Collateral Murder and the Assange Indictment

Binoy Kampmark

When the superseding indictment was returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia against Julian Assange on May 23, 2019, there was one glaring omission. It was an achievement, it might even be said the achievement, that gave the WikiLeaks publisher and the organisation justified notoriety.

Collateral Murder, as the leaked video came to be called, featured the murderous exploits by the crew of Crazy Horse 1-8, an Apache helicopter that slew 11 people on July 12, 2007 in east Baghdad. Among the dead were Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and a driver and fixer, Saeed Chmagh.

As WikiLeaks announced at the time, “Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.”

It is worth remembering at the time that the current stable of media outlets, including the New York Times, preferred to see something rather different: that the video was purposely edited by WikiLeaks to convey maximum public impact while giving the impression of US venality in battle. Patriotism, and the blinding of the record, comes first.

This conveniently sidestepped the vacillations taking place in the Pentagon over the incident and its recording. Dean Yates, who was Reuters Baghdad chief at the time, recalls in horrid vividness the unfolding events, including the seizure of Namir’s cameras and the US military statement: “Firefight in New Baghdad. US, Iraqi forces kill 9 insurgents, detain 13.”

As Yates, who has been painfully silent over this episode, told the Guardian,

“The US assertions that Namir and Saeed were killed during a firefight was all lies. But I didn’t know that at the time, so I updated my story to take in the US military’s statement.”

On the return of the tampered cameras, no evidence of insurgent activity, or clashes with US forces, were evident. Yates and a Reuters colleague subsequently met two US generals responsible for overseeing the investigation, all off record, of course. They were told of the request by Crazy Horse 1-8 to engage “military-aged males” supposedly armed and acting “suspiciously”.

Photographs of AK-47s and an RPG [Rocket-propelled grenade] launcher, where produced. Yates was left wondering “how much of that meeting was carefully choreographed so we could go away with a certain impression of what happened.” For a time, he conceded, “it worked” with poisonous effect.

What niggled was the revealing of some footage from the camera of Crazy Horse 1-8, a miserly three minutes. Cue the permission sought by the Apache to engage on seeing Namir crouching with his long-lens camera, supposedly mistaken for an RPG.

The appearance of the van later in the scene, ostensibly to assist, was airily dismissed by the generals as an act of aid for insurgents. Yates, disturbed, was left with the mistaken impression that Namir had somehow been responsible for his own demise and those of his companions.

In the meantime, Reuters persisted in their vain attempts to secure the full video, even as they continued good faith off-the-record meetings with the US military for reasons of safety. Yates wished to break the arrangement on the video; his superiors thought otherwise.

The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder began to show. Sleeplessness crept it. When the video was released on April 5, 2010, Yates was with his family walking in Cradle Mountain national park, Tasmania.

The video casts a shadow over the indictment, despite being a screaming omission. It is crude, expressive, and unequivocal in disclosing a war crime and its cold-blooded execution. It codifies a form of deliberate, incautious violence. It reveals breathe taking cruelty at play: “Look at those dead bastards; “Nice”; “Good shoot’n”.

As Christian Christensen remarked:

These particular images were, in many ways, the crystallization of the horrors of war.”

Barrister Greg Barns, a tireless advisor to the Australian Assange Campaign claimed it to be “very much part of the broader prosecution case [because of what it illustrates about the US rules of engagement] and it is one of the many reasons to oppose what is happening to Assange”.

Australian politicians otherwise unaccustomed to distract themselves from the teat of the US imperium have also noted the potency of the video, and the act of evading it in the indictment.

“The omission of the leaked Collateral Murder footage from the indictment surprised me,” suggested Australian Greens Senator Peter Whish Wilson of the Parliamentary Friends of the Bring Julian Assange Home Group, “but on reflection of course it’s not in the US government’s interests to highlight their own injustices, deceit and crimes.”

The effort to indict Assange for espionage charges is fatuous but dangerously calculating: to bury a narrative; to make history, at least as it is told by the leakers, disappear.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


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Categories: Assange Arrest, latest
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Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 19, 2020 2:46 AM

Its just a larger scale version of the now common video of the cop mistreating a member of the public.
What I find frustrating is the continual attempts by cops and military to try to suppress evidence of abuses. I’m quite prepared to admit that accidents happen, that things get out of control in stressful situations, but coverups suggest that the people involved knew what they were doing was wrong and fully expected to get away with it. That crosses a very serious line.

Jun 18, 2020 8:17 PM

As it all goes down the plughole, with very few people realising what’s happening, this song is very prescient…

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:10 PM

Hogwash.The left arm of mainstream media Celeb Agent Assange propaganda.
Because we should believe the media on this one despite the facts and logic.
Wikileaks is CIA damage control org to get whistle blowers before they leak. Nothing the celeb poster boy for ” freedom” leaked wasn’t planed . “Oh Crown’s multinational spy agencies ( cia/mossad )torture really I didn’t know.”
War is hate in action, if people don’t understand its all about killing and murder ( also of innocent people)before the CIA agent released info then they are very lost and stupid ( ” Woke up”).
Like the followers of CIA Celeb Agent Assange.If he was ever a threat to CIA he would be dead.Like they don’t or can’t assassinate people. A big BS on Binoys fake lefty spin.
All corporate Governments businesses are injustices, deceit and crimes, their whole existance is based on deceit, injustice and crimes.

Jun 18, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane


Jun 18, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Tony

Anyone else noticed that the leading light in the alt media that fake btl commenters always go after the most is the one the good ole Establishment has done it’s damnedest to get it’s hands on (to the extent of bribing the Equadorian government with a $4 billion IMF loan)? This is not a coincidence.

Jun 18, 2020 11:22 PM
Reply to  Tony

If the establishment were really trying to get their hands on Assange, why did they escort him to the Ecuadorian embassy?

Jun 22, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  Dan

… and then keep him there FOR YEARS ????
Was he on vacation there because I would think that would be anything but fun time ?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 18, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Tony

Tony – While I heartily support your “reply” – apparently you didn’t get the memo.
To some of our newer visitors posting here at OffG literally – EVERYTHING – is apparently now simply a PSYOP of some sort – complete with ubiquitous “crisis actors” who apparently are now simply everywhere.
Even when a PSYOP requires obtaining just “one more” dead Black American male murdered by police (hardly a tall order) – now apparently the government goes right to the casting call for another “crisis actor.” Go figure?
Personally I find it both refreshing and reassuring to read over some of that old government troll training manual material Ed Snowden leaked years ago now just to remind myself how & why discourse at comments sites like this one has become a bit of a freak show.

