Can We Talk About JK Rowling?
Rosemary Frei
JK Rowling’s June 10 blog post about the downsides of trans rights activism — including the erosion of the legal definition of sex and its replacement with gender — has been met with outrage by trans activists and with joy by those seeking open dialogue.
Rowling is continuing to speak up despite receiving cancellations, and a torrent of hate and violent threats since entering this fraught arena nearly two years ago.
In her blog post she describes how much is at stake, from freedom of speech to women’s rights.
“We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced,” she writes. “… Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now” by people ranging to the sexual predator who’s US president to “the trans activists who declare that TERFs [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] need punching and re-educating,”
Rowling comes across as having great empathy for trans people and deep understanding of the issues, not as being a transphobe.
I’m not transphobic either. And Rowling’s blog entry galvanized me to speak up — because the consequences of not doing so are far more terrifying than the risk of being verbally or physically assaulted.
In fact I believe that COVID-19 and strident trans rights activism are both part of an all-out assault on women’s rights.
The hysteria surrounding COVID-19 is herding us towards compulsory vaccination. It’s adding unprecedented force to the years-long World Health Organization-, Bill Gates- and Big Pharma-backed push to turn public-health officials and physicians into vaxx-aholics. This removes among other things women’s right to determine what gets injected into our bodies and into our children’s bodies.
(A progressive Toronto politician said at a meeting last fall of the city’s board of health, when I and dozens of others spoke against this, that bodily autonomy no longer exists. His reasoning? Pathogens and pollution invade the body from the moment of birth, making bodily autonomy “a false dream.”)
For their part, trans rights activists (TRAs) are attempting to make women believe “that there is no material difference between trans women and themselves,” writes Rowling. In the process, the trans movement is “doing demonstrable harm in seeking to erode ‘woman’ as a political and biological class.”
In her inimitable prose, Rowling says, “It would be so much easier to tweet the approved hashtags – because of course trans rights are human rights and of course trans lives matter – scoop up the woke cookies and bask in a virtue-signalling afterglow. There’s joy, relief and safety in conformity. As Simone de Beauvoir also wrote, ‘… without a doubt it is more comfortable to endure blind bondage than to work for one’s liberation; the dead, too, are better suited to the earth than the living.’”
I know that cocoon of conformity all too well: in the past I’ve marched alongside others chanting slogans such as, “Trans women are women!” I’ve experienced first-hand how easy it is to believe tidy narratives about oppression and injustice without questioning whether one is being used as a pawn.
As a same-sex-attracted woman, activist and investigative journalist, I knew vaguely that there are holes in the TRAs’ narrative.
But I paid scant heed until last fall. That’s when Meghan Murphy was scheduled to speak at a public library in Toronto, Ontario, where I live. Murphy is the founder and editor of Feminist Current and was invited to speak by Radical Feminists Unite.
Toronto’s head librarian, Vickery Bowles, staunchly defended Murphy’s right to speak. This resulted in a furor among TRAs that received media coverage around the world, similar to but not as high-profile as the reaction to Rowling’s writings on the topic.
After quickly looking more into the issue, I decided to speak in favour of Bowles’ stance at a library-board meeting a week before Murphy’s talk.
“In society we see too much narrowing of the debate on too many issues,” I said in my impromptu deputation. “… There should be some room for some thought, and not just closing down and saying, ‘Nobody can question trans rights.’”
My words and those of the few others brave enough to publicly support Bowles and Murphy were met with outraged cries from the dozens of TRAs at the meeting.
The event went ahead seven days later. I didn’t have a ticket to it but went to the library anyway and tried to talk to some of the protesters outside. It didn’t go well. For example, the provincial parliamentarian for my riding was aghast that I was supporting Murphy and called her “a bigot.”
And I had to flee not long after that because the crowd had worked itself into a frenzy and everyone was screaming in unison, “TERFs Go Home!”
Murphy’s talk wasn’t transphobic. But the next afternoon Toronto’s city council passed a motion to review all of the city’s facilities’ room-booking policies in the wake of the “egregious and unacceptable” airing of “harmful transphobic views” at the library the previous evening. I tweeted my dismay.
And freedom of expression is far from the only major issue at play: another is the medicalization of adolescence.
I’m very familiar with the corrupting influence of Big Pharma on the medical establishment because I have an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary and was a freelance medical writer and journalist for trade publications for 22 years.
I quit that work four years ago, after getting very tired of being lied to every time I interviewed physicians and medical scientists about their studies and clinical guidelines. They always claimed they were free of bias – but I always detected the influence of the corporate funders.
So it doesn’t surprise me that physicians are being told today that they must accept and affirm the gender identity of children and adolescents who present with gender dysphoria (GD) (defined as marked incongruence between one’s felt gender or gender identity and one’s biological sex) and refer them for diagnosis of GD as quickly as possible.
This is followed routinely by starting these youngsters on puberty blockers, or skipping this step if they’re 16 or older, and then prescribing hormones of the opposite sex (cross-sex hormones). Many youth are then referred for sex-reassignment surgery involving double mastectomies for transboys/men and/or removal and replacement of reproductive organs. (The usual very high bar for allowing removal of healthy tissue and organs has been all but waived for medical trans procedures.)
Non-medical therapies such as exploring the underlying causes and conditions of these young people’s distress and also ‘watching and waiting’ (that is, holding off on irreversible and invasive treatments until the youth have finished adolescence) were the mainstay for children and adolescents until relatively recently. This is because the majority with gender dysphoria shed these symptoms without intervention as they pass through puberty.
But this non-invasive approach is increasingly viewed as unethical and transphobic. In fact there are moves in countries such as the UK and Canada to render it criminal; these moves conflate talk therapy for gender identity with conversion therapy for sexual orientation. And academics or others who question the medical approach and other aspects of the TRA narrative often have their work retracted or significantly altered by scientific journals’ editors.
The medical approach is recommended by the powerful World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). WPATH’s Standards of Care (SOC) for people who are transsexual, transgender or gender non-conforming, published in 2011, is widely used in the UK, Europe, North America and elsewhere.
WPATH’s SOC is funded by “an anonymous donor” and by the Tawani Foundation. The foundation was created by Jennifer Pritzker, a trans woman. She and other members of her very deep-pocketed and politically-connected family own Squadron Capital, which controls several medical-company-financing and medical-device firms.
Following the money is always instructive. The very rapidly rising rate of medical transitioning – greatly boosted by the controversial new phenomenon of rapid-onset gender dysphoria — means there’s a ballooning market for hormone prescriptions, surgeries and fertility treatments for youth, who become permanent medical patients.
The SOC uses language of equality, tolerance and human rights, making the underlying medicalization of puberty highly palatable. For example, it warns that:
Refusing timely medical interventions for adolescents might prolong gender dysphoria and contribute to an appearance that could provoke abuse and stigmatization. As the level of gender-related abuse is strongly associated with the degree of psychiatric distress during adolescence (Nuttbrock et al., 2010), withholding puberty suppression and subsequent feminizing or masculinizing hormone therapy is not a neutral option for adolescents.
[H]ormone therapy and surgery have been found to be medically necessary to alleviate gender dysphoria in many people (American Medical Association, 2008; Anton, 2009; World Professional Association for Transgender Health, 2008).
The SOC also deems ‘fully reversible’ the use of puberty blockers and ‘partially reversible’ the use of cross-sex hormones, even though these claims are very disputable and both types of treatment have significant adverse events.
The document includes a list, on page 46, of possible adverse events from these treatments, ranging from weight gain, to “possible destabilization of psychiatric disorders,” to cardiovascular disease.
(Females who take testosterone for any significant period of time are well known to have much higher risk of heart attack and males who are on estrogen for years are at elevated risk of blood clots and strokes. But the SOC doesn’t admit this.)
The SOC mentions a pair of long-term studies that found very elevated rates of suicide and other causes of death in people who underwent gender-reassignment surgery compared to those in the general population – but largely dismisses them and simply says they point to the need for more long-term psychiatric care and studies.
The list of adverse effects includes male sexual dysfunction — but it isn’t discussed anywhere else in the text.
And the list doesn’t include infertility. This is despite the fact that most of the medical treatments in the SOC can render people permanently unable to have children without outside interventions such as in vitro fertilization.
In fact the word ‘infertile’ isn’t mentioned once in the SOC. And ‘infertility’ is only mentioned twice (and neither time is in the context of saying the recommended treatments can cause infertility). The SOC instead simply includes a section on the range of medical options for preserving sperm and eggs before medical treatments proceed.
Many medical associations are following WPATH’s SOC. But at least one analysis points to fatal flaws.
These flaws include recommendations that are completely non-evidence-based and not reviewed for safety or efficacy. Also, the chair of the guidelines committee and several other members having their positions funded by the Tawani Foundation.
Nonetheless, medical treatments for gender identity are widely supported in the mainstream press. This ‘Journalist’s Resource’ article asserts there are very few drawbacks to these invasive surgeries (and at the bottom of the page there’s a note saying the website is funded by grants from various organizations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).
WPATH is active in flexing its muscles in other ways. For example, it issued a call in 2015 for legislation to be passed around the world allowing people to switch genders very easily.
And countries are obeying that call – despite the negative implications such as the possibility of violent predators easily gaining access to women’s prisons. Such predators are few in number and are not trans. But they solely seek to victimize women and take advantage of gender-identity legislation to do so. The same goes for the men who self-identify entering women’s and girls’ washrooms and dressing rooms to spy on females or expose themselves for their own sexual pleasure.
