AUDIO: The Collapse of the COVID-1984 Narrative

Gary Null interviews James Corbett for his radio program on the dramatic collapse of the coronavirus narrative. Now that the major institutions pushing the COVID panic are admitting that the virus is not an existential threat and the lockdowns were not necessary, what does this mean for the future of the COVID-1984 police state and the ushering in of the new β€œbiosecurity” paradigm?

For links, sources and show notes click here.


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Jeremy Bruin
Jeremy Bruin
Jun 24, 2020 6:21 PM

I do not see any signs at all that the Covid-narrative is breaking down in the MSM. Until they admit they got it wrong and that mandatory vaccinations are wrong, I feel pessimistic.

Francis Battaglia
Francis Battaglia
Jun 20, 2020 12:48 AM

WOW. You two need to talk more often. Thank you!

Jun 19, 2020 2:58 PM

A big thank you to Admin for the Edit feature. I don’t make a lot of typos myself, but it’s strange how often poorly constructed sentences don’t stick out like sore thumbs until AFTER you’ve pressed the “Post Comment” button…

Jun 19, 2020 12:34 PM

“Now that the major institutions pushing the COVID panic are admitting that the virus is not an existential threat and the lockdowns were not necessary,”

What the hell are you smoking? Links?

Jeremy Bruin
Jeremy Bruin
Jun 24, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  Humanimal

I agree. I would love to think that the covid-narrative is breaking down, but I just do not see it. Please provide references that show the MSM is telling us they got it wrong, they apologize and no, we do not need any mandatory vaccine.

Jun 19, 2020 11:51 AM

James is a liar the excess deaths in the U.K. are real

comment image

Jun 19, 2020 12:35 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Yes, its a graph, it must be real.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 19, 2020 7:47 PM
Reply to  Humanimal

The insuperable obstacle, at all ends, that we may observe is they have muddie the statistical waters irreparably proliferating evidence that they’re fabricating, spiking, death counts. All that the USA, UK, France, Italy, Spain have done is lay them open to charges of collusion in fraud and murder (euthanasia) .

And in LA and NYC where the death rates are an order of magnitude greater than our populous county of OC (bordering LA) the death counts dominate the rest of the country.

Here in Santa Ana, a half hour’s trip on the 5 from LA, there is a huge Mexican community, and no deaths to speak of, and the PTB are really trying, it seems, though immigrant farnworkers etc. live there packed like sardines. Trust me, I go to Spanish Mass there since 2000, I know them.

But in LA and NYC in the BLACK ghettos, inner city, the deaths are 10, 20, 30 times here.

As with Katrina, they’re happy to offer up Black lives as matter for their Big Project. As with New Orleans, when they flooded the ghettos to make way for a reconstruction of their Las Vegas of the Deep South (it’s a matter of scientific record, tho whispered, that the hurricane 15 years ago made landfall 75 miles east of N.O.), and in the two biggest population centers of the country, LA/NYC, almost 10% of USA, Medicare gives hospitals $40K to intubate poor helpless people for their Exhibit A of why they’ll need Halliburton-esque no-bid contracts for trillions of (future) vaccine loot.

Yes, I think I’m onto something here.

jesse james
jesse james
Jun 18, 2020 10:04 PM

The Narrative is collapsing and that is why you will see in these next couple weeks Governors and Mayors increasing the terror campaign, they can’t make people die, but they can make you fear death, like what happened today in California with Newsom enforcing a mandatory masking..

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 19, 2020 4:07 AM
Reply to  jesse james

That’s not really fairly reporting what exactly Newsom did, yes, he issued a mandatory, and in the same breath said he’s leaving the enforcement and decisions “up to cities and counties” which is like Trump did, passed the buck down, both clever and wise. The L.A. Times just put out a piece a couple hours ago that clarifies it. It’s very nuanced, but a little anal nonetheless. I wouldn’t want his job right now.

Brilliant move, politically, at least as of now: mandatory masks in tight quarters, but only if your city or county wants to enforce it. Lot of wiggle room, since he sees that a LOT of Californians are pushing back. Counties have said they’re abandoning them largely because of popular resistance.

Alors, Courage, Jean Valjean!

I may be wrong, but he seems to be getting it, on how to go. Doing better than Macron anyway, about half the population.

However, no gym locker rooms or showers til SEPTEMBER?! At least they’re reopening the pools next week.

Pretty pathetic. We’ll score him F on that.

jesse james
jesse james
Jun 19, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

if that true, i stand corrected

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 19, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  jesse james

Just saying, Gavin Newsom made a very nimble and slick move: the masks are ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY, and Counties and Cities have ABSOLUTELY the right to enforce the State Mandate as they see fit which, where I live, is hardly at all, though many wear them, as “suggested”.

Thus he ably retreated from all the rocks being thrown at him from all sides.

In a state where opinion has not only been divided but totally fragmented on the mask issue by competing propagandas, it was a brilliant move.

He’ll have to make more of those, if he knows what’s good for him. Like not making us wait til September to use lockers and showers at our gyms! Maybe another like Mandate: you absolutely MUST NOT use the showers til September!

But I’ll leave it up to you there. If the stench becomes overwhelming by the dog days of August, causing all kinds of related “outbreaks” not needing quarantine.

But I can see why he’s Governor.

Got my vote. And now I know why: just by that broad move alone, that defuses both sides of the issue, he may have saved the “People’s Republic of California” from Martial Law….

That’s worth a vote, even as the pure show it has become.

For morale while we fight the Plague, La Peste Imaginaire!

Jun 18, 2020 12:56 AM

So why the fake fact about the msm claiming half the UK excess deaths being due to lockdown in the show notes?

The link to which is an article headlined

“Some doctors moving away from ventilators for virus patients
By MIKE STOBBEApril 8, 2020”

Which is not about the excess deaths in the uk at all???

I think you should complain to the twatteratti and farcebutt censors about letting Corbett get away with murder when they censor Palestinian, Chinese and Off-G for fake news .

Jun 18, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Thanks for the downticks but what about the LIE I point out on Corbetts claim?

Jun 17, 2020 9:59 PM

I wrote here that I had difficulties convincing my bosses that a correlation between seasonality (heating weather in the Northern hemisphere) and Covid19 spread could be interesting, yet succeeded after I told them that if Covid19 is seasonal, it may return next winter (and my bosses LOVE second wave).

Then today I got a mail from boss A that it is now 40+ degrees in Saudi Arabia and that they have an outbreak of Covid19 there. Now how does that compare with heating weather?

To which I replied that they are now sitting 24h a day in an airconditioned environment there where 18-20C may be just good enough for Covid19 transmission. To which boss B said (I have so many bosses..) that in Saudi Arabia they are sitting in airconditioning every day all year. So with a constant temperature how could that explain the increase in Covid19 cases if heating would be the explanation why Covid19 curves flatten?

To which I replied that If that would be the case (which I don’t know but might be true), the increase could be explained by more testing and asked them if they knew If the number of people who are tested in Saudi Arabia went up in the last weeks (the answer is yes, see https://english.alarabiya.net/en/coronavirus/2020/05/17/Coronavirus-Saudi-Arabia-plans-to-double-its-testing-program-to-36-000-tests-daily-). To which they didn’t reply.

I keep being amazed how people trained in science are unable to think out different hypothesis as to how Covid19 is spread and what can flatten (or terminate) a curve. All they think of is that β€˜the measures’ have done it. But I consider heating weather just as likely and with Occam’s razor* more likely as explanation why Covid19 is (almost) gone now in the Northern hemisphere.

*Occam’s razor: a rule-of-thumb that urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler.

Jun 18, 2020 8:43 AM
Reply to  Willem

“Occam’s razor: a rule-of-thumb that urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler.”

Not quite but close enough. Occam’s Razor is a methodology for ordering (prioritizing) most economically the further research required to prove the competing hypotheses (neither of which may then be found to hold up). In itself it proves nothing and justifies no interim conclusions.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 5:40 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

True, it’s not a destination but a directional traffic sign, important to note too that interim conclusions are innapropriate but, economically speaking, he was referring to its use as only a “rule of thumb”, I believe, not the whole razor, which might have been too sharp for some thumbs, for its “simplest” use here just in passing. For the whole razor, wiki has an extensive piece for a more complete DIY, both blade and its historical handle. Just sayin’πŸ€”

Jun 18, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Willem

Isn’t it true that most viral epidemics go through a region in about 70-90 days? Because all these infected will have got over it and killed the virus they could have passed on or have been debilitated by it thus not being able to pass it on generally or other reasons such as the survivability of the viruses without FRESH hosts – why is this particular Sars type CV supposed to be any different?

Physical distancing has worked.

Yes, lifting it will allow all infections to spread – kids first , but that is natural, we didn’t evolve in hermetically sealed environments, we still breathe the same oxygen atoms as Hitler and Genghis Khan did and drink the same H2O molecules that the dinosaurs pissed.

We avoided a complete disaster with our health system – but allowed a greater death toll than necessary. By the sacrifice of these poorest socioeconomic peoples that are always dispensable.

Yeah open schools for the plebs but keep Eton and other β€˜independents’ closed.

It’s as always a class war, between slave owners and their slaves. As the house slaves defending their ancient masters statues ably demonstrate with their snarling absurd raving and raging choreographed to show the rest of the public the β€˜feeling’ of xenophobic supremacy, they too ought to be emulating – mahcunterrybaaack!!!


Jun 19, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  Dungroanin

Keep your distance and go to where you belong.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 19, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  Humanimal


Jun 17, 2020 9:56 PM

COVID-19 and Riots: the operational connectionshttps://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/06/04/covid-19-and-riots-the-operational-connections/

Jun 17, 2020 7:34 PM

Meanwhile in the real world – with Covid in China back in the Corporatist Media, a sobering but very different analysis of what’s happening.
Jim Willie is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics, and his career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. Jim operates a free website called Golden Jackass.

Jun 17, 2020 7:04 PM

Lovies In Peril: “I’m ruined, mother! Ruined.”
What did you expect, keeping that social distance from me, darling? Get out there and protest the lockdown. Stage a performance of Richard II. March on Parliament. Put those Extinction Rebellion charlatans to shame.
C’mon thespians, step up to the plate and seize the discourse from the truth-smothering fish wrap.
The Groan: Culture in peril – UK theatre faces ruin amid coronavirus crisis, say top cultural figures
Exclusive: almost 100 leading creative figures sign letter calling for government action to prevent demise of sector

Jun 17, 2020 4:33 PM

The fact that the Official Narrative has “collapsed” proves one thing above all else: once set into motion, Official Narratives take on a life of their own and no longer need the props needed to get it going. So even though almost nothing remains supporting the COVID-19 Narrative, it has become a free floating entity which hangs over the world like a cloud – or, more apt, like Swift’s Laputa from “Gulliver’s Travels.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

What many have failed to observe is that, like the usurpation of so many things in the last two or three centuries, the Usurping Class took over voting process over the last 50 years and locked it down/up after A.D. 2000 (redundantly), then completely obliterated any watchdog capacity of MSM in 2005 by raising ownership caps to 40%.

Game/Set/Match. What was going on since “JFK” was mostly a charade, but the last 15 years has been a total charade. A “Total Charade” occurs when any cabal has the capability to do whatever they want, then draft a narrative to present the public, which is just a convenient fairy tale to cover any unseemly tracks/cracks.

When you have those luxuries, the margin for error is as wide as can be, and the narrative collapses from our public perspective –which is hopeful news, anyway– but the bad news is that they can draw all manner of narratives out of their backsides that are just as ridiculous –or more so, if that is possible– as this one, still “playing” in Peoria, though to diminishing theatres.

They installed a Reality T.V. pResident in the Big Round Room, and that “margin” that they’ve made allows them the latitude to make as much Reality TV Reality as they choose. Like so much of the recent Pro-tests.

But there are always sly twists that work their way into it, because their “control” is ultimately only self-perpetuating as 24/7 theatre, as an illusion. They’ve smartly mesmerized themselves, and most of the public, into believing it exists.

Just because they’ve gone to such great, and greatly redundant, lengths to thus consolidate it, does not mean that it does!

