect against the spread of it. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to individual enquiries.
You will find important information on the federal and cantonal websites. Use the following links; the websites are being updated regularly.
I was heatedly explaining Koch’s Postulates to my wife back in March. ‘Why don’t you write to Boris Johnson instead of raving on at me?’ she responded. So I did. He wrote back and said he’d get right on it. (Not).
New documents published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals a massive campaign to manipulate the media to instil fear in the public so that they are persuaded into taking the flu vaccine.
ironically the deaths attributed to flu r amoung those vaccinated repeatedly. it truely is a mass murder campaign. the vaccine does nothing but hugely increase deaths by tamilflu n chemo etc.
If this is not a fake-believe pandemic then where are the millions of bodies? They say it caught us off-guard, with no vaccine available; a virulent, deadly strain. So where are the millions of bodies?
In the Excess Deaths is where you will find your pit of plagued – if the Chinese hadn’t ‘really’ locked down Wuhan so quickly and chased down all infected across the country you’d have got your wish.
If the EU hadn’t got on the case so quickly it would have been as bad as the northern Italians across the rest of it.
The fact that the U.K. did belatedly and still not efficiently enough means we have more EXCESS deaths than any other equivalent EU country and will be shut out of Europe this summer while they get in with having their summer.
We are just going to have to make do at home just like we will be forced to after the Hard BS is finally in the bag!
northern italy has a particularly aged population, lots of air pollution n prior high rate of respiratory illness. for their skin colour the winters are gloomy. throw in a lockdown after a long winter n you get extrem vitamin d shortage. r u really pretending public health experts r unaware of vitamin d in relation to flu?
also Italy has a very high proportion of population (especially elderly) who are/were regularly treated with strong antibiotics.
Such a good citizen, Margaret would be proud.
Fuck Maggie and Her Bastards and their mini Bastards – her statue is coming down and I’ll happily sing hey ho the witch is dead again when it does as I did when she finally slipped off to whatever hell she believes in.
I trust I have made myself perfectly clear on your slur?
You really believe after the chinese nee year by just locking down wuhan they so called saved china , do you really belive you contact trace in beijing shangai….do you belive they just happened to contain it in a country that is so wast and crowded ..ahahahaha….no its a my opinion the virus is real, deaths are very much real but the contagion and death rate was deliberately overblown to create a planned panic
They cancelled New Year you lying moron.
So i am gonna try to explain it you very slowly as you seem to lack very much iq potential and even worse than a moron you pathetic piece of work. Some cities were cancelled like beijing but not all of china and outbound flights were not cancelled and only half of the flights of wuhan was cancelled.
You are very polite aren’t you? No they did not cancelled it in whole china in big cities only and in and out bound flights to mainland china was not cancelled and exept for hubei which happened almost on the day of chinese new year travel was not very restricted in other areas so please eat up your own insults
Yes I am polite, thank you very much for noticing – because I stick to FACTS. but morons following scripts don’t.
There were 3 Billion journeys for Chinese New Year in 2018.
That was managed by the Chinese this year. And their good sense stopped the virus going ‘nuclear’. That may upset some who thought it would be cataclysmic for them I suppose…
Or as the Lancet summarised:
‘ As fearsome and consequential as the COVID-19 outbreak has been, China’s vigorous, multifaceted response is likely to have prevented a far worse situation. Future empirical research will establish the full impact of the social distancing and epidemic control policies during the extended Chinese Lunar New Year holiday. As travel and work slowly resume in China, the country should consider at least partial continuation of these policies to ensure that the COVID-19 outbreak is sustainably controlled.’
A very instructive article , which I suggest you digest before making a knee jerk ad hominem.
You said they cancelled it and told me i am a moron but the article you mentioned clearley states
” About 5 million people left Wuhan,3 the capital city of Hubei province and epicentre of the COVID-19 epidemic, before the start of the travel ban on Jan 23, 2020. About a third of those individuals travelled to locations outside of Hubei province” so no moron china didnt impose strict lockdowns for chimese new year all over china, outbound flights were open, big cities like beijing was not allowed a celebration but other small cities were allowed.. before calling people names get your facts totaly straight so you wouldn’t look like a piece of work
Yeah, I heard there’s like 6 million of them.