In July 2015 the Irish Gender Recognition Act was passed. It allows anyone over 18 to self-declare as a different gender and immediately gain legal recognition for their adopted gender. Scotland’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill is poised to do the same thing.
So were the proposed reforms to the UK’s Gender Recognition Act. However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government reportedly backed down a few days ago (the government apparently also has decided to preserve female-only spaces but will ban conversion therapy, which it defines as including non-medical treatments for gender identity).
In addition, several countries allow minors, including those who haven’t yet entered puberty, to receive these treatments without parental consent if they are considered capable of giving informed consent themselves.
This is being challenged in the UK.
And more and more healthcare professionals are pushing back by issuing powerful critiques of this approach because of, among other things, its often-irreversible nature and large number of serious adverse effects. They are proferring other pathways to health for people with gender dysphoria.
In addition, groups like the UK’s Royal College of General Practitioners have called for a more objective examination of the outcomes and unintended consequences of medical transitioning.
“I never forget that inner complexity when I’m creating a fictional character and I certainly never forget it when it comes to trans people. All I’m asking – all I want – is for similar empathy, similar understanding, to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats and abuse,” Rowling writes at the end of her blog post.
Count me among those millions. We need calm, objective discussion and evaluation of evidence, just as many of us strive for with COVID-19.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary and was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her articles on Off-Guardian and follow her on Twitter.
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“In society we see too much narrowing of the debate on too many issues,”
I think is one of the main factors that create divisions and at the same time allow for these agendas tu further advance.
I have heard of a father in Canada that got a restriction order and was prohibited from seeing his daughter (who claimed to be a boy) because he wanted her to wait until she is a little bit older to decide if she really wants to be a man or a woman. He was even told that he is not allowed to use female she/her etc.
The common denominator with this amd compulsory vaccinations is that it is very clear that our children are state’s property…
My children’s school – a private one – told the parents that if they didn’t allow and encourage their child who wanted to medically transition – the school would expel the other children of that family. One of the children involved is transitioning back to his original sex, now that he has graduated from that school. It is clear that there is a lot of money promoting this agenda, and I thank Rosemary Frei for following it!
This about human rights, not just women’s rights, unless the vaccines are for women only….. So this is another case of gender issues hijacking something a lot bigger. The children belong to no-one and fathes are just as responsible.
This about human rights, not just women’s rights, unless the vaccines are for women only….. So this is another case of gender issues hijacking something a lot bigger. The children belong to no-one and fathers are just as responsible.
If the word ‘woman’ is being decommissioned in favour of the word ‘people’ – e.g. pregnant people, people who menstruate – then transwomen cannot be women. They are people who are transgender.
That’s a good point; it’s funny I haven’t seen anyone bring that up before!
A trans woman supporting Rowling on YouTube actually made that point.
I fully support and applaud Rowling on her stance. Natural-born women should not have to be shamed or terrorized into conceding that trans-women are the same as naturally-born women any more than a natural blond should be forced to concede that an artificial blonde is exactly the same. There do not have to be strong feelings, just the admission of reality.
This guy is always worth reading:
I’m just going to stamp my feet until everyone acknowledges I have the hardest life of all
So, if I’m seeing things clearly, what DA MASSAS want DUH MASSES to do is: eat bugs instead of cows, rely on pharmaceuticals and/or surgery as the first and last response to all medical issues, demonize heterosexual relationships, stop reproducing, agree to shortened life-spans, view the concept of “the nuclear family” with horror, embrace the communal while denying the individual, celebrate obedience by never questioning authority, honor wealth, abhor the concept of privacy, spy on and denounce one another, adopt functional illiteracy as a virtue, value animals and “nature” more than fellow humans and keep all those apps updated… am I missing anything?
“You shall be like us ! ”
Actually, that’s pretty cool… is that soundtrack by Delia Derbyshire…?
I believe so. Great voice too. But still, i dont fancy talking like that myself.
You’re missing and confusing quite a bit.
A thorough and well-constructed argument: you’ve got yourself another convert.
Genetically-determined males: do whatever you prefer, to decorate or transform your own bodies: this is your right! I support you! But, please: come up with a new word/ concept/ label for what it is that you would like to become, with the help of drugs and surgery (or just make-up, or attitude or attitude), because the word WOMAN is taken, already, by WOMEN. You can’t invade the concept. You can’t take over. There are people already there.
“In addition, several countries allow minors, including those who haven’t yet entered puberty, to receive these treatments without parental consent if they are considered capable of giving informed consent themselves.”
This blasts open the doors for paedophilia. If kids can give informed consent for permanently life altering surgery that sterilises and castrates, then logically they could give informed consent for something much less life altering and physically damaging like having sex.
The age of consent rules are arbitrary, inconsistent and make no sense (in the UK). Children cannot, for example, provide informed consent to economic transactions (the age is 18). But children can drive (the age is 17), join the army (at 16 even though child soldiers are illegal in international law). When it comes to medical consent, the age is 16, but the health professionals can make exceptions if they judge the child to be capable of giving informed consent.
Sounds like the argument some politicians have been making to lower / remove the age of consent for sex, again to appease their paedo friends.
All age restrictions are inherently arbitrary to a certain degree, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have them. Sex below 16 is prohibited, the vast majority of people agree with that age limit. While it’s true doctors can do things like prescribing the pill to under 16s either to protect them from underage sex, or because they have extra heavy periods, neither of those are life-altering or permanent.
Unlike trans sterilisation surgery and puberty blockers. They permanently alter the body unnaturally. Saying that kids can give informed consent to that, BEFORE puberty will totally open the floodgates to giving consent to lesser things, like sex. It’s not rocket science.
It sounds like you read into my comment that I was arguing for the lowering of the age of consent. I wasn’t. I was arguing that the laws on consent are arbitrary and inconsistent and make no sense.
Omar, the whole thing is deeply concerning but where children are concerned even more so.
“Transitioning” is a myth, a lie that needs removal from the lexicon. It’s not possible to change sex, the tech doesn’t exist. At best you get a weak approximation, with inherent sterility etc. And even if you could change the chromosomes of every cell in the body, you’d still lack the lived experience of growing up in the opposite body, and the world reacting to you as that body.
And sex is what people care about. We have sex with people. We suffer sexism. We’re hetero or homo or bi sexual. We feel sexy.
Few people care about gender, whatever it means. I don’t care if a woman wears a dress or has long hair, I care that she’s a woman because her body’s female. We use male/ female to denote the sex.
And don’t even ask what a “Dilator” is…
It really is double speak isn’t it. Your body registers as a wound because it is a bloody wound. Neo vagina my neo arse.
Neo vagina my neo arse.
( I meant to add: INDEED! to that. Laugh)
Sex change seems like an elaborate justification for self harm. I’m sure the hormones won’t do much good in the long run either. This behaviour is a type of transhumanism which is why it’s being promoted by the technocrats. Under the new religion of Scientism we will “evolve” by artificial means and alter the human body as if it was a disposable toy, a flesh bag that gets in the way of a purer existence and, ultimately, immortality. In a sense it is an outcome of the disconnect from their own body and inner self, a type of madness cultivated by religion and scientism over centuries. The body is evil, it’s a problem, it must be renounced and controlled.
A very black and white self image for modern domesticated humanity doesn’t help either. If people are disassociated from their inner masculine/feminine nature, they will seek to redress the balance in artificial and damaging ways.
Ecologically, it’s a dysfunction of reproductive behaviour, typically associated with an excess of environmental stressors like overcrowding, loss of habitat and pollution.
People should be allowed to self harm if that’s what they need to do but the way this is being normalised and even encouraged is very suspect.
I would disagree with you to the extent that the Technocrats (or their Masters) probably don’t have such esoteric long-range plans for us Serfs… beyond reducing our numbers (by, among other techniques, interrupting the heterosexual mating urge, chemically, psychologically or otherwise). Technocratic Futurism, as it impinges on longevity (organ cloning, Cyborg-type enhancements, the quest for a technique for the “uploading” of human consciousness into more durable hardware) will be a matter for the Ruling Classes to deal with. It will be as remote an issue, to however many of us are left by the time the science is feasible, as shopping for yacht-bargains is now.
As a former reader of Sci Fi well-versed in Golden Age tropes, I’m quite familiar with this fantasy (as well as the “colonize another planet” pipe dream). Years ago, Damien Walther (sp?) posted a philosophical article, at the dreaded Guardian, on the topic of how “we” will or won’t adjust to “immortality” when it finally arrives. And the naivety of it… the bizarre presumption that anyone lower, on the socioeconomic scale, than the Super Wealthy, might ever have to worry about such issues… was astounding to me. Ignoring the issue of “costs” (as it would bear on the market value of Immortality), half the point of signing on for the upgrade would be to claim the prize that the vast majority of humanity (past, present and future) couldn’t. If you think Studio 54 had a brutal door policy…
… so what kind of banana-skins are egalitarian futurists smoking when they posit this inclusive vision of the (genuinely) Transhuman?
On the other hand, I believe that being politically naive is a big plus, for any writer hoping to be promoted, these days, so I won’t begrudge Damien the richness of his fantasy life. (Though it’s possible that he has matured since then and I do him a disservice by dredging up this evidence of his boyhood enthusiasms).
