Facebook using “fact-checkers” to censor dissent on Covid19
Familiar tactics of obfuscation and weasel-words deployed to block access to articles

Facebook has flagged our article “It’s all bullshit”: 3 links sinking the Covid narrative” as ‘false information’, based on nothing but a single ‘fact check’ website, which does not even claim the information is ‘false’, but merely quibbles over terminologies to justify claiming the information is ‘misleading.’
This is what you see today if you try to access that article on Facebook:

And if you click on the ‘see why’ button you get taken here, to the website of Health Feedback, an “independent fact-checker”.
Of course, they’re not independent – they’re actually funded by Facebook. They are also funded by the “Credibility Coalition”, an NGO focused on “common standards for information credibility”.
The Credibility Coalition are also funded by Facebook. And twitter. And google. And a whole host of unsavoury sounding NGOs.
So, with the idea that “health feedback” are anywhere close to “independent” firmly debunked, let’s see what they have to say.
Firstly, it’s important to note what is actually being “fact-checked” here.
It is not that the three documents were leaked. It is not the accuracy of the quotes used. It is not the statistics cited. In fact, not a single factual claim is being called “false”.
In short, Facebook is well aware that 90% of the article is perfectly provably true.
In fact, it’s not our article they’re allegedly fact-checking, it’s another article in the publication NewsPunch, which relies on one of the same sources we do.
The “fact-check” is entirely devoted to just one of three leaks we describe – the report from German Interior Ministry employee – and even then focuses solely on its provenance rather than its content. In essence, what is being “fact-checked” is not the report itself, but where it came from.
Nowhere in this ‘rebuttal’ does it claim the ‘German Ministry employee’ was lying or making provably false statements. Neither does it challenge the credentials, competence or honesty of the “independent scientists” who co-authored the report.
Instead, it uses diversionary language claiming the document’s main author, Stephan Kohn, was simply sharing his “private opinion” and was not authorised to speak for the government.
The author of the document is Stephan Kohn, a politologist and employee of Germany’s Interior Ministry in the KM 4 department for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures. However, Kohn’s analysis was not requested by the Interior Ministry, as the article claims. On 10 May, Germany’s Interior Ministry issued a press release stating that the employee had disseminated his “private opinion on the corona crisis management” and that the “elaboration was carried out outside the area of responsibility as well as without assignment and authorization”.
This approach should be hauntingly familiar to anyone who has been following the OPCW whistleblower story. Where expert witnesses contradicting the official narrative on Douma were claimed to merely be “disgruntled ex-employees” who were in Syria of their own accord and “never part of the fact-finding mission”.
All these claims have since been shown to be lies.
In addition to these irrelevant obfuscations, the article uses weasel words to construct a flimsy counter-argument:
According to EuroMOMO, the number of excess deaths coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic was twice the number that occurred during the unusually deadly flu seasons of 2017, 2018, and 2019 (Figure 1).
Note that they only back three years in time, and not all the way to 2000 or 1998, both of which had very similar excess death numbers.
Note also they say “coinciding with”, and not “caused by”. This allows them to cite all the excess deaths in Europe, despite statistics showing that huge numbers the excess deaths were due to other causes – including the lockdown limiting access to healthcare and increasing poverty.
They are using excess deaths caused by the lockdown, to argue against the accuracy of a report warning that the lockdown will cause excess deaths.
It is going full Orwell. And it is utterly disgusting.
This article simply does not offer any justification for dismissing our article reporting Kohn’s words as ‘false information’. The information is NOT demonstrably false, it is merely contentious, in that the data is open to multiple interpretations.
In fact, the article admits that itself – only able to label the claim as “misleading” or “unsupported”. Nowhere do they use the word “disinformation” or “misinformation” or “false information”. Not once.
And yet that is the label facebook has stuck on it.
Facebook is not suppressing this article because it contains false information at all, it is censoring it because it offers an interpretation of facts that does not support the current mainstream dogma.
This is censorship, pure and simple.
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FYI – we have just had the literally identical comment repeat-posted here within minutes of each other by NINE different accounts using different names and different IPs. The comment in question was a clumsy attempt to blame the ‘far right’ (current Establishment boogeyman) for the covid19 rollout.
Apparently someone wants to seed this idea in the public mind enough to repeat post it, either using a VPN or from different locations at the same time.
Sounds rather deranged. Now look what Off Guardian has gone and done, it has made them crazy.
Exactly and it just takes one complaint to Offcom to shut down a far right fake news site, like this one.
Seems like some corporate fascist flaming shitheel needs a hug.
I’d try and cut out the magic mushrooms if I was you. They tend to make one pretty delusional. Far right? Fake? The real fake news site, aka The Guardian awaits your return. Toodle pip.
Maybe someone on the nightshift at the Langley troll farm came in drunk?
There have been a few comments recently mentioning ‘far-right’ – like ‘Jack’ and his American Empire stickt I have assumed they were trolls and just ignored. They stand out as untenable in the current narrative.
vaxx cult have huge army posting comments. they also have bots to upvote them and a network of spam sites like science based medicine aka nasty propaganda. you can spot how they follow a script and collaborate to get people banned etc. they manipulate perception of public opinion eg. asking why doesnt who call it a pandemic. they have been operating for years.
Jim jack has gone full retard.
LOL, does he still haunt us here? I rue the day i ever stuck up for him (his right to free speech)!
He’s going through the trauma of his diagnosis of multiple personality disorder.
Only thing is all his personalities are all the same.
and they’re all 11 years old – rather bright for 11 year-olds, but they do have issues.
One of the most divisive characters in UK modern times has been the lowlife that is Tommy Robinson. Tommy is managed and I believe paid by Israel to create havoc in the UK. Below is the evidence. When the establishment speaks of the far right, do they mean the far right which their friends pay to divide and rule us?
He may be a bit rough and ready but Tommy is not “far right”. As he has explained many times, he is anti islamic extremism.
He was obviously completely inebriated in the video.
Any references he makes to zionism are simply because they are on opposing sides to the muslims.
Much like the off-guardian was censored on facebook the other day, Tommy is constantly misrepresented and lied about in the media.
He is always referred to as a racist. His reply is always to ask the accuser for any proof. But they can never provide any since he is not actually racist. They then rely on the good old ad hominem attacks.
You haven’t watched the video, it speaks for itself
Let’s just say he’s more rough than ready.
Very into narcissism, with a particular fondness for his own voice.
Probably read half a book once, and considers himself an expert on everything.
There’s one in every village – one in every school. Alf Garnett reincarnated.
And he is certainly never misrepresented, because he has a full-time job representing himself.
I’d probably enjoy a beer with him, but if we started on politics, the threat of a head-butt would scare me too much to order another round.
One doesn’t fight extremists with another form of extremism. That boat will forever rock back and forwards and side to side.
I didn’t see Tommy complaining about certain British politicians getting off scott free after they were caught doing the same to young children via the care homes. He should be outside the bbc demanding they release their internal report on Saville.
Surely, you meant Lennon, Lemmon T. Robinson, sweetened by Nestlé,
Hung by Syndication for his sins & blithering ignorance…
Tommy has had a few aliases. They come in handy when one is committing fraud and such like.
Tommy does wear his I Love Apartheid Isreali Regime badge with pride. I suppose he has to get his money from some where.
His antics during the trail of a muslim pedo gang almost caused a mistrial which would have cost the taxpayer more public funds bringing these criminals to justice.
thanks keep on informing us like this; sounds like Burbles is at it again, or his ghost (oh, sorry, meant Goebbels)
Bots be damned!
February 4th 2004 *
The Pentagon cancelled it’s so called ‘Life Log’ project, an ambitious project to build a database tracking a person’s entire existence.
Run by Darpa, the project aimed to gather, in a single place,just about everything a person says,sees, or does; the phone-calls made, TV shows viewed.magazines bought,emails sent and received.Out of this seemingly endless sea of information, computer scientists would plot distinctive routes in the data, mapping relationships,memories, events and experience.
( all that in the land of the free that will wage war on any dictatorial totalitarian government).
February 4th 2004*
Facebook founded.
The exploits since I think we know.The CIA front-man pretending to be the ‘geek / drop out’ rather than some middle aged balding CIA agent.All part of the bullshit puppetry.
A social network platform is a pen.In that pen are the trinkets and toys and the bells and whistles.And, of course, that wonderful sense of belonging ( as long as you’re prepared to isolate yourself to enjoy it).And there you have the cage.And watching that cage you have those mentioned above.
Stay in your cage, obey the rules and don’t A- try to rebel against the rigid rules or B- try to cause dissent among your fellow herders.Just turn off, tune out, and remain asleep.
Facebook go through the charade of creating an “independent” “fact checker” so as to cultivate the illusion that the website is public space- it is not. It’s a website run by an advertising and data mining (among other things) company and they will do what they want with it- but they can’t say that, they want to sell the illusion of your fakebook page being yours.
There’s no point moaning about censorship- it’s their website… Just don’t bother posting full articles on fakebook. Post a short synopsis and a link to the full article.
my tumbler of 10+ years was de-activated, my new one after 2 months, this time with an email saying, i paraphrase: because you are a pandemic denier and want to kill us all.
my new one : i can’t message, i can see other’s posts but they can’t see mine, my posts don’t appear in tags.
i believe that’s called shadow banning.
too bad
not good
Well I clinched my anti-panic stance today when a close relative came on a visit from the USA to visit my wife and me. My wife hadn’t seen him for ages, so the two of them had a long hug, after which I greeted him with a dual handshake. With that out of the way, we now get on with our lives.
I fully expect Ferguson, Fauci, or Gates to come and personally infect me with CoVid, just to keep the statistics of their agenda in order, but until that happens, I am going to do something with my life instead of just waiting for it to end.
I think you will find the name of the “fact checker” is Winston Smith who is working behind the curtain for the “ministry of truth” making sure your classified as an “unperson” for promoting “old think”.
In 2011 Julian Assange said: “Facebook is “the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations, their communications with each other, and their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. Intelligence.” Assange added that it’s not just Facebook, but Google and Yahoo as well as all other major U.S. organizations have developed built-in interfaces for U.S. Intelligence. It helps get around the costly and time-consuming serving of subpoenas. In other words, Facebook is the “most appalling spy machine” ever invented. Users are creating the “world’s most comprehensive database” for U.S. Intelligence.” https://www.csoonline.com/article/2229148/microsoft-subnet-julian-assange-facebook-is-a-spy-machine-for-us-intelligence.html
If Facebook is essentially a CIA database, then it’s only logical they’d censor all info which contradicts the official COVID-19 narrative.