Here a video of Dr. Andrew Kaufman, who confirmes exactly what the article above states.
(I don’t know how do embed a video. So if it doesn’t appear, use this link: )
Viruses are NOT germs.
A simple lying confabulation by the authors to use as a deliberate FAKE premise for this utter gobbledygook of an article.
Anyone buying it?
Well at least I knew what they’re selling. I’ve no idea what YOU’RE selling.
77th brigade nonsense.
I have to say the use of the term “organism” to describe a virus made me sit up. I’ll go no further than that.
I cannot find where the authors use the term organism to describe a virus. Could you provide a quote for me?
Where did the authors describe the virus as an organism?. the original Kochs postulates were stated and then, as also stated, they were updated by Rivers to cover viruses.
Dungroanin, I cannot decide if you are sincere or just trolling; nor can I decide which would be worse.
Put it down to lockdown fever. Or perhaps EXCESS lockdown fever.
Or on the sauce again.
OffGuardian is publishing gobbledygook, what then to say of what is being published in Nature:
Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus –
The OffG article addresses the claim “Achieving Koch Postulates” by academics specialised in microbiology and epidemiology, published by The National Center for Biotechnology Information
To defend science, first heal “the science.”
viruses r cellular debris. it is the crackpot germ theory that morphs them into goblins in the minds of vaxx maniacs.
what do you imagine causes the common cold, which is rather obviously transmitted from one person to another?
Detox symptoms from toxic exposure. Only appears communicable as friends/family often share similar lifestyles/food/environment.
if someone believes they will get sick the mind can oblige. it is basicaly black magic. a curse like when allopaths tell someone they have an incurable disease.
The article simplified Koch’s postulates.
They have not been applied to any ‘new viruses’ since at least HIV – (there’s a can of worms – and an inversion of virology in setting antibodies as INFECTION rather than as immunity).
Virology re-invented itself with the opening of genetic profiling and manipulation and like other branches of science moves from the empiric of evidences to the capacity to model in codes and formulae to which the real world has to be sacrificed – or assigned to dark matter taxonomy.
The capacity of a self-evasion to reinvent itself, is the willingness to pay the price and take the ride. Have you ANY idea of what this globally orchestrated ‘Reset’ is operating? Much groaning, wailing and gnashing of teeth. But there is a true reset of yielding self-illusion to a willingness to truth revealing itself as a whole – and not as a manufactured market or weaponised advantage.
Do you really think money and all it stands for in our world cannot and does not leverage and frame the minds of all who then seek in the identity it gives them? That somehow Science grew up in a perfect family and escaped corruption by due diligence of ideals faithfully embodied? Note: I don’t attack Science – but address the context or terrain of which it is an ongoing unfoldment or ‘evolution’ of the human consciousness – and indeed construct with an ‘unconsciousness’ or dissociative split of mind to different levels and operatives. Does our Life need systemic control and management against our fears?
Koch’s postulates WERE the gold standard of scientific proof of a pathogen as a cause of a specific disease. However, Koch – like Pasteur – also operated fraudulent science, (Tuberkulin), and the ability to state what truth demands is not to mean the definer follows their own rules. But the establishing of the perceived authority to set them is the power to effectively set up a rigged system – and it is this deceit which is being challenged – NOT the fact that viral expression plays a role in the biological process we call respiratory disease (in this case) – or diseases defined as contagious infections of external pathogens.
The worldview of invested identity – let alone trillion dollar interests – deems itself too big to fail or ‘impractical to revise’ when errors in its foundations are brought to light.
Yet this and exactly this drives the denial of truth to an inevitable ‘Reset’ – which the Controller mentality* seeks to manually manage as a contraction of limitation and denial by which to maintain the illusion of control as the illusion of a life to which all must sacrifice to the knee of choking down on life. (A variation on BigBrother’s Boot).