Nah, not so much in humans: if that were the case, Dickens’ London would have been crawling with hermaphrodites and Haiti would be more Queer than San Diego. What it is is a concerted Social Media/ saturation-propaganda effort to reduce Serf numbers (by demonizing men, pushing gender-neutralism, de facto sterility and making the asexual young vegan Isolates trendy). They (you know, THEY) want fewer of us.. lots fewer of us… and they haven’t been shy about saying it… and they’ve even got quite a few of us (after a few generations of saturation-brainwashing) agreeing.
We’ve been bombarded with that “carrying capacity” nonsense for many, many years, but the truth is that 1,000 of the global poor use fewer resources, annually, than a single member of the managerial class of “The West”… and one Bill Gates uses as much as an equatorial city. That’s the first place I’d look to improve the environment: ban the billionaires and their kapo-class flunkies.
Hard to take Rowling seriously but she is entitled to her opinion. Her problem is that she has been swimming with sharks and now her inability to conform to the woke dogma of gender plurality has left a gaping wound. All I can say is bon appetite’
Must be a lot of Harry Potter fanboys and girls out there who must really love Rowling’s OTO Mysticism. I’m sure Aleister Crowley would be proud.
What are you on about?
These days you have to feel “safe” . . .
Kathleen Lowrey is not the only one who has lost their jobs over this deranged lunacy.
This is the logical result of extreme narcissism and identity politics. I saw this coming a long time ago. Thanks for the link.
Hi Gezzah, absolutely. It is deranged lunacy. Is it time to get together a ‘protect heterosexuals’ society! It’s scandalous for people to lose their jobs on such spurious basis. I hope she went to a tribunal and won.
How are you anyway/
Look up Maya Forstater at Women’s Liberation 2020 on YouTube. She lost her job as well because of this madness.
Her speech is brilliant, and I support her 100% as well.
I’m surprised it’s still on YouTube coz they’re behaving like the Gestapo. They’ve probably been too busy deleting all the Covid19 videos.
I’m okay – only 1.5 weeks to go before the mag starts up again, but management are so far gone, Covid Cult Zombies the lot of them – all vendors must complete a Health & Safety course before resuming selling, and wear masks at all times while selling the mag.
I sell out in the outer suburbs (equivalent of Kingston Upon Thames or Bromley, but in Melbourne) and nowhere near the Office, my mask will be inside my bag.
Been trying to get early release of my Super as lost track of it years ago, moving addresses, not updating, etc, found out my main Super Fund has a 5 figure amount in it, and another fund that I had with a shady bakery company that I worked 4 months at has exactly $0.00 in it.
Getting access is like trying to pat a savage Rottweiler without being bitten. Frustrating!
And I lack enough verifiable I’d also.
Two wonderful friends loaned – gifted me some more money, so have ample enough until after the mag has started.
Hope your week is going well, and you’re okay. At least the weather will be nice over there! Melbourne winters are very cold.
Hi Gezzah, I will certainly look up the video. Good idea about the mask though. Don’t wear the bloody thing. Good news about the Super -keep persevering, you’ll get there it, like everything else these days, will just take a bit of a fight and endeavour. Nothing is straight forward. At least, in just over a week’s time, you will get back to selling the mag and some money will be coming in. That will be a weight off your mind anyway.
I am cracking on with my writing so am definitely not bored. I’m really enjoying it actually. i think, when I’ve got the book where I want it to be, it requires another two edits if not three, I might have something there.
Get your thermals on! Over here, the weather has been great but today its been drizzly rain.
Can I ask what the mag is? Will look out for it… I am in Brisbane. Beautiful weather, come up here Gezzah!
Watched the Maya Forstater youtube clip: thank you for directing my attention to that – fabulous!
Hi Glenda,the mag is The Big Issue.
Thanks, know it well. Lovely woman sits outside our local Woollies on a regular basis. Good luck with it x
Yeah but did she also fail to agree they have a Right to get pregnant?
It’s as old as the bearded women at the stunning of the sinner.
The Right to have children. Straight from Monty Python’s Life of Brian and the transition to “Loretta” scene. Brilliant and uncannily predictive.
Get ready for much more of this.
How reassuring to hear the voice of reason. Years ago I read ‘Our Stolen Future’ by Dr Theo Colborn, about the effect of PCB’s. Thanks to companies like Monsanto, there are now so many endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment I wonder if this is not why there is a seemingly sudden surge of people with gender dysphoria. Obesity also plays a role in disrupting the healthy function of hormones and we have a worryingly high percentage of overweight and obese people, largely because of the uncontrolled proliferation of crap fast food. I saw footage from the 1970’s in the middle of Sydney and there was not one overweight person in the crowds on the streets. We have abrogated personal responsibility for our health to medical science. and this is never more evident in both the effect of COVID on people with co-morbidities and weak immune systems, and the indulgence of confused adolescents.
Glenda,I don’t think Gender Dysmorphia exists really. Some years ago I watched a late night programme about Transgender men. Many of the participants said the reason they wanted t transgender was to have sex with straight men. There is a lot of truth in that. Gender dysmorphia is a social construct quite simply put.
Possibly. But men have been able to openly have sex with other men for a long time without there being such a push towards changing gender, especially in adolescent kids. If testosterone levels are dropping, as has been reported, and infertility is on the rise, it makes sense to me that gender therefore becomes confused.
Hi Glenda, thanks for the reply. I don’t think there is any confusion like I said, I believe it’s a conscious choice people make. However, it’s nice to be able to agree to disagree.
Narcissism partly to blame? Seems rampant these days.
Hi Glenda, i think you might have something there.
Some people consider the consciousness and spiritual side of things. Some folks have had nonphysical oriented experiences. Some people have had experiences with things like other lives.
Some people believe that sometimes a Consciousness goes from having many lifetimes in a certain gender, and if they decide to have an experience in the other gender for whatever reason, that for a few lifetimes or so, there is a strong call and subconscious memory to the previous gender that they were use to. So if they had been a male many times, but this time around incarnated in a female body, they might feel more like a man within.
Either way, whatever the truth or not of the larger reality, it is overly presumptive and arrogant to think that one truly and fully KNOWS what another truly feels and/or is going through, or to knee jerk shoot it down as invalid just because that is not your experience.
Generally speaking, humanity would be a lot better off if more of us worried most about ourselves and what we do or don’t do in relation to others, rather than focusing so much, in a judgmental way, on what others do or don’t do. It’s called live and let live, and it’s only when others are actively harming society or other individuals, should we engage in denouncing them and their actions, behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, etc.
If a person says that they feel like the opposite gender, who am I, or you, to say that they don’t? This doesn’t mean that I don’t agree with much of what Rowlings has said. Women’s rights are important, and gender biologically is very much a real thing. I’m just saying that it may be more shades of gray than any of the sides paint it in.
I can sort of understand where trans people are coming from in a way, in that I have always felt like sort of half male and half female–like a blend in an emotional and consciousness way. But physically and sexually I definitely identify with my body’s actual gender. Completely hetero, etc.
Yohannon, Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write this detailed reply. I have to say I don’t agree with you but it’s good to have different perspectivs.
Animal studies suggest that when animals are placed under heavy environmental stress such as pollution and overpopulation, they start exhibiting abnormal reproductive behaviour. By abnormal I mean behaviour not otherwise seen and which does not lead to successful reproduction.
I’m not saying here that we should only have sex to reproduce, just observing.
The problem here is what human beings are still getting their sense of Self from( Race, religion, gender, sexual preference, rejection of body’s gender). They are all mis- identifications. You are not a concept.
Thinking and saying they ARE the body’s gender or by rejecting the gender of their body(BDD) and wanting the body to be a different sex believing incorrectly that this will fulfill or complete them.
Gender dysphoria is a disease of mind previously labelled as Body dysmorphic disorder it is a mental construct , a misplaced ignorant total identification with the gender of body and then a rejection of sex of body.
“Cosmetic surgery and cross-sex hormones can’t change us into the opposite sex. They can only affect appearances. They can stunt or damage some outward expressions of our reproductive organization. But they can’t transform it. They can’t turn us from one sex into the other.” No long term peace or contentment is gained and no anxiety is lost from cutting off their penises having breast implants, hormone therapy etc .
It seems obvious. How did this get to be “the accepted way”?
By a sustained propaganda campaigns, the curriculum now promoting this lifestyle instead of simple and pure biology and by politicians and Judges stupid enough to allow it be accepted.
Yes, also by parents cowed into silence by the above and the fear of being an anti-semite, or transphobe, or whoever the latest nazi figures are, being presented for burning at the stake.
Hi Daniel, Yes agreed. I listened to a programme on the radio recently about a married couple the husband of which, after 22 years of marriage decided he wanted to transgender which he did. When interviewed alone his wife was desperately upset and said she would like a relationship with a man. She and her husband still lived in the matrimonial home and he described himself as being a ‘lesbian’ i.e. attracted to women not men. She had little or no say during the interview really but it was clear she was desperately unhappy with the situation. All the time, he kept saying how happy he was and said he still loved his wife. I think she was being emotionally blackmailed by him myself and probably by friends and family as she felt helpless in the situation. For me, he has made his decision, the marriage is a mockery and they should have got divorced, sold the house so she could get on with her own life and enjoy other relationships.the way it came across was that she was trapped in many ways. So, he hasn’t had to live the life of a transgender single person he still has his marriage and he goes out and chats up women and things. She, in the meantime, is being grossly manipulated by him. Towards the end of the programme actually, it seems some of the decision is tied into, if they sold the house, neither would be able to afford another one.