After all, the security state instigated the lockdowns devastating the lives of millions, so one can only imagine the rage which would be unleashed if this same populations knew their financial stability is being “sacrificed” to restructure the economy by transferring trillions to the most wealthy intensifying the power of existing monopolies; to implement heightened AI surveillance through contact tracing and bioidentity programs; and to effect the results of the 2020 elections ensuring Obama’s security state warmongering hacks re-enter the White House
wake me up when it’s all over
drapp’d it twice; sorry; next down same as this one here.
Look at these girls’ eyes
wake me up when it’s over
On a slightly related note, RT, which has seen something eating into its very flesh recently, appears to have narrowed its comment guidelines to the point where anything other than “Yes sir, no sir, whatever you say RT sir” will get your comment removed. Apparently you have to support anybody who criticizes Trump now – even Bolton…” The comedy continues, and it’s certainly not a divine one.
Comments on RT are at about the same gutter level as Youtube comments.
I sent some offguardian articles to a number of people
My boomer leftie friend sends me this
Then accuses *me* of bias!
I’d be embarrassed to send that link to anybody. It sends a clear message: “I can’t think for myself so I let this bunch of goons think for me!”
A number of commenters here have mentioned the website you have linked to. I had a look at it and was interested to see the following:
Their definition of the “Conspiracy-Pseudoscience” category that OffG has been classified as is
The Guardian newspaper comes under the category of “Left-Center bias” which is defined as
However, when you read the summary of the Guardian specifically it reads:
In view of this analysis of the Guardian, surely it should be listed in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category. I suggest you mention that to your friends! 😀
Isn’t there something odd about this?:
How can unverifiable information ever be supported by evidence? Surely if information is unverifiable, evidence is irrelevant?
if it’s unverifiable then it means there isn’t any evidence.What they should have called the ‘information’ in their definition was ‘opinions’ or ‘theories’.Both of which come under our right to free speech.
It must be Rumsfeld’s unknown unknowns?
A mostly one person (D. Van Zant ) operation. They have the hots for Bellingcat and claim they are among ” the most credible media sources”.
Van Zant finishes his endorsement by stating that Bellingcat “source all of their information “.
Laughably Van Zant contradicts himself by stating that Bellingcats’ reporting is “usually sourced” in the previous paragraph.
What a plonker. Link .. bellingcat
Better tell them that The Guardian is ‘racist’
The Fraudian is a psychopath’s mouthpiece. They seem to despise everything good, positive and non-psychopathic about humanity.
They have a hilarious list of “least biased” sites which includes the Air Force Times.
Talking of fact checkers, one thing I find when telling others about this website is that they do duckduckgo is that the first link they see is from that cretinous website mediafactbias, having just done a google I see they are more forgiving, it would, imho, be worthwile of our hosts here to do an article about mediafact bias one that exposes and educates, a couple of folk I know have been influenced by what mediafactbias alleges, as much as I find it incredible and give a good counter, the seed is planted in their brains, yet they have no problem taking a broadcasters word, even though they know the said broadcasting company not only protected but abetted the UK most prolific paedophile, has been caught lying more times than I wish to remember and yet for some bizarre rationale folk are inclined to accept that they are being truthfull about this, that and the other.
As for fakebook, does anyone really expect anything else of them? or the people who live on it letting folk know what they just put on a slice of toast etc,, I think there is an aruement about how the internet has dumbed people down, some of the photos I saw of people sat on trains obeying the face mask regs had me wondering just how disconnected they were from not only reality but each other as their faces looked down at their phones,, incredible and crass and disturbing.
Be nice to see an article addressing mediafactunbias, even better if duckduck go make it the first search option.
We need to use our Glossary of Bullshit to translate things like this.
Facebook : CIA
CIA: CIA /Mossad
CIA /MOSSAD : United States Of America Surveillance and info sniffers
Fact: Piece of information taken form government propaganda
Misleading : Enlightening / thought -provoking
Independent : Asset
False : True
True : Untrue
Once you have these inner subtitles you can read through the lines…
The pandemic was proposed in 2010 during a meeting at Rockerfeller’s Institute in which they were told to imagine it had already occurred and that they were reviewing, with their 2020 hindsight( no pun intended i promise), how they had dealt with it.How each country’s chosen strategy had effected their ability to deal with the threat and which had been the best, reliable strategy.
The paper outlines the scenarios and the success of persuading, country by country, to go into self isolation. That included the world’s businesses.Masks were introduced to the obedient populace as well as gloves and then social distancing.Those who observed the instructions as close to the letter as possible came out much better.That was impressive clairvoyance you have to admit.
Come forward to more recently.All of the above has- shock, horror- happened.But, just prior to giving us our orders and threats( if we had any fancy ideas of not obeying) the finer tweaking was undertaken.
It was decided that the most important tool in the handler’s kit was fear.That’s been a favoured weapon of choice for Roman dictators right through to German dictators to Chinese and American and UK. Fear is a universal human emotion.As we’ve moved forward fast since 2010, we see that we have a world obsessed with screens.From phones, to TVs to tablets to computers.Perfect for media saturation.Governments have become ‘customers’ to these outlets.Paying for their official narrative of fear and panic to be hammered home 24/ 7. Dramatic pictures, melodramatic narrations and, above all astronomical numbers of the dead and the dying.
The media being paid to lie about the numbers and the virus was bad enough. Then the hospital staff being paid to lie about deaths and treatments and diagnoses to keep those numbers rising was worse.It had the potential to cause riots, dare i say.But the governments put their ‘heroes’ front and centre to teach us how to clap our hands( thanks government) as those other ‘heroes’ from the ‘front line’ looked more relaxed than they ever had been on an average week and some might say happy as they co-ordinated dance routines for TV.Yet the sick and the elderly and the frail were being turned away from their doors in the name of a virus( and they had rehearsals of course).
The Gates tentacles are everywhere.They’re invested in the WHO, vaccines, pharma, Facebook, the BBC, Imperial College London, Harvard..the list grows.This nihilistic psychopath is out of control as the wish to de-populate the world begins to eat away at his failing sanity.The global pimp pays his bitches good money to ignore that in favour of his preferred PR campaign- the billionaire philanthropist.Forget the millions damaged in the third world where black lives haven’t mattered for decades ( apparently).Forget how he called people living longer and causing over population a ‘problem’ that he could remedy ”through vaccines’. Forget it all.And if you try to exercise your right to free speech online with others , you’ll all be silenced because these good ol’ boys from the biggest, greatest democracy in the world decide what you think and say- not you.Don’t try spreading truth or call for peace.That’s the kind of thing Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, and JFK had fancy ideas about.
Unfortunately, the masses are talking about the fakery of it all now.And the governments who thought it would pave the way for an excuse to ‘rescue’ the billions in fear with a tracking chip being planted inside them are panicking.They’re trying desperately, with their precious digital / AI new religion, to see just how much we’re waking up to and questioning.And their only defence is to try and make it go away.The voices won’t stop so they need to turn them off.The very act itself adding weight to the narrative challenging theirs. They’ve been hoist by their own petard. They’ve sat on their own bomb.
But for what reason?
Who’s to gain?
Not an attack
Just a real question.
I agree with what you say
Just don’t see why?
I think the whole point with psychopaths is that there IS no why. They wouldn’t be psychopaths otherwise. If there is anything like a why in the equation here, it’s probably a delayed revenge reaction to being bullied as kids.
It’s the Orwellian warning Mister Biscuits..
Dystopia. If you refer to 1984, it’s all there.The thought police, the ministry of truth, the doublethink, room 101. The figurative boot pushing down on your neck forever.
This is why the food is poisoned and why so much research and experimentation is underway in nano technology.Every year billions gets donated to Cancer research.And it seems to be growing bigger.Yet the world;s biggest killer is dementia.Once your mind’s gone- you are too.Once someone takes it- they own you.
The bigger picture has been etched over generations so each one didn’t see the earlier picture developing.It’s beyond reasonable doubt that a dumbing down in the west is well underway.Intelligence is sharpened and strengthened when you ask questions, not sit eating information you haven’t checked.The brighter we are the more we question.The dumber you are, the less trouble and more compliant.
In the last 5 years ‘AI’ has been promoted as the new religion.Silly little trinkets like Cortana and Siri.” Hey Siri- what’s the weather like outside?”. Look out the fu*king door halfwit.We are being sold this digital snake oil. We’ve progressed from Farmville to voice activated bullshit. What’s it priming us for do you think ?
Parallel to it;s development i think it’s important to note two things.First, the quiet determination of the nano technologists.Take Charles Lieber for instance.The top man at Harvard and close friend of Bill gates ( no shit).He made headlines around December 2019 when the shock coronavirus was still being planned.He was arrested by the FBI. He lied about being on Wu Han’s payroll for around 10 years by saying he wasn’t at all.He had ‘advised’ on the development of their bio tech lab.The Chinese doctor arrested at the airport about to leave America for Wuhan had stolen 21 vials from Lieber’s lab.It was ” brown stuff’. Very apt.It’s odd that Lieber would be regarded an expert in that area given his own speciality.He has been experimenting with the implanting small chips into the human brain in the neurological region concerned with degenerative diseases like dementia and autism.He receives a large salary from Harvard and big top ups from philanthropic nutcase Gates. Nothing has come of his lying to the FBI.The other thing to note is the whole PR thing about ‘AI’ ; the re-packaging of the concept…
For years we’ve seen the contagious excitement on various stages when the latest Robot is presented.It can nod, walk, even run and answer pre-scripted questions.The inevitable question has never changed- will we ever make them to replicate or take over from man.There’s a million reasons why ‘no’ is an obvious answer.The first ones being no insight or facility to reflect or question.It’s a computer with limbs.But if you look at the etymology of the word Robot, you’ll find it was first used 100 years ago and means ‘slave’.Now that’s about right. You create something to do work without asking for cash or holidays and it never argues.A little like the digital industrial revolution.But they’re inherently problematic as the new human.But you could switch that.If you can understand the workings of the neurological system and brain you’ll know how to enable or disable certain functions.After all, to be able to fix it you need to understand it well enough to identify how it broke. Lieber’s work does this.As does Elon Musk’s ‘neuralink’. Gates has invested in his too.Musk thinks he can put a chip in someone and make them walk again.A bit like Jesus but with an electric car in his garage.