*(The moneylender in the Temple as symbol of that which does not align in and therefore belong to the true purpose OF the Temple or discipline).
Are you reacting in a BINARY polarisation in terms that need not apply because something deeply cherished in your life is being separated from automatic and unquestionable allegiance?
Is this part of what is triggering so many in all kinds of similar reactions across many issues?
If Science is real – or constructed from an honest receptivity and enquiry of Reality – then it is NOT threatened by questioning, but served. So I suggest NOT to follow ‘The Science’ (unless sleepwalking runs the mask of virtue while it seems to profit a man), but BE the science that follows the evidences of an innocent curiosity and perception.
In Ideal can serve as an idol to which truth is sacrificed for what is SEEMS to offer.
Idols made in fear are set in the image of their maker. They DO the thing that they premise or promise to defend. And become a grotesque and cynical doublespeak by those compelled to protect the lie as if it the only defence against feared truth.
I don’t want to attack the ‘liars’.I want to release captivity to the lie.
Germ theory which set the basis of virology as the study (and developing) of biology as WAR – is part of the lockdown in the self and social lie of isolation set in conflict.
I don’t say that we do not all have experience of self-isolation and conflict – but I do extend this post to you as a recognition of worth – irrespective your obvious exasperation at this ‘turn of events’ in which your world has ‘gone mad’.
We each have to align in where we hold our integrity to be in a continuing compression of conflicted identity. If my friends or fellow beings align in what to me is loveless and coercive – I may grieve their current choice, but I cannot attack their right to choose and still have my own.
The Ickeian reaction of ‘the virus is not real’ is not representative of a true movement of reintegrating a ‘war-mind’ to its living context. Opinionating masks over as self-invested ‘virtue’ set against vice. Be wary of being phished by appearances – lest we become their ‘avatars’.
Well B, thank you for your concern – but I can assure you that all is well with my health, wealth and peace Of mind. Kind of you to inquire and remember what I may have thought about YOUR evolving psyche.
I understand that Musk is planning to let us all have access to the OpeAI text tool! I can’t wait to let it loose on the boards once I have trained it – it will save a lot of Time and wear and tear in my thumb muscles on this device I use.
For a further clarification on your query about my ‘binariness’ I refer you to this answer above which addresses it , before I saw your comment
Happy weekend
Kindness for me is to be of a kind and regardless our differences I felt to share being human.
New tech brings new scope for unintended error,
And new sets of mind function to manage it.
I note that tools provide a basis for an externalising of consciousness as language, technology, and shaped (reflective) environments.
I am by no means certain that the ‘internet’ will continue to function as a freedom of information sharing – excepting as programmed to run. But while our externalised personas are fitted into such interface or utility, we have an Information Superhighway to surf on. ‘Where do you want to go today?’ in a track and trace realm of surveillance and ‘incentivised’ control?
Or indeed in a personalised bubble cluster of a lockdown masking as cloned consciousness?
You can already use text abbreviation expanders if you can be bothered to set them up and train yourself to use them.
I have a few set up for oft used quotes or phrases.
But I hadnt used ‘sump’ yet so here goes:
“I am not a scientist but it is the right and duty of every citizen to look and see what the scientists have said and to analyse it for themselves and to draw common sense conclusions. We are all perfectly capable of doing that and there’s no particular reason why the scientific nature of the problem should mean we have to resign our liberty into the hands of scientists. We all have critical faculties and it’s rather important, in a moment of national panic, that we should maintain them”.
Jonathon Sumption. Former Supreme Court Justice: ‘
This is what a police state is like’
The Spectator
Hi Binra. So do you think Koch’s postulates are not to be applied anymore in science?
Also: what’s this fraud by Koch that you mentioned? Does this make him a fraud?
Thanks for your answers.
The authors mean “pathogen” – so where is the problem?
The author is a liar. They are deliberately raising ‘Kotch’ which as the link that I put above by a real practicing scientist in a textbook published in 2017 clearly states does NOT apply to viruses.
Yet here you are trying to excuse the author – by introducing another word not explicit in the article – why?