Jun 18, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I agree 100% with your sarcasm. I’m just as fedup with the fake this, hoax that, false flag there, nonsense. Specially when its easier to just murder someone. Anyone remember Dr Kelly?
However anyone looking at any kind of msm lately wouldn’t have failed to notice the righteous BLM fine specimen of humanity rescuing a nazi super ultra right wing football thug from arightly outraged mob beating him NEARLY unconscious.
Now anyone watching UK column wednesday would have seen their investigation in said hero/angel having a shady intelligence agency link, it turns out the nasty thug is an X-detective! It makes you wonder.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 19, 2020 12:15 AM
Reply to  Objective

Objective – I won’t speculate on what you might be facing from the State in the UK. Although anyone who followed the every changing State versions of the authorities little – Skripnal theatre of the absurd drama – probably can readily come to their own conclusions about just how “trustworthy” your UK intelligences services are.

However, here in the U.S. we have a very long history of undercover State actors disrupting lawful peaceful organizing and protest as well as infiltrating each and every group that attempts to bring about social or political change – no matter how innocuous that group might be. For example during the Vietnam era the FBI monitored a group of Catholic nuns for many years simply because members publicly opposed the war.
Here in America there is nothing remotely “mysterious” about any of this – at least not for anyone who has studied the FBI’s COINTELPRO operation, the CIA’s Operation CHAOS, or more recent operations focusing on targeting environmental activists like Earth First among others. State manipulation and monitoring using agent provocateurs, and inside actors and snitches infiltrating groups, and even assassinations – are all as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning.
When you look at essentially leaderless diffuse organizations like BLM or Antifa (whether you agree or disagree with the public stances taken by either group) – State intelligence interventions designed to manipulate the public actions and public profiles of such groups are literally a piece of cake. State agents don’t even have to break a sweat.

Jun 19, 2020 12:50 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

No doubts state agencies play/pay agent provocateur/s, no doubts they set up protests, unrest & provoke violence, dissent & wars.
But i don’t believe they set up complex hoaxes with “crisis” actors, why would they leave such a trail of evidence with numerous potential whistle blowers & witnesses when they can simply kill people for real. They’re psychopaths they don’t have a conscience they don’t care about hurting people.
The British invented secrecy, deceit & disinformation, no wish to compete with your own CIA but the British intelligence agencies have been despicable cunts for much longer, so they’ve had more practice I expect they share experience between themselves anyway.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 19, 2020 1:51 AM
Reply to  Objective

Objective – I quite agree. The notion that the same forces that assassinate important figures in Western nations, bomb and mass murder Western civilians (Operation Gladio), and use their own citizens (often military personnel) for Nazi levels medical experiments – would somehow feel the need to enlist the aide of “crisis actors” in order to spare civilians is simply absurd.
From the psychopathic perspective of the State we’re all just walking talking collateral damage waiting to happen should the need arise.
Between the collective data bases of MI6, the CIA and Mossad I doubt there is much more to learn about torture, deceit and mayhem then they are already putting into practical use.

Jun 19, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

They literally wrote the F…. ing book.

Jun 18, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Like I said Gary: divide and disrupt. The tactic of spamming a btl with ‘right on’ posts designed to make the regular posters warm to them, whilst they introduce their disruption and division confuses many readers/posters. And a percentage of those readers/posters will follow said spammers down the rabbit hole on this. This is the objective.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 18, 2020 11:21 PM
Reply to  Tony

Spot on the money Tony!

David F
David F
Jun 19, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

To some of our newer visitors posting here at OffG literally – EVERYTHING – is apparently now simply a PSYOP of some sort – complete with ubiquitous “crisis actors” who apparently are now simply everywhere.

Calamity Jane isn’t a new poster. She’s just a wearisome troll who has been posting here for ages and adopts a new monicker every so often.
She thinks 9.11 was a “psyop” carried out with holograms, model planes, thousands of “crisis actors”, and a supporting cast of millions…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 18, 2020 10:22 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

One name from history for everyone: JOHN PETER ZENGER.

Even if Julian Assange and Wikileaks were everything Miss Calamity claim they are, the issues of Freedom of the Press and arbitrary and unlawful arrest and imprisonment transcend Missy’s allegations.
Free Julian Assange, FREE HIM NOW!

Jun 18, 2020 11:18 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

This sounds highly plausible to me. I saw Assange being escorted to the Ecuadorian embassy by the police when he was meant to be already in there in hiding, so something doesn’t add up about his story. The most likely explanation I have heard is that he is a CIA agent.

Jun 19, 2020 7:48 AM
Reply to  Dan

Did you take a photo?

Jun 18, 2020 11:45 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

You want us to believe that Assange is an employee of the CIA but has decided to take one for the CIA team by spending the rest of his life in jail as a prisoner, letting his health deteriorate, not seeing his family, as many many witnesses have stated.
You do realise he will never get those years back, don’t you? You do realise that once his years are over, that is his life completed, no going back?
Sorry, your logic does not hang together. Why would Assange exchange his freedom, his friends, his family and his health for a job? Assange is not dumb enough to do that. I think your logic needs more work and your argument needs more evidence.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 19, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Assange is a convicted hacker that got busted breaking into Nortel and set free (sprung).
‘A computer-security team working for Nortel in Canada drafted an incident report alleging that the hacking had caused damage that would cost more than a hundred thousand dollars to repair.
The chief prosecutor, describing Assange’s near-limitless access, told the court, “It was God Almighty walking around doing what you like.”
Assange, facing a potential sentence of ten years in prison, found the state’s reaction confounding.
Assange’s only penalty was to pay the Australian state a small sum in damages.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 19, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

This is what Assange did after his release and is one of a number of smoking guns that reveal who he really is.
‘Julian told me his graduate work had been funded by a US government grant, specifically NSA and DARPA money, which was supposed to be used for fundamental security research’.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 19, 2020 3:33 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Rather a dodgy reference for a whistle blower. Like Daniel Ellsberg being an attaché for the rather insidious Lt. Col. Ed Lansdale (and Madison Ave. Advertising exec) in 50s Vietnam, then working for Rand Corp. before he leaked Pentagon Papers, thru MAJOR Mockingbird MSM. And saluted as an alt patriot.

Can you say, “Limited Hangout?”

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 19, 2020 6:53 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Weirdly, everyone seems, now, to understand that THEY (The Fuckers in Charge) aren’t above murder/genocide… yet some still don’t quite get how good THEY are at Lying. Aaron Swartz, Gary Webb and Mark Lombardi all ended up “killing themselves”… yet Assange, as far as I can tell, hasn’t even been forced to let his roots grow in. Well, whoever it was/is that Assange was/is working for, They certainly didn’t like Hillary Clinton… there’s always that bright spot to look back on. What is John Young saying about Mendax, these days? Young was always good for interesting copy…
PS I admit that I laughed out loud when I read that “Brad” had come out as “Chelsea” Manning and would be getting a super-trendy (must have?) genital makeover while incarcerated. Ever notice how often they turn these narratives into 2-for-1 deals?

Jun 22, 2020 9:14 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yes, Ellsberg continues to fool people. I must admit I was fooled from the start thinking he was some knight in shining armor.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 22, 2020 2:18 PM
Reply to  Tom_12

One of the main core activities of our entire culture is to fabricate deep fakes like that. Ellsberg has come out repeatedly in support of Sibel Edmonds sayng she is the most signifcant whstleblower n USA history….