This Covid pandemic has been given to software magnates and technocrats to deal with.Any medical people questioning it or exposing it’s fake narrative are silenced. Gates is a software billionaire sponsoring nano technologists. All he’s talked about is chips.His record with vaccines is terrifying.Not as terrifying as the fact he’s allowed to do it.But we now know why the Robot has had a name change to ‘AI’.Look at the evidence; the behavioural sciences conditioning the herd; the dumbing down( they’d have gauged that too), the refusal to allow the effective treatment ( HCQ + Zinc) to be administered.We are on the brink of a huge, catastrophic scientific leap.They would never have found a legitimate way to switch 75% of the population off and get away with it.They needed global invisible threat.The little green men were busy playing poker in area 51.
I hope this has answered your question 🙂
Thanks for the very well detailed reply.
I was very aware of the machinations of the of this and I know what’s happening is the eggs are about to hatch after God knows how long penetrating and moulding the psychosphere to make this seemless transition into the mental slaves who are than happily to put their hands in the invisible handcuffs and line up unwittingly to be metaphorically beheaded of their last bit of independent thought that might have questioned what’s going on.
But I’m still not clear from any source apart from the psychopath reasoning as they have no reason. Which is a cop out to a point. I’d prefer if someone said I don’t bloody know why than that.
Like what’s worse than Orwellian?
I’m sure there’s far worse.
How does one prepare for what seems inevitable in this foregone conclusion by the sounds of people who’ve always been heavily reading and learning about who is ruling the planet.
Like I don’t even think the people we assume to be the malevolent forces are even the ones who running the show.
You’re welcome, Mister Biscuits..👍
”God knows how long penetrating and moulding the psychosphere to make this seemless transition ”
God went shopping a long time ago and forgot his way home.But don’t worry, a few of us have worked out the answer to that question.It won’t take more than 7 years from now.The big step is very big and it’s been guessed at all over the place online and elsewhere.The vaccination and RFID chip are the starter. The main course is not nice.The final ‘kick’.But that’s a whole other area. But the evidence is fragmented all over the place.It just needed to be calmly collected and put together like a broken vase.I might talk about that soon.I’m considering things.
”But I’m still not clear from any source apart from the psychopath reasoning as they have no reason.”
You aren’t on the same psychological plane as they are, so your rationale can’t comprehend theirs and you won’t empathise.Part of their psychopathy is the divorce they have had mentally from conscience and compassion.They can’t even imitate emotion.They see it as a flaw.But they see it in us and it’s a flaw that can be exploited.These creatures have no humanity. They’re just taking care of business and freeing up the space they think we’re occupying undeservedly.
”Like what’s worse than Orwellian?I’m sure there’s far worse.”
There is. But not much.If you slot 1984 into Brave New World and Brave New World revisited, you have the game in your hands and the rules.Huxley and Orwell tried.They still are through many. Jura’s calling all.😎
”How does one prepare for what seems inevitable in this foregone conclusion by the sounds of people who’ve always been heavily reading and learning about who is ruling the planet.”
One doesn’t. One can only win or lose by battle on the ground.’Soma’ will be delivered like an anaesthetic( Brave New World – Huxley). It may well be the electro magnetic waves doing it.It may well be more vaccines.But it’s like a sedative.That’s why the dumbing down is always being subjected to progress reports after false flags and psyops have occurred. It’s our ‘exams’..
”Like I don’t even think the people we assume to be the malevolent forces are even the ones who running the show.”
That’s a natural response if you’ve always had faith in human nature.I suppose it could be argued that these malevolent forces have been forged by others. They’ve had the humanity washed from their minds and given the job of some kind of manchurian candidates.
On the other hand, they all belong to behind- closed -doors organisations and have far more secretive meetings than bears thinking about.Then the programme is put into their hands by those who never stray from the wings to the stage.The perpetrators wont give themselves what they will give us.As a reward,they get to evade the murderous touch of the collective who designed this years ago.Illuminati ? I doubt it.But close.
If the fear and worry you’re beginning to experience picks up and creates a wave we might just create a tsunami they won’t be able to fend off.If it doesn’t we’re pretty much destined to die stoned on shit that wipes our grey matter clean.Ironic really.
Of course they have reason. Their motivation is clear, their desire to improve the world. Let’s face it the world is an effing mess. Many things need to change if we are to stop destroying the planet, reduce suffering, increase harmony etc. These admirable goals in themselves. The problem is that the psychopaths will go to any end to achieve this, and cos they hold all the dough and power, will destroy millions of ordinary folk in the process.
Ordinary people with a more Christian type belief system (most people in Western culture do have these Christian or not) won’t do this. I can’t commit evil saying the end justifying the means. But these people HATE GOD and evil is definitely accessible to them.
yes – although forgetting the Guardian is a bit of an omission from the Gates tentacles :-).
It used to be well known that the advent of vaccines came very late in the day as far as relegating the importance of the most serious infectious diseases in the West. So why do not the philanthropists concentrate on clean water supply, adequate nutritious food and decent housing for the 3rd world?
As you say, because in reality they are psychopaths.
philanthropist: psychopath
One of the Orwellian warnings was of ‘doublethink’ If that had a language it wold be ‘doublespeak’ In the book it’s love is hate war is peace and so on.
Closer examination reveals that some of these recent ‘alternative facts’ (to use a Trumpesque euphemism) show us that a country may invade many countries and have guns permanently trained on it’s people oppressively. Why ? Because it’s to keep peace in the bigger picture.
Gates talks and always has, about reducing the population by a couple of billion he’s saving lives in the bigger picture.He says vaccines which are supposed to prevent disease and extend life will reduce the population.
A ‘philanthropist’ is supposed to be someone who donates money to causes that will benefit the poor or ill.Bill’s philanthropy is used to sponsor Monsanto and various pharma companies then collecting his profit from the shares he already has in them.So he gives in order to be given back more.He’s turned giving away into a gain.
It’s a fun game. Just take key words and adjectives used frequently by people of great influence and type them out.Then highlight them on a word doc.Then replace them with an antonym. Then truth happens before your very eyes. Do it on a Microsoft word one.Just for the irony.
it does feel like there is better days ahead. it must be the people following john roses advice raising the vibration. its a new world. time to align with your true self and purpose.
I do hope we can be left alone to do just that, rachel.
Unfortunately the new age thinkers are of little use in times of real trouble.If you think a band of psychotic billionaires who have been hatching a plot to commit genocide and slaughter for 200 years will suddenly stop because somebody in the corner’s vibrating, it’s going to be quite a shock.They were vibrating with their chakras during 2 Iraqi conflicts and 2 world wars as the Christians told everyone that God comes back at the end and it will be OK.In the three dimensional world that entraps the 5 senses- the conflict begins and ends in the flesh.The ‘good club;’ of Gates made provision for this kind of thing turning up in their ‘good club’ meeting nearly 10 years ago .They simply stated that no religion or similar will be allowed to become an obstacle.They said it in an American accent but their souls were wearing Nazi uniforms.
Facebook is classed as a utility and should not be allowed to do this.
And every time Facebook (or any of the others) engage in censorship, they are admitting that they are not a platform, but are in fact a publisher. And publishers are responsible for their content. Lawmakers should hold them to this: either they are platforms (and thus cannot censor, just as the telephone company cannot) or they are a publisher and can censor and are legally responsible for every iota of their content.
I thought they were admitting that they are the government…!
HI, OffG, I just want to tell you guys that your website is being shadowed out by EVERY SEARCH ENGINE. Even DuckDuckGo now comes up with a fact checker saying that OffG is full of ‘stupid conspiracies’ and ‘pseudo science'(even though you always provide evidence). Here is the URL to the ‘fact checker’ on DDG: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/offguardian/
Here in HK I get different results depending on how I do the search on DDG:
off-guardian: No quotes and a hyphen: I get the same results as you mention, with the fact checkers at the top.
off guardian: No quote and no hyphen: I get the OG twitter account at the top of the results followed by an OG article, then a Guardian article, then more OG articles.
“off-guardian”: Quotes and hyphen: Same as the no quote and no hyphen result.
I won’t pretend to know why this is the case, but it looks very bizarre. Looks like they are looking for the correctly spelled ‘off-guardian’ word (no quotes, with hyphen) to inject the fact checkers at the top. I wonder who is funding that.
I got that for the first time this morning – the first thing on the list when I searched ‘offguardian’. And the ‘Fact Checker’ is some pratty individual. I’m revising my opinion of DDG
The impression I get is that the young entrepreneurs who lead Facebook and Twitter actually don’t want to censor what is posted on their platforms (after all, it’s to their advantage to keep their sites as open and non-exclusive as possible) but they are relentlessly pressured by opinions pervading the MSM (mostly emanating from ‘liberals’) and subjected to various theatrics like being called before and grilled by Congress (who are grandstanding for the public.) The censors who they then allow in are the most establishment-protecting, perhaps because FB and T don’t want to further hassle with being accused of being half-assed.
Regardless of the source, the censorship is happening, but it’s important to point out where the real villainy originates.
I think it’s a safe bet that the people who let themselves be affected by what entities like Facebook do are not the people who would be reading the censored articles anyway. So the idea, in my opinion, is not so much to censor and withhold information contradictory to the official narrative as it is to create the impression that almost all information laid out on the internet is suspect.
And if everything is suspect, there ends up being only two standards for deciding what to believe: 1) believe the official narrative; or 2) believe the contradictory narrative. Given the choice between those two narratives, the vast majority of people will “default” to the official narrative even if it’s filled with holes. It’s so much safer; and it frees up their minds for the important business of watching dancing nurses or bad ass kittens.
What happened to all the dancing (and haha performing, etc) nurses? They were all the rage back in April. Now they are nowhere to be seen.
Even if people are still banging pots on their balconies for the nurses, that still doesn’t change the fundamental internet precept: kittens trump people every time. (Not that those who delight in watching kittens carry on would lift a finger to keep those same kittens from being swooped up by Big Pharma and used for research.)
I don’t understand why people have allowed themselves to be infected with the virus that is facebook. I’ve never ever used it & never will & its been obvious for several years how biased & controlled it is. FREE yourselves of this vile hideous disease. The cure is simple click ‘close account’, watch facebook fade into obscurity let a phoenix rise from its ashes.
Alternative independent journalists need to find different media outlets, look whats happening to zero hedge, i didn’t even realize people still used google! If zerohedge can be de-platformed, banned, blacklisted, there’s little hope for sites like OFF-G, if they cant get you one way they’ll take you down via ISP, host service or domain name provider or attack from your paypal account etc. Its a full on attack on FREE SPEECH = “fact checkers“, propaganda espionage is everywhere on the net & its owned by one political ‘RACE’!