Phillip Schofield is the same. He comes out as gay after 27 years of marriage but doesn’t want to get divorced and live the gay lifestyle He wants to stay married, have all these gay affairs whilst his wife dutifully supports him. Disgraceful. She should file for immediate divorce, sell the house and get on with her own life. I think biological women are under severe pressure from peers and family if their husbands declare they want to cross dress etc. The men, conversely, are not.
Poor lady.. surely Schofield’s wife could afford a new home? I don’t know, there’s more than sex in any relationship but it is all a bit strange.
Hi Daniel, His daughter was interviewed. She said her mother was devastated. After 27 years of marriage to find it had all been a lie. When asked if she would divorce him the daughter said ‘not yet’. I think his wife probably feels she has been run over by an articulated lorry. I suspect she’s got to get through many emotions before she files for divorce especially as he is a TV celebrity. It will be all over the papers.
I feel sorry for her in her personal hell… must use discretion in issues of marriage… none of my business really….nowt so queer as folk.
I think Event Covid was a massive Illuminati coverup to prevent a Trans Anschluss at the Tokyo Olympics that was to happen next month.
Sporting authorities were at sixes and sevens* how to handle the massed forces of biologically male competitors launching themselves at the women’s events. And in some events, AT the women*.
For hundreds of millions of sports fans it was going to be a life-shattering discombobulation. For the international organizations, it was an unwelcome confrontation with the logical consequence of their own policies. Thankfully that’s been put off for a year.
I dunno why the comment apps don’t include a SarcMark ®. Seems that it’s licensed. I didn’t know sarcasm came at a price.
Good post … don’t Bogart that (), bro, pass it over
Hi moneycircus, the solution is quite simple I think transgender men are men not women. They are men biologically and should compete in men’s events. It is not fair to the female athletes to compete against men as there are different levels of strength and other factors. It seems to me to be all staged so that Trans athletes can dominate women’s sports when they are, in fact, not women.
If a trans woman marries another woman is she considered a homosexual trans or a heterosexul trans?
Charlotte, who gives a f**k? I’m sure they’ll find some terminology for it. The whole thing has got ridiculous.
I was being facetious…🤡
If Olivia Newton John married Elton John, what would she be called?
you guys…
Gold digger?
Sandy Beard?
Charlotte, I know.
Humor doesn’t always show up well in the cold light of a comments section, i know to my own regret.
Personally i think people can indulge in whatever legal sexual pleasure they desire just save me from the detail, i’ve got no interest where they stick it or have it stuck.
Agreed. Stop the propaganda nonsense too. In particular, I think they should stop teaching this crap in schools, let’s call it what it is, social engineering. School is there to teach basic biology. Anything else to do with gender is a societal thing.
Seems facetious doesn’t cut it in the presence of Queen Rowling.
Did Harry Potter’s worldview help enforce good behavior during Event Covid?
In The Harry Potter Generation: Essays on Growing Up with the Series, edited by Emily Lauer, Balaka Basu, the editors begin by pointing out how Harry Potter is different. If Narnia was fantasy world more real than our own, and Alice was a dreamscape, then Harry Potter brings reality and fantasy together.
That’s how Harry Potter readers see the books’ influence. Could it have influenced the enthusiasm for a “moral, civic and aesthetic” response to Covid? With little scientific testing but with strong appeals to community and authority some of these measures had a significant aspect of symbolism and ritual: social distancing, mask wearing, new methods of greeting, fist bumps and head nods, new ways of walking, following invisible paths and observing unseen barriers.
All this in response to a viral enemy whose existence was validated only by fear and trust, by appeals to authority. Sold to a population that chose to err on the side of precaution, they treated the threat as fatal until proved otherwise.
Superficially Harry Potter raises a lot of flags. It’s a white world in which identity is created by ‘othering’ in the jargon of academics. These others are “Deatheaters, foreign students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, magical races such as the house-elves and centaurs, Muggles and Squibs as well as, to a certain extent, girls and women” (Creating Magical Worlds: Otherness and Othering in Harry Potter by Marion Rana).
The orthodox reading of Harry Potter is a struggle of good and evil, writes Dina Kapaeva in The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture as good, young Harry is constantly attacked by wicked old Voldemort who wants to destroy him – strung out across seven books. Kapaeva wonders if the lack of originality and conformity is a secret of its success.
Harold Bloom says the Potter books’ success is symptomatic of a hunger for unreality… some say it creates an interest in the occult, others say it feeds it. Kapaeva concludes it is “nothing less than a manual on the art of death and dying, couched as a coming-of-age novel. As Rowling puts it, “My books are largely about death”.
Kapaeva sees the Gothic Aesthetic in Harry’s his occluded sight, frequent nightmares, repetition of meaningless Latin-sounding words, a fated life journey towards death, even while striving for immortality. Victory in death, Harry is a vampire before his time, who carries “the mark of a Dark Wizard”.
Psychologically, in terms of schizophrenia, Voldemort could be a figment of Harry’s imagination. The message of both characters is Do What Thou Wilt. This is not Satanism nor even about good and evil but about power for the sake of power. But this is not an injunction to the books’ young readers to seize power, rather to obey it, while ignoring the morality of their Muggle parents.
Do What Thou Wilt was the mantra of Aleister Crowley, an operative of British Intelligence. Miles Mathis argues that his was a fake Satanism. Like the Abrahamic religions, Satanism is a rival authority and both must be undermined in the eyes of the intelligence organs.
While the Prime Minister is the leader of the Muggles, to be obliviated when he gives up his post (mind wiped clean) the Minister for Magic is the leader of the wizarding world and the head of the Ministry of Magic. There is no evidence of elections, according to the »Harry Potter« Compendium but the Ministry does seem to have large number of employees relative to the population.
Makes you wonder if all those jobs as Contact Tracers and Journey Makers are being held open for Generation Harry Potter.
More here:
The generation that grew up reading the Harry Potter books are at most in their early thirties (the first in the series was published in 1997 and it was aimed at ten/eleven year olds, with subsequent books for each succeeding year). That generation simply doesn’t have the influence to determine the societal response to the coronavirus. The generation that exercised that influence grew up long before the Harry Potter books.
Fair point about influence. As for age, I recall a few PotterHeads from around 2000 who were in their mid-to-late 20s… and it’s not uncommon to find reporters reaching for the book to draw real world characterizations: bernie sanders is dumbledore and alexandria ocasio-cortez is harry potter !
About 2003, I was briefly a train commuter from Kent to London. One day, there was something different: no noise. Every other commuter (and they are all regulars sitting in the same seats) were engrossed in the latest Harry Potter. I couldn’t believe that so many adults of all ages were suddenly gripped by a children’s book, I was very concerned about society’s infantilism and escapist needs, and formed a revulsion for Harry Potter on the spot: anything so hyped must be bad i.e. product of advertising and achieving a critical mass in group psychology. Nor am I remotely interested in witchcraft nonsense.
To my chagrin, my children all went through their own Harry Potter phase; I consoled myself that at least they were developing a taste for reading, and would be able to relate to their peers.
I also can’t be arsed with the films…Sorry, JKR. I was living in Edinburgh at the same time as you were writing and was aware of your personal struggle. I can forgive most things, and you are in the process of redeeming yourself…
Were you reading Reginald Perrin at the time?
Er, no. I have a vague notion of some such TV character, but we never had a TV. So if its a dig, it went completely over my head. Pop-Cultural memes are wasted on me, alas. I was probably reading a History book, because I was studying for a degree at the time.
Wasn’t meant as a dig, please excuse me. I read the books, they involved commutes into London, probably around the time HP books were popular. I found them enjoyable.
I posted my take on it before reading yours, good to see I wasn’t the only one shocked by the almost overnight Body Snatchers conversion of the clerk and and manager classes.
I never read Harry Potter, didn’t see the point. And the movies, as they have been endlessly repeated on tv, I never seen more than snippets (the story line didn’t interest me).
I do know that people of my same age, including older people than me, were/are total fans. And I am not that young anymore…
I am more into science fiction than fantasy. Both forms of story telling are a way of escapism. However I see science fiction as a sort of negative picture towards ‘Reality’ while fantasy has nothing related with daily life.
L Ron Hubbard and Bradbury were part of the sci-fi angle of propoganda – don’t forget Wells and his Time Machine parable of white supremacy.. many of these were part of the State supported propoganda.
Fantasy does indeed have an absolute connection with daily life – whether it is the inane Mills & Boon romance or the blood and guts procedural and thrillers.
Not many Indy minded writers get enough distribution and promotion of their work.
Douglas Adams was one, Pratchett another till he lost a few marbles, Banks another – all dead now. Except Phillip Pullman who hopefully is not a sell out!
I knew it was banal and evil when I saw adults queuing to buy the latest release and read it on the train as they commuted to the City to their powerful jobs back in the late 90’s and early noughties – it was all to do with the Blairite/Britpop/MillenniumDome/Cultural Revolution and reprogramming of the masses for the WoT planned for the ensuing generation.
These readers were in their 20’s-40’s age group – it was as insane as these who cried about Diana and the suicidal rock stars; even as the older generations fetishised the Royals, the QueenMum especially, a generation similarly conditioned by the Narnia texts.