Jun 18, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

“What many have failed to observe is that, like the usurpation of so many things in the last two or three centuries, the Usurping Class took over voting process over the last 50 years and locked it down/up after A.D. 2000 (redundantly), then completely obliterated any watchdog capacity of MSM in 2005 by raising ownership caps to 40%.”

Those are your hypotheses. OK, I’ll raise you your first hypothesis and up one. The ‘Usurping Class’ did nothing to directedly take over the voting process. Elimination of any democratization of a selection process is an extreme long term, even a priori goal of a ‘Usurping Class’. The voting process with its fixed periods of delegation of democratic power to ‘representatives’ fell to the exponential rate of change in the technological environment and the ‘Usurping Class’ simply stuck to their usual modus operandii of maximizing by any means, fair or foul, the opportunities that the chaoses that such systemic challenges almost always throw up. The raising of ownership caps, preferably to 100%, was simply a derivative opporunity to realize a long term objective arising from their success. The failure is that of the ‘Usurped Class’.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 5:47 PM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

The failure of “fish in a (proverbial) barrel”.

Jun 18, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Add to that one more ingredient – possibly the single most crucial ingredient: people (at least in the USA) have come to see EVERYTHING as a contest – including Truth. If you have, say, Dr Ioannidis in this corner; and Dr Fauci in that corner of the Ring – Ioannidis would sweep the mat with Fauci. But, when you also have a rigged match, with the Referee – the Fact Checkers – in the pocket of Fauci, then Fauci will win the match on a TKO. And the fans will cheer the victor – to the victor belongs the spoils.
As long as people continue viewing existence through the Contest lens, the outcome is open and shut.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’s a painful memory, among many then, that back in the ’80s there was a well advertised “debate” on major Sunday night primetime MSM ostensibly about “abortion” between some eminent public intellectual du jour, who tried to give arguments for right to choose, and Jimmy Swaggart, for the other side.

Just the two of them, and a very select studio audience. Oh, and a “moderator”. I only could stand about 5 or 10 minutes, any more would have been damaging. This was a few years before Swaggart’s precipitous fall.

Whenever the “right to choose” prof had any point to make, or was about to actually make it, the moderator would cut him off and let Swaggart take control of the whole show, going on and on about nothing important, but egged on by thunderous applause from a pro-Swaggart crowd, no doubt cued with cards.

It was unbearable, and served as the template for many such TV episodes over the coming Reagan era years, apparently, as these fixed fights began proliferating.

Compare that to the earliest days of BBC radio when GB Shaw, HG Wells, and GK Chesterton went round by round in debating slugfests, and the contrast might make any even semi-literate U.S. patriot die of embarrassment.

Come to think of it, that just might be a whole lot better, earlier, demise than making a patriot die while using an Iraqi as a human shield. Or a like patriotic op.

All things being equal.πŸ€”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Come to think of it too, if any of our “huddled masses, yearning to be free” need more nourishing fare, there has been developed cable TV since those Swaggart days, and they can always switch to C-SPAN etc. Or Youtube, etc. for those for whom reading is too much an imposition. (A hefty demographic here.)

My bad.

Jun 19, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Just as a side note: people in America do not realize that the Abortion debate has been settled – and not by the Courts. Rather, settled by what is coming to be the ultimate referee: Big Pharma. It would appear that aborted fetal tissue is used in the manufacture of…(drum roll)…Vaccines! So, Abortion is here to stay. And by some estimates, Big Pharma stands to rake in trillions on its up and coming worldwide vaccine regime.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 7:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

Ah yes, USA “excels” exceptionally at staging such Superbowls of Truth, with the presumption that any further and any future debate has been avoided once the Refs have declared a winner. At least for the obligatory 4 years of general pandemic thoughtlessness.

Trump, or any Republican pResident I can think of, thus becomes the Tom Brady superstar of the electorate, with an absolute mandate, ratified incrementally daily in a kangaroo court of appointed presstitutes, no matter how close or dubious was the vote.

MSM has been doing that forever, and it coincides here with what Somoza, fascist dictator in Nicaragua, said about his wishes for his oppressed countrymen: “I don’t want educated citizens, I want oxen.”

Before, that is, he was ousted, expelled from his usurpative mansion, and country, and assassinated at a fairly tender age, in exile. Apparently those oxen had teeth. But, the oxen also found that just perpetuates the cycle. (Or as Gandhi said, something like: “Any victory achieved through violence is tantamount to defeat since it is momentary.” Deep!

But at least the Sandinistas had some cohesion, good or bad is secondary to SOME capacity.

More than I can say for USAmericans.

But only because Somoza’s counterparts here were in charge of a “Prussian system of education” that is hugely more effective at quenching all faculties of social critical thinking and disarming all popular movements or persons who try to bring about any significant healthy change. You can call it a system, or a ubiquitously installed instrument of torture, plastered over with happy faces. Take your pick!


Jun 17, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

i got the sence it might take the whole system down with it once it starts falling. boom.

Jun 17, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  rachel

there is that ariana song called one last time. in the beginning the guys like dont get out of the car but she does. there is like the tv screens n then they cut out. she goes up on the roofn then the asteroid strikes. a universal collision course. i kind of like that video. some say there is for knowledge but i think artists pick up on things or people respond to art. careful what you imagine will happen. guard your mind.

Jun 17, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes it’s like an establishment horrible fart lingering……just be careful not to breathe it in…….it’s full of SMARTDUST

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Nice. Perfectly illustrative.

It’s the propaganda equivalent of DU, psyop-proof metaphoric hazmat suits are powerless to stop it.

Jun 17, 2020 4:21 PM

One more nail in the coffin for the elderley, vulnerable, and mentally disabled. A high percentage of such people have never had a computer or a mobile phone, and have been dependent at least for their milk on their milkman – they deliver fresh food too (incidentally milk delivered in a glass milk bottle – which is returned, not only tastes a lot better than the stuff from a supermarket, is far more environmentally friendly, is also far less likely to give you cancer – as no chemicals leak from glass, which they most definitely do from plastic (try tasting water stored in a plastic bottle for a few weeks in hot weather))
The vast majority of milkmen used to be independent (and to be honest I think they are heroes, and provide an extremely useful service alerting authorities, cos they are often the first to know when their customers are not well)
However, many such milkmen have joined the company Milk and More.
From the end of this month, Milk and More will only deliver to you, if you order and pay online.
No more notes, no more cheques, no more cash, no more chats and no more friendly smiles.
I suspect many people like my 86 year old mother-in-law, who was exceedingly lucky not to be in a nursing home this winter, like she was the previous two (she got better), will not be too impressed, and neither am I, but they won’t kill her off that easy. Many others will likely give up in disgust.
What have we become?
It’s Disgraceful.

Jun 17, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

supermarket milk is generally esl atleast in some countries. esl is extended shelf life and is heated to a much higher temperature than pasteurised milk. it doesnt go sour. very unhealthy stuff but they still use the same packaging.

Jun 18, 2020 12:39 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You can’t trust em, Milkmen! A nasty bunch.

Jun 18, 2020 11:14 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc
Jun 19, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Cow’s milk is not good for kids or adults. Many of the respiratory issues so common in the UK are because of bovine dairy consumption.
A milk drinking nation is a “Clap for the NHS at 8” nation.
England was covered in woodlands before it was all cut down to breed cows.
The “rolling hills” of endless pastures regarded by Anglo-americans as “countryside” is really wasted land.
Cow’s milk (fresh or not) is not a healthy food and funds ecocidal industrial farming.
Down with cow culture. Bring the trees back.

Jun 17, 2020 3:53 PM

Old Vern is talking sense again.


Frank Underling
Frank Underling
Jun 18, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  Objective

This man is a hero . I hope he’s right about winning. I meet nothing but zealots and a general apathy . Most folk don’t recognise the situation we are in , I’m with you Vern but ,God knows , we need more than hope .

Jun 18, 2020 5:11 PM

We always need more than hope. I find it rather depressing how many truly marvellous articles have appeared in all kinds of publications recently, but how few of them point to concrete action to stop this nonsense.
One’s human instincts suggest getting together 100 like-minded people and physically removing Neil Ferguson, Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates from their offices, then carrying out citizens’ arrests on them in a surprise manoeuvre, but that kind of courage is sort of rare these days …

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, but Kangaroo Courts are not so rare. They have a deeply institutionalized charade of court processes that would almost always let the perps walk. But not always. There was Ken Lay found guilty in 2006 on all 21 counts.

And SCOTUS had Scalia, who would deflect any decent challenge with a ruling of “no standing” or simply pass on the SCOTUS even hearing it.

Supreme Chief “Justice” John Roberts was a gleeful participant in the late 2000 “Brooks Brothers Riot” at the Miami-Dade Courthouse that got the 2000 Gore/Bush “Recount” halted. Then they packed them in rented Ryder trucks for shipment to that cultural crossroads, Talahassee, FL. (Well, it IS a cultural crossroads: they have at least a Greyhound bus terminal, where I once changed buses, so I can vouch.)

Great chain of custody security…

And Christine Whitman (EPA chief) and John Bolton, as yet unknowns, were “citizen observers” then for the Broward County “hanging chads” spectacle.

Yes, USA INC. is just *that* ridiculous. For starters.


“We have a saying in Virginia: ‘Hope in one hand and p*** in the other, and see which fills up first.”. –Joe Bageant

But Joe said he was an atheist, and was pissibly, or possibly, stubborn enough to die that way, at 62 in 2011.

Did he go out thinking that hope is a merely human faculty, or did he come to terms with the realization that its roots are not in this world?


The technocracies as they develop specialize most particularly in–


As William Blum titled his book about his exit from CIA, and alliance with Notre Dame grad, and fellow CIA “grad”, Phil Agee (CIA Diary and “On the Run”).

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 19, 2020 12:34 AM
Reply to  wardropper

They’re all surrounded by ex or current special services 24/7 and wouldn’t get anywhere near them before being carted off or shot.
They know full what they’re doing is wrong and that they’re selling us out for a seat at the permanent member’s club table, and are well prepared to tackle any kickback. That’s without taking all the desert storm USA police departments around the country into account.
It is so frustrating when people refuse to look at things from different angles but I see the only success in defeating this more if able to organise local groups of like minded to refuse to engage in the bullshit en masse or at least groups of a lot more than 6 and start trying to spread the message. And grow, link and join networks across the country and world, of like minded people. Local boycotts of shops and businesses upholding the lies would soon get them paying attention. But as the BLM protests showed, it seems the majority are only prepared to organise on any level nowadays when their social media account tells them they’re no longer ‘cool’ if they don’t.
I’ve been surprised and impressed by the number of people I’ve been able to engage in conversations over the past weeks whilst in queues, who completely see through the lies totally in line with my view of it all. I’ve met new friends who make a point to shake my hand each time I see them.
That said as recent years have shown with government and media messages largely parting ways with reality on planet earth when it comes to political economics the majority will do their best to prevent it and choose to obey their televisions, which in turn will continue to tell them not to trust people like me, you, or any other mere mortals.

Jun 19, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

We need a team of biologists (not doctors) and lawyers to challenge the lockdown in court.

Jun 19, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Humanimal

The trouble with that is that it’s a full-time job challenging anything in court… Still the Architects and Engineers for 911Truth have managed to make themselves a real pain in the neck for the arrogant and ignorant “authorities”, and they are not going away. One of their strongest arguments is that their entire profession is at stake if their expertise on skyscrapers is summarily dismissed when it contradicts the “opinion” of a criminally biased government institute. The issue of public safety in future buildings alone makes their case utterly watertight, so it is quite an interesting spectacle to watch how NIST intends to squirm out of that dead-end.

Jun 17, 2020 3:41 PM

I don’t agree that the narrative is unraveling at least in the shires where everybody pretty much still keeps to the 2m rule stepping into on coming traffic to avoid a nasty cold.
The govt are still pondering the 2m rule keeping folks nervous and worried about this ‘pandemic’ (TM) but apparently the Premier League is starting up again this evening.
How the heck is that in keeping with the 2m rule – its a contact sport ffs? Wtf I think and have done for some time that most of the bs you find in the msm is all part of this psyop. The fact that there are revolts and marches of BLM in London with PL games going, while Edna and Earnest are worried sick of catching this mythical plague is a disgusting dichotomy.
My contempt for the PTB has reached an all time low – I never knew I could despise them this much…

Jun 17, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  IANA

One of the BBC sports commentators foxed me earlier today. Talking about the Premiership games taking place behind closed doors, she said the customary atmosphere would be lacking. “And of course the players will be social distancing so there will be none of the usual team celebrations if they score”. Huh? Have they trained them up to play like table football teams? πŸ˜€

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Apparently, when your opposition is attacking you can run up to within 2 metres and give him your dirtiest look.If he still refuses to give up the ball you can stamp a foot.But swearing will bring a yellow card. If you question the official narrative of the referee you get a red one.