Facebook makes it’s purposely hard to leave Facebook.
I only permanently deleted mine, permanent deletion only a new option in the last year or more, before it was you can deactivate it, or some long winded process to delete and reactivate it after 90 days if you’ve changed your mind.
It definitely is a mind warping machine with all the dopamine hitting trappings of entrapment.
Oh people surrendered their privacy the day they infected themselves with social media, like whores to data pimps, once under its influence your privacy is lost forever, once they’ve taken your privacy they take your freedom.
I saw it a mile off, give any site your personal information & you’ve sold yourself into slavery. And the ICO & GDPR aren’t there to protect you, they’re there to enslave you.
Had to permanently leave 1 week into lockdown. It was ruining my day. Never happier now.
I’m personally not convinced about the ‘permanent deletion’ of ANY facebook account. Your profile is their bread and butter, for one thing. And then there’s the rest of it.
what is good is to build a website on your computer and upload plane html files. no database to hack n easy on the servers. all that wordpress sites are too complex. simple things like you could get software to mail a list but there are so many programmers that make things complex. good way to start is to make a webpage in notepad. its supposed to be markup like a printing press not programming.
“We are the ZUCKERBORG. GROPER JOE did awful, horrible, unspeakable things to us.”
Your article about ‘3 Links Sinking the Covid Narrative’?
). I think you mis-spelled.
The exploitation of the coronavirus to increase censorship was not just predictable, but actually announced. The British state has units working on (as they say) countering false and dangerous information around the virus. By this, they mean any challenge to the official narrative. The tech giants and the corporate media are all on board with this propaganda campaign.
The SAGE has a subcommittee that is made up of behavioural experts. It has been advising the government on how to secure compliance with the lockdown measures. One of the keys to ensuring that compliance identified by the subcommittee was fear. They advised that the population had to be made afraid of the virus. Clearly, any information that suggests the official narrative over states the level of threat will be construed as dangerous and characterised as false.
Another strand of the propaganda campaign advised included the promotion of a sense of personal responsibility for others. The mask wearing issue has been a clear example of this. Constantly the message is that wearing masks protects others and it is therefore anti-social, irresponsible and dangerous to not wear a face covering. A further strand is, of course, praise for “correct” actions. The Clap for Carers lunacy, the health workers are heroes on the frontline, the we are all in this together meme are all examples of this propaganda and behaviour management strategy. And fundamental to that strategy is the shutting down of criticism and dissent.
Indeed the criminals of this propaganda war on society are those scientific charlatans “psychologists” with their pseudo science of mind reading/control! They’ve never fooled me with their witch craft! dunk em in the nearest pond!
Actually, the science being exploited here is Social Psychology. And it really is science (not witch craft). It demonstrably works and can be replicated by anyone. The economist, Richard Thaler, applied the insights of this body of knowledge to economics (and public policy) and was awarded the Nobel Prize as a result. Government’s love this approach as it increases their ability to control their populations without appearing to be imposing demands or restricting rights and liberties.
A fancy term for human nature, the herd mentality, followers & copiers, there’s very little real science involved at all, pseudo science (emotive & subjective applied science) of manipulation, certainly. The first question I almost always ask when interacting with anything even remotely human related, is am i being manipulated? The second, do i mind being manipulated!
Its why I only trust true science, the study of the natural world, humans long distanced themselves from that reality & my respect.
I can see that you are very dismissive. Yet I suspect that you would find the insights of this area of study very congenial. It is based on the recognition that we have two ways of “thinking”. The first is natural, unconscious, immediate and effortless. The second is a human invention. It is unnatural, conscious, slow and painstaking. It has to be learnt and practised. This is the type of thinking one has to use to solve mathematical problems, engage in cost benefit analyses, and conduct evidenced, criterion based decision making. We prefer the first, but claim to use the second. So mostly what happens is people use the first to make their judgement and if challenged resort to the second to invent rationalisations to justify the judgment.
These facts have been demonstrated experimentally over and over again. Moreover, those experiments have uncovered the particular nature of the biases (heuristic devices) that are utilised in the first way of thinking; they have shown both how irrational that thinking is, and how predictable it is.
One can use these insights for oneself relatively easily by simply realising that everything you “know” without having gone to all the bother of finding out is a result of the first type of thinking; and even some of what you “know” where you went to the bother of finding out might be nothing more than the first type of thinking bolstered by a set of rationales.
However, it is much easier to see the effects of the first type of thinking In others. It is often easily discernible in official narratives.
An accessible introduction is Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow.
You’re an establishment man aren’t you? A believer in the system? a worshiper of applied science?
I don’t say that as a dig or to cause offense, I’ve just had enough of the indoctrination of formal “education” conformity & compliance, it offers nothing but pain & harm.
Other than convenient but destructive lifestyles. I’d rather forgo self indulgence for freedom, truth & natural process. I will not be SUBJECT to exploitation or manipulation by academia & intellectuals.
So thanks for your recommendations, but i’ll give it a miss.
In response to your first paragraph: No, No, & No.
In response to your final paragraph: OK.
Both sides of this argument have some merit. Social Psychology does use scientific method – but it deals with an area that has a plethora of variables, such that replication is fraught with difficulty and reservation. As such, it differs from ‘hard’ science.
… and is as morally questionable as a nuclear weapon if used as a manipulative behavioural tool – as in this present context.
The biases of the first way of thinking have been experimentally demonstrated over and over, as I stated. Replication is not fraught with difficulty. The results are completely reliable.
O. There is value in what you both are both suggesting. However, it should be emphasized that swarming or herding is an extremely scientific process of engineering, especially of minds. If in doubt, James B. Glattfelder’s TEDtalk on who rules/controls the world and how, is well worth watching, at just 15 minutes long: & time well spent to understand the physics and math of Division & Direction, that resonate demonstrably watching birds swarm, as one example.
Spot the wingmen… 😉
Who even censor TED, these days… after all they don’t want to discuss a bird’s eye view of ALL science utilised by military, publicly.
Globally warmest regards,
I shall read the book you mention. Thanks.
An isreali wrote that book.
Well that was boring. I think we need less Jooish psychology, not more.
Science is science, knowledge is knowledge, regardless of who states it.
Yes Mr Hancock.
Whatever you define it as, Psychology is the study of behaviour. Behaviour can be observed over periods of time and it can be observed in manipulated conditions the same way. It’s an effective method of understanding human habits, needs, and fears..That’s why less than 1% of the 7 billion can manipulate you, the rest of the population, and the world, from a remote place.
Behaviour in groups / herds can yield even more valuable information. Call it a ‘pseudo-science’ all day. But the power of those who harnessed it are as real as they ever have been.When you can construct fear strong enough to force a few billion people to hide indoors and do as they’re told in days, i think it’s safe to say the pseudo science has been weaponized against the people who provided the data. It’s never been easier with the internet being so visible and easy to spy on. But for what reason ? So they can use ‘true science’ and it’s latest wonders to put nano technology to use with chips implanted into the brain( Gates / Musk – neuralink) with the dream being to upload your thoughts to clouds of ‘technology’.And to place RFID chips into your arm so you can be scanned like goods at a supermarket and have all your information read.That’s true science.It’s placed mankind at the whim of the technocrats .
Hmm slim relationship to real science, not sure I accept human study of “behavior in manipulated conditions” as scientific method, its almost impossible to replicate in the real world because so much would depend on environmental variables you would likely have random results. If you could really predict human behaviour you would have to abolish democracy! HAHAHAHAHA………..
Yes you could do it under lab conditions but then its influenced & controlled hence pseudo science (applied science) which is effectively a tool used to advance the interests of humans or groups of humans, over nature or other humans, both are subjective & emotive, It’s not true ‘objective’ science.
That’s where it becomes political & controversial, we really must maintain a distinction between science & pseudo science which is basically manipulation, the 2 are very different. Simply observing & using your discovery to alter behaviour doesn’t make it science or scientific. It is in fact corruption of science.
True science (biology, chemistry & physics) is the study of nature, Science = truth, – objective, impartial & cold!
Calling things data & asserting an observation doesn’t make it science. Those are just terms, modeling (maths) I don’t consider to be science, i’m sure many would disagree. In any case we all know how accurate modeling is yet very effective at influencing our behaviour, its really just a scam, trickery but not true science it can’t be when it attempts to predict an outcome of something that hasn’t happened.
That’s where we are today calling things scientific when they are anything but, its real name is realpolitik manipulation of our environment or emotions.
Thanks for the reply and ‘ha ha’…
”Hmm slim relationship to real science, not sure I accept human study of “behaviour in manipulated conditions” as scientific method, its almost impossible to replicate in the real world”
I agree. But I said manipulate the environment not replicate. Basic behaviour changes can be calculated and predicted using basic classical or operant conditioning techniques of reward and punishment and reinforcement. It can predict the behaviour of a person accurately after a time.And once you teach people the apparent benefits of belonging to a herd you can do it to a single herd at a time. The benefits to those wishing to manipulate and control people and shape the collective opinions and trends of people are priceless. Why do you think big companies pay big money to psychologists to get involved in advertising campaigns. How does propaganda shape the views of the population ?Why do political parties spend so much money on behavioural psychologists ? It’s responsible for the billions made through successful advertising campaigns and propaganda programmes.Why has mind control been prized by intelligence agencies ?
I doubt you’d find may branches of science that depended on and used so many statistical analyses as Psychology.A debate as to it being a science or pseudo science won’t stop any of this. The people who run the world need to maintain a grip of the collective mind.A knowledge of what it fears and what it needs is crucial.I think the fact that Psychology is a discipline is more important than any subjective interpretation of what is or isn’t ‘pseudo’.Remember- knowledge is power.Where do we store it and how do we learn ?
”True science (biology, chemistry & physics) is the study of nature, Science = truth, – objective, impartial & cold!”
As are the objects it studies.People are fluid and the mind is never still.The people who want complete power don’t perceive a need to control the rest of science.All they need to do is understand it and it’s potential.Nature, biology and physics aren’t a threat to them.People are if they free their mind and become independent objective thinkers who question and study their propaganda and manipulation.It takes far more study and observation and, ultimately understanding of potential and of implications.
”That’s where we are today calling things scientific when they are anything but, its real name is realpolitik manipulation of our environment or emotions.”