….since himself. So, I guess the only real value of studying these people lies in intuiting or identifying what knowledge or awareness they are trying to deflect us from.

Jun 19, 2020 7:50 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Why is it a smoking gun and how does it show us who he really is?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 19, 2020 3:27 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

If you look at it one or two or three dimensionally, you might be right about the lack of logic. But thats only assuming we know more of the story than we do.

Almost every one of his sharper defenders that I read seems to assume they have a pretty good working grasp of JA’s story, and on just what grounds can they assume that?

My approach is simple. There is no reason to necessarily believe any of his story, yet he acts as though we should. That makes no sense. If I could believe his basic premises, I would simply love to do it.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of documentation that puts him overall in a sketchy light.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 19, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

The “Collateral Damage” clip was simply the most eye-grabbing vid They could release without actually risking making any kind of a difference (ie threatening Invasion Profits); Wikileaks garnered cred from it… but was anyone with real power sent to prison over it, or even forced to resign? It had ZERO real effect.

Jun 22, 2020 9:18 AM

but was anyone with real power sent to prison over it, or even forced to resign? It had ZERO real effect.

That’s the take away. Nothing happens on that Level. Epstein is another example of this. In a normal world Barr should have been fired, investigated and placed in jail. Nothing happened.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 22, 2020 2:25 PM
Reply to  Tom_12

And while we’re at it, Wikipedia states in Ferguson’s bio that after his recent resignation “he was not prosecuted or fined” I believe was their wording.

AND? There’s no follow-up at all to hold him accountable. His entire career seems to me to be a crime. All crime, all the time. And yet it’s a chilling message they send us all that nothing is ever done.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 4:11 PM

I remember at the time that I found Obama’s “I have a drone” speech to be far more disturbing. But it caused barely more than a ripple.

Did You Hear the Joke About the Predator Drone That Bombed?
AlterNet May 5, 2010
it’s odd that President Obama would make a crude joke about deaths that he is responsible for. But that’s just what he did at the May 1 White House Correspondents Dinner. “Jonas Brothers are here, they’re out there somewhere,” President Obama quipped as he looked out at the packed room. Then he furrowed his brow, pretending to send a stern message to the pop band. “Sasha and Malia are huge fans, but boys, don’t get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You’ll never see it coming.” . . .
The report says that roughly 252 to 315 Pakistani civilians were killed by Predator and Reaper drone strikes between 2006 and 2009. Other reports place the figure much higher. Pakistani authorities released statistics indicating that over 700 civilians were killed by drones in 2009 alone, the year Obama took office. The running tally on the website PakistanBodyCount.Org is even more shocking: 1,226 civilians killed and 427 injured as of March 2010!
Equally shocking is the ratio of civilians to militants killed, which Middle East scholar Daniel Byman estimates at ten to one. It is a cruel joke indeed for the people of Pakistan that the U.S. military finds it acceptable to murder 10 innocent people for every Al Qaeda or Taliban operative killed.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 4:43 PM

Cut from the same cloth: Bush jokes about WMDs

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 22, 2020 2:36 PM

“Odd” hardly covers it. The fact he goes out of his way to show a standard must be set for sensitivity on so many things, yet would joke about such tragic subjects. Insane.

My take is that, like Hillary, he figured, no doubt correctly, that if you don’t supply the Beast of the American military with regular fresh meat, it will break its chains and wolf them down the way it did JFK et al. Peace is not acceptable to M.I.C.

What else?

Jun 18, 2020 3:23 PM

DNA vaccines, HIV and the fortunate gene CCR5-delta 32
One in 10 Europeans has a genetic resistance to HIV. Geneticists calculate that 3,000 years ago it was only one in 20,000. Resistance spread as those who lacked the gene died out. But since there was no HIV, what killed them? Bubonic plague is bacterial and Smallpox took off in the 1600s. Maybe it was “a lethal, viral hemorrhagic fever that used CCR5 to get into the immune system of Europe’s ancestors.” https://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/viruses101/hiv_resistant_mutation/
Does that mean viruses are part of our system of gaining immunity? Is the existence of the HIV-resistant gene a template for allowing disease to kill off people without a particular gene? Would it be relevant that CCR5-delta 32 is a gene found only in white people, specifically those defined by geneticists as Aryans? https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Genetics_and_Archaeogenetics_of_South_Asia
Is this why there is so much talk about developing a DNA-altering vaccine? Would that allow the CCR5-delta 32 to be spread by injection instead of waiting for natural selection? Would that create a minority of the world’s population that has immunity to a disease, transmitted by sex, childbirth and recreational drug habits? Would that allow disease to naturally waste much of the world’s population, achieving reduction by ‘natural’ means?
That research is taking place: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5334720/ Even if it does not work as a ‘going proposition’ is this the way the eugenicists are thinking?
 (Sorry, I did mean for this to go in the fact-checkers thread, not Wikileaks).

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:13 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Does HIV exist?
Nomorefake news doesn’t support the idea.
You are right about the dangers of the proposed vaccination for something that doesn’t exist except as a psyop ( “COVID”).

Jun 18, 2020 12:57 PM

Hope Admin sees this. Off-G posts are no longer arriving by email to subscribers, at least in my case and that of at least one other commenter I’ve seen. Can you do anything about this?

Hope you can help. Keep up the good work!

Jun 22, 2020 9:00 PM
Reply to  timfrom

Reply to timfrom: I too, no longer receive Off-G posts in my inbox and I wrote to admin twice, alerting them to this but have received no been answer. I now read the articles by bookmarking the Off-G ‘Latest’. But this sudden silence in my inbox is puzzling. My respect for Off-Guardian has grown especially through this latest scam so I’m concerned.

Jun 18, 2020 12:32 PM

The Groaniads running the latest CIA/DS piece in its controlled world media propaganda lionising Bolton…

That’s the guy who has never been elected who has been the chief creep since the 70’s who apparently personally decides what is the US interest to follow in Foreign Policy – he was there when making up WMD and ‘poison gas trucks’ all the way to getting the UK to pirate the Iranian Oil tanker- in a series of last ditch attempts at pushing the Iranians to attack and manoeuvring Trump and the UK into escalation in the ME.

Haw haw haw – ‘ potus doesn’t even know the English have their own nukes!’
We don’t. We buy them in.

– ‘He wants to invade Venezuela!’
Nope he hasn’t invaded even after giving 7 days notice for Maduro to abdicate, well over a year ago.


The Obsessive Groans daily serving of curates eggs gets ever more toxic.

Praising The Nazghoul Bolton – I wonder when any of its staff and noneditorial employees will finally put principles ahead of their ‘career’ – they are currently as complicit as ‘good shoot’n’ gobshite cowards.

They can’t even bring themselves to see that Starmer has neutralised the only mainstream opposition that flourished in the last half century as they busy themselves in completely airbrushing Corbynism out of the public consciousness. Where that whole manifesto pledge has been seen to be easily attainable and affordable with the magic money tree which has been gushing into the boots of their global robber masters because they rely on the crumbs to have their ever improving middle class lifestyles.