It goes back via the PR gurus that created Maggie to the likes of Tolkien, Wells, Kipling…. to Defoe and before, all the way to the bible as the mythology that brainwashes.
Pullman tried a corollary with marginal success due to mainstream resistance as did some of the rebel establishmentarian comics of the 50’s and 60’s – many who swiftly rejoined their upper class solidarity with added kudos of plebeian followers.
Anyone who seriously believes we inhabit a free and open ocean of communication seriously doesn’t recognise the clear glass that we are bouncing into constantly as being anything other than our ‘common sense’ stopping us delving into the blue, which we come to abhor.
They are one and the same and are the driving force behind the “intelligence organs”. Judeochristianity is the basis of the so-called secular West’s so-called morality, law and justice; as well as, more indirectly both capitalism and “communism”.
The common agenda: dehumanisation, land and resource theft, ecocide and genocide enacted by oligarchs under the influence of demons with angelic facades promising them power and immortality. The demons themselves need human fear , it’s their energy source, so they’re more parasitic than predatory. But you don’t even need to believe in that. Even from a non-mystical perspective of human psychology, people have been dehumanised by over 2000 years of false metaphysics and dehumanising messages delivered by the agents of religion followed by scientism.
As if the covid 19 pandemic hoax was enough destruction and evil.
I have no use for AK Rowling (Syria propaganda), but his article is important. They are smashing absolutely everything, including the individual, to bits right now because they like playing God and intend to put economies and citizens (the term should just go the way of the dinosaur in covid 1984) back together in ways that will profit them – only. So far, They have not been called to account and that has emboldened them. Keep it up fools!
“…but his article is important.” should have been “…but this article is important.”
Oh, I had thought you were satirically misgendering her.
I wish I had thought of that. 😉
The UN’s trans agenda article isn’t important.
Unless you are asleep its old news.
It shows is the insanity of humanity ,again thats clear.
Regardless of Rowling about whom I do not know much, this is a very important conversation to have. What happened to the category ‘woman/women’?
Is it not at the heart of the Patriarchal Order to do away with Women and Nature. Acquire a way to artificial wombs when males can ‘give birth’, replace Nature with Technology
and defeat Death/Time.
A story I tell myself; the female centered civilization came to an end through a shattering natural/cosmic event(s). The traumatized survivors, betrayed by goddesses and nature vowed to rebuild a world independent of Her and Nature.Welcome to trans(sic) humanism.
Within 30 years Feminist, non academic, scholarship has completely been erased & disappeared, once again.
The notion that patriarchy wants to do away with women is incoherent. Without women (and children) there cannot be any patriarchy.
…”The plastic surgery arm of medicine is staged for an infusion of cash as well as organ transplants, especially womb transplants for men identifying as women who may want future pregnancies. These surgeries are already being practiced on animals and the first successful womb implant from a deceased female donor to another female has already been a success. Biogenetics is poised to be the investment of the future…”
…”Cleveland Clinic conducted the United States’ first uterus transplant.” transgender-ideology/ (Moneycircus posed link here)
I suspect you think this is a rebuttal of my comment. It isn’t. If women no longer exist, there would be no patriarchy: the existence of women (and children) is fundamental to the existence of patriarchy.
I see your point.
Women will disappear & consequently so will patriarchy & a New World Order wii rise…
Included in “my story” is my understanding that’s it’s an “ error in thinking” (due to trauma) — this striving for a world without Women and Nature (& Time & Death). Otherwise I cannot explain these trends towards the s.c. Trans humanism.
Appreciate your comments.
It seems more like humanity was invaded by psychic parasites masquerading as God. The males of our species are easier to use for their purposes, which seem to be about feeding off human fear. That’s why they use men or very masculine women to run the human farm.
I think this all began back in 1947 when farmers decided to add a shovel or two of female hormones to the feed mix of their heifers/cows to shorten the time before they could breed, and increase yeilds. One consequence was that those girls who drank the milk also entered puberty early usually about 2/3 the age that their mothers did. Since then more and more oestrogens have been introduced into the food chain directly and through leeching from wrappings not to mention untreated hormones in the water derived from increasing use of the ‘pill’ so much so that now even some men have breasts. I have every sympathy for those transformed in the womb by this hormonal excess but find embracing the diversity this has produced somewhat perverse.
Fun read!
I really enjoy articles about Uman Degeneration.
A plastic surgery to make believe a male is a female or a female is a male, and the consumption of hormones and other drugs until the day these plasticized hybrid animals die, will never succeed in terms of Balance. And unbalance never allows for happiness to occur.
Spending the rest of ones life going against your own DNA is just a sign that the problem is not in the sexual organ but in the cerebral!
Here’s a not too bad documentary about this…
The title
“I Want My Sex Back. Detransitioned transgender people who regretted changing sex”
also misleads about the real problem. Our sex is built into the DNA, so they didn’t actually changed sex, they just screwed their own bodies.
I wonder what the cost is to the health system? People who get cancer in the U.S. go bankrupt getting treatment. Who pays for all this gender back and forth?
The only thing you need to know about transgender activism, their goal is affirmation, they need everyone to agree with their view of the world to make their world real. There can be no appeasing the lobbyists when they’ve reached that goal they will seek another.
I am libertarian minded, i will repeat i have no issue with what consenting adults do in the privacy of there own home its no one elses business. A very small minority of people genuinely suffer “gender dysphoria”. They deserve sympathy & compassion to over come their mental health issues. Many transgender are just perverts! Middle aged men coming out to realize sexual fantasies, but there is also a growing number of trans people because of the trend in gender identity, its a political movement nothing to do with mental health, inequality or sexual perversion.
Gay rights started off the same way as the trans lobby, first they just wanted to be left alone to live in peace & not be bullied & harassed, then they wanted acceptance, then exceptional rights, after every stage of lobbying for greater rights they sought another goal. It has no end. Its purpose is political, to change traditional values, the more you attempt to placate them the more they demand. Its self destructive to even attempt to facilitate their values.
For a giggle I once completed an online political values test, one question they asked was about incest. it was a multiple choice question, (it had many sexual morality questions) I ticked that it was OK to have sex with your siblings ( partly for a laugh & technically in the 21st century the old taboo isn’t relevant) its not something i would practice personally.
The test result was that I was liberal left! (after that insult i decided never to do another) NOW there’s a surprise, the privileged middle classes & there deviant degenerate sexual practices. The correct definition for gender identiy is trans-politics! A movement from conservative values to Neo-liberal take over.
I think you’re on to something there. I find the ethnicity question in surveys uncomfortable, and have done for some time, it’s best left unanswered. Same goes for all the rest of it.
Very soon, trans people will be able to join the rest of us in having no rights (unless people wake the FUCK up, that is).
A most excellent and astute observation Gwyn
Yep, and then the illuminati press will assist us in where to point fingers so we can end up in some tribal civil war whilst those with the capital watch it all from afar.
Gates, Epstein, Weinstein, Madoff etc etc……
Does Satan have a penthouse in Manhattan by any chance?
First Manhattan, then New York.
Isn’t it ‘then Berlin’?
I can’t remember. Check the song.
I was alluding to Leonard Cohen’s song.
Yes, that’s what I was referring to. I just don’t remember it that well. I did listen to “Songs from a room” earlier, and there was a line: “even damnation is poisoned with rainbows” which resonated with me.
..not to mention the bank.
Weren’t gays rights fought for in the not too distant past but now, if you’re a young man who fancies men you’re ushered down the route of ‘you must therefore really identify as a woman so quick, have the op’ – If you don’t have the op you must be transphobic? Power crazed opportunists desperate for full social control will keep creating new targets/‘marks’ – until everyone feels too isolated to defend themselves.
Brexit was made into a story of young remainers v old leavers and white leavers v everyone else. C19 is a story of germ ridden young people infecting vulnerable others and fear of infectious ‘others’
As economic inequality increases and the pool of those effected becomes more diverse, the techniques to manipulate and divide the ‘have nots’ will have to become ever more extreme in order to mask what’s really going on.
Woman noun adult human female.
Trans activism is yet one more manifestation of the contemporary madness that asserts feelings trump facts. And, let there be no doubt, gender is a fact. It is a social fact. Like any social fact, it cannot be changed by individual whim, desire or commitment. Those who pretend otherwise are behaving as irrationally as someone claiming that King Canute could stop the tides by mere decree.
Its a trend it was invented by academics, so it can be destroyed by academics. It wont but, a fact is something tangible & real! in the human sphere of idiocy facts are so often confused with fiction.
This is what happens when you distance yourself from natural process, be sure the final judge is always nature! You may think we are winning now but the games not over.
There a many facts that are not tangible. Money, for example, is not tangible. If I look at a five pound note, for instance, it clearly says that the Bank of England will pay the bearer on demand the sum of five pounds, which clearly implies that the note is not money. Yet if you loaned me a five pound note, you would know as a matter of fact that I owed you five pounds.
By the way, as a historical footnote: a pound is a pound (ie, just less than half a kilogram) of pure silver.
Absoloutely money is a fiction! Debt is just history, yet we devote our lives to that fiction & claim we can change history by paying off the debt! We all know by now the monetary system is giant pyramid scheme you have to borrow more to pay off the debt. WHAT?
See how it works? If you belive its real, if you deny its not. Politics! based on beliefs not facts. A fact is if there nothing to eat you will starve, try eating gold, silver or paper money & dont even try with digital currency thats really dangerous.