Realpolitik is merely pragmatism. It’s rigid .Narrow. Right now some people are calling this ‘situation’ a mind f**k.That comes under pop psychology.Some are calling it a psyop- again a psychological operation.Some are calling it a pandemic- they’re the ‘Real’ scientists. They support it with data which you call pointless.The measures implemented by the Government were based on the ‘modelling and data’ delivered by scientists who could write code for computers. The real science of Biology and Chemistry have failed to identify and isolate the virus and, therefore, create a vaccine for it.That’s real science again. The IT code writers delivered incorrect numbers that shaped behaviours and chemistry is still flailng in the dark for a virus. But the Psychologists spotted the hidden agenda to classically condition us to bark on cue and roll over and wait for a biscuit.Or to have our leads tightened if we didn’t .Not bad for a pseudo science
Its more like magic, definition : the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with will. Propaganda being black magic, ie controlling (mass) consciousness to conceal truth, to manifest the desired consequences, using the psychic energies of fear and hysteria. I don’t know how true this is but I saw a video about the kneeling police, ‘taking the knee’ as a sign of respect during the blm protests as being part of a masonic ritual so they were acting out a form of occult ceremony, also the symbolism of the knee on George Floyd’s neck. Food for thought.
Quite. ”Take a knee huh? How about my one, right here?” Barefaced cheek, if you ask me.
They haven’t fooled you, or you haven’t understood them ?
The Divided Brain
I watched the video you referred me to, but I am at a loss to see the point you intended. Would you care to enlighten me?
I can see that you are very dismissive. Yet I suspect that you would find the insights of this area of study very congenial. It is based on the recognition that we have two ways of “thinking”.
Thought it might be relevant but I haven’t read that book
The ways of thinking I was referring have nothing to do with the notion of left brain right brain thinking. They are our natural way of thinking and our acquired way of thinking.
Seems that McGilchrist has a new way of looking at left brain right brain thinking. One that somewhat mirrors the ways of thinking you’re talking about. Maybe.
No, it really is very completely different.
Thanks, regardless whether considered relevant or not it was quite interesting…Not science LOL! But short & interesting.
It seems to me psychiatry is mostly guesswork. 🙂
But the topic in discussion is Psychology. 🤚
Nah the topic is FREEDOM, Mr Hayes made a point I had no wish to get involved with because I refuse to be enslaved into societies brainwashing by academia, the subject & book attempts to do exactly that, so I didn’t answer directly.
Humans as a social species long ago began perfecting methods to manipulate the masses, its called indoctrination into their system (Industrial civilization) with formal education, religion etc. among others. Its not science. Using terms like data, & replicable blah blah don’t make it science, using scientific method doesn’t make it science, even using methods based on science don’t make it science! eg. Medicine..SCIENCE is the study of nature, as mr hayes asserted there’s a natural way of thinking & a learned/taught way.
The examples used by you & mr hayes have a word perfectly suited to describe it, “politics” which I accept is a natural progression of a complex socitey. Humanity will never be free until concepts such as ‘money’ & ‘property’ are consigned to history. Money is a term most accept as a reality whilst in truth its a fictitious mechanism of control, (politics) the only currency is human labour (or at least always had been) until NOW until AI & automation. Starvation will always find you you can not hide from it, a bank NOTE wont unless you seek it out.
Property ownership is another massive fictitious mind fuck of civilized society, yet offers no benefit to most of humanity as a whole. You can’t own something that existed billions of years before your existence & will be here billions of years after you’re gone! its a control mechanism based on nothing more than a belief, mr hayes was discussing just another control mechanism (politics) mind control = denial of freedom.
For more controversy see definition of liberal = obsession with sex & property! This site along with all other ‘journalism’ is politics. None of it is true science its all a massive mind fuck to control us. Hope I covered everything for you!
I meant to add control is civilizations attempt to subvert natural process, natural process is science, therefore it follows human control mechanisms are a corruption of science. Which leads of course to a controversial assertion humans aren’t part of the natural world, but that opens an even more wider debate. Can humanity escape nature or the truth (science).
Pretty much…
”Humans as a social species long ago began perfecting methods to manipulate the masses, its called indoctrination into their system (Industrial civilization) with formal education, religion etc. among others. Its not science.”
You seem pretty hung up on what is and isn’t Science as though Science is a holy grail being claimed fraudulently by everyone.I believe what you’re describing is what i pretty much called manipulation of the mind of the group.It’s groupthink in the classroom then the world.Or, as behavioural scientists say- conditioning.Computer scientists have questions over their heads right now.Their ‘models’ have-once again- proved to be shambolic.Or isn’t computer science a science either.
”SCIENCE is the study of nature, as mr hayes asserted there’s a natural way of thinking & a learned/taught way.”
That’s part of it.But Science is a pretty large umbrella and growing all the time.Man is what he thinks and how he behaves.Both of these are determined by how his mind works.Man, like it or not, is part of the nature you’re talking about. Mankind is a living thing.And the more we can understand the mind the more we can understand man.Then we can understand what he does and why.And why he can desire individual freedom but need to belong to a tribe simultaneously.
The reality you claim is clouded by western materialism and capitalism is a subjective definition.You’re basically espousing the old Christian ”the love of money is the root of all evil”. That is true. It blinds man to his own nature and the nature of existence.The ego will always need sating and what money can buy will do it in a world where others are also driven by the appearance of material wealth.It determines peoples’ values and morals, unfortunately..But i believe it’s roots lay deep in the biological make up of man from the days of the cave dwellers.
Tribal survival depended on power.It depended on numbers.And all the strongest tribes thrived through strong and intelligent leadership.That’s how social hierarchies were deemed necessary.Brains and direction at the top, generals in the middle, foot soldiers at the bottom. A pyramid structure.The salary / rewards were graded according to your level.We live in a smaller world with a much larger amount of tribes now.The mechanics have never changed.Not in warfare or in human nature. But there is one constant.All wars are won by the smarter thinkers; the strategists ; those who can manipulate their own people to their will and the opposition too.That’s a science.
Absolutely because it represents the truth!
“The comment in question was a clumsy attempt to blame the ‘far right’ (current Establishment boogeyman) for the covid19 rollout.”
With the quibble, of course, that what could possibly be more Far Right than genocide-happy NATO (and the apparatus connecting NATO to the COVID rollout)?
Seriously, guys. Don’t fall for the semantics traps, and the super-slick double-bluff logic, of The Empire. It’s all quite simple: The Right are warmongering, bankers-funded advocates of race-hierarchy and genocide, despite the fact that they’re clever enough to hide behind the smiling brown faces (BHO, head of WHO, Surgeon General, et al) fronting many of their atrocities. The Left are against all that. It’s that simple.Keep it simple in the meme-hurricane and you’ll find your way. Fall for the trendy psyops of definition-drift (and Reality blurring) and we’re lost. Racialists (and Misogynists) who resist Hegemony only because they’d prefer to Rule are not (repeat NOT) allies.
And here’s a correction to another Strategic Misapprehension: we don’t need strict “Unity” to oppose TFIC*… the Alt Right can resist TFIC and The Vestigial Left can resist TFIC and even Vegan Figure Models can perfectly resist TFIC in their own idiosyncratic ways (while using separate facilities)… what counts is No One Going Along with Normative Bullshit. I refuse to lie down with Nazis and neither do I need to. We can all resist while hating each others’ guts if need be… just as long as we oppose Them more than we hate each other. So please do forget all this phony Kumbaya (sp?) nonsense. “Divide and Rule” is a myth. The actual mechanism is Hypnotize and Rule.
*The Fuckers in Charge
This is just the start of what happens to anyone in the ‘free’ West who is critical of Government policy. Well, this, or being constructively dismissed from your job.
Just ignore Google, Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the “social media” corporations.
The Web was created and released free of charge to all humanity so we could use it to communicate freely with one another. Why on earth do millions of people queue up, instead, to pass through huge turnstiles controlled by the enemies of truth?
Just walk round the turnstiles.
Lets make a new internet.
On the contrary – the existing Internet is not only adequate and fit for purpose, but it is admirably and flexibly designed.
On top of the Internet is the Web; you can use the Internet without going near the Web, which can be thought of as the “graphical user interface” for the Internet.
And on top of the Web are the vast, uncaring profit-seeking monstrosities known as “social media”.
I have been using the Web intensively for about 25 years – I forget when Trumpet Winsock appeared. I have never used a social media site (except for putting up a LinkedIn page years ago which remains there through inertia). Every day I visit dozens of different sites, from which I get all the news, facts and opinions I want.
i think a social media type experience could be built out of email. whitelist and put into folders is a start but it would need like mailing lists built in. you could download it all and prepare messages offline. i think spam folders was not a good solution. maybe early form of these fact checking notices.
i think it should be designed like that so you woulnt need internet acces n could prepare stuff you want to fetch n send like so you could be say in log cabin n onl need to connect sometimes.
Or write hand-delivered letters…? But seriously, I think we pretty much have a situation like in Soviet Russia, where everybody knew how corrupt the system was, basically giggled about it in private, and found ways to do what they wanted anyway. With all due respect to those who undoubtedly suffered during those years, just as plenty of us here in the west are suffering now.
Two petitions
One to end the lockdown and another about The Guardian
This is the way to go, or at least until the “authorities” start receiving so many similar petitions that they stop accepting any of them…
and this
“Note that they only back three years in time, and not all the way to 2000 or 1998″
This is absolutely common practise in ramping up the Panicdemic – don’t go anywhere near historical context, because the narrative gets blown out of the water.
Reality check (verifiable) : Using England and Wales ‘all cause’ mortality figures (the only reasonably reliable metric), and looking at mortality in the winter/spring infection seasons (up to week 21), and correcting for changes in population size (an essential issue).this last year ranked *eighth* of 27 years in terms of mortality between 1993/94 and 2019/20.
You’ve just got laugh. The ‘Key Take Away’ from the ‘Health Feedback’ article is …
Approximately 400,000 people have died worldwide in the past six months from COVID-19. Current evidence indicates that the impact would have been more devastating without the implementation of control measures. Epidemiological data suggest that early intervention has successfully slowed the spread of COVID-19, allowing governments to manage the outbreak and minimize secondary mortality due to other causes.
Not sure where to start with the “fact checking” of this crock of shit.
I would start by asking for details of the “current evidence” that “indicates that the impact would have been more devastating without the implementation of control measures”.
Professor Ferguson’s personal opinion, I suspect.
Indeed Tom.
“… and minimize secondary mortality due to other causes.”
Dare I say … barefaced lie ..?
As far as everyone whose opinion I value knows, they have vastly increased mortality due to other causes. And indeed increased mortality due to Covid-19 by various ingenious techniques such as throwing all sick elderly people with the virus out of hospitals and cramming them into “care homes”, where they not only get no medical care, but also infect all the residents who were not previously infected.