Will Labour members see the light and subject him to a re-election, like was attempted with Jezza, where they can examine him in the light of his current pathetic restoration of single party rule – the Keeves to Bozos Wooster.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 12:28 PM

I’ll expand further to my earlier comments.

One of the reasons I decided against posting to the forum back in 2007 is that the title of the release (“Collateral Murder”) is emotive editorialising and is therefore inconsistent with the notion of merely leaking information. This view was later supported by others who reviewed the footage, and by Assange himself (according to Toby Harnden).

From Wikipedia:

Regarding the title, Toby Harnden in The Daily Telegraph wrote: “Oddly enough, it was Stephen Colbert, ostensibly a comedian, who skewered him”:

The army described this as a group that gave resistance at the time, that doesn’t seem to be happening. But there are armed men in the group, they did find a rocket propelled grenade among the group, the Reuters photographers who were regrettably killed, were not identified … You have edited this tape, and you have given it a title called ‘collateral murder’. That’s not leaking, that’s a pure editorial.

According to Harnden “Assange admitted that he was seeking to manipulate and create ‘maximum political impact’.”[60][61][62][63][64] Dan Kennedy wrote in The Guardian, “Even the comedian Stephen Colbert, in an interview with Assange, dropped his rightwing-blowhard persona momentarily to make a serious point, calling the edited version ’emotional manipulation'”.[65]

Bill Keller of The New York Times wrote, “But in its zeal to make the video a work of antiwar propaganda, WikiLeaks also released a version that didn’t call attention to an Iraqi who was toting a rocket-propelled grenade and packaged the manipulated version under the tendentious rubric Collateral Murder.”[4] The New York Times reported that “Critics contend that the shorter video was misleading because it did not make clear that the attacks took place amid clashes in the neighborhood and that one of the men was carrying a rocket-propelled grenade.”[66]


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 12:46 PM

Correction: The incident was in 2007 and the release in 2010.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 5:49 PM

Dahlia Wasfi: Their murders are not collateral damage. They are the nature of modern warfare.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 6:14 PM

And the murderers reside in Washington and Westminster; and in boardrooms and newsrooms.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 19, 2020 7:27 AM

Hence, when things go bad, they are more than happy to deflect attention to the grunts they stick on the line.

Jun 18, 2020 10:37 PM

They are wholly intentional targeted acts of terrorism and starvation, as currently directed against Syria, Iran, Venezuela and others.

Jun 18, 2020 11:35 AM

…what i see here is a generation of military men who’ve been programmed with violent computer “games” [mind control?] who are just continuing to play with the zeal attached to that new gadget…mummy, i’m bored with this one…can i have a new one….!!!

Jun 18, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  kenny_the_pict

Ah that old chestnut! Violent games caused it. Nope.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jun 18, 2020 11:02 AM

Most of what happens during what is sometimes called war we never see on the main stream news.
When it is useful to a certain party then we may be shown a very small mostly sanitised result of war. Hospitals with injured some times dead bodies, funerals , grieving relatives.
Mostly when they wish to demonise a certain person or country or ideology. Then the message that is to be delivered of why this leader or group is bad is backed up with images and emotive descriptions of war.
More graphic content is available on the internet but I have mostly not chosen to view it.
That certain graphic content is allowed with out very restricted access when much else is banned or made hard to access is also very questionable.
Of the wars and conflicts that have happened during my lifetime only with the Vietnam war has there been much war content and very little of that in the UK. The night time bombings of Baghdad was visually graphic but did not show the human suffering. We are shown the destroyed city’s after the war and maybe the refugees fleeing from the war.
We may see our leaders visiting other leaders to sell them the means of war.
We are aware that part of our tax’s our economy and industry are based on making and selling weapons of war. Part of our overseas support and aid also is a contribution to wars.
Governments of all types wish to control the narrative. Mostly they do not need more than the mildest support of the people. Mostly the people if they do not support will not care or not greatly. But there is always the danger that the people will come to care greatly about a certain issue. So great care is taken that information is suppresses. When and if the supressed information is revealed. It is normally revealed in a weakened form and far to late to make any difference.
As for those that try to release information that the state would wish not to be released.
Well we know what happens to them.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

All Govts are in the business of deceit, injustice and crimes.
War is this there is no ” rules” in war they are lying when they claim that.
Totally Innocent people get hurt and killed in wars all the time.
Assange is a celeb agent that the establishment love to see people worship these people delight in deceit.Hidden in plain sight.

Jun 18, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

I’ve always been of the view that a pretty good yardstick for the trolls, combat 77, II operatives, etc, outing themselves in alt media btl’s is when they start dissing leading figures in the alt movement, trying to paint them as CIA/MI5/MI6/Mossad assets or agents. It’s the classic divide and disrupt tactic, and a dead giveaway.

Jun 18, 2020 10:31 AM

The thing to this day that bugs me is that Assange’s plight supersedes the collateral murder event. As far as i’m aware the murderous actions of US armed forces has all but been forgotten & was never received by the public in general with any great concern or outrage, has there ever been any sanction against the perpetrators?
There is a direct correlation between collateral murder & police brutality causing a (contrived or not) a political uprising, the irony of course both are the direct result of the deep state & society becoming increasingly more violent with the aid of technology & propaganda. I refuse to watch hardly anything on mainstream media (including woke but very violent netflix & amazon prime) anymore, because almost every 2 out of 3 movies/tv shows, show extreme gun violence, with a good guy (america) bad guy (terrorist) narrative. Bizzare really when you consider the definition of terrorism & the empires forces always fighting indigenous people in their own country!
I get why Assange is held up as a poster child for independent objective journalism, despite his personal conduct (legal or not). But Assange isn’t being persecuted for exposing collateral murder, he’s being punished for challenging the system, he will be relentlessly persued by the system until he’s dead, no amount of public outcry will save him, in fact publicity may work against him, it is what the system desire to make him an example to anyone who dares push against this corrupt system.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 18, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Objective

Mr Assange’s revealing of the depth of the global elites’ corruption in the Panama Papers are what put the final nail in his coffin. The Brad Manning DVD aka “Collateral murder”, had all ready been neutralized by a CIA campaign that destroyed Mr Manning and any shred of credibility he may have had, by helping to create the “new” transgender wedge issue now all the rage on the “enlightened” and “progressive” MSM.

Jun 19, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Panama Papers were NOT from Wikileaks. They were in fact a well managed media event, which ended up in how many prosecutions? None.
Therefore I dismiss the rest of your unfounded character assasinations out of hand.
Assange quote on the Panama Papers:
>Saying that you’re going to censor and not release a lot of the material, in fact what must be 99 percent of the material, that’s a big problem

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 19, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  Cass

Another gatekeeper troll rewriting history ? Hello Winston Smith from 1984 !