Jun 19, 2020 12:58 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I bet they were feeling all warm and fuzzy and loving it when they announced there will be no team celebrations. They love those chains and restraints.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  IANA

Aw cmon, even the PTB needs love. Maybe they dont get enough. Maybe we can love them out of town.

Jun 18, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

“…even the PTB needs love.

My maternal grandmother used to use the phrase ‘the powers that be’ frequently. I don’t recall my paternal grandparents using it even once. It always gave me the creeps, like her attempts at upmarket elocution. In retrospect I realize she was a steaming old bag of ressentiment intent on dishing out the personal consequences of her failure to reach those social heights onto her offspring as never-ending humiliation and psychological disempowerment. Lots of victims of similar maltreatment around here.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 17, 2020 2:19 PM

Excellent interview revisiting what has occurred to date with this fraudulent panicdemic.
For some reason, I couldn’t play the clip here. The video kept stopping every 20 seconds, so went to The Corbett Report site directly.
The narrative may have more holes in it now than Swiss Cheese, but the big problem is – the large majority of people are still blindly going along with what they’ve been told by the presstitutes.
And as we’ve seen, this has been a mass pysops unleashed on the World, resulting in a greater psychological impact and level of brainwashing than what the War On Terror achieved, in my opinion. Fear has always been one of the biggest weapons of the 0.01%.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It’s just a medical muppetry-based extrapolation of the War on (some) Terror, 10 to 20 years projected from those times into 2020s, multidimensionalize it and add steroids, and here we are.

It’s merely an extension of that deeply degenerate philosophy and its psyops, of PNAC and the neo-cons/Nazis. Those people have always been locked and loaded, and they pass it on to their children, so this is just the latest of their attacks, and they will never give up until their Maker sees it fit to still them. I think it’s wise to assume all that, going in, and that vacations from maximum vigilance are just never on the menu.

It *is* worse than the War on Terror, because it is simply the current and natural progression of that: “…how do we turn everything there is into our very own personal ATM?” That blindness is always our biggest obstacle to progress because, as Michael Parenti said:

” …their operational code has always been: we have a lot, we can get more. We want it all.”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 18, 2020 12:10 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

And Michael Parenti is spot on John.
Power and Greed, imbued with a deep pathological sense of entitlement; of being better than, of being above others.
The driving ethos behind the PNAC: full spectrum dominance of the entire Planet.
So, how would we describe such people?
As psychopaths, willing to do whatever it takes for total control – regardless of how many human beings die, or whose lives have been devastated by the lockdowns, the loss of their jobs, and for many, their homes.
Believe me, am trying to keep my eyes wide open, as pretty much everyone else here at OffG and other independent sites are as well. In saying that, with the current pysops, I also recognise we are in the minority.
Such is the power of the propaganda system, and the deliberate dumbing down of society over a long time frame. I won’t even begin on what allegedly passes for ‘entertainment’. And we know who is involved with many Hollywood movies and TV shows.
Hope your week is going well, appreciate your reply.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 3:50 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I wrote Parenti a year ago and he wrote me back sion, very cordially. He claimed no knowledge of the picture as header of JFK at his essay on “The JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State”.

“Which picture is that, John?”

Amazing, I’d been telling many people all kinds of things about the photo, but apparently it was a re-enactment of some kind.

I wasn’t at all sure it was Parenti replying, either.

I’ve seen such plenty of smoke and mirrors, especially about all things JFK, that I just go with the assumption that everybody is sn agent, til I can *prove* otherwise.

Intel likes it that way. It surely is not the way things should be, but as Tom Brady might say, “You take what the defense gives you.”

In these matters, not much!

To me the big takeaway is that they take away…everything they can. But the “prima materia” belongs to God. All the rest is redundant.

I’ve crossed paths with a lot of agents, lots, but without forcing the issue, I try to get the message thru that we all have common cause. We are either working for humanity, or we are part of the problem.

As the Mort Sahl interview of 50 years ago is titled, “The Cause is Humanity.”

Did you know Jim Garrison deputized him? When he was N.O. D.A.?

(I’ll post the link below)

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 5:15 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

[DISCLAIMER: This Mort Sahl interview, where he gives some very interesting clues about his work with D.A. Jim Garrison, is a little rambling and disjointed, but of very keen interest nonetheless. His coda about hanging the people who killed the men of peace is a bit nonsensical, and it’s hard to give full cred to an interview at the Playboy Club, but that said it has some jaw-dropping info about the “coup” and other coded messages between the lines.]


And he said all this almost exactly 50 years ago. Too!

Jun 18, 2020 7:27 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Interesting that he realised Cosby was a phony. Of course, much more has come out since then.
Wikipedia claims he damaged his popularity by working his suspicions about the JFK assassination into many of his interviews and even routines.
For me, one of his best lines was when he sat through the very long bit of Zionist propaganda Exodus and told the film director Otto Preminger, “Otto, let my people go.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 8:29 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Woody Allen, George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, and pretty much the whole cavalcade of standup comedians said they would have not had careers if Mort Sahl had not blazed a trail. He invented what we know as standup comedy in thevearly ’50s in SF, he was the 1st comedian on the cover of Time, 1960, and he wrote one-liners for JFK.

Its worthy of note that he has often said that his pursuit of the truth about his murder and alliance with D.A. Jim Garrison was “a glorious quest” and that “no other event has so impacted my life.”

Serves as the Poster Child rebuttal to all those who, transgenerationally, tell us “to get over it”.

He has been our almost unknown flag bearer, and searches for him online, past interviews on these subjects, are a treat and rich treasure about where all these roads cross in our history. Fabulous insights, many still neglected. He still does standup in Mill Valley, at 92, but all while swimming against the stream of MSM resistance.

He was Robin Williams NorCal friend, and it generalky suggests a politicslly-based motive why RW was “suicided” (assassinated).

And he was. Assassinated, as I believe for political reasons not as yet well known. The Hit came from all the way at the “top”, wherever that is. Evidence of key kinds, and of public record, argues that convincingly.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 18, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thanks for this link to Mort Sahl… and this was 50 years ago, even before Iran Contra, ‘War on Terror’, the Patriot Act, 9/11, Iraq, everything? Its all just a continuum.
A really indepth, fascinating interview, especially related to what really happened,, the facade of democracy in the United States, role of the Media (fast forward 50 years and look how totally ethically and morally bankrupt and bought off they are – complete caricatures).
Really interesting to read about Gloria Steinem, Walter Cronkite, Cosby, even Johnny Carson… And Barbra Streisand (her lyrics are always neutral, always vanilla)
I havn’t even looked up Mort Stahl, tho noted that Wikipedia is allegedly edited by a certain Agency, and quite a number of things I’ve looked at on it, it’s so clearly biased, it’s laughable.
So much smoke and mirrors John. I’ll reread this again tomorrow as it’s really late here.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 9:02 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, Sahl had “the Whole Enchilada” on these things 50 years ago, much of what we think we’re “discovering” in recent years, he knew chapter and verse. A half CENTURY ago. I’d like to take a trip upstate and catch his act, but a jaunt. I was in Mill Valley, across the waters from SF, in July 2017. Next door. I asked a young lady for signs, out, when I got lost in its torturous old turns, and it turned out her whole family was good friends with the Redemptorist Father Superior for whom I’d acted as socius in 93-94, while living with the monks there in Whittier, E. L.A.! Amazing.)

Also, in the trough of Sahl’s most blacklisted years, youll see a page “When Robin Williams was my only fan”. RW introduced himself backstage at his door, later in their careers, when Mort Sahl was doing standup at Throckmorton’s in Mill Valley, not a long drive from RW home in Tiburon (where RW was suicided, clearly, and documentably.)

Since it was fairly clear that Robin, who was first doing standup next door down here, on a literally rural road in Costa Mesa OC when my next door neighbor (& 1st Grade classmate when we were 6) was his break pianist in ’77, was assassinated, and knowing his connection to Sahl suggests yet another (as yet murky) JFK connection.

For us, all the tributaries to the death of the Roman Catholic JFK, adversary of the more exalted Freemasons, seem to radiate from the Grassy Knoll, a most nondescript corner, as I recall from my year working a 100 yards away. (Doc Holliday had his dental practice a mere stones throw away on Elm, before tuberculosis lost him so many clients that he turned to gambling as his only option. And the obligatory survivalist crack shot gunplay.)

They say (for centuries, time out if mind) that “All roads lead to Rome.”

But now they all do it by way of Dallas.

A inconvenient but necessary “stopover”.

Not any “road” trips, but I have had some budget flights just like that….

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 9:07 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Btw, an interesting note: the only 2 USA Presidents who were not with the Freemasons, or one of their affiliates (Shriners, Odd Fellows, etc.) were:

*Abraham Lincoln

Jun 18, 2020 9:40 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“And we know who is involved with many Hollywood movies and TV shows.”

Vivien Leigh?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 18, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Nah Rob, too obvious. I was thinking more along the lines of…. Walt Disney!
I mean, think of the connotations. And all that propaganda and brainwashing!
And all those adults who used to be children!
Hope you’re well and surviving this Kafkaesque surrealism.

Jun 17, 2020 2:16 PM

Good to know the narrative is failing. Certainly here in the UK I’m getting the sense that most people gave up on taking the coronavirus seriously weeks ago and are simply going through the motions now when required. I expect social distancing will collapse completely when stores and leisure facilities realise they need willing customers to survive.
Not sure where this leave the UK government. Brexit in any meaningful form will probably have to be ditched, as the economy takes centre stage. The NHS, meanwhile, may well have emerged from the crisis as politically sacred, thanks to all the applause.

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 18, 2020 6:19 AM
Reply to  Thom

Oh how i wish but i don’ t believe it

Jun 17, 2020 12:02 PM
  1. 9/11: Military and State Agencies have wargames, played in and around public spaces and then someone makes the game real.
  2. 7/7: Military and State Agencies have wargames, played in and around public spaces and someone makes the game real.
  3. Skripals: Military and State Agencies have wargames, played in and around public spaces and someone makes the game real.

Top tip. Lets stop having wargames by Military and State Agencies in and around public spaces.

Jun 17, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  TFS

stand down soldier
stand down
pancake collapse scenario’s
i here neil ferguson did the modelling that provided proof
to the lie

Jun 17, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  TFS

amanda vollmer had this video where there was this dude saying something to military. it was pretty unusual saying people had to go out or something.

Jun 17, 2020 11:52 AM

I felt a bit shouty on the inside as I went around the supermarket yesterday. Seeing all the imbeciles in masks was almost too much for me. There’s definitely been a marked increase around here recently of BBC-watchers publicly flaunting their stupidity.
I’d always known that people were gullible and easily manipulated by the news, but this is a whole new level of idiocy. The PTB must be pissing themselves laughing at how easy this has been.
I should probably start buying my groceries online…

Jun 17, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

there is farmers markets, local coops etc. boycott supermarkets. they are middlemen with an agenda. at the market you you can get fresher produce. you can taste. you can get ripe fruit.

Jun 17, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  rachel

they have an ageda of shelflife, profit margins, monopoly. they want you to eat what acheives their objectives. the market stall wants to sell and has no interest in pursuading you to buy something else or to shop less often.

Jun 17, 2020 1:45 PM
Reply to  rachel

Yeah, you’re right. Supermarkets are an extremely malign influence on society. They’ve basically hijacked something we all need.
There are a couple of farm shops near where I live. Might be an idea to do some of my grocery shopping there!

Jun 17, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

john rose has video explaining how the initial mistake was when man stopped eating biophotons ie fresh, uncooked plants n ripe fruit.

Eddie John
Eddie John
Jun 17, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

If you get into your 70s you may take a different view.