What a surprise!
another useful web site
UK Government Double Counts Covid CasesYou really couldn’t make this up! Reported first in the Telegraph, the bizarre fact is that where people have had both a nose and a throat swab test, they are counted as two cases. This seems to be the stuff of cartoons. Except that
tests dont prove anything. the tests dont work and generally detect healthy people. they are not allowed in anycase.
true but all is smoke and mirrrors
What does “not allowed in anycase” mean? Who’s doing the allowing / disallowing? And most importantly, what is disallowed and what is allowed? It’s important to tell us so that we avoid straying from the right path in our opposing the totalitarian mainstream.
signs of a lock down are banned everywhere. they are only permitted in museum exhibits prefaced with a warning that the exibit, document etc. contains signs of a lock down. the warning is the lock. see music video called stuck with you.
You have to wonder when the UK government rejected the use of other virus tests, were they afraid they were more accurate & would show up the official narrative.
Can i ask what part of the world you reside rachel?
the official narrative is tests are signs of a lockdown and need to be prefaced with a warning they are soald.
Trying to argue against continuing for decade blatant FB censorship of access to public is nothing but buying into OFFG disadvantage position forced by FB propaganda framing.
First undo censorship by publishing article with apologies and then let’s deal with FB arguments that OFFG did in this article. OFFG arguing while being censored ironically means acquiescence to brutal act of censorship OFFG actually decries.
For me any ban of article increases not diminishes its credibility and is worth reading as one can learn from it about bias of censors.
We must avoid such euphemisms for censorship like blocking, or downgrading priority, moderating or delisting from news or RSS/ message feed and the very Orwellian idea of fact-checking authority ever existing and if we do we are already conceding our superior debate position of thorough analysis based on facts.
These is no credible and infallible authority that checks facts by which censorship can be justified and enacted upon in modern world.even almighty “god” does not make foul mouth speakers mute but let’s them exercise their free will.
So what to do when diametrically different even conflicting ideas are being put forward on platform one controls? Nothing. If you one does one becomes a censor.
Let those ideas battle in open using civilized means of debate, logical persuasion, methodology of reason and material facts as it it in many cases used to be in science when debate included the same issue comment from opposing group only to be responded below. As whole chain of papers were being publish together so readers were properly informed.
Any reason for supposed concern about what potential harm information can bring is hence utterly false.
But act of censorship is never engaging into betterment of debate as censors always claim but it is always aimed at stifling it because there are million ways to handle inaccuracies, lack of logic or rational or baseless conclusions short of censorship but only one way to avoid debating uncovering lies one wants promoted.
the only remedy for bad speech is more free speech not less. It means more acces to public no less.
Not sure why my comment is ‘waiting for approval’. Maybe it’s a glitch, or maybe it is because I did not give a reference of a study that showed that the sensitivity for SARS-CoV-2 diagnosing with PCR is <75%. If the latter is the case, I respect that given the issue of ‘fake news’, so here is the reference: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762997
And the table with the test results
My comments have been waiting for approval when they had more than one or two links. Hope this helps.
Spam filter, maybe to many links, maybe to many posts in certain amount of time, maybe you is a secret agent for S.p.e.c.t.r.e. ?
ghost banning is the technique they use. people think they are sharing info but few actually see it. they are demoralised yet kept from going elsewhere and being more effective. i think the photopier would good. they wouldnt even know what was happening there data appearing to show reduction in opposition.
if its posted thru someones letterbox the computers cant block it and measure the activities. they think all is wel whilst info is being shared offline and only detect feedback loops. it makes no sense worry about facebook or twitter etc. email list would be better. isnt that the first thing facebook asked for? your email.
What do you mean? Post thru letterbox?
Old school communication – post a letter/flyer/document through someone’s door to share info .
morgaine has a video called nirmana that has flyers in it. it has the lyric form a network and span the earth.
Youtube have ghost banned me..they’re r soles
FakeBook is as evil as “Don’t Do Evil” unless you’re Google. Who needs their captive audience of mental midgets who can’t think for themselves and only live to post their latest rave vid on their (National) Social(ist) Network.
If I think about censors (my bosses), it is not so much that they are trying to silence dissent. They know that silencing dissent on authority has nothing to do with science and debate, and so they are against that. Still they censor me all of the time when I talk about Covid19. Why do they do it? – In my experience: because they don’t dare to know the truth.
The slogan of the 18th century enlightenment was Sapere Aude (dare to think). And it’s not that these censors have lost that capability, it’s just that they never had that capability. They are great status quo thinkers and believe that everything that goes against the current line of thinking must be wrong by definition. They always find reasons to cling to their beliefs, even if these are absurd. A while ago I mailed with Y and said that Covid19 pcr testing was faulty and gave her some references where you could see that the sensitivity of the test is less than 75%. And that that could be problematic as that might lead to false positives in patients who don’t have an infectious disease but something that mimics it (like venous thromboembolism for which the life saving therapy is anticoagulation, not ventilation). To which Y replied that that PCR test identified sars-cov2 not Covid19 and didn’t look any further into my argument. That is how censors scientifically reason. Any opportunity to stifle debate is happily taken with both arms as it will stop the censor’s difficult task of critical thinking.
Here is Kant on the issue of being (un)able to think
‘It is very difficult for the individual to work himself out of the nonage which has become almost second nature to him. He has even grown to like it, and is at first really incapable of using his own understanding because he has never been permitted to try it. Dogmas and formulas, these mechanical tools designed for reasonable use–or rather abuse–of his natural gifts, are the fetters of an everlasting nonage. The man who casts them off would make an uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch, because he is not used to such free movement. That is why there are only a few men who walk firmly, and who have emerged from nonage by cultivating their own minds.’
How I survive in such a situation is to consider all of my bosses psychologically disabled. And although I cannot ignore their ‘critical thinking’ and censorship, I can, while debating with them, show them the critical method, which might annoy them (I.e., cognitive dissonance) but they cannot stop me from doing that as they are payed to be our nation’s critical thinkers. It is a doctor-patient or mentor-student relationship I have with them, but all topsy-turvy.
I of course don’t know who you work for but you can bet its something to do with money & fear of losing some LOL
i had that with some family members. might have lost my inheritance over covid but i have another family that actualy love me.
The quality of recruitment at 77brigade has clearly been affected by the indecent rush to expand the operation.
By offering performance related benefits per post quality has clearly suffered.
Oh how we miss the subtle finnesse of pteviouse “information” manipulations, it’s rather sad to see how the emphasis has switched from quality to quantity.
May I suggest the most effective way of controlling the narratives would be to make the mainstream media actually watchable and readable again.
I proudly and happily got rid of facebook and instagram, not missing a bit, there were 2,3 people i was in contact there so i carried those contacts to whatsapp where we can write to each other sometimes therefore fff with those time stealers.. as google shadow bans everyshit under the sun, i downloaded yandex. Everything that concerns covid-usa-uk-blm etc i search from yandex and everything that concers china and russia i search from google, minimal shadow banning. For youtube, where do i begin, ahhh youtube…as i am an amateur cook i watch cooking videos and sadly couldn’t find an alternative but before all these i was considering a membership , now obviously i won’t ..and lasty MSM as i blame them vastly for turning people into maniacs and devastating our lives, i will never ever like ever forgive them and will never watch or read them again , this i gave myself as a promise.
Advisory, first: Nanoparticles and metals are used to promote an innate immune response in the body. The question is whether some adjuvants are also harmful contaminants. This is standard information in the pharma industry but it is probably not intended for public discussion because does cause alarm.
So when two Italian doctors examined 44 major vaccines on the European market and found nanoparticles which serve no positive medical purpose, the pharma industry responded aggressively. Six months later, in 2017, police raided their lab.
Drs Stefano Montanari and Antonietta Morena Gatti (see her bona fides below) found lead in every vaccine, along with varying contaminants including stainless steel, tungsten, zircon and antimony.
The researchers attributed this to filtration and said the problem could probably be solved by quality control. This was reported in the BMJ & Pharmaceutical Journal.
These unacknowledged contaminants were accompanied by ‘labeled’ adjutants like Aluminum and NaCl salts. Some metals appeared to be ‘complexes’ purposefully combined together – iron aluminum, silicon aluminum, aluminum silicon titanium, iron chromium nickel.
Inflammation is a known result of adjuvants and is part of the intended process as particles captured by tissues cannot be expelled. But some contaminants cause inflammation leading to cancers, especially in the liver. (The Role of Air Pollutants in Initiating Liver Disease – NCBI, 2014)
Eletromagnetic radiation such as 5G brings a further complication because it can interact with metal nanoparticles in the body. Other than ‘frying’ us, the military has used related technologies for crowd control. For example, the Active Denial System uses Terahertz waves for this purpose.
Dr Gatti is coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology, called INESE. She is also a selected expert of the FAO/WHO for the safety in nanotechnological food, a Member of the NANOTOX Cluster of the European Commission, the author of a book titled “Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles,” she’s on the Editorial Board of Journal of Biomaterials Applications and is a member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defense.
they said the only vaxx without the nanoparticles was veterinary one.
Dr Andy Kaufman discusses censorship, forced medication and Inovio’s COVID-19 DNA vaccine vs mRNA genetic vaccines like Moderna’s.
Andy Kaufman, M.D. completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology.
Maybe you are right, but I will not be grieving for the left: you reap what you sow. The issue with the left is that they stopped “forgiving” people: a critical mistake that will result in them devouring their own. Charity begins at home and the expectation of forgiveness is the most important charitable act that our society has lost.
What’s happened is very sad. The Left simply lambast people who question/disagree with their mindset, and, increasingly, most other people cower and fall into line.
They are evil, they always think they are right and that being wrong is not allowed. I honestly don’t know how they think people can go through a journey of discovery, where in the beginning you will often be wrong before you reach the truth. They’ve obviously not thought about their own past. They just want to hand things over to some arbiters of truth who will tell everyone that what’s what with everything. Basically they want to hand over responsibility for truth and way of life, they want masters – regardless of what this could mean for humanity.
Sick individuals indeed.
Indeed they ask for reform but when change happens they still hold the past against the sinners. The result being people just wont waste their time changing in the future.
That there is no open, robust debate on a topic of this magnitude tells you all you need to know about mainstream compliant, criminal media outlets. It also speaks volumes as to the weakness of their position.
Shouldn’t the likes of Fauci, Ferguson et al be interested in showing off their gigantic “intellects” and unassailable “expertise” in front of a prime time audience.