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Objective

Celebt Agent Assange .Hes the poster guy because the CIA made him the poster guy.
Jokes on you buddy.
What a guy, swanning round an embassy with celebs making babies and the establishments UN say he is being tortured and people believe all this media shit.

Jun 18, 2020 9:18 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Fuck off combat 77.

Jun 18, 2020 9:22 PM
Reply to  Objective

Hi Objective, could you clarify what personal conduct by Julian Assange of which you are not sure of it’s legality?

Jun 18, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Tony

LOL behave, with the legality thing, Swedish law, is Swedish law, (what ever you think of the trumped charges) jumping bale or failing to report are criminal issues for anyone else as they are st Assange.
But thats not my point If he were my next door neighbour i’d be just as critical of a man traveling round the world making babies, & i’d certainly couldn’t respect anyone who was facing a very long legal battle & very likely life imprisonment making 2 more children he can’t possibly look after & may never see.
Considering his own upbringing you might make allowances, I wouldn’t.

Jun 19, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  Objective

And thus, Objective shows their true colours.

The first para is legally incorrect, even down to the claim of seriousness of bail jumping. Here is UN Rapprteur Nils Meltzer on Julian’s legal troubles:


The second para is, frankly, repulsive. Ugh!!!

Objective now falls perfectly into the combat 77/II spectrum. Lots of “right on” posts to get OffG readers to like them, but their real agenda is to sow mistrust amongst the alt media community. My money’s on combat 77. There are at least a dozen of them on here at the mo.

Jun 19, 2020 1:20 PM
Reply to  Tony

Yawn, don’t like the comment, attacks the commentator, sorry if I can’t hero worship Assange enough for you, he is what he is. A morally reprehensible, narcissistic, egotist, he picked a fight with the worlds leading & worst intelligence agencies & lost.
The idea Assange is defending independent journalism is ludicrous, wake up that battle is lost if this covid nonsense doesn’t prove it to you nothing will. Your sycophantic worship with delusional misrepresentation of a typical liberal hypocrite doesn’t do you or independent journalism any favors.

Jun 19, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Objective

Some of us have morals and principles. And then there’s you security services shills. When the house of cards collapses (and it will), your ilk will be tarred and feathered and paraded through the streets, then to spend your remaining days as social lepers. Your owners will, be strung up from lamp posts.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Jun 18, 2020 10:26 AM

It’s very simple indeed. The crew of helicopter were ruthless sadists who thoughly enjoyed killing people – any people – and exploited their impunity to the hilt.
Exactly the same psychology as police officers back in the USA who exploit their impunity to detain, mock, assault, torture and sometimes kill innocent civilians.
Because they can.
An organization with a conscience would not turn loose such dangerous young men with deadly weapons unless every action and every word were monitored. Actively monitored.
Of course there was no good reason for a single US soldier or airman to be in Iraq at all.
In the words of the Nuremberg Tribunal,
“War is essentially an evil thing. Its consequences are not confined to the belligerent states alone, but affect the whole world. To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole”.

Jun 18, 2020 10:08 AM

Now I know Assange is a fraud, if this site tells us he is real.

Jun 18, 2020 10:06 AM

‘’This is one of the accounts repeat-posting the meme associating the covid19 agenda with white supremacy and far-right politics, when in reality it stems from, and has received most support from, the ‘liberal’ faux Left. This is typical disinformation smoke-blowing – Admin1’’
Please advice me what I must believe so I don’t get deleted on this far-right site.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 18, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  bob

1. Only a fool or a troll would call this site ‘far right’.

2. Only a troll multiposts the same comment 20 times under different names inside a half hour. If you’d posted it once and waited like a normal commenter for it to be rescued from auto-spam there would have been no problem. If you’d posted it twice, ditto. But your reaction is the reaction of a troll, or worse.

3. Here is our comment policy


If you genuinely want to join the conversations here, don’t violate it and you can post anything you like.

Jun 18, 2020 6:18 PM

Its not a ‘ far- right’ site!!!!!!!

No its worse

Its a Red- Green- Brown site,full of 9/11 conspiracy nutters,and much,much worse 😱😱😱

You know Duginist types

Are you sat in the dark depths of the Kremlin Admin 1 😂😂😂😂😂😂,or Belgrade 😜

(Please note this is an alter ego of journalist Louis Proyect, sometime editor at Counterpunch – Admin1)

Jun 20, 2020 3:29 AM
Reply to  crispy


Jun 20, 2020 3:38 AM

I wonder what professional “conspiracy debunkers” like this do when an actual conspiracy occurs in their own neighbourhood … They probably go to the toilet and cry.
If only they had a little education behind them, they’d recognize evidence of education in other people. They’d also be able to see through their own b/s and stop showing up on sites where they have nothing to contribute, flapping about like expiring fish out of water.

Jun 18, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  bob

Yes we’re all neo Nazis here who each personally own a concentration camp and have multiple slaves also. And I hate colours and shapes and noises and ropes.
And blue cheese
And people with long necks
Fried eggs also.
As you can see I swim in a bath full of hate daily

Jun 18, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  bob

Dude this site is far too socialist to be considered right of even carl marx. :-0

Jun 18, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  bob

Dear Bob, this is one of the relatively few “left” sites on the entire internet, so some homework needs to be done here about basic definitions. Here are a few names to help: Far-right is Mussolini, Bolton, the entire US Supreme Court, the entire US Congress, the entire US Senate, Franco, Stalin and Tony Blair.
You will see from these names that the usual definitions of “socialists”, “communists”, “workers’ party”, “nationalists”, etc, no longer have any meaning, because all of today’s significant political parties are, like the media, owned by the same people, and those people are extremely rich.
Time for a rethink, but take heart: You are not alone.

Jun 18, 2020 9:18 AM

Whilst we wait for people of conscience to leak stuff about the Skripal affair to Wikileaks and whilst MSM is not covering the likes of MH17 court case going on the this very moment at the The Hague, we must rely on bloggers such as John Helmer/Craig Murray who are more than up to the task our MSM with their Journalistic credentials fail to reach.
All hail the BBC’s Skripal Story viewed with a critical eye by John Helmer/Craig Murrays
John Helmer:

  1. http://johnhelmer.net/too-crooked-to-lie-straight-in-bed-bbc-tries-to-right-the-wrongs-of-its-skripal-story/

Craig Murray:

  1. https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/06/putins-gonna-get-me/
  2. https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/06/the-miracle-of-salisbury/
  3. https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/06/cynicism-and-warmongering/

I think what missing in some of these pieces is something which the alternative blogosphere fails to do on a regular basis, which is by not using the term ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ constantly against MSM familias. In this case the MSM/State Actors Conspiracy Theory is……
Use it constantly, and neutralize MSM/State use of the term as a demonizing term.

Jun 18, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  TFS

I prefer conspiracy nutters

Honestly Craig Murray 😵😵😵😵😵

And the other bloke,even worse,i think works directly for the kremlin

I wonder how much they pay Murray to appear on RT?????….