Another muddle-head. Confusing currency with money.
With silver and gold (money), you are essentially bartering; there is no 3rd party involvement, no politician, no banker. There is no need to ‘eat gold’ or any such nonsense.
People today, after over a century of currency indoctrination, have no idea what money is.
This was planned.
In 1988 the Economist magazine (part owned by the Rothschild family) published on its front page a phoenix with a gold coin rising from the burning ashes of the currencies; the title was “Get ready for a world currency“. We are now over 30 years from the publication of the article.
China has now been declared to be the economic leader of the world and recently the British studio Chetwoods unveiled the plan to build the twin towers of the Phoenix in the capital of China’s Hubei province
(Hubei’s capital is Wuhan, where the ‘virus’ is supposed to have started).
“December 18, 2019
Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have developed a way to store medical information under the skin, using a quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch. The dye, which is invisible to the naked eye, can be read later using a specially adapted smartphone.”
You will bear the ‘Mark’ or starve.
i see we are going to have to go back to basics to highlight the mistakes in your indoctrination.
What are the fundamental necessities of life?
You don’t need money to eat! it helps in the modern society. But you can grow/catch provide your own food.
You can very effectively & easily provide your own shelter from natural resources. only legislation (others telling you, you cant) prevents it.
Nature provides many effective treatments & remedies for good health. Good diet is just one method. We have managed to increase our numbers significantly since our first venture out of Africa! Without money, law or artificial medicine.
You could barter your skills if you are lacking in any of the above requirements for the benefit of others basic skills.
I own gold because of its value to others, it has no real practical use (other than very limited use in electrical components). I try to operate as much as possible without a bank account. I’ve done so quite happily for quite some time.
I’d like to take this moment to point out the constraint on honest & productive life is SOCIALISM.
A good way to enjoy oneself is to watch Gainsbourg burning money on French TV. Courtesy of the time machine. It’s great.
“Money, for example, is not tangible.”
You mistake currency for money.
Money is definitely tangible.
“What, then, is money?”
(A question asked in 1913 at an enquiry in the US.)
“Money? Money is Gold, and nothing else.”
J. P. Morgan.
Can’t get more tangible than that.
Gold isn’t money. Morgan was a finance capitalist and he certainly knew that gold isn’t money. Ninety-odd percent of all of the money in circulation at any one time is made, out of nothing, by finance capitalists. Money is a social fact. It is not a fact of nature.
“Gold isn’t money.”
Well post all you have to me, with thanks, and I’ll give you paper currency in return – deal?
You do realise that response is not even an argument?
“You do realise that response is not even an argument?”
Nor is that!
“Morgan was a finance capitalist and he certainly knew that gold isn’t money.”
Well, let’s read what the man said:
“JP Morgan’s words about credit in his 1912 testimony, however, are not nearly as famous as his words about money and gold:
Q: But the basis of banking is credit, is it not?
JPM: Not always. That is an evidence of the banking, but it is not the money itself. Money is gold, nothing else.
Interestingly, we see here that JP Morgan makes a clear distinction between money and credit. Gold, unlike credit, is not dependent on a third party “coming through”. Gold is a physical good, while credit is essentially a promise. Gold can never default, but credit is only as good as the character of the borrower.
That’s why Morgan added: “…and nothing else.” All other assets in the banking system at the time—including dollar bills—were forms of credit, whose value depended on the debtor paying it back. Gold is the only financial asset that bears zero counterparty risk.”
Once again, ‘currency’ is a social fact.
Money is a fact of nature – like work, and the elements.
Flog your dead horse if you like, of course.
The reset is soon.
why do we care what JP Morgan thinks?
Money is as a matter of fact, whether it takes the form of gold or currency or sea shells, a store of value and a medium of exchange. These two characteristics demonstrate beyond any reasonable dispute that money is a social fact, for it (whatever form it might take) can only have these qualities by virtue of the fact that people collectively believe it to have these qualities. Economists refer to this as confidence. If confidence in gold evaporated, gold would be worthless; it could not be used to store value or be used for exchange; the same applies in exactly the same way to currencies.
Yes, gold is completely pointless. I will take it off your hands free of charge.
Either you didn’t understand or you are being gratuitously sarcastic. It can be difficult to tell just by the words on the screen.
Show me the money?
Money is a control tool! Of the elite.
You can live without “money” if they stopped controlling us.
Shake off your indoctrination brew or are you to old to change?
I never engage in these type of discussions any more. It’s pointless unless we identify exactly who is pushing anti-Logos degeneracy on our society. All talk is wind unless you’re going after who its coming from.
The thing is politics is like the wind it often changes direction & the more people that blow the greater the force!
In the words of Germaine Greer “a woman is not just a man without a dick”. She doesn’t buy the trans-gender arguments either. You don’t hear much about her anymore on the MSM.
If gender is all in the mind it can’t be assigned to a particular body type, so what would be the point of altering the body to make it match the gender in the mind?
There is a Southpark episode in moking sex change surgery but it is the only one you can’t see in UK and Ireland, for ‘copyright’ reasons. In it a man is inspired by his son’s sex change operation to have trans-species surgery to turn himself into the dolphin he has always felt himself to be. When someone points out that he is not a dolphin but just a man with a fin on his back made from some other part of his body, he accuses them denying his right to be another species, or some such.
Whether or not sex change surgery would be a good idea the fact is we do not have sex change surgery, it is simply beyond the reach of medical science to change physical gender just as much as to change species. But a narative has been set up which requires us all to pretend that there is such a thing, a narative which turns out to have a profit motive involved.
That episode’s available on Amazon Prime. The only ones that aren’t available are called 200 and 201 (the ones which make reference to Muhammad, as you probably know).
I wasn’t aware until just now of the whole absurd controversy (including threats of retribution against Trey Parker and Matt Stone) generated by those episodes. I might have to buy the DVD in order to see them…
if the germ theory is a lie
why not germaine
do you not see
what if germaine was a man
ohh just forget it
“If gender is all in the mind it can’t be assigned to a particular body type, so what would be the point of altering the body to make it match the gender in the mind?“ Excellent point. I think Posey Parker has some interesting theories on the reasons for surgery.
Rowling was a key player in the ‘Corbyn anti Semitic’ assassination. No time for her whatsoever.
Exactly. The good news here is that liberals are now eating their own.
The so called liberals are anything but liberal.
Too true. However, this does not necessarily negate what she has to say on this issue. It’s the argument, not the person (within reason!) That is why we regularly follow Toby Young’s ‘Lockdown Sceptics’, one of the few other voices of sanity at the moment. We disagree with just about everything Young seems to stand for, especially climate-change denial and free schools but desperate times seem to call for strange bedfellows.
I am reminded that one of the most stalwart supporters of our local pro-Palestine group back in the day was UKIP (!)
I get that but credit where it’s due. Where is Corbyn now? What’s he saying?
The prefix ‘trans’ has taken on increasingly sinister undertones lately.
Is trans-genderism merely softening us up for trans-humanism? An attempt to blur our sense of identity (backed up by pressure groups funded by billionaires and legislated by tame politicians) to the point where confusion reigns, thereby making the next step to networked cyborgs less shocking?
Are they both means to an end – steps in a process? Will we (as a species) ultimately be uploading our consciousnesses into some sort of mainframe environment?
As with a lot of ideas recently, this is not one that I ever thought would be worthy of serious consideration. Maybe it still isn’t. Maybe it’s all science fiction. That’s the problem though these days – where is the line between science fiction and science fact?
I do feel faintly self-conscious writing this. I have to wonder whether I’ve watched too many sci-fi films, read too many sci-fi books, thereby skewing my judgement. I hope so.
Or maybe the elites will downloading the mainframe’s ‘consciousness’ into our heads via their 5G-vaccine-nanochips injected into us.
Good point.
I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Or at least those they manage to vaccinate will. I’m hoping that won’t include me, but it will depend upon how determined they are and the doggedness with which they pursue their agenda on an individual level.
I suppose that so long as you don’t want to work, go to school or university or travel abroad, you may escape the nazi vaccine.
It may also mean you can’t get regular medical or dental treatment, and maybe, if you are unlucky enough to have an accident and be taken to A&E, you’ll get an automatic vaccine when unconscious or not paying attention.
You are of course correct in your assessment of the scenario.
I am giving it lots of thought at the moment, up to and including moving somewhere warmer and less Soviet, hopefully with at least a percentage of our planned community.
For now, I’m monitoring and planning. There may be a way around the problem but probably best not to discuss it on here.
You are not the only person who has linked the transgender phenomenon with transhumanism. Google “Jasun Horsley transgender”.
I’ve done as you suggested and he appears to be very vocal on the subject. I shall peruse the links. Thanks for the heads up.
I’m so very sad and sorry that you’re right. In fact, you’re so right that I had to wonder whether you know more than you want to say on these comments!
Not only do I personally agree with you that ‘trans’ is introducing transhumanism (as well as in simple ways such as the new biohazard ‘safe’ hairstyle for both men and women, short and simple, and the banning and blocking of those things that have almost defined ‘human’ for thousands of years, such as drinks and chats with friends, singing, dancing, weddings, funerals, and houses of worship) but the World Economic Forum basically said this is the future they have planned (see link below).