Jun 17, 2020 1:26 PM
Reply to  Eddie John

Understand the worry, but unfortunately those masks are only providing the illusion of protection, as the earlier article here on Off-Guardian made pretty clear (especially going back to read the source article)

Eddie John
Eddie John
Jun 17, 2020 4:33 PM
Reply to  Klipfisk

Still a bit of a loaded gun. There was obviously something going on , I didnt want me of the wife who is 74 to spin the chamber and find out one one did have a bullet in it. My grandsons girlfriend aged 24 had it and she was really bad for a couple of weeks . She is fit as can be and follows a healthy lifestyle and diet so if she got I wasnt about to take risks.

Jun 17, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Eddie John

i had it all winter once. lifestyle wasnt so great but i thought my diet was quite healthy. turns out it wasnt. it got triggered by exercise. i was running n was like shit. detox symptoms. eat fruit n avoid wifi.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  rachel

low fat wifi isn’t too bad

Jun 18, 2020 11:36 AM
Reply to  rachel

Very sensitive answer, Petal.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 19, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  Eddie John

It’s been and being shown all over the world to be in the same ball park as a bad year’s flu (US CDC report published last week, 0.23-0.26% mortality for those with bad enough symptoms to require hospitalisation, NHS England report 2 weeks ago pretty much the same and in line with Italy and Spain), which is exactly in the vein of what OffGuardian have been reporting since the start of it all.
Nobody’s saying flu isn’t serious, the closest I’ve ever felt to feeling like I was going to die was flu in east coast USA during winter 2014. I couldn’t get down the stairs from my bed for 3 days I was so weak, and I was 44 and in good shape, had to crawl to the bathroom for water, never known anything like it. Flu strains kill and always have done but what is a massive lie is the reaction to it all. This is nothing different except the level of deceit from our governments and media.

Jun 17, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Eddie John

I’m there. I don’t take a different view. I’m appalled at the response to the brainwashing and fear mongering that has sustained this false pandemic narrative. I refuse to wear a mask. I have refused to stay bottled up at home. I’m doing very well and have had no symptoms of illness for two and a half years since I have been intentionally supporting my immune system.

Jun 17, 2020 6:13 PM
Reply to  Eddie John

70s music isnt that bad.

Jun 18, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  rachel

Oh! you’re clever with it!

Jun 18, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Eddie John

These people eat gluten-free cornflour/polenta, gluten free tahini, gluten free keffir, etc. So much less coeliac than the gluten laden varieties. It says so on the label.

Jun 17, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I am seeing this

β€˜ Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.’

It definitely goes slowly though…

Jun 17, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Willem

It’s going to be a long, long road…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Well, it has been since Genesis 1:1, so this is just the latest iteration of length. Though a *lot* lengthier.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 4:35 PM
Reply to  Willem

I recall US public support of the Vietnam War as going on and on and on. It was being sold as “defense” and labeled “the domino theory” in that if we didn’t stop them commie bastards there next thing you know they’d be on Malibu Beach. Hitler couldn’t have scripted that one better in his dedication to “peace” lying.
So it was very interesting to me that come the 90’s the Vietnam War was now a horror of past idiocy and I mean this perception by JQ Public. Of course, a lot of bodies came home and overall perception of the conflict as with “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” altered. Took a long time but I was surprised when the shift happened.
Hoping this time (and with internet available now) we can wake up faster . . .

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:33 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

The internet is a mixed bag, and in that bag, a double-edged sword (and too many mixed metaphors, to boot). For every step forward in consciousness the Internet affords the more assiduous, the possibility is ripe that several steps backward take place in terms of personal and collective sovereignty of consciousness. That is why DARPA developed it and weaponized it.

In any case, it’s loaded. CAVEAT LECTOR!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 8:48 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

( i hope you’ve read the government’s outline about wearing two firewalls if you do)

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 18, 2020 6:11 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

You are so lucky my idiotic country Turkiye has mow made mandatory mask wearing all the time ever like everrr and even for children over 2, i am plucking my hair, it is so unbelievable, disgusting i hate them so much.. and people are happly clapping this as a lot of people can’t speak english so the only information they get is in the hands of the msm and they think that we are in the middle of ebola pandemic, no mention of the real death rates etc never….its summer there and hot like 28 and over hot and if you are out you have to wear a mask, in a forest , alone walking at night, driving your ffing car when there is a second person in the car like everrrrrrr..and they are not joking, police are vigorously fining people left and right. i am so grateful i was cought in this disgusting covid bullshit in uk..at least here its only mandatory in public transport

Jun 17, 2020 11:24 AM

once the germ theory came into play
the truth of the lie should have been revealed
straight away
a rather diss orderly collapse
unlike the free fall ritual of the 9 and 11
so well written by christopher bollyn
we did see resistance here in the covid world
the germ theory is a multi trillion dollar dream scam state
and the goyim just love dr harold shipmans even when they murder family members
i saw a vox pop once a street up north a man was in hospital
the hospital had cut the wrong foot off by mistake
all he had was praise about how nice and helpful the staff was angels he called them
the most interesting aspect was years later he still had the foot that should have come off.
somehow the foot the body had repaired itself
years of hopping about and the poor man had never questioned anything at all about the mysteries all around.
in the old days they had a system called the nature cure system help the body heal itself
long gone

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 8:50 PM
Reply to  gordon

You mean the days before we had electricity, aeroplanes, satellites, cars, trains, nuclear missiles and atom bombs i take it.Not provided by mother nature- so nor would any of the cures be for the damage all of them created.And then there’s the manufactured gases, and poisons.The abuse of mercury and various metals to slip into our systems via Trojan horses.Again, not provided by nature so nor will the cures be.
 When we all lived within mother natures rule book we all survived well enough.When mother nature was tortured and beaten and abused by creatures with unnatural minds and goals, we had to improvise.When people , plants and animals native to a hot country were taken by plane or ship to other different countries thousands of miles away, so too did their native diseases.Again, improvisation was needed.
 Yes, the most profitable businesses on the planet are war and pharma.Both enemies to harmony and health.But please don’t assume that germ theory is a conspiracy theory.Koch’s postulates have laid firm foundations to it.And tens of thousands of children that were once maimed or killed by diseases became a thing of the past.
 Disease is only as dangerous as your immune system is weak. It won’t do you damage, but a weak or destroyed immune system will. In recent years the human intervention has created the big ones like HIV and AIDS; SARS and EBOLA. Now Covid19. They can’t find the thing but think they can track and trace it through us. What they can say is that the immune system is causing havoc as it tries to find it too. All these recent ‘shock pandemics’ aim at the immune system. They don’t arrive in you and cause it to rise.They target it.These manufactured viruses can be legally called bio weapons now. And now we can see the enemy. We only need a mirror.

Jun 17, 2020 11:23 AM
Reply to  TFS

Excellent article, thanks for the link. I was struck by the comment that even the so-called UK experts can’t get the name of hydroxychloroquine right. JW cites Landray as referring to hydroxyquinoline at one point. I also note that in the exchanges between Horby and Landray, Horby refers to hydroxycholorine. Fundamental errors that GCSE chemistry students [if such a GCSE subject still exists πŸ˜€ ] would be penalised for. And to think these people are influencing Government policy. Beggars belief.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 17, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

I’ve had problems with the name myself πŸ™‚ but to be fair, hydroxychloroquine is a member of the family of drugs known as quinolines, so it’s an understandable mistake.
Plus substances can sometimes have alternative names. e.g niacinamide can also be called nicotinamide; niacin can also be known as nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3.

Jun 17, 2020 10:22 AM

the volume of baby boom was largest in nz and aus. thus it could always be forcast there would be a death boom in this region some 70 years later.

Jun 17, 2020 10:21 AM

In the UK, the narrative is not collapsing. It is getting worse. I found this obvious yesterday, by the number of people wearing masks, where wearing masks was not compulsory.

Most people are programmed by The BBC. My wife just told me, she can no longer go on the bus or train, because she hasn’t got a mask. I had no idea how “compulsory” it was, because I do not watch the BBC – so I just read this…


“Coronavirus: Face coverings compulsory on public transport in England”

“Anyone travelling on public transport in England must wear a face covering from Monday under a new rule.

More than 3,000 extra staff including police officers are being deployed at stations to make sure people comply.

Passengers without a covering will be asked to wear one, or will face being refused onboard or fined Β£100.”

I don’t believe there will be any release, because over 80% of people, really do have the same charecteristics of being sheep. It is hardly surprising because the propaganda is highly refined, game tested, and very powerful. The only real defense to it, is to try and minimise exposure to it, which is almost impossible anywhere in the UK.

The “second wave” will be coming soon as a direct result not of COVID, but of the lockdown to it, and the almost complete shutdown of The NHS, for a massive range of diseases far more dangerous than COVID. The numbers of excess deaths will escalate alarmingly, and the vast majority of deaths wil be labeled COVID.

This really is nothing whatseover to do with a disease, that is less dangerous than many outbreaks of flu.

It is about total world control, and mass depopulation. Prepare for almost complete breakdown of essential services, probably in the coming winter. Think of how you might be able to survive for 3 months of intense cold, like the winter of 1963, without the resilience of the local supply lines we had then.


Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 17, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

A scarf?

Jun 17, 2020 11:15 AM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Too hot and humid, and she doesn’t like looking daft.

Jun 17, 2020 11:42 AM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Possibly even a hat!

Jun 17, 2020 11:33 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

There are exemptions allowed from mask wearing if the person has physiological
or psychological conditions which would make a mask detrimental to their well-being. Anyone who uses this as an explanation for not using one is not obliged to elaborate on what condition they have or to provide any medical evidence. I know this legal position has been clarified elsewhere but I don’t have a link to hand – maybe someone else on here might be able to oblige without going to too much trouble.

Jun 17, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Part 2 of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings on Public Transport) (England) Regulations 2020 is the legislative basis for mandatory wearing of face masks on public transport. It reads as follows:



Requirement to wear a face covering when on public transport

3.β€”(1) No person may, without reasonable excuse, use a public transport service without wearing a face covering.


(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a person is using a public transport service at any time whenβ€”

(a)they are boarding any vehicle by means of which a public transport service is provided, or

(b)they are (whether or not for the purposes of travel) on board any vehicle by means of which a public transport service is provided.


(3) But the requirement in paragraph (1) does not applyβ€”

(a)to a child who is under the age of 11;

(b)to an employee of the operator of the relevant public transport service acting in the course of their employment;

(c)to any other person providing services under arrangements made with the operator of the relevant public transport service who is providing those services;

(d)to a constable or police community support officer acting in the course of their duty;

(e)to an emergency responder (other than a constable) acting in their capacity as an emergency responder;

(f)to a relevant official acting in the course of their employment or their duties;

(g)where a person is allocated a cabin, berth or other similar accommodation, at any time when they are in that accommodationβ€”

(i)alone, or

(ii)only with members of their own household or a linked household;


(i)a person is permitted, or ordinarily required, to board and to remain in a vehicle when using the public transport service, and

(ii)the vehicle is not itself used for the provision of a public transport service,

the person remains in that vehicle.


(4) In this regulationβ€”

β€œemergency responder” has the same meaning as for the purposes of section 153A of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984(1);

β€œlinked household” has the meaning given in regulation 7A of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020(2);

β€œrelevant official” meansβ€”
(a) an inspector, or a surveyor of ships, appointed under section 256 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 (β€œthe 1995 Act”)(3);
(b) a pilot (within the meaning given in paragraph 22(1) of Schedule 3A to the 1995 Act(4));
(c) a civil aviation inspector, as defined in Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7th December 1944(5);
(d) a border force officer (within the meaning given in paragraph 7 of the Schedule 20 to the Coronavirus Act 2020(6)).

Reasonable excuse

4.Β  For the purposes of regulation 3(1), the circumstances in which a person (β€œP”) has a reasonable excuse include those whereβ€”

(a)P cannot put on, wear or remove a face coveringβ€”

(i)because of any physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability (within the meaning of section 6 of the Equality Act 2010(7)), or

(ii)without severe distress;

(b)P is travelling with, or providing assistance to, another person (β€œB”) and B relies on lip reading to communicate with P;

(c)P removes their face covering to avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury, to themselves or others;

(d)P is travelling to avoid injury, or to escape a risk of harm, and does not have a face covering with them;

(e)if it is reasonably necessary for P to eat or drink, P removes their face covering to eat or drink;

(f)P has to remove their face covering to take medication;

(g)a relevant person requests that P remove their face covering.