….anyways you keep reading them,and I’ll keep calling you lot conspiracy nutters

Admin 1 will probably ban this comment now 😜

(Please note this is an alter ego of journalist Louis Proyect, sometime editor at Counterpunch – Admin1)

Jun 18, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  crispy

I don’t think he gets anything. Might get free coffee from the machine. RT doesn’t usually pay its guests anything. Their state funding amounts to around $200 million, less than a twentieth of the state controlled BBC. And unlike the Faux Left Counterpunch/ Democracy Now and countless others of their ilk, they are not recipients of all the Soros Shekels.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 19, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  paul

Last year the BBC received £5 billion from the taxpayers.

Jun 19, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  crispy

Ah Crispy.
Both a Project Mockingbird mouthpiece and Russia rascist.
Craig Murray vs Crisp/Louise Proyect. I think you’d be measured, judged and found wanting and by quite some margin.
John Helmer vs Crispy/Lousi Proyect……i think you get the picture.
All is not lost though C/LP. Effluentitus is your gift to the world…..Own It/Run With It

Jun 19, 2020 4:27 PM
Reply to  TFS

I take it you’re not a crispy fan 😂😂😂😂😂

(Please note this is an alter ego of journalist Louis Proyect, sometime editor at Counterpunch – Admin1)

Jun 20, 2020 3:55 AM
Reply to  crispy

Referring to oneself in the third person is an alarm bell to qualified help professionals. It can mask sociopathy, or worse…

Jun 20, 2020 3:45 AM
Reply to  TFS

He’s almost ignorant enough to be funny, but I can see why Counterpunch can live without him.

Jun 19, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  crispy

‘And the other bloke,even worse,i think works directly for the kremlin’
You think he works for the Kremlin? Not sure, uable to find out….a bit sloppy then.
Maybe your Project Mockingbird distate for him is aligned with the fact that he has some nice write ups on the Skripal Affair and also the current court case ongoing at The Hague in relation to Russias alledged shootdown of MH17.
I wonder why the MSM press is so quiet on both subject, or why the BBC state propaganda arm tried its best in the Skripal affair, and failed. Could it be that it, like the MH17 affair, John Hlemer has continued to highlight more holes in the State/MSM Official ConspiracyTheory, to make them look like they are the output of The Keystone Cops?
Working with Putin Russia? I doubt it. His book, would seem to preclude him from being invited.

Jun 19, 2020 4:23 PM
Reply to  TFS

Sorry can you start again as i fell…. 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

(Please note this is an alter ego of journalist Louis Proyect, sometime editor at Counterpunch – Admin1)

Jun 18, 2020 8:49 AM

as OG continues its move away from our imprisonment here’s a reminder of the veracity of Matt Hancock’s behaviour in these ‘troubled times’:
social distancing – what social distancing??

Jun 18, 2020 10:33 AM
Reply to  bob

There is only so much you can say about the 21st century scam without getting stale, at least on the corona narrative.

Jun 18, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  Objective

I take your point but we are still in lockdown
will any ‘second wave’ actually be the direct consequences of removing health care from the population?

Jun 18, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  bob

We are but unless something new happens or some compelling new evidence is exposed, not much point repeating old news, like you say we’re still under lockdown & none of us are likely to forget it.

Jun 18, 2020 8:43 AM

Even now they’re divorced, the Corporatist Media and Wikileaks still need each other, as each burnishes the importance of the other. In reality, none of the leaks that these media titans “exposed” bears comparison with the following:
Lebanese journalist Hassan Sabra who first revealed secret U.S. arms sales to Iran in his weekly magazine Ash-Shiraa. Or the reporter on a local Arkansas newspaper (her name escapes me) who first noticed the international scale of air traffic to and from Mena airport. Gary Webb’s subsequent discovery of a CIA connection to cocaine dealers in the San Jose Mercury News, and the academic Alfred McCoy’s need to find work in exile after showing how international drugs production closely tracks U.S. military activity abroad. Or freelance writer Douglas Valentine who got an interview with CIA Director Bill Colby, leading to a series of top-level conversations that revealed The Phoenix Program… and didn’t finish there but demonstrated that it would one day “come home” and be applied on the streets of the U.S..
That is reporting and analysis.
Or Mae Brussell and Paul Krassner’s revelations of the international fascist networks in The Realist (funded by John Lennon) and The Rebel (funded by Larry Flynt) and the international assassination teams like Permindex and their connection to Frank Terpil who “left the CIA” just like the Watergate burglars and sold arms to Idi Amin and Muammar Gaddafi… all the way up to today’s one-person shows like former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds who exposed Gladio 2.0 and John Helmer who calmly dissects the shenanigans behind the latest war mongering at Russia.
Any one of those people’s work is more significant by exposing the power networks and their pacts with the devil that threaten us all. Mmore important than any of the celebrated leaks, including Watergate and the Pentagon Papers.
WikiLeaks says it “has released more classified intelligence documents than the rest of the world press combined”. That’s probably a fair claim but it doesn’t rule out collusion with, or manipulation by, the intelligence agencies.
The Watergate coverage, the most famous exposé by any newspaper in history, was in large part a charade. Bob Woodward was a naval intelligence operative whose entry into journalism was arranged by his bosses. You might expect a newspaper linked to the CIA through its publishers, as the Washington Post was and remains, to tell us honestly what transpired. After all, Watergate was itself a CIA operation. All the White House “burglars” were either CIA or FBI long-term operatives (recently retired) and their agents.
Carl Bernstein is closer to the idea of a journalist, though his 1977 Operation Mockingbird coverage for Rolling Stone,was a limited hangout. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Limited_hangout As an industry insider who who had participated in the Watergate charade five years earlier, Bernstein he was in a position to go much further and reveal the extent of agency-journalist collaboration, as the late Udo Ulfkotte did in recent years. Bernstein chose not to. 
The Pentagon Papers was a staged leak by Daniel Ellsberg. Webster Tarpley wrote a piece for this site that’s worth another read even if some of its conclusions are dated by later events.
“In 1620 Fra Paolo Sarpi, the dominant figure of the Venetian intelligence establishment of his time… recommended the method of saying something good about a person or institution while pretending to say something bad. An example might be criticizing a bloody dictator for beating his dog.”
Or when The Guardian in 2018 said then candidate for Brazil’s presidency, Jair Bolsonaro, was a misogynist.

“In the case of Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers, very little was revealed which was not already well known to a reader of Le Monde or the dispatches of Agence France Presse. Only those whose understanding of world affairs had been filtered through the Associated Press, CBS News, the New York Times, and the Washington Post found any of Ellsberg’s material a surprise.

Upon examination, we find that the Pentagon papers tend to cover up such CIA crimes as the mass murder mandated under Operation Phoenix, and the massive CIA drug running associated with the proprietary airline Air America. Rather, when atrocities are in question, the US Army generally receives the blame…

But a clique around Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn loudly intervened to praise the quality of the exposé and to lionize Ellsberg personally as a new culture hero for the Silent Generation.”