Not only would a multitude of actual scientific personnel turn the arguments of the these corporate-owned-puppet-pretend scientists to rubbish half of the posters here could also do the same.
Let’s have those open debates.
i think the problem is germ theory. in this case the media are the germ when the actual problem is with the terrain ie. people continuing to watch. you are not supposed to encourage maintenance of abusive relationships. the advice is no contact.
We saw the same closing down of debate over the London bombing, Sept 11th, the ‘terrorist’ attacks in London, where police officers were filmed changing their uniform for something more comfortable.
We saw the same during the Gulf wars, the political pedo gangs roaming Britain, the funding of terrorism abroad in Syria, the Holohoax. The one consistent factor is the media who have a script prepared for all these things. Anyone who diverts from that script gets pounded or worse.
Even Zero Hedge has started censoring their comments section using a Google-provided filter that will delete certain comments using key words. The reason is that this week they were demonetized by Google as part of the Google terrorism campaign: Google has stopped serving them ads, thereby withholding their advertising revenue. PayPal did the same some time ago.
From what ZH posted, the reasons for banning the site were two articles which had been raised as evidence by a fake-news story published by NBC: one from 2016 showing that the BLM movement was funded by billionaires and the DNC. The other a recent post showing that BLM donations were being diverted to some DNC organisation.
The corporate tyrants hate free speech and are moving into top gear.
ZH has been a fake left or “controlled opposition” ( restricting the narrative)for a while now.
I always found more value in the comments than the articles especially recently.
I must find out more about Bit Chute. I went over there to catch some David Icke after he was bumped off YouTube, and found loads of covid-related goodies. Do they simply not censor?
Unfortunately they do censor – i uploaded my latest music video – Freedom Fighter, based on article 51 of of the UN Charter. It was banned within 4 hours from youtube. Uploaded it to bit chute but it never was posted. I come from South Africa and we certainly know about one mans ‘terrorist’ is another mans freedom fighter. Yes my judgement of blood thirsty NATO / Expansion of Zion is severe.
Another narrative that is difficult to counter on western platforms / in western minds.
(I see Denmark! sent more troops to iraq) –
One further note on Bit Chute is that is appears to me that there is a right wing flavor to it.
Like you i went there briefly for the icke but now go directly to Londonreal to view Roses’ interviews.
Of particular merit is an interview with Delores Cahill.
There is a fluster currently here on off-g & in the ‘alternate’ west about lockdown and loss of liberties.
Well welcome to the real world. It is merely ‘the wests’ control system turned inwardly, psychops101, on their own population, to placate them.
Look at the wests violent juggernaut through the middle east. Thats real fucking lock down. Put your foot wrong and you’re bugsplat. Terrorists of the highest order. Julian Assange and his Cable leaks, their historical context in events in particular to South American history post ww2 are illuminating. How empire thinks.
But the list is endless.
Death squads in south America
Carpet bombing of cambodia.
Firebombing of the northen Korean peninsula. yadayadayada
Trillion dollar digital behemoths monopolising discussions censoring Free thought.. Concocting colour revolutions, manipulating, divide and conquer etcetc
Now Wall Street, HSBC and their chums with their trillion dollar / euro / pound / fiat shit, creating debt slavery for all. Bailouts to their corporate chuts. Neo-liberal conditionalities stapled to each IMF/world bank ‘Korona loan’ to 3rd world economies.
While $50 trillion + slushing around in offshore tax havens. Britain being a dominant player here.
Meanwhile gleaming HQ edifices to corporate authoritarians litter the City of London,
NATO citizens need serious meditation on these issues.
brandnewtube is a very new platform that offers censorship free content.
Many content providers who are demonetised and / or banned from YouTube are now uploading their content to this new platform.
It’s early days but I would expect most OffG subscribers will be using this new platform in the near future .
Try this to get you started …. david-cole-returns_Yozv8cJlDah4tp9.html
Yesterday I tried to watch the Rose/Icke round 4 interview twice on bitchute uploaded by 2 different people, both stopped after about 20 mins, don’t know why, will try again today
Lets stop pretending that there is a real battle going on here between the ‘left’ (whatever that is in the USA) and the ‘freedom loving’ free speech loving fascist far-right.
Lets get the facts out there. Firstly Facebook & Google act 100% as arms of the CIA/NSA etc… The CIA, culturally, is a far-right organization, that hates the left, communists and is white essentially supremacist, they’ve murdered enough black civil rights leader to prove that beyond any doubt. So when you tell me that the CIA are ‘censoring’ the truth on Covid, then I smell a rat.
One of the problems with Facebook’s & Google’s ‘censoring’ of anything, is that it never is really censored, it is always available on their own platforms or somewhere else, even when the technology exists to completely eradicate that video or information off the web.
So when you tell me Facebook are censoring something, what you are really telling me is that the CIA want the population to look more into the Covid evidence because, it’s not getting enough traction.
It looks to me like the far-right & the CIA are slowly releasing the truth about the Covid fraud, to turn the far-right into the heroes, and to turn ‘the left’, what is left of it, and our confused democracies and it’s politicians, into the criminals. It’s a set, our politicians were advised into the lockdown by the same people (the CIA) who are now setting them up.
So it is a classic slow rolling far-right coup where the far-right are undermining, what remains of our democracy, our politicians, and the left, their only real opposition, so they can gain popular support with the masses for the eventual dictatorship and military coup they are edging towards, which they believe, god bless them, will save America and make it great again. After all, I’m sure they would tell you, Rome had it’s greatest days under the Caesars.
So in conclusion: if there are any public figures or politicians really on our side, fighting for our interests, then they are either, cowering in a cupboard, in fear for their lives, in prison on charges of sexual abuse, dead or are REALLY being censored, which means they will never, every, be heard of, or every be seen on the CIA’s internet.
This is one of the accounts repeat-posting the meme associating the covid19 agenda with white supremacy and far-right politics, when in reality it stems from, and has received most support from, the ‘liberal’ faux Left. This is typical disinformation smoke-blowing – Admin1
Simply not true. You will find links censored on Facebook and sites demonetised by Google. There is no technology to ban anything from the internet in its entirity. Even the CCP is not able to prevent everything from getting through the great firewall. The best they can hope to do is to make it harder to access: try getting a Tor browser and you will find that there is everything on the internet, from child porn through to extreme violence. There is a lot of sick shit on the internet, but you just don’t get to see it, you are protected from it by the big companies and in some cases by the internet dns system etc.
But they do try hard: over here in HK you could not access the anti-CCP Southpark episode. Even trying to download a torrent, they had obviously used some sort of man-in-the-middle to fake the torrent sites to give you corrupted versions of the torrent files. I had to use a VPN to go to a European torrent site to get a good version of the torrent file which would then download over the normal internet.
The CIA is on your side in HK trying to deliver all the anti Chinese material they can to you. But if the CIA decide you can’t get to a site then you won’t.
An IP address can be banned by marking them as a phishing site, they will then get zero traffic, they can also disappear from search engines so, unless you know the site address you will never find them. There are many other ways to ban a site.
I am sure you are right, but given the difference in national environments I would suspect that there is more CCP activity in the USA than CIA activity in China. I have no proof of that, it is just my gut feeling. That will not for be for a lack of trying by the CIA, but China is further down the authoritarian-rule road than the USA so has far greater direct population control.
Neither CIA or CCP is good, both are corrupt organisations intent on ruling the world, they are all authoritarians and both appear to want to establish the first whole-world government: again no proof, but the coordinated global response to covid indicates global actors. We don’t know who really directs the US intelligence services but by now, after lockdown, all thinkers on this planet should realise that very few governments have the interests of their population at heart.
What is more concerning for me in little people land is that expats have now become prisoners in a foreign land, unable to return home to see their families. Who is to blame for that very real impact on the lives of us little people who have to work and cannot spend weeks on end in quarantine? I cannot blame a virus that is so lame that it could hide in a group of other regular viruses and not stand out as particularly dangerous or special in any way.
Here is a paper from the experts that explains … https://www.internetsociety.org/resources/doc/2017/internet-content-blocking/
this is curious theory. I’m at the off Guardian website because I have an open mind I like to think of myself as intelligent and I’m always eager to learn more even if I don’t agree with it
a curious theory indeed : the poster says :
“The CIA, culturally, is a far-right organization, that hates the left, communists and is white essentially supremacist”
It is surely to the right of communism. As for the rest, it’s been a bastion of liberals.
Ex-CIA Charles McCarry:
” I never met a stupid person in the agency. Or an assassin. Or a Republican.”
Q: No Republicans? [laughs] Are you serious?
“I’m serious. They were, at least in the operations side where I was, there were wall-to-wall knee-jerk liberals. And they were befuddled that the left outside the agency regarded them as some sort of right-wing threat. Because they were the absolute opposite, in their own politics.”
On the other hand, Philip Giraldi, ex-CIA:
“I know a lot of former and some current CIA employees but do not know a single one who voted for Hillary Clinton. Nearly all voted for Trump.”
You can take that as evidence for far-right… or for – intelligence.
The choice is yours.
I’m stumped about the minuses. I was curious, so I reviewed the claims about CIA employee political orientations that I could recollect, and finished in an open-ended fashion.
On the other hand, the poster to who I replied just said the theory is curious and he wants to have an open mind.
That got only pluses.
So, the difference seems to be that posting results of a brief (but focused) investigation is disapproved of.
Which makes no sense.
“And yet that is the label facebook has stuck on it.”
On February 1st 2020, when the propaganda hardly kicked off yet, I was at a gig, and told several friends I hadn’t seen for awhile, I think I was the first to get it (It was called Coronavirus then (common cold)). They took me seriously)a bit( well I had had a cold, but it wasn’t that bad – sapped my strength and self confidence – but was nowhere as bad as real flu (which I have had about 3 times in my life – which literally knocks you out – you hallucinate – you go from red hot to cold, as the fever kicks in, and you have got to fight real hard to get to the toilet and back) – and you are like that for maybe 5 days, and you phone in work – I won’t be back for a few days yet.
COVID – if I did have it is nothing compared to Real Flu – which does most people in for at least a week.
And so, our social group – going to gigs mainly in pubs mostly near where we live – carried on for another two months through February and almost all of March…and we all hugged and kissed and dance as normal.
Then The BBC kicked in – which I do not watch, and then I suddenly realised almost all my friends who I could no longer see, had become completely and utterley totally terrified, and were writing their Terror on Facebook.
I did try, as did my wife. It was me however who came to the conclusion first, that nearly all our friends had become brainwashed …and they got worse not better.