Please note that a person doesn’t even technically have to have a disability that is legally recognised as such. Part 4. (a) (ii) states that if the mask causes psychological distress you don’t have to wear one.

I am currently embroiled in a battle with my local mental health trust. They have made masks mandatory, if you don’t wear a mask you cannot access essential mental health services. I have spoken to a disability rights organisation and they have pointed out that this transport legislation has set a legal precedent. The government are all to aware that masks can be potentially very harmful and so they have been forced to make provisions for disabled people so they don’t fall foul of the Equality Act 2010. Restricting access to essential medical care legally counts as a form of discrimination. My local trust has not made any provisions for disabled people whatsoever. I have contacted them now pointing out that what they are doing is potentially unlawful and I’m now waiting a reply.

I’m so angry that a mental health trust clearly don’t give two shits about restricting services for disabled people or the potential psychological or physical harm they will be causing. When I spoke to the complaints department they acted like the issue had never even occured to them. “Just following orders” it wasn’t good enough at the Nuremberg trials and it’s not good enough now.

Jun 17, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  Jess

Thanks, Jess.

Jun 17, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Jess

all documents must be prefaced with a warning if they contain signs of a lock down. a face mask clearly is soald. why havent they adhered to soald? these warnings are needed for health and safety and apply to all published works.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Jess

β€œJust following orders” it wasn’t good enough at the Nuremberg trials and it’s not good enough now.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Unfortunately, it was more than good enough for the huge swathe of Nazi psychopaths who were spared the inconvenience of standing trial.In their number was the finest brain on the planet when it came to designing rockets and planes and other means to hold the edge on the world and a threat over everyone.He was seen as a possible fine asset to the Military Industrial Complex by Uncle Sam’s finest.So he was signed up and made rich.He returned the favour by designing and having NASA built .There were also the planets most evil scientists who thought it fine to experiment on ‘less worthy’ creatures.Even if it meant tossing them into a rubbish pile later.They had labs full of human white rats and hills of powdered poison.Their dream was to create biological invisible terror.America took them too.The new base was the states.The goal has never changed. Just the accents and uniform.

Jun 17, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Most people are programmed by The BBC.

Same as it ever was

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 17, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I am seeing more masks as well. My wife sent off for some for us, in the anticipation of it being made compulsory.
I’m annoyed that they are deploying extra resources in order to enforce this. But there are always some people who are prepared to throw their weight around, so there will be plenty of takers.
The problem is that most people accept the germ theory as gospel, but forget that they have an immune system that mostly works in their favour, provided they don’t hinder it with unwise choices.

Jun 17, 2020 1:06 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

informed consent is required for medical procedures. where i am i ignored such instructions. nobody said a thing apart from once in a pharmacy type retailer. the woman had tweezers to hand me a mask. it was a bit unplesent but others followed my lead.

Jun 17, 2020 1:35 PM
Reply to  rachel

some places the bus drivers had no mask either. people who did have them removed them by the exits hoping nobody would see. i only saw one person with a mask yesterday but the supermarket had no more hummus or vegan salad or baskets. the other supermaket had no prices on some fruits n staff shortage. they had 6 euro blueberries in a half killo tub. i have to hook up the bicycle to try this street vendor who insist customers haggle.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Thats pretty rough, the big fines, all that. We had a moment, not long but creepy, where that seemed to be taking hold of life here, but since then Sacramento has backed away. Who knows what future waves/bugs hold though? Hopefully no masks! It’s been too like a Luis BuΓ±uel film, scattering bleating sheeple. Now, if they’d had masks I’d have called out “Prophet!”

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 18, 2020 6:03 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

You are so lucky my idiotic country Turkiye has mow made mandatory mask wearing all the time ever like everrr and even for children over 2, i am plucking my hair, it is so unbelievable, disgusting i hate them so much.. and people are happly clapping this as a lot of people can’t speak english so the only information they get is in the hands of the msm and they think that we are in the middle of ebola pandemic, no mention of the real death rates etc never….its summer there and hot like 28 and over hot and if you are out you have to wear a mask, in a forest , alone walking at night, driving your ffing car when there is a second person in the car like everrrrrrr..and they are not joking, police are vigorously fining people left and right. i am so grateful i was cought in this disgusting covid bullshit in uk..at least here its only mandatory in public transport

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  A leaf

Sorry to hear that, it sounds like a sore trial.

Hang tough, our thoughts are with you!

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 19, 2020 1:15 AM
Reply to  A leaf

That sounds really rough, and like the posters above said there are excuses you can give to not wear a mask on public transport in the uk, they cannot make you or do anything if you say you have a medical condition. i have had asthma all my life and they cannot legally ask me to prove anything if i travel without a mask. Or you ; )
Let’s hope Turkey comes to its senses soon and reverts, and hope any family and friends there are staying strong through the madness.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 6:01 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You sat the propaganda is game tested, and so forth, but I think it’s pretty obvious. In almost all cases. But I speak several languages, from living among people who speak them.

Americans don’t do languages. At all. If they did, they’d know propaganda and know to protect themselves, because propaganda has a syntax and grammar and inner logic much like a foreign labguage. It is of the utmost priority to study it, so as to protect yourself from it, but few Americans are wired to do that. Its just not in the manual. For a reason.

And of course there’s a reason for that. But they need to go outside the system which discourages knowing it. If they want to survive.

That is one skill this website develops.

Jun 17, 2020 10:19 AM

The far-right, like this guy, are busy collecting the smarty points resulting from telling the truth about Covid, after our democracies were set up via fraudulent medical advice from the very deep state who funds their anti-democratic far right agenda.

Jun 17, 2020 9:15 AM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 17, 2020 8:04 AM

The Toffs Are Revolting


Private schools set to ignore Government and open in September β€œcome what may”
The Telegraph – 16 June 2020

Private schools are preparing to disregard Government guidance and open at the start of the new academic year “come what may”, The Telegraph can reveal. Some of the most prestigious fee-paying institutions are setting up their own track and trace systems, which they aim to have up and running for September.

It comes as the Government formally admitted in a High Court document, in response to a legal challenge to its lockdown policies, that it was a “request, not a direction” for schools to close. A governor at one of the country’s leading private schools said headteachers were “furious” with ministers over their dithering, adding that schools “could have legally and safely opened this term”.

Jun 17, 2020 8:51 AM

The government will use this to their advantage. With social distancing in place it will be impossible for schools to fully reopen in Setptember. I believe we are looking at a complete reset in the education system. Children will work from home. It is already the new normal. We will be told they dont need to attend school every day just once or twice a week. With more people working from home parents will be expected to look after and make sure their children are educated. The powers that be consider that schools are just a babysitting service and now will be the perfect time for a reset.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 17, 2020 9:40 AM
Reply to  Kitty

Have you ever tried teaching from home? I have done it and believe me it isn’t either effective or enjoyable. You might as well get a machine to do it. In the old days we called it correspondence courses. Real teaching consists of face-to-face rapport. It also depends on what you are teaching. Try economics with its diagrams and tables. This is not the new normal, it is the new abnormal.

Jun 17, 2020 2:44 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

try learning about unschooling. the govt will have to pay reperations to lockdown victims. they wont have money for teachers mortgage payments.

Jun 17, 2020 12:11 PM

And that’s one of the biggest scandals, government has been deliberately vague & confusing about the difference between rules, advice guidance, guidelines & LAW!
The MSM have been the governments propaganda wing & the enemy of the people!
I wouldn’t be surrpised if it weren’t at all deliberate policy by police to use the wrong statute to fine wrong doers!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jun 17, 2020 7:47 AM

Love this 8-minute video, Our Mad World, showing a very similar scenario in 2018. Just one quibble – no evidence of isolation of alleged SARS-COV-2 or of the presence of COVID-19 at all – wish people would make this very significant distinction.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jun 17, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Oops – not 2018, 1918.

Jun 17, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

john rose has vids where he predicted they would attempt the 1918 event again. there is no evidence a virus was responsible in 1918 either.

Jun 17, 2020 7:13 AM

The interview does not advance our understanding, although it is a good synopsis of the plot so far. The Narrative is being tweaked. It will not be allowed to collapse, even if some people see through it (which is what the headline implies).
Most people lap up propaganda from their local equivalent of The Groan and The Bloody British Censor, Ryters and BoomBox, the Bum and the Daily Soil. There you will find:

  1. New Narrative: Wave Two is exploding in China, concerns in Russia, India, puncture of NZ ‘bubble’, Oz to close border til 2021.
  2. Tweaking the Old Narrative: to explain away why Lockdown failed to protect elderly; why we should not blame people for going out and spreading Covid; praising BLM rescuer, demonizing the Cenotaph veterans; WHO’s “great news” on cheap cure (wait for, ‘Oh, but we still need the vaccine’). Economy: banks and airlines axe staff.
  3. Distraction: Giving the public a ‘breather’, with perennials like Madeleine, Ronnie Wood, Top Gear. 

I sense a pause, while the demonic forces of WHO-Gates, 77th Brigade, the unelected techno-cabal and functionaries like Mark Sedwill and their equivalents in each country, check how the wind’s blowing.

Jun 17, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

early on oz was ahead of the curve on life expectancy. i think the sunny climate for whites made it a particular focus for the vaxx cult. they came up with the hole in the ozone layer centered over antarctica. a huge campaign to coat australians in suncream. agressive promotion of vaccines in the media making the british press look like saints in comparison.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 8:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well it advanced my understanding, so I recommend it. I think there’s a tendency for some of us to drift away from (cognitive dissonance overload?) the complexity, so reviews are very good, and Corbett is excellent. Again I’d like to mention the last five minutes of the interview on Bill Gates. Seems to me a very big question is how to pursue an anti-mandatory vaccine and certificate program, which more and more appears to be the apex of the pyramid with this pretext. Are legal challenges possible? The vid is valuable in once again drawing attention to this problem, which I have not seen much discussion of so far. But that could be my limitation on this matter.

Jun 17, 2020 6:25 AM

The SARS2 false-flag has worked far better than the wildest dreams of the planners.
The ‘BLM’ interlude, originally planned as a Summer diversion for the period when a COLD-like virus like SARS2 could not be claimed to be a threat, has been even more successful, and will have given the demons pause for thought.
Meanwhile, as places like this one prove, there is ZERO intellectual opposition. Instead we have dribble about government incompetence, dribble about capitalistic ‘elites’, and dribble about how by LOSING, we are actually ‘winning’.
YEAR ZERO projects rest upon the young and the oldsters who want to prove how hip they are by their support of the young. The ill-educated, inexperienced young are always used as the cannon fodder – because frankly in their hatred of their parents, they can be persuaded to believe anything.
What I have witnessed in 2020 leaves me astounded and amazed. But read the comments here, and you’ll witness the true stupidity of people who think it ‘big’ to claim that everything is really nothing. There is no survival instinct in the comments- none. No ability to perceive the scale of the disaster. No ability to perceive the astonishing permanant damage done to our previous way of life.
On investment ads, they have to include a warning for the clods that past gains is no indicator of future gains. But no-one here seems to understand what that means- for the average person ALWAYS believes the ‘pattern’ that preceeded the present will obviously continue into the future.
Snowden tried to warn people, but I bet you not one person here read the details of what Snowden revealed about the NSA/GCHQ project. Perfect intelligence. Perfect surveillance. Perfect feedback on what any group or sub-group are thinking about any given control propaganda play. And what this unleashes.
SARS2 and BLM ride on the back of a machine that is awe inspiring in its capability. Full censorship for 99.99% of the Human population via social media, mass media, Soros fake ‘indy’ media, and compromised indy media. Off-Guardian will promote Corbett but not Icke.
There is no longer the faintest trace of ‘democracy’ in the West- each parliament has nodded thru the most extreme orwellian laws- yet not one person here thinks that represents a shift. Dumb dumbs believe that if the truncheon isn’t bouncing on their head (yet), what does it matter what new laws are on the books.
No, instead it’s all “we are having a holiday” or “it’s like living in one of those exciting SF shows” or “it’s like being a secret rebel in East Germany”. Delusions and denial. Worse, people here are convinced that NOTHING is being set up, that the SARS2 and BLM thing are all a joke that means nothing, even if they are arranged by the deep state.
The Human Race is about to die of its own inate stupidity. And any respect I had for the Human Race is now gone. For sure, only the tiniest fraction of Humanity was responsible for the thoughts and acts that elevated us above the animals, but I aways hoped that this fact didn’t mean the vast majority were no better than animals. No longer.
There is no fooling oneself when the internet allows one to sample every type of forum- to witness directly what every type of sheeple is ‘thinking’. The demons are pushing against open doors. There is no resistance, just a million forms of organised ‘religion’ indoctrination where the sheeple don’t even comprehend that their ‘political’ worldview is nothing more than religious dogma.
Libya was once a relative African paradise with equality and wealth. Then Tony Blair (in person) inflitrated with his own cross-religion organisation, recruited traitors via that organisation, and destroyed the nation almost overnight. His almost suceeded with the exact same ploy in Syria. Now Team Blair is doing the same thing to the planet, and you don’t even notice.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 17, 2020 7:26 AM
Reply to  sunset

The good news is also the bad news, here it is: we all have to die sometime. Many people already HAVE been murdered, many people already have their country destroyed by the same evil.
Evil’s coming home, it’s coming home….
This could be only the start of the tribulation, the prelude. Or they could back down. I pray this morning that His people find strength and comfort in Christ. Seek Him while you still can.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 17, 2020 8:53 AM
Reply to  sunset

The word is ‘drivel’ not ‘dribble’.