In recent years the Panama Papers was a glaring intelligence operation for the plain reason that its exposé of global money laundering contained barely any thing, person or corporation linked to the richest country on Earth. The Guardian did not notice as it waved its baton and conducted coordinated outrage with the BBC, Le Monde, SonntagsZeitung, Falter, La Nación, German broadcasters NDR and WDR, and Austrian broadcaster ORF.
This is similar to the gaggle that promoted Assange on his first outing: NYT, Guardian, El Pais, Der Spiegel and Le Monde before dropping him like a hot potato.
How to identify CIA limited hangout, by Webster Tarpley, June 2013 https://off-guardian.org/2018/01/04/how-to-identify-cia-limited-hangout/ 
More here: https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2020/06/real-journalists-uncover-networks.html

Jun 18, 2020 10:50 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“then candidate for Brazil’s presidency, Jair Bolsonaro”.
The Guardian’s demented loathing of Bolsonaro had me thinking for a while he might be genuine – until discovering his VP is a 33rd degree Freemason.
The Guardian’s just playing its end of a fake dialectic, as usual.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 18, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Excellent post thanks for taking the time to list some of the deeps states major successes.

Jun 18, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

To clarify, it’s not that revelations like Watergate and the Pentagon Papers were not important. They were politically impactful and socially influential stories.
The point is those famous exposés told us nothing about the networks. They did not reveal anything to We The People about the relationships of the insiders. That information was withheld.
In contrast, Gary Webb, Sibel Edmonds, John Helmer, John Pilger, Hassan Sabra, Douglas Valentine, Alfred McCoy have told us mountains about the connections, motives and common interests of these inside networks and how they operate on a daily basis.

Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Jun 18, 2020 8:40 AM

Just face the facts.
Were not the good guys

Jun 18, 2020 7:55 AM

i cannot believe some the heartless comments below, talking of the politics, as if they had just watched a bbc news item.this was a fucking war crime and julian assange showed great courage in publishing it.that he is now languishing in a british jail says it all.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 5:50 AM

Shit happens during war and I think we all knew that already. It was clear on the day it got hyped around the world that “Collateral Murder” was a relatively weak story, and it’s why I never bought into the Assange psyop.

Jun 18, 2020 6:00 AM

Barging into countries with poor information and no local knowledge, on the say-so of some Trotskyite who now calls himself a NeoCon and runs a ‘think tank’ financed by a chancer with an eye on some other country… who builds a coalition of weapons and oil men that buys off Congress… and does a little CIA-DynCorp sex trafficking on the side to make sure those lard bucket legislators are well and truly compromised…
That’s shit but it doesn’t just ‘happen’.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 6:05 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The origins of the invasion of Iraq include 9/11. What did Assange ever do to expose those origins?

Jun 18, 2020 6:08 AM

That’s a point, but a different one. I’m sure you know The Family, which is said to have spawned Assange, and it doesn’t look very different to The Finders or other types of institutional ‘messin’ with folks’ and mind control. https://www.smh.com.au/national/keeper-of-secrets-20100521-w230.html

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 18, 2020 6:10 AM

“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”
9/11 is a litmus test for a lot of people, including me. Assange failed.

Jun 18, 2020 10:14 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Good to read that. My suspicion confirmed.

Jun 18, 2020 11:38 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Tell me McCoo.
How did a man with your level of Pilotmanship in General Aviation, take the pilots seat on a Jet and fly it into the Pentagon?
I do hope you are not going to suggest the magic button that is the ‘Auto Pilot’ and ‘Beginners Luck’?

Jun 18, 2020 11:40 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

And why is 9/11 the litmus test for Assange.
Have you info that his organisation has incriminating evidence on 9/11 and refuses to publish it?

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Assange is CIA its clear if you ignore all the media tells you about him.
Just use logic and reason.

Jun 18, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Yes, the CIA really looks after its operatives like Assange. His life has been a complete bed of roses for the past 10 years. Anyone would happily change places with him. I certainly wish I was in Belmarsh. Some people have all the luck.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 18, 2020 7:37 AM

Nothing on 9/11, that “catalysing event” that kicked off the War on Terror, the patriot act, 20 years of terror alerts and the rest? The lack of anything on Israel?
Does Assange even exist? Is He CGI?

Jun 18, 2020 8:35 AM

I’d say your screen name is very appropriate. By the way did Gordon Duff send you here?
Also I’m sure Assange would have posted docs relating to 9/11 if he had access to them.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  Gall

Why? The CIA wouldn’t want him to and after all he is clearly an agent.

Jun 18, 2020 9:05 AM

If you are aware of any information his organisation is party too in relation to the invasion of Iraq or 9/11 and has not realeased, then I’m all ears.
Wikileaks can only furnish leaks people have leaked to it. It can’t magic things out of fresh air.

Jun 18, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  TFS

Only the MIC through MSM such as CNN can do that.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 18, 2020 10:39 AM
Reply to  TFS

I think the point people are making is that he made quite strong statements about false conspiracies, which is something you don’t say unless you have information at hand that shows that to be the case.
Why comment either way if he had nothing?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 18, 2020 9:14 AM

I’ll expand the above a little bit.
When compared to all the other shit that happens, the substantive content of “Collateral Murder” does not justify the hype; and this was clearly obvious at the time the story was released. I remember actually preparing something to post to a forum, but then had second thoughts and felt there was something not right about the story.
A few weeks later it became clear why the story was released. Its sole purpose was to launch Assange and Wikileaks. If it had not been hyped, the story would serve as a powerful example that shit happens in war. But that’s all it says, and it’s why it’s perfectly safe for every branch of the msm.
Apart from that I do not follow Assange. He is a manufactured psyop and not even a particularly interesting one.

Jun 18, 2020 9:39 AM

A manufactured psyop. But of course, he is.
He’s certainly playing the role worthy of an Oscar, with his near death portrayal in prison.
Why did I not see it?
I tip my hat to you, sir.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  TFS

Have you seen him in prison TFS or is everything you know about agent assange from mainstream media.He should get an Oscar.
Celeb Agent Assange they laugh their pants off at it, all the so called leftys buying into it and worshiping him.
CIA Agent as the poster boy for internet freedom and a symbol of Freedom.Wow you guys that believe this (and are not in house shills) I am truly amazed.

Jun 19, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Yeah, you got me there CJ,

Craig Murray and his ilk are all dupes and window dressing for Assange the CIA Agent.

Do you get paid for ‘Project Mockingbird’ rubbish?

Jun 19, 2020 10:06 AM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

Maybe these Doctors are dupes or part of Assanges myrid of accomplices.


Or, maybe this UN Special Rapporteur is similarly a dupe or accomplice?

As for the ‘Worshipping him’. The same kind of Project Mockingbird playbook words were used against Jeremy Corbyn.

Jog On!

Jun 18, 2020 10:44 AM

Do you not see the correlation between US armed forces machine gunning unarmed men standing talking & US police shooting a man in back for the crime of running for his life?
I can, its an authoritarian neo-liberal regime that sees the little people as irrelevant & or dangerous to their aspirations.