I too have watched too many sci-fi films and read too many sci-fi books. I regret it now. I see Skynet coming (actually, it’s being constructed now, and made great strides during lockdown) in the same way Sarah Connor did, but I lack her muscles, her access to weaponry, or any assistance in the shape of a Schwarzenegger. I’m just sick with shock. Do you know any sci-fi where a few people manage to live free in a world of total mass surveillance, depopulation programmes, eugenics and mass slavery?
The WEF recently broke the news of the Great Reset (which many people knew was coming; slow ones like me only since the day lockdown started), but in 2016 revealed their grand plan for the 4th Industrial Revolution, including transhumanism and an absence of fear once we give our thoughts and emotions to ‘them’ (the global technocrats and their AI). Here’s the link. It’s almost unreal. Very sorry.
Thanks for the link. I had seen some of that previously on another video posted by a commentor on this site. It’s quite blatant, although at the time, it did not appear as though the mechanisms were in place for them to achieve their objectives. Fast forward to know and the ducks seem to be well and truly lined up.
I don’t have any special knowledge whatsoever. It would appear that there are quite a few people making the same connection between trans-genderism and trans-humanism. It’s the blurring of previously fixed distinctions, alongside the open admission of a plan to merge humans and technology, alongside the availability of technology by which to achieve that, that indicates direction of travel.
I started reading science fiction when I was a child (one of my dad’s library books had a picture of a spaceship on the cover – what small boy wouldn’t be interested?). The difference between then and now is very marked, I think. Back then, you only read science fiction if you were some sort of socially inept nerd; the genre was nowhere near the mainstream (with a few notable exceptions). Nowadays, if you were to look at the top ten grossing movies of the last twenty years, I’m willing to bet that science fiction figures quite prominently. I haven’t checked because I’m basically lazy. Why did science fiction become mainstream?
I don’t know for sure, but a conversation with a strange American circa twenty three years ago has always stuck with me. He claimed that we are being systematically de-sensitised, via Hollywood, for what is to come. That is to say, ideas were being implanted and normalised across the entire global population (or as much of it as Hollywood could reach). For the sake of balance, another view could be that as special effects technology has improved, it is only natural that science fiction, relying on futuristic environments and technology, would become an ideal candidate for further developing and showcasing that technology.
I would also add superhero type movies in that regard – X-Men and Avengers etc on top of the staples of Superman, Batman et al. Who wouldn’t want a superpower? Perhaps merging humans and technology could be sold on the basis of endowing de facto superpowers. Who knows?
Whether the supply is creating, or simply reacting to, the demand will be very hard to unravel. If we view such output as propaganda, then it is about the creation of demand. If not, then the movie industry is responding to box office figures and giving the public more of what they want. Your position will depend upon your level of scepticism.
As for surviving a dystopian future, it seems that all such stories revolve around a small group of brave rebels facing up to a crushing dictatorship of one sort or another. Against incredible odds, the rebels usually overcome the system and everybody lives happily ever after. This reinforces the idea that no matter how bad things get, someone will turn up and rescue us. The rebels are always smarter, stronger, more skillful, more motivated etc than the rest of us. The fictional ‘Frank the Greengrocer’ never saves the world, therefore the real Frank the greengrocer would never think of trying.
This is dangerous, because it encourages us to sit back and put up with whatever is being thrown at us, safe in the knowledge that ‘someone’ will turn up eventually and save us. But will they? In the meantime, we have been so conditioned to expect rescue that we completely abdicate responsibility for ourselves. Is this an intended consequence? The consequence – perhaps, but probably not the stories themselves; such stories have abounded for thousands of years. It has to be considered though that this attitude has been weaponised and is being harnessed as yet another control mechanism.
A lot of this depends on how long you think our current situation has been planned. It may all be complete bollocks and there is no ongoing programme of attitude and behavioural manipulation – simply a bunch of movie makers trying to make money. Time will tell.
This reply is a bit longer than intended – if you got all the way to here, thanks for your forbearance 🙂
I posted a link for you, but it turned into something else – a link I don’t know and haven’t watched. It was supposed to be The World Economic Forum’s video What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on the WEF’s own YT site. Here is a link to a commentary on that video (starts around 11.44), which will hopefully work:
If you identify as a woman, and ‘woman’ is not defined by biological sex, what do you identify with? ‘Woman’ is then a social idea or construct. Yes of course you are told, it has always been like that. But then why the desire or need to imitate biological sex with drugs and surgery, ie if ‘woman’ is not biological sex?
I don’t think that you’re the one who is confused.
If i may i can help you with your confusion, just don’t accept the term gender, I only accept there are 2 sexes! End of debate.
As a molecular biologist, Rosemary, I’m curious to know where you see evidence of SARS-COV-2 being isolated and of the presence of COVID-19 at all.
The paper linked to below, for example, does not reference how the alleged virus from the “German traveller” was isolated which, to a layperson at least, indicates that there is no evidence of the alleged virus being isolated regardless of all its alleged manipulations post German traveller.
Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a non-human primate model.
Aparently a sexual predator is anyone who talks to a girl with hopes of having sex with her.
Maybe you should focus on women then – you know adult female humans – and leave ‘girls’ to play with ‘boys’.
OffG please don’t go down this route. We already have the Guardian to police perfectly harmless words.
Sounds like a sexual predator. Hopes of ‘going out’ with the girl would be OK, have ‘girlfriend’ and ‘boyfriend’ been cancelled?
And you know Doug is NOT a ‘boy’ because…
Presume, presume, presume.
This site gets more weird by the day.
This whole trans game looks like another Soros’ paid destroy the “evil” West plot. Unlimited freedom to make the dumbest mistakes, including self harm.
Nobody can’t manage this in China – zero chance.
The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement by Jennifer Bilek, First Things, Jan 2020
Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology? by Jennifer Bilek, The Federalist, Feb 2018
Which Chicago Billionaire is Giving Big for Transgender Studies by Alyssa Ochs, Inside Philanthropy, Jan 2016
Great links! Thank you.
In the 1990’s i lived and worked worked in the Brazilian Amazon. I will never forget a conversation with a Shaman from the Rio Negro, who said ‘end times’ will be nigh when men become women and women men. A corruption of the heart of natures intricate and unfathomable design.
I wonder also about the role of all the endocrine modulating chemicals that are infusing our water and bodies.
100+ Comments and a feature article and don’t see a single mention of her Harry Potter series.
How has the parallel been ignored that a fiction author famous for writing about a bunch of children in a magical world is again writing about a bunch of children in a magical world?
This guy is pretty spot on about Harry Potter:
Thats right love, the biggest problem in our society is powerless Trans people, and their way of life, not rogue out of touch billionaires (you) telling us how we should live our lives and encouraging the fascist to hate on weak and venerable trans people.
Yes, I’m really worried about the trans people…
Just like I am worried about the black people… baa, baa.
Just like I’m worried about the Frankenstein flu… baa baa… and will willingly walk into dystopia, despite the fact that I no longer have any employment and can no longer pay rent/mortgage and me and my family will shortly be starving in a cardboard box… baa, baa.
But we will still crawl out of our cardboard box each Thursday evening to clap for the NHS and our wonderful government.
Baa, baa…
The thing is, the people telling us how we should live our lives are those calling for the rights of parents to be taken away, to choose whether their own children should receive non-urgent medical treatment or not. They are also telling us what we can and can’t say, opening the door to a whirlwind of potential for authoritarianism.
And they are not just telling us, they are threatening us with the law.
Have these people told you your children must change their gender? please share.
You seem particularly keyed up on trans rights activism. So maybe you can tell us all what rights trans people want they don’t already have?
Do you know that the Wachowski brothers – they made the Matrix movies – are now the Wachowski sisters? Both of them. Whatever might be the psychological causes of all this, to me it’s blazingly clear that the West has been destroyed as a society. It’s a rot that’s eaten it away from within. Just look at what gets people worked up. No one talks about creating an environment healthy for all living creatures to function in. But then when you have a caste system where those at the top supply us with the images that poison our minds, you can’t really expect to live conflict-free.
The rot in society is coming from people like you, who think you can, scare, threaten, intimidate and dictated to the weak and powerless members of our society, who are working through issues you are a long way from ever understanding with your limited intelligence and bigotry. You are the problem not them.
sure, everybody knows how weak and powerless Hollywood movie directors are.
Piss off, Harvey.
Please Mr. Weinstein. Don’t you have a prison sentence to serve out?
Attention seeking has never been so blatant or obvious or destructive.
Those involved in the LGBTQ+ nonsense are being used for political purposes and power. They can pretend all they want but they shouldn’t expect others to. Some of us like reality and nature the way it is.
The saddest part is that intelligent people in gov’t have been fooled, or worse, into thinking that enforcing a topsy-turvy world would be good for society. Intolerance is intolerant and should never be allowed to stand. The high ground for which is truth. This truth is born from fact and is undeniable. The differences and qualities between the sexes are fact and have been well defined. Anything else is a fetish and/or a ‘progressive’ lifestyle choice.
Make way for the LGBTQ+ Olympics? that is after female sport is decimated by transgender men applying their new found rights over and above their female competitors.
Let’s hope JK Rowling sticks to her guns. She still carries a lot of weight with young people and is probably why she is being attacked.
Stupid fascist homophobe.
What does transgenderism have to do with sexual orientation?
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”
A typical response from a useful idiot with a hive mind and a herd mentality. Stay in the herd where it is idiot safe for dummies and where one can spout bullshit all day and get applause from other idiots who are just as stupid.