(I don’t usually mention spelling and grammar errors, but since that word forms such a large part of your content I feel obliged to point out that you don’t know what it is)

Jun 17, 2020 12:24 PM

You’ve triggered me again admin1 (which incidentally sounds like a bond villain name) FREE SPEECH let her/him use what ever fecking word she/he wants πŸ˜€

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Objective

Besides, “dribble” is obviously parody and pun so please let’s not mess with people’s style, admin. Use of this word fits with Sunset’s overall supremacist and know-it-all style.

Jun 17, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

S.P.E.C.T.R.E were definitely trying to mess with his/her words no doubts. Censorship comes in many devious forms πŸ˜‰

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 17, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Objective

You were so busy being triggered you failed to notice I’m not stopping him using language incorrectly – merely pointing out he’s doing it. This is FREE SPEECH in action.

Jun 17, 2020 8:30 PM

If i’m honest i don’t read sunsets posts they are to long, they dribble on for to long.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 8:45 PM

In the interest of fairness i think we should suspend the debate until we have evidence that sunset’s chin is dry

Jun 17, 2020 12:46 PM

Perhaps a couple of articles by Icke could be posted here and we will have valuable input from the comments section as to their validity. I suspect every article is a poisoned challis but that that poison is quite subtle.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 17, 2020 1:39 PM

Dribbling is what he does best!

Jun 17, 2020 9:47 PM

I’m familiar with this distinction because of a sex-education lecture delivered by a physical-education teacher in my high school, c. 1970.
He explained the phenomenon of premature ejaculation with a basketball analogy that most of the listening adolescents found hilarious: “You’ve got to dribble before you shoot!”

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 18, 2020 12:13 AM
Reply to  Ort

That’s classic sick.

Jun 18, 2020 3:14 PM

“The word is β€˜drivel’ not β€˜dribble’.”

Perfectly reasonable semantic change. Always got to be an early adopter. Sometimes theid adoptions stick, sometimes they don’t. OED:

drivel /ˈdrΙͺv(Ι™)l /
β–Έ noun [mass noun] nonsense:
don’t talk such drivel!

β–Έ verb
(drivels, drivelling, drivelled; US drivels, driveling, driveled)
[no object]

1 talk nonsense:
he was drivelling on about the glory days.

2 archaic let saliva or mucus flow from the mouth or nose:
the nurse leaves you to drivel, and never wipes your nose.

– ORIGIN Old English dreflian (in drivel (SENSE 2 OF THE verb)), of uncertain origin; perhaps related to draff.

Jun 17, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  sunset

Yours is a very good overview of the situation.
What I have witnessed in 2020 leaves me astounded and amazed.
I’m astounded and amazed, too. But I remember I was so in the past as well.
You finished with Libya. Take Libya. The country was gobbled up by goblins without a wink from almost anyone. The much praised diplomats of Russia and China approved of new F-UK-US bombings in October, six months after their start in March. A new UNSC resolution approving it came in October 2011. It allowed for the final carnage a few days later. For anyone with eyes to see, Libya demonstrated that the political classes around the whole world are totally detached from reality.
It’s similar with the lower ones. Perhaps including children. At age eight, the school brought us to a movie theater for a popular wildlife documentary. When it finished and around a 100 of us were exiting, my peers told me what I’ve been suspecting : out of the whole theater audience I was the only one who actually watched the film. everyone else was chatting, ignoring almost all of it. That same documentary was later awarded in Japan as one of the best few wildlife & nature documentaries of all times.
We see evidence of deep rifts, deep pathologies in the mental life of mankind time and again. It’s just that it takes time to respond to that and learn.

Jun 17, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  sunset

Perhaps you would be so kind as to point me in the direction of something by David Icke that you consider valid.

Zen Priest
Zen Priest
Jun 17, 2020 10:36 AM
Reply to  Elrin

Almost everything Icke talks about is valid.

Jun 21, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Zen Priest
Jun 17, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Elrin

the terrain theory. he just hasnt that shape shifting elites is also a germ theory. as pasteur confessed the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything. it is what we do to heal the terrain that matters.

Jun 18, 2020 3:22 PM
Reply to  rachel

“…pasteur confessed the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything…”

Probably apocryphal. Not that airheads would be bothered to check that out carefully once blind conviction sets in.

Jun 17, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  sunset

Not to worry, dear old sunny. Not everyone’s as weak-willed as you are. Some of us have got some fight in us!
You can just sit and carp while others do the heavy lifting. From each according to his ability, etc.

Jun 17, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  sunset

Just wondering – why are you wasting your obviously valuable time with us morons who can’t see three feet in front of our faces and all apparently looking in the wrong direction anyway?
It can’t be to educate us – not with the level of scorn you insist on dishing out.
The points you make seem valid (mostly), but it’s hard to get past the rest of the shit you spout in order to get to them, so if you’re trying to persuade, perhaps you should consider going on a course.
Or are you just some sort of weird day tripper with a superiority complex and a need to exercise it?
If now were forty years ago, would you be standing in the street holding a “the end is nigh” sign and screaming at traffic, I wonder?
Otherwise, keep up the good work!

Jun 17, 2020 6:37 PM
Reply to  sunset


There is no survival instinct in the comments- none. No ability to perceive the scale of the disaster. No ability to perceive the astonishing permanant damage done to our previous way of life.

Why the necessity to impugn the motives (or lack thereof) of the readers and commenters here? Those are the very reasons most of us devote our time to this site and the search for answers in general. If there is a way out of this, it will require that we work together. Misanthropy will not be not helpful.

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 17, 2020 10:12 PM
Reply to  sunset

My my Sunset…
Is there evidence or a source for the paragraph 1 false flags ? The Sars 2 and BLM That is ..
Paragraph two is an interesting little diversion.Lot of ‘dribbling’. You complain that there is no intellectual opposition. Intellectual opposition to what ? I believe most blogs or forums invite discussions and debate.Like this very thread you seem to be trying to have a debate and discussion on.
”YEAR ZERO projects rest upon the young and the oldsters who want to prove how hip they are by their support of the young. The ill-educated, inexperienced young are always used as the cannon fodder – because frankly in their hatred of their parents, they can be persuaded to believe anything.”
That’s quite an unusual word salad. ” the young and the oldsters wanting to prove they are hip by support of the young” ? I challenge that ( intellectually if you like).It seems a little wrong.It’s not dribble is it.
” But read the comments here, and you’ll witness the true stupidity of people who think it β€˜big’ to claim that everything is really nothing. ”
It’s existential discourse that is.Don’t knock it.NIetzsche would be proud of that.And that’s a man with a really important moustache.
” There is no survival instinct in the comments- none.”
I’m typing in a mask actually.
” the clods that past gains is no indicator of future gains. But no-one here seems to understand what that means”
Have you asked anyone or are you just guessing ?
”Snowden tried to warn people, but I bet you not one person here read the details of what Snowden revealed”
I’m aware.Many are.And I know he didn’t reveal any ideas about how to counter any of it.
”Full censorship for 99.99% of the Human population via social media, ”
That’s actually social media being censored though really isn’t it.
” yet not one person here thinks that represents a shift.”
 How do you know ?
”The Human Race is about to die of its own inate stupidity. And any respect I had for the Human Race is now gone”
 So you’re cool with it then. Chill.
”There is no fooling oneself when the internet allows one to sample every type of forum- to witness directly what every type of sheeple is β€˜thinking’”
Don’t worry, they’ll be censored soon ( see above).
” The demons are pushing against open doors.”
Why ?
”Libya was once a relative African paradise with equality and wealth. Then Tony Blair (in person) inflitrated..”
Are we to assume Tony Blair was guiding the US drones then..

Doug Stillborn
Doug Stillborn
Jun 17, 2020 5:16 AM

Admitting!?… Admitting it was exaggerated !? Really!? Where did you hear that!? That’s not a good start.of an article. 90 percent of people dont question it overtly and play along and pretend its a real thing.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:33 AM
Reply to  Doug Stillborn

Not in California, anyway, not really.

Doug Stillborn
Doug Stillborn
Jun 17, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Oh so its gone/on its way aout? Really? The most superficial place in the world Socal a place thats DEFINED by virtue mimicking and the most aggressive enforcer of covid measures? I spent most of my life in LA. Im in Vegas now for the past 3 years. They will do what they are told and so will you and I.
Vegas never had a mask mandatory thing but its still really bad and rife with bull 😝 πŸ’©. Take that and multiply it by 10 and you have LA.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 6:50 PM
Reply to  Doug Stillborn

Thanks for the spirited reply, DS, and I see your point, but SoCal doesn’t hold even a brief candle in the “wind” (Category 5: think “Katrina”) when compared to Las Vegas. If SF was once upon a time (’50s) The Paris of the West, Las Vegas is its current Sodom & Gomorrah. I suspect Obi Wan Kenobi was visualizing it when he spoke early in the Star Wars game (’77) of the urban center in desert landscapes of Los Eisely, “Never has there been a more treacherous den of corruption & villainy….” etc.

That said, I feel you when it comes to “virtue mimicry” (nice) and superficiality in the Southland. Everybody on earth knows how vacuous the culture can be.

But, as I named a spiel I gave 30 years ago on gang “intervention”, L.A. etc. is “A City of Two Faces”.

You must know well that a very moneyed fake city, and a very poor restless city exist side by side, continuously, strangely intertwined. The Black and Latino sections add a lot of pop, Ive dodged knives and bullets, and they are saved from degeneracy by the rubber-meets-the-road challenges of their grinding poverty.

And, they are also what Eric Hoffer said of such slums, “lumpy with talent”. Ghetto Stars are de facto artists, though sometimes rank ones. Others, of regal rank. It’s true.

I’ve spent 20 years all told in L.A. in both: raised in possibly the richest milieux — and then thereafter also as a one-time Yuffie (Young Urban Failure) I’ve spent YEARS in grinding poverty at the very other end, as well, poorer than the poorest immigrante campesino.

Besides, coming from a family on mom’s side that settled in Hollywood after generations untold, centuries, of performing artistsπŸŽΉπŸŽ·πŸŽ΅πŸŽ™πŸ“½πŸŽ¬πŸ“ΊπŸ“–πŸ“ŸπŸŽ₯etc from Bavaria, some next Bohemia, let it be said, as Andy Warhol self-described, we have earned the right to be, at least at times, “deeply superficial”.

Take Alec Baldwin, as an example.

Deeply superficial on the one hand, and with what Aaron Copland summed up as “the artist’s immemorial right to be wrong”, at least on the off days, but also whilstsafeguarding like true treasure that most precious commodity of the real artistic perspective and calling: the hard-won and transgenerational ability to tell the Scheiße from the Shinola.

Like, ah, Day -1 of the Hoax.

Our Angeleno-Bavarian Defense rests…..

Arse….and case.