Jun 18, 2020 9:35 AM

The ‘shit happens’, I believe most people have in their minds, is accidents in war that cause deaths.
The ‘shit happens’, which you are referring too, is a clear cut case of blatant murder.

Jun 18, 2020 10:38 AM

We should never become apathetic to war or complacent about government secrecy, WAR always affects the innocent & vulnerable the hardest. Humanity has a history of ignoring violence because of political allegiances. Did Hitlers invasion of Poland justify fire bombing entire cities? Did Japans elites stubbornness justify dropping 3 atom bombs?

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 18, 2020 5:39 AM

It is worth remembering that The Guardian and NYT published the significant Wikileaks material. The agreement was that it would be vetted first. Something that led Assange and The Guardian to fall out. Assange wanted all the material published.
Assange’s defence is that all the published material was vetted by the Guardian. However, a book, written by David Leigh and Luke Harding published in February 2011, disclosed the password to the entire database.
As Wikileaks claims:
“Guardian investigations editor, David Leigh, recklessly, and without gaining our approval, knowingly disclosed the decryption passwords in a book published by the Guardian’
So why would The Guardian do the exact opposite of its stated position ? It gives Assange a trap door to escape from espionage charges.T

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 18, 2020 5:41 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

The Guardian is an obvious intelligence front. Luke Harding is the most obvious (and somewhat ludicrous) candidate but he’s far from, the only one.
‘Guardian’s Carole Cadwalladr, Nick Cohen, James Ball and the BBC’s James Landale at FCO funded, military intelligence linked “Integrity Initiative” skill sharing, networking event.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 18, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Is the Off shoot of Guardian a lefty intelligence front?
The half truths with the controlled lefty narratives so they don’t expose the Matrix?

Jun 18, 2020 5:35 AM

Remembering journalists and civilians killed in Somalia, July 12, 1993
U.S. policy has led to the death of journalists in other ways. An over aggressive attack on Mogadishu, Somalia, especially attacks on civilians (not unlike the behavior in the Collateral Murder video) eventually escalated into the incident known as Black Hawk Down, in October 1993.
Prior to that the U.S. had decided to eliminate Mohammed Farrah Aidid, a former general and diplomat who had driven out the dictator Siad Barre. Forces of the United States, supported by United Nations Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II) recklessly (according to former foreign diplomats who had worked Somalia, including my father) stepped up what U.S. military calls euphemistically, the kinetics.
The increasing tempo of military operations began to cause civilian casualties and affected the relationship between the foreign troops and the Somali people.
“The UN troops were portrayed as foreign interlopers, particularly after incidents of civilian casualties caused by wholesale firing into crowds.[16][17] On July 12, a house where clan leaders were meeting was attacked by US AH-1 Cobra helicopters. Several buildings were destroyed and many Somalis died. When western journalists went to investigate the scene, they were beaten to death by a Somali mob. The journalists were Hansi Krauss of Associated Press and Dan Eldon, Hos Maina and Anthony Macharia, all of Reuters.” (WikiP)
I later had the honor of working with Mohammed “Mo” Shaffi of Reuters who survived.
The art work of Dan Eldon is curated in his memory and, by extension, that of his colleagues. https://www.daneldon.org/about/artist/

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 18, 2020 5:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“On 25 September 1993, a week before the Battle, Aidid supporters used an RPG to shoot down a Black Hawk near the New Port in Mogadishu. It had been assigned to the 101st Airborne Division and all three crew members were killed. It was the first time a helicopter had been downed in Mogadishu, and the event was a huge psychological victory for the SNA.”
I’m thinking of this episode in the series of conflicts (from Wikipedia which here at least, in its account, is pretty much factual.)
I was teaching at Camp Carroll in South Korea at the time and this incident had a huge effect on the troops (my students). I was a little shocked at their anger and aggression. Reason I’m pointing this out is not to excuse the Collateral Video troops, I categorically reject that horror as much as cops shooting a black in the back at a Wendy’s the other day.
The macho mentality or whatever you want to call it is then some years later promoted by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Yoo et al with Cheney’s “the gloves are off” and recently Trump SOS on how he could be even tougher, amidst the usual “good guys vs. bad guys” brain laundering.
The event described above was an enormous shock to the troops. It couldn’t happen and by god we’ll see about that won’t we kind of thing. They struck me as child-like. They were even humorous with their malice toward the enemy. I don’t excuse it.
It’s part of the complex of what “imperialism” or the glabo-dominance-beautification program automatically begets. It seems that now as they say we’re seeing “the chickens come home to roost” on this failure of homo saps to evolve. Makes me sad.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 18, 2020 5:31 AM

As Andre Vltchek pointed out in a recent article, what has been happening to Black Americans at the hands of the police (extra-judicial murder with impunity) is exactly the same kind of illegal amoral murder and mayhem with impunity directed at poor people of color that the American military conducts around the globe on a daily basis – but perhaps, just perhaps, at least a few more people about the globe are beginning to connect the dots and see through the charade.
The treatment of Assange by Western governments and MSM media tells you everything you need to know about the complete amoral criminality of Western institutions – cloaked as always of course in the fatuous verbal mirage of “democracy” and “freedom.” The sort of childish fairy tale nonsense only the brain dead zombies still glued to CNN, MSNBC, PBS, the Guardian, the NYT’s, the BBC, etc. etc. – can still continue to consume without gagging.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Jun 18, 2020 5:45 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

WikiLeaks: The Guardian’s role in the biggest leak in the history of the world 
In an extract from WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s war on secrecy, the Guardian’s editor-in-chief explains why Assange remains such an important figure – and why the story is destined to run and run.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 18, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Let me repeat this comment–yes! right on! was my immediate response.:
The treatment of Assange by Western governments and MSM media tells you everything you need to know about the complete amoral criminality of Western institutions – cloaked as always of course in the fatuous verbal mirage of “democracy” and “freedom.” The sort of childish fairy tale nonsense only the brain dead zombies still glued to CNN, MSNBC, PBS, the Guardian, the NYT’s, the BBC, etc. etc. – can still continue to consume without gagging.
Carping on and on about Assange’s behavior on very minor shit is less important seems to me than what he has achieved, including his book Cypherpunks, and his connection to the 2016 election. But to my thought:
The two things that stand out for me so far this century with a kind of amazed shaking of the head are: a) 9/11 and b) the brutally medieval treatment of Assange. That with a straight face “the freedom loving world” and defense against “the godless whatever” can proclaim its virtues while just these two events have happened is not all that encouraging in thinking we can deal with, and come out of, this current morass of stupidity now unfolding.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 18, 2020 4:39 AM

Which leads to the question. How many of those assholes in the helicopter went on to join the heavily militarized US Gestapos, acting as occupying forces, patrolling the streets of SHAM DEMOCRACY USA?
Free Julian Assange, FREE HIM NOW!