Out here in the real world there are people who do all the thinking and don’t get scammed into believing complete nonsense.
The LBGTQ+ movement is a cult for hive minds and the self obsessed, just like MMGW.
I was following the Labour Leadership saga reasonably closely, and I noticed that all candidates (no doubt from genuine conviction in at least some cases) were at pains to make it known that they were fully signed up to the LGBTQ+ agenda.
(and of course to that other agenda which it is not wise to talk about too much these days).
“The sexual predator who’s US president . . .” I trust we’re talking about the paedophile Bill Clinton?
Everyone is a ‘paedophile’ to you, working some issues out are you ?
Ah, a Clinton fan, are we? Good, I like to rile you people up.
I know. It’s amazing how short liberal memories are, isn’t it? Twenty-two years ago, it was ‘Move on, dot-org!’ Now suddenly, their battle-cry is ‘Impeach now!’
Fake man clit is shit.
Takes a man to be a real woman.
A pathologist doing a post mortem isn’t going to say this body is not a gender confused male or female.
It’s just a crap brain confused after wanking too much to pop music videos and the soy lattes.
You like picking on the venerable and weak do you, kicking them when they are down then their lives are bad enough already, joining the fascists in attacking their lives. pathetic you should be ashamed of yourself.
I agree 100% with JK Rowling, Rosemary Frei, Germaine Greer and others.
The censoring, the demonising, that people are losing their jobs, venues being pressured into pulling the pin on feminist speakers, rowdy protests at venues, on and on.
There’s a word the TRA’s are engaging in.
That word is called Fascism.
No, it’s you who should be ashamed. You’re deliberately denying other people their right to free speech. And I’ve had an absolute gutsfull of this rancid, narcissistic infantile crap known as ‘Identity Politics’.
Oh, and I say that as a gay man. So that must make me a ‘fascist homophobe’ as well then. Sweetie.
You’ve got so boring i’ve even stopped down voting you now.
Multiple Scientists: C0R0NAVlRUS Altered in Lab to Better Attach to Humans
Robert Palmer’s original song was much better, many people would say…
I like to promote this piece because it is very detailed, using many of the statistical techniques that are common in computational biology:
TLDR: very high probability of having been engineered through gain-of-function research.
Another little anecdote about what’s happening in France, for anyone interested (and it does have some connection to Rosemary’s article above).
I had an appointment to see my doctor this afternoon: dangerously high blood pressure, which I’ve suffered from for decades (nothing to do with the present madness we are living through, although of course it doesn’t help) and really bad hay fever, which doesn’t normally effect me so much, but the pollen has been really awful this year.
My appointment was for 3.15pm. I was in the waiting room shortly before that time, and there were two other people waiting in there before me. I sat there for 25 minutes and during that time another two people came in and sat down. We were all socially distanced, of course. There were the now usual signs on the wall about washing your hands before seeing the doctor, and all that kind of stuff.
So I’m sitting there in the waiting room, all ‘socially distanced’, and the four other people waiting to see the doctor were all glaring at me. You can guess why: they were all wearing face masks and I wasn’t wearing a face mask (beyond principle, wearing a face mask is not good for someone with a lung condition; any doctor will tell you that). One old gal in the waiting room, who looked absolutely petrified, started having a go at me because I wasn’t wearing a face mask. I retorted politely in my bad French.
After sitting there for half an hour, with all these terrified people glaring at me, I gave up and went to a local bar for a cigarette and glass of vin rouge. The bar was quite busy. No social distancing whatsoever. You know, normal (do you remember that?).
I doubt if any of those frightened people got to see the doctor this afternoon.
Radio France International (RFI) is a government propaganda arm much like the BBC World Service. However, they do kind of report what’s going on…
Clashes at protests as French medical staff call for more resources and funds
Video footage of the Paris protest can be found here…
Your funny, ever considered perhaps there’s also link with your high blood pressure too. Its OK i’m a reformed x-smoker, you know what they’re like. 😉
Objective, “we’re all going to die sometime” (the quote is from a famous movie that I can’t now remember – probably because today I’ve smoked two packs of high strength cigarettes and two bottles of vin rouge).
smoking two bottles of vin rouge in a single day sounds like a bad idea. maybe you should cut back to smoking one bottle per day.
French health care is as good as it gets, I don’t know what they are complaining about, everything is instantly available with no delays. I got messages for the past 3 months telling me to see my doctor or seek treatment if needed without delay. What is the problem?
Harvey, the problem is that Macron & Co are rapidly trying to turn it into the kind of ‘health service’ that the USA has.
Whereabouts in France do you live?
No, they are not. that is rubbish.
Megadose vitamin C could help with the blood pressure and the hay fever.
Vitamin C might even help you stop smoking:
You may already know that smoking destroys vitamin C, which is another way of saying that it increases your requirement for additional vitamin C.
Sorry, If I am a little bit distracted…
It is around this time of night that I have these confused thoughts…
I am a man, no I’m a woman…I’m a man….no, no, no I’m woman….I’m a man a man man…stop….stop….nooooooooooooo I’m a MALE MUGGLE….No……I’m a FEMALE MUGGLE…Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
If you have musical taste, just turn the volume down…
in the context of the statement “trans-women are women”, what is the relevant definition of the word “women”?
it clearly can’t be what you would find in a dictionary, or what most people would say if asked, referring to human anatomy, because then the statement would be self-evidently false.
the only way this statement could be even approximately non-false, is if the word “woman” is understood to mean “a person who feels like a woman”, or something similar. but this is just a tautology, which makes the original statement simply meaningless.
the whole ideology is so delusionally insane that it’s not even internally coherent, much less consistent with objective reality. it is a measure of the advanced decomposition of capitalist society, that idiocies such as this are thought to merit heated public discussion, rather than being seen as the psychiatric problems that they actually are.
I think the ridiculousness of the whole narrative is the point, its a neo-liberal politicized weapon, constructed by someone with a perverse sense of humor (just taking the piss out of conservatives), a psychopath playing silly games with useful idiots! Maybe because its so idiotic they knew no one would take it seriously until to late, allowing them to forward what ever agenda they hope to achieve, censoring free speech perhaps?
Yes, it’s an autophagous concept.
It’s ludicrous, and I’ve spent hours pointing this out to stupid people, arguing from a purely logical standpoint about LANGUAGE and meaning, to avoid accusations of ‘transphobia’. If words have no meaning we cannot communicate; we cannot have laws. If one can simply declare something is so and receive STATE backing, with no reference to a material reality, or culturally agreed definition boundaries, then society cannot function. ‘You are accused of killing this person with this knife’. ‘Your Honour, that is not a knife, the defendant maintains that is a banana. How could the defendant possibly have killed someone with a banana?” There are already many places around the world where yiu can change your legal gender just by filling in a form. I understand in some places you can do it online, and MAKE UP, your own unique gender. As I predicted, there have already been cases of a paedophile arguing in court he identifies as a nine year old, thus cannot be guilty, and another wanting to reduce his age by 20 years because he looks young and his legal age was a hindrance to him securing relationships with younger women.
If there are no material, biological definitions of the word ‘man’ ‘woman’, and cultural ‘performances’ are infinitely variable, then what does it mean to claim to be either of those words, or be ‘in between’ those words? Yet the same people who claim gender is a spectrum, are adamant they ARE the other? If sex isn’t binary, what is a man transitioning from and to? If there is no ‘model’ of what a woman is, why do transexuals add on, remove body parts, take hormones?
People who say ‘transwomen ARE women’ are stupid or malevolent. There is big money and sinister ideology behind this. Most transpeople do not make the claim. They keep the ‘trans’ bit which communicates their biological sex and their wish to be perceived socially as the other sex…without bullying others into accepting they actually ARE the other sex.
Trans madness is just more Alice in Wonderland subversion, a continuing push to demoralize and destabilize and destroy our society, and make money while doing so.
There is another take on this article, but I’ll not go there.
People who say ‘transwomen ARE women’ are stupid or malevolent.
that seems like a socially-repressive binary, why can’t they be both stupid AND malevolent? or stupidly malevolent, or malevolently stupid?
why should I have to choose? I won’t let the Man keep me down any longer.
don’t you oppress me.
All abstractions, perpetuated in order to create new markets to sell more stuff and utilised by opportunists for social division and control.
“Can We Talk About JK Rowling?”
– can
+ should
I would like to see the first government try to enforce compulsory vaccination. It will be committing political suicide. It ain’t going to happen.
Would you have said that about social distancing marshals on beaches & shops? journey makers helping us stay safe on public transport ensuring we all wear masks, in other words Stasi !
Note how they are tentatively slowly & gently introducing the Waffen-SS into public life. Don’t you bet on them not making vaccines compulsory the odds are poor.
I have not seen any evidence of the ‘covid’ stasi, have you?
Speaking of stupid or malevolent….
Just google “contact tracer”, “contact tracer funding” etc. and you’ll find ample evidence of covid stasi.
Here’s your first one for free:
Again , have you seen any evidence of the ‘Covid police’ you describe ?
Um, yes. e.g. the actual police in my area (Thames Valley Police) are proud of the fact that they have the biggest prosecution record in the country for offences against the lockdown regulations (mostly involving people meeting in groups over the limit (which was 1 for quite a long time; may be 5 now; nobody seems quite sure)).
This is in the UK, by the way.
I’m not likely to my friend, where i live i rarely see another human being LOL