Jun 17, 2020 4:19 AM

It’s not collapsing. If anything it’s taking it’s form via our social environment and norms even laws that have been irreparably changed. We may not see it as threatening as they told us it would be but it’s here to stay. They’ll make sure of it. Familiarity is not always contemptuous. In this case they’ll argue it’s for our own good.

Jun 17, 2020 3:30 AM

Its bioterrorism.
Not collapsed.
They are not stating the fact that there was no “new disease” caused by a “sars corona2 virus”.
If they are not exposing the one big lie the psyop was built on they are still just spinning narratives and telling stories.
I went to a small rural town where I could not find anyone who was a believer in the hoax, but in the police state they felt had to obey the new draconian marxisocialism of the Global Govt carried out by the Crown Govt .

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 17, 2020 4:36 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

THE MASS HYSTERIA PROPAGANDA PANDEMIC is product of corporate fascism. Please leave socialism out of it. Please leave poor Karl Marx out of it.
As a socialist I am appalled and disgusted by what has been happening for the past four months. The oligarch mobster criminals behind it are what honest socialists are fighting and trying to replace.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:44 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Thank you. Its always been the godless ploy of fascists to commit unspeakable crimes then plant evidence on the Left, always, and almost never the other way around, except in survivalist self-defense!

That’s what I always see, for what it’s worth.

The Reichstag Fire
The murder of JFK, then littering his corpse forever after, saying Bay of Pigs was his idea, Mongoose, Vietnam, it goes on endlessly as character assassination.
Ukraine pins “whatever” all on Moscow, like they did in 1917, or 1945, or, hell 1240, Battle of Lake Novgorod. The examples are endless. Totally one-sided and always in bad faith.

It’s the gutless and godless mobsters, all right, big lying is the only way they know, and they know it.

Like you say, corporate fascism.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:46 AM
Reply to  John Ervin



And we’ve been watching just that for 3 months, that”equation”.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 17, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Corporate Fascism is not Socialism (Political-Economic equality and democracy). It is the antitheses of it.
“JD Rockefeller (as mean a son-of-a bitch as Henry Clay Frick) may be dead, but his crimes live on.”


Jun 19, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Indeed. Personally, I refuse to take part in discussions where “Socialism”, “Left”, or “Right” are part of the argument. Those terms are totally obsolete in an environment where our most deadly enemies are the media and their owners.
We’re right down to the nitty-gritty “decent people vs. the iniquitous shits”, and we’d better realize it. I don’t care if the next decent person I meet is a socialist or a conservative. Those are mere labels, and they belong in the trash.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 19, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Ever consider why “the iniquitous shits” (ie owners) get more of say and have more than everyone else?
Socialism would go a long way in curtailing/eliminating the GRAND THEFT on an industrial scale that has been taking place.
 comment image


Jun 19, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I consider it all the time, but socialism has been around the world for ages, and it has still not succeeded in dragging those thieves out of their luxury homes and offices and making them work for a living. Like all political initiatives, it fails to ACT, due to fundamental human laziness and standard political corruption.
It is also subject to the same tendency for its leaders to consider themselves privileged above its members, automatically requiring improved conditions for their leadership potitions, and therefore attracting ambitious materialists to seek those leadership positions. What happened to the Labour Party during the last decade is proof enough of that. In its current 100% Bliarist-infiltrated state, it might as well be the Tory Party today for all the good it does.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 19, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Like humanity, socialism “is a work in progress.” With enough practice and effort it has a better chance of succeeding than giving up and allowing THE BASTARDS (corporate fascist oligarch mobster psychopaths) to enslave us all.
The Labour Party can call itself anything it wants. Does not mean it is. It certainly is not socialist. As to Corbyn, he is the British Bernie Sanders, a corrupt hack. Labour-Conservative (Tory) is not totally unlike the Republicrat flim flam/scam in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA. The political racket so corrupt it needs two aliases.

Jun 19, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

My hunch is that we need something new – really new. Like a complete rethink of what it is to be a human being in the 21st Century, without, of course, ignoring the lessons to be learned from the distant, and not so distant, past.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 19, 2020 7:45 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Being a MASK NAZI of the corporate fascist corporations is certainly not going to be one of those requirements.

Jun 19, 2020 8:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Well of course not, and I hope you don’t mean me by that comment. Being against all labels, but focusing on what actually engenders change, doesn’t make one complicit in anything so gross as you imply.
I seriously want things to change, as I assume you do, but the label, “socialism”, with all due respect to its aims, simply antagonizes modern people and they stop listening. How to get them to listen to genuine impulses for change is the challenge as I see it, which is why I fear that old terminology is a barrier to that change.
I would not actually be against many socialist principles governing our society, but too many people act like cultists once they have a label to hide behind. I am much more interested in what individuals are personally prepared to DO in order to bring about worthwhile change, rather than what they call themselves as a group, and in any case I am very much opposed to groupthink of any kind.

Doug Stillborn
Doug Stillborn
Jun 17, 2020 5:53 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

Yeah in big places/cities where “they” rule and people just play along and dont publicly question it because they dont want anything to tarnish their image and rock their social status. Not much to it. At least on the visible/surface of things.

Jun 17, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

they are defending the infection theory for future use. vaxx cult migrate south when summer arrives in the north. there was all fires in aus when the samoa measles campaign ended. lots of suncream to keep the vitamin d levels down ready for the next winter.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 17, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  rachel

ok I’ll bite.
But before I do that, I’ll mention that I’d agree the terrain is an important factor and also that I’m pretty much against vaccination (might consider tetanus). I also believe covid-19 is pretty much a kid ’em and cod ’em exercise. I know that in the west the vaccine “success” story is actually largely due to improvements in sanitation, diet and living conditions.
However, if there’s no viral component to disease, how come Bill managed to create a polio epidemic in India and kill and maim (I think) hundreds of thousands? I would assume it was because his “attenuated” virus vaccine was not attenuated sufficiently.
If there’s a good alternative suggestion to that, I’m interested to hear it, but as of now I can’t see how some disease does not have virus as a component.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 17, 2020 10:12 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

Well there is no new virus, or new disease.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 2:55 AM

I also want to comment on the narrative is collapsing re the people on the street, not just collapsing re various experts and we conspiracy nuts here.
So, I think it definitely is collapsing where I am, in a community that may or may not be representative, or representative to some extent: old, young, Latino, Black, Asian, and homeless. No doubt we’ll also be commenting on the ending of the interview, which emphasizes the coming mandatory vaccine, legislators on board with mandatory, Bill Gates as heavily under the sway of eugenics etc. Interviewer Null here mentions a woman blowing the whistle on Fauci on this, and it could be he was referring to Dr. Judy Mikovits. I’m sure we’ll be talking about ways to resist “mandatory” and ways to challenge it.
Okay on narrative collapsing. I’ve been out and about, and today decided to take a satirical approach, while abiding (loosely) by the rules. I talked to them about how I couldn’t breathe with the fucking mask on, about “the rules” and how obedient I was being, got into a problem with my vehicle and got out of it no social distancing, shook a hand, sternly joking with my rescuer to wash his hands, this sort of thing. People are mighty fed up with it in my view. Narrative collapsing = people changing their attitude from very serious to a quietly stated “give me a break” type. Yes, these are just my impressions. Previously, lot of masks were worn, the distancing and one way aisles were carefully followed, but now all this is giving way to a more casual approach, plus an apparent hunger for human interaction.
The attitude indicated: fatigue with the lockdown, particularly with workers wearing a mask an entire shift; amusement and warmth for mildly teasing the rules; more avoidance of the rules than I’ve seen, as with people with NO masks entering places labeled mask required; masks not on employees or dropped down; an overall friendly feeling amongst people, a love of chatting it up in the cashier line (I bring this up because not long ago people were very serious, very remote, hardly said anything, but were much more relaxed at this point).
Again, I suspect another pretext soon will bring on the rules again (you see? we let you out and now you’ve gone and done it!), as with the alarmist talk about rising infection rates here and there (as usual none of it particularized; everything generalized and muddled together); plus murmurs now of closing the restaurants again. I was in one the other night–amazing. Place was jammed full, I think the every other table rule went out the window (hell they need the business), nobody wearing masks; and a rousing good sound of people enjoying themselves.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:24 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Latest on CHAZ (now it’s CHOP):
Round up the whites for forced work brigades
Trump’s numbers coming back up? Right now he’s at 41% popular 54% unpopular (Real Clear Politics), and the contest resembles summer of 2016 when the Donald didn’t stand a chance against Hillary.

Jun 17, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

They pretend its racism, but its really just human nature, humans are tribal and that’s exactly what politics is, people taking sides!

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  Objective

Yes, what I was after, Objective, and interested in your view, that I’m interpreting what’s going on, increasingly, as going after Trump. Here is another in the succession of the Remove Trump program, going back to the Russia-gate stupidity. (Reminder: I’m not a Trump fan.)
Seems to me this asinine behavior up in Seattle (no pun intended) is (also maybe along with other factors) a manipulation to put Trump in a bind. His base is annoyed. Come on Trump, what’s with all this pandering to these idiots in this CHOP program? Get with it! And Trump is in a bind. He looks very tired.
I’m wondering also (since I haven’t yet seen any news on it) if what’s going in North Korea right now is also the result of agent provocateur type behavior, in that there may be a lot of military exercises going on, which would be as usual. When I was there they had exercises three times a year at least, and at this time of year. I could be wrong on this. Kim Jong Un is obviously disillusioned with Trump, but the media is painting the blowing up of the new negotiating facility in the DMZ as though he’s having a tantrum only, the wild man unpredictable fanatic paint job they do, which is inaccurate I think.
I need to do more research on this . . .
Hang in there mate!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 4:14 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

What has really expedited its collapse is the inane silliness with which nanny rules continue to proliferate, in spite of the Emperor’s New Covid Clothes being shown more and more as a sham.

I mock them, and I believe it accelerates the process. Two weeks ago I almost got booted from a market where our family has shopped transgenerationally since the ’50s, because I raised Cain when two corpulent twin sisters began haughtily scolding me for not being six feet apart between their substantial backsides. It was ludicrous, the psychodrama they unfurled in a terrible huff, shaming me. So I ranted back, and the young checker called sternly over the intercom for the mgr. I dropped my groceries and left steaming, going the wrong way.

Then all the other markets were calling for mandatory masks til Friday, when the county abandoned them, in defiance of Gov. Newsom, thank God. He’s getting more and more flexible, but a lot of damage done with this global charade of foolishness.

Step 2 has been a farce and fiasco: as things reopen, stores have all their own rules. I suppose based on corporate liability fears, some let you use their restrooms that didn’t, and now others don’t, that recently did. I have had to drive around to take a pee, there is so much petty chaos. It’s like that all over town. My YMCA had all the benches removed from the outside walk, but then relented on masks. Apparently the benches were only 5 feet long, so the anal retentives at Corporate HQ had them all yanked, because us losers might not “socially distance”. Unbelievable. The reps all freely admit they feel like idiots, but their jobs are on the line if they don’t comply, of course.

Aside from logging it, my point is more that the increasing absurdity of the whole dubious project-Lockdown is making even the thickest citizens suddenly question its whole basis.

I havent been yet affected much by it, in fact I got direct deposits from government that took care of it all, for now.

But people who are being crushed are going to want some answers, I’m sure.

Perhaps it will bring citizenry to its senses about the depth and breadth and colossal scope of this most massive


Nothing theoretical, just bare fact.

So much like the California Enron “rolling blackouts” of early 2000s. They at least got serious jail sentences, at least Skilling did. But one thing was clear: they were all “unmasked” as the aftermath of a state-wide fraud. Significantly. California since then has gone “bluer” by the year.

Maybe the coming mandatory un-masking of these CONs-Piracies will wake people up enough that they begin to come to their own conclusions, instead of just abdicating their critical faculties, from force of long (ignoble) habit.

Hey, it could happen, more often. Hope springs eternal.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 17, 2020 4:44 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

What are Californians doing about getting rid of the NEWSOM-VIRUS? For “THE PANDEMIC” in California to end “a cure” for the NEWSOM-VIRUS contagion must be found. The NEWSOM-VIRUS must go, the sooner the better.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 5:03 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Gavin’s not that bad. He is very pro-labor and brought universal health care to SF when he was mayor, I believe the FIRST city in US to do so.