My wife has almost completely given up on Facebook too, though she does read it…occasionally maybe after a good day in the garden, and half a bottle of red.
I occasionally do a test, but I am not impressed. At least 80% of them are still mad (admittedly some of my friends like me always have been)
I actually found it a relief to give up Facebook.
I used to visit people I knew very well in mental hospitals, and I helped get them out.
With Facebook, and watching BBC – there is no chance.
I found giving them up quite easy, and feel better for it.
The BBC programs your brain with Fear and Nonsense, and people on Facebook replicate it and turn it into a very infectious mind virus of nonsense. Then you get ill cos you believe it – even though you don’t personally know anyone under the age of 90, who has died from it (YET)
I don’t know a single person who has died ‘of’ it – or even ‘with’ it. This is not ‘catastrophic pandemic’ land. I gave up the TV licence (and TV) in the late 1990s after ‘Big Brother’ and the like came in, and Auntie Beeb tried, persistently, to convince me that I was a very horrible thing simply for being English, male and white, and should hang my head in shame. Talk about bigots!
Me neither, Andy. But I know plenty of people who know ‘of’ someone who has died ‘with’ it. 😀
And even here, “know of” is more along the lines of “heard about”– which is all too likely to mean “saw something in the newspaper/TV/Internet”.
After all, fifty million mass-media allegations can’t be wrong!
Via farcebook i wonder?
Tony, if you’re interested in a comparison, just about none of the Brit ex-pats in my part of France have bought into the con (and most of them watch British tv channels on satellite).
I think it might be because many Brit ex-pats are naturally rebellious people, regardless of their politics.
You can count me in on that too. Hence why I live in Malta now.
Hi David,
What is the situation in Malta at the moment?
Are they also going full Stalin or are they preserving some sense of perspective regarding masks, social distancing and plans for immunisation, immunity passports etc?
Its probably also because living abroad means you see your own culture from the outside, more like as an observer, so are less affected by the day to day goings on back home, whilst at the same time not being fully immersed in the culture where you live due to not having been born and educated there. Its a bit of an inbetween world which has many advantages but can make it harder to know in the present situation how and where to act to resist the present power grab by unelected elites, as you have all he woes and shenanigans going on in the country you are from and the same where you live so you have two lots of police in your life winding you up, two lots of politicians to get riled about, two lots of children to get upset about as they are having to look at all these adults with bits of cloth over their mouths and deal with the hand washing neurosis. etc etc. And beyond all that is the whole blummin’ planet to deal with! So it can get a bit overwhelming…
Facebook is the only way I can keep in touch with certain people, so I’m loathe to pull the plug completely. However, I’ve had to step back and log in only once a day. And yes my newsfeed is filled with posts by people who have gone temporarily insane.
One woman with whom I went to grad school went so far as to praise Asians for handling the virus well, for “doing what they’re told” (her quote not mine). My other fellow PhDs — we all received our degrees from a highly pedigreed institution — are all falling in line lockstep. While that doesn’t necessarily surprise me (science PhDs are not well known for being able to think critically about sociopolitical issues) it does very much disappoint me.
I hear you. My mates from university believe that kerosene can melt steel beams too)
In a small supermarket yesterday I had a revelation. I was choosing stuff from a chilled cabinet near the head of an aisle; the aisles are quite narrow and this one was further obstructed by a shelf-filler’s trolley (unattended). A woman in a mask appeared, hyper-nervous and obviously wanting to push her trolley down the aisle. I hadn’t finished what I was doing but retreated to let her pass. As she did so, I said, to reassure her that I’m not diseased as much as anything else, “It’s over, you know.” She instantly became incandescent with rage, even though she was the one who had wanted to pass me rather than vice-versa. “Don’t tell me that!” she shouted. “Really, it is,” I said, to which she replied, “That’s just your opinion.” With that I shrugged and let her walk on.
I realised then that the maskies have become emotionally invested in the scam. The UK govt terror-tactics (proposed by SPI-B, a subgroup of SAGE) have been so effective that these people really are brainwashed. They have a huge sunk cost of fear and submission which they cannot bear to part with.
Another masky, this one a grey-haired man in a black plastic mask, was obviously so terrified that he had brought his own cardboard tray to gather groceries. The trolleys have a £1 coin deposit, but there are capacious baskets on wheels for anyone who wants one. But using one of those would have required him to touch something.
And you can guarantee both are incapable of pulling their willfully ignorant selves away from the BBC news each evening.
I try to be sympathetic but have to admit am losing patience with people who will do nothing to help themselves, and seem to want to take the rest of us along for the ride wherever they think this is going. If these people aren’t convinced otherwise they’ll be the ones that vote and call for our feeble freedoms to be taken away and further restricted.
From time to time I see people jogging/running with masks in relatively hot and humid weather. It seems counterproductive at best and possibly harmful, given that the point of cardiovascular exercise is, in part, to increase oxygen supply to the remote cells of the body.
A few weeks ago I spoke on the phone with a childhood friend who lives in another city, who mentioned that the only time she gets outside is to walk for some exercise, with a mask of course. It was news to her that decreased oxygen levels from wearing a mask might actually be harmful during exercise.
One cannot help these people. It’s best to let them be in their ignorance and fear. It’s their funeral.
It’s those who are healthy kicking up a fuss. Those who had relied on medical care for their ailments are hunkered down and living in fear of another kind. Whether they will survive long enough to see this scam end, hospitals opened, and allowed to continue with their treatments.
Some of these treatments are life saving. However, that seems to have escaped many who only think of their own mortality. Many who wear these masks are doing so because of their own health fears and not some notion of caring for others. Get too close, and one will find that self preservation with a vengeance is their primary goal. They then try to shame you before the herd of stupidity.
I don’t know anyone either, it’s always a friends friend etc.
main part of the deceit is that people get ill, get a disease. they dont. they get detox symptoms. a healing process. the body is clearing out toxins in the same way the mind is.
People do still die ! I’m afraid that’s an undeniable fact for even the most ardent conspiracy theorist, tin foil hat wearing, truther.
Farcebook, twatter, goggle and a plethora of like minded traitors are making hay whilst the sun shines because soon their magic shield of prosecution, afforded them via the Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, will be gone, allowing them all to be sued for censorship and denying the people their right of free speech.
Isn’t it rather that these “distributors” will be reclassified as “publishers” (which of course they always were) liable for anything defamatory in the content they serve? That will mean they’ll have to monitor every submission, effectively putting them out of business.
Platform or publisher: facegoogletwats down, legally.
Trump clearly understands.
Face them down. Make them Kowtow, towing the line…
After all, since early 2016, google is not even a LEGITIMATE or Legal S.E.O.
under EU Law & Legal Jurisdiction.
Or do ‘they’ think they can all operate outside of, or re-write the law and the English language?
Anybody with a brain and accurate English language knowledge and some courage,
can win this case, legally in court,
Keeping matters simple.
Keeping humanity uncensored.
Platform or Publisher?
Zuckerberg must decide,
On which side of the Law,
FB actually stands: presently, a publisher,
Just like Murdoch. Sovereign Corporate Control,
Of information flows! !
Trust Mark Zuckerberg?
After Cambridge Analytica?
Rely on CADwalladr as your guardian angel of tech.past.
After the fact… of GCHQ’s DS attempt at Treason USA, the Steele Dossier,
😉 then the Skripals, colleagues of Steele, &&& we could amplify (yawn), but it would mean, again,
Mentioning that great Welsh footballing asset & the Rushians, which is distracting 🙂
It’s absolutely disgusting.
All social media platforms are censoring any view or opinions that differ to the WHO. It doesn’t matter what facts anyone presents.
The Silicon Valley giants are saying WHO are right and everyone else is wrong.
The irony is the WHO have been the biggest source of misinformation throughout this debacle.
Who owns the WHO???? Their biggest funder????
The same man who’s trying to control the official narrative through his bought and paid for governments, crooked scientists and corrupt media.
Gates should spend the rest of his life behind bars.
Gates, bad as he is (and he is dispicable), is merely a front!
People have said AGW – the greatest fraud ever!
Now many say Covid – the greatest coup on populations ever!
Germ Theory – another greatest fraud ever! As the rockerfeller petrochemical interests took over and re-imagined medical science.
The real fraud however goes unnoticed, That of the central banking system! government owned or private, they all operate independently and privately behind closed doors. They control global economy by default, are highly coordinated & motivated. Debt based Fiat powers all these Machiavellian machinations against all populations and has done now for centuries,
Intangible debt based fiat is loaned to all in exchange for tangible securities in a sea of controlled economic volatility. This rolling Leviathan, asset strips the globe and its people on a regular basis keeping prosperity and security in check, on its toes with continual distraction and misdirection.
The only solution is value based national economies – national greenbacks! because we create the value that gives money its power.
And until this is realised, there will be no end to the hobgoblins that keep us in a perpetual state of fear and subjugation.
We have been looking at the world through bill’s windows for too long, time to throw a brick through them and climb outside)
By way of providing fair warning – I will be stealing that sentence and using it elsewhere, whilst shamelessly claiming it as my own 🙂
the who is the germ but the germ is nothing. it is the terrain that matters. in this case the people banging their heads against a brick wall. why would you go to such media? it is like going to a school with bullies. the parents tell you to go but you really should learn to leave so you dont spend your life in abusive relation ships. the school taught this lesson. even the kids who only witnessed the bullying should have left because they were also in an abusive relationship. learning to be party to it and in fear of standing out.
Looks and sounds like the corporate fascist mobster oligarchy wants to conceal their industrial grand theft and mass murder from THE PEOPLE. Not unlike Professor Moriarty attempting to keep Holmes from exposing him.
OffG, you perhaps should put this latest piece from Vernon Coleman up top…
On the subject of censorship, the BBC took the biscuit yesterday. They had their China correspondent in Beijing and he was talking to local ‘dissident’ voices. There was footage of one of the interviewees being intercepted by plain clothes police and the reporter had the audacity to say something in that familiarly arrogant sombre tone to the effect that ‘in China the authorities aim to silence anyone who they think is questioning the actions of the Chinese government’.
It will all have been stage managed.
What happens in China stays in china…or does it?
I’m surprised that the bbc even went to China to do their ‘filming’. During the Gulf war they use staged footage filmed in an entirely different country and passed it off as being Libya. Not many bbc victims/cashcows even noticed.
In the US, cnn just stayed in their studio and concocted reports using green screens.
It’s a good job i no longer pay my tribute to the bbc otherwise i would be very annoyed.