I did write him, tho, that I would oppose him like a bat out of Wuhan by way of Hell, forever and anon, if he didn’t cool it with this nonsense. Well, I was pretty cranky. He’s started to chill on it, seems.

I dont envy him what he’s been thru, with Trump letting governors hold this “bag of snakes” all on their own: “Here! It’s all yours! Bigly!”

I’ll certainly vote for him, based on policy. As a person, I still hold against him his first marriage, that vamp Kimberly Guilfoyle, Roger Ailes’ crime partner at Fox!

What *was* he thinking?! Lol

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I’m annoyed with Newsom and have to wonder about his Silicon Valley connections (but hey that’s just my conspiracy nut alarm going off), especially annoyed with the incredibly dumb moves made in March. Plus all my attempts to communicate with State Government persons have led to no responses whatever. But I’ll try again.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

I remember The Dead Kennedys up in SF 40 years ago were beating their punk drum against “President Brown” on an album, demonizing him as the total incarnation of Big Brother, when he was running for President.

Geez, we really need to count our blessings. Here. Like Bobby, if Brown hadn’t had endless oligarchic hatchets, axes, thrown his way, he may well been President, and the entire course of the country would have been astronomically improved. It’s amazing how well he did even so. His project for the North-South bullet train is grand, but it’s worth can be measured by the avalanched of fire heaped upon it by Media. They never will cop to it, but they want the visionary NorCal to socially distance itself Forever from the militarized SoCal, lest that resultant matter-antiMatter collision blow up the entire oligarchic galaxy!

I bumped into him once, “Father, I mean Governor, you would have made quite the Jesuit.”

He: “Well, you know, that was the path I was on once.” (He had been in a Jesuit seminary in LA, fresh out of high school, for a year.)

Priceless chat, brief. I had seen snaps of him above the fold a few months before, LA Times, sitting crosslegged in yogi cottons feeding a poor Indian out of a rice bowl at St. Theresa’s in Calcutta. Priceless.

Newsom comes off a bit Yuppie, and I am well aware of how that majority scum demographic greenwashes itself, but already, from what I can tell, Governor Gavin’s policies have radiated to so many poor people I know, giving them a hand up from looming catastrophes. And that to me is all what government should be. I dont know if it’s directly from him, I just know that since he hit the Gov’s mansion a year ago, Ive seen homeless people –that want it– get placed between four walls –really the 1st time here, ever!– health options expand big time, etc. and all kinds. He has had a long track record of helping labor, poor, struggling. He’s got my vote. I wrote him to chill on the Lockdown, and he’s doing that. Now.

That’s clout! Lol


“Government belongs wherever evil needs an adversary and there are people in distress.”

—Bobby Kennedy

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Good for you. Enjoyable comments. Still lots of homeless unfortunately.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

I’ve spent most of the last 5 years in Point Loma, San Diego, and there are homeless literally everywhere. Late night, I drive the streets 12 mph with my flashers on, as people stumble out in the dark in a near coma. If I didn’t, I would have hit someone!

But recently I have seen some help coming from the state for the first time ever, in 65 years. That’s got to be Newsom, as he addresses the issue pretty often.

Yuppie mien aside, that gets my vote every day.

Anyway, let’s hope he stays blue and more so.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 18, 2020 4:24 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Cindy Sheehan should consider organizing and running again under Peace and Freedom.
California will be a far better place sans the Brown-Newsom-Pelosi-Getty Gang.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 17, 2020 9:39 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

There has always been a part of the ”social distancing” sentence that has been totally ignored by MSM and ”law makers”, ”from people who are sneezing”, but that in itself is ridiculous. I have hay fever, I sneeze every day, many billions of people sneeze every day for all sorts of reasons. INstead the sheeple have been trained to hate their neighbours.

Jun 17, 2020 11:49 AM

I am still awaiting my first opportunity to see someone actually coughing or sneezing into their mask and not immediately dislodging it to wipe their face! My suspicion is that most people would actually instinctively remove their mask when they feel a sneeze or cough coming on. Who wants spittle all over their face or even the inside of their mask? πŸ˜€

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 17, 2020 11:52 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

I have never been with or seen anyone wearing a mask, I used to have to wear one doing dressings when I was nursing and they are hot and uncomfortable things. Would never recommend it to anyone.

Jun 17, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Ha, I did that very thing in the supermarket an hour ago. At the risk of committing a TMI (Too Much Information) infraction, I sensed that my nose wanted to run ever so slightly.
I dislodged the mask to use a tissue. I have been using the same disposable mask since the iniquitous and fraudulent lockdown restrictions were imposed, and didn’t want to risk it becoming nastier than it already is.
In for a penny, in for a pound: so far the mask has accumulated some pocket lint that doesn’t want to be picked off the fibrous surface, but I have no plans to replace it although there are several left in the box– a box I bought in 2005 or so when I was cleaning out a basement after it was flooded by a leaky water heater.

Jun 17, 2020 11:56 AM

hay fever is a mind trick. the lungs absorb nutrients not just oxygen. staying indoors is a sort of cannibalism with all the skin particles inhaled.

Jun 17, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  rachel

Can faith healers, practice social distancing & heal people online?

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Well that’s very interesting and I agree. Rules vary widely and inconsistently where I am also (north of the Bay Area). Wearing the masks is becoming much more like it was in the first days, as optional, whereas signs are plastered on the doors about how you must wear a mask to enter this facility. Masks also muffle speech and obscure facial responses (besides being unhealthy), so interestingly people are making more efforts from behind their masks to pay attention to others, and greet and exchange more eagerly than pre-mask. My daughter tells me also that Arizona is much more rogue-inclined to ignore the rules, probably as a red state.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

I am resisting the temptation to trip out on right-wingers, red, co-opting this issue. Since many love orderly ways and military protocols, you’d think theyd fall in line, though I think I get why they don’t.

Truth be told, I was one of the frst I saw, mid to late March openly flouting all the rules, snd I got away with it as PD backed off EVERY time they approached me. They’d pass by me when I was a solitary skater at night, put their spot beam on me, then drive off. I challenged them several to arrest me, when there was a trio of SUVs camped not far on the beach. They had just kicked off several groups of kids building fire pits. But magically, maybe because I was on the move, they didn’t even give me warnings, on four or five separate nights. I was willing to go to court, or jail, which I’ve done a very few times over the decades, for such things.

We had news choppers in the air when Newsom briefly closed our beaches early May. I went in the water in neon yellow, top and bottom, with MSM circling multiply overhead. Two cops on motorcycles saw me going, made a U-turn, and went the other way, left the area the moment they saw me, after being there quite some time. It was pretty clear they’d got orders from on high to look the other way.

I have no family, my super-nova mom passed in ’09 at 92, so I am more willing than most to take calculated risks like that, and do.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Btw, I posted it once before, but I had a wonderful dinner once with your (neeer)namesake’s widow, Laura! (My old man’s client.) She liked my surreal film concept in ’67 and wanted to introduce me to her “two young friends, my 2 students whom I introduced to each other, Steven and George (Spielberg and Lucas).

But to her visible surprise and curious look, I simply passed, though then at 15 I had no idea.

After all, I’m glad I did. I don’t want even want a brief glimpse of the business end of all that machinery, in this poor boy’s life. Not *really*!

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. But also true.

Jun 17, 2020 5:48 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

I think there is more skepticism – even if a second wave is touted I don’t think the response will be the somewhat overwhelming fear I detected in March. The lack of people dying in the streets like The Seventh Seal or Monty Python And The Holy Grail and the rather contradictory behaviour of people like Ferguson and Cummings will have taken a toll of the narrative, certainly in Britain. As for Greeks, in Athens things are almost normal in so far as Athens is ever normal. You see some people wearing masks but they are either elderly, or, if younger, it is a personality marker as far as I can tell – they are the timid ones. You also see a lot of people wearing one but down, so it is more a cravat than a mask. They can flip it up if they feel they have to, but Greece is hot now – 30 Centigrade yesterday – and the masks are actually uncomfortable to wear.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes cravat point very good, here too. It’s good we can get global on this question of is the narrative collapsing! I have also been shaking hands in the last two weeks (twice yesterday) with nary a murmur on that.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 17, 2020 10:57 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Great to hear, sounds very positive. Out of interest Mr. AH where are you based ?
I’ve noticed the same in south England, still one or two on the streets with masks (it’s been like that here since the start), but the vast majority without and also seemingly making less effort to walk around each other, looking more relaxed around each other/paying no attention when people pass by closely/more chatting in the post office queue than even before this whole farce started.
But then in the UK we still can’t travel from England to Wales or Scotland, and in Wales they still have the rule in place restricting all travel to within 5 miles of homes. In England we are not allowed to sleep anywhere but in our own homes each night (I’m an avid wildlife nature photography hobbyist and am itching to do some overnight trips).
Flights to Spain are planned to start up July 1st but Wales and Scotland have no plans to change anything until a review mid July! Possibly camping and pubs start of July but they’re certainly trying to cling to the bullshit narrative here as long as they possibly can.

Jun 17, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  Paul too

…in Wales they still have the rule in place restricting all travel to within 5 miles of home.

I live in North Wales. I live alone and my brother lives alone in South Manchester. Neither of us has a family and we are the only ones of our immediate family still alive. Prior to ‘lockdown’ we used to see each other every couple of weeks but we haven’t seen each other now for three months; neither of us is in a vulnerable category but we have just been following instructions.
The Wales/England border is about six miles away by road from where I live but I’m planning to flout the ‘rules’ and travel to my brother’s house this coming weekend. Incidentally my 75 year old neighbour, who also lives alone, has been travelling every other week since lockdown began to stay for four or five nights with a friend of a similar age in West Yorkshire. He’s never been cross-examined by the police. Knowing my luck, I’ll get stopped on my way to Manchester. πŸ˜€ I shall use the defence that I live 5 miles from the England border as the crow flies.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 17, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Haha excellent, I say go for it!
I’m leaning the same way, it’s ridiculous the clutching at straws going on trying to keep up the lies and associated agendas. The fines seem worth the risk to me, planning a test run across Dartmoor this weekend. It’s our moral duty after all to oppose, ignore and ridicule this as much as possible.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 17, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Pob lwc! πŸ™‚

Jun 17, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Thanks, Mike!

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:52 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Beautiful. I really enjoy your comments. Keep smiling at the bastards if they come after you. Don’t be angry with them (and hold off on any twerking type protest behavior if you can!).

Jun 17, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Bon voyage! πŸ˜‰

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:48 PM
Reply to  Paul too

Thanks! I’m located north of the Bay Area, in Redwood Country. This clinging to the narrative is prima facia evidence (for me) of the falsity of it from the get-go. Most reasonable people, of reasonable intelligence, will take steps toward correction of their errors. To be a half way decent person one says okay, I was wrong. Let me improve.
Now, I’m sure a lot of people would say Gavin Newsom is intelligent enough to get beyond his earlier honorable stupidity if it really was honorable stupidity. Recall he was acting based on a young female medical establishment person who told him there would be a million deaths by May. Well, the man has surely heard of some of what we’ve been discussing by now, don’t you think? And others in Established Narrative Politics? Yet they keep on and MSM echoes dutifully. Same approaches, same obfuscations, same generalizations. same pandering to the scare boogaloo on and on. Such leaders do not get my respect to say the least. I have asked them (and also UC Berkeley) for an investigation. No response..

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 17, 2020 10:36 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Well, having seen a little bit of politics on the inside, Im not sure its fair to score all lockdowners on the same scorecard. Sure I get your point, but there id more to it than just that. You can always take it that way, against him, but its kind of like many things in politics. But this is an especially gnarly situation to make policy about, caught in the global middle.

But it would be great to see him really lead.

That. would. be. GREAT!

Jun 17, 2020 1:29 AM

As someone commenting on the show’s website said, the narrative is not collapsing. Who has admitted that the virus is not an existential threat and that the lockdowns were not necessary? Name one example, and not people who’ve been critical from the outset. If only it were true that the narrative is collapsing!

Kapil Bajaj
Kapil Bajaj
Jun 17, 2020 2:39 AM
Reply to  Sam

CDC admitted as did the UK government.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 17, 2020 3:27 AM